#vanitas x namine
thecolonelsqueen · 1 year
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Namitas in San Fransokyo. I love them. 👌🏻
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allykakamatsu · 5 months
Alignment Chart
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Venti is all of these depending on the day btw-
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talyns-fanfics · 2 years
Kiss the Girl…
Kingdom Hearts
Heart Hotel x sleeping princess!reader
The Heart Hotel: Sora, Roxas, Ventus, Vanitas, Xion, and Naminé. Yes, I’m including Vanitas and Naminé.
Summary: The Heart Hotel find out about a sleeping princess. Hijinks issue and the group basically sabotages each other’s efforts to find the sleeping girl.
Y/N is never used
Sora had just arrived at the castle where it was said the princess was sleeping. He would’ve gotten up the steps, had it not been for his feet literally being frozen in place. He looks around, spotting Ventus running towards the castle.
“Sorry, dude!” He says, turning to Sora. “If she’s as pretty as they say, this would be big for m-” he was cut off by a cloaked figure knocking him upside the head with a keyblade, knocking him out. The figure pulls down their hood. “Roxas, my guy!” Sora exclaims happily. “Mind helping me out here?” He gestures to the ice trapping his feet. Roxas smirks, leaving Sora behind. “Rude, much!” Sora shouts after him.
Roxas make it into the lobby, only to be surrounded by multiple Unversed. “Vanitas! This is kinda unfair!” Roxas yells out. He looks up, noticing Vanitas nearby. “Says the guy who knocked out Ventus and left Sora to fend for himself. Hypocrite.” He turns the other way, walking further into the castle. Ventus and Sora eventually rushed in, helping Roxas defeat the Unversed blocking their way.
Meanwhile, Vanitas made it into the room with the sleeping princess. He was almost to the case, when he was tripped by a cloaked figure. He looks up, seeing the figure pull down her hood. Vanitas gives a chuckle. “Of course, you’d be the one to stop me achieving victory.” Xion slightly glares.
“There are way too many stories about the princess getting saved by a strong man.” Xion brings up a very good point. “Let a girl rescue the damsel for once.” The two were then thrown into a fight, which only got worse when Sora, Roxas, and Ventus joined in.
After a bit, they hear the case loudly creaking open. Stopping the fight, they look over, seeing Naminé pulling a comb out of someone’s hair. Said person yawns aloud, waking up. A young girl with (color) hair and (color) eyes sat up from the case as Naminé throws the comb aside.
“What about True Loves Kiss?” Sora sounded defeated, watching as Vanitas picks up the comb. “Is it poisoned or something?” He wonders aloud.
“Not everything is about that True Loves Kiss bull crap.” The girl rubs her eyelids, climbing out of the case.
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authorchan13yeager · 2 years
All my favorites kh ship.
13- Rikureplica x Vanitas.
9-Axel x Saix
8-Riku x Ansem
7- Roxas x Kairi
5-Riku x Namine (i can't remember the name of this one)
1- Soxeha.
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ranaitsan · 1 year
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5 billets !
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pred1059 · 1 year
Runaway Wind Chapter Twenty Four
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Cid let out a sigh as he saw his ship touch down outside and began to put away his tools. Knowing how fast Yuffie could run, he didn’t want to be holding anything sharp when she came barging in. Still, this was mostly touch up work for the main castle hall, turning it from evil lair to semi-respectable base and disabling some of Maleficent’s locks. Sure enough, a few seconds later a loud bang was heard as the front doors were kicked open.  “So my ship is still in one piece.”
Yuffie gave a thumbs up. “Yep. And we did good. Mirror’s in pieces and Maleficent’s on the run!” Her cheer faltered slightly as she looked back to the entrance. “Though…”
“Naminé’s been having some trouble lately,” Ventus answered with Naminé leaning against him as they walked in. He looked over to her as she winced. “Her head’s been hurting, bad.”
“I...I don’t know...I’m seeing things I don’t know…” Slowly, Naminé sat down in one of the rebuilt benches, eyes screwed shut.
Cid paused. Seeing things. If her story was right, there was something else Naminé could see…
And change.
He asked tersely, “Is it like seeing Sora’s memories?”
Because despite the girl being as kind as she was, that power scared him more than anything.
Slowly, Naminé nodded. “It’s...the closest thing I can think of. But it’s all a jumble.”
Cid crossed his arms. “Maybe part of you is playing catchup with what Sora’s been doing recently?” If that was all it was, then there wasn’t much to worry about. But if it was something else?
She sighed and shook her head. “Nothing I’m seeing leads to him. It’s so hard to put it together even though it seems familiar.”
Yuffie scratched the back of her head in puzzlement. “Didn’t you have this problem before? After we finished in the Enchanted Dominion?” Naminé gave her a nod and at that Yuffie relaxed. “Then it’s probably just him and you just needed time to sort it out.”
Naminé seemed unconsoled by the advice. “But I can hardly recognize anyone there.”
Ventus sat next to her on the bench and looked to her in concern. “Could you draw them?”
Naminé considered for a moment, but then sighed. “If my head wasn’t hurting.”
“Early rest after dinner then. That way you’ll be ready in the morning.” Cid put the lock on his tools and led the trio down the hall. Fixing the castle was a big concern alright. But the kid’s memory powers going haywire would be a whole lot worse. Might be worth talking to Merlin about it so the old windbag could have something to do.
But for now, he was in the mood for food. 
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Erxart couldn’t quite shake the unease that had come over him after meeting with Xemnas. Granted, only Larxene had to stay and explain why she ran off with Naminé and ignored Xemnas’ orders. But ever since then, Roxas had become quiet. Still, as they arrived in Twilight Town for some downtime, Axel attempted to lift his spirits with a smile. “So, ice cream?” The man rubbed his hands together in anticipation, though some part of it seemed strained.
“No.” And at Roxas’ refusal, Axel deflated with a sigh.
Erxart looked to him and Roxas with concern. “What happened?”
Axel floundered hands fidgeting as he tried to find the right words, “It’s…Well...”
“Ventus, Naminé, and Yuffie told me things about what the organization did,” Roxas snapped, his hands balled into fists at his side as he continued, “Naminé was tortured. And they were going to try and brainwash someone.”
Erxart’s eyes narrowed. Larxene didn’t deny the accusations of torture during the mission, in fact she almost seemed to take pride in her work. But brainwashing? “What purpose would brainwashing someone serve?”
“Well…I...” Axel stammered for a moment, before he went silent and turned away.
Roxas stepped forward, pleading, “Axel, please, I just want to know the truth.”
Axel turned back, his brow furrowed. “It’s a bit hard for me to talk since I was just assigned to guard detail while Larxene and Marluxia were the brains behind it.” Roxas tersely nodded as he continued, “Basically, after finding Naminé and learning about her powers, they wanted to have them change a particular someone’s memories so that they’d work for us a bit more easily.”
“And Xemnas signed off on this plan?” Erxart asked tensely. He already had his suspicions, but if the superior was willing to let this plan continue? That would give grounding to his fears. “Who would they want so badly?”
Axel looked around for a moment before answering, “A kid with a keyblade. As far as we knew back then, the only one out there. But here’s the thing.”  He held up a finger as he explained, “All they told Xemnas is that they’d convince him to join us. They didn’t mention a thing about changing his memories, or what they would do to Naminé to make her co-operate.”
Roxas was incredulous. “And they weren’t suspicious of them? At all?”
“Of course they were, which is why they sent me.” Axel flashed a grin as he explained, “I was going to keep an eye on them and make sure they weren’t doing anything to compromise the Organization.”
Erxart raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “Why didn’t you say anything? Why not tell us?”
“You’ve got to be careful with this sort of espionage. Give away too much, and they’d do something drastic.” Axel walked forward and put a hand on both of their shoulders. “I couldn’t say much to you guys cause I wasn’t sure where you both stand. But seeing as you both understand how badly this goes against the Organization, I think it’s time I start filling you in.”
Roxas relaxed. “That’s why you couldn’t say anything. You weren’t sure if Larxene was watching.”
“So what do you need us to do?” Erxart asked, “Did you want us to watch her, or do recon at Castle Oblivion?”
Axel let them go and stepped back. “Right now, just pretend like everything is normal. We don’t want her or Marluxia to realize we’re onto them. I’ll let you know when I need your help.” 
“And we’ll bring her to justice.” Erxart gave a nod. After Larxene’s words on Naminé’s treatment, he had some misgivings. Fortunately, it seemed there were enough good people in the Organization looking to do the right thing.
In time he might be able to talk about what Ventus had brought up. How he had called him a name Erxart only heard in his dreams.
But for now...
“So? In a better mood for ice cream?”
Roxas gave a small smile. “Yeah. I think so.”
For now the boy needed a bit of time to rest.
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Yuffie leaned on Leon’s shoulder, munching away at her dinner. “Any luck finding what might have gone on with Ansem?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”
She rolled her eyes and groaned. “Oh come on! There’s gotta be something! Even just a team photo!"
Aerith shook her head and looked at the charred remnants of old books they had in a pile. “That’s just it. The entire lower archive was burned. Even the researcher rosters were destroyed.” She stirred her food with a sigh and looked to Merlin, “Any luck finding what might have happened to Xehanort?”
He shut the tome in his hand and set it to his side as he took another sip of tea. “Just myths and legends. The most I could find is that he once fought alongside an Eraqus.”
Leon scoffed, “And from Ven’s story, we all know how that ended.”
Cid turned to Merlin, “Well, while we’re on the topic of history, about Naminé…”
Yuffie had a good idea of what was next. A whole lot of magical theory that she didn’t care too much about. She was a bit more interested in how Naminé herself was doing. Yuffie got up and moved over to where Ven sat with her. But even though he still looked at Naminé’s condition with concern, there was something else. Yuffie could see it in how he sometimes stared into the distance.
“You’re worried about them.” He looked up at Yuffie’s statement, confusion still clear on his face. “Erxart and Roxas?”
He looked beside him sadly. “And Naminé.” At her name, the girl gave a small smile before trying to resume slowly eating her food.
“Did you want to talk about it?” Yuffie sat beside the two. “From what I could tell, you seemed pretty convinced he was your friend.”
“They practically look the same except the cloak.” Ven sighed and set down his fork. “I...I promised I’d save him. That if Terra fell to darkness that I’d bring him back.” He shook his head slowly. “Now I’m not sure there’s anything left. It’s like he’s completely gone.”
Naminé looked up from her food. “Maybe his mind has forgotten, but the heart never forgets.” She placed a hand on his own. “I know you’ll find a way to bring him back.”
At Naminé’s words, Ven was able to perk up a bit. Honestly, Yuffie just wanted to leave the conversation with that and him happy. Unfortunately, there was the other member of the Organization they had met and made an impression on. “And then there’s Roxas.” 
And of course, Ven deflated at having his doppleganger brought up. “He seems like a nice enough guy, just mixed up in something bad.” And after a moment, he scrunched his eyes closed. “I really don't want him to end up like Vanitas.”
The dark keyblade wielder Xehanort had molded into a weapon was definitely something Yuffie hoped she would never have to see. That kind of power in the wrong hands, as well as the Unversed Ven talked about just sounded like a recipe for disaster. 
Though it seemed like there was one advantage Roxas had that Vanitas didn’t. As Naminé pointed out, “He has friends he wants to help. I don’t think they’ll turn out quite the same.”
Though there was a bit of a fly in that ointment. “Shame he wants to stick with the shady Organization to be with them though,” Yuffie grumbled.
Ventus held his head in his hands. “I just..I don’t know what I have to do.”
Yuffie couldn’t tell if Naminé was frowning from pain, or from seeing her friend so lost. But even so, she managed to talk, “You won’t be doing it alone. We’re here for you”
“At the very least you probably shouldn’t be doing it after what we went through today. And while Naminé needs to recover.” Yuffie clapped him on the back gently. “Take it one day at a time, okay?”
Ventus took a breath to steady himself before letting go of his head. “Yeah, you’re right. I think we need some rest. Just some time to straighten things out before we go and take care of that Heartless in the Castle of Dreams. And after that...”
“What happens happens.” Naminé finished. And Yuffie could get behind the sentiment.
In any case, she was sure they’d all sleep soundly tonight.
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There it was again. 
A chilling cold that smothered him.
Darkness all around. A mangled landscape.
Ventus had hoped after a week free from those nightmares that it was just a dream. But this was too familiar. Too real. 
“Where...?”  He looked around, hoping that somewhere in this dark world he could find Aqua. It might be the only way he could find her. Yet he couldn’t find anyone or anything. 
He looked up to the voice. It was the light. That same light which had been with him since that first nightmare. Which guided and protected him. As it reached the ground, he stepped forward with a raised hand and a simple question. 
“Who are you?”
“Well, well well.” 
At Vanitas’ voice, Ventus summoned his keyblade and looked around frantically. Desperate to find the source. “I was wondering if your heart might become darkened enough to bring you back here again.”
Ventus tried to hold onto the light next to him, and sure enough he felt a hand in his own. But even though it glowed a little bit brighter, it did little to stop a mass of Unversed from appearing from the shadows around him. Bruisers began to advance on him and the light, and Ventus held up his key to protect himself. “This...this is a nightmare! You’re…!” 
“Dead? Ventus, Ventus, Ventus. You already know the truth.” Ventus looked up to where he could finally see the masked boy perched on a twisted crag of rock. “I was always there with you in Sora. Not as well off as you, but enough to survive.” As he scowled the last word, the bruisers swung their fists. Ventus pinned down as he tried to hold off their barrage. “And when your heart left that prison, the keyblade caused some of your will to be scraped off. A husk that could move with a will of its own.”
And Ventus knew exactly what he was talking about. “A Nobody.”
Vanitas chuckled, “Whatever you want to call it, an empty body was right there, so why let it go to waste?” He snapped his fingers, and the bruisers raised their arms. Ventus just had enough time to roll away with the light. He raised his keyblade in an attempt to fire a spell. 
He looked up at the voice. A familiar voice. And that’s when he saw the unversed knocked back. 
By a figment.
And as he realized who his light was, her image snapped into focus.
Looking down on them, Vanitas began to laugh. “Is this weak little girl your new light, Ventus? How long till I crush her too!?” He leapt forward towards the two of them, keyblade ready to strike them down.
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evanescentide · 2 years
; [ tags post. part two! ]
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kh-yumio · 8 months
Tbh, hoping for some of these to become canon. Realistically, looking directly at the dandelions and the "Skuld is Subject X" theory. unrealistically, looking directly at my fav lost kids.
Also, these are the ones that popped up in my mind first. Honestly my knowledge on the fanon stuff is limited even if i've following the franchise for a long time, so I really want to know what other fanon trios are out there! <3
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ultraericthered · 6 months
Rating KH Character Vocal Performances (English Dub)
(This list only uses KH original characters, Final Fantasy guest stars, and the Disney characters who are main characters involved in the KH original storyline)
GOD TIER: Billy Zane as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (KH1)
Derek Stephen Prince as Vexen/Even (All Appearances)
Christopher Lee as DiZ/Ansem the Wise (KH2 and Days)
Paul St. Peter as Xemnas (All Appearances)
Mark Hamill as Master Eraqus (BBS and KH3)
Leonard Nimoy as Master Xehanort (BBS and 3D)
Christopher Lloyd as Master Xehanort (KH3 DLC & MoM)
Kathryn Beaumont as Kairi’s Grandmother (BBS)
Susanne Blakeslee as Maleficent (All Appearances)
Jim Cummings as Pete (All Appearances)
Wayne Alwine as King Mickey (KH1 and KH2)
TOP TIER: Hayley Joel Osment as Sora (KH1, Re:CoM, KH2 and KH3)
Hayden Panettiere as Kairi (KH1, KH2, and BBS)
David Gallaghar as Riku (KH1, Re:CoM, KH2, BBS, 3D, and MoM)
Richard Epcar as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (3D, 0.2 BBS, and KH3)
Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck (All Appearances)
Bill Farmer as Goofy (All Appearances)
Bret Iwan as King Mickey (BBS)
Eddie Caroll as Jiminy Cricket (KH1, Re:CoM, and KH2)
Joe Ochman as Jiminy Cricket (Re:Coded and KH3)
Jesse McCartney as Roxas (All Appearances)
Meaghan Martin as Namine (Re:CoM and Days)
Brittany Snow as Namine (KH2)
David Boreanaz as Leon (KH1)
Doug Erholtz as Leon (KH3 DLC)
Christy Carlson Romano as Yuffie (KH1)
Mae Whitman as Yuffie (KH2)
Chris Edgerly as Cid (KH3 DLC)
Steve Burton as Cloud (KH1 and Re:Coded)
Quinton Flynn as Axel (Re:CoM, KH2, and Days)
Shanelle Grey as Larxene (Re:CoM and KH3)
Dave Boat as Lexaeus/Aeleus (Re:CoM and BBS)
Corey Burton as DiZ/Ansem the Wise (Re:CoM)
Alyson Stoner as Xion (Days and KH3)
Kirk Thornton as Saix (All Appearances)
James Patrick Stuart as Braig/Xigbar/Luxu (All Appearances)
Ryan O’Donohue as Demyx (All Appearances)
Robin Atkin-Downes as Luxord (All Appearances)
Will Friedle as Seifer (KH2)
Justin Crowden as Hayner (KH2)
Sean Marquette as Pence (KH2)
Jessica DiCicco as Olette (KH2)
Corey Burton as Yen Sid (KH2, BBS, and KH3)
Jeff Bennett as Merlin (All Appearances)
Rachel Leigh Cook as Tifa (KH2)
Matt McKenzie as Auron (KH2)
Hedy Burress as Yuna (KH2)
Tara Strong as Rikku (KH2)
Gwendoline Yeo as Paine (KH2)
Luke Marinquez as Little Sora (BBS)
Ariel Winter as Little Kairi (BBS)
Kirk Thornton as Isa (BBS)
Quinton Flynn as Lea (BBS)
Jason Dohring as Terra (0.2 BBS and KH3)
Jesse McCartney as Ventus (BBS and KH3)
Hayley Joel Osment as Vanitas (BBS and KH3)
Ben Diskin as Young Xehanort (Re:Coded, 3D, and KH3)
Lara Jill Miller as Chirithy (X Backcover, KH3, and MoM)
Ray Chase as the Master of Masters (X Backcover)
Alyson Stoner as Kairi (Re:CoM)
Richard Epcar as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (Re:CoM and BBS)
Shaun Flemming as Tidus (KH1)
Molly Keck as Selphie (KH1 and KH2)
Doug Erholtz as Leon (KH2)
Mae Whitman as Yuffie (KH3 DLC)
Andrea Bowen as Aerith (KH3 DLC)
Keith Ferguson as Marluxia (Re:CoM and KH3)
David Dayan Fisher as Xaldin/Dilan (KH2/FM and BBS)
Meaghan Martin as Namine (BBS, Re:Coded, KH2 FM, and KH3)
Hayden Panettiere as Xion (3D)
Brandon Adams as Rai (KH2)
Jillian Bowen as Fuu (KH2)
Melissa Disney as Vivi (KH2)
Crispin Freeman as Setzer (KH2)
Corey Burton as Yen Sid (Re:Coded, 3D, 0.2 BBS, and MoM)
Willa Holland as Aqua (BBS, 3D, and 0.2 BBS)
Rick Gomez as Zack (BBS)
Ty Panitz as Little Riku (BBS)
David Gallaghar as Young Xehanort (BBS)
Matthew Mercer as Ira (X Backcover and KH3)
Travis Willingham as Aced (X Backcover and KH3)
Kevin Quinn as Gula (X Backcover and KH3)
Karissa Lee Staples as Invi (X Backcover and KH3)
Isabela Moner as Ava (X Backcover)
Matthew Mittleman as Luxu (X Backcover)
Michael Johnson as Ephemer (X Backcover and KH3)
Madison Davenport as Nameless Star (KH3 and MoM)
Vince Corazza as Ienzo (3D, KH3, and MoM)
Zachary Gordon as Hayner (KH3)
Tristan Chase as Pence (KH3)
Ashley Boettcher as Olette (KH3)
Drake Bell as Young Eraqus (KH3)
Dylan Sprouse as Yozora (KH3 DLC)
LOW TIER: Hayley Joel Osment as Sora (Re:Coded, 3D, and 0.2 BBS)
Alyson Stoner as Kairi (Days, 0.2 BBS, KH3, and MoM)
David Gallaghar as Riku (Days, Re:Coded, and KH3)
Richard Epcar as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (KH2)
Wayne Alwine as King Mickey (Re:CoM)
Phil Snyder as Jiminy Cricket (Re:Coded and 3D)
Dee Bradley Baker as Wakka (KH1)
Mandy Moore as Aerith (KH1)
Steve Burton as Cloud (KH2)
George Newbern as Sephiroth (KH2)
Chris Edgerly as Cid (KH2)
Vince Corrazza as Zexion (Re:CoM, KH2 FM, and Days)
Corey Burton as Ansem the Wise (3D and KH3)
Quinton Flynn as Axel/Lea (Days Movie, 3D, and KH3)
Jason Dohring as Terra (BBS)
Willa Holland as Anti-Aqua (KH3)
Rutger Hauer as Master Xehanort (KH3)
Bret Iwan as King Mickey (all post-BBS appearances)
SHIT TIER: Lance Bass as Sephiroth (KH1)
Mena Suvari as Aerith (KH2)
Willa Holland as Aqua (KH3)
Corey Burton as DiZ/Ansem the Wise (BBS, Days Movie, and MoM)
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evaundertale · 11 months
My kingdom hearts ships really just have become yes.
I straight up made this list because at somepoint imma draw these ships whether it's aus or not.
I like Sornami this I don't know why but I always felt Sora have more chemistry with Namine even if it's based off fake memories for the first half. But also I'm still slightly prefer them with others as well.
Love soriku there's no question their I reblog it like alot the ship has stuck with me sense kh2. And hasn't ever left. But other than that I'm a sucker for friends to lovers troop and this was the first friends to rivals to enemies to friends to loves. I'm not one who normally like rivals to lovers or enemies to lovers but this ship opened that up for me especially with how Riku tries so hard to redeem himself for Sora when he doesn't even have to.
Sorkai in kh 1 is great but shaky about it later on especially with reading the novels and looking at the translation of kh 3 also cause I think Kairi deserves better than how Sora treats her sometimes. It's like she's an after thought sometimes and it sucks.
Now Kairi with anyone else is higher then sorkai like roxiri, vankai, venkai, namikai, xion x kairi and sometimes and this is really just sometimes Odette x Kairi. I love all the ships and how their concepts could be.
I love namixi, rokunami, rokunamixi (ot3 like I think it'd be wholesome if they all were together and caring for eachother), rokushi these just are wholesome regardless of how you look at them.
Repliku and Namine I don't really ship Riku in Namine because I think Nomura shot that down instantly by changing the cutscene but also I liked the idea of Riku treating Namine, Kairi and Xion all similar sense he tends to interact slightly similar with each of them. But Repliku and Namine is both sad and wholesome it's probably due to the biased I have for liking the fan made trio with her the lost trio.
Vanami and Vankai so I got a reason for liking these two ships one the concept of Vanitas probably seeing Kairi as weak (in his eyes) or something but growing and interested in her for standing up and facing him despite that. Maybe they'd start off at odds not liking eachother or Vanitas being interesting while Kairi just sees him as a threat. The difference with Namine is I think he'd slightly mellow out not to much but find the fact she can manipulate memories fascinating. Maybe she reaches out wanting to help him even if he's full on darkness she probably would want to help like with Repliku but this time she feels she can is in more control to.
Okay okay the ships Namikai so I liked the aspect of how when they connected they have a light connection not to say that means anything but when Kairi needed someone Namine came in kh 2 and understood her like no one else even if she is technically a form of her Namine develops into her own person outside of Kairi and I just think it's wholesome which ever way you see it platonic or romantic.
Xion and Kairi I think in Xions case this ship is interesting to say the least not that it's bad just sense Xion in that weird grey area, she's Kairi, Sora and Riku at the sametime she develops on her own but still was the memories of Sora of Kairi and possibly Riku as well (cause why else did she experience a memorie only Riku has) so I guess she could have feelings for Kairi off Sora's memories of her but then again as she developed and Kairi slowly grow feelings over her seeing Xion becoming stronger despite her struggles.
I weirdly like Kairi and Strelitzia as a concept it's cute and I feel like wholesome from most comics or people who've talked about it. They tend to have wholesome ideas.
Venkai okay this one is just yes for me while her time away from Sora and training with Aqua she could get to learn not only combat but that she doesn't have to mimic others. From Kairi in Melody of memories in the Japanese translation she seems to blame herself slightly about Sora's death but not only that but from her combat in kh 3 it mimics mainly Sora's but with some of Riku. With Kairi's character constantly trying to catch up to both I feel like with time she lost a bit of herself due to that. From not finding her own way to train or fight that's why I think not only with the training from Aqua could she have time to reflect and think but get advice as well. In that time whether romantic or platonic I think Kairi and Ven would interact alot getting to know eachother and it being healthy to see the Wayfinder trios interactions. It might make her miss her friends but also might make her resolve to grow stronger that much firm. Now to the way I see Venkai sense Ventus is treated as the kid within the Wayfinder trio having someone around his age or also treated could lead to interesting bonding or Ventus mentioning how after all they been through Aqua and Terra still treat him like a kid. Kairi who probably doesn't really mind bring treated like she's younger much but might open up a bit more. Maybe over time they both talk about their worries or the events that happen to find some sort of closure. I think even if Ventus and her I think would he cute I also know full well it can be platonic as well.
Roxiri I will die on this rarepair ship. Okay actual reason I just love the concept the struggle with Roxas not knowing if she likes him for technically being a part of him or if his feelings are his own or Sora's (yes Xion probably go through that struggle to) while Kairi might end up hanging around him for see that he feels left behind to. I know Nomura doesn't address it much but from days and both Xion and him wanting to see where Alex went to when Xion forced a fight on him I do think Roxas should have a bit more struggle with those two events especially with them coming back not saying they wouldn't be friends again I just think they should talk about it maybe there's a stiffness in the air till they interact and in this time Kairi who also feels left behind alot probably talk about it growing a slow bond. From Kairi giving suggestions like Roxas talking it out especially sense thats how her and Axel worked it out. And Roxas letting her know that she doesn't have to face things along or feel left behind and to go at her pace. Maybe they could start having small bit training like he did with Xion in-between her training with Aqua. I feel like Roxas though would probably start off a little bit distant when she approaches probably dealing with the fact now that he's out only to find out Ventus is there and he looks like him exactly. Roxas struggles didn't really get addressed much but I do think if they were Kairi might help him out a bit even if it's just advice. The concept just intrigues me and I love it so dear.
Lastly RokuNamiXi I like Xion and Roxas I personally prefer rokunami a bit more but I also love the concept that they would just date together from me shipping all three pairs of Namine and Xion, Roxas and Xion and Roxas and Namine. I didn't wanna just let any of them be a third wheel. I think it'd be wholesome and sweet to see them all dating eachother from having feelings for eachother.
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nebuvoid · 8 months
the whole sora kairi roxas xion namine ventus AND vanitas deal baffles me to this day. like even within kingdom hearts rules of how shit works some of it barely makes sense. mind you im not even getting into why x person looks like y person we just roll with the whole "influenced by y" thing. or the whole who is most connected to who. we roll with that too
like ok lets say "body" is just a resource like a full glass of milk. and during com sora and roxas are a half glass each. ok fine sure i guess. their bones must be so brittle.
but then whered ventus go? presumably stayed inside sora. but why didnt he also leave soras heart? because kh1 was a oneshot game with none of this planned is the real answer of course but that has never stopped nomura. and the answer cant be ven went to roxas' body otherwise we wouldnt have roxas with his own heart, we'd just have ven with amnesia...3! and then of course you also have the whole vanitas deal because they heavily imply in kh3 that vanitas is still inside sora at the end. ven and van stayed inside sora because they werent done healing. alright. but the whole heart unlocking thing did things in a very forceful manner, soras heart was forced right out...so why wouldnt theirs be. were ven and van inside the lil heartless ant sora? kh1 needs a remake badly
and THEN you have namine, by god, namine... nothing about her makes sense. shes not even a real nobody. kairis empty body was IN THE ROOM when her heart was freed. like the implication here is that as soon as a heart is free floating in the air outside a body, a nobody is spawned somewhere, even if the heart re-enters a body moments after. kairi and namine as another glass of milk case, or was also using soras body as a resource, making sora one third glass of milk. hm the whole half pint thing is starting to have relevance now...
xion makes sense :) god bless.
dont even get me started on their spawn points. roxas spawning in twilight town. because thats where ven reentered reality via world time travel hopping or whatever. fine. but iirc (and i might not tbf) namine says shes only ever seen the walls of castle oblivion. why didnt she spawn 1. in destiny islands due to her sora and kairi connection or 2. also in twilight town due to her ven connection. like yes vens body is in castle oblivion but you cant just. change your own rules for convenience. or did namine go "oh damn theres already a ven nobody in the twilight town server its full now gotta use the other ven-location"
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venjamin-kingdomhearts · 10 months
What are your thoughts on the idea of Namine restoring Ventus' memories of Union X? I've seen it a couple times and I don't think it'll happen but I think it could make some interesting fanfics. I also like it since it would mean Ventus and Namine would meet which I'd personally love to see.
OK so I've definitely talked about it a tiny bit in this post here (which someone drew some wonderful art for eheh), and a touch here BUT i ended up making a one-shot based off the idea here.
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Hey so. Apologies that this took *checks calendar* 20 days but I kept getting distracted by drawing ideas. I AM here now though and want to thank you so much for you patience and the ASK i love talking abt stuff like this eheh.
Ok, in general I LOVE the idea. Though my biggest fear is that ACTUAL KH will have Naminé recover Ven’s memories offscreen, so I can’t say I want it to be canon just because the fear of like. Ven’s lost memories being magically recovered without any real payoff is just so real. Best case scenario is that it’s a separate plot where we see Ventus struggle with his recovered memories and worst case scenario is that it’s offscreen, so… I’m trying not to get my hopes up (and failing).
BUT onto the actual Nami and Ven interaction. As someone who loves them as friends and a ship there is so much potential here. You can boil it down to two major things though; how Ventus reacts to his recovered memories, and how Naminé feels about having to use her powers again. I feel like this idea allows for SO much angst for each character and a chance for them to connect on a deeper level.
Like, Naminé was made to use her powers to hurt Sora. She clearly carries a lot of guilt still, and I’ve seen SO many headcanons about her swearing to never use her memory powers again that it’s practically canon in my eyes. Of course, she eventually DOES have to use her powers when searching for Sora (as said in re:mind) , but I think she only looks through Xion and Roxas’ memories, no altering them. So, she’s sworn off altering memories, helping people remember and forget. She only searches through memories when she’s told, and of course, never wants to hurt anyone with her magic. Naminé is tired of being “the Witch”… and luckily, Ventus doesn’t see her as that. I’d like to imagine that they’re friends and get to know each other a little before the idea of using Naminé’s powers on Ventus is even a thought. Like, Ventus IS aware of Naminé’s powers from the beginning, but he’s only heard whispers of it, little facts. Nothing super major and concrete, just a general “memory magic is a thing Naminé does”. I think he does ask her a bit about it, but it’s silly questions. Questions no one’s ever asked Naminé, like, “do you ever use your magic to find your keys?” “do you remember everything you’ve ever read?” “oh, if you can control memories, can you read minds? quick, what number am i thinking!” Just silly little ‘can you’s and ‘what if’s. It makes Naminé laugh, because no one’s ever thought of her magic like that. As something that can be used for the mundane, for little situations where no one’s memories are at stake. I think eventually she would open up more to Ventus about her magic, because he sees it as something that’s not too scary.
Course, after a few deeper conversations, Ventus would be able to catch on to the darker parts of Naminé’s powers. He might even… think of how scary they could be. I don’t think he’d ever be scared of Naminé, but one day he might be sitting alone, thinking of what it’d be like to forget what he has right now. Wonder, for himself, how many of his own memories are really real, since he’s forgotten so much. He trusts Naminé. But he realizes how terrifying it would be, to have his memories altered.
But around this time, Ventus starts questioning a lot. His memories have always been muddled, and now that he remembers pieces of his life while he was Xehanort’s apprentice, before Vanitas came to be, Ventus has this lingering sense of “I don’t really know who I am or who I was, do I?” Then there’s Chirithy, who is proof Ventus had another life he left behind. Ventus begins to wonder what that life was like. Begins to question if the Ventus he is now is anything like the Ventus he was before. In a way, he views his lost memories as… a different person, almost. Ventus might even wonder if, with that line of thinking, he’s simply…someone else, pretending to be Ventus. The “replacement” of the original.
I think Ventus would be scared to confront that original self.
But he would have to, because of course there was something special about Ventus’ past life and it was something that could hint to what’s happening right now and where Sora is and who the Guardians of Light have to fight next. So when everyone looks to Ven for answers, Ventus looks to Naminé, and the process begins.
Ventus feels bad that she’s using her powers because of him. But Naminé smiles (it must be fake. It has to be fake, it doesn’t quite reach her eyes) and nods, knowing her magic is needed and everyone is counting on Ven who’s counting on her. But when they’re alone, away from prying eyes and the rest of the Guardians, when the lights are dim and Ventus’ smile fades, Naminé asks him if this is what he wants.
Ventus is a bad liar, but he’s got Sora’s stupid habit of insisting he’s fine. Unlike Sora, Ventus can’t keep smiling and he’s WAY less convincing. So no matter how many times he denies that he’s scared, Naminé whispers:
“I know you’re scared, but it’s not a bother, Ventus. I’ve done this before, you’ll be fine. As soon as I find those Chains, I’ll reconnect them, and then-“
“But what about you?” Ventus interrupts. “I don’t- don’t want to force you to do this.”
They’re both scared. Really scared. And I think they’d realize it then, that Ventus is secretly scared of losing himself to his memories, and Naminé is secretly scared of messing up. They don’t want to go through with this-
“But we have to. For Sora.”
Ventus takes a breath.
“If- if my memories can show us any hints for what we have to do to find him, I-I think we need to do this. But-“
“You’re still scared.” Naminé looks Ven in the eyes.
Ventus swallows. He nods.
“And so are you.”
They leave it at that. Mutual recognition that they’re both scared of what will happen next, but that this is something they must do. They are in this together, and they trust each other enough to acknowledge they are afraid.
Eventually, Naminé has to search through Ventus’ memories. Alter the Chains connecting them, thread them together in ways she’s only even had to do for Sora, when he fell asleep in Castle Oblivion. It’s almost like an operation. Terra and Aqua hold Ventus’ hands and say their “see you soon”s before he drifts to sleep. Angel the Wise and his Apprentices have to assure them that Ventus won’t be sleeping for so long, not a year and definitely not 12. The process will take a while, since Ventus’ memories are so twisted and Naminé needs time to untangle them, but she has support. She’ll be able to help him soon.
Naminé and Ventus are alone again, before he must sleep.
“Hey, Nams?”
Naminé looks at him quietly. Ventus smiles.
“I know you haven’t started yet, but… thanks, Naminé. In advance.”
Ventus felt the urge to say that. He couldn’t tell why, but… well, Master Eraqus always told him to be polite.
Naminé manages a smile, Ventus falls asleep, and she begins her work.
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Anyways, things don’t go… well in my head. There’s a lot of remembering bad things and a lot of Naminé going “oh shit, Ven’s gonna have to remember this and he’s going to feel TERRIBLE.” a lot of her realizing what stuff he’s been through and now, she’s in this weird place where she KNOWS and it’s up to her to decide whether Ventus should remember or not. And fuck, it’d be so much pressure for her. just…. you ever had to sit with a friend while they describe something horrible they’ve been through? it had to deliver bad news? Naminé is just feeling all the worst parts of that. Sorry for Ventus, sorry for Strelitzia, sorry for everyone. She wants to help but she doesn’t know how, all she knows is that she can either help Ventus remember or hide all the memories away again and pretend she couldn’t reach them.
(also, Marluxia was there apparently and Naminé does NOT want to unpack those feelings goodness gracious no)
Now, whichever choice Naminé takes will be a mess of angst. Because on one hand, she can let Ventus remember and everyone will deal with the consequences, or she can make him forget, and only she would know about the Age of Fairytales and Strelitzia’s murder and how very young Ventus had been when he was dragged into everything. Either way, there’s no going back.
It’s all a matter of whether Naminé has the courage to ask for help and risk hurting others, or pretend everything is alright and take on the pain for herself and herself alone.
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allykakamatsu · 6 months
We Need Disguises..... Perfect???
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POV: You specifically asked for the Destiny Trio to come to the tea party, but get the bargain bin version instead.
Aka, The Lost Trio needs to work on their cosplays.
Notes on all the switcharoos (cause this happens more than once) under the cut.
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pegakitty · 7 months
you want xehanort lore? here is my best attempt based on what i know. i havent beaten the game where time travel got involved so this is uh. before things got too bad
so xehanort was a keyblade master who was training this kid ventus. then one day he felt a bit silly and wanted to restart a war for science so he stabbed a child to split his heart into two halves (ventus, pure light, and vanitas, pure dark) and then gave ventus (actively dying because of having his heart you know. ripped in half) to his old pal eraqus to deal with and kept vanitas. his GOAL was that vanitas and ventus would eventually fight and somehow form this old weapon called the x-blade (not to be confused with the keyblade despite being pronounced the same) because something something it forms when equal light and dark powers clash i think? idk. anyways i literally have no clue what happened at the end of bbs because i wasnt paying attention but iirc that plan only semi worked and ventus ended up in a fucking coma for 10 years. in the meantime i think xehanort was uh. i feel like his goal was immortality but i could be mixing him up with william afton. anyways he norted a boy. that boy was terra. basically he just possessed him. so theres terranort now. then aqua i think beat him up then dropped him off in radiant garden before going to the void
terranort then took a quick detour to get a phd in unethical science with notoriously totally definitely not the worst character ever ansem the wise. he learned about how to release peoples hearts and then uh. idr how this happened exactly BUT HE DID IT TO HIMSELF AND MAYBE CONVINCED ANSEM TW's OTHER APPRENTICES TO DO IT TOO????? anyways so oops! he now has split himself in half. not the same way he split ventus in half though he split himself in half in like a normal way, aka into a heartless and a nobody
tldr explanation for heartless and nobodies, heartless are peoples hearts that have succumbed to darkness and nobodies are the body they leave behind. if you have a strong will, your nobody is basically just a kinda funky copy of yourself without a heart. also if you choose to succumb to darkness instead of being overtaken by it, then you remain sentient as a heartless <-(this is also why sora was a very polite heartless, since he released his own heart). xehanort filled both of those conditions, so his heartless was ansem seeker of darkness and his nobody was xemnas. neither of them are ansem in any way shape or form and i genuinely cannot remember if there was a reason for him naming himself after ansem besides spite.
anyways. xemnas goes on to form a cult of nobodies with the other 5 apprentices that lost their hearts and a handful of other people he found. meanwhile, ansem sod is hanging out on the island sora and riku live on and is being weird to children. riku is feeling a bit silly and also jealous that his crush doesnt need him and so he accidentally destroys his home and starts hanging out with the demons. ansem sod decides that it would be really funny to possess this kid and so he tells riku that the darkness holds the secrets to free robux if he just succumbs to it. unfortunately no free robux awaits riku and ansem sod norts his second boy. its fine though, sora got exorcised him and then killed him with the power of friendship.
meanwhile, xemnas' cult is thriving. until it isnt. sora killed like half their members then tripped and fell so hard that he got amnesia and now hes in a coma while namine tries to fix him. theyve recruited soras nobody, this weird quiet kid named roxas, to go kill a bunch of heartless with the goal of completing kingdom hearts. what is kingdom hearts? great question im not sure. its like this big heart moon / the heart of all worlds? idk its where hearts go when theyre not heartless. xemnas tells his cult that completing kingdom hearts will give them all back their hearts and so they all are going along with it because they want their hearts back. except roxas who doesnt really care about this whole humanity thing but hes being bribed to stay with ice cream. but soon not even ice cream is enough to get him to stay. roxas decides to go out and find himself (literally!) and then immediately gets kidnapped by riku who is sad that his boyfriend is in a coma and snatched roxas to bring back to ansemtw so they could wake sora up. roxas then dies tragically. goodbye roxas!
sora then goes on to kill pretty much the rest of their members (except for axel who kills himself) and then tells xemnas to go die and then he and riku kill him with the power of... friendship........ totally just friendship
and then i stopped paying attention! hope this helps :>>
holy fucking shit, you really went above and beyond for this and I really must thank you more than just typing "thank you" here. THIS IS SO CRAZY!!! I'm fucking cackling over the robux bit too, that was brilliantly placed. I know NOTHING of kingdom hearts, but now I know...this guy! kinda! Again thank you, holy shit, I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day!
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royalberryriku · 9 months
I have so many thoughts about Namine and Ventus rn but all I'll say is potential parallel between Namine and Strelitzia, and how this could mean Namine is in danger of the same things repeating or just having some sort of future parallel associated with Strelitzia.
Particularly with how Namine is connected to the Book of Prophecies like we see with Jiminy's Journal in Coded (imo maybe because Kairi is a princess of heart and has some sort of connection to the OG X-Blade and maybe Lux and all that??), but especially just the concept that maybe Kairi, Ventus and Namine will all be the ones in more danger form Darkness and how this, specifically, may offer a way for Repliku and Vanitas to return of their own volition, potentially from the Realm of Darkness since it was made more or less clear that dark beings go there when defeated (Maleficent and Repliku post Chain of Memories for example). Though as for how one would do this, seeing as Vexen stated that escaping by yourself is almost impossible, I still can't help but wonder. Especially seeing how much it would work with their development as characters and actually pushing them to consider if they really don't want to exist or if they do but want to escape the pain of their circumstances. It would also work well with exploring how darkness can be a way for hearts to protect itself from breaking/ being harmed: like how anger born from fear is literally just the fight reaction of fight or flight, and just generally the whole "light within darkness; darkness within light" analogy.
This is very unorganised but I have a lot of thoughts here and I'm just very. Thinky rn at around 12:30am-ish lmao
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ranaitsan · 1 year
I had to call him Sensei!
i write this novel in arabic but i will do my best to translate it to english!! At the beginning sorry for the mistakes😅
A romantic novel based on the anime : vanitas no carte!
She traveled through time, to wake up one day in a body other than her own, and find herself in Paris in the Middle Ages, where the world is full of conflicts between humans and vampires, so she passes through many crises, meets Vanitas and Noe, and confronts Lord Ruthven, who will restrict her freedom And he uses her as a pawn in his plan. She is forced to fight for her freedom, and in the process discovers the story of the body's original owner.
The hero, Lord Ruthven August, and the heroine: Dianthus Cariophilus, a new character from a combination of a dream I had one night!!!
The events are almost identical to the events of the original story…
I hope Lord Ruthven fans will like it😻
🍒 If it was all time travel, then that means there were creatures called vampires!? If this is the case, doesn't that mean that there is a possibility of their presence in the present!
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