#veganism talk
phoenixyfriend · 11 months
Whenever an existing faux product is described as "vegan product" my hackles raise.
It's not vegan leather, it's pleather.
It's not vegan butter, it's margarine.
It's not vegan cashmere, it's acrylic.
It's not vegan fur, it's faux fur. Also probably an acrylic or rayon blend.
It's not vegan silk, it's polyester.
We haven't gotten to calling vegetable shortening "vegan lard" yet, but given the butter situation...
Call a spade a spade and stop greenwashing! Just admit it's plastic! Just admit you've prioritized one kind of animal life over the other! Stop calling it vegan when it's just plastic, you're driving people to destroy the planet with the "more moral" option when it's NOT.
You can enjoy margarine, that's fine, just be up front about it being in the dish so people know what they're eating by a familiar name.
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embroidely · 5 months
i am complaining here instead of in the Instagram comments because... non-anonymous social media are the absolute worst. Unfortunately, it bears repeating:
Vegan and sustainable are NOT synonymous!!!!!
Plastic shoes are never going to be more sustainable than real leather shoes!! Plastic clothes shedding micro plastic fibers are not more sustainable than wool!!! And by the way, wool!! is!!! amazing!!
Yes, eating less meat reduces your environmental impact. But you know what reduces your environmental impact even more?
Not wearing plastic as clothes.
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fadedlovemp3 · 6 months
me and my girls…well we’re up swallowing the cap
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lobster-lover · 2 years
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some miscellaneous adventure time things. you should come hang with me at the endless adventure time loop
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konstantintreplev · 1 year
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Langston Hughes
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ur-online-vegan · 6 months
i am tired of privileged people saying veganism is "too hard" to do. recognize your agency. take responsibility.
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stackslip · 13 days
for every "loud obnoxious vegan" on social media who compares eating meat to genocide and that tumblrites have decided are representatives of all vegans ever, there are thousands of ranch farmers deliberately destroying essential parts of the ecosystem and slaughterhouse executives pushing for abuses of both animals and human workers (most of whom tend to be extremely poor and/or immigrants) and dairy/meat producers who will bitch about how environmentalists and the Woke are ruining their lives while they treat animals and undocumented workers like slaves so they can squeeze out a bit more money
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softbutchthatlovesyou · 5 months
I don't know what person trying to repair their health needs to hear this but you CANNOT cure an allergy by repeatedly consuming it.
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walking-circles · 1 year
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absolutely no way. totally unexpected
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elftwink · 9 months
one thing thats so interesting about being a vegetarian is you get to hear all about everyones hypothetical activism that they care about very deeply when talking specifically about your diet and why it's stupid, but literally will never bring up ever again in any other context
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paging-possum · 19 days
Celiac is weird because it’s technically a disability but also it doesn’t *really* impact my life so I feel weird calling it a disability but also that’s only because it has influenced my life so drastically from such a young age that I literally cannot remember what life is like not having celiac but I have it easier than other people so really it’s not a big deal but have I experienced discrimination or unfair treatment for it?? Yeah like. Regularly. But maybe it’s not harming my life and that’s not ableism that’s just people not being able to accommodate my *checks notes* autoimmune disorder that severely restricts what I can eat at risk of severe illness ergo impairing my ability to interact and live in the world
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Would any of y'all mind directing me to your favorite cookbooks that are vegan-friendly? For medical reasons, I've dropped all animal protein (except for honey), and now I need recipes. I love tofu, and damn near every veggie (green bell peppers are disgusting though) and fruit (except kiwi). I also have celiac disease, but I've got substitutes well covered for that.
Recipe books are my preference. I don't care to have a tablet in our tiny af kitchen. It gets messy in there, and a tablet won't handle the damage. Plus, I can write notes in books with ease.
Thank you!
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moltes-musings · 6 days
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PhD day 766 | Trying to find my favourite place to work while in Japan, but I feel like Goldilocks. I want it to be just right! The campus library is a strong contender, with a cute pond outside.
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infestedguest · 1 year
As a marine biology major, the idea that humanity as a whole needs to stop eating meat specifically because “it’s cruel” confuses me, especially since the people who push it almost always are also very vocal about the (very true) fact that nonhuman animals are not inferior to humans, and that humans are animals themselves.
Badgers eat birds. Bears eat fish. Like them, humans are omnivores, so why is it okay for them to eat meat, but not us?
The answer I usually get is something along the lines of “Because we know better.”
And they don’t? It’s an odd thing for someone who supposedly believes that human’s aren’t superior to animals to say.
Believing that is is unethical for humans to consume meat as other animals do perpetuates the industrialist idea that humans are somehow inherently separate from nature. We are not exempt from the food web, just as we are not exempt from the ecosystem as a whole.
If you are uncomfortable with eating meat because it makes you think of death that’s fine, understandable even. But the idea that no human should eat meat ever because we’re somehow better than them is ridiculous.
This does not absolve the meat industry of the environmental damage and animal cruelty they’ve been participating in for decades, of course. If you don’t eat animal products because you want to minimize the damage that’s fine, and your intentions are good.
However you should keep in mind that just because a food product isn’t an animal product doesn’t mean it’s ethically sourced. The agricultural industry, while arguably less bad than the meat industry, is by no means guiltless; it can and does exploit people, and it also damages the environment, including animals (see the bats and agave situation people have been talking about recently). I also think you should keep in mind that there are animal products produced outside the meat industry, though they aren’t all that easy to access (farmers markets, hobbyists, small farms, etc).
There’s nothing wrong with veganism, but it’s not inherently more ethical or less damaging to the environment. The type of food you eat has little impact on those fronts, what matters is how it was produced.
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dyke-on · 1 year
Jesus fucking christ people love straw manning vegans, I don't even fucking buy agave that's a health food trend stop blaming 1% of the population (if that) for western imperialism of the global south, no material analysis istg
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sexlapis · 7 months
vegans r so right actually
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