#valina srmthg
grungekitty-77 · 9 months
45 Srmthfg
Finally worked through my technical problems! This has been written for days, but the computer i wrote it on did not want to allow me my usual method of transfer. Sorry it's so late.
Snake Charmer by Saint Motel
This took me a while to figure out. Of course it had to be Valina, but I had nothing interesting to say about her. I eventually figured it out I guess.
@musekicker (I remembered this time! Though i think you'll get the notification that the ask was answered)
Ma and Pa weren't sure what they were expecting when they brought Valina home from being offered up to the Skeleton King. They were expecting some changes of course, but the hissing threw them.
She smiled at them with fanged teeth and they wondered how they were ever going to keep their secrets. Valina got less and less human as the days passed and it wasn't long before they began to hide her away. Not an easy task with how much height she was gaining. 
Still, they had a business to run and a reputation to keep after all. It wouldn't do to have all of Shuggazoom talking about their snake-daughter hissing at them and eating mice for dinner.
That was when the fashion choices were made.
Low cut dresses; black as night, red hair dyed the same color, and heels so tall she towered like a giant.
They had half a mind to complain about what had happened to their sweet girl, but that would be dreadfully hypocritical of them seeing how they worshiped the being that did it and had offered her up of their own accord. So they bite down on most the comments about her style of dress.
Then she wanted to go public.
The heart attack she gave them! Going public with their involvement with the Skeleton King was asking to lose everything! Who was going to let their child visit an arcade that supported the Skeleton King!?
They tried to patiently explain it to her. That their lord and master needed them to maintain their place in the community.
Valina was a stubborn child and wouldn't hear it. She threatened to go public, they told her if she did they would be forced to disavow her.
She decided to run away instead. It broke their hearts, but it was for the best.
Nothing ground breaking, but I was working under a very strange restriction!
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"HEY, SKULL WITCH!" Sparx called out.
"You know what we do to people who mess with family?!" Nova sneered.
Chiro took a running leap, using his weapon to vault himself upward.
Antauri flicked his wrist as the boy soared higher.
"We teach them a lesson."
Valina and Mila looked up.
Mila grinned.
"NO!" Valina shrieked.
Chiro sneered as he soared right towards them, thrusting his arm back.
Valina shrieked as the spear collided with her as her head flung back with a mechanical creak.
Her hold on Mila loosened temporarily as lightning surrounded them both.
Arc 1 comes to a close with this chapter as the next arc begins... and oh man, I'm excited for what comes next. This was another chapter I enjoyed writing, both the action, the emotions, everything.
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chimicham · 4 years
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villain team
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hey-erika · 4 years
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Valeena! She deserved better :/
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ladytauria · 4 years
I've always loved the idea of exploring a dynamic between Chiro and Valeena. I've often thought how much they both could mirror the other. It some ways I could see Chiro and Valeena gaining a deep understanding of the other. Both came from the same world. Both were chosen for roles in a cosmic battle at a very young age. Both lives revolve around SK. Both are very loyal and powerful. Who knows maybe Valeena was once very similar to Chiro and Valeena is similar to how Chiro would be if he was -
the corrupted one instead of the Chosen One.
Man if things had been different, Chiro could have grown up knowing Valeena if she hadn't been sacrificed to SK. Makes me wonder how that would have played out.
Would she have stayed as fanatically loyal to SK if she wasn't chosen for him? Would she have been like a big sister to Chiro? Either making the betrayal that much harsher when Ma and Pa revealed themselves or would she have chosen the Light side thanks to finding validation/care in Chiro's friendship? Idk.
This is suddenly an au I care a lot about. Imagine the SK cult always knowing Chiro was the CO because SK told them to spy on him. They send Valeena to befriend him at a younger age.
When he awakens the monkeys, they have to deal w/ an overprotective/suspicious Valeena who has major big sister instincts. Though she can also be like 'you're not doing it right how's he going to survive this if you don't do that to him! I'll do it myself!' She still has powers but not as much as before so sometimes, like Jinmay, she'll join missions and help out.
Either she's genuine from the start or is conflicted between her loyalty to SK or her growing affection for Chiro and possibly other lifeforms (mostly Jinmay. She still has a hard time liking the monkeys or admitting it).
What she decides, who knows. All that's clear us that for some reason she despises Mandarin yet loves going after to torture and mock him in anyway possible (to the point she gets slightly disappointed at anytime he could be dead since that means she can't hurt him anymore. Curiously she also wants to be the one to kill him and calls dibs. It's complicated emotions there. I just have to keep her sadistic streak here no matter what).
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I did some slight editing of this ask to make it a little easier to read---hope you don’t mind, anon!
This is an AMAZING AU & i’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to post these asks ::hides face::
I loooove the concept of exploring an alternate canon Valeena---her being a pseudo big sister to Chiro, struggling with her loyalties, is AMAZING. I love the idea of keeping her sadistic streak (and, LBR, her goth streak) a lot!! I would absolutely LOVE to see a concept like this explored, or to explore it myself 🤔
The part I’m especially stuck on is “overprotective/suspicious big sister.” I ADORE that omg!! I’m just picturing her scrutinizing the monkeys every time we’re together; always getting huffy / indignant / angry when Chiro gets injured and taking it out on them; telling Chiro he could do better as far as the team goes... And occasionally, occasionally, begrudgingly admitting that they aren’t so bad sometimes. (”You could be more like Mandarin, I guess.” or some such.)
It would make the Skeletal Circle episode more heart-wrenching, too---can you imagine if we go 4 seasons with Valeena being on his side and then he finds out that her parents are members of a Skeleton King cult??? & THEN, maybe he spies her at the cult meeting or he goes to console her about it and finds out that SHE was a member too???
My angst-loving heart is exploding at the possibilities. Obviously in the spirit of the AU she chooses Chiro (maybe a dramatic fashion??) or MAYBE we take it even ANGSTIER and she doesn’t. She’s hurt by his accusations (a la Chiro’s Girl) and ends up going further into the SK side of things. She works with Mandarin to bring him back, but that backfires on her.
Instead of destroying her, though, Skeleton King instead locks her up or maybe keeps her as a general??? And she has to keep facing Chiro but the guilt is killing her, and in the end, when push comes to shove, she ends up helping the team defeat SK??
IDK, Anon, this is your AU & I’m just running with it :D If you’re still around pls feel free to hop back in & chat more about it!!
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netbug009 · 7 years
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monkey team really wasn’t animated with the intent of people watching it at 1920x1800 pixels in hd huh
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ladytauria · 4 years
Ajdhaksdhsj I also thought of Big Sis!Valeena actually really liking Jinmay at first because "God FINALLY Chiro can have SOME semblance of a normal childhood" and then it turns out Jinmay's a robot sent by the Skeleton King to destroy Chiro and Valeena's just like ☹☹☹☹
oh goodness 😂😂😂 i love that!!!
do you think she warms up to her again when it’s all over?? or if there’s always this strain between them with Valeena wondering when Jinmay is going to turn on them??
(& perhaps feeling vindicated in Hills Have Five?? or MAYBE they work out their issues during Shadows Over Shuggazoom/while they defend the planet while Chiro’s gone?)
((ohhhh can you imagine the episode(s) where they learn to trust & even like each other?? or at least tolerate one another?? i need xD))
(((maybe those could replace Galactic Smash 🤔)))
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netbug009 · 7 years
SRMTHG Secret Santa - House of Mirrors
MERRY SUPER LATE CHRISTMAS @monkeymindscream!!!! Sorry this took so long - I’ve had a heavy brain fog because of this stupid cold and wanted to make sure I wrote something worthy of your awesomeness! I hope you like it!
House of Mirrors Skeleton King’s new castle was a monster to navigate, filled to the brim with hallways that all looked the same and formless staff that couldn’t offer directions. The towering walls were pure bone, polished so heavily one could see their reflection in it, making the structure even more akin to a confounding house of mirrors. 
Mandarin realized he should have been more frustrated than he was, lost in his own home base with nobody but his reflection to talk to, but he found himself less motivated to get outside and take part in battle the more and more he wandered. Between the constant barrage of resentment came the occasional question: Why was he doing any of this? When had his loyalties shifted from wanting to rule Shuggazoom himself to being perfectly content as an underling? He tried to pinpoint when he’d made that compromise, but everything before he’d taken his most recent form seemed to blur together. He turned to the closest wall and stared at the mangled visage that was his reflection.
Until it wasn’t. 
“You simple fool!”
“WAH!!” Mandarin jumped a foot in the air when his reflection in the wall changed into that of his dead comrade, Valina. She looked just as disappointed in him as she had when she was alive. “So, your soul remains, witch? I wasn’t sure you possessed one.” 
“You’re one to talk! You’re nothing but a husk of an idea, Clone!”
“Do not” Mandarin’s fist smashed into the wall with no avail, “call me that!” 
“Oh, so you’re trying to forget now, Mandarin? Are you really such a fool as to have convinced yourself that you are something more than Skeleton King’s pawn?”
“You’re the one who chose to be a pawn, you overzealous, pathetic human!” 
“And look at what my sacrifice has wrought!” Valina cackled. “Shuggazoom writhes in shambles!”
“And you cannot rest even in death!” Mandarin examined Valina’s crooked smile. “You… you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Vastly! Praise the Skeleton King for his wise choice to free my spirit! Now, after my great efforts, I can be everywhere and nowhere! I’m free to watch what we have started play out! I’ve seen numerous enemies fall to the Dark Lord’s might! I’ve counted their tears and seen their bloodshot eyes moments before their demise! I’ve heard last words – so hopelessly sentimental – cut off by pure bloodlust! I-!!”
“Alright, I get it, you crazy sorceress!” Mandarin waved Valina off and resumed roaming the halls, but Valina continued to walk beside him in the mirrored wall like it was a casual Sunday stroll. “If there is so much to see, then go see it! Leave me be!” 
“Oh, but watching you play pretend is much more interesting than any of that, Mandarin.”
“What exactly do you mean by that?”
“Your inner torment is written all over your features; your pathetic desire to be more than just the pawn you know you are. You talk of me as if I was a fool in life, but I knew who I was, Mandarin! I was ready to sacrifice everything for the Skeleton King! Look at you, wandering these halls, pretending to be lost so you don’t have to face your destiny!”
“I said leave me be, witch!” Valina’s image vanished, but her laughter continued to echo through the chambers as Mandarin finally made his way to the West exit. He looked out upon the war-torn landscape… Shuggazoom, which was meant to be his. “I’ll show you destiny,” he murmured, looking back into the castle one last time. “I refuse to be met with such a predictable fate.” 
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