#the author x darkiplier
doctordiscord123 · 6 months
Your bio says requests are still open, so.. Author? Maybe Author and Dark? Could be an interesting combo. That's all that's rattling around in my head, do as you will, lol. You always pull together something fun
Co-written with @regalrain using their Dark!
Blood splattered through the air, landing all over his face and clothes, as the Author ripped the knife free of his victim's chest. The poor soul had just been a hiker, lost in the woods, but the Author didn't care. He'd seen too much, he'd seen the Author dragging the body of his latest expired character, and the he couldn't have anyone telling.
No one, except for the man in the shadows.
The way they twitched announced his presence. Then, the low pitched hum in the air. Finally, the way the colors seemed to drain from the trees and bushes nearby, creeping towards the Author. Solidifying, to rub a black, cold tendril over his leg, as one purple eye opened within them. The touch was to keep the Author from freaking out.
“Busy, Darling~?”
The Author started at the touch, slamming his knife into the throat of his latest victim, and watched them choke and bleed for a moment before everything went silent. He stood, dusting himself off — as if that did anything but smear blood around — and spun around, glaring. “Jesus Christ, Dark, you can’t do that. What if I threw that knife at you, hm?”
“Then I’d pluck it off and hand it back.” He made it sound so simple, as he reached his hand into his suit’s pocket. Producing a black handkerchief, thought he merely held it for the moment. Knowing Author would get a bit handsy, before he could clean him up.
And handsy the Author got. Licking his lips, the Author tasted blood, and he grinned. He sauntered up to Dark, placing a hand on his chest — and grabbed him by the lapels, yanking the man down into a brutal kiss, sharing the taste. Their kiss was fiery, even though both of them were colder then the average person. Dark merely letting Author have fun thinking he was leading it, and when they pulled apart, he held up the handkerchief. Dabbing at Author’s face, as his other hand went to settle on his hip. When he was done, he looked over at the victim, his eye boring into the wrecked mess as he hummed lowly, twitching. “What did it do to bother you this time?”
“Saw too much~” He gestured vaguely to the other body, not too far away, missing an arm and covered in bruises. He kept his hold on Dark’s collar, looking him up and down, before his grin returned. “How about we leave these for the wolves, and head back to my cabin~? Have a shower~ I got a little blood on you.” He swiped a thumb across Dark’s lips, before licking it clean.
“When don’t you.” Mirror images splitting off him, the red one was grinning at the tarnished body, arms folded neatly in front of it, while the blue one was staring lovingly at Author, giving a silent chuckle. All the actual Dark did was smirk, stepping back and out of his grasp to do a sweeping bow. Behind him, a portal opened up, and he stood, offering Author his right hand, then bringing it up to kiss the bloodstained back of it.
“After you, Darling~”
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regalrain · 6 months
I request….Dark torturing the Host trying to get the Author back </3
In the Dark, He Waits
Note: The Host is @doctordiscord123’s version!
“The shadows are trembling. The shadows are alive. The shadows are seeping with rage, slithering their way towards the Host with a goal in mind. The Host doesn’t want the shadows! The Host demands they go away! Please! The shadows can still go away, the shadows don’t need to come—“
The Host is cut off with a low groan, as a sudden shrill sound cuts through the air. His legs surrounded by cold, biting tendrils, that were so achingly familiar, yet not. They were from a bygone era, one he didn’t want to relive, and as they continued up his bound form, strapped as he was to a wooden chair, he whimpered. He knew he wouldn’t be able to shake them off. Not now, when…
“The shadows open. A singular, purple eye gleams within them, narrowing as the Host narrates. He’s here. He’s here… and he’s not going to listen to the Host….”
“Quite correct.”
It was almost more fear inducing when the shrill sound cut out to just a low thrum. Flinching, the Host turned his head up and away from his chest. A bone deep tiredness settling into him, as he gave a shivery sigh. Locking ‘eyes’ with Dark, as much as he could when he himself didn’t have them. Blood starting to stain his bandages, as he muttered under his breath. As the Host expected, the bindings didn’t give to his magic. He never could out power Dark in the past, and it seemed that remained true now.
“The Host will cut to the chase. Informing Dark that he will not achieve his goal.”
“And you know it?”
It didn’t take him narrating to know Dark must’ve lifted an eyebrow. He heard the click of his shoes as the monster in the guise of a man drew closer to him. Circling him. With the way the air shifted, the Host was sure that Dark’s mirror images were around too. Freaking out, as they were prone to, while Dark himself did nothing but twitch. He never could quite contain himself. It was admirable he never fully exploded and wiped everyone clean, but less so when he was the sole recipient of his unstable ire.
“…Dark wants the Author back.” A crooked grin stretched on Host’s lips, as the blood started to soak fully through his bandages. Warmth running in streams down his face, as he tried to be firm. It just made Dark sick, looking at him, he’s sure. “But the Host is more then happy to inform him the Author is dead and gone—“
The Host flinched, crying out as he was struck across the face. The cold tendrils that had slithered up his body tightening, threatening to squeeze him hard enough to bruise him all over. Harsh fingers grasped his chin, forcing him to keep his head up as the nails dug into his skin. If it were anyone else, he may’ve complained on how that was going to for sure leave a mark thanks to his hemophilia. But he didn’t have time for that.
“You will be silent!”
Just as quickly as they grabbed him, the fingers dropped his chin. He could hear Dark’s voice layering, several others joining in, yet his was the clearest of all. Pure warning was seeping from it. He could feel the tendrils dropping away from him as well, leaving him just solely bound to the chair. However, the second he opened his mouth to try to narrate what was going on, a hard, blunt object smacked into his stomach. Silencing him with a wheeze and a crack, as he felt the mirror images not quite there touch on both his shoulders.
“I will have him back. One way or another.”
Another thud followed, and the Host screamed as the chair he was in fell onto its left side. His cheek smacking hard into the wooden floor, causing him to gasp as a metallic tang filled his mouth. For once, it wasn’t from his eyes.
“While it’s less than ideal this way, my Dear… I’m sure the Author won’t mind.”
Just as the Host gurgled, to urgently try and get away, to say something or another to defend himself, the blunt object swung down again. It was closely followed by the slash of a cold blade across his skin, cutting him just enough to make him shriek in pain.
“I know I don’t. He’ll understand. He’ll heal.”
Sipping on some earl grey tea, Dark lifted his head as he heard stumbling deeper in the cabin. Author’s cabin, exactly where he had dragged the Host to try to tempt him back out. That obviously hadn’t worked, and Dark took another sip of his tea as the dragging of fabric was heard. The clothes he was in were still stained with blood, that color’s had drained from the bright red to a deep grey. He easily could’ve cleaned himself up, the rest of him was still spic and span, but there was one thing he wanted to see first before he did.
Twitching, he paused as the sound drew closer. Looking straight at the opening to the hallway as a tall, battered frame came into view. Clothes bloodstained and in tatters, mere rags on him now. His bandages long since having slipped down his face in a red disarray, yet it didn’t stop Dark from smirking as the being braced himself against the wall. A crazed smile on his face, the golden streak in the hair gone, soaked through with red, as two pin pricks of pure gold lit up in the dark sockets of where eyes once were.
“I’m back~”
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intolerable-sushi · 7 months
What once was
I finally finished the angst(?) Dark x reader story. I'm not a hundred percent sure if this actually counts as angst, so please let me know. And let me know if these types of stories are something you guys would like more of!! This story is super short by the way.
The road to vengeance was paved in blood and sweat. It was a path Dark had no trouble taking. Friendships and bonds were not something he saw value in so using people to get his way was a very casual thing for him. The only thing he truly wanted at the end of the day was to bestow the same suffering onto Mark as he did to everyone around  him. However, despite his best efforts to focus on the task at hand, things continued to plague his mind. Someone from the past who continued to haunt him no matter how hard he tried to forget.
The attorney. His attorney. Damiens's attorney.
The person who had been at his side for years. The person who trusted him with their life, and didn’t doubt him for a second. The person that Damien had grown to love only for Dark to cast them aside. Despite his lack of emotions, Dark couldn’t help the feelings of regret and guilt he felt every time they invaded his mind. 
He told himself that leaving them in the mirror was for the best. That leaving them there would keep them safe from Mark, but he knew that that was a lie. They could have easily shared the body together, and maybe even worked together to stop Mark, but he was a selfish creature by nature. He hadn’t wanted to share the body with them, and ultimately they would have been nothing more than a hindrance, so he left them there. Cast them aside with no hesitation. He had been surprised the first time he recognized them. He was even more surprised and infuriated when he saw them with Mark. That bastard had somehow managed to worm his way into their lives again, but something seemed different. 
The two of them were constantly going on adventures in Mark’s van, and they were….. They were smiling. They looked like they were truly happy and having a good time. The sight boiled his blood. How dare they give HIM that smile. Don’t they remember all the death and misery he’s caused. He could barely keep himself intact at the thought. As much as he wanted to make his presents known to the two of them, Dark decided to wait for the proper time to reacquaint himself with his old friend. 
He didn’t get an opportunity until they were sleeping alone in the van one night. He materialized beside them and watched them sleep. They were just as breathtaking as he remembered. Despite years having passed since that night, despite everything they were still themselves. Out of everyone there that night, they changed the least. Dark’s observational time was interrupted as their eyes snapped open. 
“No………No…. No. nononononononononono!” The sat-up straight and backed up into the back door of the van. Their eyes were wide and filled with fear. They began to hyperventilate as they stared at Dark. 
“It is alright I’m not here to hurt you. I would like to talk-”
“ GET OUT!” It was Dark’s turn to stare wide eyed. “ I remember you! I remember what you did to me! You left me there for years!! Do you have any idea what it was like? To be slowly consumed by a being as old as time, to be constantly cold and alone with not even your screams to accompany as they are swallowed by the void. I don’t even remember how I got out. I only remember clawing my way out of that fucking house And you have the fucking adacity to come here to me wanting to talk!?” They had started their rant screaming and ended it sobbing. Dark could only stare at them. Despite everything, even now, he held back feelings. 
“ I did what I thought was best. I had to keep you away from HIM! He would have used you against-” 
“Are you talking about Mark? He was there for me unlike you! He let me stay here! We make videos together and he acts like an actual friend!!” They cut him off. 
  Dark could feel his form beginning to break as he listened to them defend him. “And it's just that, an act!! He doesn’t actually care about you!! He’s just using you!!”
“At least he cares enough to pretend!! At least he cares to take care of me! Where were you when I was alone in a world that has changed so much!! I can barely remember what it used to be like, but I remember that you used to be my friend. Why, why did you do this?” They stared at Dark with tear stained cheeks, eyes begging for an answer. An answer that he could never give them. He could only stare at them expressionless. The two stared at each other for a moment longer before Dark vanished. This had been a foolish endeavor. He should have known better. Once he materialized again in a random field he let everything go.
Every emotion he had came flooding out, the guilt, the shame, the love, the rage, everything. His form splintered and broke in a way it never had before, he felt like he was back in the house again. But he deserved this. The suffering they had gone through had been his fault. The hate they had for him was justified. He had pushed them towards the man who orchestrated the suffering of everyone around him. It was at that moment, in his agony, that Dark realized that he had truly become the villain that Mark had designated him to be. He had hurt someone who was not only truly innocent in this whole situation, but someone that Dark had truly cared about. Dark’s form continued to break and tear through the night as his mind returned to the love that had been, a world long gone, and a man he once was.
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ariwritessometimes · 1 year
Cause of Death, Chapter 9
Now available on Ao3!
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"How to be a menace to Dark" - an introductory book for becoming a thorn in his side at all times; written by Wilford Warfstache
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sunhealer24 · 2 years
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If you were enjoying my Ted Bundy fanfiction like @v-v-a-888 I promise I will be updating it eventually! My main focuses right now have been The Darkest Night and Sugar In My Coffin (both Markiplier fics) and a commission I have, but I plan on continuing to work on all of my other unfinished works as well
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ephiesoul · 3 months
⭐️Choose your President⭐️
❤️🤍💙 Markiplier Edition ❤️🤍💙
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❤️ Stage One
⭐️ Round 1 Bingiplier vs Googleplier
Voting Closed - Here | Results - Here
⭐️ Round 2 Author vs Actor Mark
Voting Closed - Here | Results - Here
⭐️ Round 3 Eric vs Stan
Voting Closed - Here | Results - Here
⭐️ Round 4 Wilford vs Bim
Voting Closed - Here | Results - Here
⭐️ Round 5 Heehoo vs Necromancer
Voting Closed - Here | Results - Here
⭐️ Round 6 Jim vs Dr. Iplier
Voting Closed - Here | Results - Here
⭐️ Round 7 Engineer vs Camp Mark
Voting Closed - Here | Results - Here
⭐️ Round 8 Bill vs Darkiplier
Voting Closed - Here | Results - Here
⭐️ Round 9 Host vs Illinois
Voting Closed - Here | Results - Here
⭐️ Round 10 Night vs Yancy
Cast your Votes - Here | Results - TBA
⭐️ Round 11 Noir Mark vs Murdock
Cast your Votes - Here | Results: TBA
⭐️ Round 12 coming soon..
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List of Presidential candidates- Here
⭐️ Bing Bonus Questions
What trait matters most in a President? Here
Bingiplier vs Actor bonus round - Here
Bing vs Actor results - Here
(Voting available on Tumblr, Instagram & X)
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ashtonisvibing · 7 months
"You're not gonna eat all that ice cream by yourself, give me a spoon"
Fandom: Markiplier Egos
Alternate Universe: None
Ship(s): Wilford Warfstache x Darkiplier
Character(s): Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache
Warning(s): None
Originally Published: January 11, 2024
Word Count: 1,096
Author's Notes:
seasons skirmish gift for thestarsarebrighttonight on AO3
did someone say darkstache with a hint of fluff and angst? :}
pronouns check:
dark - they/them
wilford - he/him
if you liked what you read, consider giving this a reblog, please! it'll let more people see my work!
[plain text: if you liked what you read, consider giving this a reblog, please! it'll let more people see my work!]
Full Story:
There were most nights where Dark was able to just lay in bed when they weren’t able to sleep, just letting whatever memory that disturbed them play out in their mind while they stared up at the ceiling above themself. But this time they simply couldn't. They weren't able to fall asleep, letting their mind wander wasn't working, either. And trying to focus on the breathing and heartbeat of the pink haired man beside them was doing nothing as well. And they had always found that to be a nice go-to when nothing else seemed to work.
So now they were walking down the softly lit winding staircase, not sure where their tired feet would take them. Seemingly ancient furniture and photos that had been covered for years had their colors turned gray as the entity walked by, highlighted by the slight glow of their red and blue aura - as Wilford had decided to call it. Dark tried to keep their attention away from the photos hung on the walls lest they get tempted to pull the fabrics off and uncover them.
The photos were covered for a reason.
Dark soon found themself in the kitchen of the manor. The moonlight coming from outside just barely illuminated the black counter tops, showing the various glasses and plates and silverware that neither occupant had remembered to clean and put away; Dark was far too busy keeping the other look alikes in check wherever they all ended up, and Wilford was far too scatterbrained as it was to remember most simple tasks, leaving the entity to clean up after him most of the time. But no matter how much Wil might protest, they wouldn’t be doing as such if they didn’t mind it. But despite cleaning the kitchen providing the perfect distraction they just didn’t have the energy to do so much work. And considering they were in the kitchen…
The entity looked around the various cabinets, as well as the fridge, for anything that they could have as a midnight snack. Cookies, chocolate, a pie that Wilford had impulsively bought… Nothing was scratching their snacking itch. Well, nothing until they looked into the freezer, noticing a carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream that they hadn’t seen before. Wilford must have picked some up the last time he went to the store. And honestly, it was exactly what they needed right now. Not bothering with grabbing a bowl, they simply took the carton and a clean spoon and stood themself at the central counter. And despite how ridiculous they felt eating straight out of the carton, they didn’t see any point in grabbing a bowl. It would just be added to the assortment of dishes they’d need to clean tomorrow.
Dark stood there for a while, leaned against the counter as they watched the pine trees outside sway with the breeze. Just taking in the heavy silence of the manor around them. So quiet that when they suddenly heard a floor plank creak outside of the kitchen they nearly jumped out of their skin, the spoon in their hand clanking to the counter when they accidentally let go.
“Never knew that you were one to get spooked.” A voice chuckled from the doorway. Wilford, of course, no one else resided in the manor. No one else would even have the balls to sneak up on the entity like he did. Dark’s cheeks were flushed a darker gray from pure embarrassment as they picked the spoon back up.
“I was just too caught up in my thoughts, that’s all..” They ate another spoonful of their snack. Wil just gave a hum, leaned against the wooden door frame as he watched his partner. For once it felt more unnerving than any other time he did so. “Is there something you want?”
“Are your thoughts why you’re up so early… Eating ice cream, from the looks of it?” He chuckled a little as he took his place next to the other, arms now resting against the counter once he was bent over. “I’m learning a lot about you this night, darkling~”
Dark’s face was now instead a dark gray from the flirting. They rolled their eyes a little, looking down at the other. “It’s not that important, Wilford. You’ve caught me, you don’t need to be down here with me anymore.” Wil was never deterred by their rudeness, they knew that very well. And deep down inside they wanted their boyfriend to stay here with them, chatting away about a million topics at once, like he loved to do while they were working. But it was so early in the morning. And it’s not like Wilford had the best track record when it came to sleeping, either.
“Mmm… No.” He smirked as he reached into the silverware drawer to grab his own spoon. Of course he wasn’t going to leave. “I’m not letting you eat all that by yourself. You’ll get a stomach ache doing that.” He chuckled as he scooped his own spoonful of ice cream from the carton. “Besides, I had bought this for the both of us, you thief.” Another chuckle, this one earning the faintest touch of a smile from Dark.
“Alright, fine. I suppose there’s no arguing with a madman.”
“Now you’re starting to get it!” Wilford laughed as he stood up straight to leave a kiss on Dark’s cheek. “And if you want to talk abo-”
“No.” The entity’s tone was firm. The flickers of red surrounding them became brighter before they sighed. They only used such a tone with Wil, when they were especially sure they didn’t want to speak about something. Well, that seemed to be that then. Wil wasn’t going to push the topic further.
“Alright, alright… Oh! But I’m sure you’ll love to hear about…” And the two devolved into their usual place. Wilford rambling about who even knows what half of the time, and Dark just standing there, listening to every word. Wilford could already guess why his partner was awake, anyways. The day that the three of them died, in their own little ways, wasn’t something that would ever go away. The sounds of gunshots kept Wil awake as well. But in some strange sort of way, neither wanted to go back and change any of it. Because neither would be here as they are now - awake at midnight in a manor full of old and painful memories, sharing a moment of peace over mint chocolate chip ice cream.
How could they ever want to take this away?
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melancholypancakes · 2 years
Author note: Thessaly is a canon character in the sandman universe she an immortal witch and former lover of Morpheus from the comics
Every female protagonist when she is literally in a love triangle relationship with an edge lord/brooding mystery bad boy love interest and a sweet guy love interest.
Female protagonist chooses Edge lord love interest all the time ;)
Exhibit A for Markiplier TV
Darkiplier x reincarnated!Y/n x Markiplier
Y/n could go with a sweet, loving and manipulative boyfriend Mark and go on adventures with him.
Y/n can go with the brooding, emo, edge lord Darkiplier himself who actually gives a damn about her and her well-being :)
Who do you think she is going to choose?
*Y/n deciding*
Y/n: let’s see…Mark is sweet, loving but also manipulative and wants to go on adventures in different timelines and he fuck Dark over along with my friends.
*Y/n looks at Dark and immediately blushes nervously*
Y/n: On the other hand…Dark is very brooding, Edgy, bad boy but deep down really cares about me and my well-being more than Mark ever could.
Y/n: he’s also more handsome than Mark…and didn’t screw wilford over and my other friends. And…he um…
*Y/n just red as a tomato staring at Dark for a long time*
Y/n:…He’s quite a romantic even if he doesn’t show it and a great dancer! He also is cares a lot about me!
*Dark looks at Y/n with adoration while she nervously smiles at him with a red face*
Y/n: 👀👀👀
*Y/n jumps in Dark’s arms*
Y/n: take me home please!
*Mark is shock Y/n chooses Dark over Him while the viewers knew Darkiplier x Y/n was endgame*
Exhibit B for The Sandman
We’re going to use a made up Sweet normal mortal man as a love interest for Witch! Y/n since I can’t think of any canon character for her lol
( I won’t use Hob because all tumblr wants to do is have a three way with Morpheus, y/n and hob)
Morpheus x Witch! Y/n x Henry
Witch! Y/n is a capable woman to take care of herself, make her choices in life and even lovers.
She is a lovely and caring young woman who capture both hearts of the endless and Henry a young mortal man who she could have a normal life with.
Now, Witch! Y/n could have a normal life for a change with Henry who is very charming, sweet and soft.
He can take care of her as a husband and father to her children she would give birth to in this normal family scenario.
She could spend the rest of her mortal days being in love with a mortal man who cherish her ( hopefully not cheat) and have a family in the suburb.
A loving husband, three children, a lovely home and a normal life with no evil or monsters to fight and grow old with her lover.
Witch! Y/n could take the high road, take a chance, a leap of faith, destiny and a risk to be with Morpheus of the endless.
Morpheus, Dream of the endless, ruler of the dreaming realm. A king to rule his subjects and protect the dreaming and waking realm.
Morpheus was brooding, edge lord, a lone-wolf and mainly touch starved after all he was trapped for decades by a mage.
An endless that would make her feel alive, make her heart beat fast, make her desires and dreams come true more than she could imagine.
It’s not an easy life Y/n would have but it would exciting and thrilling!
Y/n heart would beat fast more than she could ever known, make her blush red and see stars and hearts everywhere.
Morpheus had many failed lovers ( mainly his fault) but he would like to change that.
Morpheus adores Y/n, cherish her, he would love her more than Henry ever could for he was just a mortal man who truthfully wouldn’t last long with Y/n.
Morpheus would make Y/n’s dreams, desires and needs come true, she be a Queen of the Dreaming realm and love her for eternity.
While Witch! Y/n cares for Henry, she also adores Morpheus and wonders what would it really be with Morpheus an endless being.
She has never been with someone like Morpheus, he wasn’t a man and it could be good…bad or it could actually be thrilling and worth her while.
Would Y/n really be different from Nada…or even Thessaly?
Could she be worthy of him?
Could she be loving wife towards Morpheus better and understanding?
Could she be better?
If she were to have children with Morpheus could they still be happy and be a loving family?
As Y/n ponder on these thoughts she felt a pale hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Morpheus.
She tilt her head back and looked into his star eyes as he gave her a small smile of adoration.
Y/n couldn’t help but smile back at him and held his hand gently and squeezing it lovingly.
Maybe…just maybe this could work, she could be with him for eternity, be his wife, mother of his children and love sick.
Y/n knew both of men were madly in love with her but she had to choose between a charming mortal man and an endless who adored her more than anything.
Y/n had already made her choice…
*Witch! Y/n thoughts*
Witch! Y/n: Henry is a very charming a sweet man, could be a great husband and father to our children and I could have a normal life…that would be nice.
Witch! Y/n: But…Morpheus could offer me so much more, he could be a great husband, I could be a good wife to him and queen of his realm and on top of that he can make my dreams and desires come true literally.
Witch! Y/n: he could make me feel alive…and he is actually the man…the endless I truly love and that’s better than any normal life.
Witch! Y/n: besides…there no such thing as a normal life especially with me involve.
*Witch! Y/n chooses Morpheus*
Morpheus holds both of Y/n’s hands and kisses them as he looks deeply in her eyes and she smiles as her face turns red.
Morpheus: Y/n…my beloved I shall cherish you for all eternity, love you with my very being, you have no idea how much I adore you my dear…if you wish it I will make your desires and dreams come true if you’ll have me of course…
Witch! Y/n: Oh Morpheus….of course I’ll have you. But am I truly worthy of you?
She says as she looks down in doubt.
Morpheus looks at her with a confused look, he wonders why would she ask such a silly thing?
Morpheus: of course, you are darling why ask such a buzzard question? Do you doubt worth?…
Y/n looks at him with glossy eyes as tears fall, “It’s just….I….I” she struggles the words as she breathes in.
Witch! Y/n: Am I truly worthy of your love? Am I worthy of you more than Nada….or Thessaly? Will we last…will you not get bored of me?
Morpheus is shock about her doubts.
Morpheus: Of course, you are worthy of me my love my past has nothing to do with us for you are not them and they are not you.
He says as he lifts her chin up and she looks at him, Y/n smiles through the tears as Morpheus wipes her face.
Morpheus: Don’t cry my dear…these negative thoughts don’t deserve your tears.
She giggles as she leans in and kisses Morpheus which he returns back with a passionate kiss.
Y/n had chosen Morpheus over Henry, over a normal life and she knew she want meant to be with the endless as he did too.
He was delighted she had chosen him, he finally had his Queen in his arms and she had her King in her arms…
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
Moodboards Masterlists
Eddie Kingston Wrestleblr Sectret Santa [Malaki Black, 'Hangman' Adam Page and Orange Cassidy] Polycule [Jay Orton, Kenny Omega, Wheeler yuta, 'Hangman' Adam Page and Adam Cole [baybay] ] Greek Gods moodboards [poseidon, dionysus, hepaestus, Apollo and Aphrodite] Easter or Halloween 'Hangman' Adam Page Darkiplier Jason Dean shield!seth moodboard @/shanie-the-toyaddict moodboard Maura Isles Genderfluid crutchie Googleplier x the author Actor mark and Celine Werewolf Antisepticeye Jack Kelly, Cottagecore ISWM part 2: Diner at the edge of the universe Newsies Winter Gift Exchange [Katherine and roses] Trans surfer dude Racetrack Higgins Ralbert Jack Kelly Jack Kelly, dark academic Melchior Gabor x Moritz Stiefel Spidertrack Higgins JackCrutchie but like Bonnie & Clyde Winn Schott Junior actor mark Yancy, Aquarium date Zowens Sunrises and Stethoscopes- Cora Higgins Ralbert with pastel blues and oranges
[Disclaimer: I am no longer in the newsies fandom]
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puppeteered-poetry · 2 years
Holy shit, your art is good! Can we get a semi suggestive Darkstache?? Nothing too much. Just cuddling in bed or something like that.
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thank youuuu <3
your honor they should be marries I think
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captainmooni · 2 years
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regalrain · 6 months
For requesters, I will say I’m best writing certain egos XD
Those being:
The Author/Host (my Author and Host are the same person, just different points in his life)
The Actor
Ships I’m good with:
Illinois X Almost anyone really XD
Yancy X Almost anyone
Dark X Googleplier
Dark X Author/Host
Artiplier X Bingiplier
Artiplier X Bim Trimmer
Ivyiplier X Others
Googleplier X Bim Trimmer
Polyamorous and polycules
Probably more I’m just not remembering XD
Though you may need to specify if wanting my versions of the egos, or mine x someone elses, etc
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deceptive-jo · 4 years
Valentine's Day
The Iplier Egos celebrate Valentine's day. Plans are made and relationships formed.
Words: 1052 I just typed that on my phone in 1 hour, kill meee
Ships: Dark/Wilford, Bim/King, The Host/Dr Iplier, Bing/Google, Illinois/Yancy, The Author/The Actor
"You look sharp!" Bim smiled at that, his wide grin not quite hiding the nervousness in his eyes, "Well, I try my best." His suit was brushed down once more. "You got everything?" He gave a short nod before stopping and reaching into his jacket to pull out a  small box. "Could you hold onto that for me?" Gold met purple as his hand got closed around the box. "Trust me, you'll need it. Now good luck, boy!"
Wilford entered the office where Dark was still working. "Happy Valentine's." The demon looked up at the surprisingly soft voice. "You too, Wilford. Don't worry, I will finish up this documents and then I should be-" "I got us reservations at your favourite restaurant, as a surprise." Dark turned away from the papers again to stare at his husband in confusion. "I wasn't aware of that." "Well yeah, it's a surprise..." Wilford looked just as confused now, prompting a chuckle from Dark who finally got up, "No, I appreciate it. That's actually very sweet of you, Wil." "A husband does what he can for his partner!" The lighthearted voice was back when he pulled Dark into a short kiss. "We have to be there at 7...should I wear red, it feels appropriate." His partner risked a smile, suit tainted blue by his aura. "Yes, red would look nice on you."
"Hey Google, it's Valentine's Day!" The android didn't bother turning away from his project when Bing entered. "I am aware, why do you feel the need to remind me?" "Well you weren't really mentioning anything about it." Google frowned when Bing pushed himself into his field of vision, "Why should I? I have no connection to the holiday and as I am informed it is not mandatory to wish just anyone 'Happy Valentine's Day' like it is with Christmas. Emotions are bothersome enough as it is, I'd prefer to not add any more." By the time he had finished Bing looked a lot less enthusiastic. "Well now you killed my flow, dude- Anyway", he immediately bounced back as he pulled something out from behind his back, "made this for you." Wary Google took the object. It was a simply folded card in bright blue, with red lettering 'You are the CSS to my HTML'. Google just stared at the card, well aware of Bing watching him intensly. "You like it? Made one for everyone in the building." "I mean, the pun is horrible. But I suppose I can appreciate the sentiment", he looked up into Bing's delighted face and couldn't help the small smile. "Happy Valentine's Day, Bing."
"King, this is beautiful." Bim slowly circled through the tree house, his boyfriend close behind. "You really think so?" His eyes wandered up. Fairy lights were strung around the branches, candles lit the room in a warm yellow. "It's stunning. Almost as much as you", he turned around in time to see King's face turn a deep red and allowed himself a cheeky grin. "Seriously, you did so good with this. I don't know if my dinner can compete." His awkward chuckle quickly died off when King grabbed his hand. "You know I'd love anything you would do, right?" Bim had to stop himself from laughing again while he fidgeted witt the box in his pocket. "Oh yeah, that's good...'Cause that makes what I'm about to do a little less awkward..."
"Darky, are you ready?" They swirled around from where they'd been finishing their make-up and his breath stopped. "My, darling! You are stunning." A slight blush graced their cheeks as they fixed his red bowtie even though he had just put it on. "You don't look too bad yourself." He offered them an arm and gestured towards the door with a wide grin, "Well then, shall we?"
"Shit, I'm...so sorry about that. That was probably not quite the Valentine's date you were hoping for, I'm not good with those things." Yancy chuckled before collapsing on the couch next to Illinois. "I figured. Being chased by a gang for kinda fuckin up their robbery 's probly not most common. But then, I don't got that much experience either. Guess we should just create some?" Illinois seemed more absent, playing with the strings of his hat that Yancy was still wearing for some reason. "Sounds good. Maybe just dinner next time?" "Sounds good."
"Do you have any plans for today, Host?" The question came up after breakfast, the secound bandage change because of the kitchen incident. "He has, actually. What are Dr Iplier's thoughts on classical music?" The hands on his head worked almost automatic when the doctor answered. "I don't listen much...but it's nice I guess." "That's good", the Host sat more upright now, "because the Host got two seats at tonights performance in the theatre and he wanted to ask Edward to accompany him." The hands came to a sudden halt. "Like a date?" "If- yes...like a date." A cold hand lifted the Host's head up and he could tell that Dr Iplier was studying him, perhaps with an amused smile- "I'd love to go on a date to the theatre with you, you moron." Yes, definitely amused. The Host's shoulders relaxed when he heard the giggling but couldn't quite bring himself to stop the beautiful sound.
"Author?" The writer stopped from where he was pacing in his study and turned towards Marc. "Did you want anything?" The actor shrugged his shoulders, acting nonchalant, "Just wish you a happy Valentine's Day." "Oh, yeah. Did you want to do anything?" "Actually...", the actor stepped closer, driving his hand along the collar of Author's shirt- exposing greying skin. He had to stop himself from cringing at the sight, instead he remained where he was, locking eyes with his lover. "I did. But...we could just go for a walk. Go into the city, visit the restaurant you like so much then see a movie?" "You made reservations?" He cocked an eyebrow. "I'm the Actor. I don't need to make reservations." That finally elicit a dry chuckle from his fiance who followed him into the bedroom to change. "Sounds like a plan. A bit ordinary though don't you think?" The teasing in Author's voice got answered by a bright smile. "It's us, darling. When could we ever be ordinary?"
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ariwritessometimes · 1 year
Cause of Death, Chapter 5
All Works Masterlist
Chapter Summary: Dinner with the Egos leads to introductions, and an ominous revelation from the Host.
Series Summary:
When all was said and done, there was one body left in the manor - just one. There was just one problem: That body was stuck in the Void. But as it just so happened…
So was the District Attorney.
aka, you find your own way out of the mirror after being trapped there for over a hundred years by the entity who stole your body.
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Masterlist of fics
All my fics are gender neutral unless explicitly stated otherwise! Fics in written chronological order under each ego ^_^ Updated: 04/06-2020
All fics
Prompt: “I think you’re amazing…even if I don’t say it much, I really do. The things you do…”
The Author
Prompt: “We can never be together” kiss
A lot more than static: You’re the DA, left behind in the mirror. What happens to you?
Chapter 1/3, Chapter 2/3
Prompt: “You’re going to smother me in my sleep aren’t you?”/“I can’t believe that I’m snowed in. With you” + Wilford
Prompt: “[David Attenborough voice] And here we see the lesser spotted ____ in their natural habitat” (Male reader)
Fic: You’re a merperson, and Dark comes to your usual meeting
Prompt: Jealous kiss/“Are you angry…?”
Fic: Some slight angst/comfort with DA reader
Prompt:  One Small Kiss, Pulling Away For An Instant, Then Devouring Each Other/Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently Doing
Prompt: Dark wanting to make a special dinner but he gives up and just makes pasta but y/n is like ??? because the pasta is really good 
Fic: Reader is the former DA & Y/N. Dark thinks there has always been something with their eyes
Prompt: Dark being soft around his S/O, but still scary as hell, so he ask why they aren’t scared of him
Eric Derekson
Prompt: Cuddling with Eric during a thunderstorm
Fic: Eric comes to your and Dark’s apartment
Fic: You and Dark being a bit touchy and fond with Eric
Prompt:  Starting With A Kiss Meant To Be Gentle, Ending Up In Passion
Prompt: When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More
Prompt: When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More / A Hoarse Whisper “Kiss Me”
The Host
Prompt: Seductive kiss
Prompt: Spin the bottle kiss
Prompt: Illinois with a new partner that flirts back
Prompt: “I know you’re not a fan of Valentine’s day…I just thought that maybe I could change your mind…”
Prompt: Poly soulmate wrist mark AU (+Yancy)
Wilford Warfstache
Prompt: “You could have at least left a note. We were worried about you.”
Prompt: “You’re going to smother me in my sleep aren’t you?”/“I can’t believe that I’m snowed in. With you” + Darkiplier
Prompt: Kiss on the nose/Caught off-guard kiss
Prompt: Yancy is an overprotective boyfriend
Prompt: Yancy as the school bad boy that also does theatre
Prompt: Bringing a smoothie to Yancy in prison
Prompt: “I don’t think you realise just how many people want to date you…I mean you’ve got a queue longer than the one to get into Glastonbury” (Male reader)
Prompt: Moving Around While Kissing, Stumbling Over Things, Pushing Each Other Back Against The Wall/Onto The Bed
Prompt: Poly soulmate wrist mark AU (+Illinois)
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