#vav middle of the night
kpopmultifan · 1 year
SONG OF THE DAY (6.14.23): VAV - ABC (Middle of the Night) (2017)
[Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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chocolate-failure · 2 months
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Idk... I went to the ateez concert and really enjoyed it. I dressed up and looked nice. I worked really hard on the fit and made alterations to stuff I bought, it was mostly light sewing but I feel like my hair alone is a feat to most. I do my own hair and I'm exceedingly proud of this particular style. I used a technique where you feed in additional hair in the braid as you're braiding for the first time and it came out really nice. I did a really good job and put a bunch of effort and thought into the outfit.
Yet I feel fucking horrible.
I saw my ribs for the first time in a long ass time this past weekend. Not just when I raise my arms cuz of course that doesn't count. It was ungodly fucking hot and of course I ended up not eating anything all day and having limited water cuz the venue makes it hard af to stay hydrated after they call you in and line you up. But it's kinda wild to think 163lbs/74kg is when my ribs are visible. I'm a large mfkr. Not crazy big but big enough to feel dysphoric surrounded by a bunch of tiny people who wish they were as big as me. I think that's part of the reason the VAV concert had me so fuckin stressed. I was also stressed cuz I was looking these dudes in the eye when I remember them being so much taller than me. I could've honestly cried. I haven't felt so ugly and oafish since middle school.
But I can see my ribs.
And that should be the only thing that matters, right? Idk... it feels like anytime I'm perceived by the world I want to fuckin die? Like being in the world and being known is so goddamn distressing. Someone took a pic of my car that went semi-viral which was p cool cuz I thought noone gave a shit about the things I did and made and think they do but as far as I understand I don't matter. Which like I kind of assumed but I got a lil excited to know that ppl thought my car looked cool that maybe idk ppl would be interested in other stuff I did and made. That was dumb. I'm not dumb but I have exceedingly dumb thoughts. I feel like that makes me a dumb person but I am constantly reminded that it doesn't. I don't know how. Not truly. I get that there is nuance and that life happens on a spectrum but at some point you get enough "dumb dumb" points that you're just a "dumb dumb".
I keep putting this down but the words in my head are circling, threatening to suffocate me within an inch of my life.
I've been on the cusp of screaming for decades.
I'm sick. I've been in bed for the past 3 days and I hate it. Since covid I get sick at the drop of a hat. Makes wanting to enter the world even less attractive when it poses a significant threat to both my mental and physical health. I do think I'd like to die. But like just so that I can't continue living this life. I hate this planet. I thought last night if aliens came and asked me if all of humankind should be eradicated, what would I say. I don't think we've done good for this planet outside of what we've done for ourselves, and I don't think our impact on ourselves is at a net positive. I don't think it's a matter of whether we deserve it, we never did and that's not the point. But I do think I'd be kind of an asshole to keep people from doing all the things they'd been planning for and anticipating. But being as mentally ill as I am I'm certainly not in a position to be making sweeping decisions for all of us. I'm not even sure if I'm one of us...
I know I don't matter, but it stings a little to be reminded so bluntly. I feel the need to reinvent myself. Recede into the shadows, form my fucking chrysalis, and emerge covered on my own shit. And not so much reinvent as evolve, but how much evolving can an individual inact before life's fabric rubs thin?
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prerodinu · 1 year
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I don’t think I have ever really sat down and like talk talked about the twin’s jobs. This is hard to do because technically (mostly) anything you are thinking could be considered their ‘jobs’. When talking about wolf characters in general the pack mentality is a big deal. I'm not talking about people fighting for dominance or shit I mean the FAMILY aspect of it all. I think with that being said you could probably think that if wolf packs in the real world existed. It would be Mafia and gangs. 
The other thing to consider is the fact that the twins come from a VERY VERY VERY old and long line of leaders. Vav was the first to make a VERY VERY large wolf pack. He in his own way loved his people and wanted to protect them. Since then most wolves turned and survived mostly kept to themselves as drifters. This made sense, back in the time of Norse Men, the church's growing reach and times changing. Hiding out in the middle of some island or the wooded lands sounded mostly like heaven. Vav changed that by bringing people together and trying to keep them somewhat safe. I say somewhat because of his issues. However, Vav tried and in some ways succeeded in keeping a pack safe for a long while. 
Which leads me to my first point. Both Katia and Artem are Monarchs. They were bred for the purpose of leading a pack. That was the only reason that Vav wanted kids. So that when the time came, VERY VERY Far into the future, he could have strong kids to lead on his legacy. Despite everything, the kids were brought into the pack with open arms and treated like kings and queens. Up until Vav realized that Artem wouldn’t do well as a leader and that Katia needed the sweetness beaten out of her. But for all intents and purposes. Katia and Artem are royalty. They are always whispered about in pack meetings and in awe when other packs see them because they are OLD. WISE. and honestly gentle rulers who have done everything they can to protect their pack. They are nothing like the Vukaxin last name. This is saying something because it has been dragged through the mud for CENTURIES because of the two different packs. 
NOTE: This does not mean that if you have a wolf character they have to bow to the twins or know who they are. Honestly, they don’t. The pack is old and elusive. Not many are going to know unless they grew up in a pack. So it’s fine if your wolf or pack won’t recognize Katia or Artem. 
So let's break this out right the twin’s job essentially and this will be done by Centuries to give you an idea of how it changed. 
Katia being taken throughout the Middle ages: 
This time frame is sort of the DARK AGES I like to call it. Katia is gone, the pack barely starting to form. But Artem's job was to get his sister back. That’s all. His wolf understood the need to protect his pack though so that is what he did. Though a roundabout way. Artem took on jobs as an Assassin or thief to get money for those first in the pack. Think like Dacian and Eva. 
Artem got his first taste of freedom by being a thief. His wolf loved the rush of stealing and honestly, some of the others did too. It became a game to them, acting rich and taking what they could in the night. Back then most people let you sleep in their house if you were rich or someone they knew or could think they knew. Which happened with Artem a lot since he was known COUNTRIES away. No matter where he went. He was known if it was a wolf he was staying with. If it was a human. Dude the Twins had most of their lives (think 8-18) basically being trained how to be royalty, how to act and drink and think. Granted it was in wolf society but realistically it transfers. 
It was also during this time that they met Radovan, they tried to steal from him, so I mean. kind of hard to rob someone like that so they just brought him in and Radovan basically helped them steal so much more than what they ever thought possible. They were doing fine before now it’s like mind-blowing good money. 
Also, let's be real most of the income came from selling drugs. Humans ATE that shit up and continue to do so so that’s what they did for a very long time. 
Middle Ages - Industrial Revolution / 19th Century: 
This is where it’s a gray area. Katia at the end of the Middle Ages area basically kills her captor. And that means not necessarily the man who kidnapped her. So many years went between when she was captured and when she got free. It’s not going to be the same dude. Katia ends up basically destroying a WHOLE GOD DAMN BLOODLINE. Not even a couple the whole bloodline of the man who captured her. From there she and Artem connect. It’s not easy, he’s already in the middle of his empire. It has grown. More people are being added to it, they are now starting to realize they have to spend time together. The pack house starts to become a thing. 
Times are changing. It’s harder to use the whole royalty thing. Honestly speaking the pack has to start doing something else. They did try the gold rush for years. They basically ruled towns that built railways, that helped people on the edge of the world. It was easiest to not get caught out there. The law was basically the strongest survive. It worked for a while. A good long while. Until business started to grow things like Brothels, drugs, and gangs ruled the cities or were starting to. 
This is where the pack thrived. Most have to pay tithes to the pack, if you wanted to set up shop, you paid the tithe. The pack soon became the go-to person, you wanted something done. You visited the place with the wolf head. At this point, all of this was run by Artem. He had gotten Katia back, and his wolf decided to deposit him back in real life. It was time to be human again. Katia was spiraling and no one knew how to help. 
Katia spent several decades basically being the muscle. Fucking up people who dared threaten the life of the pack. It was worse as they grew because they spread out, the pack being in places like Chicago, LA, and New York. At one point, Upper East Side New York was the pack territory, nothing happened that they did not know about. Katia slowly started to realize that she had to get her shit together, enough so that people wouldn’t think of her as muscle but also as brains of it. 
This is when the pack’s business started to flourish. Who didn’t like talking to a pretty woman? 
20th Century and Present. 
This is where things started to become what it is today. Through the 20th century, the pack learned a lot of things. How money fraud and check fraud was the way to steal LARGE amounts of money. That became art deals and antiquities, remaking things and selling. It was a hit and easy to do. 
Then came the 1980s ′s. Cartels and drugs. That became a crazy lifestyle. Katia headed up that operation much to Artem’s dismay. A lot of the pack’s businesses started in the 80′s. They grew slowly, changing from place to place. Gangsters turned into Mob men who turned into drug dealers in the early 2000s ′s. Artem never wanted to do drugs but honestly, it brought in so much money that the pack just kept with it. What were humans to gods that lived through CENTURIES? Nothing. 
Then came the internet. Caelan's favorite toy. That PUSHED the pack into something that they couldn’t spend in LIFETIMES and CENTURIES. Caelan ruled the internet. Napster wasn’t the only thing he worked on. He BUILT an empire blackmailing. Someone had to keep track of it all. Katia did. 
Artem dealt with the Mobsters and Gang members the kind of men that respected a hardened front. This is what they do. They learned how to launder money, and they learned how to destroy evidence. Honestly speaking they built their empire on the deaths of humans. 
To this day including Lobos de Boricua the pack nurtured relations with their Leader Loni. to whom Artem is soon to be mated. Honestly the pack his WIDE spread feelers over everything. They know exactly what's going on and when it’s happening. Not much gets past them. 
New gang in town. 
The pack already knows everything down to what you eat on Tuesdays when you are sad. 
THEY HAVE TOO. They built their business upon knowing things that no one knows. Make sure that they are the number one pick or you have no choice. 
Artem spends so much nurturing the leads they get. Building the business side of the business. If he isn’t dealing with pack things he’s in building the business. He’s in business meetings and constantly on his phone or in his office. 
Katia is dealing with the mafia/mob/gang/CRIME world of things. She is the one meeting in shady bars and watching drugs funnel through the places. Watching THOUSANDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS go through each business. Katia has to watch it, track it, and make sure she keeps everything under wraps. 
Issue with shipments? She’s gotta take care of it. 
Payment issues? She’s gotta take care of it. 
Honestly speaking Katia is the one you don’t want to see. There is a reason why sometimes their business partners call her the Angel of Death. She will kill to protect. 
So basically the pack runs like a mob, feels like a family, and at the end of the day. Artem is a businessman, Artem deals with the LAW-ABIDING side of things. Katia is a Queen. Katia deals with the underbelly and they know that if anyone looked too close they might start connecting the dots. Their job though is to make sure no one does. 
And they do it very very well. 
You will never hear any one of their clients talk about them. If anything they will Howl. Like a wolf on the moon. Because they know if they talk they are going to get someone worse than the feds or police on their tail. 
They get Katia and that’s a fate worse than death. 
So the easiest answer is Artem does business. Katia does crime. This is the duality. Sometimes Katia has to be a businesswoman. Sometimes Artem has to be a crime lord. Either way, the twin's job at the end of the day is to protect their pack and money is the only way to protect. In the human world money is everything. 
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lightinthesilence · 2 years
A week of contact with a Salamander
In order for me to be more genuine with the expression of each element in the game I am making, I wanted to deepen my understanding of each of the four elements. I decided to attempt to conjure an elemental to tutor me for a week on each element. The nature of the conjuration was very interesting in retrospect, as it certainly was formulated as an evocation, but the tutoring process felt more in the nature of an invocation. On a whim of expression, I decided to go with the Tetragrammaton formula for the order, which is to say in accordance to the correspondences of Yod, Heh, Vav, and Heh. Fire, Water, Air, Earth.
The general formula I used for each of the elements is as follows:
For the first conjuring, I made sure to do so on a day and the hour of a planet that corresponds to the element. For the Salamander, I did this on Sunday(Sol, Fire.) I started with a standard LBRP, followed by a slightly modified LIRH, by doing just the invoking hexagram of the element I am working with.
My altar is a rather basic set up, the offering to the Elemental in the middle, the incense burner on the left, a white candle on the right. A painted elemental banner sits on the altar near the back, forming a sort of backdrop and meditative focus. Once I finish the LIRH, I sit in a chair and call upon the appropriate name of God, Archangel, and elemental Angel to send me a fitting elemental to tutor me in the ways of the element. After that I say the shortened form of the Elemental Prayer as found in the 'revised' version of the MPR in the back of Regardie's Middle Pillar (in the section of material compiled and written by the Ciceros) Other than that, at later points I do start to add in the full Elemental Prayer by Eliphas Levi and started to use a black mirror toward the end of the Sylph conjurations. Before that, I sort of used the elemental banner as a scrying medium, and mostly relied on vision and meditation to receive insight from the spirits.
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Enough technical details, here's what the results (at least that which I can share) of each week of each elemental were
First Evocation: After sitting down and beginning to meditate on the elemental banner, I felt a presence start to arise. Physically it was like pins in my hands and feet, and like there was a large pressure, especially when asking the elemental to show me something or reveal something to me. At this point the communication was wordless. At first all I got was the ghost image effect on the elemental banner, but then got an image of the symbol of sulfur that superimposed itself on top of both the ghost image and the actual banner. Upon asking for a name, I felt a sensation in my throat like either something being pulled, or moved, and I spoke aloud how it felt natural, and I said in a low, drawn out voice "Eglė" as I did so the letters appeared in my mind, complete with the accent mark, which I wrote in my journal before researching the name. Surprising to me, Eglė is in fact the name of a mythological figure in Lithuanian mythology, the main piece that stood out to me was that Eglė at the end of the myth becomes the Spruce, which while I cannot find any traditional sources, does seem to have a correspondence with the sun. I asked the salamander if there was anything in addition they wanted to show me, to do so through my dream that night, and concluded with a license to depart.
That night I did in fact have a dream, where I was just told straight up by one of the dream characters very candidly that if I wanted to communicate with Egle, I should meditate on the element of fire. So before the evocation later on in the day, I meditated on the element of fire, where suddenly I received both answers from what I asked last night and other new pieces of information, such as desiring a blend of Cinnamon and Sandalwood. I then received a lesson about the nature of fire as a sort of barrier between the uncreated world and the beginning of creation, which I thought was very insightful given how we usually see Fire as the out-thrusting force, but seeing how it relates to what came before, it takes the role of a barrier. I also received the image of the Cherub with the flaming sword guarding the Garden of Eden.
Second Evocation:
As I went from one thought to the next, I found myself wandering in thought, which was cut by a different voice suddenly chastising me, saying to listen to the Elemental, not my delusions. I saw the voice coming from the image of a black hole. I then saw flame sweep across my field of vision from left to right, and the remainder of the meditation was silence as I felt within the presence of a flame. Later that day, when I did the full evocation, she seemed to take very well to singing the Prayer of the Salamanders, as I did it over and over it felt like I was kindling a fire that grew and grew, to which the candle flame on the altar grew as well.
Third Evocation: After the evocation, I was finally able to perceive the Salamander, she took on a form similar to an icon of Mary, or a nun but with yellows and oranges and reds for the clothing. I saw a very palpable halo around the candle flame, and the tip of the flame had 3 very clear tips, like a crown or perhaps the comparison could even be made to the letter Shin. In the corners of the room, strange shadows bounced in a way that looked like a moving presence.
Fourth Evocation:
By this point, she consistently appeared in the form of a solar nun. Egle tutored me with the art of vibrating Divine Names. By the time the lesson was done, my whole being from my feet to the top of my head felt like I was ringing like a bell. I then felt a great love, it felt very fraternal, is all I can really put into words.
These were the major points of interest in my week of evocation. The chastising voice in the meditation before the second evocation was very interesting, I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Egle was a very interesting salamander to have come across. She seemed to emphasize a very solar, loving hearth-fire. During and since this evocation, I found that I have become a bit more warm, spontaneous, and extroverted in my personality. The day and time of evoking for the first time seemed to draw a very Solar-leaning Salamander.
All and all this was a great success. While this was far from my first evocation, it was the first time I had to improvise the ritual and to call upon a spirit that was not laid out in a book. I felt like I was learning the whole time, and am very grateful to the spirits I contacted, and grateful to all the spirits along the way who ensured that the spirit I contacted was fitting of my circumstance and needs.
I will continue on next week to go into the very interesting Undine I contacted after.
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chaneomma · 2 years
My top 100 kpop songs
Disclaimer: this list is alphabetized by group then by song. It's not ranked
Answer- ATEEZ
Say My Name- ATEEZ
I'll Be Your Man- BTOB
Boy With Luv- BTS
Euphoria- BTS
Magic Shop- BTS
Mikrocosmos- BTS
Permission to Dance- BTS
Universe- BTS ft. Coldplay
Hello Bitches- CL
Red Sun- Dreamcatcher
Scream- Dreamcatcher
Lotto- EXO
Love Shot- EXO
Obsession- EXO
Pray- Ft. Island
Wind- Ft. Island
Calling My Name- Got7
If You Do- Got7
Not By the Moon- Got7
Celebrity- IU
Love Poem- IU
Spirit Animal- Jessi
The Girls- Kep1er
Antifragile- Le Sserafim
Starry Night- Mamamoo
Alligator- MonstaX
Dramarama- Monsta X
Hero- Monsta X
Middle of the Night- Monsta X
Someone's Someone- Monsta X
Shoot Out- Monsta X
Who Do U Love- Monsta X
You Can't Hold My Heart- Monsta X
Black on Black- NCT
Firetruck- NCT 127
Kick It- NCT 127
Simon Says- NCT 127
Go!- NCT Dream
Trigger the Fever- NCT Dream
We Go Up- NCT Dream
We Young- NCT Dream
Dream in a Dream- NCT Ten
Seventh Sense- NCT U
Same Scent- ONEUS
Valkyrie- ONEUS
Beautiful- Pentagon
Runaway- Pentagon
Violet- Pentagon
Peekaboo- Red Velvet
Red Flavor- Red Velvet
She's In The Rain- The Rose
Sorry- The Rose
Call, Call, Call!- Seventeen
Darl+ing- Seventeen
Don't Wanna Cry- Seventeen
Fear- Seventeen
Getting Closer- Seventeen
Home- Seventeen
Holiday- Seventeen
Hot- Seventeen
Lilili Yabbai- Seventeen (performance unit)
My I- Seventeen (performance unit)
Rock With You- Seventeen
Ruby- Seventeen (Woozi)
Simple- Seventeen (Woozi)
Hello- SHINee
Lucifer- SHINee
Married to the Music- SHINee
Sherlock- SHINee
Back Door- Stray Kids
Case 143- Stray Kids
Chill- Stray Kids
Freeze- Stray Kids
Give Me Your TMI- Stray Kids
God's Menu- Stray Kids
Hellevator- Stray Kids
Maniac- Stray Kids
Red Lights- Stray Kids
Secret, Secret- Stray Kids
Side Effects- Stray Kids
Sorry, I Love You- Stray Kids
Victory Song- Stray Kids
Black Suit- Super Junior
House Party- Super Junior
One More Time- Super Junior
I Can't Stand the Rain- SuperM
2 Kids- Taemin
Criminal- Taemin
Dance the Night Away- Twice
Feel Special- Twice
The Feels- Twice
Yes or Yes- Twice
Antiromantic- TXT
Mamacita- VAV
Love Talk- WayV
Happy Death Day- Xdinary Heroes
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a-prekliatyvlk · 2 years
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I don’t think I have ever really sat down and like talk talked about the twin’s jobs. Which is hard to do because technically (mostly) anything you are thinking could be considered their ‘jobs’. When talking about wolf character’s in general the pack mentality is a big deal. Im not talking about people fighting for dominance or shit I mean the FAMILY aspect of it all. I think with that being said you could probably think that if wolf packs in the real world existed. It would be Mafia’s and gangs. 
The other thing to consider is the fact that the twins come from a VERY VERY VERY old and long line of leaders. Vav was the first to make a VERY VERY large wolf pack. He in his own way loved his people and wanted to protect them. Since then most wolves if turned and survived mostly kept to themselves as drifters. Which made since, back in the time of Norse Men, the Churches over growing reach and times changing. Hiding out in the middle of some island or the wooded lands sounded mostly like heaven. Vav changed that with bringing people together and trying to keep them some what safe. I say some what because of his issues. However vav tried and in some ways succeeded in keeping a pack safe for a long while. 
Which leads me to my first point. Both Katia and Artem are Monarchs. They were bred for the purpose of leading a pack. That was the only reason that Vav wanted kids. So that when the time came, VERY VERY Far into the future, he could have strong kids to lead on his legacy. Despite everything the kids were brought into the pack with open arms and treated like kings and queens. Up until Vav realized that Artem wouldn’t do well as a leader and that Katia needed the sweetness beaten out of her. But for all intense and purposes. Katia and Artem are royalty. They are always whispered about in pack meetings and in awe when other packs see them because they are OLD. WISE. and honestly gentle rulers that have done everything they can to protect their pack. They are nothing like the Vukaxin last name. Which is saying something because it has been dragged through the mud for CENTURIES because of the two different packs. 
NOTE: this does not mean that if you have a wolf character they have to bow to the twins or know who they are. Honestly they don’t. The pack is old and elusive. Not many are going to know unless they grew up in a pack. So it’s fine if your wolf or pack won’t recognize Katia or Artem. 
So lets break this out right the twin’s job essentially and this will be done by Centuries to give you an idea of how it changed. 
Katia being taken throughout the Middle ages: 
This time frame is sort of the DARK AGES I like to call it. Katia gone, the pack barley starting to form. But Artems job was to get his sister back. That’s all. HIs wolf though understood the need to like protect his pack though so that is what he did. Though a round about way. Artem took on jobs as an Assassin or theif to get money for those first in the pack. Think like Dacian and Eva. 
Artem got his first taste of freedom by being a thief. His wolf loved the rush of stealing and honestly some of the others did too. It became a game to them, acting rich and taking what they could in the night. Back then most people let you sleep in their house if you were rich or someone they knew or could think they knew. Which happened with Artem a lot since he was known COUNTRIES away. No matter where he went. He was known if it was a wolf he was staying with. If it was a human. Dude the Twins had most of their lives (think 8-18) basically being trained how to be royalty, how to act and drink and think. Granted it was in wolf society but realistically it transfers. 
It as also during this time that they met Radovan, they tried to steal from him, so I mean. kinda hard to rob someone like that so they just brought him in and Radovan basically he helped them steal so much more than what they ever thought possible. They where doing fine before now it’s like mind blowingly good money. 
Also lets be real most of the income too came from selling drugs. Humans ATE that shit up and continue to do so so that’s what they did for a very long time. 
Middle Ages - Industrial Revolution / 19th Century: 
This is where it’s gray area. Katia at the end of the middle ages area basically kills her captor. And that means like not necessarily the man who kidnapped her. So many years went between when she was captured and like when she get’s free. It’s not going to be the same dude. Katia ends up basically destroying off a WHOLE GOD DAMN BLOODLINE. Not even a couple the whole bloodline of the man who captured her. From there she and Artem connect. It’s not easy, he’s already in the middle of his empire. It having grown. More people being added too it, they are now starting to realize they have to spend time together. The pack house starts to become a thing. 
Times are changing. It’s harder to use the whole royalty thing. Honestly speaking the pack has to start doing something else. They did try the gold rush for year’s. They basically rules towns that built railways, that helped people on the edge of the world. It was easiest to not get caught out there. The law was basically the strongest survive. It worked for a while. A good long while. Until business started to grow and things like Brothels, drugs and gangs ruled the cities or were starting too. 
This is were the pack thrived. Most has to pay tithes to the pack, if you wanted to set up shop, you paid the tithe. The pack soon became the go too person, you wanted something done. You visited the place with the wolf head. At this point all of this was run by Artem. He had gotten Katia back, his wolf decided to deposit him back in real life. It was time to be human again. Katia was spiraling and no one knew how to help. 
Katia spent several decades basically being the muscle. Fucking up people who dared threaten the life of the pack. It was worse as they grew because they spread out, the pack being in places like Chicago, LA, New York. At one point, Upper East side New York was the packs territory, nothing happened that they did not know about. Katia slowly started to realize that she had to get her shit together, enough so that people wouldn’t think of her as muscle but also brains of it. 
This is when the pack’s business started to flourish. Who didn’t like talking to a pretty women. 
20th Century and Present. 
This is where thing’s started to become what it is today. Through the 20th century the pack learned a lot of thing’s. How money fraud and check fraud was the way to steal LARGE amounts of money. That became art deals and antiquities, remaking things and selling. It was a hit and easy to do. 
Then came the 1980′s. Cartels and drugs. That became a crazy life style. Katia headed up that operation much to Artem’s dismay. Alot of the pack’s business’s started in the 80′s. They grew slowly, changing from place to place. Gangsters turned into Mob men that turned into drug dealer’s of the early 2000′s. Artem never wanted to do drugs but honestly it brought in so much money that the pack just kept with it. What were humans to gods that lived through CENTURIES. Nothing. 
Then came the internet. Alexander’s favorite toy. That PUSHED the pack into something that they couldn’t spend in LIFETIMES and CENTURIES. Alexander ruled the internet. Napster wasn’t the only thing he worked on. He BUILT an empire blackmailing. Someone had to keep track of it all. Katia did. 
Artem dealt with the Mobsters and Gang members the kind of men that respected a hardened front. This is what they do. They learned how to launder money, they learned how to destroy evidence. Honestly speaking they built their empire on the deaths of humans. 
To this day including Lobos de Boricua which the pack nurtured relations with their Leader Loni. to which Artem is soon to be mated too. Honestly the pack his WIDE spread feelers over everything. They know exactly whats going on and when it’s happening. Not much get pasts them. 
New gang in town. 
The pack already knows everything down to what you eat on tuesday’s when you are sad. 
THEY HAVE TOO. They built their business upon knowing things that no one knows. On making sure that they are the number one pick or you have no choice. 
Artem spends so much nurturing the leads they get. Building the business side of the business. If he isn’t dealing with pack thing’s he’s in building the business. He’s in business meeting’s and constantly on his phone or in his office. 
Katia is dealing with the mafia / mob / gang / CRIME world of things. She is the one meeting’s in shady bars and watching drugs funnel through the places. Watching THOUSANDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS go through each business. Katia has to watch it, track it and make sure she keeps everything under wraps. 
Issue with shipments? She’s gotta take care of it. 
Payment issues? She’s gotta take care of it. 
Honestly speaking Katia is the one you don’t want to see. There is a reason why sometimes their business partners call her the Angel of Death. She will kill to protect. 
So basically the pack runs like a mob, feels like a family and at the end of the day. Artem is a business man, Artem deals with the LAW ABIDING side of things. Katia is a Queen. Katia deals with the underbelly and they know that if anyone looked too close they might start connecting the dots. Their job though is to make sure no one does. 
And they do it very very well. 
You will never hear anyone of their clients talk about them. If anything they will Howl. Like a wolf at the moon. Because they know if they talk they are going to get someone worse then the feds or police on their tail. 
They get Katia and that’s a fate worse than death. 
So the easiest answer is Artem does business. Katia does crime. This is the duality. Sometimes Katia has to be a business women. Sometimes Artem has to be a crime lord. Either way the twins job at the end of the day is to protect their pack and money is the only way to protect. In the human world money is everything. 
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softgeumhyuk · 5 years
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vav - abc (middle of the night) album scans
© softstvan/softgeumhyuk
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Why are you smiling so pretty today?
My heart is only weak for you and I can’t handle it
Your sweet eyes, your round cheeks
Whisper to me
That you feel the same way
Vav. ABC. Middle of The Night
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ladymaysworld · 7 years
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minfreakingyoongi · 7 years
VAV's "Middle of the Night" Pre-Listening
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virtuangel · 4 years
i love hole in one so much u all have no idea....like....
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hsoeoks · 7 years
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a beautifully shaped masterpiece...
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kpoptimeout · 7 years
Underrated boy band VAV is back with “ABC (Middle of the Night)” MV! 
Do you like this catchy summer track?
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koreantunes · 7 years
VAV - ABC (Middle of the Night)
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fyvav · 7 years
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[Twitter - 170704]
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kpopmultifan · 7 years
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VAV has released individual member teaser images for their upcoming 3rd digital single “(ABC) Middle of the Night” which is scheduled to be released on July 4th.
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