#valley village houses for sale
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stardewremixed · 1 year
Justice for Stardewies
Because people need jobs and purpose...
has been a single mom for so long, even though Kent returns in Year 2. She was a Registered Nurse, and replaces Maru at the clinic when Maru decides to go back to school. Jodi starts to feel her confidence grow as she works outside her home. And Harvey is a good boss, letting her work around Vincent's school schedule.
Inspired by Harvey, Maru wants to pursue and advanced degree in medical technology. With her poor eyesight, her dreams of becoming an astronaut faded. But she still gets to tinker and play with technology, which is something she loves.
Marnie / Marlon
deserves better than a "secret" relationship with Lewis. His family has wealth and historically held positions of power. The Governor is his cousin after all. Still Marnie deserves real "out in the open" love. Marlon asks her out one day after she visits the Adventurer's Guild with the weekly dairy delivery. Their first official date is the Flower Dance. And they dance together for the whole town to see. Lewis is jealous but... he had his chance. #sorrynotsorry
is sober and working at the movie theater during the evenings. He attends vet school during the day. Shane wants to open an animal clinic, with an emphasis on chickens... 🐔 er... farm animals. And he makes his famous pepper poppers for all town events.
Pam went to rehab. She is now reemployed at Pierre's. She really enjoys helping customers find what they are looking for, and she joined Caroline's class to get fit. She has already dropped almost 20lbs.
Robin does so much for the town. She is convinced by the people to run against Lewis. And then she actually wins. Since she finally has help from Alex, Robin's business is booming. She is able to hire on another employee so she can focus on her new important duties as Mayor of Pelican Town.
Is anyone surprised he actually has money? And lots of it? Linus gets involved with other veterans like himself with much encouragement from Gus. Now with properly flowing taxpayers' dollars, Linus is able to build a tiny Veterans Village for former military men and women to "get off grid," find healing, and a fresh start. Kent gets involved too after he starts counseling for his PTSD.
Robin hired Alex as a handyman. Alex is surprisingly good with his hands and figuring things out, especially electrical. With no formal training, he can rewire televisions and stereos. At first, he just tinkers in Robin's workshop. But then he starts doing bigger projects. After getting an electricians license, Alex helps wire houses and rewire faulty electrical in other homes and businesses around the Valley. It's blue collar work but it pays really well, and his skills are sorely needed. And he can work as he wants. So he still has plenty of time to toss the gridball around with friends, and take Dusty to the dog park, and even help Granny in the kitchen.
Evelyn / George
Ev still helps out at the community garden. She starts growing spices and herbs to bake in her breads and cookies. Once the Community Center is repaired, Evelyn hosts a bake sale to help with the upkeep. And Haley joins her in organizing a cake walk. George gets motivated, with encouragement from Jodi (since she is a vet's wife), to do the Valley's own version of Special Olympics. Alex helps his grandpa train.
finally graduates after six years. She knows what she wants. She is going to pursue a master's in folklore and mythology. While it isn't business like her dad wanted, Pierre is still proud of his little girl. Abi leaves for Zuzu City (on the repaired bus line). She also has an internship lined up, translating manuscripts (since she learned ancient Dwarven).
takes coding to the next level. He finds a partner in Zuzu. They start a tech company together. Seb still comes home on weekends to spend time with his family (he and Demetrius patched things up ever since his stepdad got his official diagnosis as autistic). Seb always brings rice pudding for Demetrius, from the Asian Market he lives above. Seb is also working on releasing his first video game, inspired by his experiences in the mines.
After the band breaks up, Sam decides to go solo. He leaves for Zuzu City for some gigs. The first weekend he is there, he makes a connection with a talent scout who thinks Sam is really good. Sam starts landing bigger and bigger shows. Next thing he knows, he's traveling the world, opening for big name bands. It is a dream come true. He never stays in one place too long, but that's just what he loves about his "work."
publishes his romance novel. And then his editor suggests a series. It is super successful. With his new steady income, Elliott upgrades his cabin to a proper beach cottage. He teams up with Penny to write a children's book.
Penny / the children
returns to school and obtains a proper teaching license. With help from Robin, she opens an after school enrichment program for Vincent, Jas, Leo, and a few other children. And she partners with Professor Snail to offer summer camps on Ginger Island. Penny also organizes a beach clean-up day.
Vincent starts an entomology club with the Prof, much to his delight.
Jas works with Emily to create costumes for a play. The story of the Winter Star is the first show they put on for the town. And this seriously helps Jas' confidence.
Leo repairs the treehouse with the help of Alex. And Pam, who attended cosmetology school, gives him a proper "big kid" haircut.
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kendrene · 1 year
20. things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear + whichever ship your heart desires 🙃
Ava coming home from the bar at the end of an afternoon shift, the village unusually quiet around her. Streets empty, the houses hunkered down, squatting almost, as rain-promising clouds roll in from the north, bellies low, scraping the bottom of the valley.
A first drop of rain hits her shoulder. Cold, it sends chills down her spine. Ava is dressed for earlier heat. Tank top. Shorts. Second hand shoes that feel one step away from coming apart.
Hunching her shoulders, body curling around her prize. The croissants inside the paper bag are leftovers from the bakery - Ava got them half-price. The ones Beatrice loves, that she rarely allows them to get. They're on a budget. They need to save what they earn.
Ava thinks in part it's just excuses. Suspects that a big part of Bea, who is so efficient in taking care of her, doesn't know how to be nice to herself.
The stairs leading up to the apartment. Old and creaky, but after weeks of Beatrice teaching Ava how to move she doesn't make a sound. Ava sneaking in, pausing as Beatrice's voice drifts to her from their shared bedroom.
"I don't know how to protect her." Bea's tone is forcibly flat, tension crystallised, carefully trapped behind each word. "What I'm feeling for her-" Bea pausing. Ava unable breathe. "Yes Mother. I understand."
Heavy silence settling in. The conversation clearly ended. Then, another muted sound and Ava's stomach dropping at the understanding of what it is.
Beatrice is crying.
Ava wanting to be angry at Mother Superion for making Bea cry, angrier that she can't. It's because of her Beatrice is crying, and lashing out would mean letting her know that she heard. Letting her know that she, too, feels-
Stomping into the kitchen, she makes enough noise that Beatrice emerges from the bedroom in a hurry, a knife held in her hand. Her eyes, red and a touch puffy the only sign of her emotional distress.
"I brought snacks!" Ava reveals the croissants with a flourish. Puts on a smile she does not really feel. Beatrice opens her mouth, eyebrows drawn, and Ava hurries to add that she got the croissants on sale. They could have them for breakfast in the morning, or heat them up now. In the small toaster oven the last tenant left, the way Bea taught her to do so that the pastry doesn't go all floppy and wet.
Bea has taught her so many things.
The can do whatever she likes.
"I think we could have them now." Bea's smile, a little strained but there. Like glimpses of sunlight through quilted clouds after the rain. "I'll brew us some tea."
Things clicking in a different way. How they move around inside their tiny kitchen without jostling. Ava grabbing the plates stored in the cupboards over Bea's head. Beatrice reaching behind her for their stash of tea. There's little left, Ava notes, her mind stumbling over the smallest of details so that she doesn't have to think of what she heard.
Bea has feelings for her.
Bea likes her. Likes her back, likes her back, likes her back.
And later that night the bed being too small to contain their tired bodies and their shared secret. Ava making sense of the nightmares that wake Beatrice up. Of the nights when Bea doesn't come to bed at all, nights in which she sits by the window, keeps watch until dawn.
Afraid to fall asleep and wake up tangled, warm back against her front. The stretch of space between them a chasm. An intractable ocean. Their bodies obeying other laws - like hydrogen and oxygen the two of them a whole that can't be decomposed.
Beatrice stammering apologies in the light of morning. Ava waving them away. I know. She says by looks and touch alone. I feel it too.
I love you.
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I often see (and this is common again with the strike) people criticize actors and other film and TV industry people who live in LA or New York for "living in million dollar homes", but as someone who lives in New York in a million dollar home (four bedroom, one and a half bath), people simply do NOT grasp the cost of living crises in these two cities and how expensive even smaller homes are here.
Here's some Zillow for sale listings for some perspective. This is generally without much consideration for whether the neighborhood is considered "upscale" or upper middle class, because this is mostly to illustrate that a million dollar house in LA and NYC isn't necessarily the sprawling manor that many imagine. All of these are two- or three-bedroom homes, and the largest is 2,730 square feet.
Left: Encino Village, LA, $1,560,00. Right: Flushing, Queens, $1,050,000.
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Left: Madison, Brooklyn, $1,599,000. Right: Van Nuys, LA, $1,275,000.
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Left: Valley Village, LA, $1,199,999. Right: Astoria, Queens, $1,850,000 (originally listed at $1,950,000!).
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naturalwomensparty · 2 months
A community in the mountains: The New Sheperds.
submitted by @edneilus
The community consists of tens of thousands people living in a mountain range, on average at 1500 meters of altitude, with abundant valleys and lush forests. The community lives in several villages connected by roads but cars are rarely used. Self suffiency is a goal of these people. Each village is organised around a stone temple, a market place in front of it and several shops nearby, offering the few commodities imported from outside the mountains.The New Sheperds villages are united by their religion, Sheperdism, which teach that men are the natural leaders of women, being referred collectively as a flock. Men are in charge of all decision making and heavy labour, with agriculture being the most important economic activity ; women are valued for their greatest ability : carrying life. Families are very large, six children on average per couple. Men dress as needed while women wear simple and modest clothes, most often long linnen dresses and aprons.The 18th birthday of a woman is also the day she is married to a man who becomes her sheperd and will rule over her. The ceremony mimics that of a sale. Outside the house of her father, the bride is fitted a steel colar around her neck to which a chain or rope is attached. She is then lead by her husband to the temple where she is blessed by the local priest, followed by prayers for her fertility and obedience.After this, she will join the house of her husband. Homes are multigenerationals, sometimes up to four generations living under the same roof. The women live together in an area of the house called the pen, symbolizing their status as property. Most of the time, the women aren’t leashed but it happens that a man ties his woman to prevent her from moving too far from her assigned place.If motherhood is the destiny of the majority of women, a minority joins a female religious order dedicated to helping the rest of the community. The nuns dress with long white robes and veils. Focused on teaching girls, healing and praying, they welcome pregnant women to help in the later stages.
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"I wish I was that rose..."
Eyyy 👀 More stories! With Farmer Myra (@seharuuchan) and Hestia (@g0atmama). Isaac here too! This was dedicated to the old Vine. Hehe...
The Stardew Valley Floral exhibitionl was perhaps one of Lewis's best ideas for the new holiday, as not only local farmers, but all Valley residents who know how to care for flowers and plants can show off the fruits of their labors in floristry. Not to mention the large flow of tourists, which will definitely raise the image of Pelican Town and the major itself in the eyes of the whole Republic. So the idea appealed to everyone without exception (even Sam, with his allergy to pollen).
The time for the event was chosen immediately - early autumn days, when the flowers of the cold season were just beginning to bloom, but everything was still decorated with summer colors.
And so - the day came. People from big cities and distant lands hurried to get off the bus to be the first to see the exhibition stands, the sweetest aromas of exotic plants (and delicious food, special thanks to Gus) wafted in the air, and the variety and splendor of flowers in pots and vases amazed even the most experienced florists. The valley was rich in the gifts of nature, and many would not miss the opportunity to see it all.
Even though for Isaac attending the flower festival was something akin to a vacation or a day off, the adventurer still couldn't understand why Camilla had sent him here as support and a gesture of goodwill from the Castle Village. He could understand the meaning of his presence at Spirit's Eve, after all Isaac was one of the main monster catchers for the event, but why flowers?
Alas, the thoughts of one of the most talented witches in the entire republic were unfathomable to anyone, so Isaac had no choice but to accept his fate and think about what he might do at the festival today. Not that he didn't like the flowers, but the crowd, the incessant noise, and the intoxicating scent of pollen were weighing heavily on his mind. So Isaac thought of nothing better than to walk slowly toward the smoke from the grills where Gus was preparing his famous barbecue, eager to savor the local roast meats and ales.
There were a lot of stands with floral displays and other various goods for sale, each of the exhibitors had done their best, but the most beautiful and unusual, in Isaac's opinion, were the three stands lined up in a row, with three of the most famous and chaotic farmers in Stardew Valley behind them. Farmers who were also his colleagues in his work as an adventurer, two of whom he was more or less on friendly terms with, but the third farmer.... It was a little more complicated than that.
Julian, if the scarred adventurer's memory served him correctly, was more interested in mountain flowers, so it was not surprising that his booth was overflowing with various displays of lavender, chamomile, heather, geraniums, and others flowers. There were also many vials of essential oils and handmade soaps, which the young man with heterochromia made himself. Isaac remembered this at least because he had delivered those same oils to their local healer in Castle Village when Julian had generously given oils to them out of the goodness of his heart.
Hestia's exhibition stand was probably the most unusual among the others. Her whole exposition could be described in one word - lilacs. Many, many lilacs. There were branches of this fragrant plant sticking out almost everywhere. But all over the violet-haired girl's table were small crystals of various shapes and cuts, and inside them were elegant little flowers of the same lilacs. There were also crystals with camellia, forget-me-nots, violets and gypsophila. Near the stand - a real full house: children are tugging at the sleeve of their parents, asking to buy them beautiful crystal key chains with flowers, and young couples choose a romantic gift for each other, with a rather tender and a little clichéd phrase: "my love for you will end only when this flower fades". Hestia was just glad that with her crystal magic she was able to make a lot of people happy while earning herself money to buy expensive seeds.
Some might call Myra's stand old-fashioned, but the classic floral displays that the girl had created with love and care would make even the most picky person gasp with delight. After all, it was a flower festival, and she had plenty of flowers. As if taken directly from a Renaissance painting, beautiful bouquets of chrysanthemums and gladiolus adorned glass vases, and potted orchids stood nearby. But Myra's favorite was the rose, the queen of all flowers. The girl herself was almost invisible behind the huge bouquets and pots, which contained many kinds of roses, shades of soft pink, yellow, scarlet to burgundy, purple....
Isaac himself didn't notice as he slowed his step as he passed Myra's booth. The girl had her back turned to the man, completely engrossed in picking another bouquet of ruby-red roses. A second - and the adventurer's footsteps stopped altogether...
"Didn't think I'd see you here," Julian's welcoming voice brought Isaac back from his reverie to reality, and made Myra and Hestia turn their attention away from their business and toward their guest. "How are you?"
In his usual fashion, Isaac only snorted quietly and bowed his head slightly in greeting. Julian nodded to the taciturn adventurer in return.
"Hey, Isaac," Hestia finally finished with the last buyer of her crystals and waved a hand to Isaac.
Myra, noticing the familiar adventurer, smiled widely, causing the cloaked man to look away slightly. The long-haired girl stepped out of her booth as lush bouquets of roses blocked her view.
"We're glad you were able to come to our festival. Everyone did such a great job with the floral arrangements," still holding the bouquet of red roses, Myra couldn't help but inhale the fragrant scent of the flowerbud.
"I wish I was that rose..." The realization that Isaac had said those words out loud made him abruptly sober up from all those spicy floral scents and panic beyond belief.
"What?..." Myra asked.
"I said you're all gross!" If there's an 'idiot of the year' nomination in the world, Isaac would definitely be the winner. The astonished looks of three farmers were fixed on Isaac, which made the man blush even more furiously. With a flick of his hand, he pulled the hood of his brown cloak over his head and quickly walked away toward the grill. He didn't care about the meat anymore, Isaac was going to drink ale first, and the stronger the better.
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amewinterswriting · 3 months
Ame Plays: Littlewood
A cute little life sim that's perfect if you like Stardew Valley but felt the pesky 'farming' bit was keeping you away from more interesting things.
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You are the hero who vanquished the Dark Wizard and saved the world. The problem is, you can't remember any of it. Still, there's a town to rebuild and your trusty travel companions are by your side. Along the way, you can make new friends, pick up some new hobbies and maybe learn about what really happened in your past...
The good:
All characters who live in your town (except Dudley, the wise old mentor-type character who practically raised you) are romanceble regardless of gender.
There are canon queer 'default' romances between the villagers if you don't romance them.
Everyhing has clear lists of what you need to progress: I especially liked that in order to get particular travellers to visit, you need to sell certain items and it tells you exactly what you need to sell in your journal. Other games would make it a trial-and-error discovery process.
Absolutely everything about your town is decided by you - the position of houses, decor, paths, elevation, plants, etc. This can be edited at any time and destroying anything reimburses all the materials used to create it, meaning you are free to tinker and redesign with no penalty to progress.
The plot and characters are all nicely written with a surprising amount of depth.
A surprisingly good card game built-in - a simple trading card structure with a fair bit of strategy and anticipating opponent's plays.
No combat - the only 'dangers' just exhaust some energy and kick you out of an area if you are 'hit'. You mostly just have to avoid getting hit.
The bad
After marriage, your spouse just hangs out inside your home despite having their own and doesn't roam around outside or have dialogue about their interests/personality anymore.
A lot of the late game is dependent on random chance for acquiring the right items. At a certain point, you will be advancing time just to refresh the items available in the shops or areas. At this point, it starts to feel very grindy.
The last few achievements are literally just grinding for the sake of it. By this point in the game, you have more resources than you can ever use but you will still need to spend a few more hours mining and chopping trees if you want that achievement. This is more a case of 'when do you decide to stop playing?' - if you feel like you've achieved everything you want, you can absolutely call it quits earlier than this.
I thoroughly enjoyed the game while I was in the early/middle stages of it, but it felt like it just needed a little more to keep it interesting in the late game. Perhaps more interactions post-marriage - not just between yourself and your spouse, but also the budding romances we get a glimpse of after the wedding. Perhaps a set of community requests where your villagers want to add in more facilities or have noticed their neighbours would benefit from a new thing. Maybe a few more events - there's usually only about 3 a month, which makes 12 all year. It often feels like a long time before anything different happens to break up the grind. That said, it's a small indie game and I've sunk a good 54 hours into it, which is comparable to most JRPGs but at a quarter of the price, even if I had picked it up at full price (I actually picked it up as part of a Humble Bundle, but it also goes on sale very regularly). I've definitely gotten my value for money out of Littlewood and would recommend for a cozy, chill game.
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Some of my favourite photographs I took whilst visiting Snowdonia and Conwy Valley in Wales this April. I was taken in by its beautifully ferocious nature and a bit saddened by the number of houses for sale in the small villages we drove through.
Rhaeadr Ewynnol Swallow Falls Waterfall - Located in the stunning Betws-y-coed.
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Conwy Harbour
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Conwy Castle
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marinsawakening · 1 year
Reading Round-Up May 2023
I am going to try to catalogue new media/art I've experienced each month in an effort to kick my ass and expose myself to new stuff. Because it'll be really embarrassing for me if at the end of a month I have to say 'I didn't read a single book, didn't watch any movies/shows, or play any games'. Despite the name this isn't just about reading, I just couldn't resist the alliteration. That said this month it's very much about reading because the only game I played was Stardew Valley and I didn't watch any movies or shows, press F. So with the explanation out of the way:
Things Read (Or, More Accurately: Novellas Read)
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
A newly published horror novella about a mermaid and a plague doctor coming across a village of children under the cultish leadership of three surgeons able to cheat death. Also it's set in the taiga. I pre-ordered this and I'm so glad I did because I'm absolutely obsessed with it. Honestly, this book has shot up to be one of my favourites of all time already, probably. The prose is fantastic, the world eerily well-drawn despite the general lack of detail (which works in its favor if anything), the characters unique and interesting, and I just adore the pacing and plot development. Excited to read more by this author. If you like stories with themes of death/immortality, and/or well-described viscera, you should read this. (Major content warnings include cannibalism, medical abuse/trauma, child death, and domestic abuse.)
The Seven Who Were Hanged by Leonid Andreyev
Anti-death penalty propaganda from more than a hundred years ago, available on Project Gutenburg, this novella follows seven prisoners doomed to be hanged, five insurrectionists and two murderers. A competent and interesting book well-worth reading, but I admit I don't have any strong feelings on it personally.
This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Already a well-received novella, this book recently got an influx of sales thanks to one bigolas dickolas, one of the funniest things that's happened in publishing in quite some time. It's about two agents from opposite sides of a time war, exchanging letters and falling in love. It's a good book with lyrical prose and a very interesting world, and I was engaged and enjoyed reading it. However, as expected (and why I put off reading it despite it having been on my radar for a while), I was much more interested in the time war than I was in the romance, which was kind of an issue. The characters were so thoroughly defined by their love for one another that a lot of the emotional beats at the end of the book did not hit me as hard as they should've. Still, that's hardly an issue with the book; those who like romance will probably get much more out of this novella than me, and I still found it a very good book.
The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz
A (self-described) f/f asexual romance novella about an engineer and a near-300-year-old sapient robot who runs a tea shop in memory of her former lover/owner, who learns to move on. I really want to like this book, if only because it's a queer indie work with a lot of heart. But I just don't. In a word, this book is lackluster; the prose is lackluster, the worldbuilding lackluster, the characterization and development lackluster, etc. It persistently reminded me of fanfic as I was reading it, and that's not a compliment. It was not an awful read, and it's short and cheap, so if the premise interests you, there are worse ways to spend a few hours. But that's hardly glowing praise.
Ten Days in a Mad House by Nellie Bly
Non-fiction novella that's a collection of newspaper articles written by Bly, chronicling her commitment to and subsequent stay in the Blackwell Island insane asylum. Bly faked insanity in order to go undercover, resulting in a landmark piece of reporting that called attention to the horrific treatment of patients in insane asylums, written in 1887. A fascinating read, though obviously, tread cautiously. Bly's writing reads easy, and it's easy to see how she captivated newspaper readers at the time. It's available for free on Project Gutenberg; the edition there also includes two other articles, one of Bly attempting to find work as a servant, one of Bly working a factory job.
Through the Gates of the Silver Key, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, The Dreams in the Witch House, The Shadow over Innsmouth, The History of the Necronomicon, The Dunwich Horror, The Festival, The Haunter of the Dark, The Whisperer in the Darkness, At the Mountains of Madness, and Out of the Aeons by H.P. Lovecraft
I've been making my way through Lovecraft's bibliography and specifically the Dream Cycle stories for the past few months. This month I finally finished the Dream Cycle, and began working through the Cthulu Mythos stories I've thusfar missed.
I fucking hate Lovecraft's writing. It's formulaic as all hell; if you've read one Lovecraftian horror story, you've read at least 90% of the others. His descriptions can be quite vivid, but too often he insists on not fucking describing shit when it actually comes to the horrors, and I get that's the point, but you can only say 'the horror is indescribable' in so many ways before it becomes boring. Plus, even when he does describe things, his descriptions always follow the same cadence, sentence structure, and vocabulary, making them, again, formulaic as all hell. Some of his concepts are interesting, but they're invariably bogged down by his absolutely rancid worldviews. His racism is, rightfully, famous, but his stories indicate a deeply classist, exceptionalist, and eugenicist worldview as well, not to mention a preoccupation with escapism and nostalgia that's beyond childish, which makes these stories absolutely fucking insufferable. I quickly resorted to finding readings of his stories on Librivox and Youtube when possible, so that I could at least be doing something else while I worked through them. From the ones I've read this month, I'd say the ones worth reading if you're interested in Lovecraft's worldbuilding are Through the Gates of the Silver Key (though you will need to read, at the very least, The Silver Key first, and preferably some other Dream Cycle and/or Randolph Carter stuff, especially The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath), The History of the Necronomicon (exactly what it sounds like, extremely short), The Whisperer in the Darkness, Out of the Aeons, and At The Mountains of Madness. Reluctantly, I’ll also recommend The Shadow over Innsmouth by virtue of it being basically required Lovecraft reading, but I was rather unimpressed by it. Also major racism warnings for pretty much everything but specifically Out of the Aeons in general, two instances of the N-word with the hard R in Through the Gates of the Silver Key, a white guy cosplaying an Indian one in that same story, and whatever the fuck Shadow over Innsmouth had going on, this paragraph is already far too long, I do not have the time to get into it.
TL;DR don’t read Lovecraft but if you must, from this month’s stories the ones worth suffering through are Through The Gates of the Silver Key, The History of the Necronomicon, The Whisperer in the Darkness, Out of the Aeons, At The Mountains of Madness, and The Shadow over Innsmouth.
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Playing stardew valley and harvest moon/story of seasons is great, but I want a game with longer seasons, a larger map, and I want the villagers to be less frozen in time.
I already have some characters in mind... I want NPCs to get married and have kids, and for those kids to grow up. I'd like there to be a small nursery/schoolhouse next to the library with someone working there and maybe online schooling for kids as they get older, and possibly going to boarding school. The doctor goes to work in a bigger city most days and only works in the town clinic twice a week, but there is a nurse/ midwife and telemedicine appointments happen in the clinic. Some people go for specific checkups every week and some every month. A dentist comes to the clinic at least twice a year. The NPC's should do routine jobs like sweeping the sidewalk in front of their houses, and there should be a NPC who keeps the town clean and pretty for tourists. There should be tourists, at least in summer. There should be at least three other farms/ ranches, and they should have visible solar panels, wind turbines and biogas reactors, and there should be bikes visible in this world. There should be a forester character, and he could be the mayor. There should be clubs with club meetings, and characters who commute away to work, and characters who work from home. They should open up hotels and cafés and sales stands for tourist season.
Too bad I can't code or draw at all. Also I have a full-time job and a second job.
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hakesbros · 2 years
New Home Builders In Your Area
MHVillage could replace this coverage without notice once in a while, so you need to examine this page incessantly. This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that MHVillage does not personal or control, or to people who MHVillage doesn't employ or manage. Sell your personal home with the professionals at the Las Cruces Home Team. We make the most of distinctive assets to market to a large audience of potential Buyers to get extra eyes on your property. Complete Home Buying help with no out-of-pocket expenses for our companies.
The typical 1,743-square-foot home had a list price of $93 per sq. foot. The median home costs issued by Realtor.com may exclude a lot, or even most, of a market's homes. The value and quantity characterize only homes that are single-family homes, condominiums or townhomes. They embody existing homes, however new homes las cruces exclude most new development as properly as pending and contingent gross sales. One of one of the best methods to find out about Las Cruces is by visiting the Old Mesilla Village. Take a trip back in time and stroll via the historic plaza surrounded by authentic adobe buildings, museums, and well-known restaurants.
Homes for sale in High Range have a median itemizing price of $387K. Some of these homes are Hot Homes, which means they're prone to sell shortly. The Mesilla Valley is a world-renowned agricultural community. From wine vineyards and pecan orchards to cotton fields and alfalfa farms, this spot of desert is surprisingly fertile. Las Cruces and the surrounding areas provide homes for sale in las cruces new mexico all the advantages of major metropolitan areas, yet there might be still plenty of land and area to be had. We look ahead to helping you find the perfect home in Las Cruces or helping you promote your Las Cruces property for prime dollar in at present's market.
See all the house builders in Las Cruces in our builder directory. The USA TODAY Network is publishing localized variations of this story on its information websites across homes for sale las cruces the country, generated with knowledge from the Realtor.com residential listings database. The story was written by Mike Stucka and Sean Lahman.
IDX info is offered solely for customers' private, non-commercial use and may not be used for any function aside from to establish potential properties customers homes for sale in las cruces nm could also be excited about buying. Copyright© 2022 REALTORS® ASSOCIATION OF NEW MEXICO and the NEW MEXICO MULTI-BOARD MLS, INC. All rights reserved. Homes for sale in Las Cruces, NM have a median listing home worth of $279,900.
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Best Realtor of Granada Hills
Blayne Pacelli is a best Granada Hills realtor, CA. Explore the homes with the Newest Listings that are currently for sale in Granada Hills, CA, where the average value of homes with the Newest Listings is $799,000. Visit our website and browse house photos, view details, check walk scores, and much more.
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cool-in-medford-or · 2 months
Weatherly Court Senior Assisted Living & Memory Care Community in Medford, OR
When it comes to retirement community Medford location, there are many remarkable options. In that case, it would be easier for seniors to find luxurious places to stay during old age. Let’s talk about Weatherly Court Senior Assisted Living & Memory Care Community as one of the best facilities for seniors. TheWeatherly Court is family-owned and operated, built on real family values. In addition, the difference is in their detail-oriented commitment to provide the highest level of care and service. Besides, their family’s commitment to excellence begun 60 years ago under the guiding philosophy to “Treat each resident with the respect they deserve and the special attention they may need."
Medford, OR
Nowadays, Eventbrite’s website is cherished. After all, they have posted many pre-scheduled activities in Medford, OR for you. The information that you need for travel are posted on their site, too. For example, they shared that First, there will be a free event named Marketplace Certification Training with Israel Estrada (Jackson County) on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at around 9:00 AM at 3617 S Pacific Highway. Second, the Beat the Heat 2: Even More Coworking Open House is scheduled on Thursday, July 25, 2024, at around 9:00 AM at 122 E Main Street. Lastly, you can also opt to attend the Hollywood Knockouts- Oil Wrestling at Grape Street on Friday, July 26, 2024, at around 9:00 in the evening.
The Village at Medford Center in Medford, OR
The Village at Medford Center is undoubtedly popular. Besides, The Village at Medford Center, formerly known as The Medford Center, is an illustrious regional shopping complex in east Medford, Oregon, United States. In addition, it spans an impressive 420,000-square-foot of retail space that spread to more than 36 acres. Moreover, this regional retail center holds the distinction of being one of the oldest and largest shopping centers in Jackson County, alongside Rogue Valley Mall. Then, originally boasting a retail space of 333,000-square-foot and functioning as an open-air strip mall, the shopping center underwent a significant transformation, in 1984. It’s also highly regarded by many people.
New Oregon Coast Aquarium license plate to support wildlife rehabilitation efforts
There are many thought-provoking and interesting news reports in Medford, OR. Lately, there was a topic about wildlife rehabilitation efforts. Basically, it was reported that the Oregon Coast Aquarium or OCAq has opened voucher sales for its “puffin plate.” Well, it is a new Oregon license plate featuring one of the state’s iconic seabirds, the organization reports. Aside from that, the new plate’s design was created by Artist Cam Mullins, OCAq’s Graphic Design and Marketing Coordinator. Lastly, a media release from OCAq describe stated that, "It stars a tufted puffin floating atop the sea, golden brow feathers trailing through the water as it peers at fish swimming below.”
Link to Map Driving Direction
The Village at Medford Center 711 Medford Center, Medford, OR 97504, United States
Head east toward Royal Ave 308 ft
Turn left to stay on Medford Center 0.2 mi
Continue onto Royal Ave 0.4 mi
Turn left onto E McAndrews Rd 0.2 mi
Turn right onto Poplar Dr 0.6 mi
Turn right Destination will be on the left 108 ft
Weatherly Court Senior Assisted Living & Memory Care Community 2184 Poplar Dr, Medford, OR 97504, United States
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boyengateam-blog · 4 months
1498 Myrtle Ave. San Jose, 95118 / Boyenga Team / Compass / Property Nerds
🌟 Introducing a Stunning New Listing in Cambrian, San Jose - Proudly Presented by the Boyenga Team at Compass 🌟
The Boyenga Team, specialists in New Home Sales and serving the vibrant Cambrian area and surrounding parts of San Jose, is thrilled to showcase this spectacular modern masterpiece. Designed for discerning buyers who appreciate fine architecture and advanced home technology, this brand-new property offers a luxurious living experience in the heart of Silicon Valley.
🏡 Property Highlights:
Address: Prime Cambrian neighborhood, San Jose, CA
Size: 4 bedrooms / 3 bathrooms
Interior: Dramatic open floor plan with an 8-ft modern door entry, flooded with natural light and unified by wide oak flooring.
Kitchen: A culinary dream featuring custom modern cabinetry, a lavish waterfall-edged island with secondary sink and wine fridge, and top-of-the-line Bosch appliances.
Living Areas: Expansive living and dining spaces with soaring ceiling heights and a stunning 18-ft high wall adorned with Porcelanosa tiles around a breathtaking fireplace.
Outdoor Living: 8-ft French sliding doors open to an inviting redwood deck, perfect for entertaining and relaxation.
Primary Suite: Luxurious primary bedroom with skylight, expansive walk-in closet, and a sleek barn door leading to a private patio. The en-suite bathroom is equipped with a dual-sink vanity, large soaking tub, and a curbless walk-in shower.
Additional Features: Smart home technology, solar panels with backup batteries, full-size laundry room, and custom tile/stone work throughout the bathrooms.
🚗 Location Perks:
Connectivity: Easy access to major highways (85, 17, 87) and close proximity to downtown Willow Glen, SAP Center, and San Jose Airport.
Tech Hub Proximity: Just a short commute to major tech companies like eBay, Nvidia, PayPal, Netflix, and Google Village.
👀 Open House This Weekend: Saturday & Sunday | 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Whether you are looking to buy or sell, the Boyenga Team leverages exceptional market knowledge and a commitment to top-tier client service to help you navigate the Silicon Valley real estate market. Don’t miss this opportunity to own a slice of modern luxury; this property isn't just a house, it's the gateway to the lifestyle you've always dreamed of.
For more details or to schedule a viewing, visit www.BoyengaTeam.com or call 📞 408-373-1660.
#CambrianSanJose #ModernHome #BoyengaTeam #NewHomeSales #SiliconValleyRealEstate #ContemporaryHome #LuxuryLiving #SmartHome #TechHubLiving #SiliconValleyHomes #RealEstateInvestment #DreamHome
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all-about-tents · 5 months
Charitable Organizations Turn Festival Discards into Benefits for the Needy
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Local organizations collect and distribute left-behind items from Coachella and Stagecoach festivals to help low-income and unhoused individuals in the community.
Once the music festivals at the Empire Polo Grounds in Indio, California, come to an end, the work begins for charitable organizations. With more than 24 tons of discarded items left behind by festival attendees, these organizations see an opportunity to turn clutter into a benefit for the local needy. Clothing, camping gear, dry foods, and other goods are collected by community organizations to support low-income and unhoused individuals in the area.
Lupe Torres-Hilario, the director of operations at the Galilee Center, a nonprofit that provides food, clothing, and basic needs for disadvantaged children, families, and farmworkers in the East Coachella Valley, explains that many out-of-town festival attendees leave behind items such as folding tables and camping chairs because they are unable to carry them onto a plane when they leave. The Galilee Center, along with other nonprofit organizations, sends trucks to the festival grounds to collect these items and distribute them to those in need.
Galilee Center's Efforts at Coachella and Stagecoach
For the past five years, the Galilee Center has been actively involved in collecting donations from both the Coachella and Stagecoach festivals. The day after the festivities end, volunteers and Galilee Center staff scour the campsites to find left-behind items or ask attendees if they have anything to donate. The festivals attract different types of fans, with Coachella attendees relying on tent and car camping, while Stagecoach fans often arrive in RVs.
As a result, there are fewer discarded items after Stagecoach as people pack up their RVs and leave. However, the Galilee Center also receives calls from event sponsors who want to donate tables, chairs, and throw rugs.
Last year, the center gathered 48,480 pounds of donations from Coachella alone. Most of these items are sold in the Galilee Center's thrift store, with the proceeds going towards the organization's programs. The funds are used to provide assistance with rent and utility bills, as well as to purchase essential items like diapers for infants and protein drinks for seniors.
Clothing and furniture vouchers are given to low-income individuals and families, allowing them to pay for items recovered from the music festivals. Left-behind cots and sleeping bags are often given to unhoused individuals free of charge.
Partnership with Martha's Village and Kitchen
In addition to the Galilee Center, Martha's Village and Kitchen, a nonprofit organization serving unhoused and impoverished individuals in the Coachella Valley and Riverside County, has also partnered with the festivals. Martha's Village and Kitchen receives calls for donation drop-offs or pickups during and after the events. When a client graduates from the organization's residential program and moves into their own home, items from the thrift store can be used to furnish their house.
The Coachella festival also benefits the needy when festivalgoers visit Martha's Village and Kitchen's thrift store during their annual sale event called "Thrift-chella." This event offers deals such as five pieces of clothing for $1 and encourages festival attendees to bring back items they didn't use or can't take with them on their way home.
Surplus Food Support
Surplus food from the festivals also plays a role in supporting charitable organizations. Each day of the festivals, the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission sends a food truck to the festival grounds to pick up leftover food from all the food booths. This food is then served as meals at the mission, which serves between 700 and 1,000 meals a day.
The food donations from Goldenvoice, the music festival promoter, greatly assist the mission in providing meals to those in need.
The Coachella and Stagecoach festivals not only provide entertainment for music fans but also offer an opportunity for charitable organizations to make a difference in the lives of low-income and unhoused individuals in the community. Through their efforts, organizations like the Galilee Center and Martha's Village and Kitchen collect and distribute left-behind items, ensuring that they are put to good use. The donations not only help those in need but also generate revenue for these organizations, allowing them to continue providing essential services to their communities.
As the awareness of these donation efforts increases, more festival attendees are joining in, making a positive impact on the community year after year.
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deeramirez · 6 months
Explore Vibrant Living: Homes for Sale in The Villages, San Jose, CA
Discover the perfect house for Sale in The Villages, San Jose, CA, where active community life meets modern comfort. Explore a broad choice of properties that are perfect for your lifestyle, whether you're looking for a peaceful retirement home or a vibrant family-friendly neighborhood. Explore the most recent listings, from cozy apartments to expansive single-family homes, and find your slice of Silicon Valley paradise with Dee Ramirez, your trusted local real estate specialist.
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