#Bruce the Cetus
chainsxwsmile · 1 year
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I’ve had this image in my head ever since the first #spiderverse came out but I felt I had neither the tools nor skills to create it.
A few years later, I decided to take a chance, and it actually turned out exactly how I pictured it in my mind!
Background is HEAVILY inspired by Gwen’s universe. The entire palette and vertical blend is just so aesthetically pleasing!
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cypherscript · 1 year
In Bad Taste Part 2
"Four feet?!" The entirety of the league at the meeting is up on their feet. "Why so fast?"
"Do you have any pictures of the orb or the bodies? Were they dead," Batman asks as he pulls up the location of the League's hideout via a satellite trying to gain visual of what she was talking about.
"All but one. Why did you send Hood? I thought he was on your no go list."
"Hood's been getting better, he was the most logical one to infiltrate the League; he was already in good graces with them when Talia used the pits to bring him back. Being on my no go list made it seem like he was no longer associated with me. I have visual, why did they have the orb out in the middle of the courtyard?"
"I have some footage of the scene, they appeared to have been trying to cast some kind of spell to link the orb with other locations or maybe to expand its radius of effect. It's not completed," Zatanna places a device into a port on the table and pictures of a large magic circle surrounds the larger orb. The next few pictures were of the corpses lined up, some of the faces looking familiar to Bruce.
"So Ras is gone then, that's the man right there."
"So it appears," Zatanna agrees, switching the screen to one of the orb, with it being so big now details not seen are clear.
Superman looks at the picture closely, "Is it just me or does that look like a a bunch of stars?"
Batman says nothing as he runs the image through multiple star charting programs, "You're correct, Superman. I'm getting multiple confirmations; Perseus-Pisces, Pisces-Cetus, Ursa Major, the Centaurus Cluster, The Milky Way, Sto-Oa, Rao. It keeps going, it shows to be every star in our sky as well."
"Rao," Superman asks, looking for the familiar star by its formation. "How old is this thing?"
"We should contact Hal and the lanterns to let them know. This could be one of theirs or maybe the Guardians know what it is?"
"I'm sending the message now," Batman types away at the keypad, "While we wait for them I'm going to check on Hood."
"We'll come with you," Diana says as Bruce moves the files to his personal device.
"Do as you wish. Zatanna bring in Constantine, we may need his help."
The Justice League have arrived at the compound just thirty minutes later and it is swarming with more assassins and goons. Talia's there giving orders, "Remember! Squad D, do not go near the artifact! Everyone else is fine to approach, I want this circle destroyed post haste!"
Batman had snuck his way into their camp and put Talia in a hold, "Why are you here, Talia?"
"Br-" Batman tightens his hold painfully, "Batman, I suppose you're here for Jason?"
"Where is he?!"
"He's safe, you don't want to see him right now. He's back to the way he was when I first found him. It's not a pretty sight."
"Fine, what's with the orb then? You didn't answer my question, I know your father is dead, why are you here?"
"Same reason you are I suppose, I'm putting a stop to father's plans for this artifact. He planned on linking it with every Lazarus Pit on the planet, he believed this to be the heart of the god who made the pits and wished to bring it back. To bad for him he didn't know what I now know; it's not just the Lazarus waters it's absorbing, it's also draining the energy from those who have died and come back via other means. It hasn't killed anyone yet, just makes them unable to move until they're removed from its radius."
Batman releases her and taps his comms, "Batman reporting in, stay away from the compound."
Superman's comms respond, "I heard, I was able to pull myself back before I couldn't move. Felt like the life of me was being drained. Zatanna and Constantine seem to be fine, Wonder Woman says it feels like hades is staring into her soul from here."
"It feels like it's looking at me," Shazam pipes in.
"Noted, fill them in on what's going on. We need some league members who haven't been resurrected before. Let Talia's men destroy the circle then we can figure out a way to get it off the planet and away from the pits."
"Well aren't you the lucky lot," Hal's voice comes in over their comms, "Calvary's here. I can get it off planet for you."
And there we go, part 2 like I promised. Also you were close @victoria-has-no-secret but it's ALL of the people who've been resurrected not just the pits. mwahahaha Now to get the tag list out of the way. hope I'm doing this right... As I was typing this up, it seemed like I made the Orb sound like an SCP... hmm, thoughts for future works.
@mnemovoid @may-rbi @cugzarui @ekatkit @farmercale @blackroserelina @justwannabecat @dragonborne-writer @aikoiya @chrysanthemum9484
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imnotsane-ipromise · 10 months
Base info for this persona that i refuse to put on my main :)
@gothammedstudent is said main.
Age; 20 something, almost the same as Tim Drake lmao
Name; Ἀχλύς Μαύρος - Achyls Marvos
Relationship Status; Platonically co-parenting a Gator(Cetus) with killer croc.
Goals; take down the government and its corrupt politicians, adopt more children than bruce wayne
Occupation; Gotham Rouge, work at my own bakery
Wont go ooc often, but this is a character sheet. Hi, I’m Anonymous. Call me Melinoe. I own both this account and @gothammedstudent . I have lost all i had left of my sanity. Anygays, i have a very firm stance on shipping of Achyls, No<3 No nsfw either. I might post character art later, though i have no plans of doing so right now.
I am purposefully being vague on details of Achyls, as they do have a shit ton of lore that will slowly be built up on this account. Nothing will be posted on my main about it bc that is honestly me just vibing. Please take my words into consideration when i say that this account will be getting pretty morbid in forms of in character breakdowns for purposes of revealing lore.
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Marvel OCs
Oc Count: 16
Name: Rosemary Isabella  Clover
Hero name: Electra 
Birthday/age: June 26 (17)
Likes: Crafts, relaxing, watching chick flicks
Dislikes: Feeling overwhelmed, being unmotivated, spiders
Personality: Cutesy, romantic, realist
Powers/skills (if any): Electrokinesis, Telekinesis
Ship: Peter Parker (a.k.a. Spider-Man)
She lives in Peter's apartment building but she goes to a private school. 
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Name: Valerie Alma Urson
Hero name: Shifter
Birthday/age: September 18 (21)
Likes: Movies, patrolling, pranks involving her powers, hanging with Peter
Dislikes: Tight spaces, insecurities, loved ones being hurt, being made fun of
Personality: Mysterious, funny, passionate, valiant
Powers/skills (if any): Cloning Oneself/ Shapeshifting
Ship: Quentin Beck (a.k.a. Mysterio)
Valerie was lowkey highkey intimidated by Quentin when they first met
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Name: Andrea Bree Louis
Hero name: Mimic
Birthday/age: January 12 (23)
Likes: Hanging with Bruce, learning, teaching, helping others
Dislikes: Using her powers, feeling weak, loud noises, sensory overload
Personality: Worldly, brave, cautious, excitable
Powers/skills (if any): Mimicking (perfectly mimic any voice/sound)/ Sonic Scream (potentially deafen/disorient others + sends waves to knock them back)
Ship: Bruce Banner (a.k.a. The Hulk)
I aged Bruce like way down for this so he’s like late 20’s
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Name: Lyra Sinai Beatrix 
Hero name: Marionette 
Birthday/age: May 26 (19)
Likes: Helping people, evening strolls, practicing her powers, flowers
Dislikes: Thor’s boisterousness, loud noises, death, change
Personality: Bold, calm, careful, optimistic
Powers/skills (if any): Puppet Master (control other’s movements via thoughts)
Ship: Brunhilde (a.k.a. Valkyrie)
Lyra is a Midgardian that Thor brought back to Asgard to show her the sights (he used to have a crush on her before he met Hallie and Lyra and Brunhilde met)
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Name: Alina Ivory Cetus
Hero name: Ultraviolet
Birthday/age: June 24, 1998(18)
Likes: Using her powers, pranks, sparring with Pietro, classic books, museums
Dislikes: Guns, stuck up people, losing, flashy events, snow
Personality: Kind, passionate, competitive, mindful, worldly
Powers/skills (if any): Teleportation and Telekinesis
Ship: Pietro Maximoff (a.k.a. Quicksilver)
Notes: Alina and Pietro often have races to see who gets somewhere faster (it’s Alina, but sometimes she lets Pietro win so his ego isn’t too bruised)
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Name: Amy Nanette Penn 
Hero name:  Madam Zodiac 
Birthday/age: November 18, 1980
Likes: Comfy clothes, dancing, Christmas, fairy lights, nice nails
Dislikes: Sour food, country music, action movies, extravagance, complete silence 
Personality: Collected, compassionate, realist, loving, aware
Powers/skills (if any): Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)- Pyrokinesis (manipulate fire), Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)- Geokinesis (manipulate earth), Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)- Shape Shifting, Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22)- Energy Healing (heal physical, emotional, energetic and mental wounds w/ energy), Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)- Electrokinesis (manipulate electrical currents), Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)- Psychometry (learn info about an object, person memory or event by touching it), Libra (Sep 23-Oct 23)- Aerokinesis (manipulate air), Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 21)- Haemokinesis (manipulate blood), Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)- Astral Projection (have out of body experiences and separate astral body from physical at will), Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)- Psychokinesis (manipulate objects through thought and will power), Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)- Channeling (communicate w/ spirits), Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)- Telepathy (Transfer thoughts, words and emotions from one mind to another)
Ship (if any): Sam Wilson 
Notes: N/A
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Name: Georgia Brielle Barnes
Hero name: Mystify
Birthday/age: July 23, 1921
Likes: Messing with people, vanilla chapstick, flowers, vintage things, necklaces
Dislikes: Hydra (duh), being cold, singing, public places, driving
Personality: Old-fashioned, playful, kind, funny, compassionate
Powers/skills (if any): Invisibility and Illusion (making people see what she wants them to see)
Ship: Steve Rogers (a.k.a. Captain America)
Yes, as her last name indicated, she is Bucky’s younger sister
So here’s what happened. Bucky, at first, was very resilient from Hydra’s attempts to make him the perfect super soldier. They needed some leverage to make him comply. After looking into his file, they realized that Bucky had a younger sister that he cared very deeply about. They snatched her and used her for her intended purpose (it worked, the last thing he wanted was for his sister to get hurt). Here’s the thing. If you think that Bucky didn’t teach Georgia AT LEAST basic combat against anyone who could harm her, you’re dead wrong. She proved to be stronger than they originally planned and that’s when they decided to try to make a female super soldier (big brain moment if you ask me). So yeah that happened, but she reacted differently to the serum. Because she is a female and men just have a little misogyny in the back of their minds, they dosed her with significantly less serum and that reacted differently with her molecules, giving her different powers. For the longest time they just kept her cryogenically frozen, not happy with the results, but then when the Winter Soldier escaped, they brought her back out. Jokes on them though because she also escaped and found her brother quicker than Hydra ever could lol
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Name: Ingrid Anna Meller
Hero name: Mannifest
Birthday/age: December 11, 1987 (35) 
Likes: Rain, farmer/flea markets, pink lemonade, Jolly Ranchers, sleeping
Dislikes: Heels above 4”, driving, video games, traffic, origami
Personality: Patient, attentive, kind hearted, lovable, modest
Powers/skills (if any): Manifestation creation (ability to manifest anything out of thin air)
Ship: Stephen Strange (a.k.a. Doctor Strange)
Ingrid met Stephen somewhat in passing when they both happened to be at the tower at the same time. She was just coming home from a mission when Stephen came over to talk to Tony about something and she directed him to Tony
Ingrid most definitely wasn’t one of the ones who was dusted, but after hearing from Tony about Stephen being dusted, she wished she was. They had a happy ending after the final battle of Endgame
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Name: Maeve Edith Nadine
Hero name: N/A
Birthday/age: January 10, 2000
Likes: History, baking, fantasy books/movies, sweet scents, fruity drinks
Dislikes: Messes, being a public figure, fireworks, long nails, politics
Personality: Patient, reserved, helpful, resourceful, compassionate
Powers/skills (if any): Shapeshifting & Power recreation (takes other's power by thinking of the name of the person who has the power)
Ship: (Andrew Garfield’s) Peter Parker (a.k.a. Spider-Man) 
Technically yes she’s a superhero but she doesn’t like the pressure of the press so she prefers to just not have a name 
She’s originally from this Tom! Peter’s universe which is why I included a “Tony’s party” dress
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Name: Minna Signe Olesia 
Hero name: The Infinity Witch  
Birthday/age: May 7, 1984 
Likes: Shopping, painting, pretty rocks, pottery, jewelry
Dislikes: manipulation, fireworks, clubbing, competition, small spaces 
Personality: Calm, compassionate, artistic, witty, unproblematic 
Powers/skills (if any): based on each stone. Space- portal to anywhere (including on universe to another), Reality- manipulate/ alter matter, Power- immense cosmic power, Mind- mind control, Time- control time (visions of possible futures, stop and rewind time, etc), Soul- steal, control and/or alter both living and dead souls 
Ship (if any): Natasha Romanoff
She doesn’t truly need the stones for her powers, but she (and pretty much everyone else) feels that they’re safer with her. She’s perfectly capable of doing all those things herself. 
In case you're wondering, yes she did actually make jewelry out of the stones so she could always have them on 
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Name: Skadi
Species: Jötunn and Goddess
Associated With: Bowhunting, skiing, winter, wilderness, judgment and justice
Powers: Psychic powers, immortality, and invincibility, strength
Earthly Birthday: December 13
Perpetual Age: 22
Likes: Archery, winter/snow, Loki lol, sweets, hot cocoa
Dislikes: Hot temps, cheaters (of any kind), indoors, floral fragrances
Personality: Worldly, calm, observant, athletic
Ship: Loki
Extra Information: 
I'm well aware that Skadi was married to another but irdc sorry fam
They originally bonded because they're both Jötunn but it turned into more as time went on
She came to earth a while ago and just ended up vibing with the people there and decided to stay there
When Loki attempted to take over New York, Thor enlisted Skai's help because he knew Loki had a soft spot for her
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Name: Hecate
Species: Goddess
Goddess of: Magic, witchcraft & sorcery
Powers: Divine authority and absolute control over magic, witchcraft, and sorcery
Earthly Birthday: November 2
Perpetual Age: 21
Likes: Her powers, night, learning, teaching
Dislikes: Bad vibes, Odin, sunlight, being hurt, being scared
Personality: Thoughtful, emotional, worldly, magical, adventurous
Ship: Thor
Extra Information: 
I'm perfectly aware that Hecate is a Greek goddess just bear with me
Hecate was imprisoned as a child by Odin long before she even met Thor because she had become too powerful and he was afraid
When Loki was imprisoned that's when they met. Of course she loathed the other royals because they did nothing to help her (though Frigg did sneak her extra food and offer her more blankets if she was cold sometimes
She became friends with Loki while he was imprisoned and when he wanted to destroy New York, she was right there beside him using her powers to cause destruction. It was only when Thor tried to reason that she realized all the people she was hurting
She paid her debt back to society and moved to a quieter part of New York, Thor showing up soon after 
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Name: Oda Dagmar
Nickname(s): Demi, Dag, Frigg 
Parent(s): Frigg (goddess of love), random asgardian
Birthday/age: Unknown
Occupation: servant of the Grandmaster (later queen of Sakaar)
Likes: meeting new people, love, helping others, nature
Dislikes: Her reputation (via mother), the gladiator fights, quietness
Personality: Empathetic, balanced, worldly, calm
Ship: En Dwi Gast (the Grandmaster)  
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Full name: Asdisa Berghdild
Nickname(s): Disa
Parent(s): Unknown Asgardians
Birthday/age: Unknown
Occupation: palace worker (Asgard)
Likes: Books, going to the market, art, shopping, masquerades 
Dislikes: stuck up people, fighting, indoors, uncivilized people
Personality: Caring, balanced, intelligent, peaceful
Ship(s): En Dwi Gast (Grandmaster), Loki
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Name: Evelyn Ryn Tallis
Nicknames: Sunshine/Little Sunshine, Eve, Violet Force (“hero name”), Violet
Birthday/age: August 4 (24)
Likes: Learning (on her own terms), cuddles from anyone, visiting her hometown in the Netherlands, video games, 
Dislikes: Negative people, snakes, doing nothing, bad tempers, 
Personality: Chipper, intrigued, optimistic, slightly anxious, clumsy (and not the quirky kind), curious, cuddly, patient
Powers/skills: Force Field (surround oneself/others + used as projectile), combat 5+ years
Extra info: 
When stressed or nervous she starts going into Dutch language and people usually have to remind her not to so they can help her 
Wanda is super close to her because she often hates her powers because of the destruction they cause but Evelyn is able to prevent unnecessary destruction with her powers as well as being relieved having another girl on the team that’s not Nat
She’s from Marken (province: North Holland, municipality: Waterland)
She can and will cuddle with anyone if she feels like it. Everyone usually doesn’t mind because she gives good cuddles and they even seek her out when they’ve had a bad day. She just has good vibes
When she has a bad day so does everyone else because she’s the optimist and everyone lost their Little Sunshine so they’ll literally do anything to make her feel better
She knows six languages, English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Russian and Italian. Dutch is her native tongue but she’s fluent in the rest
Since Bucky can also speak English, Spanish and Russian (not to mention Portuguese, German, Latin and Japanese), I like to think he and Evelyn have conversations in one of the shared languages while in front of the others to mess with them
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Full name: Daisy Madison Armstrong 
Nickname(s): N/A
Birthday: June 24, 1983
Likes: Braiding her hair, yellow roses, dogs, singing, cartoons
Dislikes: Feeling alone, floral scents, strawberry milk, snoring, arrogance 
Personality: Laid back, worldly, passionate, strong-willed, funny
Notable Works: Marvel Franchise (Skadi), Kong: Skull Island (Nadia), Steven Universe (Bismuth)
She met Tom not long before they were both cast in Thor 
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asteria8silver · 12 days
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Visual Analysis
Giuseppe Cesari's "Perseus and Andromeda" is the selected piece of art. Paint was used to create the piece. The used painting is an oil painting; it was not created by hand. The artwork is portrait sized. The size of the artwork is medium. The hues were green, dark green, brown, blue, white. The forms depict a girl who is being saved. In contrast to a knight in armor galloping over a battlefield, she is nude. In addition, he beheaded a Gorgon. In the distance, there is a castle and an ocean. A monster is going to be eliminated by the hero. This image shows a subject being saved from a monster. Movement is used in the design of the work because of the events taking place in the location or scenario. It is not balanced in the artwork. The emphasis is on the hero because he is taking action to save someone. Both rhythm and proportion are absent. The artwork is mostly bright, with only a few shadows. There is neither unity nor variation in the artwork. The artwork is lovely. It has the effect of bringing activity to life. Mythological narrative is conveyed through the artwork. It is also the artist's vision from their perspective. It resembles a fairy tale in which heroes save the princess in peril and go on to be happy, ever after.
It's the art connected to the Renaissance movement. The piece was intended for private patrons. Mythology is the theme of the median portrait. The artwork describes the creator as someone who is committed to the mythological tale and how the story could have been portrayed. The artist attempted to convey how that mythological tale may appear in a true painting. It seems almost like a screenplay or movie play becoming a true work of fiction. The mythological story's setting and the portrait's depiction make the messages very evident. It also previews the breathtaking action and setting of the upcoming chapter.
The artwork primarily relates to mythology. Perseus, a demigod, is the protagonist of the tale. His goal is to kill the sea monster and save Andromeda. Andromeda is a princess whose mother, Cassiopeia, offered her as a sacrifice to the gods. The Oracle of Ammon said that sacrificing Andromeda to Cetus was the only way to appease it. ( Graf, 2004) Additionally, Perseus slew the gorgon Medusa, who had the power to turn anybody into stone with a single glance. The reason for this is that she is unattractive. Using a Pegasus, Perseus arrived to save Andromeda. He killed the sea creature with the head of the Medusa and wed Andromeda. They have two daughters and sevens sons. Mythology is a narrative that draws from the creators' real-life experiences. Working with mythology was a hobby of Guiseppe Cesari's. Using the same approach repeatedly, this artwork is one of his favorites. Cesari's designs and artwork were influenced by Michelangelo. Cesari liked Michelangelo and replicated his heroic muscular figures, albeit his Atlantes are often thicker. (Bruce 95) Mythology is a favorite subject of mine, which is why the artwork was selected. It allows the artist to bring the story to life through the author's experience. When creators write a story, they make it relevant to real life. There has always been a story that connects with it, from outcomes and challenges to success and victory. Mythology uses stories to teach life lessons. There were no illustrations in the past unless they provided a narrative or plot of what occurred. Cesari depicts Perseus and Andromeda with oil painting, tone, and movement of the artwork.
All things considered, Guiseppe Cesari depicted Perseus and Andromeda in mythology. His favorite piece of art to occasionally create was this one. The selection of the artwork was based on mythology, being a popular subject. Mythology is shaped by realistic circumstances and ordinary life. Mythology is a story, and stories can be illustrated through artistic creations. Mythology enthusiasts will find the artwork appealing.
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laylaylamode · 3 years
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"We all make up one crazy constellation." -Cindy
A big round of applause for @harchibudytgorichi for pulling off this ✨✨✨masterpiece!✨✨✨ I thought having so many characters was gonna be too much but NOPE they really knocked it out! Amazing job for real! It's like an epic poster! 😱😱😱
This is also a gift to those making content for the Callyieverse Future AU! I'm glad that everyone is having fun and this is like a way to celebrate it! Great job @princesscallyie @kururu418 @onelastfic ! I know a lot of the future au characters are missing but this is all I could pack in...for now. Hope you all like it!
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rttingmouths · 2 years
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@chainsxwsmile​ said    :      “         no         need         to        cry   .         ”   —   Chainsxwsmile   (verse:   Cetus)   //   if   that’s   okay!
      while   it   was   NORMAL   and   even   encouraged   by   creek   to      SHED      a      few      tears      during   a   particularly   DEEP   ,      involved   meditation   ..      he   couldn’t   help   but   feel   SILLY   for   it   ,      personally   ,      whenever   it   happened.      it   was   always   whenever   he      TOUCHED      his   inner   ,      deeper   feelings   ——   those   buried   REGRETS   and   fears   ——   that   he   tended   to   BREAK   DOWN   despite   himself.      creek   was   only   GLAD   he   was   somewhere   SECLUDED   this   time   ,      farther   away   from   the   VILLAGE   than   he   often   would   be.      he   was   CROSS   -   LEGGED   near   a   CLIFF   ,      a   proud   and   rocky   precipice      STOOD      before   a   body   of   water   as   FAR   as   the   eye   could   see   ,      it   was   SERENE   and   perfect.      but   ,      perhaps   the   ENERGY   from   the   tranquility   and   delicate   FORCES   of   nature   were   too   STRONG   for   him   today         [   .   .   .   ]         at   least   he   was   ALONE   ,      right   ?
         well   ,      that’s   what   he   THOUGHT.         a   slight   gasp   came   from   the   purple   troll   as   he   was   JOSTLED   out   of   his      meditative      state   ,      finding   his   gaze   immediately   MET   with   a   large   and   BEADY   eyes   suddenly   BEFORE   the   edge   of   the   cliff   ,      PEEKING   at   him.      ah   ..      had   he   been      TOO      INTO      the   moment   to   NOTICE   the   approach   ?         perhaps   so   ——   it   would   also   explain   his   actual   REALIZATION   of   the   tears   wetting   the   fuzz   at   his   freckled   cheeks.      after   DABBING   his   fingertips   at   the   wetness   ,      he      PLACES      a   hand   over   his   RACING   heart   ..      trying   to   CALM   DOWN   from   the   surprise.      he’s   not   SCARED   ,      by   any   means      ;      even   if   this   beast   was   ,      well   ,      BEASTLY   —   he   could   tell   just   by   ONE   LOOK   it   was      no      bergen      ,         but   rather   some   sort   of   AQUATIC   critter.         (      does   milton   know   about   THIS   one   ?      )
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      ❝      you   STARTLED   me   ,      hah   !      ❞         creek   made   an   attempt   to   LIGHTHEARTEDLY   address   the   moment         [   .   .   .   ]         giving   a   small   ,      uncertain   CHUCKLE.      he   offered   a   SIGH   then   ——   getting   to   his   FEET   quickly   and      DUSTING      off      his   pants.         ❝      no   need   to   worry   about   ME   ,      mate.      meditation   DOES   that   sometimes   ..      it’s   quite   RELIEVING   ,      actually.      ❞         even   if   a   tad   embarrassing   ,      there   was   no   denying   its   benefits.         purple   hues      GLANCE      around   ,      a   realization   HITTING   him.
         ❝      oh   !—   is   this   area      YOUR      home   ?      i’m   terribly   sorry   if   i’m   INTRUDING   on   anything   with   my   activities   ,      i   swear   i   had      NO      idea      ,         sir.      ❞
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goldentail-does-art · 3 years
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Art trade of Cetus!Bruce with @chainsxwsmile
He is a big lad with a grand smile. Thank you for accepting this! :]
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klutzycustodian · 5 years
♡  @chainsxwsmile​​​ liked for a starter!
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❝ Hey, you’ve been on the surface, right? What do you reckon we’ll find up there? ❞
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chainsxwsmile · 2 months
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“I’m not gonna hurt ya!”
A reply to @macrolago ‘s adorable story with baby Perry the bilby meeting Bruce the Cetus (as a pup)! Highly recommend giving this wonderful artist a follow! ❤️🦈
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cornerstonc · 2 years
技 for Cetus!Bruce, if you want!
Drawing Muses | Accepting
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wheezes i. Tried jkf;a i'm pretty sure i didn't quite get his design down but i am a little proud of it tbh laughs i did have an idea that maybe he was a little Younger here :o
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terrovaniadorm · 3 years
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Albus, Bora and Cole are inseparable, they are a trio of sharks in Octavinelle. They are all second grade students. Bora is the leader of the trio, with his fearsome appearance and friendly personality. Albus is the brains of the trio, a funny and emotional person. Lastly Cole is the loose canon, he's hyperactive and reckless.
Name: Albus Charybdis
Nicknames:  Al
Age:  17
Birthday: June 6
Species:  Merfolk/Hammerhead shark
Height: 181cm
Family: Unseen Parents and Siblings
Homeland: Coral Sea
Twisted from: Anchor from Finding Nemo
Class: 2-B
Dorm: Octavinelle
Occupation: Student
Waiter for Mostro Lounge
Club:  Marine Life Club
Best Subject: Art
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Anything with Eggplant
Least Favorite Food:  Sea Weed
Dislikes: Dolphins
Hobby: Telling Jokes
Talents: Impersonation
Unique Magic:
Personality: Albus is both the brain and the heart of the trio, he cares deeply about his friends. He likes being mischievous and provoke others sometimes but he doesn't like to upset others, he's quite emotional.
-"Albus" is a Latin name meaning "White"
"Charybdis" is a monster from the Greek Mythology
-Has an Australian accent
-Albus hates dolphins because of "people thinking dolphins are cuter than sharks"
-He's very insecure about his appearance and mer form, never make fun of his appearance.
-Albus also has terrible sight but refuses to use glasses
-the first person to join Marine Life club
-Childhood friends with Bora
Name: Bora Megalodon
Age: 17
Birthday: February 14
Species: Merfolk/Great White Shark
Height: 205cm
Family: Unknown
Homeland: Coral Sea
Twisted from: Bruce from Finding Nemo
Class: 2-B
Dorm: Octavinelle
Occupation:  Student
Security for Mostro Lounge
Club: Marine life club
Best Subject:  Alchemy
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food:  Pasta
Least Favorite Food:  Seafood
Dislikes: Loud noises
Hobby:  Working on Marine Life Club
Talents: Cooking
Unique Magic:
Personality: Bora might seem dangerous but in reality he's someone who cares for the well-being of others. He's very friendly and hates to think people fear him due to his appearance,he tries to show people that he's not a threat to them.
-"Bora" is a Turkish name meaning "Wind", it's also a Korean name meaning "Purple".
"Megalodon" is an extinct species of shark.
-Has an Australian accent
-Despite his build he doesn't like PE
-He used to live in a mine field
-He opened the Marine Life club to prove that sharks aren't scary
Name: Cole Cetus
Age:  17
Birthday: July 1
Species: Merfolk / Mako Shark
Height: 180cm
Family: Unseen parents
Homeland: Coral Sea
Twisted from: Chum from Finding Nemo
Class: 2-D
Dorm: Octavinelle
Occupation: Student
Security for Mostro Lounge
Club: Marine Life Club
Best Subject: PE
Dominant Hand: Left
Favorite Food: Octopus Salad
Least Favorite Food: Nothing
Dislikes: Humans
Hobby: Scaring others
Talents: Card games
Unique Magic:
Personality: Cole is hyperactive and easily excitable, he's the loose canon of the trio and he usually bickers with Albus but despite this he cares about Albus and Bora's wellbeing. Cole is usually hostile towards humans and he'll scare them just for the fun of it.
-"Cole" is an English name meaning "Charcoal"
"Cetus" is a monster from the Greek Mythology
-Has an Australian accent
-Despite being in the Marine Life Club, he still likes seafood
-His earing is actually from a fisherman, Cole accidentally got stuck on it but he decided to keep it
-He likes to bully the Leech twins, he threatens to eat them (to both Azul and Bora's dismay)
-Out of three of them, Cole is the most hostile one
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I am Margo (26, she/her, USA EST) and I write single-para, multi-para, and novella. I write as Bruce from Finding Nemo and I am looking for more writing partners, especially those playing characters from media from which I have available verses: this includes but is not limited to The Witcher, Marvel, Stranger Things, IT, Squid Game, Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, Hobbit), Until Dawn, and Outlast series. I also have Bruce take several forms according to what best fits my partner’s media. Aside from Bruce’s canon shark form, other forms include a semi-terrestrial sea beast / Cetus, wereshark, turned-human, or Olog / fantasy troll. I prefer writing action, horror, fantasy, and thriller over slice of life. I prefer writing on Tumblr reblogs.
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digitalvalkerie · 2 years
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Meet Makko the lemon shark Mutant/Cetus honestly it depends what I’m using him in
Despite being named Makko, I decided that he was red herringly named, and is a lemon shark creature. Lemon sharks are near the danger zone, after being over fished for their fins, skin, and other bits. But Makko is a smart boi, who stays away from boats and humans. and he prefers hamburgers, to fish.
This baby bean is heavily inspired by the wonderful artist and writer, @chainsxwsmile / @chainsxwsmile-personal and their Cetus Verse Bruce the shark.
I may have stopped roleplaying on tumblr, for at least the time being, but I could never bring myself to unfollow such pleasant writing, and wonderful art that I constantly see from them. Pretty sure they’re the reason my love of sharks, as well as Non-Main Characters, has only grown as well.
These are basically rough doodles and colours, but I hope to cement his design soon, and maybe even draw him interacting with his inspiration~
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Arrogance- Pietro Maximoff x OC
Pietro Maximoff x Alina Cetus
Description: Wanda becomes worried when she realizes that her brother and Alina have become very close and sets out to see Alina’s intentions.
Word Count: 1.7k
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Ever since being introduced to the Avengers, Pietro had been quite the nuisance. Not a day went by where he wouldn’t use his powers to mess with one of the Avengers. Tony couldn’t keep count of how many times the older twin would take something out of his hand and hide it. More often than not Clint’s arrows disappear from right in front of him and he’ll hear a Sokovian accent say ‘You didn’t see that coming.’ 
There were only two people that Pietro didn’t prank as much: his sister and Alina, as cliché as it may have sounded. As soon as Pietro took something from her, all she had to do was tell him to give it back. He’d be by her side in a second handing it back, but there was always a cocky smile on his face.
“Arrogance is not a good look, especially on you, Maximoff,” Alina would always tease. 
“And scolding is not a good look on you,” he’d shoot back. She’d roll her eyes and they’d laugh together. That’s just how it was for them. 
This time she wasn’t here to do that. Alina had been sent on a mission to gather intel on Hydra’s next plans, it should have been an easy mission, no more than three or four days. It had been a week now and she still wasn’t back. Natasha and Tony eased his mind by saying that the weather at Hydra’s base was snowing. More than likely she and her team gathered the intel then went under the radar until the weather settled enough for them to fly. 
Pietro almost believed it until one day Tony called all of them into the lab. He, Nick and Maria were already there by the time the others arrived, Pietro of course being the first. 
“It’s only 7:00 a.m. what could you possibly want?” Sam grumbled, rubbing his eyes. 
“Earlier this morning we were sent a message,” Bruce explained gravely, which confused the others. “It was from Alina, dated three days ago. More than likely the blizzard intercepted her comm so the message didn’t go through at first. Take a look.” As soon as Alina’s name was mentioned Pietro perked up, causing Wanda to grab his hand. The twins watched Bruce walk over to a motherboard and press a button. Alina’s voice came statickly through the surrounding speakers, sounding frantic.
“Guys something went wrong. It was a set up,” she said between panting. “As soon as we got near the base we were shot down, looks like they shot the propellers clean off.” Wanda gasped and Bruce shushed her. “They attacked as soon as we crashed a-and my team...they’re dead. Paul, Mason, Olivia...they..t-they’re all dead. I only just managed to teleport away but they dragged my team away. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be hidden, more than likely they have guards searching for me right now. I’m too weak to get back to the tower on my own, I need your help,” she was interrupted by a grizzly voice calling out to her. “Pietro, help me!” Her exclamation was followed by two people grunting, followed by a pained scream from Alina before the line went dead. Everyone was shocked, and the silence in the room was deafening as they processed what they just heard. 
“Because we don’t have substantial proof, we can’t say for sure that Alina’s dead,” Nick spoke after a minute. “So, for the time being, we need to assume that she is still alive at the Hydra base. Now it’s up to you guys to do your thing. We’ve lost three soldiers, we don’t need to add a fourth. Get ready, you guys leave in two hours.” With one final nod, Nick walked out of the lab followed by Maria. No one moved at first, so Tony piped up. 
“You heard the man, go get ready,” he instructed. The others finally filed out of the lab and went to their rooms to prepare for the mission. Everyone was on edge, Alina may have been annoying at times but she was still loved by every single person. 
No one was more worried than Pietro though. Alina’s last words echoed in his mind like a haunting nightmare. Pietro, help me! The genuine fear in her voice is what scared him the most. In all the time he’d known her, she had never shown fear, even in the face of death. He paced his room over and over, groaning every few minutes about how slow time was. He only stopped when he heard a knock on his door. Wanda walked in upon his command and closed the door behind her. 
“I just came to check up on you,” she informed him gently. “I know how much Alina means to you.” Pietro shook his head, feeling his shoulders droop. They were completely alone, he felt that he was safe enough to let his guard down, so he did. He fell onto his bed with a shaky sigh. 
“I cannot lose her Wanda, we have lost too many people,” he muttered so quietly Wanda almost hadn’t heard him. 
“Pietro, you will not lose her,” she responded firmly, sitting beside him and resting a hand on his back. “We, all of us, are a team full of talented heroes. We will get her back. You’re not the only one worried about her.” Pietro could only sigh once more. He hoped that his sister was right, for both their sake and Hydra’s. Because if Alina was dead, there would be hell to pay on Hydra’s end. 
They didn’t have long to let her words settle in before a loud alarm went off. The room began flashing red, which made the two of them flinch. Over the alarm they could hear Steve running down the hallway knocking on doors and yelling at everyone to go back to the lab. Pietro and Wanda were up within seconds and following Steve. When they arrived, the others were already there and questioning Nick, Maria and Tony. 
“Everybody shut up!” Nick finally yelled, effectively quieting everyone. He turned to Tony, who nodded and pressed a button on the motherboard. A screen popped up in front of the group that held a very dim room with just one overhead light. The first thing everyone noticed was Alina, strapped to a chair looking worse for wear. She was dirty, covered in blood, and looked considerably weak. There looked to be some sort of metal collar strapped tightly around her neck. A growl emitted from the back of Pietro’s throat as a man walked on screen, his face just out of screen and hidden by the darkness either way. 
“Ah, the Avengers,” the man said in a deep Russian accent. “Lovely to see you. You seem to have lost something in our territory, a vital piece to your team,” his hands clasped behind his back. “Of course we are willing to give her back, but not without cost. What kind of organization would we be if we didn’t know when to make deals? Now you may ask yourself: what is it that we want? The answer is simple. We want Pietro and Wanda Maximilian.” The room was silent as they watched Alina’s head shoot up to look at him. 
“No,” she said, shaking her head vigorously. “Leave them out of this, they have no reason to-” she was cut off by the unknown man pulling out a swiss knife and stabbing it into her side. Wanda couldn’t stop the gasp that left her and she covered her mouth. The man muttered something Russian into her ear as her head drooped. She panted softly as the man stepped closer to the camera once more. 
“Anyways,” he continued calmly. “We request only the Maximilian siblings. If any other Avenger comes, the girl dies. Any funny business, and this will happen.” He pulled out what looked to be some sort of remote and pressed the only button on it. Everyone watched in horror as Alina convulsed violently as if being electrocuted until the man lifted his finger. If they listened carefully (which they did) they could hear a small whimper leave Alina’s lips as she slumped in her chair. 
“We cannot wait for you to return home. Hail Hydra.” With that, the screen went blank. Pietro’s eyes narrowed and he looked at Nick. 
“We leave now,” he muttered gravely before walking out of the room. Wanda was quick to follow him.
“Pietro, wait a second,” she called. “Shouldn’t we come up with a plan first?” 
“I have one,” Pietro responded simply as he began heading to the roof. “Save Alina.” He could hear Wanda sigh from behind him. 
“Pietro, we can come up with a plan where we can all return home. You know Alina would never return unless we are with her,” Wanda reasoned. The older Maximoff stopped at the door and sighed. He knew she was right, and he hated to admit it. 
“Then tell me on the way there,” he instructed before heading to the quinjet.
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The trip lasted for what felt like an eternity to Pietro, and this was one of those times where he wished he had gone on his own so he could speed up the process. Thankfully, the snowfall came into view and the twins prepared to land. They entered the base with ease, Pietro using his speed to get his sister through the door after she used her telekinesis to unlock it. 
“We need to get to the control panel and find where they’re keeping her,” Wanda whispered as they made their way through the deserted halls. 
“I can handle that,” he spoke arrogantly. “Stay here.” He gave her no room to argue as he used his enhanced speed to find the control room. Everything and everyone moved in slow motion as he gathered information. Alina Cetus was being held in a room that looked eerily similar to the ones he and Wanda used to sleep in. Outside he heard someone call Wanda’s name and he was quick to realize she had been found. It was time to go. Wordlessly, he went around the room, knocking out any guard member he could see. Once that was done he sped out, finding Wanda fighting some more guards almost immediately. 
“Time to go,” he muttered as he swooped her up and sped off to the fifth floor, where Alina was. They arrived in no time at all and Pietro set his disoriented sister down. 
“How do we open the door?” He questioned. 
“I can handle that,” Wanda responded simply, holding up her hands as her eyes began glowing red. Pietro watched in amazement as she held her hands toward the door and it crumpled like a piece of paper. As she moved it away from the doorway they heard a guard yell at them. Their heads snapped over to see a group of at least seven or eight guards running towards them. Without thinking Wanda threw the large metal door at them, knocking them down like bowling pins. 
“Nice aim,” Pietro commented. 
“I had a lot to work with,” she responded as she followed him inside. 
“Alina,” He called, looking around the room. Alina, who had been crouching in the far corner, perked up upon hearing Pietro’s voice.
“Pietro,” she whispered breathlessly, standing to meet him in a tight embrace. 
“It’s okay,” he whispered into her ear. “You’re okay. I’m here now.” Alina shook her head as she pulled away to look at him. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” she muttered, cupping his face in her hands. “If Antonov finds out you’re here-”
“He won’t,” Wanda interrupted from behind her brother. “Only a few people know we are here, but we have incapacitated them for the time being.” Alina pulled away to hug Wanda after she spoke. 
“Then we should leave now,” Pietro spoke. Alina shook her head once more and gestured to the collar still around her neck. 
“I can’t, Antonov put this on me. It is connected to my brain waves and currents. If I use my powers or I’m away from the base for a number of meters, I’m shocked like a dog.” Pietro grew angry at the thought of that vile man putting his hands on her, and looked at Wanda. 
“Can you do anything?” He questioned, attempting in vain to hide the hopefulness in his tone. Wanda examined the collar for a minute before her eyes glowed red again. Alina gasped as the collar suddenly fell from her neck to the ground with a loud clatter. She stared at it for a second before laughing joyfully. The twins couldn’t help but join in, happy to have the girl back. 
“Alright, we must go now,” Pietro instructed. “Alina, I know you are very weak, but I need you to get Wanda to the roof and start up the jet. I will meet you there.” Wanda furrowed her brows as the girl grabbed her hand. 
“What are you going to do?” She inquired, facing her brother. 
“Nothing you need to worry about,” he kissed both of their foreheads. “Now go. I will see you in a few minutes.” He didn’t wait for a response before running off. Alina took that as her cue to teleport both her and Wanda to the roof. She hobbled inside the quinjet with Wanda’s help and started it. Only moments later Pietro appeared inside with what looked to be splatters of blood on his suit.
“Pietro,” Alina questioned slowly as Wanda began flying away. “Who’s blood is that?” The boy seemed to just notice the new addition to his suit. 
“It is not mine,” he answered. 
“I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse,” she sighed, taking a seat. The seat in the quinjet felt like heaven compared to the sorry excuse for a bed back in that Hydra base. Her eyes closed as she leaned back against the wall.
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She hadn’t even realized she’d fallen asleep until she woke up in her room with bandages around her abdomen and a soreness in her entire body. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard a knock on her door. She called the person an and Pietro now stood in the doorway. 
“Hey,” she called with a small smile. The boy smiled and returned the greeting before walking over. 
“How are you feeling?” He inquired. She shrugged. 
“Could be better, could be worse.” She attempted to move then closed her eyes and groaned when she felt a pinch from her wound. Pietro stared at her sympathetically for a moment before taking a seat beside her. She opened her eyes once again when she felt his presence, only to see him holding up what looked to be three chains. Her brows kit together as she took a closer look. It was three dog tags. Paul J Singer, Mason R Lorde, and Olivia H Mann, the team she arrived at Hydra with. Tears blurred her vision as she carefully took them. 
“I figured that we could at least give something to their families,” Pietro explained softly, lifting a hand to wipe her tears away. Her eyes landed on him once again as he lip trembled. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around him in another hug. Pietro returned it immediately and rubbed her back soothingly. A second later she felt something wet on her shoulder. 
“Pietro?” She questioned softly, pulling away. Sure enough there was another silent tear slipping down his already tear stained cheek that Alina wiped away with her finger. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked in the same tone. Pietro hesitated before looking down. 
“I cannot lose you like that again draga mea (my darling),” he muttered. “I was so scared when I heard your comm, I thought that you had died after it was cut off. Then when the video came in from Antonov, I was relieved that you were alive. But my fears only increased when he hurt you, I was out for blood. Now that it is satiated, I’m left only with the leftover fear that I originally had.” Alina’s mouth dropped open at his answer. She knew that he would be worried for her, but not to this extent. 
“There is no more you need to be scared about. I’m here right? And I’m alive.” Pietro sighed then gave her a small smile. 
“I thought I was supposed to be making you feel better,” he commented, making her giggle. 
“I’m okay Piet, as long as you’re here with me at least.” Pietro seemed to like that idea because he settled in beside her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him. She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder with a content smile.
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findroleplay · 2 years
I am Margo (26, she/her, USA EST) and I write single-para, multi-para, and novella. I write as Bruce from Finding Nemo and I am looking for more writing partners, especially those playing characters from media from which I have available verses: this includes but is not limited to The Witcher, Marvel, Stranger Things, IT, Squid Game, Tolkien (Lord of the Rings, Hobbit), Until Dawn, and Outlast series. I also have Bruce take several forms according to what best fits my partner’s media. Aside from Bruce’s canon shark form, other forms include a semi-terrestrial sea beast / Cetus, wereshark, turned-human, or Olog / fantasy troll. I prefer writing action, horror, fantasy, and thriller over slice of life. I prefer writing on Tumblr reblogs.
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