#vanitas no carte timeline
lynnlyrae · 5 months
VnC timeline
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I’m mostly an artist in this fandom, but sometimes inspiration strikes and leads me in completely weird directions, such as… figuring out dates of every event in VnC!
With the invaluable help of @retracexcviii, who has created timelines for VnC events before (thank you forever and ever💜) and helped me to avoid some really silly mistakes, I’ve done… this monstrosity of a text, which includes every important canon event I could think of.
— All events are distributed by centuries, starting with XVI and finishing with XIX, and after listing all the events of each century I will put screens of the same texts with correlating manga pages. Additionally, there are numbers of chapters for most of the events.
— Some dates are marked with ~, which means that this date could fluctuate a bit (could be a bit earlier or later). 
— Events that I couldn’t put anywhere specifically are in “UNKNOWN MOMENT” category. I still tried to differentiate them between centuries.
Alright, here we go! 
1493-1500 — creation of an engraving; plague, cataclysms, Paracelsius is looking for a way to save humanity.
~ 1500 — Babel. The awakening of Faustina, who is considered to be the first vampire.
1500-1550 — the awakening of Teacher and Machina as vampires. Machina might be younger than Teacher. Creation (awakening?) of Luna? The awakening of Teacher and the creation of Luna — probably around the same time?
~ 1550-1560 — Chloe is born. She becomes a vampire at the age of 4.
Between 1550-1600 — Ruthven becomes a vampire. He is currently more that 200 years old, and it’s unknown whether he was born as a vampire or awaken or even when exactly his life began. But looks like an adult in 1650, so he was most likely alive in 1600. He is also younger than Chloe: when she calls him a “child”, he doesn’t correct her.
Presumable order of awakening of the oldest vampires: 
Faustina —> Teacher —> Machina —> Chloe —> Ruthven. 
When exactly was Luna born? Does Kresnik exist in this century?
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~ 1650 — the war between humans and vampires. Chloe meets Ruthven.
~ 1665-1669 — Jeanne awakens in a flask in front of an unknown person. She leaves the flask. Later, she is adopted by Eric and Louise, Ruthven's students.
~ 1669 — Chloe meets Jeanne. Ruthven tries to establish peace between humans and vampires.
(31, 32)
~ 1672 — (3 years after Chloe and Jeanne met, 30 years before the end of the war) Ruthven loses his students, his eye is injured; Jeanne becomes the Bourreau of the Senate; Chloe meets Machina; Machina tells about the fate of Ruthven and Jeanne. Almost immediately, Naenia appears for the first time (indicating that Faustina is already a cursebearer); Ruthven visits Chloe for the last time, they part as enemies. If Naenia exists, does Charlatan exist as well?
(32, 33)
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1672 — Faustina becomes a cursebearer.
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1672 — Luna creates the Books of Vanitas, which are considered to be the reason for the appearance of the Malnomen. Could the books be created to cure the cursebearers in the first place? Most likely, this happened early in the timeline, since there is a whole folklore about it. Even earlier, someone gave Luna the name " Vanitas", which is also reflected in the title of the books.
(48, 49)
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Before 1702 — Ruthven joins the Oriflamme family, becomes one of the Queen's advisors and a senator. The Queen is still alive, but she is also active as Naenia. Luna sees Jeanne in battle.
1702 — the end of the war. According to the pact, vampires move to Altus and sell Astermite to humans in exchange for other goods.
(33, 59)
1764 — Chloe spends more than 50 years alone. Death of village girl Jeanne, who speculated to be killed by a Beast, but was a victim of radical anti-vampire group. On the same day, she is visited by Naenia and then meets Jean-Jacques. The Beast conspiracy continues.
(36, 33)
1767 — Chloe witnesses one of the murders and reveals her vampiric powers when she defends herself. After that, the general belief is that Chloe is the master of the mysterious nonexistent Beast and both are the culprits. Her human family is killed. A few days later the Chasseurs (Vampire eradication fraction?) and Ruthven come to Gévaudan. Jean-Jacques becomes a Cursebearer to protect Chloe. Jeanne, now the Hellfire Witch, finds Chloe. Chloe tries to jump off a cliff, but Naenia comes to her again. Chloe also becomes the Cursebearer. Jeanne kills other hunters, but Ruthven saves her, makes her give him an oath (she tries to resist) and puts her in deep sleep. The Beast stops attacks. Conspiracy between Ruthven and the Chasseurs presumably continues.
(35, 36, 37, 43, 39)
UNKNOWN MOMENT BETWEEN 1672-1702 — Luna witnesses Jeanne in a fight with vampires. Later, after 1767, Luna also knew about Jeanne’s sleep.
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1861 — Olivier is born. 
1862 — Roland is born.
1868 — Dominique and Louis are born. Teacher takes Louis.
1869 — Noé is born.
1870 — Vanitas is born; Dante is born.
1873 — Astolfo is born.
~ 1875 — Olivier meets Roland.
~ 1874-1875 — an elderly couple finds Noé. They live together for some time.
~ 1876 — Mikhail is born. Luca is probably born around the same time or a bit later.
~ 1876-1877 — Noé is kidnapped and ends up in a black market, gets an eye injury and is bought by Teacher. Noé meets Domi and Louis (their proportions are quite similar to Astolfo in his childhood flashbacks, where he is presumed to be around 8 years old, but Noé looks younger, so here I’m assuming Noé and the twins could be 6-7 or 7-8 years old). // Probably around the same time, Dante is abandoned by unknown woman. He meets Johann and Riche. Absence of his glasses and bandages indicate that there could be at least a few weeks or months between the two events. 
(9, 61, 62)
~ before 1881 — Vanitas is orphaned and placed under the care of the Church as a potential future Chasseur, but is kidnapped by Moreau for secret experiments.
1881 — sketch of the Tower of the Sun by Amédée Sébillot, electrical engineer. He worked with engineer Jules Bourdais on this project, but in fact the tower was unrealizable. If the monument designed by Sébillot was real, it would have collapsed under its own weight.
Before or early 1881 — Roland and Olivier move to Paris. Roland is injured, but it’s unknown how it happened. Olivier’s hairstyle may indicate that it happened earlier than the time when Roland almost died. 
~ 1881 — Roland (vice-captain) is injured while defending Olivier. Olivier was injured too. // Misha (who looks about 5 years old??) meets Roland, but later ends up in Moreau's laboratory, where Vanitas is already located.
~ 1881-1882 — Astolfo secretly meets a vampire. When Astolfo befriends Olivier, he tells him about this secret. The death of the Granatum family. Astolfo meets Carl, Roland (his injuries, which were still visible when he met Misha, have already healed) and other Paladins. Olivier definitely had a title of Obsidian by the time of Granatums’ murder, so some time passes between the day Astolfo met a vampire and the day of Granatums’ murder. 
(48, 58) 
~ 1882-1883 1881-1882* — Louis dies. Domi learns the truth about her and Louis being twins. // Luna saves Misha and Vanitas when they destroy Moreau's lab*. Moreau joins the Charlatan. Misha agrees to be bitten by Luna. Later, Luna loses their true name; Misha loses their arm; Luna dies by Vanitas’s hands. Vanitas and Misha inherit the Books, but are separated, and Teacher takes Misha.
*@torterrachampion mentioned in reblog that Noé is officially 12 years old when Louis’s died ang provided an image from a booklet for the Blu-ray of the anime. I completely missed that fact, so thank you for bringing it up! I’ve decided to change the time range for this event to 1881-1882 for better accuracy.
*It is likely that Noé witnessed Louis’s death around the same time Vanitas and Misha were saved by Luna; bonus card features Noé in the same outfit as on the day of Louis’s death together with Vanitas dressed in his lab clothes. 1881 or 1882 is a possible year for Louis’s death and salvation of Vanitas and Misha. In this scenario Luna dies later than Louis.
(9, 46, 51, * bonus card)
1887 — possible start of construction of the Tower of the Sun (in reality, the construction of the Eiffel Tower started on 28 January 1887).
~ 1887-1888 — Astolfo and Roland have a conflict.
UNKNOWN MOMENT (after 1702?) BEFORE 1888 — Veronica and Loki, along with Machina, become Beastias, and Antoine enters the Senate. How old are Veronica, Antione and Loki?
UNKNOWN MOMENT (not earlier than 12 years?*) BEFORE 1888 — “death” of Faustina at the hands of her Beasts and Rusven. Luka replaces her on the throne, but the Senate controls him. Strangely, he isn’t even officially presented yet. It’s unknown how old he was when he assumed his current position, but it’s unlikely that the Senate and Beastias would “kill” the Queen without choosing a suitable successor first.
*Alternatively, it could happen earlier, if Loki, Luca’s older brother, was supposed to inherit the throne prior to becoming a cursebearer as well, but was replaced with Luca. But this is a pure speculation.
(38, 13)
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1874 — Archivists disappear. It’s unknown whether there are any living Archivists other than Machina and Noé in the present. It’s also unknown why Noe thinks about blood when he thinks about his clan.
UNKNOWN MOMENT BETWEEN 1871-1888 — Vanitas meets Teacher, or Saint—Germain, who at that time had a different appearance. Were Luna alive at that moment?
UNKNOWN MOMENT BEFORE 1888 — Machina becomes patron of the dhampires and creates her network of information brokers.
~ 1888 (before current events) — Astolfo and Roland become Paladins. // 6 month before — Teacher goes somewhere. // 1 month before — Jeanne awakens from her sleep.
(13, 4)
1888 — Teacher asks Noé to witness the story of the Book of Vanitas via correspondence. Current events begin.
(1, 52)
Possible future event — The Exposition Universelle of 1889, which was held in Paris, 5 May to 31 October. The Tower of Sun (instead of Eiffel Tower in VnC universe) was created for this fair. However, at least some of the buildings were ruined.
(44, 20.5, 46, 55)
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That’s it for now! I think I will update this post in future when we have enough new information to define unclear dates and add new details and whatnot~
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kyuriekiri · 5 months
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don't go
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neversetyoufree · 4 months
Alright. Okay.
So the entire time I've been reading VnC, I've been assuming that Noé is the sole known survivor of the Archivistes in a relatively normal way. I've been assuming that something happened to the Archiviste clan within Noé's lifetime, just before his human "grandparents" found him in the snow. Obviously I wondered about what happened—who slaughtered them if they were killed and what else might have happened if they aren't all dead as we've been told, but I never questioned the timeline. I assumed that the Archivistes must have been alive and kicking until recently, even if Noé's last remaining family was living in hiding from the rest of vampire society or something like that.
But. We don't actually know that that's true. We don't know a single thing about the timeline of the Archivistes' extermination other than what Nox says about them having all died "long ago." Noé is nineteen years old, and we have no idea how old Nox is. Could the fifteen to seventeen years between Noé's first adoption and the present day be enough to count as long ago?
This is Jun Mochizuki we're talking about. There is extensive precedent in her work (by way of Pandora Hearts) for characters turning up seemingly out of nowhere, often with no memory, and in Pandora Hearts, these cases never had a simple answer. It was always caused by the time-bending properties of the Abyss.
It is entirely within the realm of possibility for the rest of the Archiviste clan to have died years, decades, or even a century or more before Noé was found by his human grandparents. We don't have precedent yet for anything that messes with time in VnC like PH's Abyss, so I don't know how this could have happened, but I don't think we can fully discount the possibility. The outer bounds of world formula rewriting as a power are yet to be fully explored, so it's hard to say firmly that anything's impossible. There might be a way for Noé to exist in the present even if the rest of his clan was killed well over nineteen years ago (be it by PH style time-bending or by some entirely different mechanism).
It's still possible (and even likely) that the Archivistes died or disappeared less than twenty years ago, but it's not quite the concrete fact that I've been thinking of it as this entire time. It's entirely possible that Noé's backstory contains Mochizuki Timeline Fuckery, and now that I've had that thought, I can't unsee it. The author of Pandora Hearts going out of her way to say that her protagonist was found mysteriously alone and crying with no memory of how he got that way is. conspicuous as hell.
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retracexcviii · 1 year
Chasseur Trinity Timeline
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Hello there, I'm back with my timelines because I need everything to be in order XD
Since this time I didn't wrote a lot of things in the timeline, I will explain my points below (anyways, if after reading it you have some question, don't doubt and tell me):
First of all, we know that in present day Olivier is 27 y.o and Roland is 26 y.o thanks an old Omake (I don't have it rn, sorry).
1) Roland and Olivier met:
I don't know if they are around 8, 10, 12 or more so I used a big period of time in which they could have started meeting.
2) Roland and Olivier arrived Paris:
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This is when they started they training as Chasseurs and we got some information:
Olivier hairstyle was different.
They were late teens or young adults here.
Roland was covered in bandages (for training or a mision).
Side note: importance of Roland's scars.
Roland's scars were what I used to organise the events between they met and when Astolfo lost his family:
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As a kid, he didn't have any scar so we know this is something he got as a Chasseur.
(image from 46.5 of Roland covered in bandages)
When he started training he was covered in bandages so we can't tell if he got his scars here or not. But anyways, this is the nearest event to him and Olivier meeting because it's when they started the training XD
(image of Roland and Misha in memoire 47. Roland has right arm broken and is fully covered in bandages again)
When he met Misha after a nearly death experience, Roland was totally covered again + and eye patch (here is when I think he got the injuries that become his scars).
This event can be near to when they started training, but it can't be near the time Astolfo met Roland because in that moment Roland and Olivier were full recovered.
+ I don't think this happened after rescuing Astolfo because basically, taking care of Astolfo became 24/7 Roland's job.
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And finally here we are able to see his scars. It's near to when they rescued Astolfo so that's other point to think he got all of that before Roland and Astolfo met.
(imagine is yellow) 3) When Olivier planned to leave the Chasseurs a.k.a. When Roland met Misha:
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Back to the timeline, as I explained with Roland's scars, this has to be before rescuing Astolfo.
And again, this event can be near to when they started training, but it can't be near to when they rescued Astolfo because both Roland and Olivier had their arms broken. And depending what it's broken you need around 2 months or more to use it normally again (maybe the Chasseurs have drugs to make it shorter, but I will ignore that).
4) Olivier and Astolfo met:
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We can't really know if this was the first time they see each other or even if this 2 panels are from the same day, but there are 2 important things to note:
Olivier wasn't a Paladin yet.
Astolfo already know the vampire.
5) The doomed day:
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Between the previous event to this one there shouldn't be much time and, since Astolfo wears the exact same suit, I could even tell it was that same night. But kids can use the same clothes in different days so it can be more time between these events.
Side note 2: UwU I killed.
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Since Astolfo wasn't a Paladin here and he is really similar to the present day, I think this happened around a year ago because Astolfo became Paladin at 15 and he is still 15 y.o.
6) Present day:
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It's still 1888 because Astolfo's birthday is 6th January (basically, first day of 1889) and since he still 15, they are probably at the end of 1888.
Here both Roland and Astolfo are Paladins, but Astolfo ascended time before Roland.
And that's all, thanks for reading my mucho texto.
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incaseofart · 2 years
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Vanitas no Carte OC, Wendy Verite! She/they. They are a vampire, not young young, but definitely weren't around for the war. Still figuring that out since I can't quite look at the timeline since I'm not caught up on things! Also not an aristocrat.
In any case, they want to research automatons (like the day to day useful ones, not World Formula ones) so they often end up in the human world. Upon returning to Altus they stumble into a ball...and a certain Lord Ruthven takes notice of them.
...and decides to sponsor them so they can do their reach in Altus! How kind of him. He's also going to be a mentor type figure in their life?! They can hardly believe it.
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beanyboobee · 4 months
Noe is Krusnik, Hi and welcome to my crack theory on Noe is Krusnik, But in a different timeline. Take it a step further and claim that Vanitas and Dominique were originally meant to be villains in the tale.
Why did i come to this very odd and strange theory? im glad you asked! behold! chapter 62 of vanitas no carte.
Krusnik is referred to as 4 things. Kind, Brave, cool, and Slightly foolish. Do you know what Noe is? Kind, Brave, and foolish. Krusnik went about solving crimes between humans and vampires, Noe and Vanitas are now moving into doing just that with their newest mission.
Noe's backstory has the makings of every protagonist ever, dead family, dead guardians, sold on the market. But there's one thing that stood out to me, The mention that Krusnik had golden eyes that had the ability to neutralise vamperic abilities and powers.
Now i know, silly me, Noe doesn't have golden eyes, he has red! oh yes, I know, but can we be sure? after all, when we are introduced to little Noe he didn't have a bandage over his eye when he met his 'grandparents' the bandage only came during his time with the trafficers, but there is something important to note here.
Conflicting information, Dominique says that her Grandfather bought Noe because Noe was up for auction as an 'Archiviste survivior' However the people who took him were human traffickers, who were not aware that Noe was a vampire. When they found out, we were never told, However, If he was Krusnik, it would make sense as to why the teacher would be in the audience, (He KNEW Noe would be there) and if Noe was sold to a vampire, and the vampire tried to take a bite, he could of accidentally triggered the neutralisation, which in turn made the teacher buy him, little Noe wouldn't know how to turn it off, and so the teacher bandaged his eye that stayed gold till it eventually faded away.
This would also explain why in recent chapters Noe has started to REMEMBER what happened between him and Ruthvan without Ruthvans consent because Ruthvan used a vampiric ability on him but for someone who can neutralise said ability it would have little to no effect over time. And with Noe being Noe when the teacher told him Archivisites had different abilities to that of regular vampires he most likely never brought it up again thinking that was one of the abilities or didnt even realize he had done that.
In turn the teachers allowing Noe to read the Adventures of Krusnik, Is essencially what he did with letting Louis 'find' his reports to read. Letting Noe read how his life should of ended up and seeing if he would catch on.
Vanitas in the early chapters reads alott like a villian, to the point it is hard to ignore and oyu could see how easily if Noe wasnt friends with him during some of these scenes that he would easily turn agaisnt or persecute him.
Domi too is part of the De Sade family and judging by their torture booth at the masqueade ball, they are very clearly not good people (apart form her) but even see has no problem threatening to tear Vanitas apart if he tries to hurt Noe. Because without Noe, Domique would of eaisly of fallen into the villian role like the rest of her family. The teacher was the one who took in Louis, Had he not her fmaily would of executed him themselves, she would of known he was her twin and left alone in that family with no outside influence, its easy to see she could of easily became a villian, that whole interaction between her and vanitas in chapter 8 is so Villian vs Villian coded that now i cannot read it any other way. But slowly over time these 'villian' like moments become less and less, because Noe is more prominant in both of their lives,
Not to mention Vanitas was from a traveling circus originally, one that suspiciously enough makes me think of charlten, Had to. stuck around and not been rescued he could of easily became one of the pawns of charleten.
Vanitas dies at the end of the tale, because it is his fate to. Noe was always meant to kill him. One way or another. friend or foe.
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archivalofsins · 1 year
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So, let's talk about this thumbnail and line shall we.
Despite the line alluding to carnival/circus culture. Oh- wait you think I should explain that? You think we should waste time explaining how the term masquerade alludes to that. Well, I do too because no one else seems to have noticed.
Masquerades began around the fifteenth century and would become a staple of the Carnival Season. Many children who grew up on Disney would be familiar with it from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. People who grew up on that would also know that the king of the masquerade in that film or the king for a day is the King of Fools.
On a more recent note fans of The Case Study of Vanitas/ Vanitas No Carte would also be familiar with masquerade imagery. Due to the parade of Charlatan
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Along with masquerade balls also known as Bal Masque. Because of-
Memoire 7- Bal Masque: Night of the Sneering Masks
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Now carnival and masked performances have been related to multiple nomadic cultures. There is also a stigma around carnivals, circuses, and state fairs that allege individuals that work in those sorts of professions or areas are conman, thieves and tricksters. This comes up again regarding the tarot because this myth just dates back that far. Many people who worked in these areas were accused at times baselessly of being frauds and thieves and were directly under German persecution during the second world war.
Most notably in this case being the Romani people.
Sidenote everyone that has been deeply related to Mahiru's situation have had feathers in their songs this trial. Mirroring her in This Is How To Be In Love With You-
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Kazui continues this trend. As it has been implied, he is going to speak on Mahiru's situation in his voice drama as well just as Yuno did.
"I feel bad for her."
However, unlike Yuno who spoke on her and has been connected to Mahiru within the portal timeline heavily since trial two began- Kazui has not been.
It should also be noted that unlike Yuno who is tearing up a pillow and releasing these feathers Kazui's thumbnail more so mirrors Mahiru within the beginning of This Is How To Be In Love With You.
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They are both posing in a space where feathers are falling the only difference being Kazui's feathers are white instead of blue. There may be multiple birds to account for all the feathers dropping in Kazui's video proper or it could be a case of us not really knowing where these came from just like in Mahiru's instance.
Bringing more credence to Mahiru's line in I Love You,
"It’s ok for everyone else but not for me."
Something that really doesn't make sense for her to say because she was not the only prisoner voted guilty. Three other prisoners were voted Guilty as well. Making a statement like this could only make sense if she knows everyone else that killed due to love was voted Innocent except her.
In comparison to Futa's line in Backdraft which is far more specific,
"Why are the others INNOCENT? I won’t forgive, won’t forgive."
Also, despite the fact that his highlighted line alludes to masquerades Kazui is noticeably maskless this calls to attention his line in his song trailer,
"I'm probably a phony, through and through."
This connected back to his new highlighted lyric and his correctly fitting suit within the thumbnail seems to call attention to his development over the course of the trials. From his stiff unfitting lies and obvious masks to one that can hardly be told apart from his face.
Appearing as a magician commanding the stage and leading the audience into seeing what he wants them to see while overlooking the things he wishes to hide. Be that through sleight of hand or distractions dressed up as theatrics. This also highlights how Half may not have only displayed how he is a viewer and actor in his life but his wish to not only be able to lie on a set stage but whenever necessary. He wanted to present himself this way not only publicly but in his private life as well.
Something alluded to in his voice drama,
"And even if you recognize me as a murderer- That would be a conclusion that only someone deeply familiar with my circumstances could reach."
A line that could very much allude that someone close to Kazui was either aware or suspicious of him when it came to what transpired. Giving new context to certain written interrogation answers.
Q.13 Who do you want to see right now?
Kazui: They won’t see me anymore.
Amane: My father. I want him to praise me for all my hard work.
He says this person won't see him anymore not that they can't. So, this person isn't dead they are just choosing not to see him for some reason. If this individual was deeply familiar with Kazui's circumstances it would explain Kazui's noticeably anxious behavior during his voice drama as he discusses how Milgram came to the conclusion that he was a murderer as he may be genuinely wondering if someone ratted him out.
This would also explain his interest in who's in charge at Milgram and what it's connected to.
"I don't think someone like you could be looking over all ten of us right now, there must be some sort of organization behind all of this."
Now that he's collected more information despite not really changing much, he seems to have become more comfortable within Milgram as a facility. Similarly, to how he became more relaxed after looking into how the barrier worked.
Well, that's all I've gathered from the thumbnail on my end I'm going back to finishing that other post now.
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mistninja · 1 year
do you like reading fantasy? do you like magical swords, wizards and dragons? do you want to get into anime/manga but dont know how? well im a weeb and a fantasy nerd who has nothing better to do so here are some recs ig
Do you like the Cosmere for the convoluted magical systems and the creative ways the magic is used in fights? Watch Jujutsu Kaisen. First season has 24 episodes, there is one prequel movie (good place to start too) and a second season coming soon. You could also read the manga, but I personally think the anime is easier to follow and overall more enjoyable to me (on the other hand, the manga comes with Extensive notes on how the magic works so you might prefer that). Another good show is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (on Netflix, 64 episodes).
Do you like the Cosmere for the interconnected large universe and The Lore(tm)? Get into Fate. You know how Cosmere fans loooove talking about timelines and where to start with the Cosmere? You can do that again with Fate, even more complicated this time! A good place to start would be either Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works or Fate/Zero. Both are on Netflix, UBW has 26 episodes and Zero has 25. You could go straight to the source material, the visual novels, but I haven't played them so I can't talk about them.
Do you like Realm of the Elderlings, or historical fantasy? Watch Vinland Saga. The first season has 24 episodes, second one is currently coming out weekly (close to finishing), and it is on Netflix. Haven't read the manga but it seems to have some really good art. Another option would be (I think) Berserk, but since I haven't read/watched that, I can't really say. SIDENOTE but if you like Black Sails you should also check out Vinland Saga im so serious. BS isnt fantasy but i needed to get that out there.
Do you like The Locked Tomb? This one is quite obvious but watch Revolutionary Girl Utena, it inspired the books *a lot*. It has 39 episodes, a movie and a manga, general consensus is that the manga is not very good so just watch the show. Look up trigger warnings. And you might also want to check out Puella Magi Madoka Magica (the original show has just 12 episodes, theres a lot of extra content but I have not seen/read the rest so i would say its not necessary).
Do you like an epic adventure and a giant world filled with amazing places to explore? Completely unironically you SHOULD read or watch One Piece. Fantasy fans already get into gargantuan book series with thousands of pages what is a thousand episodes to you? I assure you it is worth it. Hunter x Hunter is also good, I can't say much about it because I just started it recently.
More general recs under read more.
Little Witch Academia. Cute fluffy show about teenage witches. Some similarities with The Owl House on Disney.
Witch Hat Atelier. Manga only for now, follows a young girl who gets taken in as a witch's apprentice, has some darker elements.
Re: Zero. Guy from our world gets sent to another world and then dies a bunch of times. Psychological horror in a fantasy setting.
Akatsuki no Yona. Princess goes on an adventure to find legendary dragons and save her kingdom. Some romance.
Vanitas no Carte. Vampires in a steampunk setting. Gay (?)
Black Clover. Basically whatever you think Naruto is about, but shorter and more goofy. Boy with no magic wants to the greatest wizard of all time, gets beefy.
Ghibli movies: Kiki's Delivery Service, Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, The Tale of Princess Kaguya, The Castle in the Sky, The Cat Returns, Spirited Away. These movies are more on the magical realism / low fantasy side.
Noragami. Supernatural. Gods and spirits are real and walk among us, the story follows a god who has no followers and a girl who accidentally becomes half-spirit. Some cool fights. Really great music.
Shadows House. Creepy house where shadow people live, along with their "living dolls".
Dungeon Meshi. Manga with upcoming anime, havent read it but seems like a fun adventure with some horror elements (?) but mostly about cooking and monsters.
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miyamiwu · 3 months
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Compilation of all my long fandom analyses/theories/opinions/reviews/etc, plus some select short speculative posts.
Last updated: Jul. 3, 2024
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DISCUSSION: Reblog chains involving multiple people discussing/analyzing a certain topic
META: Analyses, reviews, and theories
MINI: Mini thoughts
PROPAGANDA: Posts/reblogs written to encourage people to vote for a certain media in a poll
mention: The media in question is only mentioned in the post and is not the main topic
response: Response to another person’s post in a reblog
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[DISCUSSION] On anime/donghua adaptations reordering entire scenes and chapters from the source
[DISCUSSION] [Bllk FlowerVase HxH] Friends to Lovers vs Enemies to Lovers
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Blue Lock
[MINI] Reo as Isagi’s Next Big Rival
[META] Anime vs Manga: Reo wasn’t talking shit about Kunigami
[DISCUSSION] What if Nagi gets kicked out of Blue Lock? 1
[DISCUSSION] What if Nagi gets kicked out of Blue Lock? 2
[DISCUSSION] What if Nagi gets kicked out of Blue Lock? 3
[DISCUSSION] What if Nagi gets kicked out of Blue Lock? 4
[MINI] I don’t want Isagi to goal
[MINI] What if Bachira beat Rin?
[MINI] What if we get a Ness goal?
[META] What names mean to Kaiser + How roses are curses
[ASK] On the Japanese name culture being applied to the Germans
[ASK] How Kaiser couldn’t have changed his surname
[MINI] Kaiser would never reveal his weakness to Isagi
[META response] If Ness betrayed Kaiser
[META] On Kaiser’s Trauma
[META] Kaiser will goal, but not on his own
[META] Ness will not leave Kaiser
[META] Ness is actually a very rational player, despite his obsession with magic (and Kaiser)
[META response] BachiSagi vs KaiNess “break-up”
[META response] Symbolism in Blue Lock manga covers
[META] Possibility of a KiyoNess goal
[META] 4S Blue Lock Ego Classification v1
[META update] 4S Blue Lock Ego Classification v2
[META] Ness as a character made for Kaiser
[MINI] Kaiser paralleling his parents
[MINI] Kaiser thanking Ness is the bare minimum thing he ought to do
[META] Ness’s reaction to breakup
More Blue Lock meta at my fyeahbachisagi side blog
Vanitas no Carte
[MINI] Vanitas no Carte is not just another vampire story
[MINI] The VnC anime pacing is too fast
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Danmei Novels & Adaptations
Fourth Perspective
[MINI] “Keep Thinking” is such a good repeated phrase
[MINI] Better than TEIO but uhhh…
Go, Taizi Dianxia!
[MINI] Go, Taizi Dianxia: A good, light political danmei
Laws of the Other World
[MINI] On the prose
Mermaid Effect
[PROPAGANDA] Mermaid Effect vs Little Mushroom Poll Test
MXTX Novels
[PROPAGANDA] The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System: MoShang
The Earth is Online
[MINI] The ending implying that eugenics is the answer
You Yao
[META] Novel vs donghua
[PROPAGANDA] It’s also very angsty
[PROPAGANDA] Lazy Boss x Loyal Employee
[PROPAGANDA] Two gays stuck in one body
[PROPAGANDA] Li Ke and Zhou Rongqi
[PROPAGANDA] Bubbly x Cold
[PROPAGANDA] Lin Kai’s love song
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Donghua Originals
Link Click
[MINI] S1: CXS didn’t mean to pass in the end at that basketball match
[META] S1: Lu Guang Ep11 flashback explanation
[META] S1: The Red-Eyed Murderer being from an Alternate Timeline + His Perverted “Crush” on Cheng Xiaoshi + Other Ramblings
[MINI] S1: On Cheng Xiaoshi’s and Lu Guang’s ability to see/enter the past through a photo
[MINI] S1: What if CXS doesn’t possess the client but actually becomes them?
[INFO] S1: Everything we know about their powers
[MINI] S1&2: Did the Twins possess QL and LM at the same time at the end of S1?
[META] S2: What the hell is going on this season???
[META response] S2: On the abuse of cliffhangers
[META] S2: Qiao Ling trust scene
[MINI] S2: Twins’ powers are activated by touch
[META response] S2: It was Lu Guang All Along
[META] S2: Unpopular Opinion: There is no Link Click “trio.” It’s just the ShiGuang Duo + Qiao Ling
[META] How Liu Jing treats Liu Min in S1 vs S2
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Other Media
[MINI] Trese: On the voice acting
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Relevant tags: #miyamiwu.meta, #miyamiwu.tol
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multifandomshorts · 4 months
Harry Transported into the World of Vanitas no Carte (Crossover AU/Fanfic Concept)
General Overview
To combine my current hyperfixation (Harry Potter) with one of my other long-term hyperfixations (Vanitas no Carte) my brain very frequently likes to put Harry through the MochiJun Experience (because he obviously hasn’t suffered enough)
Taking advantage of the Department of Mysteries’ endlessly ✨mysterious✨ nature, we’re gonna throw 15-year-old Harry, fresh from battle, into the world of VNC. Let me set up the small bit of background that I bothered with. A device constructed by a long-vanished vampire who ended up alone in the Wizarding world, whether by choice or exile, gets hit by the chaos of battle. Harry, the main character that he is, happens to be alone with it when it activates. He’s whisked away to the time of the interlude chapters, just after Noé and Vanitas have their attempted murder divorce (courtesy of my son, Misha).
Tada! Harry can add isekai protagonist to his resume now too. But he has to relearn how to use magic in a world with a different framework. A world where he doesn’t have so much weighing on his shoulders. He gets to be free from the prophecy, free from the Horcrux, and it makes sense that Vanitas would notice something off about his soul. I consider True Names and souls to be in the same realm of things. They’re a person’s essence, the shape behind their magic. “Dr.” (this man’s never been to medical school) Vanitas swoops in and gets Harry set right. To ashes and dust with the Horcrux. 
Throw Harry into the midst of characters who make him question the structures around him. He’s no longer in a school dividing its students by personal characteristics and life outlooks. Now, he has to keep company with a wide array of dysfunctional companions. They’re also mostly a few years older than him (in the case of the main cast), or a few years younger than him (in the case of Mikhail). Then there’s one who’s actually about his own age (Astolfo). He has to get accustomed to having drastically different people around him. But still, he can relate to them in ways he couldn’t with anyone in his own world. He especially empathizes with the Dhams because the social inequity they face is similar to the kind he understands from what he’s seen before. Sometimes, he feels guilty for appreciating being able to relate to characters like Vanitas. Of course, he misses everyone back home…but…it’s so nice to feel seen.
Harry’s similar to Vanitas in that he’d rather greet death than be transformed into an immortal being against his will. I’d like to make him suffer as Vanitas has. This comes in the form of Faustina marking Harry, taking his choice to greet death with open arms. The mark of the Crimson Moon and his eyes burn like the fire of a phoenix. It’s a horrifying rebirth, and he harbors the same anger as Vanitas over it. Of course, there are somewhat different feelings mixed in there. The vampire who marked him was an enemy rather than family, after all. Since we don’t know much about the fights to come in VNC, I’m keeping the conflict vague. There’s war again. Vampires vs. vampires, vampires vs. the Church, and whatever’s being set up with the Dhams right now. Harry’s there for five years, and it’s during the later stages of this conflict that he’s marked. The events of VNC have played out at the end of that time. Vanitas and Faustina have died, leaving Mikhail as the last to inherit Luna’s powers and Harry as the last to inherit Faustina’s powers.
This series of events will most likely be completely blown away by the canon timeline when it comes around (which I of course look forward to).
After all this, Harry returns home, back to the very moment he left. It was a toss-up whether the device would send him back to the time he left or if it would send him back with the same amount of time having passed in each world. It might depend on what the device’s user does. They’re still figuring out how it works. Naturally, Harry’s goal is to seek out the vampire who made it, and usually I make that vampire a de Sade. Now Harry has to figure that out in addition to the Voldemort shit. Not to mention the new personal issues that he has to work through.
Oh, to be changed and feel almost like a stranger when returning home. Five years have passed for Harry. The battle is the same as he left it. Will he try to hide the changes in himself to keep a sense of normalcy, the sense of nostalgia? He’s not quite human, and not quite a vampire just yet. I love the idea that he comes back wrong, returning to his world, but now with his very soul and magic rewritten.
If my brain’s craving a little chaos, then I’ll throw in some other versions of Harry Potter characters, whether displaced across time or worlds (or both!). They’re like dolls to me. It really depends how far from canon I want to diverge (usually not terribly far since I’m a bit of a stickler for it, at least in the case of characterization).
Anyway! What I wouldn’t give to know more about what’s coming in VNC! There’s so much that’s up in the air right now. We know we’re in for a lot of pain soon, so maybe playing around with the possibilities is a bit of a comfort. What would a war in the setting of VNC do to Harry’s development? How would the different approach to writing affect him? How would he view the people he left back home after everything?
Those are some things I like to think about within the larger story. The larger plot itself is easy enough to change, but the little tidbits remain about the same. Each author has such a different approach to world and character building. I’m so fond of MochiJun’s writing (less so of Rowling’s), and I also appreciate Harry as a main character. It would be awesome to see how MochiJun would approach the story of Harry Potter, and playing around with the possibilities is a great deal of fun to me. Rewriting Harry Potter through her lens would be a much larger undertaking though. So, instead, I send Harry into her world.
Other Tidbits
1. I like the idea of Harry becoming good friends with Domi. She has an interesting mix of characteristics that would make it hard for Harry to view her through the house framework, and I think becoming friends with her would be a big part of him reconstructing his view of people. He shares some traits with her (and other characters) that would push him to self-reflect in interesting ways too.
2. Imagine Harry hearing about Luna and being reminded of his loyal friend by the same name (ough ough the angst)
3. Following that, I think he would understand her better now. VNC would have untethered him in some ways. In addition to more life experience, he would have grown to understand that which is outside of his view more than before.
4. Thank fuck he would be in a text that explores and criticizes abuse in a way that doesn’t echo Rowling’s weird dynamics that cast women as less capable of being perpetrators in certain contexts (namely those of relationships and sexuality). If there’s one thing I appreciate about MochiJun, it’s that her women can be awful freaks just as much as her men can.
5.  I like to think about the ways vampires get inside each other’s heads. They clearly have some supernatural mind abilities (like we see with the Archivistes, Naenia, and Ruthven). That could be interesting to explore in the context of Wizard mind magic, though I know Occlumency is often over-utilized in fanfiction. Exploring the variations of how the magic works is interesting. The Archivistes’ ability is similar to Occlumency in that you need more direct contact, though it’s a one-time use. However, we still don’t know much more about that clan’s abilities. Naenia/Faustina has far more open access to the minds of others. It seems like she needs minimal contact. Lastly, Ruthven’s is probably the most similar to Occlumency (if you threw in a little Imperio, yikes). I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out more in the future. (Fingers crossed)
6. I’m curious about Loki Oriflamme since we know so little about him. That makes it fun for me to play around with him as another character Harry could become involved with.
7. Also, I’m absolutely using the timing of this AU as an excuse to keep Sirius alive. It would be a lot of fun to explore their relationship after Harry comes back so changed. Harry would have become more reserved in ways that might be beneficial to Sirius, and help him grow as a person too. Harry’s a lot more understanding now.
8. I think it would also be fun to see how Harry handles interactions with Snape. At this point, he’ll have developed a much different management of his emotions and temper, so I think it could be fun to see them snipe back and forth a little, lol. Who knows, maybe he could have an effect on Snape too (albeit one Snape would find intensely irritating, lol).
9. I love the parallels of Harry’s rebirth with that of a Phoenix. See the burning colors of one in the signs of the Crimson vampire. Death as a human, slowly being born as a vampire. Reborn in body and soul. More than that, he’s changed as a person.
10. He would have grown into his trait of exceptional loyalty during his time in the world of VNC. More than that, it comes from love. A key point of MochiJun’s characters is that they’re deeply, deeply flawed, and love comes in spite of that. They have so much depth to them and they inflict a great deal of conflicting feelings on the reader. So, Harry would come to have more forgiveness to his loyalty, more tenderness. He still burns with it, but it’s a more controlled flame. He’s already canonically loyal to the people he cares about in spite of disagreement and anger, but after VNC, this trait reaches an even greater extent than before.
10. Lastly, I couldn’t go without mentioning my favorite Harry Potter blorbo: Dumbledore. Harry’s parallels with a phoenix and his growth as a person make him so much fun to play with regarding that relationship. Dumbledore is flawed, though not as much as some of the people Harry has grown to care for in the world of VNC. Harry sees the other people he cares about in Dumbledore and feels the need to comfort him. The self-hatred, isolation, and masks that Harry’s companions also share become visible to him now that he looks at Dumbledore through mature eyes. Regret. It’s something he’s seen countless times in the eyes of vampires, muggles, and magic folk alike. It’s what he sees when he looks in the mirror. If Dumbledore can’t forgive himself, then Harry will forgive him in his stead.
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raamitsu · 10 months
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📌 VANITAS NO CARTE CHAPTER 61 - 22/11 @ 00.00 AM JST.
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lynnlyrae · 6 months
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the 5 years ago is actually 4 years ago but who cares right?? Also I couldn’t choose between my ot4 and Lacie so have both
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yarrayora · 9 months
🤔 and also ❤ for good measure
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
big ass five way crossovers. what are the fandoms you ask? well it depends whether the focus is bsd or servamp. in a bsd-oriented crossover it will be with blue exorcist, noragami (but this is mostly conceptual), also with servamp, persona 5, and bnha but the last one is strictly for ten years later in the future kind of fic
with the servamp-oriented crossover it will be with katekyo hitman reborn, kekkai sensen, nasuverse (but this is mostly conceptual), and vanitas no carte
i've done my worldbuilding, okay. i can fucking do this. i have developed the political landscape and everything. it's just a pain in the ass to actually do it because each clusters have at least 3 branching timelines that involves different fandoms too so like. i will just sit here consumed by lust
❤️Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
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angelgarden-posts · 2 years
Requests: Closed! 5/5
Note: I do not support or endorse disturbing or immoral behavior irl, my work is merely fiction and should never be normalized!
DNI if you’re discriminatory or a MAP/NO-MAP (pedo), send out hate for no reason (my work is merely for fun, I can differentiate fiction from reality, so do not contact me about that), or participate in cringe culture.
I am new to writing (and Tumblr), so please forgive my mistakes and let’s have fun!
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3 Characters Per Request Maximum!
After looking at what I will write, you can request:
What I Will Write:
Yandere/Dark Themes (murder, death, gore, suicide, mental illnesses, abuse, kidnapping, stalking, imprisonment, cannibalism, etc.)
Character x Reader
Original Characters
Alternative Universes, Crossovers, Fictional Timelines, and Fantasy
Fandoms (listed below)
Female/Gender Neutral Readers
Yandere vs. Yandere
Family-building (sometimes—I’ll decline the request if I’m not willing to write it)
What I Will NOT Write:
Character x Character
Male Readers
Amputation, Mutilation, or Disfigurement
Direct Pregnancy or Birth (not happening in the moment, but can be mentioned)
Yandere Readers
Trans Reader/Characters (I’m not trans so I don’t think I can write this topic properly, I’m so sorry!!)
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Note: When I write for fandoms, the characters will be OOC because I do not keep myself up to date with ANY of them. I will be getting my information based off of wikis and other media sources. (I just wanted an excuse to write lmao—)
Fandoms I Write For:
Genshin Impact
Twisted Wonderland
Identity V
Vanitas No Carte
Bungou Stray Dogs
Demon Slayer
Code Adam (WEBTOON)
The Beast Tamed by the Villainess (Manhwa)
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antisatiric · 2 months
a verse post for mark twain's vanitas no carte verse!
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name: "mark twain". higher vampire society might know him better as samuel clemens, but for broader purposes he's left that name behind entirely.
age: 26.
species: vampire.
occupation: traveller and vagabond.
residence: n/a.
birthplace: altus, new york city.
special abilities: twain's inherited abilities from his vampire family allow him control over light and darkness. although most of his family members pick one or the other, twain ran away before he could pursue formal study of either---and so utilizes both to a less powerful extent. his specialty lies in the refraction of light to create illusions, and the warping of shadow to obscure and deflect visibility.
other: due to improper tampering with the world formula, a portion of twain's face and hair appears discolored---a shimmering white that emits a soft glow.
born the second-youngest of the illustrious clemens line of vampires, samuel clemens was a disappointment from the moment of his birth. his interactions with the world formula were unstable, and it became clear as he grew that he was a bad study with little interest or retention for etiquette and astrology, which his family were somewhat renowned for.
twain suffered the mistreatment and punishment of his family for fourteen years before vanishing into the night, not a trace left behind nor indication of where he went. he spent the following years travelling freely between the human world and altus, with a clear preference towards the human world.
around six years after he first disappeared, at the age of 20, twain began to crash formal events for vampire nobility under the excuse that he hadn't been formally disowned. this naturally continues to stir a lot of chaos and sow discord within those events, which seems to be his goal.
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sokai-asuki · 8 months
Ace of Cards: Instead of 1 reincarnation, let's make it 4—
Title: Ace of Cards 
Publishing: Coming Soon
Story Description:
What would you do if you suddenly died unexpectedly and then reincarnated as one of the minor antagonists of the game. 5 friends in the real world, but not as in childhood or school. They are more of online friends with different ambitions to achieve and different interests. One like to create a music and play instruments, another one like art and craft, and creating a sculpture, the other loves pulling a trick and performing the art of "magic" trick, another one is a law student studying to get his early diploma, and lastly, an intelligent individual that are still in highschool but have a mind that everyone couldn't rival of. One day, they play a new online game that's been released in all types of mobile technology. All of them had set a schedule to play together. And when that time comes, all of them at the same time login to the game but unnoticed the danger ahead. One of them is going to get something from their kitchen but when they go down the stairs, they accidentally slip and fall down the stairs. To say the injuries, it is not the lightest injury at all… And when the person opens their eyes, they suddenly realise their surroundings. They've been Isekai to some places, but those places... is more of the game they were originally playing with their friends. And here they are, reincarnated as one of the characters in the game they were playing, Elijah Heartsworth, the young  of Spade and soon-to-be-king, a minor antagonist of this said game.
Characters; Main/Important/Protagonist/Antagonist/Rival
•Elijah Heartsworth 
•Amethyst “Amy” Deacon 
•Coraline Leafly 
•Kin Kessho
Supporting Characters (Important):
•Moran Wood
•Anthony Deacon
•Mariana Crim
•Max Trivor Rose
•Tsukuroki Kuroka
•Jekyll Jax
Supporting Characters:
•Elizabeth Heartsworth
•Charles Heartsworth
•Violet Prim Heartsworth 
•Ruby Deacon
•Webby Forest
•Ai “A.I” Kin
Background Characters:
(Still ongoing)
What is the genre for Ace of Cards?
-The genre of it is mysteries, thrill, Isekai, supernatural, magic, fantasy.
Is there any inspiration for this story?
-The characters and the story are all inspired by other Isekai stories and also inspired by a Tarot Card. I am a fan of Vocaloid, and one time I heard of a song called “Alice In Human Sacrifice” English cover when I was young. I was so naive and English is not my first language. So, a little more inspiration for that. 
When will it come out?
-When I am finally done with the plot and the twist of the story.
What did they look like?
-I have done what they're appearance looks like, I will post it later.
Are there any other inspiration you get for making Ace of Cards?
-I do.
Games; Genshin Impact, Reverse 1999, Honkai Star Rail, Kingdom of Hearts 
Anime/Manga: Bungou Stray Dogs, The Trash of Count's Family, Vanitas No Carte, My Next Life As A Villainess: All Route Lead to Doom, The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior, I am the Villainess Daughter So I’m Taming the Last Boss
Is it alright for me to ship, headcanon and theorise of the characters?
-It is alright to ship the characters of my story and also headcanon them. As long as it is a legal ship and also none of the characters of mine are out of character. And it is alright to make a theory of them, let alone analyse them with all you want! I would love to read it.
What makes you want to write your book?
-I was thinking of making an Isekai story like all the Isekai books I have read before. I want to learn how to write a story that are not specifically a modern style timeline. I want to see the difference I can make with modern life and fantasy life.
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