#vanny timeline questions
timeline questions for vanny/vanessa for anon
🐰 how/why did you start working at fazbear entertainment?
🔦 what was your relationship with glitchtrap like? what did you think of glitchtrap?
🐰 what was your relationship with your coworkers like?
🔦 did you have a favourite animatronic?
🐰 what was your favourite part of working at the pizzaplex?
🔦 what was your opinion on gregory?
🐰 did you have any family/friends outside of work? who were they? what was your relationship with them like?
🔦 did you have any hobbies outside of work? what were they?
🐰 did you like working with fazbear entertainment?
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timeline questions for vanny
for anon
🐇 were you vanessa?
🔪 what was your family like?
🐇 were you possessed, or was it different?
🔪 what did you think of glitchtrap?
🐇 did you ever meet gregory before the events of security breach?
🔪 what did you think of the animatronics at the pizzaplex?
🐇 did you make the bunny suit yourself?
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kin-central · 2 years
Vanny TL Questions For Anon!
Note: This is my first time doing TL questions so I apologize in advance!
Were you and Vanessa the same person? Separate? Some weird in between thing?
What happened to you after the whole Security Breach thing?
How was your relationship with Glitchtrap/Afton?
Were you close with any of the animatronics?
How'd you feel about Gregory?
Did you make your costume yourself? Was it even a costume?
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tharkflark1 · 1 year
Ruin provides a sort of timeline that has me hella confused.
Like, if GGY is canonical, (and with patient 46 it most likely is) that means Gregory was under the mimic’s control for a while.
But when/how did he get under that control and when/how did he break out of it?
1. GGY has knowledge of computers and the pizzaplex. Gregory does not (he actively questions certain things within and his little “I dunno it looks complicated…” when upgrading Freddy is just hmmmm)
2. GGY is a nice kid but he has his weird moments (I think staring blankly at someone after they called you your real name is sus behavior). Gregory is either sassy or scared out of his mind throughout SB. Not to mention, Ruin has him being like “I have no idea what that thing down there in the basement is” with possibly Vanessa having to give him the run down
NOT TO MENTION his relationship with Cassie. Gregory has been to the pizzaplex. There’s cut dialogue where Freddy says he remembers Gregory from “that place”. And the thing that isn’t cut is Freddy’s little “hmph” when he learns Gregory’s name (like Deja vu but Freddy doesn’t dwell too long on it). And the fact that Gregory doesn’t have ANY existing database??? None?????? Like what did he do that as GGY/Dr. Rabbit???
There’s still all those little areas where someone has camped out. Was that Gregory or previous kids that got lured in????
Also, when did Cassie and Gregory become friends? Being freed from the Mimic’s control clearly messed with his memories (I think it’s implied Vanessa has little to no memories of when she’s Vanny???) does that mean Gregory and Cassie became friends before he got possessed?? And why did Gregory go missing?????
With Vanessa you had to play some hidden arcade games to free her so what did Gregory do??? Did Freddy’s malfunction have to do with it somehow??????
What is the timeline here???? I’m so confused
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conspicuous-clown-car · 4 months
lemme ramble for a bit
so i have this story in my head of my self insert and the bs they go through while working at the pizzaplex for like 2 years as a night guard
and originally they were gonna die at the end of it before the events of security breach, smth about them finally getting what they wanted bc that’s one of the reasons they wanted to work there in the first place. but i thought that was way too sad, despite, yknow, it being a horror and if i was in their place id definitely be dead before then. plus there are some things worse than death in the fnaf universe. so i decided to veer away from angst for this story and go for a more thriller horror (maybe psychological) type thing yknow? makes it more fun
THEN i was like yo what if ghosts kids start haunting them to help them find their killer and there’s like 1 for each pizzaplex animatronic (excluding freddy and roxy bc they got gregory and cassie). and it could be super angsty bc 2 of the kids were inadvertently killed because of moon and one was killed by moon, and my s/i is super close with moon right? so it would be like a moral dilemma, bc they want to help the kids but they still want to be friends with moon, but they’re also horrified that he killed a kid. and my s/i would start dreaming and sleepwalking, forced by the ghost kids to relive their deaths to try and find who killed them. but then i started thinking about the timeline of that, and it would mean moon would’ve had the virus or whatever years before this story takes place, which isn’t what i wanted nor did it make sense. so after a while i was just like nahhhh, and it didn’t really mesh well with the story of security breach anyways, its more sci-fi than supernatural now, and including the ghost kids would just be too much crammed into self insert story i have. the kids designs im still gonna use tho lol
NOW after getting back into fnaf after like a few months of not really caring about the lore, i’ve been watching more theory videos and book summaries and stuff like that and it made me shift my whole view on security breach’s story
so i’ve decided that i wanna stick as close to canon lore as possible and make gregory and vanessa/vanny more present and important. i want to focus more on the issues with ai, and show the slow downfall and problems with depending solely on them. i also need to figure out why my self insert has plot armor bc anyone in their situation would’ve been fired or killed by now (i don’t have to stick that close to canon for this i guess). but im just gonna justify it as they’re a pushover who doesn’t ask any questions and just does what they’re told, which is pretty much what got the other employees fired or killed bc they did the opposite (they’re also a huge nerd about robots so they end up being good friends with all the animatronics which is a HUGE plot point in this story, friendship is the real magic love conquers all etc. etc.) don’t get me wrong, they are fully aware of how wrong things are in the pizzaplex and how some things vanessa has told them don’t add up, but they are a good little employee (they are a severe people pleaser) so they feign ignorance to it all.
my self insert being autistic and having adhd is also a big thing i wanna include, bc there’s some really specific shit about their autism that would affect how they survive and stuff. things like trauma responses, masking, unmasking, meltdowns, and shutdowns that will affect their relationships with the others and will domino affect over time and lead to them surviving. idk ive just been thinking a lot lately about social interactions and experiences i have that are negatively or positively impacted specifically because of my autism. choices choices
i also want to make sure that it’s clear how neglected all the animatronics are. not just the dca since it is intended to be a s/i x sun and moon story. but there’s a lot of issues the in game messages have talked about with the animatronics that seem to happen because no one is bothering to help them. they just put a bandaid on a situation but they don’t fix the root problem yknow. also, my s/i doesn’t think the animatronics are sentient at first, and i want that to be a big thing that gets explored several times throughout the story bc i love thinking about robot sentience.
at first i was gonna have monty sort of start to be nice to my s/i, and maybe they could be friends or even have a sibling type relationship (red hair lol) but then i was like nah, monty being an asshole is what makes his character interesting. plus his behavior is a nice contrast from the rest of the band. though i think it would be funny for some characters to think monty is my s/i’s favorite at first bc their hair is dyed red
i also want sun and moon to be as close to canon as possible. while i love love LOVE pretty much every dca x reader fic i ever read, i have a preference for canon depictions of sun and moon lol. no hate to fanon depictions of sun when i say this, but ive been lost in the sauce of fanon sun for too long, and i wanna make him passive aggressive, and sarcastic, and picky, and fussy!! but still an anxious wreck and a people pleaser perfectionist. i’ll admit im still struggling with this. it was kinda hard to get a gauge on his personality at first because until help wanted 2 we had only seen how he interacts with kids. and even though in universe that isn’t the real sun it’s the only indication we have of how he interacts with adults, so im taking it. moon is still gonna be mischievous, creepy as hell, and won’t talk much, but he’s not gonna be killin anyone (yet), he’s just gonna be kind of a stalker lol. also the dca and freddy have beef for some reason, it’s a personal head canon of mine but im adding it to this story hehe
lots of physical injuries, several concussions, a migraine so bad they loose the ability to communicate properly (smth i experience) will all happen to them, bc i am throwing them through the ringer. they will be stressed more often than not. get projected on idiot (i say that as if this isn’t my self insert and is literally me)
tbh this story would mostly be just a slice of life, shenanigan, character driven thing for most of it. but then little things brought up in the past will become important to the plot later on.
like how copyright music can’t be played in front of any of the animatronics or else they will freak out :]
that’s all lol
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
20 ask things :-)
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(Comic in question)
So the funny thing about the creature in the last few panels, is that most people seemed to jump to the conclusion that its Burntrap. I think its mostly due to the body shape and its purple eyes.. Which is fair.
But also may I remind ya’ll that in my AU, when a bot of some kind is “infected” with “the bug”..
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Their eyes turn purple. So whos to say that’s William following Foxy around?👀
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@subspacecadet Foxy and Bonnie might not know what that means, and just assume you’re calling them “furry”, like they’re covered in fur. Which for Foxy is like “Yeah duh, I have a fake fur coat” and Bonnie’s thinking “My shell doesn’t really have fur but okay-”
Same would go for the Glamrocks. I don’t think they would know what that really means.
The only character that would probably know what being called a Furry means is DJ Music Man funnily enough. He’s always hanging around older kids in the arcade and might have heard them talking about Furries once. In which he would know being called a furry is usually supposed to be an insult. In which he would be offended on the Glamrocks behalf.
Random kid: “I don’t like Freddy, he’s a furry! >:(”
Freddy: “..I.. believe you are mistaken. I don’t have fur. I have a plastic shell! :)”
DJMM: “>:/ Yeah well ur MOMS a furry” 
Random kid: “>:O”
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Not quite, but her bitterness towards Roxanne does heavily involve Foxy. 👀
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@yukurie​ As it stands right now, my AU branches off from the ending where Gregory escapes from the Pizzaplex at 6 AM and is found by Vanny in that box.
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Except in my AU, Vanny didn’t find Gregory. Gregory didn’t stop somewhere nearby and sleep in a box. Gregory just kept running, and was never found.
Although after part 2 of “Bits and Pieces” is posted, I plan to take a break and really build up my FNAF AU more. A lot of my timeline is left blank, which needs fixing.
So with that being said, my AU might be re-written and this ending will no longer be canon. :/
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XDD No worries! That just tells me someone really likes my work! :}}
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@lets-zofifi-stuff​ (post in question)
I didn’t really have any dialogue planned out for that doodle. But I imagine Sunny is in tears because someone finally visited him after months of being all alone.
He’s probably stumbling over his words asking Foxy about everything that’s going on outside the Daycare. 
“Have you seen DJ?? Is he okay?? He’s still in the arcade right?? Are the others okay?? Why has no one come to see me?? Have they all forgotten about me?? What’s going on out there??”
And Foxy’s just like:
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Did she really? Whack. But it doesn’t really matter because Monty mix isn’t really a thing in my AU for 2 reasons.
1: I completely forgot it existed and thus didn’t write it into my AU--
And 2: I don’t think there would be a logical reason for it to make any animatronic that consumes it go crazy.
In my AU, Chica attempts to consume food during her “malfunction” for reasons unrelated to Monty Mix. And the animatronics don’t have stomachs, its not like she could eat it, absorb something toxic in it and go crazy. If anything she could consume it and it clogs her up internally and she shuts down. But again this doesn’t matter because I didn’t write Monty Mix into my AU-
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@cherrycreamfairy​ Thank you! :DD I do my best! :}}}
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Girl go back to SLEEP
(Coming from someone who ALSO isn’t asleep when I really should be rn)
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If they ever encountered those animatronics in cannon, they would probably be completely mangled and shut down. In which Foxy and the others would just find them super creepy.. and weirdly HUGE.
As for if they were alive/active?.. I have no idea. Considering my Glamrocks aren’t supposed to be murderous and possessed.. it probably wouldn’t be a friendly encounter 😬
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Thank you! Unfortunately though I.. am not the best at teaching people how to draw things or giving advice. 
I mostly draw through muscle memory. And I don’t really know how to describe how I’ve learned to draw the way I do. I guess I looked at how other people draw faces and tried to mimic it. I guess its like-
“Okay I drew this sad face, but it doesn’t really look that sad.. lemme look for how I can improve this face.”
“Oh! This artist also drew a sad face! And they drew the eyebrows a certain way, that makes the character look really sad :( Let me try that!”
And then I draw the weird eyebrows, see that its an improvement, and draw it like that from then on-
You see- I’m not really good at giving advice/teaching 😭😭😭
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@halogenrobotics I don’t see why not! :0
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@ourlifestooshort Thank you! I’m glad you like them!
And I do have full body refs for them, but uh.. I think I’ll just uh, keep those tucked away in my files for now- 😅
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@chromchill Thank you! I’m glad you like them! :}}
And I would like to say I’m taking breaks, drinking water and stretching.. but uh.. hehhhh... 😅
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Awwww, that’s a great headcannon!
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(Comic in question(?))
We’ll just have to wait and see! :}
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@cali-the-temmie Uhg, very frustrating. Although its nice to hear that everyone is calling them out and knows its stolen work.
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@noisyapricotcalzoneclod Nowhere! My Refinedtale AU has been put on hold BIG TIME in favor of my FNAF AU. 
And even if it wasn’t, my RefinedTale AU is still a work in progress. And I haven’t fully planned out Gaster’s recovery, nor have I drawn/written it. :/
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I am 100% sure my Kung-fu panda AU thing ends with Shifu being completely fine. :} I know this because I made it.
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theangrycomet-art · 1 year
Ok so Gregory is Stunner, and Cassie can walk though walls What can the other two kids do?
That’s, uh… that’s actually a really good question. 🤔
I kinda imagined all of the kids would end up with camera’s at least, with Gregory being the only one with a Fazer Blaster given his in-verse skill with the thing.
Okay- let’s figure out the main four’s skill set that makes sense AND would be fun to play…
Gregory*: Items: Fazzer Blaster- Longer stun time on bots, but harder to aim FazWatch: Communications/ Cameras Skill: Technician: can repair/upgrade animatronics if he has the parts
Cassie**: Items: FazWrench- Allows for Bot reset, but requires access to ports (requiring some degree of damage) Roxy Walkie Talky- Communications Mask(?)- Allows for “Glitching” through reality, but leaves her vulnerable to GlitchTrap Skill: Lock Picking: is not restricted by security levels BUT has to pick the door by hand each time
Noami***: Items: Monty’s Reinforced Putter- Allows for dismantling Security/Staff bots and Security Guard’s kneecaps as well as extends reach, but isn’t very effective against the main Animatronics. Monty’s Phone: Communications/Camera access Skill: Sneak Strike: can dismantle Staff Bots without setting off an alarm if she strikes them from behind. This permanently turns off said staff bot for the rest of the game.
Brandon****: Security Guard’s Taser- Allows him to give anyone a “Controlled Shock” and temporarily resetting animatronics, but is difficult to aim and drains quickly. Security Tablet: Cameras/ Doors- Allows him to lock or unlock doors so long as said entry points have power, but is limited to his security level ChicBit: Communication/ Health monitor Skill: Traps: can set up “traps” (basically set things up to collapse and temporarily trap animatronics) or blockades Speed: Fastest of the kids
*Basically just canon so nothing especially interesting there **Again, pulling from ingame elements, so not too hard to figure out Still going back and forth on whether Cassie should have the Mask if she is playing within the original Security Breach timeline, but I think the threat of Glitchtrap would balance out her over using it. ***I feel like the player has the right to be able to obliterate the Staff Bot’s for the amount of trouble they cause, especially if they increase in threat level as I plan them too. ****Bradon’s level would have the most “traditional” FNAF feel. He can’t hide inside Chica, he doesn’t have the Vanni Mask so he can’t go through walls. So instead his best methods of escape are distraction and evasion.
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miiilowo · 1 year
Hey Milo, follow-up question regarding In the Flesh: why does this exist.
(Like genuinely why are there FNAF books. Is it a sales thing? AFAIK the lore is different in some ways and none of it is directly referenced in any of the games, where did the books come from? WHO WROTE THESE)
i dont. know..........
The FNAF books originally began as a main-line novel series. While still being sort of insane, they were...relatively? grounded; You had your main cast characters investigating an old Freddy's location. Hijinks ensue, alongside sexy robot clones of people that turn into sexier versions of already existing robots but im getting ahead of myself
The original novels aren't supposed to directly line up with the FNAF game timeline in any sense, and are more like an alternate universe that provides information to fill up holes and gaps in the lore of the games. And to get Scott Cawthon money of course
The other book series (Tales of The Pizzaplex & Fazbear Frights) fill the same niche, but instead of being a direct line of novels they're more like goosebumps books. they're anthologies. they have absolutely nothing holding them together, and they get batshit insane. i am wholly convinced that most of the people involved in these projects have no idea what fnaf even is on a base level, aside from "fucked up haunted robots at a pizzeria kill people"
some of them have good concepts, but are executed poorly. most of the time, they have bad concepts and are executed badly. sometimes they accidentally write what looks like intentional anti-trans allegories. sometimes a girl accidentally kills her friend in a...freddy fazbears pizza factory, only for her friend to only kind of be dead and for there to be like, two of her for some reason. sometimes they have springtrap mpreg. sometimes a kid's flesh gets replaced by sea monkeys that resemble bonnie. and of course lest we not forget FAZ GOO whatever the fuck FAZ GOO is
there's only one story that sort of feels FNAF to me, which would be one called bunny call. it mimics (ha. hahahahah. ha. sorry you wouldnt get that) the gameplay loop in a sense at one point, with a father trying to keep his family safe from an intruder as he makes a mad dash around the cabin, not letting it get in any of the entrances. that's all fine and good, but the COVER ART DOESN'T EVEN MATCH WHAT'S DESCRIBED IN THE BOOK ASIDE FROM IT BEING A CARTOON RABBIT
whatever purpose the books originally had has sort of been entirely lost and spun into it's whole separate universe with vague fnaf allusions, existing almost entirely to make money. at least, thats how fazbear frights was. what's worse is tales of the pizzaplex, a series in which you absolutely 100% cannot understand anything happening in security breach without reading them, and feels more like a band-aid solution to the absolutely abysmal storytelling and lore that game didn't get to execute. i could go on for hours and hours about SB's cut content and story, but thats not the point here
i've yet to find a diehard fnaf fan who actually enjoys these things. which, i suppose, makes sense, since theyre more targeted toward children (which is odd considering all the extreme body horror in almost every single book, when you remember they wouldnt let vanny have her knife in SB for the sake of family friendliness) but it doesn't change the fact that theyre just absolutely fucking nuts and incoherent
i typed out way more than i wanted to here but ive been thinking about the books a LOT recently. i thought the sci-fi angle the main novels took was bad, unaware of the world of terror i was about to unleash by checking these out
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Something that me and Ceph determined so far about the Tales of the Pizzaplex books, so far is that they’re most likely all prequels.
It hints that the Plex has been around for a long time. Long enough for a man in his late twenties having spent a lot of childhood fun there, and it was in fully operational status with a lot of different facilities. So at minimum, the place would have had to exist for at least 20 or so years.
And the Pizzaplex that we experience in the game is nothing like the books describe. Like originally I thought it lead credence to the “au theory” but I figured there’s something more in play.
The Pizzaplex in the game is overun with rats, cockroaches, and areas of the facility are completely shut down, blocked off, no longer working or just don’t exist. Roxy’s Raceway has a huge construction area and it’s really not the only area like that in game. 
The books hint that the Pizzaplex has been operational for a very long time... and had many other facilities like a roller-coaster, a hall of mirrors, a playground of tubes running throughout the atrium, an AR booth (which an out of order one can be seen in the west arcade) were all operational at one point.
This is even more troubling to me, considering Vanessa wouldn’t have been around during the building’s construction, even if Help Wanted hints that she would be. The only reason I say this, is because it’s hinted at that Vanessa’s birthday would be in 1997. And claimed by Steel Wool she is 23 in the events of the game.
(and even if you go the route of Vanessa and Vanny are not one and the same/share a body, Vanessa I do believe is integral to how Vanny came to be no matter the theory.)
So that’s why I find it weird, that the Pizzaplex was always built around Afton with the intention of revising him at one point. 
Which is why it’s hard to put down a timeline when Vanny came into play. There’s no way Vanny could have been a thing when Vanessa was three. So were the construction workers or higher ups possessed by glitchtrap when the plex was being built? If that’s the case... why does Glitchtrap need Vanessa? He would not need a lowly grunt VR-tester turned Security Guard if he already had his foot in the door with people in higher positions of power in the company. 
The whole construction of the Plex, how long it has stood the test of time... and when Vanny comes into play are three things that all just kinda don’t mesh together and I’m working to solve this big question mark. 
(unless SteelWool reveals something insane like Tape Girl was Vanessa’s Mom or something and Vanny got passed to her? .... maybe...crazier shit has happened)
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ponds-of-ink · 8 months
FNAF Security Breach: Analyzing Vanessa’s Therapy Tapes With Violet-Tinted Glasses
Or at least an attempt to, as we’ll see shortly.
My main goal for today is to show what we could learn if—emphasis on that if—William Afton was controlling Vanessa at certain points of these sessions. Both for Vanessa’s character and for William’s.
This is also assuming that someone (or something) else is controlling Patient 46 in order to avoid a conundrum.
Buckle up once again. This is going to be even wordier than last time, and a whoooole lot more in head-canon territory rather than actual theory. Below is a summary of each session with certain parts of dialogue being discussed.
Tape 1
This is what I’m going to call “The Benchmark Tape”, as this is Vanessa at her most… Well, I say normal, but she’s still pretty irritated.
Cone to think of it, I can’t tell if her defensive tone is because of her genuinely not knowing why Fazbear’s has called her in or not. If I recall correctly, she had a similarly aggressive tone in the FNAF movie. I know that’s a very different timeline, but I can’t help but wonder…
Anyway, it turns out that this isn’t her first time here. She was actually brought in for anxiety sometime prior to—I can only assume—Glitchtrap’s antics in Help Wanted 1.
Her new issue is “sudden” and had “come up unexpectedly”, according to the therapist. I assume this is about the encrypted conversation she’s having with Glitchtrap and/or 46, but I suspect there’s something else too. Something I’ll get to in the next tape.
Vanessa does admit to talking to Luis from the marketing department. She thinks “he’s nice, I guess”. Keep that in mind for later.
Before I move on, however, there’s one thing I have to confess: I honestly thought that Vanessa’s voice went flat only a couple of times after this tape. And, thusly, it was a good indicator for when William is the one actually talking.
Turns out she’s actually deadpan for nearly the rest of the recordings.
Soo.. Yeah. That wasn’t a good strategy after all.
Thankfully, FNAF Wiki’s transcript of the CDs and @kevciaran’s William Analysis came in clutch. I’ll be combining both of their methods and using them as tools: The Wiki’s use of marking Vanny’s fainter lines, and anything that lines up with what Kev noticed in his Sister Location segment.
Anyway, onto…
Tape 3
A new therapist has replaced the old one. Vanessa, though obviously more “tired”, is aware enough to notice. The new woman, however, isn’t all that worried. According to her, all this research she’s been doing makes it feel like they’ve “known each other for weeks”!
Therapist 2 recaps on something we haven’t heard about before: her dad Bill. She double-checks on the name, but all the only answer she gets is muttering… For a second. Then we get our first response from William.
“I try to do what I’m supposed to do.” - I want to say he’s ignoring the question (as he did in Sister Location), but.. He sounds so tired, I can’t tell if it’s intentional. He might actually be just thinking out loud or—dare I imply it this soon—even deflecting for entirely different reasons? Either way, it’s.. even more ominously morose than that one Scraptrap line. Which is a feat.
Therapist 2 unwittingly agrees with “Vanessa”, then goes back on topic. She walks through the custody case, understandably badmouthing her (“her”?) dad along the way. She concludes the gentle-as-possible recap with relaying the fate of Vanessa’s mom— Which, although censored out by an audio glitch, does not bode well. What also doesn’t bode well is this sudden response:
“I was supposed to be a good girl” - Yes. The Wiki’s ‘faintly’ method implies that it’s William saying it under the guise of Vanessa. Considering that this is unprompted as well (along with the even more noticeable voice crack [and now I’m getting even more concerned for the man’s wellbeing]), I can only assume that William was having some… worrisome memories and was trying to get his thoughts out while staying in character.
Thankfully, Therapist 2 comforts Vanessa as best she can. It wasn’t Vanny’s fault, after all. Yes, she did provide the testimony that caused her mom’s apparent demise— But, again, it’s her dad that should be blamed here. Not her.
Or… “her’, if the whole custody case thing was the sudden issue that came up. Given the fact that the previous therapist didn’t bring it up at all in the Benchmark Tape, the fact that Vanessa suddenly gets all deadpan from here on out, and Patient 46’s introduction into this narrative… Call it a wild hunch from left field, but I now have my suspicions.
Tape 5
Therapist 2 confronts Vanessa about her texting a non-employee during work hours. A manipulative non-employee at that. When she asks about who this person is, Therapist 2 hears this response:
“I get a lot of messages from friends. I like when Luis writes to me, he's funny.” - William not only dodges the question (again), but he also attests to texting Luis. …That, or he’s trying to match up with how Vanessa acts again. Either way, he thinks Luis is funny— Even cracking a half-smile of sorts, which I wasn’t expecting. Make of this what you will, I guess?
Therapist 2 is having none of this. She warns Vanessa that her files are being hacked. Files with a whole bunch of details about her life on them. And what does Vanessa answer after being asked about the ramifications?
“I'm not in the tech department. I just type on the computers.” - …Yet another deadpan dodge by William. Given his prior work in both business and technology, he’s gotta know the actual answer to that.
Therapst 2 agrees with “her” again, but once again issues a word of caution: This stranger definitely knows a lot about her. And the reply?
”Lots of people know more than I do. Sometimes I need to listen.” - Okay, now we’re back to William just thinking out loud. This is pretty telling, however. It almost implies that William’s confidence has dwindled a bit since UCN… Though, again, it’s also possible that he’s trying to impersonate Vanessa for currently unknown reasons. I’m definitely not ruling that out.
Tape 7
Therapist 2 is out [blame Patient 46], and Therapist 3 is in. However, this time, neither Vanessa nor the therapist seems bothered by this. In fact, they have a very brief talk about candy before they start. Therapist 3 offers some, but “Vanessa” answers:
”No, thank you. Those have thirty-five calories a piece.” - …Well, I’m not completely sure if this is William answering here, going by the lack of indicators. However, given the fact that Vanessa apparently orders cupcake cookbooks according to a scrapped FNAF AR email (and, y’know, the fact that she later has a job that requires her to run up three floors), I’m going to assume that’s the case. This does imply that William is bizarrely health-conscious… Which makes a lot more sense when you remember that one description of him from the Silver Eyes. Guess he doesn’t want to look “fat and affable”, even as a ghost haunting someone else’s body ..
As the rest of this session concerns inkblot tests, I’m going to assume Vanessa quickly regained control here and move on. Her answers are something to note, being “a tree house” and “a beetle”. There is also ‘I like to sit outside and read’ in response to one of the questions, but this really could be either of them.
Tape 9
This session starts with Vanessa smelling some flowers that Therapist 3 has set out. They then have a one-sided conversation about gardens and hobbies, which reveals Vanessa apparently doesn’t have hobbies. Therapist 3, always being the chill kinda person, offers up her craft space in her basement as a place to do stuff. “Vanessa” refuses, saying this almost as an aside:
”I don’t like dark basements” - Given William’s history with dark and empty rooms, this one’s actually not that surprising. Dark basements, though? …I’d say this is a reference to Sistsr Location and brush this off, but that bunker had plenty of lighting. Maybe—dare I say it—we have another hint that William’s childhood was miserable??
Tape 10
This one is short, but at least it gives a hint as to what Vanessa actually looks like when haunted by William.
Case in point: Therapist 3 notes “Vanessa’s” comfy posture, even stating ‘It looks like you could take a nap’. Guess Will really likes the chair.
Therapist 3 also brings up Vanessa’s discussions with the Encrypted Individual, mentioning that it’s getting more serious. She asks if it’s distracting her from her work, which prompts this:
”My work is important. There's a non-disclosure agreement.” - There’s not only a grit of her teeth during ‘My work is important’, but there’s also a slight smugness in ‘There’s a non-disclosure agreement’. For a second, the William we’ve seen for the past ten years comes back in full force.
Key words there: For a second. As we’ll see in the next tape, things quickly become less smooth-sailing and more “oh no” inducing.
Tape 11
This session begins with Vanessa admiring the blue sky, which Therapist 3 comments on. The conversation quickly changes once Therapist 3 brings up Vanessa’s search history. Therapist 3 inquires if Vanny’s been doing private searches on company time, which leads to:
”I get breaks” - Short, sweet, to the point. Also completely dodging the question. Again.
Therapist 3 tries again, but from a different angle. She brings up the fact that Vanny is ordering some stuff to make a costume. She asks “what are you going to make?”, which gives us the return of the indistinct muttering.
Therapist 3 (with much better hearing than Therapist 2, I reckon) catches a part of what Vanessa is saying. “Did you say the costume is a secret?” she inquires in genuine confusion. “Why is that?”
“Vanessa” panics.
“I can't talk about this. He said he would always be watching. He could be here or there or anywhere in between.” - …As if I wasn’t concerned about William’s wellbeing already. Not because he sounds paranoid here, but because there’s a very high chance he’s right. Patient 46 has had a habit of being the cutting off point for the last two therapists, and Therapist 3 hasn’t been cut off yet…
Therapist 3, unfortunately, doesn’t take this as a warning. She assumes that this is about Vanessa’s dad and advises Vanny to resolve the issue. Vanessa seemingly pushes William aside and yells about “locking ‘him’ away” (most likely referring to Glitchtrap). Her voice finally breaks the deadpan threshold, only to sink back into it a few seconds later.
The tape ends with Therapist 3 and Vanessa talking about facing a memory head-on. This could be narrative foreshadowing somehow, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Side Note: I can see William saying “I have! I compartmentalized him. He's locked away.”; but Vanessa sounds like she briefly regained control there. If that’s the case, then it could be inferred that William got too scared and ‘let go’. Maybe.
Tape 12
Unfortunately, it’s time for Vanessa to go to the Pizzaplex. Therapist 3 offers to continue the sessions away from Fazbear Entertainment, but the offer is shot down by Vanessa:
“I'm needed somewhere else now. Thank you.” - Short, bittersweet, and absolutely ominous. For Vanessa, we know where she’s heading. But William? No idea. What we do know is that Vanessa definitely regained most of her control by the time Security Breach happens. So that probably means William’s haunting was only a temporary procedure. And, until we get more explanations, we’re not going to know exactly why.
(Also: It’s kinda heartwarming to imagine William thanking this therapist with a geniune half-smile. Vanny’s tone is seriously so warm, yet so tired.)
(And, by the way, Therapist 3 disappears after this tape. Somehow, Patient 46 strikes again…)
Final Notes
William, as expected, is not up for answering questions directly. Unlike in Sister Location, however, he seems to not take pleasure in this. There’s no smile in his words here, save the occasion ones that I’ve mentioned. Just a general sense of weariness.
When he does show emotion, it’s mostly just panic and/or self-loathing. He could still be trying to act as Vanessa, sure, but he did also crawl out of UCN. Maybe it broke his confidence enough that he can’t even trust himself anymore…? To the point where he’s also in danger of being manipulated? I mean, it did happen with him in Fazbear Frights epilogues…
Tangent aside, he is definitely not the same after the FNAF 6 fire. There is not a lot of bragging. There is not a lot of smiling or hinting at plans. He even mutters a few times, which is something he’s never done up to this point. He’s officially reached the same levels of brokenness his son Mike had, whether Will wants to admit this narrative irony or not.
Also, Vanessa apparently has enough trust to let him talk during the majority of these sessions. I dunno why that’d be the case, but maybe it’s just a temporary truce.
TL;DR on the whole thing: I’m very concerned for both of them, if this turns out to be true. It’s one thing to have an innocent bystander get mentally hijacked by a bizarre virus. It’s another thing entirely if the bystander and the ghost that’s haunting her are in agreement about being in absolute peril. Especially if it’s the ghost of an absolute villain whose entire livelihood once centered around making others suffer.
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FNAF Theory: Cassie's Father Was Springlocked And Became Burntrap...
[Note: Reading This Theory Is Optional, also spoilers will be mentioned from the FNAF Movie. but will talk about the theory about Cassie's Father. this will be for Mature Audience Readers Only. also do NOT reblog this without permission.]
it is possible that Cassie's Dad never came home after leaving her a note, which could possibly be that note we find when we are wearing that Security Mask that looks like Vanny.
Cassie's Father is likely The Bully that had on The Bonnie Mask, and were friends with Michael Afton/Bully Who Wears The Foxy Mask.
the friends of Michael Afton, likely tried to change and no longer be like what they were when the accident happen at Fredbear's Diner.
it could be possible that each of Michael's friends, ended up losing their lives while working at The Mega Pizzaplex or half of them did so when working at The Old Pizzeria.
if the other former bullies also had children, besides Cassie's Father & Gregory's Father...
then the other children who could be friends with Cassie, but didn't go to her party because their parents stop them because of the disappearances that were happening...
the bully that wears the Freddy Mask, could of been the elder brother of Charlie Emily.
each of the bullies that were involved in the bite of 83, and got jobs at the Mega Pizzaplex maybe as early as 202X.
each of them could of had their remnant and memories placed into Glamrock Foxy, Bonnie, Chica and Freddy.
I still can't seem to get to the place where Glamrock Bonnie is suppose to be in the Ruin DLC, it seems to be difficult at the moment, but at least I was able to get the Scooper Ending in my first time beating that FNAF-SB's Ruin DLC.
for all we know, the Glamrock Bonnie that looks destroyed, could be a Prototype, and it lets The Real Glamrock Bonnie along with Foxy, to fake their "deaths" so they can move around the Pizzaplex and turn off the cameras so they wont be found out.
even if Cassie's Father had been Springlocked when ending up in the old Spring Bonnie's suit, his remnant and memories possibly went into the Glamrock Bonnie, who was his favorite.
half of him was still trapped in the Spring Bonnie suit, while the other half was trapped in Glamrock Bonnie.
the room that we find in the mini-game, where the Purple-Guy is cornered by the ghost children, and ends up trying to hide in a Spring Bonnie suit....it is possible that that was NEVER William Afton, that it may have been Cassie's Father who was trying to help free the ghosts of those children, only for them to mistake him for someone else.
the three machines in that room, were likely The Princess Quests 1, 2 & 3.
William Afton could of still ended up being springlocked, but it was in a different location.
there could be different types of dark secrets yet to be revealed about the FNAF Timeline.
that blonde ghost boy from the FNAF Movie, is suspicious.
he is likely a bit more powerful than the other ghost children, and he likely went to get the man who was known as "William Afton".
I can't help but find that ghost boy very suspicious, and he isn't as innocent as he appears to be. in theory, it was him that may have talked the other ghost children into trying to make Abby into one of them.
because of the strong influence that the ghost boy who controls Golden Freddy has on the other ghost children, he is able to corrupt them and make them agree without questioning what they are doing is wrong.
if the FNAF Movie's Timeline also took place in the same world as FNAF-SB's Timeline, then the animatronics that are seen in the FNAF Movie could be moved to the Pizzaplex after it is fully rebuild and fixed.
they could end up being kept in a different part of the pizzaplex, like a storage location until they can be moved to a more permanent location for them.
Vanessa Shelly and Vanessa A. could be two different people, and for all we know, it could of been Vanessa Shelly who was Vanny this whole time.
the story that was being told by the Candy-Cadet, is possibly about Gregory and Vanessa, and the monster could be the mimic...
the mimic might of not of been the first one to lure Cassie to the Pizzaplex, and it might of been Gregory the whole time.
when Cassie was wearing the mask, some of her memories were likely being projected, both her best and worst moments.
one of the best memories was her bonding with Roxy,
and one of her worst moments was when no one came to her birthday party, and while it might seem Gregory was part of the best memories that comfort her, but there could be more to meets the eye to it and he may have been the reason why her friends didn't show up in the first place.
even if we do try to do a Pacifist Route in FNAF-SB, where Gregory doesn't harm the other Glamrocks and take their upgrades and give them to Freddy...
the true timeline that leads to the Ruin's Future events, will always be where Gregory took their upgrades and gave them to Freddy.
so no matter if we choose to not take the other Glamrocks own upgrades or if we do take them anyway, in Ruin DLC the outcome will always be with Gregory taking their upgrades.
the mini-games could be stories that are being told through Arcade games that are in the Pizzaplex, and the stories could be memories from the remnant taking from their original sources.
which would mean that the mini-game that shows the Crying Child, are made up of memories of the remnant that came from the Crying Child.
remnant could hold copies of the memories of the original person that it came from, the soul that owns that remnant will either be together or separate in the same or different vessel.
Cassie's Father who was likely the Bonnie Masked Bully in his Youth, his Soul may have became trapped in the Spring Bonnie Suit, while his remnant that had a copy of his memories ended up becoming a part of Glamrock Bonnie.
we could think of parts of Cassie's Father was cleaved into different places, one of them being with the original body that would become Burntrap, the other became a part of Glamrock Bonnie.
and another would end up becoming Mxes with no memories of who he originally was but only that he needed to keep Cassie from freeing the Mimic, he could have no memories of Cassie so he might not feel anything when placing Cassie in some form of danger when calling either Chica or Monty or Roxy to where she is.
but if the Mxes did have some part of the remnant that came from Cassie's Father, then it might take time for some of those memories and emotions to appear in Mxes if it ends up being brought back.
Cassie's Father likely found out about what happen to the Missing Children and the Missing Therapist, and tried to free them.
the ones he wanted to start with freeing was the children, but something went wrong when they tried to do this and it ended up causing him to try to hide in a Spring Bonnie suit and he would end up becoming trapped and not going back home to Cassie.
Glamrock Bonnie could have the Remnant of Love, Burntrap could have the Remnant of Determination or Perseverance and Mxes may have some of the Remnant that make up Justice.
if this theory proves to be true, and Cassie found out, the truth might end up hurting her and even finding out that Gregory knew what happen to her father and never told her.
we only know very little about Cassie's Father, we know that he worked at the Pizzaplex and he had a Faz-Wrench.
and the possibility that he and the Bonnie Mask Bully are one in the same person.
some fans have already theorized this, possibly from Cassie talking about how Bonnie was her Father's Favorite.
for all we know, there was always going to be some plot twists that had to do with some hidden secrets that would be later revealed as the story of the FNAF Game progressed.
Gregory could turn out to be the son of the Freddy Mask Bully, who might of not been a very good person and may have a dark secret about them, seeing as their mas was the only one that didn't show those white pupils like the Bullies who wear the Foxy, Chica and Bonnie Masks.
the one who might be deeper linked to what happens around the Pizzaplex and even at the other locations, might be Gregory's Possible Father who was The Freddy Mask Bully.
Gregory might be working with The Freddy Mask Bully, who's true name is unknown but for all we know, he could be a Emily or Afton.
it could be possible that the Foxy Bully and The Crying Child, may be a Afton but they could also be a Schmidt.
the Foxy Mask Bully could be Mike Schmidt, while the Freddy Mask Bully could be Michael Afton or Michael Emily.
both William Afton and Henry Emily, could of both named their sons Michael, and only one of them ends up going by the nicknames Mike and Mikey.
and the Michael that may have been working at the Sister Location, could of been Michael Emily and the one he was speaking to may have been Henry Emily, his Father...but then again that theory may end up being debunked and that's okay.
but Gregory could of been involved in Cassie's Father going missing and him ending up becoming a victim of the Sprinlocks.
we know there are some secrets about Gregory that might end up being revealed one piece at a time, just not fully all at once.
and for all we know, the theory about him being the son of the Freddy Mask Bully could be correct.
even if it might seem that the Mask-Bot might have the spirit of Cassie's Father, but it could be someone else who could of been close to Cassie's Father.
I might not have much to go by other than the stuff I already mentioned about the theory that Cassie's Father may be the Burntrap in the FNAF-SB's Games own Timeline, and parts of himself ended up separated, like both his Soul and Remnant may have stayed in the Burntrap, while other parts ended up becoming a part of Glamrock Bonnie and Mxes.
Gregory's Father "The Freddy Mask Bully" could of had his Soul and Remnant either end up in the Prototype Glamrock Freddy or the Real Glamrock Freddy.
Gregory might not be as innocent as he appears to be, even if we could keep him from doing any harm to Roxy, Chica and Monty but the True Timeline will always be where he ends up doing harm to them, no matter if we allow it to happen or not at the starting events that take place before Ruin.
for all we know, it might of not been Mxes that was calling Monty, Chica and Roxy to where Cassie was, and it may have been Gregory the whole time.
and Gregory could of been lying to Cassie and he was the one who was controlling the other Glamrocks and making them chase after her.
if we were able to give all the Glamrocks their upgraded parts back, like not just Chica's beak and voice-box...
but also Roxy's Eyes and Monty's claws & legs.
then that could be a interesting concept, maybe in another part of the FNAF Security Breach's story, where Cassie helps Roxy and Monty.
Monty being so aggressive like a feral animal, could be from the control that Gregory might have on him when making him go after Cassie.
there could be more to Gregory than meets the eye, and the only way he becomes "Good" is if the Player makes sure to not have him hurt Roxy, Monty and Chica and take their upgrades to use on Freddy.
but once again no matter if we choose a Paciest Route when playing FNAF Security Breach, Gregory in the Ruin's Future events will always end up hurting Freddy's friends and taken their upgrades.
Gregory could of been the one that caused Cassie's Father to end up as Burntrap, or him having knowledge of who caused it...
possibly being Henry Emily who caused Cassie's Father to become Burntrap.
for all we know, Henry Emily might be Gregory's Grandfather and it could also mean that Charlotte Emily is Gregory's Aunt.
Cassie could of been placed in Foster Care after her Father never came home, if it was just him and her.
or she may have been with her Mother the whole time after Cassie's Father went missing.
if Cassie's Father did end up becoming Burntrap and did try to free the ghost children, if the theory ends up being true then maybe it will be revealed in the future or maybe debunked.
not everyone has to agree about the theory, that Cassie's Father while trying to free the ghost children from the animatronics from the old location under the pizzaplex but only ended up becoming Burntrap and not being able to return to Cassie.
not all theories have to be correct and with how some theories are, and how some could end up being debunked, well the original fan theories that do end up being debunked can end up working in a Fanon Timeline...
not sure what else to say about the theory about Cassie's Father being mistaken for the "Purple-Guy" and even appearing as the Purple-Guy to both the Player and The Ghost Children, but it turning out it wasn't him but a man who will possibly never see his daughter again, or even if he did it would be what he had become and not the man he once was.
I can agree that Cassie's Father may be Bonnie Mask Bully, but it's okay that not everyone agrees that I believe that Cassie's Father might be Burntrap that is seen in FNAF Security Breach.
and that Gregory may have been involved in the accident that would cause Cassie's Father to become trapped in a Spring Bonnie Suit and then transforming into Burntrap...
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springlock-suits · 1 year
Question from Insta! "Do you have more than one FNAF AU?"
My main fnaf au, darlingsfnafau, which I always post about and what you likely mean by that one, this is my personal version of fnaf, that's follows some canon and ignores others. I have fun with this one
Then there's the ballpit au! The plot for this au is that William completed ucn, Old Man Consequences was like ':/ you're not allowed to beat your personal hell'. And forced him to live again and work at a Freddy's, usually the pizzaplex. William isn't allowed to quit, or leave, or hurt anyone, or break any rules, and can only move on when fazbear ent closes down from natural causes. As my William hates fazbeat ent, he of course hates every second of this. Personal hell 2: electric boogaloo yknow?. Usually I like to imagine this au William wearing the glitchtrap costume, for funsies, and for emotional support because you can't be fused to an animatronic suit alone for decades without it affecting you somehow. Silly little au. Local old man discovers modern technology. He desperately wants to remake the Glamrock animatronics to be Better. He's not allowed to
Ooh just in case. I should clarify here for anyone unfamiliar with my au who reads this post. My William LOVES animatronics and animatronic bands, and pizza and arcades, and Fredbear's Family Diner, he just specifically hates Freddy's and fazbear ent. Just the brand. Yknow
And of course the Glamrock Diner Au! I need to post more abt this one, it has Glamrock Springbonnie and Fredbear. And sometimes has a Glamrock Vanny but ehhh it varies! I enjoy this au. Bonnie Bowl was replaced with the Retro Rink so kids would stop asking where Bonnie was. Spring and Fred are as side-attraction animatronics I guess? They're not in the main band, they're meant be along the lines of DJMM and the Daycare Attendant yknow? They're friends with DJMM, I like to think the tubes he uses to travel connect to the Retro Rink :]. I like Springbonnie's and Monty's relationship in this au. I must think more about how the ruin dlc effects them
And THEN I have the "doodle aus"
These are silly little au concepts which are much less fleshed out, and usually only drawn or thought about once or twice, but I enjoy them
Umm. off the top of my head there's,,,,
-Wererabbit William. He bunny
--Werewolf William. I love were creatures
-Furry au. No plot, just drawing the characters as antro animals for funsies
-Fnaf swap au, just a swap au lol
-Pink Lake au. Based on my oc :] it's just an excuse to draw characters in a lovecore aesthetic. And also possession. And death. Fun fact pink lake was originally an old man consequences au, that then turned into an oc, and I am now reapplying to fnaf as an au hehe
-Robot William au. I was thinking about what would've happened if William dies in the first springlock failure, and thus before anything bad happened in my timeline. And then I was like woagh... what if Henry made a robot William, like he did with Charlie in tse. Robot William's main design separation from normal William is that he wears a tie instead of a bowtie. This one has got like messed up shenanigans going because the public doesn't know William is dead so Henry can't try to run away from him when he realizes he regrets this idea. Actually William probably can't ever even get like, properly buried bc again...public doesn't know he's dead. Oh my gosh do his KIDS even know... what if Evan is the only one who does bc he saw it. Would the be fucked up or what. If there's a ghost William he's in Springbonnie watching this go down w deep concern
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freddyfazbears-kinhelp · 10 months
timeline questions for glamrock bonnie
for anon
🐰 what did you think of the employees? did you ever speak to them?
🌈 what was your personality like? were you similar to any of the other animatronics?
🐰 what was your role in the band?
🌈 did you or any of the others look different to canon?
🐰 what was your first impression of each of the other animatronics? how did that change?
🌈 what was your favourite part/room/area of the pizzaplex? why?
🐰 did you spend a lot of time in bonnie bowl or did you prefer to roam the pizzaplex?
🌈 did you ever meet gregory or cassie before the games' events?
🐰 what happened after the events of ruin?
🌈 what did you do after the events of security breach/during ruin?
🐰 did/could you ever see vanny?
🌈 what did you think of gregory and cassie?
🐰 were you or freddy ever affected by the virus?
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krackkokichi · 1 year
Disorganized RUIN questions, thoughts, and observations
this has been in my notes for a few days, and i needed to put them out there. would love for any comments, corrections, etc! all under the read more
— sometimes gets veiny with yellow eyes: instances where he is hijacked by Mimic? but in one of those he argues with "Gregory" so is it something else?
— can't be related to MXES because actively works to disable it
— takes Freddy's place in Brazil ending
— tied to VANNI but why would Faz. Ent. have a mask that looks like that? definitely not created by Vanessa as is unaware of MXES
— why doesn't he let Cassie take the mask off in that one big area
— the mascot costumes?
— poses and moves the same as Burntrap, but is it actually Burntrap?
— scooper ending parallels Burntrap being attacked by the tangle
— clear parallel to Candy Cadet story
— Gregory and Vanessa definitely lured the mimic into its enclosure and sealed it with MXES
— Monty dark ride shows Monty looking up to Bonnie & Bonnie passing the guitar
— hidden cutout of Bonnie falling/being blown away by monty
— connection to wet floor signs?? what does it MEAN
— eyes still glowing
— why in the back of Bonnie Bowl when last recorded location was Monty Golf
— broken bowling ball pieces suggest he was attacked there, not moved
— why'd he take so long to move to Monty Golf, and why go there in the first place?
— why was he killed? he still has his parts so probably wasn't used for Burntrap, unless since Burntrap wasn't created in this timeline, Bonnie wasn't needed? hmmm....
— Monty didn't have the claws at the time Bonnie was destroyed, but it was specifically a Glamrock Bonnie sign that Cassie used to electrocute and destroy Monty (hint toward karma??)
— Bonnie's sign seemingly confirms that Monty's shades were originally his (people using this as proof that Monty is innocent since "no way would Freddy let him wear them" when Freddy probably doesn't have any clue what happened [i don't necessarily think Monty did it; i'm just pointing out this is a bad rebuttal])
— he and Freddy have matching earrings, Freddy has bowling stuff in his greenroom, and Bonnie has Freddy merch in his room, and the poster? oh yeah. they're so gay
— prototype??? i struggle to think this is just a design retcon when it's the first thing we see of him and it's a purposeful addition. and why would Faz. Ent. leave their main animatronic as a prototype
— gift box in chest? and its a different color? something's up for sure
— why was he replaced with Helpi in Brazil ending
— line in security breach where he questions if he was the first Glamrock Freddy
— i actually don't know if the PQ ending necessitates the destruction of his body or if that just happened over time, but from what I have seen people say, it seems like it is destroyed?
— are we sure that that's not just what the glamrocks' bare endos look like on the hands, because his hands are def just metal and not green, so could be not Monty's claws?
— invisible in AR
— multiple instances of headless Freddy (plushie, statue, in the AR portion with giant MXES, construction poster that says "don't lose your head", and ofc the actual animatronic)
— Mimic is pretty good at mimicking Gregory, and Freddy spent the most time with him, BUT Freddy constantly assists and supports Gregory, whereas the Mimic pushes Cassie to do things she doesn't want in order to serve its own purposes (why would Mimic play the long game with Gregory?)
— atp i assume that Foxy was converted into Roxy in universe. Roxy trans REAL
— Foxy log ride? Cassie says it was so much fun, but other flavor text says it was never finished
— only one of the four capable of speech is Roxy (w/exception of "i smell pizza!")
— Roxy reactivating? how?
— her manner of speech is completely different from normal in the special day scene
— the cutouts, her replacing Monty on a vending machine, and her appearing fixed in AR unlike the others suggests that there some level of personalization to the AR?
Other animatronics
— Nightmarionne plushies and the Baby plushie room with the tally marks?
— Monty shrine???
— what happened to DJ MM? he's massive af and is just. not there? only possible appearance it the giant endo Cassie has to climb into in AR
— plenty of vandalizers apparently had no trouble getting pretty far in, so did the animatronics just avoid them or what
— who put the bunny ears, sun rays, etc. on the maskbot and music men?
— people saying latina Chica confirmed canon cause she's wearing a dress that is actually just a saloon dress? guys her name is literally Chica. latina Chica was always canon
— i love Eclipse (Kellen referred to them with they/them pronouns on twt btw! i'm assuming most people just don't know, but it's a little bit frustrating)
— Cassie's dad and the note from him that can randomly show up
— elevator ending probably canon, but who knows for sure (Gregory didn't drop it, and you can fight me on that because why would he guide Cassie just to kill her?)
— Brazil ending definitely reference to sci-fi movie Brazil in which the protag goes into an escapist fantasy while being tortured. apparently this is also a term referring to the same movie, but a lot of people seem to not know what it means, so there you go
— how long after Security Breach is this? how long has Gregory been missing?
— if a man said to a woman what Freddy said to Bonnie, people would except they were a couple instantly, but since it's two guy robots, it's just a headcanon? bffr
Edited to add: the music-like noises that happen at the title drop remind of the beginning of "Beat It" no matter how many times i hear them
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staystillgregory · 1 year
Tumblr media
(Alright, addressing Ruin here and how I’m handling it on this blog. Obviously, spoilers under the cut.
I will be largely non-Ruin compliant - my verses will continue to be treated as timelines due to Gregory’s actions (Princess Quest, Van, my main ‘golden’ route verse, etc.) and not as scenarios Gregory drew out, as suggested by the comic book pages Cassie finds. So nothing’s changing there.
Likewise, Ruin will be handled as its own verse, and will not be considered anymore canon than the rest of them. It’s likely the only verse I’ll consider the Mimic having any effect in, at least not until we learn more about it and get some actual answers to match all those questions Ruin so helpfully bombarded us with. In any verse following base-game Security Breach (pretty much any of the endings), I’ll likely only be writing with the context of what we knew at the time instead - Vanny, Burntrap, Glitchtrap. The Mimic will not come into play in those verses unless my Rp partner has an idea for it we both like. Additionally, I don’t plan on changing Gregory’s backstory, at least not for his non-Ruin verses (Jury’s still out on Ruin itself), meaning for the majority of them he was not ever under Glitchtrap’s control. He was simply a homeless kid seeking shelter/warmth/food when he snuck in the Pizzaplex.
In my Gregory’s Ruin verse for the neutral ending, he did not drop the elevator/betray Cassie. It was not him speaking, whether Cassie realizes it or not. Even if canon ends up disproving this, I’ll likely diverge, because I’m gonna be honest, my heart hurts too much thinking about it. I don’t enjoy portraying Gregory as a villain. He may be a troubled kid, but he wouldn’t do that to his friend.
I am absolutely fine with Gregory and Cassie being friends, even outside of my Ruin verse! Their backstory as to how they met can be the same, or we can change it to our own whims. c: They make me happy. Please let them be happy. They both deserve it.
I also may play around with the setting of Ruin without the Mimic (Gregory actually being trapped) - it’ll be treated as an AU of the Ruin verse with its own tag.
Of course, I’ll work with my Rp partners if they have something specific they want to do. I’ll likely pin this for a while, since it’s relevant.)
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fazkins · 8 months
Hey, can I have some timeline question for a local vanessa. (mainly security breach to be clear) thanks- Ness, 🚪
🔦 were you vanny? if not, who/what was she?
🔦 who was your favourite animatronic and why?
🔦 how did you feel about your job?
🔦 what was your family and friends like, if you had any?
🔦 did you meet gregory and/or cassie?
🔦 did you ever work for fazbear before being a security guard at the pizzaplex?
🔦 did you ever have rainbow streaks in your hair?
🔦 what was your favourite or least favourite area of the pizzaplex?
🔦 what was glitchtrap?
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