#verse 》》》 to be determined
villains4hire · 1 year
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"Another day, another corpse found in the dishwasher." Taking a good breath.
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"Now who the fuck did this, fess up."
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nitro502 · 4 months
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vidra-comprehends · 2 months
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What in the world are we going to do? Look at what everybody's going through What kind of world do you want it to be? Am I the future or the history?
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nerdie-faerie · 6 months
I'm once again thinking about the missed opportunities to have Klaus and Kol bond more. Part of Klaus' whole motivation as a vampire is to get his werewolf part back and to finally be stronger than Mikael (sort of, I'm simplifying) both of which can be obtained by breaking his curse. But Kol? Kol is the only other original that can relate to having a fundamental part of themself ripped away from them. Klaus might not have known he was a werewolf until he killed, but he likely still had a connection he couldn't explain, as evident by him going to watch the wolves transform. And something he'd never been able to explain was now gone. He might only be able to realise the connection afterwards through its absence.
Kol though. Kol had grown up with magic, a connection to nature and the world around him in a way the rest of his siblings supposedly didn't have. And then he gets turned. And not only has his baby brother died, his father has just murdered him and the rest of his siblings after forcing them to drink human blood, which he'll later learn. Now, not only does he have to deal with the grief of Henrik's death and also his own but also the loss of his magic. A loss that's likely only worsened by Kol being a self-proclaimed child prodigy.
Kol is pretty much the only one who could understand what Klaus is going through with the binding of his wolf. We know Kol searched for ways to get his magic back/carry on practicing magic in the same way that Klaus was looking for ways to break his curse. While Klaus likely could still feel his wolf there despite being bound, Kol has no access to his magic anymore. I just think they should've been able to bond or connect over their shared loss of an intrinsic aspect of their selves at the hands of their parents
#TVD#The Mikaelsons#Kol Mikaelson#Klaus Mikaelson#briefly back on my the originals shouldve gotten to be a family goddammit and as someone from a big family im personally offended bs#i did right a lil snippet about them bonding over this that i havent posted yet for the joml verse but still think its an unexplored concep#need more witch!kol acknowledgement honestly. just need more content of my boy#anyway. klaus having a fascination with the moon and kol telling him about celestial events and how it affects his magic when theyre boys#klaus losing that connection to the moon feeling lost & extra tempermental feeling his wolf claw at its binds and vowing to break his curse#kol determined to get his magic back at any cost relating to that devasting loss and promising to help him find a loophole for his curse#kol who becomes extra reckless and determined when he learns that theres a way to break klaus' curse so maybe he can get his magic back too#that knowledge and recklessness combined with his loss of magic driving him to become the volatile vampire that we see#that leads to him being daggered repeatedly but that first time breaks something in that bond between him & klaus that never fully recovers#it makes him bitter and resentful only fueling his reckless behaviour particularly when there seems to be no leads on reclaiming his magic#that he becomes distant from his siblings in the process especially with finn still daggered but that distance only cements the idea#to his siblings that hes a danger and cant be trusted that he needs to be daggered if theyre to stay safe from mikael#the loss of his magic leading to his spiral as a vampire and him being ostracised by his family > actual tvdu kol canon#klaus being trapped in a room staring at the corpse of his little brother knowing he never repaired that relationship with him#and now he never can so he refuses to look away as penance and a reminder of his failings to his little brother#*edit: one of the reblogs on this post is the author of big bad wolf and honestly she does an amazing job at portraying the mikaelsons#as actual siblings if you havent read it its one of my favourites for characterisations but we need more 😭 i want it to be the norm
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kitxkatrp · 2 months
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"Is it just me....or is Shino-kun acting strange?"
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halogenseas · 1 year
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A picture of my brain right now. 
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wormdebut · 5 months
Ahoy! This is my first VERY LATE ficlet for @corrodedcoffinfest ! My absolute bad for being so late, but BOY am I HAPPY TO BE HERE!
Warm Up Prompt One: Taxed. Word Count: 1000 (scrivener says 1000 Wordcounter says 979. IDK Man, it’s within limit), Rating: T, Pairing: None, CW: Swears, Smoking, Angst Tags: Eddie, Gareth, Jeff, Freak
October 1987
They've been at this for fucking years. Eddie feels like a fucking girl scout.
'Well hello there Mr. Music Man, would you like to buy a box of shitty garage band metal?'
Except they weren't fucking shitty. All of the guys had been working their assess off, writing, playing shows, shitty gig after shitty gig after shitty gig.
But they haven't managed anything. Nothing, zilch, nada.
They had a small crowd showing up at the Hideout, and the owner, Benny, started letting them play not only their usual Tuesday but because Eddie had been helping him with placehe was letting them play Saturday nights now too, which was great because while he appreciates the likes of his uncle and Wayne's best friends on Tuesdays, there were almost twenty people every Saturday night and that was something.
They also had a standing gig at a bar in Indianapolis at least once a month, lately they've been playing The Barrel every other week and Eddie thought--he thought--that that would get them somewhere.
The guys were fucking exhausted but Eddie kept pushing because they could do this. Corroded Coffin was great. They were great and somebody was going to see that…right?
Eddie saw what they had. He did. But the guys--
"C'mon Ed, we can't keep sneaking Gareth into bars forever. I think we need to--maybe consider other options or--" Jeff rambles. They were supposed to be practicing but Jeff Williams had to swoop inwith his stupid common sense bullshit. Jeff motherfucking Williams is one of the best guitarists Eddie has ever had to the privilege of listening to, but Jeff wants to go college like a real boy!
Gareth cuts him off, "It's just the two bars man, and I have a fake, if I need it anyw--"
Would you look at that, it's time for Freddy to cut in. "Yeah, but you're three feet tall and have the face of a newborn child."
Gareth shoves at Freddy's chest. "Oh fuck off, man. At least I'm not a virgin!" He yelps and great. This is great.
Now the band is fighting, again, because Jeff wants to go to College, Goodie is a Virgin, and Gareth is short.
Eddie just want to play music.
If they all want to yell, Eddie can yell louder. "See. Do you see what happens when you start talking about 'other options' Jeff? Chaos--and not the fun kind!"
"See, Eddie--this is the fucking problem with you. All you care about is your music, your dream, It's all about you!"
Jeff is yelling at Eddie, Gareth and Freak are rough housing, how did this even happen. All Eddie wants is to do something. Be something. He believes in this, in Jeff, and Freddy and Gareth, in the band.
And he gets that everyone is taxed, tired. Eddie is fucking exhausted. Gareth is trying to not fail his senior year. He gets it, he does, but-- "You know what, Jeff?" His voice breaks, and isn't that fucking humiliating? "Some of us, don't have college as an option. Did you ever consider that?"
Eddie leans over and grabs his cigarettes from the table, before shoulder checking Jeff as he leaves.
What’s the fucking point? Eddie puts everything into lyrics that people probably don't even know, all of them spend hours writing and harmonizing, making sure chords make sense, just for everything to be a pipe dream. They haven't taken a break for anything. It's either work or school or Coffin Shit. They haven't played D&D in months. They've just been doing this.
But it's all Eddie has. How the hell was he ever going to get out of shitty ass Hawkins, if it wasn't this way? He didn't exactly ace his finals--even the third time around. Honestly? He's pretty sure they just let him pass, to get him the fuck out of there.
He lights up what feels like his eighth cigarette--it's not, it's his second--and stares out to the empty street. They use Gareth's garage to practice…for being as straight laced as she is, Ms. Emerson sure does believe in the band.
Dottie Emerson and Eddie. God dammit, maybe Jeff is right.
He should go back, he should go back and apologize, and let this go. He has the job at the Hideout, he can save and maybe move to Indy--play an acoustic at some bars or…something.
God, he's just so tired of this shit.
He finishes his cigarette, and tries to breathe. Breathe in--hold--breathe out--he doesn't realizes Jeff until he taps his shoulder.
"Hey." Jeff says, quiet. Eddie, just nods, grabs his pack and offers a cancer-filled olive branch. Jeff takes it.
Eddie doesn't say anything. Doesn't want to, doesn't know what he should say.
So Jeff does. "I'm sorry, Ed. I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm just fucking tired man, we all are and I do want this, I do, but it's fucking scary." Eddie turns, watches Jeff blow out smoke. "I got accepted to IU, did you know that?"
Eddie blinks. He did not know that. "No, you hadn't mentioned it."
Jeff turns to look at him, "I didn't want this to happen."
Eddie closes his eyes, takes in a deep breath. In--hold--out. "You should go." He forces a smile, watches as Jeff's eyes shine for a moment--no wonder he had that silly crush on him his second senior year, but it was only for like a week, leave it alone--before he srunches his face up, Eddie can't help but laugh. Jeff always does that, when he's stressed. It makes him look like a rabbit.
Jeff goes to speak, but Eddie cuts him off. "Let's do this Halloween show, it'll be our going away gift to our tens of adoring fans."
Jeff laughs at that, nods, and pulls Eddie into a hug.
Everything will be fine, with or without Corroded Coffin.
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Aight This Is Haunting (hah) My Brain So Here We Go! Dp x Dc Thing Where Danny Phantom Is Just A Cartoon In The Dc-Verse And DC Is Just Comics/Cartoons In The Danny phantom-Verse (DP-Verse Is More Phandom Heavy Which Will Cause DC-Verse Folks Some Concerned Confusion Later On)
Que A Very Confused King Danny Getting Summoned By (Insert Cult Here) Or The JL/Batfam + Constantine And He Looks Around Spots Batman And Promptly Points At Him And Goes "Bruce Wayne????!" Meanwhile One Of The Batkids (I Feel Like Danny Phantom Would Be Tims Bi Awakening Of He Had Access To The Cartoon, Vice Versa For Danny TBH) Pointing And Going "Danny Phantom?????!"
Just Both Sides Hella Name Dropping Secret IDs And Occasionally Personal Shit, Chaos In General Ya Know?
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livwritesstuff · 11 months
2007, established relationship, girl-dads!steddie and their 5yo daughter Moe, my favorite part of this by a goddamn landslide
“Papa,” Moe exclaims, running up to Steve with Ed close behind her, “I tried on one of Daddy’s rings.”
Moe holds up a closed fist with just the middle finger unfolded. One of Ed’s rings — the tarnished silver one with a faded blue pearl he always wears on his pinky — is hanging loosely from her tiny finger.
Steve looks up at his husband, eyebrows raised.
“No—” Ed chokes out a laugh and crouches down by Moe’s side, “What’d I tell you to say?”
Ed whispers something in her ear, and then Moe looks back up at Steve, a massive grin on her face as she continues to hold up her middle finger.
“This is for you, Papa.”
“Uh-huh,” Steve says, unamused.
“Daddy said it’s your favorite ring.”
“I bet he did,” he replies, trying his best to not laugh, “How ‘bout you give it back to Daddy so it doesn’t get lost — and tell him to take better care of his stuff. I know which ring is his favorite and if he keeps this up, he’ll end up losing that one too.”
Ed throws his head back and laughs.
“Oh, you’ve got jokes, Stevie, that’s very funny. But, alas, you know I don’t believe in gay divorce, so you’re gonna have to try way harder than that to get rid of me.”
“What’s gay divorce?” Moe asks, looking curiously between her dads.
“Nothin’ you need to worry your big brain about, sweet pea,” Steve tells her, brushing her bangs out of her face.
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pink-link-lemonade · 9 months
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• • •
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a-shadowedvales · 5 months
so, what if this was a small starter call, and y’all liked it? 👀
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respondedinkind · 10 months
@he1msman cont. [x]
Khan hates to admit that the other is right. He hates it with every fiber of his being, with every nerve-ending existing within his fingertips, with every breath that's taken and every braincell that seems to fail him at this very moment.
Granted, he's suffering from a concussion; A mild one, however. It's just giving him a headache, a spell of gentle, steady dizziness, nothing one couldn't work with. Nothing he, of all people, couldn't work with. And yes, he should have long figured out how to make this escape pod work under the given circumstances.
"Something is off with it. The entirety of this pod.", he comments, a frown stretching over his dirty features; A hand comes up to wipe across his forehead, leaving another stain as he starts to dismantle one section of the thing... again. As he has done before.
He feels betrayed by his own intellect, and starts to question absolutely everything regarding this pod... and his own sanity.
"---Because it should have worked by now. It makes no sense that it does not. Are you sure this thing has ever worked to begin with?"
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mxthbladed · 3 months
Vaggie was headed for the kitchen when she saw Vex in the hallway; Charlie had been encouraging her to reach out more and act more like a manager than, well, a drill instructor. She greeted, "Hey, Vex. How are you doing today?"
It didn't sound nearly as stilted anymore and she seemed a bit more comfortable- marginally. She fell into step beside the demon and asked, "Settling in ok?"
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sodamnbored · 1 year
We’re talking like TOPS. Like this is low brow smut. The lowest brow smut.
I write them both ways round, but I’m not sure what the general consensus is.
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scnju · 2 months
“One more with my girl~!” Jiraiya coos as he does a shot with Tsunade, knocking it back like its water.
Tsunade grimaces as she looks over her best friend-- sometimes it was shocking that she felt so comfortable saying that. The underlying affection was always there, but Jiraiya NEVER addressed her like that-- in public-- since they were teenagers.
"You can't be drunk ALREADY! You've only had like three drinks."
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kitxkatrp · 2 months
"Your face is awfully red... Something... Happen?" Sakura asked with a knowing smirk on her face as the heiress approached.
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"S-Sakura-chan..." Oh dear, Sakura was playing the oblivious card. Hinata started tapping her fingers together. "W-Why did you...k-ki--kiss me?"
She was trying to hide her face inside of her jacket. It was unsuccessful.
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