#very cavalier pair XD
doctordiscord123 · 6 months
Your bio says requests are still open, so.. Author? Maybe Author and Dark? Could be an interesting combo. That's all that's rattling around in my head, do as you will, lol. You always pull together something fun
Co-written with @regalrain using their Dark!
Blood splattered through the air, landing all over his face and clothes, as the Author ripped the knife free of his victim's chest. The poor soul had just been a hiker, lost in the woods, but the Author didn't care. He'd seen too much, he'd seen the Author dragging the body of his latest expired character, and the he couldn't have anyone telling.
No one, except for the man in the shadows.
The way they twitched announced his presence. Then, the low pitched hum in the air. Finally, the way the colors seemed to drain from the trees and bushes nearby, creeping towards the Author. Solidifying, to rub a black, cold tendril over his leg, as one purple eye opened within them. The touch was to keep the Author from freaking out.
“Busy, Darling~?”
The Author started at the touch, slamming his knife into the throat of his latest victim, and watched them choke and bleed for a moment before everything went silent. He stood, dusting himself off — as if that did anything but smear blood around — and spun around, glaring. “Jesus Christ, Dark, you can’t do that. What if I threw that knife at you, hm?”
“Then I’d pluck it off and hand it back.” He made it sound so simple, as he reached his hand into his suit’s pocket. Producing a black handkerchief, thought he merely held it for the moment. Knowing Author would get a bit handsy, before he could clean him up.
And handsy the Author got. Licking his lips, the Author tasted blood, and he grinned. He sauntered up to Dark, placing a hand on his chest — and grabbed him by the lapels, yanking the man down into a brutal kiss, sharing the taste. Their kiss was fiery, even though both of them were colder then the average person. Dark merely letting Author have fun thinking he was leading it, and when they pulled apart, he held up the handkerchief. Dabbing at Author’s face, as his other hand went to settle on his hip. When he was done, he looked over at the victim, his eye boring into the wrecked mess as he hummed lowly, twitching. “What did it do to bother you this time?”
“Saw too much~” He gestured vaguely to the other body, not too far away, missing an arm and covered in bruises. He kept his hold on Dark’s collar, looking him up and down, before his grin returned. “How about we leave these for the wolves, and head back to my cabin~? Have a shower~ I got a little blood on you.” He swiped a thumb across Dark’s lips, before licking it clean.
“When don’t you.” Mirror images splitting off him, the red one was grinning at the tarnished body, arms folded neatly in front of it, while the blue one was staring lovingly at Author, giving a silent chuckle. All the actual Dark did was smirk, stepping back and out of his grasp to do a sweeping bow. Behind him, a portal opened up, and he stood, offering Author his right hand, then bringing it up to kiss the bloodstained back of it.
“After you, Darling~”
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ladytauria · 1 year
16, 17, 28, and 37 for the fanfic ask game!!!
-@bi-bats (i have a sideblog and the laws of the land are not in my favor. Thus, anon ask)
(Also bestie it is 3:20am for me i feel you on the should be sleeping 😂)
waiting for the day tumblr lets us ask things from sideblogs 😔
oof well i’m glad i’m not the only one up way past sleeping time 😂😂😂
thank u for asking, i had fun with these~
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
Jason Lives AU 😌
Okay no, for real xD As much as I do love that AU, that’s not my answer xD I am a big fan of AUs in general & am pretty much willing to read any regardless of whether or not I’m familiar with any source material OR if it’s not a genre I enjoy. (Bc it’s fanfic & my fave/one of my fave pairings so like. It’s always a genre I enjoy!)
One of my favorite AUs I’ve read tho is this one, which isn’t shippy, altho the writer does write Jaytim. It’s just… a really creative alternate origin for Tim & I love it. (Also! Gender-fluid/trans!Tim!)
Robin, Flamebird, & Sparrow - Moxibustion — Batman and Robin get injured a lot in the field. It's a fact, they can't deny it. Somehow this lead to them gaining their very own paramedic.... whether they want one or not. It's fine, sort of? Now if only they could get their erstwhile paramedic to stop getting hurt...
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Highly specific AU? One based off of the Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. Basic premise? Necromancers are extremely powerful, but due to the way their powers feed off of life, they’re also very sickly looking and physically weak. They are paired up with cavaliers from a young age, who swear vows to protect them from harm (vows which include the phrase, “One flesh, one end”) & serve their needs. The original plot is also enemies to lovers, so like??? Yes.
Anyway, my thought is that Jason ends up as Tim’s cavalier, unwillingly, but as they grow closer, they become fonder of each other.
IDK if I would want to include the Lyctorhood plot (which, what Lyctorhood ultimately is does count as a spoiler for the first book? So I won’t explain it here just in case!) but. I do think the dynamics there would be fun~
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who?
Sometimes I ask @candra-hearts to look over them. She may not be in this fandom, but she’s wonderful & helps me figure stuff out when I need it. Otherwise it’s just me~
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
Oh, jeez. Honestly the amount of traction / attention all of my fics have gotten is more than I expected ^^; I love my writing but it’s always a surprise when other people do too!
But, hmm. I’ll say this one (features smut). It was the first tagged JayTim fic I posted xD (I have a pre-relationship Reverse Robins series as well, but haven’t tagged the pairing yet).
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sakumosowainthirst · 5 years
SakuMo’s Fire Emblem Headcanons that No One Asked For: Parents Edition
So I’ve been working on my birthday fic for Owain’s birthday on July 15th, and since I’m setting it in post-Revelation canon, particularly visiting Ylisse, it means I’m going to be touching on a few parentage ships that are my own headcanons, so I thought making a post about it would be fun.  :D  I'll be focusing on the ones that will likely come up in the fic I'm working on.
I’ve referenced this a few times before in my fics.  Stahl comes from a family of apothecaries, and his supports with Lissa center around finding a rare potion ingredient for his brother, who took over the family business.  Lissa finds it, and they have a conversation about their older brothers using them for stuff.  Lissa actually chastises Stahl for letting his brother take advantage of his kindness, though Stahl is easy-going about it.  I like to think that happens a lot in their marriage; Stahl is overly helpful and Lissa has to stick up for him sometimes, lol.  L: "Learn to say no!"  S: "But I don't mind helping..."
Stahlwain is similarly a helpful, easy-going ball of sunshine.  He'd sacrifice anything for a friend and always goes the extra mile in everything he does.  Stahl taught him how to cook, which is good because Lissa canonically cannot (and neither can Corrin).  Owain tried his hand at being a Cavalier, but House Ylisse has trouble with horse combat (considering Chrom's horse alt in Heroes and also Groom Marth mentions having difficulty).  Keeping with that, Owain was terrible at it--hitting the horse with his sword, trying to give speeches and the horse taking off, falling off backwards--so Stahl decides to train Owain in the sword on foot instead, which ultimately suits him better.  Owain does, however, know a lot about caring for horses, and he was very fond of Stahl's horse, Mathilda.  He's likewise in charge of Leo's horse in Nohr.
This is probably a rare pair, but I loved their supports in Awakening.  They center around a prayer dance Libra performs and Olivia being entranced by it.  Libra's ending states he builds an orphanage, and Olivia's with him says the children love all her dances.  I love their interactions together and feel they have similar temperaments.
Blonde Inigo, I'm just saying.  xD  With two beautiful parents, it's small wonder Inigo turned out looking the way he does.  He grew up in the orphanage alongside his parents and therefore had no shortage of playmates (and girls to sweet talk).  Though he acts cavalier, he's secretly pretty devout, calling out times some of the others are sacrilegious (I feel like Brady is the worst one and he would say things like, "Naga's Tits," a lot, lol).  He learned the prayer dance from his father and performs it from time to time, even in Nohr.
Cordelia helps Gaius learn to care at least a little bit about appearances (their supports center around this), and she gets somewhat guiltily addicted to his baking skills (Asugi/Caeldori's supports center around this).  Gaius' ending states he does eventually get back to thieving at times, but I feel like maybe most of it is for candy, lol.  When Cordelia finds out, she makes him go back to the shops and pay for it, usually by, "anonymous donation."  They have a house in Ylisstol so Cordelia can be near the castle since she rebuilt the Pegasus Knights post-Awakening.
Sassy ginger Severa is so, so good.  She gets a lot of her snark from Gaius and has a secret sweet tooth.  She's really good at lock-picking and pick-pocketing too, though she doesn't use these skills for unsavory reasons.  I feel like she steals dumb things from Odin and Laslow when they tick her off, usually coming upon them a little while later when they're frantically searching for the item with a sly, "Looking for this?"
Frederick and Sumia's supports are peak adorable, and they are honestly one of the cutest ships in Awakening.  Frederick watching out for Sumia's clumsiness and eventually spoiling her with his excessive nature is really, really sweet, and I have nothing more to say about them except I love them and they're super cute.
I feel like a lot of Cynthia's hero worship and drive to be one stems from having a father like Frederick, a top royal knight of Ylisse.  She probably idolized him as a kid and strived to be just like him.  She's really good with horses and horse combat thanks to having a Cavalier and a Pegasus Knight as parents.  I feel like she would also pick up Frederick's, "Pick a god and pray," line, lol.
Chrobin/Robin!Lucina and Chrom!Morgan
I feel like there are hundreds of headcanons out there for Chrobin, so I won't say much beyond they are very close, two sides of the same whole, after all.
Lucina loves reading thanks to her mother and is actually relatively proficient at magic.  She's built a lot like Robin--petite with a small bust--and can be a bit snarky like her, too.  She's very meticulous with keeping things running when she's the leader of her group, much like Robin was.  She worries she's not as good at it as her mother was.
Morgan likewise is somewhat reckless like Chrom and has a penchant for breaking things while training.  He's very tactically intelligent but lacks a lot of, "street smarts," as it were.  He doesn't bite into oranges whole, though; he uses Falchion to cut them into slices, lol.  Morgan has the Brand of the Exalt on the back of his right palm.
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moonlight-at-dawn · 8 years
It was... a very long day...
The kiddo had his appt first. He was very good, he is a little behind where they want him for speech which comes as no surprise (and we’re still fairly certain it’s a lack of socialization, I want to get him into daycare so hopefully that can change without need for speech therapy, but if he needs it, then he needs it)
Then we walked down to another suite for me and hubby’s appts, which is when things became a chore lol. The kid wanted to leave cause he had gotten a pair of shots and was unhappy, but he behaved, even though he asked pretty often when we would leave.
We had our appt together, which we generally do anyways. I mean, I already tell him I accidentally piss myself a lot, not like I’ve got anything embarrassing to tell the dr that he doesn’t already know XD
I didn’t really tell everything cause I have so much and I was completely out of energy already. I am most likely gonna have a hysterectomy done since my uterus is prolapsing and causing the above-mentioned incontinence issue lol I was a bit surprised that she was as cavalier about it. I mean, I’m 30 now, but I didn’t know if 30 would still be viewed as “too young.” She did ask several times to be sure that I am done having kids, but she was the one to bring up the solution in the first place as well.
I am currently on the fence about this new doctor. I think I like her and I think our differences in opinion on some things is actually a healthy one for me to have. She seems very open minded about treatment options as long as she feels confident in the science of it, and she pretty much openly said that she welcomes having information brought to her, that she won’t reject things without at least giving it some research. That’s good, that’s probably the most important part to me.
She also said she likes a TSH under 2 for Hashi’s patients, so I was like SOLD lol A lot of the rules have been changing on blood work and what’s free and what’s paid and the coverage concerns is the only reason she orders just TSH it seems, and if I ask her for the rest, I’m sure she will, but I’m content to start here because she does seem to get it. I swear, it’s a miracle to find a doctor who doesn’t like a TSH under 4.5, nevermind 2, so I’m really happy with that.
My impression of her is that she’s no-nonsense but compassionate. She will tell you straight up how she feels about something, but she’s sympathetic to the hard parts of it all. Example being, “You really need to exercise for fibromyalgia. I know it’s going to hurt, you are always going to hurt, but if you hurt a little extra now, you’ll hurt a little less in the future. It’s really hard, it’s going to be, but please do this.”
So I’m going to give PT a shot, too.
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