yfukuoka · 2 years
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【****日目】2023-03-03 雛祭りの日。春の小川公園を越えて…春を食べにきました。 Vaji Spice@代々木八幡 ‪____________________________________ *あさりと桜海老のプラオ *焼きロールキャベツ *昆布とおかかの佃煮 *菜の花のスパイス醤油和え *スパイスぬか漬け 春のアサリの香りをまとった優しいプラオ。ビリヤニはスパイスの効きが強くて、風味が穏やかな食材は特徴がおさえられがちですが、薄味の炊き込みご飯に近いプラオは日本人の味覚ととても相性がよい気がします。自由度も高い。 ビリヤニがコンビニで並ぶような市民権を得つつある今こそ、プラオは「カレー」という強烈な存在と切り離して広まると、スパイスの世界って面白くなるかなぁ…そんなことを思いました。 ということで、アサリに加えて桜海老の香りもふんわり漂う感じ……こういう余裕のある料理って大人の料理だなぁ。 ここに昆布の佃煮を合わせてくるセンスが秀逸。スパイス糠漬け。春の菜の花をさっと茹でてスパイス醤油で和えたもの。副菜が生きるプラオです。 これだけでも十分楽しめたのですが、もう一つ、土鍋が用意されていました。春キャベツを使ったロールキャベツ。上にのった褐色のペーストを舐めてみると、ウワッ!! 「スパイス、味噌、バター」おいしさ3倍のペースト。やばいこれ。いや、ズルい気がします。 オーブンで焼いてるのかな?絶対に美味しいやつ。ぁぁ、さいこう。 桃の節句にピッタリのランチでした。 ‪____________________________________ 🇮🇳🇯🇵 #asia #asianfood #foodpic #foodstagram #tasty #delicious #spice #curry‪ ‬‪#vaji‪ #‬vajispice‪ #ランチ #代々木公園 #代々木八幡 # #スパイス #カレー ‪#‬フクドローン #ふくすたぐらむ #春 ↓Vaji Spice @vajispice (violette) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpkrM6pSUPi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deshifoodchanneldfc · 11 days
Farm Fresh Red Leaf Fry LAL SHAK VAJI লাল শাক ভাজি বরবটি ভর্তা Borboti V...
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grameenchannel · 1 year
এই ভাবে ঢেঁড়স রান্না করলে সবাই চেটে পুটে খেয়ে নেবে - ঢেঁড়স ভাজি রান্ন...
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xhemilbeharaj · 2 years
Fermerët braktisin vjeljen e ullinjëve. Viktor Pahaj: Vajin e kemi të mirë, por nuk mundemi të eksportojmë (foto e vidio)
Fermerët braktisin vjeljen e ullinjëve. Viktor Pahaj: Vajin e kemi të mirë, por nuk mundemi të eksportojmë (foto e vidio)
Mallakastër – Fermerët e zonave të thella braktisin vjeljen e ullirit. Shkaku s’ka punëtorë, s’ka treg e pika grumbullimi. Pronari i fabrikës, çmimi i një litri vaj ulliri jashtë disa herë më i lir se prodhimi vemdas, nuk subvencionohemi nga shteti Ulliri ndryshe nga një vit më parë ka njohur super prodhim edhe në fshatrat e thella të zonës së Mallakstër si në Gjerbës, Çrrilë, Aranitas,…
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sherohu · 2 years
Nje Lugë vaj ulliri redukton atakun në zemër, arteriet e bllokuara dhe sheqerin e lartë në gjak
Nje Lugë vaj ulliri redukton atakun në zemër, arteriet e bllokuara dhe sheqerin e lartë në gjak
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
“Not my name but got it.”
???? You’d rather be named after a female genitalia than Vagatha? Vagatha is actually a much more badass name than whatever the fuck Vaggie (pronounced as Vaji) was.
Why the hell wasn't she named Vagatha anyway? Seriously, I can't think of a single, solitary reason for her not to be.
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screampied · 6 months
dry humping gojo, the strongest just to have him beg for you to keep moving as you keep teasing him 🌚
his pretty face all flushed as you stop moving his vivid blue eyes darkened with lust and a bead of sweat drops down from his face, desperate breaths racking his form with you securely positioned on his lap. a frantic undertone underneath his voice, his hands tightening around your waist as he pleads with his eyes for you to keep moving but-
what's your favorite song/artist?
and what's your favorite relationship dynamic?
gojo loves dry humping i js know it 😞😞😞 GAWDDDDD he'd be so needy imagine his whimpers as he's rutting back n forth against u
HI IM GOOD. about to finish writing, no way this shit took four days 🧖‍♀️ i’m gonna commit to proofread before posting 🧖‍♀️
fav song currently: emily by plaza (PLAZA SO UNDERRATED MANNNN)
fav artist: melanie martinez orrrrrr sade orrr weeknd
relationship dynamic? hmmm. friends with benefits or enemies to luvers
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originaldickhead · 7 months
Y’all tell me what to do plsplsplspls
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Lute lectures on Adam's naming problem!
Lute: "Adam, Sir, please don't name our newborn daughter that isn't inappropriate or crude. You're infamous in naming our Exorcists, Sir."
Adam: "The fuck your talking about, Bitch? I have never given any of my-"
Lute; "Titty, Boobies/Boobsy, Nipples, Clitty, Lace Panties, and Vajie Vagina. She was the last you gave a new identity nickname, Adam. 😑 "
Adam: 👀
Lute: "My name is also an inappropriate one. Lute isn't just an instrument you play... it's also a kind of prostitute, Sir. 😑"
Adam: "That's...kinda hot... coming from a hot woman who's also my third wife, Lute~ 👀😲😏😎
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yingjiaoyue · 5 months
This is not a roleplay but- How would Mama!Ying Jiao would react to Kaiju An having those abilites and having to deal with a Vaji (Go to my blog if your confused thees alot of Kaiju An post going on there)
Ah sorry, im a bit confused TvT.. and also confused at finding it :_)
do u have a link perhaps that leads directly to this topic?
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noisymutantherelol · 4 months
" WHAT!?! "
(I'm lazy so uh.....Yeah wukong tried to fiddle with the Dream Domain and released the Vaji) multi color text is multipule people talking at once ok- TW: Body Horror,Gore,Slay characters,Spicynoodles,ANGST
Kaiju and Macaque head to the docks looking for Sandy's boat," Macaque,over here ",Kaiju says before hopping onto the boat,Macaque quickly followed after her,The sky was grey and it was cloudy, ' This is getting creepy ', Kaiju thought to herself as she knocked on the door to Sandy's boats control center,as soon as she did Sandy opened, " Hey,your finally here! great, now we can go! ",He says as he starts the motor and also starts Macaques sea sickness(lol,skill issue).While we are on our way there,the clouds turn black,the water has turned a dark shade of grey, " Wukong....what have you done now... ", Macaque said while looking around at the creepy setting, and as soon as we now it we're there, " Alright,let's go see what that peach eating idiot did " , He said as a shadow portals appeared under us and teleport us to the entrance of Wukong's Hut, " WUKONG WHAT HAVE YOU DONE NOW- ", Kaiju An says busting the door open and then walks in, " OK ok, Kaiju An I know that you take your job of dream guarding pretty serious.....but I swear that I did NOT mean to- " , Kaiju An cuts him off by saying, " Release a parasite made out of corrupted magic and destroy life as we know it?, Yeah good job there, You Fool ",Kaiju An says bluntly, she sits down on the floor,it doesn't take a while for everyone else to come with Nezha being last to come," Monkey King? why are we here? ",Mk asks sitting down next to Mei,her being distracted on her phone texting to one of her other friends, " Yeah why are we here? ",Mei says as she puts her phone away and leans back,As Monkey King was about to speak,Kaiju An interrupted him and told everyone, " Well,Your here because our ginger monkey man here-,did something dumb,again and now The Vaji, Specificly the queen of the Vaji has been let loose and now so far from what I know I can sense that its taken someone over already.....so i'm gonna need your help trapping this thing.... ",She said leaving everyone in the room worried,angry (Nezha),and confused, " Wait-wait- why can't you do this yourself,you did it all those years ago....",Redson said from the corner of the room , " Because I'm now just learning about myself,and my ability's about my past life as a Celestial being, i've only learned on how I could beat them in the dream realm not in the real world........",She said,the room went quiet and in that silence, " AHHHHHHHH " ,The screams alerted the group and Macaque and Kaiju An teleported everyone to where the screaming came from (I HC that Macaroni,when he hears something he can make a image out of it).
The Gang gets there and when they do their meet with a horrid sight, " No....... it cant' be......it's really......Dong ", What they saw would stay in there memories forever....His head almost split open.......his body....Black cracks in his skin,his stomach ripped out,Organs exposed and bleeding everywhere and his arm is replaced with a Pitch black and inky Monster like ar e that is kinda half of his size , " What has it done........ ", Kaiju An said and when she did Dong instantly lounged for her faster than MAcaque could react, " AHHH- ",Kaiju An screamed as she was being pinned against the wall by Dong but, quickly she shape-shifted into a tiger and kicked her off of him throwing him back and breaking the wall of the warehouse they we're in, " COME ON! THERE'S NO WAY WE CAN BRING HIM BACK SO THE ONLY WAY IS TO KILL HIM BEFORE THE VAJI SPREADS! ", Kaiju An shouted as she ran towards Dongs body as doing so MK comes up and body slams him while in his monkey form , " NEZHA! GO TO THE CELESTIAL REALM AND- AAAHHHH ",Kaiju An screamed as Dong was now on her his claws digging deep in her body bleeding, " GET THE MEDALANT AND GO TO THE DREAM REALM AND WARN THE CELESTIAL REALM ITS THE FASTEST WAY TO GET THE NEWS OUT! ", She screamed in pain.She shifted back into a tiger and kicked back Dong near the others. Wukong quickly pulled out some of his ginger hair and blew them out making clones,holding down Dong as he roars in struggle. Tang used his mystic powers to suppress him even more but even that didn't stop him. Dong used his tail to swat Wukong and Tang away from him breaking Tangs spell and poofing the clones as he is growing to fast. In the momment of panic Kaiju An yells to Macaque, " GET EVERYONE THAT WE NOW THIS THING IS STRONGER WE' LL NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET! ",Kaiju An said getting ready to make the portal, " KID,WHAT ABOUT YOU!?! " ,PIgsy yelled at he carried Tang, " Don't worry about us.....we'll be at the Flaming Mountains Dealing with him ", She says,looking at MK with him nodding as the portal appears under her,MK and Dong sending them to the Flaming Mountains, " KAIJU AN,MK WAIT!-, Monkey king,Redson and Mei shout in unison , but they we're to late.....Kaiju An and MK has already left dealing with VJ!Dong at the Flaming mountains.
Everyone was recovering at pigsy's filled with guilt and anger. Mei felt his guilt eating her up,feeling like her stomach is upside down,with one thing she had from Kaiju An, a Moon themed bracelet now covered in blood, " WHERES KAIJU AN? ",Ying asked as she looked around (Mayor told her what happened) Mei sat up and told her," Dealing with Dong and she is giving us time to probably make up a plan and get ready.......",she trailed of as she looked at the bracelet in her hand.
' I hope she's ok........ '
(suffer and wait for a part two i'm busy ahh rn)
@yingjiaoyue here is your angst
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yfukuoka · 2 years
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【3571日目①】2022-10-27 今週は呪文みたいな言葉をよく聞くなぁ… Vaji Spice@代々木八幡 ‪____________________________________ *プエルコ・ピビルバーガー 「プエルコ」は豚、「ピビル」は石窯のオーブンということで、タコスの具材となるローストポークなんだそうです。そんなメキシコのローストポーク「プエルコ・ピビル」をベースに、インドエッセンスのスパイスを加えたスペサルバーガー。 バンズが赤いのは、トマトが入っているのかな?香ばしい自家製バンズ。 いつもより口を大きく広げてバクリ。バンズの横からぶしゅっと押し出される具材。うんまぁぁ〜^^ ちょっとチキンティッカっぽく感じるのはパプリカなのか、謎に美味い。ハンバーガーはジャンクフードって言った人は誰だー!と言いたくなる、スーパーご馳走料理でした。 メキシコの乾燥唐辛子「ムラート」を使った辛くないサルサソースも美味。いろんな唐辛子を使い分けるメキシコならではの味。 青唐辛子使ったカチュンバルは、ミントがあることで爽やかな仕上がりに。カルダモンの香るダールもいい。パワフルなバーガーと、心地よい副菜のランチセットでした。 vajiの日替わりランチはいつも面白くて美味しい。 ‪____________________________________ 🇲🇽🇮🇳 #Mexico #Mexicanfood #india #indianfood #asia #asianfood #foodpic #foodstagram #tasty #delicious #spice #hamburger #curry‪ ‬‪#vaji‪ #‬vajispice‪ #メキシコ #メキシコ料理 #インド #インド料理 #ハンバーガー #ランチ #代々木公園 #代々木八幡 # #スパイス #カレー #カレー好きな人と繋がりたい ‪#‬フクドローン #ふくすたぐらむ #そうめん ↓Vaji Spice @vajispice (Vaji) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkVInfeSwld/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deshifoodchanneldfc · 22 days
Duck Curry Goose Curry Recipe রাজহাসের মাংস ভুনা - লাউ পাতা ভাজি Bottle ...
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elezdi · 9 months
Nova godina nov kusmet ne vaji ako ochakvash sus sushtite deistviq ili bezdeistviq da se promeni neshto shmatko
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begayeatdice · 5 months
Lands of Endless Ice and Rock
Eugenia "Eugene" the Centaur College of Spirits Bard Elennya Cottonwood the Astral Elf Circle of Stars Druid Takari the Dragonborn Battle Master Fighter Vaji Lunafille the Tabaxi Oath of Devotion Paladin Doug the Herengon Assassin Rogue Mohadien the Wood Elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer Dolmen the Deep Gnome Necromancy Wizard
Sessions 1-5 Sessions 6-10 Sessions 11-15
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therandomcreechur · 8 months
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One of my moots ( @lisimcpisi ) said that my oc 1/2 looked a lot like vaggie from hazbin hotel
NO I SWEAR I DIDNT COPY VAGGIE!!1!1!11!! (but fr tho, I knew who the character was, but I didn’t know what she look like)
Speaking of vaggie, in episode 6, one of the characters said that vaggie was supposed to be pronounced vajie. Like… VAGIN- literally tho but why RAAHAHHHHHHHH
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