#valina srmthfg
grungekitty-77 · 9 months
45 Srmthfg
Finally worked through my technical problems! This has been written for days, but the computer i wrote it on did not want to allow me my usual method of transfer. Sorry it's so late.
Snake Charmer by Saint Motel
This took me a while to figure out. Of course it had to be Valina, but I had nothing interesting to say about her. I eventually figured it out I guess.
@musekicker (I remembered this time! Though i think you'll get the notification that the ask was answered)
Ma and Pa weren't sure what they were expecting when they brought Valina home from being offered up to the Skeleton King. They were expecting some changes of course, but the hissing threw them.
She smiled at them with fanged teeth and they wondered how they were ever going to keep their secrets. Valina got less and less human as the days passed and it wasn't long before they began to hide her away. Not an easy task with how much height she was gaining. 
Still, they had a business to run and a reputation to keep after all. It wouldn't do to have all of Shuggazoom talking about their snake-daughter hissing at them and eating mice for dinner.
That was when the fashion choices were made.
Low cut dresses; black as night, red hair dyed the same color, and heels so tall she towered like a giant.
They had half a mind to complain about what had happened to their sweet girl, but that would be dreadfully hypocritical of them seeing how they worshiped the being that did it and had offered her up of their own accord. So they bite down on most the comments about her style of dress.
Then she wanted to go public.
The heart attack she gave them! Going public with their involvement with the Skeleton King was asking to lose everything! Who was going to let their child visit an arcade that supported the Skeleton King!?
They tried to patiently explain it to her. That their lord and master needed them to maintain their place in the community.
Valina was a stubborn child and wouldn't hear it. She threatened to go public, they told her if she did they would be forced to disavow her.
She decided to run away instead. It broke their hearts, but it was for the best.
Nothing ground breaking, but I was working under a very strange restriction!
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inkmoller · 2 years
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He never hated his phone more than at that moment.
It was pressed up against his ear so tightly that the heat from the internal battery was right up against it.
The team was quiet, concerned as they watched him pace up and down the command center. The moment he had been allowed to leave the Med Bay, he grabbed it to call Mila.
"I should've done it." Sparx whispered to Nova as they watched Chiro walk by them, once more. "I was just so worried I-'
"It's not your fault." Nova whispered back. "Who could've predicted this?"
Chiro closed his eyes, listening to the ringing.
This wasn't normal.
"You got Mila!" Her voice cheerfully called out as the phone went to voicemail. "Sorry if you missed me, leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!"
He let out a frustrated growl as he pulled the phone away, hanging up before dialing again.
This wasn't right.
His heart sank with each ring.
"Maybe her phone is dead?" Otto suggested. "She might've forgotten to charge it."
Chiro shook his head.
"No, that never happens. She hasn't forgotten to charge it in seven years…" His voice cracked a little. "Mila, please, just pick it up…"
His breath hitched in his throat.
Was this what he put her through?
His heart sank as he thought back to that first night.
How she was crying, running through the outskirts, looking for him.
The way she looked at him like he might disappear again.
I'm so sorry…
I'm so sorry, Mila…
Please, just pick up the phone…
"Please…" He pleaded. "Please…"
"You got Mila-!"
Chiro let out a frustrated yell, throwing his phone towards the wall opposite to him.
This chapter, was genuinely a joy to write when I did. Normally combat is one of my weakest things to write, but I feel like this fict really pushed me to get back to something that I struggled with.
It was really fun getting to write these guys in a proper fight.
Some of the music I listened to while I wrote this included "What's Up Danger" from Into the SpiderVerse "Nexus" from PROMARE by LACO and Fight as One by Downstrait (Fight as One being the main one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-dUgFg1BiI&ab_channel=BLVCK0UT )
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maximalttigers · 1 year
Eki on Vroid 2
Did more Eki on Vroid to show more interactions with @hyperforcereignition's Mila.
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"Wha-?! Who?!"- Eki's reaction to Mila's first appearance in her universe, casually minding her own business as she was getting a drink from a nearby vending machine when Mila suddenly appeared.
With both girls confused and Mila starts panicking, Eki calms down first and states that they're heading the Hyperforce team for help. This would be what would start the conversation.
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"Go Chiro! Go Skyper!"- Eki cheering her Chiro and Skyper on in a fight. She has a lot of confidence in Chiro which gets to Chiro's head sometimes as he shows off. No wonder people think they're dating....
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"Why do you call Chiro 'Ichi'?"- Eki curious of the source of Mila's nickname as in 'Hunted Butterfly' Chiro's full name is 'Chiro Takashi'.
Mila would explain and Eki would be all 'Cool' before carrying on, she does think the nickname is cute.
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"Be careful! Skyper doesn't like being touched by strangers!"- Eki warning Mila since Skyper will lash out when he's touched by strangers as an act of self-defence.
Skyper will warm up to Mila quicker than the others since Eki trusts her and that the new woman has Chiro's scent, earning Skyper's curiousity since Chiro has never mentioned a woman like her before. But her appearance certainly reminds him of something he's already seen...
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"It's called being alert, not being tetchy."
"You're still being mean to Miss Mila!"
"I suppose we have been a bit... Unwelcoming... But we have been more concern about what could have brought Miss Hanamura to our realm."
"Knowing our luck, it probably has something to do with Dark Ones or Skeleton King."
"The 'Dark Reaper' and I would have sensed it if that was the case, surely it would have told you?"
"It's not talkative remember?"
"Can you please be nicer to her though? She really wants to go home and never wanted any of this."
"That is true... Very well, I will abide by your request."
*Sigh* "Fine... Don't expect me to engage to much with her though, or be completely fine with her talking to Otto!"
"Thank you..."
*Mischievous chuckle* "Jealousy thy name Chrome~"
*Glares* "Can it eight-eyes! It's bad enough I'm going soft..."
Mila overhearing a conversation between Eki, Chrome and Salem (Mila had yet to meet him since he was busy) as they talk about what could have brought Mila to their universe. Due to Chrome and Salem's personal experiences, they are naturally alert and trying to logic what could have caused these events.
Chrome and Otto are dating which Mila wouldn't be aware of at this point so Chrome was very distasteful of her talking to 'Hunted Butterfly' version of Otto.
(Colour coded: black for Chrome, purple for Eki, and blue for Salem)
Although this could be Eki questioning what Mila said about the Skull Witch, having no idea on who she is.
"Glad to hear that you and Antauri are on good terms.... But... What Skull Witch? Who's Valina?"
'Hunted Butterfly' is set during what would have been season 5 of 'Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!' so Valina is long gone and Eki wasn't told about her since the others didn't consider it to be her concern.
Mila wouldn't have a clue to the time jump but I feel that she would be relieved that Valina isn't around.
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"There ye are little butterfly!"
"Hey there!"
"Dear, you shouldn't yell so loudly. You'll scare people."
"Can't help it babe!"
"Azure! Ruby!"
"Hey sweetheart." *Looks over at Mila* "So this is the guest that Chrome was talking about?"
*Quietly* "She's an adult, right? She hardly looks older than Chiro..."
*Nods* "This is Mila Hanamura."
"Is dat so?" *Grins and gives the finger guns* "Well, the name's Ruby Mace! And this my husband, Azure Spear!"
"Its nice to meet you." *Kindly smiles*
Mila meets Azure Spear and Ruby Mace, the married monkeys who give advice for relationships and personal problems to the team. They learnt about Mila's presence through Chrome so they went to find her to make their acquaintance.
Mila might be shocked to hear marriage from these two as they show their wedding rings.
(Colour coded: red for Ruby, purple for Eki and blue for Azure)
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"How long do you suppose this will this last?"
"Too long..."
"Salem? Tech?"
"Hey dear...."
"They're at it again?"
"Sadly yes. Knowing my brother, he'll find try to find a reason for this whole mess that has nothing to do with the Power Primate."
"Sometimes it's hard to believe that he's set a good example to his goddaughter..."
"I think we'll get going...."
"Yeah, good idea! Sometimes it's hard to believe that they're both adults!"
Chrome and Antauri have always butted heads over the Power Primate; One hates it while the other does not. So when they're trying to figure out how Mila got to their universe, it ended up into an argument.
It shouldn't be new at this point but it is annoying, especially when they have guests. Mila would meet Tech here and learn that Chrome surprisingly has a brother let alone a goddaughter.
(Colour coded: blue for Salem, green for Tech and purple for Eki)
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"... At least... You knew your mommy..."- Through conversations about Mila's upbringing, Mila would learn about Eki's past...
Eki doesn't know her father, barely remembers her mother, was a prisoner of a madman known as Professor Gadhavi, her bionics were forcefully infused into her by said madman at a young age and she's constantly living in fear of him getting her.
Skyper would be with them, the little guy is in tune to Eki's emotions so he would be trying to comfort her while lowkey glaring at Mila for bringing up the topic. But not full on hating her since she didn't know.
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This could be Eki copying one of Mila's moves or just trying to be cool like Chiro.
That's all for now. If I get more ideas, I'll do more
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Character Select:
Entering Battle:  
Mirror Match: Imposter!
Mirror Match 2: No, YOU are the imposter!
Vs Skeleton King:
Vs Mandarin:  
Vs One of the Sun Riders: Skeleton King is your master as well! How could you betray him?!
Ultimate Attack: Come see what a fantastic gift my master has given me!
Perfect Victory: All hail the Skeleton King!
Victory With Some Health Lost:
Victory With Low Health:
Defeat: *screams like a banshee*
Beat Skeleton King: Forgive me, master... I didn’t mean...
Beat Mandarin: That was quite satisfying.
Beat One of the Sun Riders: Master, how should this traitor be punished?
Continue: Skeleton King will not accept me if I am weak.
Game Over: *screams even more*
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theblacksunking · 3 years
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Valeena’s Tamtrun
After learning the truth (that Skeleton King and her parents was dead by virtue of her being very far into the future) small Valeena loses control of her magic, it launched energy attacks at random to the inner walls of the super robot, until Chiro takes her medallion away from her, which makes the girl pass out, to which Jinmay catches her before she hits the ground and ask for medical assistance. Yey, finally another drawing for this Story, amazing heh?
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chimicham · 4 years
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villain team
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monkeymindscream · 4 years
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So a bit ago I was talking about Valina/Mandarin headcanons here, which prompted @formless-monkeys to create this beauty here, which inspired me to scribble my design for human!Skelemandarin. Phew.
I have extra things to say but don’t want to use up the space it would take to say them, so have some stuff under a cut.
The reason Mandy has two hands instead of a claw or prosthetic is entirely because I couldn’t get the proportions to work for either, got frustrated, and gave up. If we’re looking for an in-universe reason, since Valina has the ability to completely alter his shape from monkey to a human, she would conceivably also have the ability to reshape his claw back to a hand. Or he’s gotten the hang of shifting its shape himself, and only uses his claw during battle like the rest of the monkeys with their weapons.
I made Mandarin’s hair super short to reflect how his fur had apparently fallen out during his time in the Dark One Worm in canon (which is a symptom of malnutrition in real life, so discomforted thumbs-up to the writers/character designers for that). I headcanon that time spent out of the worm helps his physical state considerably, but when he’s in a human body his hair will grow kind of weird and patchy. Which is something he finds irritating/unappealing, so he just keeps it short.
The second picture in the first batch was my attempt at depicting a human shrieking like a monkey without the benefit of sound. Just because he looks like a human doesn’t make any of his behaviors less feral. He still prefers to move on all fours too, which, considering his intense lankiness in this form, can be kind of unsettling to witness.
Mandarin is about Valina’s height when he’s in a human body, and he has no clothes of his own. Since it’s her fault he’s in a body that even needs clothes, he thinks it only fair that she contribute in keeping him “decent.” Which is a long-winded way of saying they pretty much share a wardrobe whenever Mandarin’s human. (Somehow he always seems to be occupied elsewhere whenever his exasperated SO tries to create clothes of his own for him. Which assuredly has nothing to do with the fact that having clothes of his own would mean he’d be robbed of the opportunity to wear things that smell like the aforementioned SO. Or that he’s of the opinion that her outfits look better on him anyway. Nothing at all.)
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hey-erika · 4 years
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Valeena! She deserved better :/
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srmthfgifs · 4 years
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Chiro’s Warning 
S4E013 - The Soul of Evil 
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ladytauria · 4 years
I've always loved the idea of exploring a dynamic between Chiro and Valeena. I've often thought how much they both could mirror the other. It some ways I could see Chiro and Valeena gaining a deep understanding of the other. Both came from the same world. Both were chosen for roles in a cosmic battle at a very young age. Both lives revolve around SK. Both are very loyal and powerful. Who knows maybe Valeena was once very similar to Chiro and Valeena is similar to how Chiro would be if he was -
the corrupted one instead of the Chosen One.
Man if things had been different, Chiro could have grown up knowing Valeena if she hadn't been sacrificed to SK. Makes me wonder how that would have played out.
Would she have stayed as fanatically loyal to SK if she wasn't chosen for him? Would she have been like a big sister to Chiro? Either making the betrayal that much harsher when Ma and Pa revealed themselves or would she have chosen the Light side thanks to finding validation/care in Chiro's friendship? Idk.
This is suddenly an au I care a lot about. Imagine the SK cult always knowing Chiro was the CO because SK told them to spy on him. They send Valeena to befriend him at a younger age.
When he awakens the monkeys, they have to deal w/ an overprotective/suspicious Valeena who has major big sister instincts. Though she can also be like 'you're not doing it right how's he going to survive this if you don't do that to him! I'll do it myself!' She still has powers but not as much as before so sometimes, like Jinmay, she'll join missions and help out.
Either she's genuine from the start or is conflicted between her loyalty to SK or her growing affection for Chiro and possibly other lifeforms (mostly Jinmay. She still has a hard time liking the monkeys or admitting it).
What she decides, who knows. All that's clear us that for some reason she despises Mandarin yet loves going after to torture and mock him in anyway possible (to the point she gets slightly disappointed at anytime he could be dead since that means she can't hurt him anymore. Curiously she also wants to be the one to kill him and calls dibs. It's complicated emotions there. I just have to keep her sadistic streak here no matter what).
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I did some slight editing of this ask to make it a little easier to read---hope you don’t mind, anon!
This is an AMAZING AU & i’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to post these asks ::hides face::
I loooove the concept of exploring an alternate canon Valeena---her being a pseudo big sister to Chiro, struggling with her loyalties, is AMAZING. I love the idea of keeping her sadistic streak (and, LBR, her goth streak) a lot!! I would absolutely LOVE to see a concept like this explored, or to explore it myself 🤔
The part I’m especially stuck on is “overprotective/suspicious big sister.” I ADORE that omg!! I’m just picturing her scrutinizing the monkeys every time we’re together; always getting huffy / indignant / angry when Chiro gets injured and taking it out on them; telling Chiro he could do better as far as the team goes... And occasionally, occasionally, begrudgingly admitting that they aren’t so bad sometimes. (”You could be more like Mandarin, I guess.” or some such.)
It would make the Skeletal Circle episode more heart-wrenching, too---can you imagine if we go 4 seasons with Valeena being on his side and then he finds out that her parents are members of a Skeleton King cult??? & THEN, maybe he spies her at the cult meeting or he goes to console her about it and finds out that SHE was a member too???
My angst-loving heart is exploding at the possibilities. Obviously in the spirit of the AU she chooses Chiro (maybe a dramatic fashion??) or MAYBE we take it even ANGSTIER and she doesn’t. She’s hurt by his accusations (a la Chiro’s Girl) and ends up going further into the SK side of things. She works with Mandarin to bring him back, but that backfires on her.
Instead of destroying her, though, Skeleton King instead locks her up or maybe keeps her as a general??? And she has to keep facing Chiro but the guilt is killing her, and in the end, when push comes to shove, she ends up helping the team defeat SK??
IDK, Anon, this is your AU & I’m just running with it :D If you’re still around pls feel free to hop back in & chat more about it!!
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inkmoller · 2 years
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instagram doesn't work for me, so now my work will only be here. I decided to draw a good version of Valina and Madarin again:)
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"HEY, SKULL WITCH!" Sparx called out.
"You know what we do to people who mess with family?!" Nova sneered.
Chiro took a running leap, using his weapon to vault himself upward.
Antauri flicked his wrist as the boy soared higher.
"We teach them a lesson."
Valina and Mila looked up.
Mila grinned.
"NO!" Valina shrieked.
Chiro sneered as he soared right towards them, thrusting his arm back.
Valina shrieked as the spear collided with her as her head flung back with a mechanical creak.
Her hold on Mila loosened temporarily as lightning surrounded them both.
Arc 1 comes to a close with this chapter as the next arc begins... and oh man, I'm excited for what comes next. This was another chapter I enjoyed writing, both the action, the emotions, everything.
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strange-lace · 7 years
Hmm.... But for Antauri still takes the role of Chiro's Master?? And what about Mandarin and Skeletons King?? Or the rest of the bad guys??
OH BOY, that’s a good question! One I had to think about but I think I have a satisfactory one. Again, if you have other ideas, tell me what you think!
Firstly, I don’t think Antauri would be Chiro’s mentor in terms of the Power Primate and becoming a leader in this AU. Rather it’s Gibson and Nova who take that responsibility in the Reverse AU, the former possessing knowledge and perhaps even being able to use the Power Primate while the latter specifically handles matters of teaching Chiro to be a leader and getting the kid to relax.
As for the bad guys, I’ll stick with the main three here: Mandarin, Valina, and the Skeleton King. And the biggest thing all three of them have in common in this AU is all of them are aware of their corruption and would rather be doing anything else. What I mean is, they all are unwilling puppets of the Dark Ones and are struggling to fight off their corruption as they want to return to normal. Essentially prisoners in their own bodies under the control of the Dark Ones, maybe with some physical marks (runes, gems, etc.) on their bodies to make their bodies easier to control.
For Mandarin, he’s always been dealt with extreme insecurity, self-doubt, and now self-hatred on top of that. Even before Chiro came along, he never felt worthy of the Power Primate or being the leader of the Hyperforce, regardless of what the others had said to him. However, instead of betraying the Hyperforce and trying to take over Shuggazoom, Mandarin instead chose to leave the team in the dead of night, assured the real Chosen One would be a far better leader than he ever could. Admittedly he didn’t realize how long that would take, and during that time got himself caught and corrupted into a minion of the Skeleton King by the Dark Ones. Hates what he has become, violently. Is always apologizing to both opponents and allies for the pain he is causing. Cares about the Hyperforce even after all this time and has sympathy for Chiro when he realizes he’s their new leader despite only being a child in his eyes. Acts childlike at moments himself, such as desperately craving affection, validation, and at times attention too. Still has his cybernetic parts as well as his sword and shield, though those have also been corrupted by the Dark Ones with the metal becoming black, twisted, and sharp. Is conspiring with Valina to find a spell to free themselves alongside the Alchemist from the Dark Ones. Thanks to Valina, he has also begun to become more confident and sure of himself, but it’s taking time.
Valina was never raised into becoming the emissary of the Skeleton King, rather like Mandarin was forced into her situation. In contrast to their canon relationship, both her and the monkey have bonded into friends due to circumstances and are working together to free themselves from the Dark Ones. Uses sarcasm and emotional repression as a means to cope with everything, her hatred towards the forces which has made her what she is is very evident. Is almost like a big sister towards Mandarin, though she won’t admit it. Also refuses solutions to save them all at the cost of others, rather she believes the best course of action is destroying the Dark Ones to handle the problem at the root. Very patient, whether it be with Mandarin or waiting for plans to come to fruition. Misses her family, since in this AU her parents weren’t Skeleton King worshippers and she was raised as a perfectly normal woman before everything went to hell. In terms of appearance, Valina’s hair is red with a black stripe while her eyes are green, but with the same grey skin and pointed ears.
Lastly, the Skeleton King. Oh boy. Living in constant pain, both physical and emotional, as he’s constantly fighting back the absolute hardest against the physical and mental corruption. To the point that his body is in a half-and-half state between the Alchemist and the Skeleton King, skeletal machine, and man. Back when he was the Alchemist, he was arrogant, blunt, but still kind as he still cared for the monkeys much like the Canon!Alchemist did, as a father. Is left with two different minds fighting for the same body, leaving him unpredictable and dangerous in his own way. Alongside that, struggles between wanting the Hyperforce to destroy him so he can no longer hurt anyone (Alchemist) or to bend them all under his will so they can all be a complete “family” (Skeleton King). This can extremely evident with his treatment towards Mandarin, as it can easily switch between gentle and understanding to vicious and unforgiving and vice-versa at the drop of a hat. This leads to Mandarin and Valina doing their best to avoid him out of fear, excluding the times Mandarin is desperate for the affection the Alchemist would give him back as a normal monkey. 
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spirit-of-a-kiger · 2 years
In the SRMTHFG episode “Night of Fear”, do you think Mandarin actually knew what all the members of the Hyperforce feared, or was that just part of Valina’s supernatural powers? I always kind of assumed it was the latter, but lately I’ve been thinking, what if it was the former? What if he just knows his former teammates that well?
I thought of this when thinking about Otto’s... odd phobia and how Mandarin mentions at one point that Otto used to be his closest friend/ally, and I thought “What if that’s how he knew what Otto fears despite how weird it is? He just knows him that well.” And then that extended to the rest of the team.
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theblacksunking · 3 years
Valeena’s Second Chance...
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A sneak peek into the comic page for tomorrow, well, AU more like it?, its been awhile since I last worked on this story, and I am exited for some of the new Ideas I got.
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