#versus giegue
Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 1 Match 45
Versus Giegue - EarthBound Beginnings
Dragon's Den - Pokémon Gold/Silver
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
Versus Giegue:
"i'm going to get tittinus.... oh wait that's on purpose? still hurts"
Dragon's Den:
"Gen II has a lot of my favorite songs but this one. just is a bit too grating...the game boy could not handle it. I'll easily take the gen 4 remake cover over this one any day and I say that as someone who would play with GB sounds on."
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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rustedleopard · 1 year
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anearthstruckalien · 6 years
Giegue’s Influence - Mother 1 & Mother 2
In Mother 1 and Mother 2, some of the enemies that are fought by the main characters aren’t actually aliens and rather can range from humans, frenzied animals, and even to objects that are otherwise inanimate instead.  The key reason cited for most (but certainly not all) of these cases is that it is the result of something that is vaguely termed as ‘Giegue/Giygas’ influence’.  What this means is up to individual interpretation, but for this blog’s canon, I will focus on detailing what my personal thoughts on this are and thus explain the following in this post:  what it fundamentally is at its core; the difference between its appearances in Mother 1 and Mother 2 respectively; and why it affects others in a non-uniform way.  More under the cut.
In simple terms, this ‘influence’ can be thought of as a potent brainwashing wave.  What I mean by this is that much like the general characterization of waves in physics, Giegue’s influence is a series of disturbances that ‘transfer energy through matter or space, with little or no associated mass transport’… which in this particular case would be the transfer of psionic energy across various spaces (with the assistance of objects such as the Mani Mani Statue in Mother 2) which at minimum includes the entirety of Mother 1′s settings and the entirety of Eagleland in Mother 2.  BUT unlike this characterization of waves in physics, the transfer of psionic energy is shaped in a way that is intended to generally cause whatever or whomever it makes sufficient contact with to act out in dissonant and chaotic ways.
In humans and other living entities, this causes them to act out in ways that effectively disturb the peace and stir up chaos with the most common form being that of vicious physical attacks on whomever crosses their path… until the resulting fight snaps them out of it.  And with inanimate and non-living objects, the psionic energy transmitted is so overwhelming that these objects are given a kind of pseudo-life where they can move around seemingly of their own accord (in actuality, this is just the force of the psionic energy propelling them) BUT do so in erratic and physically violent ways, faintly directed by the intent contained in the psionic energy.  The difference between the effects on the two categories (living versus non-living) lies in one’s sentience:  the more sentient the target is, the more resistance there inherently will be to the effects of this brainwashing wave thus diluting its effects to varying degrees in the sentient and being completely at its mercy in the non-sentient.
Before I conclude this section, it is important to note two additional facts about Giegue’s influence: this is a very generalized attack (it is there to just indiscriminately affect as many as is possible without mentally exhausting Giegue himself; as a result, it isn’t specific or concentrated) and thus rather ‘watered-down’ compared to how much Giegue is truly capable of as far as mind-warping goes; and it is almost impossible to detect using the Earth’s current level of technology thus making it look like a bunch of living and non-living entities are mysteriously acting out in terrifying ways.
In this section, I will discuss the differences between the brainwashing wave that one sees in Mother 1 and that which is seen in Mother 2 or more specifically, the way it is experienced by living and sentient entities (this group will be the focus) such as humans and animals and how this subsequently leads to acting out in dissonant and chaotic ways. Differences across Mother 1 and Mother 2 for how the brainwashing wave affects non-living and non-sentient entities will not be discussed because none exist for this group and the precise mechanisms behind their actions have already been briefly explained by the preceding section.
Mother 1:  when the brainwashing wave makes sufficient contact with a target, what the target ends up experiencing is that of a horrible and sharp sound which no one else seems to be capable of hearing AND whose intensity increases with every second that passes.  Beyond a certain point of listening to this increasingly horrible sound, the target’s perception starts to get distorted and ultimately the target is driven to act out in a dissonant and chaotic way (most commonly in the form of physical violence within Mother 1’s settings).  It is worth noting that while the affected humans tend to go through this entire experience prior to attacking others, animals more commonly start attacking others shortly after the initial start of the sound (at an earlier stage of the brainwashing, in other words).
Mother 2:  when the brainwashing wave makes sufficient contact with a target, what the target ends up experiencing is that of a rather ‘corrupted’ variant of the brainwashing wave in Mother 1.  To elaborate on what I mean by this, the precise function of the brainwashing wave is the same BUT how it affects targets to fulfill its function is different.  This is the result of the corruption (briefly described HERE) that Giegue undergoes as he slowly descends into madness following the events of Mother 1 and intensifying during the events of Mother 2; as the corruption grew, it began to seep into his psionic energies and distort PSI moves from their original forms such that while it was still possible to accomplish their functions, the emotions that gave rise to Giegue’s corruption (hate and anger especially) to begin with were carried within it.
With regards to the brainwashing wave, this resulted in something that rather ended up corrupting its targets over basically causing pain to ultimately distorting one’s perception instead.  What this means is that upon making sufficient contact with the brainwashing wave, the affected targets have their minds warped by the corruption in the brainwashing wave and in a way such that this brings out the absolute worst in them.  In other words, the ‘evil’ within others is brought to the surface and magnified thereby leading to one of two main kinds of living and sentient enemies in Mother 2:  common enemies which are simply aggressive and attack anyone that crosses their paths; and more significant figures whom carry out specific tasks which are designed to ultimately stir up chaos and dissonance among humans.
*Additional Sidenote:  It is implied here, but the brainwashing wave is stronger in Mother 2 than it was in Mother 1 thereby making it far more troublesome in Mother 2 than it ever was in Mother 1.
In both Mother 1 and Mother 2, it is no secret that the brainwashing wave does not affect everyone in the same way or even to the same degree.  There are marked differences (albeit more so in Mother 2 than Mother 1) between individuals of the living and sentient group of targets that were briefly touched upon in the preceding section… and accordingly won’t be discussed here.  Instead I will briefly sum up why these differences exist between individuals by appealing to the concept of willpower.
The strength of one’s willpower comes from both how naturally resilient one’s character is against external influences (being stubborn for instance helps) and how much inner strength one has, especially in appropriately dealing with difficult situations.  This strength of one’s willpower in turn determines the degree to which one will be affected by the brainwashing wave; in other words, the weaker the target’s willpower, the more strongly the brainwashing wave will affect them AND the stronger the target’s willpower is, the smaller the effects of the brainwashing wave will be one them.  Factors that may weaken one’s willpower and thus make them more vulnerable to this brainwashing wave consist of the following:  emotional instability, unresolved internal issues (especially those pertaining to oneself), and unaccepted flaws within oneself.
As a result, the brainwashing wave ends up producing the two main types of enemies that I mentioned in the previous section (those with weaker willpower) AND even affects those whom do not end up being enemies (the ‘evil’ within Ness’ Magicant for instance) or behaving in strange and terrifying ways, albeit very minimally (those with stronger willpower such as the Chosen Four).  The brainwashing wave cannot override the will of those whom are strong enough to resist its influence –especially not those whom are also PSI-users.
In fact, it is worth mentioning that having PSI itself and having a greater mastery over it (especially if this mastery is more closely related to what PSI category the brainwashing wave falls under) serves as a kind of protection against the effects of the brainwashing wave.
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 4 Match 6
Title Screen - Tagin' Dragon
Versus Giegue - EarthBound Beginnings
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
Tagin' Dragon Title Screen:
(none included)
Versus Giegue:
"i'm going to get tittinus.... oh wait that's on purpose? still hurts"
"How the hell do you sound like a bad soundfont flip of yourself?"
"#versus giegue potion of headache. awesome choice there. great pick"
"#I don't care if that's on purpose versus giegue is too fucking high pitched"
"I love mother, the giegue fight theme is really unsettling and in context its cool because it gets broken up when ninten and co attempt to sing the 8 melodies sortof like a small voice cutting through the noise but GOD does it hurt my ears like LORD. Would never in a million years listen to it outside of the game."
"#[Versus Giegue] holy shit #owowowowow"
"I love giegue but good lord is his theme utter shit in m1"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 3 Match 12
Versus Giegue - EarthBound Beginnings
Chocobo Theme - Final Fantasy X-2
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
Versus Giegue:
"i'm going to get tittinus.... oh wait that's on purpose? still hurts"
"How the hell do you sound like a bad soundfont flip of yourself?"
"#versus giegue potion of headache. awesome choice there. great pick"
"#I don't care if that's on purpose versus giegue is too fucking high pitched"
"I love mother, the giegue fight theme is really unsettling and in context its cool because it gets broken up when ninten and co attempt to sing the 8 melodies sortof like a small voice cutting through the noise but GOD does it hurt my ears like LORD. Would never in a million years listen to it outside of the game."
"#[Versus Giegue] holy shit #owowowowow"
"I love giegue but good lord is his theme utter shit in m1"
Chocobo Theme:
"#x2 chocobo theme isnt even trying"
"#but the chocobo theme made me cover my mouth like it shjocked me thats what bad music should do"
"#I'm SO GLAD the chocobo theme is finally a part of this tournament #it's my absolute favorite piece of bad video game music #it sucks ass and I love it for it ❤️"
"ffx2 chocobo is the most sexual motherfucker in final fantasy apparently"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 2 Match 23
Versus Giegue - EarthBound Beginnings
Sagat's Theme - Street Fighter 1
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
Versus Giegue:
"i'm going to get tittinus.... oh wait that's on purpose? still hurts"
"How the hell do you sound like a bad soundfont flip of yourself?"
"#versus giegue potion of headache. awesome choice there. great pick"
"#I don't care if that's on purpose versus giegue is too fucking high pitched"
"I love mother, the giegue fight theme is really unsettling and in context its cool because it gets broken up when ninten and co attempt to sing the 8 melodies sortof like a small voice cutting through the noise but GOD does it hurt my ears like LORD. Would never in a million years listen to it outside of the game."
"#[Versus Giegue] holy shit #owowowowow"
"I love giegue but good lord is his theme utter shit in m1"
Sagat's Theme:
(none included)
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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seeing it happen now for vs giegue i wonder how many songs (will) have gotten the "it's like this on purpose" comment(s)
vote in the poll here!
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some Sagat Propaganda: Giegue is droning and annoying on purpose… Sagat's Theme is droning and annoying and it's entirely a freak accident that happened while TRYING to make a decent song. Sagat's Theme is worse.
vote in the poll here!
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