#darkiplier/the author
doctordiscord123 · 6 months
Your bio says requests are still open, so.. Author? Maybe Author and Dark? Could be an interesting combo. That's all that's rattling around in my head, do as you will, lol. You always pull together something fun
Co-written with @regalrain using their Dark!
Blood splattered through the air, landing all over his face and clothes, as the Author ripped the knife free of his victim's chest. The poor soul had just been a hiker, lost in the woods, but the Author didn't care. He'd seen too much, he'd seen the Author dragging the body of his latest expired character, and the he couldn't have anyone telling.
No one, except for the man in the shadows.
The way they twitched announced his presence. Then, the low pitched hum in the air. Finally, the way the colors seemed to drain from the trees and bushes nearby, creeping towards the Author. Solidifying, to rub a black, cold tendril over his leg, as one purple eye opened within them. The touch was to keep the Author from freaking out.
“Busy, Darling~?”
The Author started at the touch, slamming his knife into the throat of his latest victim, and watched them choke and bleed for a moment before everything went silent. He stood, dusting himself off — as if that did anything but smear blood around — and spun around, glaring. “Jesus Christ, Dark, you can’t do that. What if I threw that knife at you, hm?”
“Then I’d pluck it off and hand it back.” He made it sound so simple, as he reached his hand into his suit’s pocket. Producing a black handkerchief, thought he merely held it for the moment. Knowing Author would get a bit handsy, before he could clean him up.
And handsy the Author got. Licking his lips, the Author tasted blood, and he grinned. He sauntered up to Dark, placing a hand on his chest — and grabbed him by the lapels, yanking the man down into a brutal kiss, sharing the taste. Their kiss was fiery, even though both of them were colder then the average person. Dark merely letting Author have fun thinking he was leading it, and when they pulled apart, he held up the handkerchief. Dabbing at Author’s face, as his other hand went to settle on his hip. When he was done, he looked over at the victim, his eye boring into the wrecked mess as he hummed lowly, twitching. “What did it do to bother you this time?”
“Saw too much~” He gestured vaguely to the other body, not too far away, missing an arm and covered in bruises. He kept his hold on Dark’s collar, looking him up and down, before his grin returned. “How about we leave these for the wolves, and head back to my cabin~? Have a shower~ I got a little blood on you.” He swiped a thumb across Dark’s lips, before licking it clean.
“When don’t you.” Mirror images splitting off him, the red one was grinning at the tarnished body, arms folded neatly in front of it, while the blue one was staring lovingly at Author, giving a silent chuckle. All the actual Dark did was smirk, stepping back and out of his grasp to do a sweeping bow. Behind him, a portal opened up, and he stood, offering Author his right hand, then bringing it up to kiss the bloodstained back of it.
“After you, Darling~”
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septic-dr-schneep · 3 months
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It's three in the morning and I'm bored so have this
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ricky-tiki-tah · 10 days
Was rewatching the charity live stream with the Derekson and Santaplier is up first right?
Bing is the resident shoplifter
Google has killed 3 people
Dark has done nothing wrong ever and is a big sweetheart
Wilford is always killing everyone and Santa has BEEF with him
Santaplier is bitter about not being in Markiplier TV
Author scares Santa
Lemme just incorporate that into my Manor ‘verse rq.
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mywitchcultblr · 10 months
I miss Darkiplier and his weird ass gang of people who are different but has the same face as him and also his psychopathic pink boyfriend... 🩷 2016- 2017-2018 were peak Ipliers eras
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moonymoonsiplier · 2 years
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I’ve heard that the Host and Author are suppose to be the same person - but for the sake of a meme based on that one scene from Madagascar, here’s this \o/
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fdq666roadie-blog · 2 years
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We all know this is true...
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regalrain · 5 months
Commission dump of my version of the egos!
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Commission dump of my versions of the egos Dark, Googleplier, and Ivyiplier! Author is @doctordiscord123’s version, that I got for them! All done by the wonderful @scamoosh!!!
Plus an extra closeup of my Dark’s eye
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kevinzhechair · 1 year
This took 3 days and 12 hours to complete, but I am happy with how it turned out ^^. The frames on their own under
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Dark wouldn’t happen to know if there are any other small offices to use for recording nearby, would they? The Author has been getting quite loud in his “writing” lately, and the Host has had to scrap quite a few recordings due to background noise.
The Host would also like to formally introduce themself and apologize in advance for any trouble his brother may cause in the future.
-Isaac, the Host
Good evening, Isaac.
There should be an unused room or two at the studio building, and there's always spare A/V equipment you may borrow. I can bring you in and show you tomorrow, if @blind-radio-waves is not able to.
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intolerable-sushi · 7 months
What once was
I finally finished the angst(?) Dark x reader story. I'm not a hundred percent sure if this actually counts as angst, so please let me know. And let me know if these types of stories are something you guys would like more of!! This story is super short by the way.
The road to vengeance was paved in blood and sweat. It was a path Dark had no trouble taking. Friendships and bonds were not something he saw value in so using people to get his way was a very casual thing for him. The only thing he truly wanted at the end of the day was to bestow the same suffering onto Mark as he did to everyone around  him. However, despite his best efforts to focus on the task at hand, things continued to plague his mind. Someone from the past who continued to haunt him no matter how hard he tried to forget.
The attorney. His attorney. Damiens's attorney.
The person who had been at his side for years. The person who trusted him with their life, and didn’t doubt him for a second. The person that Damien had grown to love only for Dark to cast them aside. Despite his lack of emotions, Dark couldn’t help the feelings of regret and guilt he felt every time they invaded his mind. 
He told himself that leaving them in the mirror was for the best. That leaving them there would keep them safe from Mark, but he knew that that was a lie. They could have easily shared the body together, and maybe even worked together to stop Mark, but he was a selfish creature by nature. He hadn’t wanted to share the body with them, and ultimately they would have been nothing more than a hindrance, so he left them there. Cast them aside with no hesitation. He had been surprised the first time he recognized them. He was even more surprised and infuriated when he saw them with Mark. That bastard had somehow managed to worm his way into their lives again, but something seemed different. 
The two of them were constantly going on adventures in Mark’s van, and they were….. They were smiling. They looked like they were truly happy and having a good time. The sight boiled his blood. How dare they give HIM that smile. Don’t they remember all the death and misery he’s caused. He could barely keep himself intact at the thought. As much as he wanted to make his presents known to the two of them, Dark decided to wait for the proper time to reacquaint himself with his old friend. 
He didn’t get an opportunity until they were sleeping alone in the van one night. He materialized beside them and watched them sleep. They were just as breathtaking as he remembered. Despite years having passed since that night, despite everything they were still themselves. Out of everyone there that night, they changed the least. Dark’s observational time was interrupted as their eyes snapped open. 
“No………No…. No. nononononononononono!” The sat-up straight and backed up into the back door of the van. Their eyes were wide and filled with fear. They began to hyperventilate as they stared at Dark. 
“It is alright I’m not here to hurt you. I would like to talk-”
“ GET OUT!” It was Dark’s turn to stare wide eyed. “ I remember you! I remember what you did to me! You left me there for years!! Do you have any idea what it was like? To be slowly consumed by a being as old as time, to be constantly cold and alone with not even your screams to accompany as they are swallowed by the void. I don’t even remember how I got out. I only remember clawing my way out of that fucking house And you have the fucking adacity to come here to me wanting to talk!?” They had started their rant screaming and ended it sobbing. Dark could only stare at them. Despite everything, even now, he held back feelings. 
“ I did what I thought was best. I had to keep you away from HIM! He would have used you against-” 
“Are you talking about Mark? He was there for me unlike you! He let me stay here! We make videos together and he acts like an actual friend!!” They cut him off. 
  Dark could feel his form beginning to break as he listened to them defend him. “And it's just that, an act!! He doesn’t actually care about you!! He’s just using you!!”
“At least he cares enough to pretend!! At least he cares to take care of me! Where were you when I was alone in a world that has changed so much!! I can barely remember what it used to be like, but I remember that you used to be my friend. Why, why did you do this?” They stared at Dark with tear stained cheeks, eyes begging for an answer. An answer that he could never give them. He could only stare at them expressionless. The two stared at each other for a moment longer before Dark vanished. This had been a foolish endeavor. He should have known better. Once he materialized again in a random field he let everything go.
Every emotion he had came flooding out, the guilt, the shame, the love, the rage, everything. His form splintered and broke in a way it never had before, he felt like he was back in the house again. But he deserved this. The suffering they had gone through had been his fault. The hate they had for him was justified. He had pushed them towards the man who orchestrated the suffering of everyone around him. It was at that moment, in his agony, that Dark realized that he had truly become the villain that Mark had designated him to be. He had hurt someone who was not only truly innocent in this whole situation, but someone that Dark had truly cared about. Dark’s form continued to break and tear through the night as his mind returned to the love that had been, a world long gone, and a man he once was.
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lostcybertronian · 5 months
For the prompt:
"What's on your mind?"
Kind of messing around with this one. @meo618
Prompt: “What’s on your mind?”
Trees towered around them, penning in the small clearing like a cage and blocking out most sunlight. It was intentional, most likely; the Author was often taken by dramatic effect.
The Author himself would have cut an imposing figure– silhouetted by what slivers of dying sun penetrated the thick foliage, thick, ink-black tattoos moving as if alive up and down his arms, coiling at his neck– were he not slouched and scornful and twitchy, shifting from foot to foot like he was about to book it into the trees.
Dark regarded him with disdain. It’s important to note here that Dark has yet to be developed; he is a product of many minds’ fascinations, and as such is a vessel of unfocused rage and a yet-unseen drive. A rather short vessel wearing ripped, black jeans and a band T-shirt in an undetermined font. His aura hovered around his shoulders, snapping lazily. His eyes were black. 
“Well? Out with it. Why did you call me here?” Sparks flew from his mouth, extinguishing themselves upon the long, half-dead grass. He waved a hand, its outlines blurring in the wind. “Speak your mind.”
“I need more.”
“Already?” Dark bit out a laugh. It sounded more like a choke. “How are you going through your subjects so quickly?”
The Author snarled. “If you’d brought me proper ones, I wouldn’t need more.”
The temperature around them seemed to drop ten degrees. Dark sneered. “You don’t speak to me that way. Know your place.”
Uneasy silence. Finally, Dark saidx, “And what will you offer me?”
The Author shrugged, a clever glint to his eye. “I continue to maintain your story, assuming you still aren’t fond of oblivion.”
Dark’s sneer widened to an animal growl. He did not like his existence being threatened. Did not like his reliance on this pitiful creature. But until he was a developed character with his own motives and story, he had to depend on the Author's help. “Fine.” He spat. “Expect them within the next fortnight.”
He disappeared. The Author was alone.
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doctordiscord123 · 6 months
Um, may I request a Hurt/Comfort fic with Dark and Author being best bros, like, the moment they met, they clicked immediately, each other's sarcasm and morbid humor buds, and when Author 'died' and was remade into Host, Dark sees echoes of his old friend in Host, and that's why Dark is oftentimes nicer to Host in comparison to other egos. (Other than Wil. Every Dark has a Wilford shaped soft spot lol)
Dark couldn't help but stare, sometimes.
He knew the Host hated it. Hated being reminded who he used to be, what he used to do. But Dark...well, he always had a hard time with letting go. It was why he showed up to that ill-fated party all those years ago. In the hopes of rekindling old friendships long-since gone sour.
With the Host, it was different. He was still here. An ever-present reminder. Their laugh was the same, in the rare instance either of them ever let out a full belly laugh. The Host's dry wit -- though perhaps less crass -- was still the same. And that grin...that will always be the same, no matter how much the Host liked to hide it.
"Is Darkiplier alright? The Host can feel him...staring. Again."
Dark blinked, and offered an apologetic smile that he knew the Host couldn't see. "...My apologies, Host. I was simply...lost in thought. Reminiscing."
The Host's expression twisted slightly, a grimace that spoke volumes of his opinion. "Why does Darkiplier insist on reliving the past? Surely there are better things to 'reminisce' about."
At that, Dark actually laughed, before sighing. "Reliving the past is sort of my schtick, Host. It's who I am. What I am. And it's hard to forget...when you share more similarities than you'd like to admit."
The Host's grimace fully twisted into a scowl, and he stood abruptly from where he and Dark had been sitting at the kitchen table, both nursing a mug of tea and basking in what had once been quiet. "The Author was a monster. He tortured and maimed and killed for nothing but his own pleasure. The Host is nothing like him."
Dark didn't argue. They'd had this conversation many times before already. The Host pinched the bridge of his nose, his bandages starting to darken as he bled with his stress, and he slammed his free hand onto the table. "Fine, if Darkiplier wants the memories so badly -- he can have them."
With a few muttered words, the table was suddenly filled with dozens of old notebooks, a few piles of published books, and stacks of loose pieces of paper, disheveled and some of it rotting. Dark raised an eyebrow. "What's this?"
"His work." The Host's voice was flat, distanced. "All of it. The Host doesn't want it. He left it rotting in that cabin for a reason. But if Darkiplier insists on bringing up the past -- he can have it."
Dark's eyes went wide, and he reached for the first of many notebooks. He didn't realize the Author kept them all. When he touched it, the Host flinched as if he'd been shocked, and spun on his heel, storming out of the room. Dark didn't stop him. He had a feeling this was as nice and thoughtful as the man was going to get when it came to the Author, letting Dark keep the material rather than burning it or letting it continue to waste away. He cracked open the cover, and ran his fingers over the long-dried ink. The Author's handwriting was messy and illegible in some places, and Dark was out of practice when it came to his mad scribbles...but he began to read.
The Host was not the Author. But he was his echo, and Dark was glad enough for that.
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actors-manor · 10 months
Fantasy au
For no reason at all, I’m going to list out my fantasy au versions for the egos.
Actor- Phoenix
Illinois, Ivyplier, Farmiplier- Genies
Heist- Kitsune
Yancy- Werewolf
Googleplier- Unicorn
Dark- Dragon
Bing- Pegasus
Author/Host, Necromancer- Chimeras
Bim- Satyr
Jims- Perytons
Silver- Griffin
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ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
Ego Headcanons: The Ipliers
Pt. 1
Iplier Manor is home to most of Mark Fischbach’s egos, the Ipliers.
The Actor-Marc(he/him): doesn’t live at the manor. No one knows where he is or much about him. Dark is the only one who recalls what Actor did, and Host knows due to their powers. His body was dead before and during the entirety of WKM (explaining the amount of maiming that Abe listed). He considers the egos made from AHWM and ISWM to be his children, except Engie. He doesn’t like Engie. (More on that in another post). None of those egos know he calls them his children/creations. He cannot be seen as a failure/the bad guy. (In the words of Mark himself, a narcissist asshole). All of the films he was in disappeared without a trace when he died for the first time due to interference by the HE, leaving many film buffs confused (many people thought the movies, and even Marc himself, to be mass hallucinations and there was later a documentary done on the phenomenon)- Powers: can harness the power of the House Entity to create pocket realities(and stay alive).
Wilford Warfstache(he/him): gnc pan Pink and yellow whirlwind of a man. Cries bubbles. Is more powerful than Dark but content letting him take the lead on most things while co-leading the egos. In a relationship with Dark. The events of WKM haunt his dreams, but he very rarely remembers them in the morning. His mustache and a strip of his hair are naturally pink, he doesn’t dye it. (The color loses vibrancy the closer he is to William. Some mornings, his hair/mustache will be entirely brown. On those days, Dark will sit quietly with him until Wilford finally slips back into place.) He feels a special connection to Dark, but is unsure why (he stopped questioning it after they started dating, assuming that’s why). His bouts as William can be triggered by Damien/Celine so they tend to avoid the bubblegum man when in control. - Powers: reality bending (telepathy/telekinesis/teleportation/ ect.)
Darkiplier-Dark/Damien(they/he): nonbinary ace fusion. Is the designated Head of Iplier Manor. While Dark is their own consciousness created as a byproduct of the twins having been stuck in The Upside-down for a time, they only exist when both Damien and Celine are in the body(they can only separate when in Actor’s stories). Dark specifically is the one in a relationship with Wilford, not the twins. Who is in control can be determined by the color of their aura, with Dark having both red and blue, Damien having only blue, and Celine having only red. (Damien will go by both ‘Dark’ and his own name when in control, while Celine chooses to only go by ‘Dark’.) Only a few of the older egos actually know the difference. Dark himself is usually in control of the body with the twins keeping a running commentary in the back of their mind. Celine is the strongest, due to having been a seer, and can force the other two asleep if she so wishes. Feels a sort of parental responsibility for Engie despite them not being a ‘young’ ego. - Powers: blasts of raw telekinesis like power, shadow bending(possibly more, undiscovered)
King of the Squirrels-Artie(he/him): a physically younger ego (roughly 12). Was pretty much adopted by Dark/Wilford. Has a treehouse connected to his bedroom through the window where most of his squirrel friends have built nests. Always has one or two baby squirrels in his pockets. Has named all of his squirrel friends. Doesn’t usually have his peanut butter beard(Dark banned it in the house and he ushers almond butter instead when a Crank is over). Likes spending time with Engie, who is fascinated by all types of animals. - Powers: higher agility, can talk to animals.
Engineer Mark-Engie(he/they): an ego made from Dark, specifically Damien (like how Marc considers certain egos his children). Due to that, he feels a special connection to Dark and has adopted them as a parent. He likes hanging out with Wilford. They love animals of any type and can often be found with Artie, helping him take care of his squirrels. Loves hugs and will find any excuse to hug someone. They are basically the physical embodiment of Mark’s love for space. He has those glow in the dark stars on his bedroom ceiling and a telescope. - Powers: unknown
The Host-Isaac(he/they): demiaroace nonbinary. uses his narrations as a sort of echolocation, able to see what they describe. Doesn’t technically need a service dog, but sometimes wishes they had one (more so when Mark and Amy visit with Chica)- Powers: visions, low level mental suggestion, and limited reality warping through narrations.
The Author-Oscar(he/him): aroace agender. Wrote actual books. Lived alone in a cabin. Loves dogs. Does not like large groups of people. Keeps to himself. - Powers: low level mental suggestion, limited reality warping through written word.
— Host and Author are siblings OR the same person depending on how I want to write them. (There is a separate post for these 2 as well)
Dr. Edward Iplier-Doc(he/him): demiaroace in a relationship with Host. Watches those medical dramas. Consistently running on 2 hours of sleep and way too much caffeine, but somehow always pretty chill and looks well put together. Pretty much adopted Eric. Dislikes when Mark is off his ADHD meds because it effects all the egos. - Powers: can see how people will die. (He’s very glad egos don’t stay dead)
Eric Derekson(he/him): anxiety boiTM. One of the younger egos (about 18-19). Has chronic bad luck. Has two prosthetic legs. Showed up at the Manor one day and was practically adopted by Doc and Host by the end of the day. Enjoys spending time with Oliver. - Powers: unknown
Bim Trimmer(he/him): theatre bi, not a literal cannibal. Does enjoy very rare steaks though and was mistaken as one by the Jims. Runs a game show in Wilford’s studio but often helps Wilford with interviews as well. Hangs out with Murdock the most and has taken Yan under his wing. He sees Yancy sort of as a younger brother too. - Powers: ramped up charisma
Murdock Malarkey(he/him): murder man with a plan. He’s the older of the two Malarkey brothers. Murdock has a job as a paranormal investigator(the Drowned Man). Keeps an eye on Yancy most of the time. Has a flair for the dramatic and enjoys spending time with Bim. He definitely gives murder tips to Yan. He helped Yancy with the murder of their parents but got away while Yancy got caught. He still blames himself for not watching his brother close enough. Write poetry in his free time. Sometimes hangs out with Author. - Powers: can see and talk to ghosts.
Yancy Malarkey(he/him): theatre kid all the way. The younger Malarkey brother. Best friends with Heapass. Very good with anything that could be used to stab. Regularly spars with Yan to keep their skills up. Got a job at the local corner store after he got out of Happy Trails on parole. Wants to someday hit Broadway. Does not blame Murdock for ending up in jail and constantly tries to explain how it’s not his fault. - Powers: Magic tattoos that he cannot control.
Yandereplier-Yan(she/they): transfem demigirl. Physically younger ego (about 15-16). Hangs around the Malarkeys and Bim to the point that she’ll call them her uncles. Has their own katana. She and Yancy made a secret club called “The Yan Gang” and they meet up every Monday to play dress up and make plans for the week. - Powers: heightened agility, instant mastery of weapons techniques.
The Iplier egos are all open to questions.
Part 2
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ardenwritesegos · 1 month
Arden’s Host/Author
Man (He/Him)
The Author was made from Actor’s own aura. He wanted a like-minded person to help him write stories. And who better for that than a copy of himself?
Whatever The Author writes comes to life. It’s an extension of Actor’s control over his surroundings. For them, they can control whatever/whoever is near as if it’s a fictional narrative; a narrative they can mold to their whims. The difference between Author and Actor is how the “characters” react. While Actor’s powers make them fully absorbed in the role (unaware of who they previously were), The Author’s “characters” are aware of themselves while forced to perform certain actions. He also possesses Actor’s inability to die. He can usually heal himself by writing a sentence that heals his injury.
Over time, the Author began to have dreams about Actor betraying him. They felt so real, so much like visions, he eventually ran away. He then became stranded in the woods Since he has Actor’s immortality, he died in there multiple times. After one of those deaths, birds pecked his eyes out.
He was found by one of the Jims during a walk through Ego Forest. Dark was initially resistant to taking the man in. He did, after all, have a piece of Actor’s aura in him. In their eyes, it could very well have been some sort of trap or trick. However, Dr. Iplier insisted on taking him in. Dark reluctantly agreed to it.
The “Author” woke up, blind and without any of his memories. The removal of his eyes was what’s known in the Ego Forest as an Act of Canon. These Acts of Canon completely alter an ego, wiping them clean into something else. They cannot be changed, unless another Act of Canon occurs.
He quickly discovered he could see through narrations. He also later found that he could see possible futures.
His “sight” kept repeating one name to him: Host. He eventually adopted the name The Host.
Every now and then, he has flashes or dreams of his time with Actor (including the bird-pecking).
The Host is still connected to Actor via aura. He often gets flashes of Actor’s whereabouts. But he can’t see enough to know where the man actually is. He has a feeling that someday, Actor will contact him because of this connection. The Host hasn’t told Dark because he feels that they would abuse Host’s power.
The Host can read a person’s character through his “sight”. Because of that, he can often “see” someone’s backstory. The only ones he can’t read are, Dark, Warfstache, and the Jims (anyone affected by The House).
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lounaticm · 10 months
o h
So the AU scenarios comment made my brain go very 👀 Do you have an AU/particular scenario that you think about the most?? If it's a different AU for each character which I'm guessing might happen, what would it be for Dark, Murdock, Author?
Well, as an overall, I don't have a singular AU that takes up all my thoughts, though I have certain types that poke and prod at the little writing neurons. Any sorts of 'non-human/monster' AUs are some absolute favorites of mine, whether the Ego or the reader/self-insert be the non-human/monster.
With Dark, I'm very partial to scenarios where he and the DA reunite, through various means and in various ways - whether the DA reincarnates, is still in the mirror when Dark returns after Damien wakes up, the DA ends up managing to climb out or get pulled out of the mirror, and a slew of other ways. Me being me, of course, such encounters can only end one way, and that is, of course, with the DA forgiving him basically immediately - because it wasn't his fault. (I really can't imagine the DA being vengeful or hating him, even for a single moment. They don't strike me as the sort, regardless of however long they spent in the mirror.)
A favorite scenario of mine for Mr. Murdock Kilbourne is general serial killer shenanigans. Unknown, highly professional killer, terrorizing the entire U.S., leaving carnage and fear in his wake. No one knows a damn thing about who it could be, what the killer's motives are, or anything else, because he may as well be a damn ghost. If he doesn't want to leave evidence behind, he won't. Usually paired with such scenarios is the reader/self-insert either stumbling upon Murdock's handiwork (with or without him still there) or actively seeking him out as either a well-intentioned 'vigilante' of sorts, or as an investigator. Regardless of other details, the media, police, and public only know him by a single name: The Butcher. (Shortened from 'The Anaheim Butcher', as that's where his killings seemed to begin.)
The Author, antagonistic and controlling like he is, always brings to mind scenarios of... well, two entirely different varieties. On the one hand, there are many thoughts of the reader/self-insert being nabbed and stuck into one of his stories as his latest Protagonist - all to varying effects, though often to the point of them wanting to stab him with his own pen. On the other hand is the scenario of the Author being presented with a kid or teenager that he then ends up looking after, becoming really quite attached along the way.
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