#valen x merlin
the--firevenus · 1 day
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The placement of our scar..
Im.. So obsessed with them.. Im sorry, and cropped version under readmore
Yeah I need to draw them more osbdkwbd
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tooclosetosundavvid · 25 days
okay why am I already shipping those two, the storyline has literally JUST begun...
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manganyeh · 2 months
I got a new notebook
and the first thing I drew was Merlin x Valen
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I love them so much
also I blame my fellow manga aka @mangakeque for the brainrot!
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5hanebia · 2 months
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miss-anachronism · 2 months
for requests. i need. valen x male magister merlin. im a sucker for this guy. anything really. thank you!
Ooh, I’ve never read an x reader/MC fic, let alone written one! New territory, as exciting as it is scary.
I’m not so sure I have a good grip on Valen’s character, but I tried to write it from his perspective. I hope this suits your needs! It gets a bit philosophical. And sorry if its OOC :,)
He isn’t sure what to think, really.
They’re sitting around a dying campfire, just outside the borders of the Dark Forest. Lorsan is pacing somewhere in the distance, muttering to himself, or to the wind, maybe. Trying to figure out what’s happened to his home. Korin leans against a tree, tending to his wounds- courtesy of Merlin. The magister himself is across from Valen, wrapping his own wound and chattering with his hamsters.
Logically, Valen knows that the lesson he should have taken from this scramble is a lot more profound than what’s been on his mind. He should be contemplating the Wilders, the forest, their next steps, how to protect the refugees. And he’s trying to, but it’s just that something- someone- keeps catching his attention.
He didn’t know Merlin could bleed.
It’s such a silly observation. But as Valen watches the angry red wound on Merlin’s forearm, his gut twists. It’s like seeing a god’s flesh tear, and seeing that its blood is the same bright red as his own.
Valen isn’t sure what exactly Merlin is. As far as he knows, no one does, not even Merlin himself. But to the average young Lightbearer, he’s a myth. A legendary figure that you might glimpse once in your life, but would never get to meet. Never speak with, let alone camp alongside. Fight alongside. Merlin throws his head back to laugh at something Chippy has said, and something stirs in Valen’s ribs, something he knows is dangerous.
All of this is dangerous. Merlin is not someone to be loved; Valen has seen what happened to Mirael. Forgotten about, left in the dust, accidentally as it was. The way she watches Merlin, her face made of mixed admiration, bitterness, and regret. He wonders if she would take it all back, if she could. Scariest of all, when she bid them farewell, the look in her eyes sent an ugly pain of jealousy through Valen’s chest. And he doesn’t want that to happen to him, selfish as that may be. Every time Merlin falls asleep, he risks waking up knowing nothing.
Besides, what is Valen to a hero of myth? His whole life has been barely a blink in Merlin’s. Whatever he is, there is no reasonable way Valen could ever mean something to Merlin the way that Merlin is beginning to mean something to him. Merlin will outlive him a thousand times over. And he’s probably met a thousand different people, fallen in love with quite a few of them. Someone who has experienced so much life, so much loss, can they still love? Could they ever?
And yet, he bleeds. It’s such a human weakness that it seems impossible. Valen knew heroes could bleed; he didn’t know gods could. Merlin does not go about the world serene and calculating, watching every moment with practiced ease. He stumbles, laughs, misses with his spells. He jostles Valen’s pauldron excitedly when they win a fight, he’s the last to flee when they lose, ensuring everyone else has disengaged safely. He has only one dimple, on his left cheek. Sometimes he speaks so fast his words blend together, and Hammie has to remind him to slow down. It’s endearing. It’s human. Valen doesn’t know what to do with it. Because it was so much easier, to write off affection as admiration. When the pieces had first clicked, he thought it all made sense. The natural pull that the magister gave off- yes, of course, it was just Merlin’s nature. But they’re a week into this camaraderie, and Valen keeps noticing things like the lick of hair on his neck that doesn’t sit flat.
Pretty fucking annoying, that’s what it is. Valen’s always prouded himself on his ability to swerve out of love’s path. He can flirt and charm all he wants, but at the end of the day all the love letters he receives are ink and paper, nothing more. Whenever someone seriously reciprocates- god forbid- he disengages as smoothly as he can, lest they get the wrong impression.
But Merlin has changed all that, somehow. Impossibly so. He supposes it’s in his nature, to take everything and turn it upside down. Valen doesn’t want to flirt with the Magister, to laugh as he flushes under his praise. Well, it would be nice, he always has liked the attention; but the thing is, that isn’t the point. With Merlin, he just wants to be. No performance, no elaborate courtship. Just… be. Together. All this, for someone who is more myth than man.
It seems like the scariest thing he’s ever faced.
He jumps as the magister suddenly speaks, and realizes with mounting embarrassment that he’s been staring the whole time. Luckily, the magister grins good-naturedly- and ah, there’s that dimple again.
“Lost in thought?”
“You could say that.”
He leans back on his hands and forces his face into a smirk. It’s easier than he anticipated; despite everything, Merlin makes it simple to be around him.
“I’ve been meaning to say,” Merlin mirrors his position as Chippy and Hammie scuttle away, the former setting off on a quest to climb the nearest tree, “I really appreciate your help in all of this. Coming along, and aiding me- far past your assigned duties. It isn’t lost to me.”
Valen gives him a look. “Of course, magister. I’m not one to leave danger to fester; I’m sorry you ever had that impression of me.”
“No, it’s not that, it’s…” Merlin’s brow furrows as he collects his thoughts. “You know, you seem so… charmingly nonchalant. Like nothing bothers you. But that clearly isn’t true. You care a lot, Valen, and it’s really, really nice to see. You’re someone who is just… good, you know? And I appreciate it.” He grins sheepishly. “Sorry. Kinda cheesy compliment. I’ve lost all my memories, you know, but being around you- and Lorsan, Cassadee, Mirael- honestly, I don’t feel like I’m missing much of anything. Everything I need is right here.”
He shrugs and turns back to the fire, as if he has not sent Valen’s mind reeling. Functionally, Merlin has been aware for only a week- one week out of thousands of years. He’s wondered how he’s been so calm about the whole thing, and…
And it’s hard to believe, but it’s much harder to doubt what Merlin says, not as he stares into the fire with that soft smile. It dawns on Valen that he probably knows more about Merlin than Merlin does- all of the legends, at least. And yet, despite that insurmountable legacy, despite the name and title that bears unimaginable weight, Merlin is… content. Content in just moving forward, and hoping he’s doing the right thing.
And isn’t that all that Valen’s doing, as well? He doesn’t deserve all this praise; he always shies away from large displays of gratitude, loathing how awkward they make him feel. Because he’s just moving forward, and trying to do the right thing. It’s a simple motive, really. Faith, and what effort it takes to retain it. He always thought Merlin would have some deeper, existential knowledge of the world that would put all else to shame- access to the secrets of the universe, and what not. And, certainly, his magical capabilities are second to none- but his philosophy, the way he lives; it very well might be human after all.
Maybe the usual Merlin, the one with all his memories, is the knowledgeable, immovable sage that Valen grew to look up to. Maybe, once restored, Merlin will become that god-like fairytale hero, wisdom surpassing all others, power knowing no ends.
Selfishly, Valen hopes that never happens. That the Merlin in front of him stays the same, annoying dimple and all, and keeps looking at Valen like that. Like he sees something in him that Valen never knew was there. He hopes Merlin never raises above their quips, their banter.
He know’s it’s all in vain. But god, he hopes.
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merakiarchives · 2 months
Love all of your stories and I cant wait to read more.
If you're comfortable writing it, would it be possible to read something where while in the Dark Forest, after a long fought battle, we retire for the night but something itches at Valen, something hes never felt before, a fire inside of him every time he speaks to us (the Magister).
Seeing as he cant sleep, he decides to sneak out of his sleeping place and comes to see if were awake and one thing leads to another and hes suddenly kissing us, realizes his error and backs up but we confess we like him to. Would love to read nsfw but only if comfortable! Ty 💖🥹
Oh.. I think I’m Sick Again!
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౨ 🍂 ��゚ ⊹ ˚ ✦ 🥧 ৎ
Characters: Valen x Merlin! GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Fic
Warnings: mentions of injury
౨ 🥠 ⋆゚ ⊹ ˚ ✦ 💼 ৎ
“Agh- Damn it.. guys, go on without me. I’ll uh.. catch up.” Valen mutters, stopping in the middle of the pathway and clutching his side. As the group stops, you turn to look at Valen.
“Please, let me help. You don’t seem well, or if need be, let’s set up camp early.” You mutter, taking one of his hands in yours. Guiding him to a root and letting him sit down. “Tell me, what’s the issue?”
“It’s just- the cut from the last battle is acting up, please it’s nothing much.” He sighs, reluctantly removing his hand from the area when you tried to pry it away.
“Nothing much? Your bleeding through, what? Like 3 layers of clothes? Lay down, I’ll help you.” You huff, flicking his forehead before standing up and explaining the situation to the rest of the group. Returning to his side when everyone started to set up camp.
“Let’s see what’s going on here now.” You sigh, carefully helping him remove his top.
Valen stirred slightly in his bed, but definitely not from the cut. Whatever you gave him, definitely worked. The pain was subtle from the cut, but what he missed? He wanted to feel your hands on him again, just the feeling of it almost made him feel.. safe.
Getting up from his bed, he slowly made his way out of his tent. Stopping by the exit when a small lily of the valley was spotted in his peripheral vision. Gently, he picked it up before continuing to walk.
Stopping by the lake not far from camp, he noticed you sitting by the bank of the lake. Very quietly he moved to sit beside you.
“Can’t sleep..?” He asks, turning to look at you with a sheepish grin. Only to chuckle when you nod. Adjusting his position to look at you, he carefully takes your chin in his hand.
“You’re.. very appealing. You know that right?” He mumbles, “it almost makes me want to.. kiss you sometimes.” Before you knew it, you felt his lips on yours. A soft yelp escapes your lips, only for Valen to immediately retract back and stand up.
“I- I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me!” He blushes, slowly stepping back he runs a hand through his hair. Slowly, you grabbed a loop from his pants, tugging him forward and carefully wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Don’t be sorry.. I quite enjoyed it. So much so, that I’d love for you to be my other half?” You offered, guiding his lips to meet yours in a soft kiss.
“I’d love that.. and uhm.. here’s something for you.” He smilies, taking out the flower and handing it to you. “Oh.. I think I’m sick again, the only cure could be your lips against mine..”
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lmeol · 1 month
merlin headcanons (mostly wardrobe)
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i think the arcanist and hermit robes set of clothes are the most fitting outfit for merlin (fem) canonically or story/lore wise
mainly because during one of the heart to heart convos of hogan and hammie, hogan reminisced about when merlin used to disguised herself a lot and would only be recognized when her familiars are around
but he also mentions that he thinks her current appearance is the best one because its the closes to merlins orginal look
i searched up afk arena for reference and found that the clothes matched in color and vibe. and generally i just like it more than the default one
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other headcanon: merlins mbti being infj
and i ship merlin/player x valen :7
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mangakeque · 2 months
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httpsbearily · 18 days
18+ request! :)
Reader as Merlin, and basically, the whole Dark Forest gang (Lyca, Eironn, Lorsan, and Bryon ofc) are having drinks. Lorsan gets a lil bit toooo affectionate to reader for Bryon, and plus he's starting to get annoyed of Lorsan being a yapper.
And so, Bryon just ends up deciding to fuck reader in the mirror, but he has his blindfold off just bc he wants reader to look at him in the eyes <3
☆*: Reflection
[Tags]: smut | bryon x reader | GN Merlin!reader
Minors Do Not Interact
[Author’s Note]: anon you mf--affectionately--you're so real for this holy shit. so real. Obviously I had to stop everything because I have sm to say about this; School is temporary but Bryon is forever. arches back.
Edit: this took longer than expected im so sorry anon, wuthering waves came out and I may have spent too much time on it already…btw this isn’t proofread so I’m sorry for any grammar/spelling errors
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As the sun glimmered off the horizon, illuminating the world around you a pinkish-orange hue and the sounds of your friends filling the warm atmosphere, you couldn't remember when you'd last felt so serene. It been a while since you had had the opportunity to reunite with all the friends you had made during your time in the Dark Forest; What felt like yesterday was, in reality, already a year ago. Since it's saving, all who were currently present had gone their own way in continuation of playing their role of supporting the forest.
Lyca, who had been officiated as a leader of the forest by Eironn himself, could not say it'd been easy but, still, held no regrets even during the most overwhelming of times. Eironn, who had continued his journey to seek betterment of his swordsmanship, had only returned to celebrate the anniversary of the group's success but carried the most sentiment of you all. Lorsan of course was also in attendance, pausing his travels to return to his home with more than a million stories. And Bryon, who had remained the same throughout the passing time, but reconvening with the gang with more passion…so to say.
As the great magister, you couldn't deny that you had your own fair share of reminiscencing to give the group. The sentimental feeling could be felt in each person, and it showed in the way you all enthusiastically interacted with each other. Sitting together around a circular table situated just outside the wood-built eatery, the five of you conversed enthusiastically--even your hamster familiars had partook in the joyful reunion before falling asleep a few feet away in a pile of leaves. You didn't blame them, the three of you had traveled here all the way from Holistone after needing to meet with General Hogan and his top knight Valen. Although a little tired yourself, you didn't restrain yourself to not accepting the drinks offered up by a waitress.
"--And then, as if I were some mouse instead of rabbit, they told me they me 'rodents weren't allowed'! Could you believe the nerve?! I almost used my skill to summon a gust of wind and blow them off the bridge!" Lorsan exclaimed, holding onto his ears in exasperation as he recounted an event from his wandering. You chuckled at his words, looking towards Eironn as he spoke: "Wait...You mean to tell me you've been a rabbit this whole time? Oh. I was so certain you were some type of chinchilla."
Lorsan made a noise of betrayal, lowering his hands into fists on the table as he leaned forward to the elf across. "Eironn, of all the people here, I never expected you to treat me like this!"
But Eironn only hid his smile behind his cup of tea. The bunny turned towards you, who sat to his left, and pouted, "magister, you don't think I'm a rodent, right?"
You played along with the eldest wilder, retuning a confused, wide-eyed look to the windwhisperer, "I thought so too...Bryon is always calling you a pest, so I assumed..."
At the mention of his name, everyone turned to look at him, including you. You bit back a smile, wanting to laugh especially when Lorsan had called out to the older man in complaint. Bryon remained his normal, calm self, not even flinching as he lifted the teapot to refill his teacup; "I have never, nor will I ever, tell you a lie."
You laughed loudly, not able to hold it back when Lorsan gave a downright confounded look to the older windwhisperer sat on the other side of you. Even Eironn and Lyca snickered in their seats, not offering any defense for the youngest of the group. Slightly inhibited by the alcohol running through your body, you raised a hand to ruffle Lorsan's hair between his ears good-heartedly. The bunny crossed his arms over his chest with the turn of his head so that your hand would fall away; "Don't condescend me! Perhaps I was better of on my own enjoying the world around me. I won't miss you, really!"
"Your promises are fallible," Lyca responded, teasingly deadpan, "You would be the first one crawling back when you miss us."
"Hmph. As if. And even if that were so, then I would really only come back for the magister. The rest of you have been a bad influence so I don't fault them for their behavior and know that in their heart there is kindness! Isn't that right, magister Merlin?!"
You only hummed with a smile, which was all the bunny needed to continue his debate. His tendency to run behind you when the others bullied him with their teasing was nothing new to you, and after so much time witnessing it, you had even grown to view the youngest wilder as your little sibling. Although, it couldn't be said that the perspective was shared by all the others.
To your right, Bryon silently drank his tea with not even a crack in his demeanor. All throughout the evening the antics had been like this; You had refused any more drinks after your second so as to not become inebriated, but Lorsan continued which resulted in him becoming even more emotionally involved with the group. He picked battles with everyone at the table just for fun it felt and had taken to scooting closer to you so he could whisper [read as: yell] into your ear little comments about all the others during his squabbling as if you were on his side. You weren't, you were just here for the show which is why you never pushed him away but instead leaned in, highly entertained.
"If you ask me, Bryon could do to take some of our advice. Walking around barefoot like that has to be a kind of fashion statement," Lorsan snickered to you with a hand cupping his mouth to speak in your ear.
"Lorsan, all of us are barefoot. Even you," Lyca countered.
"I don’t count, and neither do you. If you haven’t noticed, our feet aren’t exactly like theirs. Eironn and magister Merlin wear boots. Bryon, doesn’t it hurt to walk around like that?”
“I feel quite fine,” Bryon responded.
Lorsan huffed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “You must now. I don’t think I have never not seen your toes.”
Bryon stood suddenly, “I’ll be heading in for the night”. Stepping around his stool and pushing it in after himself, he regarded the older two wilders with a nod.
“Alright. It is getting late, we’ll be heading back ourselves shortly,” Eironn said, but at the same time, Lorsan made a noise of protest. The bunny wrapped both arms around your shoulders, hugging onto you from the side; “Nooo! We just got here! I’m not even tired, look, even the magister is still wide-eyed!”
You pat the little brother wilder on his back soothingly to calm his drunken theatrics. Bryon, however, did not appear impressed by the display, and with a twitching ear held out his hand to you.
“Dearest,” he called curtly, “would you accompany me to the room?”
His tone drew your attention—to many others, he would appear normal, acting with his usual reserved speech, but you caught the subtle annoyance laced in his words. Surprised by his mood, you accepted his hand and moved to stand, but Lorsan protested again loudly at your side.
“Magister, don’t leave me! They’re going to bully me again! I’m more fun than that old bird brain,” he protested with an accusing finger pointed at Bryon.
You laughed lightly, once again patting between his ears, saying, “Sorry, Lorsan. I’m a little tired as well. We can continue our celebration tomorrow.”
Bidding the other two a good night as well, you were led away by your partner. Once the two of you were a good distance away, you inquired about his mood; “Is something bothering you, Bryon?”
He didn’t spare a glance at you even as he hummed in discontent. Confused, you tilted your head to think about everything that transpired…was he mad about Lorsan teasing his bare feet? The thought made you chuckle, something that caught the man’s attention.
“What are you laughing about?” He asked you.
“Just about what Lorsan was saying. He really is quite the character,” you mused, linking your arm with his so that you could walk closer to him while leaning your head on his shoulder.
“If there are boundaries then he is the last person to find them”. There it was again, the agitation weaved in his voice. What exactly had sparked that irritation in him? He hadn’t responded when you asked him about it…does that mean it’d been something you’d done?! Concern leaked into your mind as you relived every moment that had lead up to where you were now. To your misfortune, however, you didn’t have much time to reflect because the two of you had reached the room you stayed at. Bryon took care of opening the door, letting you walk in before closing it behind the two of you.
Already adjusted to the night light you made your way to your closet to hang the accessory clothing you wore without bothering to turn the lights on. Thoughts on how to get your windwhisperer to open up to you filtered through your mind, distracting you to the way the person in your thoughts locked your door and closed your blinds before coming up behind you. You were in the middle of removing a hair ornament when Bryon gently grabbed your wrists in his hands, pulling them down to cross behind your back. A questioning look made your expression.
“Bryon…?” You asked, turning your head to the side to watch the other. But he offered no words of explanation, only leaning forward until his lips ghosted over the shell of your ear. The warmth of his soft breaths made a shiver run down your spine.
“What’s wrong?” Bryon finally whispered, “Do you feel uncomfortable with me so close?”
His words tickled were spoken directly into your ear and his honey smooth voice murmuring so close filled you with something you couldn’t describe; You only pushed down the feeling to focus on the situation at hand. With a shake of your head, you responded, “No, it’s not that—”
“Good.” Bryon interrupted, “Because it didn’t seem like much a problem when Lorsan behaved the same.”
That statement caught you by surprise; Perking up, you attempted to turn around to face him only for Bryon’s hands to tighten around your wrists, keeping you in place.
“Is that what has you grumpy?” You asked incredulously, “Why, you know more than any of us how affectionate he is—much more so when he’s drunk.”
“Too much so,” Bryon corrected, “I’ve found that there is something more grating than his ceaseless prattling…”
He pressed a soft kiss to your ear—an action that you had not realized at the time to be falsely calming. A small smile formed on your face as you listened to his words, understanding him to be sulking. The last time you had seen him this way was quite some time ago when Elona had taken to playing with your hamster familiars instead of accompanying him in his free time. That novelty had not lasted long, however, when eventually Chippy had gotten a little too frightened by the bird’s play hunting and called the quits in hanging out with her. Bryon had assumed an air of attached indifference when the bird returned to him, but you could see the hidden smile on his lips as he stroked her feathers. The memory made you want to laugh a little, but that urge was quickly replaced by breathlessness when the wilder spoke the end of his sentence with a pitch deeper tone: “Him touching you like you are his.”
Saying that, he moved his kiss to press it behind your ear before moving down to plant another near the hinge of your jaw just below your ear. You sighed at the feeling; “I don’t think he meant any harm. He’s just full of emotions.”
“Even so, that does not discredit what I say. Being near to you, touching you like this, is a privilege that only I have. He could never do so, even if he dreamt it, do you agree?”
His words were spoken against your skin, heating the expanse of his trailing kisses. The grip on your wrists never waned, even when he used only one hand to hold them together while his other lifted to caress your neck.
“Even if he could, that doesn’t mean I would let him. He’s nothing if not my family—like a little brother,” you said back, not really sure why you were defending the rabbit when there was nothing to defend. You knew there were no intentions behind Lorsan’s behavior tonight, and his overly affectionate tendencies were only heightened with alcohol.
“Oh? Is that so? You think he could make you feel the way I do? Hold you like this—kiss you, like this?” To show his question, Bryon moved his hand from your neck to your chin to turn it towards him so that he could kiss you deeply. Already one to be weak to the windwhisperer, you folded quite quickly but held yourself in check to see where it got you. The angle made the kiss messier than normal causing your breath to be lost to you more quickly as you put effort into returning Bryon’s kiss and holding your head to the side. Deep interest drenched the kiss as Bryon licked your lips in askance to be let in; Of course you had no obligations, letting his tongue massage against yours.
The atmosphere heat up fast with the kiss alone leaving you gasping for breath after only a couple of minutes like this. When he finally broke the kiss, you had a light flush on your face from the lack of air. If Bryon was affected by the kiss he didn’t show it because his next actions found him replacing his tongue with two fingers so that his kiss could linger down along your jaw.
“Do you think he thought of you like this when he was whispering in your ear? How you look flustered and out of breath?” Bryon prodded your tongue with his fingers in instruction for you to close your lips around them, so you did. You sucked lightly, moving your tongue around them as Bryon focused his attention on the pulse point beneath your jaw. He mimicked your actions only much harsher in order to leave his mark—no one would be able to deny that you were his with it shown.
You couldn’t respond to his words with his fingers in your mouth, so you only made little noises in your throat. Those noises, however, seemed to have been misinterpreted; “If you have tricked yourself into believing it true, then I must show you the answer.”
He removed his fingers, pulling his hand away completely to undo your top as he walked you to your bed, never moving from behind you. After your top, he stripped you of your bottoms, leaving behind a trail of clothes until he finally had you against your bed, bent over the edge with your face in the sheets. Leaning over you, he bent down to nip at the back of your neck before kissing down your spine. His free hand moved to hold the inside of your thigh from the back, using his hold to spread your legs wide enough for him to work.
When he reached the base of your spine, he lowered himself onto his knees, saying, “My dearest, I should make you forget any names other than my own. Be good for me and don’t hold back.”
You didn’t get a chance to respond because suddenly his tongue was on you. You twitched stay the pleasurable feeling, already enraptured by the feeling of his warm, wet tongue licking at you entrance. It was unlike him to dive right into it considering he was so fond of foreplay, but his emotions had gotten the best of him. With a mixture of jealousy and annoyance filling his heart, Bryon couldn’t help but chase relief for his emotional stats. Even if that relief came in the form of fucking you to tears.
His ears were attentive to all the sounds filling the room, searching most desperately for the ones you made. You squirmed under his hold, your fingers clenching making your nails dig into your palms as you panted in effort to sort through the sensations flooding your body. The hand holding your thigh rotated to relieve the pressure on his wrist but didn’t slacken the push to elevate your leg—in fact, it pressed into you harder to raise your leg higher, exposing more of yourself to his avid mouth. If you listened close enough, you could almost hear the slick sound of his tongue teasing your nerves, his saliva mixing with your falling juices. You whimpered out quietly, enjoying his actions but feeling like it was not quite enough when his tongue only prodded without entry. When you tried to shift your weight closer to his face, he squeezed your wrists, pulling away to say, “You seem to be enjoying yourself. Tell me, darling, who is it that has you this eager?”
You sighed at the loss of his mouth on you, taking a moment to gather your thoughts as his question registered in your mind. Breathily, you responded, “you do.”
“‘You’?” Bryon parroted, “I see.”
He stood up completely, pulling you up to follow him with gentle hands but firm guidance. A noise of surprise left you when he first moved you, but it didn’t take much more than a few seconds for him to situate you in front of the body-length mirror placed against the wall. Looking at your reflection, you grew shy at the sight of you fully naked before Bryon who still wore his light-colored over robe. You didn’t even notice when he’d undressed himself, ridding himself of his wing-like half cloak and pants.
The wilder lowered the two of you to your knees in-front of the mirror and you felt his blindfolded gaze persistent on your reflection. Pulling your wrists back, he made you lean against his front so that your your weight would be shifted off your knees and distributed throughout your legs instead. Like this, he moved his unoccupied hand to bluntly cup your slick heat instead. You shuddered at the feeling.
“I’m afraid you still don’t understand,” leaning over your shoulder, he kissed the underside of your jaw, “When I ask for a name, I expect it to be mine. Who else if not me? Lorsan?”
“No, if I think of him at this time it’s only because you bring him up. There’s none other that I would think of, being like this.” You spoke honestly, gathering the confidence to look back at him in the mirror. You didn’t expect the sight to be at steamy as it was—him holding you in his hand, your essence leaking through his fingers making them glisten. The look on your face was dazed, your chest heaving slightly bringing attention to the erect buds on your chest. Despite how steady Bryon looked in the mirror, you could tell that it was not true; With your back pressed against his front, you could feel his anticipation. His member was hidden behind the robe he worse, but you felt the stiffness of it on your back and you had the fleeting thought of wanting to rub against it.
However, the wilder didn’t let you indulge yourself because he tsked at your response. “Someone as smart as you, great magister Merlin, should know it’s unwise to make comments like that. You only make me believe another is really, truly on your mind. I don’t consider myself to be possessive, but dearest, you make me want to claim you. To let everyone else know that you chose me to be your partner. That only I have been ordained to your most secret pleasures.”
He pulled his hand away from your groin to resume his hold on your inner thigh, pressing into it so that you would spread it open. Like this, even the most hidden spots on your body were vulnerable to the cool air of the room. Still watching your reflection, you gazed down lower to see his hand trace a light path up to your entrance. He looked up from your neck, “And I realize there is nothing stopping me from doing just that.”
Firmly, he used two fingers to collect your dripping fluid. You believed he was going doing so with intent to use it as lubricant for his entry into you, but had your breathe knocked out of you when he lifted his fingers to his mouth instead. As if craving it, Bryon licked his fingers clean, humming deeply as he savored the taste of you; You had even felt his member twitch against your back. You bit the inside of your lip, committing the moment to memory and feeling your hole clench around nothing. Bryon didn’t rush himself to enjoy your presence which is a fact that made you melt but also slightly frustrated you. Why did he chose now of all times to initiate foreplay?!
Squirming against him, you spread your knees open more—throughly avoiding looking at yourself in the mirror knowing you most likely looked like a desperate mess—in hopes that he would be enticed enough to act. He was. Your movement took his attention away from his fingers and you heard him breathe deeply against the back of your neck.
“So impatient…” he murmured, “But you’re right. You still have a lesson to learn.”
With that, he lowered his hand between the two of you, shifting behind you to hoist the front of his robe to the side. Immediately, you felt the heat of his member and the precut leaking out of it as the tip rubbed against the skin of your back. A whine you couldn’t control slipped out of you, more following when he had softly begun to slowly rut against you.
“Look at you, still only the beginning and already so deliciously ready. Tell me who the only one to make you feel like this is?” Bryon murmured into your ear.
“You are, only you. Please, now, hurry up.” Slightly arching your back, you fidgeted against him. But the windwhisperer only held you still. There was a momentary silence to which only heightened your need, but Bryon’s discontent with your response had him considering his actions. Stubborn, he thought…No matter, he was a patient man.
So he chose to indulge you; He wrapped a hand around his shaft and slid it down between your legs. Try as you might, you couldn’t look away from the scene reflected before you; Bryon’s dick already wept with his own juices and all it took was his hand rubbing it to create a coat of lubricant that would help him ease into your aching hole. He grunted at his quick self-induced pleasure before aligning his tip to your entrance. Moving his hand out of view, he gripped your thigh, tensing his fingers into the soft skin of it as he finally slid himself into you.
You moaned loudly, transfixed by the sight of him bottoming out and the feeling of him stretching you out. Taking a couple seconds to adjust, you dropped your head against his shoulder—an action that he was quick to correct.
“No, darling. You must watch. Since you don’t seem to learn by feeling alone, you must use your sight. Come on, look straight ahead. Look at the way I fit inside you so perfectly; Look at how much your dripping. Look at your expression,” as he spoke, Bryon began to move his hips slowly and shallowly, “So overwhelmed already. Have you been expecting this all night? Behaving so coquettishly with others just to rile me up?”
You shook your head, “No…I didn’t mean anything…”. The words you spoke were hard to focus on when he pushed himself in so deep it felt like his tip brushed your stomach. Soft moans spilled from your tongue as you struggled to keep your attention on the mirror’s image. Dazedly watching the way Bryon’s member pulled out of you before pushing all the way back into you at a pace that was slower than a snail. Your fingers flexed in urge to hold onto him, the skin of your wrists slightly irritated after being held so long in a tight grip. His speed—or lack thereof—was killing you; He was going so slow that you could only think of all the pleasure you should have.
Your cries of exasperation made Bryon smile subtly as he enjoyed working you up; If you knew the tension he inflicted upon himself by moving slow then you’d almost feel better for yourself. But he kept his composure, “What’s the matter, dearest?”
“When you,” you breathed, “said I’d learn my lesson…I didn’t think you meant it in this way.”
His open hand moved to your front, dipping a finger into your weeping slit and massaging it passively, making your hips twitch. “Not enjoying yourself? But your body is telling me different, look at how it responds,” he told you with added pressure of his fingers.
“I’d—hah—I’d enjoy it more if you went faster. Please,” you said, conflicted on wether you should wiggle you hips up into his hand or down onto his cock.
“And I would enjoy it more if you appeased my tormented heart, yet here we are,” Bryon said, his tone full of feigned dismay, “One of us is bound to relent sooner or later. I wonder who it’ll be? Wouldn’t it be so fulfilling if you simply called out my name—loud enough for all others, for Lorsan himself, for head?”
Your eyes shifted to his blindfolded ones in the mirror, “Perhaps, but how could I if I’m not feeling it?!“
Bryon’s hips snapped into yours suddenly with a newfound force, knocking the air out of your lungs. Giving you no time to adapt to his brutal pace, Bryon pulled your wrists down to make you lean further into him. Slapping noises filled the room, mixing with the wet sounds of his thrusts and you struggled to catch your breath. His fingers continuously massaged the area around your slit, focusing primarily on the area with the most sensitivity. The depth of his thrusts was numbing, the pace making his tip rub over the spot that made you see stars faster than you could cope with. Burning waves over pleasure coursed through your body, forcing loud, crying moans to fall from your lips.
“Oh gods,” you moaned, letting your head fall back against his shoulder once again. Just as abruptly as he started, he stopped and you almost sobbed out at the sudden cut of flowing pleasure.
“Look at me, darling. Don’t take your eyes off the mirror,” he scolded. Desperate to reach your high you lifted your head, dazedly looking at the mirror. He began his movements again with the same rhythm as before.
“Does this make you feel better, my dear? Do you remember who the only one who could make you feel like this is?” He asked you, voice low in your ear, the grumbling tone mixing with his heavy breathing. You could’ve came with that alone.
You nodded your head quickly, “yes, yes. You, Bryon, only you make me feel this good.”
“That’s a good magister, hmm? Come on, let the others know as well.”
Giving in to what he wanted, you increased your volume, moaning out his name as wantonly as you could—whatever you needed to do to keep him going. Bryon didn’t object, reveling in your cries. His balls slapped against your skin, adding that extra stimulus in tandem with his fingers; Looking into the mirror, you could practically see the mess the two of you were making on the floor, soaking it with a mixture of sexual fluids. You watched his dick disappear into your hole, clenching around him at the sight causing him to groan. His own pleasures noises caught your attention, making you look back up at him through the mirror. Bryon caught your eye.
Without pausing him thrusts, he released one of your wrists, telling you, “take it off”, and you understood immediately. With an unsteady arm, you reached up to his face, using the mirror to guide you as you hooked a finger around his blindfold before pulling it down.
Beneath it, his eyes shone, glimmering with dark lust. His focus was sharp, and already he was staring straight back into your eyes. The rare view of his eyes, the direct eye contact, it made your head spin. You almost cursed him for wearing the blindfold in the first place, but chose to attend to the sensations at hand. With his blindfold off, Bryon was exposed to so much more than just the sound of you falling apart under his lust. He was absolutely entranced by how you looked, face flushed, eyes glazed, neck littered with his marks, heaving chest covered with a sheen layer of sweat, and a sopping mess in between the legs—he couldn’t be blamed if he orgasmed on the spot. Unable to look away from the sight of you being fucked right, he didn’t even mind that you had not returned the hand that he released. With it, you held onto the back of his neck.
“‘m close,” you panted, torn between rushing towards your peak of running away to keep this moment lasting forever. Your eyes fell shut momentarily, relishing in the overwhelming tension in your core.
“Open your eyes, darling. I would regret stopping now. I want to see you,” Bryon gave a particularly deep thrust to make you open your eyes again. The action, however, was all you needed to be pushed over the edge.
With fluttering eyelashes, you tried hard to keep his gaze, but your orgasm crashed into you. Your legs spammed as you came, hips stuttering against his thrusts, and you felt that you were leaving scratches all along his neck. You changed his name like a prayer as you arched your back, wanting to both escape the onslaught the sensation of him still filling you and chase it. Even your hole convulsed around him, making him moan in effort to continue through the feeling.
Wet eyes stared back at him in the mirror, your voice begging him—what for, neither of you weren’t exactly sure. He took in your wrecked appearance in the mirror, and the urge to big down onto your neck to leave one more mark controlled him. While he never regret his decision to hide his vision, he did wish he could see you like this forever. You looked so good, so divine, so seductive that it made his dick twitch with want. The thought of any others seeing you like this filled Bryon with a bitter feeling—one that he took out on you.
The closer he got to his high, the more relentless he became, his tip abusing your oversensitive bundle of nerves even as you came down from your high. It took you looking at him with a downright sexed out expression to make him tumble over the edge. With a quick speed, he pulled out of you just in time to blow his load onto the mirror surface. He took his hand from you to fist his cock, milking it dry as he groaned out your name, his own eyes falling shut.
It was the hottest sight you might ever see; Although you were exhausted, you couldn’t help the flash of lust that shot through you. Watching him breath heavily, and his seed splattered all across the mirror, you leaned your weight against him.
“You should keep this off more often,” you joked weakly, tugging the the blindfold around his neck.
“What would you have to look forward to if I did?”
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Welcome to Sarah’s daily malewives (and others)! A daily drawing thing :) Mod is @saywha413, she/he/they. I am a minor, so please don’t be weird.
this is not a selfship blog (or a simp blog), but does feature some self insert/canon and oc/canon. this blog is for me. I will not tolerate harassment.
The plan is that I’ll just draw my guys with varying effort. every day. sometimes solo, sometimes ships, sometimes self inserts. we’ll see. There’s a decent amt of headcannons here too. just as a forewarning.
If there’s a day I feel burnt out or am busy, I’ll prob reblog some cool art !
requests are open! (og post)
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Tag guide
sarah’s daily malewives (all original posts will have this) not malewives (any art of the indented chars in the tag guide not featuring the non indented char) art other (not art but still by me) picrews (the picrew itself is not by me, so it’s always linked!) asks reblogs
(emoji guide for the guys™️ (and related chars))
🪼 - self insert tag
🎸 - Hugh (pokemon) 💎 - Sarah (oc, will prob also have the s/i tag) 🥪 - Arven 🐉 - Drayton 🏔️ - Adaman
❄️ - Kaeya (genshin) 🔆 - Aether 🌱 - Alhaitham
⚔️ - Felix (fire emblem three houses) 🪐 - Byleth (she has hcs and will prob also have s/i tag)
🎧 - Eugene (cassette beasts)
🏹 - Alwin (monster hunter stories two)
⛓️ - Valen (afk journey) 🪄 - Merlin (his name’s Rover and I’ll be calling him that. will also have s/i tag)
🦄 - Unicorn overlord characters (Alain will have s/i tag)
🍪 - Cookie run characters
divider: x
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obsessedwrhys · 2 months
your valen x fem merlin dating headcanons have me YEARNING! 😭 cant wait to read more of you next afk journey posts 🤍
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the--firevenus · 3 days
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Thinking about them... Boyfriends cuz I can
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laylinara · 2 months
I need more content with valen x merlin. Doesn't matter if it's male or female. Thank you all who already wrote or drew content with them.
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wyomwyom · 19 days
I'm holding my silence no longer!
Valen x Masc!Merlin
Walker x Korin
I'm so far behind the story compared to others, so I don't even know much about the cowboy and leaf arms, but these are my OTPs and nothing can change my mind!
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All Of Me (Scabior x reader) (Song Fic)
Summary: You and Scabior have had an on-and-off relationship for a while. You decided you were off for good now. But will the snatcher convince you to get back with him this time? For @becaamm Valentine’s day challenge. Song: All Of Me Prompt: “I love you.” “I know.” Word Count: 1506 Warnings: Kind of abusive relationship, mentions of stalking, fluff A/N: Here’s the guitar version of the song that I used for this fic. It’s more fitting than piano, considering you don’t usually have pianos in the woods...
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“Look, love, I even learnt one of them muggle songs I know you like!” Scabior insisted and summoned the old black guitar from inside his tent. “I don’t want to hear it, I just want to leave,” you whined, desperate for the snatcher to lift the anti-apparition spell he’d put up around the camp. He was a downright bitch when he was determined to do something. And now he was determined to get you to forgive him for yelling at you earlier. But you didn’t want to forgive him, you were so done with his temper. The second you got close to trusting him again he always went and ruined it.
“No, you gotta listen, I learnt it for you!” he insisted and started playing. When you heard what song it was you wanted to cry. How could he do this to you? His long fingers were picking at the guitar strings expertly, despite not having played in ages. His stag ring glistened and reflected the bonfire over which you and the whole band of snatchers had previously cooked dinner. The mood had been tense and everyone except you and Scabior had left as soon as they were done. The snatchers had the benefit of knowing their way in the forest expertly. You didn’t. So if you couldn’t apparate, you were stuck there with Scabior. Then he started singing.
“What would I do without your smart mouth? Drawing me in, and you kicking me out,” he sang, his singing voice raspy, but gorgeous. “I wish I could kick you out,” you muttered and crossed your arms. “You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down.” “Really? You pinned me down pretty good when you hit me.” “What's going on in that beautiful mind? I'm on your magical mystery ride.” “I’m not mysterious, I only want to get away from you.” “And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright.” “You’ll be alright, oh that’s rich.”
“My head's under water, but I'm breathing fine, you're crazy and I'm out of my mind…” “Yes, yes you are! Stop this!” you whined and felt tears prickle in your eyes. His singing was already taking you over and you hated it.
“'Cause all of me, loves all of you. love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections… Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you, you're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning… 'Cause I give you all of me, and you give me all of you, oh oh.”
“Whatever you might feel for me, is not love! It’s a weird, freaky obsession! Greyback told me all about it!” you burst out. Greyback had described to you in detail how freaky Scabior was when he talked about you. He could go on for hours about how your hair smelled or how your skin felt when he touched you. When he hadn’t seen you for a while he would get agitated and angry, and wouldn’t be satisfied until he had tracked you down and watched you from afar for a while.
“How many times do I have to tell you, even when you're crying you're beautiful too.” “Yeah you’d know that wouldn’t you?” “The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood.” “Because you’re a stalker.” “You're my downfall, you're my muse, my worst distraction, my rhythm and blues… I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you.” He was crazy. He was absolutely batshit insane and you were falling for it again. He was just so beautiful and enticing...
“My head's under water but I'm breathing fine… You're crazy and I'm out of my mind… 'Cause all of me loves all of you, love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections… Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you… You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning… 'Cause I give you all of me, and you give me all of you, oh oh.”
By now you were letting the tears fall freely. You couldn’t stop them. Maybe you could make this work. He had improved after all… Maybe you could give him one last chance...
“Give me all of you… Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts… Risking it all, though it's hard...”
Could you risk it for him? Loving him was like taking a stunning spell to your brain. But he was just so… mesmerising. Infatuating. Enthralling.
“'Cause all of me loves all of you… Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections… Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you… You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning... 'Cause I give you all of me, and you give me all of you… I give you all of me, and you give me all of you, oh oh…”
Scabior put the guitar down and looked at you. “‘Ow was that?” he asked and clasped his hands together. You shook your head and wiped your eyes. “You’re good,” you admitted in a slightly broken voice. Scabior got off the log he was sitting on and came to sit in front of you on the ragged blanket.
“I’m not gonna be without you again. I love you,” he said seriously. “I know. And that’s the problem,” you replied, and Scabior looked at you with those icy blue eyes. He was trying to comprehend what the hell you were saying.
“What d’you mean that’s the fuckin’ problem?” “The way you love me is the problem. It’s not healthy, it’s not sane, and it terrifies me. I can’t sleep at night because I’m afraid you’re outside my window watching me, I-” “Nah I’m not like that anymore!” he insisted and grabbed your hands. “I’ve changed, love, I want to be better for you!” “Stop,” you sobbed and looked away from him, but his hand came up to your face instantly and stroked your cheek, turning you back to face him.
“I fuckin’ love you, I’ll do anythin’ for you. I swear to you I’ll do better, and I swear I’ve changed. You won’t ever find me outside your window again. And I’ll never snatch the wrong person as an excuse to come by your work again.” “Wait, you did that!?” “No,” he lied sheepishly. “Scabior!” “Once... Twice.” “See!? This is the problem, you’re-” “Not gonna do it again! I’m gonna be good, I’m gonna be so good, I’ll make you proud, you’ll love me, just don’t… don’t fuckin’ leave me again, I can’t… I can’t…” he lost himself in his own rambling as he just wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling his face into your hair and smelling you.
It felt so good, and so right, you couldn’t stop yourself from wrapping your arms around his waist, hugging him back with your hands grasping at his leather jacket. You had always found it creepy when he smelled you, but now you did the same thing. Taking a deep breath, you inhaled his strong scent of smoke and sandalwood.
“Okay,” you mumbled into his neck where your face was buried. “I won’t leave. But you don’t have any more chances, you get it?” “Yes, oh Merlin yes I get it, I won’t fuck up this time, I promise,” he assured and started rubbing your back. You could literally feel how he relaxed as soon as you agreed to stay with him. He calmed down in an instant.
“I have to go wash my face,” you excused yourself, pulling out of his grip and leaving him on the blanket. You entered his tent, went into the washroom and washed away the makeup you had smudged by crying. You freshened up and after a pep talk in the mirror, assuring yourself everything was going to be okay, you went back outside. What you saw almost made you gasp. Scabior had conjured up a romantic picnic with candles and sweets and drinks.
“I remember you said you liked Daisyroot Draught,” he said and held up a glass of what looked like very bright pink wine. “I do enjoy that.” You smiled and sat down next to him. He handed you the glass. “Cheers,” he said and held up his own glass of amber liquid. “Still don’t drink anything other than Ogden’s Old, huh?” “Best Firewhisky there is,” he said and you clinked glasses. “Happy Valentine’s day, love.” “Valen- it’s Valentine’s Day?” you asked, surprised. Scabior just nodded. “Since when do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?”
“Since I ‘ave someone worth celebrating it with, of course,” he said matter-of-factly and took a swig of his whisky. “You’re so cheesy for being a big bad snatcher.” “What can I say, love, you bring it out of me,” he said warmly and when you giggled, he leaned in and kissed you. Finally. He had all of you, and you had all of him.
Tag list: @lucifer-in-leather @becaamm @mariairwin666 @sama1314  @fuckyeahfeysand @feelmyroarrrr @bea789 @rockfairy @thepoet1975 @wedontapologize
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raisahsilverwind · 7 years
Drachenfest. Cosas que llevar.
Actualizado Enero 2018.
¡Hola! Soy Raisah y esto es una lista de las cosas imprescindibles que suelo llevar al Drachenfest.
La escribo en español ya que hay poca info en éste idioma, el foro de juego es en alemán aunque tiene un apartado en inglés 
Si estáis leyendo ésto supongo que ya sabréis qué es el Drachenfest, sino dejo os aconsejo que leáis este post de Vryla donde está todo muy bien explicado ;)  http://vryla.tumblr.com/post/161202420773/sos-me-voy-a-drachenfest 
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Contáis con mi experiencia de 2012, 2014, 2015 y 2017 y mi memoria (algo es algo xD)
Sigo actualizando el documento constantemente. Podéis comentar para ampliar con lo que se os ocurra que sea útil o escribirme un mail a [email protected] :)
Si hay algo que se os olvide en España, y se puede comprar, durante la semana suele bajar gente al pueblo (Diemelstadt) donde hay un supermercado (REWE) y una especie de Leroy Merlin (OBI), y suelen preguntar a la gente del campamento, podéis pedirles que os cojan lo que necesitéis ;) Os aconsejo hacer migas con la gente con coche que haya en vuestro campa y con los españoles, ¡estamos por todas partes! ;)
Sé que hay algunas cosas muy obvias o muy tontas, pero pensad que también me sirve de recordatorio a mí xD La parte sobre vestuario y accesorios está más orientada a ir de Tercio Español, ya que hasta 2014 jugué en el Campamento Azul con el mismo personaje.
Para comprar vuestra entrada, seguramente si vais en grupo os organizaréis y pasarán el link directo. Normalmente desde la propia web te explican cómo comprarla.
Para que tengáis localizado el lugar, es aquí: https://www.google.de/maps/place/Quastweg,+34474+Diemelstadt/@51.493595,9.039559,1922m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x47bb0839014fd6d9:0xee19951cd1859c24?hl=de Viene muy bien para consultar el tiempo que hará. Aunque es la última semana de Julio, ha habido años de todo, tanto frío como calor y hasta lluvias torrenciales.
El reglamento en español, una traducción de 2017 de “La Ley del Metal”: Y el reglamento en inglés.
- Ropa de civil. Para el viaje, el montaje y desmontaje, o si queréis bajar al pueblo (aunque la gente baja con la ropa de juego) Llevad algo de abrigo, que refresca, un chubasquero y gorra o sombrero para el sol.
- Pijama de invierno. Creedme, por las noches refresca mucho xD
- Calcetines ¡más que de sobra por favor! xD
- Botas altas (y usadas) o cubrebotas. Que no calen, ya que suele llover bastante.
- Zapatos cómodos para cuando quieras descansar de las botas, las espardeñas/alpargatas son perfectas.
- Mucha ropa interior. Desaconsejo los tangas xDDD Los pantalones son muy amplios y al final vas con la sensación de “culo al aire” (esto lo pongo sólo por el Quepo xD)
- Sujetador deportivo. Es muy incómodo que se te desabroche el sujetador y no poder acceder a él para volver a cerrarlo. Con el sujetador deportivo no tienes ese problema :)
- Camisas de cambio, finas para el día, más abrigadas para la noche. Al menos 2 de cada. Yo llevé camisetas interiores también (y térmicas). Pero por la noche me cambiaba, no me molaba llevar la camisa sudada de todo el día.
- Pantalones, 2 mínimo.
- Guantes de cuero o similar.
- Bolsa de cuero o tela amplia para el cinturón. Yo suelo llevar dos, una IT y otra OT. Viene bien tenerlas diferenciadas para cuando te saquean.
- Bota, botijo, cantimplora de cuero o algo similar para llevar agua en las marchas y para comer. En el puesto de bebida de Aldadrach venden refrescos y cerveza. En el campamento ponen varias tomas de agua para rellenar. Te avisan que no es potable por normativa, pero allí bebe todo el mundo.
- Papel pergamino, pluma, tinta. Allí se puede conseguir intrajuego, pero es carete.
- Traje, armas, escudos, armaduras, etc
- Tahalí para llevar la espada. Es fácil de hacer y hay un tutorial colgado en el blog http://unapicaparagunter.blogspot.com.es/2011/05/tutorial-tahali.html
- Ropa de gala (en juego) para la noche. Se suelen hacer fiestas, y no querréis ir con la ropa llena de ron a la batalla xD
- Aconsejo no llevar metal. A menos que os vayáis a meter en primera línea, yo llevaría al menos una coraza y casco para los golpes. Yo fui con un chaleco de serraje y una “ropilla”, para poder cambiar según si hacía calor o no. El gambesón también viene bien para amortiguar los golpes, da puntos de armadura y es abrigadito. Si llevas casco el enemigo asumirá que se te puede dar en la cabeza, cada uno que valore si le merece la pena llevarlo.
- Sombrero de ala ancha para el sol, de cuero o fieltro, es bastante recomendable hacerse con uno. Y plumas, ¡muchas plumas! xD
- Pañuelo para la cabeza, así no sudas tanto con el sombrero, y lo puedes mojar para refrescarte e incluso llevar sin sombrero.
- Fajines, tela y pañuelos de color del campamento. El color de los Tercios es el rojo, y todos llevábamos al menos un detalle en ese color. - Cruces de Borgoña para coser a la ropa. (Con que sea una X roja vale también)
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- Reloj que dé el pego, que sino no sabes en qué hora vives, y es muy útil para irte a comer tranquilo o de fiesta y volver puntuales al campamento.
- Algo de abrigo para la noche, gambesón, capa, camisetas interiores/térmicas, etc.
- Cinturones.
- Imperdibles y un pequeño kit de costura. Tijeras, aguja, hilo y alguna cosilla que necesite tu traje. Venden muchos adornos para los sombreros, así te lo puedes colocar allí mismo :)
- Linterna pequeña para la noche, que te quepa en la bolsita del cinturón por ejemplo. Para usar en emergencias, volver a la tienda, etc ya que es anacrónica.
- Sacabocados, cordón de cuero, repuestos, cinta americana.
- Multiherramienta. Lleva desde alicates, destornilladores, llaves fijas y demás cosillas.
- Boli o pluma, para la ficha, apuntar la pólvora, etc. La pólvora hay que comprarla intrajuego en el gremio de alquimistas (si lo eres, sino hazte amiguito de alguno xD), te dan una fichita y cada vez que pegas un tiro tienes que tachar un cuadradito (lo hacíamos al final de cada batalla)
- Mechero.
- Tienda de campaña que dé el pego. Para el campa no valen Quechuas ni tiendas de colores chillones, a menos que las camufles. Que quepa la gente para dormir y las maletas, no se puede ver nada que sea anacrónico. Sino te mandan lejos xD Yo compré la mía aquí, modelo Limes. http://www.thorsschmiede.de/wedge-tents Aguantan bien la lluvia aunque al no tener doble techo son algo frías. Para dos personas que se quieran mucho va bien xD
- Alfombrilla o jarapa, para la tienda. Así al entrar no manchas el suelo y no se te llenará de barro. En Ikea tenéis una por 5€. También las he visto en los chinos.
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- Linterna, para alumbrar el interior, si se puede colgar mejor, ya que es mucho más cómodo.
- Luces solares (se encienden solas) o algo parecido para señalizar la tienda de noche y no comerte los vientos. Vimos que utilizaban pulseras/luces químicas también.
- Piquetas, martillo, pala, cuerda. Si llevas tu propia tienda. Aquí lo mejor es ponerse de acuerdo y llevar para todos.
- Inflador para colchones. Igual, mejor ponerse varios de acuerdo y llevar uno.
- Colchón para dormir. - Catre para dormir. Si tu tienda no tiene suelo te lo aconsejo mucho. Además puedes meter cosas debajo y tendrás más espacio en la tienda. El malus es que no te puedes mover mucho y tienen límite de peso.  En Decathlon tenéis uno por 25€ con límite de 110kg 
- Saco de dormir calentico. Y una almohada o cojín.
- Sitio para resguardarse del sol y la lluvia (cenador, toldo, etc) entre batalla y batalla. Esto también ponerse de acuerdo todo el grupo.
- Mesas y bancos/sillas que den el pego.
- Atrezzo propio, si tenéis alguna cosilla pequeña para el campamento (cofres, velas, candelabros, instrumentos, dados, cubilete, baraja española, candiles o farolillos de vela o mecha, etc)
- Atrezzo para vender, intercambiar o regalar. Desde especias, miel, vino, tapices, barajas de cartas, relojes, collares, pendientes, adornos para sombreros, pólvora, joyas, regaliz, gominolas, embutido, etc. Se puede vender e intercambiar en el mercado IT (dentro de juego), y siempre viene bien también para cerrar tratos o hacer amigos :p
- Navaja suiza y/o cuchillo que corte bien.
- Jabón para lavar ropa (en los lavaderos), cuerda para tenderla y pinzas (de madera no cantan tanto).
- Monedero para euros. Así podéis llevar el dinero de juego separado del de verdad, que de noche al tacto es difícil diferenciar ;) La comida ronda entre los 3 y los 6€. La bebida, sin jarra,  2,5€. Id el primer día a la tienda de segunda mano. Allí suelen vender unos picheles de peltre (jarras) que os servirán tanto para las tabernas como para el campamento, se pueden colgar del cinturón y solo cuestan 10 euros. En el mercado de segunda mano IT puedes encontrar jarras de cerámica con tapa por unos 6€. Mejor llevad dinero suelto, no os fiéis de las tarjetas (aunque algunas tiendas tienen esa opción). ¡¡Llevad bastante efectivo!!  Aunque también podéis sacar del cajero que hay en el Diemelstadt. Hay más tiendas aparte de las de comida ;).  
- Chubasquero por si llueve durante el montaje y/o desmontaje.
- Crema solar. Para la cara sobretodo.
- Gel, champú, chanclas, toalla. Hay agua caliente en las duchas, aunque si hay mucha gente hay poca presión. Ojo, sólo hay duchas al lado del pueblo. En algunos campamentos la gente monta las suyas propias. Y hay lavaderos en los que se puede usar jabón, donde te puedes asear y lavar la cabeza. Es muy normal encontrarse a gente desnuda en las duchas, no os asustéis xDD. No son mixtas. Las duchas están en una carpa, hay una zona dentro con colgadores, bancos y mesas donde cambiarse y dejar las cosas mientras te duchas. Yo lo que suelo hacer es ir en camisa, pantalón y calzado (si es un camisón o algo que dé el pego, mejor), me ducho, me cambio de ropa interior y calcetines y me pongo de nuevo la ropa. Luego me visto en mi tienda. Así te ahorras llevar toda la ropa a las duchas o volver sólo tapado con la toalla y toda la ropa a cuestas. También aconsejo llevar una pequeña mochila o saco que dé el pego, llevas todo ahí y la puedes dejar colgada de las perchitas que hay dentro la carpa.
- Secador de pelo. Si lo necesitas, yo me lo dejo secar al aire. En las duchas había toma de corriente.
- Hay baños químicos (sólo entré una vez en todos estos años y no repetiré jamás xD) y baños en cubículos, con su taza de verdad. Están siempre limpios, con papel y tienen lavabos.
- Rollo de papel higiénico, para el baño o para usar de servilletas.
- Cepillo de dientes y pasta!!
- Espejo pequeño. Por si se te mete algo en el ojo, o simplemente quieres ver cómo te han dejado la cara después de maquillarte con sangre xD
- Tampax, compresas, copa, etc. Mirad vuestro calendario para tenerlo en cuenta.
- Líquido de lentillas y estuche, si usáis.
- Toallitas húmedas, por si te manchas comiendo y no tienes agua cerca, para el baño, etc. Yo las llevo siempre en mi bolsita de fuera de juego (OT).
- Cuchillas de afeitar.
- Colonia, cremas varias, vaselina, adminículos de higiene, etc.
- Maquillaje, del normal o de FX si es vuestro caso. Los sanadores llevan sangre y cosas para hacer heridas. Mola ir con la cara destrozada después de las batallas ;)
- Medicinas propias (si necesitáis algo especial), pinzas, repelente para insectos, crema para picaduras, y un pequeño botiquín. Algo para el dolor de cabeza, náuseas, diarrea, moratones/ esguinces, resfriados, Lizipaina/Strepsils o algo parecido (muy recomendable, se pierde mucho la voz xD), pomada para quemaduras, vendas, etc.... ¿Cómo va de insectos el sitio? Hay avispas de mentira (son como moscas con el mismo color que las avispas), no pican, así que sin problema. Allí tienen un grupo similar a la Cruz Roja, los Malteser, tiene dos carpas para atender a la gente y en las batallas siempre andan cerca por si pasa algo. - ¡¡Tarjeta sanitaria europea!! Tardan unos 10 días en enviarla. Así os evitáis cualquier problema si os tienen que llevar al hospital. Podéis mirar cómo solicitarla aquí. Si tenéis seguro privado informaos de la cobertura en el extranjero.  IMPORTANTE: Llevadla siempre encima, o al menos una fotocopia.
- Tapones para dormir. Las tiendas no aislan el sonido, y te puede tocar alguien cerca que ronque o una taberna cercana que no cierra hasta el amanecer.
- Tiritas para rozaduras. Compeed o similar, muy recomendable.
- Cámara de fotos y/o vídeo, y cargadores. Se pueden cargar en los baños.
- Documentación. Muy importante, que nos vamos al extranjero.
- Entrada para el Drachen. Que me sé de alguno que se la dejó en España xD
- Billete de avión o de lo que sea en lo que viajéis.
- Transfer, tarjeta de crédito, DNI y carné de conducir. No sé si se necesita algo más, para la gente que va desde el aeropuerto hasta Diemelstadt en coche alquilado.
- Si viajáis por carretera llevad una mochila con una pequeña bolsa de aseo, una muda y algo de ropa de abrigo, para la parada que hagáis y así no tener que sacar la maleta del coche. Si sois muchos puede ser bastante lío.
- Comida y picoteo para el viaje si váis por carretera, os ahorraréis una pasta.
- Música para el viaje. Si te toca conducir te puede salvar del tedio.
- Roaming para el móvil. Ahora mismo creo que todas las compañías tienen la misma tarifa fuera de España. Yo contraté la tarifa para ir comunicada durante los días de viaje en la furgo. Antes de salir de España quitad todas las notificaciones de las aplicaciones y sincronizaciones, así cuando enchuféis los datos no tirará de ellos para actualizar todo. En el evento sólo encendía el móvil por la noche para escribir un whatsapp a mi familia diciendo que estaba bien. - Grupo de whatsapp con vuestros compañeros de viaje y/o conocidos que esté en el evento. Aconsejo hacerlo antes de salir de España. Por si pasa cualquier cosa, te quedas sin batería/datos, necesitas avisar a alguien en España, necesitas que compren algo y ya hay gente en el super, cosas que surgen durante el viaje, etc.
- Comida. Se puede comprar en el súper del pueblo. Aconsejo llevar desde España sólo productos que no se encuentren allí y envasados al vacío para poder transportarlo (jamón, queso, morcilla, chorizo, etc). La comida en los puestos ronda entre los 3 y los 6€. La bebida, sin jarra 2,5€.
- Jarra con asa (para engancharla al cinturón) Si es de metal, aluminio o algo que no pese y no se rompa, mejor. Y que dé el pego. Yo compré una allí por 10€ (vuelan de la tienda de segunda mano, como ya he escrito por ahí arriba), pero en los chinos tienen las típicas de acampada, de aluminio con asa, y dan el pego. Te piden 2,5€ de “alquiler” de vaso cuando compras bebida, al devolver el vaso te devuelven la pasta. También te dan la opción de comprar una ficha/token por el mismo precio para que te den el vaso cada vez que quieras bebida. Al final devuelves la ficha (el último día por ejemplo) y te dan tu pasta. Así te ahorras tener que llevar esa pasta de más. Ojo, en las tabernas es diferente, suelen cobrarte 5€ por la jarra.
- Frutos secos y fruta (manzanas!!).
- Agua embotellada, Aquarius, zumos, caldo. La organización aconseja beber una media de 2 litros al día por el calor. Durante las batallas hay aguadores de todos los campas ofreciendo agua.
- Bolsas de basura, tanto para tirar la mierda como para usar en caso de lluvia.
- Lonas para poner en el suelo las cosas si llueve durante el montaje/desmontaje, usar de suelo para las tiendas, o como refuerzo de suelo, toldo, etc.
- Sillas o taburetes plegables que den el pego.
- Plato, vaso y cubiertos que den el pego. En los chinos o Ikea podéis encontrar cosas muy resultonas de barro o madera. Añadid algún bol grande por si se hace comida para compartir, ensaladas, etc.
- Jarras de barro o botellas de cristal, para utilizar y que no se vean las botellas de plástico o tetra briks. En los chinos tenéis de todo.
- Tabla de madera, para cortar la comida.
- Servilletas o paños de tela, para limpiarte o secar lo que friegues. En Ikea tiene paños muy resultones, en los chinos también xD 
- Si lleváis platos, cubiertos o cosas para cocinar, lavavajillas, estropajo y un paño para secar. Cerca de los baños y de la puerta del campamento ponen unos lavaderos grandes para fregar.
- Si váis a cocinar allí necesitaréis más cosillas. Dejan hacer fuego, pero no en el suelo. - Leña. Dejan recoger del suelo del bosque que hay alrededor, nunca cortéis nada de un árbol. - Campingaz, hornillo.
- Receptáculo de fuego con trípode o trébedes
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- Carbón, madera, encendedores, cerillas, bombona de gas.
- Sartén, cazo, cacerola, parrilla, cafetera, etc.
- Cubos de arena/extintor de incendios.
- Cucharas de madera y pinzas para cocinar.
- Nevera de gas. Son caras, pero entre varios es una buena compra. - Cajas de frío de porexpan. Nosotros las compramos en el supermercado de allí (en España ya las venden en los chinos, Alcampo, etc), aguantan bastante bien el frío si metes cosas congeladas, hielo o acumuladores de frío.
- Nevera portátil y acumuladores de frío. Lo que hemos llevado toda la vida de camping o a la playa.
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