oursades · 5 months
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ᯓ★ I've been wearing black leather all my life.
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103 notes · View notes
horanghaejamjam · 2 years
Vampire Kisses - {WJH}
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↪   Summary: He is the head of the Wen family, the highest ranking family of vampires in the country. You are a mere human sold to them for the purpose of being his mate and bride. Jun is determined to win your heart before you wed, and perhaps a few playful kisses are the key to doing that.
↪   Pairings:  Vampire lord Jun x Human female reader
↪   Rating: M 18+
↪   Genre: Vampire Au / Slight rivals to lovers / Smut / Fluff 
↪   Word Count: 16.3k
↪ Warnings/Contents: Smut, Blood and blood drinking, Biting, Jun being super flirty and teasing, Arranged marriage, Virgin!reader,  Unprotected sex, Body Worship, Oral (male receiving),  Praise, Soft bondage (Jun ties/blindfolds reader with silk), Fingering, Talks about impregnation. Mostly just very fluffy and soft with Jun being whipped for reader. 
↪ Side Notes: My first post of 2023! This also turned out way longer than I was expecting so I guess I got carried away lol. A few of the other svt members also make cameos in this story. It is implied that reader is younger than Jun.
↪ Huge thank you to the lovely @xiubaek-13​ for betaing and editing this fic for me!
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Growing up, your mom always told you stories about marriage and weddings. How a woman's wedding was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, a once in a lifetime moment. Ever since the first story, you dreamed about the day you would get that moment, planning your dream wedding down to the very last detail. As a child, you imagined a royal ceremony in a grand castle, wearing the most beautiful and lavish dress you could ever imagine. Your husband would be royalty for sure, a man who would love and cherish you for as long as you both shall live. You would be happy together, have the perfect family, and live beautifully in your life of luxury. Looking back at those memories, you realized that you should have been careful about what you wished for. You were getting that wedding you always wanted, but it would not be under your terms. The other thing you learned young was that the world you lived in was not simple, in fact one may consider it the merging of two separate worlds. Two dominant races ran this world and fought for power, similar enough to coexist but different enough to segregate them to keep the world in balance. 
For centuries, humans were the dominant race on Earth. The knowledge of others existed, but their numbers were far too small to be considered a challenge, so humans called the shots. Then, overtime, vampires became a much more prominent presence, easily taking over and claiming areas for themselves. Regions quickly became divided as vampires took control of certain areas, forcing humans to either fight back or surrender to the change. This caused a conflict for many years until leaders on both sides met and finally came to an agreement. They would coexist and operate together, with humans during the day and vampires at night. The agreement was sealed with a marriage of the royal families that united both sides. From that moment forward, it had become customary for the most powerful vampire families to marry one of their kin to a human as a way to honor the unity. The marriage would be sealed by the vampire claiming their spouse by taking their blood on their wedding day, and from there the human could choose if they wished to stay that way or transition to a vampire by drinking the blood of their mate. 
You were born a human, raised in a lower class family who often struggled to make ends meet. You were an only child, and your parents did the best they could to make sure you had everything you needed growing up. You did your best in school and worked a part time job at a local bakery. Overall, you felt that you were pretty average but nothing special, especially not someone that any royal family would set their eyes on. Hell, you never even recalled meeting a vampire so you couldn’t imagine you would catch one's attention, but somehow you did. 
Your whole world changed on the night of your 23rd birthday, being awoken to a knock at your door. Standing there, dressed in a black and red suit with a devilish smile, was one of the most ethereal beings you had ever laid your eyes on. He was tall, with piercing eyes and an almost dark aura to him, his fangs undeniably poking out against his lip as he smiled. You didn’t know what you expected vampires to look like, but it certainly was not this. He bowed and introduced himself as Mingyu, the head servant of the Wen family. He then explained that they had been observing you for quite some time and wanted to ask for your hand in marriage to their eldest son. You had been too stunned to speak, staring at Mingyu as if he had two heads while your parents argued against the idea. You had wanted to refuse also, not wanting to marry someone you had never met, let alone a vampire. However, they had promised protection and financial stability for you and your family as long as you stayed mated to him and provided an eventual heir to the bloodline. As much as you hated the idea, you knew deep down that it was what was best for your family, and so you said yes and prepared to move into the Wen family estate, where you now resided. 
You had been living here for a few years now and never found adjusting any easier. Your wedding to Wen Junhui was set to take place within the next month, falling on the first full moon after your birthday. You didn’t quite understand how everything worked but you remember Mingyu explaining to you that this would be the time where the energy was highest and you were both at your prime. There was a chance for mating bonds to go wrong so this was the best chance of eliminating that risk. You had tried to ask what happened when it went wrong but all Mingyu did was pat your head and tell you not to worry about it. 
That time had been spent allowing you to learn about the family and adjust to what your new life would be. Mr. and Mrs. Wen had met you almost immediately upon your arrival, giving you a once over before welcoming you with open arms. You learned a lot about the family, and about vampires in general from them, helping you to adjust more to your new life. Mr. Wen was born into the family and had been around for many hundred, if not almost a thousand years despite the fact that he didn’t even look 50. Mrs. Wen had been a human when she married into the family, making the decision to transition and stay with her husband when she was in her late 20s. Though she had also explained that she had only been turned after her 30th birthday so she was, technically, significantly younger than her husband. This made you question how age worked with vampires, especially the aging. All you were told was the brief explanation that aging was slower and it took many years for them to age the way a human would in one or two. There was also something about blood slowing down the process but you decided to tune that part out for your own sanity. 
You were also informed about the family line, and how the head of the family would change every couple hundred years to keep up with the changing times, though the original head will often stick around for a while before moving on. The family had two known sons, with Jun being the oldest and only bred vampire which gave him the title by birth right. In human years, he would have just turned 26 making him a few years your senior, when in reality he was slowly nearing 300 years old which was the prime age for a vampire, if not still a bit young. He also had a younger brother, Minghao, who was a transitioned vampire. The human born son of one of the servants that Mr. Wen took in and claimed as his own child. The two brothers, despite not being blood related, were very close and did almost everything together. They had been traveling together at that time, so you hadn’t been able to meet either until a while later. 
It had been during dinner (or breakfast for the family), when the two brothers finally returned. Polar opposites in style and personality, but both striking in their own way. Minghao was more delicate but striking in his features, jet black hair falling over his face in messy locks and dressed in an all black trench coat that hid most of his frame. He did not speak much around you, but when he did his voice was soft and his words were sharp and to the point, he had almost reminded you of one of your highschool professors. He acknowledged you briefly with a calm smile before excusing himself to his study, leaving you to finally turn and acknowledge your soon to be husband. 
You would have been lying if you said Junhui wasn’t one of the most gorgeous men you’d ever seen. Immediately you could tell he was taller and had a larger build than his younger brother. His gaze was softer but still had an alluring touch to it, almost as if he looked bored. His hair was longer, practically touching his shoulders with a striking blonde color. Most of it was slicked back but a few strands fell in front of his eyes. He had been wearing a slick black button down with the top three buttons undone, tucked into fitted pants that suited him nicely. You were immediately attracted to, if not very intimidated by the man standing in front of you, even when he gave you a gentle smile and sat beside you. “Y/N,” he had muttered softly, taking your hand and kissing it, “I am so happy to finally meet you.” His voice was soft, and even a bit higher pitched than you had been expecting, and he seemed more than eager to get to know you. 
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From that moment forward, it seemed like Junhui, or Jun as he preferred you to call him, would not leave you alone. He was always following you around, attempting to talk to you or get you to acknowledge him. Whether it be genuine questions, teasing you over the smallest things, or even flirty advances, it seemed that no matter where you went Jun was there. You gave into him occasionally, but for the most part you found his presence to be quite annoying. Yeah you knew you were being forced to marry him but you hadn’t expected him to be all over you the second you met him. You figured, or more like hoped, that the two of you would stay acquaintances at most and just keep the formalities when his family was around, but it seemed like Jun had different ideas. 
You tried your best to tolerate him, but as your wedding drew closer you found the whole thing weighing on you more and more. The situation became too real for your liking and suddenly you were questioning if this was really a good idea. You were marrying a complete stranger, someone who was infatuated with you but you wanted nothing to do with. You were expected to spend your life with this man and eventually have children with him and you didn’t know him, let alone love him. The thought alone made your skin crawl, trying to suppress the thoughts of what would happen on your wedding night, all for the family to stay in power. Unfortunately there was no way for you to change your mind, knowing that your family would suffer if you tried to back out was the only thing keeping you from running away. Instead you developed a new routine, sleeping through the night while they were up and taking advantage of the daytime to sneak out and enjoy the last few days of your freedom. Today was no exception, with you waking up early and pacing around your room, waiting for the day to arrive so you could sneak out and meet up with your friends. 
Looking out the window, you saw the sun slowly starting to peak out over the horizon, just enough to paint the sky with a purple hue. Within the next hour or so it would be light out and, if your calculations were correct, the family would be asleep by then. Mr and Mrs Wen specifically were likely already in bed by now, the older vampires having no desire to wait for the sun. They were much more sensitive to the light as you had learned, keeping their curtains drawn hours before the sun even thought of rising. They were easy to sneak around, often following the same schedule so you knew where they would be at what time. Minghao was a bit trickier, the man not following a set schedule and often staying up way past when his peers had gone to bed. However, you also learned that he was a bit of a recluse, preferring to stay in his room or study whenever possible. Even when he did catch you, he seemed to either understand your feelings or not care enough to stop you, simply giving you a nod and a knowing look as you made your way out the door. You made a mental note to thank him one of these days for not stopping you or ratting you out to his parents. 
Jun, on the other hand, was not as easy as his family. You weren’t sure if he liked the thrill of being up when it was day or he just didn’t trust you but he would be up for hours before finally resting. Sometimes you found him in his study working on who knows what and other times you had run into him chatting with one of the servants in the kitchen as if that was a normal occurrence for him. Well, technically it was, but that didn’t mean you liked it any more. Day time was the only time you ever had to yourself, enjoying the quiet and freedom before you would be forced to adapt to the nightlife. Though it seemed your soon to be husband didn’t like the idea of leaving you alone, always knowing where you were and sneaking up on you like the two of you were playing a twisted game of hide and seek.
“Enjoying the view Sweetheart?” speak of the devil, you nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard his voice behind you. You hadn’t even heard him enter your room so you had no idea how long he had been there. Jun chuckled at your obvious shock as he walked up behind you, reaching out to close the curtain before the rays of the sun could peak out and threaten him. Glancing at him over your shoulder, you saw that he had ditched his usual suit and jewels for his pajamas, a simple white shirt and baggy pants, giving you hope that this visit would be short.
“I thought you would be in bed,” you muttered as you turned to face him fully.
“Without saying goodnight?” he questioned, “I would never! You should know that by now.” He hummed in thought for a moment as he glanced down at you, bottom lip finding its way between his teeth, “Though judging by the way you’re dressed I’m assuming you’re staying up again. I don’t understand why though, it’s so lonely when everyone's asleep isn’t it?”
“I like being alone, and I’m not ready to give up my life just yet for the sake of your family,” you argued, making the male wince as if your words burned him.
“You really don’t like me do you?” he asked, or more like whined which made you roll your eyes. Surely the fact that an all powerful vampire such as himself was pouting at you like a kicked puppy was pitiful. Still, it seemed to have a bit of an effect on you as you sighed softly. 
“It’s not that I don’t like you,” you started to explain, “I mean come on we’re practically strangers and I’m supposed to give myself up to you completely in a few weeks time, do you really expect me to be happy about that?” You watched Juns eyes shift around the room for a moment, clicking his tongue as he processed what you said. His slender frame leaned against the support of your bed with his arms crossed over his chest as he looked back at you. 
“We wouldn’t be strangers if you gave me a chance you know?” he pointed out. You opened your mouth to argue but he cut you off with a single lift of his finger, “From the moment I came home to you I’ve been trying to get close to you and every time you push me away. I like to think I’m a patient man Y/N but your actions hurt me you know? So do tell me how am I supposed to get close to you when you constantly keep me at arm's length?”  You froze, eyes widening and mouth hanging slightly open as you tried to defend yourself. Even though you knew that Jun was right, the prideful part of you didn’t want to admit that fact. Just like you didn’t want to admit that you were too scared to let him get close to you. You weren’t sure if Jun read your mind, or he was just that observant, but you were snapped out of your little daze when you heard him chuckle. “So that’s how you want to play it then? You want to keep me as a stranger despite everything?” 
“Is there something so wrong with that?” you challenged, mirroring his position. Juns eyes scaled your form for a moment before sighing and glancing away. 
“I am trying you know,” he argued, “I wouldn’t have chosen you to be my bride if I didn’t see something special in you and you won’t even let me prove myself to you. That’s quite cold hearted you know.” You paused for a moment at his confession, not realizing he was the one who chose you but also never seeing him this sincere before. 
“What do you mean you chose me? You never even met me before that night?” you questioned, though it seemed Jun was back to his normal self as he merely clicked his tongue. 
“That is a story for another time my dear, you still haven’t answered my question?” he urged. Jun adjusted slightly and hardened his gaze as he looked back at you, making you feel tiny compared to him. You bit the tip of your tongue as you tried to think of a way out of this but it was clear he wasn’t leaving without an answer. 
“I guess I don’t know what I want,” you admitted sheepishly. Jun hummed in thought and you could have sworn you saw a smirk ghost across his lips before he was hardening his gaze again. 
“Well, let's think about it this way then, I want to get you close to me and you are afraid of opening up and letting me do that correct?” you wanted to protest but he shook his head, “It’s a yes or no question Y/N.” 
“I suppose,” you whispered, though it seemed he heard you anyway. 
“Well clearly neither of us are going to get what we want with how things are now, so why don’t we try something new? If you are willing to put that hard front of yours aside for a minute I have a deal for you,” he proposed, effectively catching you off guard. 
“What kind of deal exactly?” 
“It’s a simple deal really,” he assured, “one that I think both of us will benefit from. How it works is you give me a chance every day to win your heart. If I succeed, I get to give you a kiss. If I fail, that's a day you get to go out.” Your eyes widened as you processed his words. It seemed like it would be easy for you given how you avoided him thus far, but you knew this also meant he would be trying harder to win your attention. “Of course,” he continued after a moment, “this means you will also have to adapt to my schedule in order to be fair, but I’m sure you’d have just as much fun in the night life.” You nodded and took a moment to think it over, having the sinking feeling that there was more to this agreement than he was letting on. 
“What’s the catch?” you asked. 
“There’s no catch, it’s as straightforward as I can possibly make it. Our wedding is in three weeks, yes? That gives me ample time to prove myself to you, and if I don’t that’s more free time for you before you end up stuck with me, no?” The more you thought about it, the more you realized he had a point. 
“I suppose you’re right, but why are you so insistent on this deal?“ Jun let out an almost annoyed chuckle, but his expression didn’t falter. 
“We are destined to be together, you know. Not only is this a chance to be close to you but it’s also a fun build up to the main event where I finally get to kiss you where I want.” His words made you internally cringe, shaking your head to regain your composure. 
“This is a terrible idea!” you finally exclaimed, causing Jun to scoff.
“What’s the matter, doll? Are you afraid you’ll fall in love with me?” he raised his eyebrow in a teasing manner. You were sure if you tried to roll your eyes any harder, they would end up stuck in the back of your head. 
“I highly doubt I’d ever fall in love with you,” Jun visibly deflated a bit at your words, but regained his composure before you could fully process it. 
“Then there’s nothing for you to lose, might as well humor me and prove me wrong no?” It was getting increasingly harder to argue with him, and at this point you just wanted him to go to bed and leave you alone so you reluctantly gave in. 
“Okay, fine, you have yourself a deal,” you muttered, “are you happy now?” 
“Once you finalize the deal, yes I will be,” Jun agreed, standing up and walking over to you with his arm outstretched, offering his hand to you. You gave him a look of ‘Are you serious?’ before groaning and reaching out to shake his hand. His skin was cool at first, but quickly warmed up with your heat and you also took note of how soft his hand was. He firmly gripped your hand for a moment with a smile before letting go and slipping his hands into the pockets of his pajama pants. “Alright we have a deal, try not to have too much fun out there darling, tomorrow night is when the fun starts,” with that he turned and left your room, the door closing behind him with a gentle click. You stared at the spot he just stood for a minute before sighing and collapsing back down on your bed. Your head spun as you processed the mess you just got yourself into, suddenly no longer feeling like going out. 
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The first week following your agreement went by painfully slow. Most of it was you trying miserably to adjust to the nocturnal life, meaning you were way too tired to acknowledge any of Juns advances. He didn’t seem to mind too much though, giving you space and allowing you to enjoy your victory, though you only left the house maybe once the whole time. The rest of the time you were busy staring off into space or reading whatever book you could get your hands on in the study to keep from passing out. Minghao had actually been a great help during this time, giving you story suggestions and even suggesting a certain tea he drank often that could help you stay awake. He also introduced you to Wonwoo, another one of the prominent workers at the manor. Wonwoo had spent most of his life as a scholar so he showed you all the best stories both hardcover and digital. You also learned he had quite a knack for video games and showed you how to access them on one of the computers in the main study. After that, you found it very easy to stay up during the hours of the night, something Jun immediately took notice of. 
“Good Morning Starlight,” you jumped at the sound of his voice as you stepped into the kitchen, turning to see Jun perched up against the counter. He wasn’t as dressed up as he normally was, wearing only a thin shirt and leather pants with the familiar family jewels adorning his fingers and ears. His hair also wasn’t slicked back like it normally was, merely brushed to keep his bangs out of his eyes. He also didn’t appear to have any makeup on, the familiar black shadow from his eyes all but gone. You hated how attractive he looked even when he didn’t seem to be trying. Though the main thing that caught your attention was his lips, stained red from the thick red liquid he was swirling in a glass. Every few moments he would sip at it as if the drink were a fine red wine, though you knew better than to try and trick yourself. “It’s cows blood, don’t worry,” he muttered when he noticed your hesitation, “we only really need to drink blood maybe once or twice a week to keep up our strength. The supply is donated to us from the local butcher and lasts quite a while. We never feed from humans, unless they offer themselves to us of course.” You blinked a bit as you processed his explanation, again watching the liquid slosh around as he spun the glass between his fingers. 
“I take it you don’t get offers very often?” you questioned, not really sure you wanted to know the answer. 
“You’d be surprised,” he responded, “a lot of humans get curious. They come to us asking just for just a quick bite, allowing them to know the sensation. There’s a rumor going around that a bite from a vampire can be quite pleasurable and they want to know if it’s true so they basically throw themselves at us. It’s kind of funny if you ask me.” You raised an eyebrow at him as he answered the question, addressing the topic like it was the most simple thing in the world. Though you also noticed the underlying tone in his voice when he mentioned pleasure, knowing immediately what he was implying. 
“Does it taste different then?” you asked, and this time it was his turn to raise an eyebrow. 
“Is this really something you’re interested in or are you just trying to make conversation?” when you shrugged he chuckled, “well in a way yes it does. I can’t really describe it to you but the different proteins and types change the flavor.” He quickly finished his drink and set the glass to the side, wiping his lips with his sleeve. “I’m flattered you’re actually taking interest in me though, it means a lot,” he teased as he walked over to you, “enough about me though, I’m guessing you’re hungry right? How about I get you breakfast and then we go through a walk around the manor.” You nodded softly and he smiled, patting your shoulder and motioning for you to take a seat. Jun hummed softly as he roamed around the kitchen, grabbing an assortment of different items and setting them down in front of you before taking a seat himself. 
“Did you just grab the whole kitchen?” you asked, slowly beginning to pick at the food in front of you. 
“I’m not too sure what you like so figured I’d just grab what we had. You’re also the only one who requires food to survive so we don’t have much at the moment,” he confessed. 
“You mean to tell me you guys only drink blood?” you exclaimed, making him laugh. 
“No of course not,” he replied with a chuckle, “we still like to drink and have meals but it’s just for the fun and taste of it. We don’t really get any sustenance from meals like this.” To prove his point he snatched a grape from one of the bowls in front of you, rolling it between his fingers before popping it delicately into his mouth. You hummed in thought as you copied his action, letting the flavors rest on your tongue for a moment before grabbing a roll. There was a silence that fell over the both of you, you focused on eating and Jun watching you intently. Normally this would make you shy away from him but something about this reaction was oddly domestic and quite comfortable. You tried not to overthink this change though, telling yourself you were just used to his presence now that you had spent a week with him. 
“You said you wanted to go for a walk after this?” you remembered as you finished up your breakfast, “doesn’t that seem kind of boring though?” Jun tilted his head and raised an eyebrow at you which made you shrug, “I mean, I’ve pretty much seen everything here already so what’s the point?” This made him chuckle a bit, leaning back in his chair without taking his eyes off of you. 
“I can assure you that you haven’t seen everything, so I figured I’d show you a few fun places you haven’t seen yet,” he explained. 
“Places like what?” you asked.
“Well for starters, do you really expect to stay in a guest room after we’re married?” he answered your question with one of his own, “we’re going to be sharing a lot so I figured I’d show you where you’d be staying after. There are also a few special places that are technically for family only but I don’t think they will mind if I show you a bit early.” You had to admit, now you were intrigued to find out what was being hidden from you. Jun noticed and smiled at your eagerness, standing up and walking over to where you were still seated, “Once you finish eating I’d recommend grabbing a jacket, it gets a bit chilly at this time. I’ll meet you by the staircase when you’re ready.” With that he patted your shoulder softly and exited the room. You turned your head just enough to watch him leave before sighing and returning your attention to the food. 
“He’s planning something, I just know it,” you mutter to yourself, finishing the roll you had been snacking on and putting everything back where you thought it belonged. With that out of the way you ran upstairs to your room and rummaged through your closet for something warm you could put on. It wasn’t that cold in the manor itself so you didn't want to wear anything too heavy, but you assumed based on what Jun said that you would end up outside at some point so you wanted to be prepared. It took a minute for you to finally just settle on a sweater that you could throw over your top, thick enough to keep you warm but not enough to make you overheat. 
When you left your room you saw Jun standing by the staircase as promised, though his back was turned to you as he conversed with two individuals you had never seen before. Two other males, one dressed in all black with his hair slicked back and the other in all white with his hair down, almost as long as Juns but not quite. They dressed like polar opposites yet seemed like they belonged together as you watched them talk with your fiance. They were laughing at something, the one in all white even reaching out to hit at Juns arm. You were curious as to what they were talking about, but didn’t want to be rude and interrupt so you stayed put. The other male noticed you after a second, pointing in your direction which made Jun turn to face you. 
“Ah there you are, don’t be shy come and join us,” he urged you over. You stayed put for a moment before doing as you were told, silently walking to stand beside Jun with a shy smile. “Y/N meet Joshua and Jeonghan, they have been close friends of the family since even before I was born,” he introduced you, both males bowing their heads to you. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Joshua greeted, “though I’m sure we’ll get to know each other very soon.”
“We work very closely with Jun and his family so we were summoned in to help with the wedding, specifically to help you,” Jeonghan explained. You shrunk a little bit in realization, nodding and forcing a smile so as to not be rude. 
“Ah I see, then I guess we will get close won’t we?” you muttered. 
“I hope so, it would be nice to have a friend that’s normal,” Joshua teased.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jun whined, “I am normal!”
“Suuure you are,” Jeonghan stated with amusement. The three went back and forth for a minute which made you laugh softly, finding the interaction similar to you and your friends. It didn’t last long though as Jun quickly regained himself, clearing his throat and placing his hand on your shoulder. 
“Anyways, I promised this one I’d show her around so we should probably get on that, I’ll see you too before bed though,” with that he was guiding you past the two males, pausing only long enough for you to wave goodbye. 
“They seem fun,” you commented as you walked with Jun down the hall. 
“They’re a pain but I love them,” Jun agreed, “everyone here is like a big family if you haven’t noticed already.” In reality you had noticed, having seen the way the family interacted with each other and their staff. Of course there was mutual respect but it never seemed like a boss and employee type situation, more like a friendship if anything. 
“Is that because of how long everyone's been here?” you asked. 
“Perhaps that may be part of it but I wouldn’t say that’s the reason,” Jun replied, “We may all work together but everyone here has a different story for how they got here. For certain people like Joshua and Jeonghan our families ran together so we were raised together. Then you have people like Mingyu or Wonwoo who came from lower class families and grew to bond with us. Or, on the complete opposite side you have my brother, we’re not related by blood and he was born a human but we took him in and I love him just as much as I would if he were born into the family.” Jun paused for a moment before shaking his head with a soft laugh, “I’m rambling now but my point is that it doesn’t matter where you come from or how long you’ve been around someone, it’s all about the bond you build with them.” You sighed as you processed his words, casting your gaze down to the floor. He talked about bonding with someone as if it was the easiest thing in the world and yet here you were, making things more difficult by avoiding him. You never cared about getting to know him before so why did you feel so guilty all of the sudden? If Jun noticed your shift in mood he didn’t say anything, continuing to walk a bit before stopping in front of a door. 
“Enough of that though, I’m here to show you what your life will look like with me. This should be an exciting moment,” he gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze and opened the door, gently nudging you inside. You couldn’t help but gasp as you walked in and looked around the room. Juns bedroom was nearly twice the size of yours, the walls mostly the same white color as the rest of the manor but with red accents that gave it an almost romantic glow. The wall opposite you had large window like doors that opened to a small balcony overlooking the outside of the manor, dark red curtains pulled back to let the moonlight seep into the room. The light hit his bed perfectly, centered in the middle of the room like a centerpiece. Delicately carved wooden frames accented with the same red curtains and satin sheets in the same color. The walls were decorated with a few paintings, one of Jun, another of the family, and the last you couldn’t quite make out but the rest was bare. Cautiously you stepped further into the room, feeling the soft rug tickle at your ankles as you walked to the bed, Jun stayed quiet as he watched you. His figure leaned against the doorway with an amused grin as he watched you explore, touching things so gently as if you were worried they would break. 
“Don’t be shy,” he spoke up after a moment, “this will be your room soon enough so don’t be afraid to get used to it.” He closed the door and walked over to where you were, falling back onto the bed and laying with his back against the headboard so he could watch you. 
“This room is amazing,” you said in awe, moving away from his bed and walking over to the balcony. 
“It’s a bit old fashioned for my taste but it is nice,” Jun remarked. 
“Old fashioned?” you asked, to which he nodded softly. 
“This original manor was built by my great grandfather when he was elected into power,” Jun explained, “my grandfather and dad made a few changes to the decor to match the changing times but a lot of it is still the same as when it was first built.” Vampire age was still a concept you were confused by, but given how old Mr. Wen was you could only assume the manor was over a couple thousand years old, which was shocking because it looked brand new. “If you’re wondering why it’s in such good condition, it’s gradually rebuilt and redecorated whenever a new head takes over,” he added. You couldn’t help but scoff a bit at how easily he seemed to read your mind, or maybe he was just that used to these questions. 
“So do you plan on renovating when you take over?” you asked, brushing your hands across the curtain. 
“I have a few ideas, I won’t change much but it would be nice to modernize everything a bit,” he explained, “it would be nice to have a TV in here don’t you think? Maybe a few more computers since I’ve noticed a lot of people here like playing games.” He glanced over at you as he said this, making you smile shyly. 
“There was nothing else to do and Wonwoo showed me how to play so...” he cut you off before you could finish explaining. 
“It doesn’t bother me at all, I want you to be comfortable here,” he promised. You nodded and glanced back outside, having to focus to see outside through your own reflection. Your fingers brushed against the cool railing, searching for the handle to open the door when you heard footsteps behind you. You could almost feel Jun press against you as he reached up to undo the latch and swing the doors open. “It may be a bit high for you to reach,” he teased, patting your head and brushing past you to walk onto the balcony. You quickly followed, shivering a bit at the cold. The balcony wasn’t large, just big enough for the two of you to stand on it comfortably. Over the railing you could see out into the back gardens, a vast maze of different flowers and other plants illuminated by the moon. In the middle stood what appeared to be a fountain, though you couldn’t make out its shape, and in the distance you thought you spotted a greenhouse. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” 
“It is,” you agreed, looking at the vast array of flowers, “I didn’t even know we had a back garden.”
“There’s only really one way to access it and it’s kind of hidden by the study so it makes sense you didn’t know,” Jun said with a chuckle, “do you want to see it up close?” You eagerly nodded, an action he repeated with a smile, “Alright then, shall we?” He gestured for you to go back into the room, closing the door behind him before offering his arm to you. You hesitated slightly but gave in and wrapped your arm around his, allowing him to guide you out of his room and down the hall. The general study was a place you were familiar with, a large room decorated with multiple wooden desks and bookshelves. The main room branched off into two smaller studies, one that Minghao used as a personal art studio and the other that belonged to Jun, though you’d never seen the older brother use his. 
Jun led you through the room to a back area that had previously been concealed by one of the large bookshelves. Had he not led you right to it, you wouldn’t have even noticed that it was there. 
“Wow this is hidden,” you commented, Jun nodding and letting go of your arm to open the door. 
“There’s quite a few rare plants out here with very special properties. We keep the entrance hidden from guests to keep people from abusing them,” he explained as he opened the door and nudged you through. This time you were prepared for the chill that attacked you as you stepped outside, pulling your sweater closer to your body. Almost immediately your senses picked up on the scents of the various flowers surrounding you. It was almost overpowering but you found it quite pleasurable. Jun wrapped his arm around your shoulders and led you through the rows of flowers and into the clearing. You stopped a few times to glance at certain ones that caught your eye, careful not to get too close and ruin them. Jun didn’t have the best knowledge of all the flowers, but he told you the brief information he did know, such as names or where they were from. You had to give him credit for trying, making it clear that he was trying to impress you, and perhaps it was working.  
When you finally made it to the middle of the garden you gasped. You hadn’t been able to make out the full view from the balcony but now you could see everything. The area was outlined with various shrubs and trees that blocked it off from the rest of the garden, though there was an opening that allowed the moon to shine through. There were a few benches nestled into the corner, and in the middle was the fountain you saw earlier. Carved marble base leading up to the silhouette of an angel, the vase she was holding being the part of the fountain that water spilled out of in addition to small jets around the base. 
“This is beautiful,” you mused, walking over to take a seat on the fountain. There were a few stray water drops that sprayed you but you paid no mind, closing your eyes and listening to the sound of the water. Jun stayed in his spot the whole time, smiling to himself as he watched you, enjoying the first peaceful moment between the two of you. 
“It really is, isn’t it?” he agreed, though he wasn’t exactly talking about the fountain. He couldn’t stop his eyes from trailing across your frame, taking in every detail while you were peacefully unaware of what he was doing. Eventually he got tired of watching you though, moving to take a seat beside you. Your eyes opened as you felt his leg brush against yours, glancing over to see Jun looking up at the sky. Now it was your turn to admire him, taking note of the way his long hair framed his face, and how he seemed to glow under the moonlight. You wondered, if he hadn’t been immortal, would he still be this beautiful? “Like what you see?” he asked without looking away from his spot, making you shy away from him. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you tried to argue, “I was just enjoying the view of the garden.”
“I take it I am part of the garden then? You’ve been staring at me for at least the past five minutes.”
“Does my staring bother you?” you questioned. 
“No not at all,” he assured, finally looking down at you, “in fact I actually find it quite comforting. It means that there’s at least some part of you that’s drawn to me.” You wanted to argue but opted against it, knowing there was no winning with Jun. He smirked at you before glancing at the sky one last time, “Damn, time really does fly by fast doesn’t it. The sun should be coming up soon.” 
“Wow already?” you exclaimed, glancing up but not seeing any sign of the sky getting brighter. 
“You learn new tricks to tell time when you need to avoid the sun,” he said, “I’d rather go in early than be caught off guard otherwise I would take you to see the greenhouse. If you’re impressed by this I can imagine what you’ll think of it.”
“What happens if you stay out in the sun?” you asked, causing him to side eye you for a moment. 
“We don’t burst into flames or anything if that’s what you’re thinking,” he said with a slight hint of amusement, “It does burn us pretty badly though, like think of the feeling you’d get if you kept your hand on a hot stove or even a flame. For purebloods like myself, if we didn’t get inside within a few hours we would likely succumb to the heat and burn. Though some half bred vampires aren’t fully developed so they can go out if they wish.” You let out a soft “oh” before looking away, not even wanting to imagine that pain. Jun gave your shoulder an assuring pat and urged you to look at him, “Don’t worry about me though, I don’t plan on letting myself get hurt anytime soon,” he smiled softly at you, squeezing your shoulder until you smiled back, “there we go I like it better when you smile. You’re more than welcome to stay out here if you wish, but I really should get inside before the sun comes up.” He squeezed your shoulder one last time and was about to get up before he stopped himself, “Oh but before I go, I do believe I get a prize for today, no?” You were confused and about to ask what he meant before remembering the deal you made with him. 
“Alright I guess you do win for today,” you gave in. Jun smiled and grabbed your hand, playing with your fingers for a moment before placing a soft kiss on the back of your palm. His lips were soft and slightly cooler in texture, much like the rest of him, but you couldn’t help feeling your body heat up at the contact. 
“One of hopefully many,” Jun whispered, his breath and lips tickling your skin, “until tomorrow my love.” He placed your hand back into your lap and stood up, adjusting his shirt as he walked out of the garden, slow enough for you to follow if you wished but not pressuring you. You watched him leave before returning your attention to the fountain with a sigh, glancing down at your reflection in the water. Without Jun beside you, it suddenly felt much colder, the breeze blowing the water onto you like a harsh mist. Still you didn’t move for quite a while, even as the sun rose and you felt exhaustion creep into you, you didn’t want to move. You hated how lonely it suddenly felt without Jun beside you, and you hated the way your hand still tingled where he kissed you. Though you told yourself it was just being flustered and touch starved. Jun was still a stranger to you, and there was no way you could ever see yourself falling for a vampire. You kept telling yourself that as you finally stood up and slowly made your way inside, even as you changed and tucked yourself into bed the words repeated. 
You could never fall in love with Wen Junhui. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
Unfortunately for you, fate seemed to have other ideas for what you wanted. Jun, encouraged by getting his first kiss, seemed to only up his game as the days went by. Meal dates, going for walks, performing a song for you, even taking you out into town to give you an idea of what the nightlife was like. You quickly learned that things didn’t operate much differently when vampires were running things and most were more than welcoming to you. Jun had taken you to all of his favorite stops, including his favorite restaurant and an arcade he went to with his friends a lot growing up. You also learned a lot more about him during that time. Jun explained to you how his family line is actually from China and they weren’t always as powerful. The Wen name grew with his great grandfather, who had moved in search of business opportunities and ended up in the right place at the right time. Because of their heritage, the family was in charge of many international affairs. You also learned that Jun was multilingual, practically begging for him to say something to you in Chinese when you heard that. Lastly you learned that Jun was a man of many talents, especially when it came to singing or dancing. It felt like you were meeting him for the first time, and every time you learned something new about him you found yourself falling for him more. No matter how hard you tried to deny it, or to distance yourself from him, he always made his way back with a kiss right before the sun rose. After your hand it was your wrist, then the top of your head, then your forehead, and, most recently, your cheek. Every kiss made you tingle and crave more of him, as if there was some type of love potion on his lips that he applied to you with each one. You supposed that wasn’t entirely out of the question but you doubted that Jun would be desperate enough to try a stunt like that. 
Not everyday was a victory for Jun though, there had been a few where you weren’t in the mood for his antics or something happened that pulled his attention away from you. Those days he would sigh and tell you to enjoy your night out with a semi forced smile, making sure you knew to call him if something went wrong. You tried to enjoy going out alone those days, and to be fair you did have fun exploring the new shops that were usually closed in the day, but you always felt slightly guilty. Every time you left you saw Juns disappointed expression in your mind and you ended up dragging yourself back to the manor way earlier than you intended. Most of the time he would be busy with something work or wedding related and wouldn’t realize you were home until much later. One time, however, you caught him working in his study, smiling at your presence and inviting you to sit with him as he worked. You ended up staying there for hours talking about whatever came to mind. 
Unfortunately, there was a new issue presenting itself that threatened to drive a wedge between the two of you. That issue being the fact that your wedding was now only a few days away. Meaning that not only was Jun being dragged away, but you were as well. The realization of everything happening weighed on you like a million bricks and suddenly it felt like you were back to where you started when you first moved in. You were nervous, on edge, and it seemed like all progress being made with Jun was starting to go backwards. You never saw him anymore, and when you did he was too busy to acknowledge you. The most you ever got was a hello or him telling you how gorgeous you looked before he was being dragged off again to who knows where. 
You didn’t even know why the distance upset you so much when not even two weeks ago all you wanted was for him to leave you alone. You did your best to convince yourself that you were just lonely without him, occupying your time by hanging out with any servant you could find or even Minghao. The younger vampire was clearly put off by your sudden attachment to him, but he allowed you to keep him company anyways. You would read with him or sit in his study/studio with him while he worked on a new painting until Jun or a worker came to find you. Minghao definitely wasn’t one for words but you learned quickly that he was good with advice and listening. Whenever he saw that frustrated look on your face he would offer you a glass of tea or wine and listen to you as you vented your frustrations. Depending on your mood he would either then offer you advice or distract you with something else like picking out colors for the wedding. You also quickly learned the younger vampire had quite the eye for color and fashion, so much so that you swear he lit up when you asked him to help you with your wedding dress. 
That was exactly what the two of you were doing now, with the assistance of Joshua and Jeonghan. You had been standing in the middle of your room modeling every style, color, and fabric known to man. Jeonghan and Joshua seemed happy with most of the designs, but Minghao still hadn’t found anything he had liked. 
“This one’s too long.”
“This one's too short.”
“Neckline on this one isn’t flattering.”
“The dress shape hides your figure too much.”
“This color doesn’t match your complexion at all.”
“This color is cute but the style is all wrong.”
By what easily felt like the millionth try on, you were frustrated and about ready to throw a pillow at Minghao. The male in question was humming softly to himself as he circled around you, clicking his tongue in disapproval. 
“Hao, is all of this really necessary?” you whined, struggling to stand up straight as you felt something poking your side. 
“Of course it is!” he replied, “you want to look perfect for your wedding right? We should not settle for anything less than perfect.” He circled around you one more time before shaking his head, “We’re getting closer but no this one is still off, next.” You couldn’t help but groan, half tempted to slam your head into the nearest wall when Joshua spoke up. 
“I think that’s the last one we have right now and I think Y/N is getting tired,” he stated softly. Minghao sighed and shook his head, muttering something under his breath as Joshua spoke again. 
“How about we just sit down and discuss what we did and didn’t like about all of them, so you can narrow down the list and we can find something.” You had half the mind to run over and kiss Joshua for the idea, nodding eagerly when Minghao glanced at you. 
“Very well,” he agreed, “go get changed Y/N and we can discuss this, we need to get this done soon so we can find the dress before the wedding day.” You wanted to roll your eyes at the mention of the wedding. Honestly you didn’t care for your dream wedding at this point, you felt like you weren’t getting a say in much and you were so stressed that you just wanted everything to be over. 
Nonetheless, you sat down with all three boys and discussed your ideas until you had designed a dress that everyone agreed on. It would be slightly form fitting to flatter your figure, but also allow you to move around freely, with a neckline that was not modest but not too revealing either. The same red, white, and black color scheme that the rest of the family seemed to love, and a few lace accents to make it elegant. You would decide on your accessories and veil later, but Minghao seemed satisfied with the design and ran off to get working, Joshua and Jeonghan hesitantly following after apologizing to you for the younger's attitude. 
Exhausted and beyond frustrated, you found yourself leaving your room and going to the one place you knew people would leave you alone, the garden. Tucking yourself away on one of the farthest benches, you sighed and buried your head in your knees. The sound of the fountain and the wind rustling the leaves brought you great comfort as you tried to clear your mind. No more stress about the wedding, no more stress about Jun, no more stress about anything. Why couldn’t your life just go back to the way it was before? Why did you have to be stuck here, getting married to a vampire to help your family? Even worse, why were you actually starting to fall in love with him? Why couldn’t you have just stayed strangers and just used the wedding for show? Part of you wished you never met Jun until your wedding day, then all of this would have been significantly easier. 
“There you are,” lifting your head, you locked eyes with the one man who occupied your mind. Jun looked exhausted, his shirt messily unbuttoned under his vest which also wasn’t fastened properly. His eyeshadow was smudged, making it look like he hadn’t slept in years, and his hair was messy as if he just rolled out of bed. He was a mess, and yet you still found him unbelievably gorgeous. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” he confessed as he sat down beside you, “Jeonghan told me you were in a pretty bad mood earlier.”
“I suppose you could stay that,” you muttered, “what about you though, you look like a mess.”
“Thanks I tried my best,” he replied sarcastically, though his expression quickly softened, “I just have a lot to do, that's all. My parents have been preparing me for the wedding and taking over the family so I guess I’ve been stretched pretty thin.”
“So I’ve noticed,” you whispered to yourself, Jun heard it though as you felt his arm wrap around you. 
“Awe don’t tell me my sweet girl missed me?” he teased, “I’m sorry I haven’t been giving you much attention, will you ever forgive me.”
“Shut up!” you groaned as you nudged him off of you, “who said I missed you?”
“Your actions are worth a million words, you know?” he pointed out. When you didn't respond he huffed and leaned closer as if telling you a secret, “Also you should know that word gets around quickly in this family.” It took you a second to realize what he meant, internally groaning as you realized his brother probably told him everything. 
“Remind me to kill Minghao next time I see him,” you hissed which made Jun laugh. 
“You can’t kill what’s already dead My Love. Also don’t be mad at him, he’s only trying to help.” You bit your bottom lip and cast your gaze down, watching the grass sway beneath your feet for a moment. Jun quickly dropped the teasing and cleared his throat, tapping your shoulder to get your attention, “Seriously though Y/N, I know I haven’t been around much recently and I’m sorry. I can’t make up for that but I am here now so talk to me, what’s bothering you?” You debated answering for a moment, gnawing at your lip and curling up more. Jun waited patiently for you to collect your thoughts, not taking his gaze off of you as you finally sat up properly and looked at him. 
“It’s stupid but this isn’t what I wanted,” you confessed, “I always dreamed about having this royal and lavish wedding and now I’m getting it but not how I wanted. I don’t know anything about how vampire weddings work and I haven’t gotten a single say in anything. I didn’t get to choose who I marry, when, how, hell I barely even got a say in my own dress. It hurts even worse because I’ve been so confused about my feelings for you and now I don’t know what to do.” You took a deep breath after speaking, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off of you. Jun stayed silent for a second, his occasional blinking the only sign that he hadn’t completely frozen. Then, before you had time to react, he was pulling you against him in a tight hug. You gasped, needing a moment to process the contact before giving in and hugging him back. Your arms wrapped tightly around his waist and your head buried into his chest, ignoring the lack of a heartbeat and instead focusing on his scent. Of course you had been close to Jun before but not like this. His scent was very floral, but there was also a hint that reminded you of herbal tea, it was refreshing and very much him. 
“I’m sorry,” Jun muttered into your hair, pulling away from you just enough so that he could look at you, “this is all my fault. I’m the one that dragged you here, and I’m the one that kept you in the dark. I should have told you everything from the beginning.”
“Can you tell me now?” you asked, looking up at him. 
“What do you want to know?” he answered you with his own question. 
“Everything, why did you choose me? Also what is going to happen at our wedding and what happens after? I want to know so I can prepare.” Jun exhaled harshly but nodded, keeping one hand on your arm while the other moved to run through his still messy hair. 
“Well to start, I chose you because I saw something special in you. Families like mine always married off their next in line to a human, that’s an agreement to keep things fair on both sides. I am the oldest son and so I knew when the time came I would need to find someone to marry, my parents knew this too so they often sent me out during the day. I was disguised of course and protected from the sun, so I think I did a good job blending in. You probably don’t even remember that you’ve met me before, I stopped by your work one day with a friend. I don’t know why but something about you was different, special, I knew that exact moment that you were the one. So I asked my friend to get to know you and everything he told me only proved to me that I made the right decision.” You tried your hardest to remember ever getting close to someone that would know Jun, or even when you saw him before but your mind was coming up blank. 
“What was your friend's name?” you asked, desperate to know who it was he was talking about. 
 “Kwon Soonyoung, but he often had people call him Hoshi,” your eyes widened at the name, recognizing it as one of your old coworkers. He started working there about a month after you and you two became friends almost immediately, you had no idea that he had any connection to someone like Jun. 
“Him, really?” you asked. 
“What, didn’t expect that I could befriend a human?” he questioned. 
“No no not that it’s just, how did I have no idea?” Jun smiled and patted your head playfully, laughing as it messed up your hair. 
“You not knowing means he did his job well, but yeah I learned about you through him, and then when I was told it was time, I sent Mingyu to get you. The timing wasn’t the best though as Hao and I had to return back to China to deal with a few personal matters, which is why you spent the first year with just my parents,” he explained. You were both silent for a moment as you processed the information, then Jun spoke again, “as for the wedding, it will probably be a bit different than you’re expecting. Everything will still happen that does at a normal wedding, but there is also the business element and the mating ritual that goes along with it. All our friends and family will be there, but so will the main political powers on both sides to ensure that the wedding is official, so it may be a bit more crowded than you’re used to. Though it is your wedding as much as it is mine so if you would like to join me in planning things I would love to have you with me.” You nodded and smiled, glad he was giving you the chance to be involved, though your smile quickly dropped as you remembered the mating part. 
“What exactly is the mating ritual?” you asked, albeit a bit hesitant. Jun sighed, almost looking like he didn’t want you to ask.  
“Divorce isn’t really a thing in our life,” he started, “so vampires are known to ‘mate’ for life I guess you could say. When we marry the bond between us is shared by a blood exchange, it will keep me connected to you, allow me to know what you’re feeling and be close to you even if not physically.”
“A blood exchange, that means that...” you trailed off. 
“I will have to bite you,” he answered your question for you, “but it will be quick I promise and you can choose where you want me to do it.”
“Will it hurt?” 
“It shouldn’t, remember I said most people even say it’s pleasurable. You’ll feel a little prick and then after that it should just feel warm,” he explained. 
“I don’t have to drink your blood though, right?” you asked. 
“Not unless you want to become a vampire yourself,” he responded with a chuckle, “but you don’t have to decide that now.” You nodded softly, looking down and feeling your cheeks heat up as another question entered your mind. 
“Umm, what about the wedding night?” you immediately regretted the question as you saw a mischievous glint in Juns eye. 
“Why are you that excited for what’s going to happen?” when he saw you blush harder he snickered and patted your shoulder, “relax Qinqin I’m just teasing you. Eventually my parents are going to expect an heir to the Wen family, but if you’re not ready on our wedding night we can just share a drink and relax.” 
“What if I am ready?” you asked yourself outloud, not really thinking about it until you saw Juns expression. 
“Are you ready?” he pushed, you quickly felt shy and looked away, but he placed his fingers under your chin to make you look at him. 
“Yes? No? I mean...I don’t know I don’t even know how I feel about you,” you confessed. Jun hummed in thought and you could have sworn you saw him blushing a bit himself. 
“I think you do know and you’re lying to yourself,” he whispered. Your eyes widened as he drew slightly closer, barely inches away from you. His dark eyes were blown and piercing as they stared at you, your own glancing down on his lips then back at his eyes. “Just admit it Y/N,” he whispered, “I won, you’re falling for me.” Your breath hitched, wanting to turn away but feeling like you were frozen in place. Jun huffed and leaned forward, placing a kiss to the side of your lips, just enough to tease you. Your eyes fluttered for a moment at the contact before opening again and looking up at him in confusion. “That’s how I know you do feel something for me,” he pointed out, placing another kiss to your forehead before pulling away, “don’t worry my dear, you’ll get the real thing in a few days, just be patient.” You didn’t know whether you wanted to hit him at that moment or pull him close to you and kiss him. He didn’t give you the option though as he was standing up and excusing himself, letting you know that he would be in his room if you needed company. You whined to yourself as you were quickly up on your feet and rushing after him, not wanting to be alone just yet. 
“I’ll get you back for that Wen Jun!”
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
You definitely took Jun up on his offer to join him in wedding planning, getting a say in everything from the decor to the catering. You also got a glance into the life Jun lived, watching as he handled different affairs and communicated with different workers. It was honestly endearing watching him in his element, though you did your best to stay out of his way. Whenever he wasn’t too busy though you guys were enjoying your time together, oftentimes with him having his arm around you while you looked at decor ideas for the manor or holding your hand as you organized seating for the wedding. That domestic feeling returned and this time you didn’t fight it, actually finding yourself excited for your wedding. 
It felt like only a minute before the day in question came, you were woken up early when Minghao, Joshua, and Mrs. Wen burst into your room. The sun hadn’t even set completely, as you could see the rays poking out through a crack in your curtains. Minghao quickly rushed to pull them fully closed though as Mrs. Wen placed a tray with fruit and tea on your nightstand. 
“Rise and shine my dear,” she urged, “it’s time to get you ready for your big day!” 
“Already?” you asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, “it’s so early.” 
“Yes but there’s a lot to do,” the older woman reminded, “we need to get you fed and dressed, do your hair and makeup, and then get the final preparations ready. Our guests will start arriving in a few hours so we need to make sure everything is done now.” You groaned softly but nodded, taking the tea from the tray and sipping at it as you woke up, Mrs. Wen fretting over your health and complexing as Minghao and Joshua focused on getting your dress. “You look a little pale my dear, do you need anything? I can go get you some medicine.”
“I’m fine I promise, just a bit nervous,” you assured. 
“Mom, relax, I’m sure you remember how nervous you were when you got married,” Minghao argued, making a few last minute adjustments on your dress. 
“You shouldn’t listen to everything your father says, you weren’t even there,” the woman argued, though Minghao only giggled as he focused on his work. You also laughed a bit at the family's banter before finally giving in and getting out of bed. 
“Alright what do you need me to do?” you asked. 
“You go wash up and then I’ll help you get dressed, just call when you’re ready for me. Then the boys and I will help make sure everything is in place and do your hair and makeup. By then it should be almost time to start so you can rest,” Mrs. Wen explained. You nodded and made your way to the bathroom, quickly showering and brushing your teeth before calling for help with your dress. It was simple enough that you were mostly able to get it on yourself, but you still needed help with the zipper and the layers. You couldn’t help but look at yourself in the mirror as the older woman helped you out, tearing up at the sight of you in the dress. You hadn’t been the most fond of the idea at first, but seeing yourself in it made you realize how gorgeous it actually was. It seemed your soon to be mother in law agreed as she stared at you in awe. “You look gorgeous Darling,” she praised, adjusting the bodice and allowing you to glance at yourself. 
“Thank you, I feel gorgeous,” you agreed. She clapped in excitement before helping you back out to your room where the two males were waiting. Minghao was holding various sewing supplies and Joshua was holding your veil and a few other accessories. Behind them on the bed was a kit which you assumed was for your hair and makeup. Both males smiled as they saw you, Minghao clapping softly as he walked over to you. 
“I told you this would be perfect,” he boasted, getting a gentle whack on the back of his head from his mom. He didn’t acknowledge it though as he looked over you to see if there were any needed adjustments. “I’m sorry if this is awkward to ask but,” he said nervously, “but have you decided where you want your…mating bite to be?” The room went awkwardly silent, you stiffening and looking at him which made him rub the back of his neck. “I’m only asking to know if I need to adjust the dress at all so Jun can access it, that’s all.” The room went silent again, all the attention on you as they waited for a reaction. 
“It’s fine if you don’t know yet,” Mrs. Wen assured but you shook your head. 
“No no it’s fine,” you promised, “I guess I haven’t really thought about it, what would you suggest?”
“Well,” she trailed off as she thought about it, “I personally chose my neck, it’s a bit more intimate than your wrist but it would be easier for him to reach and the mark is easier to hide.” You nodded, placing your finger on your pulse point as you thought about it. 
“If you want to consider both options I was bitten on my wrist when I turned,” Minghao said, showing you his wrist where you could clearly see the scar, “it doesn’t hurt but it does feel tingly and if he bites your wrist it may take a bit longer.” You reached out to gently grab the male's wrist, which he allowed, tracing your thumb over the two bite marks then letting him go. 
“I guess I’ll go with my neck, it seems easier,” you decided. 
“Good choice,” Joshua muttered from his spot on the bed. Minghao nodded and moved to adjust your sleeve, pinning it down a bit so that your neck was exposed. 
“That should stay put,” he commented, “all you have to do when it’s time is tilt your head back a bit.” He mimicked the action and you nodded in understanding, not wanting to question how he knew what to do. 
“Now then,” Mrs Wen quickly spoke up, “we still have a lot to do, go ahead and have a seat and we’ll finish getting you ready.”
The next three hours were spent making sure everything was absolutely perfect, eventually Minghao had to excuse himself to help Jun and get ready himself but Joshua and Mrs. Wen stayed with you to keep you company. Apparently there was also a moment where Jun tried to sneak in and see you but he was promptly dragged away. To pass the time the two told you stories about the past, specifically stories they knew would embarrass Jun. Moments like him dancing around with his arms behind his back, failing miserably at sports, or just randomly running up to a mirror and saying how handsome he was before running away. Every story made you laugh more as you imagined the Jun you knew doing all these things. Before long you got a knock on your door, one of the female staff poking her head to let you know it was time. Joshua quickly took his leave after giving you a reassuring smile, leaving you with Mrs. Wen. The woman glanced at you to silently ask if you were ready, handing you your bouquet before linking your arms and leading you out of your room and to the stairs. 
The manor was set up so that the main room was turned into a ballroom type setting, all of the guests sitting with their backs towards you. At the front of the room, stood by the now decorated front door, was Jun. He was wearing a perfectly pressed white shirt under a black vest with red accents and a matching red tie. His makeup was sharp but toned back a bit, enough to make his eyes look piercing and his lips stand out more. His shoulder length hair was also slicked back, the top layer tied up in a half ponytail. Minghao, Joshua, and Wonwoo were standing behind him, all dressed up in matching suits. At the announcement of your arrival, all the guests immediately turned to face you. Many of them were faces you didn’t recognize, but you could see your close friends and family towards the front, all smiling up at you. Mrs. Wen gave your arm a gentle squeeze before walking you down the stairs and towards the front, your eyes locking onto Juns from behind your veil. He couldn’t see you properly yet, but you swore you’d be able to see his smile from a mile away. 
Mrs. Wen bowed her head to the officiant before handing you over to her son and moving to take her seat beside her husband. Jun took your flowers and handed them to Joshua behind him, lifting your veil and running a finger across your cheek. 
“You look breathtaking,” he whispered. 
“So do you,” you replied. He chuckled softly and grabbed your hand, both of you turning to face the officiant. The majority of the ceremony went by in a blur for you, mainly because you were more focused on the way Jun was looking at you and the way he was holding your hand. Your warmth seeped into him and warmed his skin, and you could feel his thumb rubbing on the back of your palm. You only snapped back into reality when it was time for the rings, Jun slipping a black band with his family's crest engraved on it onto your ring finger, you doing the same for him. With that the officiant closed their book with a satisfied smile. 
“It is my honor to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Wen, you may claim your bride.” Jun could no longer hide the mischievous glint in his eye as he looked at you. 
“Finally the moment I’ve been waiting for,” he whispered. 
“Yeah, me too,” you teased, cupping his cheeks and pulling him down to kiss him. Jun gasped in shock but quickly melted into you, wrapping one arm around your waist and the other cupping your cheek. The room was silent and for a moment it was just the two of you, finally sharing every emotion that you had been hiding from yourselves and each other. Though the moment couldn’t last forever as you had to pull away from each other. Your eyes were glazed over as you looked up at Jun, the male smiling down at you as if you were the most precious thing he’d ever laid his eyes on. Though you remembered that it wasn’t over as you felt him brush your hair away from your neck. You stiffened a bit which he noticed, the hand on your waist rubbing soothing circles into your side. 
“Deep breath okay, it’ll be over before you know it,” he promised, “are you ready?” You did what he said and took a deep breath, closing your eyes and leaning your head back like how Minghao had told you. 
“I’m ready,” you whispered after a moment, though you didn’t dare open your eyes. Jun didn’t say another word, but you felt his fingers tracing your neck, followed by his lips. You felt him kiss your neck once, then twice, then you felt his fangs poke your skin. You gasped as you felt a sharp prick against your skin, the pain only lasting a second though before you felt a warm tingling sensation. The feeling was hard to place, but it almost felt like your body was going numb despite your senses being heightened. Jun hummed against your neck, sucking for a moment before pulling away and swiping his tongue across the bite. His hand that had been on your shoulder moved to rest against your back to support you. 
“How do you feel?” he asked, keeping his grip tight on you just in case you got dizzy. It took a moment for your feelings to return to normal, you relaxing a bit in his arms before opening your eyes and looking up at him.
“I’m okay,” you assured. Jun smiled and nodded, pulling you against him for a moment to kiss the top of your head before turning to face the crowd. The proof of a successful bond had the room erupting into loud clapping and cheer, almost loud enough to be deafening. Jun chuckled a bit as you winced away from the noise, wrapping his arm around you and leading you to the kitchen where a banquet was already prepared. 
You stayed beside your husband the whole time, practically hiding behind him as hundreds of people came to greet you. They all congratulated you both and would introduce themselves to you as family friends or business partners or whatever else. You didn’t care enough to remember all of their names, knowing that you likely wouldn’t see them again for a long time. Jun did all the talking for the two of you, allowing you to hide behind him as he made pleasantries with all of the guests. Though you did stray away from him long enough to greet your parents. Your mother was already in tears when she approached you, pulling you into her arms and crying about how grown up you were. It took everything in your power not to cry yourself as you embraced her, promising that you were fine and happy with Jun. You stayed holding her for a moment, letting go to hug your dad before deciding that it would be best for them to go. Every other human guest had excused themselves at this point and you knew your parents would be working again in the morning so you bid them goodnight with one last hug and a kiss from your mother. After they left you returned back to Jun, the male glancing over at you with a smile before returning his attention to his guests. It was fine at first, and you tried to interact with as many guests as possible, but after about an hour of still meeting new people you quickly got bored. Not only did you want to get away from the crowd but you were also desperate to finally be alone with your husband. It finally got to a point where you decided to take matters into your own hand, tugging at Juns arm to get his attention. 
“As nice as this is, I would love to go get used to my new bedroom now,” you whispered when he finally looked at you. Jun immediately caught on to what you were implying, smirking down at you and licking his lips. 
“You’re a scandalous little thing aren’t you?” he teased, but still he quickly excused the both of you for the night. He used the excuse that you were tired and still getting used to the change in schedule to anyone who asked as he escorted you out of the kitchen and up the stairs. No one even gave you a second glance as you followed Jun into his room, quietly closing and locking the door behind you. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
The second the door locked you were all over Jun, gripping his vest and smashing your lips together in a desperate kiss. The male eagerly returned the kiss, removing your veil so he could tangle his hands into your hair. Your tongues battled each other, lips remaining locked as you started exploring each other's bodies. Your hands made quick work of undoing his vest while he fumbled with unzipping your dress. You pulled away once you felt him pull the zipper down, his lips attacking your neck as he pulled your dress down your body. Due to the shape of the dress you had opted not to wear a bra underneath exposing your breasts to the cool air once your dress was off. Jun took advantage of this, gripping at your breasts and pinching your nipples between his fingers. You moaned softly at the feeling, growing louder as you felt his fangs graze against your neck, kicking your dress off as he pulled you close to him. 
“You have no idea how good you taste,” he muttered against your neck, “it’s almost addicting.” 
“You can have another taste if you want,” you gasped out, he paused long enough to glance up at you, making sure you were serious. You smiled and ran your fingers through his hair as a silent confirmation. Jun took the hint and trailed his lips back to where he originally bit you, running his tongue across the area once before biting down again. This time you moaned at the sting, tightening your grip on his hair and throwing your head back as the same warm feeling returned. This time Jun groaned into your neck, sucking harder and pressing your bodies together. His hands gripped at your hips desperately, grinding them against his own as he continued sucking at your neck. Though he pulled away out of fear of making you dizzy. Jun placed one last kiss on your neck before lifting his head and licking his lips. 
“Yep, very addicting indeed,” he groaned. You took a deep breath and chuckled softly, pulling away from him slightly so you could loosen his tie. Jun watched in amusement as you undid his tie and the first few buttons of his shirt, pushing him back until he fell back on the bed. 
“I think it’s my turn to have a taste,” you cooed. Jun leaned back and watched in amusement as you climbed on the bed to straddle him. He grunted softly as you trailed kisses down his neck and chest, slowly undoing the buttons of his shirt as you went. You had known Jun was slightly muscular but you hadn’t realized how much until now as you felt the outline of his muscles. 
“Like what you see?” he teased once he realized you stopped your actions. 
“A lot actually,” you teased back, Jun chuckled and licked his lips as you trailed more kisses down his stomach until you reached his belt. You made quick work of undoing the belt and popping open his button. Jun lifted his hips just enough to allow you to pull his pants and boxers down, revealing his already semi hard length. You could already tell his length was more than you expected and suddenly you were frozen. In fact, you actually had no idea what you were doing so seeing him exposed for you was a lot to handle. Jun noticed this and adjusted a bit to look up at you. “Are you okay doll?” he asked, reaching a hand out to stroke your cheek. 
“Yeah I just…I don’t really know what to do,” you confessed. Jun had to keep himself from chuckling at your adorableness. 
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” he told you. 
“No I want to!” you whined. 
“Very well, want me to tell you what to do then?” he asked, to which you nodded, “okay then, grip it gently and start by stroking it.” You hesitantly did as you were told, Jun immediately gasping and falling back against the bed at your touch. You stroked him softly for a minute, feeling him twitch in your hand and rubbing at his tip for a second before gaining your confidence back and leaning down to place kitten licks along his head. Jun twitched at the contact, groaning softly and throwing his head back as you licked across his length before finally taking his tip into your mouth. “There you go, just like that,” he urged. His hand that had been on your cheek returned to grip softly at your hair, tugging it softly and brushing it out of your face so he could see you. You looked up to meet his gaze and moaned softly at the sight of him. His eyes were wide and his mouth slightly opened as he panted, his muscles were tensing from the pleasure and his hair was now out of its bond and falling messily into his face. His grip on your hair tightened more as you took him deeper, an audible groan leaving his throat, “Good girl, treating me so well.” The praise got to you and had you rubbing your thighs together, taking him as deep as you could and using your hand to stroke what wouldn’t fit in your mouth. You continued your actions for a few more minutes, enjoying the way Juns groans got louder and more desperate, but he quickly tugged on your hair to pull you away. “As good as your mouth feels baby girl, I’m getting close and I would rather finish inside you.” You felt your cheeks heat up at his comment but you nodded and allowed him to flip you both over. 
Jun took a moment to rid himself of his shirt as you got comfortable on the bed. He stepped away for a moment to grab something from the dresser before returning to you, with something hidden behind his back. “You trust me right?” he asked as he crawled on the bed with you. 
“Of course,” you replied with a soft smile. Jun returned the action and gently pushed you to lay down fully. 
“Good, now relax and put your hands above your head,” you immediately did as you were told, feeling the smooth silk run over your wrists before tightening around them. “Is that too tight?” he asked, watching you shake your head and nodding as he carefully tied your wrists to the headboard. He tugged on the knot for a moment to make sure it was sturdy before grabbing another silk tie and draping it over your eyes. “Still doing okay?’ he asked as he tied the silk behind your head. 
“Yeah I’m fine,” you assured, squirming softly at your now loss of vision. 
“Good, just let me know if it gets uncomfortable,” with that his hands were back to roaming your body. His large hands kneaded your breasts before moving down to play with your hips and thighs. You continued to squirm and moan at the contact, tugging lightly on your restraints. “You are so gorgeous,” he whispered, trailing kisses from your neck down to your breasts, “I always knew you were beautiful but your body is so perfect.” He placed kisses along your breasts before taking one of your nipples into his mouth. You shivered as you felt his fangs brush against your skin, his tongue swirling around your nipple as he sucked softly. Soft moans left you as he continued, gripping into your thighs as he switched to the other nipple. 
“Jun,” you whined out, making him hum against your skin. 
“Yeah baby? Do you need something?” there was a teasing edge to his voice that made you whine more.
“More, please touch me,” you begged. He chuckled softly and removed himself from your breasts.
“As you wish,” he muttered, one of his hands left your thigh to run a finger across your clothed core. You shivered at the feeling, grinding your hip into his hand to get more friction. “Shit, you are so wet for me,” he groaned as he pressed his finger harder against you. 
“Stop teasing me please!” you whined, desperate to feel more of his touch. 
“Fine, fine, because you’re being so good to me,” he agreed, slipping your panties off and spreading your thighs so he could get access to you. His finger trailed against your slit, gathering your wetness before pressing his finger into you. You moaned and squirmed softly, not used to the intrusion.  “Just relax,” Jun cooed, “it’ll feel weird at first but I promise it’ll be worth it.” You nodded and did your best to relax, squirming and gasping as you felt his finger move inside of you. Jun pressed a kiss to your thigh as he continued, curling his finger and making you whine as he hit that special spot inside of you. “Found it,” he muttered, continuing to hit that spot and watching as you squirmed and moaned at the feeling. Slowly he urged another finger into you, curling them and making a scissoring motion to help stretch you out. The sting burned a bit but that was quickly washed out by the pleasure he was bringing you, constantly hitting your G spot and his thumb moving to rub at your clit. “How are you feeling Y/N?” he asked, not slowing down his motion. 
“So good, it feels so good!” you moaned out, arching your back and pulling at your restraints. 
“Good,” Jun muttered as he pulled his fingers out, “are you ready for more then?” You didn’t hesitate to nod, practically shaking in anticipation as you felt him line up with your entrance. You arched your back and groaned as you felt him slowly enter you, his hands gripping your waist and soft pants leaving him. Jun stilled once he bottomed out, kissing you and muttering praises while massaging your hips to distract you from the pain. It took a moment to adjust to the stretch, but the second you felt it fade you were nodding at him to continue. His thrusts started off slow, simply letting you get used to the feeling before picking up the pace. You couldn’t hold back your moans as you felt him inside you, wrapping your legs around him to hold him closer to you. Juns grip on you tightened and he groaned as his thrusts continued. “You are so tight, you feel so good,” he grunted as his head dropped to rest against your neck. With each thrust you felt a tightening in your stomach, whining and squirming more as you realized you wouldn’t last much longer. 
“Jun I’m gonna..” you couldn’t find your words as you lost your breath. Jun seemed to understand though as you felt him nod against your neck. Without slowing his thrusts, he reached up with one hand and undid your blindfold, brushing your hair out of your eyes as you blinked up at him. 
“Go ahead and cum for me baby,” he groaned, that was the approval you needed to finally let go. You tightened around Jun and arched your back with a soft cry as your orgasm washed over you. Jun slowed down for a moment before continuing his movements, making you whimper from overstimulation. “Hold on for me just a little bit longer okay?” he urged, “I won’t last much longer. You’re going to be good for me though right? You’re going to let me give you my heir?” You couldn’t verbally reply, simply nodding and whining. Jun thrusted a few more times before stilling inside of you, a low groan left him as he reached his climax. 
You both panted softly as you came down from your high,  Jun carefully pulling out and leaving gentle kisses across your face and neck. “How are you feeling?” he asked as he untied you, massaging the soft red marks on your wrists as you sighed. 
“That was amazing,” you gasped out, staring up at Jun with a tired smile, “but I’m exhausted now.” He smiled and laughed softly, kissing your head as he climbed off the bed. 
“You stay here, I’m going to grab something to clean up with and then we can rest okay?” you gave him a hum of confirmation and closed your eyes. Jun disappeared into the bathroom for a moment before returning with a wet cloth. He hovered over you and gently wiped down your neck and chest before folding it and gently pressing it against your core. You sighed at the cool feeling against your sore body, letting Jun clean you with no hesitation. Once you were clean he quickly cleaned himself off before setting the rag aside and crawling into bed with you. You immediately crawled under the covers and snuggled up against Jun, with your head on his chest and his arm over you. “You’ll probably be pretty sore tomorrow, so if you want to stay in bed I’m not opposed,” he mused, chuckling when you weakly hit his chest. 
“We’ll see,” you muttered, “right now though I just want to sleep.”
“As you wish,” he agreed, kissing your head as he snuggled up with you. 
“I love your kisses by the way,” you whispered, placing a kiss on his heart before closing your eyes. 
“I’m glad,” he hummed, “it took a lot of effort for me to get them, you know?”
“I know, and you will still need that effort,” you teased, hearing him scoff. 
“We’ll see about that,” he placed one last kiss on your head before closing his eyes, “rest well my love.”
“Goodnight Qinqin.”
At this point it was safe to say, you had fallen in love with Wen Junhui. 
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↪ Vampire Kisses Release Taglist: @eli-ljkh @foxdaisy @honeyhuii @kpxpseoul @knucklesdeepmingi @kmoon  @woohoney @kimsabinaskzlover @meowjunhui @blizzardfluffykpop @d-noona​ 
↪ Authors Notes: Qinqin means dear one or kiss 
Also I’ve been considering doing a spinoff of this story where reader ends up with Minghao instead of Jun, would anyone be interested in that? 
811 notes · View notes
lovelyhan · 2 years
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— the first circle of hell ⟢
pairing: jun x reader
summary: the first time you catch a glimpse of jun, you feel like you’ve seen him somewhere before. a magazine cover, a billboard, or a music show you watched in passing. jun, on the other hand, seems to know you a lot better than you know yourself.
word count: 6.3k words
tags: vampire!jun, stylist!reader, reincarnation, angst, smut
warnings: graphic depictions of sex, minors dni
notes: hi! this is my first fic on this blog and for seventeen in general! <3 i’d greatly appreciate any comments you’d leave for me hehe :3c this fic also comes in two parts, with this being the first. i hope you enjoy!
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P A R T  O N E
The night before you’re set to meet your newest client for the next few weeks, you have a strange dream.
One where a faceless man has you trapped in his embrace, murmuring both sweet and filthy things into your ear until you wake up in a cold sweat—reining in as much self-control as you can muster just so you can ignore the heat that settles unexpectedly between your thighs.
It’s all forgotten in the morning, when you’re running late to a meeting with an espresso in hand—phone wedged between your ear and your shoulder as you fumble for your company ID in your bag. Your boss is giving you an earful for oversleeping on such an important day, but you can’t exactly tell him the reason why you couldn’t have a good night’s sleep the evening prior.
So, you take the sermon with little rebuttals, promising that you’ll be up in the conference hall in five minutes.
At least, that was the plan until you bumped into someone in front of the entrance to your office building, spilling your piping hot drink all over his crisp white dress shirt. You scowl, shoving your phone into the pocket of your blazer before snatching a pack of tissues from your bag—apologizing profusely as you attempt to salvage his unsalvageable top. Holy shit. Isn’t this a Balenciaga limited edition—
“You don’t have to. It’s fine.”
The smooth voice that rolls in your ears, of course, belongs to the man you just inconvenienced. You meet his gaze with an embarrassed yet apologetic look, shaking your head. “No, I wasn’t looking where I was going, and…”
Despite the solid argument you’ve prepared, the words seem to dissolve on your tongue when your eyes settle on his ridiculously perfect face. The man’s hair is dyed a muted blond, like sunlight peeking through the blinds on the first day of winter. The sharp bridge of his nose complements the gentle smile that stretches across his pink, plump lips, and it takes you a second to realize that his complexion is so pale, it’s hard to believe he’s human.
But even if you’re momentarily distracted by his otherworldly features, the only coherent thought that crosses your mind in that moment is…
Have I seen this guy before?
“Jun, we’re already late.”
The person who snaps you out of your involuntary trance is yet another good-looking gentleman—just as equally dressed to kill as the man you spilled half your morning coffee fix on. His stern eyes hover over to the man (Jun?) and then to you, and for a moment, you could’ve sworn his eyes widened a fraction at the sight of you. The expression lasts no longer than a second, though, and you simply tell yourself that it was merely a trick of the light.
“Not much we can do about that if I need to go change clothes again, Hao,” Jun chuckles, and the mere second your brain starts to process their names, you’re floored back to reality.
Jun and Hao… Junhui and Minghao?
Aren’t these two the new clients you’re supposed to meet today?!
You get your answer when you finally arrive in the conference hall with your clients in tow, thirty minutes after you concluded that rushed phone call with your boss. Needless to say, he does not look pleased with the fact that you were the reason for all the hold-ups for today’s meeting, despite Jun’s constant reassurances that he holds no grudges.
“Besides, she’s one of the best you have, right?” he chimes, flashing you a smile from across the boardroom table. “Our manager wouldn’t have sought her out if that wasn’t the case. I’m sure she’ll take care of us just fine during the entire shoot.”
You find it a bit heartwarming, how quick he is to come to your defense, despite being on the receiving end of the coffee incident. He speaks each word with such sincerity and eloquence that you can practically hear your boss’ ice cold disposition melt in surrender.
“Fine. It’s not like we have the time to look for another stylist for you anyways,” he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Minghao, do you have any reservations you would like to air out? We’d gladly compensate however we can.”
Your eyes then rivet to Minghao, who seems to be the polar opposite of Jun—eyes narrowed with equal parts suspicion and apprehension, as if you’ll slit his throat as he sleeps.
“No,” he mumbles. “As long as she does her job, I don’t have anything to complain about.”
Well, that settles it.
Thankfully, your boss is quick to adjourn today’s agenda—something about having to meet with other clients from a different agency before noon. Since your first fitting session with Jun and Minghao isn’t scheduled until tomorrow, you’re practically free to go home early.
The news made you feel a bit giddy, since you’ve been craving tteokbokki for a good few weeks now. But since your budget was a bit tight lately, you couldn’t afford to visit your favorite restaurant during your off-hours, and their tteokbokki discounts only became available after your designated lunch breaks, and before you get to time out.
This is practically the universe telling you to indulge yourself for once.
However, just as you’re making sure that all your things are inside your bag, you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder.
“Hello,” Jun greets with a kind smile that startles you more than it should.
“H-Hey, what’s up?” you stammer in a very uncool manner. Way to go, self. “Do you need anything?”
He lets out a soft laugh that does things to your poor, little heart. One of the perils of being a widely renowned stylist is that you have to work with all these beautiful people. How are you not supposed to fall in love with them, even just a little?
“I was supposed to ask Minghao to grab some tteokbokki before we head to Myeongdong for our next schedule, but he said he wants to nap back at the dorms first.” Oh, the absolutely dejected look on Jun’s face just makes your heart melt.
“So…do you want to eat with me? We can get to know each other better before tomorrow’s shoot while we’re at it, too.”
You say yes. Of course you say yes.
Besides, dining with your clients isn’t completely unusual for you. In fact, most of them preferred meeting you over lunch or dinner to discuss styling plans instead of through formal meetings like you did with Jun and Minghao. Your last client, a model named Yeri, even confided some of her boy problems with you despite having only met her the same day.
Needless to say, it gives you the idea that eating with your clients definitely bolsters your work relationship in inexplicable ways. You just hope it’s the same way with Jun.
You half-expect it to be a bit awkward once the two of you arrive at the restaurant. But Jun makes it a point that you shouldn’t feel that way around him. He carries the conversation as you both wait for your beloved tteokbokki, asking you questions about yourself that you never imagined a client would even be interested in knowing.
In return, he answers all of your little inquiries about him with the same, breezy grin he kept flashing you all morning—making you wonder if it’s a breach in contract to be completely helpless against your client’s award-winning smiles. Well, you’re safe as long as you don’t do anything about it, right?
You learn that he and Minghao are from a thirteen-member boy group that debuted nearly eight years ago, making you gasp in surprise. Maybe that’s why you thought he looked familiar. You’ve worked with a handful of idols before, but you don’t exactly pay that much attention to the music industry to recognize each and every singer in existence.
“It’s alright, we get that a lot,” he laughs again, and you start to wonder how long you can hold up against his unintentional charms.
When you’re finally stuffed, you notice there’s a lone, silver ring glinting on one of his slender fingers. Jun catches you staring, and indulges you with an explanation right away.
“It’s a good luck charm of sorts,” he explains, twisting it with a thoughtful look. For once, the dazzling smile on his face recedes into a much more reserved look—eyes gazing at the piece of jewelry like there’s a distasteful memory behind it. “I never really take it off.”
“Even when you shower?” you ask jokingly.
His smile finds its way back across his lips, and the sight makes your shoulders ease up a little.
“Even when I shower,” he repeats with the same degree of humor.
Your contract with Jun and Minghao spans across two weeks with the shoots occurring in several locations. Each one is dedicated to their own solo activities, but their manager thought it would be cost-efficient to just have them make the preparations for their next releases simultaneously.
Of course, this adds a lot of things to think about on your end. Handling one client was already a challenge on its own, but having to brainstorm and put together outfits and looks for two people?
God, they better be paying you real handsomely for this.
Your first agenda for the week is with Minghao, who’s scheduled to shoot a ‘boyfriend’ concept by the Han River at nighttime. You’re given the liberty to mix and match with the wardrobe provided by his company, and because of the nature of the shoot, you don’t have that much of a hard time styling the guy.
What’s more is that he carries both himself and the outfits you’ve picked out so well, that you’re all packing up before you know it.
Admittedly, you were a bit reluctant to work with Minghao—especially with how he reacted to you during your first meeting. But he’s probably the kind of person who gets over things once they’ve passed. He hasn’t made any standoffish comments about your work even at the end of the shoot.
It’s only when you finish talking to his manager that Minghao approaches you again, sporting that same wary look he had back in the conference hall.
“How long have you been a stylist?” he asks, still in the middle of putting back all his accessories.
Your brow arches. “A few years. Why?”
Your client simply nods, as if digesting your words. “I see.”
Awkward silence settles over the both of you in a way that has never happened with Jun, and you suddenly find yourself missing his contagious smile. You’re sure that things will be considerably less stifling if he was around.
However, once Minghao finishes fastening his chokers behind his neck, your eyes rivet on the ring on his finger—one that looks exactly like Jun’s.
Before you can ask about it, his manager is already calling him over to their van, urging Minghao to cut your conversation short with a curt nod before hurrying over to where he’s needed, and leaving you with more questions than you had to begin with.
On the morning of Jun’s schedule, his manager tells you in advance that he’ll be running a little late to the venue because he’s in the hospital.
That’s the kind of news that you don’t really expect to receive while you’re having breakfast in your favorite café—sun shining, birds chirping and all. So the moment said manager ends the call (sounding way too chill for someone who just told you one of their talents is in the goddamn hospital), you immediately pull up your messaging application to shoot Jun a rightfully concerned text.
(Thank God you exchanged numbers right after that quick tteokbokki run.)
Me [09:35 AM]: your manager told me what’s up. are you okay??
The moment you hit send, you immediately turn the screen away from you on the table, incredibly nervous about whatever response you might get. Hell, you might even be more worried if he doesn’t reply because that would mean—
Your phone chimes with a notification not thirty seconds later, and you haven’t unlocked it faster in your life.
Jun [09:35 AM]: Yes, I’m alright. Why?
Me [09:37 AM]: well it’s kind of worrisome to hear that your client is in the hospital first thing in the morning, you know.
Jun [09:37 AM]: Oh. Good point.
Jun [09:38 AM]: Don’t worry. I’m just running some errands. I’ll be at the venue before you know it :)
That doesn’t really address your curiosity as to what he’s even doing there in the first place, but knowing that he’s alright and very much alive is enough for you. After locking your phone and tossing it back into your bag, you slump into your seat with a sigh in relief.
Still, what kind of errands do you even run in a hospital?
To your chagrin, you never really get the answer to that. Once you all arrive at the production studio where Jun is set to shoot a music video later in the week, his managers don’t seem like they’re about to fuss about that impromptu hospital trip. They simply go over the day’s schedule with the entire team before letting everybody disperse to do their individual tasks.
Yours is simply to sit back and watch as Jun rehearses his song’s routines alongside the back-up dancers. It’s in your job description to involve yourself in the production process for these kinds of things, since you have to coordinate both their costumes and makeup with the set and the song itself.
While you’ve done a bit of research about the group that Jun and Minghao both belong to, this solo song in particular gives off a vibe that’s completely different from their usual performances. It’s darker; more sensual, more enticing.
As you drink in the sight of how Jun moves his body to the voluptuous rhythm, you’re already putting together the perfect look in your head. Flowing white attire on a black backdrop, and sleek black on a white set. But that’s as far as your train of thought goes because you’re completely entranced with the way he dances.
How this man has this much of an effect on you is quite a mystery. You’ve had small crushes on extremely good-looking clients before, but…
“You’ve been spacing out for a while there.”
It’s a little embarrassing that you were so out of it that you failed to notice that the current rehearsal team has taken a quick water break. Jun is now standing in front of you, still looking as ethereal as he always does despite having gone through rigorous choreography.
“I’ve been dressing you up like a Ken doll in my head, sorry,” you offer humorously, thanking him when he hands you one of the biscuits he nabbed from the snack bar. It’s one of your favorites, too. “I’ll head back to the office after this and see if we’ve got stuff that would suit you and the dancers. If not, maybe your management has a few costumes stored in a stockroom?”
Jun’s lips twitch into a smile before nodding. “Sure. I’ll pass the word onto our manager.”
Later in the day, you do manage to find the perfect outfits for his music video. It’s a good thing that each article of clothing comes in a variety of sizes, so you’ll just have to call in Jun for another fitting session tomorrow. You also remember that Minghao was invited to a high-end fashion show happening next week. Maybe you could save their time by scheduling them together.  
So, like the busy woman you are, you end the day by sending a couple of texts to your clients, informing them of your proposed plans for tomorrow. Jun responds about five minutes later—saying he’d be glad to drop by in the morning—while it’s complete radio silence on Minghao’s end. You sigh.
Well, that’s one less thing to worry about. For now, at least.
You’re dreaming again—about that faceless man with a voice as sweet as honey.
He brings you to a field of roses this time, guiding you by the hand as the evening breeze flutters by. You don’t know why he brought you here, but you completely put your faith in him as he presses forward anyways.
In the middle of the field is a clearing where he crouches to the ground—plucking one of the vibrant roses from the bushes before handing it to you.
My fingers will prick on the thorns.
You don’t hear the words, but you feel yourself saying them. And in spite of having little to no recognizable features, you think the man is smiling at you.
Then I’ll kiss away each drop of blood, my love. I promise.
When you wake up in the middle of the night, you stare hard at your hands—the skin still perfectly intact. Despite that, your fingers tingle with the memory of someone’s tongue sliding along each digit, as if to fulfill a promise that was lost in the haze of your dreams.
Jun [07:57 AM]: Sorry, I’m running a little late again. Be there in 20 at most :)
You stare at the text message that Jun sent to you fifteen minutes ago before flickering your gaze to the door of the fitting studio. It’s not that you’re in a hurry to get this over with or anything. You actually liked getting to dress people up like your own personal dolls.
But you woke up with the worst migraine known to man, and you honestly just want to crawl underneath your covers and take a long nap.
Jun arrives at the studio eighteen minutes after he texted you, and to your surprise, the man of the hour is carrying a bouquet of…
“I’m sorry again,” he apologizes sheepishly before stepping into the studio and handing you the flowers with a kind smile. “I had to look all over town for a store that’s already open at this hour.”
Even if you’re completely clueless, you accept his gift with lips ajar. “Why…? What’s this for?”
Jun stares at you in disbelief. “It’s your birthday today, isn’t it?”
With just a tad bit of frantic urgency, you fish out your phone from your pocket to check, and—yup.
It really is your birthday.
The dumbfounded look on your face is apparently funny, and Jun practically doubles over laughing at your own obliviousness. You don’t blame him, though. You’ve been so busy for the past week, sorting out your plans for both his and Minghao’s schedules that it didn’t occur to you that your birthday was right around the corner.
But the pressing question at hand right now is…
“How’d you know?” you wonder, raising the bouquet closer to your face to get a whiff. “I don’t remember putting my birthday on my business card.”
You kind of anticipate him to say that your boss tattled about it to Jun’s manager, and by extension, his manager relaying the information to Jun himself. That’s the most plausible way he could’ve found out. But it seems that your client wants to keep things mysterious. Instead of answering you directly, all he says is:
“I have my ways.”
Once you’ve settled his thoughtful gift on an empty table, you proceed to help him put on some of the more complicated clothes you personally handpicked for him. The gothic white shirt with billowing sleeves dips below his neckline even better than you imagined, and you have to make him slip on a few belts so that the trousers can perfectly accommodate his narrow waist.
God, this guy is so perfect, it’s actually unreal.
“Looking good.” You whistle as Jun checks his reflection in the mirror. “Tell your makeup artist to keep it light for me? I think a pseudo-natural look would complete the charm of the entire fit.”
Jun chuckles softly, meeting your gaze through the mirror. “Don’t worry. I’m always in good hands, both with my makeup artists and stylists alike.”
You roll your eyes. “You could’ve just told me I have good taste, Jun. It’s sort of my job to make people look ungodly handsome.”
He doesn’t respond for a moment, but you don’t think much of his silence. Your words are meant to be taken as a harmless joke anyways. But all of a sudden, Jun turns on the heels of his borrowed dress shoes, striding over to where you’re standing before trapping you between his towering form and the solid wall behind you.
Then, with a voice much too sultry to hear at barely eight in the morning—
“So you think I’m ungodly handsome?”
The full fucking shiver that skids across your spine doesn’t escape his observant eyes. You don’t know why he’s doing this; why he has this sort of effect on you. But even if you have the choice to push him away, and call him out for asking something so weird…
“Yeah,” you whisper. “Why wouldn’t I?”
Little do you know, that was his last straw.
His mouth is on yours before you can even draw your next breath, his slender fingers finding your wrists as he pins them on the sides of your head. You go through several degrees of shame for caving into the kiss so quickly, but there’s something about Jun pressing his lips against yours that feels somewhat familiar.
If you didn’t know better, you’d think you’ve already done this before. Because how could you ever forget about kissing someone as perfect as Wen Junhui?
Gone is the man with a smile that can easily light up the entire room, and in his place is the very same creature featured in his newest song. Jun embodies the sensual atmosphere of his solo, encapsulating it with every sigh he breathes against your lips.
When he releases one of your hands in favor of digging his fingers into the swell of your hips, you thread your own digits through his smooth, blond hair—stifling your moans when he trails his lips across your jaw, and down your neck.
What you’re doing right now is definitely a breach in contract, but you don’t really see yourself giving a fuck about it any time soon. All that matters right now is the feel of Jun murmuring everything he’s been wanting to do to you since he first saw you against your skin—making you throb with heady anticipation.
It’s only when you hear three hard knocks on the door to the studio that your head finally rises above that haze of lust. Jun is still busy devouring your neck, a possessive arm circling your waist as he remains indifferent to the person just outside.
“J-Jun,” you whimper. “Stop. There’s someone—”
“I don’t care,” he hisses, and you nearly moan out loud when you feel how hard he is through the material of his trousers.
You want nothing more than for him to take you against the wall, to fuck into you with reckless abandon—all with the knowledge that you have an unwitting audience at the other side of the door. But you actually value having a source of livelihood, so with all the shreds of reason left in your body, you tell him, “Junhui, please.”
That seems to do the trick.
He stills for a moment, and a strange thing you realize is where you expect to feel his heart racing against his chest, there is none. But you don’t dwell on it much—not when the intruder is starting to get impatient, knocking twice as hard on the wooden surface.
Jun walks away, and the moment you’re liberated from his greedy embrace, you give yourself a quick look in the mirror—somewhat relieved that you simply look disheveled at most, and that he didn’t leave any visible marks.
Surprisingly, the person who rudely interrupted you is none other than—
“Hao?” Jun calls out the moment you open the door, face twisted with confusion. “You said you weren’t coming today.”
Minghao merely shrugs, eyes quietly darting between the two of you. “Change in plans. Turns out I had some free time today.”
“Seems like both of you have a lot of that, too.”
You try not to give him an outward reaction, but deep inside, you’re already panicking. He couldn’t have figured out what was up with a single glance, right? You and Jun aren’t acting too strange either. There’s no way he would…
“Whatever,” Jun scoffs, before he begins to undo the strings that held his shirt in place. “I still have a few outfits to try on. How about you get her to help you pick out what to wear for the fashion show already?”
Something about the indifference in his tone makes your chest sting with an unpleasant emotion. But you know that Jun is doing this for both of your sakes—even if his friend clearly doesn’t buy whatever bullshit he’s trying to feed him.
Fortunately, Minghao doesn’t make any further quips about what might’ve transpired in the studio while it was locked; doesn’t comment on the bouquet of roses sitting on the table even if it clearly startled him to see them there.
Despite not being as close to him as you are with Jun, you learn that Minghao is someone who sees all that’s wrong inside a room—only to keep his mouth shut about each and every one of them.
And you’re not very sure if that works in your favor.
The entire team ends up shooting the music video for two days at most, which is already quick for a production of that caliber. You chose not to drop by on the first day, though—still reeling from that heated encounter with Jun in the fitting studio. It doesn’t help that he hasn’t texted you since that day, too, so you’re not very sure about what to make of it.
After all, he’s an idol. It must be exhausting to put up fronts and maintain an image every second of every day. You wouldn’t put it past Jun to crave any semblance of relief, even if it comes in the form of making out with his own stylist. He’s still a man, in the end.
You originally planned to ditch the second day as well—to use your second sick leave despite being perfectly healthy. But when your boss calls you and practically orders you to get your ass on set, you’re left with no choice but to comply, and face Jun once and for all.
Awkward is an understatement for how you acted once you made it to the venue. Everyone is in high spirits with how successful the shoot was, and you feel sort of bad for being a wet towel amidst their lingering glee. You hear hushed whispers about how Jun was born to be a performer, and that he has a bright future ahead of him.
Even if you weren’t really there for the entire thing, you gladly echo the same thought.
You eventually find Jun with your boss in the dressing room, probably discussing future plans now that your contract with him has been more or less concluded. Two weeks is usually a long time when you’re working with clients, but with Jun, the time you shared passed by in a blink of an eye.
Probably because you spent a considerable chunk of it avoiding him, but that’s besides the point.
“If the music video hits a million views in a day, I’ll give you a raise,” your boss says once he notices you ambling at the sides. “The director gave us a peek of what’s to come, and you made Jun over here look like a god. Great job!”
Now, hearing him praise your work instead of harping on your clumsy mistakes in the corporate side of your job is a welcome change. You shake your head, reluctantly meeting Jun’s eyes, and God—
He still looks so unfairly beautiful.
“It’s all him, boss,” you chuckle. “All him.”
When Jun asks you to stay behind when you and your boss are about to leave for the office, it’s only natural for you to agree. It’s not like you’ve had any luck with resisting him for the past two weeks anyway.
He brings you to a nearby park—long deserted by the locals with how late it is into the night. When he notices you shivering from the cold, Jun is quick to strip himself of his jacket before handing it to you.
Another peculiar thing you noticed about him is how receptive he is. Whether it was during one of his shoots or on impromptu walks like this, it’s as if Jun already knows what you need, and will need. For some reason, when he jogs over to the vending machine to get drinks for the both of you, he doesn’t get you a can of soda.
He gives you a bottle ginseng tea instead.
You never once mentioned that specific preference of yours. Hell, you’ve only been acquainted with this man for a little over two weeks.
But…why does it feel like you’ve known him far longer than that?
“The stars are pretty tonight,” he says once the two of you settle on one of the empty benches, chin tilted up as he gazes up into the sky. “Seoul doesn’t have as much light pollution as people think it does.”
“Jun,” you breathe out, fingers clenching around your drink. “Please cut to the chase. What do you want to say to me?”
It would hurt less to rip the band-aid off right away instead of skirting around—you know that pretty well. If he’s going to tell you to forget about what happened back at the studio, you’ll gladly agree to it. If word gets around about that illicit tryst, it’ll be detrimental to both of your careers anyway, so—
“I like you.”
Jun then turns to glance at you like he’s harnessed all the stars in the sky and made a home for them in his eyes, continuing with an airy laugh. “I’ve liked you since the day you spilled coffee all over me, and I’m sorry if I made things awkward after last week, but…”
“Now that our contract’s over, will you give me a chance?”
Being in a secret relationship with an idol is probably the last thing on your annual bingo card. But, much like every other aspect of your life that involves a certain Wen Junhui, you’re incapable of resisting.
Especially when you learn firsthand just how good your boyfriend is in bed.
“Shh,” he murmurs between your thighs, teasing you with featherlight caresses from his lips as he watches your pussy clench around nothing. “Such an impatient girl. I thought you told me you’d be good for me.”
“I am,” you whine, fingers tugging him by his long, pale tresses in a feeble attempt to get him to just devour you. “But you made me wait so long…”
Jun’s chest rumbles with a low laugh, pressing a soft kiss against your inner thigh. “Always so needy for me, aren’t you?”
“You know I— Oh!”
The thought is cut short when your boyfriend finally, finally puts his mouth on you—licking a long, perfect stripe across your glistening slit. Jun tugs your hips closer, hoisting your thighs across his broad shoulders as he gathers the slick leaking out of your hole.  
The possessiveness in his grip has you bleating like a lamb, holding you in place as he fucks you with his tongue. When he repositions for a moment, you nearly cry out in desperation—wanting nothing but for him to keep pressing that sinful tongue into your pussy. But Jun rewards you with something better when you feel him slide two long fingers into your awaiting heat.
“Taste so good for me, my love,” he whispers, pumping each digit almost tantalizingly. “I want you to come on my face. Can you do that?”
You shake your head with a needy whimper. “W-Want to come on your cock.”
Jun lets out another teasing chuckle before curling his fingers until you see stars. “Oh? But you’re so close, sweetheart. Are you sure you can hold out until then?”
“I can, I can,” you practically sob. “I need you to fuck me, Jun.”
It’s been a while since he’s worked you open like this. With how tight his schedule is because of their group’s comeback, Jun hardly has the time to even see you at this point. That means he can’t blame you for being so adorably needy when the opportunity to get railed by your boyfriend arises.
Jun wastes no time shedding whatever clothing he has left—giving you ample time to appreciate his perfectly sculpted body. You know how much of a gym rat he is, but ever since you dressed him up in that latex crop top for his solo all those months ago, you could never quite get the image of his abs out of your head.
You let out a choked up moan when you feel him slide the head of his cock across your soaked folds, completely aware that he gets off on the mere sight of you looking so wrecked and ready for him. In your desperation, you even hook your legs around his hips—pressing him even closer.
“Need you inside me,” you babble, lacing your fingers around his neck to bring him down into a sloppy kiss. “I missed you so much.”
The lust-drunk look in his eyes seems to fade for a moment once you utter the words. Jun lifts his head just a tad to press his lips against your forehead.
“I missed you too, my love.”
You don’t think you’ll ever tire of how Jun fucks you open with his cock. He stretches your walls so, so well, that you don’t think you’ll ever have it this good with anyone else. You’re a crying mess when he begins to pick up the pace—pounding into you like he intends to prove how much he’s longed to be with you again.
Just like how he adores seeing you so needy for him, the sight of Jun losing himself to sensation of your cunt sends a rush straight through your skull. Not only are the two of you romantically compatible, but your bodies respond so well, you like to think that you were made for each other.
Jun isn't as much of a talker during actual sex as he is during foreplay—too focused on watching his cock get swallowed by your needy pussy with each powerful thrust. His eyes are transfixed to where he ends and you begin, and you nearly come at the sight of him so concentrated on that alone.
He’s addicted to you—just as much as you’re addicted to him.
“Where do you want it?” Jun whispers into your ear—voice hoarse with desire.
“Inside,” you whimper, feeling like your skin is about to catch fire with how close you are. “Make a mess of me, Jun. Need it.”
The growl that resonates in his throat is near animalistic as he fucks into you deeper, making you wail with pleasure as he hits the perfect spot over and over. It doesn’t matter if Jun doesn’t get to see you for a few weeks because of prior commitments from work. He can coax an orgasm out of you anytime, since he knows your pretty body like the back of his hand.
“Coming, coming—” You breathe in sharply, eyes rolling into the back of your head once you finally fall over the edge—brain short-circuiting with blistering release.
“Fuck,” Jun frames the word across your lips, chasing his own orgasm with a few stuttered thrusts. “Just like that, sweetheart. Milk it out of me.”
When he comes, it practically forces another climax to crest over you—fraying your nerves into near-nothingness. You relish in the feeling of Jun painting your insides with the white hot release, staking his claim like you’ve wanted him to since he last left your apartment.
In the afterglow, you dare to stare into his eyes, gazing at you so lovingly, it makes you wish he never had to leave. 
You’re well aware that Jun still has an early schedule tomorrow. Despite that, he snuck out of the dorms and paid you a late night visit, so you don’t really expect him to stay a while, as much as you want him to.
But your boyfriend takes it upon himself to clean you up every time you have mind blowing sex—apologetically kissing every spot where he unknowingly left marks and bruises alike.
You’ve said this before and you’ll say it again, but Wen Junhui is so perfect, it’s actually unreal.
However, when it’s finally time for him to go—looking as painfully perfect as he always is—you’re reminded of something that’s bothered you since you first noticed it months ago.
“I’ll drop by and take you out on a date soon,” he murmurs against your hair as he pulls you into a tight hug. “That’s a promise.”
You chuckle as you return his eager embrace, resting your ear against his chest in attempts of hearing his heartbeat.
Only to be greeted by complete silence.
“Of course,” you whisper instead—not wanting to unearth something that you might not be able to see through until the end. “Just text me if you need anything.”
When Jun is at the door to your apartment, he gives you another kiss—one that has you chasing after his lips even when he pulls away. He laughs a little, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“I love you.”
“...I love you, too.”
Saying the words back is as easy as breathing, but you can’t help but think that—despite being the epitome of perfection—there’s something horribly wrong about Jun.
You just can’t figure out what.
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670 notes · View notes
cherrycheolcoups · 1 year
seventeen fic recs - vampire au [hyung line]
started: 05/15/23
updated: ---
doing these by aus first lol. link to my overall fic recs masterlist here: unavailable for now. working on posting the masterlist
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choi seungcheol:
me and my husband by @berriesandjunnie
pairing: vampire!seungcheol x afab!reader | synopsis: even after marriage, your husband has peculiar habits that catch you off guard | genre & tags: fluff, vampire!seungcheol, human!reader, established relationship, just some funny soft vampire x human, short fluff!!, some blood mentions | word count: 1.2k
vampire boyfriend by @serenityseventeen
pairing: vampire!seungcheol x human!reader | warnings: just typical vampire related things like blood etc. | in form of a bulleted list with pros and cons at the end
indulgence by @sluttywonwoo
pairing: vampire!seungcheol x human!reader | summary: dating a vampire gets...complicated when you're on your period | warnings: swearing, menstruation, blood, smut 18+, fingering, shower sex, unprotected sex, period sex, blood drinking BUT NOT THAT BLOOD | word count: 4k | honestly my fav vampire!cheol fic HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!
take a bite by @junkissed
pairing: vampire!seungcheol x human!reader (she/her pronouns) | genre: fluff, mild angst, hurt/comfort, humor | word count ~1,500 | warnings: mentions of blood (reader's), sulky pouty cheol but he turns into softie happy cheol, an ounce of angst, an annoying little kid (/j he's cute), the kid thinks reader is cheol's wife and uses she/her pronouns
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yoon jeonghan:
3:57 am by @gguksgalaxy
pairing: hunter!jeonghan x vampire!reader | word count: 1k | warnings: suggestive, vampires (so blood), swearing
no rest for the wicked by @berriesandjunnie
pairing: vampire!jeonghan x human!reader | synopsis: witnessing something you wasn't supposed to leaves you with an unusual stalker | genre & tags: fluff, vampire!jeonghan, human!reader, a little yandere vibes not gonna lie, fortunate turn of events, blood mentions, murder mention
burning by @kofic
pairing: vampire!jeonghan x artist!reader | genre: romance, angst, smut, elements of mystery, art au, artist reader, art collector-dealer vamp!jeonghan | warnings: 18+ mature themes, explicit language, cursing, mentions of blood (if not comfortable do not engage), mutual pining, mentions of self harm, convo about mental health insecurities, smut, fingering, oral f!receiving, hair pulling (both equally), pussy spanking (two times), edging!, unprotected, cumshot, jeonghan controls the pace, blood licking/sucking, anyway, as i said this work deals with a darker theme and so i promise to do my best in using soothing language too, though blood! u've been warned, i don't wish to go & say this possess elements of horror just bc im not entirely sure if it does | word count: 18k; slowburn
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hong jisoo:
svt joshua: 82 by @craby-bouquet
pairing: vampire!joshua x human!reader | genre: fluff, vampire au | word count: 1k | summary: 82 "so you're telling me that you've never had a romcom moment? well i'm going to make that my personal mission to make sure you're going to have at least one tonight"
[ngl couldn't really find more, sorry!]
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wen junhui:
vampire kisses by @horanghaejamjam
pairing: vampire lord!junhui x human!female reader | summary: he is the head of the wen family, the highest ranking family of vampires in the country. you are a mere human sold to them for the purpose of being his mate and bride. jun is determined to win your heart before you wed, and perhaps a few playful kisses are the key to doing that. | rating: m 18+ | genre: vampire au, slight rivals to lovers, smut, fluff | word count: 16.3k | warnings/contents: smut, blood and blood drinking, biting, jun being super flirty and teasing, arranged marriage, virgin!reader, unprotected sex, body worship, oral (male receiving), praise, soft bondage (jun ties/blindfolds reader with silk), fingering, talks about impregnation. mostly just very fluffy and soft with jun being whipped for reader
the first circle of hell by @lovelyhan
pairing: vampire!jun x stylist!reader | summary: the first time you catch a glimpse of jun, you feel like you've seen him somewhere before. a magazine cover, a billboard, or a music show you watched in passing. jun, on the other hand, seems to know you a lot better than you know yourself. | word count: 6.3k | tags: vampire!jun, stylist!reader, reincarnation, angst, smut | warnings: graphic depictions of sex, minors dni
bite me by @berriesandjunnie
pairing: vampire!junhui x afab!reader | synopsis: you're not sure how vampires work in real life but you can't risk leaving him behind. | genre & tags: fluff, slight angst, vampire!junhui, human!reader, mentions of dying, slightly suggestive scene (at least hints to one; minors you're safe), vampire consent, blood is mentioned 600 fricking times /j | word count: 2.0k
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kwon soonyoung:
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jeon wonwoo:
infinity by @blue-jisungs
pairing: vampire!wonwoo x human!reader | summary: by a rather unpleasant string of events you find out who...or what your boyfriend really is | warnings: swearing, blood, violence but nothing extreme, a pinch of angst if u will | au: vampire!wonwoo | word count: 4.7k
just a sip by @jejuboo-s
pairing: vampire!wonwoo x female reader | word count: 1.4k | genre: complete smut, nothing much else | summary: while shaving your legs up to your thighs in the shower, you accidentally wound yourself, blood spilling out of the small cut. in a hurry, you contemplate on going outside and asking wonwoo to help. but you really couldn't. why? because your boyfriend was a vampire
bloodlove: one more taste by @multi-kpop-fanfics
pairing: vampire boyfriend!wonwoo x human girlfriend!reader | genre: fluff, smut, minor comedy | warnings: period sex, oral sex (fem rec), consent bcs it's sexy, blood consumption, wonwoo goes into subspace, mentions of death (nobody dies, it's said as a joke), mentions of food, medication and period cramps - do not read if uncomfortable with such themes | word count: 2.7k | summary: for most people, there's nothing tastier than pizza - for wonwoo, it's you (and your pussy)
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lee jihoon:
347 notes · View notes
seventhcallisto · 11 months
Us forevermore.
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Vampire minghao and Junhui, who solemnly swear to share you purely for feeding. But can't help it when they get attached.
You're such an unapologetic human who purposefully bumps into people just to steal their wallets. They can't help but remember that Era of their lives where everywhere they went it was low class, middle class, and high class.
You find yourself robbing from no one in particular. Anyone is available for your greedy fingers. You slip a mans wallet from his designer coat. Junhui watches in silence. When he gives minghao a look, they follow after. Tonights dinner being you.
It's almost the dead of night in a city that never sleeps. Your lively personality is something common amongst the street.
You weave and move throughout groups and couples making out so casually against buildings. Yet your steps never stop skipping. Minghao and Junhei are getting a workout in when you twist and turn, and yet it's almost like you dance when you move.
Strangers call your name so friendly like. You respond back to the chatter. Still weaving through costume clad people. Music blared from all sides of the street. When you turn into an alley, that's when minghao and Jun gain the upper hand.
The moment they turn into that alley, green flies in their face. Money surrounds them. Paper bills fall every which way. You're on the other side, booking it as fast as your heel clad feet will take you.
Jun is the first to catch you. He looks so dapper in the dim alleyway, how'd he get you so fucking fast? his hand on your forearm is threatening. "You caught me!" You laugh.
His eyebrows pull taunt. You're laughing. "Wow, how'd you catch up so fast?" You laugh breathlessly. Minghao shakes whatever dirty money falls on him. Standing besides Jun now.
"Hey, What's a couple of pretty guys like you following me into a dark alley like this? You might get caught." You shake off Juns hand.
That's when they decide you're not just worth a one night drink.
It's solid months of being vampire Junhui and Minghaos blood donor when you realize you can't afford rent anymore.
"You could just move in with us," Jun offers, shades over his eyes to block the afternoon sun, and he's dawn in all black like it's a fancy funeral. Minghao sits on his right, hiding behind him from the cafe window and drenched in black. His turtleneck, though, is appropriate for the fall season. "You guys actually live somewhere?"
That question seems to catch minghaos funny bone. He laughs a genuine laugh. "Were you expecting us to live in a cave?"
Their mansion is so modern in comparison to what you've seen on any type of media description of vampiric homes. They pay for all your things to be placed in the room adjacent to both of their bedrooms. Your stuff hardly fills out the room.
"Wow, you're legit." Your amazed face catches Junhuis fancy. He leans in the doorway, his black shirt pulled taunt to his muscular figure. He's getting hungry watching you prance around and dot on everything in the room.
And when he pulls your wrist to his mouth, locking his jaw onto it. He's satisfied at the pop of flesh when his sharp teeth break through his previous marks. You're sighing in pain, yet gasp when he pulls you forward by your belt loop with his free hand. His hand wraps around your back, his eyes peirce through you, a beautiful dark shade turning red.
Once he's done, his tongue licks up whatever drips from the side of his lips. Maybe, just maybe you're so deranged you pull him into a passionate kiss. It's like he's been waiting for centuries. He's a starved man chasing you as you back up onto the bed, and your lips never break. Blood smears the corner of your own lips.
It's that same night minghao wakes you up in the dead of the night, a common time he feeds. You present your arm to him, beckoning him in. He's gently allowing your sleepy form to lay back whilst he bites above your wrist towards the curve of your elbow. He curves in himself, yet he's still so much bigger than you. His knees hit each side of your hip, trapping you in. "Minghao" you call him with a whisper, he loves when you get like this. So sluggish and so docile while he works his tongue against the wound he created.
"Just a bit more sweetheart" he reassures you, pulling back and kissing right next to the spot his teeth sunk in. Maybe he shouldn't even reassure you, maybe he should be ruthless and feed at his own pace, yet if he were to go any faster he'd cause you immense pain. He doesn't like the idea.
Your free hand curls into his hair, whilst the one being held by his wraps around his wrist. A silent sigh and he's done, licking up whatever drips and kissing your skin ever so gently. "All done" his hand wraps around the marks to hold it down and stop the bleeding. When he goes to pull away you find yourself grabbing him again, pulling him back down into you.
"Stay. Please." you murmur, your glistening eyes blink back at his dark ones. When he takes his place next to you, you're the one initiating, your lips are the most gentle thing he's felt in centuries. A soft sigh passes through his lips at the slow kiss, his hand wraps around your cheek pulling you closer. Even in your dazed state you peck his lips once more before you fall asleep.
Minghao holds you ever so gently throughout the night whilst you tiredly drift in and out of sleep. Although he can't, he wishes what it'd be like to fall into a slumber next to you.
Vampire Minghao And Junhui who don't know how to cook food at all. Whatever you give them fills them up so perfectly like a feast on Christmas. Yet they don't know how to work the damn stove to give back. They stare, so puzzled. When they finally make a simple stack of pancakes and sausage. It's like they're Olympic gold medalists.
"Hi," you greet them in the morning at your door, your hair is a mess on your head, something minghao and jun want to smooth out and kiss back away from your forehead. Jun ushers you back into your ginormous bed, pulling the blankets up and kissing your face in distracting kisses. You laugh so joyously.
"Scoot," minghao tells you both with a grin, laying a tray on your lap. A delicious aroma comes out from under the silver lid placed atop. You can't stop the grumble from your stomach.
"Oh my god," you stare at the platter. It's placed in a way made for a princess. You're the princess in this scenario. Tiny raspberries and fruit chunks are outlined around two thick pancake slices sausages are arranged in a bowtie just under the smiling pancakes. You grin back at it.
Your head falls on Jun, reaching for minghaos hand. "Thank you" you say so genuinely. It takes them a minute to realize their hearts aren't beating out of their chests. A sweet kiss lands on Juns pursed lips, next you reach over the tray and pull minghaos face into your's, another sweet kiss is placed on his cold lips.
Your feast isn't as bad as they kept saying it was gonna be, you're overjoyed and thoroughly stuffed. "We couldn't figure out the stove" Jun admits. You laugh joyously, falling into minghaos shoulder.
Vampire Junhui who thinks about you forever, but is too drawn by the warmth of your human body. You're so pliable and burning against his cold skin. When you shiver, he feels bad. Yet you pull him in closer, sighing contently. So it goes away quickly.
Vampire Minghao who's still scared to initiate any type of touch at the thought of making you cold. He sits the distance away from you on the couch. He can visibly see you pout from the corner of his eye. When you scoot as close as possible into his side and move his arm over your shoulder. He can't help but wrap it around your waist and pull you flush to his chest. Your smile is what gets him, but the bonus is the kiss to his jaw.
Your vampire lovers withstanding the sun because you wanted to go shopping and they're so clingy that they tagged along. They're wearing dark cloaks to cover what they can, whilst they each wear a form fitting turtleneck. You're almost matching, yet they look like models.
You don't spend much thought on it. The women at the counter won't stop staring. The women at the changing room keeps changing outfits so she can catch their eyes, coming out to stand in the mirror and smoothing her hands over her curves whilst staring so pointedly.
You grow more pouty, staring hard at the women, it's not like you can do anything about it. Junhui who so sweetly says "bǎo bèi?" to catch your attention, and minghao who so delicately holds your pinky between his, even if he isn't that far. "Qīn'ài de, What is it?" Minghao says first. "Nothing" you sigh, shaking your head. You clearly push away clothes on the rack.
And when the two give each other a look, observing the room. Obviously something made you upset. Their eyes meet each person, when they finally notice the gawking looks. Realization dawns.
When minghaos hand falls from yours, its like a piece of your heart fell with it. "Be back" he so clearly says. You don't nod like usual. You frustratingly sigh. Junhui follows minghao, announcing the same.
You grow impatient when they're gone longer than normal. But suddenly you glance up. There at the counter is minghao and Jun, laying down.. lingerie...
Oh God, they're making a scene for you. "Could you add the note in, my wife will appreciate it." Minghao says so casually that your heart skips. Your feet gravitate to them. Staring at what they've placed on the counter. "Hey" junhui says, his hand falling around your waist like it was made to sit there. You elbow his side, the only reaction you get is a shit-eating grin.
The lady fumbles with the bag as she shoves it inside, her face grows pinker the minute. You wanna curl over and scream in embarrassment. Minghao snatches the bag from her hand. And slips back on his shades. The second you're outside you smack his chest.
Junhui and Minghao who smile cheek to cheek at a casual two paces behind as you stomp away, mumbling incoherently to yourself. Minghao who fiddles with the bag and the ring box in his pocket.
Vampire Junhui who hardly understands the music you listen to. He does enjoy your voice though. You dance around in the kitchen whilst he sits at the dining table with minghao who types away, replying to emails. Jun turns to his lifelong partner. "When should we ask her?" Minghao glances up for the quickest second to eye your position.
You're moving your shoulder to the bass. His lips quirk. "Maybe next week, after we meet her family"
And when it is next week and you stand outside the warmest café with junhui and minghao waiting for an hour in the blizzarding snow. "He's not coming" you say, dejected.
Your parents cut you off once they figured out your 'hobby'. yet you thought you had your deadbeat brother to atleast come through. You were mistaken.
'Can't make it' the pathetic text says. Yet you laugh at it anyways. "He's not coming" you turn on your heel, although you dressed up nice and pristine. Although you tried to make yourself look like the perfect sister, you really just wished he would show to meet your boyfriends.
You can hear the call of your name, minghao, and Jun jogging up to you. Minghao pulls your wrist, yet you pull away, wiping the tears off your face harshly. "Im so.." You go to yell, shaking your head. The hurt on their face is evident.
"Can we just go home, please?"
Minghao and Junhui, who do their best to make you smile when you're at your lowest. Yet you still feed into their hunger like the angel you are. Two undead men with only beating hearts for you try their best to make you the happiest woman. Showering you with their earned fortune. Feeding you with food they take hours to learn. And kissing you so gently that you wonder if they're the angels sent here to take you.
Your shut-in day for the first snow is the first day you've felt better since your brother ditching you. Junhui struggles as you teach him how to make hot cocoa. Minghao follows his own instructions, concentration on his handsome face.
and maybe because you look so docile, does junhui catch eyes with minghao from behind you. A thought passes between them. "You gotta put the milk first and then the cocoa- jun?" You turn around. Jun pulls open a velvet black box from his pocket, gauging your reaction as he does so.
Your mouth falls open, yet when minghao side steps and pulls out a matching velvet purple. Your tears begin flowing.
A vampiric wedding that's as private as it gets. Only your closest friends and a bunch of Junhui and Minghaos attend. You can immediately tell they're vampires from the wide range of sexy men they are. "Don't stare," minghao teases as you gawk at the photo.
"Sorry, it's just, they're all kinda hot. are all vampires hot?" You laugh, it's such a weird question. Your head bumps against minghaos chest when you lay back. Jun isn't here. He's too busy prepping for getting back from the honeymoon. Minghao lays a kiss on your forehead. "That's such a lookism mentality," he chuckles.
Vampire Jun, who lays peck after peck on your face when you visit him in his office and won't let you leave his lap when you tell him you just visited because you missed him. His arm is wrapped around your front while he writes away on papers and documents. You watch in silence until eventually you're comfortable enough to fall asleep on him.
Vampire minghao, who poses the question to turn you now that you are married. Jun might be the scared one, but he knows what you've said to him the day of the honeymoon curled up under the sheets.
"I want to be your forever." You push a delicate piece of blonde hair away from Juns eye. "I've already told minghao. I know, you get quiet when I say that I love you, but I want you to know I'll never go anywhere without the both of you."
"I do love you"
Your husbands Jun and Minghao, who so gently lay kiss upon kiss on every inch of your body. If you think about it long enough, you can find the specific spot they each love. Minghao in the valley between your breasts and Junhui right on the fat of your thighs.
Your forever lovers who dote on you once they've finally sunken their teeth into you. Remember to leave energy for you to be able to take their poison. And finally, a cup of their blood placed ever so delicately on your lips.
Your forever husbands who've already hung your picture on every corner of the mansion. Who've made sure you know you are a goddess in their eyes.
Your appearance comes naturally, one thing at a time. Yet your husband's loves you nonetheless anyway. Continuing to kiss every inch of skin you've made any comment about. Reminding you: 'A human body isn't perfect, but neither is a vampire one'.
You beg to differ when they're the most beautiful men you've ever seen. They tell you that's how they see you. You get used to the shimmery hue your skin has taken. The way the white of your eyes is brighter than ever. The way your teeth are perfectly white. And the new fangs that you occasionally stab yourself with.
Your first drinking is a whole different story.
A/n: Happy Halloween ! Made with much love and consideration.
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renaiswriting · 1 year
The Desire series' Masterlist.
If you want to be tagged, please fill out the tag list form.
Shadows of Desire (Jeonghan/Reader)
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Vampire!Jeonghan | Human!Reader
Summary: You always thought the only romance you would experiment with in your life was the one between pages under the flames at midnight. That was until you found him, because the feel of his fangs digging into your neck was more than addictive.
Descent into Desire (Seungcheol/Reader) [coming soon]
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Vampire!Seungcheol | Vampire!Reader
Summary: Seungcheol didn't always hate humans, nor did he always distrust them. But he passed him.
Eclipse of Desire (Junhui/Reader) [coming soon]
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Vampire!Junhui | Werewolf!Reader
Summary: In Junhui's opinion, there was nothing sadder than being part of such hated creatures. No one liked a blood sucker. Falling in love with the enemy was never an option, but how could it be worse than being an outcast?
Coven of Desires (Minghao/Reader) [coming soon]
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Vampire!Minghao | Witch!Reader
Summary: No vampire took pride in taking optional blood; there was a sense of pride in being able to haunt and drink real blood. But there was no other option for Minghao if he wanted to continue living, so he did the last thing he wanted to do: make a deal with a witch.
Veiled Desires (Joshua/Reader) [coming soon]
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Vampire!Joshua | Demon!Reader
Summary: One would think that if there were creatures that had a lot in common, they would be demons and vampires. Both of them were night creatures and took part in humans' misery. What good can come from this combination?
The Desire Of Healing Hearts (Soonyoung/Reader) [coming soon]
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Vampire!Soonyoung | Human!Reader
Summary: Soonyoung was, by any means, the definition of a true vampire. He haunted if he felt like it; he drank his victims dry and enjoyed the shadows of the night to their limits. Was he proud of this? No. He couldn't remember when the last time he felt sorry for a human was, and that was the reason he was so determined to stay away from you.
Lustre of Desire (Dokyeom/Reader)
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Vampire!Dokyeom |
Haunting Desires (Wonwoo/Reader) [coming soon]
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Vampire!Wonwoo | Ghost!Reader
Summary: He hated the sort of limbo he had gotten himself into centuries ago. He technically wasn't dead, but he wasn't alive either. He hated it. Every day was more of the same, and no matter how much he talked about it, no other immortal creature had ever understood the feeling. The last thing he expected was for a ghost to come into his life and give it a porpuse.
Searing Flames of Desire (Vernon/reader)
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Fires of Desire (Seungkwan/Reader)
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Vampire! Seungkwan |
Desire's Nightfall (Jihoon/Reader)
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Vampire!Jihoon |
Scarlet Desires (Mingyu/Reader)
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Vampire!Mingyu |
Eternal Desires (Chan/Reader)
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Vampire!Chan |
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jeonginssa · 1 year
Crimson | W.JH
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Author’s note: MDNI, this is 18+ 🫡 this is my first time trying to post smut please be kind idk what i’m doing 🤡
Pairing: wen junhui x reader
Genre/content: VAMPIRE JUNHUI, human? reader (you’ll see 😏), SMUT, established relationship
Trigger/content warnings: biting, marking, blood, unprotected sex, consent is implied but not discussed, ?slight breeding kink?, brief mention of mirror sex
As you watched the man behind you blowing your back out, you were distracted by one thing and one thing only.
“What are you staring at?” A gravely voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“You have a reflection.” The man chuckled at your inner workings and the low vibrations travelled all the way to your core.
“Turn around.” He pulled his cold, hard cock out of you without warning and you practically spun to face him. He made eye contact and gently caressed your neck, teasing at where this was going. “They don’t make mirrors with silver in the back anymore, my darling.”
You nodded hazily, his grip on your neck tightening as he whispered in your ear. “You have the prettiest neck.” He rammed his cock back into you suddenly and you squealed, prompting a smirk from him. Your walls clenched around him as his teeth grazed your neck, you could feel him smile against your warm skin. He licked your neck and a shiver ran down your spine and spread across every inch of your skin.
“Bite me.”
His thrusts stopped. “What?”
“I said bite me, Wen Junhui.”
“I’m not biting you just because you’re horny, YN.”
“I mean it, I want to live every day with you like this. Fucking and talking and dancing in the living room. Bite me.”
“Interesting choice of words, darling, bit of an oxymoron.”
“Stop talking and just fucking bite me.”
He moved his mouth to your ear and breathed. “Beg.”
“Now.” He snarled so animalistically you thought you might cum on the spot had he not stopped moving. You looked into his eyes, he was serious, and so were you.
“Please,” he started thrusting into you again and it took all you had to remember to speak, “Junhui, please bite me, I want to feel your teeth inside me, puncture my neck the way your cock punctures my insides. I need to feel you in my veins. Please, I-“
Searing pain turned to searing pleasure and Junhui’s fangs sunk deep into your neck as he sucked, every motion he made fuelled the surging feeling within you begging to be released. His hips pushed against you with force, a lust, unlike any you had experienced before, even from him. You screamed in ecstasy as your entire body shuddered under him. He removed his fangs from your neck and licked and kissed at your neck as you came down from your orgasm. Still gently rocking into you.
“You need to bite me.”
“What, why?”
“If you really want to be mine for eternity, I need you to bite me.”
You bit into him with all the strength you could manage with your human teeth and Junhui fell apart above you. His skin glistened with a light dusting of sweat and you knew you had made the right choice as his semen coated your walls for the first time.
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junekissed · 2 years
vampire boyfriend!jun headcanons
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member — vampire bf!jun x shy reader (gn) genre — headcanons (bullet points), fluff, humor word count — 950 warnings — mentions of blood (not belonging to anyone specific) notes — requested by anon — i always have brainrot for limbo jun anon i feel you 😔 i meant for this to be like. 400 words but i got carried away lol i am #1 vampire jun agenda supporter. i hope this is something like you wanted!
one reblog = one 'witchcraft' microwave dinner
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it’s a good thing for you that jun is also shy. partially due to the fact he can’t go outside during the day without being wrapped in a hundred layers and a dozen coats of sunscreen, and partially due to the fact that he just doesn’t like people in general, most days and nights are spent quietly in his living room in his house at the edge of town. reading books and watching tv wrapped up on the couch together is a favorite pastime of you both.
it’s truly a match made in heaven (or wherever vampires come from).
he’s not so reclusive that he doesn’t know what modern things are, but you have may have to teach him about things every once in a while. he’s got modern appliances like a refrigerator and a stove, but a microwave? never heard of it. he has a fairly up-to-date computer, but what’s that little box you always carry around? a phone? he’s got one of those hanging on the wall in the kitchen, why don’t you have a landline?
he convinces you to go grocery shopping with him one day, and you have to explain what instant meals are. yes, you can put the whole thing in the microwave, and it’ll be ready to eat in a couple minutes. no, it’s not witchcraft. (he’s had a few unfortunate run-ins with witches in the past, he avoids them at all costs now.)
he likes to think he’s big and scary and protective, but he’s not so much in practice: “if that cashier at the supermarket looks at you like that again, i’m gonna bite him!” whispered to you, followed by a polite “thanks so much have a nice day!” to him. he’s got the spirit, but when it comes to interacting with humans he’s just as shy, if not more shy, than you are.
he also loves reading the newspaper with you every morning. a physical newspaper that he’s had delivered to this address for over a century, and you can only wonder how no one ever suspected him. you find it so endearing when he gets excited over the smallest things reading the morning news, “do you know how many presidents i’ve lived through? this one’s my favorite, though!”
he gets up before you and makes coffee or tea or whatever you like and brings it to you in bed every single morning. you always blush and you tell him not to, but he does it anyway. he says he likes to spoil you; he’s got hundreds of years of affection built up and nothing to do with it, and now that you’re in his life, you better expect to be doted on 24/7. plus, he likes being all snuggled in bed with you, so why have breakfast out in the kitchen when he can have it while cuddling with you?
he knows it’s hard for you to fall asleep with him in the room since he doesn’t sleep, so he waits in the living room for a bit until he’s sure you’re asleep, then carefully climbs into bed with you.
you quickly discover that he loves making you get shy around him. he’ll tease you, but not in a mean way; just enough to make you blush and hide your face. he’s a big fan of complimenting you, because he thinks it’s so cute how embarrassed you get, but also because he’s just so enamored with you and he needs to make sure he tells you as often as possible.
it took a while for you to be comfortable with asking him questions about his life, but as soon as you start to open up he’ll tell you anything and everything you want to know. he loves telling you stories and recalling all the different places he’s lived– especially those few years in moscow with the traveling circus, but that’s a long story.
he’s been alive for hundreds of years, but somehow he’s still the most impatient person you’ve ever met. you would think he would’ve learned by now that he has plenty of time to wait, but he’s just so excited to be around you he can’t help but be anxious for more.
on the rare occasion you decide to go out somewhere for a date, he’s ready hours in advance, pacing by the front door, waiting for it to be time to leave. “you really look like dracula when you pace like that,” you giggle, coming out from the bathroom to see him walking around the living room with his hands clasped behind his back. he’d pout and go into a rant about how the book makes vampires look like mean manipulative creatures when really he’s just an introverted guy who likes cats and also happens to be immortal and drink blood.
speaking of cats, the both of you probably have more feline friends than human friends. they’re easier to be around, and unlike people, they don’t ask questions when they see jun walking around the house in his pajamas, a half-empty bag of type o in his hand.
at the end of the day most of your time is spent together, maybe a little secluded, but definitely enjoying each other's company <3
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thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed! if you liked this, reblog or leave an ask or a comment, it shows me you enjoyed this so i know to write more like this in the future!
taglist | @foxdaisy @tinkerbell460 @spookyeomie @huiranghaes @just-here-to-read-01 @blizzardfluffykpop @ny0sang @noraehey @squiishymeow @pearlygraysky @baekhyunstruly @tenn87 @blowfishish @noniestars @matilde111
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1-800-hwahui · 2 years
bite me || w.jh
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member — vampire!jun x vampire slayer!afab reader + marking genre — smut word count — 1.5k warnings — switch!jun in a vampire costume, switch!reader in a vampire slayer costume, tiny bit of role-playing, oral (f receiving), blond jun, fake blood, terrible bat puns notes — lowercase intended, no gendered pronouns/pet names but reader is afab. lmk if i missed anything! - 💒
minors dni - you will be blocked
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“how about you put those pretty teeth to use, baby?”
the fake wooden stake holstered in the belt hanging around your hips pokes his leg as you climb up the bed, straddling jun's slim waist with your thighs.
you’d scoffed at his idea of being a vampire and a vampire slayer for halloween that year; everybody did that. but when he’d explained the plans he had in mind for you after the halloween party you were attending at your friend cheol’s house, suddenly the themed costumes sounded very appealing.
so you’d helped him with his makeup, covering his face with white foundation and adding smears of “blood” to the corner of his mouth with lipstick, brushing dark circles under his eyes with powder and helping him gel his hair just right. he’d looked like a perfect vampire– before the party, that is. now, was a different story.
he shivers as you lean down to run your hand down the side of his neck, the coolness of your fingers soothing the burning heat beneath his skin. the pale makeup covering his face does nothing to hide the bright red flush painting his cheeks.
his eyes dart down and back up when you trace your thumb along his lip. a little bit of the fake blood painted onto his chin stains your finger, and you lift it to your mouth, slowly wrapping your lips around your thumb, making sure he’s watching your every pronounced move. oh, he’s watching, alright: there’s fire in his eyes, and it isn’t from the colored contacts he’s wearing.
you keep eye contact as you lay down on his chest, staring up at him innocently through your eyelashes as you tug the sleeve of his shirt down to expose his shoulder. your teeth make contact with his collarbones, sucking deep purple marks into his flawless skin, and he kicks his head back in an open-mouthed moan, giving you better access to his neck.
you lean away, sitting back on your heels to admire the bruises you’ve made across his shoulder. he sits up with you, hands squeezing at your hips to adjust you onto his lap.
his long arms wrap around your body, pressing you to his chest as his lips find yours, tongue gently delving into your mouth. 
you bite down experimentally on his bottom lip, relishing in the way he growls into the kiss, his mouth moving roughly against yours. his lips are warm and puffy from how hard you're kissing him, and by now you're sure his makeup is smeared messily across his mouth.
you start to grind down on his clothed bulge, getting impatient. he groans into your mouth, gripping your waist harder and pressing you down against his lap as his hips push up against you. you slide your hands up between you, pushing against his chest to pull yourself away.
he frowns, his hands still squeezing your waist, and he gives you a questioning look.
you pretend to pout, growing bored of his mouth. you want something else, you want something more. and you're tired of doing all the work.
“you gonna bite me or what, vampire boy? or do i have to do it myself?”
“oh, i will.”
a flash of amusement flickers across his eyes, and in one swift motion he slips his legs out from underneath you and flips you over, slamming you down onto your back on the bed. “if that’s what you want, sweetheart,” he smirks, almost mocking the surprised look on your face at the sudden change in positions.
“what’s wrong, baby? bat got your tongue?” junhui gloats when you don't reply.
if you weren’t currently pinned to the bed with his full weight on top of you, you’d smack him for making such a terrible pun, but you’re too focused on how good his hands feel on you to care, let alone to fight back.
the way the neckline of his white shirt hangs above you is low enough for you to glance down it and see his broad chest, heaving slightly from the exertion of manhandling you.
“i thought you were supposed to slay me? aren’t you strong enough, baby?” he says as he stares down at you, his tone sweetly condescending.
"jun, please," you whine, wriggling underneath him. 
"please, what? you were just trying to kill me, and now you want something from me," he tsks.
"please, fuck me," you breathe out, your hands sliding up his back to tug at the hem of his shirt, trying to pull it up and off of him.
"mmm, fine, you've convinced me," he murmurs, letting you pull his blouse over his head as his deft fingers unlatch your belt, tossing it effortlessly across the room. you suck in a breath at the sight of him; you’ve seen him like this so many times, but he never fails to make your heart skip a beat.
your hands fall to his chest, caressing the smooth skin before trailing lower, tracing your fingers along the defined ridges of his abs. his stomach tenses, muscles flexing at your feather-light, almost teasing, touch.
his fingers slide your pants down your hips, pulling them off in one smooth motion and letting them fall to the floor, quickly followed by his own. eagerly you sit up and throw your own shirt off, letting your breasts spill out.
jun smirks, pushing you back flat against the bed and pinning your wrists above you with one hand. he leans down, taking one nipple in his mouth and sucking hard while his free hand toys with the other. you whimper, arching away from the bed, wanting more, needing more.
“jun…” you moan his name breathlessly, squirming in his grasp, trying to get closer to him.
he grins against your chest and moves his hand down to play with your clit, dragging his fingers through your folds and drawing patterns on your clit with his thumb.
“mm, so wet for me, baby,” he groans, dipping just the tip of his finger inside you teasingly.
you whine as he hovers over your body, moving down and positioning himself at the end of the bed.
his nose nestles in between your legs, and he attaches his plush lips to the inside of your thigh, sucking bruises into the soft skin. you groan, wiggling a little, the movement tickling the sensitive areas of your thigh.
his mouth slides up to your hips, breath ghosting over your heat, making you shiver. once again he begins leaving marks along your body, biting and sucking at your hip bones. deep purple bruises have already begun to bloom up and down your legs by the time he’s moved his way up to your breasts, taking one in his mouth while gentle hands squeeze the other. you sigh and close your eyes, enjoying the way his mouth feels on you.
but suddenly his lips leave your nipple. you whine at the loss, but soon he dives into your folds, his mouth finding your clit. automatically you arch your back away from him, but his fingers grip down hard on your hips, holding you in place. 
he completely surrounds you with his lips, sucking with so much force you almost forget to breathe. he gently tugs at your clit with his teeth, and your legs instinctively try to shut around his head, but his strong hands keep you spread open. you can feel your orgasm approaching fast as jun keeps working away at your clit, devouring your pussy like a starved man.
your voice becomes higher as he continues, a stream of curses and whines of his name, begging him to let you have your release.
your hand snakes down to tug at his hair, trying to pull him closer, searching for any friction you can get. he groans at your touch, rutting his hips against the side of bed as yours rut against his mouth. with one more gentle bite to your clit, you come undone on his tongue, his name leaving your lips in a frenzied cry, your hands gripping his blond hair until your knuckles turn white. his lips never leave you as he works you through your orgasm, tongue darting out to toy with your clit before diving back into your cunt.
when he finally pulls away after you’ve come down, his chin is a mess; the fake blood had smeared across his mouth, mixing with your juices.
he grins at the fucked-out look on your face, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand, streaking the makeup even more.
“is that enough biting for you, baby?”
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taglist | @shuatm
© lavenderhui 2022. do not repost or translate.
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spiltinksky · 1 year
Jeonghan: That was my sarcastic voice.
Junhui: Y'know, it sounds a lot like your regular voice.
Jeonghan: I’ve been told that.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Thirsty | Vampire!Jun | [m]
Summary: Junhui is the perfect lover - sweet, caring... immortal. After millennia of drinking human blood, he's confident in his ability to avoid hurting the human he's drinking from - but when it's you, his hunger seems insatiable. Word count: 6.1k Warnings: smut, blood drinking, biting, blade and cutting, orgasm denial, overstimulation, mentions of gore-y/vore-y stuff ♫ Dangerous Tonight - Alice Cooper ♫ Animals - Living in Fiction (cover) ♫ Poison - Alice Cooper
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“If I hurt you at any point, or you get scared, you must tell me. If I don’t listen, hit me. Do whatever you need to do to stop me,” he says, looking straight into your eyes. He holds your face in his hands, his touch featherlight. Your foreheads are touching, you breathe the same air. He isn’t begging, but his eyes are. 
Jun’s the sweetest lover you could wish for. A perfect gentleman that desires only you, oblivious to the envy and jealousy of others when he kisses you. You’re his entire world. And he’s always like this before feeding. Submissive, willing to do anything you ask of him. He’s so soft and weak for you, obedient you’d almost say. Sometimes you wonder whether he’s making up for how his personality changes when the thirst for blood hits.
“I know, Jun. And I will, I promise,” you smile at him, your thumbs stroking his waist where you hold him, “We’ve been through this.”
He nods, his gaze falling to the ground. You can tell he isn’t convinced. That’s nothing new. You don’t blame him though, it’d be hypocritical. You’re also a little nervous. It’d be a flat out lie to say you aren’t. At the same time, though, adrenaline and excitement pump in your veins. 
“Love?” you call him gently, making him look at you again. If devotion was to be captured, it’d be the look in his eyes. “You won’t hurt me. You never did.”
“But I was always chained up,” he reminds you just as gently, his words dripping with uncertainty. 
Jun’s always been hesitant to feed from you after the first time. He has good self-control, but not when it comes to you. He never drinks more than is safe for the human and after thousands of years, it’s not even hard. With you, though, he can’t get enough. That much became clear the first time he’s fed from you.
And it also became apparent that blood alone does not satisfy his hunger.
Your lamb of a boyfriend becomes a beast when he craves blood. 
“I can’t watch you like that. You always look like you're in so much pain,” you whisper, reminding him why you asked him to try this. He swallows, agreeing easily.
He’s described remembering the times when he gets drunk on your blood like watching his life through a fog. He is present, he knows what he’s doing, but he can’t think clearly. It’s like his instincts take over. He’s never hurt you, but he’s terrified of the possibility. Accidents never happen until they do, after all. He’s willing to take the suffering, the pain and yearning to keep you as safe as he can.
But he can’t say no to you.
“I trust you, Junhui,” you tell him, watching him further melt under your gaze, “I know you won’t hurt me. Not more than I can take. And when you’re sated, I know you’ll take care of me.”
“Always, my love,” he reassures you quickly. He tilts his head, his nose brushing against yours as he leans forward. You meet him halfway, accepting his kiss and returning it with the same tenderness. It’s comfort. It’s home. You feel your muscles relax the longer he’s kissing you. He holds you like you’re the most precious, and to him you are.
“Ready?” he asks softly, his breath fanning your lips as he speaks. You nod, opening your eyes to meet his. He looks so vulnerable your heart hurts. You kiss him again, a single kiss holding your undying trust in him. He whimpers breathlessly. He’s hungry, but he wants to keep holding you. 
He forces his hands to let go. As they fall to his sides, he kneels down in front of you. You hand him the box that has sat, unimportant, on the dark sheets of your bed. Now it’s the crucial object of the entire night. The vampire takes it from your hands, his fingers brushing against your skin gingerly. 
He holds it in his lap. He steadies his breathing as he opens the lid and takes out a few cotton pads and wets them with disinfection. He asks for your hand wordlessly, and you give it to him. Just not before stroking his cheek with affection. He leans into the touch and he looks so tormented it makes you question the choices that led to this moment. There’s no turning back now, however.
He caresses your wrist with the wet piece of cotton, careful yet thorough. He throws the used pad away before looking at you. You know that if he senses the tiniest bit of hesitation from you, he’ll stop everything right away. But there’s none.
As you said, you trust him. With your whole life.
He takes out a dagger from the box, ancient and ornate. Only the best knife for your skin, he told you when he first showed it to you. It’s truly beautiful. And sharp. You know you need to be careful.
The vampire hands it to you, holding the tip of the blade as your eyes meet and his lips mouth the last confession - I love you. You mouth it back, voicelessly, and it’s the last reassurance he allows himself to accept before he focuses on calming his mind. He needs to calm down as much as he can, even if he knows it’s gonna be pointless once he smells the metallic and yet so intoxicating scent of your blood that seems to call to him. 
You take the dagger in one hand while lowering and stretching out the other. It’s so close to his lips you see him instinctively lean forward to kiss your skin, until he smells the disinfection and pulls away. It’s so endearing it makes you smile.
But the situation weighs on you and the smile doesn’t last. You take a deep breath and let it out. It’s time.
You bring the blade to your wrist and slash. The cut’s shallow, but bleeds just enough. He’s told you he’s afraid he wouldn’t be able to stop if he bit you straight away. You hold the dagger tightly in your dominant hand. You need to be ready to keep your promise to your lover, should it come to that. You watch the metamorphosis happen.
It’s not obvious at the beginning. His eyes fall closed and brows furrow a little, he jerks his head away and his breathing gets fast and heavy. Then he bares his growing fangs. You feel your blood rush, more of it spilling from the wound and his eyes shoot open. His lips close around your wrist, tongue lapping at your wound. You gasp. He must’ve been starving. He’s sucking at the wound, his tongue greedily licking up any blood that dripped down to your palm and fingers. His eyes meet yours. Dark, cold, but slowly filling with your life. He smirks, and it looks so sinful with his deadly fangs bared. You could ignore the danger if it wasn’t for the promise you made.
He never breaks eye contact while he enjoys the blood flowing from your wound before the components in his saliva start coagulating the blood, helping the wound close. If you want to look away, he nips at your skin without breaking it, a playful spark in his eyes when you glare at him.
He’s different.
It worries you a little bit.
But it also has a completely different effect that you’re sure he’s aware of as the smirk remains glued to his lips. 
When he finally pulls away, he’s humming a tune. He seems happy. And hungry. He stands up, dusting off his knees. He walks towards you and the glint in his eyes makes you walk backwards until the back of your knees hits the bed. He doesn’t stop until his body is pressed flush against yours. He’s towering over you, making you feel so small and weak. One of his hands is steading you, cold against the small of your back.
The other, however, is a problem.
Fingers of his other hand circle your wrist, holding it softly like a prayer. His thumb strokes your skin just as gently.
He studies the glinting blade of the dagger, the few dried drops of blood. All the while he keeps humming the tune, the vibrations seeping into your body as well.
Then the sound stops and he’s eerily silent.
Slowly, his eyes turn to yours. There’s no sign of the warmth that usually fills them when he looks at you.
Only hunger remains.
He smiles, almost kindly, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He’s dangerous. That’s what your body is telling you, some primal part of your brain keeps firing out warning signs. But he’s perfect. The definition of lethal beauty.
When he feels you growing relaxed in his hold, that’s when he leans down and his lips meet yours.
It’s rough. He pulls you closer and takes advantage of the gasp you let out to slip his tongue into your mouth. You feel his ever present smirk, the chuckle that tingles your lips when you move your hips against his. He grinds into you eagerly, already hard and ready to have his way with you. If it wasn’t for a tiny little issue…
“Drop the dagger,” he purrs against your lips, nipping at your flesh when you try to kiss him again instead. He pins your hips against his, teasing with the tiniest of movements. “Drop it. Then I’ll give you everything.”
“C-Can’t,” you whisper, weak, “I promised.” He makes a faux disappointed ‘aww’ sound, his thumb brushing against the pulse point on the wrist of the hand that holds the dagger. Is it a warning? A praise from somewhere deep in his unconsciousness where your sweet docile Junhui disappears when his hunger takes over?
“But you promised it to me, didn’t you?” he coos, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of your lips, then another to your nose, then to your forehead. He cuddles you into him, your head buried into his neck. He wiggles his hips, causing such delicious friction against your clit that it makes you gasp against his skin. “Be good for me, love. I promised I wouldn’t hurt you, didn’t I? You said you trust me.”
Where your sweet boyfriend cherishes your love as a promise, Jun addicted to your blood wields it like a weapon. 
“I do trust you,” you whine, your free hand fisting in the fabric of his white shirt, “B-But you said I should do anything to protect myself if I needed to.”
He hums thoughtfully, his hips slowing down their movements. He doesn’t let you move on your own, all you can do is plead quietly against his neck.
“I did say you should do ‘anything’, hm?” the vampire smirks, lowering his lips to your ear, “You know I’m stronger. I could just take that toy away from you, but I might hurt you doing that. See? I don’t want to hurt you. I’m still protecting you from myself.”
“Please, Jun,” you breathe, “I promised you.”
You nuzzle into his neck, placing your lips where his pulse point would be if he had a pulse. You kiss up the column of his neck, taking your time. He leans away to give you more access. It’s a wonder that no matter what, he’s a putty in your hands once you start touching him. Once you reach his jaw, your kisses get sloppy. It’s all his fault, his hips rocking into yours with more pressure. You moan against his lips when you reach them, and he wastes no time kissing you back.
Jun leans on you, making you lose balance and fall on the bed. He follows, immediately reconnecting your lips. He frees your hand. It’s easier to undress you with both hands up to the task. He makes a quick job of your dress, your bra, and your underwear. You’re completely bare under him while he remains in his black pants and white shirt, you whine at the injustice. 
“You can undress me too, when it’s necessary,” he promises with a chuckle and one last kiss to your lips, “Just don’t accidently ram that blade into my skull.” 
And just like that, he trails kisses down your body. His hands knead your breasts, thumbs rolling your nipples with expertise natural to him. You’re squirming before he even reaches your mound. He seems pleased by that. It doesn’t take long before his tongue delves between your folds, his tongue swiping over your clit at your whimpers. He sucks on it carefully, teeth barely grazing the sensitive nub before giving it a few more licks. All too soon he takes his mouth off you, shifting his attention to the inner side of your thighs and sucking mark after mark onto your skin. His hands slide down to hold your hips still.
“Please, Junhui,” you beg, your free hands carding through his hair, trying to get his mouth back where you need it instead.
“Are you in a position to ask for anything, sweetheart?” he grins against your skin, his eyes meeting yours briefly, “I also asked you nicely for something and you refused. That’s not nice, is it?” Despite his chiding, he makes a show of walking his fingers towards your pussy pulsing with need, running them down towards your entrance to collect the wetness. You shiver as they brush against your clit.
“Would you look at that? I wonder how long would you keep your promise if I didn’t touch you at all,” he sneers, easing one of his fingers inside you. Your grip on his hair tightens, and he lets you pull at his hair without moving his lips any closer to your core. He only starts marking up your other thigh.
“B-but I promised you…” you cry out in frustration. Why does it feel so much like you’re talking to a different person? Your lover hums, resting his chin on your hip as he moves his thumb to circle your clit. He smirks at the immediate effect it has on you, your spine arching so beautifully.
“But you only did after I begged you, didn’t you? You actually don’t want to hold that blade, you couldn’t hurt me if you needed to,” as he talks, he adds another finger and slightly increases the speed and pressure of his thumb on your clit, “Don’t forget - I could break your hand without even meaning to. Are you forgetting how much stronger than you I am?”
He nuzzles into your stomach while you squirm under him, trying to grind against his hand uselessly. You feel the strength in his grip, feel where his fingers will leave marks. Your mind is too clouded with pleasure to concentrate on that however. The hand fisted in his hair must be hurting him, but he just keeps smirking and kissing up your stomach until his lips latch to your nipple, sucking on the bud and swirling his tongue around it. You feel your climax approaching but just as you’re about to fall into euphoria, he pulls away completely.
Your eyes close as you whimper, more hushed pleas spilling from your lips, so it’s only too late when you notice that he’s crawled over you. Straddling your hips, he slides his hands over your arms until his fingers intertwine with your yours. He takes the dagger away from you with ease, throwing it across the room. 
It’s the clank it makes that has your eyes snapping open. You gasp, and he takes the opportunity to kiss you, his tongue invading your mouth immediately. 
Your instincts fight once again - to fight or to flight? Or to submit to the apex predator on top of you? Seems like the third option is the choice your mind makes.
You melt under him, willing your muscles to relax. He smiles into the kiss, not the loving smile you’re used to. It’s almost wistful.
Jun pulls away just as you get desperate for air. With one more kiss to the corner of your lips he whispers: “Don’t forget, I could eat you out, but I could also eat you alive.”
As if to emphasize his point, he takes your lower lip between his teeth, his sharp fangs grazing the tender flesh without drawing blood. You whimper and he lets go.
“Afraid yet, little one?” he smirks, one of his hands caressing your cheek.
“No, just nervous,” you breathe out, willing the words to be true, “You said you’ll protect me, that you won’t hurt me. I trust you.”
“Always so good for me,” he praises, patting your hair. You remember how harsh you pulled on his hair, concern flashing over your face, making him hum in question.
“Did I hurt you?” you ask, reaching up to twirl one of his locks around your finger. He chuckles, leaning down to kiss you once more, reassuring you better than words ever could.
“You couldn’t hurt me if you tried, mortal,” he teases, but his demeanor changes, if only for a minute. His noses along your cheek, pressing more soft kisses to your skin. Leaning his forehead against yours, he looks into your eyes and kisses you. His eyes are dark, clouded over with lust and hunger, but strangely it doesn’t scare you - the opposite. You’re more sure you can trust him to keep his own promise when you failed to keep yours.
“I think you’re being very good for me,” he whispers, his hand stroking down your body until it reaches your still soaked center. His fingers slip right in without any resistance. He watches with glee as you moan his name so softly, your hands curling around his forearms, nails sinking into his flesh when his thumb finds your clit once more.
“Is that enough?” he inquires. Before he can get his answer, he hisses when you jerk suddenly under him, your thigh brushing against the bulge in his pants. You eye him with such unadulterated desire that he growls and only barely stops himself before he can bite your neck with all of his strength. You’re a danger to yourself, and thus to him as well. But you don’t need to know that.
“Careful, darling,” he warns, lips closing around your pulse point as you whimper and squirm, his fingers curling inside you just right. “I want to keep my promise, but you’re making it so hard.”
The immortal crawls down your body until lips can once more cover your core and his tongue toy with your clit. The vibrations of his groans when you pull on his hair again send your mind into an overdrive, as does the rapid flicking of his tongue over your most sensitive part. His fingers do not slow down either, pumping in and out of you at just the perfect pace. He curls them inside to always brush and push against the one spot that makes you see stars. 
You know it’s not smart to lose your mind with a predator in your bed, but you can’t help it. His name keeps spilling from your lips, veiled by moans and pleas. You don’t realize how tight you’re gripping the strands of his hair - but he does, and that with your breathless chanting of your pleasure drives him crazy. His hips buck into the mattress, desperate for any relief. But with the way you’re clenching around his fingers he knows he won’t have to wait too long to have you.
He replaces his mouth with his thumb again, you don’t seem to mind or really notice, tethering right on the edge of your climax. Instead his lips latch to the marked skin of your thighs and just as your orgasm hits, his teeth sink in.
He’d love to watch your back arch, would love to hear your broken gasp at the pain and pleasure that go so well together, but your blood rushes into his system and it fills him so completely. It’s so hot, so delicious, so intimately yours that he can’t perceive anything but the euphoria of his bloodlust satisfied.
You don’t realize just how much worse than having your orgasm denied is forcing himself to retract his teeth, to lap at the wound to help it heal and stop bleeding instead of drinking and drinking until he’s lost to the blood. But he can’t lose you. So he stops himself, peppering gentle kisses on your thigh once there are only two marks where he drank from, the blood coagulating and protecting your precious life.
“Junnie…” your soft voice finally reaches his ears, and he notices your hands in his hair - gentle, soothing the ache you caused. He smirks, kissing right on the puncture wounds before he covers your body with his again, allowing you to snuggle closer to him, to hide your face in the crook of his neck.
“Did I hurt you?” he asks, his hands gently stroking your back. Relief washes over him when you shake your head with a little ‘no’. You’re cherished, even if thirst still buzzes just under his skin and at the edge of consciousness. When he needs you so viscerally.
“Come closer,” you whine, and he wants to argue he’s close enough, until you start tugging at his clothes and he realizes what you mean. He takes your wrists into his hands, stopping you with a gentle yet stern look.
“Little mortal, if I allow you to take my clothes off, can you handle the consequences?” he wonders aloud. When you give him a curious look, he smirks, pulling your hips closer to his. You see the effort it takes him not to close his eyes at the slightest friction.
“Why so surprised? You know I get hungry for more when I drink from you,” he purrs. He lets go of your wrists, offers the choice to you. But you already know what you crave, and it’s him.
Your hands find his shirt again, unbuttoning it slowly, purposely brushing your fingers over his icy skin. His eyes burn into yours, the smirk on his lips as relaxed as it is amused.
“Why is it like that?” you ask, “You said it doesn’t happen when you feed from other people.” He makes a thoughtful noise, trying hard to focus on answering instead of your fingers hovering above the last button.
“Because you’re mine. Your blood calls to me,” he says in the end, “Maybe you’re bound to me now. There are many mysteries, my love, let’s take advantage of them.”
And advantage you take, palming him over his pants. He curls towards you slightly before he can compose himself, his hips pressing against your palm. He chuckles darkly, one hand cupping your face.
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” he warns, and you see his words for what they are. You don’t tease him any longer, instead undoing his pants and helping him pull them off until he’s as bare as you are. 
Before you can do much more, he pulls you down, flipping you on your stomach. You gasp when he pins you down with his body, freezing cold against your warm skin. You feel his hardness pushing against your entrance, rocking back to get him to move, more than ready to feel him inside.
“Impatient, always so impatient,” he scolds, “And I’ve done nothing but wait, so you can too, can’t you?”
You want to ask him what he means, but then you feel the tips of his fangs dive into your neck ever so slowly just as he pushes his hips against yours, entering you with the same languid pace as his teeth.
Your instincts ring the alarms again, but even if you wanted to run, it’d be impossible. It hurts. The side of your neck he’s feeding from burns without pleasure, unlike the stretch of his cock inside you. You feel helpless, and you are, but that makes it all the more arousing.
The vampire doesn’t feed for too long. He knows he wouldn’t be able to stop if he did, and the short, almost teasing tiny little sips he takes from you are the sweetest torture. His only consolation is knowing he’ll eventually be full before the night ends.
You whimper when he starts grinding into you slowly, dragging his heavy cock through your walls. His head is swimming with the noises you make and the taste of your blood still fresh on his tongue.
“S-Sensitive,” you mewl as he picks up the pace, unable to control himself as well as he usually is.
“I know, I know,” he coos, “But you can take it for me, right?” He kisses over the wound he made, and you tilt your head, giving him more access despite feeling overwhelmed even by his teeth as your sensitive skin.
“I can, love you, need you,” you cry as he snaps his hips forward. You try to meet his thrusts and relish in his groans right next to your ear as he fucks you from behind.
“Love you too,” he sighs, “Need you so much.” You feel his teeth on your neck again, closing your eyes with a yelp as he bites without warning. This time his fangs sink deeper, drawing more blood faster and he’s so careful, allowing himself only a few seconds of heaven before he pulls away, watching the blood spill and pulse from the wound. His thrusts get brutal, fast and hard and you have nowhere to run but towards him. You offer yourself up to him completely, allowing him to do as he wishes as you cum again. 
It drives him further into insanity as he laps at the spilled blood while his hip piston in and out of you at hellish pace. He cleans up the blood, but it’s messy anyway, red marks all over your neck and shoulder, on his mouth and chin. Tears well up in your eyes and fall. It’s all too much and not enough. 
"Your blood is so…" he growls, fangs scratching your sensitive skin. Your entire body writhes in overstimulation, too sensitive. It's like you're getting drunk off of him. His teeth and tongue leave scarlet streaks in their wake. Your fingers curl around his forearm, nails digging into his skin again. Tiny crescents decorate his skin all over, making him huff a laugh.
"You're so weak, so mortal," he thrusts particularly hard, making you cry out. He shushes you with a kiss to the top of your head. "See?"
He’s fucking into you roughly, insatiable. His teeth find another spot. You're getting too weak to whine after each bite, accepting the sting and the scorching sensation that follows. They only last a couple seconds. You know he’s only drinking a little at a time, and you can’t imagine how hard it must be for him.
"I need more," he moans, breathy and gone, "Need you entirely. Need your everything." He grinds against you, slowly now, aiming his thrusts so that he hits your sweet spot every time and you can only mewl and take it as more words spill from his lips.
"I could devour you," he laughs, sucking a mark right above the wounds left by his fangs, "Just fucking eat you whole."
His lips keep working over your skin, biting without taking any more of your blood, sucking marks and licking. He can't get enough, and you crave impossibly more.
"I could tear you apart. Piece by piece," he whispers, nuzzling into your shoulder so carefully while his hips snaps back to the fast and punishing pace, "Muscle after muscle. It'd be the best meal of my life."
You should be terrified. You would be terrified, but he holds you so dearly. While he ran his mouth, one of his arms snaked under you around your waist and the other is pulling you closer to him, pressed between your arm and body and gripling your shoulder but even so his hold is so careful not to hurt you. His thumb absentmindedly draws patterns on your skin and you lean into his touch. 
No matter what he says, you're safe. He's with you, and he wouldn’t let anyone hurt you. Least of all himself.
He doesn’t stop pounding into you as he pulls you up against his chest. He’s so cold against your back it makes your spine arch. Your eyes roll to the back of your skull. One of his hands snakes up your torso until his palm lies flat between your breasts.
“You’re so fragile,” he groans into your ear, “You’d be so helpless if I wanted to hurt you.” As if to make his point, he adds more pressure against your sternum. It’s getting harder to breathe with the additional resistance.
“I could tear this pretty beating heart out,” he purrs, nails digging into your skin without breaking it, “You couldn’t stop me if you tried.”
It’s then that you notice his thrusts changed. 
He was fucking you to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
The realization makes you clench on his cock, milking him as you cum again with a broken cry. He curses, letting both your bodies fall forward without ceasing his thrusting. Your vision is getting black, everywhere he touches feels like your skin is on fire.
“I could pull it out whole, veins at all. I could drink your blood straight from your heart,” he moans, voice breaking. He kisses your neck, teeth sinking into your skin once again. You whimper, the pleasure ebbing away into overstimulation. His cock stretching your walls is too much, his teeth in your flesh too, you’re getting lightheaded and it’s not because of the bloodloss.
“It’d be so warm,” he continues, licking his ruby red lips and the puncture wounds on your neck, sealing them, “So delicious. Your blood is so addictive, love. I can’t help myself, I need it. I’d squeeze it all out of your heart and then drink more from your body until there’s not a drop left.” 
You beg him to slow down, you think you do, you want to, but all you hear coming from your mouth is breathless more, more. His words make you tremble in his hold, whine softly, even as you keep squeezing him.
"It'd be so bloody, so lovely," his thrusts grow frantic, shaking your overstimulated body, "I'd be covered in your blood, in you, your life."
“I’d love that so much,” he gasps, his head falling on your shoulder, lips kissing your heated skin. It reminds you of him, how he really is. “But I won’t do that…” 
He trails off as his teeth sink into you again, but you can feel the words he doesn’t say even when he bottoms out and stills as he fills you up with his cum.
…because I love you. 
You feel his body trembling on top of yours. You can’t move, the pain in your neck is sharp and paralyzing, and you’re too tired. Perhaps it is the blood loss this time. Just as the thought passes through your mind, he lets go. He makes sure the wound is sealed before stretching his body over yours to kiss your temple with the tenderness you’re used to. You smile, faintly aware of his voice. Everything grows distant and your body feels heavy. Darkness takes you. 
When you come to again, you feel safe. That’s all your hazy mind takes note of - the feeling of safety. You’re warm. Someone is cradling you to their chest, and it doesn’t take long for you to remember and realize who it is. The lack of heartbeat kind of gives him away. You nuzzle into Jun’s shoulder, arms looping around his waist weakly.
“Love?” he asks, voice soft yet there’s a sense of urgency. You miss that, though, only humming in response. It’s enough for him anyway as he sighs. You feel him kiss the top of your head.
“You scared me,” he whispers, and this time you can’t miss the fragile quality of his voice. He shifts so that he can look at you because he refuses to allow you to do so. You see his sad eyes and immediately hold his face in your hands.
“I hurt you a lot, didn’t I?” he says, eyes falling closed and you know he regrets it, despite having done nothing wrong. You remind him of that.
“Jun, you feeding from me is painful, yes, but you didn’t hurt me,” you try to get him to open his eyes, “And you didn’t scare me either. Everything was - and is - alright.” Still you find it pretty tiring to talk, you realize. Your eyes close without your permission, only opening again when he caresses your cheek.
“I drank too much, look how weak you are,” he argues gently, pulling you impossibly closer, “We’re never doing this again. I almost lost you.”
You chuckle, opting to save energy by keeping your eyes closed.
“Love, I’m alright. Just a little tired. Nobody’s losing anyone,” you kiss his collarbone as you speak, lips brushing against his skin with every word, “Besides I have you to take care of me now.”
“I’m here,” he promises, “I’m here. Sleep. I’ll run you a bath afterwards, hm?”
You make a sound in agreement, but all too soon you’re falling asleep again.
Upon waking up this time, you find he didn’t move an inch, still holding you with the same tenderness as before. He shushes you as you start to squirm.
“I feel better, Jun,” you assure your boyfriend, “But I really want the bath now.” With enough energy to notice the condition your body is in, the cum drying on your thighs, the flakes of dried blood on your neck and shoulder, and the soreness of your muscles, you’re ready to fight him for the damn bath should you need to.
“Sorry, I’m on it,” he promises quickly, running off to the bathroom after making sure you’re cocooned in a fresh blanket. 
You feel a little dizzy, you realize as you evaluate the state you’re in. You’re sore all over, and the spots he’s bitten hurt still. You’re weak, but you know you’ll be fine. After all, he’ll put you on bedrest for a couple days at least, that’s for sure. 
He comes in a few minutes later, cautious until he sees you’re still awake. You give him a smile, one he returns. You know it’d be useless to so much as try to get up on your own, so you let him unwrap you from the blanket and carry you to the bathroom. He carefully lets you down into the bathtub and only gets in as well when you pout at him. He really can’t say no to you.
He sits in front of you, so you can see his face fall and eyes grow sad again when he spots the puncture marks on your neck. He runs his fingers over all four pairs of them, before remembering and checking the one on your thigh as well. 
“Junhui, look at me,” you call his name. He does, but the spark in his eyes is missing. You sigh. “You didn’t hurt me, and I was safe. You took care of me throughout your feeding, don’t you remember?” 
He shakes his head vehemently.
“I don’t want to remember,” he says bitterly, “I should’ve been gentler.”
“I don’t mind it rough sometimes,” you joke, trying to ease the atmosphere and his mood, but he only whines.
“You know what I mean,” he looks so upset it surprises you, and it makes you feel a little guilty. It was your request after all. 
“Jun, I’m fine, and I enjoyed it,” you reassure him, “Even if I really need and crave some tender care now.” He doesn’t look convinced, but at the very least he smiles a little.
“That I’m more than ready to give you,” he leans forward, lying half on top of you, his ear resting just above your heart. You don’t remind him it’s the same heart he wanted to pull out of your chest just hours prior.
“Just let me rest here for a while,” he murmurs softly, lips almost submerged under the water, “When the hunger went away, you were in my arms, cold and weak, it felt like you were barely breathing. I was so afraid.”
That explains a lot. You wrap your arms around him, one of your hands running through his hair and massaging his scalp. You’re sure it must hurt too, but you don’t ask him.
“I’m here, I’m alive,” you hum, “You wouldn’t hurt me. And you didn’t try either.”
He nods, closing his eyes. He hears your heart beating, feels your lungs expanding and shrinking with each breath you take, yet the first image he saw when the madness of bloodthirst faded stays in his mind. It haunts him for nights and days.
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xthunderbolt · 2 years
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Ok so I know that he already looked like a vampire in this mv. But fangs. He needed fangs. Happy Halloween.
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kwallanghae · 2 years
thirst | wen junhui
member: wen junhui - seventeen
content: comedy, vampire! junhui, reader who does not believe in the supernatural
summary: junhui can’t let anyone know about his darkest secret, and luckily even when staring directly at it, you refuse to believe in silly things like vampires.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: description of blood and drinking blood, language (cursing), hospital setting, mentions of masturbation, somewhat suggestive
ahhhh thank you so much for 100 followers! this is a quick drabble i wrote just to say thank you (and also ever since limbo came out i’ve been itching to write about vampire junhui)
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Jun drank hungrily, feeling drips fall down his cheek. He wiped at the corners of his mouth, greedily licking up every last drop. God, there was something so humiliating about it all. The hiding in the shadows, the stealing, the thirst, the bloodlust. Yet, as he finally quenched his ever growing thirst, Jun couldn’t find it in himself to care. All he wanted was to drink, and in the storeroom of his local hospital at 4AM, that was what he was going to do. 
He knew he was getting sloppy. Every so often a pained moan would slip from his stained lips, or blood would fall to the floor, staining the carpet. He wanted to hiss at every wasted droplet, but all he could do was drink with more and more fervour.
“What the fuck?”
That was, until the lights of the hallway shone onto him, hunched over several empty bloodbags, with crimson lines along the sides of his mouth, and you staring at him in disgust. 
“I swear, it’s not-“
You rolled your eyes, pulling on your gloves before stepping into the closet, grabbing at the empty bloodbags. “Three bags? C’mon man. You better be donating loads to make up for this.”
Junhui’s eyes were wide at your behaviour, and he licked his fingers, wiping away at the blood on his cheeks, swallowing a moan as he got one last taste of the sweetness. 
“Aren’t you… scared?” He whispered, only for you to groan, jabbing at his shoulder with a pointed finger.
“You’re really committing to this bit, aren’t you?”
“Come on!” You walked over to the bin, dropping the bags in the liner, and closing the lid. “You were moaning as if you were mid orgasm, in a hospital. During your shift, I might add. I mean, I know not much happens in graveyard hours, but still.” As you spoke, he got closer and closer, still hazy from his latest feed. And the fact that he was interrupted before he could finish. And now you were right there. “It’s like you wanted to be walked in on. Honestly, I thought you were jacking off.”
“Get over yourself, what I saw is even weirder.” Junhui knew he couldn’t argue that. His composure was weak, threatening to slip away entirely. Your scrubs were fairly form fitting, but you had one pair that was just one size too big, and those just happened to be the ones you had picked out today, leaving your collar and neck particularly exposed. Junhui wondered what would happen if he trapped you in a corner. What noises you would make if he just…
“Stop staring at me like that you weeb. God, are you still horny?”
He gasped, taking a step away from you. “I am not a weeb!”
“Oh? Then what are you?” You challenged, your tone bored. Junhui was filled with rage. You should be terrified! 
“Isn’t it obvious?” He asked, stepping towards you, flashing you a look of his pearly, sharp teeth. You didn’t step back, but you didn’t exactly make a move to get any closer either. 
“Junhui, I don’t know what you think people are into, but the whole gamer aesthetic, never goes into the sun or eats fruits and vegetables, and uses cheesy lines like ‘stay away’ is really old. You’re not from twilight.”
“It’s not a bit, wait, I go out.”
“I’ve literally never seen you when it’s not pitch black. And you’re so pale.”
“It’s a skin condition!”
“Yeah, sure. Tell yourself that. Just get out and get some vitamin D, please.”
You moved towards the door, and Junhui’s bruised ego almost let you, but he was filled with a sudden determination, and slammed the door closed before you could let yourself out. He couldn’t let you go, not after what you had just seen. And you smelled oh so good…
“I’m not letting you leave so easily.” He whispered huskily. He waited for your reaction, for the swallowed gulps, the whine, the whimpers, the- wait why were you rolling your eyes again?
“Again, Junhui, this isn’t really my thing. You’re like two seconds from putting cat ears on me and nibbling on my neck.” 
Junhui couldn’t stop himself. He wished he could, but it slipped so easily. 
“Did you just… moan?” Junhui was so fucked. “Oh my god! Do you like me or something? I’m not gonna lie, you’re hot and all, but you’re so fucking weird, man. Stop drinking blood to make yourself seem emo.”
“I’m not doing this to seem emo!”
“Fine, goth, whatever. Just let me leave please, I have a long shift and I don’t need you humping my leg.”
He slammed his hand above your head, trapping you between him and the wall. “It’s not to seem emo. I need to feed.” You were silent. Junhui smirked, he had finally gotten you to shut up. That was, until you started giggling. 
“Hahahaha, wait, are you saying- hmmhhhh- that you’re a vampire? HA! Hahahahaha!” You could barely speak through fits of laughter, doubling over to hold your stomach. If he was human, Junhui would have gone red in the face. 
“Stop laughing!”
“Oh my god, I’m going to start crying.”
He hit his hand against the wall in frustration, which of course, only made you laugh more. You began chewing on your bottom lip to control your giggles, but if you kept doing that, you were going to break skin. Two minutes ago, Junhui was scared he was going to do something that risked exposing him, not something that instead risked your teasing laughter and his ever growing sense of humiliation. He dropped his head so it was aligned with your neck, that shook and bobbed as you laughed, taking a sneaky whiff.
“Stop smelling me, loser. You’re not gonna convince me you’re a vampire.”
“Shut up.”
“You shut up! You occultist.”
The closer he was to you, the more his hunger grew, and the more your laughter frustrated him. Junhui swore, four more seconds like this and he was going to do something he would regret. With all the strength he had, he pulled himself away, off the walls, allowing you space to leave.
“Aww, are you embarrassed now?” You laughed. “Serves you right for stealing all that blood. You better find some B- donors soon.”
Junhui kept his gaze trained on the floor, trying his best to let his bloodlust subside. Your giggles slowly died down, and you moved away, patting his shoulder sweetly. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about this.” You told him, and he looked at you in surprise. “Yeah, weirdly enough, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen one of you interns drinking blood. Soonyoung, in pediatrics, I caught him doing the same thing.”
Junhui smirked. How have you seen this multiple times and remained so blissfully ignorant of his true nature?
You nodded, and quickly leaned towards him. His breath hitched as you placed a delicate kiss on the corner of his mouth. If you were more observant, you would have tasted the traces of blood still there. You winked at him, walking out of the closet, closing the door behind him. 
How sweet.
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i’m not entirely sure what this is or what it’s turned into, but i hope you enjoy!!
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lovelyhan · 2 years
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— the first circle of hell ⟢
pairing: jun x reader
summary: the first time you catch a glimpse of jun, you feel like you’ve seen him somewhere before. a magazine cover, a billboard, or a music show you watched in passing. jun, on the other hand, seems to know you a lot better than you know yourself.
word count: 5.4k words
tags: vampire!jun, stylist!reader, reincarnation, angst, smut
warnings: consensual and non-consensual blood drinking, jun becomes quite forceful (not of the sexual kind), graphic sexual content (minors dni), major character death
notes: reposting this bc it just won’t show up in the tags LOL but here’s part 2! thank you sm to everyone who supported and expressed their love for the first part. i hope you like how i concluded this story <3 (also tagging @miko1ly​ as requested^^)
p.s. hao is a bit evil in this, but it’s for a good reason lol (sort of)
p.p.s. i can’t link part one bc the post disappears if i add links : ( you can refer to the masterlist on my blog instead!
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P A R T  T W O
The dream starts with such vivid clarity, you nearly mistake it for a memory.
In your line of work, you’ve gotten used to hovering at the sidelines. You’re content with being the person that does all the background preparations so the stars of the show can stand out on whatever stage they’re expected to shine on.
Yet right now, the one who’s captivating the hearts of the audience is not one of your precious clients, but yourself.
The lights are blinding, but your grin is even more so—body swaying to the beat of a song you can’t even hear. Each movement comes to you so naturally that you don’t even have to think about what to do next—limbs snapping into motion as if memory has long been engraved into your muscles. When you bow in front of your spectators, their cheers sound muted in your ears, and all you hear is the deafening roar of your heart. 
But then their cheers morph into screams.
Those dazzling lights fizzling into darkness.
You don’t even have time to make sense of what’s happening—overcome with a wave of emotions so strong, you nearly choke on them. Your exhilaration is replaced by a sense of horror so intense, it makes you bolt back awake, sobbing into the palms of your hands like someone took away something precious from you.
It doesn’t help that you wake up to nothing but cold sheets and a pitch black bedroom—not so different from the nightmare that tore you away from blissful sleep. Before you can suffocate on your own sobs, you fumble for your phone on the nightstand to check the time. 
3:25 AM. Less than three hours before you have to get ready for work.
Once you finally get your emotional footing back, you consider texting your boyfriend in a feeble attempt at seeking solace. Jun still hasn’t responded to your good night text, but you figured he was just exhausted after a full day of shooting variety show content. 
You know he’ll get back to you in the morning—he always does. The thing you love most about him is how attentive he always is despite your work schedules keeping you far apart. 
But one thing that you haven’t shared with Jun after all these days of being apart are…the nightmares. 
They started happening around the time you took on a client that consisted of a local drama troupe. One of its members is a close friend of yours, so you made a few exceptions, despite the fact that you have this…inexplicable aversion for performance halls in general. 
Your exes would always complain about why they could never drag you to movie dates or concerts. You’re a stylist, right? Don’t you usually hang out in those kinds of places for work anyway? 
The answer should be yes, but you never really stepped out of the backstage dressing rooms unlike the other stylists on your team. Something about being in close proximity to any kind of stage makes you feel like you want to vomit—which is not something you can just tell your colleagues, so you opt to just step away most of the time.
Except this friend of yours has a bit too much faith in your work, and you’re forced to linger onstage during each of their costume rehearsals.
When they finally let you go after today’s session, Jun still hasn’t replied, and you head over to a nearby convenience store to buy yourself a comfort drink. 
Ginseng tea always does the trick after particularly long work days, and the relief that washes over you when you spot it at the refreshments aisle is a welcome feeling. You grab three bottles—one for immediate consumption, and two for later—before directing yourself to the counter. 
However, you stop in your tracks at the sight of a familiar face.
He strides over like he already meant to approach you—hands stuffed in the pockets of his parka as he greets you with a single nod. You swallow nervously, still unused to that default placid expression of his. Despite Jun being closest to him out of all the other members, you haven’t seen Minghao since your contract with him ended months ago. 
After all, not a single soul knows that you’re exclusively dating.
Minghao looks over to the drinks on the shelves before grabbing one for himself. For a second, your gaze catches on that same ring that’s intrigued you for the better part of the year—the one that looks exactly like the ring Jun never takes off.
“Did you have business at the theater?” he wonders, and you startle at the question, eyes flickering to meet his gaze. “You looked kind of stressed out when I saw you come out.”
His words make you do a double-take. Does that mean he followed you here?
“Yeah,” you admit with an uneasy laugh. “It’s just… I don’t like being in those kinds of places.”
There’s an unreadable look on his face as he takes in your response. “But you seem fine whenever you’re in a studio.” 
“That’s— That’s different.” You let out a frustrated sigh, not even sure why you’re trying to explain yourself to a guy that clearly doesn’t like you. Just because he’s Jun’s best friend, doesn’t mean he’s yours, too. “I think I’ll head home now. It’s nice running into you again, Ming—”
Your sentence is immediately cut off by Minghao scooping the bottles of ginseng tea in your arms before heading over to the counter himself. You let out a noise in protest when he pays for all of it, but your ex-client merely shakes his head.
“It’s late. I’ll drive you home.”
Except Minghao doesn’t do that. Sure, he lets you hop inside a car that probably costs three years’ worth of your salary, but he doesn’t drive you home. In fact, he didn’t even ask you where your apartment is.
He just pulls over in front of the city hospital before looking at you with a deep exhale.
“Lower basement, first room to the left,” Minghao says none-too-cryptically, handing you the bag of drinks he bought for you. “He’s waiting for you.” 
You don’t have to be told twice. The moment he said the words, you scramble to undo the seatbelt keeping you in place—nearly slamming the car door when the dots start to connect. In your urgency, you end up bumping into hospital visitors and staff alike, earning yourself a dozen and a half dirty glares, but you don’t care.
It’s probably best to keep a cool head about this. You’re not even sure if you jumped to the right conclusion. But when you open the door to the room Minghao told you about and see your boyfriend lying on a hospital bed, you suppose that your dread is more than justified.
You nearly toss the bag of drinks on an empty table as you rush to Jun’s side, heart thumping frantically as a million other questions cross your mind. 
With your thoughts so preoccupied, you fail to notice the silver ring glinting unattended on the wooden surface.
“Jun,” you whisper, reaching out for his hand on the bedside—his fingers are distressingly cold, but you don’t let it faze you. “I’m here. Please… Please be okay.”
You’re reminded of how you simply expect the worst in things when your boyfriend immediately stirs—brown eyes blinking up at you with a dazed look. Your heart practically melts with relief as you pull him up and into your arms. 
“Thank God,” you whisper. “I thought you were dead, holy shit.”
You expect Jun to respond with a soft laugh like he always does—to kiss your forehead and reassure that everything was fine. But all that you hear from him is a deep-seated growl rumbling from his chest. Confused, you’re about to release him from your grasp, but then Jun traps you in the iron stillness of his grip. 
This immediately tells you that something’s wrong. Your boyfriend has never held you like you’re anything but spun glass. 
Except Jun never answers you. Instead, you watch as his beautiful brown eyes glow red with rage—baring two perfectly sharp fangs with a hiss before sinking them into your throat.
The sensation doesn’t register in your brain right away—too stunned with what you saw. But when his grip tightens even further, your fight-or-flight response finally kickstarts, and every single survival instinct comes back online. 
You push him away with all the strength you can muster, but Jun clings to you like a vice—slurping the blood that seeped through the puncture wounds like it’s his first meal in decades. You’re shaking, tears streaming down your cheeks as unimaginable pain blooms from where he feeds on you. But no matter how hard you try to kick, and punch, and struggle, you’re helpless against his inhuman strength.
Time doesn’t seem to exist anymore. The resistance that adrenaline rush ignited in you has been watered down by whatever poison Jun has injected in your veins. It’s like the longer he sucks you dry, the less you’re willing to put up a fight. 
And something tells you it’s only a matter of time before you stop fighting back entirely.
He practically slurps with each gulp of your blood, and you almost slump against his grip. But, despite how weak your voice comes out, you whisper—
“Junhui, please …”
You’re long gone when Jun’s lips disconnect from the bruised skin of your neck. Red irises fade back to their usual color, and finally, he can see through the haze of bloodlust. 
He stares at the mess of crimson that’s dripped down your clothes and onto the crisp white sheets. When he glances at his reflection in a nearby mirror, Jun sees with growing horror how his lips and hands are caked with blood. Your blood.
If anyone was to walk through the door to his room right now, they’d have all the evidence to incriminate him for a murder. 
But the monster in him doesn’t care. It roars, and it thrashes—driven to near insanity by the delectable aroma of your blood. It doesn’t help that the scent permeates the air by the second. 
As gently as he can, he lays you down on the bed—fighting against every baser instinct that’s screaming at him to take and take and take. Jun forces his eyes to see past the building delirium and spots the antidote to this same burden he’s been carrying for centuries.  
The silver ring sitting on the table. 
His knees buckle with each step, arms skidding against the side of the table as he forces the stupid thing back onto his right hand. It’s only then that he lets himself take a big gulp of air—sliding onto the floor once the monster’s roars are finally silenced.
When his eyes rove to your unconscious form, Jun is much too relieved to see that you’re still breathing. 
“Now what happened here, I wonder?”
Jun’s gaze turns ice cold at the sound of a familiar voice. 
The voice of a man that’s been the bane of his existence for centuries. 
Minghao kicks the door to the hospital room behind him with a haughty look—folding his arms over his chest like this is exactly how he imagined things would play out. Jun wants nothing more than to wipe that look off his face out of sheer frustration when Minghao crouches in front of him on the floor.
“Still think you deserve to love a human when you can’t even control yourself around her?” He scoffs. “Our kind can never mix with theirs. How many times do I have to remind you, Jun?”
“Shut up,” he whispers hoarsely. “Stop playing this off like you didn’t turn the both of us into lab rats. I would— I would never hurt her if I just—”
“Wear the ring?” Minghao sighs, unimpressed, as he gazes at the identical piece sitting around his finger. “Junhui, if you have to rely on something like that just to make sure you don’t maul her to death, you should really reconsider your choices. But it’s not like you haven’t done the same thing every single time, now have you?”
He hates it. Positively abhors how every single word that comes out of Minghao’s mouth is true. It’s a miracle, how Jun has stuck by Minghao after all these centuries without driving a stake through his chest. But then he’s reminded about the very reason why he can’t do that.
The rings they wear on their fingers—an unspoken pact between brothers.
It’s ironic, how the object that helps him tame the beast inside is the very same thing that drives him insane with each passing day.
They’ll always be Junhui and Minghao. Minghao and Junhui. That’s what they promised.
But the moment you came into the picture…
When Jun doesn’t answer, Minghao walks over to you—already pulling up the sleeve of his parka so he can slice open his wrist with a prick of his fangs. Blood quickly seeps from the wound, and Minghao firmly holds your lips open so each drop can trickle into your mouth.
The effect is near immediate. In a matter of seconds, the color has returned to your skin, and the ugly bruises that Jun left on your neck seem as if they were never there in the first place.
“Don’t be a fool, Jun,” Minghao whispers before rising back to his feet—casting you a pitiful stare as if he wasn’t the one who threw you to the wolves. “Everything I do to keep you apart isn’t for your sake. This is for her.” 
“Hasn’t she suffered enough in every lifetime?”
You have. Jun knows that better than anyone else.
The silence rings deafeningly in his ears as Minghao strides back to the door. However, before he sees himself out, he gives Jun one last piece of advice.
“There’s still one thing you can do,” his friend, his brother murmurs. “The same thing I kept telling you to do for centuries. It’s about time, don’t you think?”
When the door clicks back in place, Jun gives your dozing form one last look—wondering which circle of hell he’ll end up in once he finally dies—before deciding to bring you back home. 
Minghao is right. It is time.
For as long as he can remember, Jun has always called the stage his home. Even centuries before—when music shows and concerts and every modern day performance was still unfathomable—he already knew he was born to stand beneath the limelight. 
Of course, the fact that he’s a vampire throws all his dreams into disarray. His kind isn’t supposed to deliberately attract attention to themselves—most preferring to keep a low profile to avoid garnering the suspicion of the humans around them. After all, their kind didn’t take kindly to things they didn’t understand. 
But, still he was stubborn. Even when Minghao, the person he was closest to, kept him from doing anything rash, there was nothing Jun could do to ignore his love for the stage.
Things only got progressively worse when he met you the first time.
Back then, you were known as Goryeo’s Sweetheart—the emperor’s most gifted dancer. Jun could only dream of standing on the same stage with you, giving the royal audience a run for their money. But there are times where fate likes to be kind.
You found him once, on the brink of death—hidden away in one of the dingy alleyways in the city. He’d been rehearsing day and night for a performance he so desperately wanted for the emperor to notice, that he failed to keep track of his feeding schedules. 
The apothecaries no longer had blood rations to provide him with, and even if Minghao pleaded for him to just pull some unsuspecting human to the side and drain him empty, he couldn’t. 
An aberration. That’s what he is. 
After all, what vampire doesn’t want to drink directly from the source itself?
But that night, when you gazed at him with eyes like you already understood what was afflicting him, Jun told himself that maybe it isn’t so much of a crime if you offered your help voluntarily.
You started to spend more time together after that—requesting for Jun to be your dance partner in nearly every performance. It’s to make sure you don’t miss your meals, you said with a playful wink that made him wonder, if he had a beating heart, would it race?
It doesn’t take long for your friendship to bloom into something more. How could he resist you when you’re always so willing to give yourself up to him? When you moan his name so prettily in the throes of passion? 
When you tell him that there’s nothing that you want more than to dance on the same stage as him for the rest of your life?
Naturally, when Minghao catches on, he’s heavily opposed to it.
“Are you insane?” he hisses, fisting the front lapels of Jun’s clothes. “You’re already playing with fire, being one of the emperor’s entertainers, but you’re in love with a human? Do you have a death wish?”
“No one has to know,” Jun reassures with a sigh. “And if you’re so against me being with a human, what if I just Turn her?”
There hasn’t been a time when Jun has seen Minghao more enraged than he was on that day. He didn’t get physical with him—didn’t throw any punches or break his neck on the spot. Minghao simply gazed at him with eyes so furious, Jun genuinely worried for his unending life.
“Have you even considered if she wants that?” 
At that moment, the answer that Jun comes up for himself is: of course you do. He loves you, and you love him in equal measure. He doesn’t doubt that you’d accept if he offered to Turn you so you could dance on the same stage for eternity.
But when he brings it up one evening, amidst the vibrant red roses in the emperor’s garden—
“Junhui, please,” you murmur, bringing his forehead against yours. “No matter what happens… I want to continue being human. I love you, but I don’t want to change myself because of it.”
Then, with a grin that’s brighter than the sun, you add:
“Just come find me in the next life, yeah?”
After that conversation, things haven’t been the same. Jun has overthinked your future together to the point of ridiculousness. He knows that your refusal doesn’t mean that you refute your love for him. After all, you trusted him enough to find you if you’re ever reborn into this world—enough to know he’ll still love you through each and every lifetime.
But one day, Minghao comes to one of their performances with another attempt to get Jun to just give it up. It’s only natural for him to be this persistent, they both know this well. Even if they’ll never see eye-to-eye about this, they’re still brothers.
Junhui and Minghao. Minghao and Junhui.
But after a particularly heated argument, the same man Jun thinks of as a brother, as his best friend, makes a dangerous proposition.
“I wager you won’t even be able to control yourself around her once the ring is off.”
It was a tall expectation. They both know that vampires without their daylight rings are nothing but bloodthirsty fiends. Jun hasn’t taken off his own ring since the day they both received one, and the mere idea of doing that around you… 
“You think I’ll purposely hurt someone I love?” Jun stubbornly snarls, taking off the ring before practically flinging it at Minghao’s face. “You underestimate just how important she is to me.”
Minghao shakes his head, picking the piece of metal off the floor with a disappointed sigh.
“I don’t think you’ll hurt her, Jun,” he whispers. “But the thing that you’ll become definitely will.”
And Minghao was right.
Tonight’s performance has gone down in the palace’s history as the bloodiest of them all. Lost accounts all describe one of the dancers turning into a rabid creature that drained its victims’ blood like a sustenance. His first and only victim was none other than Goryeo’s Sweetheart—his partner, his lover. It was said that a third party helped the other guests escape just in time, as if he already knew all of this would happen.
“Don’t cry,” you whisper when Jun is finally able to see past his hunger and gaze at the aftermath of his choice. “Junhui, please.”
“I’m sorry,” he sobs, clasping your fingers tightly in his. “I love you. I love you more than anything. I swear, I—”
His words are cut short at the sensation of you weakly bringing his knuckles closer to your lips—planting a kiss like it was your last farewell. 
He can still save you. If he fed you his blood, all the damage he’s done to your body can be reversed in a second, but your injuries are far too severe. You’re practically on the brink of death. It’s a miracle how you’re still talking to him right now.
If he fed you his blood now, there’s no doubt in his mind that it would definitely initiate the Turning process.
So, even if it tears him up inside and out—Jun simply watches in regretful silence as the life finally bleeds out of your body. 
“I forgive you,” you murmur. “I’ll always forgive you.”
When you wake up from the same nightmare that’s been tormenting you for days, you find Jun lying right next to you in your bed. 
Your first instinct is to curl up and press yourself closer to him. His presence has always helped calm you down during long work days, and you nearly fall back asleep from that sense of security alone.
Until you remember what happened before you blacked out.
Jun stirs beside you, but it’s obvious that he hasn’t been sleeping. Those earnest brown eyes are filled with an emotion you can only describe as guilt even as he flashes you a reassuring smile.
“There’s something that you need to know.”
He explains that he’s a vampire—one that’s centuries old and only needs to feed at least once or twice a month to survive. But with their band’s promotional activities taking up a severe chunk of his time, he hasn’t found any chances to sneak off to the same hospital you found him in for his regular blood rations. You wonder why he didn’t just ask if he could feed from you , but all he offers you is an uneasy laugh.
“I’m serious,” you say, eyebrows scrunched together. “You fainted on set because you were starving, right? The least I can do is make sure you don’t die out there without me knowing.”
Against your better judgment, you kick the sheets off you, tugging on the neckline of your shirt to bare your throat as you climb onto his lap. Jun simply watches in stunned silence, like he can’t quite believe you took the news about his true identity so easily.
“Well?” you prompt him. “What are you waiting for?”
“I almost killed you earlier,” he says dryly, but you don’t miss the way his hands are already resting on your hips. “I think I’ve fed from you enough to last me until next year.”
If there’s anything you know about your boyfriend, it’s that he knows what he wants. He just needs that little nudge to help him grab it, especially when you’re already dangling it in front of his face.
So, as enticingly as you can, you take his chin between your fingers—leaning closer until he can feel your breath on his face. 
“It’s different when I give you my consent, moron,” you whisper.
The instant rush of smugness you feel at the sight of his self-control slipping is unparalleled. This time, before he bites down, Jun presses languid kisses along the column of your neck—licking and nipping your skin in a way that easily arouses you. It’s as if everything this man does is meant to drive you up a wall, and honestly, you’re not complaining.
However, there’s a lot of preamble before he can get it over with. He was just supposed to feed on you, yet your clothes all came off one after the other—breathless whispers and stifled moans lost in the solitude of your bedroom.
Funnily enough, Jun manages to get his dick wet faster than his own mouth—letting you set the pace as you gyrate your hips in the sexiest way possible. He groans into your mouth, and you feel the prick of his fangs against your lips. A laugh easily tumbles out of you before Jun eventually flips you back onto the mattress and shows you no mercy.
You cling onto him like it’s the last day you’ll get to be with him like this, feeling every inch of his cock prying your pussy open with each thrust. One of Jun’s nimble fingers finds its way between your legs—circling around your clit with just enough pressure to have you fluttering deliciously around his length.
“Mine,” he whispers hoarsely, desperately. “All fucking mine.”
Then, he finally plunges his fangs into your neck.
You half-expected it to hurt. God knows it was nothing but that the first time he did it to you in a mindless daze. Yet as Jun helps himself to your sweet, sweet blood now, the sensation of him ruining your poor, abused pussy eclipses any sort of pain you could’ve felt. In fact, the feel of him licking the puncture wounds, whispering how good you always taste for him, heightens every sensation in your body. 
You’re mewling and moaning, begging for more and more and more. Jun is more than happy to give it to you—until you’re spent and sated—but the thing about you is that sometimes, you’re more insatiable than he is.
When he kisses you, lips still dripping with the metallic taste of your blood, you lick into every single crevice in his mouth without a care in the world. 
“I love you.”
Even after taking you on your mattress, just as he has many, many times before, you jump him again in the shower when he was supposed to help clean you up. The sound of your voice echoing in his ears as you moan out his name only spurs him on to fuck into you faster—fingers gripping your thighs hard enough to bruise. You don’t care if the wet tiles are digging uncomfortably into your spine. All you want is to be with him like this. Forever.
But even when you make a joke about how Jun never takes off his ring even in the shower, you don’t miss how his eyes look like he so desperately wants to tell you something, but can’t. But when he’s orchestrating your hundredth orgasm of the night, you can’t find the headspace to look into it much.
It’s hours after when your vigor finally ebbs away—leaving Jun incredibly spent after what you just put him through. You’re already snoring softly when he tucks you into bed, and he sort of feels bad at the idea of having to wake you up when you already look so peaceful.
But…this is something he should’ve done a long time ago.
Jun brushes the high of your cheekbones with his thumb, all while ignoring the way his chest twists with agony despite being completely empty.
“My love, wake up.”
It takes you a few moments, but your eyelids flutter open anyway. Once you recognize who it is sitting beside you, you nuzzle his hand with a content sigh—unknowingly making things even more difficult than they already are.
“Jun,” you sigh sleepily. “My Junhui.”
Yours, he thinks. Always yours. Forever yours.
He sucks in a deep breath, forcing himself not to falter. Not after he’s already accepted that this is for your sake. Not after everything he’s put you through.
Jun closes his eyes before kissing your forehead.
“I love you.
Then, your nose.
“I’m sorry.” 
When kisses your lips, you’re too drowsy to make sense of the anguish in his eyes at that moment. Jun tells himself it’s for the best. 
“Please,” he whispers, eyes glowing red as the tears start to fall.
It’s about half a century later when his neighbor’s kid walks up to Minghao and tells him he looks like an idol she saw on a streaming site that he’s surprised is still running.
“That’s a really nice compliment,” he chuckles, patting the kid’s head affectionately. “Tell me more, and I’ll start to get a big head.”
She shakes her head. “No, you really do look like him! Like, the spitting image! You sure you’re not some sort of vampire, mister?”
Minghao snorts. “No such creatures exist, little one. Is your big brother telling you weird stories again?”
He’s practiced the art of feigning (read: bullshitting) mortality for millennia. It’s as easy as breathing at this point. And if the kid continues to pester him, he’ll simply use a bit of compulsive power to insist that she just has a wild imagination.
Ever since Jun successfully did it to you, he’s had a knack for doing the same to life’s other inconveniences.
Later in the evening, Minghao lounges by himself in his living room, scrolling through a news platform he regularly frequents these days. There isn’t much he can do, especially now that he’s been living alone for the better part of the century. But part of him just doesn’t want to admit he’s still searching for someone who disappeared without a trace all those years ago.
Surprisingly enough, he does come across a piece of news that caught his eye. Except it’s not about Jun. 
  Seoul’s Sweetheart Dies at Age 75.
 Minghao is familiar with the concept of reincarnation. It doesn’t happen to everyone , but he finds it immensely amusing when it does. Though, your reincarnations were, by far, the most troublesome.
Jun has always been—and always will be—weak to you. It’s evident in those several centuries where their tightly knit bond was nearly torn apart several times over.
All because Minghao kept coming between him and the love of his life.
In the past, he was convinced that Jun was trapped in an endless limbo because of his unconditional love for you. Minghao thought it to be an abomination, a curse. Both for Jun and yourself.
He thought that, if he constantly reminded Jun that human and vampire relationships were never meant to prosper, his best friend, his brother would finally see reason. But time and time again, Jun would always take the risk. Even if he ended up killing you again in the process.
Now, though, it’s different.
After having your memories of Jun in this lifetime wiped from clean, you managed to live longer than twenty-five. Much longer even. What’s more is that you seemed to have found your way back to what you’ve always loved doing.
It was quite the backstory. A stylist with a hidden talent for dancing, who eventually became one of the nation’s loved superstars. If Minghao had a heart, it would’ve melted for you. 
Around the same time as your rise to fame, however, Jun suddenly vanished—the only evidence of his existence in their dorm being the silver daylight ring that’s kept both of them sane all this time.
Fifty years later, he hasn’t heard a single thing about him.
On another day, after he comes home from a nearby temple to offer prayers for your safe passage to the next life (because God knows he’ll see you again sometime soon, and he slightly hopes he’ll get to see Jun again because of it—) the neighbor’s kid comes up to him again.
Minghao glances at her tiredly. “What is it this time?”
“I saw another döppelganger in town today!” she says, giggling to herself as she shows him the screen of her tablet. To Minghao’s surprise, it’s an old photo of himself and Jun during the days they spent as idols.
It just so happens that the kid is pointing at Jun. 
“Really now?” he drawls—a small, but hopeful smile spreading on his lips.
“Care to show me where you saw him?”
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thank you so much for reading <3 likes, reblogs, and other comments are much appreciated :>
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melodiouskey · 2 years
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shyjuns · 1 year
centre junhui
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