#vanny writes poetry and songs for her own enjoyment
lxvenderjewel · 6 months
my dear, my perfect darling my love, my one and only my yellow tulip. i have picked up a small case, watson.
what is it?
i’m buying you some diphylleia. something trivial, nothing to interest you. i’ll be going out to look at some flowers.
what for, holmes?
i hold you in my deepest mauve carnations. i believe i will find some clues there.
why haven’t i heard of this case?
it doesn’t exist i am lying i am making you a a mulberry i didn’t think it would interest you, watson.
hmm. well, you must tell me about it later.
i cannot you would hate me i cannot bear that a daffodil. of course.
what particularly about flowers?
shit shit shit shit a purple hyacinth. flower language.
he knows he knows he cannot know how would he clovenlip toadflax. mm. i will see you.
don’t be late for dinner.
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
an apple hangs off a tree in the middle of a garden we stand in we know so little
original sinner and she’s leaving that garden, i’m staring at your lips, and you tell me go back
you tease me with apples when we meet at our bench we’ve been meeting for centuries, a sinful stench
will arise from right here as you feel more of what’s supposed to be hate so why is this love
you’ll never get that and you’ll never get this: the only apples i want are the ones upon your lips
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
my boy only breaks his favorite toys @ttpdpoetryweek
lucifer was god’s favorite he only followed his nature to question, to be curious for that, he fell
and i was your favorite you followed your nature to tell, to be helpful for that, i fell
and you were my favorite i rejected my nature to hate, to be vengeful why does it still feel like i fell?
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
front row
sometimes i wake up itching to tell an audience somewhere about our little world
and all the new things that we’ve done since last they saw us, like a tv show from their past
and then i walk in to our living room, and look around for a moment, and realize
you left our world a long time ago and i’m the only one sitting in an empty front row.
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
@ttpdpoetryweek anti-hero
i will never be your perfect hero no matter how many times
i sweep you up into my arms against the church bell chimes
in the background i can hear the sounds of demons roaring
but none of that will matter when i see you look adoring
the ghosts of the looks i once claimed from your eyes
they haunt me in nightmares they’re wringing me dry
i miss you and wish you had listened to me
but i should’ve known you were going to leave.
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
water is forgiving
it’ll forgive all my sins
the sin of looking at you
i wasn’t allowed
it keeps me alive
but not really alive
a shell of what i was with
you, i’m unseeing
i’m stuck seeing
you on that boat
waving goodbye to a song
a life we could’ve had
now i sit on the couch
with people i knew, we knew
but i don’t really know
what they’re doing here
they’re offering water
and i’ll refuse
every single time, “no”
the water took you.
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
on fire
there is fire
it’s lighting up
the room and
i’m safe here
with you but
we both know
one of us
must let go
we can’t stay
stuck here forever
but can’t we
don’t leave me
stay in the
corner for eternity
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lxvenderjewel · 5 months
caution tape
should the caution tape deter me instead I feel alive you’re pulling it away and I know this is where I thrive
with this racing in my chest and this pounding in my head I’m running with the best and we’re running for the dead
I didn’t think I’d turn out like this like a vigilante in the night you’re looking at me grinning and my hearts been set alight
I damn well worship your ground beautiful intelligent like a god I’m addicted to the rush of it someone save me oh lord
should the caution tape deter me cause all I see is you and the body on the ground and I’ll run till I’m dead too
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
poetry list (because my pinned post is becoming TOO LONG)
faves: 💫
poetry sideblog: 🌠
eyes (aziracrow)
tripping (aziracrow)
blue (aziracrow)
sharp edges (aziracrow)
angel tears (aziracrow)
empty/purpose (aziracrow)
stay (aziracrow)
anti-hero (aziracrow)
my boy only breaks his favorite toys (aziracrow)
eternity(yyy) (aziracrow)🌠
opposite (aziracrow) 🌠
snake stars (aziracrow) 🌠
ces rêves (aziracrow) 🌠
nomme l'amour (aziracrow) 🌠
stars (aziracrow) 💫
apples (aziracrow) 💫
on fire (trobed)
fortnight (trobed)
water (trobed) 💫
caseflower (acd johnlock)
beautiful, isn't it (jonklock)
caution tape (bbc/jonklock)
orpheus and eurydice (johnlock)
recharge (johnlock) 🌠
an ode to your hands (acd johnlock) 🌠
oh, how they love you! (acd johnlock) 🌠
an ode fed to the fire (acd johnlock) 🌠
this life i thought was over (jonklock) 🌠
craving (jonklock) 🌠
recharge (jonklock) 🌠
loved you low (bbc/jonklock) 🌠
blanket (johnlock) 🌠
shadows cast (johnlock) 🌠
alone on the water (unrequited johnlock) 🌠 💫
front row (johnlock) 💫
the manuscript (johnlock) 💫
untitled 1 (misc.) 🌠
untitled 2 (misc.) 🌠
untitled 3 (misc.) 🌠
seaskinned (misc.) 🌠
warmth (misc.)
noticed (personal)
supernova (personal)
shine (personal)
tense (personal) 🌠
missed (personal) 🌠
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lxvenderjewel · 5 months
john is orpheus.
sherlock is eurydice.
sherlock tells john to look away.
he cant.
he turns back.
to a pool of red.
eurydice is gone, now.
if he had kept his promise
would she even be here?
would it have been the same?
was hades dooming him either way?
hades and jim sound nothing alike
but neither do sherlock and eurydice.
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lxvenderjewel · 8 months
why do you look at me like i hung the stars?
it’s much more likely that it was you
sparkling even in smothering dark
even i could shine if i was next to you
we’re like the moon and sun
i’m only there because you are too
but you don’t need me to be yourself
and when i’m the moon, i rarely get to see you
we’re like light and a black hole
you glow in so many shades of blue
but of course, i suck it all up
and leave you without a clue
why do you look at me like i hung the stars?
don’t you know i hung them for you?
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
the manuscript - @ttpdpoetryweek
the manuscript sits on his writing desk i feel for the characters they’re doomed by the press
doomed by the narrative they're doomed by their fame they will always be reborn but never in the right way
each iteration grows closer deepens their connection but never close enough and so their affection
is doomed to the paper to the written word never getting the true tale that they deserve
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lxvenderjewel · 7 months
right so my writing prompt in core today was "write about your valentine's eyes and what you see in them" which like. what possesed my core teacher to do that. but anyways i thought i'd share:
my love,
when i look into your eyes
i see a million different things
i can’t choose just one
i see the stars in your eyes
forming constellations
vast and beautiful
in a terrifying sort of way
i see a fire in your eyes
burning passion
flaming and beautiful
in a strong sort of way
i see home in your eyes
knit sweaters
warm and beautiful
in a cozy sort of way
your eyes contain depths
i can’t quantify
and it’s silly to try
my love.
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lxvenderjewel · 7 months
angel tears
shoutout to @falling-raine for inspiring this one, your fic was heartwrenching I loved kt. the fic
if you look at the clouds
all dark and gray
and you wonder what 
happened to the day
the sun was shining
the sky was blue
the birds were singing
now darkened too
an angel sits
somewhere up there
he’s all alone
and no one cares
he pastes a smile
and walks along
memories of
a nightingale's song
and finally when
he gets the time
he writes and writes
for every line
his eyes fill up
with angel tears
and when they spill
the whole world hears
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
fortnight @ttpdpoetryweek
said you’d be gone for a year it’d only feel like a fortnight you told me “just wait right here” you smiled and said i’ll be alright
you waved and left on a boat eyes sparkling, light from the sea i swear that i heard a note as you turned your back to leave
and i’m still waiting on sidewalk eyes filled with tears that won’t spill i never move, i never talk you’re still here, making me ill
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lxvenderjewel · 7 months
in a cluttered bookshop
there’s an empty room
with empty walls
dusty and barren
the bookkeeper keeps
the room so empty
its principle 
is not his, decidedly
though the room is his
the purpose is not
he will not touch it
neither will its purpose
then the bookkeeper leaves
but the purpose stays
stares at the walls
empty, empty
and when the bookkeeper is back
the room is not empty
the purpose had changed it
his purpose. our purpose.
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