#Kaiju An is totally ok
noisymutantherelol · 13 days
" WHAT!?! "
(I'm lazy so uh.....Yeah wukong tried to fiddle with the Dream Domain and released the Vaji) multi color text is multipule people talking at once ok- TW: Body Horror,Gore,Slay characters,Spicynoodles,ANGST
Kaiju and Macaque head to the docks looking for Sandy's boat," Macaque,over here ",Kaiju says before hopping onto the boat,Macaque quickly followed after her,The sky was grey and it was cloudy, ' This is getting creepy ', Kaiju thought to herself as she knocked on the door to Sandy's boats control center,as soon as she did Sandy opened, " Hey,your finally here! great, now we can go! ",He says as he starts the motor and also starts Macaques sea sickness(lol,skill issue).While we are on our way there,the clouds turn black,the water has turned a dark shade of grey, " Wukong....what have you done now... ", Macaque said while looking around at the creepy setting, and as soon as we now it we're there, " Alright,let's go see what that peach eating idiot did " , He said as a shadow portals appeared under us and teleport us to the entrance of Wukong's Hut, " WUKONG WHAT HAVE YOU DONE NOW- ", Kaiju An says busting the door open and then walks in, " OK ok, Kaiju An I know that you take your job of dream guarding pretty serious.....but I swear that I did NOT mean to- " , Kaiju An cuts him off by saying, " Release a parasite made out of corrupted magic and destroy life as we know it?, Yeah good job there, You Fool ",Kaiju An says bluntly, she sits down on the floor,it doesn't take a while for everyone else to come with Nezha being last to come," Monkey King? why are we here? ",Mk asks sitting down next to Mei,her being distracted on her phone texting to one of her other friends, " Yeah why are we here? ",Mei says as she puts her phone away and leans back,As Monkey King was about to speak,Kaiju An interrupted him and told everyone, " Well,Your here because our ginger monkey man here-,did something dumb,again and now The Vaji, Specificly the queen of the Vaji has been let loose and now so far from what I know I can sense that its taken someone over already.....so i'm gonna need your help trapping this thing.... ",She said leaving everyone in the room worried,angry (Nezha),and confused, " Wait-wait- why can't you do this yourself,you did it all those years ago....",Redson said from the corner of the room , " Because I'm now just learning about myself,and my ability's about my past life as a Celestial being, i've only learned on how I could beat them in the dream realm not in the real world........",She said,the room went quiet and in that silence, " AHHHHHHHH " ,The screams alerted the group and Macaque and Kaiju An teleported everyone to where the screaming came from (I HC that Macaroni,when he hears something he can make a image out of it).
The Gang gets there and when they do their meet with a horrid sight, " No....... it cant' be......it's really......Dong ", What they saw would stay in there memories forever....His head almost split open.......his body....Black cracks in his skin,his stomach ripped out,Organs exposed and bleeding everywhere and his arm is replaced with a Pitch black and inky Monster like ar e that is kinda half of his size , " What has it done........ ", Kaiju An said and when she did Dong instantly lounged for her faster than MAcaque could react, " AHHH- ",Kaiju An screamed as she was being pinned against the wall by Dong but, quickly she shape-shifted into a tiger and kicked her off of him throwing him back and breaking the wall of the warehouse they we're in, " COME ON! THERE'S NO WAY WE CAN BRING HIM BACK SO THE ONLY WAY IS TO KILL HIM BEFORE THE VAJI SPREADS! ", Kaiju An shouted as she ran towards Dongs body as doing so MK comes up and body slams him while in his monkey form , " NEZHA! GO TO THE CELESTIAL REALM AND- AAAHHHH ",Kaiju An screamed as Dong was now on her his claws digging deep in her body bleeding, " GET THE MEDALANT AND GO TO THE DREAM REALM AND WARN THE CELESTIAL REALM ITS THE FASTEST WAY TO GET THE NEWS OUT! ", She screamed in pain.She shifted back into a tiger and kicked back Dong near the others. Wukong quickly pulled out some of his ginger hair and blew them out making clones,holding down Dong as he roars in struggle. Tang used his mystic powers to suppress him even more but even that didn't stop him. Dong used his tail to swat Wukong and Tang away from him breaking Tangs spell and poofing the clones as he is growing to fast. In the momment of panic Kaiju An yells to Macaque, " GET EVERYONE THAT WE NOW THIS THING IS STRONGER WE' LL NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET! ",Kaiju An said getting ready to make the portal, " KID,WHAT ABOUT YOU!?! " ,PIgsy yelled at he carried Tang, " Don't worry about us.....we'll be at the Flaming Mountains Dealing with him ", She says,looking at MK with him nodding as the portal appears under her,MK and Dong sending them to the Flaming Mountains, " KAIJU AN,MK WAIT!-, Monkey king,Redson and Mei shout in unison , but they we're to late.....Kaiju An and MK has already left dealing with VJ!Dong at the Flaming mountains.
Everyone was recovering at pigsy's filled with guilt and anger. Mei felt his guilt eating her up,feeling like her stomach is upside down,with one thing she had from Kaiju An, a Moon themed bracelet now covered in blood, " WHERES KAIJU AN? ",Ying asked as she looked around (Mayor told her what happened) Mei sat up and told her," Dealing with Dong and she is giving us time to probably make up a plan and get ready.......",she trailed of as she looked at the bracelet in her hand.
' I hope she's ok........ '
(suffer and wait for a part two i'm busy ahh rn)
@yingjiaoyue here is your angst
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
Wukong, getting tackled by his cubs: Oh thank goodness all of your are okay!
Tang: M-m-monkey King!? MK, you're mom is-
Wukong: Ah, speaking... MK?
MK, suddenly nervous: Yes?
Wukong: You... are on so much trouble. It's totally grounded for like... 100 years type stuff there.
MK: Aw man!
Wukong does not actually ground MK for 100 years, but he is not allowed to go to the city for the next 2 weeks unless it's to work and back. Mei offers to take over "Monkey Kid Duty" for the duration, and Wukong never outright banned MK from having his friends over, quite the opposite, in fact! He's working with Pigsy to make sure it doesn't conflict with his schedule when setting up training sessions
Prev post.
+a similar short anon;
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Yeah MK is so grounded for lying to his mom about his true reason for going to the mainland + becoming a sueprhero in the process.
I love Wukong's gut reaction is "100 years grounded!" because its such a him thing to do.
Wukong: "I'm serious MK! I've been grounded for 500 years before! Don't think you can't be too!" MK: "Isn't that how you ended up with me??" Wukong: "Ugh true. Two weeks of no video games or arcade then." MK: "Aww man!"
I love the thought of Mei being on board to "chaperone" MK for the two weeks he's grounded so he doesn't wander off into an arcade or end up in a kaiju battle. Mei constantly updates Wukong via their phones about what MK is doing/when he signs off work. She acts like it's a super-secret spy mission.
Pigsy is little shaken by the news that his fave employee is a monkey demigod, but then again he was quick to encourage/guide MK when he became a hero so this is only an extra dose of weirdness for him. He also argues for MK's merit as an employee, lazy or not, he's the best one Pigsy's ever had. Wukong is actually delighted to learn that MK was legitimately working during his time in the city, and agrees that he can continue working at the restaurant as long as it doesn't get in the way of training or world-ending catatrophes.
Ironically, this means that the event of "Sweet N Sour Pork" occurs mid-grounding, and Wukong decides to legitimately show up to the Food Wars (despite his extreme stage fright) to make sure MK is ok. Also due to the Gold and Silver Twins basically being MK's cousins (the Vixen had long ago considered Macaque one of her cubs), their motivations for the Food Wars is a lot different. They want MK to stop focusing on Pigsy's so that he can continue searching for Macaque and not have to worry about "mortal stuff". It ofc fails but the sentiment is noted.
Wukong is also opened the island to MK's friends and work mates so he can get to know them finally. He's been keeping a bit of a distance because of their connection to the PIlgrims, but now that his cub is working for and trusts them so much well...
The older twins, Rumble and Savage, def follow MK to the city a few times mostly to bother him at work and to observe whats so cool about the mortal city. They quickly discover cheese teas, arcades, McDonalds playplaces, and lazer tag, so they fall in love with city life as well. <3
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lemon-natalia · 2 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 36
well this was a remarkably long chapter wow
Go Camilla, coming in clutch! And Gideon has her longsword back at least to give her a bit of an advantage
Silas and Colum struggled against Ianthe as a newly formed Lyctor still in conflict with Naberius’s soul, Harrow, Gideon, and Camilla vs. a ten-thousand year old Lyctor, even with all three of them, is not remotely a fair fight
'But now this benighted vision stood before its natural predator’ ok i’ll admit i wasn’t sold on Harrow for much of the first half of this book, but i would now like to state that she is pretty fucking awesome
‘But her smile was long and sweet and beautiful’ awwwww, these two, i think this is the first time Gideon's called Harrow beautiful? also even fighting an eldritch being Gideon cannot help but notice hot women
‘We do bones, motherfucker’ fuck yeah, well put!ohhh Harrow and Gideon fight so well together and just incredibly in tandem … which of course horribly foreshadows Gideon’s decision at the end of the chapter 🫠
WHAT’S THIS, it's HARROW with a STEEL CHAIR!! If the chair was a bunch of skeletons and perpetual bone
and of course Harrow can’t resist boasting even in the middle of a giant fight. Good For Her. also this girl faints so much
oh and Ianthe’s back for Meat Battle Round 2: Electric Boogaloo! Ianthe vs Cytherea feels like a kaiju fight except with more bones and meat and blood
'You’re very brave - a bit like another Gideon I used to know’ wow what with all the dramatic fights and revelations happening the last couple chapters i totally forgot about the other Gideon, confirmation i guess that they were involved somehow back when all the Lyctors were first created?
poor Camilla, imagine you spend what you think are the last moments before your horrific death third wheeling
these two just cannot stop sacrificing themselves for each other can they 😢😢
'And she fell forward, right on the iron spikes’ my brain is totally bluescreening right now istg if Gideon dies permanently i will lose it
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sonicasura · 1 month
Ok crazy idea but stick with me.
A Godzilla and Poppy Playtime crossover, turns out the fluid that Playtime Co have been using is actually Kaiju cells. When Playtime Co mutates the kids into toys they turn them into infant kaiju, and when they've been 'disciplining' the toys the kids have been subconsciously sending out young kaiju distress calls. Guess whis been picking up on those calls and who is pissed to high hell
How the Hour of Joy was prevented./hj
Considering the only thing we know about the toy's creation in canon other than advanced surgery and a mysterious poppy flower, I can see what you're getting at. Also it is totally Godzilla who would show up. This man searched and wrecked Apex's Robotics facility at the start of the Godzilla vs Kong before Mechagodzilla was even in the test stage!
Obviously Monarch is gonna follow cause him being pissed means something huge has gone down. There's obvious confusion when Godzilla seems to be attacking Playtime Co, like why a toy factory? Cue the toys fleeing or scrambling alongside human civilians as not even abusive training will make them stay still near a damn kaiju.
I think the smaller more primal toys like the Mini Critters and Huggies can tell Godzilla means no harm. The ones whose minds held some resemblance to their humanity will be terrified despite their instincts telling them otherwise. Monarch ends up rounding up the toys with caution as whatever is behind their creation has gotten Godzilla into protective parent mode.
The truth of Playtime Co's experiments made anyone with enough credentials to see it feel ill to this day. It's clear the toys have to be monitored as there's no telling what potential mutation could occur from the kaiju cells. There were arguments about whether to euthanize them but those were shut down considering how protective Godzilla seems to be.
For now, the toys stay in a special facility and given actual care. Godzilla isn't too far from where they are either. Hopefully any mutations can be handled as I see Frightfur levels of body horror with this.
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kahluah · 10 months
Okay, let's pretend for a moment that everything in Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken is exactly the same, but instead of krakens and mermaids, there are just normal people of two different races. Do you realize how iffy the statement "well, it doesn't MATTER if one race is pure evil and the movie comes off as incredibly eugenics-y, it's just set dressing and not the primary focus!" sounds in that context?
And plus, it's a pretty well-established rule in writing that if you're going to introduce worldbuilding into your story, you're going to be expected to elaborate on it. If the film was just trying to explore a young girl's adolescence and relationships with the adult women in her life, why even bother throwing in all that stuff about mermaids, krakens, and the war that broke out between them?
Ok but here is the thing, they aren't just regular people of two different races. I understand why it's the first thing people's brains are jumping to since we've had many movies recently who explore race through a lense like this, but that doesn't mean that is what this movie was doing. If you break it down to basics, we had a conflict between two differing entities. So how about, as another pretend moment, we view them to be regular people of two different political identities. Political parties usually have some sort of symbol, so it's not that far of a stretch that a movie could have their characters be representing that. And I'm saying this because people have no difficulties writing some political parties off as pure evil; I think we all agree that nobody should side with Nazis and that they should be wiped out. Tories and Republicans are also very much hated, especially on this site. I think most people can find those views understandable for writing someone off as evil; we do it all the time and we fully believe it's correct!
So you could also totally view the movie as a commentary on two different monarchy factions, one where the Queen did not want to expand her kingdom to the land outside her borders and pretty much let her subjects live their own lives, all she wanted was to wipe out the other potential Queen and her supporters. Said other Queen wanted to invade the land outside the borders to expand the kingdom and wished to rule over the people with an iron fist. While I'm not for monarchies in any way, I know I would prefer the first one over the second if I had to choose between the two.
You are the one conflating it with race when it doesn't have to be. I get it's easy to jump to, but that does not mean it's the intent. There are multiple ways it could be viewed. But all of it would just be conjecture because that's not what the movie presented itself to be about and we don't have enough info on the world to make any solid say about anything.
I can understand a disappointment in there not being more world building, it seems like a cool world to explore, but the reason the movie didn't was because it was not necessary for the story they wanted to tell. I'm sure everyone would have loved more info on the war and whatever is going on in the ocean in this world, but all that was not needed for this movie and so it wasn't put in. Wanting the movie to go into unnecessary detail of background info that isn't needed for the story is just entitlement. The war served it's purpose of being something that gave Ruby a goal and objective that led into the "twist" and climax of the movie. It was a vehicle to move the story along and that was all. They don't need a deeper reason to add krakens, mermaids, and a war other than "they sound cool" and "more movies aimed at younger girls should totally end in a giant Kaiju battle". It's frustrating, but sometimes that's just the way it is.
I also find it funny that people are soooooooo latched on to the "Krakens were trying to genocide the mermaids!!!" when Nerissa was trying to do the exact same thing to the Krakens. Pot, meet Kettle. So sure, let's say it was a race and eugenics thing, but at the very least don't be hypocritical by saying the mermaids were any better.
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lizbot · 1 year
what is your ship about pk
His Wife and his Watcher :), and now you are gonna make me talk about them :)
This post is a bit longer than usual, so I'm gonna cut it with a "keep reading" thingy.
PK/WL is great not only because it's canon, but because it implies a lot of cute stuff about them. PK before Hallownest was the bug equivalent of a kaiju, and we also know that he is not what you would call a people person, so he probably just roamed the world as a nomad wyrm. Probably lived a more leisurely life too: if someone was causing him problems he could either eat them, roll over them or just go away. 3 easy solutions to most of his problems.
The fact that he ended up married says that he gave all of that away because of his wife. When he decided to stay with the White Lady, he also decided to leave his old body and bachelor lifestyle, lol. Also, when we take into account that they are both immortal beings, it means that they willingly committed to each other for all eternity so they obviously love, respect and trust each other. I see that a lot of people see him as cold and feelingless, but I dunno, he changed a lot just to be with his wife.
With Lurien, it's basically all headcanons, lol. Basically, they met when lurien got (along with other bugs) a job as an advisor or something similar at the White Palace, and Lurien became one of the few that PK actually listened to for advice. This remained the same for some years, totes professional relationship without any romantic interest (yet...). They do become sorta friends, Lurien was the guy that PK tasked to do important stuff that he didn't have time to do because he knew that Lurien would do a good job, so PK ended up talking with him more than most other bugs.
When the City of Tears started to need more direct supervision, he ordered the spire to be built and Lurien became the City Watcher. PK got some extra time to work on other projects now that he didn't have to manage the city, Lurien became the most important mortal bug in Hallownest and got the power to generate real change in the hallownestian society and the common bugs got a new governor that as a mortal, better represented them. Big win for everybody.
The only problem is that they now lived in different places and they started to miss each other friendship. When Lurien started his new job as a watcher, they just communicated through reports and letters. PK missed his friend (probably would not admit it tho), so he started to make excuses to create meetings with him. "I got to review your work", "I've got to check on the city" yeah, right. PK even believed his own excuses.
Over the course of the years, the respect and care towards each other just grew naturally, they got similar personalities but were different enough to make it interesting. Anyways, those professional work meetings slowly became friend visits and eventually, they just started dating without really putting too much attention to it, like, it became common for PK to go visit Lurien at his spire and have a private dinner with him. Later on, they did notice that they had become more than just friends, but to vocalize "hey, we are dating now, right" was not that easy for them, lol. And yeah, they eventually did start dating for realsies.
WL is totally ok with them btw, (an eternal commitment like the one between her and PK needs to have certain perks to work properly), so when she noticed how much her husband cared for Lurien, she wasn't gonna interfere with them and honestly, she probably helped them get together lol.
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rainbow-universe · 1 year
This is random but do you have any favorite aro characters in media? Or characters who give you aro vibes?
No pressure!!
Ack! Oooooh good question!
Ok so idk many canon aro characters (which is sad there needs to be more and i am finding more but alas we have not met yet) but i do know some!! as for headcanoning, honestly i need to headcanon more characters as aro lol. disclaimer,, i went around looking at other peoples headcanons and agreed with them and now i share them with you :)) but also like for these characters i just have vibes and no explanation, solely going off what headcanons i saw that made me go “oooh yes” with no solid reasoning
Jughead Jones from the Archie Comics: an iconic aroace
Yelena Belova from the Marvel Comics: is canonically aroace afaik so go her, she’s fantastic
Georgia Warr from Loveless (Alice Oseman): is aroace!! 😭😭 her story devastated me in its relatability but it’s fantastic and i love her
Gwen from An Accident of Stars (Foz Meadows): an alloaro in a polyamorous relationship and has a kid. It’s canonically mentioned offhandedly but it’s NOT Her Entire Personality™️ !! Plus she’s a kickass character (And the whole book is filled with polyamory!!) i love Gwen, she’s a really cool character
Garfield: i saw it. i liked it. fuck yah
Edmund Pevensie from the Chronicles of Narnia: yes. why not. yes. i saw the headcanon and just,, agreed with i.
Saiki K: haven’t watched the anime or read the manga but it’s on my list and therefore so is he. why not
Elatsoe from Elatsoe (Darcie Little Badger): canonically ace, not stated that she’s aro BUT THERE WAS A MOMENT WHEN A FRIEND OF HERS WAS LIKE “you can bring a friend or a zucchini” or something AND I SQUEED BC QPR’S FOR THE WIN !! that little mention made me really happy. anyways yah she could totally be arospec
Bruce Wayne from Batman Comics/DC: i mean,,, the fact that im pretty sure he’d never give up being Batman for anyone, like sure he’ll have relationships and w/e but like,, idk it makes sense to me
Damian Wayne from Batman Comics/DC: yes. aro or arospec Damian just makes sense for some reason. i would also go as far as saying arospec Jason Todd as well ….
Bakugou Katsuki from My Hero Academia: aspec Bakugou just,, i love aspec Bakugou. it just makes sense to me. and i love it.
Todoroki Shouto from My Hero Academia: yes. he just has them aro/arospec vibes tbh
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Natasha Romanoff from the MCU: ive heard this before and i agree w aro or arospec Natasha. just yes.
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Bruce Banner from the MCU: yes. not to mention the Hulk is green ��� we love aro colours (and his purple shirts?? aroACE vibes !! 👀)
Loki from the MCU: absolutely. have y’all seen the amount of green he wears? and just his vibes. yes.
Tony Stark from the MCU: ya know now that im thinking about it, he’s got aro vibes.
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The Doctor from Doctor Who: yes. never watched Doctor Who but i did read that one tumblr post about aro characters being passionate about their interests and i loved the headcanons from it so The Doctor makes the list
Enjorlas from Les Misérables: from that same post so yes
Newt Geiszler from Pacific Rim: again the same post, and yes i see it (kaiju!!)
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Sherlock Holmes: as much as i love Johlock as a ship, aro or arospec Sherlock just Makes Sense™️ (and can still work with Johnlock heh)
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Elsa from Frozen: aroace or wlw (or both 👀)
Merida from Brave: yes. totally aro. i love her.
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Milo Thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire: from that one post lol. (and like,,, yes. yes.)
Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty: aroace icon. (we love villainous aroace’s lol /just as genuine as sarcastic) all that green and purple?? yessssssssss
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Hiro Hamada from Big Hero 6: (i need to rewatch this movie lol) i saw headcanons for it and immediately agreed. i love aroace Hiro. it makes sense to me
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Castiel and Dean Winchester from Supernatural: ya know, arospec Cas and arospec Dean just seem to make sense to me. idk why couldn’t tell ya but it does
Luke Skywalker & Rey from Star Wars: they just have aro vibes. even if Rey’s in a polycule w Finn and Poe, she’s still aro or arospec imo
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That one tumblr post in question:
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wetthandss · 7 months
ok here's my favourite pokemon. it should be complete bc I looked very throroughly through my book :] sorry it took so long, hope it's good!
Marshtomp Swampert Mudkip Aron & Lairon & Aggron Araquanid Rotom Incineroar Galvantula Quagsire Froslass Flygon Porygon(2) Ditto Wooper Wobbuffet Relicanth Reuniclus
Mudkip is my fave starter from Hoenn she's literally perfect though I don't care too much for swampert it just doesn't read as a mudskipper anymore.
Aron and Lairon are beautiful little bugs and I like Aggron cause I like pokemon that look like kaiju.
Araquanid is a little out of my realm cause I stopped paying very much attention to Pokemon after Unova but it is cute and I definitely agree that it's far superior to Dewpider.
Rotom is a perv soo that's pretty cool and also michaelwave
Incineroar I really prefer the rest of its family I don't really like big macho characters unless they're really funny about it (like another buff pokemon Buzzwole or real life pro wrestling)
Galvantula is awesome and I love just how fuzzy it is, I know I would be so so scared of it irl but in the pokemon world im not sure if i would even have arachnaphobia. Hey. Do you think people in the pokemon world get pokephobia. How the fuck do they live with that it's like being afraid of breathing air.
Quagsire/wooper is BABY BOY and clodsire is my fuckingprecious
Froslass is really pretty and I kinda wish I could cosplay her, though I also wish that there were male froslass!
Flygon is like in my mind right now I have been obsessed with flygon for the past like two weeks because that pokemon carried me through almost my entire White 2 playthrough like from Nimbasa to post-game I used almost exclusively Flygon, really good stats and levitate is nice but the real killer was the diversity of move types that I was able to get and stick with. Its name is ANT.
Porygon2 is a rubber ducky and I like rubber ducky but i don't have strong feelings about this one, i think having a real rubber ducky in the shape of porygon2 would be really cute though
I like Ditto. :)
Wobbuffet is a really old favourite of mine cause I liked Jessie's wobbuffet in the anime as a kid
Relicanth is AWESOME and i love it and the fish its based on cause I love the way it combines the real fish and the *legend* of the fish, like, same goes for the fish too, its literally a modern legend. I wish relicanth was actually a mythical or legendary pokemon.
Reuniclus kinda sticks out in my head a lot because not too long ago my friends were asking me if i would fuck the solosis family and I said yeah. I've never used them cause I don't prioritise psychic types in my party but they are a really fun concept.
Very solid picks this belies really good taste in Pokemon but lets look at the stats
Water: 4 Ground: 3 Rock: 2 Bug: 2 Electric: 2 Ghost: 2 Normal: 2 Psychic: 2 Steel: 1 Fire: 1 Dark: 1 Ice: 1 Dragon: 1
You have a favourite in 13/18 or 72% of all types (except ???) and a slight proclivity towards water and ground type pokemon.
Now let's look at stat totals, as of generation 9.
They're in here in alphabetical order.
Highest HP: Wobbuffet at 190 Highest ATK: Incineroar at 115 Highest DEF: Aggron at 180 Highest Sp.ATK: Reuniclus at 125 Highest Sp.DEF: Araquanid at 132 Highest SPD: Froslass at 110 Highest total: Wobbuffet at 405 Highest average: Swampert at 89.17
Lowest HP: Ditto at 48 Lowest ATK: Wobbuffet at 33 Lowest DEF: Wooper at 45 Lowest Sp.ATK: Wooper at 25 Lowest Sp.DEF: Wooper at 25 Lowest SPD: Wooper at 15 Lowest total: Wooper at 210 Lowest average: Wooper at 35
So what have we learned here? WOOPER SUCKS.
I looked online and the average stats over ALL POKEMON as of gen 7 was
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Wooper is actually the 21st lowest average stats. Swampert isn't the greatest but it's pretty damn up there.
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Edit: Ok so since the first part is probably lost in the ask box, I’ll just send everything together as a whole. Hope it fits. If there’s anything you would like to debate on, tell me. I want to hear your opinions. 
Rpg Anon: Ok so before I start, go back to Jan 22, 2023 to see my original list of everyone's sentinel types. This list will be somewhat linked back to that one. It'll help describe why I chose those gens for them and how I felt about their playstyles. Tho, I believe Miu and Maki swapped later on. Regardless, I'm going to make Pilot skills for everyone, starting with class 77, based on what I believe they would have and actual 13 sentinels pilot skills. Everyone has 6 total pilot skills, each that they learn every five levels until level 30. A lot of them are based on relations with other characters. I might be stretching some of them to fit. There is going to be a lot of reference to Free Time Events, Dangan Island Endings, dialogue, blog memes, and everything. This is gonna be quite lengthy cuz I need spacing. I'll have to make class 78 later. Here goes:
1st Gens: 
Level 5: I'll Protect You All. The more members on the strike team, the higher stats all stats increase. 
Level 10: Master Martial Artist. Close-quarter attacks do more damage the closer the kaiju are. 
Level 15: No Matter What Happens. Whenever Mahiru gets attacked, Hajime's Wait Time (WT) recovery speed and attack increase temporarily. 
Level 20: Player Two. If Hajime attacks after Chiaki, Hajime's ATK increases. 
Level 25: I Am Hajime Hinata! Increases all stats. 
Level 30: The Future That We Want! The more members on the strike team that are not immobilized, the higher all stats significantly increase.
5: I Got This. The fewer members of the Strike team, the higher all stats increase.
10: I Can Take You All. ATK and DEF increase if there are many kaiju nearby.
15: Ultimate Gymnast. High chance to dodge melee attacks.
20: Coach Nekomaru. ATK and WT recovery speed increases if Nekomaru is nearby.
25: Berserker. ATK increases as HP decreases.
30: What It Means To Be Confident. All stats increase the more kaiju there are.
5: Gaming Addiction. WT recovery speed increases when deployed in consecutive battles.
10: Let Me Solo Them. Greatly increases all stats, WT recovery speed, and move speed and high chance to dodge attacks if Chiaki is the sole member of the strike team. (I'm laughing my ass off cuz of this stupidly absurd skill)
15: Cheat Code. Increase all stats of the strike team when terminal defense rate is 40% or lower. (This is a trash skill)
20: Digivolve to... MetalChiakimon! Increase all stats.
25: Infinite Combo. ATK increases when the total number of combos exceeds 100.
30: I'll Never Forget You Guys. Whenever Chiaki's Sentinel is destroyed, all stats of the strike team significantly increase. (This type of skill in the game is trash for obvious reasons but I had to do it.)
5: Ultimate Swordswoman. Close-quarter attacks do more damage the closer the kaiju are.
10: At His Side. If Fuyuhiko is in the strike team, increase all stats.
15: Quick Draw: Increases Counter’s power proportional to damage taken.
20: Bodyguard. Attack power and move speed increase whenever Fuyuhiko gets attacked.
25: Once Again, A Worthless Object. Whenever Peko defeats small sized kaiju, WT recovery speed increases.
30: Justice Complete! If many kaiju are defeated in 1 hit, ATK, WT recovery speed, move speed, and damage received increases temporarily.
5: Ultimate Team Manager. If ally First-Gen Sentinels attack after Nekomaru, increase all stats. (this increases the allies’ stats, not Nekomaru’s)
10: Ultimate Masseuse. Slightly recovers HP of nearby allies.
15: Alrighty Then, Full Power It Is! Significantly increases ATK if a Gladiator is nearby.
20: NEKOMARU NIDAI's Final Firework! If allies are nearby, Nekomaru can take an otherwise fatal blow to his sentinel instead of theirs.
25: Just A Little Shot. Once per battle, Nekomaru can survive with 1 HP in an otherwise fatal blow to his sentinel. (Trash skill cuz you’d never want this scenario)
30: Reborn In The Rivers Of Hell! After taking a certain amount of damage, greatly increases DEF.
2nd Gens: 
5: Ultimate Queen. When defending, increase all stats of the strike team.
10: Military Might. Increases the ATK and DEF of Guardians, Guardian Avengers, and Sentry Guns.
15: My Femininity Is Hella Boss. The more girls on the strike team, the higher all stats increase.
20: Jesus! Shit! You Son Of A Bitch! ATK, WT Recovery Speed, and move speed increases temporarily after taking a certain amount of damage.
25: In The Name Of Darkness! If Gundham is in the strike team, increase all stats.
30: A Warm, Yet Resolute, Light. Significantly increase all stats upon entering low HP.
5: Infinity Unlimited Flame! Increases armament power against attacking kaiju.
10: Come, My Dark Queen! Increase all stats if Sonia is in the strike team.
15: Fine, I’ll Let You Hold Them. Increase Peko’s ATK, WT recovery speed, and move speed if she is nearby.
20: Not Giving Up On Life. Increase ATK and DEF if Nekomaru is in the strike team.
25: For The Tanaka Empire! WT recovery speed increases proportional to the number of summoned weaponry on the map.
30: Breaking The Seal. Greatly increase all stats after a certain amount of time has passed. (One in-game minute and a half during battle. In other words, quite some time.)
5: Ultimate Nurse. HP recovers for self and allies after defending.
10: You're A Lifesaver! Doubles Repair Emitter effectiveness and expands area of effect by 50%. 
15: Opposites Attract. Increase all stats if Ibuki is nearby.
20: Bond Of Sadism. If Mikan attacks after Hiyoko, ATK increases.
25: Suppressed Remnant. After taking a certain amount of damage, significantly increase ATK.
30: Resuscitation. Once per battle, 5% chance that allies near Mikan recover HP upon taking an otherwise fatal blow to their sentinels. 
5: Hanamura, Meat Now! Akane’s ATK significantly increases temporarily if Teruteru is nearby.
10: Pervert. The more girls on the strike team, the higher all stats increase.
15: My Tastes Are Pretty Open. Increase all stats if Nekomaru is nearby.
20: Surge Of Lust. Increase all stats upon entering low HP if any female allies are nearby. (I was running out of ideas.)
25: Call Me The Ultimate Chef Instead? Increase all stats.
30: Why I Started Cooking. WT recovery speed increases when summoning weaponry.
3rd Gens: 
5: Always Been Together. If Peko is in the strike team, increase DEF and WT recovery speed.
10: Kiwami. Movement range of Stun Knuckles is increased by 500%. (Stun Knuckles suck ass for Gen 3’s but I wanted to replicate Yakuza in some minimal sense.)
15: The Winter Prince Of Kuzuryu. Increases armament power proportional to distance from kaiju.
20: Sharpshooter. Increases critical-hit chance against aerial kaiju.
25: Sworn Brother. Increase ATK and DEF if Hajime is nearby.
30: Standing On My Own Two Feet. If Peko is not nearby, significantly increases all stats.
5: Imposter. Gains access to use one non-passive armament equipped to random ally on the strike team.
10: I'll Protect You All. The more members on the strike team, the higher stats all stats increase. 
15: Leadership. When defending, increases all stats of the strike team.
20: Acrofatic. Greatly increases move speed. (3rd Gens have absolute shit move speed so Ryuji having this might make a difference)
25: Brothers. Increase ATK and DEF if Ryota is nearby.
30: Ryuji Mitarai. Increase all stats. 
5: Surprise Snapshot. Armament power increased significantly against Kaiju that just appeared and increased back attack range.
10: Unreliable Hajime. Whenever Hajime gets attacked, increase attack power against any kaiju near him.
15: Team Mom. After defending, increase EP for all allies and recover HP for all female allies. (Really wanted to call this one Mamahiru)
20: Say Cheese! Duration of EMP effects are increased.
25: Redhead Defenders. If Mahiru is attacked, ATK and WT recovery speed significantly increase for Hiyoko, Ibuki, and Mikan.
30: This Feeling of Cherishing Someone. If Hajime is in the strike team, increase all stats. 
5: Live Concert: Increases the area of effect of all armaments by 50%.
10: Band-Aid. If Mikan is in the strike team, increase all stats.
15: Girl Band. Increases all stats if Chiaki or Hiyoko are in the strike team.
20: Fight Song. After defending, EP slightly recovers for allies.
25: I Got You, Sweetie! If Mikan is attacked, Ibuki’s WT recovery speed increases.
30: Sure Well-Endowed Nowadays. The more girls on the strike team, the higher all stats increase.
4th Gens: 
Nagito: (prepare for absolute negative bullshit)
5: Stepping Stones. All stats significantly increase proportional to the number of allies except himself below 50% HP and/or are immobilized. (What the fuck, Nagito?!)
10: Ultimate Lucky Student. Friendly fire is activated and armaments have 50% chance to insta-kill, excluding bosses.
15: Loneliness. All stats of allies in the strike team slightly increase when not near Nagito.
20: Russian Roulette. 5/6ths chance for allies to lose HP and 1/6th chance to recover HP when near Nagito.
25: Complicated Feelings. HP recovers when near Hajime.
30: A Vow For Love And Change. After a certain amount of time, Seiko will contact Nagito and friendly fire will be negated, probabilities for skills will be reversed, all allies will recover HP, and all stats will greatly increase. (like Gundham, it takes one in-game minute and a half) 
Ryota: (I might have almost no good ideas for him so I had to think of anything)
5: Ultimate Animator. Armaments have a 50% chance to turn Kaiju friendly. (brainwashing is strangely not that useful at all, though)
10: Hikikomori. DEF and WT recovery speed increases when beyond a certain distance from Kaiju.
15: Used To Loneliness. Increases all stats when no allies are nearby.
20: Atonement. When Ryota’s sentinel gets destroyed, all allies recover HP. (again, garbage skill. Never would want this to happen.)
25:  Brothers. Increase ATK and DEF if Ryuji is nearby.
30: I Promised I Won’t Die. If Iroha contacts the team, increases all stats until the end of the next wave. (I really don’t want to explain this but I guess I have to. I’m saying that after taking a hard hit and reaching critical condition, Iroha will contact him out of concern.)
5: Squish Squish: Increases ATK and WT recovery speed after destroying Workers.
10: Let's Destroy Them, Big Sis! If Mahiru is in the strike team, increase all stats.
15: Ultimate Traditional Dancer. High chance to dodge melee attacks.
20: Gratefulness. If Hiyoko is attacked, Mikan’s move speed increases.
25: He Did Say I Have Nice Legs. Increases Leg Spike’s power proportional to the distance moved. (Reference to Kazuichi saying he likes her legs and bust)
30: Don't Get A Big Head, Greasemonkey! If Kazuichi is in the strike team, WT recovery speed significantly increases.
5: Coward. Increases armament power when attacking from beyond a certain distance.
10: Ultimate Mechanic. Shield Repair recovers 50% of ally’s HP and temporarily increases all stats, WT recovery speed, and move speed of ally.
15: Attention Seeker. The more girls on the strike team, the higher all stats increase.
20: Minimaru Troops, Go! Interceptors explode upon destruction, damaging nearby Kaiju.
25: This Sure Is Getting Annoying Again... If Hajime, Akane, Fuyuhiko, or Sonia are in the strike team, all stats significantly increase.
30: I Promised You Hugs: ATK and DEF for Kazuichi and Hiyoko significantly increase when she is nearby.
And now it’s time to start on Class 78 if I can.
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//Some of these are really clever and creative, like the Hajime and Chiaki one.
//Let me solo them is a good reference.
//I also like that you used some of the important quotes of each character for their best abilities, and Mahiru, Gundham and Nagito's skillsets in particular is really entertaining for some reason.
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Ok so hear me out
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A Repo! x Pacific Rim crossover just for Sin and Graverobber to get together
Like yeah she's a Jeager Pilot but she's also heir to the Kaiju harvesting empire in Hong Kong and she totally would have run into him growing up in the Boneslums. I wanna say he deals in some kind of Kaiju blood-based drug because we all know that exists.
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cupiidzbow · 6 months
Realized I started doing hearts the same way you do, because I liked it so much. Is that ok or is that like Your Thing and you’d rather me stop?
- @kaijus-love-zone
THATS TOTALLY OK DONT WORRY !!!!! i learned it from another artist a long time ago so it wasn’t really even my thing in the first place !!! :D i don’t mind if people pick up traits or reference my art at all !!! feel free to continue doing what ur doing !!!!! 🥹🫶🏽💕💕
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
This is a weird specific question lmao, but how do you think the other wardens would react to becoming a werewolf? Assuming they have any sort of sapience in werewolf form haha
I admit for my version of the Werewolf AU I borrowed lore from my other werewolf AUs from the past; Werewolves transform ANY TIME they're exposed to any sort of moonlight, or if they're pushed to emotional extremes (Exhaltation, Despair, etc). The only time they fully 'lose control' is during the night of a full moon, or sometimes during said emotional outburst transformation. Otherwise they usually retain some level of civility, even if it's impacted by werewolf instincts. Sorry thisj ustturned into an infodump sorrrrry qwq
OK so I have no idea what Augie would think if he was conscious of what was happening, but I *do* have a strong mental image of him losing control fully- since he has no malice or violence in his heart whatsoever, he just runs around like a huge puppy in a food frenzy gobbling up all the leftovers he's left lying around Beacon Beach, and all the residents are screaming and taking shelter because there's this giant wet kaiju wolf running around causing destruction (but totally on accident). Like he destroys someone's house because he can smell that they're making pizza in there and then later he falls asleep on the beach. Bea I think would be really interesting because she is mostly a very chill vibes person these days, as she's settled into a lifestyle that fits her well and allows her to be calm and happy. HOWEVER, she's been through a lot of different "moods" in her life and, like any celebrity, doubtless has seen plenty worth getting angry at, maybe being extorted and manipulated by managers and paparazzi to some degree, which probably contributes to why she left that world behind. Having a monstrous form would offer her a chance to reconnect with those feelings, and maybe she'd have to struggle against her current peaceful outlook vs. the desire for revenge against anyone who had wronged her (oh gods phantom. phantom run. PHANTOM SHE'S BEHIND Y-)
That's all I have time for right now but I hope you enjoy :P
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Spoilers for mile 0 gameplay if you want to go in completely blind:
Ok I was hesitant at first when I saw the first 14 minutes trailer. Overall this game looks goofy as all hell but I kinda dig it for that.
From the first 14 minutes video we now know that Adam is totally a yes man who can run at subway surfer level speeds, can kind of turn into a kaiju monster, and likes bird watching. This is all very pertinent information. Oh, and also that he was originally Zoe's bodyguard and she called him a loser (rip Adam).
(Also a bunch of other stuff happened but my attention span is small)
Still no Stan and Mitch to be found, we are truly suffering over here/j
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[ID: Eight comic book covers from titles published by DC and Vertigo.
1. The cast of Hero Hotline running at the viewer, an image of the Trinity floats above them. The comic title and DC logo at the top of the image, and Villains line the borders.
2. Text at the top right reads The Psycho. A man in a cap and skull-like mask stands holding a smoking gun. He is faced to the right but looking at the viewer. Psychedelic images float around him, including a skull, some fish, flowers, and the devil.
3. Text at the top reads Giantkiller. A Kaiju/human hybrid with black and red skin standing against a red sky over a dead Kaiju, holding his blade downwards and looking at the viewer.
4. Text at the top says Major Bummer, the first Inaction Hero. An impossibly muscular man looks bored, sitting slumped in an armchair watching TV, surrounded by junk food and comics. Behind him, aliens and supervillains are fighting and civilians are huddled in fear.
5. Text at the top says Chain Gang War. Three armed and masked men are standing huddled together, the two closest to t he front shooting their guns forward, while the third is holding his upright. Bullets are striking the wall behind them. A black chain goes down the left side of the cover, connecting to the title text.
6. Text at the top reads Menz Insana, in a triangle border. In the lower part of the triangle is a painted bust of a cartoon man with a balloon shaped head winking at the viewer, next to a detached image of a floating pair of gloves snapping on where his arms would be. A pale woman in a red dress, hat, and shoes with red hair is standing to the right of the triangle.
7. Text at the bottom reads Mighty Love. Navy blue lineart of a man and a woman in a superhero suit gripping eachothers hands and jumping into eachother. Behind their heads is a orange rectangle, and behind their torsos is a red splatter.
8. Text over the entire cover reads Beware the Creeper. There is a woman with wild red hair jumping through the middle, over a cityscape of 1920s Paris at the bottom. The sky is bright green.
End ID]
been reading a lot this week!
1. Hero Hotline by Bob Rozakis and Stephen DeStefano - It’s... fine......... DC’s comedy titles are something i read against my better judgement. i actually thought i would like this one more but it had a much more serious tone than i expected, which I guess i should be less surprised about since I’m pretty sure I learned about it while reading Wild Dog in the same Action Comics. Really enjoyed the character designs on this one though.
2. The Psycho by James Hudnall and Dan Brereton - great character designs esp the protag, probably wont revisit unless to look at pictures caus the plot was actually pretty whatever.
3. Giantkiller by Dan Brereton - I loved this! Beautiful art, Yochu and Jill were both great. devastated to realize i missed out on a hardcover copy and now i have to wait for a collector to part with theirs OTL i did pick up a copy of the monster field guide
4. Major Bummer by John Arcudi and Doug Mahnke - Ya another one I dont think i’ll revisit... I love how Mahnke draws really grotesque muscle man but there wasnt really anything like. enjoyable about it actuallyyy actually wait the blonde guy was funny.
5. Chain Gang War by John Wagner and David Johnson - I actually thought this was an original/out-of-continuity so (spoilers?) Slade showing up and getting locked in a basement prison for the entire run and the random Azbat appearance was kind of like huh ok... Interesting ig, to have it set in-universe and people go after revenge in a totally non superhero way.
6. Menz Insana by Christopher Fowler and John Bolton - Beautiful art but. hm. im not sure how to describe the experience on this one... frankly it could be 
7. Mighty Love by Howard Chaykin - So so so bad. I forgot why everyone told me he sucked so i read it anyway and was like Oh. Ohhh
8. Beware The Creeper by Jason Hall and Cliff Chiang - Somewhat interesting overall? I actually waited a bit before writing this so I think i forgot a bit already. Usage of shitty topes but ive seen other comics do it much worse, Cliff Chiang’s art helps with it imo
(Queued post from November 2022)
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80 meters for Mills
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[Actually using this because its more colorful and does more than just two at a time - And reminder that Hriob is 7'8" or 233.7cm ]
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[...Ok, I think we need to talk. Now, I KNOW that Hriob is ridiculously tall for a human being, unfairly so even, but pulling out the Kaiju Skyscraper-Swinging Monster Heights on me is just downright DIRTY. Yes, even if Mills totally deserves some small comfort from the fact they're taller than the 'Giant'.]
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conflagrate · 6 years
Winter 2018 Anime Season
It was rush rush rush all the way this season ugh.
Autumn Post-mortem first of all:
God Tier: Hoseki no Kuni, Netoju no Susume, Kekkai Sensen Awesome Possum: 3gatsu no Lion S2, Ballroom e Yokoso, Kino no Tabi, Mahoyome Pleasing but not Amazing: Shokoku no Altair, Soma S3, Love Kome, Osake Fuufu, Guruguru, Yokai Apartment OK OK lah: Fate/Apocrypha, Just Because, Omiai Aite, Girls’ Last Tour, Code Realize Shite: 12 Taisen How did I survive this: Taisho Chicchai-san, Osama Game Dropped, cos it’s xmas: Kujisuna, Hozuki S2, Osomatsu S2
Total completed: 17 + 2 to finish (Girls’ Last Tour, Code:Realize) Total ongoing: 2 (3gatsu, Mahoyome)
Wellllll I hope the next season goes more smoothly but who am I kidding, with Chinese New Year ‘round the corner orz Must watch: Cardcaptor Sakura:CC-hen, Citrus (trash alert!), Koi wa Ameagari no Youni, Violet Evergarden, Kokkoku, Fate/extra, Uchu Yori mo Tooi Basho, 25sai no Joshikosei, Emiya-san'chi no Kyo no Gohan [9]
Likely: Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens, Beatless, Darling in the Franxx, Yuru Camp, Ito Junji Collection, Hakumei to Mikochi, Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san, Takunomi, Devilman crybaby [9]
On the fence: Grancrest Senki (ep1 did not impress me), Mitsuboshi Colors, Marchen Madchen, Slow Start, Gakuen Babysitters, Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
Not enthusiastic: Miira no Kaikata, Ryuo no Oshigoto, Toji no Miko, Killing Bites, Nanatsu no Bitoku (7 deadly sins is like a genre of its own…), gdMen, Mitchiri Neko
Sequel hell: Dagashi Kashi 2, 7tsu no Taizai 2, Touken Ranbu, Overlord 2, Yowapedo S913208123, Basilisk (?????), Houshin Engi (it’s so ugly??!?!?!), Saiki Kusuo 2, Kaiju Girls 2, Precure, Gin no Guardian 2, Gintama, Hitori no Shita 2, Spiritpact 2
Genre hell: iDolish7, Sanrio Danshi (unless Gudetama turns up), DamexPrince, Ku Pao Ying Xiong (Chinaaaaaa), Death March (ISEKAI AAAHHGHGHG), Shinkalion
Here’s hoping winter kicks off an amazing 2018! Happy new year, peeps!
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