#vampire whump series
whumpy-wyrms · 3 months
Blood Runs Cold #1: You’re All Mine
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content: death, gore, dead bodies, blood drinking, cannibalism, cold whump, claustrophobia, nonsexual nudity, begging, manhandling, invasion of privacy, drugging, defiant immortal whumpee, creepy possessive vampire whumper
NEW SERIES!! very excited about this :D i explained a bit about it here if you wanna read that, but you don’t have to!
It was just another normal night at the morgue for Silas. There must’ve been an accident earlier, leaving two humans dead and transported straight to his doorstep, lifeless and completely at his mercy.
Two humans. One male, one female, both seemingly in their early 20s with no obvious signs of death. Their clothes and possessions were tossed to the side, discarded and unneeded. Silas began his work, filling the air with the sounds of pens on clipboards and scalpels on skin. His work was meticulous, practiced, quick. The causes of death was something he had never cared to ponder over; just an observation, just another thing to write down in the reports.
No, there was something else about this work that captivated Silas, something that was only reinforced by these two humans. The work was morbid, dark, disturbing. He wasn’t in it for the money, or for some strange fascination he had with the human body, no. He was in it for the blood, and these humans would provide him with more than enough.
Two perfect humans. They had been delivered by the hospital, but there was nobody here to claim them, to name them. These bodies were without a family, without anyone to identify them, or plan a burial for them. These bodies had been abandoned by their own kind. And that’d only meant they were free for the taking.
Two corpses: flesh, guts, bones and all. Nobody would come looking for these poor souls. They were all for him.
Just like every time he had finished the proper paperwork and preparations, Silas dug into his new meal. In ravaging hunger, the vampire teared through the flesh of the corpses, savoring every moment. His glowing red eyes turned to slits, wild and monstrous as he fed, losing every sense of humanity he had left. Nothing about this was clean, tidy, proper. Silas was a vampire– a monster– and he would feast like one.
As he sucked both of the corpses dry of their sweet blood, he couldn’t help but savor the shorter one’s taste. It was delicious. It was divine. He couldn’t imagine what it would've tasted like when they were alive. But it was too late now, he supposed.
Silas picked up the smaller human’s body, brushing his hand over the other’s cold, unmoving face. The thing’s eyes were wide and lifeless, but full of color in this dull place. Silas stared for a moment, noticing something unique about this human; that one eye was green, the other blue. What fascinating, yet helpless creatures, they never ceased to surprise him. He laid the bloody body in one of the mortuary freezers, gently shutting their eyelids closed, and did the same with the other.
Silas licked his lips, relishing the last of his free meal. Sure, the blood of all the corpses that came here was always stale, old, dead. But it was far safer than hunting for humans in town and risking getting killed by the vampire hunters that lurked in the shadows. Of course, Silas couldn’t always hold back his yearn for fresh blood or the thrill of the hunt, but the corpses here held him off and kept him safe.
Silas, well fed for the night, went to sleep as the sun rose over his graveyard.
. . .
Aspen woke to dead silence. And cold. His limbs felt frozen, numb, hard to even move from their position. He was so cold that he felt like it was a miracle he was even alive.
The next thing Aspen noticed was that he was laying flat on a hard surface, which was also ice cold to the touch. He blinked his eyes, but found nothing but complete darkness all around him. Trying to sit up, Aspen bumped his head on a surface only inches above him.
Aspen’s heart started racing. He felt around with his arms, and realized his entire body was completely enclosed, metal walls surrounding every side of him. He was trapped.
“H-hey!” Aspen called out, his voice feeling strained with disuse, but loud and echoey in the quiet air. “Help! L-Let me out! Is anybody there? Hello?” Aspen’s pleads were met with nothing but an eerie silence.
Tears pricked in Aspen’s eyes when he realized nobody was coming to help. His chest heaved rapidly, breath hitching in his throat. He needed to get out of here. Aspen panicky kicked and scratched against his cold prison, but nothing budged. His heartbeat quickened when he realized he wasn’t wearing any clothes.
He was covered in nothing but a thin white sheet that was draped over his head and ran all the way down to his ankles. It did nothing to drown out the chill, so all he had left was to weep in despair. “Let me out! Anybody! Lyle! Please!” Aspen continued to kick and struggle, but it was no use.
Nobody answered his calls. Nobody answered his pleads for help. Aspen was all alone.
. . .
Silas woke to blood-curdling screaming. And living in a morgue that was always filled with lifeless, decaying corpses, this was a bad sign. Silas made sure nothing ever made any noises in this place because he preferred the dead silence. Nobody else was even supposed to be here.
Silas slowly climbed out of his coffin, covering his ears from that annoying, incessant screaming. He pointed his nose upward and sniffed through the air. Human.
Well, whatever poor soul that had happened to wander into this place after hours was fair game to him. It was the vampire’s dinner, now. Silas licked his lips and began making his way down the stairs.
Once he reached the main floor, Silas could hear the human’s rapid heart, beating through his ears. He could practically smell their fear, but they were nowhere to be seen. Surveying his surroundings, Silas realized the banging and scratching was coming from one of the freezer cabinets, the ones that stored corpses.
But whatever was in there was alive.
Well, that wasn’t right. The two humans from last night were long dead, and Silas had made sure to bleed them both dry. There was no possible way for another human to get in here without alerting him, especially since those freezers were locked shut.
Silas walked through the room, his footsteps echoing off the walls. The vampire couldn’t help but smile; the soft whimpering and cries for help sounded like music to his ears, he almost wanted to leave the human locked in there for a little while longer. It wasn’t often he had live prey.
Silas plucked his keys from the wall, and walked lazily to the freezers. The human’s helpless little noises came to a stop, as if whoever was in there noticed there was someone else in the room and was waiting patiently to be let out. Now standing right outside his little accidental captive, Silas recognised their scent as a corpse from the night prior.
Silas was a few hundred years old. He’d seen the undead– he was the undead– something like this wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibilities. But he’d usually be able to tell if someone was a supernatural creature like him. They looked human, smelled human, tasted human, but may have just cheated death itself. Something strange was happening here, and Silas was thrilled to get to the bottom of it.
He clicked the key in place, unlocking the freezer and hearing the human’s heartbeat speed up in anticipation. Silas quickly pulled out the drawer with a whoosh, the sudden motion causing the human to shriek in surprise, falling out of the shelf and landing roughly on the floor.
Silas tilted his head, intrigued. This was the human from last night, without a doubt. But their body was completely intact, to the looks of it. Their heart was still pumping, blood flowing through their body and eyes filled with more life than Silas had ever seen. His little snack really had come back from the dead.
“Agh! H-hey…” The human stammered, holding the white sheet tightly over their body. They looked around the room with a wary expression, eyes wide and alert. Using the wall for support, they stumbled up on shaking legs and slowly started backing away from Silas. “Wh-what’s going on? Where am I? Who are you?” The human asked in their soft, shaky voice.
Silas ignored their questions and started slowly creeping towards them. The human’s breath hitched and they scurried away in fear, sheet dragging behind them. Despite it being mid-day, the room was completely dark; windows covered in thick curtains to keep out the sunlight, but Silas could see everything just fine. The human ran blindly through the room until seemingly tripping over their own feet.
Silas smiled as his captive gasped in pain, landing roughly on the cold floor. He flicked on the light, and watched their wandering eyes land on a small piece of paper attached to their foot. They ripped it off, looking it over in their hands confusingly. It was a tag. Silas could almost see the gears turning in the poor thing’s little head as their eyes went wide in horrified realization.
Once the human had noticed Silas stalking towards them, it was too late; they were already cornered. They pulled the sheet tighter over their body and curled up in a trembling ball.
Silas loomed over his prey, taking in their shivering form, and they looked up at him with wide, terrified eyes. “What’s a little thing like you doing in a place like this?” Silas teased, face filled with mock sympathy, already knowing the answer.
The human cowered under the vampire’s predatory gaze. “I– I don’t… I just woke up in there…” They whispered. “What’s going on? Wh-Where are my clothes? It’s– It’s freezing in here.”
Silas smiled and crouched down in front of them, making his prey squirm under his stare. “Aww, you don’t remember? I ripped you to shreds last night.” Silas hummed, smiling menacingly. “I tore your body inside out. You should not be alive right now.”
Faster than the human could comprehend, Silas ripped the sheet away, needing to get a look at their body. To his surprise, they were completely healed. No wounds, dried blood, or scar in sight. It was as if they had never been dead in the first place.
“Hey!” The human exclaimed, horrified, and yanked that flimsy thing back– as if that would keep them safe. “What the fuck?!”
Silas smirked. “Feisty one, aren't you?”
“What– just stop! Tell me what’s going on!” The human looked around the room in a panic, seemingly searching for something– or someone. “And where’s– where’s Lyle?”
“My friend.” They seethed, but their anger couldn’t hide their fear. “S-Something happened. I don’t… Just– tell me why I’m here! I wanna go home. Tell me what’s happening!”
The human let out a gasp as they felt a sudden sharp sting on their cheek. Silas had slapped them. “Shut up.”
The human brought their hand to their cheek, fresh tears forming in their eyes. “B-But–”
Silas wrenched his fist in the other’s hair, yanking their head back. “You want me to tell you what happened? You died, human,” The vampire hissed. “You’re in a morgue. You were brought here yesterday by the hospital. Nobody identified you, nobody claimed your body, nobody came to pay respects. So I drained your blood like I do to every corpse.”
Silas smiled and poked his captive in the stomach playfully. “As well as take a bit more than what I normally do. It was the most delicious blood I've ever tasted, and it smells even better now that you’re alive. I can’t imagine what it tastes like now.”
“Wait, y-you… You’re a–”
“Yes. I’m a vampire. Took you long enough.” Silas grinned, showing his fangs. “And you wanna know what? I can hear your little heart racing, human. I know how terrified you are of me right now, and that fear is intoxicating.”
“You– You’re lying. This isn’t real, I didn’t die. Just leave m-me alone.”
“Oh, human, but that’s where you’re wrong.” Silas said in a sickeningly sweet voice. “This is as real as it can be. You came back from the dead, and I am going to savor every moment of draining the life back out of you.”
Silas crawled closer, gaze turning predatory and deadly. Despite being locked in a cold freezer all day and night, the little thing’s heart was still pumping warm blood through their veins. All for him. Silas couldn’t wait to get another taste.
His prey scrambled backwards, wincing as they backed themself against the wall. “St-Stay away from me.”
“You’re in no position to make demands, little one. I can do whatever I want with you. You’re all mine.” Then, the vampire pounced, eyes wild and animalistic. Silas dug his nails into the human’s back, holding them close and making them scream in agony. With his other hand, he gripped onto their hair and wretched their pale neck to the side.
Being this close to a live human, it was hard to resist the warmth that radiated off of them. Silas’ usual prey was cold, dead corpses, and he’d never had enough time to relish in the warmth of the human body while hunting outside. But this? This was a real treat. And hearing the little thing’s heart flutter in terror was always the best part of the hunt.
His human struggled against Silas’ grip, kicking and scratching in a futile attempt to get away. That only made this feast more thrilling. Silas clamped his fangs into their neck, tearing into their flesh as if they were nothing but a piece of meat made to be eaten.
His prey screamed in excruciating pain, pushing their weak arms against Silas’ body, fighting with everything they had. Which, unfortunately, wasn’t even close to enough. Silas yanked his hand from their back, licking the blood from his fingers and using that hand to muffle the human’s screams.
Silas bit down again, sucking more blood from the human’s veins. They were sobbing into his hand, salty tears running down their chin. This only made Silas squeeze harder, his nails breaking their skin and drawing more blood.
He couldn’t take it anymore, it was time to dig in. Silas pushed the human flat on their back and crawled over them. He clawed into their chest cavity with superhuman strength, tearing through flesh and muscle and bones until he got to the heart. Silas paid no mind to the human’s sputtering breath as he reached into the viscera and pulled out their beating heart. He slowly squeezed the life out of it, watching the light fade from the human’s wide eyes, and took a bite.
After a while, Silas stood, panting, and wiped the blood from his face with his equally bloody sleeve. He laughed softly to himself, it had been a long time since he’d experienced a feeding that exhilarating. He needed more.
Silas left the corpse slumped against the wall as he fetched the little thing’s belongings, the sound of blood splashing under his boots echoing through the room. Only a couple things arrived with them the day prior; their phone, wallet, glasses, and of course the clothes on their back. Silas grabbed their phone and walked back to the corpse. He held their head up with their hair, and unlocked their phone using face ID. Silas smiled; he was in. This human was making this so easy for him.
Silas had usually never cared about the bodies that were transported here, and the lives that they had lived. They were nothing but food to him. But this was a special case. Silas wanted to learn as much information about this human as possible, and what better way to start than their name?
Aspen. Aspen Marlow. Cute.
Looking through Aspen’s phone, Silas found no new messages or calls, nobody checking in to see if they were okay despite being gone for well over two days now. In fact, the poor thing only seemed to have one close friend; a girl named Lyle Berkley. Neither of their names supposedly reflected the names on their legal documents, but that didn’t matter. Looking through Aspen’s photos, Silas found that the two of them did everything together.
They were inseparable, even up until their mysterious deaths, the two of them never left each other’s sides. It was obvious now that Lyle had been the other body transported here with Aspen. But unlike Aspen, she had never woken up.
Silas sauntered over to Lyle’s body, but before he even arrived, he could tell just from the smell that she was still dead. Ah, no matter. Silas only needed the one human anyway. He locked the taller corpse away in a freezer and went back to the main attraction.
Silas sat and observed Aspen’s corpse for hours, watching in morbid curiosity as their body began to heal itself. The blood eventually dried over his wounds, and the flesh mended itself back together. It took all day, but when all the scars but one faded, the human looked good as new.
Aspen was still dead, though. Silas picked up the body and moved it away from the puddle of blood. He retrieved their clothes— a green dinosaur hoodie and baggy blue jeans— and put them on Aspen.
Then, Silas continued scrolling through their phone, waiting for his little human to wake up.
. . .
After only a few more hours, the human began to stir. Silas dropped everything he was doing and kneeled beside Aspen, staring at the boy intently. His heart had started beating, slowly and faintly at first, hardly noticeable. But now, the little thing’s heart was racing.
Aspen turned over in his sleep, groaning in pain and mumbling to himself. Silas scoffed and roughly shook the human awake, watching him blink up at him with those weird eyes of his.
Aspen immediately flinched back, eyes going wide in the terror Silas loved. “Y-You! Get away from me!”
Silas only inched closer, the maniacal look on his face filling Aspen with dread. The vampire was giddy with excitement. “You’re awake. You’re alive!”
“Y-yeah, I am! So- so just leave me alone! Please! I don’t know what you want from me!” Aspen had barely been awake for a minute and he already wished he could disappear. His head ached, his memories felt foggy and far away. Thinking back, all he could recall was pain and agony. And…
Death. He had died.
Aspen blinked. His death hurt to think about, so he didn’t. He’d also rather ignore the vampire’s ecstatic expression and blood red eyes piercing into him.
Looking past the vampire, Aspen realized he was still in the same room, just stuffed in a different corner. He was thankful to have his clothes back, though. Aspen pulled his hoodie strings tight, relishing in the small comfort it gave him. Though, nothing could beat the cold.
“Aspen,” Silas hummed. “You’re not going to just ignore me and expect to get away with it.”
“Huh?” Aspen mumbled into his hoodie. “How do you even know my name?”
The vampire chuckled deeply. “I know everything about you, Aspen.”
Aspen looked up. “What? H-How?”
Silas smiled mischievously and pulled out Aspen’s phone from his pocket. “I’ve seen what you post on social media, human. And I have your wallet.” Silas’ smile widened as Aspen’s face warped in horror. “Aspen Marlow. Age twenty, born and raised here in Toronto Canada. You were born July 25–”
“Hey!” Aspen exclaimed with a shaky voice, sitting up. “That’s private! Give it back! It’s mine!” Silas stood, towering over him.
“--And you died yesterday, October first. You’re supposed to be dead, Aspen,” The vampire said in a sickeningly sweet voice. “Dead people don’t have possessions.”
“Please just give it–” Aspen tried to grab his phone, and Silas swiped his hand away, lazily walking around behind him. Aspen turned, glaring at the vampire in a fiery anger. Silas looked the human up and down in consideration. “Still have some spark left in you, do you now?”
“I– Just give me back my stuff!”
Silas tapped Aspen’s phone with his nails, and continued talking in his smooth tone. “Your entire life’s in this thing, huh? Seems so. I know all about you now. All your darkest secrets, all your deepest desires. Your hobbies, your dreams, what you love, what you hate.” Silas smirked wickedly. “Your nightmares, your weaknesses, your fears…”
Aspen’s voice wobbled. “Hey–”
“You wanna know what else I know, Aspen? You’re a nobody. A complete fucking nobody. Nobody’s looking for you. Nobody cares that you’re dead. I’m surprised you managed to have such a close friendship with, ah, who was it? Lyle? I feel bad for her for–”
“Stop!” Aspen shouted, attempting to push Silas to the ground. The vampire didn’t even budge.
Silas blinked. “Wow. Okay. Here you go.” Silas held out the human’s phone in his hand lazily. As Aspen reached out for it, the vampire swiftly snapped the thing in half before Aspen could grab it, dropping the pieces to the ground.
“Hey!” Aspen cried. Silas smirked as the human dropped to his knees, picking up the remains of his phone. “No! Why did you do that?!” The human babbled incomprehensible nonsense about his friend, looking up at Silas with tears in his eyes as the vampire circled him. It was pathetic.
Silas sighed and knelt down, cupping the human’s face in his hands. “Calm down. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“What– what happened to Lyle? Where is she? What did you do to her?”
“Nothing,” Silas cooed, patting Aspen’s cheek. “I have no idea who you’re talking about. Don’t worry about her.”
“Just let me go. What do you even w-want with me?”
Silas grinned. “Don’t you see, Aspen? I finally have a solution to all of my problems. You can’t die! No matter how much blood I take, you’ll just keep coming back and giving me more.”
Aspen’s face fell in despair. “N-No. You can’t.”
“I won’t have to drink the disgusting blood from the corpses anymore, or hunt and risk being killed by those incessant hunters. I have an infinite source of the most fresh, tastiest blood I’ve ever had right in the palm of my hands. Nobody will be coming to look for you because you’re dead, Aspen. I will never let you go.”
“No, p-please,” Aspen cried. “You can’t do this. I wanna go home.”
“Shhh,” Silas cooed. “You’re mine. This is your home now.” Silas chuckled deeply, voice getting darker. “And you’ll learn to like it here.”
Silas grabbed the human’s wrist and yanked him forward. Aspen whimpered, feeling a deep sense of dread in his stomach. Silas considered him a moment, and gently sunk his teeth into his veins. But this feeding felt different to Aspen. His neck started to feel numb where he had been bitten, and that feeling slowly spread to the rest of his body. After a moment, Aspen slumped forward against Silas’ body, mumbling broken pleas under his breath.
“Wh… what’s happening to me?” Aspen whimpered, eyelids drooping. He pushed weakly against the vampire, but he was far too cold and sleepy to fight back.
“Don’t struggle, Aspen. Let me enjoy this.”
“You like it, don’t you? I told you you would. Just relax, Aspen. Let the venom do its work.”
Aspen struggled to keep his eyes open, blinking rapidly through tears. He shivered against the vampire’s cold body. Then, the poor thing finally succumbed to the venom, all the fight left in him completely drained. His head slowly lolled to the side as he lost consciousness. Silas continued drinking, basking in his sweet blood, until he felt Aspen’s little heart beating no more.
Silas smiled, licked the wound closed, and ruffled the corpse’s hair. He had almost never used venom on his prey, but playing with his food was all part of the fun.
Silas hauled Aspen over his shoulder and walked across the room. He wrenched the door to the basement open, and shoved the corpse inside. The thing toppled down the stairs like a stack of bricks, blood painting its path. The corpse landed on the concrete floor, pale and lifeless.
The vampire shut the door. The sound of a lock clicking shut echoed through the room, and Silas once again trapped Aspen somewhere cold and dark, all alone.
hope everyone likes the first chapter!! i have sooo much planned for this series so stay tuned :) i don’t mind being sent requests about what you wanna see with these characters either!
Taglist: nonexistent so far, let me know if you wanna be added :)
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avvail-whumps · 3 months
Royal Bought: Sampling #5
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content warnings: vampire whump, defiant whumpee, human auction house, captivity, manhandling, minor blood
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The vampire’s grasp was unrelenting, but that was to be expected when Luke had done something as stupid as spit in his face. 
He could still taste the sticky glob of blood between his teeth, pooling from his split lip, a numbing, throbbing sensation having replaced the aching pain by now. The tip of his boots clipped against the edge of the stairs as he was unceromiously hoisted up, his eyes watering. 
Luke heard the clang of the door being pushed open, revealing a more modern interior as he was led — or better yet, dragged — down the corridor. It was buzzing with workers passing by, mostly vampires, but even then, Luke caught a glimpse of some of the blank faced humans working obediently. 
It sent a shiver down his spine. 
No one really paid attention to them, all except the occasional glance, no doubt due to Luke’s bloodied face and the way he was being manhandled down the corridor. Was it uncommon for humans to fight back? He didn’t think it was that, so much. They were merely glancing at him as if he was this wild, untamed dog with no manners. 
The vampire eventually came to a stop in front of a door, pushing Luke inside the room with a hard shove. He staggered, the grip on his hair having been released, a cry of relief coming from his sore scalp. The door was shut behind him, and even though Luke wanted to wrench his head around and send a deadly glare towards the creature, he was more taken aback by one sat on a comfortable looking couch in front of him. 
This vampire looked older, his lips pulled into a calming smile. 
The room was strange to Luke. He had grown up in a camp in the middle of the wilderness, making use of anything they could around them to live. There were things in here that he had never seen before - more namely, the light source of the room. There were no windows here, and yet, the place was not shrouded in darkness. 
Luke’s eyes wandered around in confusion. 
“Welcome,” the older vampire hummed kindly, gesturing to the space in front of him. “Please, take a seat.”
There was a table with rectangular sheets of paper and what seemed to be some sort of small kit of tools. Luke’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, throwing a subtle glance over his shoulder. The previous creature had closed the door behind him, remaining in the room. He was looking at Luke with disdain etched into those hardened features.
“There’s no need to be afraid,” the older vampire lulled, drawing Luke’s attention back to him like a magnet. He swallowed uneasily at the pleasant aura the vampire was exuding. His voice was soothing and calm. Why? Wasn’t he here to be sold off? “I know this all might be a little new and confusing for you. Let me introduce myself: my name is Silvan. And you must be Luke.” 
Luke shifted uncomfortably at the knowledge of his name, uttered with such confidence. Silvan must have been quite an old vampire, considering the skin on his pale face was slightly weathered, and there were hundreds of years lingering in his eyes. He was wearing a tailored suit, black on dark raspberry sorbet, contrasted against his greying hair. 
Silvan’s eyes were intense, even when Luke wasn’t looking at them, and it was like they were stripping every personal detail from him with ease. His voice was like smooth velvet when he spoke, low, dulcet tones coming from his tongue.  
“You lived beyond the Collared Forest, am I correct?” 
The first vampire moved silently behind him, as if his feet didn’t even touch the ground. When Luke glanced at him again, he had retreated from the door, boxing him in. Unlike Silvan, this was a clear warning to sit down and do as he was told. 
Luke’s throat bobbed as he swallowed, the taste of copper still fresh on his tongue. Against his better judgement, his legs managed to gain some of their strength back, and he begrudgingly circled around the plush couch, sitting opposite the older vampire. The material was incredibly soft, and Luke wondered what it was made from, how it was shaped in such a peculiar way, and if everything here was this comfortable. 
“Why do you care?” Luke gritted out, his narrowed eyes watching the older vampire like a hawk as he reached for some soft tissues out of a box, holding them out for him to take. He didn’t. 
“Ah, I’ll take that as a yes then, I suppose,” he mused, brow cocked in amusement. His pointed eyes flitted over to the other vampire with a hum. “His blood?” 
“He was misbehaving,” he sniffed codly, nose turned up. “He’s ill mannered and has a ridiculous temperment.” 
Luke was almost offended. They were talking about him as if he couldn’t hear them. 
“The scent will spread fast, Silas,” the older vampire sighed deeply, his head tilted and hands back in his lap. He didn’t look like he was even considering Luke’s blatant rudeness for ignoring the tissues handed to him. 
“So do rumours,” Silas spoke smoothly. “It won’t matter in the end.” 
Luke’s fingers twisted into his thighs. The older vampire’s gaze had almost softened for a brief moment when his eyes wandered back over to him, as if remembering that Luke was here and they had a job to do. Judging by the kit on the table and the way the other boy had informed him that humans were hoarded off for “sampling”, he figured this was exactly that. A sampling of his blood to determine if he was expensive produce, he didn’t doubt. 
“The process can be pleasant if you just behave,” Silvan smiled warmly, speaking to him as though he would be inclined to take him up on that advice. “You’re very important to us. We don’t want to have to hurt you to keep you in line.” 
He found that hilarious; vampires weren’t exactly a beacon of truth. The sticky blood on his face and the numbness of his lip was a reminder that they had no issue hurting their livestock if it meant keeping them in line. 
“Bullshit,” Luke hissed, his nose wrinkling in disdain. “Important? You’re selling us off like cattle.” 
“Cattle?” The older vampire mused. “You’re not cattle. We pride ourselves on taking care of our merchandise. We make sure you’re all healthy, fed well, given the proper care and attention when you need it.” 
“You sell us,” Luke breathed, his voice almost breathless from even having to utter such horrifying words. 
“What happens when you’re bought has nothing to do with us,” Silvan informed firmly, as if that justified the crowd of humans they had awaiting their horrible fate down below. “But here, Luke, you’re safe. If you don’t behave, then we, unfortuantly, have to take the necessary precautions to keep you in line.” 
Luke licked his lip. The flesh flared with a raging intensity for a brief moment, and he could map out the distinct tear. Almost to make a point. Silvan noticed it, but he didn’t comment, head tilted in curiosity. 
“Physical violence will, of course, be enforced if you don’t cooperate,” the older vampire hummed. “But as I’m sure you know, we have much better, and much tamer, methods. They can feel good.” 
He made sure he wasn’t looking at Silvan’s eyes. He felt himself shivering at the memories of Justinian’s compulsion, not wanting his own bodily autonomy to be stripped away from him like that so easily. 
“Feel good?” He echoed bitterly. 
“Of course,” Silvan smiled. “Some things can be quite euphoric. Compulsion can relax the mind and the body. Even a feeding, if handled properly, can feel good for you, too.” 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” 
“Many humans quite enjoy it,” the older vampire chuckled softly. “They offer themselves up willingly. That’s the price of cooperation in this place. As a human who grew up beyond the Collared Forest, I don’t expect you to understand fully just yet.” 
Luke’s chest bubbled with an irritated scoff. His leg was bouncing anxiously at a continuous pace. 
“What does that have to do with anything?” He growled slowly, not missing the way Silvan gestured to Silas for a brief moment, who stepped around the table to collect the tissues the older vampire handed to him. Luke suddenly went tense on the couch when Silas turned to face him again. 
“You are somewhat of delicacy,” Silvan hummed, treading carefully as if he was pondering on the words as he said them. “It’s rare for there to be humans who lived so far from our territory here. You’ll cause quite a stir in the markets once word spreads around. Especially if the scent of your blood is anything to go off.” 
His fingers twitched, itching to reach for his necklace and squeeze it tight for any sort of stability. His heart began racing even faster than before, throwing him for a loop. His adrenaline surged as Silas stepped closer. 
“Am I supposed to appreciate that? That I’m good money for you?” He hissed coldly, leaning away from the vampire as prowled closer. “Stay away from me.” 
His demands were ignored. 
“You want to sample this blood?” Silas asked, his nose wrinkling in disgust at the sight of Luke’s face. A hand closed around his forearm, yanking him back across the couch with a force that gave his shoulder an ache and his skull a wobble. 
“No,” Silvan hummed, rising from the seat himself, and leaning down to collect something sharp from the tool kit in front of him. “I’d like it fresh from the vein. But, please. Wipe his face - and let him struggle.” 
Maybe it was a cruel demonstration of how no matter how hard Luke fought against this, there was nothing he could do against them. No matter how many times he thrashed, ignored the throbbing pain from the tight holds, or retaliated with his own kicks and smacks, there was nothing he could do. 
Silas had him easily pinned down on his back, one single hand locking his wrists together above his head. The vampire’s knee crushed into his ribs, pressing down uncomfortably onto his lungs, careless of Luke’s comfort as he wiped the blood from his face. Luke’s legs kicked out, breathing heavily between clenched teeth, screaming muffled curses and insults against the hand clamped over his mouth, tissues soaking up any fresh blood from his wound. 
Silvan was hovering over him now, and Silas easily wrenched his head to the side, exposing the flesh of his neck. Goosebumps exploded across the expanse of skin, and squeezed his eyes shut tight.
“It’ll sting only for a moment,” Silvan warned him calmly, the feeling of cold hands prodding against his neck making him squeal. He felt a sharp prick, his body seizing against his own will. The older vampire pressed something cold against the area, gave it a couple swipes, and then drew away. Silas’ disgruntled expression darkened for a second, letting Luke stew in the position for a moment, before finally letting go of him. 
He slapped a hand to his neck, sitting up so fast he’d almost gone dizzy. 
“What did you do?” He snapped, his voice still trembling from the hysterics he’d built himself up to. His heart was pounding hard against his ribs. Silvan pinched the small, blood coated needle with his fingers, opting to ignore Luke for a moment. He swiped the needle swiftly against his tongue, giving himself a moment to taste the blood. Silvan then hummed, folded the needle between a white napkin, and placed it down on the table. 
“Interesting,” he merely commented, and Luke awkwardly rubbed the side of his neck. “Though, I am not suprised. It’s guaranteed his blood will attract many well-off vampires.” 
Silas dumped the bloody tissues in the bin. He didn’t look pleased by the situation at all, his eyes darkened and his expression grim. He wasn’t fatigued by Luke’s struggle at all, having not even broken a sweat, it seemed, or put in hardly enough effort to even quicken his breathing compared to him, who was still trying to catch his breath. 
“He’s rabid,” Silas sneered. “Doesn’t matter how attractive his blood is. No one will take him with such an imputent temperament. None that could match the price, certainly.” 
Silvan took a seat once more, throwing one leg over the other languidly as he observed Luke with those gleaming eyes, as if calculating exactly what he had in store for him. He clenched his jaw, trying not to let any slither of fear pass over his face. He didn’t want to give them the satisfaction if his fight caused them this much trouble. Luke wasn’t going to make himself easy to sell. 
“We have plenty of time to prepare before the auction,” Silvan informed, though he seemed to be talking to Luke as well. He refused to catch his eye. “We’ll give you an opportunity to settle into your circumstances, Luke. I understand this is difficult for you, but there is no denying the inevitable.” 
Bitter resentment, as well as this cold, crackling helplessness cut through him like a knife. His voice had almost lost its strength. “Fuck you…”  
Silvan only smiled warmly. 
“I’ll be sending you to Ileana, now,” he explained, his hands interlocked on his lap casually. “She will take care of everything from there. She’s be your handler, and believe me, our aim here is to take very good care of you. You’ll be provided quality food, clothes, and a room to stay.” 
Luke bristled. “Lucky me, huh?” 
Silas’ eyes narrowed an inch. “She will also be teaching you how to best accommodate your master, or mistress. It won’t be good for you to misbehave, Luke. We’re giving you the benefit of the doubt because of your…” He gave him a subtle once over. “...unique upbringing, but push your luck, and we will, unfortunately, have to risk completely stripping your mind.” 
He remembered the humans he’d seen down the corridor. Lifeless eyes, blank faces, mindlessly following their orders. An empty shell to be used. A horrible shiver rolled down his spine at the thought, and he was sure Silvan caught on to the way his heartbeat quickened.
“You don’t want that, do you, Luke?” 
“I don’t want any of this,” he croaked. 
“Well,” Silvan hummed, unsympathetic. “That is something you will have to come to terms with.” 
The older vampire suddenly straightened, glancing at a unique looking contraption on his wrist. Luke eyed it wearily. 
“We need to press on and sample the rest of the humans,” Silvan smiled, his gaze flickering over to Silas with a beaming smile. “Please take him to Ileana and bring me the next one.” 
Luke’s expression soured when Silas grasped his arm tightly, yanking him onto his feet. He gave a firm tug, but he wasn’t going to shake the vampire’s grip from him, not without a miracle. He could feel Silvan watching him go intently, his voice rising when he got to the door. 
“Good luck, Luke,” the older vampire grinned, flashing his fangs. His voice went right through him, making his stomach twist. “Have a pleasant stay.”
tag list – @whumpatize-me-captain @whump-me-all-night-long @softvampirewhump @d-cs @obsessednerd505 @suspicious-whumping-egg @sapphirechao @sparrowsage @excessive-vampires
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whumpninja · 3 months
The Angel of Death Masterlist
I forgot to do this earlier, ooops.
The Angel of Death is the first story set in my own universe, where vampires and humans exist alongside each other but are pretty bad at it. This story focuses on a half-vampire veterinarian who ends up caring for the vampire champion of an underground fighting ring. There’s a lot of fun stuff in here- defiant whumpee, feral whumpee, the forced-to-fight trope that I’ll love till my dying day, and of course vampires!
1. Star of the Show
2. Feral
Character Intros
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whumpspicelatte · 8 months
New Series
So, anyone interested in a series about a vampire hunter whumper and his pet training? Multiple whumpees, lots of whumper-turned-whumpee, pet whump, conditioning, vampire whumpees, you know, the works.
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echo-goes-mmm · 8 months
Echo's Writing Masterpost
Ambrose and Elliot Masterpost
A runaway slave finds roadside inns and taverns perfect places to hide from his old master. That is, until the next stop has already heard of him.
Hoarding Behavior Masterpost
A village in the mountains risks angering its neighbor, a dragon. Unfortunately for a certain human, he's been chosen to be the peace offering. Hopefully the beast isn't hungry.
Moonflower Masterpost
A stolen fae is forced into slavery. Tortured into giving up his true name, he doesn't feel much of anything anymore. Until he's given to Queen Iris, who wants to make a deal.
Old Friends Masterpost
Finished, five parts
While captured by a notorious supervillain, Theo meets an old friend; one he thought was in prison.
(supervillain whumper + villain whumpee + hero carewhumpee)
Note: This was supposed to be a oneshot, but has expanded.
Second-Hand Goods Masterpost
Finished, seven parts
Emmett is the newest victim of a local serial killer. Or at least, he would be if the murderer hadn't gotten bored halfway through. But apparently someone is still interested in him.
Silas and Wren Masterpost
First version discontinued, Rewrite Ongoing
A lonely vampire decides to venture into the mortal markets to purchase a slave. He's sick of having no one to talk to, and maybe some company will make him feel better. It's just a bonus if they taste good, too.
Anniversary Present (vampire whumper + possessiveness)
Circle of Life (vampire whumper + whumper turned whumpee)
Evening Entertainment (non-con + forced to watch)
Juno (bbu-esque pet whump + allergic reaction + comfort)
One Week (vampire whumper + forced to watch)
Quiet Backstage (noncon body mod + captivity)
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whumpcloud · 1 year
Things End | People Change - Long Enough
content: vampire whumpee, whumper turned whumpee, captivity, multiple whumpers, sadistic whumper, lady whumper, non-binary whumper, dehumanisation, whipping, sun and silver burning, knives, cigarette burns, muzzles, restraints, stress positions, collars, begging, literal bootlicking, gagging, whumpee believing they deserve it
Sawyer is the smoker and makes you call him sir. Vincent can remember that because of the alliteration. Leigh-Ann has bright pink hair, the colour of the sky before the sun rises when she chains him up outside. Ezekiel is the sadistic one, and brings his own knives, sharp like the sound of his name. Ainsley is also sir, but Vincent doesn't really have anything clever for them. They're just more merciful, and Vincent's pain-wracked mind latches onto that.
He doesn't know why he bothers remembering. It isn't as though they ever told him their names, he just overheard. But it's something. Something to hold onto. It's a different pain every day, but it's the same four people. Consistency.
How long has it been since the hunters captured him?
Vincent doesn't know.
When Sawyer pulls the blindfold from Vincent's face, the vampire keeps his eyes closed anyway, whimpering softly.
"Come on, parasite." Sawyer, smoker, sir. "If ya make me drag you up it'll only get worse. Knees, now."
Vincent whines, but pulls himself upright. Sawyer turns him around and shoves him against the wall with his boot, tugging on Vincent's hair to make him straighten his back. There's no arguing with Sawyer. The one time Vincent tried, Sawyer stabbed a silver knife through his palm to pin him to the leg of the table, and left him there until every nerve in his arm went numb from holding it up.
The muzzle comes off. Vincent doesn't need to be told to count anymore. Sawyer cuts him open with the silver tipped whip and in between screams he obediently counts, multiples of six. Sawyer always stops on a multiple of six.
It's twenty-four, today - either he has something else planned or he's already getting tired. Vincent doesn't dare to slump, to think it's over before he gets confirmation.
"Hands behind your head," Sawyer grins.
Vincent doesn't have the instinct to make a sound when it doesn't really hurt in comparison to much worse things, but he cries out anyway as Sawyer cuffs him, using the chains dangling from the ceiling instead of the ones on his belt, just so Vincent can't lower his arms, and lights a cigarette.
"If you didn't scream so nice we'd never take the muzzle off," Sawyer muses.
"I know," Vincent mutters. "That's why you took me. You remind me all the time."
Sawyer narrows his eyes, and presses his cigarette to the base of Vincent's neck, making him sharply scream and try to writhe away.
"Don't get mouthy, bloodsucker," Sawyer snaps.
"I- I'm sorry, sir!" Vincent says quickly, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, p-please don't-- hnn-- th-thank you for reminding me…"
Sawyer has his favourites and he sticks to them. Whipping and cigarette burns and stress positions and beatings. Vincent knows what to expect. It doesn't hurt any less.
Vincent is almost immediately let out of the chains when Leigh-Ann arrives, but he quickly scrambles away, shaking his head frantically. He whimpers and whines, but Leigh-Ann grabs him by the wrist and drags him across the floor like he weighs nothing. She hums to herself, punctuated by Vincent's strangled sounds as his broken body hits every stair on the way up.
Both of them know he could run, if he really tried, but he can't remember the last time he even got to stand.
More chains, this one attached to a post. Vincent struggles until Leigh-Ann kicks him in the face, and he can only sob pathetically as she puts the collar around his throat. It's close, it's so close, but it doesn't burn, because he begged desperately at Ainsley until they agreed to give him a bandage for his neck. He doesn't know why it hurts worse there. He guesses it's something to do with the scars. She pulls off the muzzle too. Just to hear him scream.
Leigh-Ann sits down at the picnic table they've set up just outside the door. She has a book with her. Vincent's vision is too blurred to be able to read the title. It doesn't matter, what matters is that it's almost certainly minutes before the sun begins to creep over the horizon.
"Thank you for letting me keep the shirt on, this time," Vincent says softly.
Leigh-Ann snorts. "You're adorable. Yeah, you should be grateful."
He knows. He should be grateful for every tiny mercy, even though he should know there's no real mercy here at all.
Vincent starts crying before it actually burns. The anticipation is almost as bad as the pain. He knows it's coming. He can't stop it. All he can do is play this game. He feels the first bit of warmth on his body. It doesn't burn, yet.
It creeps and coils up his legs, and he tries to take comfort in the cold concrete as the sunlight reaches the back of his knees. He knows it's no fun if he starts to struggle too quickly, but he wants to, he so badly wants to beg, even though Leigh-Ann won't give him anything for begging.
He chokes himself on his first scream, the collar digging into his larynx and making him gag as he rushes forward. They set up an umbrella to create shade, shade that, logically, Vincent knows he will always be just a few inches short of. It doesn't stop him from bruising his throat trying to get to it.
"PLEASE!" he screams, tears streaming down his face. "Please, p-please!"
His only saving grace is that he's allowed to have his back to the sun. It won't burn his face more than it already is. But the sun is already blistering his pale skin and he feels like he's inside a bonfire and it's another hour before he's allowed under the shade to grovel at Leigh-Ann's feet.
All she does is smirk lazily and smother his face into the concrete as he babbles thank yous.
Vincent sleeps for a little while before Ezekiel comes. He isn't sure how long. Ezekiel isn't a morning person, he knows that, so maybe it was even a few hours. Vincent feels like a fool for being so happy at that idea.
"Oh, they've already fucked you up today, huh?" Ezekiel laughs, pulling Vincent up by the hair. "Well, there's always more I can do."
Vincent limply lets himself be cuffed to the table, sobbing quietly when the silver burns his skin. He wishes Ezekiel would get sick of the knives, just once, but it's never going to happen. Ezekiel stuffs Vincent's shirt into his mouth as a gag. He could just use the muzzle, but that would be far less humiliating.
Fangs tear holes into the fabric as Vincent cries out and bites down, trying to handle the pain. He fixes his eyes to the ceiling so that he doesn't have to watch his skin blister where it's meant to bleed. He screams himself hoarse and that's about all he can remember of the whole ordeal.
Ezekiel doesn't replace the muzzle. No, Ezekiel has never feared Vincent, and for good reason. How stupid to believe that he was ever something to be feared. Ever anything more than something to be abused until he breaks and lets his animalistic monstrosity consume him.
Vincent curls up tightly in the corner when Ezekiel throws him down. He couldn't even drag himself back onto the floor. He doesn't put his shirt back on. It's filthy, anyway.
Ezekiel puts his shoe under Vincent's chin, pressing against his throat. "Don't you have something to say?"
"Thank… thank you," Vincent murmurs.
Ezekiel presses harder. "For what, leech?"
"F-For hurting me," Vincent replies, eyes fluttering. He's so tired.
"God, I love that you say that!" Ezekiel laughs delightedly and gives Vincent one last kick for good measure. Vincent barely feels it at all.
"N-No, please," are the first words out of Vincent's mouth when the door opens again. "Please, I can't, I'll do whatever else you want…"
Vincent hates Ainsley's commanding silence. He feels so small, even though he's sure he's taller than Ainsley by a good few inches. But his place is on his bruised and burned knees, and he forces himself onto them as Ainsley approaches, bending so that his forehead rests on the floor.
"Please, sir," Vincent whimpers. "I- I'm in so much pain, I--"
"So?" Ainsley says montonely. "Get up."
"Please!" Vincent's hands curl into fists. "A-Anything else. Whatever you want, p-please, I don't care how humiliating it is! Please j-just don't hurt me anymore, just for a little while, please, sir."
Ainsley doesn't reply for a long moment.
"Alright then, go on," Ainsley finally says, shoving their boots under Vincent's nose. "Lick my boots clean and you can sleep for the entire night."
Vincent doesn't even hesitate. He fills his mouth with leather and thanks them for the privilege, because it isn't pain, because he knows it's all that he deserves, because the only thing he's useful for is being hurt and used and if they aren't going to kill him at least he can still be useful.
How long has it been?
Vincent doesn't know. Long enough that the taste of Ainsley's boots is something he's willing to be grateful for.
taglist: @whumpsday @whumpycries @whumpwillow @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @whumpshaped @suspicious-whumping-egg @chibichibivale @melancholy-in-the-morning @zillastar13 @bloodinkandashes @whump-me-all-night-long @sickophantic @itsmyworld98 @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @annablogsposts
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clickerflight · 10 months
Clove: Part 12 - Why?
Part 11
I love my boys, of course of course, but also have you seen Margie and Josh? IDK what this side plot is doing, but I am invested personally.
Content: Werewolf whumpee, vampire caretaker, so much fluff, so much panic, mentions of a child who is chronically ill
Everything smelled like Ephraim. Hyrum hummed softly, nestling farther under whatever was draped over him. He felt content and safe. Protected. 
Faintly, he caught the scent of Ephraim’s blood and his eyes flew open as he scrambled up to see what was wrong. Ephraim was sleeping in the bed next to him, and he woke up as Hyrum started checking him for where he could smell blood. There was dried blood on his shirt on the floor so Hyrum pulled the shirt Ephraim was wearing back and forth, trying to see whatever damage there was as much as his addled brain could manage. 
Ephraim reached out, taking Hyrum’s arms, making him whine. 
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Ephraim asked. 
“Blood,” Hyrum said, struggling to get free, to make sure the vampire was okay. “There’s blood.”
“Ah,” Ephraim said. He sat up, letting Hyrum go and lifted his shirt. There was a pale scar across his chest and Ephraim said, “I’m okay, see? There was a dangerous man at the cottage and he hurt me when we were fighting, but I’m okay.”
Hyrum brushed a finger over it, to make sure Ephraim was telling the truth, but true enough the wound was sealed and all that was left was the scar. 
“Oh,” Hyrum said softly.
Ephraim dropped the shirt and held his arms open, letting Hyrum plough into him. Ephraim held him for a while, soothing all of the spiraling little fears that had taken up residence in his brain the night before. Still, there was a quiet terror he couldn’t quite shake. He had gotten a tiny taste of what it would be like to lose what he had here and it had been devastating. The real thing would surely destroy him entirely. 
He tried to shake the fear. Just because there was a bad man at the cottage, it didn’t mean that it was necessarily Jack. Who knows how many bad men there were in the woods. Hyrum knew that Jack had friends so it stood to reason there were even more than that. In fact, at one point he’d been convinced that all humans were like Jack.
Still, curious and apprehensive at the same time, Hyrum twisted, grabbing one of Ephraim’s hands and closed his eyes, smelling it deeply. 
His hackles rose as his deepest fear was confirmed and he froze. 
Ephraim pulled him into a tighter hug as the werewolf began to hyperventilate, tried to pull closer to Ephraim, tried to crawl into his very chest so he could hide forever. 
“Goldenrod, hey,” Ephraim’s soft voice said urgently. “I know you’re scared. I know, I know. Stay with me, sweetheart.”
Hyrum made a conscious effort to calm down, pressing his ear against Ephraim’s chest and listening to Ephraim’s very slow heartbeat. Ephraim ran a soothing hand up and down Hyrum’s back, a touch the boy couldn’t have even imagined just a month ago. 
Hyrum quickly came to a realization, one that he had shied away from before because it couldn’t possibly be true, but now….
“You’re not going to let him take me,” he whispered in awe, twisting his head to look up at Ephraim, only really seeing the bottom of his chin. 
“No, I’m not going to let him take you,” Ephraim said gently. “And the next time he comes to cause trouble, I’ll…. I’ll kill him. And then he’ll never get to take you.”
Hyrum relaxed into Ephraim’s arms as Ephraim pressed a kiss to his head. 
“Thank you,” Hyrum breathed. 
“Of course, Goldenrod,” and Hyrum was too ecstatic and relaxed to hear the gentle and complicated sort of sadness in Ephraim’s voice. 
Margie was exhausted. She had spent nearly all day working on the cottage and she had only cleared the front room. There hadn’t been any traps or curses in the kitchen or the storage room, but both of the bedrooms were hexed to the high heavens. 
Josh helped support her as she grumbled, unable to do anything else even with Josh’s help. They’d have to come back in the morning. Not for the first time, Margie realized she needed an actual apprentice, someone to take over for her when she was too weak to do this anymore. Most of the time she pushed the thought off to deal with when she was ‘actually old’ in her mind, but now, exhausted, feet aching underneath her and feeling sick to her stomach, Margie allowed the thought to actually stay this time and make a nest in her mind. Maybe she didn’t feel ‘actually old’, but she recognized that she was. 
She was faintly miffed with herself that she needed to be so run down to be able to accept thoughts like that, but here she was. 
She ran the people of the village through her mind, trying to think of who would work best for this sort of job. Someone who was careful and fairly neat in their actions. It would be useful if they had some knowledge in distilling and brewing, even if it wasn't specifically experience with potions. Lots of free time on their hands to learn this sort of thing and an ability to sort out magic by feel. Not likely to be bowled over by other people’s opinions. 
Just as she was starting to run the adults of the village through her mind, she realized the answer was right in front of her. Or, rather, right beside her helping her walk. She inwardly groaned. Still, there were worse people to work with and Josh met all the requirements. Well, most of them. While his business with wine and alcohol meant he had knowledge in brewing and distilling and gave him the winter’s off because of the money made during the summers and he wouldn’t have to tend to the grape vines he kept, he had three children he helped his wife look after so free time might not be as free as she liked, but he was the best option, especially after seeing him work alongside her in the cottage. 
“Josh,” Margie said in a croaking voice.
“Have you ever considered becoming the village’s magic man?”
Josh’s stunned silence lasted only a moment before he said, “Can’t say I have. Why?”
Margie grumbled a little before saying, “You were very helpful in there, and I can’t keep this up forever, you know.”
“Are you asking me to become your apprentice?” he asked, a wry smile on his sun tanned face. 
“If you have to know, yes.”
Josh thought about it for a moment before he said, “I think I could? I’ll have to talk it over with Anna first, of course.”
“Of course,” Margie grumbled. “Maybe I could teach her too. You could split the load between the two of you. She’s already proved herself useful when it comes to herbs and remedies and the like.”
Josh sighed. “Yeah. I guess that sort of happens when you have a child like Dimitri.”
Margie nodded. Dimitri was a weak, though resilient sort. He was almost always sick but still plowed on through life like he was going to live it to the fullest, no matter if it shortened his lifespan. It seemed to make his parents happy, though. The village often watched him carefully, wondering if this was going to be his last winter. 
Margie certainly remembered his birth and his first winter. Anna had nearly died giving birth to the child and he practically lived in Margie’s little hovel during that first winter with endless bouts of croup and any passing cold that decided to drop in for a visit. 
“I’ll walk you to your house and then I’ll let Ephraim know he can’t go back today,” Josh said matter of factly, and Margie bristled. 
“I can tell him myself.”
“Oh, no, old bird,” Josh said easily and Margie nearly cursed him out. He had been growing to be just as brazen as his wife. “You’ll go home and rest. Orders from the possible future magic man.”
Margie huffed. “Insufferable. Completely insufferable.”
“Your knees will thank me,” Josh promised. 
And Margie hated that he was right.
Guntar was kind enough to let Ephraim and Hyrum stay in his house while he was out working, and Ephraim was glad for it. He didn’t much feel like leaving the bed, and Hyrum certainly wasn’t up to it. 
As the two laid curled together, dozing off in intervals, there was a knock on the door which made Hyrum whimper, grabbing hold of Ephraim. 
Ephraim stroked his head, listening as a familiar voice called, “Ephraim!?”
Ephraim placed his hands over Hyrum’s sensitive ears and called back, “In here! Come in!”
The door opened and Josh shuffled in, eventually poking his head in. 
“Oh, sorry,” he said, surprised when he saw the two. 
“It’s fine,” Ephraim said. “Goldenrod and I had a bit of a scare, so we decided to just rest for today.”
“So I heard last night. Well, not that I actually heard it. Embarrassed to say I slept through the whole event,” Josh said. “Anyways, I went up with Margie to try and sort out your cottage. It’s a mess up there. The spells were laid pretty thick. We did what we could but the bedrooms are still hexed and trapped. We’ll be going up again tomorrow to see if we can finish…. Well, that’s if Margie can make the trip back up the hill. Her knees have been giving her some trouble, see?”
“Oh, thank you, Josh,” Ephraim said kindly, pulling up the blanket to hide Hyrum a little better. “I know you probably have things to do, but would you be able to drop by the butcher’s shop and ask Guntar if we can stay here another night or if we should find other accommodations?”
“Absolutely,” Josh said with a warm smile. Ephraim deeply appreciated that Josh didn’t pry as to why Ephraim couldn’t do it himself. He didn’t want to draw attention to Hyrum when he was so scared. “I’ll be back in a bit, then.”
“Thank you,” Ephraim said softly and Josh nodded, heading back out to do as he was asked. 
Ephraim stroked Hyrum’s head under the covers, laying his own head back down on the pillow, contemplating the situation. It sounded like he and Hyrum wouldn’t be able to go back to the house for a while, which left him in a rather sticky situation. He wasn’t certain how well Hyrum would do when it came to being around other people. As far as the vampire could tell, the werewolf was terrified of everyone who wasn’t Ephraim. 
And even after Josh and Margie got the spells cleared up, Ephraim would have to find someone to try and clear out Jack’s scent or at least cover it, or go do it himself, though he wasn’t sure how well Hyrum would take it. He supposed he would just have to see how Hyrum reacted after he had a couple of days to process everything. Who knew, Hyrum had proved to be rather resilient, if a bit hesitant. He could grow to like people after finding that they wouldn’t hurt him. After all, he had grown quite attached to Ephraim pretty quickly, so there was a good chance that all would be well. 
Hyrum had shifted, poking his head out of the blankets, his ears flicking up once freed from the covers. 
“Yes, Goldenrod?”
“Who was that?”
Ephraim smiled. “That’s Josh. He’s a friend of mine. He’s married to Anna. You met her when Morticai was in town, remember?”
Hyrum nodded. “So he’s…. Like you?”
“I’m not sure I understand your question, dear.”
“He’s not going to h-hurt me? Or tell Jack?”
“Oh, no. Not at all.”
“Oh…. I just thought that humans were…..” Hyrum searched for the words for a moment before continuing with, “I thought they all knew Jack and that they’d help him.”
“No. People who would help Jack are pretty few and far between, really. The people in the village are my friends, mostly… maybe not Harry or Katrina. They’ve never really warmed up to me, but that’s alright.”
Hyrum mulled those words over carefully, his ears flicking slightly back and forth as he did so. “So…. what does Josh want then? Jack wanted to make me a weapon-” Doubtful, Ephraim thought to himself, “-And you want to keep me safe and M-Margie wants to heal people? Then what would Josh want?”
“He probably wants to take care of his family,” Ephraim replied. “You know, making sure his children grow up strong and are happy and have happy lives of their own.”
Ephraim supposed the idea would sound quite foreign to Hyrum, so he just let the werewolf process that information for a moment. 
After a few long minutes, during which Ephraim started to drift off again, Hyrum patted his chest to get his attention again. Ephraim gave it willingly, opening his eyes. 
“So… most people don’t want to make weapons, do they?” Hyrum asked. He sounded like he was coming to that conclusion himself and just wanted to make sure he was on the right track. 
“No, they don’t,” Ephraim assured him, though that seemed to leave Hyrum more confused. 
“Then, why would Jack want to make me a weapon?”
Ephraim had expected this question, though perhaps not this early. He thought it over for a moment. He could see no rhyme or reason to what Jack had done, and he certainly wasn’t trying to make any sort of weapon. Hyrum had turned up on the verge of death, for crying out loud. 
“Hyrum… I’m not sure he was trying to make you into a weapon. I really have no idea what he was doing, but I think he was just hurting you for the sake of it. I’m so sorry I don’t have an explanation, but what he did was not okay, and it was not normal, and I’m here to protect you now.”
Hyrum stared at him, and Ephraim wasn’t sure the werewolf really comprehended him. Hyrum looked down, distressed as he gently kneaded his stomach, trying to wrap his mind around it. 
“But….. Why!?”
Ephraim just held him closer while Hyrum whimpered softly, kneading his stomach harder. “I’m sorry,” he whispered into Hyrum’s hair. “I’m so so sorry. It’ll be alright. I’ve got you now. He’s not going to come anywhere near you.”
Ephraim’s heart could only break as Hyrum shuddered under his arms, hiding his face in his hands.
Part 13
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff @honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps
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anomalys-taxonomy · 11 months
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@whumpsday’s Kane and Jim series is part of the reason I even made a whump blog in the first place, so take this cover for an in-universe book ✨ (ps HI MILL <3 )
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oddsconvert · 1 year
"Please, don't." For five sentence fics!
From this ask game!
"Please, don't-" Declan whimpers, stepping back from August's hands and pressing himself into the corner. He's shaking from head to toe. Eyes screwed shut and his lip trembling.
Declan cradles his arm protectively, blood pouring from the gash slicing down it.
"Do-Don't come near....please."
August stares at the shattered shards of the ceramic plate scattered across the kitchen tile. The droplet's of blood splashed and smeared amongst the mess...where he'd tackled Declan to the floor in primitive and feral hunger only moments ago. The beastly instinct had taken over in the blink of an eye.
The second that plate smashed in the sink, the second it nicked Declan's arm and oozed blood.
Before August knew it... he blinked and Declan was screaming and sobbing underneath him, and he was bearing his fangs about to bite into his neck. After how long of promising he would never? And after all Declan's been through?
August will never forgive himself for this.
"I-I just...can I...I want to be alone," Declan rasps, still refusing to unbutton his eyes, "Au-August. I'm so-sorry. Please leave me alone-"
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avvail-whumps · 4 months
Royal Bought: Hunting Deer #1
masterlist · next
content warnings: animal hunting, mentioned vampire whump
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It was so quiet in the forest. 
Luke couldn’t even hear the sound of his own, soft, even breathing as he concentrated on the taut pull of the bow string, methodically following the small trot of the deer. It was beautiful - its slender neck leaned down to sniff at the ground, ears twitching occasionally. 
He didn’t even blink, fearing even a flutter of his eyelashes would send the deer scurrying away. It lifted its head back, big, beady eyes observing its surroundings, before Luke struck. He let go of the arrow, and the deer didn’t have time to dart away before it landed in its neck, and he heard the distinctive thud of its body on the ground. 
Luke finally let himself breathe deeply, rising to his feet. The bushes around him rustled as he climbed over them, the snapping of twigs filling the expanse of the desolate forest as he approached with long strides. 
The deer was still breathing, and he gently set his bow down, dropping to one knee beside the creature. His hand gently lay across its torso, feeling the panicked, but slowing rise and fall of its ribcage as it took its final breaths. Luke squeezed his necklace, stroking the creature with such tenderness, staring at his reflection in its eye. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice small. The deer’s eyes clouded, and the animal beneath his hand went still. Luke sucked in a deep breath, letting go of his necklace and shucking off his bag. He made quick work of tying its legs, strapping the heavy creature over his back with practiced ease. 
He picked up his bow, and started making his way back before it got dark. The camp came into view quickly enough when he followed the markings he’d left to help him navigate the forest, and as he came down the hill, he noticed Ten sprinting towards him with his stumbling legs and big grin on his face. 
“Luke,” Ten squealed, circling around him to get a look at the deer on his back. “You hunted a deer!” 
Ten was an energetic kid, with his shaggy brown hair and freckled face. It was going to be his eleventh birthday tomorrow, and had insisted that Luke take him out for his first hunting lesson - the kid refused anyone else, and honestly, Luke was flattered. Ten was like a little brother to him, and he always felt happy that the kid admired him so much. 
“Don’t touch it,” he chastised, waving him in front of him where he could see, ushering him back to the camp. “That would be disrespectful.” 
“Oh, tell me you’re gonna save it for tomorrow,” Ten exclaimed, clasping his hands together as he added an energetic spring to his step, skipping backwards. “Please, please.” 
Luke rolled his eyes, playfully shoving him through the gate and back into the camp. A few people greeted him on the way in, and Ten had to pick up his pace in order to match his strides. 
“We’ll have to see what Rian says, alright?” He offered. “But don’t get your hopes up.” 
Ten pouted. “He’ll say no.” 
“Then you’ll have to live with that.” 
After passing off the deer to Rian, the bearded man gave him an appreciative thanks, yet Luke could sense there was indifference in his eyes as he glanced at the white spots on the deer’s neck. Luke had thought he’d been about to mention something about the forest, but he didn’t, and he swiftly left the tent with a sigh of relief. 
“I have a surprise for you,” Luke smiled, squinting as the sun spilled back over him. Ten immediately beamed up at him. 
“You’ll take me hunting with you?” 
He patted his head, shaking his head softly. Even if he was turning eleven years old tomorrow, that was not old enough to hunt anywhere, let alone the surrounding forests. As much as he knew how much Ten wanted to leave the camp, it was incredibly dangerous. He could never let him. He pushed open the flap of his tent, motioning for Ten to come inside. 
He happily made himself comfortable on the furs of his bed, and Luke couldn’t help but smirk softly. “No. I have something even better.” 
He leaned down behind one of the storage boxes, and carefully lifted up something wrapped in cloth. Ten sat up ethustically, his nose up in the air as he tried to lean to the side to get a good view of it. Luke unwrapped the string, peeling the cloth open to reveal a small, newly crafted bow. Ten gasped, shooting to his feet. 
“Is that a—” 
“Yes,” Luke smiled. 
“And that’s for me?” 
He chuckled. “Of course. Too small for me, isn’t it?”
The kid went to snatch it, but then stuck his hands back to his sides, and tried again. This time, he was a lot slower, cradling the bow like it was glass in his hands. His wide eyes were staring at it in shock, as if he couldn’t quite believe what was happening. Luke had sacrificed a lot to craft this bow for Ten. He was just glad that he liked it so much. 
“This is…amazing,” he breathed in awe, gently running his finger along the intricate carvings. Luke’s fingers ached just remembering how long it had taken. “What do these mean?” 
He tilted his head, pointing to the first one. “This symbol here is for bravery. This one is my mother’s. As long as you have it near you, it will always give you strength, and you’ll know that you’re not alone. Sometimes, it helps if you find things difficult. It’s like a comfort.” 
Ten slowly nodded his head, taking in everything he was saying. He kept the bow close, lips curling into a giddy smile, as if just realising that it was really going to belong to him. 
“You’ll teach me how to use it tomorrow, right?” He beamed, grinning from ear to ear. Luke nodded his head. 
“Yeah,” he smiled. “Of course I will.” 
Ten’s eyes glistened a little, and he threw his arms aroun Luke’s torso, burying himself into him in a tight hug. Luke’s heart skipped a beat, wrapping his arms around him in turn and giving his messy hair a small ruffle, chuckling softly under his breath. Ten squeezed him tight, as tightly as he could manage, and he didn’t even think about peeling away until a sharp voice called out his name. 
Ten lifted his head, and Luke swiftly rose to his feet, placing his hands on Ten’s shoulders just as a woman breached the tent, her expression stern and wrinkled in anger. Luke grit his teeth; he had a feeling he knew what this was about. 
“The Collared Forest, Luke,” Emily hissed, her words dripping with fracticousness. “Where were you thinking?” 
Rian, then. Of course he would tell her. Luke gave a quiet sigh, trying to keep his voice calm. “The deers are complacent. No one lives out there.” 
“You know why we don’t hunt there, Luke,” she snapped harshly. Emily was a tall woman, black braided hair and brown coloured skin. Her eyes were even a strange sort of hazel, almost making them seem orange when the sunlight hit them at a certain angle. It was fitting, considering she always looked like she had fire in her eyes when she was angry. 
“Emily, there are no vampires in the Collared Forest,” he gritted out. “There haven’t been for years.” 
Under his hand, he felt Ten flinch. His eyes instantly softened upon realising the argument was brewing in front of him, and a wave of regret washed over him. Emily’s eyes narrowed, yet she kept her mouth shut. 
“Ten,” he whispered softly, and the kid’s anxious eyes flitted up to him. “Just wait for me outside, okay? Go and play for a little bit. I won’t be long.” 
Ten swallowed, glancing uneasily at Emily, before she stepped out of the way of the entrance of the tent, closer to Luke. He watched Ten scurry out, leaving the two of them alone. Luke’s eyes instantly narrowed into a small glare. 
“A bow?” Emily breathed, her tone laced with bubbling anger. “You gave him a bow?” 
“It’s his birthday tomorrow.” 
“Don’t encourage another foolish imbecile to go into the Collared Forest.” 
Luke gawked at her. “Jesus, Emily. He’s not even old enough to leave camp. I know my way around the closest area of the forest. God knows we need the meat, unless you want us all to starve.” 
The woman’s lip curled into a snarl. He could sense she was trying not to raise her voice, lest the whole camp hear their argument. “You could have been followed.” 
“Vampires can’t get into the camp,” Luke frowned. “Not unless someone invites them in. You and I both know that no one is stupid enough to do that.” 
“You’re not getting it,” she heaved, prodding a finger against his shoulder as she stepped closer, his feet rooted to the ground. He felt his anger flare, but did nothing. “I don’t want the vampires to know where we are. Don’t you know what happened to the human camp across the Corpse River?”
Corpse River. It was many miles from their camp, and it would take weeks of walking just to make it there. It ran all the way to the kingdom of the vampires, and often, people would see the bloated corpses of dead humans, discarded by the vampires, being carried down by the stream, hence its name. Luke had never travelled far enough - it was forbidden. He wasn’t eager to find out if it lived up to its name or not either. 
On the other side, he was aware there was another human camp. His heart sank a little at the mention of them, swallowing uneasily. 
“What?” He breathed. 
Emily let out a sharp breath through her nostrils, her lips pressing into a thin line. “It was desimated by vampires five days ago. They slaughtered everyone within there.” 
Luke’s tongue went dry. “But, vampires can’t—” 
“It doesn’t matter,” Emily cut off, her brows furrwoing. “They also believed the vampires couldn’t get in. But they did. I will not have the same thing happen to our camp because of you.” 
Luke was still reeling over the fact that their camp had been destroyed. They had everything to ward off vampires, everything to keep them and their powers from straying inside, and their camps had been standing for years upon years. He didn’t know how it was possible. 
“We’re the last human camp,” he murmured softly under his breath, and suddenly the world felt that much smaller. Emily’s eyes softened, just an inch, but it was enough for her gaze to flicker from his face, a deep sigh to fall from her lips. She briefly glanced at the entrance of the tent, before patting his arm once firmly. 
“Stay away from the Collared Forest, Luke,” she warned, her voice firm. Luke bit the inside of his cheek, a grim expression falling across his face. “When we hit a shortage, maybe you should think about teaching Ten to fish instead.” 
She turned away from him, and he watched her go quietly as she left the tent, leaving him alone. His eyes drifted over to his own bow for a few moments, before collapsing down onto his bed, running a weary hand over the back of his skull. It wasn’t a life; being here was living in constant fear, not only of the vampires, but the lack of food and the terrible harvests that were rolling in. Now that the camp across Corpse River had been somehow completely eradicated? 
His hand drifted down to his face, rubbing his eyes. Luke was exhausted - he wasn’t really sure what he should do anymore. It was a cruel world with the existence of vampires, where all they were to them were animals or pets for them to play with. He’d heard horrific horror stories about the lives of human blood bags in the kingdom, and it wasn’t a life he wanted for himself. Luke didn’t want it for anyone. 
As the sun began to dip under the horizon and the sky began to darken, the camp turned in for the night, dousing out their fires and going quiet. Luke struggled to sleep, arms tucked under his head and staring absentmindly at his ceiling. 
He couldn’t stop thinking about what Emily said. 
Eventually, he rolled over, and willed himself to sleep. Just as he began to succumb to the comforting grips of sleep, Ten was quietly sneaking out of his tent, crossing the camp with tiny, soundless steps, his new bow gripped in hand. He had a quiver with a few arrows strapped to his back, squeezing himself through the bars of the gate, before rushing off towards the Collared Forest.
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we-stan-fiction · 10 months
Hiii I have something really random to share today. I'm watching vampire diaries for the first time (ik plz don't come at me in the comments)
And kai just came up and seeing him all scary and sociopathic gave me this idea (or rather the immense need to annoy him)
Anyways, here's my idea: (and I'll upload a fanfic later, but i was too excited to share this now)
Y/N: hello, Malachai
Kai: don't call me that!
Y/N: okay, parker
Kai: I told you my name is kai!
Y/N: I know, I just don't like it, Malachai
(Also bonus points: y/n saying this even though she likes the name kai just to rile him up)
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whumpspicelatte · 8 months
Nobody Left To Listen Masterlist
An experienced vampire hunter begins to explore the mostly untapped market of domesticating vampires into obedient pets.
Phase 1 - Abelard's Domestication
Abelard Montagnard's unlife thus far has been all but charmed, dripping in both arresting power and bloody decadence, only for him to get shot down by a vampire hunter halfway through his second century of life. (Un)fortunately, the hunter manages to be convinced that his target can be of more use to him alive than dead.
Acquisition (Cole)
Revival (Abelard)
Patience (Cole)
Hunger (Abelard)
Phase 1 Asks
Fear, Skin & Wound - Cole, Daniel, Abelard
Most Unhealthy Relationships & Most Hurt - Cole, Daniel, Abelard
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Fangs That Bite The Hand Part 1
Damien lifted up the trusty red cooler from the back passenger seat of his car, shutting the door behind him. He took a moment to take in the scene of the forest, interrupted by private officers and workers in protective gear, quite a few of them standing around as if waiting for something. With a wave to the crew that had followed him in the specialized blackout van, built to block out all sunlight and keep an undead safe on the way back to a hospital. The change of scenery from dull concrete and shining buildings was nice, greens and the scent of woodsy soil setting him into a decent mood. The cooler banged against below his knee in time with his steps, the bag hanging on his shoulders beating a similar beat, and he hummed under his breath. The wide concrete building was half overtaken by vegetation and moss, the giant hanger doors had been opened and a large team of people milled about like worker ants. One such ant, in an official looking uniform caught his attention, and quickly made his way to him. The portly man with a dark mustache lifted a hand flat to him, gesturing to him to stop. 
“You, you’re…”
“Damien Mathews, SPN official officer.” His hand went to his belt and he flipped a badge open, showing the government seal. “I was expecting a Men In Black thing. Sunglasses, snappy suits, mysterious stranger thing going on…” 
“Suits and uniforms can scare creatures in cases like this. Easier to keep it casual just in case.” He gestured down to his ragged old hoodie and jeans, not caring to also admit that the agency didn’t have a dress code and his laundry was currently a wrinkled pile on a chair in his apartment. “Right, well, let me catch you up to date.” With that, the portly man turned and started to walk with Damien towards the concrete and metal building. “Apparently you guys have been trying to track the people who ran this place for years, after huge advancements in scientific studies in injuries relating to vamps-” “Undead beings" is the official term. Vamp can be…derogatory.” He cut in shortly, running his free hand through his hair. “Uh…huh. Undead beings, medical advancements with serious, verifiable studies but with a source that was hidden. Someone started looking into it, coming to the conclusion that the scientists and doctors writing the studies were doing unethical experimentations. They start an investigation back in the day, and get close enough to get a hold of a doctor that was directly involved in it, but they scare the people running it, so they abandon the entire thing with one final piece missing. Where the actual lab is. Well, 14 years later, here we are.” He gestured up to the building, now towering above them and blotting out sunlight from where they stood.  “We were sent in to collect evidence, trying to file a massive lawsuit against every single doctor, scientist, and administrator that was involved in this mess. Well…evidence we found, but not without it grabbing hold of my guy and putting him in the hospital.” “Hm. Well, that’s what I’m here for. We’ll get the being out so you guys can continue the investigation.” As he walked into the vast, empty opening of the building, the scent of musk and mold made it feel like rotted cotton was stuffed up his nose, their footsteps echoing across the dimly lit room. 
14 years?!? Poor thing has got to be borderline out of it at this point. Hopefully I can get a name so I can stop calling it the being. A feeding and some help out of here, and we should be able to get them into the truck. 
The crew wasn’t kidding when they called it…a vault, the entrance that he had been led to could only be described as a bank vault, made with iron and kept shut with a huge rotating lock. The officer grabbed ahold of one of the spokes, and Damien was quick to shake off his surprise and lend a hand, grabbing another and rotating the heavy door with some force. The horrid smell of rot and decay grabbed ahold of his senses and the heavy door finally started to crack open. His nose wrinkled in response, it wasn’t exactly an unfamiliar scent, but this was potent. They opened the door just a sliver, and then waited with bated breath for…something to happen. When nothing but deathly silence stayed in place, Damien moved to the sliver of an entrance. “You sure you’ve got this? That thing nearly got someone down already.” “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done this. They just need some food and some care. I know 14 years seems like a while, but time passes a little differently for an undead.” He said firmly, setting down the cooler and pushing the handle aside to open it. He paused, listening for a very faint scuttling. "Went on a trip to the old country for the rescue of one that had gotten sealed up in a well a few years back. Forty seven years, poor guy came out flying and crashed into a local house. A good meal, a shower, and sleeping for three weeks had him right as rain." He picked up a thin slice of raw, bloody venison. At this point, his breathing steadies, his heart starts to thump in his chest. This was always the most exciting part of his day, getting to make first contact and assess the problems with the being. He turned his body sideways to fit through the gap of the heavy door and the latch. 
Unsurprisingly, it was very dark in this chamber. He rapidly blinked, trying to get his eyes to focus on the shapes in this grey void, the suffocating smell of stale air and rot sat heavily in his chest. 
"Hi there." He said softly, taking a step. His own footsteps echoed, almost deafening against the still silence. "I'm not sure how lucid you are, but I've got this…" Damien lifted up the cold, slimy piece of meat to get the scent to linger. "And plenty more where it came from. I'm sure that's a lot better than being in here, right?" 
For a moment, doubt lingered in his mind. Had they let the being out accidentally? He took another step into the darkness, pressing against his eyes so deeply it was almost tangible. "Hello?"
A shattering scream tore through the silence, a body slamming into another and throwing it across the chamber.
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 7 months
Have you ever seen the interview with the vampire tv series? It has some good whump imo.
I watched like half an episode when my mom had it on but vampires aren't really my jam so never anything more than that lmao
I do enjoy the movie from time to time though!
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wolfeyedwitch · 1 year
Hi, weird question since you seem to know a lot about vampire whump: I am trying to find a series I read a good while ago but forgot the title & author of. Do you happen to remember a series which was posted… I think a couple of years ago (2019-20ish was I think when I last saw it?) with a vampire-kidnaps-human-whumpee setup - I remember it was m/m, the whumper wanted them to be in love I think, there was a lot of vampire venom as drug whump and a combination of creepy-whumper and more explicit noncon. I think the whumpee had curly dark hair and the whumper was blond? I kept picturing him like Spike BTVS lol.
I know this isn’t much info, but tumblr tag search keeps crashing before I can get back earlier than like 2021.
Oof. Gonna have to admit, I don't really have a clue on this one! My vampire whump preference runs to vampire whumpees rather than vampire whumpers, so I doubt I would have looked for this story.
Anyone else got any ideas? Gonna just tag a couple people I know write some vampire whump in case they know someone who knows someone who knows something:
@whumpsday @kim-poce @deluxewhump @ashintheairlikesnow
I'm sure I'm missing a ton of people, so if I didn't name you, sorry!
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avvail-whumps · 4 months
Royal Bought: Child’s Play #3
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content warnings: vampire whump, hypnosis, temporary (child) character death, (child) vampiric turning, kidnapping
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Luke tried to stifle the shuddering breath that was on the verge of his tongue. There was no way anyone would be stupid enough to invite the vampire in. Once they did, that was it. They would all lose their lives, or they’d be carted straight off to the kingdom. 
But since Justinian was the only vampire present, he doubted that if the creature got inside, any of them would live. 
One vampire enough to slaughter them all. 
Emily was tense and rigid beside him. He didn’t doubt she thought Luke would do anything to save Ten, but he really hoped she didn’t think he was stupid enough to invite the vampire inside.
“If we let you in,” Luke started, trying to keep his voice steady. It was incredibly difficult with the sheer languid power that the vampire exuded, a creature that was superior to them in amost every single way,” you’ll kill us.” 
Justinian grinned again, flashing his fangs. Luke supressed a shiver. “Not at all.” 
The vampire’s eyes left Luke’s briefly to drop down to Ten instead, who didn’t even seem to react to the way his hand squeezed the back of his small neck a little more tightly. He hated seeing the kid like this - hated that he’d been forced to deal with a vampire alone, as an eleven year old child who didn’t even know any better. Who didn’t know, to the full extent, how ruthless and dangerous these creatures were. 
A finger slipped under Ten’s chin, forcing his head to the side and back, staring directly at the vampire. 
“The poor thing was lost,” Justinian crooned, and Luke had almost yanked an arrow out of his quiver. “He was terrified. Didn’t know his way back home. Isn’t that right?” 
Ten made a wobbly, scared noise of agreement. Despite the compulsion, the vampire had left Ten’s mind to run as normal it seemed, and he didn’t want to imagine all of the raging, panicked thoughts that were racing through him. Justinian smiled in approval, turning back to Luke with a look in those gleaming eyes that said “I told you so.” 
“See?” He hummed. 
Luke sucked in a sharp breath. “Now he’s back. Let him go.” 
The vampire’s smile suddenly looked tight. “What do you mean, let him go?” He glanced at Ten, still stroking the back of his neck gently. “It’s not like I’m holding him hostage.” 
“Don’t fuck with me,” Luke bitterly chuckled out, his lip curling into a strained snarl. It probably wasn’t the best of ideas to make a vampire mad when Ten was stuck in its clutches, and could snap his neck with that hand at any given moment, but there was this restless desperation clawing at his chest. All he thought about all day was Ten’s safety. 
Justinian continued to smile. “Invite me in.” 
Luke seethed. “No.” 
“You humans and your manners,” the vampire drawled. “You haven’t thanked me for bringing your offspring back. The least you could do is invite me in, don’t you think?” 
His spine went stiff. It was like he was toying with them all, tempting each human soul to let a creature of the night inside their home. People’s eyes were flickering about, not even daring to breathe in case the vampire could hear them. Everyone had settled into the sidelines once they realised that Luke had unknowingly volunteered to be their spokesperson. Not even Emily had pried her lips open, which was severely out of character for the years she used them to complain.
His grip on the bow tightened. Justinian’s attitude felt like it was switching from cold and subtly threatening, to smugness and cruel amusement at the simplicity of the humans in front of him. It made his stomach twist. 
“Thank you,” Luke breathed out, but it was difficult to sound sincere. “For bringing him back.” 
The vampire raised a brow. His throat had gone all prickly from his pride, trying to close it up, but if the creature would take gratitude over signing their death warrants, he’d take a simple thank you any day. He seemed to consider the words that Luke had chewed up, before his lip twitched into a soft smirk. 
“You’re welcome,” he drawled, patting the back of Ten’s neck softly. “You want him back? Come and get him.” 
Luke bit the inside of his cheek. “Release him first.” 
Those words seemed to strike a chord within the vampire, and his eyes darkened, even visible in the darkness of the night creeping up on them. Luke definitely didn’t miss the way his hand tightened against the back of Ten’s neck, pinching it. It sounded like Ten almost made a strangled, pained noise, but it was lodged in the confines of his throat. It set something fiery off in Luke’s chest. 
“If you want him back so badly,” the vampire drawled, his voice having taken a stern tone that sent shivers racing down his spine,” then come and get him.” 
Luke sucked in a sharp breath. It would be suicide, wouldn’t it? The vampire was clearly trying to lure him out, trying to use Ten as way for his little meal to wander willingly out of the safety of their camp. Even if he tried to get Ten into the camp before something could happen, the vampire’s reflexes would thwart that instantly. 
He felt Emily’s hand on his shoulder, hot to the touch. 
“Luke,” she murmured, in a way that told him she didn’t approve of this. When he tilted his head aside to look at her, it was like she was trying to keep her expression together as much as she could. She was tense, but just like him, just like everyone else, she was scared. 
Luke’s stomach gave another sickening twist. This was his fault, wasn’t it? All of his hunts had encouraged Ten to run off, he’d made him his own bow that was now broken and coddled to his chest like it was still the most precious thing to him. He wanted Ten to be safe, and he would risk his life just to do it. 
When he shrugged himself out of her grip, she didnt’t say anything. Didn’t stop him. If the vampire decided to kill him, then there would be nothing that he could do. 
Luke couldn’t feel his legs when he took that first step. Getting closer and closer to the line that separated him from life and death.
But also from Ten.
The kid still hadn’t snapped out of it, but there was nothing he could do when Justinian was the one in control here. His grip on his bow was deadly. He didn’t even think he would be able to pry his own fingers from the sturdy wood if he tried. 
Keeping his eyes down low, Luke didn’t dare make eye contact with Justinian now. The moment he passed the line, he had to push the presence of the creature to the back of his mind, and not fall into the deep hypnotic state he knew vulnerable humans could get themselves trapped into. 
His feet stuttered to a stop at the line. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest, that he felt like he was going to be sick. But this was for Ten.
Luke sucked in a deep breath, and stepped over the line. It was deadly quiet from the campers behind him. No one even dared to utter a single word as he forced his numb legs over to Ten, slowly kneeling down in front of him. He kept his gaze focused on him, not daring to let it slip over to the vampire for even a moment. Justinian could probably hear how fast his heart was racing right now, the blood rushing to his head and making him dizzy with fear. 
“Ten,” Luke whispered, his chest so tight he could barely even get the words out. He placed his bow on the ground. “Ten, look at me. Are you there?” 
For a sickening, gut wrenching second, Luke considered whether Justinian was even going to release the kid, like he had planned to play a cruel joke on him the entire time. But then there was a flicker of lucidity in Ten’s eyes, and the kid’s expression suddenly lit up, no longer tense and blank and fixated. Terrified, watery eyes flitted up to meet his. 
“Luke?” Ten croaked, clutching the broken bow even closer to his chest. When he went to glance at the vampire, he gently cupped his cheeks, forcing him to meet his eyes instead. 
“Don’t look at him,” he whispered, more desperately than he would have liked. Ten’s throat bobbed as he swallowed, but he jerkily nodded his head. Luke realised his own breathing was audibly shaking in the night air, and he tried to put on his bravest face for the kid. He gently took Ten by the hand, rising to his feet, his whole body felt stiff with tension. 
He left his bow. He didn’t even think about it.
“Just walk with me,” Luke breathed, almost pleading. “Look ahead. We’re going back now, alright?” 
Ten plastered himself to Luke’s side as though he was velcro, and he was sure he could feel the tension and the terror radiating from him. The kid was shaking like a leaf in the wind, no doubt ready to collapse if Luke wasn’t gripping his hand tightly. 
One step. 
Another step. 
He could feel the pinpricks of Justinian’s beady eyes following him as he led Ten to the gate, his foot almost passing over the threshold, ready to jerk Ten to safety as quickly as possible and—
Before they’d made it past the gate, Ten suddenly made a pained, whining noise, and Luke felt him suddenly fight against his grip, making him stiffen. He turned his head aside, glancing desperately over Ten’s wrinkled expression, contorted in pain, and the unwanted confusion stabbed relentlessly at him. His brows twitched. 
“Ten,” he pleaded, his voice strained. “Come on.” 
When he tried to tug the kid closer to him, he made another strangled hiss of pain, now digging his fingers into Luke’s arm as hard as he could to get him to let go, fighting against his pulling grasp with this squirmy desperation. 
“It hurts,” Ten choked out, like there was this pressure around his throat that was making his voice weak. He whined again, and this time, Luke eased his grip on his hand, despite knowing that he wasn’t the one hurting him right now. When Ten skittishly took a few steps away from the gate, he noticed the wrinkled expression faded slightly, reopening his eyes. Luke choked on a breath. 
“What did you do?” 
The words came out breathless, but there was an underlying fury laced between them. He was still looking at Ten, but he was talking directly to Justinian. He kneeled down, cupping Ten’s face again and frantically inspecting him. The kid’s eyes were wide, dazed and confused. He faintly heard Emily sharply calling his name. 
Ten wasn’t under the influence of Justinian’s compulsion anymore. So why couldn’t he come inside the camp? What did the vampire do to him? He couldn’t contain the fiery rage bubbling inside of him.
All of those questions, and still, Luke knew the answer to them.
Ten wasn’t a vampire, that much he was sure of, and the vampire held no power over him. But who knows how long Ten had been with him. What the vampire had made him do. It sent him into a fit of rage to think there was vampire blood racing through Ten’s system right now, enough to make react impulsively in fury.
“What did you do?” Luke snapped again, his gaze wrenching towards the vampire with his lip curled into a deadly snarl. Immediately, his eyes met Justinian’s, and it was like something had hit him hard in the chest. All of the air was knocked out of his lungs, his vision tunneling through those glimmering, red eyes, and a complacent dizzines washed over him within seconds. 
But Luke forced his eyes shut, and it felt like it was tearing his skull apart just to look away. The air barrelled back into him, and he hadn’t even realised he’d been swaying on the spot until Ten’s small hands on his wrists grounded him, shakily calling out his name. All it did was allow that anger to return like a storm, and before he knew it, he was reaching for an arrow in his quiver, and he was going straight for the vampire. 
He heard Emily screeching for him to stop, but Luke was consumed by a different kind of red this time, his own. 
Even though he thought he’d moved quickly, it was nothing compared to the reflexes and speed of a vampire. Before he could even blink, Luke felt something twist him into the ground with a hard slam, a hand fisted in his locks tightly, and others digging hard into his arms, twisting them behind his back. He tasted a mouthful of dirt on his tongue, sucking in a ragged, wheezy breath, before he realised that Justinian hadn’t even moved. 
On him were two other vampires. And from the shadows, seemingly from the depths of the darkness, a dozen vampires appeared, scattered around them, and Luke faintly heard the soft gasp from Ten’s throat. He thrashed, straining against their hold, but nothing he did would break the strength of one vampire, let alone two. 
He could hear people from the gate yelling as he was wrenched onto his knees, the uncomfortable pressure on his shoulder blades making him clench his teeth together to suppress a pained grunt. Ten kept trying to slowly back himself towards the gate, his eyes flickering frantically between each terrifying vampire that prowled closer, but each time, a look of discomfort would pass through him, and he’d be forced to shuffle a little further forwards to alleviate the pain. 
This time, there was nowhere else for Luke to go when Justinian’s fingers dug into his jaw, wrenching his head upwards, and meeting his eyes before he had the intuition to close them shut. He instantly felt that swirling dizziness hit him again, being sucked into the tunnels of red. 
“Quiet, now,” Justinian drawled, and Luke’s throat immediately closed up. “Be still. You brought this on yourself for lashing out, I’m afraid.” 
When the vampire’s sharp fingers left his jaw, Luke realised he couldn’t bring himself to move, just like he’d been ordered. The vampire’s compulsion had him wired to the spot, the two vampires still keeping him on his knees in the uncomfortable, degrading position. He could only watch, his own mind dazed as the vampire took Ten by the arm in a soft grasp, and gently pulled him along, away from the gate. 
The kid looked frightened, but Justinian was gentle with him, the same way he had been when he’d found them at the gate. Ten’s eyes were flickering around anxiously, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each scared intake of air. Justinian’s hands landed on his shoulders, settling behind him. 
Luke stared. 
He wanted to tell Ten that he was sorry. Tears were pooling in his eyes, and the kid was trembling, looking so tiny and vulnerable in front of the creature. Justinian’s hands left his shoulders, sliding up to his neck. 
“Luke?” Ten whispered, his voice choking up. It sounded like he could barely get the words out, and his own mind was screaming for him to say something. To reassure him, to apologise, to say something so Ten wasn’t in such an awful position. 
Justinian’s hands bracketed Ten’s head. 
Luke’s heart broke. Even though he couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, he could feel the familiar seething heat of tears sliding down his cheeks. The blurriness of his own tears made his vision even cloudier, and God, he prayed it would stay cloudy so he didn’t have to witness this. Ten was looking at him, big eyes confused and frightened, and as he opened his mouth to speak, Justinian snapped his neck. 
His body thumped to the ground. 
Even against the high pitched ringing that erupted in his ears, Luke could hear the horrified screams from the campers, the chaos that tore them apart as most fled from the gate, retreating back into camp. Luke wanted to scream, wanted to fight tooth and nail and go out bringing as much damage as he could to the vampire, but he was helpless. 
Justinian stepped over Ten’s body.
He watched as a vampire knelt down beside him, and he was sure he heard another disgusting crunch as they set his neck right. The kid’s body was then gently scooped up into their arms, settled comfortably in the crook of their neck. 
Justinian let out a soft sigh, tilting Luke’s head back with a single, cold finger. 
“You and I both know the moment I found that kid, he was mine to do with as I pleased,” the vampire murmured by his ear, and Luke found himself going even more lightheaded when he forced their gazes together once more. “The stories of immortal children might seem tragic, but I assure you, it won’t be anything like that. Not that you’ll ever see him again.”
Justinian’s lip twitched into a languid smirk, his voice dropping to a low, hypnotic lull. 
“Relax,” he purred, and against his own discretion, Luke found himself doing just that, his mind and his body going slack. It was terrifying, but at the same time, he was too far in Justinian’s compulsion to think for himself. He just kept sinking, further and further, his eyes droopy and glassed over. The vampire swiped a thumb over his lips, admiring his face for a moment. “Oh, you’ll set the markets thriving.”
Luke didn’t have the strength to think of the implications of that, because he was falling, and he couldn’t stop. Justinian’s eyes pushed him deeper and deeper, until everything shut off, and he was gone.
tag list – @whumpatize-me-captain @whump-me-all-night-long
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