#Mei and Ying are going to team up
potahun · 4 years
Personal top 5 in Wo Men De Ge  / Our Songs, Season 1
After finishing all 12 eps of the 1st season of  “Wo Men De Ge” / “Our Songs”, I am listing my personal top 5 pairs of “Young Singer x Old but Gold Singer” teams in the show, mostly just to have an excuse to gush and recommend some of my favourite performances from this beautiful, beautiful music show. 
5. Xiao Zhan x Na Ying (and Angela Chang) - Team: Na Zhan Dui
What I really liked about them: The fact that they challenged many styles! Perhaps it’s because Xiao Zhan is currently an actor and not specialised in any music type, but their performances were among the most diverse. They did rock, disco, old Chinese classics...Singing-wise, Xiao Zhan does nice switches to falsetto, Na Ying’s voice is broad and with its own feel, and Angela Chang who replaced NY for a few eps has such a special and beautiful voice ugh. But what I liked most about them is probably Na Ying herself. Her outspoken personality and sense rly got to me and she was my favourite “Model Singer” in Group B. She was also so open to accompanying XZ in trying new styles and to put an emphasis on performance (as in, the visual aspect of it) to help XZ out. I think for someone who’s not currently a singer, he got very lucky she was his partner. 
What I found to be a pity: Xiao Zhan sings pretty nicely, but it’s true that when you have Ayanga and Zhou Shen next door, it’s pretty hard for his voice to stand out. A few times, I found myself feeling like Na Ying or Angela was carrying the song single-handedly and couldn’t rly notice his voice anymore. Angela’s voice especially stands out, so sometimes, it feels like what I remember most from Na Zhan Dui performances is Angela’s great voice and the visual effects. Also, maybe it’s because he has to manage his image a bit more than the other young artists, but Xiao Zhan did come across as quite nervous during the entire show, including during many of the performances. If you only watch him based on this show, he comes across as just a very polite young person (with a pleasant voice). 
Favorite performance(s) from them: 
Gen Zhe Gan Jue Zou / Going with the Feeling (not rly a performance but the song with which NY and XZ got “blindly” paired up, and somehow the song in which he was the most relaxed imo)
Jun Gang Zhi Ye / A Night at the Naval Port (classic lovely song. Imo it was the song in which their voices matched up most seamlessly)
4. Xiao Gui x Luo Qi - Team: Wang Zha 
What I really liked about them: I knew neither of them before the show, but felt like this team truly tried to make a new sound each time and to mix modern elements into old songs (which fits perfectly with the show’s theme). Luo Qi is so open to Xiao Gui’s suggestions and so humble about trying things outside her comfort zone, even though she is the senior. They also had a really nice old sister-little brother relationship, full of mutual respect, and it was kind of refreshing to have the young artist be like ‘it’s ok, it’s ok’ and being the encouraging or optimistic one in the team. Among the younger artists, Xiao Gui is the only rapper, so being on this show could be pretty challenging but Luo Qi being so open to trying new things made it work. She really went outside her comfort zone, and I loved this team for it. They are also both really pleasant - mostly quiet but polite and comfortable. All-round lovely pair. 
What I found to be a pity: In a way, because Luo Qi was so accommodating and humble, sometimes it felt like Xiao Gui might have overpushed her a bit? Perhaps he could have been a tad more considerate, but we don’t see much of their interactions and overall they do seem like they have a good relationship. 
Favorite performance(s) from them: Hui Lai / Come Back (the way the rap got mixed into this song feels so very natural) 
3. Ayanga x Fei Yuqing - Team: (God Xiao Ge team names are hard to remember) Yun Dan Feng Qing 
What I really liked about them: Well of course, the voices and the singing technique. haha I did not know Ayanga before this show, but HOLY SHIT. Not a musical actor for nothing. HE CAN SING. And he can sing so many styles, too. He is GOOD. Watching them, I thought, shit, among all the young artists we saw, only he could have been paired up with a senior like Fei Yuqing (and perhaps Zhou Shen, but we’ll come to him later). Their voices are distinctive, but the style in which they sing have certain similarities, so they match quite well. Basically, this is a team based on talent, skills and experience. They only sing songs that sound like classics but holy fucking shit, I loved the way they sang them. Other than the singing - and this is not a team thing - but I was rly surprised to find out that Fei Yuqing was quite funny. Individually speaking, both he and Ayanga were entertaining while remaining ever so pleasant. They were real pleasures to watch. 
What I found to be a pity: I thought there was a lack of team chemistry, which could be in part due to how they got paired up, but yeah, they just never really felt like a team, more like two very polite and courteous singers who decided to work together for a few performances. Also, I am absolutely not surprised by it, but I guess, since it’s the Fei Yuqing, both young artists were fully accommodating him and not the other way round. It is not a bad thing in FYQ’s case because his singing is beautifully amazing and hey its his last show anyway, but it would have been fun to see more sparks here and there.
Favorite performance(s) from them: 
Juan Zhu Lian / Rolling up the Beaded Curtain (haha are you ready for pure skills to fuck you up? I liked Juan Zhu Lian before, but this version is incredible)
Xin Yuan Yang . Hu Die Meng / New Mandarin Duck. Butterfly Dream (again pure skills but also the harmonising. a+++) 
2. Liu Yuning x Ren Xianqi - Team: Jie Tou Pai Dang
What I really liked about them: This team is one of the teams that felt the most like a team. They have similar past experiences and I liked that they had a chill older brother + reserved younger brother chemistry. I also liked that they both seem to be people who are passionate about different aspects of music (like singing yes, but also music arrangement overall). Ren Xianqi was so open to letting Liu Yuning express what he wanted / add in the elements he wanted to each performance, or have LYN’s band be in charge of re-arranging the songs. Before this show, all I knew from Ren Xianqi was his “Xin Tai Ruan”, but I found him so lovely and nice during the whole show! He only had kind praise for all the other artists, was positive throughout, and well, Group A only had lovely "Model Singers”, but RXQ stood out in this respect. He and Liu Yuning had such a comfortable dynamics and many of the songs they sang happen to be all-time favourites of mine so of course bonus points. Singing-wise, I love Liu Yuning’s voice. It’s not like he can hit super high notes or anything, but this guy rly gets the right feeling out of each song through his voice. All in all, I loved the team.
What I found to be a pity: Literally, the only thing I find to be a limiting factor for this team is Ren Xianqi’s voice aaaaa TT. It felt like he struggled a bit at times, and compared to other senior singers, his voice doesn’t have as much of a distinctive feel, which I thought was a pity... Some of his uh...moves during some of the performances also felt a bit old-fashioned, but I think I can live with that.  
Favorite performance(s) from them: 
Tian Ya  (the song...the arrangement...the spirit...the LYN’s singing...)
Ai Jiang Shan Geng Ai Mei Ren (mainly because this song is one of my all-time favourites and you cant go wrong with it, but this is not my favorite rendition of it either)
1. Zhou Shen x Li Keqin - Team: Qin Shen Shen
What I really liked about them: EVERYTHING FUCK HAHA. ok so. I started this show with pretty even feelings for all the teams, but if one team really grabbed my heart from ep. 1 onwards and threw it into the fire pit, it’s these two. GOD Can I even talk about them neutrally?? Chemistry-wise...where did they even get all this chemistry? No one knows. On stage, I don’t know if I’ve heard two voices that match as well as theirs when they harmonise before, but if I did, I don’t remember. Zhou Shen’s voice is high and floating like some kind of ethereal mermaid’s, while Li Keqin’s voice is so stable, so warm it’s the perfect match. But the chemistry off-stage?? It’s even more incredible??? If Liu Yuning and Ren Xianqi are like a pair of older and younger brothers, what are Zhou Shen and Li Keqin? No one knows, and certainly not them. All the terms have been thrown in: match made in heaven, perfect match, a couple that separated and had a child (thanks LKQ) but also father and son, ‘someone who likes music’ (what?)....but basically, everyone on the show agrees that their chemistry is uncanny and it’s not stopping them from continuing with whatever they’re doing. This team basically has it all and they know it: Singing skills and technique? they both have it. Passion for singing? They both have it. Perfect chemistry? They have it. Stellar and complementary sense of comedy and humour? They have it. Theatrical smoke as their only visual effect on stage? They have it (jk). Every episode that they’re on, I am laughing and smiling from ears to ears and thanking the heavens that they got paired up. Why are they like this.
What I found to be a pity: The fact that I can’t buy an album from them as a duo? hahaha OK, perhaps just the fact that they stuck mostly with ballads (except for Ye Lang Disco) and so I would have loved to see more sparks from them. But this complaint is also very empty because it’s not like I didn’t thoroughly enjoy every single ballad they sang...haha haha....Ah, one thing I found to be a veeerrrry slight pity is that, as ZS himself says, he’s quite insecure. In contrast, LKQ is quite optimistic, so it makes for a lot of comedic clashes in this respect (annnnd it becomes a thing I like about them again). OK ok one thing is perhaps that ZS’s jokes can be a little bit borderline, but honestly, they receive each others’ jokes so well it becomes part of their charm and chemistry.........I guess I’m biased....ok....I'll shut up
Favorite performance(s) from them:
Tian Xia You Qing Ren / All the Lovers in the World (oh my God oh my God oh my God thank you Zhou Shen for choosing this song)
Ye Lang Disco / Wild Wolf Disco (?) (BECAUSE THIS IS Qin Shen Shen AT THEIR FINEST: ABSOLUTE DORKS WHO SLAY AT PERFORMING. Na Ying mentioned this as the inspiration for her and Xiao Zhan’s disco challenge, and that’s for a GOOD reason.)
Honestly I thought Zhou Hua Jian should be there somewhere, because I am a HUGE fan of Zhou Hua Jian songs, but I did feel like his performances were a bit...slapdash in this show haha. And Yi Qiao seems very nice but most of the time, I didn’t feel her presence as much, and it felt like I was enjoying the performance because no matter what, ZHJ’s voice  is fucking good. I also found it to be a pity that he had to constantly remind the audience about points and voting - in the beginning it was funny, but by the end it felt a little repetitive - and that some of his comments could be a little bit borderline and clumsy. So not in the top 5, but his team’s performance of “Qi Shi Bu Xiang Zou / In truth, I don’t want to leave” did make me cry. A lot.  
Anyways, overall, I rate this show 10 / 10 and would encourage anyone who likes music to watch it! I know many people who watched the show are international Xiao Zhan fans, well, if so, you’ll see a lot of him at least! (and your attention might get snatched by some others if you’re not careful)
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selfwritingquills · 4 years
Character Profile: Lian Mei Zhang
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Lian Mei Zhang
March 25, 1973
Ginkgo, Fireball Heart String, 13 ½ in.  Pliant Flexibility
Tuxedo Cat
Lian was born in Westport Ireland to parents Li Ling Xioalong and Jei Li Zhang. The couple had their hands full with her older brother Shifan who was turning 5 at the time. Thankfully she was a quiet baby and hardly caused a fuss until she was able to walk, that was when the fun began.
When Lian was almost six her older brother was accepted into Hogwarts. Once he left the normally active and happy child would cry for hours on end wanting her big brother. Shifan was sorted into Gryffindor and would write home often, Lian would demand to sit in her father’s lap while she read the letters to him.
Much to her delight however later that year she got a little cousin who she adored from her Aunt Ying Yue and Uncle Pearman. And for five years the girl’s often saw each other having many slumber parties.
Finally once Lian was able to attend Hogwarts she was so very excited. However when it came to getting supplies they passed over Ollivander’s. This was because Lian already had a wand, something that passed from woman to woman on her mother’s side of the family. It was a wand that had seen much in it’s time and was perfect for those with a keen eye for divination. 
Upon arriving at Hogwarts Lian was sorted into Ravenclaw just like her mother and father had been their first year, in her excitement she nearly tripped hurrying to join her peers at her house table.
Lian’s first years at Hogwarts were eventful. She made quite a few friends, including Dora Tonks and the oldest Weasley brothers. The girl also got herself and friends into quite a bit of trouble. In her troubles however she learned and applied curse breaking techniques giving her an appreciation for the magic.
In school Lian learned a variety of skills including healing arts, divination, and her dueling skills. These brought a few career openings in her life.
In third year Lian became the first female Zhang to be a beater on a quidditch team and during her fifth year, she became a prefect alongside her best friend Charlie.
Upon graduating Lian wasn’t sure what she was going to do, however she had to act quickly as her family would be moving back to China just a few short months after. One day she received an owl from Charlie Weasley about a new opening for a healer and about how he had put a good word in for her.
Not long after sending in her credentials and receiving acceptance she was packed and heading to Romania for her new job at the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. Lian stayed on in what the dragonologist at the sanctuary called the healer’s hut. It was a small dorm like building for any healers that did not want to find their own place.
Lian was quite good at her job, and had even been help with the Chinese Fireballs on location due to her mother and grandmother having taught her a thing or two while growing up and visiting China. She wholeheartedly loved hatchling season, often getting a bit too close for comfort according to the sanctuary workers.
After a few months on base she noticed a few blokes coming in for minor bumps and bruises quite often. When she brought this up to Charlie during afternoon tea and he went a bit red round the ears whilst assured her that he would handle it. Saying that if they had to go to a healer for a few bruises then they shouldn’t be working with some of the most spontaneous creatures in the wizarding world. Not long after this Lian and Charlie began to see one another, much to the chagrin of quite a few of the other researchers and healers. After a month or so Lian moved into Charlie’s small home nearby.
After a couple years she and Charlie went to vacation in Egypt with the rest of the Weasley’s. There she met with Bill again and the two began to discuss his job, which led her to applying with Gringotts and quickly being accepted for jobs in Egypt.
Charlie was actually really excited for Lian, knowing that this was something she would be able to enjoy doing. The duo discussed the distance between them and came to the decision to make it work knowing fully well that they could handle it if they worked on it together. Though once in a while there were tears and ,on the rare side, arguments they held strong knowing that the other was doing what they loved and that they loved each other dearly despite the distance.
During the first task for the Triwizard tournament Lian took off on leave in order to be a healer for any injuries that the dragons may cause during the travel and task. She however was not able to attend the final task and did not hear about what happened until a letter reached her from Bill and Charlie.
When Bill took his desk job at Gringotts Lian had been in correspondence with Dumbledore about joining the order and starting to work as assistant to Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital wing during the 1995-96 school year. During the year she was interviewed by Dolores Umbridge and with great difficulty keeping a straight face informed the toad woman of her studying under the resident mediwitch during her school years and her years working as a healer in Romania. When the interview turned to personally to Lian’s connection with the Chinese Ministry and her family the young woman ended the interview by standing and promptly exiting the room.
Right before the winter Holidays and Arthur Weasley’s attack Lian and Charlie had made their way to China on a visit to her family. She discussed some of the happening at Hogwarts with her older brother who was by then an ambassador to the Chinese Ministry and let Charlie visit with the women in his family who tended to the Fireballs.
Upon her return to Hogwarts however she was sacked and was ‘politely’ told that perhaps it would be best if she returned to Romania. This was because the school needed top of the line healers and not patchwork ones. Needless to say she nearly laughed herself to tears upon hearing from the twins. That laughter turned to shock however when she heard about the battle at the ministry. 
That summer, after almost five years of dating, Lian and Charlie decided to quickly tie the knot. The couple only gave the burrow a weeks notice before popping in. It was a quiet ceremony only involving Charlie’s family and a couple friends. Fleur helped her dress herself up and Bill gave her away. At the end of it all Lian kept her own last name, Charlie didn’t seem to mind this decision simply happy that they had done so before the entire world went to hell in a hand basket.
During the later parts of 1996 and into early 1997 Lian and Charlie remained in Romania making their connections while Lian kept in contact with her cousins back in China. A few of her cousins even joined them at the sanctuary. Lian returned for Dumbledore’s funeral hugging her younger cousin Adrinette as the girl cried.
Shortly after Bill’s wedding Lian was also questioned and some time after Charlie’s release was to be sent back to Romania. That is until she was stopped by the ministry with a ‘request’ from Headmaster Snape to come back back to Hogwarts peacefully to resume her work as a healer.
That school year was very hard on Lian. The woman saw many of the students who came in and out of the wing like a revolving door. Lian was tested as she healed many curses and even marks from where students had been hit with jinxes and even fists. There was little she could do however since a close eye was kept on her due to her husband’s family’s connections to Harry Potter. Her letters were also heavily watched. In a letter to her husband and in laws she mentioned in a sort of code that Ginny was often ‘visiting her’ in the hospital wing keeping Lian company. This was to ensure all the Weasley’s she could that Ginny was under her care and she was trying to keep her safe.
The night Teddy Lupin was born Lian was able to get permission from Serverus Snape to visit an ‘ailing’ friend. After a few hours she was one of the first people to hold little Teddy Lupin and was named Godmother alongside Harry Potter. 
When the battle of Hogwarts raged Lian was in the midst of it trying to protect all the students she could. Once the hour was called she was right alongside the others gathering whomever she could working to heal who and what she could. When she was told about Fred she broke into tears holding tight to the first redhead within reach, Percy. The man held onto her and muttered how it should have been him.
During the last of the battle Lian was dueling with Ginny and Luna being joined by Hermione. Lian pulled Ginny away from the curse thrown her way by Bellatrix Lestrange and held her sister-in-law close as Molly dueled and defeated the woman. After the war ended Lian found her best friend lying next to her husband and cried over her best friend’s death. Soon her husband joined her and the two simply held one another as they sobbed for all those they had lost.
Post war Lian stayed in the UK and helped Andromeda care for Teddy during her free months and using some of her own money to pay for the things that the two needed. She of course kept in touch with her husband and visited his family frequently. After professor Flitwick retired following the second wizarding war Lian was able to take up the position as Charms professor and head of Ravenclaw house. She held close to her previous professor’s beliefs and went onto teach students to the best of her abilities.
 Lian and Charlie eventually settled down in a cottage in Hogsmead with their young daughter.
Li Ling Xioalong (Mother), Jei Li Zhang (Father), Shi Fan (Brother), Charlie Weasley (Husband), Weasley Family (In-laws), Teddy Lupin (Godson), Adrinette Pearman (Cousin)
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evalulu · 5 years
A random kissing prompt for Fuzeying, the prompt being ‘kissing so desperately their whole body curves into it’!
Being forced to work alongside Fuze was a frustrating ordeal.  He was always hard to get along with for most people, and it was even harder to get any idea of what he was thinking with the helmet he wore.  But, he at least wasn’t someone who dragged her down on a mission.  A small comfort, really, in having to work with someone she really couldn't stand, more often than not.  
Both of them knew what they had to do, and they didn’t need to be right next to each other to do it.  She doesn’t let her feelings interfere, of course; the last thing she wants is for anyone on her team to get hurt.  Thankfully, the chalet is large enough that they can keep their distance, but still be close enough to assist each other if need be.  
Fuze wasn’t someone who really talked beyond the bare minimum, and that sometimes proved tricky.  But, she had learned that he tended to speak when he needed to and no time else if he could help it.  If it wasn’t for the loud gunfire or explosions, she would be able to pretend she was out here alone.  That’s fine with her, since she can safely take out hostiles with good droning or with help from her candelas.  
She was handling the top floor while Fuze took care of the first floor and basement.  She still didn’t approve of his methods, but at least the underground floor was more out of the way of where people spent most of their time.  She takes care of the top floor safely, letting out a sigh of relief once she does.  
“Fuze, top floor is clear.”
She isn’t concerned until the silence persists for a few moments longer than is normal for him.  
“Fuze, answer me, where are you?”
More silence, and it only serves to make her more nervous.  She moves carefully down the stairs, ready for any potential hostile threat that came her way.  She had no way of knowing if the area was clear or not.  The first floor seemed entirely clear, leaving only the basement.  Each step is slow and careful, not wanting to walk right into an ambush if something had indeed happened to Fuze.  She can see where he’s already been, in a way, due to the excess of collateral damage.  
“Where the hell does such a big fuckin’ asshole go?!”
She has to bite her tongue at the unfamiliar voices, instead moving to get as close as she can without being detected.  Surely the terrorists were searching in the general area of his last known location.  
“Wrong step, bitch.”  She stiffens, glancing over her shoulder at the Mask standing behind her.  Before she could say anything, they were shot dead and promptly collapsed to the ground, alerting the other two she had heard before.  This time, she has the time to raise her rifle and take them down.
“Are you hurt?”  
She turns, face to face with Fuze now.  She’s surprised for a moment, then the surprise is replaced with seething anger.  
“You asshole!  I thought that you had gotten seriously hurt, or worse!  And you ask me if I’m hurt?!”
He stayed quiet, not saying anything in the few seconds it takes for extract to speak up.  Ying just huffs, turning to walk out.  She couldn’t stand him, and now was especially one of those times.  She thought he was gravely injured, and he has the audacity to act like it was alright!  She didn’t exactly get along with him like with most others, but she still cared!  She was silent until they got back to base, where she made a beeline for the armoy.  
As she’s taking her gear off, she finally has a moment to calm down.  She sits on the bench and lets out a sigh.  Guilt was starting to work it's way into her chest.  He had been just as concerned about her as she was about him, and she responded to that by freaking out.  
“Mei Lin?”  
She jumps at the sudden voice, looking up to see Fuze at the entrance.  She stiffens, averting her gaze for a moment.  
“...I’m sorry, Shuhrat.  For snapping at you earlier.”
He shook his head, slowly stepping into the locker space.  
“You were worried.  I wasn’t responding because I wanted to take them out quietly.  Still, I’m sorry.”
She keeps her eyes on the floor for a few seconds, then glances up to him.  She reaches to remove the helmet and stare into his eyes.  Funny he left it on but took off the rest of his protective gear.  Maybe he forgot.  But, now she can see the confusion clear on his face, and she can’t help the sigh.  Stupid, destructive Russian.  She cups his face with her eyes narrowed, staring for a few moments before she stands up on her toes and pulls his face close to kiss his lips.  
It was impulsive, she knew, but he also didn’t push her away.  That’s a good sign, right?  When she felt his hands rest gently on her hips, it washes away any concern and encourages her to take it a step further.  She shifts to wrap her arms around his neck, suddenly desperate for as much contact as she can manage.  She leans into him, her back curving to press her body against his.  
She stays there for awhile, before she slowly pulls away, taking a few breaths to recollect herself.  Her cheeks were definitely flustered as she realized the situation she was in now.  
“Don’t tell anyone.”  
His arms were firmly wrapped around her back, keeping her close.  In response, he shook his head.  
“I won’t.”  
She nods, hesitating again before slowly letting go.  After he does the same, she clears her throat.  
“I’m heading in now.  I’ll… see you.”  
He takes a few steps backwards, then turns to walk out, leaving her to try and recompose herself before she left the locker.  
Stupid, adorable man.  
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paladinsheadcanons · 7 years
Overwatch and Paladins fans don't always get along, but how would each champion react to meeting the Overwatch gang, who would get along best, and who would be at each others throats?
I never thought they existed in the same universe since Overwatch existed in a very Earth-like place while Paladins is most definitely not on Earth, but for the sake of this ask…
Makoa: Is slightly put off by them, but is willing to meet them and get to know them and make his judgement based off how they react to him.
Fernando: Is totally willing to meet them as long as he’s the best looking there. And let’s be real, he is. (But Mod Mal’Damba is also thinks McCree is very cute)
Ruckus: Initially is very suspicious of D.Va but manages to eventually make friends over talking about upgrading their mechs. D.Va wants to learn how to install so many guns and massive rockets into one small mech while Ruckus is interested to know how she can self destruct her mech and get it back so quickly.
Barik: Is not happy with Torbjorn at all. They both make very good turrets and have a lot of pride and nearly fight. Torvald and Winston have to pry them apart before they murder each other.
Torvald: Is less concerned with the Overwatch heroes and is more concerned with Barik trying to murder Torjorn. He’s ultimately neutral with all of them even though Sombra is very confused on how to hack his runic magic which functions on a plane outside of Sombra’s ability to hack.
Drogoz: Tries to steal coins or sell his loot to them for coins but is deeply uninterested in their paper money. The Overwatch heroes are very confused by him.
Bomb King: Quickly becomes friends with Junkrat and they share lots of info on explosives. Junkrat gives Bomb King a concussion mine as a gift and Bomb King in exchange gives Junkrat a Poppy Bomb.
Viktor: He and Soldier 76 are very suspicious of their similarities but eventually just switch to Dad Mode and go get coffee and complain about their teams.
Tyra: Is highly suspicious of the Overwatch heroes and doesn’t trust them one bit. She finds McCree very charming, to the point where something about him seems off.
Cassie: Warms up to Lucio quickly and they become close friends very fast! They enjoy each others company and Zigs likes trying to eat Lucio’s braids.
Kinessa: Does not like Widowmaker. Sure, Widowmaker is very skilled, but Kinessa doesn’t like her cockiness even though honestly, she’s the same.
Sha Lin: Finds Roadhog quite intimidating but otherwise is really cool with everyone. He finds Tracer very amusing and cool and likes being around her. He also likes to chat with Zenyatta and finds him very interesting. Hanzo does not like him at all and feels like Sha Lin doesn’t respect the idea of being an archer with his suavity and all his little tricks.
Evie: She thinks something’s up with Mei while Mei tries to get friendly. It’s rare to find a Winter witch and Mei, being a woman of science, wants to learn about Ice magic and how Evie got it but Evie is a little wary. She won’t admit it, but she’s glad to find someone else of her element.
Skye: She surprisingly likes Bastion! She thinks Bastion is adorable and so is Ganymede. Bastion appreciates her gestures very much.
Androxus: Has a shootout with McCree in the safety of respawn and loses, but he appreciates McCree’s skill. McCree might have killed him first but Androxus used his Accursed Arm and managed to deal a lot of damage. For the fun of it, they switch revolvers for a day.
Buck: Doesn’t really mind the Overwatch heroes but doesn’t care enough to go be friends with them.
Mal’Damba: Is deeply interested in Zenyatta and both make friends as generally peaceful champions who like similar things. Only problem is that Zenyatta isn’t a fan of snakes.
Pip: Takes a huge interest in Genji and tries to pry into his backstory. Genji is willing to talk about it but is very passive aggressive about Hanzo regarding the whole thing.
Grover: Takes a liking to Zenyatta quickly as well and both like to meditate together. It’s very relaxing.
Grohk: Does not like any of them at all and tries to leave as soon as possible.
Ying: Mercy doesn’t believe Ying should be on the field at all and tries to protect her until she learns that Ying has been a sentient being for almost a hundred years. They get along really well and like to go out for tea and just chat about life.
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orangememory · 6 years
Nirvana in Fire 2, Episode 8 Recap
We are here at Episode 8! (I am technically watching 30 oops) This episode is one full of harsh truths and showdowns - the confirmation of Da Sao’s poisoning and our Changlin Boys understanding why they are so hated by the Court - as well as Feizhan scaring the crap out of Puyang Ying. Not much happens in terms of movement of plot, but it sets up several key pieces of information - which will propel us through the next few at startling speed.
Last Episode:
Episode 7 gave us a lot of heartbreak, action and intrigue - where we discovered Madame Laiyang, Yuanqi’s mother was secretly setting some voodoo spells on the Emperor, and surprisingly, evil Duan Tongzhou knew about it! We discovered that Da Sao and Pingzhang havr been married for 7 years without a baby, and Da Sao is using up all her good karma praying for a baby. Unbeknownst to her, she has been poisoned by a Rare gum from Donghai, which was hidden in her cosmetics box and sniffed out by Lin Xi. Feizhan has a confrontation with his uncle, and later on, he finds out a possible hideout for Firemaster Duan - the evil lair of Rasputin. And onto Episode 8!
Episode 8 Recap:
- We start off at the End of Episode 7, where our Jingrui-Meng Hybrid, the righteous Xun Feizhan has caught a scent, very literally, of Duan Tongzhou. Duan’s fallen wristband contains the scent of a special oil used for offerings inside the Inner Palace - existing outside only in two places: one being Meng Qianxue’s hands - where she makes an offering to a Qing Lian temple for babies with Pingzhang. Being her shi-xiong, of course Feizhan feels sad for her and prays to Buddha for all of his shi-mei’s wishes to be granted. Awwww.
- Rightfully, Feizhan detects that Duan Tongzhou couldn’t come to the temple, but possibly to the other place where this special oil is found - the evil lair of Snakey Rasputin Puyang, known as QianTian Court, and sets off for it.
- Meanwhile in QianTian court, our Rasputin is strolling around - when his cute, rather innocent looking disciple comes in (did they watch too much of Despicable me? Cause a cartoonish evil lord with cute minions belongs to that franchise :P) and informs him of two things - that he has dispatched a letter to Donghai (we shall file this away for later) and Duan Tongzhou is here to meet him in the ‘Chamber of Elixirs’. (Fuck me if that doesnt look straight of out Snape’s dungeon)
- By now of course we know Puyang is the hidden spider, and has been directing Duan in his capacity as a sect leader, whose carefully laid palm-marks have ignited a heated argument between Feizhan and Sec Xun, exactly as Puyang had envisioned. He wants the involvement of Feizhan in his plans and wishes for the rift to grow - another way to destabilize Da Liang? Hmm. However, their little chat is interrupted when Feizhan arrives at his evil lair to investigate, and has sealed off all exits. Duan scrambles to hide inside a secret chamber while Puyang is a bit shocked at the development. (YOU GO FEIZHAN FUCK EM UP)
- An interesting point to note: We see Duan greeting Puyang in a style very different from that of Da Liang - with his palms outstretched at an acute angle away from the body (picture enclosed). If you haven’t read the plot synopsis, then Puyang is from the Vassal State of Yeqin and has a vengeance to exact from Da Liang. This is a cool way to let us know that these people have different origins. NIF, always the subtle details that stand out! I appreciate this team so much. (Tumblr keeps shifting the picture to the end, so please check it out below!l
- Feizhan barges in to the Qian Tian Court, and with barely veiled contempt - wishes to start the search for Duan among all the disciples and rooms. Rasputin Puyang however carefully contains his displeasure and allows it - but Feizhan’s eyes are narrowed. Oh boy, I can feel the suspense build!! Their dialogue is exceedingly polite - but you can sense that these two men have heaps of dislike for each other.
- Next, we cut to the Empress discussing matters with her brother, Sec Xun, who coolly informs her he has no connections with the Song Fu case (yeah right), while the Empress has heard of the discord with Feizhan from last episode and becomes worried. Sec Xun reassures her Feizhan will not do anything rash (since he guilt-tripped him hard, the toady fucktard) and instead reminds her they need to still do something about the House of Changlin. The Empress seems to grudgingly respect Pingzhang, but Sec Xun exhorts her to think of the future and be wise. *sigh*
- The inspection at Qian Tian court is near complete, so Feizhan steps inside the evil lair to inspect. This set of scenes is so beyond…hilarious in it’s subtle sarcasm that it left me chuckling. Feizhan is like Jingyan, barely able to conceal his rage - while Rasputin Puyang snarks, pointing out that Duan Tongzhou surely cannot be hiding in places like the bottom of his witches’ cauldron. Feizhan starts knocking around the walls and in a trice, discovers the hidden chamber where Duan disappeared! He asks to enter.
- Puyang is visibly shaken but cleverly tries to worknhis way out, suggesting that this is a secret area for his cultivation. An entrance to a hidden area demands a mechanism only which he knows - is Commander Xun implying he, the High Priest, is hiding a known criminal? Feizhan simply answers with 'Are you?’ THIS WAS THE BEST MOMENT. I laughed so hard because Feizhan is trying to keep himself under wraps but is so cattt at the same time. Amazing!
- However, once the evil lair is opened up, there is no Duan! I was like WTF? Where did the slimy dude go to now? Anyway, Feizhan looks very disappointed, as if he has lost a particularly precious gamble and walks off. We see Duan Tongzhou in the meantime, hiding and shivering inside a well on the outside of the Court (there must be another passage for escape from the hidden chamber to the well). Puyang is shaken, and remarks to his tiny disciple that for the first time, he was scared by someone, and that is Xun Feizhan.
- In the meantime, the Emperor lays down Song Fu’s sentence and finishes the case off before the new year, and Tingsheng and the Court accepts the decision.
- Later, Tingsheng and Pingzhang discuss the decision as well as Feizhan’s excursion into Qian Tian Court. TS wonders why Feizhan would offend the High Priest favoured by the Empress, and wonders what evidence he had to go there. He seems a bit skeptical of the fact that Puyang Ying, a man with no government power, is trying to play games. Pingzhang ponders upon this as well, suggesting that there are too many holes in Song Fu and General Ji’s testimonies, and with Duan Tongzhou free, they dont know what has happened and the case is closed in much of a hurry. He ominously feels this is not the end (IF ONLY YOU KNEW BB)
- Lin Xi confirms to Pingjing that her tests have been conclusive: the substance in the makeup box was indeed Donghai Vermilion Glue. Pingjing is very cut-up about it, poor child - and even Lin Xi looks a bit surprised at such sinister methods that even a martial arts expert like Da Sao cannot detect them. When Pingzhang learns of this, he looks bitter and saddened, cryptically saying that the winds in Jinling are colder now. And Pingjing, clueless child, just asks his bro if he wants a coat and is feeling colder. Things 'bout to get nasty soon boy.
- Pingzhang and Pingjing go to the famous Celestial prison to interrogate Song Fu, who has been gruesomely sentenced to be cut in half to death. His family if three generations were also to be executed, but nice Emperor has spared them to be exiled or sold. Song Fu looks shocked at this. But Pingzhang is a cold, smart man - and he is here to rub it in Song Fu’s wounds, very deservedly. He tells us of Song Fu’s origins - a scholarly official in a Western Province who fended off a sneak enemy attack even when the heads of the local government skipped out. He was recommended and promoted by Jingyan, now a grand secretary. Pingzhang reminds him of his offenses, and how he squandered the royal favour by being evil and cutting off the supply lines and opening up the provinces below for annexation.
- Song Fu has no regrets whatsoever! WTF! Again, stellar acting from a minor character - as the minister launches into a tirade against the power of teh Changlin army. He was angry with the power and arrogance of the army and wanted them to fail- just once, and be tempered. He did not realise Da Yu would attack at the moment at Ganzhou. But he still wanted the Changlin army to learn a lesson, and many others in the government feel the same. The Changlin Manor overshadows even the Emperor in merits, and the blind trust that the Emperor has in Tingsheng shocks them. In fact, Song Fu cannot believe the Emperor handed the miliatry seal to TS on his hunch that Da Yu would attack! (What Song Fu doesn’t know is TS probably received intelligence about the military ships - and that younger bro knows well enough his brother’s ways).
- Song Fu continues by saying he still cannot get over the fact - and whatever he did was to preserve the royal family and authority. He respects Tingsheng but still wants him taken down. However, the part about colluding with Da Yu and General Ji was not something he did. Pingzhang says he believes him. In this whole exchange, Pingjing gets a taste of the intrigues of the capital - his brother was gravely injured, and his Da Sao was rendered barren. He is so angry, and so shocked at every turn of phrase. Liu Haoran does a good job here of being a naive child thrown into a high-stakes world.
- Another verbal showdown! Ooh, if the starting spar between Feizhan and Rasputin was delicious, the amount of shade thrown next is amazing. After Song Fu’s hateful confessions, Pingzhang is fired up and ready for some more fightin’ and this time he takes it to Zhengyang Palace. He presents the box to the Empress, who literally says it happened seven years ago so she cares fuck all about it. Pingzhang carefully presses into her that it was sent in her name, so it’s obvious she has a hand in it or someone has framed her - but in such an eloquent way you dont see the bitchslap coming. When he threatens her (politely again) with an Imperial decree, she agrees to investigate grudgingly - but Pingzhang drills it into her that when it comes to his family, he wont spare anybody. (I swear this scene was made for me shipping Pingzhang/Empress hatefucking. Dont look at me I have too many ships 🤣)
- Rasputin is boiling things and performing cool chemical reactions disguised as voodoo when cute Disciple (I call him Tu er in my head lol) informs that the letters from Bei Yan and Donghai have arrived, just as Rasputin had predicted. Tu Er thinks Rasputin has the Baishen’s guidance, but Rasputin looks at him so derisively for a second - that I feel Rasputin believes in Bai Shen even less than Feizhan does. Everything is a strategy, as we will discover later - that Rasputin has cast his net far and wide - upto Bei Yan and Donghai in his quest. Almost…MCS like. Brrrrr.
- The Emperor announces to Court about the letters from Bei Yan and Donghai, and admonishes Minister Xun who has missed them because of the Song Fu case - or rather running around to save his and his disciple’s asses from being implicated. Later, Tingsheng even very politely asks after Minister Xun’s health and comforts him over the Song Fu case - almost as if warning Xun that he has got his eyes on him. This is a usual court exchange, but we learn two useful things from it - that Dong Hai is related by marriage to Da Liang, and Bei Yan has severe internal strife with the court in two factions.
- Home at the manor, Tingsheng is bored and tired as he goes through a lot of works pending for New Year, including the reminder for the New Year Celebrations from the Ministry of Rites. Pingzhang casually banters with his dad and says he wants to slack off, but we see him nicking one of the documents for some odd reason?
- The reason is clarified next as Pingzhang all but coldly storms into the Ministry of Rites, anger and fury on his face. The Minister Shen there looks all welcoming and innocent - until Pingzhang points out something innocuous but important. If you remember from NIF1, the biggest issue was created in the New Year’s celebrations about Consort Yue’s status and the then-Crown Prince - which ignited the confucian debate. Similarly in NIF2, as the highest-ranked Prince, Tingsheng leads the New Year celebrations from many years, Yuanshi being too young to do so. But now he has been officially declared the Crown Prince and has moved to the Eastern Palace, which the Ministry of Rites should have accounted for, and yet, they have still asked TS to lead!
- The slimy Minister tries to shake off Pingzhang’s accusations, saying the Emperor prefers that the Crown Prince pay respects to his Imperial Uncle. But oh boy, PZ is having NONE of it - even pulling a Pingjing and directly getting in the Minister’s face, suggesting it was all a ploy to show that the Changlin Manor belittled the Eastern Palace’s position. He leaves very angrily, stopping outside to cough and sputter, poor child, burning from all the hate . After the horrid remarks from Song Fu, no wonder Pingzhang wants to be very careful for his family. Good friend Feizhan comes in and supports him, asking him not to get angry, and he supports him. THESE TWO ARE SUCH GOOD COMPETENT BROS. Like seriously - I would give so much for a whole Feizhan and Pingzhang solve crimes as kids series. :D J'adore.
- Next up, Lin Xi asks the Divine Dragon of Icy Lake to go fetch some (medicinal) flowers for her to treat Da Sao, and Pingjing goes off all cutely to ask Bro to cover for him - since papa has all but locked him in for the new year. I totally understand that, so much. :P And the episode ends on this cute bro moment note.
This episode gave us a lot to think about - if not in the form of action, then in the implications of people’s actions. The exchanges between Feizhan and Rasputin Puyang were delightful, and that whole search scene was thrilling. I must give it up to Guo Jingfei for being such a good actor - you can see underneath all the weird makeup - he brings the character of a slimy, snivelly man to life - he’s a bit of an OTT villain, but he manages to carry it off with aplomb. Like you feel every move is cunning and your skin crawls at Puyang Ying. They sure pick their actors well.
Feizhan is another dude who I just love very much! He’s so handsome, righteous, smart and badass. I just love the bromance with Pingzhang - even in small moments I just feel like these guys trust each other so much. Its lovely.
Another moment that is important for me in this episode is when Song Fu spews out his hate for the Changlin fam. It shocked me because even though the words were harsh - they were kinda true. The royal family has seen treason already - from Prince Yu, from Prince Laiyang and who can say that the Changlin house will not be next? It sends chills down my spine because this man is not fighting for his own power - but he and a large section of government believe it is their (however misplaced) loyalty to the Crown. However there is precedence throughout history for usurpation, especially by powerful generals and royal members - it isnt unusual for the ministers to want to protect the royal family and the succession, no matter how skewed their perspective. Its a very….gray area.
You can see the same ominous clouds that hung over Prince Qi and The Chiyan army spread over the Changlin Army as well. Even though the Emperor and Tingsheng are good brothers, at least in public they should know how to disguise their absolute trust in each other. Jingyan, MCS should have raised the children for you baby - why did you make them so transparent?
Although for now the Changlin manor and army are okay, we entered this show knowing that some ugly calamity will occur along the way. It wont be soon, that I can say, but when it happens it will hurt. Bad.
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uconntcm2018 · 6 years
Cindy’s Final Thoughts of the TCM Program
Since I was a Freshman, I knew I wanted to study abroad. However, with the pre-pharmacy curriculum, it was difficult to find a semester where I could fit it in. Therefore, I was very excited when I found out that the pharmacy school offered a summer study abroad program in Beijing. Fast forward to my senior year, the opportunity came and I knew I had to take it. Studying abroad is not just about being in a different country. While travel is a big part of it, you are also exposed to different languages, cultures, and foods. It can be a bit overwhelming at first especially when there is a communication gap. While I had grown up Chinese American, my family primarily spoke a dialect called Fujianese. When I entered China, I could understand spoken Mandarin more than I could speak it. Mandarin classes with our teacher, Wang Lao Shi, really helped jog my memory.
With her help, we were given an introduction to Mandarin for foreigners. Over the weeks, I increasingly recognized more Chinese characters and was able to speak with greater confidence. Being able to communicate with locals in Beijing is hugely advantageous and knowing a couple of simple phrases goes a long way. For instance, when ordering food, you can ask to see the English menu (“Ni men you mei you ying wen cai dan ma”) and most places typically have one. In the unfortunate event that there was no English menu, apps like Google Translate and You Da can translate written or spoken Chinese to English. Otherwise, we relied heavily on our Mandarin speaking counterparts in our TCM cohort. Though it was a challenge, we were always able to figure out a solution individually or as a team.
One thing I really enjoyed was getting to meet new people on this trip. Being in a foreign country, we often relied on each other for tips and suggestions. While Trip Advisor came in handy, locals knew where the gems were. Our friends, Wang ZiLong and Vanessa, two PKU graduate students took us out to an area called Nanluoguxiang, a unique alleyway filled with popular foreign shops, local boutiques, and a variety of snacks that the Chinese like to call “xiao chi” (literally meaning small eats). Over dinner, we talked about the differences of being a student in China versus the United States. We were shocked to find out that the cost of college education and room and board were noticeably cheaper in China than the United States due to government funding. This was particularly interesting because elite universities in the United States are typically private and come with a hefty price tag.
I truly valued the friendships we made at PKU. I am forever grateful for Yuanyuan, who was always down for adventure and for being my personal photographer. She takes some amazing photos and she’s got the angles down pat. I am thankful for Roxanne for being super sweet and for making us feel welcome. I also want to thank JiaJia for sharing her experiences and teaching me about Chinese culture – the train ride to Shanghai was not so bad though it was 15 hours (I slept through most of it!). Last but not least, I am amazed at how funny and intelligent Yinzi is. Your presentation on the exchange program made me want to go on the trip myself!
One of the highlights of our TCM curriculum was our visit to the Peking University Third hospital, which happens to be one of the leading hospitals in Beijing, where a TCM doctor performed personal treatments for our various conditions. I was shocked and amazed at the level of skill, precision, and confidence in which the doctor performed treatments. It was also my first encounter with acupuncture, cupping, and moxibustion. While it is important to learn the foundation and concepts of TCM, seeing how it translates into helping patients provides a deeper level of understanding. In the United States, TCM is typically not practiced because it is believed to not be caught up to modern medicine. But, hearing about patient success stories and watching my fellow classmates experience relief from treatments, I believe that TCM should be an alternative that we should seriously consider in the United States.
The TCM program was priceless. The places we got to see (the Great Wall was by far my favorite - nature + physical exercise + breathtaking views=amazing time), the foods that we got to try (Thanks Drs. Wang and Burgess for taking us to try all different Chinese cuisines! It was all very delicious and I have never ate so well in my life!), the people we met, and the TCM curriculum made us go out of our comfort zone and view the world with a new lens. Traveling abroad is much more about being in a different country and more about creating experiences that shape who we are. My call to action for anyone reading this is to travel and see the world if you have the option to!
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