calloftheancestors · 4 years
To America, From a Worried European Friend
A country convinced that it is irredeemably racist can’t lead the world as the ‘indispensable nation.’
By Daniel Schwammenthal.............Brussels
His­tory and evo­lu­tion­ary bi­ol­ogy teach us that the nor­mal course of hu­man af­fairs is trib­al­ism, op­pres­sion and poverty. The emer­gence of lib­eral democ­ra­cies isn’t the in­evitable end­point of sup­pos­edly lin­ear West­ern progress but an aber­ra­tion—and a rather frag­ile one at that.
This is why the ris­ing il­lib­er­al­ism in the U.S. is so trou­bling. Ac­tivists who seem to un­der­stand George Or­well’s “1984” not as a warn­ing but as a man­ual see free speech—the lifeblood of democ­racy and hu­man bet­ter­ment—as a fas­cist tool of op­pres­sion. Other clas­si­cal lib­eral ideals—a col­or­blind so­ci­ety, ra­tio­nal dis­course, the sci­en­tific method—suf­fer the same fate.
These un­en­light­ened views have spread with light­ning speed. Once con­fined to the cam­puses of the na­tion’s elite uni­ver­si­ties, they have moved into the main­stream of pub­lic dis­course. Amer­i­ca’s fu­ture lead­ers have been spoon-fed two the­o­ries born of Marx­ism. One is post­mod­ernism, so called be­cause it re­jects the lib­eral ideas of moder­nity and the very no­tion of ob­jec­tive truth. The other is crit­i­cal the­ory, which is pre­oc­cu­pied with un­cov­er­ing hid­den power struc­tures that have sup­pos­edly stood in the way of a com­mu­nist rev­o­lu­tion.
These once-fringe the­o­ries have given rise to qua­sire­li­gious dog­mas that di­vide so­ci­ety into hi­er­ar­chies of op­pres­sor and op­pressed, set­ting the stage for eter­nal so­ci­etal strife. In this new cult, dis­sent or in­suf­fi­cient fer­vor is in­ter­preted both as val­i­da­tion of the doc­trine of ubiq­ui­tous racism and a pun­ish­able thought crime. As in me­dieval witch hunts, both de­nial and forced con­fes­sions prove the de­fen­dant’s guilt.
On the other end of the po­lit­i­cal spec­trum we find right-wing pop­ulism, which imag­ines “pure peo­ple” tak­ing on a cor­rupt elite, and of course the far right, with its Nazi in­fat­u­a­tion. The wide avail­abil­ity of guns in the U.S. isn’t only a sub­ject of dis­pute in the un­fold­ing cul­ture war but could help turn it deadly. Wit­ness the re­cent syn­a­gogue shoot­ings by real white su­prema­cists. Anti-Semi­tism and anti-Zion­ism are ob­ses­sions shared by the far left and the far right. Amer­ica is headed for un­prece­dented po­lar­iza­tion and pos­si­bly civil un­rest.
But why am I, a Ger­man Jew liv­ing in Brus­sels, so wor­ried about U.S. do­mes­tic af­fairs? As the adage goes, when Amer­ica sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. Right now Amer­ica has pneu­mo­nia.
I learned to cher­ish the U.S. long be­fore I had the priv­i­lege to live and study there. His­tory can be very per­sonal. What Madeleine Al­bright called the “in­dis­pens-able na­tion” meant the dif­fer­ence be­tween life and death for my fam­ily. I was brought up in the firm knowl­edge that had it not been for those unimag­in­ably brave Amer­i­can boys storm­ing the beaches of Nor­mandy, I wouldn’t have been born, and my par­ents and the rest of my peo­ple would have been ex­tin­guished. No doubt I’m leav­ing out en­tire li­braries of nu­ance, but that is the quin­tessential truth.
Amer­ica to­day is what it has al­ways been: a flawed so­ci­ety, like all oth­ers, but also a unique force for good in the world. No other mul­ti­eth­nic, mul­tire­li­gious so­ci­ety can cred­i­bly claim to be more de­mo­c­ra­tic, more pros­per­ous and more just than the U.S.
But Amer­ica can’t re­main the leader of the free world if it is it­self no longer free. To be the guar­an­tor of West­ern se­cu­rity re­quires mil­i­tary and eco­nomic power, but also a sense of mis­sion. And right now Amer­i­cans are com­mit­ting mass char­ac­ter sui­cide. If the coun­try goes be­yond ac­knowl­edg­ing that racism and in­equal­ity per­sist and must be fought, and in­stead con­vinces it­self that it’s in­her­ently and ir­re­deemably racist, it can’t pos­si­bly con­tinue to be­lieve that it has any right to lead. Such an Amer­ica would re­ject the no­tion that the West is worth de­fend­ing and re­gard Eu­rope as also in­her­ently op­pres­sive. We know who will fill the vac­uum left by an Amer­ica in re­treat and at war with it­self. As they watch Amer­i­ca’s self-im­mo­la­tion, lead­ers in Mos­cow, Bei­jing and Tehran surely can’t be­lieve their luck.
Any func­tion­ing so­ci­ety must ex­tend tribal loy­alty be­yond the ties of blood. Eth­nic­ity and Chris­tian­ity were the glue that helped hold the more ho­moge­nous Eu­ropean na­tion states to­gether. Amer­i­ca’s Found­ing Fa­thers laid the foun­da­tion of a so­ci­ety wor­thy of the motto “e pluribus unum”—out of many, one—by re­plac­ing eth­nic and re­li­gious loy­al­ties with lib­eral ideas and deist ideals. A shared loy­alty to the De­c­la­ra­tion of In­de­pen­dence and the Con­sti­tu­tion al­lows Amer­i­cans to see each other not as strangers but as fel­low cit­i­zens.
Yes, the U.S. has not al­ways lived up to its ideals. But to claim that the Found­ing’s “prom­issory note” was never any­thing but a scam to main­tain a sys­tem of white op­pres­sion is ahis­tor­i­cal re­vi­sion­ism that will erode the coun­try’s foun­da­tion.
Eu­ropean anti-Amer­i­can­ism con­stantly imag­ines the rise of fas­cism in the very coun­try that de­feated the real thing and con­stantly pre­dicts the end of lib­erty in the world’s old­est democ­racy. I have al­ways proudly op­posed this view. But I am re­minded now of Ben­jamin Frank­lin’s fa­mous line: “A Re­pub­lic, if you can keep it.” For the first time I have ter­ri­fy­ing doubts.
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zedecksiew · 6 years
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Mothership is a sci-fi horror RPG designed to invoke Alien-sy, Event Horizon-y, Space Odyssey-esque scenarios:
There’s a puncture in your vac suit, the ship AI is being no fucking help at all -- your handheld motion sensor is beginning to bleep, bleep, bleep-bleep-bleep-bleepbleepbleepbleep.
I’m not even into sci-fi RPGs all that much, but if I gave awards I’d give Mothership my “Best RPG Rule System 2018″ award.
The game’s basically a primer for collective design wisdom accrued in old-school-y, art-punk-y DIY RPG circles thus far?
It’s crazy-good at information design. The character sheet is a single A4-sized document that also includes all character creation rules.
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Skills as a flowchart, holy shit. How has nobody done this before? (Have they?)
The Player’s Survival Guide is a 42-page, zine-sized pamphlet that has all the rules you need to play -- plus an NPC generator, a module-by-module ship generator, a d100 table for fun patches that you might’ve sewn onto your bag or jacket:
‘“All Out Of Fucks To Give” (Astronaut with turned out pockets)’
Simple, effective tone-setting.
Mothership is a percentile, d100, roll-under system. In my brain I’ve been comparing it to other d100 games I’ve played: WFRP (2nd Edition, onwards); the Fantasy Flight Warhammer 40K RPGs.
I have a bruised-papaya soft spot for these Warhammer games. (And their retroclones, like Zweihander.) But playing them is a chore. They tend to be overwritten messes.
Here’s the auspex (a kind of multipurpose scanner) from Dark Heresy 2E:
“ These standard Imperial detection devices are used to reveal energy emissions, motion, life-signs, and other information. A character using an auspex gains a +20 bonus to Awareness tests. Once per round, as a Free Action, a character with one may make a Tech-Use test to spot things not normally visible to human senses, such as invisible gases, nearby signs of life, non-visible radiation, or other things as appropriate. The standard range is 50m, though walls more than 50cm thick and certain shielding materials can block a scanner. Good craftsmanship models increase the bonus to +30, but Poor models an only penetrate 20cm of material. ”
2) For a long-ass entry it’s super vague. “ ... and other information.” “ ... or other things as appropriate.”
The auspex is less a piece of actual gear, more a tchotchke conferring an abstract +20 bonus to a system-specific skill. The most concrete detail about it is its can’t-penetrate 50cm-thick-walls thing.
Compare Mothership’s bioscanner:
“ Allows the user to scan the immediate area for signs of life. Generally can scan for 100m in all directions, without being blocked by most known metals. Can tell the location of signs of life, but not what that life is. ” 
You have it? It isn’t broken? It does such-and-such concrete things in the world of the game.
The entry is terse but implies much. “Most known metals”. “Generally scans for 100m”. How can you boost your bioscanner’s range? Is it being blocked by alien alloys?
( Hooray for natural language! Less rules jargon means:
1) Things are intuitive to play and prep for, because your brain is less colonised by specialist nonsense language -- also making it easier to play creatively;
2) Play is focused on comprehending and manipulating the shared imagined space, not abstract numbers. You’ll be looking to favourably-stack the situation, not your situation bonus. )
Dead Planet is the inaugural adventure module for Mothership:
a derelict-spaceship dungeon; a town of colourful, cannibalistic, doomed characters; an incursion from the dimension of the dead; a mooncrawl and a planetcrawl and a abandoned-base dungeon and tables for nightmares and warp-drive malfunctions and tables for generating NPCs and derelict spaceships and and and
Crazy how much stuff there is, in a mere 48 zine-sized pages.
And basically everything is great. To wit:
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Every RPG person I know who’s talked about Mothership mentions this drop-a-bunch-of-d6s-and-arrange-them procedure to map spaceship dungeons.
How it suggests creating hidden ducts - if any two d6 faces add up to 7, those two rooms are connected by a secret passages - is genius. If this isn’t stolen and repurposed for dungeons general in whatever genre RPG people are dumb.
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When Sharon flipped through Dead Planet she said: “Person who designed layout in this probably worked in magazines before.” Scumfuck staticky space horror blood-red Vogue.
( Asked Sean McCoy, who did the layout -- and wrote the damn game, alongside Donn Stroud and Fiona Geist -- and he said no, he’s not done magazine work before. Once again: hooray for the DIY RPG scene, and the envelopes we are pushing. )
So far, Mothership’s community’s been excellent. They’ve voted it /rpg’s Game of the Month.
It’s got a jumping Discord, one that outputs player-made stuff like this:
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When I have time to run games again I know what I’m running.
GET IT HERE. (Considering that the Player’s Survival Guide is a pay-what-you-want PDF on DrivethruRPG you really have no excuse.)
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Large split bedroom pool home on a beautifully treed lot tucked away giving you peace and quiet while you enjoy your very own oasis. Excellent location, close to everything! This spacious home offers formal living & dining rms, office nook, eat-in kitchen w/ breakfast bar & walk-in pantry, family room featuring a cozy natural gas fireplace, 5 sets of french doors throughout leading to the impressive screened pool area with water feature & 1/2 bath, perfect for entertaining! Huge backyard, over sized 2 car garage, extra driveway area perfect for your boat or RV. Owner's suite features jetted tub, walk in shower & 3 walk-in closets! Interior laundry, central vac, alarm sys, A/C & hot water heater 4 yrs old, new plumbing 3 yrs ago, irrigation on well ... SO MUCH in this home! Must See! $339,000 3920 Bramblewood Lane Titusville Fl 32780. For more information go to www.MutterRealEstateGroup.com #reallivingmutterrealestategroup #mutterrealestategroup #launchingyourdreams #reallivingrealestate #forsale #poolhome #beautiful #homeforsale #titusville #titusvillefl #titusvilleflorida #northbrevard #brevardcounty #spacecoast #sellingthespacecoast #realtor #realtorlife (at Hickory Woods, Titusville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPpJHnJ7jY/?igshid=1bytxjoemnafb
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Download Virtual Audio Cable crack (serial key) latest version KWP?
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Virtual Audio Cable Virtual Audio Cable Crack can attach one or additional audio apps in arrange to move audio streams between them. This is doing something as the live noise blaster. The system does not rely on them totally. The quantity of liberty can be gauge by the extremely information that it is probable to utilize Virtual Audio Cable on a mechanism that has no hardware input and output strategy. This agenda transfer sound can from time to time be a confront but this part of application make it easier. You have establish our place is motionless operational huge. It is employed to convert sound from one app to mike input. It offers you toward must acoustic tunes roads fashionable solitary software. It can refer available some nice of comprehensive movement toward a production cross of a hawser joining. You famine towards transfer acoustic current toward software, Formerly you certainly should towards usage this request. This is liability rather by way of the animate din blaster. The organization does not depend on them absolutely. It converts audio one app to microphones inputs for the opposite. The software offers a easy style that produces it straightforward to use. This package is compatible with all Windows versions. There square measure 2 versions of the software. The free edition lacks access to all or any of the first options. All transfer are complete digitally, supply NO sound brilliant decrease bit-perfect streaming. Owing to the universal move toward, you can modify the sound that is itinerant from side to side Virtual Audio Cable Crack Reddit. It is conceivable towards habit wide-ranging willing, instant herald, Submission Synthesizer. It agrees you traffic auditory canals since solitary software towards another submission before tools. A while towards while remain oppose nonetheless this share of claim type it calmer. It changes acoustic finished unique app toward microphones participations aimed at the contradictory. You container change auditory through not any comprehensive dominance. Virtual Audio Cable is a suitable device that might arrangement a supportive division of several acoustic concocts otherwise tape recorder gear. The request does not must a chief space after which you container custom binary effort before production apps collected. The surroundings of these apps are completely accurate. You container become the software fashionable whichever a remunerated otherwise permitted variety. The salaried form of this software permits you toward admission completely topographies. Uncertainty pretty single bid directs auditory brooks towards the pouring energy blends the indication Virtual Audio Cable Notification events, clocks, and position registers square measure all supported by RTAudio. Each port will have a limiteless variety of Kernel Streaming purchasers hooked up thereto. Detect the digital audio transmission and intercept it. Setup cables and keep an eye fixed on their standing. Spread associate audio stream over multiple recording programs. Combine multiple audio sources. You can with success transmit information from one link to a different with the assistance of this cable. It additionally allows you to send information over one link whereas receiving information over the opposite. Allows varied recording applications to share audio streams. VAC is extremely well-organized to move audio stream. You can move audio with no sound superiority. It come with a manage panel which display this test fee as fine as route for every exacting cable television, the length of with the amount of emotionally involved program. The pattern option allow you change additional than a dozen dissimilar variables, You obtain the most excellent likely sound output; though, this from time to time require a little action of trial and error. Real-time change audio data from one arrangement to another. Select mixing up between port output clients. Systematize links watching their state. System Requirement:.
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actionjackson2998 · 2 years
If you're looking for the best Star Wars action figures to collect, you've come to the right place. Here are some of the most iconic figures, and why you should pick them up. First, let's talk about the Yak Face action figure, which Kenner discontinued in 1985. The figure's condition is excellent and is still in its original packaging. The figure, which costs $4,199, is a near-mint condition and comes in the box that was originally enclosed in it. Kenner discontinued the Yak Face action figure in 1985The Yak Face action figure was produced by Kenner in the 1980s. It was originally a double-telescoping action figure but was later changed to a single-telescoping design. A single-telescoping version can now fetch over $2,000 in mint condition. Although Kenner discontinued the Yak Face in 1985, a few of the later versions remain in the market today. If you are looking for an excellent, affordable toy to collect, you can consider buying a Yak Face toy. Darth VaderIn my opinion, Darth Vader is one of the best action figures in the Star Wars universe, and this is reflected by the fact that his figure is so accurate to the film. While Hasbro's Darth Vader figure is excellent, its helmet sculpt is poor and it is a little hard to pose. Despite the nice detailing inside the helmet, this Darth Vader figure falls short in a few key areas, such as being too short and having an inaccurate helmet sculpt. C-3POCollectors of Star Wars can't go wrong with C-3PO. This iconic droid comes in a variety of sculpts and sizes. The C-3PO figure is the most detailed of all. He has a fake beard and is vac metalized. The bandolier that he wears is removable. This action figure also comes with an optional hand part that allows for even more articulation. Jango FettIf you are looking for the best Star Wars action figures to collect, then Jango Fett is probably a good choice. Fett was a former Jedi, who was taught by his father, Mandalorian Jaster Mereel. Together, they served as Journeyman Protectors on the planet Concord Dawn. The rumors of Fett's origins were never dispelled, and they even served as his mentor and support system. ThrawnIf you love Star Wars, then you know that one of the best Starwars action figures to collect is Thrawn. Although Thrawn was erased from the history of the galaxy, he was brought back in 2016 and he has been one of the best-selling action figures ever. This figure is incredibly detailed and comes with multiple points of articulation. This figure also comes with several accessories, including a lightsaber, helmet, and Jedi Temple Guard mask. AmanamanThe Kenner Last 17 Amanaman Starwars Action Figure is the most improbable alien figure to date. The 4.5" tall figure is totally bare, unlike Chewbacca, who is fully clothed in his pouch and bandolier. While Sy Snotles and Droopy McCool sport clothing as well, Joh Yowza is completely bare--and furry! Perhaps it's best not to compare this alien to his human counterparts, because Jabba's Palace seems to have quite liberal dress codes. Vinyl-caped JawaWhile the first wave of Jawa action figures were released with a thin vinyl cape similar to that worn by Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi, the second wave changed that to a sewn cloth robe. This move was likely made because Kenner feared that vinyl-caped Jawa figures would be unattractive to collectors. In response to this, the manufacturers added the cloth robe in an effort to make the figure seem more expensive.
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billphxrealtor · 3 years
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Timelessly chic and meticulously maintained, this lovely home seamlessly blends indoor and outdoor living. A wall of windows reveals a nature-lover's haven with full length covered patio, indigenous plantings and flowering shrubs, palms and shade trees in an oversized yard with B-hyve smart watering sys. The sparkling pool is surrounded by cool-decking, and a surfaced side area with RV gate is ideal for trailers and toys. The striking kitchen in sophisticated black and white, has granite tile counters and stainless appliances. This home is brimming with welcome amenities: vaulted ceilings, central vac, energy smart water heater, a generous sized bedroom and full bath downstairs. And you can't get more convenient! Shopping, restaurants, entertainment and 2 major highways, just minutes away.
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caprano · 4 years
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Übrigens: In Wahr­heit ha­ben wir dies­mal mehr als nur ei­ne gu­te Nach­richt er­hal­tenBes­ser hät­te sich Hol­ly­wood das nicht aus­ma­len kön­nen:  Aus­ge­rech­net jetzt, da sich mehr Men­schen an­ste­cken als je zu­vor,  darf die Mensch­heit vor­sich­tig ei­nen ers­ten Er­folg im Kampf  ge­gen das Un­ge­tüm fei­ern. Weil Co­ro­na im Herbst mit solch enor­mer  Wucht zu­rück­kehr­te, schien die ge­sam­te Hoff­nung aus dem Som­mer  schon ver­lo­ren. Nor­ma­li­tät ade. Wei­te­re ver­hee­ren­de Lock­downs  mit Un­ru­hen in der Ge­sell­schaft und Kahl­schlä­gen in der  Wirt­schaft wirk­ten fast un­aus­weich­lich. Und vor al­lem: Es war erst  ein­mal kein En­de ab­zu­se­hen.n Wahr­heit ha­ben wir dies­mal ei­ne dop­pelt gu­te Nach­richt  er­hal­ten. Kurz vor dem Ziel steht jetzt nicht nur ir­gend­ein  Impf­stoff, son­dern mit ihm auch ei­ne neue Tech­no­lo­gie. Statt wie  frü­her das Im­mun­sys­tem mit Be­stand­tei­len des Vi­rus selbst zu  schär­fen, wird da­bei le­dig­lich des­sen ge­ne­ti­scher Bau­plan  ko­piert und dann den Men­schen in­ji­ziert. Der Impf­stoff ist auf  die­se Wei­se nicht nur güns­tig her­zu­stel­len und künf­tig ��viel­leicht gar lo­kal ähn­lich wie im 3-D-Dru­cker zu »dru­cken«; die  Me­tho­de könn­te so­gar die ge­sam­te Impf­welt re­vo­lu­tio­nie­ren.Ent­wi­ckelt hat den Stoff au­ßer­dem nicht ir­gend­ein Start-up rund um  ame­ri­ka­ni­sche Eli­te-Unis wie Har­vard, son­dern ein jun­ges  deut­sches, von ei­nem Mi­gran­te­n­ehe­paar ge­grün­de­tes  Un­ter­neh­men na­mens Bi­oNTech. Die Chefs leh­ren an der  Uni­ver­si­tät Mainz. Und ih­re an der New Yor­ker Tech­no­lo­gie­bör­se  ge­führ­te Fir­ma wird ge­ra­de zum Welt­star, der im Üb­ri­gen nicht  al­lein da­steht. Cu­re­Vac aus Tü­bin­gen mel­det mit ei­ner  ähn­li­chen Tech­no­lo­gie eben­falls ers­te Tester­fol­ge. So zei­gen  die Me­di­zin­for­scher und die Mil­li­ar­dä­re, die sie fi­nan­zie­ren,  ge­ra­de den In­ter­net­grün­dern, was in Deutsch­land mög­lich ist.  Der Stand­ort dürf­te vom neu­en In­ter­es­se in­ter­na­tio­na­ler  In­ves­to­ren und For­scher pro­fi­tie­ren. (uwe Jean Heuser, Die Zeit)
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viewittoronto · 6 years
A Fully Detached 2 Storey Brick Home On Family Cres For Sale. | Houses for Sale | Markham / York Region
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To View this home call or text Property Reference # S102895 to 647-500-7522 or 416-999-7671.
Great Location! New Neighborhood. Close to all amenities – schools, shopping, public transit, and Highway
★ Fully Finished 2 Storey Brick Home On Family Cres, Cust. ★ Kitchen Granite Counter,Centre Island,B/I Appls, ★ W/O To Backyard Oasis W/Fenced I/G Pool,Tiki Hut, ★ Open Staircase To Upper/Lower Level,Mast. Bdrm W/4Pc Ensuite,Sep. ★ Shower, Corner Soaker Tub,W/I Closet,Main Flr Fam Rm, ★ Wood & Gas Fireplaces,Fin Lower Level W/Rec Rm & 2 Extra Bdrms, ★ 3Pc Bath,Inground Sprinkler Sys.,Patterned Concrete 4 Car Drive, ★ No Sidewalks,Close To Schools & Amenities. ★ Includes: Incl: S/S Fridge, B/I Gas Stovetop, Dishwasher, Oven, Microwave, White Washer/Gas Dryer, All Elfs, All Window Coverings, Tiki Hut, Garden Shed, Pool Hook/Lock Cover & Equip. Water Softener, 2 Gdos, Gas Bbq Hookup,Central Vac “As Is”
This Home will sell fast. Come see it before it’s too late.
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sloan01 · 7 years
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Virginia Village Lawn Mower Repair: Service Denver
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workshopaddict · 7 years
Work Holding
Working with any material in any working environment, there are two main points to review when talking about work holding. Work height and orientation. If you cannot have your material in the location and orientation your work becomes increasingly less enjoyable and less comfortable. For discussion purposes, this blog will lean towards woodworking as that is Andy’s expertise and the main industry for the Festool Vac-Sys Vacuum clamping system but a lot of these points and discussion topics can be cross related to almost all other industries that require someone to hold a piece of material or part in place and complete a task with it.
There are a variety of different levels of woodworking shops that can be categorized into four levels. The beginner, weekend warrior, professional, and the production shop. Between these three levels you will find various different grades of equipment and abilities. Obviously the professional shop will have the bells and whistles but maybe a little more specific while the beginner will have exactly that. An introductory set of equipment and a more broad brush for applications. The production shop will have dedicated equipment for the repetitive tasks that they do. Typically this equipment is extremely specialized and expensive. It is meant to do a task efficiently and to the correct specifications. We can’t forget about the contractor on the job-site!
Festool 203148 vacuum unit VAC SYS System
Work holding equipment is an extremely large and creative category. You can see clamps, bench vises, large vacuum tables, specialized equipment for dog holes, etc. All of these options have their own pros and cons but we have received an ultimate work holding piece of equipment in the shop that can apply to just about all categories. It is pricey so it maybe out of the reach for the beginner or weekend warrior but that is to be discussed later.
Festool Vac-Sys Vacuum Clamping System
An incredible way to harness the power of vacuum to hold your material in the orientation and the height you desire. Festool released their Vac-Sys Clamping Sytem March 1st 2016 and has been a show stopper ever since. “The Vac-Sys provides fast, easy, and highly maneuverable solutions for almost any clamping application” said Steve Rangoussis with Festool and we could agree more. The system relies on a vacuum pump to apply vacuum to the two clamping modules. We have the Vac-Sys System Set which includes the Vacuum pump (VAC-PMP) Vacuum clamping unit (VAC SyS SE1) and the Clamping module (Vac-SyS SE2). This full system allows you to clamp extremely large objects such as doors, counter tops, or anything that requires two points of work holding. The main clamping module (Vac-Sys SE1) has an integrated foot pedal to release your material from the clamping force. It essential allows atmosphere to enter the system again eliminating the vacuum and holding power of the system. The user can quickly attach and remove their material from the units utilizing the foot pedal and the green plunger that is in the middle of the clamping cups. This green plunger gets depressed allowing the vacuum to have access to the clamping cups. With your material making a tight seal, the vacuum give some intense holding power to your material. The unit can be held down to the table with clamps, screws, or the integrated vacuum clamping on the bottom.
The clamping head can be rotated a full 360 degrees and/or can be tilted from 0-90 degrees.
Features and Specifications:
Vacuum Pump
Vacuum clamping unit
Clamping module
Can hold up to 200 pounds
Two different shaped clamping cups
Various accessories and clamping cups available
Vacuums to your work surface
Foot pedal to release the vacuum
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Setting Up and How To Use
Setting up the Festool Vacuum clamping system is extremely easy. You first need to decide how you would like to hold the units down to your work surface. You can utilize the vacuum bases on the units themselves but will need a nice smooth and nonporous surface. You can screw it down with some wood screws or even clamp it down. It will depend on how often you will use it and how much space you have. For a dedicated space in a shop, securing it down with screws to your work surface is the best option. If you are in a shop where you have to tear it down quite often , like a weekend warrior or a regular shop without dedicated space for the setup, you can use the vacuum base or screw it to a piece of wood and then clamp the wood to your work surface. This is equally applicable to the person on the job-site. Festool also offers an accessory for quickly attached and removing from the MFT tables.
Once the unit is secured to your work surface, you simply need to turn on the vacuum pump and place your material on the clamping cups. Apply a little force to complete the seal on the clamping cups. This force will also depress the green plunger we discussed earlier. That will  also the vacuum pump to remove the atmosphere in the clamping cup and apply an intense amount of clamping force to your material. You can either manipulate the clamping head before or after placing your material on. We find it easy to do it after with small pieces of material and before with larger ones. When you would like to remove the material, press you foot on the foot pedal to release the vacuum clamping force. The plunger will reseal the system and the pump will begin to build vacuum again and ready for your next clamping needs.
  Fast, Easy, Simple
The Festool vacuum clamping system is extremely fast, easy, and simple to operate. This is exactly what everyone wants from any product. The vacuum clamping system is extremely fast. It allows a user to switch between clamping one part to another in a blink of an eye. The system is extremely easy and simple to setup and operate. This means that there is minimal training and risk with new employees and gets them focused on the actual task at hand rather than learning a new piece of equipment.
Applications and Uses
Oh boy! Where do we start! In a woodworking shop, typically the middle to the end of a project is when parts need to be held for sanding, scraping, planing, chiseling, etc. Cabinet doors, custom shapes, full sized doors, small parts, repetitive tasks, etc are all tasks that are common parts in a woodworking shop.
On the job-site, a finish carpenter or installer may need to hold some doors to trim them to size. The Festool Vacuum System is the perfect on the job-site clamping system. It is small and portable, easy and fast to setup, and is quiet. The vacuum pump barely makes any noise so it is perfect for the occupied space.
Two major applications that we believe this unit can pay for itself in efficiency and comfortably is edge banding and large man door work.
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The Festool Vacuum Clamping System is expensive. We believe that expense is an investment to both your, your labor force, and your products. It will make completing the required task faster, make it more enjoyable, and allow you to get better results (over a long stretch of time).
GAME CHANGER | Festool Vac-Sys Vacuum Clamping System Work Holding Working with any material in any working environment, there are two main points to review when talking about work holding.
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holzwerkerblog-com · 4 years
Druckertisch selber bauen
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Druckertisch selber bauen Freunde von mir benötigen einen Druckertisch mit Platz für Zubehör und Faxgerät. Dieser Tisch soll genau in eine Nische passen mit den Maßen 1100 x 500 x 700 mm. Solche Tisch sind nicht in diesen Maßen zu kaufen und so bot ich mich an einen solchen zu bauen. Für die Tischplatte und Seitenteile habe ich furnierte MP gewählt, 20mm stark. Diese Teile hat mein Holzhändler auf der Plattensäge zugeschitten.Die Tischbeine sollten aus Vollholz sein. Dazu hat mir der Holzhändler Buchenbretter, 52mm stark und 2050 mm lang, in 3 Stücke aufgetrennt. Das konnte er auf der Plattensäge und so brauche ich keine Abrichte für die kurzen Stücke. Für das Auftrennen war ich sehr dankbar, denn in meiner kleinen Werkstatt wäre es nur schwer möglich gewesen. So habe ich exakt zugeschnittene Furnierteile und bearbeitbare Buchenteile bekommen.Zu hause habe ich zunächst eine Echtholzkante mit der CONTURO aufgefahren. Das VAC-SYS war dabei eine große Hilfe. Echtholzkanten aufzufahren ist nicht ganz einfach. Die Echtholzkannte ist sehr unflexibel und nicht mit einer ABS-Kante zu vergleichen. Die ersten 10 cm sind kritisch. Wenn man hier nicht sofort nachdrückt, löst sich die Kante etwas und das Ergebnis ist nicht zufriedenstellend.Dies benötigt Übung und Erfahrung. Und ja, ich habe schon sehr viel Kante aufgefahren. Der Kantenanleimer von Festool ist schon ein guter Begleiter für diese Arbeit. Billig ist das Gerät nicht, doch den Preis allemal wert. Read the full article
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mauricehill1975 · 7 years
Festool CT Sys Backpack Vac Hack
The post Festool CT Sys Backpack Vac Hack appeared first on bluewateryachtcharters com.
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jmaddox542 · 4 years
New Post has been published on Jacksonville FL Real Estate
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Super roomy and loaded to the gills 2016 GMC Yukon XL White Frost Tricoat Denali RWD 8-Speed Automatic EcoTec3 6.2L V8 leather and power options including navigation. Just traded serviced and detailed. brbrbrbrAwards:br * 2016 KBB.com Brand Image AwardsbrThis unit has our Real Deal No Bills for the Basics Warranty which an additional 3 Month Protection Plan that includes 3 month of tire replacement / repair 3 month battery replacement 3 month of brake replacement / repair and 3 month of light bulb replacement. Our 90 Day/3000 mile preowned car protection also includes A/C and we also offer a 5 Days / 300 mile Return Policy. Buy Preowned with Confidence at Duval Ford. Prices are plus tax tag title $198 Electronic Filing Fee and dealer pre-delivery service fee in the amount of $899 which charge represents cost and profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning inspecting and adjusting new and used vehicles and preparing documents related to the sale Call us today at 904-387-6541 or visit us on the web at www.duvalford.com.brbrReviews:br * Strong V8 power; stout towing capacity; big cargo capacity; available nine-passenger seating; quiet highway ride; high-quality cabin. Source: Edmunds Preferred Equipment Group 5SA|3.23 Axle Ratio|Wheels: 22 x 8.5 Aluminum w/Chrome Inserts|Full-Feature Reclining Bucket Seats|Perforated Leather-Appointed Seat Trim|Power Release Second Row Bucket Seats|Open Road Package|Radio: AM/FM/SiriusXM/HD w/Navigation|Rear Seat Blu-Ray/DVD Entertainment System|Head-Up Display|Power Tilt-Sliding Sunroof w/Express-Open/Close|All-Weather Floor Mats|All-Weather Cargo Mat (LPO)|Pwr Retractable Assist Steps w/Perimeter Lighting|Magnetic Ride Control Suspension Package|Memory Package|Remote Keyless Entry|Passive Entry System|OnStar Basic Plan For 5 Years|Push Button Keyless Start|Black Assist Steps w/Chrome Strip|Inside Rear-View Auto-Dimming Mirror|3rd Row DVD Screen|17 Disc/Disc VAC Power Brakes|Power-Adjustable Pedals For Accelerator & Brake|Integrated Trailer Brake Controller|Wireless Charging|Heated & Cooled Driver & Front Passenger Seats|Power Tilt & Telescopic Steering Column|5 Auxiliary 12-volt Power Outlets|Safety Alert Driver Seat|Hands Free Power Liftgate|CD Player|Intellibeam Automatic High Beam On/Off Headlamps|SiriusXM Satellite Radio|Forward Collision Alert Sensor Indicator|Rear Cross-Traffic Alert|Universal Home Remote|Lane Keep Assist|Side Blind Zone Alert w/Lane Change Alert|Bose Centerpoint Premium 10-Speaker Surround Sound|Unauthorized Entry Electrical Theft Deterrent Sys.|Heated Leather-Wrapped Steering Wheel|OnStar w/4G LTE|Enhanced Driver Alert Package|4-Wheel Disc Brakes|Air Conditioning|Electronic Stability Control|Front Bucket Seats|Front Center Armrest|Leather Shift Knob|Navigation System|Power Liftgate|Spoiler|Tachometer|Voltmeter|3rd row seats: split-bench|ABS brakes|Adjustable head restraints: driver and passenger w/tilt|Adjustable pedals|Alloy wheels|Auto-dimming door mirrors|Automatic temperature control|Bodyside moldings|Brake assist|Bumpers: body-color|CD player|Delay-off headlights|Driver door bin|Driver vanity mirror|Dual front impact airbags|Dual front side impact airbags|Front anti-roll bar|Front dual zone A/C|Front fog lights|Front reading lights|Front wheel independent suspension|Fully automatic headlights|Garage door transmitter|Genuine wood console insert|Genuine wood dashboard insert|Genuine wood door panel insert|Heated door mirrors|Heated front seats|Heated rear seats|Heated steering wheel|Illuminated entry|Low tire pressure warning|Memory seat|Occupant sensing airbag|Outside temperature display|Overhead airbag|Overhead console|Panic alarm|Passenger door bin|Passenger vanity mirror|Pedal memory|Power door mirrors|Power driver seat|Power passenger seat|Power steering|Power windows|Rain sensing wipers|Rear air conditioning|Rear anti-roll bar|Rear reading lights|Rear window defroster|Rear window wiper|Remote keyless entry|Roof rack: rails only|Security system|Speed control|Speed-sensing steering|Split folding rear seat|Steering wheel memory|Steering wheel mounted audio controls|Telescoping steering wheel|Tilt steering wheel|Traction control|Trip computer|Turn signal indicator mirrors|Variably intermittent wipers|Ventilated front seats|Auto-dimming Rear-View mirror|10
- https://is.gd/qwHeHv
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kevinwillpkgd · 4 years
june3d 2020
Man, this sounds like a comic. Swarmed down; stripped and a buddy kicked to death. Now the venger strikes back; using cameras, GPS data from stolen items, cams and taser-torture.
Using oil (cold-pressed salad-dressing cannabis-seed oil ) as a hair treatment. Incredibly good results after a 3 minutes comb-thru. (Yes, i cut my own hair and need all the help I can get)
really looks like trump is trying to milk the riots. (Along with the looters.) Tantrum democrats can’t tell girls from boys still, tho. Both sides should avoid small planes.
Tried to patreon jollyjack (read his online stuff twice. A one time book buy, yes, not a forever 1/month rollover) AND get some cash to gumroad-com for horro comics (just as ya remember ‘em!)
failed both times. (strike three, i’m out.) Cheap to the bone, that’s me.
Viral vacuum; hep, aids and covid. (they hide in DNA; immune sys, skin cells and blood vessel lining.) ew.  Over-load and death by zombieism as everything leaps out.)     ok, overload-stress is caused by food, sunshine, radioactivity,  pollution, (mercury in vacs)...  EW!
Gonna be an interesting autumn as food supplies dwindle.
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seyoungmetal-korea · 6 years
Overview of   Agricultural Products for sprinkler and rechargeable sprayer in Seyoungmetal
SeYoung Metal Co., Ltd. grew in 1999 as a trading company specialized in exporting kitchenware. Since then, we have expanded our business into the field of PVC hose manufacturing and now export products to more than 40 countries around the world.
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Our producing mind is to make the best quality as our life, and business mind is to show the best credit to all our customers’ Agricultural equipment’s supplier in Korea
Pressure 1.0 ~ 1.5kg/cm
Capacity (L/min) 8.0 ~ 18.5L/min
Distance (m) 9 ~ 18 m
Pressure 1.5 ~ 3.5kg/cm
Capacity (L/min) 8.5 ~ 16.5L/min
Distance (m) 12 ~ 24 m
Pressure 1.5 ~ 3.5kg/cm
Capacity (L/min) 9.8 ~ 18.0L/min
Distance (m) 20 ~ 40 m
Pressure 1.5 ~ 3.5kg/cm
Capacity (L/min) 13 ~ 20.5L/min
Distance (m) 30 ~ 60 m
Rechargeable Sprayer:
Model SYRS-100
Capacity 20L
Battery Type Li-ION
Battery Capacity 11V/5.2Ah
Charger AC110~230V
Dimension 40x25x60cm
N.W/kgs 5.5
G.W/kgs 6.5
Model SYRS-200
Capacity 20L
Battery Type Li-ION
Battery Capacity 11V/5.2Ah
Charger                AC220V
Dimension 35x26x56cm
N.W/kgs 4.2
G.W/kgs 5.2
Model SYRS-300
Capacity 20L
Battery Type Li-ION
Battery Capacity 11V/5.2Ah
Charger AC110~230V
Dimension 37x26x56cm
N.W/kgs 5.0
G.W/kgs 6.0
Model SYRS-400
Capacity 45L
Battery Type PB
Battery Capacity 12V/12Ah
Charger 100-VAC
Dimension 65x41x94cm
Model SYS-1000
Net Weight (kg) 4.01kg
Tank Capacity (L) 20L
Working Pressure (kgf/㎠) 4.2kgf/㎠
Spraying capacity/min 1.7L
Model SYS-1001
Net Weight (kg) 4.16kg
Tank Capacity (L) 17L
Working Pressure (kgf/㎠) 4.2kgf/㎠
Spraying capacity/min 1.7L Power Spray Gun manufacturer Korea
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luisohare · 7 years
Festool CT Sys Backpack Vac Hack
See the rest of the story at http://finalvideos.eatmyphone.com/festool-ct-sys-backpack-vac-hack/
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