#vav live
kpopmultifan · 1 year
VAV has released the It's Live Band Version performance video for “Designer,” the title track of their 7th mini-album “Subcönscióus."
[Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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venacoeurva · 2 years
Vavani is a lucky man. I know many boob-having people wish they could just remove them when they got uncomfy- I love his design btw he just looks like he wants to seduce you and may or may not kill you depending on the context
He's really living the dream, because [john lennon voice] Imagine there was no boob sweat but also sometimes they just look so good you look at your boobs and go :]
I think it's important to have happy pre-op/non-hrt people who don't feel the need to go further, especially when there doesn't seem to be any actual social restrictions which would cause the barriers of recognition in their scenario anyway.
Also I didn't intend for him to be seductive he just kind of ended up that way lol... I guess the horny runs strong in the Llerdu bloodline but he doesn't mix seduction with murder like Wren does
He's unattainable bar his pirate necromancer husband of 1000 years (who I really need to do a ref for and explain) and he knows this and you know this. Serve, work, etc. I feel like the claw rings/gloves do something too, kinda hot imo
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emeraldbabygirl · 3 months
Pinterest has once again made me :( like I know or not like positive but I just assumed that a lot if not all jpop and kpop idols smoke and like I know the whole of nct vape and seen haechan vape and the Johnny pic and I know about vav and ayno and I’ve seen like shota and miyadate I think and Hikaru smoking but seeing a cigarette in Raul’s mouth hurts my heart. Like I’m fully aware he’s an adult and obviously teens smoke shit anyway but like I know people can do whatever they want but like it’s damaging to your insides and I know that maybe people do it because of stress or peer pressure, to curb your appetite or whatever but idk it hits as hard as when I found out about vav like and like you know they’ve been doing it for awhile when they have their own way of doing it ya’know? I used to watch my father smoke and he had a few different ways he did it but like idk it makes me sad cause if it’s stress there’s healthier ways to cope and stuff it’s just thinking about them damaging their insides makes me sad like they could develop cancer and die young you never know. Like if they want to do that ok but it makes me sad. Like why, esp if you know the health risks and you do it anyway like drinking alcohol like I have very strong opinions about people that do drugs and stuff like that but I’d just rather not know than see shit cause then I can’t stop thinking about it. And with Raul like I know he drank with Ren when he was old enough to but I still see him as a lil baby guy and idk like I know it’s common in japan and Korea and they prolly did it as teens too but idk :( idk I just esp since they are singers and dancers like I would think it damages your vocals cords and like I seen the way it affected my father and it sucks to know that same shit will happen to them. And tbh idk why I care it really shouldn’t bother me tbh cause who cares what other people do but I like them and I don’t want stuff to happen to hurt them like what if they did crack and like heroin and shit that would suck and they became addicted and things just went downhill. Idk just bitching about shit I guess. It hurts my heart seeing those pics of Raul :( I wish I didn’t see them. Sometimes I really hate Pinterest for showing me things I wish I never saw
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alucienasmusic · 11 months
[VAV - Poison] KPOP TV Show | M COUNTDOWN 191031 EP.641
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yhebrew · 2 years
Daniel's 1335th Day Number
Daniel’s 1335th Day Number
Is there something attached to this number that should hold our attention today? I have studied Daniel’s number in the past. I have discussed it in other blog writings. Now in November 2022, I came face-to-face with the number 35 again when taking to the airways. Our world closed down to Covey in 2020 with people afraid to fly for fear of dying from an unknown pathogen. Now we still are in fear…
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talonabraxas · 8 months
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Archetypal, Intellectual–Creative, Substantial–Formative, and Physical Material, are the names on the “Secret Doctrine” p. 200 diagram for the four lower planes of the cosmos. These names do not originate with HPB or her Adept-Teachers; they are the names used in Kabbalah for the four planes, which are also called Atziloth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Asiah, respectively.
The Kabbalistic view of the inner constitution of the human being relates to these four “worlds” or planes, showing that “as above, so below.”
Etz Hayim “Tree of Life” Talon Abraxas
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According to the Jewish tradition, the 32 Paths of Wisdom concept is derived from the 32 times that the name “Elohim” is mentioned in Genesis, Chapter One. — Sephiroth: “Elohim said:” *
Kether – “In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth.” 1:1* Chokmah – “Let there be light” 1:3 Binah – “Let there be a firmament … let it divide …” 1:6 Gedulah – “Let the waters be gathered … let dry land appear …” 1:9 Geburah – “Let the earth put forth grass … etc.” 1:11 Tiphareth – “Let there be lights in the firmament …” 1:14 Netzach – “Let the waters swarm … let fowl fly …” 1:20 Hod – “Let the earth bring forth living creatures …” 1:24 Yesod – “Let us make man …” 1:26 Malkuth – “Be fruitful and multiply …” 1:28 Mothers: “Elohim made:“ Aleph – “the Firmament and divided the waters …” 1:7 Mem – “the two great lights … and the stars.” 1:16 Shin – “the beast of the earth after its kind …” 1:25 Doubles: “Elohim saw:“ Beth – “the light, that it was good.” 1:4 Gimel – “that it was good.” (the separation of dry land and waters) 1:10 Daleth – “that it was good” (the earth bringing forth grass, etc.) 1:12 Kaph – that it was good” (the two lights in the firmament) 1:18 Peh – “that it was good” (swarming of waters with creatures; of air with fowl) 1:21 Resh – “that it was good” (the beasts of the earth) 1:25 Tav – “every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good.” 1:31
Elementals: “Elohim –“
Heh – “hovered over the face of the waters.” 1:2 Vav – “divided the light from the darkness.” 1:4 Zayin – “called the light Day, and darkness Night.” 1:5 Cheth – “called the firmament Heaven.” 1:8 Teth – “called the dry land, Earth … and the waters, Seas.” 1:10 Yod – “set them [the two lights] in the firmament of the heaven” 1:17 Lamed – “created the sea-monsters, creatures that creep, and fowl.” 1:21 Nun – “blessed them [sea-monsters, creepers, and fowl] …” 1:22 Samekh – “created man in His own image.” 1:27 Ayin – “created He him; male and female created He them.” 1:27 Tzaddi – “blessed them [male and female].” 1:28 Qooph – “said: I have given you all …” 1:29*
*There are two exceptions to this: The first is Gen1:1, and Sephirah 1/Kether, wherein “Elohim said” is assumed. The second is Gen1:29, and Elemental 12/Qooph, wherein the focus is shifted from the “Elohim said”, to the “I have given you all …”
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When I think about achievement hunter I think about that teenage girl I was when I found it. So in love with video games and so sad in a way that she didn't really have words for. High school is hard for everyone and achievement hunter made it a little bit easier for me. I became a part of a community and I bonded with people over a bunch of idiots playing video games.
I remember sitting in the school auditorium, stealing the schools wifi, to show my friend that GTA V video where they were trying to get all their cars onto the train. That friend and I both cried watching the final video of AH.
I can't remember which video it was, but I remember bonding with an acquaintance by introducing them to AH. And that acquaintance is now one of the longest and deepest friendships I've had. We saw let's play live together, shared a First account, and made each other AH themed birthday cards. He is still the xray to my vav.
I loved achievement hunter so much that I was inspired by the off topic swear jar to make the Minecraft swear jar. I watched 303 minecraft let's plays listening intently for every swear possible. And I loved every second of it.
I grew up with achievement hunter and it will always be a part of me. And that might sound silly that an entertainment company has had such an impact on me but it has. I wouldn't be who I am right now if I hadn't found that Minecraft Wipeout video so many years ago.
Saying goodbye feels bittersweet. Closing that door on something that shaped me so much, but knowing it's time. And knowing that the people I loved are moving onto greater things. It's sad, but happy. A kind of closure you don't often get.
I could tell a million different stories about achievement hunter, but i think i'll just end with a thank you. So thank you to every member of achievement hunter, past and present, for making something I could fall in love with.
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mydemondetoxmanual · 9 months
this is like a deep cut from an old fandom so bear with me.
Man I was scrolling through all the old Achievement Hunter posts. I have stuff going backto like 2012 and even before that. God listening to old audios and videos and looking at old gif sets…
They were everything to me. Michael, Gavin, Geoff, Jack, Ray, and even (yes I’m going to mention him) Ryan. There was Lindsay and Matt Jeremy and Kdin and Adam Ellis. Trevor and Caleb.
The first Vs episode. The first Play Pals. Lazer Team. X-ray and Vav. RWBY. RvB.
There’s so many let’s plays that I rewatch a couple times of year. Play Pals Outlast (1&2). Play pals Super Bunny Man. Let’s play 3d Ultra Minigolf. Let’s Play Family Feud. Uno the Movie. All of the rage quits.
But I forgot how much they were like a family. They genuinely have a shit about each other. Even beyond the Gavin/Michael bromance they all cared so much. And it all went to shit because of Ryan.
I don’t fully believe they would have stayed golden forever even without the incident. They would haves faded just like they are now. Hell Achievement Hunter doesn’t even exsist anymore. It’s been announced that’s it officially retired and they started a new channel.
I watched it live and die. Ray left, and Geoff pulled way back to personal issues. The Ryan incident. Jeremy leaving for personal issues. Gavin pulling wayyyy back (I’m not even sure he’s still involved in any capacity anymore.) Matt being fired (which was bullshit and I’ll die on that hill). Jack is still there.
The amount of shows they started and cancelled. Always open got cancelled again just a couple of days ago. They can’t hold an audience anymore. It makes me sad. Their old videos have 2+ million views on individual videos. Now you’re hard pressed to find one break 100k.
Like idk. Nostalagia is a bitch I guess. To me, they’re stilling in that shitty office with their desks on top of each other. Michael is yelling at Gavin, Gavin is making the loudest bird squawking noise you’ve ever heard, Jack is affectionate laughing while working, Geoff is laughing hysterically in a corner about to piss his pants, Ray is trying to get away from the carnage while also film them, and Ryan is laughing in the doorway wondering what he just walked in on.
I don’t man I wish it was 2014 and they’re was a new Minecraft LP and GTA LP to look forward to every week.
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SIDE 1A: ROUND 2: Mogar (Xray and Vav)/David (Camp Camp) VS Max Goof (Disney)/Yakko Warner (Animaniacs)
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Propaganda for Mogar/David:
I always just thought they were neat during my Camp Camp and Xray and Vav days. A big muscular bear man who lives in nature and a bubbly, sunshine camp counselor who LOVES nature? It writes itself. Propaganda for Max Goof/Yakko Warner:
I just like them. I think its cute. Romeo and juliet vibes because theyre from different studios, Disney vs warner brothers. They're both funny, dorky guys, and they bring out the best in each other. Plus only child vs overworked older child turned parent is a really good dynamic too.
#yakko x max opened my third eye #this needs to be a thing
Cameo of Max's VA expressing approval of the ship~!
Art Credit: Max/Yakko art by @/doodle-poofes Mogar/David art by me, @/astro-b-o-y-d
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chocolate-failure · 2 months
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Idk... I went to the ateez concert and really enjoyed it. I dressed up and looked nice. I worked really hard on the fit and made alterations to stuff I bought, it was mostly light sewing but I feel like my hair alone is a feat to most. I do my own hair and I'm exceedingly proud of this particular style. I used a technique where you feed in additional hair in the braid as you're braiding for the first time and it came out really nice. I did a really good job and put a bunch of effort and thought into the outfit.
Yet I feel fucking horrible.
I saw my ribs for the first time in a long ass time this past weekend. Not just when I raise my arms cuz of course that doesn't count. It was ungodly fucking hot and of course I ended up not eating anything all day and having limited water cuz the venue makes it hard af to stay hydrated after they call you in and line you up. But it's kinda wild to think 163lbs/74kg is when my ribs are visible. I'm a large mfkr. Not crazy big but big enough to feel dysphoric surrounded by a bunch of tiny people who wish they were as big as me. I think that's part of the reason the VAV concert had me so fuckin stressed. I was also stressed cuz I was looking these dudes in the eye when I remember them being so much taller than me. I could've honestly cried. I haven't felt so ugly and oafish since middle school.
But I can see my ribs.
And that should be the only thing that matters, right? Idk... it feels like anytime I'm perceived by the world I want to fuckin die? Like being in the world and being known is so goddamn distressing. Someone took a pic of my car that went semi-viral which was p cool cuz I thought noone gave a shit about the things I did and made and think they do but as far as I understand I don't matter. Which like I kind of assumed but I got a lil excited to know that ppl thought my car looked cool that maybe idk ppl would be interested in other stuff I did and made. That was dumb. I'm not dumb but I have exceedingly dumb thoughts. I feel like that makes me a dumb person but I am constantly reminded that it doesn't. I don't know how. Not truly. I get that there is nuance and that life happens on a spectrum but at some point you get enough "dumb dumb" points that you're just a "dumb dumb".
I keep putting this down but the words in my head are circling, threatening to suffocate me within an inch of my life.
I've been on the cusp of screaming for decades.
I'm sick. I've been in bed for the past 3 days and I hate it. Since covid I get sick at the drop of a hat. Makes wanting to enter the world even less attractive when it poses a significant threat to both my mental and physical health. I do think I'd like to die. But like just so that I can't continue living this life. I hate this planet. I thought last night if aliens came and asked me if all of humankind should be eradicated, what would I say. I don't think we've done good for this planet outside of what we've done for ourselves, and I don't think our impact on ourselves is at a net positive. I don't think it's a matter of whether we deserve it, we never did and that's not the point. But I do think I'd be kind of an asshole to keep people from doing all the things they'd been planning for and anticipating. But being as mentally ill as I am I'm certainly not in a position to be making sweeping decisions for all of us. I'm not even sure if I'm one of us...
I know I don't matter, but it stings a little to be reminded so bluntly. I feel the need to reinvent myself. Recede into the shadows, form my fucking chrysalis, and emerge covered on my own shit. And not so much reinvent as evolve, but how much evolving can an individual inact before life's fabric rubs thin?
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carelle-matic · 11 months
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Embla Venter has been reborn twice now. In her first life, she was a noble human living in an elven society. Due to her age, neither she nor her father, who had tragically passed away, were ever fully seen as adults. She desired nothing more than to live as the elves do.
She attempted to search her family’s secret library, but found nothing. Then she heard about a hag that lived in the forest, and decided to pay a visit. The prince of Gensa, Cadeyrn, decided to accompany her to ensure her safety in the forest. Upon arrival, she requested an extension of her lifespan so that she might one day be seen as an adult by elven standards.
The hag agreed and sent both her and the prince on a quest for different ingredients, which they managed to obtain, though not without difficulty. During this quest, Cadeyrn and Coria grew closer, evolving from good friends to something more. After presenting the ingredients to the hag, she concocted a potion for Coria, which tasted foul and brought no immediate change.
They reassured her that she would notice the effects in the years to come when she hadn't aged at all. About a month later, Cadeyrn proposed to Coria. However, these dreams were abruptly shattered, along with her life. Cadeyrn desired more than an extended life; he required the life of someone she loved. He ordered her beheading, a task he carried out himself.
In her second life as Moi, retaining all the memories of her previous existence, this time as a dhampir Tiefling, she ruled over Kuso. Her father arranged her marriage against her wishes, so the night before, she devised a plan to poison her groom. No one suspected her involvement, as she had put out bounties and was skilled at feigning concern, a skill she had learned from Cadeyrn.
Upon being crowned ruler, her first act was to allow the use of magic. However, this moment in history was short-lived, as she was assassinated. It happened one night when she was struck by a poison arrow.
Now in her current and third life, poised to rule a different kingdom, armed with the knowledge of her past lives and simmering anger, she felt deceived, cheated, and wronged. Who wouldn’t be angry? She often made trips to Gensa to check on things, as she was the only non-Vaverisan (Vav-er-rish-ion) who could remember the place.
Once her father discovered she was a dhampir, he cast her out. All things considered, this was the best-case scenario for an undead. She chose to escape to Gensa, drawn by tales of a Lich, and decided to follow the trail. Upon reaching the end, she was met with a portrait of herself from her first life, surrounded by offerings and notes written in an old elvish language known as Fayin.
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I’m only going to weigh in on this once because all the hate is really bumming me out and I need to air out some thoughts.
I know you have all picked up on the themes of all this new music from our Emo Forebears. I will use My Chem as an example because I think they’re the most poignant example:
Think about their musical content up till this point. It’s about suffering and feeling misunderstood and we all loved it because we felt seen. My Chem had the reputation of being the Suicidal Girl band since long before it was seen as anything other than cringe. If you didn’t live through this time; if you have never experienced the feeling of “fuck it I’m gonna live like I’ll never see 30 because I’ll be dead long before then” it may be hard to understand just how special Foundations is.
You Must Fix Your Heart
The resurfacing of these emo bands are all the grown ass adults who were once barely out of their teens, saw a bunch of fucked up shit, many of them nearly died or were very near people who did, and here we are, decades later, still just living.
At a certain point, it’s fix yourself or give up. By give up I mean die. It’s heal or die.
So here we have a bunch of now adult musicians who have been through it, fixed themselves and are now thriving. They have an opportunity to share this wisdom with all those other young people who were just like the. The now-adult fans have done their own growing and fixing. It’s a beautiful thing, really.
Now consider Panic!
Yes, the ‘09 split was the end of the “real” PATD. However, Brendon and Spencer decided they wanted to keep trying. They loved making music, who could blame them for trying to a carry on the way they saw fit?
The transition between Vices and Virtues and Too Weird to Live is very important to the point I am trying to illustrate here.
The whole band was heavy into drugs. Spencer almost died from an overdose. Brendon even said in a statement about the state of the band that he didn’t realize that his friend was so deep into his addiction because he was fine. He admitted his shortcoming and I believe this incident was a serious realization and turning point for Brendon.
The tone between VaV and TWTLTRTD is markedly different. (Don’t @me about Dallon ok? That’s a whole different can of worms and y’all get too insane about that shit. If you’re ready for the real talk you can look up the legal credit given for writing on both those records and bring me the receipts, but most of y’all are not ready for that one yet) There is a turn toward the positive here that progresses throughout the “Shambling Corpse” solo albums.
Brendon was trying to find his positive growth while still doing what he loved, because unlike many others in the genre, it wasn’t about to kill him.
Now take a step back and look at the last, oh, let’s just say, half a decade. The amount of negativity, harassment, personal privacy invasion, along with all the other shit the internet has thrown at him. As stated previously: the majority of these controversies have been proven to be false. Brendon has stated many times that he doesn’t want to be famous. He wants to be able to be himself again and live his life without being harassed (whether it’s positive or negative intention)
He needs this break. He needs to heal. It tracks that the other bands that broke earlier are back with a new outlook, they had years to figure their shit out, one way or another.
Brendon hung around and has been being ground down to nothing in the public eye for nearly two decades.
I’m glad he’s finally taking his turn.
(If you’re interested in learning more about why Brendon was “cancelled” here is an excellent master list)
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emeraldbabygirl · 9 months
There’s like no promotions for E’last this comeback? I’ve noticed I have found less and less love stages for idols? And idk why cause that’s weird to just not promote? Like E’last are back to busking or something? And it makes me sad cause I feel like people are turning their backs on E’last cause of what happened and it’s not even their fault and they deserve love rn and attention and I just honestly feel like ‘Kiss me baby’ was their last comeback cause with Seungyeop in the military and Choi In gone idk where he went I just feel like there’s not much hope for them and I feel the same with VAV and it just sucks like my two fav groups tbh and same with great guys ugh I hate when things happen to good groups and then that just cause them to disband or lose members or whatever and you see them less and less until you find out they disbanded like to1 I feel like after what chanhyuk did that everyone got mad at they just turned away from them which isn’t fair, to1 went through a lot and like wake one is shit for letting them just flop. But ANYWAY UM I REALLY HOPE THIS AIN’T THE END FOR E’LAST and I hope Choi In and Seungyeop can have a group to come home to I really miss them all :(
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theblasianwitch · 4 months
i understand where youre coming from but absolutely no jew uses the word ''yahweh''. as jew i am asking you to Not. theres Adonai and Elohim if you want to use a Name. but its kind of antisemetic for you to continue. sorry.
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Just had to look into it and make sure I had the backing to tell my family. Now I have a further question as a non Jewish person. In some bibles, including my own, we have a chart that says "the different names of God". I'm sure I can look into it but with how much that gets mixed in translation and miscommunicated on the internet should there be other names I should know of that would be deemed as antisemitic?
Also though. Is it antisemitic because the name is against Jewish law itself? If so, me and me entire family are those that believe in the teachings of being under grace over law and that living by grace the law follows naturally. If that's the case. Yahweh is then used as the name of God in the portrayal of his grace and compassion for us.
I just want to make sure I have my facts straight. Yahweh, as I refer to him and talk to him, has made no indication of being against me using this name with him. I do not identify as Jewish and the yud he vav he for his name may be seen as unpronunciable but Yahweh is the widely known pronunciation. If he's comfortable with it, why should I stop?
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a-prekliatyvlk · 1 year
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Vavrinac started the pack around 0500AD almost 200 years before the twins were born. Only 100 years after he started the pack did a siedr or sied (Norse equivalent of a shaman or witch also known as a vulva / volur) came to tell him that twins would be born upon the pack. One touched by Hel (the Norse goddess of hel or the underworld) who would always have her footing there and in the land of Midgard (the living human world) and One so loved and golden he would rival Baldr but he would not die like the real one by Loki’s hand, he would learn to become his own and thus foil and be the down fall of Vav just like Loki’s entrapment after killing Baldr was his downfall. 
Vav wanted this prophecy to never happen because he wanted his reign on his pack and children to be everlasting. Because he deemed this Siedr of Vulva so fucking terrible and a liar he killed her.  Which upset many people of the pack at the time considered that the pack all believed that you treat a siedr with respect regardless of the outcome of whatever fortune or future they told. To kill them was also seen the worst crime to Odin / Freyja. Most of the people of the pack decided of course that they would wait until those twins appeared and then of course kill off Vav whenever it was over with. 
Sadly that never came to pass because of Vavrinac’s insufferable need to be a terrible father to Katia. He fucked it all up and ended up getting away in the scuffle of all the BS that he caused. 
Now the part of the prophecy was true. Katia;s blood is black unlike Artem’s blood who is ‘pure’ red blood. The pack of course seen Katia as a version of Hel because she had black blood. Artem of course did turn out to be like Baldr because everyone loved him so much and he was of course the biggest helper of the pack. 
Now this of course brings me to kind of the point of this lore post. The pack over the year’s has met and been around so many different people who have become something of a staple in their pack and life currently. Either because of this prophecy that was handed down to many in the supernatural world seeing as the twin’s were a huge deal. Anyone who seen Katia after she was taken believed that for all purposes she was Hel because of how bad her back looked. Everyone knew Artem was probably Baldr based on the way he killed people and arranged them and now really nothing would pierce through him. 
Velkan ( @nvrcmplt​ ) is a prime example. While the Twin’s and the pack both keep mostly to Norse god’s and how they worship them. They do in fact worship  Velkan as a god who brought Vavrinac into this world and every other wolf (PLEASE NOT THIS IS LORE THAT I AM BRINGING INTO THIS WORLD IT MAY NOT OF COURSE BE THE SAME FOR OTHERS PLEASE RESPECT YOUR OC MUNS AND THEIR LORE THANK YOU) For a while the twin’s called the wolf “The black wolf” as the one who changed them because realistically they thought that’s who was the first werewolf. UPON VELKAN ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISHING VAVRINAC by killing the bastard. The twin’s decided to of course honor the god that saved Katia. They offer him traditional blot IE: Cooked foods, animal sacrifices and the more famous blood. Blood offering’s are only ever done by Artem as his blood is pure unless Katia kills something then it is the animal blood she is offering. Katia’s blood is black and that is seen as a stain upon her. She of course uses magic so everyone see’s red blood but her blood is not. Velkan’s temple is simple an open space in the middle of the woods far off so that of course no one can stumble upon it. It’s for the pack and only the pack. 
Loni ( @shealfa​ ) Is mainly the only ‘pack’ that the twin’s interact with specially because of connotation’s with Katia being Hel. This was mainly formed with Artem being a boss man and amazing as he is and then of course Loni and Katia becoming close. Vav does not like too (before he died) visit Loni because he just simply doesn’t like her. Obviously that is for a reason because she doesn’t give into his shit. We all love Loni here. 
Then there are muses of course like Lylene ( @lykaiia ) Aaron ( @hunterfromthewoods​ ) Bon ( @nvrcmplt​ ) Andrew ( @avaere  / @stckhlmr​ ) Artem bring into the pack because they are wolves and or loner’s or he finds them and wants to give them a good home.  Or are S.O. of the pack. (Not that Katia doesn’t she does it’s just because ya know she’s kinda prickly)
Now there are many more muses that are very specific to this post but are otherwise non human but fall under supernatural and not wolf. Now they of course are heavy in the muses background and lore.
There are of course special cases for humans, some humans just get a pass for being in the lives of the pack. 
All of these muses can and will come up in some point of the lore between other’s. IE threads or asks depending. Most importantly Velkan because he is now seen as the protector deity of this back. 
Thank you for coming to this long ted talk of mine. I am sorry to peoples fucking notes if this breaks them and of course there are so many other people I want to tag but won’t because ima not flood their fucking notes and that’s not fair. I already have so many here already. 
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prerodinu · 1 year
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I don’t think I have ever really sat down and like talk talked about the twin’s jobs. This is hard to do because technically (mostly) anything you are thinking could be considered their ‘jobs’. When talking about wolf characters in general the pack mentality is a big deal. I'm not talking about people fighting for dominance or shit I mean the FAMILY aspect of it all. I think with that being said you could probably think that if wolf packs in the real world existed. It would be Mafia and gangs. 
The other thing to consider is the fact that the twins come from a VERY VERY VERY old and long line of leaders. Vav was the first to make a VERY VERY large wolf pack. He in his own way loved his people and wanted to protect them. Since then most wolves turned and survived mostly kept to themselves as drifters. This made sense, back in the time of Norse Men, the church's growing reach and times changing. Hiding out in the middle of some island or the wooded lands sounded mostly like heaven. Vav changed that by bringing people together and trying to keep them somewhat safe. I say somewhat because of his issues. However, Vav tried and in some ways succeeded in keeping a pack safe for a long while. 
Which leads me to my first point. Both Katia and Artem are Monarchs. They were bred for the purpose of leading a pack. That was the only reason that Vav wanted kids. So that when the time came, VERY VERY Far into the future, he could have strong kids to lead on his legacy. Despite everything, the kids were brought into the pack with open arms and treated like kings and queens. Up until Vav realized that Artem wouldn’t do well as a leader and that Katia needed the sweetness beaten out of her. But for all intents and purposes. Katia and Artem are royalty. They are always whispered about in pack meetings and in awe when other packs see them because they are OLD. WISE. and honestly gentle rulers who have done everything they can to protect their pack. They are nothing like the Vukaxin last name. This is saying something because it has been dragged through the mud for CENTURIES because of the two different packs. 
NOTE: This does not mean that if you have a wolf character they have to bow to the twins or know who they are. Honestly, they don’t. The pack is old and elusive. Not many are going to know unless they grew up in a pack. So it’s fine if your wolf or pack won’t recognize Katia or Artem. 
So let's break this out right the twin’s job essentially and this will be done by Centuries to give you an idea of how it changed. 
Katia being taken throughout the Middle ages: 
This time frame is sort of the DARK AGES I like to call it. Katia is gone, the pack barely starting to form. But Artem's job was to get his sister back. That’s all. His wolf understood the need to protect his pack though so that is what he did. Though a roundabout way. Artem took on jobs as an Assassin or thief to get money for those first in the pack. Think like Dacian and Eva. 
Artem got his first taste of freedom by being a thief. His wolf loved the rush of stealing and honestly, some of the others did too. It became a game to them, acting rich and taking what they could in the night. Back then most people let you sleep in their house if you were rich or someone they knew or could think they knew. Which happened with Artem a lot since he was known COUNTRIES away. No matter where he went. He was known if it was a wolf he was staying with. If it was a human. Dude the Twins had most of their lives (think 8-18) basically being trained how to be royalty, how to act and drink and think. Granted it was in wolf society but realistically it transfers. 
It was also during this time that they met Radovan, they tried to steal from him, so I mean. kind of hard to rob someone like that so they just brought him in and Radovan basically helped them steal so much more than what they ever thought possible. They were doing fine before now it’s like mind-blowing good money. 
Also, let's be real most of the income came from selling drugs. Humans ATE that shit up and continue to do so so that’s what they did for a very long time. 
Middle Ages - Industrial Revolution / 19th Century: 
This is where it’s a gray area. Katia at the end of the Middle Ages area basically kills her captor. And that means not necessarily the man who kidnapped her. So many years went between when she was captured and when she got free. It’s not going to be the same dude. Katia ends up basically destroying a WHOLE GOD DAMN BLOODLINE. Not even a couple the whole bloodline of the man who captured her. From there she and Artem connect. It’s not easy, he’s already in the middle of his empire. It has grown. More people are being added to it, they are now starting to realize they have to spend time together. The pack house starts to become a thing. 
Times are changing. It’s harder to use the whole royalty thing. Honestly speaking the pack has to start doing something else. They did try the gold rush for years. They basically ruled towns that built railways, that helped people on the edge of the world. It was easiest to not get caught out there. The law was basically the strongest survive. It worked for a while. A good long while. Until business started to grow things like Brothels, drugs, and gangs ruled the cities or were starting to. 
This is where the pack thrived. Most have to pay tithes to the pack, if you wanted to set up shop, you paid the tithe. The pack soon became the go-to person, you wanted something done. You visited the place with the wolf head. At this point, all of this was run by Artem. He had gotten Katia back, and his wolf decided to deposit him back in real life. It was time to be human again. Katia was spiraling and no one knew how to help. 
Katia spent several decades basically being the muscle. Fucking up people who dared threaten the life of the pack. It was worse as they grew because they spread out, the pack being in places like Chicago, LA, and New York. At one point, Upper East Side New York was the pack territory, nothing happened that they did not know about. Katia slowly started to realize that she had to get her shit together, enough so that people wouldn’t think of her as muscle but also as brains of it. 
This is when the pack’s business started to flourish. Who didn’t like talking to a pretty woman? 
20th Century and Present. 
This is where things started to become what it is today. Through the 20th century, the pack learned a lot of things. How money fraud and check fraud was the way to steal LARGE amounts of money. That became art deals and antiquities, remaking things and selling. It was a hit and easy to do. 
Then came the 1980s ′s. Cartels and drugs. That became a crazy lifestyle. Katia headed up that operation much to Artem’s dismay. A lot of the pack’s businesses started in the 80′s. They grew slowly, changing from place to place. Gangsters turned into Mob men who turned into drug dealers in the early 2000s ′s. Artem never wanted to do drugs but honestly, it brought in so much money that the pack just kept with it. What were humans to gods that lived through CENTURIES? Nothing. 
Then came the internet. Caelan's favorite toy. That PUSHED the pack into something that they couldn’t spend in LIFETIMES and CENTURIES. Caelan ruled the internet. Napster wasn’t the only thing he worked on. He BUILT an empire blackmailing. Someone had to keep track of it all. Katia did. 
Artem dealt with the Mobsters and Gang members the kind of men that respected a hardened front. This is what they do. They learned how to launder money, and they learned how to destroy evidence. Honestly speaking they built their empire on the deaths of humans. 
To this day including Lobos de Boricua the pack nurtured relations with their Leader Loni. to whom Artem is soon to be mated. Honestly the pack his WIDE spread feelers over everything. They know exactly what's going on and when it’s happening. Not much gets past them. 
New gang in town. 
The pack already knows everything down to what you eat on Tuesdays when you are sad. 
THEY HAVE TOO. They built their business upon knowing things that no one knows. Make sure that they are the number one pick or you have no choice. 
Artem spends so much nurturing the leads they get. Building the business side of the business. If he isn’t dealing with pack things he’s in building the business. He’s in business meetings and constantly on his phone or in his office. 
Katia is dealing with the mafia/mob/gang/CRIME world of things. She is the one meeting in shady bars and watching drugs funnel through the places. Watching THOUSANDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS go through each business. Katia has to watch it, track it, and make sure she keeps everything under wraps. 
Issue with shipments? She’s gotta take care of it. 
Payment issues? She’s gotta take care of it.��
Honestly speaking Katia is the one you don’t want to see. There is a reason why sometimes their business partners call her the Angel of Death. She will kill to protect. 
So basically the pack runs like a mob, feels like a family, and at the end of the day. Artem is a businessman, Artem deals with the LAW-ABIDING side of things. Katia is a Queen. Katia deals with the underbelly and they know that if anyone looked too close they might start connecting the dots. Their job though is to make sure no one does. 
And they do it very very well. 
You will never hear any one of their clients talk about them. If anything they will Howl. Like a wolf on the moon. Because they know if they talk they are going to get someone worse than the feds or police on their tail. 
They get Katia and that’s a fate worse than death. 
So the easiest answer is Artem does business. Katia does crime. This is the duality. Sometimes Katia has to be a businesswoman. Sometimes Artem has to be a crime lord. Either way, the twin's job at the end of the day is to protect their pack and money is the only way to protect. In the human world money is everything. 
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