#ets ec 125
christophe76460 · 1 year
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Sa Parole Pour Aujourd'hui du Samedi 12 Août 2023
Avez-vous cessé de rire ?
“Un cœur joyeux est un bon remède…” Pr 17. 22
Si vous voyez votre vie toujours en noir, si vous avez cessé de rire avec votre famille, alors quelque chose ne tourne pas rond dans votre existence : “Dans la vie, il y a un temps … pour rire…” (Ec 3. 1-4). Peut-être direz-vous :“Mais en ce moment, je ne vois plus aucune raison de me montrer joyeux comme je l’étais à 20 ans (ou 30, ou 40) !” Alors, prêtez attention aux premiers versets des Psaumes suivants : 124, 125 et 126 : “Si le Seigneur n’avait pas été pour nous, quand les hommes se sont dressés contre nous, ils nous auraient engloutis tout vifs…” (124. 1-3). “Ceux qui ont confiance dans le Seigneur sont comme le mont Sion, qui sera toujours là, inébranlable…” (125. 1). “Quand le Seigneur ramena les captifs de Sion… Notre bouche était pleine de rires… alors on disait parmi les nations : le Seigneur a fait pour eux de grandes choses !” (126. 1-3).
Lorsque vous parvenez à vous réjouir malgré les difficultés qui vous entourent, les gens voudront découvrir quel est votre secret ! Et vous avez toujours une bonne raison de vous réjouir, sachant que Dieu est à vos côtés et qu’Il ne vous abandonnera jamais.
La médecine nous a confirmé ce que la Bible nous enseigne, que le rire efface le stress et renforce notre système immunitaire, car “un cœur joyeux est un bon remède…” Sans compter qu’une attitude positive devant la vie vous sera d’un grand secours dans vos relations avec les autres et vous gagnera leur coopération. Si, au contraire, vous gérez mal les temps de crise, ajoutant à la confusion des autres, comment pourront-ils imaginer que vous soyez capable de résister avec bonheur aux pressions de la vie ? Si vous demeurez calme et plein d’humour même lorsque tout semble s’écrouler autour de vous, beaucoup voudront vous épauler et travailler à vos côtés, avec enthousiasme et loyauté.
Certains problèmes de l’existence sont difficiles à résoudre, c’est sûr, mais vous ne gagnerez rien à n’envisager que le côté le plus négatif. Laissez ces problèmes entre les mains du Seigneur et autorisez-Le à les gérer. Job a dit : “Il finira par remplir ta bouche de rires et par mettre sur tes lèvres des cris de joie…” (Jb 8. 21). Et si lui a pu dire cela, après ce qu’il avait vécu, certainement vous pouvez faire de même !
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yes-bernie-stuff · 1 year
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Avez-vous cessé de rire ? 12/08/2023
“Un cœur joyeux est un bon remède…” Pr 17. 22
Si vous voyez votre vie toujours en noir, si vous avez cessé de rire avec votre famille, alors quelque chose ne tourne pas rond dans votre existence : “Dans la vie, il y a un temps … pour rire…” (Ec 3. 1-4). Peut-être direz-vous :“Mais en ce moment, je ne vois plus aucune raison de me montrer joyeux comme je l’étais à 20 ans (ou 30, ou 40) !” Alors, prêtez attention aux premiers versets des Psaumes suivants : 124, 125 et 126 : “Si le Seigneur n’avait pas été pour nous, quand les hommes se sont dressés contre nous, ils nous auraient engloutis tout vifs…” (124. 1-3). “Ceux qui ont confiance dans le Seigneur sont comme le mont Sion, qui sera toujours là, inébranlable…” (125. 1). “Quand le Seigneur ramena les captifs de Sion… Notre bouche était pleine de rires… alors on disait parmi les nations : le Seigneur a fait pour eux de grandes choses !” (126. 1-3). Lorsque vous parvenez à vous réjouir malgré les difficultés qui vous entourent, les gens voudront découvrir quel est votre secret ! Et vous avez toujours une bonne raison de vous réjouir, sachant que Dieu est à vos côtés et qu’Il ne vous abandonnera jamais. La médecine nous a confirmé ce que la Bible nous enseigne, que le rire efface le stress et renforce notre système immunitaire, car“un cœur joyeux est un bon remède…”Sans compter qu’une attitude positive devant la vie vous sera d’un grand secours dans vos relations avec les autres et vous gagnera leur coopération. Si, au contraire, vous gérez mal les temps de crise, ajoutant à la confusion des autres, comment pourront-ils imaginer que vous soyez capable de résister avec bonheur aux pressions de la vie ? Si vous demeurez calme et plein d’humour même lorsque tout semble s’écrouler autour de vous, beaucoup voudront vous épauler et travailler à vos côtés, avec enthousiasme et loyauté. Certains problèmes de l’existence sont difficiles à résoudre, c’est sûr, mais nous ne gagnerez rien à n’envisager que le côté le plus négatif. Laissez ces problèmes entre les mains du Seigneur et autorisez-Le à les gérer. Job a dit : “Il finira par remplir ta bouche de rires et par mettre sur tes lèvres des cris de joie…” (Jb 8. 21). Et si lui a pu dire cela, après ce qu’il avait vécu, certainement vous pouvez faire de même !
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workshopaddict · 7 years
Work Holding
Working with any material in any working environment, there are two main points to review when talking about work holding. Work height and orientation. If you cannot have your material in the location and orientation your work becomes increasingly less enjoyable and less comfortable. For discussion purposes, this blog will lean towards woodworking as that is Andy’s expertise and the main industry for the Festool Vac-Sys Vacuum clamping system but a lot of these points and discussion topics can be cross related to almost all other industries that require someone to hold a piece of material or part in place and complete a task with it.
There are a variety of different levels of woodworking shops that can be categorized into four levels. The beginner, weekend warrior, professional, and the production shop. Between these three levels you will find various different grades of equipment and abilities. Obviously the professional shop will have the bells and whistles but maybe a little more specific while the beginner will have exactly that. An introductory set of equipment and a more broad brush for applications. The production shop will have dedicated equipment for the repetitive tasks that they do. Typically this equipment is extremely specialized and expensive. It is meant to do a task efficiently and to the correct specifications. We can’t forget about the contractor on the job-site!
Festool 203148 vacuum unit VAC SYS System
Work holding equipment is an extremely large and creative category. You can see clamps, bench vises, large vacuum tables, specialized equipment for dog holes, etc. All of these options have their own pros and cons but we have received an ultimate work holding piece of equipment in the shop that can apply to just about all categories. It is pricey so it maybe out of the reach for the beginner or weekend warrior but that is to be discussed later.
Festool Vac-Sys Vacuum Clamping System
An incredible way to harness the power of vacuum to hold your material in the orientation and the height you desire. Festool released their Vac-Sys Clamping Sytem March 1st 2016 and has been a show stopper ever since. “The Vac-Sys provides fast, easy, and highly maneuverable solutions for almost any clamping application” said Steve Rangoussis with Festool and we could agree more. The system relies on a vacuum pump to apply vacuum to the two clamping modules. We have the Vac-Sys System Set which includes the Vacuum pump (VAC-PMP) Vacuum clamping unit (VAC SyS SE1) and the Clamping module (Vac-SyS SE2). This full system allows you to clamp extremely large objects such as doors, counter tops, or anything that requires two points of work holding. The main clamping module (Vac-Sys SE1) has an integrated foot pedal to release your material from the clamping force. It essential allows atmosphere to enter the system again eliminating the vacuum and holding power of the system. The user can quickly attach and remove their material from the units utilizing the foot pedal and the green plunger that is in the middle of the clamping cups. This green plunger gets depressed allowing the vacuum to have access to the clamping cups. With your material making a tight seal, the vacuum give some intense holding power to your material. The unit can be held down to the table with clamps, screws, or the integrated vacuum clamping on the bottom.
The clamping head can be rotated a full 360 degrees and/or can be tilted from 0-90 degrees.
Features and Specifications:
Vacuum Pump
Vacuum clamping unit
Clamping module
Can hold up to 200 pounds
Two different shaped clamping cups
Various accessories and clamping cups available
Vacuums to your work surface
Foot pedal to release the vacuum
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Setting Up and How To Use
Setting up the Festool Vacuum clamping system is extremely easy. You first need to decide how you would like to hold the units down to your work surface. You can utilize the vacuum bases on the units themselves but will need a nice smooth and nonporous surface. You can screw it down with some wood screws or even clamp it down. It will depend on how often you will use it and how much space you have. For a dedicated space in a shop, securing it down with screws to your work surface is the best option. If you are in a shop where you have to tear it down quite often , like a weekend warrior or a regular shop without dedicated space for the setup, you can use the vacuum base or screw it to a piece of wood and then clamp the wood to your work surface. This is equally applicable to the person on the job-site. Festool also offers an accessory for quickly attached and removing from the MFT tables.
Once the unit is secured to your work surface, you simply need to turn on the vacuum pump and place your material on the clamping cups. Apply a little force to complete the seal on the clamping cups. This force will also depress the green plunger we discussed earlier. That will  also the vacuum pump to remove the atmosphere in the clamping cup and apply an intense amount of clamping force to your material. You can either manipulate the clamping head before or after placing your material on. We find it easy to do it after with small pieces of material and before with larger ones. When you would like to remove the material, press you foot on the foot pedal to release the vacuum clamping force. The plunger will reseal the system and the pump will begin to build vacuum again and ready for your next clamping needs.
  Fast, Easy, Simple
The Festool vacuum clamping system is extremely fast, easy, and simple to operate. This is exactly what everyone wants from any product. The vacuum clamping system is extremely fast. It allows a user to switch between clamping one part to another in a blink of an eye. The system is extremely easy and simple to setup and operate. This means that there is minimal training and risk with new employees and gets them focused on the actual task at hand rather than learning a new piece of equipment.
Applications and Uses
Oh boy! Where do we start! In a woodworking shop, typically the middle to the end of a project is when parts need to be held for sanding, scraping, planing, chiseling, etc. Cabinet doors, custom shapes, full sized doors, small parts, repetitive tasks, etc are all tasks that are common parts in a woodworking shop.
On the job-site, a finish carpenter or installer may need to hold some doors to trim them to size. The Festool Vacuum System is the perfect on the job-site clamping system. It is small and portable, easy and fast to setup, and is quiet. The vacuum pump barely makes any noise so it is perfect for the occupied space.
Two major applications that we believe this unit can pay for itself in efficiency and comfortably is edge banding and large man door work.
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The Festool Vacuum Clamping System is expensive. We believe that expense is an investment to both your, your labor force, and your products. It will make completing the required task faster, make it more enjoyable, and allow you to get better results (over a long stretch of time).
GAME CHANGER | Festool Vac-Sys Vacuum Clamping System Work Holding Working with any material in any working environment, there are two main points to review when talking about work holding.
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biomedgrid · 3 years
BiomedGrid | He4 Marker in Endometrial Cancer: Reality or Fiction?
Endometrial cancer (EC) is the sixth cause of cancer in women in developed countries and the 2% of cancer deaths in woman [1]. Most cases of EC have good prognosis as they are usually diagnosed in early FIGO stage (80% in stage I). The survival rate in 5 years is about 80-85% [2] which decrease if metastasis or regional spreading appear (5 years survival of 68 and 17 % respectively) [3,4]. The most important poor prognosis factors in EC consist in [2] lymphatic node involvement, advanced FIGO stage (III-IV), myometrial invasion > 50 %, high histological tumor grade (G3) and non-endometrioid histological subtype. Other bad prognosis factors are: age over 60 years, lymph-vascular space invasion (LVSI), tumor size over 2 cm, uterine isthmus or cervical involvement or extrauterine spreading [2]. At present time no tumor marker is validated for being used in the management of patients with EC. Even though several markers have been studied with unsatisfying results. HE4 is a 25 kDa protein secreted in distal part of epididymis which was discovered in 1991 by Kirchhoff [5]. It is an endogenous protease inhibitor detectable in the circulation, as it is a member of the whey-acidic-protein four-disulfide core domain family. High HE4 levels can be detected in vas deferens, salivary glands, respiratory system, mammary tissue and female genital tract [5].
In 1999 Schummer discovered that HE4 gen is overexpressed in ovarian cancer and, recently, it has been found out that HE4 plays a role on regulation and growth of ovarian and endometrial tumors [5]. HE4 serum value can be disrupted by some factors like renal function, patient age, smoking habit and coexistence of certain tumors, as it has been told [5]. Thus, the normal ranges of this marker need to be defined among women of different ages, abnormal renal function and smoking habit [66]. The aim of this study is to review the current use of the preoperative HE4 tumor marker value in patients with EC.
Use of He4 in Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis
The role of the HE4 and others tumor markers to differentiate between benign endometrial pathology like hyperplasia and cancer has been studied [7] first studied the application of HE4 value in EC in 2008. A sensitivity (SEN) of 45.5 % and specificity (SPE) of 95 % was found to separate women with EC from healthy women. Some studies compare the accuracy of HE4 and CA 125 in the diagnosis of EC [8,9]. The reviewed papers show the superiority of HE4 for the diagnosis of EC [10] performed a meta-analysis of 12 papers where it was demonstrated that HE4 value (SEN 71 %) performs better in the diagnosis of EC, compared to CA125 (SEN 35%) with no statistically differences in SPE. Huang et al. conducted a recent meta-analysis with 25 studies that analyzed the diagnosis value of HE4 and CA 125 together. They conclude that the combined detection of serum HE4 and CA125 is a highly accurate diagnostic tool for EC with a combined SEN and SPE for the diagnosis of 63% 90% respectively [4].
Use of He4 as a Prognostic Marker in Endometrial Cancer
A review of the literature was made to analyze the potential association with HE4 as a preoperative marker and some of the most important prognostic factors in EC. A significant correlation between advanced stage disease (III-IV) and higher HE4 levels was showed in several studies [11,12] Although there is little evidence to find a lineal correlation between HE4 serum marker and the FIGO stages, Abdalla el al [13] found a significant rise of HE4 in patients with stage III-IV vs I-II, IB vs IA, II-III vs I, IB to IIIC vs IA and IIIC vs IA to IIIB. This finding demonstrated that HE4 can be used for differentiated stages II-IV from IA stage.Some authors found that the serum level of HE4 in patients with deep myometrial invasion (>50%) was significantly higher than that in women with superficial myometrial invasion (<50%) [6,11].
A statistically significant difference of HE4 level was found between G1 FIGO grade tumors and G2-G3 ones, which have a higher value of preoperative HE4 [12,13]. However, some of the studies did not find this difference [11,14]. The correlation of the marker depending on the subtype EC (endometrioid vs non endometrioid) is not so clear yet. The PORTEC 1- 2 trials [15] pointed LVSI as a risk factor for regional nodal recurrence and for distant metastasis as has been said previously. Evidence in the correlation of HE4 and LVSI is still limited with a reduced number of studies that refer to the relationship between HE4 and LVSI [16] showing all of them a significant rise of HE4 in patients who present LVSI in surgical specimen. It seems that there may be a relationship between the preoperative HE4 value and the presence of positive lymph nodes at the time of diagnosis. Wang et al. [6] in a broad and significant study of 258 patients, studied the predictive values of HE4 in the detection of lymph node metastasis and obtained a sensitivity (SEN) of 82.4 %, specificity (SPE) of 52.3 %, which reflects a useful preoperative tool in the study of node involvement. A recent study of [17] shows the relationship between risk factors of EC and lymphatic node involvement. They studied 6 risk factors in EC (serum CA 125 > 27.6 U/mL, serum HE4 > 132 pmol/L, nonendometrioid histology, myometrial invasion > 50 %, positive peritoneal cytology and LVSI). All of them were independent risk factors for pelvic node affectation. The incidence of pelvic metastasis was 0.0% in the absence of the above 6 factors, while the incidence was 100% in the presence of more than four risk factors.
HE4, a novel preoperative serum marker, seems to be useful to diagnosis and manage EC and is related to the most important prognostic factors in EC (deep myometrial invasion, FIGO advanced stage, lymphatic involvement and FIGO tumor grade, among others). Further prospective studies are needed to validate HE4 as a preoperative prognostic tool and to apply this marker in the regular clinical practice.
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Read More About this Article: https://biomedgrid.com/fulltext/volume6/he4-marker-in-endometrial-cancer-reality-or-fiction.000994.php
For more about: Journals on Biomedical Science :Biomed Grid | Current Issue
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stock-filter · 3 years
Stock daily Filter Report for 2021/05/27 05-40-12
*******************Part 1.0 Big Cap Industry Overiew********************* big_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 12 Communication Services 14 Consumer Cyclical 5 Consumer Defensive 16 Energy 12 Financial Services 31 Healthcare 27 Industrials 10 Real Estate 10 Technology 18 Utilities 6 unknown 2 **************************************** big_industry_downtrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 2 Communication Services 5 Consumer Cyclical 6 Consumer Defensive 5 Energy 3 Financial Services 5 Healthcare 4 Industrials 3 Real Estate 1 Technology 4 Utilities 3 *******************Part 1.1 Big Cap Long Entry SPAN MACD********************* big_long_signal_entry_span_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 178 KEP 3 4.91 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.875532e+06 3.0 Utilities Mean Return: 4.91 Mean Day/Week: 3.0 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 1.2 Big Cap Short Entry SPAN MACD********************* big_short_signal_entry_span_macd Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, score, MACD Signal Count, Market Value, Span Signal Count, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 1.3 Big Cap Long Entry SPAN********************* big_long_signal_entry_span Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 178 KEP 3 4.91 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.875532e+06 3.0 Utilities Mean Return: 4.91 Mean Day/Week: 3.0 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 1.4 Big Cap Short Entry SPAN********************* big_short_signal_entry_span Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, score, MACD Signal Count, Market Value, Span Signal Count, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 1.5 Big Cap Long Entry MACD********************* big_long_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 4 NVDA 2 0.33 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 4.959720e+09 36.0 Technology 0 FB 2 -0.04 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 3.147256e+09 54.0 Communication Services 34 TGT 5 2.38 big-cap Long NaN 5.0 7.148467e+08 48.0 Consumer Defensive 9 PEP 5 0.73 big-cap Long NaN 5.0 6.017922e+08 43.0 Consumer Defensive 131 IAC 1 0.00 big-cap Long NaN 1.0 5.207942e+08 7.0 Communication Services 24 BLK 3 0.50 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 4.991759e+08 43.0 Financial Services 166 CZR 2 -0.43 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 2.895647e+08 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 52 BX 3 0.99 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 2.752607e+08 78.0 Financial Services 143 WDC 4 3.35 big-cap Long NaN 4.0 2.722955e+08 9.0 Technology 108 MXIM 4 2.24 big-cap Long NaN 4.0 2.629884e+08 6.0 Technology 63 EA 1 0.00 big-cap Long NaN 1.0 2.317899e+08 15.0 Communication Services 66 IDXX 2 0.39 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 2.156901e+08 10.0 Healthcare 127 EPAM 2 -0.30 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 2.155474e+08 56.0 Technology 49 EW 3 0.59 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 2.151401e+08 34.0 Healthcare 78 IQV 3 -1.23 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.554549e+08 78.0 Healthcare 174 BXP 5 4.96 big-cap Long NaN 5.0 1.517353e+08 66.0 Real Estate 182 OSH 4 2.24 big-cap Long NaN 4.0 1.398124e+08 29.0 Healthcare 104 CPRT 4 0.70 big-cap Long NaN 4.0 1.171958e+08 35.0 Industrials 191 BAH 3 -0.05 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.159244e+08 22.0 Industrials 87 PAYX 4 -0.15 big-cap Long NaN 4.0 1.135604e+08 56.0 Industrials 188 BSY 5 7.18 big-cap Long NaN 5.0 1.120995e+08 40.0 Technology 202 CPT 2 0.37 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 1.116563e+08 78.0 Real Estate 149 HZNP 3 -1.58 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.104809e+08 9.0 Healthcare 80 CTAS 2 -0.37 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 1.039566e+08 43.0 Industrials 152 WAT 2 -0.44 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 8.826454e+07 44.0 Healthcare 138 CHKP 3 -0.66 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 7.616169e+07 19.0 Technology 67 TRI 1 0.00 big-cap Long NaN 1.0 6.565797e+07 66.0 Industrials 156 SUI 2 -0.46 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 6.496890e+07 53.0 Real Estate 192 ELS 3 0.24 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 5.511984e+07 53.0 Real Estate 12 SAP 2 0.40 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 4.594104e+07 35.0 Technology 185 WPC 2 -0.21 big-cap Long NaN 2.0 4.304300e+07 44.0 Real Estate 190 WTRG 3 0.28 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 2.324963e+07 33.0 Utilities 126 GIB 3 -0.08 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 9.678038e+06 56.0 Technology 106 NWG 3 -1.04 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 6.096881e+06 78.0 Financial Services 167 SHG 1 0.00 big-cap Long NaN 1.0 4.753427e+06 58.0 Financial Services 178 KEP 3 4.91 big-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.875532e+06 3.0 Utilities 45 WBK 1 0.00 big-cap Long NaN 1.0 1.376390e+06 78.0 Financial Services Mean Return: 0.804375 Mean Day/Week: 3.21875 Accuracy:0.5625 *******************Part 1.6 Big Cap Short Entry MACD********************* big_short_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 111 EC 2 -1.34 big-cap Short NaN -2.0 8.826204e+06 -7.0 Energy Mean Return: -1.34 Mean Day/Week: 2.0 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 1.7 Big Cap Long Maintainance********************* big_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 3 JPM 9 -1.31 big-cap Long NaN 14.0 1.589828e+09 78.0 Financial Services 33 CVS 21 15.01 big-cap Long NaN 53.0 1.256680e+09 45.0 Healthcare 5 PG 13 0.36 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.117588e+09 38.0 Consumer Defensive 19 C 11 4.40 big-cap Long NaN 12.0 1.076885e+09 78.0 Financial Services 28 INTU 7 5.98 big-cap Long NaN 7.0 8.843274e+08 12.0 Technology 2 WMT 7 0.19 big-cap Long NaN 47.0 8.307030e+08 10.0 Consumer Defensive 22 CHTR 23 6.34 big-cap Long NaN 29.0 6.114139e+08 30.0 Communication Services 13 COST 10 1.62 big-cap Long NaN 46.0 5.841931e+08 36.0 Consumer Defensive 18 MS 15 3.01 big-cap Long NaN 18.0 5.490770e+08 78.0 Financial Services 96 MPC 15 3.30 big-cap Long NaN 17.0 5.209401e+08 78.0 Energy 43 FDX 20 5.14 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 5.174124e+08 50.0 Industrials 107 CERN 13 2.20 big-cap Long NaN 48.0 5.063689e+08 20.0 Healthcare 56 COF 21 10.64 big-cap Long NaN 21.0 4.716197e+08 78.0 Financial Services 36 MDLZ 21 4.46 big-cap Long NaN 55.0 4.212377e+08 50.0 Consumer Defensive 73 DOW 16 2.29 big-cap Long NaN 16.0 4.208986e+08 78.0 Basic Materials 29 RTX 10 3.85 big-cap Long NaN 23.0 4.156857e+08 78.0 Industrials 53 NEM 18 12.95 big-cap Long NaN 55.0 4.076929e+08 39.0 Basic Materials 83 ALL 44 17.03 big-cap Long NaN 60.0 3.968262e+08 62.0 Financial Services 70 GOLD 18 10.43 big-cap Long NaN 53.0 3.607757e+08 30.0 Basic Materials 193 DVN 11 3.69 big-cap Long NaN 16.0 3.512899e+08 24.0 Energy 164 NUE 17 12.46 big-cap Long NaN 17.0 3.212763e+08 72.0 Basic Materials 39 EQIX 10 3.19 big-cap Long NaN 48.0 3.125209e+08 30.0 Real Estate 100 BNTX 14 10.85 big-cap Long NaN 39.0 2.924048e+08 41.0 Healthcare 37 ZTS 6 2.37 big-cap Long NaN 46.0 2.787942e+08 33.0 Healthcare 68 EXC 6 -0.78 big-cap Long NaN 6.0 2.604791e+08 45.0 Utilities 7 NVS 7 0.53 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 2.526245e+08 15.0 Healthcare 48 DD 16 3.38 big-cap Long NaN 17.0 2.450174e+08 31.0 Basic Materials 196 UHS 35 15.96 big-cap Long NaN 57.0 2.446328e+08 39.0 Healthcare 42 PBR 9 -1.27 big-cap Long NaN 43.0 2.439300e+08 13.0 Energy 16 AZN 24 8.02 big-cap Long NaN 54.0 2.296235e+08 30.0 Healthcare 129 IP 25 11.96 big-cap Long NaN 66.0 2.281016e+08 63.0 Consumer Cyclical 44 APD 10 -0.78 big-cap Long NaN 61.0 2.224573e+08 48.0 Basic Materials 40 CL 19 4.56 big-cap Long NaN 50.0 2.194378e+08 33.0 Consumer Defensive 181 NLOK 11 10.01 big-cap Long NaN 11.0 2.157210e+08 40.0 Technology 79 CNC 6 3.66 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 2.089314e+08 20.0 Healthcare 125 SYF 19 6.87 big-cap Long NaN 19.0 2.087901e+08 78.0 unknown 81 ALXN 29 7.39 big-cap Long NaN 30.0 2.061798e+08 30.0 Healthcare 88 KMI 20 6.12 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 1.941816e+08 78.0 Energy 145 ET 21 17.97 big-cap Long NaN 21.0 1.776682e+08 78.0 Energy 41 CME 10 0.45 big-cap Long NaN 10.0 1.662239e+08 78.0 Financial Services 105 WMB 18 5.05 big-cap Long NaN 18.0 1.644717e+08 78.0 Energy 147 INVH 10 4.34 big-cap Long NaN 52.0 1.603740e+08 55.0 Real Estate 187 NLY 7 -0.54 big-cap Long NaN 7.0 1.567186e+08 53.0 Real Estate 115 AVB 8 3.31 big-cap Long NaN 8.0 1.473573e+08 78.0 Real Estate 92 MSI 13 1.26 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.469923e+08 78.0 Technology 163 EXPD 16 9.10 big-cap Long NaN 16.0 1.382905e+08 62.0 Industrials 141 AKAM 15 3.93 big-cap Long NaN 47.0 1.359897e+08 16.0 Technology 69 KHC 15 2.47 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.328482e+08 78.0 Consumer Defensive 95 NOK 9 1.14 big-cap Long NaN 34.0 1.299678e+08 20.0 Technology 86 AIG 18 4.84 big-cap Long NaN 18.0 1.292457e+08 78.0 Financial Services 27 TD 21 6.49 big-cap Long NaN 21.0 1.249202e+08 78.0 Financial Services 90 HSY 19 6.44 big-cap Long NaN 19.0 1.200815e+08 55.0 Consumer Defensive 148 PKI 9 0.20 big-cap Long NaN 42.0 1.193934e+08 16.0 Healthcare 97 NTR 11 1.78 big-cap Long NaN 17.0 1.192286e+08 17.0 Basic Materials 175 IT 28 20.16 big-cap Long NaN 28.0 1.119766e+08 78.0 Technology 151 HES 18 9.27 big-cap Long NaN 18.0 1.111104e+08 78.0 Energy 46 BAM 8 1.94 big-cap Long NaN 8.0 1.100523e+08 78.0 Financial Services 124 DB 11 7.43 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 1.100339e+08 24.0 Financial Services 194 LKQ 24 11.96 big-cap Long NaN 24.0 1.080581e+08 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 157 LNG 19 8.74 big-cap Long NaN 19.0 1.072208e+08 78.0 Energy 179 LUMN 9 -1.91 big-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.063662e+08 15.0 Communication Services 195 HWM 6 1.28 big-cap Long NaN 6.0 1.042728e+08 78.0 Industrials 54 BMO 21 9.45 big-cap Long NaN 21.0 9.895665e+07 78.0 Financial Services 51 ITUB 13 3.89 big-cap Long NaN 51.0 9.848212e+07 25.0 Financial Services 136 NTRS 23 10.45 big-cap Long NaN 23.0 9.778384e+07 78.0 Financial Services 130 WPM 15 10.64 big-cap Long NaN 53.0 9.347089e+07 30.0 Basic Materials 189 CNP 9 1.03 big-cap Long NaN 9.0 9.310000e+07 53.0 Utilities 21 RY 20 6.57 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 9.240693e+07 78.0 Financial Services 144 TRU 10 2.01 big-cap Long NaN 53.0 8.452569e+07 39.0 Industrials 112 ANET 10 6.40 big-cap Long NaN 43.0 8.388257e+07 36.0 Technology 109 YUMC 8 3.92 big-cap Long NaN 21.0 7.174143e+07 10.0 Consumer Cyclical 158 BPY 6 1.19 big-cap Long NaN 6.0 7.075215e+07 78.0 Real Estate 14 UL 16 3.88 big-cap Long NaN 55.0 7.018906e+07 30.0 Consumer Defensive 114 FNV 34 10.52 big-cap Long NaN 54.0 6.858633e+07 40.0 Basic Materials 146 AEM 13 6.20 big-cap Long NaN 50.0 6.818803e+07 18.0 Basic Materials 10 NVO 13 5.26 big-cap Long NaN 32.0 6.508271e+07 28.0 Healthcare 30 DEO 11 4.35 big-cap Long NaN 37.0 6.172629e+07 61.0 Consumer Defensive 58 ABEV 15 5.44 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 5.755265e+07 31.0 Consumer Defensive 74 BCE 21 5.88 big-cap Long NaN 21.0 5.461521e+07 58.0 Communication Services 110 MPLX 17 5.01 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 5.449384e+07 78.0 Energy 75 CM 20 8.31 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 5.445552e+07 78.0 Financial Services 17 BUD 28 11.07 big-cap Long NaN 52.0 5.328945e+07 34.0 Consumer Defensive 173 ELAN 9 2.60 big-cap Long NaN 26.0 5.311702e+07 14.0 Healthcare 198 KL 14 7.80 big-cap Long NaN 50.0 5.029088e+07 30.0 Basic Materials 123 CCEP 30 10.06 big-cap Long NaN 30.0 4.643644e+07 78.0 Consumer Defensive 20 SNY 14 4.02 big-cap Long NaN 55.0 4.632012e+07 34.0 Healthcare 8 TM 8 3.34 big-cap Long NaN 8.0 3.790404e+07 11.0 Consumer Cyclical 26 HSBC 10 1.20 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 3.667201e+07 24.0 Financial Services 55 STLA 8 2.30 big-cap Long NaN 8.0 3.230255e+07 16.0 unknown 101 TU 13 3.20 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 2.790771e+07 16.0 Communication Services 61 AMX 14 2.48 big-cap Long NaN 14.0 2.132316e+07 35.0 Communication Services 169 IMO 20 17.04 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 2.055503e+07 78.0 Energy 102 GMAB 8 5.33 big-cap Long NaN 38.0 1.950185e+07 16.0 Healthcare 99 BSBR 10 5.70 big-cap Long NaN 29.0 1.579723e+07 16.0 Financial Services 65 NGG 19 7.15 big-cap Long NaN 53.0 1.534543e+07 39.0 Utilities 137 FTS 9 0.19 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.478522e+07 54.0 Utilities 82 CRH 15 2.00 big-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.476425e+07 44.0 Basic Materials 50 SAN 11 3.83 big-cap Long NaN 21.0 1.420920e+07 78.0 Financial Services 84 LYG 20 7.01 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 1.375810e+07 78.0 Financial Services 203 RDY 20 4.37 big-cap Long NaN 43.0 1.222749e+07 30.0 Healthcare 91 BBVA 14 4.62 big-cap Long NaN 20.0 1.002457e+07 23.0 Financial Services 116 RCI 18 3.65 big-cap Long NaN 34.0 7.927645e+06 39.0 Communication Services 85 WIT 7 5.03 big-cap Long NaN 28.0 7.645674e+06 30.0 Technology 113 TEF 9 2.84 big-cap Long NaN 18.0 5.951213e+06 22.0 Communication Services 184 NTCO 10 3.23 big-cap Long NaN 35.0 4.860923e+06 16.0 Consumer Defensive 23 PTR 10 2.02 big-cap Long NaN 16.0 3.293656e+06 21.0 Energy 59 AMOV 13 1.86 big-cap Long NaN 14.0 5.026190e+04 27.0 Communication Services 155 VAR 14 0.27 big-cap Long NaN 14.0 0.000000e+00 49.0 Healthcare Mean Return: 5.349907407407407 Mean Day/Week: 14.99074074074074 Accuracy:0.9444444444444444 *******************Part 1.8 Big Cap Short Maintainance********************* big_short_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 1 BABA 13 -3.30 big-cap Short NaN -13.0 1.968155e+09 -53.0 Consumer Cyclical 6 DIS 9 1.63 big-cap Short NaN -51.0 1.277060e+09 -24.0 Communication Services 25 ABNB 15 -12.60 big-cap Short NaN -64.0 1.099787e+09 -36.0 Communication Services 93 EDU 13 -26.18 big-cap Short NaN -13.0 8.473785e+08 -52.0 Consumer Defensive 57 TAL 15 -28.90 big-cap Short NaN -15.0 6.496727e+08 -55.0 Consumer Defensive 31 MELI 14 -6.16 big-cap Short NaN -14.0 5.482997e+08 -61.0 Consumer Cyclical 38 CNI 9 0.53 big-cap Short NaN -27.0 4.087625e+08 -12.0 Industrials 128 VIPS 12 -11.87 big-cap Short NaN -44.0 3.949125e+08 -40.0 Consumer Cyclical 161 QS 22 -30.27 big-cap Short NaN -45.0 3.876131e+08 -137.0 Consumer Cyclical 139 DISCA 8 -6.00 big-cap Short NaN -44.0 3.582931e+08 -38.0 Communication Services 134 OXY 6 0.97 big-cap Short NaN -12.0 3.483495e+08 -29.0 Energy 64 CTSH 8 0.85 big-cap Short NaN -15.0 2.567843e+08 -15.0 Technology 60 CP 9 2.08 big-cap Short NaN -9.0 2.274813e+08 -9.0 Industrials 133 KMX 6 -0.93 big-cap Short NaN -15.0 1.908378e+08 -12.0 Consumer Cyclical 172 OPEN 15 -9.96 big-cap Short NaN -15.0 1.901795e+08 -46.0 Real Estate 183 CHGG 18 -7.95 big-cap Short NaN -18.0 1.569464e+08 -60.0 Consumer Defensive 62 RKT 15 -8.01 big-cap Short NaN -47.0 1.532623e+08 -31.0 Financial Services 121 HOLX 20 -5.30 big-cap Short NaN -21.0 1.369411e+08 -27.0 Healthcare 140 DISCK 11 -4.48 big-cap Short NaN -43.0 1.284124e+08 -37.0 Communication Services 122 WISH 10 3.99 big-cap Short NaN -10.0 1.281977e+08 -111.0 Consumer Cyclical 154 CTXS 18 -7.07 big-cap Short NaN -28.0 1.069025e+08 -20.0 Technology 200 NRG 27 -13.06 big-cap Short NaN -50.0 9.651571e+07 -50.0 Utilities 89 PCAR 6 -0.51 big-cap Short NaN -6.0 6.762203e+07 -8.0 Industrials 176 SQM 6 -1.40 big-cap Short NaN -11.0 6.254775e+07 -8.0 Basic Materials 171 ATHM 6 -7.86 big-cap Short NaN -6.0 5.808326e+07 -57.0 Communication Services 165 APPN 19 -32.38 big-cap Short NaN -19.0 5.745083e+07 -60.0 Technology 199 DNB 6 -0.71 big-cap Short NaN -14.0 4.032326e+07 -16.0 Technology 94 RPRX 10 -0.31 big-cap Short NaN -14.0 3.989351e+07 -20.0 Healthcare 98 IBKR 10 -0.12 big-cap Short NaN -50.0 3.737295e+07 -21.0 Financial Services 180 ERIE 19 -9.05 big-cap Short NaN -19.0 1.712987e+07 -59.0 Financial Services 186 ENIA 19 -1.75 big-cap Short NaN -31.0 1.285523e+07 -26.0 Utilities 162 SUZ 7 -6.72 big-cap Short NaN -60.0 4.591655e+06 -25.0 Basic Materials 201 BCH 11 -11.07 big-cap Short NaN -25.0 3.075617e+06 -14.0 Financial Services Mean Return: -7.390000000000001 Mean Day/Week: 12.484848484848484 Accuracy:0.8181818181818182 ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** *******************Part 2.0 Small Cap Industry Overiew********************* small_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 5 Communication Services 3 Consumer Cyclical 5 Consumer Defensive 2 Energy 6 Financial Services 4 Healthcare 6 Industrials 6 Real Estate 10 Technology 4 Utilities 3 unknown 3 **************************************** small_industry_downtrending_count tickers industry Communication Services 4 Consumer Cyclical 5 Consumer Defensive 2 Financial Services 5 Healthcare 11 Industrials 1 Technology 5 Utilities 1 *******************Part 2.1 Small Cap Long Entry SPAN MACD********************* small_long_signal_entry_span_macd Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, score, MACD Signal Count, Market Value, Span Signal Count, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 2.2 Small Cap Short Entry SPAN MACD********************* small_short_signal_entry_span_macd Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, score, MACD Signal Count, Market Value, Span Signal Count, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 2.3 Small Cap Long Entry SPAN********************* small_long_signal_entry_span Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, score, MACD Signal Count, Market Value, Span Signal Count, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 2.4 Small Cap Short Entry SPAN********************* small_short_signal_entry_span Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 209 MNSO 2 -1.05 small-cap Short NaN -13.0 1.457329e+07 -2.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: -1.05 Mean Day/Week: 2.0 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 2.5 Small Cap Long Entry MACD********************* small_long_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 255 KRC 2 0.21 small-cap Long NaN 2.0 9.547654e+07 66.0 Real Estate 234 PAAS 4 -0.85 small-cap Long NaN 4.0 7.776439e+07 8.0 Basic Materials 228 SYNH 3 -1.39 small-cap Long NaN 3.0 5.643388e+07 35.0 Healthcare 235 ARW 5 0.83 small-cap Long NaN 5.0 5.305638e+07 58.0 Technology 283 FR 2 -0.08 small-cap Long NaN 2.0 5.105200e+07 77.0 Real Estate 212 CONE 5 0.83 small-cap Long NaN 5.0 4.985947e+07 33.0 Real Estate 267 LSI 1 0.00 small-cap Long NaN 1.0 4.768991e+07 78.0 Real Estate 237 MANH 1 0.00 small-cap Long NaN 1.0 3.882795e+07 22.0 Technology 286 LESL 2 1.62 small-cap Long NaN 2.0 2.803305e+07 25.0 Consumer Cyclical 263 AIRC 3 2.17 small-cap Long NaN 3.0 2.640655e+07 15.0 Real Estate 227 ALV 3 -0.59 small-cap Long NaN 3.0 2.276312e+07 41.0 Consumer Cyclical 210 WTRU 3 -0.09 small-cap Long NaN 3.0 4.870365e+06 15.0 unknown 245 ICL 3 0.16 small-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.690433e+06 78.0 Basic Materials 247 JSM 2 1.50 small-cap Long NaN 2.0 5.242902e+05 37.0 unknown Mean Return: 0.36000000000000004 Mean Day/Week: 3.25 Accuracy:0.5833333333333334 *******************Part 2.6 Small Cap Short Entry MACD********************* small_short_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 219 CIB 4 -0.61 small-cap Short NaN -4.0 3.875569e+06 -69.0 Financial Services Mean Return: -0.61 Mean Day/Week: 4.0 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 2.7 Small Cap Long Maintaiance********************* small_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 221 AGNC 9 2.18 small-cap Long NaN 50.0 1.180230e+08 78.0 Real Estate 272 MTZ 22 12.35 small-cap Long NaN 22.0 1.144813e+08 78.0 Industrials 215 GFI 14 15.64 small-cap Long NaN 14.0 1.079988e+08 39.0 Basic Materials 274 PRGO 12 5.40 small-cap Long NaN 30.0 9.307513e+07 15.0 Healthcare 214 KGC 10 8.00 small-cap Long NaN 53.0 8.465364e+07 37.0 Basic Materials 254 VRT 8 5.48 small-cap Long NaN 8.0 8.322673e+07 39.0 Industrials 258 DXC 24 15.20 small-cap Long NaN 41.0 8.092934e+07 44.0 Technology 231 JLL 17 6.98 small-cap Long NaN 17.0 7.706664e+07 78.0 Real Estate 206 IRM 14 5.01 small-cap Long NaN 14.0 7.337191e+07 78.0 Real Estate 240 CLR 12 5.07 small-cap Long NaN 16.0 6.529079e+07 23.0 Energy 269 PAA 13 6.46 small-cap Long NaN 20.0 5.353912e+07 24.0 Energy 278 CCJ 14 -1.71 small-cap Long NaN 16.0 5.138638e+07 78.0 Energy 218 JAZZ 14 2.21 small-cap Long NaN 15.0 4.976280e+07 16.0 Healthcare 281 PSXP 15 16.70 small-cap Long NaN 65.0 4.833064e+07 60.0 Energy 256 CACC 8 2.03 small-cap Long NaN 23.0 3.941812e+07 23.0 Financial Services 238 ADT 6 6.25 small-cap Long NaN 6.0 3.840656e+07 33.0 Industrials 217 PHYS 13 3.59 small-cap Long NaN 38.0 3.810014e+07 18.0 unknown 280 VNT 11 4.95 small-cap Long NaN 31.0 3.571190e+07 15.0 Technology 241 RGLD 15 4.45 small-cap Long NaN 42.0 3.005086e+07 40.0 Basic Materials 244 SC 37 31.33 small-cap Long NaN 37.0 2.977982e+07 78.0 Financial Services 279 CHH 10 3.16 small-cap Long NaN 14.0 2.522072e+07 45.0 Consumer Cyclical 270 SRCL 21 12.31 small-cap Long NaN 40.0 2.474026e+07 33.0 Industrials 225 CHE 10 2.61 small-cap Long NaN 47.0 2.196192e+07 22.0 Healthcare 257 TFII 22 16.46 small-cap Long NaN 22.0 1.863083e+07 78.0 Industrials 232 MBT 7 -1.73 small-cap Long NaN 29.0 1.778054e+07 15.0 Communication Services 277 JHG 26 12.94 small-cap Long NaN 54.0 1.508491e+07 38.0 Financial Services 282 MPLN 7 5.37 small-cap Long NaN 35.0 1.472142e+07 10.0 Healthcare 287 KT 12 9.65 small-cap Long NaN 12.0 1.256180e+07 73.0 Communication Services 243 BSMX 8 1.92 small-cap Long NaN 8.0 7.733675e+06 43.0 Financial Services 211 KOF 9 -0.88 small-cap Long NaN 10.0 5.463993e+06 37.0 Consumer Defensive 293 SBS 10 1.21 small-cap Long NaN 51.0 5.146424e+06 33.0 Utilities 213 EBR 10 8.67 small-cap Long NaN 66.0 3.278790e+06 40.0 Utilities 222 PSO 14 0.90 small-cap Long NaN 14.0 2.835006e+06 78.0 Communication Services Mean Return: 6.974545454545455 Mean Day/Week: 13.757575757575758 Accuracy:0.9090909090909091 *******************Part 2.8 Small Cap Short Maintaiance********************* small_short_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 248 MSTR 29 -32.90 small-cap Short NaN -65.0 3.225757e+08 -46.0 Technology 288 VNET 21 -27.43 small-cap Short NaN -71.0 1.366922e+08 -59.0 Technology 230 RNR 6 -3.74 small-cap Short NaN -18.0 1.039007e+08 -13.0 Financial Services 233 YY 21 -13.39 small-cap Short NaN -58.0 9.928285e+07 -43.0 Communication Services 224 NYT 36 -13.33 small-cap Short NaN -59.0 7.341543e+07 -55.0 Communication Services 260 PFGC 7 3.11 small-cap Short NaN -32.0 7.097285e+07 -13.0 Consumer Defensive 226 IONS 15 -4.68 small-cap Short NaN -15.0 7.061937e+07 -60.0 Healthcare 251 TGTX 18 -22.33 small-cap Short NaN -45.0 6.964092e+07 -53.0 Healthcare 207 BFAM 19 -5.20 small-cap Short NaN -33.0 6.903298e+07 -28.0 Consumer Cyclical 259 IOVA 12 -22.38 small-cap Short NaN -12.0 6.554680e+07 -67.0 Healthcare 216 ARMK 6 0.35 small-cap Short NaN -46.0 6.406673e+07 -19.0 Consumer Cyclical 249 ONEM 13 -7.85 small-cap Short NaN -13.0 5.670866e+07 -59.0 Healthcare 271 HUYA 20 -20.78 small-cap Short NaN -62.0 4.839821e+07 -46.0 Communication Services 291 ARRY 12 -28.81 small-cap Short NaN -12.0 4.787576e+07 -70.0 Technology 223 GNTX 6 1.32 small-cap Short NaN -48.0 4.433295e+07 -13.0 Consumer Cyclical 236 MLCO 14 -4.51 small-cap Short NaN -45.0 3.676375e+07 -20.0 Consumer Cyclical 250 TTEK 12 -3.97 small-cap Short NaN -28.0 3.428055e+07 -23.0 Industrials 275 HAE 28 -27.49 small-cap Short NaN -28.0 2.900665e+07 -59.0 Healthcare 252 KOD 15 -15.99 small-cap Short NaN -15.0 2.017629e+07 -70.0 Healthcare 204 BSAC 8 2.00 small-cap Short NaN -44.0 1.440846e+07 -14.0 Financial Services 284 CERT 10 4.59 small-cap Short NaN -10.0 8.816532e+06 -19.0 Healthcare 294 ENIC 20 -13.63 small-cap Short NaN -22.0 2.095271e+06 -70.0 Utilities Mean Return: -11.683636363636365 Mean Day/Week: 15.818181818181818 Accuracy:0.7727272727272727 ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** *******************Part 3.0 Penny Cap Industry Overiew********************* penny_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 28 Communication Services 6 Consumer Cyclical 22 Consumer Defensive 11 Energy 19 Financial Services 35 Healthcare 22 Industrials 17 Real Estate 16 Technology 17 Utilities 2 unknown 3 **************************************** penny_industry_downtrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 3 Communication Services 2 Consumer Cyclical 12 Consumer Defensive 9 Energy 6 Financial Services 29 Healthcare 52 Industrials 12 Real Estate 8 Technology 27 unknown 1 *******************Part 3.1 Penny Cap Long Entry SPAN MACD********************* penny_long_signal_entry_span_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 345 CELH 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 5.251760e+07 5.0 Consumer Defensive 384 BRFS 2 -0.82 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 2.997851e+07 5.0 Consumer Defensive 636 ALGS 2 0.62 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 3.921433e+06 5.0 Healthcare Mean Return: -0.09999999999999998 Mean Day/Week: 2.5 Accuracy:0.5 *******************Part 3.2 Penny Cap Short Entry SPAN MACD********************* penny_short_signal_entry_span_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 490 NGM 3 -4.85 penny-cap Short NaN -3.0 14467888.0 -4.0 Healthcare Mean Return: -4.85 Mean Day/Week: 3.0 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 3.3 Penny Cap Long Entry SPAN********************* penny_long_signal_entry_span Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 345 CELH 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 5.251760e+07 5.0 Consumer Defensive 384 BRFS 2 -0.82 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 2.997851e+07 5.0 Consumer Defensive 636 ALGS 2 0.62 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 3.921433e+06 5.0 Healthcare 595 GHG 2 5.47 penny-cap Long NaN 17.0 2.356604e+06 4.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: 1.7566666666666666 Mean Day/Week: 2.3333333333333335 Accuracy:0.6666666666666666 *******************Part 3.4 Penny Cap Short Entry SPAN********************* penny_short_signal_entry_span Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 490 NGM 3 -4.85 penny-cap Short NaN -3.0 14467888.00 -4.0 Healthcare 484 BANF 2 1.62 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 8610550.75 -3.0 Financial Services Mean Return: -1.6149999999999998 Mean Day/Week: 2.5 Accuracy:0.5 *******************Part 3.5 Penny Cap Long Entry MACD********************* penny_long_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 391 CVLT 3 1.11 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 7.961761e+07 78.0 Technology 340 SWAV 5 1.76 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 7.327810e+07 41.0 Healthcare 336 PGNY 5 7.55 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 5.752270e+07 34.0 Healthcare 423 HGV 3 -0.37 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 5.481672e+07 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 316 SLG 5 2.61 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 5.339780e+07 67.0 Real Estate 473 IDCC 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 5.299885e+07 36.0 Communication Services 345 CELH 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 5.251760e+07 5.0 Consumer Defensive 580 CORE 5 -3.41 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 4.543829e+07 67.0 Consumer Defensive 302 DEI 4 0.69 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 4.231913e+07 66.0 Real Estate 550 DEN 5 4.73 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 4.186467e+07 78.0 Energy 346 HIW 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 3.794645e+07 78.0 Real Estate 575 MSEX 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 3.440108e+07 44.0 Utilities 319 NOMD 3 -0.92 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 3.296234e+07 52.0 Consumer Defensive 300 STAA 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 3.006736e+07 40.0 Healthcare 384 BRFS 2 -0.82 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 2.997851e+07 5.0 Consumer Defensive 360 HPP 2 1.29 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 2.930397e+07 66.0 Real Estate 356 VIAV 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 2.919653e+07 10.0 Technology 460 NAVI 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 2.704276e+07 78.0 Financial Services 489 BDN 3 -0.76 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 2.630132e+07 67.0 Real Estate 516 DRNA 3 5.41 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 2.585323e+07 9.0 Healthcare 373 AQUA 4 2.86 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 2.555805e+07 34.0 Industrials 357 SEM 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 2.433445e+07 63.0 Healthcare 504 ABR 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 2.219331e+07 78.0 Real Estate 392 EBC 4 -0.60 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 2.104474e+07 78.0 Financial Services 480 PGRE 2 1.30 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 1.854376e+07 66.0 Real Estate 456 FSK 3 -0.68 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.621445e+07 78.0 Financial Services 612 ESTA 3 -0.42 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 1.357363e+07 78.0 Healthcare 471 NVMI 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 9.916573e+06 7.0 Technology 619 BUSE 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 9.876123e+06 10.0 Financial Services 510 RVNC 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 8.730369e+06 26.0 Healthcare 632 EXTR 5 -3.01 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 7.992185e+06 36.0 Technology 478 SHEN 4 -0.84 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 7.587151e+06 18.0 Communication Services 376 NAD 5 0.52 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 7.327165e+06 36.0 Financial Services 561 MEI 3 0.17 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 7.195648e+06 44.0 Technology 622 TVTY 4 1.99 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 7.168635e+06 27.0 Healthcare 335 NEA 2 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 7.151316e+06 37.0 Financial Services 532 GAB 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 5.314456e+06 63.0 Financial Services 359 NVG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 4.576919e+06 37.0 Financial Services 587 HYT 2 0.08 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 3.964548e+06 10.0 Financial Services 636 ALGS 2 0.62 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 3.921433e+06 5.0 Healthcare 499 ETY 5 0.81 penny-cap Long NaN 5.0 3.086628e+06 55.0 Financial Services 476 GDV 3 -0.49 penny-cap Long NaN 3.0 2.768754e+06 78.0 Financial Services 566 FPF 2 0.12 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 2.757138e+06 44.0 Financial Services 643 ETW 4 1.82 penny-cap Long NaN 4.0 1.970740e+06 56.0 Financial Services 650 AWF 2 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 2.0 1.959894e+06 41.0 Financial Services 590 ETG 1 0.00 penny-cap Long NaN 1.0 1.549706e+06 78.0 Financial Services Mean Return: 0.7458064516129033 Mean Day/Week: 3.935483870967742 Accuracy:0.5806451612903226 *******************Part 3.6 Penny Cap Short Entry MACD********************* penny_short_signal_entry_macd Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 400 BXS 2 1.28 penny-cap Short NaN -2.0 1.903980e+07 -27.0 Financial Services 490 NGM 3 -4.85 penny-cap Short NaN -3.0 1.446789e+07 -4.0 Healthcare 433 MEOH 2 1.98 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 1.082259e+07 -13.0 Basic Materials 634 ZGNX 3 -0.61 penny-cap Short NaN -3.0 1.074486e+07 -38.0 Healthcare 597 CHRS 4 -2.50 penny-cap Short NaN -4.0 9.186963e+06 -71.0 Healthcare 526 NWBI 2 1.46 penny-cap Short NaN -3.0 8.218556e+06 -27.0 Financial Services 578 AROC 2 0.89 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 6.489138e+06 -37.0 Energy 630 STRO 5 1.59 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 6.245269e+06 -46.0 Healthcare 513 CFFN 2 0.71 penny-cap Short NaN -2.0 6.158736e+06 -32.0 Financial Services 649 TMP 1 0.00 penny-cap Short NaN -1.0 4.034048e+06 -7.0 Financial Services 635 RES 5 -2.87 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 3.170778e+06 -29.0 Energy 652 CONX 4 -0.31 penny-cap Short NaN -4.0 1.323422e+06 -108.0 Financial Services 627 APSG 5 -0.31 penny-cap Short NaN -5.0 4.698648e+05 -61.0 Financial Services 560 MSC 2 1.83 penny-cap Short NaN -2.0 5.363600e+02 -137.0 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: -0.1315384615384615 Mean Day/Week: 3.230769230769231 Accuracy:0.46153846153846156 *******************Part 3.7 Penny Cap Long Maintainance********************* penny_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 317 AMC 6 47.94 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 3.960815e+09 12.0 Communication Services 431 EAF 10 2.11 penny-cap Long NaN 21.0 1.479002e+08 78.0 Industrials 518 UFS 23 33.83 penny-cap Long NaN 23.0 8.409740e+07 78.0 Basic Materials 348 HL 13 22.44 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 7.926089e+07 15.0 Basic Materials 304 AUY 15 3.00 penny-cap Long NaN 53.0 7.758134e+07 30.0 Basic Materials 416 SWN 13 13.00 penny-cap Long NaN 16.0 7.674325e+07 22.0 Energy 308 EQT 14 3.41 penny-cap Long NaN 20.0 7.202059e+07 23.0 Energy 438 RRC 11 14.87 penny-cap Long NaN 18.0 6.820519e+07 18.0 Energy 353 SGMS 22 22.42 penny-cap Long NaN 30.0 6.747901e+07 26.0 Consumer Cyclical 326 CC 18 14.42 penny-cap Long NaN 43.0 6.254259e+07 43.0 Basic Materials 421 BNL 20 7.77 penny-cap Long NaN 39.0 5.922613e+07 30.0 Real Estate 414 ELY 12 9.90 penny-cap Long NaN 26.0 5.826180e+07 15.0 Consumer Cyclical 497 MUR 11 7.08 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 5.807748e+07 23.0 Energy 388 COMM 14 5.74 penny-cap Long NaN 14.0 5.207473e+07 78.0 Technology 486 AR 14 16.98 penny-cap Long NaN 14.0 4.896970e+07 78.0 Energy 296 DAVA 7 13.99 penny-cap Long NaN 23.0 4.891961e+07 26.0 Technology 297 BPOP 17 6.70 penny-cap Long NaN 17.0 4.677929e+07 78.0 Financial Services 608 FOE 12 -0.81 penny-cap Long NaN 12.0 4.423451e+07 76.0 Basic Materials 370 HRB 13 4.20 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 4.420521e+07 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 367 IGT 12 18.39 penny-cap Long NaN 21.0 4.371464e+07 12.0 Consumer Cyclical 492 MTDR 17 12.43 penny-cap Long NaN 17.0 4.229321e+07 78.0 Energy 338 IMAB 8 9.02 penny-cap Long NaN 30.0 4.133626e+07 25.0 Healthcare 411 MED 13 12.06 penny-cap Long NaN 16.0 3.972487e+07 15.0 Consumer Cyclical 312 WEN 9 0.68 penny-cap Long NaN 55.0 3.956501e+07 37.0 Consumer Cyclical 487 DDS 9 6.64 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 3.939622e+07 24.0 Consumer Cyclical 647 PLCE 8 8.02 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 3.907643e+07 9.0 Consumer Cyclical 333 SWCH 9 4.35 penny-cap Long NaN 40.0 3.823597e+07 31.0 Technology 410 RRR 21 12.62 penny-cap Long NaN 21.0 3.740772e+07 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 350 AM 13 3.80 penny-cap Long NaN 16.0 3.640981e+07 26.0 Energy 408 HMY 9 7.37 penny-cap Long NaN 58.0 3.627546e+07 39.0 Basic Materials 320 NCR 10 4.00 penny-cap Long NaN 38.0 3.457496e+07 44.0 Technology 540 HOME 16 17.93 penny-cap Long NaN 23.0 3.446530e+07 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 377 UNVR 24 16.55 penny-cap Long NaN 43.0 3.401109e+07 58.0 Basic Materials 554 CNR 7 6.66 penny-cap Long NaN 7.0 3.355771e+07 78.0 Industrials 428 SUM 14 9.56 penny-cap Long NaN 14.0 3.345828e+07 78.0 Basic Materials 403 MIME 12 8.27 penny-cap Long NaN 32.0 3.237330e+07 14.0 Technology 418 MDRX 9 3.33 penny-cap Long NaN 30.0 3.213590e+07 12.0 Healthcare 315 JOBS 15 1.99 penny-cap Long NaN 37.0 3.143864e+07 17.0 Industrials 498 EPC 15 3.49 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 2.842610e+07 53.0 Consumer Defensive 511 GTN 10 5.69 penny-cap Long NaN 29.0 2.837468e+07 78.0 Communication Services 389 CHX 11 6.06 penny-cap Long NaN 16.0 2.817266e+07 26.0 Energy 459 MLHR 13 4.06 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 2.716718e+07 78.0 Consumer Cyclical 531 PAGP 14 11.85 penny-cap Long NaN 21.0 2.697232e+07 24.0 Energy 440 CIM 7 2.19 penny-cap Long NaN 7.0 2.561944e+07 78.0 Real Estate 466 BCRX 8 -5.38 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 2.553733e+07 15.0 Healthcare 323 VVV 30 19.38 penny-cap Long NaN 30.0 2.530053e+07 78.0 Energy 364 LEGN 8 20.92 penny-cap Long NaN 24.0 2.489675e+07 27.0 Healthcare 347 SSRM 9 6.42 penny-cap Long NaN 52.0 2.420006e+07 21.0 Basic Materials 341 WCC 22 16.48 penny-cap Long NaN 22.0 2.399378e+07 78.0 Industrials 514 RLGY 13 11.33 penny-cap Long NaN 20.0 2.387877e+07 20.0 Real Estate 491 CRC 7 3.90 penny-cap Long NaN 14.0 2.338435e+07 8.0 Energy 434 COKE 9 17.27 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 2.308723e+07 58.0 Consumer Defensive 609 FRO 6 2.68 penny-cap Long NaN 19.0 2.226128e+07 31.0 Energy 381 AGI 9 5.20 penny-cap Long NaN 56.0 2.133009e+07 36.0 Basic Materials 502 VSTO 11 12.50 penny-cap Long NaN 17.0 2.102659e+07 18.0 Consumer Cyclical 425 CBT 18 11.38 penny-cap Long NaN 24.0 2.015416e+07 78.0 Basic Materials 443 FCFS 24 11.38 penny-cap Long NaN 32.0 1.983999e+07 59.0 Financial Services 417 EXLS 16 4.59 penny-cap Long NaN 16.0 1.980935e+07 60.0 Technology 589 XPEL 13 19.42 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.913987e+07 39.0 Consumer Cyclical 396 NUS 13 2.11 penny-cap Long NaN 31.0 1.801182e+07 15.0 Consumer Defensive 552 AAWW 10 2.68 penny-cap Long NaN 40.0 1.767119e+07 70.0 Industrials 439 MD 14 -0.85 penny-cap Long NaN 14.0 1.743494e+07 39.0 Healthcare 467 SGRY 23 13.56 penny-cap Long NaN 23.0 1.719726e+07 78.0 Healthcare 495 CSTM 17 6.29 penny-cap Long NaN 23.0 1.689542e+07 58.0 Basic Materials 448 PLXS 9 -0.05 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 1.685172e+07 78.0 Technology 623 RGR 12 7.19 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.677740e+07 15.0 Industrials 583 NGD 6 10.14 penny-cap Long NaN 37.0 1.665083e+07 18.0 Basic Materials 386 GOLF 15 2.48 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.655237e+07 15.0 Consumer Cyclical 435 PRMW 9 -0.42 penny-cap Long NaN 9.0 1.634971e+07 39.0 Consumer Defensive 374 CWK 18 6.61 penny-cap Long NaN 18.0 1.576308e+07 58.0 Real Estate 596 CASH 20 2.87 penny-cap Long NaN 20.0 1.537135e+07 78.0 Financial Services 522 IRWD 14 8.97 penny-cap Long NaN 26.0 1.530199e+07 33.0 Healthcare 310 HLI 11 4.75 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 1.505411e+07 11.0 Financial Services 528 GOL 14 8.41 penny-cap Long NaN 38.0 1.500414e+07 25.0 Industrials 493 PRFT 20 11.31 penny-cap Long NaN 20.0 1.438722e+07 78.0 Technology 525 IAG 8 0.86 penny-cap Long NaN 14.0 1.431092e+07 15.0 Basic Materials 603 WIRE 23 12.33 penny-cap Long NaN 23.0 1.348513e+07 78.0 Industrials 520 VRTS 7 0.13 penny-cap Long NaN 7.0 1.333813e+07 78.0 Financial Services 472 PBH 13 5.97 penny-cap Long NaN 13.0 1.320225e+07 18.0 Healthcare 331 CEF 11 4.10 penny-cap Long NaN 34.0 1.270510e+07 18.0 unknown 470 PVG 8 -2.80 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 1.200988e+07 18.0 Basic Materials 382 SXT 10 2.20 penny-cap Long NaN 31.0 1.122326e+07 58.0 Basic Materials 581 PACK 7 2.42 penny-cap Long NaN 7.0 1.115244e+07 8.0 Consumer Cyclical 450 MTX 15 2.86 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 1.113034e+07 78.0 Basic Materials 507 MGRC 8 -0.72 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 1.087852e+07 10.0 Industrials 397 JJSF 20 5.18 penny-cap Long NaN 26.0 1.086358e+07 29.0 Consumer Defensive 430 EVTC 17 7.45 penny-cap Long NaN 39.0 1.058326e+07 39.0 Technology 585 FFG 17 0.38 penny-cap Long NaN 17.0 1.006335e+07 17.0 Financial Services 594 SAND 12 4.86 penny-cap Long NaN 57.0 9.492691e+06 39.0 Basic Materials 565 HNI 10 3.05 penny-cap Long NaN 20.0 9.327275e+06 62.0 Industrials 351 TIGO 11 2.12 penny-cap Long NaN 18.0 8.421658e+06 20.0 Communication Services 521 PIPR 10 3.76 penny-cap Long NaN 10.0 8.371944e+06 78.0 Financial Services 409 USM 12 0.94 penny-cap Long NaN 12.0 7.851892e+06 58.0 Communication Services 512 MNR 7 1.68 penny-cap Long NaN 16.0 7.607621e+06 16.0 Real Estate 648 CTS 9 9.89 penny-cap Long NaN 23.0 7.367623e+06 16.0 Technology 446 ENBL 21 17.72 penny-cap Long NaN 21.0 7.266823e+06 74.0 Energy 375 CNS 13 4.02 penny-cap Long NaN 39.0 7.001705e+06 24.0 Financial Services 441 ANAT 15 21.91 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 6.204502e+06 60.0 Financial Services 385 NG 10 8.84 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 6.028489e+06 35.0 Basic Materials 599 NMRK 14 -0.58 penny-cap Long NaN 14.0 6.003257e+06 78.0 Real Estate 483 OR 18 12.07 penny-cap Long NaN 53.0 5.512118e+06 36.0 Basic Materials 607 BPMP 16 5.77 penny-cap Long NaN 23.0 4.830205e+06 60.0 Energy 638 AUDC 10 4.45 penny-cap Long NaN 35.0 4.443844e+06 16.0 Technology 422 EXG 7 2.53 penny-cap Long NaN 7.0 4.333055e+06 58.0 Financial Services 534 DKL 9 7.98 penny-cap Long NaN 33.0 3.251971e+06 11.0 Energy 616 ARKO 6 -1.67 penny-cap Long NaN 6.0 2.852834e+06 60.0 Consumer Cyclical 640 CLNC 10 2.91 penny-cap Long NaN 15.0 2.453232e+06 10.0 Real Estate 628 SNEX 8 -3.05 penny-cap Long NaN 11.0 2.362350e+06 62.0 Financial Services 574 BTZ 6 1.00 penny-cap Long NaN 39.0 1.827923e+06 20.0 Financial Services 556 VCTR 7 -0.23 penny-cap Long NaN 7.0 1.283604e+06 58.0 Financial Services 413 CIXX 10 6.17 penny-cap Long NaN 36.0 1.085325e+06 78.0 Financial Services 545 KEN 7 5.77 penny-cap Long NaN 38.0 4.057614e+05 29.0 Utilities 404 TDI 8 0.27 penny-cap Long NaN 8.0 1.978884e+05 38.0 unknown 464 IBA 8 2.33 penny-cap Long NaN 39.0 6.526300e+04 32.0 Consumer Defensive 503 SIM 10 13.37 penny-cap Long NaN 32.0 2.655500e+04 32.0 Basic Materials Mean Return: 7.545739130434782 Mean Day/Week: 12.57391304347826 Accuracy:0.9043478260869565 *******************Part 3.8 Penny Cap Short Maintainance********************* penny_short_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short score MACD Signal Count Market Value Span Signal Count industry 591 RIOT 13 -2.53 penny-cap Short NaN -46.0 4.557701e+08 -30.0 Technology 309 SHAK 19 -16.04 penny-cap Short NaN -64.0 3.561316e+08 -35.0 Consumer Cyclical 324 TRIP 7 0.69 penny-cap Short NaN -45.0 1.033927e+08 -21.0 Consumer Cyclical 295 ALLO 19 -19.48 penny-cap Short NaN -20.0 8.613151e+07 -21.0 Healthcare 325 NOVA 17 -6.64 penny-cap Short NaN -17.0 8.300263e+07 -61.0 Technology 523 HRTX 9 -1.16 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 5.794871e+07 -10.0 Healthcare 303 SAGE 15 -2.98 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 5.263399e+07 -17.0 Healthcare 458 REAL 13 -10.98 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 4.336842e+07 -19.0 Consumer Cyclical 455 EAR 15 -22.03 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 4.246437e+07 -49.0 Healthcare 305 NARI 13 -1.89 penny-cap Short NaN -17.0 3.891129e+07 -17.0 Healthcare 339 YALA 6 -4.68 penny-cap Short NaN -66.0 3.789143e+07 -46.0 Technology 463 CLNE 20 -32.82 penny-cap Short NaN -65.0 3.737966e+07 -38.0 Energy 379 NNOX 6 1.86 penny-cap Short NaN -71.0 3.734264e+07 -67.0 Healthcare 352 GOOS 10 5.10 penny-cap Short NaN -52.0 3.326781e+07 -19.0 Consumer Cyclical 349 INSM 16 -19.21 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 3.188221e+07 -52.0 Healthcare 365 VCYT 21 -21.17 penny-cap Short NaN -28.0 2.719562e+07 -51.0 Healthcare 602 ICPT 15 -0.64 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 2.567699e+07 -67.0 Healthcare 362 CNNE 12 -0.54 penny-cap Short NaN -20.0 2.509913e+07 -17.0 Consumer Cyclical 468 KURA 16 -9.17 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 2.485082e+07 -137.0 Healthcare 369 IRBT 20 -15.07 penny-cap Short NaN -66.0 2.467508e+07 -54.0 Technology 313 CCMP 8 0.62 penny-cap Short NaN -22.0 2.395221e+07 -15.0 Technology 436 RCUS 8 -12.99 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 2.302290e+07 -45.0 Healthcare 380 NSTG 12 -6.43 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 2.132153e+07 -17.0 Healthcare 390 NHI 11 1.44 penny-cap Short NaN -33.0 2.109690e+07 -17.0 Real Estate 405 GDOT 12 -4.53 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 2.051295e+07 -137.0 Financial Services 519 EB 6 3.31 penny-cap Short NaN -44.0 2.043173e+07 -12.0 Technology 549 PAR 10 15.66 penny-cap Short NaN -14.0 2.001304e+07 -16.0 Technology 298 GSHD 12 -5.81 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.992321e+07 -49.0 Financial Services 343 LOPE 13 -3.58 penny-cap Short NaN -40.0 1.966481e+07 -15.0 Consumer Defensive 354 EGHT 18 -29.08 penny-cap Short NaN -18.0 1.925373e+07 -20.0 Technology 344 GKOS 13 -2.22 penny-cap Short NaN -14.0 1.898320e+07 -15.0 Healthcare 488 MTOR 12 -4.28 penny-cap Short NaN -47.0 1.843994e+07 -40.0 Consumer Cyclical 601 MODN 12 -1.14 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 1.820023e+07 -20.0 Technology 307 ALRM 16 -3.01 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 1.682785e+07 -21.0 Technology 342 CCXI 17 -64.59 penny-cap Short NaN -17.0 1.626011e+07 -59.0 Healthcare 462 YEXT 18 -7.77 penny-cap Short NaN -18.0 1.587150e+07 -59.0 Technology 332 DOYU 20 -20.19 penny-cap Short NaN -60.0 1.573189e+07 -46.0 Communication Services 449 STRA 20 -5.48 penny-cap Short NaN -31.0 1.541409e+07 -28.0 Consumer Defensive 368 SLQT 11 -5.24 penny-cap Short NaN -27.0 1.534851e+07 -13.0 Financial Services 399 LGND 21 -23.35 penny-cap Short NaN -69.0 1.494895e+07 -46.0 Healthcare 371 FORM 19 -11.27 penny-cap Short NaN -20.0 1.464456e+07 -20.0 Technology 559 PRIM 6 -0.79 penny-cap Short NaN -48.0 1.430544e+07 -25.0 Industrials 536 SLP 17 -8.65 penny-cap Short NaN -17.0 1.422131e+07 -51.0 Healthcare 426 DCPH 16 -8.96 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 1.393059e+07 -18.0 Healthcare 633 MORF 16 -1.58 penny-cap Short NaN -43.0 1.380275e+07 -32.0 Healthcare 378 TRN 7 0.28 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 1.365315e+07 -49.0 Industrials 571 OCUL 12 -8.95 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 1.336935e+07 -19.0 Healthcare 508 SVC 12 1.33 penny-cap Short NaN -46.0 1.308407e+07 -19.0 Real Estate 451 PUBM 15 -9.56 penny-cap Short NaN -57.0 1.248208e+07 -30.0 Technology 321 NEU 7 -2.03 penny-cap Short NaN -26.0 1.247799e+07 -69.0 Basic Materials 588 JRVR 15 0.19 penny-cap Short NaN -23.0 1.159766e+07 -27.0 Financial Services 543 ATSG 15 -2.90 penny-cap Short NaN -33.0 1.150370e+07 -26.0 Industrials 530 HMN 8 -0.25 penny-cap Short NaN -34.0 1.129016e+07 -25.0 Financial Services 432 ESE 11 -4.58 penny-cap Short NaN -20.0 1.124105e+07 -13.0 Technology 453 AVNS 18 -7.77 penny-cap Short NaN -18.0 1.104411e+07 -49.0 Healthcare 482 ARCE 9 3.78 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 1.018937e+07 -76.0 Consumer Defensive 584 PLT 8 3.49 penny-cap Short NaN -59.0 9.951388e+06 -10.0 Technology 562 IMGN 16 -20.77 penny-cap Short NaN -59.0 9.717089e+06 -42.0 Healthcare 592 CEVA 19 -18.34 penny-cap Short NaN -63.0 9.508710e+06 -46.0 Technology 393 ALXO 11 1.15 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 9.392902e+06 -75.0 Healthcare 539 LTC 14 -3.25 penny-cap Short NaN -46.0 9.377161e+06 -18.0 Real Estate 361 SEER 17 -25.63 penny-cap Short NaN -17.0 9.332680e+06 -119.0 Healthcare 358 SPSC 12 -0.84 penny-cap Short NaN -17.0 9.131259e+06 -22.0 Technology 481 PRAX 10 -0.37 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 9.107645e+06 -64.0 Healthcare 501 TBIO 6 5.56 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 9.009884e+06 -49.0 Healthcare 641 AKRO 15 0.44 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 8.988657e+06 -19.0 Healthcare 586 CVGW 11 -1.65 penny-cap Short NaN -22.0 8.976979e+06 -19.0 Consumer Defensive 355 NKTR 12 -6.44 penny-cap Short NaN -57.0 8.824411e+06 -43.0 Healthcare 420 XNCR 15 -0.84 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 8.671020e+06 -49.0 Healthcare 506 ACMR 20 -12.93 penny-cap Short NaN -20.0 8.636045e+06 -45.0 Technology 394 ROCK 12 -1.46 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 8.632724e+06 -16.0 Industrials 582 ASTE 7 -5.82 penny-cap Short NaN -32.0 8.129985e+06 -8.0 Industrials 621 TPGY 14 -22.42 penny-cap Short NaN -14.0 7.371915e+06 -60.0 Financial Services 614 LOTZ 12 -19.05 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 7.277246e+06 -101.0 Consumer Cyclical 546 HTLD 6 -2.29 penny-cap Short NaN -26.0 6.677073e+06 -12.0 Industrials 651 VITL 15 -1.63 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 6.383549e+06 -48.0 Consumer Defensive 579 ALX 11 1.17 penny-cap Short NaN -42.0 6.320208e+06 -25.0 Real Estate 598 OMER 8 -16.32 penny-cap Short NaN -64.0 6.123055e+06 -42.0 Healthcare 642 KRA 6 -1.48 penny-cap Short NaN -19.0 5.920076e+06 -20.0 Basic Materials 604 ADVM 20 -6.23 penny-cap Short NaN -20.0 5.918510e+06 -61.0 Healthcare 593 TRIL 9 -10.25 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 5.692582e+06 -137.0 Healthcare 558 UPLD 15 0.98 penny-cap Short NaN -16.0 5.574007e+06 -17.0 Technology 569 KNSA 17 -17.01 penny-cap Short NaN -50.0 5.493307e+06 -47.0 Healthcare 542 ARQT 8 2.62 penny-cap Short NaN -10.0 5.179622e+06 -12.0 Healthcare 548 LKFN 12 -1.89 penny-cap Short NaN -47.0 5.132215e+06 -22.0 Financial Services 646 PASG 9 -6.52 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 5.058865e+06 -137.0 Healthcare 461 ADCT 12 -0.93 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 4.974785e+06 -137.0 Healthcare 572 MRSN 13 -2.91 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 4.556388e+06 -137.0 Healthcare 541 HY 8 -2.09 penny-cap Short NaN -66.0 4.405050e+06 -35.0 Industrials 568 VCRA 19 -6.53 penny-cap Short NaN -19.0 4.272682e+06 -53.0 Technology 620 QNST 17 -8.03 penny-cap Short NaN -17.0 4.027171e+06 -48.0 Communication Services 563 CSGS 7 -0.28 penny-cap Short NaN -41.0 3.799042e+06 -22.0 Technology 564 MASS 13 -16.04 penny-cap Short NaN -13.0 3.795223e+06 -109.0 Healthcare 576 WMK 6 -4.34 penny-cap Short NaN -6.0 3.621178e+06 -27.0 Consumer Defensive 644 DHC 17 -14.56 penny-cap Short NaN -44.0 3.582728e+06 -27.0 Real Estate 551 BCAB 13 -13.20 penny-cap Short NaN -42.0 3.402726e+06 -35.0 Healthcare 475 STTK 11 -9.45 penny-cap Short NaN -11.0 3.017789e+06 -67.0 Healthcare 611 LXRX 21 -15.69 penny-cap Short NaN -71.0 2.576820e+06 -46.0 Healthcare 535 PNTG 21 -25.45 penny-cap Short NaN -91.0 2.149279e+06 -67.0 Healthcare 615 RMAX 27 -1.90 penny-cap Short NaN -49.0 1.959720e+06 -32.0 Real Estate 505 SPNS 16 -4.91 penny-cap Short NaN -17.0 1.820140e+06 -17.0 Technology 618 FDMT 15 -24.79 penny-cap Short NaN -15.0 1.690335e+06 -49.0 Healthcare 398 TARO 6 -0.68 penny-cap Short NaN -20.0 1.534402e+06 -13.0 Healthcare 555 KNTE 6 -1.80 penny-cap Short NaN -46.0 1.387148e+06 -120.0 Healthcare 617 PRPB 7 -0.20 penny-cap Short NaN -7.0 1.381199e+06 -60.0 Financial Services 645 BSA 6 0.38 penny-cap Short NaN -12.0 4.126475e+05 -12.0 unknown 653 IH 9 -1.06 penny-cap Short NaN -9.0 3.633379e+05 -137.0 Consumer Defensive 494 ITCB 8 -10.71 penny-cap Short NaN -22.0 1.762547e+05 -14.0 Financial Services 544 HLG 46 -25.42 penny-cap Short NaN -46.0 1.324171e+05 -137.0 Consumer Defensive 454 GB 15 -10.76 penny-cap Short NaN -33.0 1.004530e+05 -71.0 Technology Mean Return: -7.355636363636362 Mean Day/Week: 13.281818181818181 Accuracy:0.8272727272727273 ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** Error: []
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Renovierung meiner Meranti-Gartenbank
Es ist nicht zu glauben. Nach schon 18 Monaten muss ich diese Meranti-Gartenbank renovieren. Ich ärgere mich über mich selbst und auf den Anbieter der preisgünstigen Farbe. Erst über mich selbst, denn ich habe es eigentlich nicht nötig "billige" Farbe zu kaufen. Und ich dachte, das die Bezeichnung "3 in 1 Ventilack" ein Qualitätsmerkmal ist. Doch weit gefehlt! Im Ebay fand ich ein gutes Angebot: 2,5 Liter für unter Euro 30,00. Da habe ich zugegriffen. Die Farbe ließ sich auch gut verarbeiten.Schlimm sieht der Zustand der Gartenbank aus. Dies ist eines der Sitzbretter. Die Farbe blättert einfach ab. Ich hatte alle Teile 3 mal lackiert mit Zwischenschliff! Und jetzt war alles für die Katz. Aber im Laufe der Jahre habe ich mich in Geduld geübt und bin an die Renovierung dier Gartenbank gegangen. Wäre diese nicht komplett aus Meranti, hätte ich sie entsorgt. Die Schwierigkeit der Renovierung liegt in der Verleimung der Gartenbank. Nur die Sitzbretter hatte ich verdeckt verschraubt. Das Schleifen des Rückengitters wird Probleme bringen.Die Sitzbretter konnte ich abschrauben und in der Werkstatt schleifen und mit Wetterschutz Isoliergrund von Wilckens bequem lackieren. Nur die Gartenbank selbst passt nicht zur Bearbeitung in meine Werkstatt. Deshalb habe ich im Freien geschliffen. Anfangs mit der ROTEX 125, doch dann mit der ETS EC 150. Diese Maschine ist nicht so agressiv und lässt sich auch mit einer Hand führen. Für die Ecken und Kanten habe ich den Linearschleifer LS 130 benutzt. Mit "Schnabel" konnte ich auch die Innenseiten des Rückengitters schleifen.Man muss schon sehr viel Geduld haben für dieses lange Schleifen. Die runden Kanten habe ich per Hand mit dem Schleifklotz bearbeitet.Nun kam das lange Grundieren und Lackieren der Gartenbank. Das lasse ich mal weg. Grundierung und Lack sind von Wilckens. Einmal grundiert und 3 mal Farbe! Read the full article
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didanawisgi · 7 years
Good for What Ails You
March 2011
By Robin Gettleman
Due to the powerful phenolic compounds found in ginger, this spice has been studied for its benefits for a wide range of ailments and health disorders. While often referred to as a root, ginger is in fact a spice that contains potent antioxidants such as shogaols, zingerone, and gingerols.1 These strong compounds have been linked to providing relief for dozens of issues, including cough, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract infections, migraine headaches, motion and morning sickness, rheumatoid arthritis, post-surgical pain, flatulence, loss of appetite, diarrhea, upset stomach, stomachache, colic, dyspepsia, and general and chemotherapy-induced nausea. It has even been used topically as an analgesic.1
Ginger has been used as a home remedy for thousands of years.
Ginger’s History
The health benefits of ginger have a history almost as old as civilization itself. Historians have found references to the use of ginger, known botanically as Zingiber officinale, in the writings of nearly every ancient society, including Chinese, Indian, and Roman. In fact, the ancient Roman Empire first started importing ginger nearly two thousand years ago.2 Due to its alluring smell, great taste, and medicinal properties, the spice became extraordinarily popular in Europe. This rise in demand, combined with the expensive cost of shipping the product from Asia, forced Europeans to find ways to make ginger less expensive and more readily available. They did this by introducing ginger to the West Indies, Mexico, and South America, and then exporting it back to Europe. Since ginger thrives in a tropical climate, it is produced in the United States in Hawaii, Florida, and California.1 Internationally, it is exported mainly from Jamaica, Fiji, India, China, and Australia.
Ginger’s Benefits
Motion Sickness
Many prescription or over-the-counter products on the market that are developed to combat motion sickness or nausea have side effects like drowsiness and dry mouth. Ginger has shown in several studies that it may provide significant relief to the above symptoms without the detrimental side effects.3
In one study comparing ginger to a placebo in an attempt to measure its ability to reduce symptoms associated with motion sickness, ginger was measured to be potentially more effective than placebo.3 This trial studied 80 beginner-level sailors who were prone to motion sickness. Half of the group took powdered ginger and the other half took placebo. The half who took ginger experienced a reduction in vomiting and cold sweats compared to placebo.
Morning Sickness
Ginger has been used as a home remedy for thousands of years, with one of the longest known uses as a treatment for morning sickness accompanying pregnancy. Researchers presented a study that finally put this folk remedy to the test. In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, a group of pregnant women ingested 125 mg of ginger extract four times a day for four days.4 All the women were less than 20 weeks pregnant, and the women who ingested the ginger showed significantly reduced symptoms of morning sickness, compared with women who consumed placebo.
Ginger contains ultra-potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols, which are the substances that many scientists believe are responsible for the reduction in inflammation people experience when they start taking ginger supplements regularly. Case in point, a recent study involving patients who tried conventional drugs to alleviate painful symptoms found that 100% of patients with muscular discomfort experienced relief of pain or swelling when they consumed ginger on a daily basis.2
In a compelling study published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 29 patients with debilitating arthritis in the knee participated in a placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study.5 The study had each patient start with placebo or ginger, and then switch after 3 months, writing down the results. At the end of the first half-year of the study, the patients who were taking ginger experienced significantly less pain than those on the placebo. Additionally, the patients using ginger reported improvements on a standardized scale used to assess mobility.
A separate study measuring the anti-inflammatory properties of red ginger in the Journal of Medicinal Food found positive results as well.6 In this study, Japanese researchers prepared a 40% ethanolic extract from dried red ginger and evaluated its anti-inflammatory activity. After confirming that antioxidant shogaols and gingerols suppressed production of inflammatory mediators, the researchers discovered that red ginger extract “has a potent suppressive effect on acute and chronic inflammation, and inhibition of macrophage activation seems to be involved in this anti-inflammatory effect.”6
Ginger Tips
Choose fresh ginger over dried ginger to preserve the high levels of gingerol content.
Fresh ginger root should be firm, smooth, and free of bruises and mold.
Fresh ginger can be stored in your refrigerator for up to three weeks if left unpeeled.
Dried ginger should be kept in a tightly sealed glass container in a dry, cool, and dark place.
The center of the ginger root is the most flavorful.
When shredding ginger, be sure to shred in the direction of the fibers.
Helps Reduce Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea
Chemotherapy-induced nausea is the type of stomach unease or discomfort that begins within 24 hours after the administration of chemotherapy. Many patients treated for cancer experience this awful side effect, which can lead to vomiting, dry heaving, and overall sickness. It is known that meals high in protein may offer some protection against the onset of nausea, and a study recently tested whether high-protein meals with added ginger had any beneficial effect.
A team at Siena College in Loudonville, New York, studied this hypothesis on 28 patients with cancer who were receiving chemotherapy for the first time.7 Control group patients ate their normal diets, while another group drank a high-protein shake with ginger twice daily. The results were striking.
Patients taking the high-protein shake with ginger reported significantly fewer instances of nausea, and electrical measurements of the stomach muscles revealed less gastric dysrhythmia, leading the researchers to conclude that high protein meals with ginger reduced the nausea that follows chemotherapy.7
Colon Cancer Prevention
In a study done by scientists at the University of Minnesota, gingerol exhibited anti-inflammatory and antitumorigenic effects.8 At first, scientists were unsure about why gingerol displayed such effectiveness against colon cancer, but the study revealed that the leukotriene A(4) hydrolase protein (LTA[4]H), whose activity can act as a catalyst for colon cancer cells, is targeted by gingerol.8
The researchers gave a group of specially bred mice an injection of gingerol three times a week before and after injecting human colorectal cancer cells into them. Tumors first appeared 15 days after mice were injected, but only 4 tumors were discovered in the gingerol group, as opposed to 13 in the control mice.
The findings revealed that “gingerol effectively suppressed tumor growth in mice by inhibition of LTA(4)H activity…these findings support the anticancer efficacy of gingerol for the prevention of colorectal cancer.”8
Fights Ovarian Cancer
While the effectiveness of ginger extracts against inflammation and tumors has been shown above, perhaps ginger has the most promising effect in the fight against ovarian cancer.
At the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Dr. Rebecca Liu and her team from the University of Michigan made a presentation about gingerol’s ability to kill ovarian cancer cells by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) and autophagocytosis (self-digestion).9
The presentation focused on Dr. Liu’s team’s experiments that examined the effects of a whole ginger extract containing 5% gingerol on several different ovarian cancer lines. While traditional chemotherapeutic agents suppress inflammation the same way ginger is purported to, the danger is that cancer cells may become resistant to the drugs. Dr. Liu believes that ginger may be unique in this respect because cancer cells show no sign of becoming resistant to its cancer-fighting properties. Her team’s data showing that exposure to ginger extract caused cell death in all ovarian cancer lines studied bolster this claim.9
1. Grotto D. 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life. New York: Bantam Bell; 2008.
2. Available at: www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=72. Accessed December 14, 2010.
3. Available at: www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/ginger-000246.htm. Accessed December 14, 2010.
4. Willetts KE, Ekangaki A, Eden JA. Effect of a ginger extract on pregnancy-induced nausea: a randomised controlled trial. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2003 Apr;43(2):139-44.
5. Wigler I, Grotto I, Caspi D, Yaron M. The effects of Zintona EC (a ginger extract) on symptomatic gonarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2003 Nov;11(11):783-9.
6. Shimoda H, Shan SJ, Tanaka J, et al. Anti-inflammatory properties of red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Rubra) extract and suppression of nitric oxide production by its constituents. J Med Food. 2010 Feb;13(1):156-62.
7. Levine ME, Gillis MG, Koch SY, Voss AC, Stern RM, Koch KL. Protein and ginger for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced delayed nausea. J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Jun;14(5):545-51.
8. Jeong CH, Bode AM, Pugliese A, et al. [6]-Gingerol suppresses colon cancer growth by targeting leukotriene A4 hydrolase. Cancer Res. 2009 Jul 1;69(13):5584-91.
9. Liu R. Presentation at the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.
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zehub · 6 years
Vos chargeurs consommeront moins d’électricité dès 2020
Dans le cadre d’une mise à jour de la directive Européenne 2009/125/EC dite « écoconception » (ou « ecodesign » en anglais) portant sur les alimentations électriques externes, d’ici le 1er avril 2020, les chargeurs et autres alimentations externes des téléphones, tablettes, ordinateurs et autres équipements électriques et électroniques (EEE) :
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Khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons – icon skype mới nhất 2018
Chắc hẳn bạn cũng đã nghe qua tới phần mềm Skype. Trong các công ty hiện nay hầu như đều sử dụng Skype để trao đổi công việc là chủ yếu. Để cuộc hội thoại của bạn với đồng nghiệp trở nên vui tươi hơn, ý nghĩa hơn thì những skype icons trong mỗi đoạn chat là không thể thiếu. Bài viết dưới đây, hãy cùng cuasotinhoc.net khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons vui nhộn, đáng yêu nhất nhé.
Khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons mới nhất 2018
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Hướng dẫn cách dùng biểu tượng cảm xúc cho skype – icon skype
Bước 1: Tại ô nhập chat gõ mã skype icon code biểu tượng cảm xúc muốn dùng. Chú ý có cả dấu ngoặc đơn (). Ví dụ: (drunk)
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Bước 2: Nhấn “send”.
Trên đây, là tổng hợp những icon skype đặc biệt mới nhất năm 2018. Bạn có thể áp dụng trên yahoo hay facebook, zalo đều được.
Hãy thử và cảm nhận điều thú vị ngay nhé, bằng cách gõ thử những biểu tượng cảm xúc, skype icons thú vị này xem nào:
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Thật thú vị và đáng yêu phải không. Hãy thử áp dụng ngay khi đọc tới đây bạn nhé! Chú ý là gõ cả dấu ngoặc đơn vào nhé.
Hướng dẫn tạo các biểu tượng cảm xúc skype - icon skype hình lá cờ của 237 quốc gia
Hiện nay, trên Skype đã cho phép người dùng tạo những biểu tượng cảm xúc skype icons bằng hình lá cờ Tổ quốc. Để bạn có thể tạo được những biểu tượng cảm xúc hình lá cờ của các quốc gia thì điều quan trọng đầu tiên là cần nhớ mã quốc gia của các nước đó.
Mã shortcode để tạo biểu tượng cảm xúc hình lá cờ như sau: (flag:xx)
Trong đó: xx là mã quốc gia của lá cờ mà bạn muốn tạo.
Ví dụ: Tạo một hình lá cờ Việt Nam sẽ gõ như sau: (flag:vn)
Khi gõ mã lệnh (flag:vn) thì skype sẽ hiện hình ảnh gợi ý. Lúc này, bạn chỉ cần nhấn chọn là xong.
Dưới đây, mình xin chia sẻ tới các bạn 237 mã quốc gia để bạn có thể tạo được những icon skype là hình ảnh lá cờ Tổ quốc của đất nước mình.
Quốc gia
Mã phân biệt quốc gia
1 Afghanistan AF / AFG 2 Albania AL / ALB 3 Algeria DZ / DZA 4 American Samoa AS / ASM 5 Andorra AD / AND 6 Angola AO / AGO 7 Anguilla AI / AIA 8 Antarctica AQ / ATA 9 Antigua and Barbuda AG / ATG 10 Argentina AR / ARG 11 Armenia AM / ARM 12 Aruba AW / ABW 13 Australia AU / AUS 14 Austria AT / AUT 15 Azerbaijan AZ / AZE 16 Bahamas BS / BHS 17 Bahrain BH / BHR 18 Bangladesh BD / BGD 19 Barbados BB / BRB 20 Belarus BY / BLR 21 Belgium BE / BEL 22 Belize BZ / BLZ 23 Benin BJ / BEN 24 Bermuda BM / BMU 25 Bhutan BT / BTN 26 Bolivia BO / BOL 27 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA / BIH 28 Botswana BW / BWA 29 Brazil BR / BRA 30 British Indian Ocean Territory IO / IOT 31 British Virgin Islands VG / VGB 32 Brunei BN / BRN 33 Bulgaria BG / BGR 34 Burkina Faso BF / BFA 35 Burma (Myanmar) MM / MMR 36 Burundi BI / BDI 37 Cambodia KH / KHM 38 Cameroon CM / CMR 39 Canada CA / CAN 40 Cape Verde CV / CPV 41 Cayman Islands KY / CYM 42 Central African Republic CF / CAF 43 Chad TD / TCD 44 Chile CL / CHL 45 China CN / CHN 46 Christmas Island CX / CXR 47 Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC / CCK 48 Colombia CO / COL 49 Comoros KM / COM 50 Republic of the Congo CG / COG 51 Democratic Republic of the Congo CD / COD 52 Cook Islands CK / COK 53 Costa Rica CR / CRC 54 Croatia HR / HRV 55 Cuba CU / CUB 56 Cyprus CY / CYP 57 Czech Republic CZ / CZE 58 Denmark DK / DNK 59 Djibouti DJ / DJI 60 Dominica DM / DMA 61 Dominican Republic DO / DOM 62 Timor-Leste TL / TLS 63 Ecuador EC / ECU 64 Egypt EG / EGY 65 El Salvador SV / SLV 66 Equatorial Guinea GQ / GNQ 67 Eritrea ER / ERI 68 Estonia EE / EST 69 Ethiopia ET / ETH 70 Falkland Islands FK / FLK 71 Faroe Islands FO / FRO 72 Fiji FJ / FJI 73 Finland FI / FIN 74 France FR / FRA 75 French Polynesia PF / PYF 76 Gabon GA / GAB 77 Gambia GM / GMB 78 Gaza Strip / 79 Georgia GE / GEO 80 Germany DE / DEU 81 Ghana GH / GHA 82 Gibraltar GI / GIB 83 Greece GR / GRC 84 Greenland GL / GRL 85 Grenada GD / GRD 86 Guam GU / GUM 87 Guatemala GT / GTM 88 Guinea GN / GIN 89 Guinea-Bissau GW / GNB 90 Guyana GY / GUY 91 Haiti HT / HTI 92 Honduras HN / HND 93 Hong Kong HK / HKG 94 Hungary HU / HUN 95 Iceland IS / IS 96 India IN / IND 97 Indonesia ID / IDN 98 Iran IR / IRN 99 Iraq IQ / IRQ 100 Ireland IE / IRL 101 Isle of Man IM / IMN 102 Israel IL / ISR 103 Italy IT / ITA 104 Ivory Coast CI / CIV 105 Jamaica JM / JAM 106 Japan JP / JPN 107 Jersey JE / JEY 108 Jordan JO / JOR 109 Kazakhstan KZ / KAZ 110 Kenya KE / KEN 111 Kiribati KI / KIR 112 Kosovo / 113 Kuwait KW / KWT 114 Kyrgyzstan KG / KGZ 115 Laos LA / LAO 116 Latvia LV / LVA 117 Lebanon LB / LBN 118 Lesotho LS / LSO 119 Liberia LR / LBR 120 Libya LY / LBY 120 Liechtenstein LI / LIE 122 Lithuania LT / LTU 123 Luxembourg LU / LUX 124 Macau MO / MAC 125 Macedonia MK / MKD 126 Madagascar MG / MDG 127 Malawi MW / MWI 128 Malaysia MY / MYS 129 Maldives MV / MDV 130 Mali ML / MLI 131 Malta MT / MLT 132 Marshall Islands MH / MHL 133 Mauritania MR / MRT 134 Mauritius MU / MUS 135 Mayotte YT / MYT 136 Mexico MX / MEX 137 Micronesia FM / FSM 138 Moldova MD / MDA 139 Monaco MC / MCO 140 Mongolia MN / MNG 141 Montenegro ME / MNE 142 Montserrat MS / MSR 143 Morocco MA / MAR 144 Mozambique MZ / MOZ 145 Namibia NA / NAM 146 Nauru NR / NRU 147 Nepal NP / NPL 148 Netherlands NL / NLD 149 Netherlands Antilles AN / ANT 150 New Caledonia NC / NCL 151 New Zealand NZ / NZL 152 Nicaragua NI / NIC 153 Niger NE / NER 154 Nigeria NG / NGA 155 Niue NU / NIU 156 Norfolk Island / NFK 157 Northern Mariana Islands MP / MNP 158 North Korea KP / PRK 159 Norway NO / NOR 160 Oman OM / OMN 161 Pakistan PK / PAK 162 Palau PW / PLW 163 Panama PA / PAN 164 Papua New Guinea PG / PNG 165 Paraguay PY / PRY 166 Peru PE / PER 167 Philippines PH / PHL 168 Pitcairn Islands PN / PCN 169 Poland PL / POL 170 Portugal PT / PRT 171 Puerto Rico PR / PRI 172 Qatar QA / QAT 173 Romania RO / ROU 174 Russia RU / RUS 175 Rwanda RW / RWA 176 Saint Barthelemy BL / BLM 177 Samoa WS / WSM 178 San Marino SM / SMR 179 Sao Tome and Principe ST / STP 180 Saudi Arabia SA / SAU 181 Senegal SN / SEN 182 Serbia RS / SRB 183 Seychelles SC / SYC 184 Sierra Leone SL / SLE 185 Singapore SG / SGP 186 Slovakia SK / SVK 187 Slovenia SI / SVN 188 Solomon Islands SB / SLB 189 Somalia SO / SOM 190 South Africa ZA / ZAF 191 South Korea KR / KOR 192 Spain ES / ESP 193 Sri Lanka LK / LKA 194 Saint Helena SH / SHN 195 Saint Kitts and Nevis KN / KNA 196 Saint Lucia LC / LCA 197 Saint Martin MF / MAF 198 Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM / SPM 199 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC / VCT 200 Sudan SD / SDN 201 Suriname SR / SUR 202 Svalbard SJ / SJM 203 Swaziland SZ / SWZ 204 Sweden SE / SWE 205 Switzerland CH / CHE 206 Syria SY / SYR 207 Taiwan TW / TWN 208 Tajikistan TJ / TJK 209 Tanzania TZ / TZA 210 Thailand TH / THA 211 Togo TG / TGO 212 Tokelau TK / TKL 213 Tonga TO / TON 214 Trinidad and Tobago TT / TTO 215 Tunisia TN / TUN 216 Turkey TR / TUR 217 Turkmenistan TM / TKM 218 Turks and Caicos Islands TC / TCA 219 Tuvalu TV / TUV 220 United Arab Emirates AE / ARE 221 Uganda UG / UGA 222 United Kingdom GB / GBR 223 Ukraine UA / UKR 224 Uruguay UY / URY 225 United States US / USA 226 Uzbekistan UZ / UZB 227 Vanuatu VU / VUT 228 Holy See (Vatican City) VA / VAT 229 Venezuela VE / VEN 230 Vietnam VN / VNM 231 US Virgin Islands VI / VIR 232 Wallis and Futuna WF / WLF 233 West Bank / 234 Western Sahara EH / ESH 235 Yemen YE / YEM 236 Zambia ZM / ZMB 237 Zimbabwe ZW / ZWE
So với những phần mềm chat hiện nay, Skype được người dùng đánh giá là một trong những phần mềm liên tục đổi mới và cải thiện những tính năng trò chuyện. Skype không chỉ giúp bạn có thể kết nối bạn bè, mà còn cho phép bạn gọi đến bất kỳ thuê bao nào với chất lượng âm thanh khá rõ nét. Không dừng lại ở đó, tốc độ chat trên skype cũng siêu nhanh, những biểu tượng cảm xúc skype, những icon in skype, icon for skype đều không ngừng được đổi mới.
Còn chần chừ gì nữa, hãy thử ngay những biểu tượng cảm xúc trên skype - skype emotion mới nhất 2018 ngay hôm nay nào bạn!
Xem thêm: Tất tần tật các biểu tượng cảm xúc bằng ký tự trên facebook
Cách gõ nhanh biểu tượng cảm xúc, icon trên facebook
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365movieonline · 6 years
Khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons – icon skype mới nhất 2018
Chắc hẳn bạn cũng đã nghe qua tới phần mềm Skype. Trong các công ty hiện nay hầu như đều sử dụng Skype để trao đổi công việc là chủ yếu. Để cuộc hội thoại của bạn với đồng nghiệp trở nên vui tươi hơn, ý nghĩa hơn thì những skype icons trong mỗi đoạn chat là không thể thiếu. Bài viết dưới đây, hãy cùng cuasotinhoc.net khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons vui nhộn, đáng yêu nhất nhé.
Khám phá hơn 400+ skype icons mới nhất 2018
Hầu hết các icon skype thường đã bị ẩn và các kí tự biểu tượng cảm xúc thông dụng trên skype đều rất ít. Chính vì thế, trong bài viết này cuasotinhoc sẽ giúp bạn tổng hợp những icon skype thông dụng thường hay dùng và những biểu tượng cảm xúc đã bị ẩn trên skype để bạn có cuộc trò chuyện với bạn bè vui vẻ nhất.
*Lưu ý: Gõ toàn bộ shortcode vào phần chat trên skype, bao gồm cả dấu ngoặc ().
Tổng hợp những skype icons mới nhất và dễ thương nhất
[caption id="attachment_10363" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những skype icons mới nhất và dễ thương nhất[/caption]
Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất
[caption id="attachment_10371" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_10372" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_10374" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Tổng hợp những emoticons skype được mọi người yêu thích nhất[/caption]
Hướng dẫn cách dùng biểu tượng cảm xúc cho skype – icon skype
Bước 1: Tại ô nhập chat gõ mã biểu tượng cảm xúc muốn dùng. Chú ý có cả dấu ngoặc đơn (). Ví dụ: (drunk)
[caption id="attachment_10377" align="aligncenter" width="476"] Hướng dẫn cách dùng biểu tượng cảm xúc cho skype – icon skype[/caption]
Bước 2: Nhấn “send”.
Trên đây, là tổng hợp những icon skype đặc biệt mới nhất năm 2018. Bạn có thể áp dụng trên yahoo hay facebook, zalo đều được.
Hãy thử và cảm nhận điều thú vị ngay nhé, bằng cách gõ thử những biểu tượng cảm xúc thú vị này xem nào:
Đấm bốc: (punch)
Chờ đợi: (waiting)
Cười vui vẻ, nhún nhảy cùng điệu nhạc: (lalala)
WTF: (wtf)
Thật thú vị và đáng yêu phải không. Hãy thử áp dụng ngay khi đọc tới đây bạn nhé! Chú ý là gõ cả dấu ngoặc đơn vào nhé.
Hướng dẫn tạo các biểu tượng cảm xúc skype - icon skype hình lá cờ của 237 quốc gia
Hiện nay, trên Skype đã cho phép người dùng tạo những biểu tượng cảm xúc bằng hình lá cờ Tổ quốc. Để bạn có thể tạo được những biểu tượng cảm xúc hình lá cờ của các quốc gia thì điều quan trọng đầu tiên là cần nhớ mã quốc gia của các nước đó.
Mã shortcode để tạo biểu tượng cảm xúc hình lá cờ như sau: (flag:xx)
Trong đó: xx là mã quốc gia của lá cờ mà bạn muốn tạo.
Ví dụ: Tạo một hình lá cờ Việt Nam sẽ gõ như sau: (flag:vn)
Khi gõ mã lệnh (flag:vn) thì skype sẽ hiện hình ảnh gợi ý. Lúc này, bạn chỉ cần nhấn chọn là xong.
Dưới đây, mình xin chia sẻ tới các bạn 237 mã quốc gia để bạn có thể tạo được những icon skype là hình ảnh lá cờ Tổ quốc của đất nước mình.
Quốc gia
Mã phân biệt quốc gia
1 Afghanistan AF / AFG 2 Albania AL / ALB 3 Algeria DZ / DZA 4 American Samoa AS / ASM 5 Andorra AD / AND 6 Angola AO / AGO 7 Anguilla AI / AIA 8 Antarctica AQ / ATA 9 Antigua and Barbuda AG / ATG 10 Argentina AR / ARG 11 Armenia AM / ARM 12 Aruba AW / ABW 13 Australia AU / AUS 14 Austria AT / AUT 15 Azerbaijan AZ / AZE 16 Bahamas BS / BHS 17 Bahrain BH / BHR 18 Bangladesh BD / BGD 19 Barbados BB / BRB 20 Belarus BY / BLR 21 Belgium BE / BEL 22 Belize BZ / BLZ 23 Benin BJ / BEN 24 Bermuda BM / BMU 25 Bhutan BT / BTN 26 Bolivia BO / BOL 27 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA / BIH 28 Botswana BW / BWA 29 Brazil BR / BRA 30 British Indian Ocean Territory IO / IOT 31 British Virgin Islands VG / VGB 32 Brunei BN / BRN 33 Bulgaria BG / BGR 34 Burkina Faso BF / BFA 35 Burma (Myanmar) MM / MMR 36 Burundi BI / BDI 37 Cambodia KH / KHM 38 Cameroon CM / CMR 39 Canada CA / CAN 40 Cape Verde CV / CPV 41 Cayman Islands KY / CYM 42 Central African Republic CF / CAF 43 Chad TD / TCD 44 Chile CL / CHL 45 China CN / CHN 46 Christmas Island CX / CXR 47 Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC / CCK 48 Colombia CO / COL 49 Comoros KM / COM 50 Republic of the Congo CG / COG 51 Democratic Republic of the Congo CD / COD 52 Cook Islands CK / COK 53 Costa Rica CR / CRC 54 Croatia HR / HRV 55 Cuba CU / CUB 56 Cyprus CY / CYP 57 Czech Republic CZ / CZE 58 Denmark DK / DNK 59 Djibouti DJ / DJI 60 Dominica DM / DMA 61 Dominican Republic DO / DOM 62 Timor-Leste TL / TLS 63 Ecuador EC / ECU 64 Egypt EG / EGY 65 El Salvador SV / SLV 66 Equatorial Guinea GQ / GNQ 67 Eritrea ER / ERI 68 Estonia EE / EST 69 Ethiopia ET / ETH 70 Falkland Islands FK / FLK 71 Faroe Islands FO / FRO 72 Fiji FJ / FJI 73 Finland FI / FIN 74 France FR / FRA 75 French Polynesia PF / PYF 76 Gabon GA / GAB 77 Gambia GM / GMB 78 Gaza Strip / 79 Georgia GE / GEO 80 Germany DE / DEU 81 Ghana GH / GHA 82 Gibraltar GI / GIB 83 Greece GR / GRC 84 Greenland GL / GRL 85 Grenada GD / GRD 86 Guam GU / GUM 87 Guatemala GT / GTM 88 Guinea GN / GIN 89 Guinea-Bissau GW / GNB 90 Guyana GY / GUY 91 Haiti HT / HTI 92 Honduras HN / HND 93 Hong Kong HK / HKG 94 Hungary HU / HUN 95 Iceland IS / IS 96 India IN / IND 97 Indonesia ID / IDN 98 Iran IR / IRN 99 Iraq IQ / IRQ 100 Ireland IE / IRL 101 Isle of Man IM / IMN 102 Israel IL / ISR 103 Italy IT / ITA 104 Ivory Coast CI / CIV 105 Jamaica JM / JAM 106 Japan JP / JPN 107 Jersey JE / JEY 108 Jordan JO / JOR 109 Kazakhstan KZ / KAZ 110 Kenya KE / KEN 111 Kiribati KI / KIR 112 Kosovo / 113 Kuwait KW / KWT 114 Kyrgyzstan KG / KGZ 115 Laos LA / LAO 116 Latvia LV / LVA 117 Lebanon LB / LBN 118 Lesotho LS / LSO 119 Liberia LR / LBR 120 Libya LY / LBY 120 Liechtenstein LI / LIE 122 Lithuania LT / LTU 123 Luxembourg LU / LUX 124 Macau MO / MAC 125 Macedonia MK / MKD 126 Madagascar MG / MDG 127 Malawi MW / MWI 128 Malaysia MY / MYS 129 Maldives MV / MDV 130 Mali ML / MLI 131 Malta MT / MLT 132 Marshall Islands MH / MHL 133 Mauritania MR / MRT 134 Mauritius MU / MUS 135 Mayotte YT / MYT 136 Mexico MX / MEX 137 Micronesia FM / FSM 138 Moldova MD / MDA 139 Monaco MC / MCO 140 Mongolia MN / MNG 141 Montenegro ME / MNE 142 Montserrat MS / MSR 143 Morocco MA / MAR 144 Mozambique MZ / MOZ 145 Namibia NA / NAM 146 Nauru NR / NRU 147 Nepal NP / NPL 148 Netherlands NL / NLD 149 Netherlands Antilles AN / ANT 150 New Caledonia NC / NCL 151 New Zealand NZ / NZL 152 Nicaragua NI / NIC 153 Niger NE / NER 154 Nigeria NG / NGA 155 Niue NU / NIU 156 Norfolk Island / NFK 157 Northern Mariana Islands MP / MNP 158 North Korea KP / PRK 159 Norway NO / NOR 160 Oman OM / OMN 161 Pakistan PK / PAK 162 Palau PW / PLW 163 Panama PA / PAN 164 Papua New Guinea PG / PNG 165 Paraguay PY / PRY 166 Peru PE / PER 167 Philippines PH / PHL 168 Pitcairn Islands PN / PCN 169 Poland PL / POL 170 Portugal PT / PRT 171 Puerto Rico PR / PRI 172 Qatar QA / QAT 173 Romania RO / ROU 174 Russia RU / RUS 175 Rwanda RW / RWA 176 Saint Barthelemy BL / BLM 177 Samoa WS / WSM 178 San Marino SM / SMR 179 Sao Tome and Principe ST / STP 180 Saudi Arabia SA / SAU 181 Senegal SN / SEN 182 Serbia RS / SRB 183 Seychelles SC / SYC 184 Sierra Leone SL / SLE 185 Singapore SG / SGP 186 Slovakia SK / SVK 187 Slovenia SI / SVN 188 Solomon Islands SB / SLB 189 Somalia SO / SOM 190 South Africa ZA / ZAF 191 South Korea KR / KOR 192 Spain ES / ESP 193 Sri Lanka LK / LKA 194 Saint Helena SH / SHN 195 Saint Kitts and Nevis KN / KNA 196 Saint Lucia LC / LCA 197 Saint Martin MF / MAF 198 Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM / SPM 199 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC / VCT 200 Sudan SD / SDN 201 Suriname SR / SUR 202 Svalbard SJ / SJM 203 Swaziland SZ / SWZ 204 Sweden SE / SWE 205 Switzerland CH / CHE 206 Syria SY / SYR 207 Taiwan TW / TWN 208 Tajikistan TJ / TJK 209 Tanzania TZ / TZA 210 Thailand TH / THA 211 Togo TG / TGO 212 Tokelau TK / TKL 213 Tonga TO / TON 214 Trinidad and Tobago TT / TTO 215 Tunisia TN / TUN 216 Turkey TR / TUR 217 Turkmenistan TM / TKM 218 Turks and Caicos Islands TC / TCA 219 Tuvalu TV / TUV 220 United Arab Emirates AE / ARE 221 Uganda UG / UGA 222 United Kingdom GB / GBR 223 Ukraine UA / UKR 224 Uruguay UY / URY 225 United States US / USA 226 Uzbekistan UZ / UZB 227 Vanuatu VU / VUT 228 Holy See (Vatican City) VA / VAT 229 Venezuela VE / VEN 230 Vietnam VN / VNM 231 US Virgin Islands VI / VIR 232 Wallis and Futuna WF / WLF 233 West Bank / 234 Western Sahara EH / ESH 235 Yemen YE / YEM 236 Zambia ZM / ZMB 237 Zimbabwe ZW / ZWE
So với những phần mềm chat hiện nay, Skype được người dùng đánh giá là một trong những phần mềm liên tục đổi mới và cải thiện những tính năng trò chuyện. Skype không chỉ giúp bạn có thể kết nối bạn bè, mà còn cho phép bạn gọi đến bất kỳ thuê bao nào với chất lượng âm thanh khá rõ nét. Không dừng lại ở đó, tốc độ chat trên skype cũng siêu nhanh, những biểu tượng cảm xúc skype, những icon in skype, icon for skype đều không ngừng được đổi mới.
Còn chần chừ gì nữa, hãy thử ngay những biểu tượng cảm xúc skype - emoticons skype mới nhất 2018 ngay hôm nay nào bạn!
0 notes
Aprepitant powder used for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting
1.What is Aprepitant?
Aprepitant (brand name: Emend) is an antiemetic chemical compound that belongs to a class of drugs called substance P antagonists (SPA). It mediates its effect by blocking the neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor. It's used for prevention of acute and delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) and for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Aprepitant may also be useful in the treatment of cyclic vomiting syndrome and late-stage chemotherapy induced vomiting.
2.What is Aprepitant powder?
Name:    Aprepitant powder
CAS:    170729-80-3
Molecular Formula:    C23H21F7N4O3
Molecular Weight:    534.4266624
Melt Point:    244-246°C
Storage Temp:    -20°C Freezer
Color:    White powder
Aprepitant is made up of a morpholine core with two substituents attached to adjacent ring carbons. These substitute groups are trifluoromethylated phenyl ethanol and fluorophenyl group. Aprepitant also has a third substituent (triazolinone), which is joined to the morpholine ring nitrogen. It has three chiral centres very close together, which combine to produce an amino acetal arrangement. Its empirical formula is C23H21F7N4O3.
Aprepitant is an off-white crystalline solid that has a molecular weight of around 534.53. It has a very limited solubility in water. It does have a reasonably high solubility in non-polar molecules such as oils. This would, therefore, suggest that aprepitant as a whole, despite having components that are polar, is a non-polar substance.
3.How does Aprepitant works?
Aprepitant is classified as an NK1 antagonist because it blocks signals given off by NK1 receptors. This, therefore, decreases the likelihood of vomiting in patients.
NK1 is a G protein-coupled receptor located in the central and peripheral nervous system. This receptor has a dominant ligand known as Substance P (SP). SP is a neuropeptide, composed of 11 amino acids, which sends impulses and messages from the brain. It is found in high concentrations in the vomiting center of the brain, and, when activated, it results in a vomiting reflex. In addition to this it also plays a key part in the transmission of pain impulses from the peripheral receptors to the central nervous system.
Aprepitant has been shown to inhibit both the acute and delayed emesis induced by cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs by blocking substance P landing on receptors in the brain's neurons. Positron emission tomography (PET) studies, have demonstrated that aprepitant can cross the blood brain barrier and bind to NK1 receptors in the human brain. It has also been shown to increase the activity of the 5-HT3 receptor antagonists ondansetron and the corticosteroid dexamethasone, which are also used to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.
Aprepitant is taken orally in the form of a capsule. Before clinical testing, a new class of therapeutic agent has to be characterized in terms of preclinical metabolism and excretion studies. Average bioavailability is found to be around 60-65%. Aprepitant is metabolized primarily by CYP3A4 with minor metabolism by CYP1A2 and CYP2C19. Seven metabolites of aprepitant, which are only weakly active, have been identified in human plasma. As a moderate inhibitor of CYP3A4, aprepitant can increase plasma concentrations of co-administered medicinal products that are metabolized through CYP3A4. Specific interaction has been demonstrated with oxycodone, where aprepitant both increased the efficacy and worsened the side effects of oxycodone; however it is unclear whether this is due to CPY3A4 inhibition or through its NK-1 antagonist action. Following IV administration of a 14C-labeled prodrug of aprepitant (L-758298), which is converted rapidly and completely to aprepitant, approximately 57% of the total radioactivity is excreted in the urine and 45% in feces. No unchanged substance is excreted in urine.
One of the main features of aprepitant, and a major advantage it has over other chemotherapy-induced side-effect treatments, is its ability to selectively antagonize NK1 receptors, while having very low affinity to other common receptors such as serotonin, dopamine, and corticosteroid. It is estimated that aprepitant is at least 3,000 times more selective to NK1 receptors compared to these other enzyme transporter, The normal dosing of aprepitant given as 125 mg in the first day after chemotherapy and followed by
80 mg the following 2 days.
4.Where Aprepitant usage for?
Aprepitant is used to help prevent nausea and vomiting that can sometimes follow chemotherapy treatment. For patients receiving chemotherapy, nausea and vomiting may occur within the 24 hours immediately following treatment (acute), or several days later (delayed). Given in combination with other medications, aprepitant may prevent both acute and delayed nausea and vomiting. Aprepitant is not used to treat nausea and vomiting once they have already begun.
Aprepitant is used with other medications in adults and children 6 months of age and older to prevent nausea and vomiting that may occur within 24 hours after receiving cancer chemotherapy treatment. It is also used with other medications in adults and children 6 months of age and older to prevent delayed nausea and vomiting that may occur several days after receiving certain chemotherapy medications. Aprepitant is also used alone in adults to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by surgery. Aprepitant is not used to treat nausea and vomiting that you already have. Aprepitant is in a class of medications called antiemetics. It works by blocking the action of neurokinin, a natural substance in the brain that causes nausea and vomiting.
5.How should Aprepitant be used?
Aprepitant comes as a capsule and as an oral suspension (liquid) to take by mouth. To prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy, aprepitant is usually taken once daily, with or without food, during the first few days of your cancer chemotherapy treatment. You will probably take aprepitant 1 hour before your chemotherapy on days 1,
2, and 3 of your treatment. If you do not receive chemotherapy on days 2 and 3, then you will take aprepitant on those days in the morning. To prevent nausea and vomiting caused by surgery, aprepitant is usually taken as one dose within 3 hours before the start of surgery. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take aprepitant exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.
Aprepitant capsules come in two different strengths. Your doctor may prescribe both of the strengths for you to take at different times. You should be careful to take the right strength at the right time as directed by your doctor.
Swallow the capsules whole; do not split, chew, or crush them.
The oral suspension will be prepared by your healthcare provider and given to you in an oral dispenser. Store the oral dispenser in the refrigerator until it is time for your dose; however, it can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 hours before use. When ready to use, remove the cap from the dispenser before placing it in your mouth to slowly release the medication.
Aprepitant only works to prevent nausea and vomiting. Call your doctor if you already have these symptoms and do not begin to take aprepitant.
When used to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy, aprepitant is usually used only during the first 3 days of the chemotherapy treatment cycles. Do not continue taking aprepitant longer than instructed by your doctor.
6.Aprepitant Dosage
Usual Adult Dose for Nausea/Vomiting - Chemotherapy Induced
-Day 1: 125 mg orally once 1 hour before chemotherapy
-Days 2 and 3: 80 mg orally once a day, 1 hour before chemotherapy OR in the morning (if chemotherapy is not given on Days 2 and 3)
-Duration of therapy: 3 days/cycle
Oral Suspension:
-Day 1: 3 mg/kg orally once 1 hour before chemotherapy
---Maximum dose: 125 mg/dose
-Days 2 to 3: 2 mg/kg orally once a day, 1 hour before chemotherapy OR in the morning (if chemotherapy is not given on Days 2 and 3)
---Maximum dose: 80 mg/dose
-Duration of therapy: 3 days/cycle
-The recommended dosage of dexamethasone is 12 mg orally on Day 1 administered 30 minutes prior to chemotherapy and 8 mg orally in the mornings on Days 2 through 4 (HEC) or Days 2 through 3 (MEC).
-The 5-HT3 antagonist is administered on Day 1 only. Consult the package insert for the
5-HT3 antagonist dosing prior to initiation of treatment.
-This drug may be taken with or without food.
-In combination with other antiemetic agents for the prevention of acute and delayed nausea and vomiting associated with initial and repeat courses of HEC including
high-dose cisplatin
-In combination with other antiemetic agents for the prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with initial and repeat courses of MEC
Usual Adult Dose for Nausea/Vomiting - Postoperative
40 mg orally once within 3 hours prior to induction of anesthesia
Use: Prevention of nausea and vomiting Usual Pediatric Dose for Nausea/Vomiting - Chemotherapy Induced
12 years and older: MEC/HEC:
Oral Capsules:
-Day 1: 125 mg orally once 1 hour before chemotherapy
-Days 2 and 3: 80 mg orally once a day, 1 hour before chemotherapy OR in the morning (if chemotherapy is not given on Days 2 and 3)
-Duration of therapy: 3 days/cycle
Oral Suspension:
-Day 1: 3 mg/kg orally once 1 hour before chemotherapy
---Maximum dose: 125 mg/dose
-Days 2 to 3: 2 mg/kg orally once a day, 1 hour before chemotherapy OR in the morning (if chemotherapy is not given on Days 2 and 3)
---Maximum dose: 80 mg/dose
-Duration of therapy: 3 days/cycle
-If a corticosteroid (e.g., dexamethasone) is coadministered, patients should be given
50% of the recommended pediatric dose on Days 1 to 4. Consult the package insert for the corticosteroid dosing prior to initiation of treatment.
-The 5-HT3 antagonist is administered on Day 1 only. Consult the package insert for the
5-HT3 antagonist dosing prior to initiation of treatment.
-This drug may be taken with or without food.
-In combination with other antiemetic agents for the prevention of acute and delayed nausea and vomiting associated with initial and repeat courses of HEC including
high-dose cisplatin
-In combination with other antiemetic agents for the prevention of nausea and vomiting associated with initial and repeat courses of MEC
7.Other Comments for Aprepitant
Administration advice:
-Take with or without food.
-Oral suspension: Oral syringes should be placed along the inner cheek, and should be dispensed slowly.
-Oral capsules: Swallow whole.
-For prevention of CINV, take first dose 1 hour prior to chemotherapy.
-For prevention of PONV, receive medication within 3 hours prior to induction of anesthesia.
Storage requirements:
-Oral suspension: Refrigerate; use within 72 hours of preparation, and discard any remaining suspension after 72 hours.
-Limitations of use: Use has not been studied for the treatment of established nausea and vomiting.
-Patient profiles may change during chronic continuous administration; chronic use is not recommended.
-Hematologic: INR in patients on chronic warfarin therapy
-Hypersensitivity: Hypersensitivity reactions at any time during treatment
Patient advice:
-Patients should be advised to report all concurrent prescription and nonprescription medications or herbal products they are taking.
-Instruct patients to immediately report any signs/symptoms of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, or hypersensitivity reactions.
-Patients should be advised to speak to healthcare provider if pregnant, intend to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding; patients using hormonal contraception to prevent pregnancy will need to speak with their health care provider about using a non-hormonal back-up method of birth control for up to 2 months after completing therapy.
8.What special precautions should I follow?
Before taking aprepitant
· tell  your  doctor  and  pharmacist  if  you  are  allergic  to  aprepitant,  any  other medications, or any of the ingredients in aprepitant capsules or oral suspension. Ask your pharmacist for a list of the ingredients.
· do not take aprepitant if you are taking pimozide (Orap). Your doctor will probably tell you not to take aprepitant if you are taking this medication.
· tell  your  doctor  and  pharmacist  what  other  prescription  and  nonprescription medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and herbal products you are taking or plan to take. Be sure to mention any of the following: anticoagulants ('blood thinners')   such   as   warfarin   (Coumadin,   Jantoven);   antifungals   such   as itraconazole (Onmel, Sporanox) and ketoconazole ; benzodiazepines such as alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam (Valium), midazolam , and triazolam (Halcion); cancer chemotherapy medications such as ifosfamide (Ifex), irinotecan (Camptosar), vinblastine, and vincristine (Marqibo Kit); carbamazepine (Equetro, Tegretol, Teril); clarithromycin (Biaxin, in Prevpac); diltiazem (Cardizem, Cartia, Tiazac); HIV protease inhibitors such as nelfinavir (Viracept) and ritonavir (Norvir); hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills, patches, rings, and injections); nefazodone; oral steroids such as dexamethasone and methylprednisolone (Medrol);   phenytoin   (Dilantin,   Phenytek);   rifampin   (Rifadin,   Rimactane,   in Rifamate, in Rifater); and troleandomycin (TAO; no longer available in U.S.). Your doctor may need to change the doses of your medications or monitor you carefully for side effects. Many other medications may also interact with aprepitant, so be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking, even those that do not appear on this list.
·     tell your doctor if you have or have ever had liver disease.
·     tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding.
If you are taking birth control medications during treatment with aprepitant you should also use an additional method of birth control to avoid pregnancy during treatment with aprepitant and for one month after your final dose. Talk to your doctor about birth control methods while  you  are  taking aprepitant and after treatment. If you become pregnant while taking aprepitant, call your doctor.
9.Aprepitant other uses
Major depression
Encouraged by positive results in their early controlled studies of aprepitant (300 mg/d with enforced food intake) and L-759,274(another NK1 receptor antagonist), as well as those of CP-122,721 (Pfizer) in patients with major depressive disorder, Merck & Co. conducted Phase III clinical trials on aprepitant in which patients received 80 mg or 160 mg/d (a new formulation, prescribed without enforced food intake) as a treatment for major depressive disorder. Despite achieving 90-95% receptor occupancy of aprepitant in certain brain regions, negative clinical results were observed in three actively controlled studies. The company has since abandoned plans to market aprepitant 160 mg as an antidepressant. Subsequently, large clinically positive double blind controlled studies with two additional NK1 receptor antagonists, casopitant, and orvepitant (both GlaxoSmithKine compounds) have been published in peer reviewed medical journals. This work now replicates the early findings of Merck and Co with aprepitant and L-759,274, and of Pfizer with CP-122,721. Arguably, the weight of preclinical data and positive clinical evidence provides evidence that NK1 receptor antagonism, including that of aprepitant, is a distinct antidepressant mechanism. Across all these studies, efficacy appeared to be dose-related. Only mild, transient, and tolerable side effects, not those typically observed with either the SSRI, SNRI, or NRI classes of antidepressants, have been observed.
Beyond suggestions that PET receptor occupancy must not be used routinely to cap dosing for new medical indications for this class, or that > 99% human receptor occupancy might be required for consistent psycho-pharmacological or other therapeutic effects, critical scientific dissection and debate of the above data might be needed to enable aprepitant, and the class of NK1 antagonists as a whole, to fulfill preclinically predicted utilities beyond CINV (i.e., for other psychiatric disorders, addictions, neuropathic pain, migraine, osteoarthritis, overactive bladder, inflammatory bowel disease, and other disorders with suspected inflammatory or immunological components (see anti-cancer below.) However, most data remain proprietary and thus reviews on the expanded clinical potential for drugs like aprepitant range from optimistic to crepe-hanging.
Related Post: Aprepitant powder used for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting
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2b16-lave-vaisselle · 6 years
Lave vaisselle encastrable - 13 couverts - 46 dB - A+ - Larg 60 cm
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En stock ! Déjà 8 commandes en cours !
Vendu et expédié par CdiscountLa livraison :Livré dès aujourd'huiPlus que 13h 02min 34sec  pour être livré aujourd'huiLe paiement :Payez en 4 fois, sous réserve d'éligibilitéProfitez de 30% de remise supplémentaire en prenant la Carte CdiscountRéglez en 3, 5 ou 10 fois….avec la Carte CdiscountLa garantie :
Garantie Panne + Casse 5 ans?64,99€ soit 1,08€ /mois
Garantie Panne + Casse 3 ans?49,99€ soit 1,39€ /mois
Maîtrisez votre budget grâce à la location* ! Louez votre électroménager sur 48 mois assuré* contre la panne et la casse. *Souscription uniquement sur ordinateur - Hors produit "C le marché"
Les points forts :
Garantie (²) : 2 ans - pièces, main d’œuvre et déplacement
Livré sans façade de porte afin de vous permettre de l'intégrer au mobilier de votre cuisine
Lave-vaisselle - Intégrable
Nombre de couverts : 13
Niveau sonore maximum : 46 dB
Consommation d'énergie par cycle : 1.03 kWh
Consommation d'eau par cycle : 10.5 litres
Nbre de programmes : 6
Descriptif : WHIRLPOOL WIE 2B16 - Lave vaisselle encastrable - 13 couverts - 46 dB - A+ - Larg 60 cmHaut de page ▲Maîtrisez votre budget grâce à la location* ! Louez votre électroménager sur 48 mois assuré* contre la panne et la casse. *Souscription uniquement sur ordinateur - Hors produit "C le marché"Encastrable-13 couverts-46 dB-A+-Larg 60 cm-Conso 10,5 L eau et 1,03 kWh/cycle-6 programmes-Demi charge-Programme intensif-Interface LED-Témoin de niveau de sel et de liquide de rinçage-Cuve 100% inox-Alimentation eau chaude ou froide-Panier supérieur réglable en hauteur-Balconnets escamotables-Livré sans façade de porte afin de vous permettre de l'intégrer au mobilier de votre cuisinePUBLICITÉInformations générales sur le produitMarqueWHIRLPOOLNom du produitWHIRLPOOL WIE 2B16 - Lave vaisselle encastrable - CatégorieLAVE-VAISSELLE Informations sur le produitNotesLivré sans façade de porte afin de vous permettre de l'intégrer au mobilier de votre cuisine HabillageLivré sans façade de porte afin de vous permettre de l'intégrer au mobilier de votre cuisine GénéralFormatIntégrable Type de ProduitLave-vaisselle CouleurBlanc Nombre de couverts13 Consommation d'eau annuelle2940 litres Classe d'efficacité de séchageClasse A Type d'installationEntièrement intégré Classe de lavageClasse A Nbre de programmes6 Consommation d'énergie annuelle293 kWh Options et programmes spéciauxDemi-charge, prélavage, éco 50°C, normal 60°C, intensif 65°C, rapide 40 min 50°C Niveau sonore maximum46 dB Durée du mode Allumé12 min Cycle de nettoyage standardEco 50 Classe énergétiqueClasse A+ Durée du cycle de lavage standard190 min Réglages, commandes et voyantsTémoinsAgent de rinçage, sel, voyant de marche-arrêt Fonctions du minuteurSignal sonore de fin du programme Type de commandeElectronique DiversFonctions personnalisablesPanier supérieur réglable, Flexi Space, panier supérieur amovible Roulettes - piedsPieds réglables Normes de conformitéEN 50242, Directive 2010-30-EC, Directive 2009-125-EC, Directive 2012-19-EU, Directive 1059-2010-EU, RoHS 2011-65-EU, EMC 2014-30-EU, Directive 2014-35-EU ConsommationAlimentation220 - 240 V - 50 Hz Courant nominal10 A Longueur du cordon1.3 m Puissance électrique1900 Watt Consommation d'énergie en mode sous tension5 Watt Consommation électrique en mode Eteint0.5 Watt Consommation d'eau et d'énergieConsommation d'énergie par cycle1.03 kWh Consommation d'eau par cycle10.5 litres Raccordement d'eauChaud et froid Dimensions et poidsLargeur59.5 cm Profondeur57 cm Hauteur82 cm Poids35.5 kg Dimensions et poids (emballé)Largeur (emballée)65 cm Profondeur (emballée)67.5 cm Hauteur (Expédition)91 cm Poids (Expédition)37.5 kg Vos garanties incluses pour les produits vendus par CdiscountGarantie (²)2 ans - pièces, main d’œuvre et déplacement Dimensions (Niche)Hauteur maximum90 cm Hauteur minimum82 cm Largeur minimum60 cm Profondeur minimum57 cm Découvrez plus de produits qui ont des caractéristiques similaires au WHIRLPOOL WIE 2B16 - Lave vaisselle encastrable - 13 couverts - 46 dB - A+ - Larg 60 cm
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Nouveaux produits bâtiment : Les premières meuleuses angulaires connectées de BOSCH : GWS 18V-125 SC Professional GWS 18V-125 PSC Professional
Le blog du bâtiment : 35 % de puissance en plus et une autonomie doublée grâce à la batterie ProCORE 7.0 Ah
Pour les artisans qui veulent des outils qui allient efficacité et confort d’utilisation, Bosch lance une nouvelle génération de meuleuses angulaires professionnelles sans-fil 18 Volts  connectées, unique sur le marché, avec les GWS 18V-125 SC Professional et GWS 18V-125 PSC Professional.
Grâce à un module Bluetooth intégré et associé à la fonction « MyTools » de l’application Bosch Toolbox, les professionnels communiquent avec la meuleuse angulaire via leur smartphone. Ils peuvent personnaliser l’outil, le configurer individuellement, recevoir, directement sur leur smartphone, des informations sur l’état de la machine ainsi que des astuces de dépannage, par exemple lorsqu’elle s’éteint en cas de surchauffe.
Par ailleurs, les nouvelles meuleuses angulaires GWS 18V-125 SC Professional et PSC Professional disposent pour la première fois d’un écran de contrôle, qui permet aux utilisateurs de visualiser à tout moment l’état de l’outil.
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  Des meuleuses angulaires sous contrôle Les GWS 18V-125 SC et PSC Professional Bosch disposent d’un écran de contrôle qui informe l’utilisateur sur le niveau de charge de la batterie, une éventuelle surchauffe… Pour des résultats optimaux, il permet une sélection du régime, avec trois niveaux, et qui s’ajuste facilement en fonction du matériau à travailler et des accessoires utilisés, par une simple pression sur un bouton. Pratiques, les meuleuses possèdent également un éclairage à LED pour faciliter les travaux dans les zones sombres.
Moteur EC et batterie ProCORE pour plus de puissance et d’autonomie Les GWS 18V-125 SC et PSC Professional offrent jusqu’à 35 % de puissance en plus et jusqu’à 100 % d’autonomie supplémentaire par rapport aux modèles 18 Volts précédents avec batterie 5,0 Ah. Ces performances sont dues au moteur EC sans charbon et à la nouvelle batterie haute densité ProCORE18V 7.0 Ah Professional. Combinés, ils confèrent à l’outil une puissance comparable à celle d’un appareil de 1000 W fonctionnant sur secteur. Des applications gourmandes en énergie comme de longs travaux de tronçonnage ou de meulage deviennent ainsi possibles.
Endurante, la batterie ProCORE18V 7.0 Ah offre un temps d’utilisation jusqu’à 90 % supérieur par rapport à une batterie standard 6,0 Ah. Ses composants de dernière technologie, des rails de puissance et des cellules plus grandes, soudées au laser, assurent un meilleur transfert d’énergie. Le courant délivré est plus élevé, plus longtemps, et la vitesse de charge est plus rapide. Avec la technologie ProCORE, la batterie est plus légère et 30 % plus compacte que les batteries similaires, à puissance égale. Enfin, elle bénéficie d’une meilleure longévité et d’une autonomie plus longue grâce à la nouvelle technologie CoolPack 2.0 ProCORE18V. La batterie ProCORE18V intègre le concept «Flexible Power System» de Bosch : elle est 100 % compatible avec tous les anciens et nouveaux systèmes de batteries 18 Volts Bosch.
Plus ergonomique et plus sûre
Avec respectivement une circonférence de 156 mm et 186 mm, et un poids de 2,8 kg (EPTA), les GWS 18V-125 SC et PSC Professional offrent une bonne prise en main et permettent un travail sans effort.
D’une sécurité optimale pour l’utilisateur, elles sont les premières meuleuses angulaires du marché à être équipées de la fonction «Drop Control» qui arrête le moteur de l’outil lorsqu’il tombe accidentellement. Elles disposent également de nombreux équipements de protection : le « Kick Back Control », un capteur intégré qui détecte tout blocage de l’outil, (disque coincé par exemple), et arrête le moteur immédiatement, une poignée Vibration Control, une protection anti-recul « KickBack Stop », un démarrage progressif et un système anti-redémarrage. La GWS 18V-125 PSC combine en plus un interrupteur non blocable.
Article : http://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/463794360/0/isolationcomblesperdus
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holzwerkerblog-com · 5 years
Abdeckung für das Gaskochfeld
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Abdeckung für das Gaskochfeld
kein großes Projekt, aber nützlich. Nach Einbau des Gaskochfeldes in die erweiterte Gartenküche hatte ich feststellen müssen, dass das Kochfeld ungenutzt sehr verstaubt. So macht es Sinn eine Abdeckung dagegen zu bauen. Da die Abdeckung im Trockenen stehen wird, reicht Fichte-Leimholz als Rahmen und 5mm Rückwand als Deckel. Rahmen soll grau, Deckel von Hause aus weiß.
Nach Zuschnitt der Rahmenteile auf 80mm Breite und grobem Ablängen, habe ich zunächst die Nut dür den Deckel auf dem Frästisch eingbracht. Dazu habe ich den 4mm Scheibennutfräser eingespannt und den esten Durchgang in alle 4 Teile gefräst. Anschliessend habe ich den Scheibennutfräser einen Millimeter höher gestellt und den zweiten Fräsdurchgang gestartet. Die Nut passt perfet. Allerdings hat das Messgerät den Geist aufgegeben. Batterie leer.
Digitale Einstelllehre
Diese digitale Einstelllehre hate ich nach der manuellen Einstelllehre gekauft. Diese Einstelllehre ist für den Frästisch sehr gut. Nun ja, das Plastik stört mich schon. Besser wäre das Teil aus Aluminium-Spritzguss. Schlimm ist es nur, wenn die Baterie ihren Geit aufgibt. Wenn man dann nicht gleich eine Passende parat hat, steht man dumm da. Ist mir auch passiert. 50 andere Flachbatterien habe ich, jedoch nicht eine die passt. Die Lebensdauer der Batterie ist nicht besonders lang.
Dieser Schritt war einer zuviel. Eher hätte ich die Kanten runden sollen, denn so besteht die Gefahr die Enden zu "verfräsen". Sieht unschön aus. Aber gemacht ist gemacht. Auf der Kappsäge KA 65 ist das ein Kinderspiel. Trotzdem war ich auch hierbei beim ersten Stück zu leichtsinnig. Ich habe ohne Opferholz gesägt und somit Ausrisse erzeugt. Faulheit muss bestraft werden. Die anderen Stücke habe ich mit Opferholz gesägt und so saubere Stücke erhalten.
Vor dem Abrunden der Kanten habe ich die Rahmenteile geschliffen. Der Festool Exzenterschleifer ETS EC 150/3 EQ-Plus ist sehr gut. Fast alle Schleifarbeiten führe ich jetzt midiesem Schleifer durch. Die ROTEX 125 brauche ich nur noch für grobe Arbeiten. Die Antirutschmatte muss nach mehrmaligem Gebrauch gewaschen werden, sonst verliert sie den Halt. Die "alten" Schleifmittel werde ich noch verbrauchen. Die "neuen" Gitternetz-Schleifmittel sind wesentlich besser.
Kanten abrunden
Runden oder Fasen? Ich habe mich für das Abrunden entschieden, weil ich den 2mm-Abrundfräser ständig in der MKF 700 eingebaut habe. Für die ABS-Kanten. Eigentlich zu schade um nur Radien zu fräsen. Aber ich habe ja noch einige andere Oberfräsen.
Lamellos oder Dominos wären gut, doch die Tenso-P14 mit Vorspanner sind besser. Nicht die preiswerteste Lösung, doch die Einfachste. Das Einsatzpektrum für die Lamello Zeta P2 ist sehr groß. Exzelent für Ecken- und Flächenverbindungen. Nur dürfen die Stücke nicht zu schmal sein. Dafür bietet sich dann die Festool DF 500 an.
Zuschnitt des Deckels
Sicher kann man das auch der Tischsägen machen, doch auf dem MFT/3 geht genaues Zuschneiden in den Maßen einfacher. Früher habe ich alles auf diesem Tisch mit der Tauchsäge zugeschnitten. Damals hatte ich noch keine weiteren Maschinen.
Das ging aufgrund der Tenso-P14 sehr einfach. Leim auftragen und zusammen schieben...fertig! Die Rahmenteile hatte ich vorher noch lackiert. Mit Venti-Lack 3in1. Dieser Lack lässt sich sehr gut verarbeit, platzt nicht auf und ist wetterbeständig. Auf den Fenstern hält dieser schon seit 3 Jahren ohne jegliche Probleme. Read the full article
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refairesatoiture · 7 years
Nouveaux produits bâtiment : Les premières meuleuses angulaires connectées de BOSCH : GWS 18V-125 SC Professional GWS 18V-125 PSC Professional
Le blog du bâtiment : 35 % de puissance en plus et une autonomie doublée grâce à la batterie ProCORE 7.0 Ah
Pour les artisans qui veulent des outils qui allient efficacité et confort d’utilisation, Bosch lance une nouvelle génération de meuleuses angulaires professionnelles sans-fil 18 Volts  connectées, unique sur le marché, avec les GWS 18V-125 SC Professional et GWS 18V-125 PSC Professional.
Grâce à un module Bluetooth intégré et associé à la fonction « MyTools » de l’application Bosch Toolbox, les professionnels communiquent avec la meuleuse angulaire via leur smartphone. Ils peuvent personnaliser l’outil, le configurer individuellement, recevoir, directement sur leur smartphone, des informations sur l’état de la machine ainsi que des astuces de dépannage, par exemple lorsqu’elle s’éteint en cas de surchauffe.
Par ailleurs, les nouvelles meuleuses angulaires GWS 18V-125 SC Professional et PSC Professional disposent pour la première fois d’un écran de contrôle, qui permet aux utilisateurs de visualiser à tout moment l’état de l’outil.
  Des meuleuses angulaires sous contrôle Les GWS 18V-125 SC et PSC Professional Bosch disposent d’un écran de contrôle qui informe l’utilisateur sur le niveau de charge de la batterie, une éventuelle surchauffe… Pour des résultats optimaux, il permet une sélection du régime, avec trois niveaux, et qui s’ajuste facilement en fonction du matériau à travailler et des accessoires utilisés, par une simple pression sur un bouton. Pratiques, les meuleuses possèdent également un éclairage à LED pour faciliter les travaux dans les zones sombres.
Moteur EC et batterie ProCORE pour plus de puissance et d’autonomie Les GWS 18V-125 SC et PSC Professional offrent jusqu’à 35 % de puissance en plus et jusqu’à 100 % d’autonomie supplémentaire par rapport aux modèles 18 Volts précédents avec batterie 5,0 Ah. Ces performances sont dues au moteur EC sans charbon et à la nouvelle batterie haute densité ProCORE18V 7.0 Ah Professional. Combinés, ils confèrent à l’outil une puissance comparable à celle d’un appareil de 1000 W fonctionnant sur secteur. Des applications gourmandes en énergie comme de longs travaux de tronçonnage ou de meulage deviennent ainsi possibles.
Endurante, la batterie ProCORE18V 7.0 Ah offre un temps d’utilisation jusqu’à 90 % supérieur par rapport à une batterie standard 6,0 Ah. Ses composants de dernière technologie, des rails de puissance et des cellules plus grandes, soudées au laser, assurent un meilleur transfert d’énergie. Le courant délivré est plus élevé, plus longtemps, et la vitesse de charge est plus rapide. Avec la technologie ProCORE, la batterie est plus légère et 30 % plus compacte que les batteries similaires, à puissance égale. Enfin, elle bénéficie d’une meilleure longévité et d’une autonomie plus longue grâce à la nouvelle technologie CoolPack 2.0 ProCORE18V. La batterie ProCORE18V intègre le concept «Flexible Power System» de Bosch : elle est 100 % compatible avec tous les anciens et nouveaux systèmes de batteries 18 Volts Bosch.
Plus ergonomique et plus sûre
Avec respectivement une circonférence de 156 mm et 186 mm, et un poids de 2,8 kg (EPTA), les GWS 18V-125 SC et PSC Professional offrent une bonne prise en main et permettent un travail sans effort.
D’une sécurité optimale pour l’utilisateur, elles sont les premières meuleuses angulaires du marché à être équipées de la fonction «Drop Control» qui arrête le moteur de l’outil lorsqu’il tombe accidentellement. Elles disposent également de nombreux équipements de protection : le « Kick Back Control », un capteur intégré qui détecte tout blocage de l’outil, (disque coincé par exemple), et arrête le moteur immédiatement, une poignée Vibration Control, une protection anti-recul « KickBack Stop », un démarrage progressif et un système anti-redémarrage. La GWS 18V-125 PSC combine en plus un interrupteur non blocable.
Source : http://bit.ly/2wtXIyj
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