#vert wheeler x reader
Vert and Reader texting
Reader: Hey, I was making a special recipie from a cook book that I bought and it says that I should pre-heat the oven at 350° for 10 minutes.
Reader: So I was thinking about doing it the opposite way. Pre-heating the oven at 10° for 350 minutes.
Vert: No, Absolutely Not! You're gonna burn down the base!
Reader: 🙃
Vert: Why are you sending me that emoji?
Vert: Hello???? (Y/N)??? Answer me!
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marislittleworld · 1 year
High School Crush ~ (Part 1)
Hot Wheels Acceleracers Vert Wheeler x fem! reader
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POV: The reader knows Vert ever since high school, but she is very shy and Vert saw her a few times during their high school days, the reader was so in love and still is. Years later the reader is becoming a very good art designer and it's called to help the TEKU team with their new team logo, but she didn't know that Vert Wheeler was part of this team.
(Y/F/N) - Your Fake Name
(Y/N) - your name
(E/C) - Eye color
“Dear Diary, today I went to the art club to send my banner ideas when I suddenly saw Vert with his friend group-” You were reading your diary and laughing at your teen version from the past, you were so in love with that blonde surf boy. He was one of the coolest guys at the academy, but he had an arrogant personality.
Besides, it seems you haven't changed at all, you are still shy and still blush every time you remember that Californian boy. You have noticed that there are still some white pages left in your diary, maybe it is because you didn't have more time to write in a diary during your senior year.
You are doing an art college because you found out you have the biggest talent in illustrations, you have created your own art account on your social media, but you kept your identity anonymous. Your arts are being liked by people whom you have never met, in one of the notifications, 2 accounts liked your designs and followed you. The first is TEKU Official Account, and the second is Shirako Takamoto.
You went to see the accounts and you got really surprised, these accounts are famous, and both of them are music creators, you saw that this Shirako Takamoto guy is the DJ of the TEKU team. And the best thing is you receive his messages on your DM's:
Shirako- Yo! What's up. The name is Shirako Takamoto, I'm a DJ of a street racing team called The TEKU.
(Y/F/N)- Hello Shirako Takamoto, very pleased to meet you. I heard some music when I have seen your account, you make amazing kinds of music!
Shirako- why thank you so much. And your arts are amazing too! Speaking of which, the leader of my team is looking for a new design for our logo, and I've tried to look for some good designs and now I think I chose the perfect designer for that. Please, can you help us with our new logos? We promise that we'll pay you.
You just thought for a minute, a guy who followed you and then suddenly asked if you could help his street racing team with a new logo design. It might sound suspicious but you got not very good clients, some were scammers, some stole your work, and some only wanted inappropriate things. But some part of your mind said that this dude is trustworthy, so you said "yes, I can help you :)"
Shirako- Good! Can we meet in real life? Because we can work together and think about the logo designs.
(Y/F/N)- OK, but how can I know that you are not a serial killer? LOL
Shirako- LMAO don't worry, since we live in the same city, how about we meet on California Street?
(Y/F/N)- hmm... deal Both of you said your goodbyes and you turned off your phone, you are so excited and yet worried at the same time, you went to write in your diary.
"Dear diary, its been a time, yeah? But I'm going to finish you soon, anyway, I got commissioned again, but this client is different, this is the first client who asked me to meet him in real life. And the best part it's that he is from a very famous street racing team called TEKU, I've done some research of course, and it seems a very popular team and very trustworthy. I'm going to get dressed and meet this Shirako Takamoto guy at the California Street, hope I don't die today XD. Wish me luck."
You put your comfy and yet good-looking clothing, nothing too tight, a shy style I would say, but that doesn't matter, you picked up your phone, your sketchbook, and pencils. You prepared your backpack and left home. You went to California Street and started to wait for Shirako.
After some minutes of waiting, you finally see a white car, with yellow and blue details, with a TEKU logo on the car hood, and it was playing loud music. Really loud.
The car stopped in front of you, and its driver rolled down the window, revealing that it was Shirako Takamoto. Making you recognize him, Shirako called your name as you entered his car (yay Bassline).
He drove you both into a place where it is customized with the TEKU colors pallet, Shirako then opened the garage and parked there, but you saw other cool-designed cars inside. After this, he showed you the place outside the garage.
You heard voices and you noticed that it is coming from a living room, you and Shirako entered there, and you saw a woman with a blue outfit, a man using orange glasses laying down on the sofa, and a boy with long black hair with a yellow jacket and a T golden necklace. Those 3 were relaxing until Shirako cleared the throat.
"Guys, I want you to meet (Y/F/N) she will help us with our new logo design” exclaimed Shirako
The long-haired man looked at you with surprise and then shakes your hand happily, you could see a relieved smile on his face.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/F/N), I'm Nolo Pasaro, the leader of the TEKU team. Shirako showed to us all of your work" said Nolo smiling at you
You blushed a little, because Shirako showed to them your arts, you started to feel really shy right now.
"One of our members is late, but I guess we should get started then?” asked the woman wearing the blue outfit
“This is Karma Eiss, she is a little bit... Direct” said Nolo trying to make a good presentation between you and Karma
“Direct? Me? I’m not...” said Karma refusing to believe what she just heard from her leader
“That one on the couch is Kurt Wylde, he is one of the most trustful people that I ever met,” said Nolo saying good things about Kurt, but you kinda know him because he was a famous driver at Grand Prix but he was accused about cheating on a race. You just smiled at him and waved, and he just looked at you and said only “hi...”
“One of our members is late, we should wait for him and then we’ll start to work”
Nolo let you sit on the couch next to Kurt while you wait for the last member, you took the time to look around, and you saw so many photos, medals, and trophies. It's been an awkward silence until you hear someone opening the door.
“I’m here! SORRY, I’M LATE!!”
You went to see the person and you couldn't believe who is the person in front of you. It was Vert Wheeler, your crush ever since high school, he looked at you and smiled.
"hey I know you. Do we met before?" asked Vert trying to remember if he ever had met you
"huh? Oh yes yes! We have met before, highschool. We didn't had a talk actually" you responded him, and surprising yourself that you talked to him without stutter.
And he still look stunning after high school, the only difference is the goatee, you both looked at each other until Vert remembered
"OH YEAH! You were my neighbor, the girl who always loved to draw."
"O-Oh how did you know that I love to draw?"
"My dad met your parents, he told me that you are very smart, a very good artist and the most sweetest person" Vert smiled with his beautiful blue eyes, and your face started to get hot, really hot. Your cheeks started to blush, your heartbeat started to get faster. He knew about you, it's good to know that you weren't a ghost in his life.
“H-huh?! That's- I mean I n-never” Damn it, you are stuttering in front of him and his friends, you hide your face in your hands trying to pretend that you didn't blushed, but the TEKU team had noticed.
"I see that you two kinda know each other a long time" Nolo giggled a little bit and then he dragged you and the rest of the team to the garage again.
When you got there, Shirako was holding a lot of rolled papers and he put these on the desk nearby. He opened the papers and he showed a lot of drawings and designs for their logos.
“Here are some ideas that I got before commissioning you, I was thinking if we could the TEKU logo with a blue dragon or- OH how about the letters have a sound wave design,” Shirako said so excitedly because he wants to share this idea to another professional and you found it cute.
“I must say, these aren't bad ideas, but I think I got an idea. Instead of a dragon, how about some blue and orange flames? To make it simple and terrific” you said confidently, there is a short awkward silence and then was interrupted by Vert.
“Hmm, that isn't a bad idea, like we shouldn’t make our logo very specific and difficult to understand. And seriously, Shirako, I still don't understand the reason for a dragon being in our logo” said Vert chuckling
“Shush Vert. This is a chat between professionals” pouted Shirako, making everyone laugh
You and Shirako have been debating and making ideas for the logo for hours because Nolo says it needs to look cool. Meanwhile, Vert watches you two working (but he is hidden), and Nolo gives him a coffee.
“So you know her?” asked Nolo smiling at his friend
“Not as much as I remember, we just exchanged looks and hi’s and goodbyes. She was very shy, I always thought that pretty cute” answered Vert while blushing a little
After the World Race, Vert Wheeler, that teenager who commanded the Wave Rippers changed his personality a lot. He learned about thinking of others when he discovered Kadeem, his friend from the World Race, was racing for his people and it gave a reality shock to Vert.
So he started to be respectful to other people, acting so differently from his school days. Vert couldn't take his eyes off of her, she looks even more beautiful after years. You have changed a little bit about your looks, like your hairstyle and the colors of your type of clothing.
Not only Nolo has noticed that, but Karma and Kurt notices too. They shared a smirk between themselves and they decided to give Shirako and (Y/N) a break.
"Nolo is calling me, wanna come, (Y/F/N)?" asked Shirako
"no thank you, and you guys can call me (Y/N). It's my real name" you responded Shirako. He nods as you permit him and the rest of the TEKU to call you by your real name.
Shirako went to talk with Nolo outside of the room, and you sat down on the wooden chair next to the table you were working on your project. As you were folding the papers, someone entered the room, you hold the papers and look who entered the room... Vert.
"hey (Y/N). Can I talk to you?" asked Vert in a friendly and calm tone in his voice
You blushed when you saw him and let some papers fall from your hands and you started to stutter. "O-Oh yeah s-sure. We didn't t-talked when you arrived" you said while holding the stuttering feeling
"how's your life going? Your family moved to another place when we finished high school and... we rarely talked" asked Vert while helping you to collect the papers, when you both are about the pick the same and the last paper. You both touched hands accidentally, you felt his fingertips on the top of your hand, you looked at each other in the eyes, his damn blue piercing eyes looking straight at your (E/C) eyes.
You two stayed in a crouched pose looking at each other's eyes for some seconds until you wake up to reality and blushes harder, and surprisingly... Vert was blushing too, but it was a slight blush.
(Author’s note: hey guys, Liane here, and hope you liked this Acceleracers x reader. This is part 1 of the longest works that I did and wrote for MONTHS. I’m in my Senior Year and I decided to write a self-insert with Vert because he IS one of my childhood crushes and he inspires me a lot. Also, Vert’s voice actor named Andrew Francis dubbed a character from an old Barbie movie who is EXACTLY like Vert. And that's it y’all! Hope you have a wonderful day and drink water, byee! OH, I ALMOST FORGOT, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAYCEE SQUARED!! ❤️)
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marislittleworld · 1 year
just waiting if someone posts HW Acceleracers Vert Wheeler x reader, because I'm almost about to recreate my oldest Hot Wheels OC.
*cringe phase of posting ocs on amino 😓*
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marislittleworld · 1 year
Hot Wheels Acceleracers characters reacting to their (S/O) suddenly sleeping on their shoulder (part 1)
Nolo Passaro - The TEKU leader haven't felt an affection ever since his brother, Tony, died (my headcanon). So I think he would be surprised that someone would sleep on his shoulder, but he won't woke you up either. Let them rest for a while.
Kurt Wylde - you know that meme of The Rock doing that eyebrows thing? So, that would be Kurt's reaction when he suddenly feel someone sleep on his shoulder. Maybe, juuuust maybe, this will remind him of his childhood of him taking care of his little brother, Markie. My other side tells me that he would say "do I look like a bed? Hey, you should rest on your room." Oh yeah, he would guide you to your room if you ask him.
Karma Eiss - this pretty woman have a good heart, but she won't let you sleep on her shoulder, because what if you feel uncomfortable? And she needs to study more the drones driving skills on the racing realms. But I think she will take a time to take care of you while you are resting. Like Nolo, she won't wake you up.
Vert Wheeler - after Highway 35, he turned from that arrogant teenager to a very friendly guy (and with a low self steem), he would blush A LOT, and I mean A LOT! He is so precious to you and his cheeks would turn pink, he will try to carry you but he fails, he will ask someone to give blanket to both of you.
Shirako Takamoto - bruh he doesn't even notice at first, he listen to his musics 24 hrs for day (EVEN SLEEPING), but when he is about to do something, he will notice you on his shoulder, and accidentally wake you up. He is not rude, he will say sorry if he woke you up and will guide you to your room.
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Vert: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
You: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Vert: That one. I want that one.
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So I'm on a roll with these Loki's daughter x Vert Wheeler asks soooo, how about Vert wanting to meet Loki and her very scary looking but nice sister? I can't remember if I sent this one in already or not 😂
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Vert always wanted to meet his lover's family for a really long time. He didn't have any time back then, since he was always busy with missions.
When he finally got the time to meet them, he got intimidated by how powerful they were, since they are 10x stronger than (S/O).
Vert got the hang of talking to Loki since he was pretty much chill and easy going the entire time, but (S/O)'s sister just stood there, staring at Vert in the most menacing way possible.
Loki then assured him that she was actually nice and she wouldn't mind if Vert came to talk to her.
So, that's what Vert did. He went up to her and had a conversation with her. It was pleasant and (S/O)'s sister was very pleased by it.
Loki and her sister was impressed by how mature and kind Vert was and they were happy that the youngest one in their family is with him.
(S/O)'s sister would telepathically talk to (S/O) and ask if Vert was okay almost every two or three days in every week. It's pretty weird that she would ask something like this since she doesn't really care about other's, other than her family.
Loki would just visit him in person. He would appear out of nowhere and scare the living hell out of Vert.
Loki and Vert will have a lot of fun together since they'll travel together to other battlezones.
(S/O) totally didn't think her family would be obsessed with Vert.
Vert is planning to introduce his father, Jack to Loki and (S/O)'s sister. But he's afraid that Jack might say something rude or sarcastic to them. So he gotta give them a warning before letting Jack meet them.
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I knew this would happen. I accidently deleted an ask. Thank god I took a screenshot of it before deleting it...🙏🙏🙏
Whoever asked this, I'm praying that they will see this post.
Vert x Reader x Alternative Vert
You settled in handler corners about a year ago and made friends with the people who work at spectre motors. But, one day you became awestruck for the fact that you saw them coming out of a portal. That's when you knew what they really do. You have been nagging them to bring you with them but Vert refused. The reason why is because he's afraid you might get hurt and also, you tried to ride the saber the other day. But, what happened was you drove it to the maximum speed limit. And you crashed his car on a giant rock. You hit your head on the glass real hard and ever since then, he's been treating you like a kid. So, you kept annoying Vert to the point where he gave up and said yes. But he told you to not walk around the battle zone and instead, stay with Stanford.
You were with them on the training tracks watching the solar eclipse through those special glasses that allows you to look at the sun, until Sage announced through their coms that a stormshock was detected, with a warning. Those solar flares could damage their vehicles. Vert turned to you with a serious expression. "Don't get out of the reverb. If you do, then it'll be the last time I'm taking you to a battlezone". You nodded in agreement. You hopped on the reverb and they all took off.
"Stay double frosty guys. Sage said those solar flares could do nasty stuff to our instruments." Vert warned. "Solar activity peak level coinciding with portal entry" Sage announced through the coms as Stanford kept touching a button on the touch screen of his reverb. "Might explain why my rear axle telemetry a bit dodgy." Stanford said.
"Caution. Battlezone may also be affected."
Everyone got inside the portal and arrived on a planet that looks really fimiliar. Like the ones they show on science fiction movies. "Looks like a standard alien desert to me." Spinner said. "Everybody make some dust. Find me a key!" Vert said as he went to the other direction. "As soon as I find out what's wrong my axle. Catch up with you." Stanford parked his car on an area near a mountain. You got annoyed because you couldn't see the rest of the zone for a bit.
Stanford got out of the reverb with a socket wrench that he carries with him. He crossed your arms as you watched him open the bonet. "First rule of a manual servo repair. Never need one." Stanford started to twist and turn some of the parts with the socket wrench. You grunted in annoyance. "Hey Stan. Can I get out and watch the view. I wanna walk around a bit." You asked. "No. Vert told me to make sure your inside the Reverb at all cost." Stanford replied. Not looking in your direction. "Come on! I don't wanna sit here! I just wanna walk!!!" You whined. But, he just ignored you. You looked outside and sighed. Then you got an idea. "Hey stan. I'll make a promise to you if you let me out." You said. He looked at you, a brow raised. "What promise?" He asked. "If you let me out, I'll tell Grace how amazing you are! I know you like her and I'm sure she'll listen to me. That way, she'll ask you out!" You said, with a big smile. He rubbed his chin and thought about it for a second. A smile formed on his face. "Okay! You can come out!" He said. You felt really happy and when you got out of the reverb, you gave Stanford a big hug. "Thank you!!!" You said, before going to the other side, enjoying the view.
You kept walking around until you saw something coming from the distance. It looked like a gold chariot... And it was coming towards you. You ran to Stanford and hid behind him. He gasped when he saw one of his enemies right in front of him. He dropped his socket wrench as the mutant like creature aimed his crossbow at him.
"Go on then! What are you waiting for fang face?!" Stanford said with pure hate. "Even though you humans want to destroy my world, I cannot attack an unarmed man." Kalus said. Stanford looked at him, confused. "Who are you? And what have you done with Kalus?" Stanford asked. "And you, are not acting like a member of the evil battle force 5!" Kallus exclaimed. "Evil battle force 5?" You whispered. Stanford looked at you, indicating he was confused, just as you.
"Mount your vehicle and let us battle as honour dictates." Kalus said. Stanford took a step back, almost stepping on your feet. "Uhh.... One moment..." He said before he spoke through his com. "Guys! Kalus has me in his crosshairs, but he's being... Honourable. Please advice." "On our way!" Vert replied as he and the others went to where Stanford stood.
You saw the team coming towards them from the distance. The tension was relieved.
"Huh! Typical Battle Force 5. Refusing to choose the Vandal code to settle our differences like gentleman!" Kalus spat.
"A vandal gentleman? Huh! In what world?" Sherman asked. "Maybe in this world. Sage said the battlezone could be affected. Captain Kalus! Wait! Please." Vert stopped the Saber infront of him. You and Stanford quickly got inside the Reverb and he aimed the sonic canons at Kalus. "Captain Kalus!" Vert called as he got out, without bringing his double edged sword. Kalus aimed his crossbow at him. "I'd like to speak with you! I've come unarmed." He walked towards him. "Vert! We've got him surrounded. What are you doing?!" Agura questioned. "Playing a hunch I'm about to wish I never had. Cover me but stay back." Vert said. Kalus got out of his chariot. "What kind of trickery is this?!" He questioned. Vert held out his arm, motioning Stanford to turn off the sonic canons.
"You... Ordered your team to stay back..." Kalus said. "I did. So, where is yours?" Vert asked. "Ugh! You know very well what happened to them!" Kalus said before sniffing Vert's uniform. "Or do you?" Kalus got surprised of the scent Vert had. It wasn't the same scent he was fimiliar with.
"It's not Kalus!" Vert turned around to the team. "Uhh... How many talking lions with crossbows are there riding around in gold chariots?" Agura was confused. Zoom came and stopped the chopper beside the tangler. "Just did a flyby on the battle key!" He said before turning to Vert. Surprised to see Kalus standing next to him. "Whoa! And we're not whipping lion butt why?" "Somehow those solar flares must of connected us to a dimention exactly opposite our own." Sherman explained. You gasped in surprise. "Am I gonna see the opposite version of the team?" You thought. "With good Vandals! (Idk what word he said after that... lol)" Stanford said, confused and surprised at the same time. "So where's the rest of your team?" Vert asked. "My good friends Hatch, Xever and Crocomodo were elimimated... Long ago...." Kalus said sadly. His face drooped down. You looked at him with pity. "By who?" Vert asked. "By.... Them...." Kalus pointed to the distance, as he heard a team of cars racing towards them. The whole team looked at the distance and saw their opposites. "Those look just like our rides!" Sherman exclaimed. "Normally it's between me and that battle force 5. Which exists only to conquer peacefull worlds..." Kalus said.
"Well... Look what we have here?" The alternative vert's voice was heard through the com. You gasped at how his tone was so.... Evil... "They look like us, but they're so... Clean." "Not after I'm done with them." "I wanna smash them. Into teeny tiny bits!" "Wow Sherm! That was nearly a complete sentence!" "Oh, you boys are like soooo immature!" "Shut your traps. First we get the key. Then we play...." A fit of evil laughter sent chills down your spine. Anti-Vert noticed you sitting with Stanford. He looked at you and winked. "Uhhh...." You had no words to say. "Whoa. Doppleganger dudes really got their fight on!" Spinner said. "Can't let 'em get the key. What do you need Zoom?" Vert asked. "Battle key is in the side of a mini mountain. Gonna need Agura!" Zoom replied. "Nothings out of my reach!" Agura said. "Agura go for the key. Everyone else on defense. Let's go!" The team charged towards their opposites. They looked at each other in pure hate. You gripped on your seat because of how fast the Reverb was going.
"Looks like those goodie goodies are gonna get in our way!" Anti-Spinner said. "Split up. Take 'em one on one." Anti-Vert ordered. The Saber's blades collided with each other. Anti-Vert's blade scraped past the Saber. Vert grunted in anger.
Anti-Vert's Saber got near the Reverb and he came to your side of the car. "Hey sexy! He thinks he's better than me. Let me show you what I can do." He said before charging towards Vert's Saber. Vert got really angry when his alternarive self called you "sexy". God, he wanted to punch his anti-self's perfect teeth. "If you are trying to challenge me, you're doing a terrible mistake! I'm gonna kick your butt!" Vert said. "That will be in your dreams. The woman/man is mine!" Anti-Vert said. "No, mine!" Vert muttered. "She/he is mine!"
You were watching the entire thing. Each time Vert gets pushed back by his anti self, Anti-Vert has a grin on his face. He knows you are still watching the fight. But, you suddenly can't see them because the Reverb has gone away from them. "Stanford. Follow the girl/boy and try to wreck their Reverb." Anti-Vert said. "Consider it done!" He said. You saw Anti-Stanford following the Reverb really tightly. "Ohmygosh. Please go faster!" You said. "I am!" Stanford swerved the car left and right. Trying to avoid the sonic attacks. His anti self got to your side and you gasped when he made his car push the Reverb to the side. Both Stanford and his evil self pushed each other back and forth. "Coming here was a bad idea..." You regreted annoying Vert. This is what Vert has been warning you about. Something like this always happen. Suddenly, Anti-Stanford pushed his vehicle too hard on the Reverb. Causing the mirror on your side to break. Shards of glasses fell onto your arm. It's sharp sides grazed your skin. Causing a cut on the thin layer of skin. But enough to bleed. It stinged a little. "We'll get away from.... Me..." Stanford somehow managed to turn the Reverb, making it face his anti self. They both sonic blasted each other. Stanford and his anti self took the hit, causing the Reverb to be pushed back. You hit your head really hard on the back and on the side..... The glass shards cut the side of your cheek. It started to bleed and your head hurts fr om hitting the back too hard. "(Y/N)!!! You're bleeding!!!" Stanford gasped in horror. "I'm... I'm okay... Just go!" You said. The Reverb took off, leaving Anti-Stanford alone. You started to feel nauseous and a splitting headache took place. "I... I don't feel so good..." You said, covering your mouth. Trying not to vomit because of how the Reverb's movement is. "I'll take you somewhere that'll keep you safe!" Stanford said.
Stanford parked the Reverb on a small cave. A cave where it's not clearly seen. Both you and Stanford got out. You sat on the floor, leaning onto the wall, as Stanford inspected your injuries. "I don't have an emergency kit. Sorry about that..." Stanford apologized. "N-no it's okay." You said, as you took out your handkerchief from your pocket. You placed it on your cheek, hoping the bleeding will stop. "I should be the onr who's sorry. I shouldn't have come here." You said sadly. "It's okay (Y/N)." Stanford smiled. "You stay here. The Reverb is already damaged. If you're in it, then it'll cause more injuries to you. Our opposites won't find you." Stanford said as he got inside the Reverb. He disappeared into the distance and you sighed. "I shouldn't have come here..."
Vert and his anti-self kept pushing their vehicles on each other, causing a lot of damage. He chuckled. "You already know that soon, the woman/man that you have brought with you on your mission will be mine! I already know it. You're weak!" He said. "Not gonna happen!" Vert shouted. Then Anti-Vert saw the Reverb coming out from the side of a mountain, but you weren't there with him. "Are you sure Vert?" Anti-Vert asked before violenly pushing Vert's Saber with his blades. Vert's vehicle flipped over and Anti-Vert went to where Stanford came.
You started to feel lightheaded and your head was throbbing and you placed your hand on the back of your head. You felt warm liquid covering your palm. It was blood. You sighed, praying the team will come back to get you. You laid down and curled up like a ball, trying to fall asleep. After a few minutes, you heard a vehicle coming towards you. It sounded like the Saber. You felt relieved for Vert being here and you got up... Only to see his alternative self staring at you. He chuckled. "Are you trying to rest my love?" He asked. "I'm not your love! Leave me alone!" You said, as you stood up. "You don't know what I am capable of. I'm way better than the Vert from your homeworld." He said. "Oh no no no. You are just a freak. I don't like men like you!" You shouted. He looked at you with no emotion. He took a step towards you and you took a step back. "Me? A freak? Ha! You don't know me well dear." Vert said. "And you don't know me as well. I'm capable of fighting you off. I have a black belt in karate!" You exclaimed. Suddenly, Anti-Vert just burst out into laughter. "Do you really expect me to believe that?! You don't look like the type to be violent." He said. "Oh, But I am. Don't mess with me!" You said. He took a step forward and you lunged at him, ready to punch his face. But, he grabbed both of your wrist. "Hm... A black belt in karate, huh?" He said, mockingly. "I-I just went e-easy on you!" You said, as you tried to pull yourself out of his grip. But, he was too strong. "Don't even try. You're weak!" He said. You mentally slapped yourself from doing that stupid move. The amount of energy you took to get out of his grip made you feel as if the world was spinning around you. Your legs became weak and you almost fell down, but Anti-Vert caught you. He grazed his fingers on the cut on your cheek. "Looks like Stanford got a little harsh on you...". "I'm very sorry about that..." He suddenly pinned you against a wall.
He looked at how vulnerable you are. It didn't take long to smash his lips onto yours. You couldn't protest as your body felt like jelly. He stopped kissing you as you bit his tongue harshly. "Gah!" He hissed in pain. You fell down on the floor. "D-don't do i-it a-again...." You spoke. Your voice was weak. The blood from his tongue starts to drip down from his mouth. "I would love my woman/man to be a little more compliant. I don't mind playful biting.... But, not in a way it'll stop someone from kissing you..." He said. "Go... To... Hell!" You spat. He just laughed. "You will be under my control when I take you away from them!" He said, with a wicked smile.
"STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU SACK OF SH*T!!!" Someone shouted from the distance. You both looked at who it was. It was Vert. Your Vert. He ran towards his anti-self and kicked him in the guts. Anti-Vert grunted in pain. "You will seriously gonna regret doing that!" He said. "YOU WILL SERIOUSLY GONNA REGRET TAKING MY WOMAN/MAN AWAY FROM ME!!!!" Vert shouted. Then, both Vert and his alternative self started to have a fist fight. You couldn't move or speak, and you laid down almost unconscious.
Vert somehow beaten his anti-self down. He ran to you and picked you up. "You're bleeding!!!" He gasped as he felt the warm liquid from your head. He ran out of the cave and placed you inside the Reverb. "Get her/him home! Now!" He ordered. Stanford nodded and he took you to the hub. He went back to the Saber and looked at his anti-self. "You and I are gonna have a fight. With our vehicles..." He said.
Part 2 (Coming Soon)
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got any headcanons about alternative!vert? any kind!
Yandere!Alternative Vert x Reader Headcanons
(I think Alternative Vert, Agura and Zoom is the yandere type. But the others aren't.)
Will never let you talk to his friends. Because he doesn't trust them being around you. What if they make a move towards you?
You better listen to him or he'll lock you up in a spare room for days. He won't even give you food.
He's extremely violent. So, if anyone is acting like an asshole towards you, he or she will be dead the next day.
Can be extremely toxic to you sometimes. He'll make you feel worthless sometimes. But the next day he'll say sorry and says good things about you.
He can be abusive. Rarely though.
Doesn't like you going outside. He doesn't want other people seeing you.
You are his treasure and will do whatever to protect and cherish you.
Don't even try to escape. Never. Do. That. Ever.
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How about a scenario where Vert can't protect super alien girlfriend and she ends up in a coma? Like he just wanted to protect her for once since she protects him a lot but in the end she ends up protecting him and ends up in a coma because of it. How would he feel?
Vert x Alien!Reader
WARNING: Cursing, Violence
"Eat sh*t Krytus! You'll never have (Y/N)!" Vert spat. He and Krytus were having a sword fight. The sound the swords swerving and hitting each other was loud. "You are weak human! All of you are weak!!!" Krytus shouted. He kicked Vert in the stomach all of a sudden, causing him to fall down. He looked up and saw Krytus, ready to kill him by raising his sword. He was aiming at Vert's neck. "STOP!!!" Someone shouted from the distance. Vert and Krytus look at the side. They saw you coming in between them. You blasted Krytus with your electric powers. You saw him hit his back against the wall of a giant rock. A smirk came up on your face. "(Y/N)!!! What are you doing here?! Get inside the mobi" Vert said. "What am I doing here?! You nearly got yourself killed! I'm here to save you!" You said, as you held out your arm for him to get up. "I don't care if I die! I want you to be safe! He's after you (Y/N)! I can't let him have you!" Vert said. "I want to protect you! You've been protecting me ever since we met! Why don't you let me protect you?! Atleast, just for once!" Vert asked. "Vert, you're human! You are no match against them. I'm an alien! I can stop them!" You said. You both were about to get inside the mobi. But, Kyburi came all of a sudden, electrocuting both of you. "Mmm.... (Y/N), you're full of energy. So delicious!" Kyburi said. You and Vert fell down. You saw Krytus coming towards you. "How dare you!" He said as he picked you up by your shirt, slapping you harshly against the face. "(Y-Y/N)!" Vert tried to grab your hand, but Krytus pushed him away. Vert gasped in horror when he saw Krytus beating you up. You were weak as Kyburi drained all of your energy. Blood came out of your nose, mouth and several bruises were formed. Krytus, with all his strength, threw you as if you were a stone. Your back, hitting against the same giant rock Krytus was thrown against. "(Y/N)!!!!! NOOO!!!!" Vert shouted. Both Kyburi and Krytus laughed. "See? You all are weak!" Krytus said. "You.....You'll pay for what you have done!!!" Vert said, with pure hate. Krytus grinned. "I don't think so..." Krytus said as he grabbed Vert by his throat. He struggled to breathe, until Stanford blasted him. Vert gasped for air. Agura fought off Kyburi and Stanford picked you up, placing you on the Reverb. He drove to the Earth portal. Tezz helped Vert get up. "Are you okay Vert?" He asked. "Y-yes... But (Y/N) isn't...." Vert said. "Stanford took her to the hub. Get inside the Saber. We are getting out of here!" Tezz said. They both got inside their vehicles. The whole team went to the portal and inside the hub, leaving Krytus and Kyburi alone.
Sage patched Vert's minor injuries. (Y/N) sat the infirmary bed. An oxygen mask, a drip and several other things were attached to your body. Your bruises were deep purple and blue. Vert looked at you sadly. "Is (Y/N) okay?" Vert asked. Sage sighed. The whole team stood beside Vert, concerned for both him and (Y/N). "She.... She's in a coma...." Sage said, sadly. Everyone gasped. Vert started to cry. He sat at the chair beside the bed you laying on, grabbed your arm. Crying onto it. Agura placed her hand on his back. "She'll wake up soon Vert..." Agura said in a soft tone. "When?" Vert asked. Agura stood there silently. "What if she doesn't wake up?" Vert asked. "I'm positive of her waking up! It'll be soon, I promise!" Zoom said, running upto Vert and hugging him. "Let's head to bed Vert. It's late and you need rest...." AJ said. "No. I'm staying here with (Y/N)!!!" Vert said. Everyone frowned. "Very well..." Sage said. "You can sleep on the extra bed over there. Good Night Vert." Sage said. They all left the room, and Vert kept on crying until he fell asleep. Sage checked up on him after each hour. He never slept on his bed the entire night. He was still sitting on his chair. He made himself comfortable the whole night, while still holding (Y/N)'s hand.
The next day and the days afterwards, he was rough and strict towards the team. He doesn't want his friends ending up like (Y/N). He can't handle anything like that anymore. Everynight, when everyone goes to bed, Sage hears Vert inside the infirmary room, crying. Sage and the team made sure Vert is fine and healthy. He has skipped meals for weeks, and Agura had to drag him to the kitchen. Vert really misses (Y/N). Vert wants her to wake up as soon as possible because...
He was planning to propose to her on her birthday, which was a few days after the day she ended up in a coma.
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I couldn't answer some of your asks because I've been feeling very sick for the past few weeks. A really bad stomach pain and yesterday I kept throwing up. Now, I am better.
Anyways, I don't know whether you guys know about a story called "Crimson Lust" that I wrote on AO3. Here is the link. It's where the reader settles in handler corners and after meeting the team at Zeke's, Vert felt attracted to her and followed her home. He starts giving her 'red' coloured gifts everyday. I decided to make a chapter 2. I've made that decision the first time I made that fic, but other stuff came in between, causing me to stop writing for "Crimson Lust" for months. I will be uploading a new chapter for "Crimson Lust" soon. Along with the asks I have gotten.
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Angst idea. So Vert's S/o is having nightmares and he tries waking her and when he touches her he gets a glimpse into her nightmare, due to her powers which allows memory sharing. He gets her awake and asks her about it in which she shares ends up sharing her dark memories where she would be tortured by her ex while they were dating, torture such as being locked in a room with no light all alone for days on end, starvation, being put into a straight jacket to keep her from using her powers, and sometimes all these things at once. Just her sharing those memories and when she's sharing them he can see them as clear as day as if he was inside her head. Sorry this is a lot 😂
I did this as a Vert x Reader
Vert x Tortured!Reader
WARNING: Mentions of Torture!
"Mission successful Sage." Stanford got out of the reverb and stretched, showing discomfort for sitting in his car for too long. The rest of the team walked towards the centre, meanwhile you came out a tad bit later, exhausted. You are lucky that you didn't fall asleep while driving. The whole day you have been running around the base, nonstop. Helping out the team, cleaning, cooking, training etc. Eyebags formed under your eyes and your body felt like jelly. Vert looked at you. "You should go to sleep." Vert said, while handing the battle key to Sage. You yawned. "Yeah...I'm going..." You slowly walked to the elevator and it brought you up to the second floor. You opened the door to your room, by pressing a button and changed to your nightie. You plopped down on your bed and fell asleep immediately.
It was 2 in the morning. Everyone was in a deep sleep. Vert got woken up you, shivering and whimpering. Vert looked at you confused. "(Y/N)?" You kept shivering. You mumbled something, but it was not audible for him to hear. Vert knew you were seeing nightmares, as it happens most of the time. It was either you being chased by something, like a serial killer or a ghost, or the team leaving you. Vert sighed. "(Y/N)...." Vert placed a hand on your arm to see what were you dreaming, and got stunned on what he saw. A glimpse of you in a dark room, tied up to a pole. There was a man standing in front of you, holding a knife. He was laughing like a psycho! You were crying, telling him to stop. But he just kept laughing. He immediately took his hand away and shaked you awake. You were sweating and breathing heavily. "What the hell was that?!" Vert asked. You looked around the room, still shaken of what you saw. You hugged Vert tightly, crying. "(Y/N)...." Vert hugged you back. "What did I just see?" Vert asked, again. "My....my....." You could bring out the rest of the words. "My ex...." You said in between sobs. "What?! Your ex?!" Vert gasped. You nodded. He held you shoulder and looked at you with deep concern. "Did he do that all the time?" Vert asked. "Yes...". Anger boiled inside Vert. How dare he hurt her! "Why didn't you get any help?" He asked. "He would never let me go out. He would lock me in that room for days. Without giving me any food. He makes me wear a straight jacket which makes me not use my powers. I was helpless....." You blurt it all out and Vert was out of his mind. "How did you get away from him?" "I sneaked out one night when he hadn't tied me up. And I packed by bags and came here so that he couldn't find me...". Vert clenched his hands and gritted his teeth. He looked at your arm and touched the scars. "Those weren't from childhood accidents.... It was from that monster, isn't it?" Vert said as he brushed his thumb on your scar. You nodded, feeling terrible you hid this from him. "I'm sorry I didn't say about this to you. I was r--". "It's alright, you don't have to apologize." He said. Vert kissed you sweetly. "Let's go to sleep. We have a lot to do after a few hours and I don't want the both of us being tired the entire day." Vert said. You both laid back and fell asleep on each other's embraces.
The alarm clock from Vert's phone rang. You opened your eyes and looked at it. "Alarm set at 10 AM?" You were confused of why Vert set the alarm on this time. "Where's my phone?" You looked around and found out that your phone was missing. You got up and went in the bathroom to get ready for the day. You headed to the centre of the hub, and saw Spinner and Sherman on top of the buster, joking about stuff. "Hey guys! Have you seen Vert?" You asked. "Yeah, but he went to a city nearby." Spinner said. "What city?" You asked. "I forgot what it's called. He asked me to track a dude from one of your contacts... I believe his name is.... John?" Spinner said. "John?!" You gasped. That was your ex. "Is something wrong?" Sherman asked. "N-no! Everything's fine!" You said and hurried to your room to get Vert's phone. You called him immediately, hands shaking as you were terrified of what's going to happen. "The person you are trying to reach is currently not available. Please try again later." You kept trying and trying but it wasn't going to work. You sat at your bed, hands covering your face. You were frustrated.
Vert stood in front of a house. It looked like it belonged to a financially stable person. He rang the doorbell and after a few seconds the door opened. A man stood in front of Vert. He has brown straight hair, combed neatly, clean shaven and was wearing a simple blue hoodie with jeans. He immediately recognized who Vert was. John has seen him on (Y/N)'s pictures in IG, where she mentioned him as her boyfriend. "What are you doing here?" He asked. Vert pushed him and he fell down, back hitting harshly on the wall. "What do you want?!" He shouted, grunting in between because of the pain. "You hurt her.... And I'm here to make you feel what she felt.... But, a lot more painful." Vert said before tieing him up and beating him multiple times till he was bleeding. But, that's not all....
"Actions have consequences...."
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(Thank you @krytus for creating these GIF'S!!!! 😊🙂👍)
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It's based on an AD that I found on YouTube. It's hilarious, but I made a few changes to it. 🤣
Vert feeding his baby: C'mon little one. Open your mouth. Aaaaaa....
(Vert's son opens his mouth and swallows a spoonful of baby food.)
Spinner: Hey Sherm! Do you want Pringles?
Sherman: No, thanks.
Vert's Son looks at Vert: P...P....
Vert getting really excited: Hey guys, come over here. He's about to say Papa!
(Everyone gathering around him)
Vert's son: P...P...
Vert: Say Papa....Papa....
Vert's son: Pringles.....
(S/O): *laughs her ass off*
*Vert.exe has stopped working*
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How about Vert with an s/o that asks him to spar with them one day and Vert is unaware that s/o is secretly a black widow level badass and could easily take him. This thought is funny to me😊
Vert Wheeler x Reader
It was another boring day. There were no missions for the past 2 weeks and it has been driving you insane! You were hanging out with Zoom and he has offered you to ride his bike. You gladly accepted and got in. You wore his helmet and was ready to ride on it, but couldn't as you felt someone grab you by the waist, pulling you towards it. "What the heck are you doing?!" Vert started to pull you out of the chopper. "Let me go! I wanna ride that!" You said as you tried to let go of his grip. "You don't know how to operate that thing. You'll hurt yourself!" Vert said. "No I won't! Let me go!" You tried to get yourself out of his strong grip on you but you couldn't. He was too strong. "You can't get out of my grip (Y/N)! Stop it or I'll ta---" you somehow managed to grab his arm and and pull him in front you, slightly twisting his arm. "OWW!" Vert grabbed his arm and massaged it gently. "That hurt!" He said. "You can't stop me!" You said, a smirk came on your lips. "Oh really?" He straightened his stance and looked at you in the eyes. "Yup! I want you to spar with me so I could prove it!" You said. "(Y/N), I might end up hurting you. I don't wa---" "I dont care! Spar with me now!" You exclaimed. "As you wish princess..." He sighed and stood in his fighting stance and you did it as well. He lunged towards you. You stood there, confidently. He raised his fist and you immediately blocked it with your hand and grabbed his other arm and twisted it, bringing it behind his back. You jumped over him and stood there, smirking. Vert's jaw dropped. "How did y---" You cut him off by punching him in the stomach and kicking his legs in a swift movement. He fell down and he hit his head on the dirt ground. He was gasping as the pain was quite intense. You realised he was in pain and you immediately became worried. "Oh my god! Babe! Are you okay?!" You asked, as you knelt down to him. He coughed a little and replied. "Where.....where did you learned that?" He asked. "It's a long story...." you said. You kissed his cheek and helped him get up. You heard footsteps approaching you both and realized it was Zoom. "Hey (Y/N)! How was the r--- What the heck happened to you Vert?!" Zoom gasped as he saw Vert covered in dirt from the ground and him breathing heavily.
"Spar with (Y/N) and you'll know...."
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