#veronica: hates his guts
forseties · 4 months
i want to draw party member jasper shenanigans... does anynyan have scenario ideas... i cant think of anything
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lelelego · 3 days
is there a canon ending you have in mind for Eli and Boone?
god yeah. i'm gonna put this under a cut because it turned into a long one. this is not just the ending but the stuff leading up to it. word vomit galore
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just want to reiterate this is all in my insaneo mode head and simply fnv eli's timeline as far as i'm concerned
in a nutshell eli decides an independent vegas is ultimately the best for the residents. he has a hard time deciding between an ncr rule (a somewhat more organized freeside and new vegas, and potentially more resources aside from energy), but seeing firsthand the idiocy operating under the monolith, incompetence, and corruption, does he decide to help the followers of the apocalypse establish control over the area with the help of the king, since julie farkas and the king are both actual people of authority who the people of freeside respect.
when eli tells boone he's not going to help the ncr, boone's conflicted. he's been following eli around because (1) eli makes good on his promise re:fighting the legion, (2) eli is a legion magnet because caesar + lanius hate his guts and keep sending hit squads after his ass, and (3) he genuinely thinks eli will die without him. (none of this is related to the fact that boone enjoys his company, obviously. not even a little bit. obviously.) he's torn between the ncr, the only system he knows, and the person who stands as the trigger of the largest political change in the region. is he responsible for changing this person's mind? does he want to change eli's mind? he doesn't know shit about the ramifications of the ncr leaving, nor the ncr staying. is he just following orders again? despite what happens at bitter springs (hopeful ending) he can't really let the idea of the nation he grew up with go.
so at the end of second battle of hoover dam, the ncr gets chased out (mostly). eli still doesn't really know where boone stands regarding the ncr, because for all his talk and bluster he doesn't want boone to dislike him for prying (which has happened already before). forgive him, he's got a big fat crush that won't go away on the guy. he's tired. he's hungry. he's thirsty. but all he can do is think, "boone's going to follow them back." which is when the picture above happens. he snaps back to his senses obviously, because what right does he have to ask something like that?
but boone stays. eli goes to talk to julie and he's there. eli sits at the tops in benny's workshop for days, programming and reprogramming systems for the securitrons and tinkering with finer motor controls and he's there. eli negotiates with the crimson caravan and he's there. eli is confused but yknow. what is he going to do talk to the brick wall of a man about his feelings??
boone sees what eli does for the people of freeside. even helps, sometimes, even though the only thing he thinks he's good at is killing. he thinks, is this what being better is? is this what amends aree? but like a reoccuring rash he gets the Itch. thinks about the ncr. about manny. they could enlist back into first recon, easy. he goes back to novac to look over things he'd left there, things he used when he'd freshly left first recon, spends the night in his old room.
only he can't sleep. he can't sleep because he can't hear the sound of eli playing some shitty video game on his pipboy. he can't hear eli and veronica arguing over which snack is the best for the road, or eli tuning ED-E to different frequencies to see what he can pick up. he can't see eli going to the bathroom what feels like every 5 minutes because of his wacked out digestive system. he can't hear eli cursing as he tries to take off his leg brace only for something to get stuck, and then him rustling around for his tools, not being able to find the right one, and then jamming whatever he can find in the joint to get it unstuck.
so he goes back to new vegas, and when he sees eli's smile when eli sees him, dirty and sweaty from working, he knows it's an easy choice to make.
(yes they eventually do h*ld h*nds. when is that? i don't know. when IS that. someone tell me please)
after that eli and boone stay in vegas for a bit to get everything as stable as possible, even though it's an uphill, impossible challenge, and then i think eventually eli's curiosity would get the better of them when he's a little older and he'd leave to find different things to prod and look at with boone at his side :^)
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sensei-venus · 9 months
Serpent-Cide (1/?)
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(Unedited) (Reader secretly hates everyone, she just wants to go home. Number one #fuckthenorthsiders fan Reader. Reader is just a loner who tolerates everyone’s bs.)
(Part One|Part Two|Part Three|TBA|)
Reader didn’t want to think about school. She didn’t want to think about having to walk the halls along side the stuck up students. The cheerleader, jocks hell even the geeks of the school where assholes. It was like the north side was a target for producing shitty ass people.
Just about everyone in the whole town could be labeled a horrible person.
It was like they where breed here, raised here, meant to start a life long relationship with hurting others. Both physically and mentally, hell even emotionally.
Half of the kids at that school where skilled at emotional manipulation.
“Reader you will be assigned to the welcoming committee. You don’t have any community hours for this semester so this should give you quite a few. Make sure you meet in the hallway tomorrow morning, 8:00 sharp. The new transfer students from SouthSide High should be arriving by then.” One of the volunteer heads said. Reader slumped in her seat a little and rolled her eyes. Great, now she had to deal with not only the stuck up northsider kids but now the southsiders.
Moments later the bell rang for first period and everyone in the community room slowly started to leave. She waited a moment until just about everyone was gone. Slowly grabbing her bag from off the floor she made her way to class. The hallway was crowded as she maneuvered around the crowds of students. Flooded with kids, pushing and shoving each other.
The sound of something hitting lockers, hard, filled the hallway and made her look around. She pushed past the people around her. Hoping to just get to class. She didn’t need to get into anyone business, know anything she really didn’t need to. It would just be a reason for her to keep thinking about the people who lived, breath and love this shitty ass school. All she wanted to do was get to class.
Sadly her luck wasn’t on her side this time, it never seemed to be.
Her eyes caught the one and only Reggie Mantle as he shoved some poor kid face first into a locker. Their eyes only met for a moment before him and his friends went back to what they where doing. Messing with some bottom feeder kid who probably just looked at him wrong. The urge to just go the other way she came started to bubble into her gut. So that is what she did, turned right back around and went with the flow of the opposite direction of traffic. It would take twice the time to get to her class but she didn’t have to worry about bumping into that jerk. She huffed as she was shoved deeper into the crowed.
Why did this school always have to pull the worst shit over on her.
The next morning didn’t go as planned at all. The bus she usually took to go to school broke down and she had to walk. Instead of waiting around to get a ride she decided to just walk it. She ended up having to jog just to make it on time. All she needed was some stupid mark on her record for “trying to skip a volunteer credit” or something from the leadership board.
Huffing she enters though the front of the school where she was meet with a few different faces. Most of which made her even more exhausted then she already was.
Archie, Veronica, Betty and even Cheryl stud around the almost completely empty front hallway. It was almost as if half of the student body didn’t want to be around the southside kids. She kinda understood where they where coming from, then again she didn’t really care. Stereotyping a whole group of people they had never even meet before wasn’t really something she had hopes of doing. The southside was bad, shady and drug filled. But as long as these kids didn’t mess with her like the kids at this school, she would be ok with them.
Hopefully they would just cut her some slack and leave her alone for the rest of the year.
Or, her worst nightmare, they picked up on half of the schools ideals for bullying people, no matter who they where or what they did.
“Hey Reader you made it! I was scared you would have skipped the introduction.” Betty said in a whisper as they walked to a more casual spot in the hall. Reader just sighed, looking at the closed front doors of the school. She had to admit that her nerves where a little on edge. Being around people for her was hard, even people she knew. Betty was a okay person, a little preppy and a bit of a good girl but she was nice enough In Reader’s opinion.
She wouldn’t say they where friends per say but rather good acquaintances. They worked on a few projects together, sat with each other at lunch a few times, borrowed books from each other when they checked them out of the library. Nothing huge to make them good friends but decent enough that Reader didn’t see her as a issue to deal with.
“Stupid bus broke down and they wanted me to wait for a whole hour for another one to show up. All I need is that community leader to try and say I was trying to skip. It’s always something with this school…” she trailed off. Lazily she checked her phone, Betty only nodded saying “I get it…this school definitely sucks some times.” Reader snorted, sarcasm laced her voice “Puff that’s the fucking understatement of the century…” she pushed her phone back into her pocket. Betty only gave a small half smile before walking off to go see Archie.
For a good few minutes she just watched them. The two teens where talking about something and then Veronica joined them. She raised a brow as she glanced over at Cheryl who looked to be glaring at the other teens. It was funny to see the “Queen of the school” not be invited to their little party. Even if that party was three other people talking without her. Stuck up bitch. A smirk passed her lips for just a split moment.
Suddenly the door of the school entrance opened with a huge bang.
Some kids that were still in the hallway scattered at the mere sound, some from the sight of who walked through those big doors. The braver students stayed in their place, a hand full, mostly the jocks. They slowly started to creep up from the back of the hallways. Slowly inching closer and closer. Inching in towards new pray, or more like an even foe.
The southsiders were making their way into the northsiders territory and threatening their sickly little teen livelihoods. The big dogs were about to get pounced on by a whole bunch of serpents.
A whole herd of students walked through the doors, stomping up to the small group of teens. Reader was reluctant to join them, not because she was afraid of them or like most of the other kids still sticking around wanting to harass them. She just didn’t want to act like she was alongside any of these people.
She was quick to notice that one of the leaders was actually Jughead, which was a little shocking but not by much. Jughead was just as much of an outcast really as she was, maybe a little more popular seeing as he was Archie’s best friend.
The look on his face was insanely similar, mostly because it mirrored hers. The look of both boredom and disgust crossed his face quickly. As soon as he stepped close to Cheryl it seemed to double by ten folds. Out of nowhere, Reggie made his appearance from one of the hallways, a few cheerleaders and half of the team of jocks followed close by. He stepped up and stood behind Cheryl who only smirked at Jughead.
“Listen how about you and your little “serpents” go find another school to destroy. We don’t need your low IQ’s muddying up our school. We can only expect our test scores to start dropping dramatically in the next few weeks because of you and your little trailer trash bunch.” Reggie bowed up “Yeah and your little junkie friends. Bet we will start finding needs all over the hallways and burnt spoon in the trash cans.” Some of the jocks and cheerleaders laughed. Cheryl only smirked, her cherry-red lips only seemed to grow at the words.
Two of the kids behind JugHead almost growled at them, bowing up but then being held back by Jughead.
One was a girl, slight brown skin with long dyed pinkish purple hair with a serpent jacket on. It also my swamped her shoulders in the thick leather material. Her face was twisted up in a nasty scowl as Jug held her back.
The other person was a tall boy with black hair and a good-sized snake tattoo on his neck. Reader couldn’t help but look him over in curiosity. The tattoo stuck out to her as she scanned him over, the bob of his throat, the glimmer in his eye of pure hate. It was…interesting. She was glad that she stood off to the side. Maybe no one would notice her gawking at the bean stock of a boy- slash that, man.
Reader almost jumped a little when the boy broke free of Jugs arm. He marched up to Cheryl and Reggie and basically growled right in their face. Jughead was quick to grab him by the back of the jacket along with the help of the girl. Both of them use a good amount of strength to pull him back. It wasn’t easy as he fought back against their attempts to reel him back in. His height and weight alone kept him from even flinching at their pulls.
Lucky he seemed to calm only by a little and stepped back. He bared his teeth at them, almost in mocking and anger.
This did nothing to phase Cheryl and only made Reggie more riled up. One of his eyes twitched and a vain popped from under his collar. He stares all of the southside kids down, trying his best to some how intimidate them. Believing that somehow it was going to do something to them.
It failed miserably as the other southside kids held their ground.
“Love how I’m gone only a little while and I come back to this, the same loving treatment as before. Great job keeping your mutts in line Cheryl.” Jughead mocked with crossed arms. His gaze shifted from her to Archie for a moment. A look of displeasure corsages his face. Maybe even a hint of sadness threatened to form. But it was quickly gone within moments of appearing. Archie gave a small smile back hoping to show his feelings on the situation. Jughead seemed to take it with a grain of salt.
“Can we just stop fighting for once. We have to share our school and it’s only fair that we at least try and be civilized.” Veronica said getting between the two groups. She put both hands out to stop the two groups from getting any closer to each other. There was a small table a few steps over, she walked over to it and grabbed a few papers.
Looking them over before holding them up, she looked back toward the serpents. She cleared her throat saying “Over here you will find your class schedules, locker assignments, and a map of the school. We will also be assigning small groups of new students with some of our volunteer students. They will help you with any questions you may have about the school, show you around, and also help you figure out any resources you may need.”
There was some mumbling among the group.
Betty and Archie walked over to the table and grabbed some of the papers. Betty read over a few things on one of the pages. The other girl shoved a new paper into her hand making her roll her eyes. She looked it over and raised a brow.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yep, it’s right there. Start grouping up after they all get their schedules.”
Suddenly Veronica’s gaze shifted over to Reader. She cocked her head to the side and just stared at her. Reader felt herself clam up a little.
This was definitely not going to be a day to go down into the good history of the school.
It was going to be a literal blood stain by the looks of it.
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(Will be continued, will be cross-posting to AO3!)
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fangable · 8 months
another toreodor named Veronica hii - hiiiii! may i see your Veronica too👀?
hi hello of course!
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gorgeous portrait courtesy of @vtmgremlin!!!
my Veronica's a photographer/dominatrix/soon-to-be club owner from my Berlin chronicle. she's nearing her 150th birthday, she's spent most of that time as a member of the Camarilla, working as a diplomat & spy for the local prince, but a few years ago she decided she's had enough and defected to the Anarchs.
a few additional fun facts about her:
she's secretly a Bahari,
has a mortal goth gf named Lena,
has recently kind of adopted a daughter,
has spent 60+ years blood bound to her sire, Ferdinand, until she managed to escape; she now understandably hates his fucking guts.
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yourthoughtsjim · 4 months
Spin the Bottle
Jughead Jones x reader, afab/femme
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Warnings: daddy kink, praise, slight overstimulation, fingering
Word count: 2.9K+
It had been seven years since you last saw the town of Riverdale. Seven long years of rebuilding yourself after the horrors that you experienced during your residency. 
Pulling into the familiar light yellow house that was the Andrews’ residence, your heart pounded. Things between you, and the group of people you had once considered your friends, went in a not-so-savory direction. 
Last time you saw them, you got caught cheating on Jughead with Sweet Pea. You had no intentions of doing anything with Sweet Pea except to go undercover in the Ghoulies, but something in you snapped when you saw him in the pale moonlight. 
Taking a deep breath, you raise your hand to knock on the door. You start to fidget and look around nervously. It didn’t take long for the door to swing open. On the other side, you see Archie Andrews, who didn’t look much different from when you saw him in high school.
He gives you a polite smile and escorts you inside. That’s where you’re led to the dining room. That same dining room where you and the rest of the gang came up with plans to stop Hiram or The Farm.
Memories flood your mind of the countless times where the five of you would sit around the table after Mary had made a delicious meal whenever she was in town. It was almost surreal being back here, and not just in Archie’s house but in Riverdale as a whole. 
As soon as you walked in, you got Jughead’s attention first. His face went from one of a smile to one of sorrow. He remembered what you did to not only him, but his fellow Serpent. All of that pain resurfaced. 
The rest gave you sympathy smiles as they went on about their own conversations. You sit awkwardly across from Jughead. 
Finally, after the talking has died down a bit, you look at the beanie wearing comic book writer. “So, why was I called back? I thought you hated my guts.”
“Oh, y/n, I never truly hated you. Was I a little hurt? Absolutely, but you ran off before I could get a chance to tell you that.” He responds.
“I… oh.” Your voice drops to a whisper.
“What about Sweet Pea? I really honestly cared for him. I don’t know why I hurt him the way I did.” 
“He was beat up about it for a while but eventually, he learned to forgive you, just like you should forgive yourself. We were in high school. We all did and said some stupid things.” 
“Yeah, I guess.” 
Betty then reenters the room. “So, the reason I had asked everyone is… yes everyone…” She pauses looking at you. “There’s something brewing here. I don’t know what it is but we need to find out. I do, however, have an inkling on who’s behind it.”
Veronica rolls her eyes. “My father. Of course it is. You know, he can never have enough. He’s so selfish and narcissistic. I should’ve put a hit on him a long time ago. Maybe that’s what I’ll do. I am tired of him thinking he can get anything just because of his name.” Sighs are shared between all of you. 
“Okay, how are we going to find out more info? I want him out of my town.” Cheryl more or less demands it. 
“That’s what we have to figure out but for right now, we need to lay low. We can’t let Hiram know we’re planning something.” Archie says.
“That’s fair.” You respond.
“So, what do we do in the meantime?” Betty inquires.
Cheryl’s eyes lit up, “We all go to Thornhill and relive the glory days of our youth with a rousing game of spin the bottle, mayhaps?” 
There was a look shared between the group before your gaze landed on Jughead. To which you give a small smile. 
Later that evening, after a nice meal at Pop’s, you arrive at the mansion known as the Blossom residence. The smell of maple syrup filling your nose as you exit Archie’s hot rod. 
The sweet aroma had you feeling nostalgic for the old times. Where you would help them solve the mystery behind Jingle Jangle or Fizzle Rocks. You remember the times you spent at this very house just so Cheryl wouldn’t be alone with her family, much to her mother’s displeasure. 
“Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we will be having a spectacular evening filled with stories from when we were young. Now, please, follow me.” Cheryl instructs you all to the gathering room. 
There, candles are laid out precisely around the room, as is the Cheryl Marjorie Blossom way. On the floor was a large round red carpet. The same red the HBIC herself always wore on her lips.
Gesturing, she implores you all to take a seat. You sit across from Jughead and in between Cheryl and Betty. In the center was a glass bottle. 
“We will be pulling names out of a hat to determine the order.” Cheryl announces.
She holds the hat out in front of her and with a slow turn of her hand, she pulls out the first card. Dramatically, she turns it around before quickly reading it. “Kevin Keller!” She proudly shouts.
The son of the local sheriff leans forward and gives the bottle a whirl. He looks at the rest of the gang nervously as the bottle comes to a slow stop, pointing at Reggie. “Come on, Mantle, show me what you got.” Kevin states. The kiss was a decent one. Not too long and not too short. 
Of course, you were the last one chosen. You had already received kisses from Veronica, Betty and even Cheryl. Cheryl’s having the most passion behind it, naturally. 
Your hand was shaky as it landed on the bottle. Your heart raced as you spun it. You had hoped it wouldn’t land on anyone you didn’t really care for. 
Eyes widening, you see who it came to a halt on. Your ex, Jughead Jones. A chorus of “Ohh’s” roared around you. Your vision tunneled a bit, focusing on just him.
You timidly scooch closer to him. He had a smirk on his face. He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. “You’re just as pretty as I remember you being.” He comments. 
A blush crosses your face. “Jug…” You playfully smack him. 
You feel his hand on the back of your neck before he pulls you into the kiss. It felt as if the rest of the world melted away and it was just the two of you. A heat formed where it hadn’t in quite some time. 
Betty and Veronica had to practically rip you two apart before you got too into it. You wipe your mouth of the saliva that had gathered there. By the time you regain your composure, you realize just how heavy you were breathing.
“Talk about a blaze of glory. It seems like an old flame just got rekindled.” Cheryl remarks to Archie. 
Some of you had planned on staying at Thornhill that night. It was mainly the core four and then you. You make your way to your room for the night. The rooms you were to stay in had been randomly, or as you would come to find out not-so-randomly, picked by the bombshell herself. 
It was then you turn the knob. Entering you see your belongings on the bed to the right as you look to the left, you notice a familiar looking duffle bag. After looking at it for a few more moments, it clicks as belonging to Jughead. 
“Damn it, Cheryl.” You mutter under your breath. 
“Why are we damning a Blossom family member? I’m not opposed, I would just like the reason.” You jump at hearing Jughead’s voice. 
“O-Oh, it’s nothing.”
Jughead knew otherwise, however. “You know you can’t lie to me. You’ve never been able to.”
“I’m not lying.”
“Yes you are. I’m the only one who can see through that innocent exterior you shell yourself with. Now, tell me, what is it?” His voice was soft but stern.
“It’s… Cheryl knew what she was doing when she put you and I in the same room together.” You respond. You then sit on your bed awaiting for Jughead’s next statement. 
A soft chuckle came from him, “Maybe, but that doesn’t matter. Let’s talk about that kiss, shall we?” The question was spoken in a teasing tone. 
Your body temperature rose as each of his hands found the bed right next to your thighs. Your heart pounded in your ears as you went a tad lightheaded. You accidentally giggled when he lowered his head to yours so you were eye to eye. 
The Serpent King looked at your plush thigh before sliding his hand over it. He doesn’t do much, just rests there. He remembered how you like to be teased. It got you off almost as much as the sex itself. 
“It was almost as if you were desperate to kiss me. I could feel the pout in your lips against mine. So cute. Your desperation, that is. I also noticed the little whimpers you were letting out. Yeah, those ones. The ones you thought nobody could hear, but I remembered just how to pick those up even in the loudest of rooms.” He states as he gets closer to your ear.
His hand had reached up higher by the time he was done talking. It was sitting dangerously close to your clothed heat. A heat that was surely escaping. After all, you had decided to wear a skirt tonight. 
“Come on, remember how it felt for me to reach my hand in these, always soaked, panties.”
Your breath hitched as you felt his touch on your clit once again. “It’s pulsing against my fingers, just like it did before. Tell me, y/n, have you been with anyone else after me?” He inquires.
“Mhm, I h-have, a few actually.” You stutter out.
“Have they made you feel as good as I did?” His fingers were now circling your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“N-No, they… You were the only one to truly satisfy me.”
“That’s what I thought.” The circles got faster, but only slightly.
Your legs had spread, unbeknownst to you. Your brows furrowed as you looked at your former lover in the eyes as he touched you like he once did. You tried to keep your wits about you. He was your ex, you really shouldn’t be doing this but at the same time, couples don’t stay apart forever in Riverdale.
“You’re so wet, princess. You must have gotten worked up earlier, or was this more… recent?” 
“So you’ve been sitting around in wet panties this entire time? Dirty girl.” He teases.
“Poor little serpent. Sat there so wet and sticky. You could’ve just come to me immediately.”
Serpent… that was a nickname he loved to use on you during your time as the Serpent Queen. It always made you feel special when he used it. Like you were his prized possession.
Jughead never let up pressure once. He knew how you like to be touched and that’s what he was going to do. 
The pleasure got to be too much and your mind snapped. “Daddy… I missed you.” You whine.
“Oh, you remembered my title. Good girl. Daddy missed his little princess too.” His voice is a touch raspy. 
That’s when he inserts two fingers in your cunt. You fit around them like a glove. Almost as if your cunt was made to take his fingers. As a writer, his fingers were quite nimble. He knew which spots to hit and how much pressure to give.
Your hips rolled into his hand, grinding your clit against the palm of his hand. “Desperate little bunny. Humping my hand like that. God, you’re so fucking hot when you get like this.”
“I just want my Daddy to make me feel good.”
“Of course, you do. That’s all you ever wanted. I bet you thought about me over the years when you were touching yourself or even when you were with other guys, huh?” He teases. 
You would be lying if you told him no. You thought about all the random hookups where you would accidentally moan out Jughead’s name or late at night, when your wand was on your clit and you were pressing down so hard while you grinded into it. You also remember how when you would hump your pillow, you sobbed wishing it was him.
“I did, Daddy. I thought about you so much. I just wanted to be your little girl again. I’m sorry I h-hurt you.” 
“I forgive you. Now, why don’t you show me that pretty face you make when you cum?” 
Your mouth hangs open slightly and you squeeze your thighs around his hand. “There it is. So gorgeous. Just like I remembered it.”
He slowed to a stop as your orgasm finished. It was intense. It almost left you gasping for air. You had forgotten just how good he could make you feel with just his fingers. 
“Did you know we were going to get back together tonight, or did you wear this pretty little skirt just because?” Jughead keeps teasing you.
“I-I… please. I’m sorry, I just want you back.” You plead with tears in your eyes. 
“Shh, it’s okay. Daddy forgives you. Now, just lay back and spread those pretty legs for me.” He gently commands. It was like you two had never broken up with how easy it was to remove each other’s clothing, save for your skirt and of course, his Serpent jacket he always liked to fuck you in. 
Legs spreading easily apart so that Jughead can take his rightful place in between them. Your eyes get blown wide open when you see him above you at long last, after all these years. Thinking back, you recall those nights when you had your vibe on your clit, pretending it was him controlling it.
Just like before, he slid every inch of his thick cock inside you at an agonizingly slow pace. Again, he fit inside you like a glove. Your insides curved perfectly with his cock, which made it easier for him to hit your g-spot every time. 
“I missed this sweet cunt, baby girl.” He growls. 
“I missed your cock, Daddy.” You whimpered. 
A quick passionate kiss was shared. Jughead also loved the way you moaned into his mouth. He drank up each and every one of them.
“That’s it, good girl. Fits around me so well, just like a good serpent should.” There he goes with that nickname again. You could cum right then and there but you held on. You held on until you wanted to drench the writer in your juices. 
Your mind flashes back to a nickname he liked to be called. “H-Hellcaster!” You scream out. 
He almost stops dead in his tracks but instead, he speeds up, fucking into you with reckless abandon. The name really got to him, made him feel powerful. 
“Call me that again.” The command comes out in a growl.
“Hellcaster! Fuck!”
A wicked grin appeared on his face. “That’s right.”
His thumb made its way to your clit and rubbed roughly, sending your legs spasming. You were so close it was bordering on painful.
“D-Daddy! Please, gonna cum.” 
“Cum all over my cock like a good girl.” He grabs you by the back of the neck and forces you to lock eyes with him.
Your vision blurred slightly when your orgasm rushed over you. You stayed true to your word and coated him in your squirt. Jughead followed suit not too long after you. “Shit!” He growled when his warm cum spurted into your swollen cunt.
“Messy, messy girl. Just how Daddy likes it.” He comments. 
The next several moments were spent on the two of you coming down from your highs. He even gave your body some small massages. 
Getting dressed in your pjs, you decide to head to the kitchen to get some water. As you open the door, your face drops when you see Betty, Archie, Veronica and even Cheryl standing there.
“U-Uh, how long have you been there?” 
“I can’t believe Jug likes to be called Hellcaster in bed.” Veronica states. Shit, a while then. They all heard you call him Daddy. This takes the cake for the most embarrassing moment of your life. 
“I do wonder what it’d be like for this pretty one to moan out Mommy.” She follows up. That sent a heat down to your already throbbing core. 
“We’ll have to find out one day, now won’t we?” Jughead comes up behind you and snakes his arms around your waist. 
“If you two are done, we would like to go to bed peacefully.” Cheryl almost demands.
“I don’t know, it has been a while since I’ve gotten to fuck her tight cunt, I might have to do it again.” Jughead teases. 
The red head rolls her eyes. “Goodnight.” Was the last thing she said before practically storming off. One by one the rest followed.
“So about that water?” Jughead lightens the mood.
“Yeah, yeah, come on… Hellcaster.” You purr in his ear.
“Keep it up and I’ll fuck you over the kitchen counter.”
“I’m counting on it.” You end with a wink.
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somnicordia · 8 months
4 5
by TheHangedMan
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XVI. America Burning
[[ chreon, aeon, past! chrisker, metaltango, rated e, 16/45, 8k]]
There were a hundred different protests that rose up and died in the back of Claire’s throat. Chris had trained her— she’d proven herself to be more than ‘a kid barely out of highschool’! She balled up her fists and squared her shoulders, staring down Jill like it might have been an even fight. “Please… Claire.” Chris cut in, the rage having seeped out of his voice. “I’m not keeping you out of this to spite you.” “Then why are you?” Claire spun, feeling hot, angry tears prickle at the corners of her eyes. God, she hated that her gut instinct was to cry when things went wrong. This was not going to make her seem as strong as she needed them to think she was.
“You guys are leaving tomorrow?” Claire stood, taking another drink of her beer before placing down on a coaster.
“Yeah. We’re following a trail of weapons dealers that might be in possession of the T-Veronica virus from Rockfort. If we can find them, their trail might lead back to—“ Suddenly, Chris halted in his tracks, eyes open and fixed on the ceiling.
Claire hadn’t been there for their fight, but she had seen the facility collapse in on itself. When Chris had told her he knew without a doubt that Wesker had survived— that he’d become something less than human— it had been hard to believe, but she’d had no other choice. Her brother wouldn’t lie about something like that.
Besides, he was haunted by it.
Claire could see it eating at him. It wasn’t quite an obsession, but it was nearing it. The new workout routine and the bulking were a product of it. He’d probably put on ten pounds of pure muscle since Antarctica and there was no sign of stopping there. Since he quit smoking, he smelled more like protein powder than cigarette smoke.
“It’s fine. Confidential information and all that. I get it.” Claire opened the fridge door as she verbally closed another. The small, but colorful, cake was in her hand, withdrawn from the nearly empty fridge. All these little things were connected. Wesker’s name wasn’t the only one that was becoming difficult for her brother to speak.
“Yeah, sorry.” Even from where she stood in the kitchen, she could see Chris fidgeting.
Her eyes focused on him and slowly it became clear that he was looking for something. Broad hands patted at the fabric of his pants, checking the back and then the sides. Abruptly, his hand sank into the right hand side pocket, fingers curling around his target. Then the hand withdrew and opened, fingers blooming out like flower petals.
There, cradled gingerly in his cupped hand, held as if it were fragile as glass, was a single small, brass bullet. Already smashed, like it had been fired once before.
◇ read more
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jinxedwood · 8 months
Question!! I recently started (and finished) Veronica Mara and I am a HUGEEEE fan!!! Logan is my personality currently.
I hate hate hate S4, and not just for that horrible ending. But I did see some people saying a few things, if you could please clarify as a Burnt Marshmallow.
1. Rob Thomas apparently really liked/favored Piz? Is this true and are there any interviews where we can see it? He’s got terrible taste
2. RT, Kristen Bell and someone else I forgot apparently talked down to fans who were heartbroken over the ending of S4?
3. Someone re blogged a post of Jason Dohring being super sweet, thanking and saying the best part of the show was his cast mates. The hashtag the user posted though was basically saying “Move on Jason, these people don’t deserve you because they don’t think of you the same”. Which leads me to think not so nice things about the energy of the cast.
Any tidbits about the show is highly appreciated, LoVe forever!!!!
I might not be the best person for this ask because, while I was a fan, and I did gobble up all the LoVe fanfic I could get my hands on, I wasn't really part of the fandom.
Here was my impression though.
1. RT did talk up Piz, but I don't think that was because he was his fave, but because he was the writer's creation and he had a purpose in the show. He was a nice guy, but he wasn't the *right* guy, and I think that needed to be shown. If Piz was RT's fave, he would have had made more of effort to give him a meaty part.
I do think he may have toying with the idea of Leo being a future partner but nobody was into that idea either.
2. The spin after season 4 was ridiculous and the way RT doubled down on everything was not the way to go. There was an element of 'i'm right and you're wrong' that nobody was buying. I didn't take it personally though. I just thought 'oh, my sweet summer child'. The guy was trying really hard to sell a 'Veronica Mars on the Road' reboot, and nobody was interested. He killed off a fave character for nothing.
3. I will be honest. This wasn't a cast issue, this was a fan issue. I never got the impression the cast had issues at all. Killing off Logan was not a personal thing for RT, it was a logistical one. He wanted to carry on with the VM story but it was too hard to round up all of the original cast for the new show. So he made a decision - dump the ensemble and move on to a show that only relied on the lead. He killed Logan because it would give VM a good reason to leave town. From a writer's POV it made sense, from a fandom POV it was a gut punch. RT undervalued Logan and the rest of the cast as part of the VM story. Nobody was interested in watching a VM show without the other characters. It was the relationships in that show that made it magic. He killed the show.
I'm still mad as hell about the awful ending but I don't think this was a diss on Jason Dohring.
And RT made a bad judgement call but I genuinely don't think he was trying to be an asshole. (Believe me, I'm a survivor of fandoms that had to deal with asshole showrunners. RT is not even in the running.)
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terrific-fish · 2 years
I have some Thanksgiving Headcanons for the dads under the cut. I love them, your honor
Darryl: He wakes up early and does all the fixings. He does all of it himself because he's particular about the process. His episode 23 Dad Fact was that he names the turkey and treats it like a kitchen assistant, then pretends to be horrified all day for the bit. He makes "Peach Gobbler" for desert. Grant thinks it's cringe and doesn't like it. Nobody touches the bird until everyone is at the table together, even if Carol gets called in to work.
Henry: He sets up a Vegan Thanksgiving feast, but every year he makes sure to tell Lark and Sparrow how problematic Thanksgiving is, and calls it Family Day, or something similar, to justify having the feast. Mercedes' family from Ecuador visited only once, and after the gut upset from the sheer amount of Tofu, they never made the trip again. Lark and Sparrow get into a food fight every year, which may have been a factor in their decision.
Glenn: This is the last week he gets with Nick before he has to leave for Christmas Touring. He tries to make it great for Nick, and do the whole homemade feast thing for him, but he also knows he can only cook from a box. Starting on Monday, he practices cooking from scratch and fails miserably. He keeps trying up until the Thursday, when he makes stuffing from a box and reheats a precooked turkey. Nick loves it.
Jodie: He makes the whole meal. He lets Nicholas help him. Nicholas suggests adding more seasonings, and Jodie teaches him that too much seasoning can ruin a dish. Nicholas agrees, and the feast is finished. They serve it, and it's bland. The two of them agree that they used too many spices and that's why it isn't good. It happens every year, and Morgan laughs every time.
Ron: Ron never learned to cook. Every year, Samantha tries to teach him to make the feast (even though she's not great at it either) but they run out of time after one sidedish. They go out to eat at Applebees. Ron orders macaroni and cheese every time. Terry Jr. hates is, because Terry Senior would make a stunning spread and it's another way Ron failed him.
GEN 2:
Grant: Grant and Marco make the thanksgiving meal together, and have included age-appropriate meal prep for Lincoln since his adoption. Lincoln loves spending the time with his dads. Marco carves the bird every year after noticing that Grant seemed hollow after doing it himself.
Sparrow: Makes the meal himself. When Hero and Normal were younger, they'd be underfoot and make a mess. Anything they touched was awful, because Sparrow didn't know how to fix it, but everything else is immaculate. Hero doesn't like Thanksgiving, but Normal really likes having the whole family around, even if it can get a little tense. Lark doesn't attend, because Sparrow once promised that Henry wouldn't be there, but he was, and it was a disaster.
Nick: I maintain that Nick knows performance cooking. He only does it for special occasions, and this is one of them. He cooks for his family on the flat top, and makes a huge meal. None of it is traditional Thanksgiving fare, and that's the way he likes it. Taylor's eyes would light up at onion volcanoes.
Terry: On his first Thanksgiving with Scary and Veronica, he pulled out all the stops. He researched how to make the perfect feast, and made it perfectly efficient. Veronica was amazed and it made her fall for him even further, but Scary was disdainful of it. Terry will proceed to take them to restaurants (though it probably won't be applebees) in the future in hopes of making Scary more comfortable.
(Also Hermie eats three frozen dinners and pretends to be his parents, because one is a doctor and never home, and the other is too busy trying to overwinter their roses to be bothered. Sorry but this kid's background has gotta be depressing)
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kinger-fr · 7 months
Dad says act our age
You heard the man, it's time to rage!
Blast the bass, turn out the light
Ain't nobody home tonight!
Drink, smoke, it's all cool
Let's get naked in my pool!
Punch the wall and start a fight!
Ain't nobody home tonight!
His folks got a waterbed
Come upstairs and rest your head
Let's rub each other's backs
While watching porn on cinemax!
[Heather chandler, kurt, ram, kids]
The folks are gone
It's time for big fun!
Big fun!
We're up till dawn
Having some big fun!
Big fun!
When mom and dad forget
To lock the liquor cabinet
It's big fun!
Big fun!
Ok, ok, ok
So, it's salt, and then lime, and then shot?
[Heather mcnamara]
No, it's salt, and then
[Heather chandler]
You're doing it wrong!
[Veronica, spoken]
Really? 'Cause I feel great
[Preppy stud]
Veronica, you are looking good tonight!
A hot guy smiled at me
Without a trace of mockery!
[All but veronica]
Everyone's high as a kite
Ain't nobody home tonight!
Stoned. Zoned. I should quit
Hey, is that weed? I want a hit
[All but veronica]
Fill that joint and roll it tight
Ain't nobody home tonight!
Dreams are coming true
When people laugh but not at you!
I'm not alone! I'm not afraid!
I feel like bono at liveaid!
The house is ours
It's time for big fun!
Big fun!
Let's use their showers
That sounds like
Big fun!
Big fun!
Crack open one more case!
I think that's what they call third base
Big fun!
Big fun!
Big fun!
That actually looks like
Big fun!
Big fun!
Big fun!
Alright, people, listen up!
What is westerberg gonna do to the razorbacks at Sunday's game?
Gonna make 'em go whee!
Whee! Whee! Whee!
Big fun!
Big fun!
[Heather duke]
Way to show maturity!
Big fun!
Big fun!
[Heather duke]
Quit it jackass, get off of me!
Big fun!
Big fun!
Yo! Ram! Emergency!
I just saw some freshmen sneaking over the pool fence!
I hate freshmen!
Where are you little pricks?
I'm coming for you!
Hey, are you okay?
[Heather duke]
I didn't need your help
Aw, thanks, heather, but I don't really have to vomit right now
The party's hot, hot, hot
It's time for big fun!
Big fun!
You need a jello shot!
We're having big fun!
Big fun!
[Heather chandler]
Martha dumptruck, in the flesh
[Heather duke]
Here comes the cootie squad
We should -
[Heather chandler]
Shut up, heather
[Heather duke]
Sorry, heather
[Heather mcnamara]
Look who's with her
Oh, my God!
[All three heathers]
Dang! Dang! Diggety-dang-a-dang!
Dang-dang! Diggety-dang-a-dang!
I can't believe you actually came
It's exciting, right?
Oh, I want to say hello to ram
I brought sparkling cider
[Heather chandler]
Showing up here took some guts
Time to rip them out
[Heather duke]
Well, who's this pig remind you of?
Especially the snout
[Heather chandler]
[All three heathers]
Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang!
Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang!
Where the hell are those freshman?
Hi, ram
I wasn't gonna come, but since you took the time to write that sweet note
What note?
Why d'you gotta be so weird all the time?
People wouldn't hate you so much if you acted normal
There's no alcohol in here! Are you trying to poison me?
Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang
Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang
Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang
The folks are gone
It's time for big fun!
Big fun!
We're up till dawn
Having some big fun!
Big fun!
So let the speakers blow
They'll buy another stereo
Our folks got no clue
'Bout all the shit their children do
Why are they surprised?
Whenever we're unsupervised
It's big fun!
Big fun!
Big fun!
Big fun!
Big fun!
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 7 months
Helping Love - Part 2: He's an Omega
Veronica knew when she walked in the door yesterday from a long few days of night shifts, with one of her friends who she worked with let her stay over with, that something was wrong in her mother's house. She didn't like her stepfather, the way he singled out the youngest among them and the way Lance shook whenever he was near him. It irked all of her nerves badly and she didn't like it. 
So, walking up the stairs, knowing her mother was at work at this time and walked straight to Lance's room and saw a key in the lock. Of course, he got locked in again by his father. Bastardo. She hated him, Rachel would often express somethings that Veronica had a hard time trying to understand, maybe it was because she worked so much? It had to be. 
She turned the key and heard quick shuffling on the other side, fuck she forgot to call him out before she turned the key. She turned the nob and found a discarded blanket halfway on the bed and floor and if she looked close enough to under the bed, she could see blue eyes looking at her. "Sal, hermano, está bien, solo soy yo." she called out gently as she closed the door behind her with a glare and squatted down to look at a certain spot "V?" Lance called out looking at her, she nodded. "Come on, where's my hug?" she smiled as he crawled out with a small wince and hugged her. She hugged him tightly but lose enough so that he could breathe. She noticed bruises on his neck, and she pulled back to examine him, "Lance, what happened and where the hell did these come from?" she demanded softly like a mother would, but she was his big sister, she helped teach him things he didn't know when no one else even bothered to give him time. 
"I-I fell..." he stuttered as she gently pressed on one of the bruises with her thumb, Lance jerked a bit in pain but didn't move away from her. "Lance, this doesn't look like you fell" she tapped the bruise of his arm that he had to put back into place and he bit his lip with a wince, "I fell, I'll be careful next time. I promise" she frowned, he always said he promised when she found him like this, but it made her gut twist whenever he said it. Like he was lying to her. She really needed to take some time off work to be there for Lance, he was alone in this house and with his bastard of a father made her worry leaving him alone at all. 
She eventually sighed, today if she wasn't wrong, it was his presentation day but for some odd reason she had a sinking feeling in her stomach, and it wasn't a pleasant one either. "Do I have to go to my presentation today..." he whispered fearfully almost as she gave him a sad smile. "Unfortunately, yes, you have too. But I want you to remember something," she started making him arch a brow a bit as she grabbed his shoulders lovingly and firm but lose on his left arm because of the big bruise that couldn't have been from a sprain and looked him in the eyes, "I'll always be here for you. I promise" she told him as he looked surprised and looked like he was about to cry, she chuckled a bit and hugged him as he hugged her back. "Thanks V" she smiled, "Always Lance because that's what a big sister does for her loved ones that she cares about" he smiled a little glad to have her as his big sister. 
They broke the hug, and she helped him get dressed and was absolutely fuming when she seen more bruises on Lance, she was pissed honestly because none of these came from him falling somewhere. She worried for him terribly, he was as frail as he was fragile and she's not dumb, she can see faded scars that lay on his skin. "Lance," he looked at her with a bit of a head tilt "Whatever you present as, I won't leave you just because you have an ABO status. I swear to you I won't turn like everyone else" she told him sternly as he smiled and hugged her once more, "I love you V" he said as she chuckled hugging him back "I love you too Little Blue" he giggled, and she ruffled his hair. They heard footsteps coming up the stairs and they were creaking, immediately Lance stood rigid as Veronica stood up with her hand resting on Lance's hair like a mother would as a sign of hesitance and worry. Sometimes Lance got confused if she was his mother or his sister, he preferred either or since she was always there for him. The door opened and Lance bit back a whimper, Joseph looked at Veronica who looked at him in a small glare, "Can I help you?" she asked with a tone Lance wasn't familiar with, maybe she got it from her job? Joseph glared and looked to Lance who was wanted to shrink back from his piercing gaze. "Boy, let's go. Now" he gulped and left Veronica's protection hand to his father's side quickly and glanced back to Veronica nervously, she moved her hand in a gesture he was familiar with but didn't remove her eyes from Joseph. 
Joseph glared once more at Veronica before he grabbed Lance's wrist in a grip and dragged him away with Veronica's eyes following them. Getting in the car, Lance took the furthest seat away from his father and put his seatbelt on like Veronica taught him and they were off once the car's engine turned on. 
Lance watched all the passing buildings with interest, he hardly got to leave the house even going outside seemed like it was forbidden, maybe that was why he seemed a little pale. At least according to Veronica. But he was curious on the world outside the McClain house, it was rare for him to leave the house, but his parents knew he couldn't keep him forever in the house so when he was old enough, his mother planned to ship him out into the Garisson. For that he was excited to escape to the stares he always found himself staring at. 
Tracing his eyes over the blurs of people, cars and buildings they eventually pulled up the center where the tests for those who will get their new status. Now he was nervous and scared. What if he presented as an Omega? Everything will be worse from here on out! He took a breath and followed after his father obediently, he was trained by torture to follow someone without thinking. More often it was those who had more power and authority over him. Watching as his father went to the desk while ordering Lance to a seat which he obediently listened and remained quiet while hiding his hands in the long sleeve shirt Veronica gave him and she frowned at his figure sometimes. Lack of eating and how skinny he is, even his height was something she was worrying about. For his age, being this short wasn't a good thing despite all the males in the McClain family are tall and have muscle, Lance on the other hand, was the complete opposite. Skinny and short and had little muscle. 
He was still a child, almost 9 years old. So, it was acceptable, to a degree. 
He only had two more years before he would go to the Garisson. It was going to be his first escape, his newest safe place that he was ready to grasp. He just had to wait and be patient and hopefully during that time, neither Luis nor his father put his hands on him that would lead to him hurting more than a beating would. He just needed to breathe and pray he wasn't an Omega. That's all. 
His father soon joined him and with a glare that gave his order, they sat in silence with his father messing around on his phone even with the irritation it seemed to bring him. They waited for their names to be called but still Lance was nervous, very nervous he felt like he was shaking with anxiety. Soon enough 10 minutes later, Lance's name was called and the two went with the nurse. Oh man, Lance couldn't stop his nerves from spiking, he didn't like it or the dread in his stomach. She led them to a waiting room and gestured for Lance to follow her to the test room that was across the hall, she pointed to a seat, and he took a seat while she gathered the necessary items for the tests. 
She set them on the table and rolled up his sleeve, but he stopped her before she went further up, she paused looking at him confused "C-can you please do the other arm?" he asked hesitantly while taking a gulp, he didn't want her to see the bruise from his used to be broken arm. She tsked lightly but agreed and rolled up his other sleeve then grabbed a needle, "Now just take a breath, this'll be quick" he nodded fearfully at the needle but took a breath as it went into his skin and began to draw blood, seeing blood was never his favorite even if he's seen his own blood before. She then took out the needle and pushed the handle to let the blood drop out onto a machine, Lance looked at curiously, wondering what it was supposed to do and wouldn't blood ruin it? It's technology, Veronica was always explaining that liquid and Machine did not mix at all. 
The machine made a beeping sound that Lance by instinct covered his ears, he didn't like loud sounds it made his ears ring unpleasantly. She glanced to him and looked back to the machine while pursuing her lips, how was she to tell him? Omegas weren't treated fairly at all, and a Male Omega was rare. Turning to Lance with a frown as he let his ears go and fiddled with his sleeves while waiting, oh dear, she prayed he would have a good life even with his new status. 
Clearing her throat to gain his attention he looked at her nervously, "M-may I ask what I am?" he was timid with his question, and it made her heart ache, he was such a sweet boy from what she's seen he didn't deserve this much less this status of the three. "You're an Omega hun. I'm sorry" his eyes widen in fear, "I-I... I'm what?" stuttering made her aware that was not what he wanted to hear as she knew from previous patients that this was the expression to look out for when those who present as an Omega. "You're an Omega, these kinds of tests for status are simple. One blood test on the machine and the machine will scan your blood for your status, yours came back as an Omega. I'm sorry" she explained while he felt like he wanted to crumble to the floor and never leave it. The one thing he didn't want to be is exactly what he was. He was an Omega, and a rare Omega at that. He's dead when they leave the clinic. 
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Undead Unluck ch.152 thoughts
[It’s Showdown Time!]
...Wait, Billy didn’t get Unbelievable from a Negator? He can just DO THAT???
Cus it’s not like he has an established, pre-existing relationship with any other Negators, he’s just bouncing bullets right off the bat in his fight with Creed. Man is just that good of a marksman
And honestly this explains a couple of things. For one, Unbelievable doesn’t actually work by the usual logic of a Negator ability - it supposedly accomplishes feats that one would believe to be impossible, thereby negating the belief, but that’s more like using the ability to negate the source rather than negating the source to create the ability (i.e. Unfair negates the rule that every Negator has one ability, resulting in Billy having multiple abilities). Second, despite the fact that Billy was still an amazing shot, Andy didn’t list Unbelievable as being one of Billy’s abilities. At the time, I thought that this was because Billy wasn’t ricocheting shots, and I still can’t find him doing so during the fight with Andy, but now I’m realizing that in context, it was known to everyone else that Unbelievable never existed in the first place
As I predicted last week, we’ve finally gotten insight into Billy’s backstory both in how Unfair awakened and into his life prior to being a mercenary. I wasn’t expecting the graves that Juiz found him at to be his wife and child’s, I assumed it would be his team’s, but this allows us a way to look even further back into his motivations: Billy’s sense of fairness is survivor’s guilt
Why did Veronica and Betty, who were just living their normal lives at home away from any battlefields, have to die? Why are children being given superpowers that saddle them with the responsibility to save the world? Why should anyone other than Billy have to bear these burdens?
That’s why Unfair specifically required that the target hate or fear Billy; they need to be motivated to stay away from him and off of the battlefield. Knowing that there’s someone so absurdly overpowered, someone who can do everything they can do and more, is a great way to lose confidence, to become too afraid to fight any longer. That was the outcome that would work best for beating Creed in the original Buroja War, and the outcome that would work best for allowing Billy to usurp the Union and defeat God on his own
But that’s not the case in this loop
Billy is no longer fighting an enemy that he wants to scare off, nor is he surrounded by weak children that he wants to protect by keeping them at a distance. Now he’s fighting Fuuko, a stranger who saved his friends and who has the guts and strength to take him on in a fair fight, who herself is surrounded by strong allies who she can trust to have her back and who trust her judgment enough to take a step back when it looks like she’s in danger. In other words, exactly what Billy wanted when he formed Under, which he formed because he didn’t believe that the Union could meet that criteria
Seeing that the Union is made up of strong, trustworthy individuals, Billy realizes that he, a lone gunman, is woefully outmatched. Not only that, but Fuuko’s literally cheating in this battle, using her ability in a way that Billy couldn’t possibly have prepared for. Simply put, this fight is completely unfair towards Billy. Now instead of negating fairness so that Billy would be the only one who needs to fight, Billy negates fairness so that he can face an opponent who would ordinarily have an advantage and be stronger than him. By acknowledging an enemy’s strength, Billy gains the ability to overcome them with their own abilities; better yet, by acknowledging the strength of his allies, Billy gains the ability to focus all of their powers into himself
I guess as a tl;dr, the original Unfair’s goal was to make other Negators redundant, while the current Unfair’s goal is to support other Negators
It’s also fun that Fuuko summarizes this change in Billy’s approach by stating that the Union supports each other by believing in the possibilities they each represent. Despite Unbelievable being a lie, it’s still a key part of his character; Billy shouldn’t have been believed when he said his rule was Unbelievable, he shouldn’t have been believed when he said he was betraying the Union, he shouldn’t have been believed when he said Tatiana didn’t mean anything to him. That’s why he couldn’t use Unluck against Spring, and why he couldn’t use Unjustice against Juiz: they didn’t believe his words because they believed in him
There’s so many layers to Billy’s character, I love it. He’s fun to watch, he’s interesting to think about, and he’s overall just really cool
Before I finish up for the week, I do want to talk about Billy’s family a little. First, their names are Veronica and Betty, which is very obviously a reference to Betty and Veronica from Archie Comics. Why? I don’t know, maybe Tozuka just likes Archie Comics. Maybe it’s because Betty and Veronica forcing Archie to choose between them is unfair and it’s a stealth joke to Tozuka’s opinions on them, who knows?
Second, good GOD do they look like Lucy and her mom! Betty’s snot, Veronica’s apron...Tozuka’s pretty good at making characters look distinct, but I and many other people in the comments immediately thought that Betty was Lucy, at least for a little bit. They do have different hairstyles, and obviously Lucy isn’t born until the 2010s, so they’re definitely not the same character, but it seems like Tozuka is implying that there’s some significance here. I think the hairstyle is meant to resemble Tatiana’s, so the idea is most likely that Billy sees Betty in Tatiana, which led to him considering her as his daughter, but there might be one more layer to it that’s yet to be addressed: Lucy doesn’t have a dad
Billy lost his family independent of his tragedy, so as far as the plot is concerned, there was no stopping that from happening. Billy has not regained the family he lost between loops, he’s just gained trust for his team that he didn’t have before. Tatiana, though, isn’t going to lose her family, so while she may still come to love Billy just the same, he won’t fill the void that her parents leave behind, and likely vice versa. How do we reconcile that? Give Billy a new wife and daughter, of course! And Lucy’s mom’s looking a little lonely, y’know?
Orrr...here’s a wild theory...Betty would have been 10 in 2001. 2011 she would be 20, and perfectly capable of having a child grow up to be between 8 and 10 in 2020. I don’t think this is the case, but Betty could be Lucy’s mom. That would be extremely messed up, since it would mean that Billy lived his life wracked with guilt for no good reason because someone deceived him (taking advantage of his belief!!!) and that Betty ended up dying anyway when Ruin basically zombified her. Unnecessarily cruel, if true!
Like I said, I don’t think that’s the case, and Tatiana will definitely go back to loving Billy as a father figure once Remember is used if not earlier, but there’s definitely a non-zero chance of Billy becoming Lucy’s new dad
Sometimes a family is two gay dads, a Russian couple, a single mom, a girl in a bubble, and a girl who probably should be in a bubble. It’s a tale as old as time
I guess the question now is what happens next. The 2003 tragedy makes the most sense, but I still haven’t figured out who the hell it’s going to be! It’s no one we’ve already recruited, it’s none of the children cus they definitely haven’t been born yet, it’s not Rip and Latla cus their tragedy isn’t until the late 2010s...I guess it could be Shen, we don’t know how old he is (his age is listed as a secret in his profile), so even if we assume he’s like...30 in 2020, then his tragedy being in 2003 would mean Mei died 17 years ago when he was 13, so that’d be reasonable, but I get the impression that he’s a bit closer to Mui’s age, like maybe he’s 25-ish and Mei died 10-12 years prior. It could go either way, but Shen’s tragedy doesn’t feel like the right one for Fuuko to have designated as the one that she can’t miss no matter what. I think there has to be one that had a bigger impact and would be more narratively dramat-oh...Oh god...
It’s Juiz
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motownfiction · 1 year
it’s not like the movies
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Emma spends a lot of her fifth-grade year watching movies. She’ll watch anything she can get her hands on, from the Hollywood classics to half of whatever cheap-to-license movie she can find on FX in the middle of a Saturday. And as she watches the movies, she thinks she figures out how life should be, how problems should be solved, how people figure out their happiness when all is said and done.
When people are right for each other in the movies, they find their way to each other. Sometimes, bad things happen in between their meeting and their sticking-together. Chad Michael Murray pretends to be someone he’s not, but he apologizes to Hilary Duff in the end, which makes it rain in Southern California. Quincy cheats on Monica right in front of her face, but in the end, they get married and have a daughter who plays basketball, too. Diane Keaton dates Doctor Keanu Reeves before getting back together with Jack Nicholson. She’s seen that last movie more times than any of them. Mom thinks it’s funny. Sometimes, she gives her a little hug and says, “Emma, you’re just like me. Born to be old.” It makes her feel just a little bit special, a little bit like she knows something.
And Emma knows she shouldn’t look to the movies to solve her problems. Even if they do make her feel a little less weird and a little less lonely, they’re made that way. She’s too young to know about cinéma vérité, so she’s pretty sure that all movies are made to make people feel like they have friends, like they’re not alone in whatever they’re going through, that life could be better than it is. She knows that the movies are liars. It doesn’t stop her from wishing – damn near believing – that this thing with Elenore and Charlie will turn out happily.
She believes it the whole time Elenore is pregnant. Charlie might be fourteen years older than Elenore, and he might be getting back together with Carrie. Mom and Daddy might hate his guts now, forever, until they’re all dead (and probably after that, too). But that’s not how it will turn out. It can’t turn out that way. If it turns out that way, Elenore will cry more than she already does, and Emma hates it when Elenore cries. Even her own tears don’t hurt as much as her sister’s. They’ll all see. Once Elenore has the baby, Charlie will come around to her. He’ll realize there was a reason he thought he could have loved her in the first place. He’ll tell Carrie that it’s really over, and he really means it. He’ll kiss Elenore, right then and there, and Mom and Daddy will forgive him because it’s really love. It will be just like the end of Dirty Dancing, only without all the dancing. Emma writes about it in her diary so much during that last month before Elenore has the baby, she actually begins to expect it.
Tonight’s the night Elenore has the baby. A little girl named Veronica with perfect arms, legs, and a perfect little head. Emma could have sat there and held her all night. Her eyes were closed, but she was like a little movie unto herself. As Emma held onto her new niece, she almost forgot about Elenore’s tears. She almost forgot about Charlie. But as soon as she forgot about him, she remembered. Her eyes scanned the room even though they didn’t have to.
Charlie wasn’t there.
He’s still not here.
Carrie had her baby tonight, too, in a different room. And he’s there. Because when both of them got pregnant, he picked Carrie with barely a second thought. He loves Carrie. He loves Carrie. At least, that’s what he says. At least, that’s what he told Elenore. At least, that’s why Elenore cries.
Daddy takes Emma home at the end of the night. She has school tomorrow, and Mom wants her to get plenty of sleep. On the way there, she knows she looks sad – too sad for somebody with a brand-new niece she just got to hold. Daddy asks her what’s wrong. Emma is silly enough to tell him everything.
She doesn’t know what she expects Daddy to do now. But when he puts his arm around her on the train, and she melts into his side, she thinks this is the best option. How lucky she is to have Daddy. How lucky baby Veronica will be to have him as her grandpa.
“Ah, honey,” Daddy says. “It’s not like the movies.”
“I already know that,” Emma says.
And that’s true. She knows it, and Daddy knows it. But when she looks up at him, she swears she can see the same look in his eyes: the all-blue one is disappointed, but the one with brown in it still has some kind of hope.
“I know,” Daddy says. “Bears repeating.”
Emma nods. She thinks she understands. They spend the rest of the ride home talking about what she’s going to do at school tomorrow, but Emma still can’t get over that look in his eye.
She thinks she’ll remember it for a long, long time.
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rookie-critic · 1 year
Clerks (1994, dir. Kevin Smith) - review by Rookie-Critic
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"I'm not even supposed to be here today!"
Clerks has been a major blind spot in my cinema viewing history, and I'm happy to say that is no longer the case. This is the film that not only launched Kevin Smith's career, but also the one that introduced the world to those two lovable rapscallions Jay & Silent Bob. For those that don't know, Clerks is an insanely low-budget, black-and-white film following two guys named Dante and Randall (played expertly by Brian O'Halloran and Jeff Anderson, respectively) as they go through a typical day (or maybe not so typical, the film never really specifies how abnormal this particular day is, so it's really up to you) as clerks at their respective jobs. Both guys can very comfortably be classified as slackers who don't take their jobs very seriously, although Dante would most likely argue with anyone who said that within earshot.
This one is a slow burn, and for the first 20-ish minutes of the film I was incredibly unsure if this was going to be something that I enjoyed. I almost couldn't stand Dante, and Jay & Silent Bob had taken up a total of maybe 30 seconds of screen time. It wasn't until Randall showed up that it clicked. The point of Dante is that he is a piece of shit. Doomed to complain about his very existence while doing nothing to try and actively change his situation. Randall is very much needed to be placed in juxtaposition to Dante. Dante seemingly hates his life and is under the impression that nothing, including his very loving girlfriend Veronica, is good enough. He's constantly looking for flaws or problems, and if one isn't there he'll pull one out of thin air. Randall, on the other hand, seems to be completely content with his shitty job (which he barely does anyway) and spends his days creating fun for himself in his drab environment. The choice to film in black & white, while most likely done for budget reasons, still drives this point home; painting the setting of the movie in this dull grey, accenting the idea that this is a monotonous existence for these two, and we're getting the two polar opposite sides of the spectrum in how they deal with it.
The film is presented as a seemingly unconnected series of vignettes, highlighting the (mis)adventures of the duo: a hockey game is played on the roof during business hours, cigarettes are absent-mindedly sold to a child, an old man asks to take a porno-mag to the bathroom, just an average day. This meanders for the first hour until, in the final 30 minutes, everything comes together, and the film starts to coalesce on its point. Your life is what you make of it, and even if you're not happy with your station in life, don't neglect the good things that are right in front of you. Now, I have to address the elephant in the room: there's a lot of uncomfortable and blatant homophobia in this, and I am told that is a common theme in a lot of Keven Smith's older work. Now, knowing the Kevin Smith of the modern day, he seems like a good guy who's turned a corner on that particular bad take, and I'm willing to look past it and enjoy the movie that is underneath, because Clerks is gut-bustingly funny in its best moments, but it was hard to listen to at times. That aside, I'm very happy that I finally watched this, it's a true gem of indie film making.
Score: 8/10
Currently streaming on Paramount+ and Showtime.
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spoilertv · 21 days
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rainbow-beanie · 3 years
Okay, this is a post that I’ve wanted to make for a LOOOONG time, but just now found the time
it’s the fact that some helluva boss fans keep on calling blitz blitzo. a lot of the times not even crossing out the o
now thus wouldn’t be a problem if it was just personal preference, but blitz in the show has SPECIFICALLY stated that the o is silent. so it just seems really rude to just keep mentioning him as blitz, or even blitzo (i personally prefer saying blitz, because it’s much easier)
it’s really not that hard to understand
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asexual-juliet · 3 years
what’s up everyone here’s your daily reminder that his name is cassidy and that my heart will never again be whole
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