#veronica and rooster
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The Backwater Bradshaws - Wanted Dead or Alive [ from the old west au ]
there's also a playlist now if anyone is interested in the vibes
top gun taglist: @oneirataxia-girl @arrthurpendragon @pasta88love @theforevermorereject @sqrlgrl22 @townley-29 @alittlelostalittlefound @fenderenderender @chaoticassidy @capswife @marrianena @luckyladycreator2 @fulla02 @fangirlofallthings22 @dempy @imagineyneyjr @blue-aconite @commxnderwolffe @darkestbeforethedawn16 @sopheeg @mizzy-pop @loveforaugust @hope-love-equality2 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @onlyheretowastetime @supernaturaldawning @frenchtoastix @oneelleandaneye @agentminnesota187 @smoothdogsgirl @indynerdgirl @newlibrary
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roosterforme · 2 years
Right Girl, Wrong Time Part 1 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: Beer Boy and Sugar may have spent years apart, but their ten year college reunion proves they have always been part of the same equation. 
Warnings: Fluff, swears, and angst. Eventual smut. 18+ only
Length: 3100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
This is a sequel to accompany my story Old Habits Die Hard (you'll want to read that one first)!
Check my profile for my masterlist
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It was kind of funny to you when you thought about it. Everyone from your graduating class was flooding back to the University of Virginia for your class reunion, but you'd been here pretty much every single day for the past six years.
You hadn't planned on ending up right back where you started after graduating from the University of Chicago with your PhD, but things never usually went as you planned.  
"Big ten year reunion for you tomorrow night," said Veronica, your closest friend from work. "Are you excited?" You and she were sitting at a small table in a trendy bar near campus.
You just shrugged and swirled the last sip of your beer around in your pint glass. "Honestly? Not really. I haven't kept in contact with that many people I graduated with, and I probably wouldn't be going if I wasn't already living in town."
You pictured your cute rental house with the crooked fence and crumbling front step. It was only a few blocks from where you had lived your senior year. 
"I'm sure you'll have fun!" Veronica said with a grin. "And if everyone sucks, you can rub it in that you have your PhD from one of the most prestigious programs in the country. And that you were published in Mathematics of Tomorrow when you were only twenty two." 
You laughed. "I think you are overestimating how many people I plan on talking to. Maybe I'll see someone I know, but I'm just going for the free drinks and dinner, and then heading home."
"Yeah, you better head home early! Head home and make a decision for the fall! You are the only person I know who has ever been offered a tenure track at six colleges at once!"
You just waved your hand. "I have it narrowed down to Miami and San Diego. The other offers were kind of bogus, to be honest."
"Either way, you'll be somewhere warmer than Chicago," Veronica said with a shrug.
"I will cheers to that," you said, tipping your nearly empty pint of beer to her nearly empty glass of chardonnay. "Now, I need to run home before I meet this guy John for a second date."
Veronica made a face and shook her head. "That's the most generic name ever. And he sounded boring when you described him."
You just sighed. "Well, he was boring, but giving someone a second chance never hurt anyone."
You waved down your waiter for the check and handed him cash for the drinks. 
"Want to walk out with me?" Veronica asked, checking the time. 
"You go ahead, I'm going to use the ladies' room before I head out. See you on Monday?" 
"I can't wait to hear all about your class reunion!"
You just shook your head and waved over your shoulder as you went to use the restroom. When you finished washing your hands, you glanced in the mirror. You were having such a good hair and makeup day, it was almost a given that you'd look like a clown or a wet dog for the reunion tomorrow night.
You straightened out your short, blue dress and headed for the bar exit. You ducked past a server who was carrying a tray of drinks, almost bumping some of the patrons seated at the bar in the process. 
But as you walked past the guy sitting on the end, you slowed down a little bit. Even from behind, you knew he was going to be handsome. He had broad shoulders and thick, wavy brown hair. Just what you liked. 
Just what you'd loved, actually. Since college.
You tucked your hair behind your ear and glanced at him as you turned toward the door, but you stopped dead in your tracks.
The scars. You knew those scars by heart. You'd touched his cheek and his neck so many times, you'd be able to describe them in your sleep. You'd thought about his face more than you should have. You'd thought about his body next to yours. You'd imagined what could have been.
But now Bradley Bradshaw was right in front of you, leaning his forearms against the bar and watching sports highlights while he played with the label on his beer bottle. 
Only now he was all grown up. 
"Beer Boy?" you asked softly, and he spun in his seat to face you so quickly it made you smile. 
He just gaped at you, his eyes softly searching your face and dipping down as far as your neck before he licked his lips and grinned.
Your belly swooped, and you were afraid you actually gasped out loud. His voice was even deeper than you remembered. You took a step closer to him, and his grin lit up his eyes. God, you could remember everything with him. Every bittersweet feeling came flooding back.
"I can't believe it's you." A giggle escaped your lips as you spoke, and his grin faltered a bit as his eyes landed on your lips. 
He had a mustache now, and his hair was a little shorter than it was ten years ago. And he was so big and impossibly handsome. 
"It's me," he said, his eyes flicking back up to yours. "And I guess you really are Doctor Sugar now?"
"Yes," you said before you bit your lip, remembering how many times he had called you that. 
He shook his head, and that crooked grin was back. "Chicago was lucky to have you."
You felt your cheeks grow warm as his eyes roamed your face. He looked good. He looked so fucking good. 
"You're still in the Navy?" you managed to ask as you inched ever closer to him. He turned his stool a little more to face you, his legs splayed apart with one hand resting on his thigh.
"Yeah," he confirmed. "I'm Lieutenant Bradshaw these days."
You looked him up and down in his fitted pants and black tee shirt that really hugged his chest and biceps. "I can just picture you in your uniform."
When your gaze settled on his face again, you saw hunger there that had you squeezing your thighs gently together. 
"I wear a flight suit a lot of the time," he said in the raspiest tone you'd ever heard from him.
You pressed your lips together before you whispered, "You're just so much bigger now. You really filled out." 
Part of you recognized that you should be embarrassed at saying that, but it felt like no time had passed at all. It felt like all those years ago you had turned back around, climbed back in bed with him and told him you never wanted to break up, ever.
"Yeah, I guess basic training will do that to a guy," he said casually, but his eyes were making you feel so warm. "Can I buy you a drink, Sugar?"
The fact that nobody had called you Sugar in the past ten years was not lost on you, but nothing had ever felt more right. You had missed him, thought about him frequently, too. Especially during those years you spent in Chicago.
"Yeah," you agreed with a slight nod, praying you weren't about to embarrass yourself. "As long as your girlfriend doesn't mind." He wasn't wearing a ring, but you needed to know for sure. 
He just smirked. "Well, yeah, she would have absolutely minded if I was buying drinks for my beautiful ex-girlfriend. But we broke up two months ago, so I'm single."
"I see," you said, trying to bite back your smile, but you knew he was onto you. 
"So what are you drinking?" he asked, already raising two fingers toward the bartender to get his attention.
"The good beer," you said softly. 
And then Bradley turned toward you with a longing look that reminded you of ten years ago. "You still remember everything, Sugar?" he asked, his brows scrunching together as he took a deep breath and waited for you to answer.
"Everything," you confirmed with a nod. 
"Another beer for you?" the bartender asked Bradley before he turned toward you as well. 
"Make it two. Please," Bradley confirmed, and you shifted a little closer to him. 
When the bartender returned with two bottles, Bradley shifted on his stool to stand.
"Have a seat," he told you, but you placed your hand on his very muscular chest and stopped him.
"No, stay where you are," you told him, pushing him gently back down. When he eased himself back against the stool, you tucked yourself closer so your hip was nudging the inside of his knee. "Is this okay?"
"Yep," he said, quickly grabbing both of the beers and handing you one. "It's okay," he added as his cheeks started to grow pink.
When he shifted around in his seat, his leg rubbed against you, and you needed to start a new conversation to keep from moaning. 
"You're in town for the reunion?" you asked quickly.
"Yeah," he confirmed after taking a sip of beer. "I was in Virginia for work. It made sense to try to stop by. Where are you living these days?"
You laughed, and it seemed to make him more comfortable. "Like six streets over. I'm working at UVA."
"No way," he said with another grin. "You're teaching here?"
"Yeah, but only for another couple of weeks. I'm trying to decide between two tenure positions."
"Which schools?" he asked softly, and you couldn't help but think he kept intentionally bumping you with his knee. 
"University of Miami and San Diego State."
His eyes went wide as he sucked in a short breath. "That's great," he told you, looking at you in awe now. "I still can't believe you teach math to a bunch twenty year old guys."
"Why not?" you asked with a laugh. 
Bradley turned his head to face the bar and took a long drink of beer. He gave you side eye and said, "I would have died if you were my math teacher, Sugar. Trying to teach me calculus, looking like that? Please, I'd have failed the class."
"What? Why?"
"Come on," he said, turning fully back and giving you a playfully annoyed look. "You're just as gorgeous as you were ten years ago. Maybe moreso. I mean...you filled out, too."
Your mouth was hanging open and your heart was pounding erratically. 
"But at least your students don't know about your math tattoo. So I guess they don't have it so bad. Me on the other hand? I wouldn't last a minute in your lecture."
"Bradley," you gasped, but he just kept his eyes on you while he finished his beer.
Your phone started vibrating in your clutch purse which you were gripping tightly in your sweaty hand. You set down your beer and pulled it out to see that John had been texting you.
"Shit," you muttered, and Bradley adjusted himself in his seat again, eyes still on you. 
"You need to go?" he asked, and it sounded like he was dreading the answer. 
"I...just need to send a quick text, actually," you replied, setting your purse down on the bartop and frantically typing back to John. "I'm just going to cancel my plans."
When you lowered your phone and set it down on your purse, he asked you, "Are you seeing someone then?"
"No," you replied quickly. "It was just a second date." You would have canceled plans with anyone to stay here longer. 
Bradley's grin was slowly creeping back. "Did you just cancel a date for me?"
You scoffed playfully. "Yeah, but he was boring anyway."
"That'll never do. Not for you. You deserve the best."
You looked at him carefully, letting your palm rest on his knee. "Is that why I had you?"
"Hmm," he hummed teasingly. "I would assume so." 
You just stood there for a minute, barely moving at all, except for your fingertips moving against his muscular thigh. "I missed you. When I was in Chicago," you whispered, and he was nodding right away.
"I missed you, too. Had a hard time at first. I thought about you a lot."
"I thought about you all the time," you replied, your heartbeat picking up in tempo again. 
Bradley nudged you a little closer with his knee, and you willingly went. "I still think about you sometimes," he whispered.
You sighed softly, and he sat up a little straighter, his face closer to yours. You felt like you could melt against him, if you thought that was a good idea. Which it was not.
A loud group of college students entered the bar and made their way toward the crowded tables, jostling you and bumping your butt in the process. You stepped further into Bradley's personal space to make room, bumping both of his thighs with your hips. 
His sharp intake of breath and slow exhale had you meeting his eyes and withdrawing your hand from the top of his thigh.
"No," he told you, grabbing your hand and then gently pressing it where it had been. You looked down and saw you were standing precariously close to him; if you moved your hand just a little bit, it would be on his zipper. "It's okay," he murmured, bringing his hand to your hip. 
This felt very good.
"I like your mustache," you told him, blurting out the first idiotic thing that came to your mind. Of course you liked it. He looked great with it. You weren't even aware you actually liked facial hair before this moment.
"Thanks," he said softly, and his eyes grew wider as you brought your other hand up to run your fingers along his mustache. His lips parted, but he didn't move otherwise.
"You couldn't grow one of these in college," you told him with a laugh. 
"No," he replied, his lips skimming along your fingertips. "Would have looked ridiculous."
Your soft laughter seemed to spur him on as his huge hand wrapped around your hip and settled on your lower back. 
Oh god, you wanted him. So badly. You needed him. You had never stopped feeling this way about Bradley Bradshaw.
Bradley had often wondered what it would be like to see you again. At first the idea of it haunted him; it was the only thing he wanted, but he figured it was never going to happen. 
Then as he got older, thoughts of you would jump into the forefront of his mind when he least expected it. He always figured you were doing everything you wanted to do. He thought you would be married by now. He was absolutely certain you would have found someone better than him. 
But you made him better. He grew into a man because of you. Every girlfriend he had since you broke his heart should have honestly written you a thank you letter.
But the crazy thing was, Bradley wasn't surprised in the least that he still felt a connection to you right now. His heart was leaping in his chest, elation pouring through his body. 
Your beautiful face was a few inches from his and you were touching his mustache. Your other hand was on his leg, and he couldn't seem to stop himself from guiding you closer with his palm on your lower back. Your gaze was still sharp, and you were just as witty as he remembered. And you were so perfect, he never wanted to stop looking at you.
"Maybe your mustache would have looked ridiculous ten years ago, but it looks good now," you told him. He wanted to kiss you. He thought he was going to, when you added, "You look so handsome."
"You're fucking gorgeous, Sugar," he told you, and he was treated to a radiant smile as your fingers rubbed the end of his mustache and trailed along to the faded scars on his cheek. "You always have been."
You were softly sighing as you examined him. 
"You look like you want to ask me something," he told you, and you nodded the tiniest bit.
"Yeah," you confirmed with a soft laugh. "But I'm scared."
"Don't be scared. Just ask." He would be honest with you, no matter what you asked him.
"When you think about me... what do you think about?"
A montage of images rushed through his mind, and he swallowed hard. Your lips parted with a little gasp like you just knew some of his thoughts on the matter were completely filthy. 
His cock was getting a little hard as he let his mind settle on the first time he got you off. "I think about that study room, Sugar. And how cute you looked in my bathrobe. And I think about how effortlessly you made me want to change my ways."
Bradley started to close the distance between you, and you cupped his cheek as your lips brushed his in the softest kiss.
"Beer Boy," you whispered, nudging his lips with yours again. But you were already pulling away as he was trying to get closer. 
Then you asked, "Do you want to know what comes to my mind when I start thinking about you?"
"Tell me."
You licked your lips before you said, "I think about your Navy desk lamp. And I think about your bedroom door. Nobody else has ever done anything like that for me."
Bradley kissed your lips nudging your nose with his. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat, Sugar." 
You threaded your fingers through his hair, and Bradley was absolutely aching for you now. He wanted to take you to his hotel room. He wanted to make you feel so good. 
You had your hand incredibly close to his cock as you looked him in the eye and said, "And when I think about you, Bradley, I think about the fact that nobody else has made me cum as good in the last ten years."
"Shit," he groaned, growing harder by the second as you sighed and moved your hand higher.
Bradley had to take your hand in his to stop you. But it was your wide pupils that had him shifting his right knee so it rubbed against your core. 
You sucked in a deep breath and gasped, gently grinding yourself against him as your eyes drifted closed. 
"Sugar," he groaned. "Please tell me you're coming back to my hotel room."
Ahhhh!!!! They are back! Seemingly picking up right where they left off! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls.
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gennyanydots · 2 years
'Cause you're the only one who's on my mind
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Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x f!reader
Written for @roosterforme ‘s Love is in the air tgm playlist challenge.
My song was “Untouched” by The Veronicas
Life isn’t fair. It really isn’t. The universe found the absolute perfect man for you, better than you could have ever dreamed. He’s hotter than hell especially when he takes his shirt off. One of the nicest people you’ve ever met. Willing to do just about anything for anyone. Attentive. Caring. Funny. Exactly everything you would want in a boyfriend. But there’s always a catch, isn’t there?
You met him in a place you swore you’d never be able to meet a guy worth dating at. A bar. Your best friend had met some hot guy that afternoon when she was out and he told her that they should meet up at some bar later. She told him she couldn’t since it was your monthly girls night out but he told her to bring all her friends and he would bring his. So your girls night out headed out to this random looking dive bar and changed the course of your life for the next few months.
The bar seemed to be crawling with men. Attractive men. Some women here and there but definitely not an even mix. Your friends had each already found a guy to flirt with, including the one your best friend met that afternoon, in the first ten minutes and left you at the bar alone. You were fine with that. You were still looking around and getting your bearings in the new bar. It definitely didn’t lack in things to look at. The walls were filled with different decorations. The mugs on the ceiling was an interesting design choice but you could get behind it.
While looking around, you just happened to glance towards the door and watched as the most beautiful man you had ever seen walk in the bar with a 70’s pornstache while wearing the most ridiculous Hawaiian shirt you had ever seen. Maybe you need to get your head checked. You must being going crazy. A pornstache and a Hawaiian shirt really seemed to be doing it for you and you’re really not sure why. Anyone else and you would have looked away by now but you continued to watch him as he looked around the bar, his eyes finally landing on you and he grinned noticing you looking straight at him. You quickly averted your gaze and felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Of course, he saddled up to the bar next to you taking the open bar stool to your left.
“Hey, do you have a bandaid?” He asked as he sat down with a grin on his handsome face.
“Uh yeah, I think so,” you said as you opened your bag and went to hand him one but he didn’t take it. He just sat with a grin on his face.
“I need one because I just scraped my knee falling for you.”
You raised an eyebrow and threw the bandaid back into your bag and zipped it closed, “That was terrible.”
“It can only get better from here then,” he said, still with that grin plastered on his face. “I’m Bradley, but you can call me yours if you want.” Then he winked at you.
You tried to resist him and his stupid pickup lines, of which he seemed to have an endless supply of, you really did. It was too hard. He was charming, even while wearing that ridiculous shirt of his. He was too funny to ignore. Too handsome. Too everything. You couldn’t help but give in to his advances. You ended up agreeing to one date with him. Just one. Then he convinced you to go on another. Then another. And another. Until you were spending as much time as possible with each other. It was the most fun you’d ever had with any one person. You found out just how many Hawaiian shirts one man could own. But then he had to leave. He had orders.
You both fell hard and fast for each other but then he was gone. Deployed. Somewhere. He couldn’t tell you and you didn’t ask. You had only known each other for a month. A MONTH! And yet as he kissed you goodbye and told you he’d see you when he came home, you watched him walk out your door, with tears streaming down your face, and you knew he was leaving with your entire heart in the palm of his hands.
Your friends thought you were crazy waiting around for someone you barely knew. That the month you spent together wasn’t long enough to base any sort of relationship off of. That you didn’t know him well enough to judge whether you wanted to be with him or not, especially in this tough of a relationship. Plus, it’s not like he made you any promises when he left so it was wrong for him to expect you to wait around.
But that was the thing. He didn’t ask you to wait. He didn’t say anything about that at all when he left. It was your choice to wait for him. You wanted to wait. You wanted to give this a chance. To you it made sense to wait. You knew there wasn’t anyone who was going to be able to compare to Bradley so why even try? You didn’t care what they say or what they think. Bradley was the only one who’s on your mind.
It’s not like you didn’t still go out with your friends. You did. You just turned down every person who came up to you, unless they were offering to buy you a drink because free drinks are free drinks after all.
Bradley’s been gone for close to 6 months now. The longest 6 months of your life. You’ve been able to talk to him twice while he’s been gone and both times not for very long. Just long enough to update each other on the goings on in your lives and to tell him how much you miss him. But anything is better than nothing.
You were kind of procrastinating at work today. You were ahead in some things and you didn’t really feel like pushing yourself today. It was rainy which made it worse. All you wanted to do was climb back in bed. Every once in a while you stared out the window watching the rain fall. It was something to do. You were really just clicking around on your computer to make it look like you were vaguely working. Your motivation was shot for the day but thankfully work was so close to being done.
It was a surprise to see Bradley’s name pop up on your phone and you hurried to answer it, excited to be able to talk to him.
“Hey honey! It’s so good to hear your voice.”
You smile, “It’s so good to hear yours too! How are things?”
“They’re good. What about you?”
“Just the normal stuff. Kinda a blah day at work today. It’s raining too so no fun.”
“Well, I hope I can make it better.”
“Getting to talk to you definitely makes it better.”
“I think I can do better than that.”
“Yeah? How are you going to do that?” You ask.
“Look outside.”
You furrow your brow then turn to the window and look, seeing a familiar blue Bronco sitting parallel to the sidewalk outside your office window.
“Wha…. What?” You stutter out.
“C’mon, time to go honey,” he says as he gestures for you to come out.
“K,” you quickly hang up and gather your things before telling to your boss that you had to go then you rush outside to see Bradley standing in the rain holding the car door open for you.
“Let’s go! Before you melt in the rain!” He calls to you with a laugh and you run towards him and jump into his arms. He catches you and holds you flush against him as your legs wrap around his waist and your lips meet his.
After a minute or so you pull away, “That was probably the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Baby, you have set the bar so low for me. I can’t wait to blow your mind with how romantic I can be,” he says with a grin then with one hand behind your head pulls you down for another kiss.
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arriansarchive · 1 year
Regular Request Rules + NSFW Request Rules
Regular (non-smut) Requests Basic Rules
Request in the ask box
I am allowed to not answer (shouldn't have to be said but it is)
Do not request the same thing twice
I might add/change more rules and characters as time goes on because I'm forgetful
Just Notes
Why is my Miles Morales shit post getting reblogged pleeease pick anything other than that
Reader Rules (non-smut)
I will preferably do male reader
I might do gn reader
I won't do female reader so don't ask
I will accept reader being a characters sibling
Character Rules (non-smut)
I will do romantic female characters
I will do romantic male characters
Reader Rules (smut)
I will do dom!top!reader
I will do sub!top!reader
I will not do sub!bottom!reader
Kink Rules (obviously smut)
I will do degradation
I will not do praise (I'm horrible at it sorry)
I will not do pet names of any kind
I might do other kinks if you specify
Character Rules (smut)
I would preferably do m/m
I will try to do gn/m
I will not do gn/f
I will do m/f
Fandoms I Will Do
Spiderman Into/Across The Spiderverse
Miles Morales
Peter B. Parker
Miguel O'Hara
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
Gwen Stacy
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
(depends) Draco Malfoy
Nymphadora Tonks
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Mandy Milkovich
Veronica Fisher
Kevin Ball
Possibly others if you mention them
Young Sheldon
Georgie Cooper
Mary Cooper
IT Chapter 1/2
Richie Tozier
Eddie Kaspbrack
Bill Debsbrough
Stanley Uris
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Mike Hanlon
Eddie/Richie (movie/book)
Ben/Bill (book)
Bill/Stan (movie/book)
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers (male reader only)
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
Eddie Munson
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children (book)
Alma LeFay Peregrine
Caul Bentham
Jacob Portman
Emma Bloom
Fiona Frauenfeld
Hugh Apiston
Noor Pradesh
Millard Nullings
Eleventh doctor
Twelfth doctor
Clara Oswald
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
River song
Fear Street
Kate Schmidt
Simon Kalivoda
Josh Johnson
Ziggy Berman
Cindy Berman
Sally Face
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campell
Todd Morrison
Travis Phelps
Top Gun: Maverick
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring (x m!reader only)
Tao Xu
Harry Greene
Elle Argent
James McEwan (x m!reader only)
Imogen Heanley
The Fosters
Mariana Foster
Jesus Foster
Callie Adams-Foster
Jude Adams-Foster (x m!reader only)
Brandon Foster
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Darius the Great Deserves Better
The 13th Reality
Atticus "Tick" Higginbottom
Sofia Pacini
Paul (insert last name here since I forgot)
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perahn · 1 year
Good Friday, 2023
You were born, I’m told on a snowing night; Mary, saddlesore and shivering helped from the donkey’s back into the stable’s small shelter. Sometimes, though, I picture You born here Your star blazing disruption through the Southern Cross on a night too hot to sleep.
And I am told You died on a hard, bright day, burning with thirst under a scorched sky, Your mouth coated in dust and stung with vinegar. But I woke to rain this morning, so here I think about Your Passion in the rain.
How thick grew the leaves in Gethsemane? As the moonlight cracked through clouds the first drop touched Your hand. Peter, John, James - they were dry enough to sleep, but did the trees crowd close enough to shield You from the rain? Surely the blood, sweated through Your skin and dripping from Your robes, could not fall to be immediately washed away.
Rain, gentle yet, hissing in the torches, so their light is uncertain, and the men look more urgently for the traitor’s kiss. They took You quickly, hurrying to be out of the rain: home and dry.
A small space under an awning, a brazier warming Peter’s hands. A servant girl accuses him: he’s as wet as someone who’s been out all night, soaked like the criminal within. Peter lies to keep his sanctuary: he had work to do, he fell off the boat. He just got caught in the rain. The rooster's cry awakes a memory, he flees into the growing storm.
The crowd within are mostly dry, and warmed by hatred and self-righteousness. You cannot hear the rain strong and steady on the roof: it’s drowned in their demands. Only when troubled Pilate speaks to You alone, only then under his words and Yours, the constant drumming.
The soldiers didn’t want to work in the rain. They complained about the mud, they’d have to clean their armour. But, they said, at least the lucky ones with whips could warm themselves with exercise. They laughed and grumbled, as people do trying to enjoy a mucky job. They pulled the robe over Your flayed back, and perhaps the cool wet cloth might have soothed if they’d been gentle. There is no mercy in the crown and pain is harder when you’re cold.
The weight of the cross settles on Your shoulder. The wood is soaked and slippery already, and You walk. Your garment, woven in one piece, clings and chafes at every step. A stone turns under Your foot and you fall, facefirst in the mud. The rain falls too. It’s heavier now, forceful: pretending to be hail. You can barely see Jerusalem’s dear streets.
There are women, rainstreaked, tearstreaked. One of them sneezes. Veronica dries Your face: A small mercy, and futile in the eyes of those who only see the saturated cloth, the falling rain.
Simon of Cyrene is hurrying: his wife waits to scold him for tracking mud across her nice clean floors, he’s caught his death of cold, the foolish man. He smiles at the thought; his arm is seized: The soldiers push him towards You and the cross. This isn’t right, he says. I’m innocent, you can’t - They can.
You squelch together through the mud and stinging rain. Up the hill, and gravity pulls harder now. So tired and cold. There is so much left still to endure.
Stripped bare, laid down against the cross Needles of rain against Your skin, against Your eyelids are lost in the piercing of the nails. You are lifted, raised into the rain and cutting wind.
Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani!
The world should ache in silence at Your death: The rain falls on and on.
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somelazyassartist · 1 year
Holy shit I finished it!!!!! This attack took me AGES but it was so worth it!!! (Click for better quality)
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Links to characters pictured: Aavrhian, Adagio, Adella, Annabelle, Asteria, Azriah, Basil, Binny, BlueBeary (who belongs to my little sister and I'd really appreciate it if you checked her out!!), Cheesecake, Clemency, Clementine, Covette, Devil, Dottie, Egon, Eleanor, Ent, Eragon, Euros, Fae, Fizzy, Flora, Francisco, Glade, Hana, Harvey, Iris was hidden before I could submit the attack but they belong to Otherbuttons, Jax, Jewel, Leota, Lillith and Orion and Diego and Taro and Nox, Livia, Mammon, Maverick and Goose and Rooster, Mischief, Molotov and Ken, Nemphis, Pearl, Plum, Poppy, Portent, Prince Taffington, Sorbet, Thalia, and Veronica!!!!!!
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sixxteenbullets · 1 year
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IT (2017) || Henry Bowers, Beverly Marsh
THE OUTSIDERS || Dallas Winston, Ponyboy Curtis, Darry Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Johnny Cade, Cherry Valance, Tim Shepherd, Curly Shepherd
THE WALKING DEAD || Daryl Dixon, Carl Grimes, Michonne, Maggie Rhee, Glen Rhee
TWILIGHT || Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Leah Clearwater, Paul Lahote, Embry Call, Sam Uley, Edward Cullen, Rosalie Cullen, Alice Cullen
TOP GUN(MAVERICK) || Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw, Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw, Robert 'Bob' Floyd
SHAMELESS|| Lip Gallagher, Carl Gallagher, Veronica Fisher, Kevin Ball, Mandy Milkovich
PERCY JACKSON|| Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
CALL OF DUTY|| John Price, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish, Keegan Russ, Konig
JUJUTSU KAISEN|| Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Ryomen Sukuna, Takuma Ino, Shoko Leiri, Kento Nanami, Choso Kamo, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Toji Zen'in, Maki Zen'in
OTHER || Johnny Castle, Rusty James, Brigitte Fitzgerald, Ginger Fitzgerald, Randall 'Pink' Floyd, Tyler Durden(Brad Pitt), Brad Pitt
Request for other characters
Request other fandoms
Request as much as you want
Mental Disorders (to the best of my ability)
Eating Disorders
Abusive pasts
Self harm/Sewer Slide
hurt&comfort/Angst (love me some sadness)
Song fics
Heavy smut
Anything regarding mommy/daddy pet names
Expect me to answer your request right away, or do anything I'm not comfortable with.
Most things can be mentioned as past traumas, but I will NOT write anything in on the 'dont's' list in detail. Just ask!
ABOUT ME (to give you an idea of what I can write)
I'm a feminist
I have a history of SA/emotional abuse/an ED
I'm Bi
I love animals sm
My favorite artists are Jeff Buckley, Lana Del Rey, Hole, Megadeth, Ethel Cain, Cigarettes After Sex, Bon Iver, and Evanescence
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welcometololaland · 1 year
hi, rat! thanks for the ask. i hope you're enjoying your cheese.
R - which friendship or platonic relationship is your favourite in a fandom?
I think my ultimate favourite to write (and read, actually) is Nora, Alex and June interacting. I just LOVE playing with the friendly teasing and the chaos of Alex and Nora, with the calm, rational and caring influence of June. In one of my first RWRB fics I wrote a lot of Alex and June hanging out, and I adore their sibling relationship. There's so much love and understanding and mutual respect.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot
Firstprince (Alex/Henry - RWRB), Tarlos (TK/Carlos - 911 Lone Star), Jainan/Kiem (Winter's Orbit), LoVe (Logan/Veronica - Veronica Mars), Junora (June/Nora - RWRB), Hangster (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Jake "Hangman" Seresin - Top Gun Maverick).
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Carlos is a cat person. I can't explain it, he just is (TK, of course, is an every animal person).
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms
Answered this one previously by saying Schitt's Creek, but I'll go out on another limb and say Heartstopper because I love it, I think it's super cute, but I just don't have the hardcore obsession to write for it, you know? Need those hyperfixation vibes.
(send me an alphabet ask)
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Yankee Rose | J.H.S | 1.1
Summary: Getting called back to Top Gun couldn't have come at a better time for Erica "Miami" Kazansky. This was her fourth time being called back to Top Gun, and the failing marriage made her as excited as ever to go back. As one chapter ends, another one begins, but the connotation of that statement is up to interpretation.
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC Erica "Miami" Kazansky
Content warnings: Drinking, a butt dial, mentions of sex, fluff
xi. Everybody Have Fun Tonight
A/N: This is a filler but it's still important to read for chapter 12
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It was girls’ and guys’ night. Erica went with Phoenix and Bob’s girlfriend, Veronica, to The Hard Deck while Jake and the guys stayed at his apartment. She picked everyone up at Jake and Javy’s apartment, with Bradley being late because he forgot to get the alcohol. They ordered drinks almost as soon as they walked into the bar, with other patrons offering to pay.
“Hang on, I gotta text Jake now that we’re here,” Erica said before everyone started taking shots. She texted Jake, but she didn’t turn off her phone screen before sliding it back into her pocket.
Jake’s phone started ringing. All of the guys had started things without Bradley. He tended to drive like an old man at times, and this had been one of those times. Everyone had beers and a horror movie was playing in the background when he answered the phone.
“Yeah, babe?”
Erica didn’t respond, and from what he could hear, she was mid-conversation with Phoenix and Veronica. It sounded muffled, too, so he guessed that she had butt-dialed him and hadn’t realized it yet.
“Okay, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in bed?” He heard Phoenix ask. He chuckled before going back over to the guys.
“You won’t believe what they’re talking about,” he said.
“What is it? It can’t be any worse than what we talk about sometimes,” Payback said. Jake chuckled and put the phone on speaker, muting them just to be sure that they wouldn’t be heard.
“Your leg was on his shoulder?! How did you even- actually, no. How did you get up, let alone walk after that?” Veronica asked.
“I don’t know, I just… did,” Erica said. As soon as he heard her voice, he became red in the face. Everyone in the room was looking at him strangely.
“I don’t want to listen to this. I’m hanging up,” he said.
“Wait wait wait, I think my girlfriend is trying to say something,” Bob said. The room became dead silent as they listened closely to what Bob’s girlfriend was trying to say. After hearing her say that they use toys in bed sometimes, Bob started madly blushing and it was kind of a funny sight to see. Jake hung up shortly after that and thanked God that Bradley was running late. 
It wasn’t like they didn’t talk about sexual things during guys' night, they did. But they never went into that much detail, and Bradley had made it clear when Jake and Erica started dating that he would literally rather die than listen to the details of their sex life. Erica had been like a little sister to him, and just the thought of knowing those details felt wrong.
“I wanna talk about the leg thing. Mostly just how you two managed to do that and not end up in the hospital,” Fanboy said.
“Listen, all I’m gonna say is that it was a good experience but I pulled a muscle,” Jake said.
“Was it your di-,” Fanboy stopped when Bradley finally walked in, “Hey, Rooster. Erica butt-dialed Jake and you will never believe what she was talking about with Phoenix and Bob’s girlfriend.”
“Dude, shut up!” Coyote groaned.
After Bradley repeatedly stated that he didn’t want to know what everyone else knew, they finally got off his back about it. Erica had decided to stop drinking after a bit. She wasn’t tipsy, but one more drink would’ve done her in and she was the one driving. After sharing a plate of nachos, Erica paid the tab and everyone left. Veronica texted Bob that they were on their way back to Jake and Javy’s apartment. The movie was over at that point, and all of the guys were sitting around and talking.
“Hey,” Erica said as she opened the door to the apartment. Jake got up and gave her a hug before greeting Phoenix and Veronica. They joined in on whatever conversation the guys were having before Bob decided that he wanted to go home. It was after Bob left that everyone else realized that it was okay to leave, so it wasn’t long before it was just Erica, Jake, and Javy in the apartment.
“I can walk you home if you want,” Jake offered.
“Yeah, that would be nice.”
Jake slid his shoes on and grabbed his keys before walking out the door, holding hands with Erica. It was a seven minute walk, but it had also gotten dark out and he didn’t want her walking alone.
“I think you should put your phone in your bag next time you have a girls' night,” he said as they walked into her house.
“Okay, why?”
“Well, you accidentally butt-dialed me. You were talking about the craziest things you’ve ever done in bed. The guys heard.”
“Oh, God, please don’t tell me that Bradley heard about the leg thing.”
“He didn’t. Fanboy almost told him but we got him to shut up eventually.”
“I’m so embarrassed.”
“Hey, don’t be. It happens. Plus, if it helps, we heard Bob get exposed, too. I’ve never seen him go so red.”
“Okay, that is kinda funny.”
They had made it to her bedroom before she started to change her clothes in front of him. She crawled into bed after throwing a few of the decorative pillows on the floor and motioned for Jake to lay next to her.
“I only have a few minutes because I have to be up early. I gotta talk to Cyclone about the banquet. Apparently, I’m allowed to give a speech.” 
Erica shot up at the last comment.
“What? When did you find out about this?”
“Yesterday afternoon. I was gonna tell you earlier but I didn’t want it to be in front of everyone and I’m not really ready to see how Bradshaw and Phoenix take this. I have a feeling they both wanted to give speeches.”
“Jake, that’s great! Come here, let me kiss your face,” she said. Jake happily obliged and let her kiss him. He left after they cuddled for a few minutes, but he didn’t leave without kissing her goodnight first.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you, too.”
The banquet was a few days before they had to leave for the wedding, and Erica was all about planning things in advance. She texted Phoenix and asked if they could go dress shopping together, and it wasn’t a surprise that she said yes to the offer. When they went and picked out their dresses, Phoenix’s jaw dropped when Erica walked out of the fitting room.
“You’re wearing that?!” She exclaimed.
“Yeah, it’s pretty.”
“It’s sexy is what it is. You guys won’t even make it out the door.”
“Well, it’s a good thing that you and I are getting ready together.”
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@littlebadariell @cycbaby @luckyladycreator2 @idontcare-11 @blue-aconite @maverick-wingman @shawty-fenty @littlemisstopgun @rosiahills22 @katieshook02 @justanothermagicalsara @caitsymichelle13 @smoothdogsgirl @adoringsebstan @cherrycola27 @alexxavicry @mrsjaderogers @mak-32 @thefandomimagines @tallrock35 @caatheeriinee07
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topgunruinedme · 1 year
Admiring from Afar
Relationships: Background Javy/Bradley, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Javy "Coyote" Machado, Robert "Bob" Floyd/Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Reuben "Payback" Fitch/Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
Word Count: 1.98k
Am I allowed to look at her like that
A gentle breeze brushed against his skin, causing the trees to sway and leaves to fall from their perch. Gleeful screams followed the wind as Jake’s voice travelled through the house, reaching him from his spot leaning against the doorway to the patio, slightly hidden by the kitchen but somewhere nice and quiet to take a moment to relax. Jake roared playfully and the kids screamed as they attempted to get away from him, squeezing between his legs or ducking behind furniture as they giggled. Clearly having the time of their lives. 
Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at 
He watched as Javy stepped past Bradley with a pile of plates slapping the mustached man on the back, momentarily pulling the older man from his conversation with Maverick to grin at each other. Maverick let out a small laugh shaking his head in amusement, taking a sip from his drink as he leaned back in his chair to catch the eyes of his husband nudging his head towards the pair. Callie and Nat were laughing together with Jake's older sister Veronica, the woman held a little blond babe on her hip. He looked like a spitting image of his mother, it almost hurt to look at. Her husband hovered by her side, his hand on her lower back as he beamed up at her. 
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
Mickey was lounging back on a sunbed, Reuben had somehow managed to curl into his boyfriend's lap his head on his partner's chest as Mickey tiredly ran his hand through the man's hair. Chuckling lightly as he talked to Neil and Billy, Neil was leaning against the pillars of the under cover patio while Billy had laid out on the grass taking in the sun. 
She tastes like apple juice and peach 
Jake's smile was simply blinding. He caught his niece around the waist lifting her up into the air with a dramatic grunt causing her to squeal. Her brother roared out a battle cry as he attempted to tackle Jake's legs causing Jake to stumble. 
“Uncle Javy! Help us” his niece cried out, unable to stop giggling as Jake's fingers attacked her sides with a grin. 
Javy glanced over at the pair shaking his head with a chuckle, “You're on your own kid, I’m not getting in the mud for you today” he turned back to Logan and Brigham, helping the men set out plates. 
She tastes like apple juice and peach 
It made his chest swell in pride with how far the blond had come. From that arrogant prick to see him like this in a family setting. It gave him hope. 
Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture
He took a sip of his warming beer, glancing around the yard with a satisfied smile. He let out a soft sigh as he listened to the family around him. There was no other way to explain it, they had all become so closer over the last year, to him. They were family.  
His silence was broken by the sound of a cupboard opening in the kitchen, hinge squeaking as someone shifted something around, he tilted his head when a cupboard shut in the kitchen, offering a smile to the woman who exited the room with an apron tied around her waist, her hair pulled back under a Stanton that he had quickly learnt was a family tradition. 
“Are you going to be joining us?” Mrs Seresin asked, stopping by his side with a crystal bowl filled with a salad.
And she means everything to me
Jake lifted his niece above his head, swooping her down in careful persecution, something he's seen the man do in his jet as he lifted her up again in the pre-tense of flying a plane. 
She laughed “Jakey! I'm flying!”. 
His blond hair glowed under the Texas sun, his skin had tanned slightly making him look all that much more of a god under his rolled up flannel. He let out a laugh filled with pure happiness grinning as his nephew chased them cheering them on. 
“Yes. yes you are Holley”. 
I'd never tell
No I'd never say a word
He shrugged quietly, “I wouldn't want to intrude” he offered. Shifting to face her fully, his mother having drilled manors into him at a young age that he still couldn't shake. The older woman was smiling at him gently, she tutted slightly, shifting the glass bowl.
“Nonsense” she scolded. She glanced past him to her son, “He’d want you to join us”. She huffed in irritation “That’s why you're here after all”. 
He frowned in confusion, tilting his head, the bottle falling limp in his hand knocking against his thigh, “I’m sorry?”. Why he was here?
“Jake, my son” her lips lifted in amusement, “The pain in the arse?” He snorted lightly, the woman laughed. “It’s why you're here, if he didnt want you, he wouldn't have invited you” she says bluntly. 
And oh it aches
But it feels oddly good to hurt
“He invited you here,” she smiled. “He invited you all. It was quite a shock honestly” she let out a small laugh “Jake’s never brought anyone home before and now suddenly he wanted to bring an entire unit back” 
“Squadron” he corrected absently causing ehr to shake her head in amusement, 
“Two peas one pod” she rolled her eyes fondly, “You're too alike for your own good”.  
He blinked, glancing out at Jake. The man liked them enough to bring them home to meet his parents when no one else was worthy of it. His heart jumped seeing the blond play so well with his family, how family oriented the man was. He wanted the man to stand in their living room and play with their children like that. 
She smells like lemongrass and sleep
“He arranged the room’s you know” Mrs Serein added causally there was a mischievous hint to her smile. Almost as if she was saying something she shouldn't have.
He hummed questionably, where was she going with this? His brows furrowed slightly as he looked at his…friends? Mother who looked downright feral, terrifying with the calm sweet smile she gave him.  
She tastes like apple juice and peach
“We have a big ranch, lots of places to stay and make beds. Yet, he chose to double you up” she gave him a pointed look that he didn't understand, “You want to know where he put you? You were easy, first person he placed” she scrunched up her nose “Took him 5 seconds”. 
He felt weary, it would make sense to pair couples or by pilot and wso, it's not like they hadn't shared rooms before. But she made it sound so ominous. He still wasn't sure how Jake felt towards him. 
“He chose to room you with him, darling. To share a bed despite there being enough for all of you”. His heart jumped, chest warming as he yearned for the other man's affection. Jake chose him? Did he want him too? Or was he just the easiest to pair off?
“He chose me?” he asked hopefully. 
She leaned in and kissed his check, “He picked you honey”. She gave him a soft smile before moving back out the rest of the daggers. 
Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture
He wasn't sure how long he stood there trying to comprehend the information, his hands shaking slightly as he took a sip of his drink, starting when the glass side door opened. Jake entered, giving him a slightly concerned look. 
“What are you doing in here Bobby?” he asked brows furrowing but there was a carefully placed ensuring to smile and let him know he's joking. “Hiding?” he teased, coming to his side and nudging him gently. 
And she means everything to me
His lips curled up slightly as he tilted his head slightly to look at Jake, “I've just been talking to you mum” he said lightly watching as Jake shifted unconsciously. 
“Oh?” Jake prompted. 
“I‘m rooming with you?” he asked gently. Watched Jake glance around uneasily biting his lip. 
“I can move you if your not comfortable with that-”
“Jake” he interrupted firmly, catching the man's chin, forcing him to stop chewing on his lip due to the lack of a toothpick. Something he had noticed the man doing not long after the mission. He couldn't help but brush his thumb over the slightly stumble forming, the prickly hair brushing against his skin roughly. “It’s fine, it's sweet,” he added.
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
“Sweet?” Jake croaked. 
He hummed in confirmation refusing to enhance on it, his thumb gently brushing against his jaw fingers dancing across the skin of his neck feeling the man's pulse jump under his fingertips. 
His heart pounding in his chest, blood rushing to his ears as he smiled gently, “Like you” he admitted softly.
and I'll be okay
Admiring from afar
Jake swallowed thickly. The charged air between them was affecting them both. “Bob-”
“Foods ready!” Mickey shouts with a cackle as it was soon followed by a startled squeak.
He stepped back away from Jake, forcing on a smile “I'll see you tonight then…partner”. He ignored the sight of Jake staying there half leaning down, head bowed in his grasp letting him tug him around as he wished. Jake cleared his throat behind him before following. 
Cause even when she's next to me
We could not be more far apart
He spotted Neil splayed out on the grass looking slightly dazed as Mickey dropped himself over the top of him happily. It made him smile briefly, he wondered how hard the tackle was. He had been on the receiving end a few times but he doubts they had ever used their full strength against him. Despite all his muscle and having proved multiple times that he could keep up with them, his baby face made them treat him like he was weaker, younger, like he needed protection.
He hated it. 
Cause she tastes like birthday cake, and storytime, and fall
But to her I taste of nothing at all
He took his seat down beside Natasha who tilted her head slightly at him offering him to cuddle into her side silently, she was too perspective. He could never get anything past her. He watched as Callie attempted to drag him into their conversation and get his attention of what could possibly happen tonight. 
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep
She tastes like apple juice and peach
Jake was smiling as Javy leaned on his shoulder, kicking his leg out to cause Bradley to stumble. Laughing as the man swore violently on to be scolded by Mav and Iceman. The two older pairs had relaxed in chairs beside each other, although he had a suspicion it was really just Iceman keeping his husband on a short leash for when the fireworks were brought out.
You would find her in a polaroid picture
And she means everything to me
Jake glanced up smiling wide and caught his eye, there was something soft there. Almost as if the man had wanted to say something so desperately important but couldn't. He smiled briefly, turning his attention back to Callie, missing the way Jake's smile flattered.
Yes she means everything to me
His chest screamed as it tightened painfully, he refused to ruin this friendship, no matter how much he wanted to. No matter how much he yearned to wake up with Jake curled around him every morning. To see his soft tired face under the morning sun or how he wanted to kiss the man goodnight every night for the rest of their lives.  
She means everything to me.
He would just…admire from afar. 
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
🐳 + Harriet, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs ✨💚✨
Their favorite TV show: Veronica Mars
Their favorite fruit: Peaches
The short story of their birthday: Harriet was born in a hurricane as their parents were on Holiday and they regularly joke with Lauren that this makes them Aquaperson
Their favorite flavor of ice cream: Butterscotch
Their most embarrassing moment: Quinn pantsed them during a game and Hattie never lives this down. Quinn is Public Enemy Nr. 1 from then on out.
Their most unexpected quality: Heart-to-hearts - they're incredible at them for some reason
Their most destructive habit: Thinking that no one will accept them for who they are so they tend to push people away
What makes them cry the most: Thinking of their dad leaving them and their mom because of who they are
Their Chinese zodiac: Rooster
Their favorite (honorary) family member: Their mom and Lauren
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Retribution Road - Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC (an old west au)
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VERONICA "SMILEY" BRADSHAW & BRADLEY "ROOSTER" BRADSHAW are a pair of infamous outlaws of the American West known as the Backwater Bradshaws. Train robbers, bank robbers, runaways, gunslingers, and bandits. They'll do anything for a bit of money, gold, and especially a thrill. They've been running from the law since they were kids, together through thick and thin. But Bradley has gone missing, and when Veronica receives a note that could lead to his location, she is determined to find her brother.
JAKE SERESIN is the new sheriff in the town of Serenity Ridge. And when one of the notorious Backwater Bradshaws starts to stir up trouble in his town, he jumps at the chance for a bit of fame himself. But it may just be better to bring both of them to justice instead of just one. So, along with his deputy Javy Machado, Jake goes along with the outlaw to find her brother.
But what lies at the end of this road? Fame? Fortune? Love? Retribution?
this idea popped into my head today and with some serious help and sound boarding from @newlibrary a new au has been born...
top gun taglist:
@oneirataxia-girl @arrthurpendragon @pasta88love @theforevermorereject @sqrlgrl22 @townley-29 @alittlelostalittlefound @fenderenderender @chaoticassidy @capswife @marrianena @luckyladycreator2 @fulla02 @fangirlofallthings22 @dempy @imagineyneyjr @blue-aconite @commxnderwolffe @darkestbeforethedawn16 @sopheeg @mizzy-pop @loveforaugust @hope-love-equality2 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @onlyheretowastetime @supernaturaldawning @frenchtoastix @oneelleandaneye @agentminnesota187 @smoothdogsgirl @indynerdgirl @newlibrary
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takadasaiko · 1 year
I really want to write a fic exploring Rooster, Phoenix, and Hangman meeting in flight school at Pensacola, but I need to work on A Flicker of Light, a Veronica Mars one shot that's probably about halfway done, and, oh yeah, my own stuff.
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foothefighters · 1 year
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steve harrington
robin buckley
nancy wheeler
eddie munson
joel miller
ellie williams
matt murdock
marc spector
peter parker
lip gallagher
fiona gallagher
carl gallagher
ian gallagher
kev ball
veronica fisher
mickey milkovich
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NOT ALL FANDOMS I WRITE FOR ARE LISTED IN MY MASTER LIST AT THE MOMENT ! feel free to leave a message in my mailbox requesting a fandom you don’t see!
No link just means that I haven’t written for that character yet :)
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© all rights reserved to foothefighters. Plagiarising, translating, reposting, or modifying of any kind is not permitted without the proper consent or crediting
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autisticarmadillo · 6 months
Well now I'm confused. My previous source said you can determine chicken genders at about 1 week by the amount of tail and wing feathers they've grown in by then. Going by this test, I determined when the chicks were a week old that I have 8 females and 2 males.
Now more research (I tend to just do random research on various subjects at random times) tells me that if a chicks comb (can we even call it a comb yet? There's nothing there, they're so little!) is bright red at about a month old, it's a male. So going by this test, at least 1 of my previously thought to be female chicks are actually male??
I'm so confused.
I think I'm coming to the conclusion that there may be no actual way to test my chicks' gender until they're adult enough for the roosters' crow. Is this the hazard of breeding mixes? Probably. But honestly, I get gorgeous chickens by mixing, so I'll take the confusion.
I will say though, it's a really good thing I give me chickens quirky names. Could you imagine if I accidentally named a rooster something like "Veronica"? That poor boy.
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Jillaroos debutant Kennedy Cherrington is giving again to the charity behind her life-saving open coronary heart surgical procedure
Kennedy Cherrington received the call-up that she would be pulling on inexperienced and gold as a Jillaroo, the day after taking part in within the NRLW grand remaining.  The 23-year-old has represented the nation earlier than, in rugby 7s and within the Wallaroos A squad, however being a Jillaroo is a lifelong dream.  “I’ve all the time wished to be a Jillaroo ever since I used to be little, I began taking part in rugby league once I was 10,” she stated.  Coaching on the Gold Coast earlier than heading to the World Cup, Cherrington is match and wholesome.  However she does not take her well being as a right —  Cherrington was born with a congenital coronary heart defect  “Mitral regurgitation, so my valves weren’t related to my coronary heart wall correctly so oxygenated blood wasn’t delivered to the remainder of my blood correctly,” she stated.  “I had life-saving open coronary heart surgical procedure once I was eight.”  Kennedy Cherrington underwent open coronary heart surgical procedure when she was eight years previous. (Equipped: Kennedy Cherrington) My old flame, rugby league Cherrington turned to junior rugby league in Western Australia as quickly as she was properly sufficient in her restoration.  “I received cleared for footy once I was 10, that is when mum and pa gave me the inexperienced mild to play,” she stated.  “Ripped in ever since and carved up all of the boys.”  In her late teenagers, Cherrington moved to Sydney to pursue alternatives in rugby union. After a number of years taking part in rugby 7s and with the Waratahs, she made the soar again to rugby league, taking part in for the Sydney Roosters and most not too long ago, the Parramatta Eels.   “I fell in love with the sport once more; the love has all the time been there — my old flame — [and] I wished to return to my roots,” she stated. “My older cousins, my brother all participant league; it is sort of within the household.”  “I am the primary woman to come back by way of the pathway. If I might be that individual for my household and the subsequent era to come back, for me, illustration is the whole lot.”  Kennedy Cherrington at a coaching camp with the Jillaroos.(ABC Information: Heidi Sheehan) Veronica White Medal winner Kennedy Cherrington is an envoy for HeartKids, a charity that helped her when she was youthful. (Equipped: Kennedy Cherrington) Cherrington has used her platform to assist Heartkids, the charity that assist her when she was youthful.  “I simply feels proper,” she stated. “As quickly as I constructed the platform that I did again in 2020, I reached out to them and stated, I might love to assist, I’ve received a platform, I am a ‘Heartkid’ myself.” Her contribution, each on and off the sector, has been recognised with this 12 months’s Veronica White Medal for NRLW Girl of the Yr.  She cut up the prize cash between her junior membership the Rockingham Sharks, HeartKids and the NRL WA Pathways for females.  “I am actually pushing for that 18th (NRL) group to Western Australia or a consultant of the unaffiliated states, NT, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia — with that comes the enlargement of feminine sport,” she stated. “All the ladies over there simply wish to play footy. Everybody’s simply eager to become involved. “That is going to be me, I will be that voice, that push, that motive for the place I got here from, again in Perth.” Discover extra native information Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News
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