astarab1aze · 6 months
❝ mwen ta kite ou ruine mwen. ou p'ap janm konnen yon lòt moun tankou ou konnen mwen. ❞ he climbed over him , threw his leg up over Loux's waist and sat down with all the airs of a king on his throne. ( claim the monster your created )
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"Èske ou ta pèmèt mwen...? Sal, sal mwen...? Ya'd let th' mos' worthless sack o' shit drop t'is knees an' repent fer all 'is sins?"
All that sweet mischief drained away the second Saint claimed his lap, a hand instinctively resting on the meat of his thigh, stormy eyes affixed to mirrored depths. Flipping defilement into worship, into ardent declarations dressed up in silver-tongued entendres, freshly licked lips drawing into a perfect bow belying true intent. Woe, to be a hapless member of the congregation traveling the pews to slide his arms around those hips, dips his hands past his waistband and stroke his cock from behind, adoringly nip at the space between his shoulders, cup and squeeze and fondle until curious fingers slipped and dragged along slick, puffy lips. How he'd love to start slow and sweet, so gentle, so befitting a bashful believer - only to baptize himself between his legs in a rush of sighs and delirious moans, in a river parted only by his reverential tongue. Woe, to suckle and hum on tender bundles of nerves, so eager to prove to Saint the sincerity of his devotion, the heat of his palms on thick thighs to etch it into his skin. "Èske ou ta kite yon dyab sou tè apa pou Bondye, kè mwen?"
Lost in a fantasy, but never more keenly aware of the richness of Saint's skin, the definition of his face, and the gaze boring into him as though every descending thought had been read, seen, heard. And oh, in any other moment, he might've hated that, but here and now - he could grin. A wolf in puppydog disguise, arms curling under Saint as he changed positions, guiding his other leg around his waist in turn and pushing up, up, up- Warm, achingly hard flesh bubbled and shifted to life, one becoming two and straining so awfully in his pants, thick, tingling with anticipation and excitement. Trotting around like a fox in the henhouse, all but ready bury his teeth into sleek fabric and tear it clean from Saint's body, bury his nose into muscle and soft skin, ghost his tongue along curves and planes awash with goosebumps. What hungry, starved breaths shook out of him then, something carnally predatory shining in his eyes - nothing so sinister, but wholly ravenouse nonetheless, all that desperation burning and burning. So easy a decision to make, to bend his his knee and pray at the altar of Saint's ever so desirous divinity. So delicate beneath him, wrapped around him in wait, what beautiful eyes do watch him as he moves.
What a blessing it would be to have him spread wide open and demanding his cocks, yanking on that leash.
"Mwen ta ruine ou, ma cheri... Avek plezi. Avek lanmou..." Kisses pressed to collarbones, teeth catching on smooth skin. So pleasant and inviting a scent drawing him ever further toward the brink, heart pounding in his chest. Oh, to be nervous when at last seizing his opportunity to show Saint how pathetic and foul in his affections he could be, was. How on earth could he stand to be anxious in being his truest self, as much a declaration of his being as it was his love? Between kisses, bites, between kisses and firm grinding, explorative hands and sloppy swipes of his tongue when at last he pushed Saint's legs aside, spread, away, traveling lower and lower where nose and mouth would find a home in damp fabric, so so eager to please--
"Mwen ta kite ou toutouni ak dezespere pou plis nan mwen. I would 'ave ya... I would have you."
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kennythetrampvamp · 1 year
On hannibal episode 4: egg. Hannibals literally proposing to will rn. Like will, will u be fathers to Abigail with me? Do u wanna be Abigail's gay dads?
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thefisherqueen · 8 months
I'm back from holiday and I'm watching Sherlock Holmes Granada's The red circle tonight. There aren't many episodes I haven't watched left. I've been putting off The three gables and The dying detective since I really didn't like those stories, and I first would like to read the novels before I watch those movies, so this marathon is nearing the end :( I have no doubt however that I will be rewatching this series from time to time.
I don't remember much of The red circle anymore. Something with a kidnapped timekeeper, hidden female lodger and a couple fleeing from some Italian crime circle?
We're starting with murder, a couple fleeing and a man breaking into their house and creepily sniffing her night gown. Really sets the mood
I love it when Watson narrates the start of the case. Feels reminescent of the stories. And Holmes working on his scrap book and acting like a petulant child when he is interrupted at his task - straight out of the canon, so good
Holmes: "If I were your lodger you would not see me for weeks on end. That does not trouble you, does it mrs. Hudson?" "Nothing troubles me when you're concerned," Haha, I love mrs. Hudson
Holmes looks so touched when the client tells him about how an earlier client praised him. *watches this part 10 times just to stare into Jeremy Brett's eyes*
Holmes' black dressing gown is gorgeous. I want one
"Watson, deduce." "Me? *chuckles*" Aww, Watson is adorable and Edward Hardwicke played him so well. I love how engaged Watson is in the Granada series. He's actually an active part of each case.
"Please vanish" Rude, Holmes! Leaving mrs. Hudson and Watson once again to do damage control
Holmes: "I helped him (his former client) find a close relative once." So much emotion and hestancy there. I'm not entirely sure why Jeremy Brett chose to act so affected? I bet he had a whole headcanon about that former case. I wish I could still ask him! It is like he's acting like Holmes didn't tell Watson everything there. Did Jeremy interpret Holmes as feeling like he failed that former client maybe?
Watson reading the newspaper to Holmes is always a joy :)
Watson against Holmes' former client: "Some are more at risk than others because of their beliefs and courage." "I do what I do, doctor. Don't make me out to be a saint" Oh this is all so intruging. Something more than just case-related is being implied but I can't lay my finger on what exactly
All the imagery with the red circles is a little overdone. Yes, yes, we get the point
The former client is murdered right while he is at work in the theater? Gods. Holmes' and Watson's reactions tear at my heart
Jeremy Brett singing and narrating when he and Watson are looking at the agony coloms is oscar worthy. I adore him
mrs. Hudson: "What is it mr. Holmes, I'm washing curtains!" Bless that woman. Can't even wash her curtains in peace :D
I have to laugh at the kidnapping scene. They literally yeeted him out of the moving couch, poor old man
Landlord: "And I don't care for foreigners!" Holmes, with disdain: "Oh really?"
They kept the insane "journeys end with lovers meeting!" quote from Holmes to Hopkins. I love it
*Holmes climbs out of the roof, scares the hell out of everyone in the house* He totally would do that, wouldn't he? Excellent addition to the canon story
Holmes is so gentle and understanding when he goes to meet the lodger, he's so soft at heart and the whole Granada team understands that so well
They really made the finale very exciting, with the villain right at the lodger's door and the chase on the roof and the rolling down the stairs! Ouch, both Holmes and the american detective got a little bloody. Luckily Watson is close at hand. Always appreciate a bit of hurt/comfort
American detective: "When you're on a trail of a lifetime, mr Holmes, you put all thoughts of personal safety out of your mind". Oh he knows. I'm not sure Holmes even knows what personal safely means
This vaillain is like a fish - he escapes everyone's grasp. Until he finally got murdered himself. I love that his wife runs out over the street to look for her husband when she sees through the window that something went wrong
"No doubt mister Holmes, if you'd be here on your own you'd have found a different solution." "The law is what we live with, inspector. Justice is sometimes harder to archieve" What a great quote.
And then the couple gets a happy ending, and they go to the opera. Jeremy Brett's expression as he listens is perfection
Granada has done it again. I didn't find the canon story that memorable, but they made it into another great episode. I really loved this one.
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davekat-sucks · 9 months
Hey thanks for your perspective! I like seeing what other people think of a piece of media I engage with, and I can take in what another person’s perspective can be compared to mine. I always thought it was tough to keep up with HS^2, and before Yiffy it was boring. I read the prologue for HS^2 and it was nice, but ultimately pointless.
You make a good point about Jane, and I gotta describe the surreal decision for how they builded up to Jane’s villain arc.
So there is a series of snapchats from 11/11/2016 to 12/31/16 (I think) showing conversations between Jane and Roxy (calliope is there) discussing the celebration of the return of the gods on Earth C by blowing up the moon. Jane has her transportalizer hijacked by the felt, run by Jack Noir and Jane’s account now gets post updates from felt members. Roxy and Calliope attempt to get help but Jane successfully defends herself against the felt and enslaves Jack Noir with a tiaratop, and then puts Clover in charge of her snapchat account. She escapes before the moon explodes.
So the buildup to Jane being racist was her being kidnapped and then giving her social media to a leprechaun, who worked for the main bad guy of Homestuck who is last seen on his knees with the evil red Betty Crocker thing around his neck.
Yeah I can see why Jane became evil, she was the CEO of a corporation, and running corporations just make you literally irredeemably cruel to everyone. (If you can’t tell I’m being sarcastic)
To give credit to epilogues/postcanon apologists when they argue that the story’s character’s are not acting out of character, just rather changed over time or were always like this, but just didn’t have the unrestricted worship and authority Earth C gave them, they are in a sense, correct.
What postcanon apologists forget to argue is if the execution of this change in character works within the media it is produced under, and I gotta say, an obscure set of snapchat posts released after the credits that were only dug up by fans following the Homestuck Pinterest account which preluded a character’s villain arc by having her kidnapped and unkidnap herself was a poorly executed start to a vaillain arc, maybe they should have done more with the whole Jack possessed by the tiaratop thing and Jane running the most powerful corporation on Earth C, but I don’t write Homestuck.
The tiaratop thing only gets elaborated on in Homestuck^2 later on when in panels you can see tiaratops on Crockercorp soldiers in the April 2020 updates, nearly a whole year after the epilogues dropped. Before that I’d just assumed all the people decided in unity to be racist because Jane said so and most people can’t think for themselves actually, and just believe what a nice looking authority figure says. That last part might be true considering how well James Roach has gotten along with the Homestuck fandom.
So what is the moral of the story to all this? Well being a CEO of a corporation makes you a fascist because being in a position of power makes you think you’re better than everyone else and that they should be sorted into categories you consider lesser and better by your standards.
Sure there is actual human history to the rise of fascism and why some aristocrats and corporate businessmen supported the cause but I ain’t reading all that, my hypothesis is simple to understand and affirms all the premonitions I have about the world around me, so it must be correct!
So basically the Homestuck snapchats predicted Elon Musk buying Twitter and retweeting conspiracy theorist tweets because Elon Musk is the CEO of 5 companies now.
And look out for Disney CEO Bob Iger, he’s making bad and boring Disney movies with minority lead actors ON PURPOSE to radicalize fans of old, better cinematic franchises to bring about the 4th reich!!!
Funny enough, the aim for Jane Crocker being the villain in Homestuck 2 was also to make her an allegory for DONALD TRUMP. Even the bonus story for these random nothingbuger OCs made by WhatPumpkin, were suppose to be people getting BERNIE SANDERS to become President. They even advertise support for Bernie Sanders on the official HOMESTUCK TWITTER ACCOUNT. Of course, Bernie Sanders dropped out of presidential election. HS Twitter had to delete it and WhatPumpkin had to cancel that side story. Needless to say, the force of politics in Homestuck 2 was that bad.
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uselessnbee · 2 years
all the Mike theories make me think about how there's a big chance Mike in s5 will become even more similar to Wei Wuxian
• WWX spending some time in a hellish place (burial mounds) - Mike spending some time in a hellish place (upside down)?
• WWX having dark powers - Mike having dark powers?
• others seeing them as evil for those powers?
• them being the vaillains (even tho they're not)?
• them always seeing their worth only if they're useful and needed but now they feel like no one needs them and like they're a burden and useless and it's making them spiral into depression and self destructive behaviour?
• them fighting with the poeple they love and losing them in the process what pushes them even more into the darkness?
• WWX dying - Mike dying?
• cql WWX committed suicide - Mike committing or attempting suicide or sacrificing himself?
• the version of wwx's death where he was killed by his brother after he lost control of his powers - everyone finds out about Mike's powers and how he did all of this and Nancy still struggling with her own guilt and everything loses it and-GUNSHOT
but also
• wwx being brought back to life and getting his happy ending with the man he loves? with the man who's loved him this whole time and never given up on him and never hated him for his powers and saw him for the kind soul he is not for some evil demon?
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jiofreed · 4 years
MHA 274 thoughts ~
AFO and the doctor are not related to what is happening in the chapter, i have to say this because some people are already suggesting it and i *sigh*
AFO (the quirk) it's involved because its nature is to take quirks and is not the first time we see people acting according to their quirks.
Back in the day All For One himself said he couldn't help but to take the quirks he liked the most. Now that Tomura is the new user of AFO, is natural that he wants even more.
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vampyrluver · 4 years
HHHHH...mr..mr stickler..<3
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I really really don't want the impostor to be Ashfur because I KNOW his motivation is just going to be "WhY DoN'T YoU lOvE mE sQuiRrElfLiGhT?????" And that's going to be an even weaker motivation than it was the first time and honestly a bit annoying at this point.
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nevaehnei · 5 years
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Azef l The Villain’s Savior
I love him too much I want him all to myself hahaha so I had to draw him. If you haven’t read this webtoon you should!!!!
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tonystarkphobic · 5 years
we’ve now had seven villains that are a direct product of tonky’s crimes and his stans still think that it has nothing to do with him .. I mean once is happenstance, twice is coincidence and seven times it’s just him being a flat out shitty person.
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spaceflower07 · 3 years
✨My 2P interpretations✨
Things Alfred is bad at/isnt: cooking, fashion, healthcare, being introverted, common sense, english and literature in general, bored by history museums, close combat
Allen: good at cooking, fashionable, doctor, introvert, street smart, bad at STEM subjects, technologically illiterate, long range combat
Allen's personality would be a mirror of Yao's. Smart, serious, introverted, and is amazing at cooking. He is also adept at sewing and fashion, and excels at close combat rather than long range like guns. He takes health and cleanliness seriously, keeping his space tidy while ensuring he himself has good health. With that, he became a doctor. He is terrible at STEM subjects so some would wonder how he managed to become a doctor. He specializes in pharmeceuticals specifically, such as drugs, but is knowledgeable on other fields like nutrition as well. Though, while he seems tough and arrogant, he makes no secret of his love for adorable things, like furry animals. He has a plethora plushies he keeps on his bed. Unlike Alfred, he believes in superstitions and luck, subscribing to the theory of fate and destiny, believing nothing could change them. He thinks superheroes are bland, especially the ones Alfred favors, and is more interested in vaillains and anti-heroes. Being morally grey, doing things that Alfred would never do out of moral obligation, he has no problem playing the bad guy. Of course, as long as its just playing. After all, Allen is still a doctor and cares for the lives of people. He thinks children are annoying and is rather sensitive to loudness. He's rough and tough, but considerably more graceful and elegant than Alfred. He detests pop music, and likes either rock or classical. While Allen is more traditional, he doesnt view sex as a meaningful thing like Alfred does. Basically he doesn't bother saving himself for marriage and completely willing to flirt with any man in a 5 foot mile radius. Alfred is self conscious about his body, while Allen takes pride in it. He doesn't like his personality instead, but it's only a fleeting insecurity and Allen doesn't care enough to actually change, as he likes himself as he is most of the time. Allen was capable and responsible, often looking after James and picking up after him. Allen is actually pretty fond of Alfred and thinks of him as a brother. Alfred feels a little undermined by Allen since they are the same age and the same person, but Allen seems so much more older than him mentally. Allen acts like a big brother to Alfred, always looking out for him and making sure no one takes advantage of him. Allen doesn't really like Oliver and is openly cold to him. Allen also has to constantly bail his brother out of jail since James gets into fights a lot, Allen is older so he always drags James out by the ear. Allen went to raves, but he enjoyed more quiet parties as well. He also likes gossip a lot, as opposed to Alfred who doesn't participate in such things. He can be angry and sassy a lot, with sarcasm being his main language.
Things Ivan is bad at/isn't: technologically illiterate espeically with mechanic things, possessive, clean and tidy, smells like vanilla, lowkey an alcoholic, hated and feared, quick to anger and sarcastic, skilled at languages/literature/history/arts, sometimes surprises Alfred with spontaneous gifts, awkward with people
Viktor: skilled at machinery and engineering, plans every little detail of his life, gets jealous but is lowkey about it, workaholic to the point he neglects his space and thus he cant cook or clean, loved and adored, unwilling leader, very patient and always considers others, bad at languages or anything artistic, never does anything spontaneous, good at socializing (just chooses not to)
Viktor's personality mirrors Ludwig. He's serious with a strong sense of justice and strict adherence for rules. He always considers and helps other people, catering a lot of his life to helping others (buys snacks for other people on the way to work, makes sure to never wear a certain color around a certain person, he has everyone's allergies memorized). He never smiles and it is difficult for him to do so, but he does it when alone with his cats. Like Ludwig, he hates violence or disruption to work of any kind and always stops it in an orderly manner. He sometimes clashes with Allen's destructive personality, but ultimately he understands that Allen has a good reason to be angry. He's a pathalogical people pleaser, he does what he's told even if he doesn't want to, which prompts Allen into speaking up for him. People often go to him for help about a lot of things, and he tries to say no, but ultimately helps them anyway. He is a tough, too-serious, and efficient man who always abides by the rules and is "weak to" them. He often has difficulty leaving his commanding, serious mode and relaxing, only doing so when he's in the privacy of his home. Viktor is also awkward when talking to women, though acts as a father figure to younger nations (those who look like they're in grade school and younger) and thus can speak with younger girls without trouble. He's been working his whole life to support his younger sister after their elder sister left them, so he doesn't know how to cook or clean as the only thing he does is work, so his space is quite untidy and Allen nearly had a heart attack when he visited for the first time. While he seems serious, he is very fair and patient and also enjoys romantic novels. Like Ludwig, he has a lot of experience with dealing with people and a lot of people rely on him almost like babies. Everyone adores Viktor and thinks he is very responsible and cool.
Things Francis is: extroverted, good at fashion, hates dirt, good at baking, loves wine, loves getting drunk and pubs, loves singing, loves nudity, loves anything about love, artistic and wise
Louis: introverted, not fashionable at all, terrible at cooking, doesn't touch alcohol in order to stay sober to take care of drunken Oliver, can sing but doesn't want to, never reveals more than 5% of skin, pessimissitic, terrible at art and socially inept
Louis is not a flirt at all, and is a man of few words and expressions. He has a deadpanned expression mostly, and is the tamest of the Allies. He likes peace and quiet. He's quite beautiful actually, just like his 1p, but has terrible fashion sense in the way that he wears the ugliest button-ups/sweaters and dresses like an old grandpa. He is very shy about showing skin, going far to make sure that at least  85% percent of his skin is covered. He's quite a doting parent, and can be a bit overbearing towards James (the way Lukas is with Emil). Rarely ever smiles. Has a lack of flair and enjoys the more simple type of life, he doesn't understand the need of dressing up or being extravagant. Terrible with people, very awkward. He's an incredibly diligent worker and doesn't stop working until he's finished his work properly. Deep down, he's actually quite playful but it's rarely shown because he gets embarrassed easily, saying he'd rather be seen as stoic than a party animal. Louis isn't confrontational or argumentative, and often times is too shy to say anything. He is terrible at anything that has to do with clothes (sewing, fashion, you name it) He has the unhealthy habit of smoking, but stops whenever James and Allen are around. Louis has a hard time communicating, doesn't mean he doesn't want to though. He's just shy. He appreciates Oliver for talking to him even though he himself doesn't talk much, and for always including him even though he denies the invitation. He's called "the pretty one" of the Allies. He's also bad at art, but he's good at writing, and enjoys attending musicals and plays.
Things Arthur is: introverted, punk, anger issues, petty, good at writing, enjoys tea, believes in mythical creatures, likes mythology and folklore, electric guitar, sarcastic, secretly sincere
Oliver: extroverted, sweet, incapable of anger, bad with words, loves sweet things and thinks tea is bitter, scared of the mythical, thinks folklore is boring and would rather focus on real things, loves rock music too, brutally honest, two-faced
Oliver's personality is comparable to Finland. Oliver is described to be sweet yet extremely talkative, and often thinks up jokes to lighten up atmospheres. He has eccentric ideas and loves to try new things while Arthur despises doing anything new. He loves to practice knife throwing, but Louis forced him to use darts instead because knives were too dangerous. Arthur is good with words, but Oliver is known to trip over his words and have trouble speaking properly when he's nervous, uncomfortable or too concentrated. Oliver is kind to everyone, a sweet person in general, and is quick to forgive while Arthur can hold grudges for years. He still holds grudges against Francis for something that happened when they were children, which was decades ago. Oliver is also an excellent cook, and is humble unlike the arrogant Arthur. He's the mom friend (while Louis often comes off as a weathered father figure to the younger nations) Arthur is tough fibred but is actually a softie and can have cute interests, while Oliver seems soft and sweet but his interests are hardcore. Heavy rock metal, impressive knife skills. Unlike Arthur, he isn't easily provoked and it actually takes a lot to get him upset. He loves sunny days, unlike Arthur who prefers rainy. Despite Oliver being kind hearted and gentle with a cute face, he is actually quite dark-spirited: when asked what kind of room he wanted, Oliver replied that he wanted a jet black room filled with skulls and chains, horrifying the others. He has a sweet child-like appearance, but is noted to possess strength and resilience on par with Arthur. Oliver is actually a nagging and confrontational person, even though he considers himself shy. He is not good at sewing and embroidery, he finds it boring and is way too hyperactive to practice such a hobby. His most beloved hobby is baking (because you have to move around and it involves following instructions) and he is actually quite obsessed with it. He is also skilled in arts unlike Arthur, who failed to recreate a fancy vase. He and Arthur do have the same taste in music, so they get along well. People often label him as one of the tamer Allies, but he's actually quite eccentric with an off-the-wall personality. He has the tendency to wander off so he gets lost quite easily, leaving an exasperated Louis to go and find him.
Matthew: typically quiet, would like to be noticed more, enjoys winter and its sports, likes bears and sweet things, very protective and attached to his brother, diligent worker. Wise and emotionally smart, he learned sarcasm from Arthur. He doesn't trust people easily and is on guard.
James: introverted, hates the spotlight, hates winter and likes green forests more, he likes cuter animals like lambs and beavers rather than bears, isn't as close to his brother as Matthew, a lazy procrastinator who often gets into physical fights. Wise and emotionally smart, typically quiet and he learned sarcasm from Allen. He doesn't trust people easily and is on guard.
James is often seen with a face of silent disdain, but is actually very nice. He has a soft spot for cute things, and he and Allen share a love for animals. James has a bunny instead of a bear. Like Louis and Matthew, he hates confrontation. He's a socially awkward man that tries to hide behind his brother or blend into the background so nobody will notice him, but it never works. People find him intimidating, though he is completely unaware that he can come off as scary to other people. He appeared shocked when a child started to cry, saying that James looked angry and Allen had to explain to the mother that James just naturally looked like that. He loves nature, so it's hard to track him down because he's often in the forest. He's great with his hands and he actually built all of his furniture himself, he's great at woodwork and can make anything out of it. He built most of his toys when he was young. He plays hockey but isn't as invested in it as his 1p. He enjoys hiking, but finds it boring to go alone so he calls Allen to go with him. He's similar to Louis, like how Matthew is similar to Francis. He's mellow and non confrontational, and relies on either Allen or Oliver to speak up for him. Loathes small talk, and never initiates conversation of any kind. He doesn't have the sme sweet, cheerful relationship with his brother that Alfred and Matthew do; Allen nags him a lot and can be overbearing, so they're likely to get in arguments. Despite this, he is extremely loyal to his brother, and has grudges against people who Allen has a grudge against too. James is very grumpy, but he greatly admires Louis and absentmindedly imitates his mannerisms. They're very similar, though Louis is softer and more mellow than the grumpy canadian. He has a soft spot for Matthew and takes time out of his day to train him, and is more than happy to assist Allen taste test his cooking recipes when asked. Despite his anti-social nature, he is also quite the curious person and sometimes goes to festivals or gatherings just to see what it would be like. Other times, Allen drags him out. James' favorite dish is pancakes, and has a huge smile on his face when he eats it. Like Viktor, he can't cook or clean, but not because he's too busy to do so--rather, he's just lazy. Growing up with Allen, his brother did all the cooking and cleaning as he insisted James didn't do it correctly, so now he doesn't know hot do it and relies on his brother to be able to eat, otherwise he just starves. He makes use of weaponized incompetence, this bastard.
Klaus is safe to say one of the cinnamon rolls in the 2P world. He's quiet and behaved, but is very sweet and polite. He talks only when spoken to, and his self esteem is extremely low. He has a big space bubble, but will let certain people past it. He's very polite to mortal humans. Klaus is very shy and at times can be a nervous wreck. Klaus mostly spends his days inside the house either cleaning, watching TV, baking, taking care of the dogs, etc. He rarely ever goes out.  Klaus actually does get along well with Lutz, his younger brother always tries to get him into going outside, but he desperately tries to resist. He has a similar personality to 1p!Japan. Stoic but very polite and kind of a pushover. His main hobby is playing the flute, but is shy about it. He plays only in front of Lutz. However, like Kiku, he used to be a bloodthirsty war manic, committing atrocious crimes, but has since calmed down considerably and is deeply apologetic for it.
Luciano is a lot more feisty and fiercer than Feliciano. As opposed to Feliciano's abandonment issues from HRE, Luciano has trust issues. He's suave and flirty, similar to Ivan's sensual ways. He is very fond of Lutz but the latter is high maintenance. He always gets himself into trouble, the only reason he's still alive is Luciano coming in to rescue him all the time. He's a bossy and mischievous person who wants things to be in his control. Luciano is sassy and smug, but he's a nice person overall. He's a smug big brother figure to children. Has a similar personality to Kaeya. He bullied and made fun of Klaus a lot when he was a kid, which was bold of him since Luciano was the size of a chihuahua while Klaus was a looming 5"6. He's nice in general and is smug like Ivan, he's polite to Klaus nowadays. He's unpredictable and actually very useful in battle because of his impressive knife skills, he's the commander of the Axis Powers. Kuro and Lutz usually follow his orders with no objections since they know how strategic and sly their boss is. Flavio dotes him constantly like a mother hen. Luciano appreciates it but is a huge tsundere about it. Luciano is socially aware.
Kuro is nice. He has basically the same personality as Kiku except he's more stingier and grumpier. He overanalyzes things and is a perfectionist control freak. He loves cats just like Kiku, and is very affectionate towards them. He hates going outside. He is also protective of himself and his personal space but unlike Kiku who gets shy and flustered, he will angrily glare at someone but if they don't get the hint. He is secretly a huge softie. Actually likes Lutz, they get along well. Tolerates Luciano. Hates Oliver cause he cares so little about everything. Kuro doesn't like Xiao, and is cold to him. He is blunt and straightforward, does not like people who are constantly distracted and doesn't get to the point. Is not openly an otaku, will reject the idea of it. But he has stacks of mangas and anime everywhere in his room. Unlike his 1P he loathes hentai with every fiber of his being, cringing whenever he sees it and has the unquenchable desire to burn it. Loves cute things just like his 1P but isn't open about it, he will quietly fangirl in his mind. He is very opinionated and it is hard to sway or change his mind, but he usually keeps quiet unless he knows for a fact that his opinion is better. Unlike Kiku he enjoys being with his family, though he doesn't engage in any of the fun, he likes watching them.
Xiao is lazy and laidback, unlike the diligent and serious Yao. He is insecure about his appearance and makes up for it with aggressiveness, but is mostly all-talk no bark, as even though he is good at fighting he is too fearful to. He's not tough and would often take cover behind Viktor, allowing the rest of the group to fight for him. He is fine being in debt to others (he's been piling it up since he was a kid), unlike Yao who detests the feeling of owing someone and would do things himself just to avoid it. Yao is also quite opinionated, in contrast to Xiao, who doesn't really hold any strong opinions and just goes with the flow. He doesn't care if people don't respect him (as he never had respect for himself in the first place). He's kind of pathetic that way. He wears his hair up while Yao wears his down, and he is more shabby and aggressive to contrast Yao's gracefulness. He also acts like a child while Yao acts like a parent. He is very brutally honest, and people have to watch for his mouth often. He likes doing drugs, while Yao despises them. His contrast to Yao also shows in his relationship with Allen, who is similar to Yao.
Lutz is that one incredibly extroverted, outgoing himbo man who likes to flirt with others but never succeeds. He's outgoing, he's fun, he's everything Ludwig isn't. People like him for his friendliness, but they don't respect him, while Ludwig is held in very high regard by others. He's relatively successful, so he's able to afford a house that his brother lives in the basement off, but he does the minimal effort for it. He's the butt if most people's jokes, and it's hurtful but he tries not to let it bother him. To make up for the lack of respect he receives, he tries his best to be friendly to everyone, which works...a bit. That's why he sticks to Luciano, who respects him for the effort he does put in and recognizes his potential. Luciano, who's used to people being rude or serious to him, also enjoys Lutz's carefree attitude and is able to relax around him. Lutz also likes that he's able to take the backseat when he's Luciano and not get any shit for it. He's merely the brawn. While Ludwig is calm, rational and takes the lead in stressful situations, Lutz cannot process anything in those situations and needs to be told what to do. He likes dogs too, something he and Ludwig actually share.
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docholligay · 4 years
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We all know you can fuck with the formula is you so choose, but for the case of what we’re doing here and the fairytale structure we’re meant to be following, he’s right. We don’t need two princesses, we don’t need all of this extra, and both of them cannot be the heroine. Something has to give within the story, and I suspect that something is our own Rue becoming the villain, which I actually have no trouble with, if you ask me, having her go full villain could be a lot of fun. ESPECIALLY if we get to keep having Rue and AHiru be friends while Kraehe and Tutu are enemies. 
But this is aimed at us, not Rue, and so my wild tendency to simply write the story from the point I’m given may be more useful here than it ever is. Do I think that Rue will become the villain? To some extent, i’m sure, though I’m not sure how far the show is willing to take it. I know damn well Tutu isn’t going to become the vaillain, because I know how stories work, which is what we’re playing on with all of Drosselmeyer’s stuff. 
Please note I have never seen this and am watching spoiler-free! Please don’t confirm, deny, or explain anything, even if it’s historical or cultural! Thank you!
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s1lver-bullet · 4 years
Reunion! (Closed starter for @cosmicheronebula)
Jowi watched from atop a building as Yuu battled a villain. If time passage between their worlds was lined up, this should be her rookie year, same as him.
He had yet to announce his presence to her, but he’d ended up in her world a mere few hours ago, and happened upon her current battle only a few minutes ago.
She was holding out pretty well, but it was clear she was losing. The strength that this vaillain possessed would rival even his own, and Yuu wasn’t ready for that kind of fight. As she fell down, seeming to accept defeat, he frowned, before shouting out,
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Of course, he hadn’t taught her the final move of the Tycho style before she’d left. But he didn’t even know it yet himself before she’d left to come home. But now was the perfect time for her to arrive at it herself. If things got too hairy, he’d step in, and finish the fight himself, but he wanted Yuu to stand on her own, not just as her friend and former boyfriend, but as her teacher, too.
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kinkykawaiian · 4 years
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She is based off of Biblical Lilith. She was inspired by other interpretations of Lilith//
Working on a detailed reference sheet.
Name: Lilith
Alias: Death Dealer, ,Mistress of Betrayal, The Red Queen
Occupation: Weapon's dealer, Black Hat’s Emissary, Leader of the Red Macabre Corporation, Also ringleader of an underground circus for villains where she torments her victims((those who betrayed her or some man that committed a crime against a woman))
Race: Succubus
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual but leans towards men more
As far as the legend goes; she fled the garden of Eden when she refused to submit to Adam.  God had sent three angels to retrieve her but they never found her. She was lost, naked and alone; searching for a place to call home and where she could be her own woman. That is when the devil manifested before her and offered her a place in the depths of hell. Promising her that she will be free to do as she pleases with no man ruling over her. And that is where she made her home and ruled over a legion. Years turned to centuries, centuries turned to millennias and millenias turned to eons that she wasted in that inferno.She evolved into the monster she is today and earned the title The deceiver of men, bows to no one and queen of the night.(The year 1860, Washington) She was summoned on earth by a mortal looking to get his rocks off with the infamous succubus and it backfired on him when she drained his life energy for sustenance; leaving nothing but a hollowed out corpse. Now, free to roam Earth, she disguised herself as a normal woman; killing several men in her wake. She was nomadic; never staying in one place and always traveling state to state; town to town and eventually she happened upon a small town in Mexico. She saw a discrete ad around the town for a masquerade for the insidious. She attended the ball expecting to find her new victim. She wore a crimson red and black Victorian dress; it's silk straps draping off her shoulder; along with black gloves and a crow mask, her hair tied back in a bun adorned with roses and black feathers. During the festivities; she met the infamous Black Hat. His face was concealed by a mask. He approached her and asked for a dance while complementing the color of her attire. The first thing she noticed was his top hat and assumed he had a high place in society; and since she has an affinity for men in power (because she wants to dominate that power) she accepted his offer. Hours passed as they spent the night dancing away; eventually the events came to an end. As they were leaving the building; Black Hat  whistled to summon his steed and to Lilith's surprise it was an undead horse with it's head engulfed in teal flames. He took her by the hand and they road together through the woods in the dead of night.Upon arriving at a lake where they dismounted; he asked her who the girl behind the mask was. She removed her mask to reveal her face; her eyes shifting to their demonic form as she told him who she was and she asked the same from him and he revealed who he was(At this time he was El Charro Negro)). The two schmoozed for several hours; talking about their conquers, victims and who they walked over to get to where they are. She was also admitted that she was going to make a meal out of him; assuming that he was a mortal when they first met.  He laughed in response and told her that he was about to do the same until he saw her eyes change. He was curious if she had any place to go. She told how she usually targets men and spends the night at their place before moving on to their next victim. He offered to bring her home and have her work for him in return, being impressed by the temptress of deception. She was smitten by the Eldritch demon and she took his offer. Once at his estate; she was given her own room and a set of rules to follow; to which she had a difficult time following because she'd be damned if she let a man rule over her. This caused them to butt heads but she still served him well with sacrifices and assassinating her targets effectively. Although she came close to almost dying once while trying to seduce and kill a monster hunter who was on Black Hat's trail. He had holy weapons that subdued her which he tortured her and sawed her wings off; her ear got torn and her horn chipped; he was about to slice her throat with a blessed blade but was interrupted by the leering shadow of a monstrous  Black Hat who engulfed the room in darkness. Lilith had loss consciousness from the blood loss at this point and she came to back in her bed with her boss tending to her wounds. He looked annoyed and chewed her out for failing to do the job; of course this lead to an argument between the two but she receded back to laying on her side in pain; allowing Black Hat to continue bandaging her wounds. He gently stroked her hair before exiting the room calling her a"Beautiful imbecile" and told her "Not to let it happen again because the next time I just might let you die"   Black Hat enjoyed her wild and wicked nature; trying to contain it would be foolish but he thrived on the conflict that came from him attempting. When he presented her a contract to finalize her employment; she question it's context. Black Hat was annoyed by this and promised her she would get anything she wished from the organization if she signed the doted line. Once she signed; he gave her anything she had asked for. She asked to start her own circus; so he gave her an underground circus to run where she would torture her victims for the insidious masses to see; along with two tigers trained to maim and eat those victims. She saved the money she earned(While also giving Black Hat his cut) she eventually branched off to start her own organized crime empire called The Red Macabre Corporation in the year of 1920. Black Hat was happy to see her flourish into a villain of her own but at the same time seething in anger because he secretly enjoyed her company(And her cooking; she would cook fresh stillborn babies for him). This made him grow even more bitter and even more strict with his future employees. Nonetheless, she went off; leaving the estate to run her own business. Now in present day; She still does business with Black Hat and they still have some kind of strong tension going on between them and it is unknown if it's hatred or sexual. But when no one else is looking; they will waltz privately in his office; reminiscing about the night they met all those years ago. They have a very antagonizing romance that comes off as contempt at first glance; so you'd have to read between the lines.
-Drinking in general
-The suffering of men who thought they were superior to women
-Old detective shows
-Singing and dancing
-She likes spicy things(perfume,foods,gum,sex)
-Guns; her favorite being her golden Berretta 92; a semi automatic pistol
-being the center of attention
-cheese cake
-electro swing, jazz,heavy metal and waltz
-Dementia's illusive nature in small doses
-the rare sweet moments between her and Black Hat that happen in private
-living in the lap of luxury
-the color red
-Bathing in virgin blood
-the taste of human flesh
-When Black Hat sings "Vaillainous thing" to her ((
-Belly dancing(mostly to Heavy metal),waltzing or tango.
-Other people's children
-Being referred to as the Night hag
-Being asked what her age is
-Being called a sinner
-Being annoyed
-anything cold
-Being disrespected
-Most men
-Outdated views
-when Black Hat melts puppies
-Being told what to wear
-Lilith can speak several different languages; including English,Spanish and pig Latin.
-She has been summoned to the surface world before in the past a few times; Once by Mary 1 of England(in the year 1552) and helped her rein the Kingdom with an iron fist. She also taught her to bathe in virgin blood to maintain her youth. But as all deals go; she collected her dept when "Bloody Mary" met her demise. She has her soul now trapped behind mirrors; only to be summoned to scare stupid children when they repeat her name three times in a dark bathroom.
-Lilith is an excellent cook(She mostly cooks human flesh with herbs and spices)
-Lilith covers her chipped horn with a band at all times
-Black Hat has indulged in her sinful nature a few times and it usually leaves them both bitten up,bruised and bleeding. And it is their dirty little secret to keep.
-Lilith pursued Black Hat out of her own free will
-If Black Hat were to ever disappear Lilith would take his spot and rule ruthlessly and mercilessly and do away with the mortals he hired and summon a legion to take their place.
-Lilith views Black Hat as an equal; despite him viewing her beneath him. However, he does view her as the closest thing to his equal.
-Lilith left his residence before he started to brand his employees and never allowed herself to be marked by him if it wasn't by his teeth or claws.
-Black Hat and Lilith have private meetings every so often where he complains about his employees or talks about his new devices he wants to sell or they drink and reminisce about their past  
-Lilith will never say it out loud but she loves Black Hat; despite all their escapades together.
-When she was living with Black Hat he would request for her to sing him to sleep when he was restless (( She would usually sing "Belong to me"
Personality: She is charismatic, bold and is never afraid to refrain from sharing her thoughts.  She is the embodiment of the sin lust so she is very lewd in nature. She is cruel to those outside of her inner circle and could care less about them. She is careful with who she deals with given her past experience with shady characters. She also comes across as bit of a narcissist and hogs the spotlight. She is manipulative and deceiving; leading her victims to fall into her trap. She is ruthless when dealing with victims. She also makes a lot of suggestive jokes.
Fighting Style: she is very flexible, quick and agile so she will use that to her advantage. She fights like an animal,using her horns to ram into her enemy, her clawed nails, fanged teeth and tail. Also may use her hooves to step on her enemies. Or she'll just simply unload led into you.
Powers: intense charisma and seductive power to match her good looks she uses to her advantage to manipulate unsuspecting victims,can disguise herself to look human, Manipulates dreams, Can see in the dark, Pyrotechnic, is able to make items manifest themselves in a snap of a finger, she can also walk up right walls and ceilings. She can teleport in a close proximity(She cannot teleport through dimensions however), sucking her victim's life dry to leave behind a hollowed corpse, Immortality. She also can use a spell to charm her victims(Only works with mortals) to get what she wants. Despite having these supernatural powers she is not as strong as Black Hat. She doesn't even come close to what he is capable of.
Quote: "Don't mistaken my respect for fear or you will loose it”-Lilith to BH
Voice Claim: Cat Pierce ((
Theme songs:
Her and Black Hat's playlist:
Roleplay Examples:
Lilith walked into the ballroom and was instantly awestruck. The room was nearly one thousand feet long by five hundred feet wide, with the ceiling stretching up another hundred feet above her head. It made her feel smaller than an ant. The walls were a shimmering white and gold. Dozens of glittering crystal chandeliers spiraled down from the ceiling. Candles lit on each pillar; which illuminated the ballroom’s occupants. A group of five women in front of her all had flowing, elegant ball gowns that were frilly but pale. She could hear their low chatter as they talked among themselves and laughed, seemingly completely at ease in this festive atmosphere. Lilith's crimson and black gown made her stick out like a swore thumb. She wondered through the masked crowed aimlessly as she discreetly scouted for her next victim.
Lilith grinned widely as the stranger in black accepted her offer. She rested her free hand on his shoulder before they began to glide through the ballroom floor together; the sounds of violins filled the air. They stood out in their dark attire as they waltzed through a sea of pale pastel gowns and suits. The demoness in disguise had hunger written in her eyes. One could easily mistaken that look for lust but she was actually fantasizing how she would devour this man when given the opportunity"You are an excellent dancer"She complemented her partner.
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This interpretation of Lilith and art belong to me
Villainous belongs to Alan Ituriel
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dwhumpster · 5 years
Whump compilation: Gotham
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This is a comprehensive list of whump in Gotham.
List established as of 5x12, series complete as of 2019.
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James Gordon (Ben McKenzie)
1x01, “Pilot”, fight, punched, injured hand, bandages, knocked out, hung upside down, hand bandaged, comfort hug
1x03, “The Balloonman”, rough fall
1x05, “Viper”, bagged
1x06, “Spirit of the Goat”, arrested, assaulted
1x07, “Penguin’s Umbrella”, punched in the face, shot in the side, rescued, bandaged, leans on person to walk, wife used as hostage, limping
1x08, “The Mask”, punched in the face, tasered, knocked out, fight, bandaged arm
1x10, “Lovecraft”, fight, punched, kicked, choked, knocked out, demoted
1x12, “What the Little Bird Told Him”, beaten up, body slammed into a table twice
1x13, “Welcome Back, Jim Gordon”, fight, punched
1x20, “Under the Knife”, hit on the head by mistake
1x21, “The Anvil or the Hammer”, grabs blade by the hands, hand injury, bandaged
1x22, “All Happy Families are Alike”, hands tied over his head
2x01, “Rise of the Villains: Damned if you do...”, demoted
2x02, “Rise of the Villains: Knock, Knock”, beaten up, bloody face, passes out
2x03, “Rise of the Villains: The Last Laugh”, inhales gas, disoriented, hit across the face, knocked out
2x08, “Rise of the Villains: Tonight’s the Night”, car accident (ambushed), injected with needle, passes out, tied to a chair, romantic partner taken hostage
2x09, “Rise of the Villains: A Bitter Pill to Swallow”, choked, fight, bruised, beaten up, injuries tended to
2x10, “Rise of the Villains: The Son of Gotham”, guilt over murdered colleague, fight, cuts his hand, hands tied to a pole over his head, beaten up, knocked out, slapped, shaken
2x11, “Rise of the Villains: Worse Than a Crime”, scratch on his cheek, recovery, limping, partner worries for him
2x15, “Wrath of the Villains: Mad Grey Dawn”, held at gunpoint, interrogated, arrested, wrongfully imprisoned
2x16, “Wrath of the Villains: Prisoners”, imprisoned, learns his partner had a miscarriage, hit on the head, beaten up, injuries tended to, restrained, stabbed in the side multiple times, fake death
2x17, “Wrath of the Villains: Into the Woods”, small cuts on face
2x18, “Wrath of the Villains: Pinewood”, knife to the neck, tied to a chair
2x19, “Wrath of the Vaillains: Azrael”, locked up, slammed into a table
2x20, “Wrath of the Villains: Unleashed”, beaten up
2x21, “Wrath of the Villains: A Legion of Horribles”, captured, manhandled, strapped to a chair
2x22, “Wrath of the Villains: Transference”, strapped to a chair, forcefully injected with honesty serum, guilt
3x01, “Mad City: Better to Reign in Hell”, thrown, punched in the stomach
3x02, “Mad City: Burn the Witch”, held at gunpoint
3x03, “Mad City: Look into my Eyes”, hit on the head with a baseball bat, injury tended to, hypnotized, nearly made to jump off the roof of a building and commit suicide
3x04, “Mad City: New Day Rising”, hypnotized, nearly commits suicide again by walking out in front ot a truck, nearly commits suicide a third time by pointing a gun to his head, hit on the head, knocked out, handcuffed to a chair, put on suicide watch, handcuffed again, points a gun at his head
3x06, “Mad City: Follow the White Rabbit”, Hatter plays screws with him with more psychological games, guilt, worry, held at gunpoint, dragged into psychological game, tries to give himself up as hostage to save friends, partner shot in front of him
3x07, “Mad City: Red Queen”, gassed, drugged, hallucinates (burns hand, shot), sharp glass to the neck, IV in his arm
3x08, “Mad City: Blood Rush”, punched in the face
3x09, “Mad City: The Executioner”, held at gunpoint, beaten up, bruised face
3x11, “Mad City: Beware the Green-Eyed Monster”, manhanded, slammed into a table, thrown through a window, knocked out, face injuries, grabbed by the neck, head injury tended to, slapped, fight, repeatedly punched, bruised face
3x12, “Mad City: Ghosts”, bounty on his head, fight
3x15, “Heroes Rise: How the Riddler got his Name”, angst, learns his father's death wasn't accidental but murder
3x16, “Heroes Rise: These Delicate and Dark Obsessions”, learns his uncle had his father killed, knocked in the head, held at gunpoint, minor nosebleed, uncle commits suicide in front of him
3x17, “Heroes Rise: This Primal Riddle”, held at gunpoint
3x18, “Heroes Rise: Light the Wick”, choked
3x19, “Heroes Rise: All will be Judged”, caught in an explosion, knife/blade to the throat, knocked out, chained to a chair, blade to the throat again, hit in the back of the head, kicked in the face, ice pack to the shoulder
3x20, “Heroes Rise: Petty Hate Machine”, grabbed by the neck, choked, thrown, kidnapped, burried alive, forced to inject self with virus if he wants to get out, hit across the head
3x21, “Heroes Rise: Destiny Calling”, infected with virus, tries to fight off the effects, knocked out
3x22, “Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul”, still tries to fight the virus, buried alive, held at gunpoint
4x01, “A Dark Knight: Pax Penguina”, hit in the chest, hit across the head, kicked in the stomach multiple times, beaten up, bloody nose, ice pack to the head 
4x02, “A Dark Knight: The Fear Reaper”, hit on the head, blade to the throat, gassed wih fear gas, encouraged to commit self harm, nearly slits wrists, body slammed into the floor
4x06, “A Dark Knight: Hog Day Afternoon”, caught in an explosion, passes out, strapped to a chair, worry
4x09, “A Dark Knight: Let them eat Pie”, hit on the back of the head, knocked out, fight
4x11, “A Dark Knight: Queen takes Knight”, held at gunpoint
4x14, “A Dark Knight: Reunion”, held at gunpoint
4x15, “A Dark Knight: The Sinking Ship, The Grand Applause”, shot in the side twice, shot in the shoulder, shot in the back, hospital, nose cannula, arm in sling
4x16, “A Dark Knight: One of my Three Soups”, manhandled, hit across the face
4x17, “A Dark Knight: Mandatory Brunch Meeting”, kicked, shoved into a wall
4x20, “A Dark Knight: That Old Corpse”, held at gunpoint, trapped in a room with a bomb
4x21, “A Dark Knight: One Bad Day”, IV in his arm, sluggish, drugged, passes out
4x22, “A Dark Knight: No Man’s Land”, manhandled, hit with tranquilizer dart, strapped to a table, hit across the face, tortured by crushing, injured ribs, limping
5x02, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Trespassers”, dizzy, hand injury, bandage
5x03, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Penguin, our Hero”, hands tied, locked up, held at gunpoint
5x04, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Ruin”, held at gunpoint (briefly)
5x05, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Pena Dura”, held at gunpoint
5x06, “Legend of the Dark Knight: 13 Stitches”, on the run/hunted down, shot at, fight, choked, neck injury, punched, bruised, hit in the back, stabbed in the side, mind-controlled partner tries to kill him
5x07, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Ace Chemicals”, beaten up, bruised face, handcuffed to a pole, hypnotized/mind controled (used in the recreation of Bruce's parents murder)
5x09, “Legend of the Dark Knight: The Trial of Jim Gordon”, partner and friend worries for him, shot, collapse, carried, operated on, hallucinates being on trial and executed, handcuffed
5x10, “Legend of the Dark Knight: I am Bane”, hit with tranquilizer dart, knocked out, manhandled, hands tied, tortured to get Bruce to talk, tranquilizer dart again, knocked out, restrained to a table, injected serum in the neck aginst his will/medical torture
5x11, “Legend of the Dark Knight: They did What?”, child used as a way to ensure complacency, fight, beaten up
5x12, “Legend of the Dark Knight: The Beginning”, held at gunpoint, stabbed in the side
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Oswald Cobbleplot (Robin Lord Taylor)
1x01, “Pilot”, hit with a chair, beaten up, locked in trunk of a car, held at gunpoint, permanent limp, fake death
1x04, “Arkham”, slammed into a wall
1x05, “Viper”, head slammed into a table, bloody face
1x07, “Penguin’s Umbrella”, punched in the gut, manhandled, handcuffed (flashback)
1x08, “The Mask”, stabbed in the hand, bandage
1x10, “Lovecraft”, bagged, fear
1x11, “Rogues’ Gallery”, punched in the face, bruised face, locked up, grabbed by the face
1x12, “What the Little Bird Told Him”, electrocuted, passes out, bruised face, hit across the face
1x13, “Welcome Back, Jim Gordon”, hit across the face
1x14, “The Fearsome Dr. Crane”, slapped, on his knees, nearly crushed to death
1x22, “All Happy Families are Alike”, hands tied over his head, choked, beaten up, slapped, fight
2x04, “Rise of the Villains: Strike Force”, mother taken hostage to get him to cooperate, worry
2x07, “Rise of the Villains: Mommy’s Little Monster”, walks into a trap, mother used as a means to ensure complacency, mother killed in front of him, grief, held at gunpoint, shot in the shoulder
2x09, “Rise of the Villains: A Bitter Pill to Swallow”, fear, panic, needle injected into neck, passes out, bedridden
2x12, “Rise of the Villains: Mr. Freeze”, mahandled, locked up, fear
2x13, “Wrath of the Villains: A Dead Man feels no Cold”, manhandled, strapped to a chair, used in scientific experiment, electrocuted
2x14, “Wrath of the Villains: This Ball of Mud and Meanness”, strapped to a chair, gagged, convulsions, manhandled, slammed into a table, rendered harmless after being experimented on
2x15, “Wrath of the Villains: Mad Grey Dawn”, manhandled, tarred and feathered, grief, tears, comfort
2x16, “Wrath of the Villains: Prisoners”, nightmare, sister in law tries to force herself on him/attempted rape, panic, grief, father is poisoned and dies in his arms
2x17, “Wrath of the Villains: Into the Woods”, tears, father's funeral, the rest of his family rejects him, angst
2x20, “Wrath of the Vaillains: Unleashed”, held at gunpoint
2x22, “Wrath of the Villains: Transference”, fear, passes out
3x03, “Mad City: Look into my Eyes”, held at gunpoint
3x04, “Mad City: New Day Rising”, angst, learns that his friend betrayed him, tears
3x05, “Mad City: Anything for You”, shot at, worry
3x07, “Mad City: Red Queen”, held at gunpoint
3x09, “Mad City: The Executioner”, worry
3x11, “Mad City: Beware the Green-Eyed Monster”, stabbed in the back (vision)
3x12, “Mad City: Ghosts”, fear, hallucinates his dead father
3x13, “Mad City: Smile Like You Mean It”, depression (sort of)
3x14, “Mad City: The Gentle Art of making Ennemies”, worry, held at gunpoint twice, hit across the face, tied up, slapped, choked, markings on his neck, heartbreak, shot in the side, thrown into the water
3x15, “Heroes Rise: How the Riddler got his Name”, bedridden, ill, nausea
3x16, “Heroes Rise: These Delicate and Dark Obsessions”, wheelchair, blanket on shoulders (briefly)
3x17, “Heroes Rise: This Primal Riddle”, manhandled
3x18, “Heroes Rise: Light the Wick”, locked up
3x19, “Heroes Rise: All will be Judged”, locked up, choked, knife to the throat
3x20, “Heroes Rise: Pretty Hate Machine”, held at gunpoint
3x21, “Heroes Rise: Destiny Calling”, former friend dies in his arms, tears, grabbed by the neck, choked
3x22, “Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul”, handcuffed, used as bargaining chip, held at gunpoint
4x09, “A Dark Knight: Let them eat Pie”, forced to eat a pie with human meat in it
4x10, “A Dark Knight: Things that go Boom”, worry
4x11, “A Dark Knight: Queen takes Knight”, manhandled, imprisoned
4x13, “A Dark Knight: A Beautiful Darkness”, manhandled, slammed into the floor, hit on the face, beaten up
4x15, “A Dark Knight: The Sinking Ship, The Grand Applause”, held at gunpoint, handcuffed
4x17, “A Dark Knight: Mandatory Brunch Meeting”, grabbed by the neck, choked, thrown
4x18, “A Dark Knight: That’s Entertainment”, hands tied, trapped in room with inflammable gas, held at gunpoint
4x21, “A Dark Knight: One Bad Day”, grabbed by the neck, choked
4x22, “A Dark Knight: No Man’s Land”, tears
5x01, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Year Zero”, restrained around the neck, held at gunpoint, shot in the leg, operated on, painful bullet removal
5x03, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Penguin, our Hero”, handcuffed, locked up
5x04, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Ruin”, aftermath of being caught in an explosion, dirty, bruised, nearly shot, manhandled
5x06, “Legend of the Dark Knight: 13 Stitches”, held at gunpoint
5x07, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Ace Chemicals”,  knife to the throat, held at gunpoint
5x09, “Legend of the Dark Knight: The Trial of Jim Gordon”, punched in the face, punched in the gut
5x11, “Legend of the Dark Knight: They did What?”, eye injury from explosion
5x12, “Legend of the Dark Knight: The Beginning...”, tied up
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Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue)
1x01, “Pilot”, knocked out, hung upside down
1x03, “The Balloonman”, thrown around, manhandled, held at gunpoint
1x05, “Viper”, thrown through a door, pinned against a wall, choked
1x06, “Spirit of the Goat”, worry for his friend, falls down stairs, assaulted
1x08, “The Mask”, worry
1x13, “Welcome Back, Jim Gordon”, fight, punched
1x21, “The Anvil or the Hammer”, hit on the back of the head, falls down a flight of stairs
1x22, “All Happy Families are Alike”, hands tied over his head
2x03, “Rise of the Villains: The Last Laugh”, inhales gas, passes out
2x08, “Rise of the Villains: Tonight’s the Night”, car accident (ambushed), face bandages
3x02, “Mad City: Burn the Witch”, held at gunpoint, kidnapped, mind controlled, held hostage, hands tied
3x04, “Mad City: New Day Rising”, repeatedly punched
3x12, “Mad City: Ghosts”, held at gunpoint
3x15, “Heroes Rise: How the Riddler got his Name”, taken hostage, tied to a chair, gagged
3x18, “Heroes Rise: Light the Wick”, assaulted
3x19, “Heroes Rise: All will be Judged”, caught in an explosion, knocked out, punched
3x20, “Heroes Rise: Pretty Hate Machine”, worry
3x22, “Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul”, slammed into a train, face injuries
4x01, “A Dark Knight: Pax Penguina”, hit in the back, held at gunpoint
4x06, “A Dark Knight: Hog Day Afternoon”, caught in an explosion, strung up, throat cut, hospital, guilt
4x07, “A Dark Knight: A Day in the Narrows”, bandaged neck from previous cut
4x08, “ A Dark Knight: Stop Hitting Yourself”, guilt, kidnapped, tied to a chair, relieved of duty
4x14, “A Dark Knight: Reunion”, hypnotized, held at gunpoint
4x16, “A Dark Knight: One of my Three Soups”, hypnotized, nearly made to jump off the roof of a building
4x17, “A Dark Knight: Mandatory Brunch Meeting”, kicked, punched in the face, shoved into a wall
4x21, “A Dark Knight: One Bad Day”, worry
5x02, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Trespassers”, tasered, dizzy
5x03, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Penguin, our Hero”, knife to the throat
5x06, “Legend of the Dark Knight: 13 Stitches”, locked up
5x08, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Nothing’s Shocking”, angst, held at gunpoint, emotional turmoil over past case, guilt
5x09, “Legend of the Dark Knight: The Trial of Jim Gordon”, worry
5x10, “Legend of the Dark Knight: I am Bane”, worry
5x12, “Legend of the Dark Knight: The Beginning”, punched in the face, held at gunpoint
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Alfred Pennyworth (Sean Pertwee)
1x10, “Lovecraft”, shot in the shoulder, tended to, worry for Bruce, hugged
1x17, “Red Hood”, stabbed, hospitalized, breathalyzer
1x18, “The Blind Fortune Teller”, hospital bed, friend worries for him
1x19, “Beasts of Prey”, pain in the side, blood from previous injury
2x11, “Rise of the Villains: Worse Than a Crime”, stumbles, side wound from being stabbed, hunted down
2x14, “Wrath of the Villains: This Ball of Mud and Meanness”, fight, beaten up, bloody face, bedridden
2x18, “Wrath of the Villains: Pinewood”, hand cut, bandaged/self care
2x20, “Wrath of the Villains: Unleashed”, stabbed in the thigh, thrown through a window
2x21, “Wrath of the Villains: A Legion of Horribles”, concern/worry for Bruce, captured
3x01, “Mad City: Better to Reign in Hell”, beaten up
3x11, “Mad City: Beware the Green-Eyed Monster”, held at gunpoint
3x14, “Mad City: The Gentle Art of making Ennemies”, hit across the face, held at gunpoint, worry for Bruce
3x19, “Heroes Rise: All will be Judged”, hit in the knee, heatbutted, knocked out, nosebleed, hit across the face, knocked out again
3x20, “Heroes Rise: Pretty Hate Machine”, angst, punched in the face, kicked in the stomach, knocked out
3x21, “Heroes Rise: Destiny Calling”, captured, forced to kneel, hands tied behind his back, stabbed in the chest, blood
3x22, “Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul”, bloody face, gurney, hospital bed, Bruce worries by his bedside
4x12, “A Dark Knight: Pieces of a Broken Mirror”, beaten up, manhandled
4x14, “A Dark Knight: Reunion”, knocked out
4x21, “A Dark Knight: One Bad Day”, tortured (fake!Alfred), images of his torture shown to Bruce (fake!Alfred), cuts on his face
5x06, “Legend of the Dark Knight: 13 Stitches”, stabbed, kidnapped, tied to a chair
5x07, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Ace Chemicals”, mind controled/hypnotized, caught in an explosion, injured face, blood, hugged
5x08, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Nothing’s Shocking”, guilt
5x10, “Legend of the Dark Knight: I am Bane”, grabbed by the collar, punched in the face, slammed into a truck, repeatedly punched, beaten up, friend worries for him
5x11, “Legend of the Dark Knight: They did What?”, bloody bandages on ace, unconscious
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Edward Nygma (Cory Michael Smith)
1x20, “Under the Knife”, kicked in the stomach
2x01, “Rise of the Villains: Damned if you do...”, hallucinates talking to himself
2x02, “Rise of the Villains: Knock, Knock”, arm injury, bandaged (very briefly)
2x06, “Rise of the Villains: By Fire”, hit across the head, inadvertently chokes his romantic partner to death, grief
2x08, “Rise of the Villains: Tonight’s the Night”, hit on the head
2x09, “Rise of the Villains: A Bitter Pill to Swallow”, knife to the neck
2x19, “Wrath of the Villains: Azrael”, locked up, imprisoned
2x22, “Wrath of the Villains: Transference”, manhandled, locked up
3x01, “Mad City: Better to Reign in Hell”, locked up, imprisoned
3x04, “Mad City: New Day Rising”, grabbed by the neck, held at gunpoint
3x05, “Mad City: Anything for You”, shot at, punched in the face, grabbed by the neck/choked, tackled, bruised neck, looked after
3x09, “Mad City: The Executioner”, romantic partner murdered, comfort, hugged, depressed, friend worries for him
3x18, “Heroes Rise: Light the Wick”, locked up
3x19, “Heroes Rise: All will be Judged”, locked up
3x22, “Heroes Rise: Heavydirtysoul”, hit on the back of the head, knocked out, handcuffed, frozen
4x05, “A Dark Knight: The Blade‘s Path”, stabbed in the hand, knocked out, grabbed by injured hand
4x08, “A Dark Knight: Stop Hitting Yourself”, hit across the face, knocked out, gagged, hands tied, held at gunpoint
4x10, “A Dark Knight: Things that go Boom”, hallucinations
4x11, “A Dark Knight: Queen takes Knight”, emotional turmoil, hallucinations
4x14, “A Dark Knight: Reunion”, hallucinations
4x15, “A Dark Knight: The Sinking Ship, The Grand Applause”, grabbed by the neck, tied up, gagged, drilled into the mouth (not overly graphic), blood, stabbed in the thigh, manhandled, rescued
4x20, “A Dark Knight: That Old Corpse”, hit on the back of the head, knocked out
4x21, “A Dark Knight: One Bad Day”, punched in the face, knocked out
4x22, “A Dark Knight: No Man’s Land”, stabbed in the side
5x04, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Ruin”, hit on th head twice, strapped to a chair, electrocuted
5x05, “Legend of the Dark Knight: Pena Dura”, strapped to a chair, electrocuted with car battery, flashbacks, learns he has a chip in his brain allowing people to control him, knocked out, drilled into brain (not overly graphic), head stapled, mind controled, knocked out
5x12, “Legend of the Dark Knight: The Beginning...”, imprisoned, bagged, manhandled, tied up
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