#venty but i don't care
people really do beg you not to transition! like i’m not asking YOU to go on t and go set up a million doctors appointments and find a therapist. that’s all shit i have to do. you just have to learn a different name bro
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gr3yart · 2 months
Decided to never finish it, but here is where i abandoned it at. (Some lore context way down in the tags)
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iwant-fuitgummi · 2 years
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made some archon (+scara bc he's got a similar constellation) backgrounds for funises
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thewindandthestars · 23 days
I love my soon to be husband very much. He is so pretty and has a lovely voice and just the most squishable cheeks that I could pepper in kisses always
Not only that but I love his love and his eyes and the way he looks good in any lighting. I love that he sings and plays an instrument. I love how confident he is but I also love seeing him more vulnerable. I love him wholly not only for the good parts of him but also for his flaws.
Truly it is so, so nice loving him and I'll forever be over the moon in love with him 💕
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the-one-who-lambs · 4 months
man I was in the middle of writing a DEEPLY SELF-REFLECTIVE POEM and the bottom bar of my desktop changed and I forgot I set my computer background to shuffle all my saved photos and so I clicked out of my writing program to see what the color change was about and jumpscared myself with this
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thousand-winters · 3 months
Okay, yeah, I'm not 100% settled on that because it just feels wrong, but I think I might quit Dadrius week for real and just. Not write the rest of the prompts.
I was thinking about how I was regretting not having written an angsty prompt for day 2 because I know people like angsty prompts more but the friends I consulted like the fluffy one more and I did want to write fluff so I was happy with that, but then the whole time I've been worried about not having enough angst in my prompts for people to want to really read my stuff and... idk, man. That's just off. I used to write things because I thought they were fun, not because I was agonizing over if people would read them or not, you know? Literally my first Dadrius fic was just me going "oh, my god, I want to write this so bad" and coincidentially it did get a lot of attention but at the time I was just SO excited about the idea and the composition the fic would have and that was literally it. I wasn't thinking about anything else, I was just having fun.
And I guess it's because in the past, when I wrote fics for this fandom, people did interact with me and I liked that, it was fun to talk to people about these things and whatever. And I don't get that anymore, which is fine, of course, I'm not entitled to anybody's time, but it's just not fun anymore. It feels like I'm just throwing empty words out there and it's so... boring. Like I don't know, maybe my writing just sucks, maybe it doesn't. My friends are very sweet and do seem to like it but you know, they do like me, so things I do they might see with sweeter eyes.
Idk, man. I just feel like I've been doing so many things for so long that haven't been for myself but for what it feels like it's expected of me and that's all. And it sucks even more because literally nobody expects this of me, I'm not fulfilling anybody's expectations, I'm just stressing myself out for nothing.
So idk. It might be good to just NOT.
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agriocnemis · 3 months
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Modern magical girl au doodles of that au's Venti
These doodles are based off of chattering with my dear friend, @lavender-tea-dragon
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thinking about adhd venti (my adhd is getting my ass today and I am about to make it venti's problem)
Venti when he's trying to compose a new song but thoughts go brrr and he can't organise them so they just sit there overwhelmed by the mess in their brain
VENTI TALKING OUT LOUD TO LEAVE REMINDERS IN THE WIND FOR LATER PERSONAL CALENDAR TO COMBAT THE SHITTY WORKING MEMORY My guy rambling a ton and just braindumping all the messy thoughts so that he can sort through them later who needs a pen and paper when you have the wind (Kazuha sometimes gets random poetry inspiration from this)
Want to do thing cannot do thing restless you find him constantly switching positions in a random tree
frustrated stimming bc it is not enough I need to combust!!! Hey wait I'm literally wind I can do that- *EXPLODES*
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Cool dice and stargazer
(Also the vampire one made me wheeze laugh so hard I snorted XD I was like nah I ain't saying that one about anyone 💀)
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Everyone has diagnosed me as "Cool Dice" It makes me wonder if I should post a picture of my neat socks collection.
Also... Stargazer is so VISERALLY accurate, I'm surprised not many people got it sooner.
I was a Honor Roll straight A kid who didn't need to study or learn any life skills because schoolwork just came naturally to me and a lot of the subjects in school, like reading, science and art... and the basic academics were my special interests at the time so I did well.
When I went to college, I think I got my first Cs in classes that I genuinely loved and thought I was to be good at. Like Theatre, Photography and Psychology. and then I cried cus I thought I was dumb and not good at things that I loved.
No, I wasn't, I just didn't study and no one told me like that's what you HAD to do in college.
So like when... I tell Neurotypicals that I'm actually Autistic. They look at me so strange like... "But you did good in school!"
Yeah. And then I flounder later in adult life cause fundamentals weren't explained to me and quickly forgotten about.
I remember fighting with my English Teacher in highschool a lot because i said that "as long as the sentence makes sense in the context of the story, grammar isn't nessasary"
Which is probably something you see in my writing that I struggle with, and it's typically why I take so long because I keep trying to change the tense of verbage use to keep it consistent and second guess myself as if my fanfic is an academic paper to be graded. A horrible habit I know.
I'm also mildly dyslexic and horrible at spelling and cheated on all my spelling tests in Fifth grade and don't know how to spell to this day.
Spellcheck has been my friend, but since they integrated AI into it, lately spellcheck has not been picking up on my common misspelled words and usually recommend me different damn words then what I want....
Yeah. Sorry for dumping
Anyway. I have a lot of cool socks.
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solarwavejuice · 2 months
Goodnight before I start threading things on myself or freak our
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Modern DSMP fandom is just take a drink every time someone comes up with a new-old excuse to minimize Tommy's terrible behavior and blame it on someone else.
Or buys into the idea that Tommy's trauma caused his behavior rather than being caused by facing consequences for his behavior.
Or otherwise continues the trend of not treating Tommy's character as a serious independent entity who is not the only character and dramatically negatively impacted the lives of nearly every other character in the god damn server.
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avemstella · 11 months
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Lady Egeria the Seer, first Archon of Fontaine, could see everyone's futures as if reflections upon the water. It allowed her to cast the most perfect of judgements and change the tides of fate itself. However, there was one future that escaped her sight, that future being her own. And for that reason, she did not see how her story would end until her blood stained the sands and there was nowhere else to run.
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spacedustmantis · 7 months
sigh. yet another incredibly improtant self discovery that i won't be able to tell my parents about....
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sillyprettyfairy · 4 months
i'm ngl if i say i'm broke and depressed and struggling and you respond to me with "get a job" or "why can't you get a job" i think i should legally be allowed to send a professional hitman to your doorstep and have them kill you and film it for me to replay later as a treat
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thewindandthestars · 1 month
And suddenly... Very suddenly... I've become non sharing with Yumi / Wanderer...
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jasmineandpepper · 7 months
"Perhaps you can find a few friends with which to partake in the activity."
Perhaps someone who could enjoy kite-flying. He was more than capable of finding someone like that in the end. His body was trembling, but not with anticipation. The invisible border between Liuye and Mondstadt stretched in the distance, decorated with ponds and lush vegetation. Xiao unconsciously tightened his grip on the kites. The last, anxious thought tried to convince him to return to Wangshu Inn. But the breeze blew softly, fragrant, promising.
"Barbatos?" He said, and the wind carried away his formal, flat voice. Delicate lotus flowers were swaying in the air. Space was filled with the rustling sound of grass and trees.
Nothing happened.
Of course.
He pressed his lips together and slightly lowered his head. Of course he would do that. Xiao sighed and took a breath in again, shyness tingling his cheeks.
The name turned out so soft, so quiet, he couldn't help but feel the embarrassment creeping lower down his neck. He gulped, correcting his grip on the kites. It would be a shame to crease the delicate material–
"You called?“
He shivered, hearing joyful, teasing almost questions behind his back. He quickly turned around, noticing a familiar figure on the nearby boulder. Venti was sitting with his legs swaying back and forth. A tiny smile was dancing on his lips and he was looking– oh the way he was looking filled Xiao with a desire to run and hide and never be seen like that again. But he stayed, pierced down and speechless, with only his heart racing, shaking his whole body with its rhythm.
"I thought you would never show yourself again," started Venti, and Xiao shrunk into himself, searching for disappointment in Anemo Archon's voice. "Who could guess my poem would be a mighty yaksha weakness?"
The warmth got unbearable. His face was burning, so he lowered his head so much, he could only see grass and his trembling hands on the kites. How could his facade crumble so quickly? He shouldn't have tried this. But how else was he supposed to break months of silence?
"What do you got here?" Venti's voice sounded closer. Soon enough other hands entered his field of view, grabbing his own in a gentle hold. "Are those the famous Liuye kites?"
Maybe a few months were not that much for immortals.
"One of them is modified with a fontainian invention." His voice was so, so quiet, barely audible. His eyes were fixed on the pale hands, now gently caressing his own. "Rex La– Zhongli asked me to enjoy them with friends."
"And you chose me from all the people around you? I'm flattered." And even though Venti's voice was light as always, Xiao couldn't help but fear. What if he ended up offending Venti? The touch was not enough. He let out a shaky breath. Inch after inch, he raised his eyes.
Venti was so close. So close, it was hard to breathe when their eyes met.
"Hello." Only a whisper could fit into the space between them. "I missed you." 
"I'm sorry."
Venti beamed as only the sun could. Not even the most hidden part of Xiao's existence could remain frozen cold.
"Don't be. I would wait a thousand years for you."
Months, years, decades, all was nothing for the immortals.
But not for him. Not with death following his footsteps. Not with sins tainting his soul. Not with–
Not with a gentle hand pulling his chin.
"Whenever my love is too much for you, I will wait. Always."
His eyelids almost fell. The kites fell for sure. His voice was lost, somewhere, anywhere. Those merciless eyes again. Soft, understanding, loving. He was stuck in place again.
"No," he whispered, and Venti's sigh brushed his lips. "I'm already here."
He no longer had any reason to run and hide.
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