#very excited about that test getting moved because i didn’t have time to study this past weekend
bog-horse · 1 year
don’t ask me for advice about religion because this is what i’m like
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tkaulitzlvr · 1 year
Can you maybe write 2010 toms reaction and hc's for the reader being pregnant?
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synopsis: you have to tell tom some unexpected news, and his reaction isn’t what you had hoped for.
content: angst
a/n: thank you so much for the request, i am so bad at head canons so i just did a fic, i hope that’s okay!!
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my hands shakily clutched at the test, tears rolling down my flushed cheeks as i hoped that somehow, my eyes were deceiving me. positive, the test reads, the eight letters staring back at me, reminding me over and over that they are very real, and i can’t back out of this.
tom and i were always careful, using protection every time we had sex to stop things like this from happening. we were young and foolish, as every 21 year old is, not ready to welcome a child of our own into the world, the thought of it scaring me so much, never thinking that it would become a reality so soon. it wasn’t that we didn’t ever want kids, but tom was constantly on tour, away from home for weeks and though i always went with him, it just wouldn’t be right to take a child with us. we had always discussed starting a family, both of us coming to the mutual conclusion that now just wasn’t the right time.
which is what terrified me even more, tom’s reaction worrying me as i just couldn’t guess what it would be. he was currently at the studio with the band, and he would be home any minute now, evening dawning over us as he had no idea of the news i was about to bring to him.
i sat on the couch, the test stuffed into the back pocket of my jeans, my eyes fixed on whatever was on the tv, but my mind was elsewhere, waiting for the door to open and tom to walk through it, praying that he wouldn’t freak out. there was no time left to just hope, the door handle turning as tom steps through, baggy jacket clad to his figure, reminding me just how cold it is outside. he takes his shoes off, announcing a quick “i’m home my love”, before entering the living room, a smile appearing on his face once he sees me.
he walks towards the sofa, sitting down beside me and embracing me in a hug. my body begins to shake as i can no longer hold back the tears, tom noticing and quickly pulling away, studying my face and the sorrow etched upon it.
“baby, what’s wrong?” he replies, concerned, holding my face and kissing my forehead, attempting to wipe the tears as he awaits my response.
“you promise you won’t get mad?” i manage to let out between sobs, my words almost inaudible, yet he clearly understands what i say, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“what? why would i be mad? you can tell me anything, you know that.” he says, much more composed than i am, his heart aching to see me in this state. “now what’s wrong? please, talk to me schatz.”
my eyes meet his for the first time, bloodshot and glassy, whilst his hurriedly scan my face, the worry only increasing in his own as every second passes that i don’t confess. i can’t bring myself to say the two words “i’m pregnant”, because the second i do, it will truly become real, my mind in some twisted sort of denial, telling myself that if i don’t admit it, it will somehow go away. so, instead of saying what is wrong, i decide to show him, reaching hesitantly into my back pocket and placing the pregnancy test in his hands.
he looks downwards, finally seeing the reason why i am so upset. his body tenses up, his mouth hanging open in shock the only thing he is able to do. i cant tell if he is happy, excited, or completely angry, all i know is that he cannot believe his eyes. the tears continue to spill down my cheeks, praying that he will reassure me that everything will be okay, but the twisting feeling in my stomach provides me with the terrifying realisation that i’m not going to receive that comfort.
“please say something.” i whisper, my voice shaky as he still hasn’t moved or even looked at me, his eyes fixed on the pregnancy test in his palm of his hands.
“is this real?” he mutters, refusing to look at me, his hands trembling a little.
“it’d be a pretty fucked up joke tom.” i reply, angry at his ridiculous question but not in any position to consider causing an argument, knowing that is the last thing i need right now.
“i just- i don’t know what to say. i’m not ready for this.” he confesses, finally looking upwards as his gaze meets mine, his eyes now glazed with tears, yet he isn’t sad - i see a glare within them that cannot be mistaken for anything else but anger.
“i’m not either tom, you know this. i don’t know what to do.” i put my head in my hands, sobbing even more now, my breathing fast and irregular. my mind longs for any sort of comfort from him, even a little reassurance, a half-hearted ‘it’s gonna be okay’, even though it would be a lie, it would be the most perfect one he ever told, because it would give me a million times more consolation than i am receiving right now. but he stays silent, biting his lip, almost as if he is stopping himself from truly speaking his mind.
“i can’t do this.” he finally says, standing up and walking out of the living room, exiting the house as he closes the front door behind him with a slam.
my breathing begins to quicken, my heart rate increasing as the worst possible scenario is suddenly becoming true in front of my eyes. if me finding out that i was pregnant wasn’t enough, tom leaving only placed the cherry on my cake, a sickening sense of guilt now punching me in the gut, stabbing a knife in the wound as i begin to feel nothing but completely stupid for letting this happen, blaming it all on myself. my sobs are muffled within my hands as my head rests there, my entire body trembling as i long to be in his arms, him telling me that it would be okay, that we would get through this. instead, the cold air is my only company, leaving me in it’s icy embrace, giving me the constant reminder that i am alone.
it is this reminder that sticks with me until my eyes begin to feel heavy, my body falling into a deep sleep, providing me with a temporary distraction from reality.
warm hands. two large, warm hands are what wake me from my sleep as they caress my face gently, contrasting with the coldness of the entire house.
“love?” i hear a familiar voice whisper, finally opening my eyes to see tom kneeled beside me, his own bloodshot from crying.
“why are you here?” i ask, anger quickly filling my veins, the reminder of how quickly he left, betrayed me like it was nothing, flooding my memory.
“i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have left like that. i was just so shocked, and i backed out, and i shouldn’t have. we can talk about this, if you’re ready to.” he softly says as i sit up, moving his hands off my face.
“you left me.” i mutter, the tears already threatening to fall. “i wanted your support, and you left me. you fucking left me when i needed you most! do you know how shitty that feels? all day, i’ve felt guilty, and i find the courage to tell you and then you fucking bail on me?”
“i know and i’m so sorry my love. i didn’t expect it, i reacted in the wrong way-”
“what you think i did expect it? you think i’ve been throwing up for the past two weeks and i wanted it to happen? do you know how hard it’s been to hide my suspicions, because i didn’t want to scare you until i knew for sure, and then you run away because you didn’t expect it? the one time, the one time i fucking need you here and you leave me.” i sob, my voice breaking as i shake my head, standing up and walking away, tom quickly following me to the kitchen where i stand, my front against the counter, head in my hands.
he says nothing, but wraps his arms around my waist from behind, his thumbs running along my stomach comfortingly, lips pressing small kisses on my shoulder as i slowly begin to calm down. we both stand in silence, tom never loosening his hold on me, finally speaking up once my breathing has slowed a little.
“i’m sorry. i’m so so sorry. you didn’t deserve that at all. i promise you, i’ll never leave you like that again, not for a second.” he whispers, turning me around so that my chest is flush against his, his arms securely around my waist.
“why did you do that tom? you have no idea how scared i am.” i say, my words slightly muffled as my head is buried into his t-shirt, my arms clinging onto his neck.
“ i’m so sorry. i’m sorry.” he keeps repeating, kissing my forehead over and over between his words, never once letting go of me.
“what are we going to do?” i sigh, appreciating the fact that we have made up, but knowing that it doesn’t change the situation or make the reality any easier to swallow.
“i don’t know baby, i don’t know. but whatever you decide, i’ll be right here, always. i promise, i’ll always be here.” he affirms, and the sincerity of his voice tells me that i can believe every single one of his words.
“i love you tom.” i say, the words slipping from my mouth naturally as they are the only ones that come to mind.
“i love you too.”
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requests are open! keep sending them in!!
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
Bond to Happen Part 4
Part 4: A Girl's Night Out
Warnings: some discussion of violence, very light suggestive material, alcohol
Word Count: 1600ish
(I know it's a bit short, but a certain key character will make their first appearance so hopefully it's worth it)
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“Matt pulls dumb shit all the time, but ‘testing’ you to see how far you’d go was not fucking okay,” Karen says angrily.
“It could’ve been worse,” you shrug.
“How could it have been worse, hun?” She shouts incredulously.
“He could’ve lured me into a trap and left me to deal with it myself, he could’ve straight out attacked me, outed me to a bounty hunter, drugged me, let me get shot or stabbed-”
“Jesus, that’s where your mind goes?” She looks shocked and you nod.
“People do terrible things to my kind, I don’t blame him for being curious,” you say honestly. You were surprised it hadn’t happened sooner.
“Matt shouldn’t have done that, babe,” Karen says softly. “You deserve better, you should expect better, especially from your friends.”
You tilt your head at her in thought. You hadn’t expected her to be this upset for you, when you told her. 
Deciding to change the subject, you say, “Well, now that you’re all caught up on the Matt and Frank drama, can we leave?”
“Yeah, as soon as you get ready,” she nods.
“I am ready,” you insist, looking down at your clothes.
“You wear jeans and a t-shirt when you go out?” Karen asks in disbelief. “How do clubs even let you in?”
“I’m almost always wearing the ‘don’t look too close’ spell. They don’t notice what I’m wearing,” you say defensively.
“Sweetie, I love you, but we are dressing up before I take you out,” she insists, turning to her own closet. 
You groan. “You aren’t taking me out, you’re tagging along because of the new Buddy System rule. I don’t need to look good or even be visible, to feed, Kare.”
“But if you look ‘good’ and let people see you and focus on you, won’t that increase your energy intake?”
“Screw you for being so smart, Karebear. Where did you even learn about that?” She was right. If people focused on you, their energy would push towards you and make this shit version of feeding more efficient. You just hated dealing with the attention by yourself, sometimes people didn’t take no for an answer and you’d learned that the hard way.
“I’ve been studying soul and body energy theory,” she shrugs as she continues to dig through her closet.
“Really? Why?” You ask incredulously.
“For you, silly,” she tosses the words over her shoulder.
You swallow a knot of emotion trying to make its way up your throat. Karen had looked into something complex and confusing, put in effort without you asking, and used it to try to help you instead of using it against you.
“Here, this should work. We aren’t exactly the same size, but this is adjustable so it should balance out.” She hands you a red wrap dress. It’s a little bright for your skin tone and conservative for a club with a skirt that almost brushes your knees, a high back, and long sleeves. But that was intentional, you wanted to avoid any accidental skin contact in such a crowded place.
You shuffle to the bathroom to try on the dress. Kare was right, it didn’t fit you the same way it did her, but you were surprised that you actually felt pretty wearing it. As conservative as it was everywhere else, the neckline made up for it, plunging a couple inches below your breasts. You step out of the bathroom to a very excited Karen.
“You look hot, babe! I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen you in a real dress. I’m so proud of you for branching out!” She claps.
“I wear skirts and some dresses,” you grumble, ducking your head to hide your blush.
“Yeah, yeah, but those are your casual comfy clothes. They don’t count. Seriously, where have you been hiding those,” she asks teasingly, glancing at the cleavage fully on display.
You blush fully now. “They’re gonna fall out the second I move, Kare.”
“That’s what double sided tape is for, babes. Trust me, I’ve got experience with this dress.”
You let her apply the tape to the dress and your skin. She’s careful to minimize contact, knowing that you are anxious and sensitive right now.
“It’s a good thing your boots match, we’ll have to go shopping before next time. Our shoe sizes are too different for you to wear my shoes.” She looks a little disappointed at that fact.
“I think your shoes would actually kill me if I wore them,” you laugh, looking at the tall heels lining her closet.
“Hah, you’re tougher than that,” she snorts.
You’re happy with your boots, though. They were black and sturdy, with a small chunky heel and laces you’d woven protective charms into. Over your skin toned tights, they were comfortable. You carefully did a little make up, mostly a dark shade of lipstick and mascara, before tucking yourself into the cab next to Karen. The ride to the club was too short as you grounded yourself for the evening. 
“I’m here, sweetie. If you need anything or you want to go at any point, say the word and we’ll go back to my place and do some self care with wine and those cookies Mrs. Brown brought yesterday,” she says soothingly, reaching slowly and with purpose towards your hand. You nod and she gently squeezes your hand reassuringly.
“I can do this,” you say, just as much to yourself as to Karen. “It’s okay to be seen, I’m safe.” You carefully relax your hold on your magic, letting it spread like mist and settle as it pleases, your walls are down and the energy of others hits you like a wave of dry summer heat. Intense, a little suffocating, but you’ll adjust. Taking one more deep breath, you removed the spell that kept eyes from focusing on you. “Let’s get a drink,” you say clearly.
“I’m proud of you, babe,” she whispers into your ear. You give a little smile and order something sweet and fruity, light on alcohol to keep your mind clear. You already felt invigorated, like a cup of coffee beginning to hit your bloodstream. More awake, more focused.
After a few minutes of chatting over the music and nursing your drinks, you toss your’s back and suggest with a toothy grin,”Let’s go dance.”
Across the room, your magic was taking note of something you would not be consciously aware of until several months later.
Billy Russo didn’t frequent these places as often as he used to. They were loud and crowded and although he maintained a youthful appearance, he was getting too old to enjoy this sort of thing as frequently. But tonight, he was glad that he decided to go out. Across the room, at the bar was a woman who’s energy was magnetic with a soft glow to it. 
She wasn’t necessarily his usual type, not that he would restrict himself to just one type of woman, or person in general. Even so, there was something about her. Maybe it was the way she grinned at her friend. Maybe it was the scuffed black boots laced with multicolored beads and charms, out of place among the stilettos and pumps of those around her. Maybe it was the way her eyes flickered blue or her hair that moved as if she had her own personal breeze around her. Maybe it was the way the sea of people dancing parted for her as she dragged her friend into the mix. Maybe it was all of those things and the fact that he could smell her and only her. Lavender. Something earthy, like the beginning of a desert rain storm. And the sweetness of her drink on her breath. All of those things, wrapped in a tight red dress that had now disappeared into the crowd.
Billy didn’t know what the woman was, but she wasn’t human, that was certain. He sipped his drink and closed his eyes for a moment, focusing on the energies of the people around him. Billy was surprised to find the gentle fog of blue magic wrapping around him as if it was trying to draw out his own, something he kept under a tight control. The only energy others would see was what he carefully crafted for them. The soft blue energy seemed to be testing the boundaries of his own, brushing up against him in search of the real thing. Choosing to ignore it was the wise decision. Pulling away would only suggest he had something to hide, a fact he’d learned years ago. So he let the curious energy drift around him before it settled comfortably in a loose circle around his spot on the semi-circular booth. 
Unaware of your magic’s bold and autonomous behavior, you dance with Karen. Sometimes goofily, other times practically grinding on each other as you feed off the room. You feel different, safe in a way you didn’t usually when feeding. You attribute it to Karen’s presence and thank her for accompanying you as you collapse on her couch when the night is over.
“I’m glad we did that, I’m exhausted, but it was super fun. It’s been a while since i had a proper girls’ night,” Karen agrees, flopping down next to you as she kicks her heels off. “How do you feel?”
“Better, like I had a cup of coffee and took a nap. I don’t feel as exposed right now.”
She hums in acknowledgement. “Good, we’ll do this again before the end of the month.”
“Sounds good,” you say, not bothering to argue that you usually wait longer in between outings. It was nice to have people who cared about you.
Billy Russo had watched as you left the club, making a careful mental note of your appearance, scent, and the feel of your power. Instinct told him that you might be something special. Something he should find and hold onto. Hopefully something he could use to deal with Rawlins.
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talubld-archive · 2 years
that was a face he didn’t think he’d ever see again. in all honesty, he was hoping he wouldn’t see mattéo again, if only because colress was ASHAMED of what he’d done to him. he’d taken advantage of a brainwashed man’s trust, and used him, like he was some TOOL rather than a living, breathing person. he had stooped to ghetsis’s level in doing so, and it disgusted colress.
so he was very surprised to have so casually walked past the all-too-familiar redhead while on his way to a lovely kantonian restaurant in konikoni city.
his magneton gave away his attempt to walk past without a word, having recognized mattéo. the magnet pokémon’s entire body (or, multiple bodies, as it was technically a trio of pokémon) jolted and vibrated with excitement as it whirred and vocalized its happiness upon reuniting with a human that it recognized aside from its own trainer—a human it remembered quite fondly! it was quick to maneuver towards mattéo, continuing to vocalize while colress remained still, facing away from his old test subject, silently determining what move he’d ought to make next.
when he’d made his decision, he sighed and turned around, putting up the facade of not having recognized mattéo, and calling out to his pokémon, ❝ magneton! what are you doing? we have discussed this—you can’t just approach any random human when you sense that they have some strong power source on them! especially when they might not have anything of interest to you at all! ❞
RANDOM ASKS.   /   @aachromaa.
it had been... a while. a while since mattéo’s had any thoughts about home, about its trainers, about what happened. in fact communication with anyone from unova had been minimal; news outlets were blacklisted, radio purposefully tampered with to skip past specific wavelengths, people mostly forgotten. take a break from it all, that's what his therapist had suggested, a holiday of sorts, have a gap year or two between studying, submit while traversing the world - something to get him seeing the beauty of nature and make new memories beyond what he already had.
the one person he kept in contact with ---- or rather, someone other than doctor illda  ----  was that one teacher. cheren. who helped him escape, gave him shelter, allowed him to take a brand new path with someone to take him through it. but even his messages were left on read for sometime.
the  view  from  the  lighthouse  would  look  better  when  the  sun  sets.  i  could  come  back  later.  umbreon  did  enjoy  those  views.   he’s thinking to himself, caught stuck on the pavement as people rush on by without further glances. it was... nice. the rush wasn’t nearly as suffocating as nimbasa’s rush but the constant stream of people meant little time to focus more on himself. he’d been pretty far into debating his next steps to realise the yelling of a pokémon until it was close up to his face --- STARTLED, a step back is taken with a hand readying itself ‘pon a ball attached to leather belt - except this one seemed friendly. very friendly. excited almost? curious head tilts, body relaxing for just a few seconds, expressions mirrored and taught by all the pokémon he’d been brought up with.
he’s about to greet the floating steel orbs when a familiar voice grabs his attention. curious gaze focuses onto the being walking into view. while the outfit was different - subtle greys and a coat completely covering most their body - one thing stood out. the undeniable asset of a scientist mostly forced into the backroom of thoughts and memories, now clear as the blue skies, was the blue swirl of hair contrasting to the blonde. 
“  ...  colress...?  ”   but what was he doing here? and h---- how, why? it seemed there was no recognition from the scientist himself and oh - oh that stung a small bit. a neutral party at least, mattéo had always recognised what he later discovered was a soft spot for the other after reliving moments over and over where grunts, others in charge, treated him like garbage, like an unholy creation - he never got that from colress. pleasant, maybe with ulterior motives, but at the time that didn’t matter. he had expected ulterior motives - but he always carried some kind of kindness and pleasantries. it made mattéo feel as if he was useful, that he belonged, and wasn’t some mere murderous creature.
maybe he shouldn’t have thought that. evidence... presenting itself now suggests that matty was correct about his feelings. unimportant and forgettable. shaking his head, he returns focus to the magneton still buzzing excitedly within his presence. even if humans forgot, at least pokémon wouldn’t. at least there was some mutual understanding between them.   
“  hello  magneton,  it  is  good  to  see  you.  your  metal  coat  is  looking  very  nice!  ”   genuine smile tugs, it stretches to his eyes; a feature he’s only been able to accomplish since leaving unova. one that his team had blessed upon him.   “  i  do  not  have  any  treats  for  you,  but  you  can  have  some  of  the  electric  from  my  power  bank  if  you  want!  even  if  i  am  just  a  random  human.  ”  
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limborooster · 2 years
going to spit out my thoughts here pardon me
i’m irrationally afraid my cats will forget me and not like me anymore while i’m off living in a dorm fr two years and then when i can move off campus and they can live with me they won’t like it
i’m rationally afraid that my elderly cat will die while i’m 2.5 hours away at school and even if i leave for home immediately when my mom tells me his body will be cold when i arrive
he’s in decently good health for a 15 year old but my one cat spontaneously died when i was younger and now i’m paranoid
i was super sick today from my covid booster and i can tell i’m getting better because i am incredibly hungry and have a very strong urge to go outside and to sew
unfortunately it is 2:30 am
i hope my school does movie character day during a spirit week again this year because i want to show off my improved spock closet cosplay
i wish that fur didn’t take 400 years to ship from howl and fs supplies because i want to sew so bad
also fursuit making is hard wtf it’s very frustrating
hopefully it’s worth it
today i discovered my love for vegetable stock
this is good news because i hate most soups
i’m so excited my parents are going to help me make a resume because i finally got my working papers and i’m going to apply to joann!!! employee discount + talking to people about their cool projects + old ladies + moms + crochet girlies + furries + stocking shelves i am so excited
it’s all i’ve ever dreamed of
i used to live nearby our joann
i’m scared to go to college because they don’t have my regular grocery store there
fuck you capital region why don’t you have wegmans i need wegmans i don’t want to choose between whole foods and price chopper
the nearest ones to there (albany) are literally MY hometown wegmans and one in fuckin massachusetts which are both ~2 hours away
also you can’t have a microwave in your dorm
it’s worth it though everything else is so good
combined bachelors masters program
no corridor style dorms (no communal bathrooms)
indescribably awesome student groups and clubs there’s so much cool stuff and they’re so well run
very easily walkable and centralized campus while still being aesthetically pleasing
dog mascot.
my mommy goes there !!!! she takes online classes but still they’re at albany
so i’m at the same school as my mom
also i’m just now realizing in commonapp i put no relatives have attended but she probably counts. stupid i guess i didn’t think about it because it was phrased in past tense and she is currently attending
i am not very bright sometimes
i have to get a rec letter for a scholarship about why i’d be good for the socio program
i think i’ll ask my former philosophy teacher because that is the most relevant i guess
all the other ones i have good relationships with are stem teachers
which is weird because i’m better at humanities and stuff
i guess i’ve just had bad luck with humanities teachers
i also guess that’s not really true i typically enjoy social studies more with individual study rather than at school because my school doesn’t offer very good classes
whereas i’ve had great science and math classes and i have fun at school with those
i need to go to sleep but i took a five hour nap today so i’m not tired
idk what to get people for christmas
it always sneaks up on me like this
idek what i want for christmas
i have chest hair now
i think it’s been filling in for a while but i’m noticing it now
as time passes i love my body more and more
can’t wait until next year i can be flat
shit i have to tell my mom to contact the psych eval people to get on the waitlist for my surgery approval
i will be so attractive
my sister is taking me to get a tattoo with her this spring for a belated birthday present (because i will be 18 in january)
oh also im gonna start practicing for my road test to get my license
all i have to do is not suck at parallel parking and then i can finally drive myself to school and not have to bother my poor parents with it
and go home for lunch!!!!
and go to the store whenever i want to!!!!
and surprise my gf by dropping things off at her house and driving her places !!! yay !!!
oh my little subaru outback that was my dads car for several years and smells like mold because he left the sunroof open and it rained inside the car how i love you
freshmen aren’t allowed to have cars on campus at albany but we’re gonna cheat the system and get a parking pass in my moms name because she’s a student
and obviously doesn’t need it bc she attends online
i want to put fake grass on the floor
so sad i can’t do it on the drivers side because like .. pedals
but i can do it everywhere else
i can do whatever i want to this car because i will use it until it’s only good for salvage
i think about the one episode of star trek where data makes a child and she develops feelings and she says i love you and he says i wish i could feel it with you
feel that
because i feel like my romantic and general affectionate drive is so low compared to normal
idk i don’t understand myself
it’s not that i don’t feel things
i feel very deep love and reverence for many things
i think that maybe i shut down and so my feelings get hidden
oh yeah guys don’t get divorced when your child is turning 11 because they will be irreparably damaged
this is a little bit exaggeratey because mostly the problem was there was a lot of lies and deception along with the complicated emotions that come with being on the verge of understanding and not understanding how marriage and love and affairs and adulthood work and also having your reverence for your parents shattered very suddenly rather than a nice steady realization that they are not superhuman
i need to investigate that trauma a little more i think
it’s 3 now
i wanted to just go to sleep asap but now i’ve gotten to the point where i’m so hungry i’m nauseated so i have to eat
now my sleeping and eating schedules are off
stupid vaccine
at least they work this is objectively better than covid but still god damn
probably it’s worse because i got a flu shot at the same time but gahhhh
alright i wanted pasta but the only stuff we have is this chickpea based penne
which i love chickpeas but i’ve never tried this so idk
also i felt bad having the light on with my parents upstairs so i’m cooking by the light of the stove burner it’s so cozy
reminds me of last april when we had no power for five days
no cell service no wifi no heat no running water no lights and no leaving the house bc my mom had covid
we used snowmelt to flush the toilets
so lucky for our gas stove bc we could light it with matches and boil water to clean ourselves and heat up food
i read the whole fazbear frights series in those days
school was closed bc the school had no power but once it reopened we still didn’t so i got to skip for a day
it was a lot of fun except i got cystic acne from not being able to shower properly for five days as a sweaty testosterone man
it’s raining out and my cat has joined me this is so cozy
ok the pasta feels a bit weird but it’s sooooo good with butter and salt (don’t have sauce)
i’m back in bed watching the episode of star trek
why is picard sometimes so forward thinking and sometimes such a dickhole
even after watching through the whole series i can’t tell if i really like him or not
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Joan Mir- Shocked
A/n: Joan is probably my favourite so I'm so glad he's got a seat next year so this part is to celebrate that
Also sorry for no post last weekend I moved into my uni room and so life was a little stressful but I should be back to posting every weekend now
A new season means new adventures and I couldn't be more excited as it will be my third season with Suzuki. I joined Suzuki in 2020 as an engineer for Joan Mir which just happened to be the year he won the championship which was the best feeling ever to be able to be part of that. The whole year was a complete whirlwind as it was a strange season to begin with and I was also trying to get used to a new job which made it all the more hectic. As much as it was definitely crazy I wouldn't change a single part about the year as I enjoyed myself so much and made so many memories as well as life long friends which is what I'd dreamed about for my career since I began studying.
Since that year things have only gotten better as not only did Joan finish 3rd last season which was an amazing achievement especially on the bike we had but we also started dating. Us dating kind of came out of nowhere because although we were definitely very close and I did find him attractive I didn't think anything would ever happen but one day when we were walking through the paddock together after practice he just asked me on a date. After our first date we started going on a lot more until eventually things became official between us about halfway though the season. For the first few months we hid our relationship from everyone not wanting to face the judgement but eventually the point came when we didn't want to hide it anymore and told the team but turns out they knew already so there was no need for us to tell them. A bit later we let it slip to the media which is what I was really worried about but it was all fine and we just moved on with our lives.
As much as this past year has been amazing its the point of the year where I have to forget about it and move onto focusing on the year ahead as thats how this job is. Each year you have to forget about the last whether it was good or bad and move onto the next to make it even better. For me that always starts at testing which this year went pretty well as we worked very hard on finding a base setting which we can start with at all tracks and then we built on that to try and get the best out of the bike which I think we made a good step on by the end. One thing I'm very proud of is the fact that this bike has a much better top speed than the last bike but it still works as well in the corners like it used to. The reason I'm so proud of it is because as much as I'm just one of the engineers that goes to races I also helped with making this engine as its the sort of thing I specialised in at university so I helped with designs and stuff so it feels great to see it working.
So far this year the results have been pretty great as Joan has got three 6th places, two 4th places and one dnf but he was going really well until Jack crashed into him so its been really positive. We are hoping to make the results even better as today we have mid season testing where the aim is to improve the set up and help Joan feel even better on the bike. As testing doesn't start until a bit later Joan and I have been having a really chill morning, we managed to have a bit of a lay in and then got breakfast together which we didn't have to rush and we even managed to go on a bit of a walk. I don't think we have ever been this chill in our entire time together as even on days off one of us always has something to do so getting to spend this time together had been so nice.
Eventually we had to get started so I went to the garage where everyone worked to get things set up which luckily didn't take too much time as the bike was still ready from yesterday although I changed a few things based on Joan's feedback after the race. When we were done he went out and did a few laps before coming back in so some things could be changed. This went on all day which to any other person may be boring and repetitive but I love it because problem solving is the best part of the job so I'll happily work all day to get the bike just right. Once testing was pretty much done and we were starting to get everything ready to pack up for the next race we were all called to a whole team meeting. We don't have those very often if at all so I thought it was a bit weird but I assumed it was just about today and maybe about some upgrades that are really important.
Everyone else left right away but I finished what I was doing and then waited for Joan so we could go in together. We got to the hospitality meeting room which was rather packed as the entire team was in there but Joan pulled me through the crowd and we went to sit down together. The atmosphere in the room just felt off it felt like something was wrong, over the years it's a feelings I've become familiar with as many times I've been somewhere where the room felt like this and every time it turned out bad. Under the table I squeezed Joan's hand to reassure him but mostly myself which he must have sensed as he kept the tight grip as the meeting started.
"Now we hate to do this especially with the year we are having so far but we have been today we have been told by the headquarters that Suzuki as a team won't be continuing next season" Livio told everyone
There it was the soul crushing information I was expecting although it definitely wasn't what I expecting this meeting to be about. For a good few minutes the room was silent before we were all given a bit more information about what exactly was happening but even then there was still a lot of questions although Livio had no answers as he only knew today and wasn't really told a lot from what I can gather. The longer we sat there the more it began to sink in that the team wouldn't exist anymore after this year and I began to think about what that means for everyone in the room including me. Everyone in here is going to lose their job and may not be able to find another one as this paddock is hard to get into in the first place yet alone to try and get a job in a different team. Alex and Joan are also going to have to look for a ride elsewhere and I know for a fact that both of them were ready to resign so that means they are kind of on the back foot already.
When we left the meeting it was completely silent as everyone made their way back to wherever they were staying to take in what just happened. The same went for me and Joan, we walked back to his motorhome hand in hand but without a word being exchanged. I could just see that he was worried about the future and where he's going to end up and there was even tears welling up in his eyes which I have never seen so I know it's really affecting him. As much as its going to be hard I know Joan needs someone to be there for him so I'm going to put my own thoughts to the back of my mind and just be there for him.
Unsurprisingly the news that the team is going to exit the championship has really got to everyone so results have taken a huge down turn. The team had a double dnf for two races and then Alex got injured and had to miss a race. Joan has been taking it really hard too as he's had more dnf's than finishes since the news which has been really getting to him as well because he knows he's better than that and that he needs to show other teams what he's capable of. It's been so hard to watch him struggle so much because Joan is usually super happy and upbeat but I haven't really seen a genuine smile from him in weeks which makes me so sad. All he seems worried about is getting a new contract for next season which I understand but it's really taking its toll on him especially as he doesn't really know what's going on.
It has all been getting to me as well because I have been trying to find myself a job in a different team but none of them want to change their current team so it's been incredibly difficult. The only options I currently have are either in formula 1 or in world super bikes which I don't want to accept just yet as they would mean having a completely different schedule from Joan so we wouldn't be able to see each other as much. Although I have been putting it off now that we are in the second half of the season it is getting to the point that I need to decide what I want to do which will probably mean having to accept one of the offers I have elsewhere. What has made it all a lot harder is that I've been keeping all my meetings and offers secret from Joan because I don't want to give him more to think about but that does mean that all the stress is on me which is getting harder and harder to handle.
Joan's POV
I thought that getting a contract would make me feel better but since negotiations with Honda have progressed I haven't actually felt any better. For a few days I felt more relaxed but in those few days I noticed that y/n just wasn't acting herself at all, it's like the life has just been sucked out of her she isn't as happy as she usually is and she's been so much more quiet than usual. Thinking back she hasn't been quite herself since the news but recently it's definitely gotten worse as the season has progressed. I can only imagine how hard this all is for her because I know that other members of the team are finding it near impossible to get jobs at other teams so I imagine it's not any easier for her.
This weekend she seems worse than usual as whenever anyone tries to have a conversation with her that she would usually love to talk to she is just giving short answers and trying to end the conversation as soon as possible. Since we got here she has done nothing but work which I know is her way of distracting herself from life and whatever's on her mind. Every time I see her she is either already working or will run off quickly saying she has a lot to do which isn't like her at all as usually she stops to talk to me whenever she can. Seeing as its only Wednesday and not even media day yet I know she's only going to get worse as the weekend gets on when there is actually more work to do.
All night I have been thinking about what to do for y/n to try and help her feel better but I couldn't think of anything to say because I know that when I was feeling that way nothing anyone said made the situation any different. The only idea I could think was to try and see if Honda would allow her to come with me as we have one last meeting to finalise the contract details today. If that doesn't work then I think I'll just have to talk to her and get her to open up about her options and plans so that I can be there to support her no matter what. If she isn't in this paddock next year it will be strange as she's been there for everything, every stand out moment in my career she has been in the garage for and I'm so used to the amount of time we spend together so not having her here will be weird.
This morning when I woke up she had already gotten up and was just leaving the motorhome as I walked out the bedroom with heaps of papers in her hands which I already know she is going to sit and study all day along with her regular tasks. Once she left I got ready even more determined to get her a job at Honda because I can't see her like this anymore because its just so upsetting. I thought I was going to go into this meeting happy to accept whatever my manager had negotiated but now I don't want to leave that room without getting y/n to be part of the team because shes more important to me than what some team thinks of me.
Going into the meeting I wasn't at all nervous but as we went over details I was starting to get more nervous that they wouldn't accept my demand because there was a lot of things that my manager had worked hard to get in the contract in the first place and negotiating isn't my job. We went through the whole contract before I was asked if I was ok everything which is when my hands really started to get a bit sweaty.
"There is one thing I wanted to ask about" I said which received a horrified look from my manager
"Sure go ahead" they said
"I want to bring one engineer with me because she is truly amazing she has made such s big difference to the Suzuki team and even helped with the development of our new engine so I think she'd be great at helping development at Honda" I said basically pitching y/n to them
"What exactly is her role in the team?" They asked
I explained exactly what y/n does trying my best to make it seem like she will be vital to the team while also telling the truth because I didn't want to over exaggerate what she does and make her feel under more pressure if she gets the job and suddenly everyone relies on her. It went silent after that and everyone was just staring at each other not really knowing what was happening which only made me more nervous.
"We don't particularly want to disturb the team we currently have but if you can get Suzuki to confirm what she does in the team we would be happy to take her on for your team to help our development" they said
"I can do that and thank you so much she really will impress you" I said trying to keep calm
Knowing that I'd managed to secure y/n a place at Honda felt so good because it means she won't be as stressed for the rest of the year and we will still get to work together. I can't wait to tell her but I have to decide how I'm going to do it because I want to surprise her in some way. With life being so hectic we haven't spent a lot of quality time together so I want to take her on a date and maybe I can tell her in some way then.
Your POV
If life couldn't get any worse Joan managed to break his ankle at the last race so I've been staying with him since then to make sure he's not doing too much so that it will heal. With me being distracted I haven't thought about my future very much but now that Joan is a lot better the thoughts have started to creep back in. It has come to the point that I need to be making my decision about what I'm going to so at some point today I want to talk to Joan and see what he thinks because I don't want to make such a big decision on my own. The thought of us not working together or at least being in the same paddock anymore is weird as pretty much all of my professional career I have worked for Suzuki and with Joan and now next year I won't be which will be hard to get used to. I also have no idea how this is going to affect our relationship because we are so used to being able to see each other all the time but if we don't work together anymore there is no way we will see each other as much and I don't want that to change things between us but I don't see a way that it wouldn't change things at least a little.
All morning Joan has been out training as it's the first time he has been able to train since his injury and I've been gathering everything I've got for other job options so that I can look at it all together and show Joan to see what he thinks. Just as I got it all together Joan came back in the door and came right over to me giving me a hug even though he was all sweaty. I tried to pull away but there was no getting away from him so I let him hug me and even hugged him back because it felt good to be in his arms after spending the morning looking at things which could take us apart. He eventually let go and kissed my cheek before running upstairs to go and shower which left me thinking about how I'm going to start the conversation with Joan about the future.
"Get ready y/n we're going out" Joan shouted as he ran down the stairs
"Where are we going?" I asked wanting to know what was happening
"It's a surprise just get yourself ready to go" he said
The instructions were clear so I got up and changed out of the sweats I had on and into a more respectable outfit before putting on a bit of makeup and fluffing my hair to give it some volume. Once I headed back downstairs Joan was waiting by the door with my phone in his hand and the shoes I always wear on the floor for me to put on which I did before taking my phone off him and putting in in my back pocket. He took hold of my other hand and began to walk towards the nearest town which isn't a long walk but it is super pretty as the scenery is so beautiful as you can see to the mountains. I admired the scenery for most of the walk until we actually got into town which is when I paid a bit more attention to where I was walking and started to talk to Joan who I realised I had neglected a bit on the walk.
We walked around for a bit looking in a few shops before Joan led me towards the restaurant where we had our first date outside of a race weekend which happened to be the date where he asked me to be his girlfriend so the place holds some special memories. It didn't take long before we were seated and had ordered our meals leaving us to talk while we waited for them. That was when I noticed a small smirk on Joan's face which which he usually means he's got something up his sleeve which I've learnt can be good like something he's been excited to tell me or bad like him deciding to tickle me almost to death whenever he feels like it. Seeing as we were in a restaurant I knew he wasn't about to tickle me so I had no idea what he was doing as I already know about his new contract which he was very excited to tell me about st the last race weekend.
"What's go you smirking?" I asked jokingly
"I was going to wait to tell you this but I can't keep it a secret anymore" he said
"What is it?" I asked again trying to get him to tell me
"When I signed my contract I managed to convince the team to bring you on too which they agreed to after hearing everything you have done for Suzuki so next year you'll still be working with me" he almost squealed he was so excited
"No way you didn't" I said in disbelief
"Yes I did at the next race you can sign your contract to make it all official but it's all agreed in principle s long as you're happy of course" he explained
"Of course I'm happy thank you so much love you didn't need to do that for me" I thanked him
"Well I wanted to I can't imagine not having you around so I made sure that wouldn't have to happen" he said
Completely not caring that we were in public I leaned across the table and kissed him as my way of saying thank you. It took a few minutes to sink in but when it did nothing could wipe the smile off my face because it meant I didn't have to consider my options elsewhere and that I can stay with the man who makes me the happiest for the next few seasons where hopefully we can continue to do well as a team.
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Under God’s Thumb
+James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
Job 5:17 Behold, how happy is the man whom God reproves,So do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.
Sometimes we will have things we must let go and because we refuse God will show us over and over what it is he doesn’t like and until we let go he isn’t going to move his thumb , we have to understand that even though we are angry he won’t let up , he’s not going to stop showing us until we see that what we are holding on to isn’t any good !
“Psalm 38:1 A Psalm of David, for a memorial.O Lord, rebuke me not in Your wrath,And chasten me not in Your burning anger”
God will show us over and over what we have done wrong when the lord chasten us it’s not to pick on us or to harm us but it’s to make us grow , some of us want to develop and grow in God but we don’t want the correction, but as God corrects us we MUST CHANGE WHAT HE IS POINTING AT. The more and more we ignore him the more we have to repeat the test, when I was in school which I was homeschooled by my mother often times she kept us on something she felt we didn’t get and we repeated it so much that she would say I am not taking you off of this particular subject until you both get it , that was a long day but the moment we got it she was excited , because we finally seen and understood what she was trying to explain.
God is the same way he won’t lift his thumb off of us until we see and understand what he is trying to teach us . Israelites wondered in the desert for 40 years because they wouldn’t obey , 40 years but each time God showed them and they refuse to see because they desired what they wanted more of which wasn’t him!
“James 5:17 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him”
We can become weary in what we are doing when we are going through a trail but as long as we see that whatever we go through will make us better we will stand and succeed, with God’s strength ,no it isn’t easy ,some trails are easy because we have studied with the Holy Spirit and spoken to God about certain aspects and some trials aren’t because those are the ones that are place there to keep us coming back to him and to develop character.
We have to yield our selves and he will show us what we need to do , but we must be open to change and letting go and being corrected . Proverbs says this “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.” We can continue to hate the correction and be seen as a fool or we can love the discipline and gain knowledge, because each trial we will learn something if we open ourselves to him!
“Proverbs 3:11-12 My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights”
God wants to start moving us to higher realms but we must be ready to be reprove , God wants to start giving us more but we must be ready to trim the fat meaning change for him , but the moment we get weary in his reproof is the very moment we will start disliking what he is doing because our flesh wants to give up ! Our flesh wants us to turn around and stay in our fleshly ways , BUT the Holy Spirit wants to refine us by fire but he can’t do if we aren’t ready for the correction, the Holy Spirit is looking to dwell in a clean temple not a temple that is only clean on certain days and in order to get clean we must be put through the trails !
“Revelation 3:19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent”
He says here be on fire for me , he says here. That I’m going to reprove you and discipline them that want to be on fire for me ! He says repent now! He says that I love you but in order to walk in the light , in order to walk in your calling I have to reprove you and discipline you to get you ready ! Are you ready for the correction. Are you ready to change and let go !?
*** Today God is looking for us to let go of this world because it will fade ! He’s looking for us to let go and hold on to his mighty right hand ! God is looking to elevate us but we must be tried by fire ! Are you ready to be tried ! Are you ready to change who you are for what he sees you as ?? We must accept what he is showing us , we must accept that what we are doing might not be pleasing to him , once we do that and yielding to his will
the sooner we can move from under the thumb of God. ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father , we thank you for everything , we thank you for the joy you give us , lord if it’s anything we have in our lives that’s not of you please help us to surrender ! Help us to give unto you everything ! Lord we ask you to help us to be what you have called us to be ! We ask you to make us stronger in the tests , lord forgive us if we have not surrender to your will. Cover us in your blood from the top of our head to the very souls of our feet . Lord protects us from what we can and can’t see in Jesus Mighty Name Amen
+2 Timothy 1:7 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
+Proverbs 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life,
+Proverbs 10:17 Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray
Isaiah 10:1-11:16
2 Corinthians 12:11-21
Psalm 56:1-13
Proverbs 26:6-8
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givemearock · 3 years
Tmr Boys studying with you
A/N: procrastinated studying to write this (dw I eventually did my math) also I did in fact remember to make zart and frypans longer :)
he would probably get hyper focused before he just stops
either that or he just won’t study at all and will end up doing something else
‘Why aren’t you studying?’ ‘It’s so boring!’
is actually really smart but in very specific areas
when you actually get him to study you’d have to explain the same concept to him over and over because he can’t get it
half because he’s just like that, half because he’s more interested in listening to your voice rather than understanding the information
sometimes he does understand but pretends like he doesn’t just to get you to talk some more
‘Minho this is the 5th time I’ve explained this.’ ‘Yeah just one more time I promise I’ll get it’
spoiler alert: he didn’t get it
like Minho hates studying and only gets work done when you’re around, but unlike Minho who just doesn’t want to he’s just kinda dumb (affectionate)
“[Name] what’s a ‘greater than symbol’?” “Crocodile.” “Right!”
ends up either half asleep or playing with your fingers because he can’t focus
tries to convince you to do literally anything else
he’d probably end up watching you study and when he sees you understanding he’d want to
‘wait that’s solvable?’ ‘I mean I think, if what I wrote was right’ ‘ok now I wanna do it’
gets excited whenever he gets something right and gives him a bit of motivation before he ends up asleep on his desk
he tried for you but what can I say he’s a sleepy boy
A for Effort
really good at studying, like has a whole notebook of school notes with decorative stationary (washi tape, watercolor markers, he’s very much a stationary girlie) and colorful tabs
actually helps you get work done
if you end up struggling with something if it takes too long for you to get it he’ll just tell you the answer because he doesn’t want you to stress about it
however it’ll take him a while to get to that point because he loves seeing the smile on your face once you finally understand
‘I did it!’ ‘You did it!’
would definitely have a small party if you passed like a big test despite your saying it’s not a big deal
has probably saved your grades a few times because he’s just that cool
10/10 very helpful
long story short, he’s really good at studying and doing homework, awful at explaining any of it
‘how do I find this variable?’ ‘like this’ *does the problem* yeah but how did you get there?’ ‘🤨’
it would be an endless cycle
similar to the dad helping you with math at the table scenario just he’s probably more stressed than you because he wants to help but can’t
ends up asking Newt for help but not too much help because in his words ‘that’s cheating’
would end up awkwardly waiting for you after tests and quizzes to ask if he helped at all, and would get excited if he did
genuinely wants you to succeed
we stan a boy trying his best
very quiet when studying, especially with you, half because he’s naturally quiet, half because he’s nervous
listens to music while he works and would share his headphones with you
if he ever got confused about something he’d stare at his paper for while before asking for help because he didn’t wanna bother you, or just not ask at all and move on
you’d probably have to notice him struggling and offer help
‘aris, why didn’t you just ask?’ ‘you seemed busy’
whenever he’s explaining anything to you he’d make sure you understood fully while also checking the answer key a thousand times to make sure he wasn’t teaching you the wrong thing
overall wholesome study partner
does all his studying outside because it helps him focus
probably has no idea what’s going on but also doesn’t pretend like he does, especially with math
‘how do you -insert complex math term- in trig?’ ‘trig? as in trigonometry? you think I know how to do trigonometry?’ ‘zart you literally passed the last test.’ ‘yeah and I could not tell you how it happened.’
he’d doodle little flowers and hearts all over his paper and then move to yours when he ran out of space
‘zart’ ‘hm?’ ‘I have to turn this in’ ‘so?’ ‘with all your drawings on it’ ‘they’re cute! plus everyone likes flowers’
if you were struggling with something he could help you with he’d have like a small burst of excitement before helping
‘what happened in 1987?’ ‘I don’t- AH wait I do know! yes, ok lemme tell you-‘
after he explained he’ll end up going on a tangent about a random thing that happened to him that whatever he was explaining reminded him of
a fun study buddie
probably start off being super serious about getting work done for a solid ten-fifteen minutes trying to get as much done as possible
like he’d be silent for the whole time and it’s kinda intimidating
before he starts laughing at something then the both of you can’t stop for a while
‘fry?’ ‘yeah’ -silence- ‘BAAAAHAHAHAA’
brings plenty of snacks to eat while you both work
will definitely randomly start chewing really loud just to get your attention
*crunch* *crunch* ‘Fry.’ ‘Hm? Am I *crunch* bothering you?’
he’s very helpful when it comes to work but would never admit it, this man is way too humble
would probably treat you like a deity if you helped him with anything because he couldn’t figure it out
‘you’re so smart [Name]!’ ‘I did one math problem, you did the other thirteen’ ‘you’re so cool’ ‘fry-’ ‘you’re wonderful [Name]’
enforces taking breaks every fifteen minutes so neither of you get stressed out
a very good time, you get stuff done
These are honestly so fun to write for me they help me practice characterization in writing and giving each character a different voice :) they’re also weirdly stress relieving honestly
yes that was a fnaf AND markiplier reference, I’ve peaked
Have a nice night and day !! 📖 📕 📚
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iwadori · 3 years
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Haikyu boys when they make you insecure PT 1 (Kenma,Kuroo)
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Part 1 Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6.
Word Count:3k 
genre: angst, fluff
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You and Kenma have been in a long distance relationship for a while.
Both of you stream, Kenma doing it seriously for his job and you just playing it for fun,
Sometimes you stream together of course but because of your difference in audiences and games you don’t do it all the time
“Bye guys! Hope you enjoyed todays stream” You wave off to the camera and shut off your PC taking a few sips of water.
Kenma: Hey.. nice stream today Y/N are you going to watch mine?
Y/N: Of course I will 
Kenma: Ok talk to you later
Y/N: okayy <3
Kenma is what inspired you to stream, he also taught you all the ins and outs of streaming making sure you were set and ready. Your gaming style was very relaxed and friendly as you obviously weren’t streaming as a career just for fun and to make friends with your online viewers. The games you played were usually: minecraft, COD, Sims 4, Roblox, Animal crossing and *Insert your favourite game here* the way I literally named all the games I play 
You wait for Kenmas stream to start, kind of excited as you’ve always loved seeing your boyfriend in his ‘element’ when it comes to playing to games. As your boyfriends stream starts you see he’s already chosen what game he is playing today which is to your surprise Call of duty, since that was the game you were playing earlier.
As he gets into the stream you are entertained, as always since Kenma was being his usual self laughing at his own deadpan jokes and interacting with his viewers. He is currently waiting for his capture the flag game to start so as he waits he decides to read some comments in the chat.
You’re used to the usual ‘Kenma where is Y/N I miss your usual streams together’ or ‘kenma please RAIL me’ which always makes you laugh. You were also used to the common hate comments Kenma and You both got on your streams but you were definitely not ready for this..
@ Ihatewomanandiamadick : Hey Kenma did you see your girls stream today she is so dog shit at COD lmaoooo jhdfkjdrhdrr
“Well hello ihatewomenandiamadick” started Kenma “but yes I did see Y/N stream and obviously she is not the best at games and I would definitely NOT ask her to team with me for any serious gaming competitions ... but she’s fun to watch I guess” as he finished speaking about you his game loaded up so he focused his attention on that the words he just spoke going to the back of his mind as they end up at the forefront of yours.
You obviously knew you were no match for Kenma’s gaming expertise but you didn’t expect him to publicly agree with a hate comment let alone add more of his imput on you. Did he really think that about you? ‘She’s fun to watch I guess’ did he not even enjoy your streams that much?
You wanted to distract yourself, and you definitely couldn’t do that watching him so you close off of his stream and get in your bed deciding to watch your favourite show. 
Waking up at 6pm after your sad nap, you see that Kenma has left some messages to you,
Kenma: hey did you watch my stream?
Kenma: do you want to facetime later and play some minecraft..?
Kenma: y/n r u ok??
Y/N: oh hey cnt play minecraft w you rn not really in the mood..
Kenma: oh ok..
Time passed since then a month to be exact and you basically dropped off of the face of the earth, you weren’t in the mood to do anything let alone game and stream, which was a constant reminder of your boyfriend (something you didn’t want at the time.) 
You felt embarrassed over all the things he said about you and all the things you now think he thinks about you and the way you play. Maybe he thinks even worse things about you, beyond just how you game? What if he doesn’t even genuinely like you...or he has someone else...it does make sense, you do both live miles and miles away from eachother AND he’s a big streamer you see the amount of girls in his comments.
You shake your head to erase your protruding thoughts coming in your mind, but it doesn’t really help. You and Kenma haven’t spoken much over this month he tried to constantly reach out to you at first but you assume he got bored over your constant, repetitive dry texts. So you were almost content with you and Kenma not even being in a relationship anymore.
However on Kenma’s side, he was beyond worried about you. Since you haven’t been streaming or barely responded to his texts he thought something happened to you, but he didn’t want to be seen as ‘overstepping boundaries’ if there was nothing wrong at all with you and you simply were just ‘not in the mood.’ 
So here he is, in Kuroo’s apartment trying to get him to help him out on finding out what is wrong with you.
“So kenma can you remember what happened the day when Y/N went ‘ghost’“ asked Kuroo in a mock detective voice
“Y/N didn’t go ‘ghost’ Kuro, and take this seriously” said Kenma “I’m worried bout her”
“Okay fine, but for real what’s the last thing you remember before she started acting all weird.” 
“Umm I think it was around a month ago I did my saturday stream and I think she was on it but she didn’t leave her usual nice comments throughout”
“Ohh that was the stream when you sai-” Kuroo said before pausing his words as the memory of what Kenma said about you on his stream came in his mind, as even Kuroo thought it was a tad bit harsh for Kenma to say all those things “I think I know why Y/N has been so distant kiddo”
“What why?” Asked Kenma
Kuroo pulls out his phone and brings up the clip off what Kenma said and Kenma’s face cringes ‘did he really say all those things about you’ he thinks. 
“Shit.. I didn’t know I said all of that” he said quietly “how do I make it up to her?”
“There’s only one thing you can really do Kenma” said kuroo
You are woken up out of your sleep by a knock on the door. Getting out your bed like a zombie, you trudge to your front door only surprised by what you see. There in his 5′6 glory stood your ‘boyfriend’ Kenma with a controller and a kitten teddy in his hand. You were very tempted to shut the door in his face and get back to your dreamless sleep but you waited on him to speak.
“Hi Y/N” he said quietly “wanna play some minecraft...?”
“Why so you can ridicule me on how shit I am?” You ask bitterly ready to shut the door on him
“No! No not all” he said stopping you from shutting the door entering your place “Y/N i’m really sorry on what I said, I wasn’t thinking AT ALL... I love watching your streams and I think you’re great at playing games...I was just being a dick,”
You take a deep breath before tears pool in your eyes “what you said really hurt me kenma..” you say “ I know people say shitty things on the internet all the time... it’s the internet. But I wasn’t expecting you to agree with the hater and say even more shitty things on top of that.. I don’t think I want to even stream anymore”
Upon hearing that, Kenma’s mouth parts open with shock ‘you dont want to stream anymore’ were his comments that bad? Now he feel even worse as he should and is now more determined to make things right. 
He impulsively drags your arm into your game room, catching your surprise ‘what is he up too?’ you think. He stops for a second seeing your usual pristine gaming set up, collected up with dust. 
“What are you do-” you start 
“Just wait!” He says, as he rushes away turning on all your stuff and logging onto his twitch account as he sees the views go up he starts to speak
 “Hi guys, its me kodzuken and today I’m here on stream with my beautiful girlfriend and today I want to say..” he turns to you “Y/N im so sorry for the horrible things I said to you that day... I was just being a dick and I’m sorry I really am.”
You look at the chat and you see some confusion and some people recalling his words from last month. “It’s fine Kenma, I forgive you” you say giving him a hug”
“Okay Y/N, so what do you say... wanna beat my ass at bed wars?” He says with a smirk 
“When have I ever loss?” you return his smirk
Of course you did beat his ass as bed wars for rounds on rounds never losing proving yourself to actually be a good gamer girl. You enjoyed your time with Kenma, forgetting what he said before about you and moving on. 
Eventually, you guys moved in together and streamed together all the time and yes you still do play for fun but you’ve gotten way better at COD (some may say better then Kenma) but who is better didn’t matter to any of you, as long as you got to play together that’s all you both cared about.
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Kuroo and you have been together since you were in your first year of high school 
You met as friends first when you got him to tutor you in chemistry ( a subject you still aren’t that good at.)
Now you have your upcoming entrance exams for university in a month so your school has you doing mock exams in preparation for them.
You look down at your chemistry paper that your teacher just handed you. 20%. You’re surprised, very surprised since out of all your subjects (that you go 90+% on) you studied on the chemistry test the hardest ensuring Testurou, that you didn’t need his help at all. But I guess it turns out, you did.
This failing mock grade put a blunder on your day, you didn’t interact with anyone and didn’t want to see your boyfriend so you skipped your usual routine of meeting him on the rooftop and went to the library instead ‘might aswell start early on your studying’ you thought.
As you were going over your chemistry topics, you hear an ‘ahem’ next to you and you turn your head only to find your boyfriend and his friends next to you. Kuroo with his usual goofy smile on his face. 
“Hey kitten where were you at lunch?” he asked 
“Needed to go to the library, Chemistry is kicking my ass” you mumbled 
“Oya” he said as he noticed your chemistry test laying under your textbook “20%, well damn Y/N I knew you were stupid, but I didn’t know you were that stupid” he laughed doing his stupid usual hyena-like laugh.
Ouch well that hurt. You slightly flinched at his words, “Really your name, you didn’t know the molecular formula for ethanol, that’s first year work” he said continuing to laugh “I’m pretty sure that’s one of the first things I tutored you on when we first met” 
His overbearing laughter was not good for you, you were already having a bad day and yes you do know your not that good at chemistry but you didn’t need your chemistry-enthusiast boyfriend to make fun of you for failing. Kenma and Yaku stood there awkwardly obviously aware of how bad Kuroo is making you feel but they didn’t really know how to stop his friend in the moment.Whilst he’s still dying of laughter you decide to pack up your stuff and leave the library.
You managed to get your Chemistry tutor to let you retake your mock paper in a week so that means, extra hard studying with no distractions you definitely can’t fail again. Since studying on your own was definitely not a good option, and you couldn’t go to Kuroo (especially after he ridiculed you) you decided to ask the second smartest person you know to tutor you.
Y/N: Hey Yaku! Can I ask you a favour?
Yaku: Hi Y/N what do you need??
Y/N: I have my chemistry retake next week, and as you know from your loud-loud friend I failed my recent test so can you tutor me?? 
Y/N: Pleaseeee
Yaku: Ok Y/N why can’t you ask Kuroo you know that he’d be more than happy to help
Y/N: Yakuu pleasee just help me out 
So there you was, nearly a week done with your study sessions with Yaku and you’re feeling way more confident than before. 
“Y/N what is the functional group of a Carboxylic Acid” Yaku asked
“umm... COO?” 
“Great! that’s correct Y/N” he praises i dont actually know if it’s correct or not
You then hear a knock at Yaku’s front door and hear his mum let the person in, Kuroo then enters Yaku’s bedroom with shock plastered on his face surprised to see you here.
“Y/N...hey?” he says confused “what are you doing here?”
“Oh Mori-chan is just helping me with chemistry for my retake tommorow” you say nochalantly internally smiling at the twinge in Kuroo’s face at the purposeful use of Yaku’s first name.
“So why didn’t you ask me to help you know I’m a chemistry whiz” he asks
“Maybe I’m too stupid to be taught under your tutelage” you mumble “since I seem to forget whatever you teach me, even when it’s 3 years ago... but ok”
“Y/N I-” he starts 
“Oh save it Kuroo, I have studying to do” you say cutting him off
“But I-” he tries
“So Mori-chan COOH is the function group of ethyl ethonate right?” you ask ignoring your boyfriend who is now at a lost for words
“ummm yeah it is” says yaku who is clearly feeling heavily awkward at the tension in his bedroom.
Kuroo leaves and you and yaku finish off the studying for the night, you did feel a little bad for being a bit mean to Kuroo but it’s karma for him being a dick to you. 
You wake up the next day ready for your exam which was first thing in the morning, before you hand in your phone you see a message from Kuroo,
Kuroo: I know you’re still mad at me, but I think you’re going to do so well on this test. You’re not stupid at all, you’re really smart and I love you < 3 
Kuroo: Good luck Y/N
You don’t respond to the message but smile at the sincerity of it and thankful for the boost of confidence it gave you before you start your exam.
Finishing the exam with a smile, you were confident you did well as everything you and Yaku went over was on the paper and you’re almost certain you atleast got more than 75%. You have to wait an hour before your teacher can give you your results, so in the meantime you might aswell reconcile with Kuroo.
When you exit the classroom, standing there was Kuroo who seemed to have been waiting for you for the whole duration of the exam.
“So how was it?” Kuroo asked, apprenhensive as he assumed you would just ignore him like you did at Yaku’s house.
“It was fine, I think it went alright..” you say
You say simultaneously, he pauses for a second to let you speak “I’m sorry I was being so stand offish when we were at Yaku’s I just wanted you to see I could do it on my own, and when you called me stupid I really took that to heart since you and I both know that Chemistry wasn’t ever my best subject” 
“I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, and since it was only a practice test I didn’t think you’d take it to heart but I am sorry I know you aren’t stupid.”
Before you got to say anything else, your Chemistry teacher exited the room with your chemistry paper in hand. Kuroo grabbed your hand anticipating your nerves and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Miss L/N” said your teacher “Well done on your chemistry test” he turned your test around to sure a perfect 100%. Both you and Kuroo gasped, you were elated to say the least you wanted to jump up and down in excitement but a PERFECT 100%.
“I’d also like to add that you have now got the top chemistry score in the school beating the previous title holder Kuroo Testurou” said your teacher, this made Kuroo open his mouth even wider in surprise nearly making you giggle at his response. 
Your teacher took his leave, leaving you and Kuroo in the hallway “ I guess i’m the chemistry whizz now “ you say wiggling your eyebrows just as Kuroo did to you before at Yaku’s this made him chuckle as he came to put his arm around you.
“Y/N don’t get ahead of yourself now, you may have won this battle but I will win the war” he said smiling
In the final exam, you continue your winning streak also getting a near 100% and still beating Kuroo which didn’t matter to either of you, now you’re just like him cracking chemistry puns and jokes all the time which none of your friends appreciated but atleast Kuroo found them SODIUM funny.
AN: Please kill me for the last line of Kuroos, I didn’t really like Kuroo’s since it was a bit self indulgent with my hate for chemistry but what do you guys think?
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miekasa · 3 years
mie….could we please get college au eren headcanons👉🏽👈🏽
Of course. I’m always thinking about his big head anyway <33 might as well put it good use.
One thing he learned in college is how to make his hyperfocus/fixation episodes work for him; that’s why he schedules all his classes as close together as possible. He’d rather have class back to back for 5 hours, than have it spread out with hours in between lectures, because that increases his changes of cutting.
You can always tell when he’s in class and/or what class he’s in by how much he responds to your messages. If he doesn’t text back at all, he’s in a class that hard or one he enjoys, or both. But if he’s sending you iMessage games, then you know he’s in his elective that he couldn’t care else about (and is probably cheating in someway somehow lmfao). 
He usually puts his phone on dnd when he’s in a class that’s important, but you’re in his favorite contacts, so your messages always ring through. What if it’s an emergency and you need him for something? Advanced Roots of Human Biology can wait. 
Some days there are one or two our breaks between his lectures, that’s just how the scheduling works out. When that happens, he usually sneaks into one of your lectures, or goes to your place to take a nap. Your roommates have become accustomed to him, honestly they’ve been considering giving him a key. 
Once, he didn’t realize that your lecture was basically a seminar, with you, the prof and maybe six other students. He still stayed lmao, and the prof was so amazed by his dedication, that she didn’t even mind. Occasionally, you’ll catch the two of them talking after lecture. It’s pretty cute the way she’s adopted him into the class even tho he’s not on the roster. 
You... have to show him where the library is lmfao. He genuinely has not stepped foot in one until you bring him to one. He likes it tho lmao once he gets used to it. 
Speaking of which, do not give him standard directions to find your classes on campus because all you’ll get is, “Babe, I’m gonna keep it real with you, I’ve never heard of the ‘West Quad’ a day in my life. What building are you near.”
He usually comes to see you in the library after all his lectures are done for the day. Sometimes he does homework, sometimes he’s just fucking around on his computer, sometimes he’s just bothering you. When you have to leave to go to class, he stays behind to watch your stuff so you don’t have to pack everything up and come back. 
Very protective when it comes to keeping your seat for you. No, you cannot take that chair to your table you good for nothing freshman; it’s reserved for you. 
He’ll drag you out of the library if you’ve been cooped up all day, tho. Eren will use his height and his strength against you to get you up. Placates you with kisses when he sees your angry expression, and promises to buy you food.
He takes your backpack for you when you’re walking together,m. His backpack is frustratingly light all the time, even during midterms. You swear all he’s got in there is a pencil and some flashcards. 
If you have night classes, he sticks around to walk you home after, especially in the winter when it gets dark faster. If he’s not already on campus, he’ll walk/drive back to meet you; he just doesn’t like you going home alone. Even if your friend/roommate is in the class with you, Eren will walk or drive the both of you home for his own sanity. 
He plays sports, so he usually has practice most evenings, but he’ll find a way to make time. If practice was particularly brutal, he’ll probably crash at your place.
He loves it when you come to meet him after practice. His whole face lights up and he waves obnoxiously, before he gathers up his stuff and all but sprints towards you. You get a cold water bottle to the face, or a bit of water splashed on you usually, which he takes immense amusement in. 
He knows it’s not possible for you to make it to all of his games, and usually it doesn’t bother him much; you’ve got your own life, and work to worry about. All he asks is that you wear his jersey, or any item of his sports apparel/merch on game day (he’s partial to hoodies).
By the time junior year rolls around, he’s not all that interested in attending parties that aren’t hosted by your friends; so, unless it’s at Connie, Jean, or Reiner and Bertholdt’s place, Eren will usually decline. Even team parties, he’s not crazy about unless it’s to celebrate a championship or something. He’d much rather celebrate with you. 
He does get excited about hosting parties though, and he and Jean become pretty damn good co-hosts. They don’t throw ragers, and that’s probably why Eren likes it so much. It’s usually your friend group and a couple plus ones, some good music, games, weed, and take-out. 
He’ll buy you coffee whenever you ask for it. The first time, he just orders something plain, not really knowing the difference between anything; but give it two or three tries, and he’ll get it perfect. He becomes so good that he can order you something new/different and you’ll love it. 
That’s kind of the start of his own coffee addiction, and more often than not, when he buys you a cup, he’s on his second or third of the day himself. The flavor has really grown on him, okay. 
He much prefers your apartment, but on occasion, he’ll ask you to come to his. You’ve been studying for so long, a change of environment should do you good, he claims. He’s a fucking liar tho because that’s all Eren Talk for “I do genuinely want you to come over, but my plans are to coerce you out of doing your assignments and doing me instead.”
Lmfao he adds you on Apple Watch Rings just so you can see him close his rings every day and laugh at you. Even if yours get closed by virtue of walking around campus or working out or whatever, his numbers are stupidly high because he fucking has practice at least 4 days of the week. 
Of course when you’re running on a soccer field for 2 hours every day, you close your Move Ring five times, Eren. Leave the rest of us alone. 
He buys you guys matching accessories for your keychains. It’s something pretty cute, and slightly random, but it reminded him of you. It also serves as a reminder to himself to take his fucking keys with him when he leaves his house. 
He sleeps like a fucking rock, so do not let him fall asleep in the library. Waking him up is a mission, and he’s never happy to be woken up. He looks kinda cute tho. 
He schedules dates for you and his friends. Usually by accident, but hear me out. Sometimes he’ll make plans with Armin, then forget that he has class or a test or something; so his solution is to text you, “hey, i forgot min and i were supposed to go some aquarium tomorrow but i have a midterm so here’s the pdf of my ticket, go with him for me, thanks babe love u” then, boop, you and Armin have an aquarium date Friday evening. 
The same thing happens with Mikasa, though, she usually catches the scheduling conflict before Eren does, and invites you out herself. You and Mikasa hang out quite a bit anyway, so it comes to the point where she tells you when she’s gonna hang out with Eren, so you can make yourself free for when he inevitably remember he has a game that day. 
Mikasa is most amazed that you’ve put up with Eren this long lmao. You’ve certainly lessened her Eren & Armin babysitting hours, and for that she’s eternally grateful. Also, she’s just happy to have another close friend. She loves Eren and Armin, but they’re not the most social beings, and she was literally their only friend besides the other for all their childhood PLEASE she’s so happy you’re around. 
It’s Mikasa, however, who babysits you and Eren whenever you both get too drunk. Says you guys are two peas in a pod (affectionate<2)
If you tell Eren something important that happened, like an internship you got, or a good grade in a class, or something, he usually relays that information to his mom pls. He texts her every day, and if she doesn’t ask for an update on you first, he gives her one.
Carla calls you sometimes, too. At least once every few weeks, just to check on you herself. She really likes you for Eren, and is grateful someone is willing to put up with her hotheaded son. 
Eren’s always using your fucking chapstick. Always. You know he has his own, so why he needs to use yours is beyond you. Finds time to make some dumbass comment about how it’s an “indirect kiss” every time he uses it too. Like bro, we’re dating, and have had many direct kisses why are you like this.
He posts on Instagram every few weeks or so, but you’re on his story every few days. Usually, it’s just a video of you minding your business and doing your work while Eren slowly zooms in before making some loud noise to surprise you, all so he can get your reaction on video and laugh at it. He’s annoying. 
He’s a bit of a copycat when it comes to the products you use. He’ll buy the same brand of pens as you (for that matter, all of his school supplies mirror yours because what does he know about the difference between A4 and A5 notebooks?), put a little hand sanitizer on his backpack like yours (and a lotion, too, for good measure), he even copies your Starbucks order until he finds one he likes for himself. It’s one of his love languages <3
If you’re wondering where your eyelash curler went, Eren stole it to try it on himself, hurt himself, vowed to never use it again, went back because he wanted to “do it right and not give up,” liked the results when he didn’t pinch his eyelid, and now it’s his. 
That being said, stop trying to put your Fenty lipgloss on him, it’s never going to happen. Eye makeup, maybe, only if you sit in his lap and he can have his hands on your ass while you do it. 
What he does love is letting you do his skincare. He will set aside dedicated skincare nights, he adores it. Easily one of his favorite things ever. 
You have his wallet. Not because he’s your sugar daddy or anything (although, if you want something, he’d definitely let you use his card to get it; and even if you bought something without asking, he wouldn’t think twice about it), but because he put it in your bag once and never took it out. 
When you tried to give it back, he just shook his head and told you to keep it, “I have my ID in my phone case anyway, and you’re less likely to lose it. Plus I put all my cards on Apple Pay, so I’m good.”
When you do make it to a game of his, he’s all over you when it’s over. Not in a cocky athlete boyfriend kind of way; in a very sleepy boyfriend kind of way. He’s usually got ice on at least one part of his body, and he’s got half his body weight on you as you walk to the car. 
By the time you guys get back to your place, he’s practically sleep walking. The only thing on his mind is taking a hot shower to soothe his muscles, and heading to bed. The aftermath of game days aren’t all that bad though, because even if you didn’t show, you’re always there to kiss him when he’s home and massage his shoulders, and cuddle him to sleep; and that’s his favorite part. 
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Hi i just read your work and it is amazing!!!! Buuut, if its possible can you make a part 2 of Scraps? Like, the first one was so good... it kinda needs a sequel😂😂 if thats possible
Had to think about what I would write for a little bit, but I think I've got it.
Scraps (Part 2): Rindou Haitani, Ran Haitani, Kakucho Hitto, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Manjiro Sano, Hajime Kokonoi, and Takeomi Akashi x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.9k
tw: NSFW
song recommendation:
A pussy clenching, breath hitching, thighs squeezing mess.
That's what you're reduced to as you're in class, the soundless, dual vibrator/clit sucking device hidden neatly in your underwear.
Ever since you'd been introduced to the Alpha boys, they'd made you their personal plaything. And you didn't really mind; it was something to do when things got boring around the sorority house. But sometimes... they'd take their experiments out of your scope of knowledge.
This was one of them.
You were given the toy and told that if you could hold off on cumming for twelve hours, you'd be rewarded with whatever you wanted. But you couldn't take it out, you couldn't tell anyone - oh, and you didn't know who had the remote to it. The device is only controlled by a discreet, white remote, and any one of the seven men could have it, changing the speed or the pattern of vibrations of the device. Right now, it's on a pulsing cycle, making you squirm slightly in your seat as the professor lectures about art history.
You're sitting in the very back of the lecture hall where no one would sit if they wanted to pass the class. But you're content with today being an off-day. You need to survive this challenge, first.
You can't help but think of the various dicks that would be yours for the choosing once you finish today's challenge. But it's only ten o'clock.
Ten more hours.
Around twelve, you're trying your best to keep yourself calm, sitting on the edge of your seat while you attempt a test. The speed changes from pulsing to a dull vibration, giving you a brief break from the jolts of pleasure that go straight to your clit.
"Ms. Y/n, can you come up to my desk, please? Bring your test." You look up at your professor, who is cooking her finger at you. For a moment, you wonder if she's caught on to your little predicament, but when you approach her desk, she takes your test and crumples it up before throwing it in the trash, much to your surprise. "I forgot to tell you that you have an A in the class, so you don't need to take this test." You sigh in relief, just as the vibration changes to a more intense sensation. You tense up, clenching your legs before thanking your professor and leaving the classroom quickly.
You can't take much more of this.
Around three pm, you're laying in the sorority house, face down in a pillow as you moan, the feeling of an orgasm building on top of the other six or seven ruined orgasms from earlier. But you stuff this one down with the others, tears decorating your pillowcase as you sob in frustration.
Five more hours.
At six o'clock, you're at your breaking point.
Dinner is at seven, but you can't even focus on anything except the buzzing between your legs. You're hazy, staring at yourself in the mirror and blinking slowly. There had been no relief, no naps, no rest from the torment, but the pink device inside of you persisted, making you want to cum over and over again. All you can do is think about algebra or something disappointing to prevent yourself from cumming all over the device and losing the challenge.
Suddenly, your phone begins to chime, and you raise it to your face, seeing "Alpha House" on the screen.
"Hello?" you breathe into the receiver, and you hear a chuckle on the other end.
"Are you okay, princess?" It's Mikey. The vibrator begins to pulse again, and you bite your lip.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. What's going on?"
"Come by the house at seven-thirty. The boys are excited to see you." Mikey hangs up the phone and you stifle a loud moan, trying to keep yourself together before you meet the boys.
One hour left.
At seven-thirty, you're standing at the door of the house, and the vibrator is going crazy. You almost didn't make it across the campus without your legs going weak, but you prop yourself up against the door with a hand, quivering at you wait for the boys to answer the door.
"Little sister..." Ran answers the door, his violet eyes observing your quaking figure. "You made it." You try to step through the door, but Ran catches you in his arms, stooping to pick you up. He holds you against his chest, cooing into your ear about how you're such a good girl, and how they're going to take good care of you before the night is over. You're deposited in the den, where the other guys are, and Ran parts your legs with tender fingers, revealing the device nestled inside of your panties.
"All day, huh?" Sanzu wonders, sitting across from you on the couch and stroking your thigh. "You're such a good girl for us. Kakucho, Rindou, and Kokonoi didn't think you would make it."
"We placed bets," Rindou explains, forking his cash over to his brother with a small sigh. "But you proved me wrong." Mikey appears, his black eyes roaming over all of those present in the room before sliding and focusing on your half-dazed self on the couch, legs spread and shaking.
"Ready to guess who had the remote today?" You nod, breath quivering as you look around the room at the men. Your first bet would be on Sanzu, but you figure guessing him would be too obvious. Your second guess would be Rindou, but he also seemed like the most obvious. So you're left with Kakucho, Kokonoi, Mikey, Takeomi, and Ran. "You get three guesses."
Three guesses. Five men.
"M-Mikey?" Various members of the frat shake their heads. Of course, Mikey wouldn't, he just comes up with the ideas. Takeomi seems almost too bored with you, so he's off the list, too. Two guesses and four men. A twenty-five percent chance of getting it right.
"Kakucho?" He shakes his head, leaning on the back of a chair and blinking slowly.
"One more guess."
Kokonoi or Ran. Fifty-percent chance of getting it right. Kokonoi had a class with you today, but you didn't see him move his hands around as you watched from the back of the class at all. But the sensation also didn't change during the class. You have to take a chance, though.
"Ran." The violet-eyed man smiles, then produces the white remote from his pants.
"Smart girl."
"But how--"
"On Wednesdays, my work-study has me all over campus. Every time I saw you or walked by the sorority house, I'd change the vibration." Sanzu chuckles then looks at his watch.
"It's time, ain't it?" Mikey pulls your underwear off, leaving the lacy thing on the floor before looking at the device, then back at you.
"You earned yourself some extra credit," he begins. "Are you ready for us, pretty girl?"
"Yes," you keen, jerking your hips up. "Yes, I am."
"Good." Mikey slides the vibrator out of you and puts it up to your lips so you can taste yourself. You suck the device slowly, fingers coming down to caress your swollen clit as you suck your juices off of it.
After this, he stands you up and bends you over the back of the couch, feeling a large, warm pair of hands on your hips. "I'm not going last this time," Takeomi mutters, pants down around his ankles. "Been waiting for this all day." You're more than prepared to take his length, your pussy squelching and sucking his cock into you. "Fuck, yeah..." The slapping sounds of your backside against Takeomi's hips begin, and you moan, feeling the relief of a cock filling you up.
The other six just watch, some with their dicks out, others palming themselves over their pants. Mikey, as usual, is standing at the back of the room, watching the scene before him with crossed arms. This is his foreplay.
He enjoys watching and listening to you squeal more than anything. He enjoys having control over six men who will bend you over and use you as a willing cum dump if necessary, like a breeder who requires his bulls to try their luck with you, the lone heifer.
And it's pleasurable enough for you to keep coming back for more.
"Why don't we record this one?" Sanzu wonders and Takeomi laughs.
"You're gonna have to ask little sister, here. She might not--"
"That-that's fine," you pant.
"Just a little POV thing," Ran adds, pulling out his phone. "Make it real nice, Takeomi." You look back and watch the man inside of you point the phone at the space between your hips, watching his cock go in and out of you with a smile on his face.
"Look at that pussy... she's creaming all over my cock..."
And each frat brother waits his turn to cum in you, with Ran's being the most you've ever felt inside of you at one time, and Sanzu's being the roughest. Kokonoi is taking his turn when you feel cum sliding down your leg, and when he's done, cum drains out of you in a small flood. Your fingers, which have been running over your clit and bringing you close to climaxing, are covered in it, and you want so desperately to stick them inside of yourself and then suck them dry.
Kakucho takes his time bringing you pleasure, tweaking your nipples, and running his tongue down your back and up again. You suppose someone else is filming you two, because both of his hands are on your body as he pumps you full of cum, ghosting his fingers over the slight bulge from his long cock.
Rindou is last, and you watch Mikey pull out his own cock, stroking it while Rin slams his hips into you, making you moan louder than you thought possible. He grips your neck from behind, choking you lightly as you let drool run past your lips and onto the couch. You hear Ran complimenting his brother on his fucking, and your raise on your tiptoes, praying his dick would stop slamming into your cervix.
"Take it," Rin whispers in your ear. "You can take it, sweet girl." You choke out a cry, then grip the couch for all it's worth as Rindou lets himself go. When he pulls out, Mikey stands, his eyes focused on your face as he walks around the couch, taking the phone from Ran and pointing it at your filled and abused pussy.
"Push it all out for me, sweetheart." You obey, feeling the cum leak out of you rapidly before Mikey stands, swiping his cockhead over your pussy lips. "You haven't cum yet?" You shake your head, breathing heavily. "Go ahead and cum on my dick." Mikey enters you and fiddles with your swollen clit, bringing you back to the edge and not relenting. You get no warning prior to the orgasm crashing over you; the feeling of release almost taking you out.
"Oh my fucking god," you cry out, and Mikey pistons his hips a little faster as you clench around him.
"That's a good pussy," he grunts, left hand gripping your hip while he cums inside of you, growling low in his throat. When he's done, he backs away, watching you push out his cum, too. "Now I want you to get on the floor and lick it up," he orders you. "Lick all of our cum up."
You get on your knees and lick the puddle off the polished wooden floor, each man watching you with slack jaws. When you're done, you show Mikey your tongue. He approaches you, grabs your throat, and spits in it, closing your mouth as you swallow that, too.
"Such a good little slut, aren't you?"
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sunsents · 3 years
Empty - F.W (1/2)
Gah daym this was a JOURNEY to write. I swore to myself to never write angst because, well I suck at it. But here we are, I swear this has a good ending because my heart can't bear that. I could've written this much better, so I promise to bring my A GAME for chapter 2. Enjoy, also Lee in this is a hate crime. This is very story telling-esk so I hope it flows well.
I wouldn't have written this chapter without the help of my good friend @mochiixjimin she helped me edit and spice up this whole thing so thank you so much to her! She's an amazing writer, go check out her work and show her some big love right now or else!! her wattpad
Chapter 1 out of 2 (Backstory)
Summary —> Life has always been a cruel joke to you, yet you simply play along. Overshadowed by Eva Burke your whole life, watching from the sidelines while everyone flooded each other with love, it would always feel like a joke.
Pairing: fredweasley x fem!reader
Word count: 6.1k
Warnings: ANGST ANGST ANGST (with a fluffy ending in the second part) / One mature scene (18+) and then it's angst again <3 / Some slander / Offensive language
Rating: 18+
You were a bright child.
Beaming bright enough to keep a tight lipped smile during flu-shots, and enough to put on a happy façade when your dad threw away the drawing you had done of your family dog, rather than hang it up on the fridge.
Children have foolish dreams, and that was yours. Your friends in preschool boasted about their pictures being hung like trophies on fridges, with decorative magnets and even bigger pink bow ties.
The fridge in the Y/L/N manor was empty. Always empty, just how Ms. Y/L/N liked it. Empty marble floors with empty rug designs, and empty rooms with even emptier people living in it. They were both empty people. Hollow and void of any emotion, at least towards you.
You were different though. You were filled to the brim with ambition and hope and so many positive emotions that your parents never seemed to reflect on you. You were like those Disney princesses. The princesses always had hope, and when you have hope good things happen.
Your dad never meant to give you false hope. He just wished you’d keep your mouth shut as he worked until late hours. Using big words and having big aspirations, you shouldn’t have.
Mr and Mrs Y/L/N weren't bad people per say, just busy. They didn't know how to raise a child, this was obvious, because the purpose of even having a child was to fix their marriage. But a temporary fix wouldn't do it, it never did. There was always that hole on the roof, leaking rain of despair into their falsely built home that no bucket big enough could hold back. Because it always found a way to overflow.
They didn't know how to show their love, so they did it with money, clothes, toys and crayons that you would later use to draw pictures of your family, only to have them end up in the dumpster once again.
They spoiled you rotten, bought you gifts you never even dreamed of asking. You just shut up and enjoyed it, what else could you do? Whine and demand attention? Risk losing their favor? There was no favor to lose.
You got yourself a fat A plus on your third grade math test. Star stickers on your chest, you entered through the glass double doors of your house with a crooked smile - two front teeth missing of course - making your joy all the more endearing. Your backpack strapped tightly over your narrow shoulders, hanging low with all the crammed books you pushed before leaving school because you were just so excited to show your parents.
You received a big sloppy kiss from your Nanny, who practically was like a second mom to you, and dashed right into your fathers office to show him your new accomplishment.
"Good job, I'm proud of you."
You froze. You found a way to actually get their attention. The attention you so craved, the recognition you would die for. This was revolutionary. Basically a new era for you.
Nanny made you a star shaped cake that night, and sat with you while gently stroking your hair and listening to you blabber about how easy the math questions were. It felt warm, motherly love. Even if it was false, it would never compare to the love of your own mother, a love you would never get.
You spent all your night studying, your eyes burning under the harsh light of your lamp in the early mornings and your pencil, ebbing away over sheets and sheets of blank paper. Writing away your little hands off until they ached, just to snatch another A and get a good job.
This was good, it worked out very well. You became that student who looked forward to class, just to get a good grade and have the validation of your parents. The sight of your father’s lips quirk up even in the slightest, and how your mother’s eyes shone briefly in appreciation of your hard work, even if it was for a quick second, it was worth it.
Until the new neighbors moved in.
Mr. Burke was a round, cheerful man with an even rounder belly, and a big fat pipe that always hung on his lips. Mrs Burke looked and acted like those fairy godmothers you adored. You couldn’t believe such people existed. Mr Y/L/N invited them over for dinner, for courtesy. He was not happy about said courtesy.
He ended up liking the couple, they had a little daughter called Eva, who was small and adorable with round red cheeks and big doe eyes. Not only Mr and Mrs Burke, but the Y/L/N’s adored Eva as well. She was happy, always smiling, and her teeth weren't nearly as crooked as yours, not to mention she had pretty long hair like a princess.
You liked her a lot, took her to pick flowers, showed her the drawings you had prepared for the empty fridge; in case Mr Y/L/N ever had a change of heart and hung them up, you had been trying for three years and weren't giving up any sooner.
Eva was nice, kind enough to share her M&M's and very used to compliments unlike you. She seemed to get a lot from her parents and yours. The adults were so kind to her, always smothering her with love and kisses. You were happy for Eva, happy that Eva somehow managed to gain the favor of your parents before you did.
Little girls tended to be jealous, you weren’t. You were just glad to have a friend so cool, she didn't blush and stutter under praise and apparently her drawings were pretty enough to go on a fridge.
It was a Thursday afternoon when your mom smiled at you for the first time since your last exam grade. "Look, Eva drew us a picture, isn't it pretty?"
The crayola stash under your bed was no longer needed, they appeared clumsily dumped in the neighborhood trash the next day, most of them stomped under the pressure of your little sneakers. And the bundle of drawings you hid under your pillow, wishing on fairy godmother that one day they would be hung up too, were ripped; clearly a struggle given. You had paper cuts on your hands, and your Nanny thankfully applied ointment before Ms and Mr Y/L/N noticed, or rather, stopped to care.
Though you knew that even if you paraded herself with bloody fingers dripping to your elbows, they wouldn't care.
Nanny did, she was there. There when you were haunted with nightmares when the moon was particularly dark, cooing at you and letting you sleep next to her in that small bed of hers. There when you tripped and fell, small scratch resulting in a screaming tantrum. She was gentle, sweet, paid well.
You decided to go and pick flowers with Eva, and make a pretty flower crown for yourself, months after your drawing incident. Of course, you didn't have such silly dreams anymore. You didn’t wish to have your pictures hung, to have your mother wear the flower crowns you made and frankly you didn’t care for the sight of the sparkle in your parents eyes. Nanny’s was enough.
Eva agreed, dressed in a pink tutu Mrs Y/L/N gifted. You didn't comment, though deep down you gazed at the skirt in sparkling envy. Your mother never bothered to get you such pretty things. The two of you gathered saturated petals and nice ribbons while giggling amongst yourselves. Until, you accidentally caused Eva’s flowers to levitate.
Eva ran home, crying and calling you a witch. Mr and Mrs Y/L/N’s dirty looks made her feel shameful, and even dirtier when a letter addressed to her was dropped by a pretty owl you insisted on petting. It was from a school called Hogwarts, in the faraway land of London, and it seemed, not only you but Eva got the same letter the next day.
Though the Y/L/N’s and Burke’s were proud of Eva’s letter. They weren’t with yours.
— — — —
The ride to Hogwarts was interesting to say the least. You had so many questions unanswered, were you a fairy godmother too? Was that your destiny? Was that the reason you never got any attention, because you were destined to give instead of receive?
Eva was cheerful as always, making fast friends in newly bought uniforms and holding a pretty, long and thin wand, with designs flowing across the premise. Your wand was...functional. You were sad you couldn't choose, and that the wand chose the owner. It didn't make sense, what if you didn't want this wand? What if you wanted something charming like Eva’s? It should have been mutual.
It was while trying to find your way to the bathroom that you met the Weasley twins. Quite handsome, a year older and absolute fucktards. A word you learned from the two. Though you always found yourself laughing more at Fred’s jokes, you liked them both equally.
“Hey George! Look.” Fred had exclaimed, clinging onto his brothers shoulder and dragging him across. “Who's that girl?”
You introduced yourself, happy façade on, gentle words slipping out of your mouth like nectar. They had to like you, you told yourself. Just this once, more than Eva.
When sorted into Gryffindor, Eva, you and the twins became inseparable. Your group grew in second year, when Katie, Lee and Alicia Spinnet joined the bunch. You would make fun of the ghastly Potions Professor Snape, and imitate Dumbledore in the hallways to mess with the older students.
You loved your time at Hogwarts, and the adventures that came every year. Especially when Harry Potter joined.
“Hey Fred.”
Fred, who was fiddling with his bracelet you had bought him hummed in response, not bothering to look up.
You sighed, “Do you think the flowers can feel it when we pluck them?”
Fred turned at that, his bracelet was now tightly secure after his struggles. “I hope not.” he smiled, a faraway look on his face whenever he gazed at you. “You know, some people like pain.” he winked.
You merely looked at him confused, clearly way too young for...whatever that is.
He started laughing loudly, slapping his knee and causing you to scoff and slap him on the shoulder.
Third year was when it bloomed. The slight girly attention you gave Fred grew. Fred was...Fred. A handsome ginger, beater for their house's Quidditch team, always charming and charismatic that somehow oozed out of him whenever he did anything really. It was not unusual, every girl in school had a crush on him. That wasn't the case, Fred was one of your best friends, and you refused to entertain the idea of a possible...relationship.
Yet sometimes, you'd find yourself thinking about hugging and kissing Fred like you’d seen couples in your favorite movies did and you’d fall asleep with reddened cheeks and a boy with even redder hair in your mind.
But feelings couldn’t be controlled, nor easily hidden. Eva found out in your fourth year after hearing you mumble his name in your dreams. Fred Weasley was getting more handsome as years passed, and you found it hard to contain your feelings. You were crushing, hard.
Eva was...Eva about it. Happy, but nothing changed. She didn't tease like George did when he found out, nor did she act any differently towards Fred.
“Hey ____!” Fred had sat next to you, shaking the entire couch because he grew that tall during summer. “Got a new girl after me.” he looked at you, almost expectantly, as if you wouldn’t react the way you always reacted.
“That’s great Fred.” you smiled, gulping whatever lump that was forming in your throat and struggling to come out as vulgar words you wished to yell.
“Yeah,” Fred sighed, “It’s...great.”
Fred Weasley was a ladies man, and he wasn't afraid to show it. It was okay, because you were happy enough to be one of his closest, and that was enough. He often boasted about getting girls, and how successful his jokes were, and you always loved snapping back to him cockily, even more cockily than him. Playful banter was easy, comforting between them and when he turned away you would love to shyly entertain the idea of being one of those girl’s Fred talked about.
Fifth year, you had a sudden growth spurt. That was also the year where you discovered Cosmopolitan, Vogue and of course Witch Weekly. Hair no longer in a ponytail, legs shaved and smooth, short skirts with no nylons, you were a new person. After getting your period in third year, your spurt came late, but sudden. Way too sudden in the time of three months. It was hard to handle the changes occurring to your body. It was all too much that you had to become a lady and the fact that you didn’t have your mother to help was a pain you hid deep within.
It was as if whichever god above decided to squeeze your entire life into a summer and call it a day, because it was simply too busy. How ironic. No one saw your growth except old Nanny Gladys. Not Eva, nor her parents considering they went on a getaway and the Burke's, who had gone to Brazil.
But you were over that, you discovered the great telephone, and the great Hermione Granger, package deal with Ginny Weasley. You guys would talk on the phone for hours upon hours, Ginny obscuring your personality and Hermione altering your view on your parents. And Hermione was right, they were assholes. You didn't give a flying fuck about empty praises anymore.
You had become almost too tall for your older clothes, and your breasts were way too big to fit in the training bra you bought not even a month ago. Your hips, now wide and swaying as you walk became graceful, were decorated with long gem bracelets.
You cursed like a sailor that summer, ran around fields with family - your family being your dog, Jambo - bare feet. You stomped on flowers you used to pick as a little girl, stomping on those silly fairytale dreams you used to nurse, and never felt freer. For the first time ever you felt that maybe being empty could be more freeing than having false hope weighing you down.
Returning to Hogwarts was a big deal to students. Who changed, who glowed up after what happened last year - nothing, it was all childish drama.
Before your parents could even see your new self, your escapade to the Granger household was successful. The Y/L/N's didn't care, nor did they write. You knew it should’ve hurt, but frankly, you didn’t think having the pain in your chest was worth it. Hermione was awestruck, of course, after laying her sights on you for the first time since May and insisted on walking into the Entrance Hall, arm in arm with her and Ginny to show you off like some sort of revelation.
It was a revelation all right, at least to the boys, and some girls. It seemed no one saw you as a girl before. George oogled, and Lee was so shocked to find out that you were actually a girl with a pretty figure and an even prettier smile that he stopped clapping you on the back like he always did. Not a girl, you have become a woman. It was far too sudden, new uniforms and a whole new wardrobe had to be bought.
"____? You were a girl?" Fred joked, ruffling your hair like nothing changed between you. And that's when you realized, no slutty skirt, how much pushup your bra, or no matter how pretty your hair looked, Fred would always see you as ____, the girl with crooked front teeth and who once ate a worm in second year. Your teeth weren't crooked at all anymore - thanks to a few years of braces - and finally clear of uncomfortable metals but you felt as if Fred would always see the ghost of them on your pearly whites when you smiled.
He had this view of you that blinded him, caused him to treat you as he treated Ginny while he flirted and played footsie with other girls, including Eva.
That did not stop Eva from giving you false hope, and you took the bait, naive like always. Hope, that's what ruined it all. "You're beautiful now, of course you have a chance!" she said, rubbing your shoulder reassuringly, as if she had warmth to begin with.
It was all false, yet you still believed. You always had. Like a fool.
Ginny didn't like Eva, and maybe that's why you gravitated towards her. She was the first person who had ever met Eva that wasn't charmed by her kind smile and attractive words. Eva was...displeased. She grew up having the attention of everyone around, so when Ginny Weasley told her straight to her face that she wasn't shit, Eva seethed. The attention of Ginny changed nothing though, because Eva was the main character. Everyone - except Ginny, and secretly Hermione (though she would never say it) - loved her, they followed her around like puppies and praised her on her wonky wand work.
The upcoming Yule Ball brought great upswing to Hogwarts.
You were far too busy with her classes to take interest in the tournament - even though the dragon race was the gnarliest sight you had ever seen. Your goal was set, become a badass Auror and move out as soon as possible, so you didn't have to face your parents (except Holidays, yuck.)
But the Yule Ball was your chance. A chance with Fred Weasley.
You could ask to go as friends and maybe, just maybe a little hope and the night would end much more romantic than you had anticipated.
Plucking up courage was the hardest part, you practiced with your bathroom mirror so long that Ginny had to blast through the door and drag you out of her dormitory.
Fred Weasley agreed, why wouldn't he? You, his closest friend, asking to go as a group and drink all night while gossiping? It was a win win. At least that's what you told herself.
That was a lie, it wasn't a win win.
You gave it your all getting ready, dress silk, makeup and expensive shoes. You took a long shower, scrubbing and shaving yourself to a smooth gliding porcelain, only for it all to be washed down with reddened eyes and a boy with even redder hair.
Fred greeted you the same, danced the same, and you chatted the same; you were reminded again, for the second time, that you stood no chance.
Fred told you that he was going to get drinks, a quick trip to the booth and mumbled I'll be back in a second. He was not back in a second. Several minutes passed, and your worries caused your feet to follow after Fred's footsteps.
You ran, trying to find him in the empty corridors of Hogwarts, tears welling in your eyes because he wouldn't. He wasn't that cruel, life wasn't that cruel.
But it was, and in a distant empty classroom you saw Fred Weasley, on his knees and between Eva's legs, groaning and praising her like a starved man. Worshipping her like everyone else had, burying himself in her and completely forgetting the drink he’d bring back in just a second. He’d left you thirsty and alone in the Great Hall and left you to drink from a cup he hadn’t known to be forbidden. Yet Eva did.
Eva's perfect dainty hands tangled in his ginger hair, thighs clamping shut while her high pitched moans flooded your mind and echoed around your head. They were so loud that she couldn’t even hear the loud echoes of your footsteps and the woeful cries that left your lips as you ran. It wouldn’t be the first time she had ignored your pain for her own selfish reasons.
Your heart shattered, and suddenly you were six again, watching your parents praise Eva, hang her drawing on the fridge. A soft breeze tickling your bare toes, dangling from the small cushioned seat you sat on while you watched Eva braid Mrs Y/L/N’s hair. Emotionless, silent, not asking for anything, knowing that you won't receive in return. Eva's small hands carefully placed the flower crown on Mrs Y/L/N’s pool of hair, and she smiled, heart warming and hopeful. Suddenly you remembered the feel of your own hands tangling in between your locks as you stood on your tiptoes, trying to imitate your mothers braid on yourself in the mirror you couldn't reach. You pretended, only for a moment before it twisted into knots.
What a cruel joke, you thought as you watched Eva receive the world from Fred, from your parents, from your friends and from every damn person you had met.
You cried on a big set of stairs that night, your wails echoing as you asked whoever, whatever what you had done. What you had done to deserve such treatment from the people around you. It was rather cliche - and maybe a bit too dramatic. It was an uncomfortable seat of course, and your body, as well as your heart, ached. Pain, misery, false hope and enough hair spray to melt the ozone.
The princesses always cried on big sets of stairs, uncomfortable stone floors causing them to shiver while they hid away their beautifully animated faces in their perfect hands. This was different, there was no fairy godmother to fix your makeup and clone a gentlemanly Fred Weasley, a perfect prince. You knew, because you cried, and prayed and cried and prayed until your throat was sore. There was no fairy godmother, it was all a lie. There was no happy ending. There would be none.
No one came to find you that night either, and you had to drag yourself back to the Gryffindor common room, feet bare, mascara, blush - anything else you put on in hopes of being able to become like Eva even only for one night - practically nonexistent from the way your tears washed them away.
You didn't sleep that night, and your head was unusually clear, pounding, but clear. You laid awake, eyes blood-shot and stinging while your dress shuffled uncomfortably between your sheets. You were too tired to change, and your dress was far too pretty to be worn so short.
Ginny's words replayed over and over again. "They're not worth it." her voice was so clear, and true. Mr and Mrs Burke weren't worth it. Your parents weren't worth it. Fred Weasley wasn't worth it. Eva wasn't worth it. The midnight chirping of bugs invited themselves in from your open window, and blue moonlight streaks beaming down in lines from the tulle curtain flowed with breeze, it was calming.
You felt calm, for the first time in sixteen years. You felt calm.
Fred and Eva started dating that week. Everyone acted like they expected it, and you realized just how blind you had been. Eva Burke and Fred Weasley, golden couple of Hogwarts.
You watched them, emotionless, as they embraced with love and so much passion that you felt embarrassed. Embarrassed at how you’d blushed and squeal over Fred in front of Eva and George and anyone who had found out because now you knew. Now you knew that their amused smiles were probably pitying grimaces because they knew that you two were never meant to be. It was always Fred and Eva.
Fred was an amazing boyfriend, making sure Eva was taken care of, lovingly staring at her whenever and wherever, arm looped around her waist at all times; you realized they were truly not worth it.
"You disgust me."
You didn't mean the words to escape so carelessly, but when you said them, you realized you didn't want to take them back. The growing pit in your stomach felt weightless. "Excuse me?" said Fred, stopping his nibbling on Eva's neck, who was just as shocked. You scoffed, Eva already had enough purple bruises to parade around so why did Fred have the need to add more?
"You heard me right," George, Lee, Ron, Harry, Katie and whoever sitting in their circle stared at you, wide-eyed, Ginny and Hermione, however, were grinning devilishly. Kind ____, wouldn't hurt a fly, quiet at times and didn't know how to stand up for herself. It was shocking, but you were done pretending. You didn't want to be like that anymore, you wanted to say whatever came to mind and not worry about the consequences. "You guys disgust me, I know I should be supportive but you don't match, at all."
You turned to George. "And you, no you can't talk about Katie like that." George went pink. "You're disgusting for sleeping around carelessly and telling girls you'd write, stop giving people false hope. Grow up. You’re nearly an adult and you can’t even treat a girl right."
"And you Lee," Lee went quiet. "What gives you the right to make fun of me like that. I'll wear whatever the fuck I want, just because you don't have the courage to wear a headband. If you can talk about my breasts, I'll talk about your shrimp."
"Ron, you take advantage of Hermione then lead her on. Open your eyes, asshole."
"Harry, you're not the main character. You're not always going to be the center of attention, nor do you have the right to yell at your friends."
"Alicia, god you're so stupid. I'm sorry, you're great but such an airhead. No, you can't ride a Thestral if you can't see them, and stop eating quill ink they're bad for you."
You stood up, grinning proudly, heart loud in your chest you feared someone might hear. "Frankly, I don't wanna be friends anymore. I'm done with this façade, except you two, 'Gin, Hermione. The rest of you are just so fake." she gestured to them. "Boys," she nodded again. "Don't talk to me anymore, and Lee, give me back the money, think it's about time don't you think? I've been paying for you since third year."
And with that, you left. You left Three Broomsticks, grin wide and chest heaving. Hermione and Ginny ran behind, whooping and cheering you on as they laughed.
The news of your outburst spread fast like wildfire caught in wind. That week was bliss, you no longer had to watch Fred and Eva, nor did you have to act sweet to anyone. You didn't have to laugh along Lee's sexist jokes and look away to wince, it was pure bliss. You realized that the feeling of being free didn’t have to be momentary.
Pansy Parkinson was surprisingly a good friend, she didn't have the same fakeness to her, the one Eva had where her smile was too kind. She spoke her mind, though every Slytherin did, and you liked that. Ginny wasn't happy with your new found friends, but she couldn't separate you. You made your own decisions from now on. It was refreshing.
You told your new friends everything, eager to get it off your chest and breathe, and they listened. For the first time, someone listened. You didn't have to get good grades, nor did you have to act like a sweet angel.
You teared up the first time Pansy said; "It's not your fault,". You knew it wasn't your fault, but hearing someone else say it with such genuine eyes made you believe. Actually believe.
It started off with you watching from the sidelines as Draco and Blaise pranked, insulted and shamed whatever your old friend group did. It wasn't unusual for Draco to act this way, but he got especially irritated after hearing what you told them. Blaise, someone usually quiet, had stepped up and decided to somehow release the pent up anger he had for the Gryffindor students.
The year ended, and you had started to sneak in an insult or two towards Fred and Eva. It felt nice, like finally, step by step you were clearing your years of hidden jealousy. But, there was no one to tell you that this simply wasn't the right way.
That summer, you stayed at the Burrow. Ginny had invited you and you were quick to say yes; obviously a fact forgotten. Fred, George and whoever you had insulted last year stayed in the same house. You simply didn't want to go home, and if this meant seeing Fred Weasley then you had to endure it.
Molly Weasley was the sweetest person you could ever meet, and it was genuine. It felt genuine, you feared your teeth might rot if the woman got another word in. Molly greeted you as if you were her own daughter she hadn't seen in years. You felt valued, seen.
Until Eva was there, Fred invited her. You had to watch the only person you were able to love, introduce the only person he was able to love to his mother. It wasn't you. It would never be you.
And you realized, even after everything, Eva had once again found a way to be more loved than you.
The grin Molly broke out was nothing short of beautiful, and you couldn't help but smile as well. The smile wasn't directed towards you of course, and you sat on that small kitchen chair, celebrating a relationship that caused your ruin.
Eva didn't care that your friendship was over, nothing budged in her life. She still got the same attention, still received the same love from Fred. The same affection, the same attention and the same everything. Or so it seemed.
Though unlike Eva, Fred merely watched you with sad eyes.
You stayed clear of the couple and the rest. You hung out with Ginny and Hermione only, ignoring the dirty looks Ron and Harry gave you. The secret, whispered insults Eva threw your way. George didn't say anything, but he didn't object either. This was enough to show how he felt. At this point you really didn't care. Why would you, when they didn’t either?
You held your head high just like Ginny and Hermione told you to, and you spoke in a loud and clear tone whenever asked something. Eva didn't, she stuttered when you spoke to her directly. Her words scrambled against each other when she tried to voice her insults in louder statements than a whisper. For the first time, you felt relief. You felt intimidating, protected by the barriers you had built around yourself.
Longest day of summer hit, and it boiled. Tanning became a distant dream, you would bake in this weather, and you were thankful to the big AC box you had brought from home. You couldn't sleep that night, sweat beads falling down your forehead that was already covered in a thin sheen. You had decided to get a cold glass of water, not sure how you ended up face to face with Fred Weasley. His wand tip shone with blue light, and his freckles were much darker because of the sun. It seemed the sun decided to be cruel to Fred Weasley back and wash Fred over with it's deathly heat. He was sunburnt, this was an understatement. He was burnt.
You couldn't help but start laughing when you met, ignoring the proximity, ignoring the sleeping house, dead silent and a big leap from the lively Burrow, ignoring Fred's soft breaths he let out every other second. You couldn't live off on false hope anymore.
Suddenly it wasn't so funny anymore, and your face quickly fell. You took a big step back and inhaled, ready to ignore him like you had been doing for the past year. But Fred Weasley was a persistent man, and he gripped your arm and looked at you with determined, doe-like eyes. "Tell me what I did wrong." he said, adamant on fixing this, whatever this was. You both didn't know.
You stood silent.
"Please flower,"
"Don't call me that." you said, stern and gaze sharp. Fred didn't react, he kept on insisting.
"Please, tell me how to fix this. I can fix it," he pleaded, a plethora of empty promises fell out of his lips like nothing. He lied like it was nothing, he was oblivious to everything he and everyone around them had put you through. It was infuriating.
You didn't say anything. You knew he would not fix anything but maybe staying silent would give him the false hope that spinned mockingly in your head for the past eighteen years.
"I'm sorry, just please. I can fix this, I promise, don't be like that." empty tears fell down from his eyes. He looked empty, tired. They lacked the charm they usually shined with and you wondered if it was only you that caused such dullness. Eye bags prominent that you never noticed before. It all felt like a lie, a cruel joke.
Fred Weasley was simply a cruel joke. His presence could only be compared to a shot of whiskey, especially when you down it like how Hagrid nurses a Firewhiskey filled pint glass. You never know how it will hit you. But in the end, you'd always find yourself curled next to the toilet, crying your eyes out because your headache was simply too much.
He was sobbing now, hanging onto your waist like you would simply vanish and you let him. The grip he had on was like steel vice - almost concerning - but you didn't touch him, didn't say anything. You just let him be, like he did to you. Allowed him to hopelessly hang off you before you would eventually leave him alone, like he did to you. "Where did I go wrong? How could we end up like this? What went wrong?"
‘You’, but your voice couldn’t be found.
Questions were useless when the answer was already right in front of his eyes. You didn’t let a single tear fall, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you cried in front of him.
You blinked, and that night was over. Summer continued on like nothing happened, like it didn't leave you heart broken and in such shame yet again. You continued on ignoring Fred as he looked at you with sorrowful eyes. Looked at you more, with more than he did his own girlfriend.
You blinked and the school year started again with another terror looming around the corner. There was simply no need to keep up anymore, because school was easy. You attended classes, got good grades, a few scar here and there from Umbridge's torture chamber, a woman who stood at a whopping five foot three yet still teriffied an entire school.
You blinked and you had already become a proud member of Draco's insult the Gryffindor's club. You didn't even feel bad, being horrible to the people you hated for years felt like a breath of fresh air. You didn't go as far as physically hurting any of your old friends, but coming up with damaging insults was such fun. A lot more fun than sitting around with a fake smile.
You blinked, and you were already moving out from your childhood house. Mr and Mrs Y/L/N were unusually happy, this was a given. They would have a new empty room and make another office, like they didn't have enough already. You feared they would start getting rid of bathrooms once too into their work, and they would have to do their business in bushes or buckets. Scratch that, you didn't fear that, it would be fucking hilarious.
You blinked, and when had time passed too quickly? Where did all those empty childhood years had gone? You were already graduating, on your way to become an Auror. You had lost contact with all your old friends now, regretfully Ginny and Hermione too.
The war had hit too quickly, luckily you survived, so did your friends. Unluckily, it left you with a nasty scar right across your left brow. It looked sick, but the hit wasn't worth it. It hurt like a bitch. You could see, it was a close call but vision wasn't an issue. The trauma though, god did Bellatrix's breath smell bad.
When it was all over, you had seen Fred hugging his family tightly. It seemed the Weasley's all survived, and you gave them each tight lipped smiles while holding a bunched up rag to your head to stop the blood gushing out. This wasn't the reunion you wanted to have with Ginny, but hey, you take what you can get after a revolutionary Wizarding war you barely made out alive.
Before a franticly running Fred could reach you though, you apparated to your flat in Diagon Alley, ignoring the thrumming of your heart, and how you practiced in front of a mirror to congratulate their successful joke shop that morning.
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five-rivers · 3 years
@lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks came up with this op!Danny/Marvel AU!
BTW I need help naming this newest proof that I can't keep anything to a short little one-shot.
Loki was not, and never had been, a good man. For that matter, whether or not he’d ever been a good boy was debatable. His mother would argue that he had, but she would very likely be the only one. Well, except for Thor, perhaps, but that was because he was an idiot who could drown in three inches of nostalgia. Like he didn’t remember every time Loki had humiliated him. Maybe he didn’t, for all that he kept falling for the same trick over and over again.
It made Loki’s late nights studying the arts of illusion, misdirection, and lying seem redundant. Almost. Not everyone was as dense as his big brother.
No. Loki had never been a good man. He had, however, been a free man.
Free to run or hide. Free to explore the nooks and crannies of Asgard, to uncover her secrets in ways few cared to do. Free to walk hidden paths between the Nine Realms and even farther flung territories, where his people did not and had never ruled, to play games, make deals, have adventures, take risks. To be. To exist as his own creature.
He had been free. He had.
But on one of those little secret excursions, he had discovered something that had made even his flippant, slippery heart clench with fear. A ravening plague, spreading across the stars. The death of half of everything on the horizon.
Loki was not a good man. What cause did he have to care for all the sundry others in the universe? There were too many. It was too much to ask.
But Asgard—His home, even though the had long ago realized the blood in his veins originated on very different soil. That was different.
Asgard, he could help. Asgard could survive.
But it had to be strong. It had to have strong allies. None of this barely-held peace, this enemy eternally at their gates. It needed strong leadership. Not his brother’s simplistic view and longing for the glory of war.
Loki was not a good man. But he was one who could get things done.
Before he knew it, he had burned all his bridges behind him. In one case, a literal bridge that was literally broken.
And he fell.
And he fell.
And he fell right into the hands of the one he had feared enough to do this. Broken enough for poison to drip into the cracks. No one knew where he was, no one could know where he was, except, perhaps, Heimdal, and Loki sincerely doubted Heimdal cared. No one was coming for him. No one was looking for him. No rescue was forthcoming.
He was alone.
Asgardians were considered gods for a reason. Their bodies and minds were much more resilient than the average mortal’s. But Thanos’s people had been titans, and there was a reason for that, too.
Thanos enjoyed breaking him.
And Loki turned his lies on himself. A skilled master of games always had one gifted opponent, even alone. Hadn’t he wanted to rule? To command? To see a world, any world, prostrate at his feet? To be given the recognition and praise of which he was so worth?
To pull something, anything, out of the fire?
(If he had spent less time learning how to spin lies and more on how to see the truth, he might not have believed it. A better, wiser, man would have. But Loki was not a good man. And he was very skilled in his craft.)
So, his new master put a weapon in his hands, and he went off to conquer a world.
Danny was used to rude awakenings. He was used to those rude awakenings being full body chills and ghosts, not someone knocking on his door.
Blearily, he pulled himself out from under the blankets. Quasi-military government facility or not, the beds were comfortable. Maybe Mom or Dad had gotten themselves locked out of their room? Or Jazz—No, not Jazz, she hadn’t come with them. She was at college, not being flown places by Mom and Dad’s suspiciously generous new consulting job.
At least it wasn’t the GIW.
He stood on tiptoe (curse his perpetually short body) to peer out the peephole. His parents’ buff, one-eyed, and incredibly imposing new boss stood in front of the door, hands on his hips, slightly sweeping back his long dark coat. If Danny listened carefully, he could hear two other people near the door, and… was that an alarm? Yes. Faint, but present, was a warning klaxon.
Okay. Danny would bet his right arm that something had gone horribly wrong with whatever his parents were consulting on. Didn’t explain why the boss was in front of his door.
Unless they’d gotten the rooms mixed up, somehow?
Ugh. Danny wasn’t paid enough to deal with this.
He opened the door. “What-?”
“Phantom,” intoned eyepatch guy with great solemnity.
Danny immediately tried to close the door. The guy stuck his foot in the jamb, and, sure, Danny could have crushed it, but that would be a jerk move. He didn’t think this guy was going for a pirate look, after all.
“We need your help.”
“I’m not sure what you think I can help you with,” yelled Danny over the beating of the helicopter blades. He’d remained stubbornly in human form. “My parents are the scientists. This sounds like a science thing. Not a punching-people thing.”
“We spoke to them earlier,” said Fury, “and we have plenty of scientists working on the theories they brought up. You’re the one with practical experience.”
“Practical experience in what?”
“Interdimensional portals,” said the woman, who had yet to introduce herself.
As if this whole thing wasn’t already giving him a bad feeling. “My parents built an interdimensional portal. Again, you should be talking to them. They’re the ones you’re paying.”
“We could pay you, too,” said Fury, “but we assumed you would want to avoid letting your parents know about this, as you’re still a minor and they have control of your bank accounts.”
Danny stared flatly. “This is blackmail.”
“We aren’t threatening you,” pointed out the woman.
“Emotional blackmail,” said Danny, glaring, daring her to challenge him on whether or not he actually knew what blackmail was.
In the meantime, the helicopter landed. Danny unbuckled and hopped out, trailing slightly awkwardly behind Fury and the woman. He didn’t want to stand out, but he suspected that, being the only kid here and being in the general vicinity of Fury, who radiated authority, that was a lost cause.
“This is Agent Coulson. Coulson, this is Phantom.”
Danny’s mouth went dry(er) at how casual the introduction was. His eyes went nervously to all the other people running around the field. With all the noise, it was unlikely anyone had heard, but still…
“Can you not? Secret identity and all? Unless you’ve told everyone herealready, which, rude.”
Fury sighed. “How bad is it?” he asked Coulson.
“We’re not sure,” said Coulson. “That’s the problem. Big fan of your work, by the way,” he added as an aside to Danny. He glanced at the woman. “Agent Hill.”
“Background?” asked Fury as he led the way into the building.
“The first energy surge was four hours ago. Dr. Selvig’s equipment picked it up – He’s the head scientist on this project.”
“Dr. Selvig isn’t authorized to test,” said Fury. “We wanted to run his plans by the Fentons.”
“He wasn’t testing. He wasn’t even in the room. He called it ‘spontaneous advancement.’”
“It turned itself on?”
“What are the energy levels?” asked Fury before Hill’s question could be answered.
“Climbing,” said Coulson.
“Mr. Fenton,” said Fury, “any comments?”
“Look, I don’t even know what this thing that you built looks like or what it’s a door to.” Danny frowned as a thought occurred to him. “You’re not expecting me to fight whatever comes out of it, are you? Because, unless you’ve got a ghost portal down there, I can’t make guarantees.”
“It’s called the Tesseract,” said Coulson. “It’s supposed to be a connection to the other side of space. A source of unlimited energy. At least,” there was a note of humor in his voice despite the evacuation taking place around them, “that’s what the scientists say.”
“A door to space?” asked Danny, firmly shoving down his excitement at the prospect. “Like, a Stargate?” It was no good, he could practically feel himself sparkling. He took a firm grip of his core and reminded himself he might need to fight before the end of the day.
“Well, no,” said Coulson. “It’s this little… cube… thing.” He made a shape with his hands.
“Oh,” said Danny, mind still whirring. “You know, if it’s really a tesseract, it isn’t a cube in just three dimensions, so bigger things could come out of it than you’d think.” He’d seen some weird portals in the Ghost Zone.
“Well, right now, we’re just getting energy.” They entered a large room with an extremely sci-fi setup. It looked like they were planning to shoot some kind of laser across the room onto a platform surrounded by strange-looking panels. There were men with guns scattered around in what was probably a well thought out formation Danny couldn’t see. There was also a dude with a bow sitting up in the rafters. He frowned down at Danny as he noticed Danny noticing him.
“Dr. Selvig!”
“What do we know?”
Danny allowed himself to be distracted by the centerpiece of the room, a piece of machinery built around what was indeed a little cube thing. He tilted his head and approached, trying to get a better view of it around the people in lab coats and protective gear currently swarming it. He caught mention of radiation a grimaced.
It was unlikely to kill him, but, really, everyone here should probably be wearing more PPE. You never knew what was going to come out of an interdimensional portal, after all. Except trouble. Trouble was a pretty safe bet.
It was pretty. Blue. Reminded him a little of a blue raspberry ice pop. Part of him wanted to lick it. Which was stupid. He didn’t want to wind up half what-ever-lived-on-the-other-side on top of his regular ghost nonsense.
“Mr. Fenton?”
Danny jumped and turned, refocusing on the adults, who had multiplied while he’d been daydreaming. The guy with the bow had joined them.
“Mr. Fenton? Like the Doctors Fenton I spoke to earlier?” asked Selvig.
“Yeah, it’s—”
This, of course, was when everything decided to explode. Sort of.
The blue cube shot out a beam of energy that had more than a little in common with the Fenton Bazooka’s portal setting. The beam terminated on the platform, a portal rapidly forming.
Danny slid into a fighting stance, and barely even noticed as blue energy washed over the room, throwing many less-prepared people back.
Something shaped like a man stepped through the portal.
Danny did not break his stance. Still. “An alien,” he whispered, eyes wide. If they were friendly, maybe they’d answer his questions about space. If they weren’t friendly, maybe they’d answer his questions about space after Danny beat them up.
(Danny did not go ghost. Did not even think about going ghost. There were too many people here, and the space was too open.)
Fury attempted to negotiate. Danny approved. Not everything that came through an interdimensional portal was necessarily evil.
Except this guy apparently was. Go figure. He could also deflect bullets and was very good with throwing knives, which led to Danny having to pull several of the gun guys out of their own line of fire as well as the alien’s line of knife. Who would have thought an alien’s weapon of choice would be throwing knives? The energy-blasting spear was much more in line with his expectations.
The bow guy proved to be more competent than the gun guys. This didn’t really surprise Danny. Bow guy sort of had to be competent. Otherwise, no way would they let him go around with a bow. Like, seriously. A bow.
Even so, bow guy was fighting an alien and—
“You have heart,” said the alien, raising the spear.
Danny pushed bow guy out of the way, and his mind fuzzed out.
(The human part of it, anyway.)
Loki didn’t know what a child was doing here, and he didn’t particularly care. The boy would do for a hostage, at least. He had a mission he had to fulfil, or else…
Or else.
“Please don’t,” he said turning with a shadow of his usual lazy affect, vaguely insulted that the human thought he could be sneaker that him, “I still need that.”
The human went on and on, apparently burdened with the delusion that he was on the same level as Loki.
Loki was burdened with other things. A glorious purpose. Glad tidings. Freedom. What could be better than freedom?
“A world free from what?” asked the human.
“From freedom,” said Loki, and wasn’t that what he believed, now? Wasn’t that what he’d been shown? “Freedom is life’s great lie.” He would know. He was an excellent liar. “Once you accept that, in your heart—” He batted away an arrow and tsked. “Shield me, boy,” he demanded. Had Thanos misrepresented the scepter’s powers? Or was the boy merely—
A dome of green surrounded him and the boy, thrumming with magic the likes of which he had only seen once, in a tome thrice forbidden.
“Oh,” said Loki, almost purring. “You are interesting. What are you?”
“Half human, half ghost,” replied the boy, tersely.
Loki had never heard of such a creature. No matter. He’d be sure to make good use of him.
“Grab the scientist,” he said, nodding at the balding man who had been with his brother when he’d fought the Destroyer in the desert.
Loki wanted the archer. He seemed interesting. Useful.
Fenton was under thrall. Phantom knew what that felt like. A hundred feet under red water, trying not to drown, whispers everywhere. Pulling. Pushing. Prodding.
This was different, but the principle was the same.
Neither half of him could truly ‘fight’ the other. Fenton and Phantom were a single entity. Not two in lockstep. Even so.
Fenton grabbed onto Dr. Selvig, as ordered. Phantom made sure that was all they did.
“What are you doing, boy?” snapped Loki. “Follow me! Bring the scientist.”
And so, they followed.
Loki breathed. Acquiring Barton had been the right choice. The boy was powerful, but, perhaps because of his unique biology, did not have Barton’s presence of mind, and couldn’t have led him to such wonderful allies.
These weren’t truly his allies. Nor were they subjects. They were…
Loki forced himself to breathe. He just had to follow the mission. Follow the mission, let Thanos’s army through. He’d been promised this world. He would have this world.
And then he could be… His mind stuttered over the next word, and he shook his head, trying to drive out the painful buzz of Thanos’s herald and mouthpiece trying to contact him.
He looked up at the drones bustling around, all according to his will. Except the boy, who stared at him, somehow managing to be both utterly blank and challenging at the same time.
He was alone, here.
He was alone.
But what did it matter? Bad men always wound up alone, and Loki… Loki could never be a good man.
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Helping Billy and Stu on their murder spree would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(This might not be exactly what you were expecting but I hope you enjoy it anyways! Sorry it took me longer than expected!)
- Wrong. That was the best way to describe your relationship with Billy and Stu: wrong, fucked up, and dangerous …but you couldn’t deny the fact that it was exciting. 
- You were no saint. That was a fact you’d come to terms with a while ago. You were no saint but you certainly weren’t a killer; at least not when all of this started. No, back then, you were just a really, really bad girlfriend.
- Truth be told: you weren’t single when you’d gotten involved with the boys, though, to be fair, neither were they; not that that made things any better.
- You’d had a boyfriend, a boyfriend you’d once really cared about, but somewhere along the line, you’d begun to have problems and instead of resolving them, you’d both chosen to ignore them and resent each other instead. Which is probably why it was so easy for you to fall into another boys arms; especially when they were as charming as Billy was or as sweet as Stu was.
- You’d always had a bit of a crush on Billy. The two of you’d been acquaintances ever since freshman year and for a while you sort of thought that you and him might get together. But then he started dating Sidney and you got asked out by your boyfriend and you just sort of tried to put the idea out of your head.
- Unbeknownst to you, the idea never left Billy’s head and he found himself plotting all the ways that he could make you his; all while finding out that his partner in crime was seemingly just as interested in you as he was.
- Stu ended up playing a crucial role in your “arrangement”. The two of you found yourselves made into lab partners and thusly, you were invited over to his place after school and later given the perfect excuse to spend time with him; and/or Billy, without causing suspicion.
- The first few times you go over to the Macher place, nothing of value happens. You do exactly what you’re supposed to: work, study, joke around a little and get a bit more comfortable being in each other’s presences. It’s a few study sessions in that you get a curveball thrown at you.
- It’s late one evening, Stu’s parents are out and you’re both studying on his living room floor when all of a sudden the doorbell rings. Stu gets up to answer it and who else would it be but Billy.
- Stu pretends to act surprised and tells the boy that he forgot they were going to hang out and that he’s studying with you. Billy assures him that it’s alright before Stu tells him to wait a second and reappears in the room, saying that he thinks the two of you have studied enough and that Billy’s got some horror movies that the three of you can watch if you’d like to stay and chill. How could you possibly refuse?
- And so, your makeshift friendship with the boys begin; a friendship which very quickly leads into something more once Billy decides the time is right to make a move.
- You obviously don’t expect it the first time it happens but you find yourself wanting more the minute it’s over.
- Sure, sometimes the guilt will kick in when you see Tatum and Sidney or when your boyfriend is being particularly sweet, but it never seems to be enough to stop you from coming over whenever they ask or letting them in whenever they knock on your door.
- But the longer the three of you keep up your affair, the more things you start to notice.
- Billy isn’t stupid. Regardless of how he feels about you, he isn’t going to jeopardize his whole plan by making one wrong move and trusting someone he shouldn’t have. He’ll take his time analyzing you, picking apart your every move and reaction until he’s sure that you’re the one.
- You’ll start to pick up on little things about your boys that some might consider weird: all the horror movies and Billy’s knowledge in them, strange questions, indecipherable looks, things like that.
- As Billy comes closer to making up his mind, more of the mask will slip; though not enough to scare you off or make you think that anything’s really wrong. More odd inquiries, questionable sexual activities, and Billy testing your loyalty; oftentimes by asking you to cover for him or Stu to see how far you’ll go for them.
- You might be asking what I mean by “questionable sexual activities”, well, Billy has, on more than one occasion, demanded that you only watch whatever gory film he’s put on instead of looking at him as he pleasures you. He watches you closely, muttering lowly in your ear about the movie and talking dirty as you lock your eyes on the screen.
- When the boys first confess to you about the murders, you don’t believe them. You think it’s a bad joke but once you see just how serious they are, your smile drops and you say “you’re serious aren’t you?”.
- It definitely takes you a while to get used to the fact, but you find yourself opening up to the idea more and more as Billy explains their motive and butters you up with his charming words.
- Your involvement starts with little things: patching them up when they’re hurt, analyzing horror movies, giving them ideas or intel and telling them what won’t work.
- Stu likes to bump your shoulder or ruffle your hair and call you smart whenever you offer up good advice. Billy is much more subtle in his praise but his reactions are usually the ones that make you want to help them more and more.
- The blonde enthusiastically recounts stories of their slayings to you, jumping around the room and making a bunch of noises and hand movements while he does so.
- The first time you mention that you’d like to help them “...more”, both their faces break out into shit eating grins. They don’t immediately hand you a mask, knife, and mission but they do start to ask more of you.
- Helping them hide evidence, giving them alibis, waiting outside of their crime scenes for them and helping them lure people right into their traps all becomes second nature to you.
- Then comes your initiation. 
- There’d always been some jealousy involved in your relationship; mainly on their parts. You had a boyfriend and they had girlfriends which meant all three of you had to; at some point, act all lovey dovey with your partners in front of the others, if only to keep up a façade. 
- But, as obvious as it was that none of you particularly cared for your significant others, that didn’t stop Billy or Stu from absolutely hating your boyfriends guts. This hatred would eventually play a key role in solidifying your role in their lives.
- Your parents aren’t home and you’re in your bedroom with the boys, doing exactly what one would assume you’d be doing, except, unlike all the other times you’d done “this”, your bedroom door swung open and revealed a very unexpected visitor: your boyfriend. 
- Maybe it was the pent up jealousy or the fear of his plan potentially being ruined or maybe it was a little bit of both but when the boy immediately began to just book it towards your front door, Billy followed after him. 
- By the time you make it out into the hall, Stu has him held in place and Billy is turning to look at you, telling you to “come on” as they walk the boy into your kitchen. 
- Once you get there, Billy pulls a knife from the block and walks up to you, telling you that you said you wanted to be a part of things and that now's your chance.
“Go on.” He says, nodding his head back towards the boy who Stu’s restraining and watching you closely as you slowly take the knife from his hands. Stu’s grinning excitedly as you approach him, cheering you on while Billy remains silent behind you. 
- The blonde whoops and hollers as you cut into the boy, audibly expressing his pride in you, and when you turn to look back at Billy, he’s got a tiny little smile pulling at his lips, showing that you’ve just proven yourself and done exactly what he wanted. 
- The brunette locks eyes with you before he walks up and wraps his arms around you, pulling you back against his chest and tilting your head down to look at the boy who’s currently bleeding out on your kitchen floor. “Would you look at that.” He says and you can hear the smile in his voice as he says it, his hand trailing up to grope at your chest as he stares down at the gory sight before you.
- There’s no going back after that. You’re now officially one of them and get your very own father death costume. 
- It’s perfect really. More hands, more confusion for the police, more bloody sex.  
- Billy gets turned on by the sight of blood and the adrenaline that he feels after a kill; and Stu has never been one to turn down sex, so don’t be surprised if you end up pressed against the floorboards of a victims house or thrown on one of their beds the minute the three of you get back to their house. 
- You and Billy tend to make the plans while Stu just goes along with whatever you say. 
- Helping them get Neil Prescott.
- Going along with Stu while Billy talks on the phone. 
- The two of them both baby and yell at you. They tend to do most of the dirty work because they think you can’t handle it but at the same time they; namely Billy, will get angry if you mess anything up in the slightest. The brunette will yell or insult you because he’s a control freak and wants everything to go exactly as he planned. 
- On the drive/walk home, you’ll stay quiet, wondering if maybe you’ve made a very severe mistake when deciding to be with the boys. But then Billy will grab your arm and pull you into a kiss, asking if you’re alright and apologizing so sweetly and for better or for worse, you’ll fall right back in again. 
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - The First Year
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Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies.
Chapters will have additional warning when necessary.
Tag list ( let me know if you want to be tagged or removed idk haha) @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia
Part I - The First Year
Hogwarts will be fun was the first thought you had when you opened the letter in your hands.
Tony, your older brother, ruffled your hair slightly as he came down into the kitchen and watched you open the mail.
"Your letter finally arrived, huh, little witch?" He joked with a smile as he sat down at the table. 
"I can't wait to go!" You commented excitedly rereading the acceptance letter for the third time.
"Miss, after coffee, can we go to diagonal alley if you like?" Jarvis, your butler, asked you politely as he poured Tony's coffee making you hesitate slightly. Tony, who had his eye on you, forced a smile as he patted you on the arm.
"I'll go with you, don't worry." He assured and you nodded.
"I wish dad would come." You grumble as you sit down and Tony sighs.
" Yeah, me too." He says. "But you know he's busy, and we can't leave it to the last minute."
You mumble in agreement as you serve some sweetbreads on your plate.
Eating in silence for a few moments, you are startled slightly when Tony lets out an exclamation.
"Damn, I forgot to write back to Steve." He announces getting up and walking over to the next shelf where there were some stationery and pen.
"Your boyfriend will be upset." You tease lightly, and Tony mumbles softly without responding.
When he finishes writing the letter, he goes to the kitchen window and opens the metal, whistling loudly in a familiar rhythm. A few seconds later, Iron, his barn owl lands in front of him. Tony stroked the animal gently before dangling the letter in his paws.
" Please take this to Steve, Iron." He ordered and the animal made a noise before flying away again.
"Jarvis, I'll get ready to go." You tell the man as soon as you finish eating and head off toward the stairs.
Diagonal Alley is a noisy place.
Tony asked you to walk beside him, but you stopped walking at the first Quidditch shop you spotted, and he had to turn back halfway when he noticed you were no longer beside him.
"Don't do that." He warned, mildly annoyed, but you glazed over at the exposed broom in front of you, and he let out a chuckle when he noticed. "Come on, Y/N, you already have a broom."
"But that's no ordinary broom." You retorted with an impressed look. "It's a Nimbus 2000, it's the fastest broom there is."
"You have the 99, I don't understand the difference." He retorted with his hands in his pockets and you shrugged.
"Tony, can we buy it?" You asked pleadingly, making your brother laugh slightly.
"Let's buy your stuff first please" He retorted with a smile and you grumbled but accepted the arm he offered for you to hang on. Jarvis walked behind you with a keen eye on your surroundings.
After you had bought the vast majority of your supplies and replenished your stocks of potions items for Tony, Jarvis took you to Blossoms and Blurbs to buy this year's books.
"Good morning! Hogwarts, third and first year books, please." You heard Jarvis tell the clerk who approached you three. Tony nodded his head signaling you to feel free to walk around the bookstore in the meantime, and that is exactly what you did.
You found many interesting books in the place as you walked among the shelves. One in particular caught your attention, as there seemed to be little miniature magical creatures trying to jump out of the cover, and you grabbed it on a table, watching the item carefully.
You smiled when an ink dragon jumped into your hand, moving your head as if you were looking around. Distracted by the book, you let out a low exclamation when someone bumped into you.
"Sorry, kid." You heard a female voice speak in a humorous tone. It is a girl taller than you, short red hair. "I ended up tripping over some of those runner books."
"It's okay." You said with a smile. The girl looked at the one book in your hands for a moment.
"Do you enjoy creature tracts?" She asks casually as she reaches for a book on the bookshelf beside her.
"I don't know yet." You say and she looks at you slightly confused, "I never studied."
"Ah, first-year." She understands and you nod in agreement. "Hogwarts too or some other?"
"Cool, I guess I'll see you there then." She says. "I'm from Slytherin, third year."
You let out a surprised exclamation.
"Maybe you know my brother." You say and the girl takes her gaze from the books in her hand she was checking to look at you with her eyebrow raised in curiosity. "His name is Tony Stark, he's also from your house."
The girl lets out a short laugh.
"I can't believe you are Stark's sister." She says. "We're not exactly friends, but I've seen him around the dorm several times. And your brother is a pain in the ass, by the way."
You laugh lightly, agreeing.
"I am Natasha Romanoff." She introduces herself next, balancing her books in one hand to greet you. You introduce yourself with a gentle smile. "Good luck with your books." She says before turning away.
You think it's cool that you already know someone besides your brother before you start at Hogwarts.
Buying your wand is a rather strange experience.
Mr. Ollivander has a glint in his eye as if he knows everyone's secrets, and seems to disappear and reappear in his store very easily.
Tony sat on one of the stools while he waited for you, and Jarvis went to buy something for you two to eat.
After trying almost five wands, and exploding a glass vase when he tried the last one, Mr. Ollivander sighed.
"Sorry, I don't know why it's not working." You asked feeling nervous, but he smiled.
"Don't worry, dear." He said. "Difficult customers are so much fun." 
He walked back in between the shelves after that, and then reappeared with three new packages.
"I remember when Howard Stark bought his wand." He told smiling nostalgically as you opened one of the packages, a black wand in front of you. "Phoenix, Cedar, slightly flexible."
"Dad has changed wands thousands of times." Added Tony wryly, but Mr. Ollivander didn't seem to mind.
The wand you tested let out a faint spark when you tried to cast a simple conjuration spell, and the man in front of you was quick to take it from your hand the next second.
"I think I have a better idea." He announced turning around, and then climbed the ladder supported by the wall, picking up a package at the top.
"Try this one dear." He asked handing you a dark wand, the wood was shiny, a color you didn't know exactly what it was, but it was beautiful. 
When you grabbed the item, you felt a tingling sensation spread throughout your hand, and the wand vibrated slightly for a few seconds, causing Ollivander to let out a noise of excitement.
"You see, I knew I would find an owner for you dear." He spoke and you realized that he was speaking with the item in your hands. Soon he turned his gaze back to you. "Take good care of this one, will you, it was quite difficult to get dark elf blood for the core."
"R-right." You said with a slight frown, not quite sure what to make of that information.
Tony laughed lightly at the interaction, he should be used to Mr. Ollivander's eccentric manner by now, since he kept breaking his wands just like your father and often returned to the store to get a new one.
After paying, you and Tony met Jarvis outside, he was carrying some sweet rolls.
July ended too quickly for your happiness. You were very eager to go to school.
You spent most of August at home, playing quidditch with Tony in the backyard, curiously reading the magic books you bought, and trying to peek into the basement where your father worked, but he always caught you looking and smiled, asking you to go back to your room.
You would like your father to take you to the station, but he said he had a magic conference in September, and would be traveling for the next few weeks. Tony was upset, but he put his arm around your shoulders and asked you to hurry to get your bags.
When you finally got to the station, you were slightly nervous about going through a wall, but Tony laughed, and showed you how to go first.
You hugged Jarvis good-bye before following your brother along the way.
Tony dragged you across the train cars to the first empty cabin he could find. He commented that it would be nice if you made your own friends, but that he would like you to sit with him.
So here you were, sitting with Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, Tony's best friends since the first year. The boys smiled encouragingly at you. You already knew them, because Tony kept inviting them to spend holidays with him all the time.
"Hey, Y/N, how was your vacation?" Steve asked as soon as you sat down next to him. You shrugged, saying that it was nice, but that you were looking forward to attending Hogwarts.
Soon the boys started talking about what they were excited about next year, and you did your best to keep up, not knowing exactly who the people they mentioned were, or knowing the classes they talked about.
Many minutes after the train was moving, a girl opened the cabin door.
"Hey, strangers." She greeted with a smile. 
"Hi Peggy." Steve said with a smile, you frowned at the slight scowl on your brother's face.
"They're calling for us in the prefects compartment, Steve." She warned and Steve nodded, getting up. He and the girl then left, and Tony crossed his arms.
"What's wrong?" You asked noticing his posture and the way Bucky had a little smile on his face.
"It's nothing." Grumbled your brother, and as he turned his face to the window, Bucky who was standing in front of you, whispered to you.
"Tony thinks Peggy likes Steve." He recounted. "So he doesn't like Peggy very much."
"Oh." You said, pretending to understand the whole plot. It didn't make much sense to you because everyone couldn't be friends, but you figured that when you were your brother's age you would understand better.
The Hogwarts Express only stopped at night.
Properly uniformed, you smiled when your brother patted you on the shoulder, telling you that he would meet you at the castle, since the first-year students had to go by boat.
Your hands were sweating a little as you walked up to the extraordinarily tall man who introduced himself as Drax.
"First-year students, please, six in each boat." He shouted to the crowd, and the students moved closer together.
You sat in one of the first little boats, five other children you didn't know surrounding you.
"I'm so excited." A blonde girl commented cheerfully, waving her hands. She smiled at everyone as she introduced herself as "Harley Quinn". 
"I bet you''ll blow something up once we get there, Harley" Added a redheaded girl sitting next to you, you could tell by her tone that they were probably friends. The blonde, Harley, laughed.
"Shut up, Ivy." She said, and then Drax was back, climbing into one of the boats beside her. He checked the boats one last time, then waved his hand, and the transports began to move.
Everyone, including you, let out a chorus of excitement.
When you noticed the castle, you smiled. It was huge, and just as amazing as Tony used to tell you. 
"Wow, it must be amazing to fly over all that." You quietly observed, and the girl next to you turned her head in your direction, smiling.
"Do you like flying?" She asked, and you nodded. She looked at you for a moment and then held out her hand to greet you. "I am Diana. Diana Prince."
"Hi, Diana." You said introducing yourself next. "Do you also like to fly?"
"I love it." She says. "I hope i can make it onto the team."
"I don't know if the first-years have any chance, but I'll be rooting for you." You assure, and Diana smiles.
When the boats stop in the harbor, the students are all excited to get out and see the castle, but Drax's almost intimidating posture makes everyone properly behaved.
He leads the crowd to the staircase, and then there is a lobby. There is a woman waiting for everyone, her strict posture makes you think she is someone you wouldn't want to upset.
"Welcome to Hogwarts." She announces. "I am Professor Okoye, head of Gryffindor house."
The students exchange burbles next, but the teacher's gaze shuts them up almost immediately.
"As long as you are here, your houses will be like your families." She continues. "Your triumphs will earn you points, and if you break any rules, those points will be taken away." 
She says, casting a disapproving glance at one of the students in the corner, who giggled. "In a few moments we will begin the sorting hat ceremony."
The teacher then turns around, heading toward a large bronze door, and talking to someone on the other side. You hear someone laughing near you, and you turn your head to the side in curiosity.
It was a blond boy, and he seemed to be enjoying himself as he balanced one of the gold cups he picked up from the surrounding shelves. You thought he would be in trouble if he knocked it over, and this seemed to be exactly the same opinion as the girl next to him, who was looking at him disapprovingly.
"Stop being an idiot, Peter, put that back." She complained and he laughed, shrugging.
"Gamora, you're a spoilsport you know." He retorted and when he put the cup back, it spun and fell to the floor, breaking into several pieces. The boy turned pale as Teacher Okoye turned her head in his direction.
You rolled your eyes, walking over to them.
"Reparo" You said drawing your wand as you pointed at the broken object. Some children let out impressed exclamations when they saw the bowl form again, but you just put your wand away in shame. It was no big deal. Okoye caught up with the three of you next, looking reproachfully at the boy.
"I expect better behavior during the ceremony, sir..."
"Mister Quill." She completed and took one last look at the boy that had with his head down before turning back to the front of the crowd again, waving for the students to follow her.
"Hey, that was pretty cool." Peter commented beside you as you walked. You shrugged, focusing on the path.
The sorting hat was something exceptional.
Tony never told you how the choice was made, and you knew it was only to annoy you. He had sometimes joked that the students faced each other in a duel, and even though you told him to shut up, you had a look at his spell book before you came.
The actual ceremony was much simpler, however.
When it was your turn to climb onto the small stool, you bit your lips, hoping that everything would go smoothly. Just as the old cloth of the hat fell over your eyes, blocking your view of the rest of the hall, you heard a voice in your head.
" Hello, dear, no need to be so nervous." Announced the hat gently. "You are a curious little thing, I see."
"Is that a good thing?" You thought, and the hat chuckled lightly.
"It might be." He said mysteriously. "Interesting what I see here. Very interesting."
"What are you seeing?"
"Your memories, dear."
"Oh." You thought, feeling slightly embarrassed. That seemed like an intrusion of your privacy. The hat laughed again, and you remembered that he was on your head.
"You're hard to sort out." He says, and you squeeze the stool. "Don't worry, I'm not going to send you home, that's not how it works."
"Oh, right."
Hat was silent a few moments. 
"I see courage in your heart." He says and you try to remember the characteristics of the houses. "But that courage is well forged with your loyalty."
You swallow dryly, feeling your anxiety rising. This was definitely taking much longer than the people who went before you.
"You are as smart as your father and brother, both members of the Slytherin house." He says.  "There's a willingness not to let them down."
"That's personal." You grumble feeling your cheeks flush, but the hat doesn't care to apologize for bringing up your insecurities.
"Ah, this is interesting here. A pure kindness, yet pruned in your origins of shallow paternal affection”.
You frown, not understanding what he is saying.
"You are quite adaptable child, it has always been one of your best virtues." The hat remarks, and you get the impression that the next part is only said for you. "Tell me, where would you like to stay?"
"Isn't that your job?" You retort in thought, and hear him laugh again. You rush to correct yourself, not wanting to be rude. "Sorry, hat. I don't really know. I'd like to stay where I fit in best."
"You would do well anywhere." He retorts, and you frown. "And that's pretty impressive, you know. I haven't met another hatstall since the last century."
You swallow dryly, not knowing if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
"I'll work hard, sir." You tell him. "I don't want people to think I'm a special witch just because of my family. That's something I'm sure, I don't know if it helps you choose."
Hat lets out a sigh of relief.
"Actually, that's exactly what I needed."
It takes a moment for him to speak again, and when he does, you feel your whole body shake.
Steve Rogers is the head boy of Hufflepuff and he celebrates excitedly when you sit down at the table next to him.
"That's so cool" He comments. "I'll be able to tease Tony all year about it."
After that, director Agatha Harkness, made the announcement of the beginning of the year. If her goal was to scare the students, she succeeded when she talked about the deadly dangers surrounding the forbidden forest and the punishments for the disobedient. Professor Strange interrupted her speech as he cleared his throat, awkwardly waving for Agatha to stop saying such things, and the woman giggled. 
Dinner is delicious, and then you are following the crowd of students into the communal rooms. 
"Butterbeer" Steve said to the portrait on the wall, and you blinked in surprise when the painting moved to the side, a door behind.
You sighed when you realized how cozy the Hufflepuff's common room was.
"Everyone please come in." Asked Steve in the center of the room, waving to the students who stayed behind. When everyone was around him, he smiled. "The dorms are divided by gender, but you can sleep wherever you feel most comfortable. I will only suggest that none of you try to sleep with the seventh graders, because they are scary." Steve joked making the crowd laugh lightly. "We have a supply of food in those lockers, just in case you feel like having a snack in the early morning, outside of the permitted hours for walking around the castle." He continues and stands thoughtfully for a few moments. "Most of the things you need to know are on the bulletin board on that wall, and you can also ask me anything you want. Your belongings have already been taken to the free beds, but if you want any help, you can organize among yourselves or just come talk to me."
Steve smiled as the crowd moved. You headed in the direction where he said the rooms were.
You let out a surprised exclamation as something landed on your head.
"Damn, sorry!" Asked an asian girl approaching you, and pulling the small being out of your hair as you entered the room. "Groot, I told you to behave yourself."
"I am groot." Grumbled the little creature. You looked at it wide-eyed, impressed.
"Wow, is that a tree?"
The girl laughed, putting the small creature sitting on her shoulder, sitting on the bed next to the one you identified as having your things.
"Yes and no." She said. "I found Groot in my garden over the vacations, and well, I don't know what he is exactly. But I think he was trying to make my mother's plants grow."
"He's really cute." You commented approaching with your finger extended. Groot smiled, accepting your touch.
"I am Mantis." Says the girl next and you smile at her as you introduce yourself. "We're going to be roommates."
"Yes, and so is Groot." You add as you take off your cape to throw on the bed that would be yours.
After eating so well at dinner, it doesn't take long for you to fall asleep. 
You dream of glowing green eyes and a red light, but you don't recognize them or understand what it means, and when you wake up, you no longer remember.
Two weeks since you started at Hogwarts, you are used to how eccentric everything can be.
The classes weren't as difficult as you imagined, but that's probably because you've had contact with magic all your life and always had an easy time learning things. All the teachers were unique in their own way. 
Professor Rocket, for example, taught Transfiguration and spent almost the entire period transfigured into a raccoon, even outside of class hours. He was temperamental and got irritated very easily when students talked too much in his class, so it was not recommended to do so.
There was also Professor Fury, who had an eye patch as a mandatory piece in his daily costume, and all the students spent more time trying to guess how this happened, than listening to his explanations of defense spells against the dark art.
Your astronomy class on Wednesdays was taught by Professor Odin, who like to claim that he was a descendant of the Olympian gods, but no one believed him. He was also the father of two of your classmates, Thor and Loki Odinson, who were the exact opposite of each other. While Thor was warm and friendly, Loki was cold and reclusive, plus the former was from Gryffindor and the other from Slytherin. Surprisingly, you liked them both. 
You ended up meeting the head of your house only on the second day.  
Professor Heimdall taught Divination, so you wouldn't have any classes with him until the third year.You bumped into him when you were late for fifth period and had to run to the common room for your Potions books, and almost fell on the floor when you turned the corner without looking and the professor was there.  He prevented you from falling with a wave of his wand, smiling gently. 
" Forgive me." You said clumsily, feeling slightly intimidated by the yellow irises as the magic set you on your feet properly, as well as catching your books in the air and placing them in your hands again. 
"Be careful with the castle corridors, Miss Stark." Said the man, and for some reason, you thought he wasn't just talking about this little incident.
"Professor Heimdall, let's talk in a private place, please."  Asked Professor Okoye, who was standing at his side, she looked at you with a certain disapproval, and you couldn't tell whether it was because of your intrusion, or the fact that your tie was hanging loosely around your neck, in addition to the open buttons on your shirt.
After this little incident, you asked Steve who Professor Heimdall was, and he explained that he was the head of Hufflepuff, and might seem intimidating at first glance, but that he was very kind.
But so far, the professor who has intrigued you the most was Professor Erik Lehnsherr, who taught Potions. He didn't say anything that wasn't related to the subject, didn't make any comments about behavior or events at school. And he had such a stern and mysterious look in his eyes that no student had the courage to ask him anything. You heard Peter Quill make a bet with Thor Odinson that Professor Erik was unable to smile because of some particular sorcery, but you thought it best not to laugh, especially since Mr. Lehnsherr was looking at your direction.
When you had your first Potions period with Slytherin, after herbology professor T'Challa needed to reschedule classes for an appointment, you were surprised to discover that professor Lehnsherr had children.
Gamora ended up on the same bench as you, and she was talking to her sister, Nebula, about an incident that occurred in their dormitory.
"Clearly, the professors' children have an easy time getting away with punishment." Nebula bitterly remarked, and you frowned in confusion. 
"I don't think it was the girl's fault." Gamora retorted as she put the ingredients into her cauldron. She looked at you quickly, realizing that you were listening to the conversation, but she didn't scold you, she just kept stirring the mixture.
"What happened?" you asked next, and Nebula looked at you with mild irritation. She seemed about to tell you to mind your own business, but Gamora smiled, moving closer to whisper to you.
"A girl lost her temper in the Slytherin dorm bathrooms last night." She told. "She's a second year, her name is Wanda Maximoff. She and her brother are Professor Lehnsherr's kids, and everyone is saying that she didn't go to detention because of it."
Your jaw dropped, impressed. 
"I can't believe Magneto has children." You said making Gamora and Nebula laugh at the nickname. Last week you found out that the school had been calling Erik that since he stopped the hall chandelier from falling on the teachers' desk two years ago when he used non-verbal magic to attract the metal, and everyone started calling him that behind his back. Tony told you and you liked the story.
"I know right, he seems so self-contained." Gamora remarked looking back briefly. Professor Erik was focused on his own potions book.
"That noisy kid from Gryffindor said he's married." Nebula added next and Gamora laughed lightly.
"Peter Quill?"
"Wow, that's surprising." Says the girl. You both return to stirring your cauldrons in silence after that little conversation.
When you have finished your mixing, Professor Erik gives Hufflepuff five points for your good work, and you smile with red cheeks.
"You're nice." Nebula suddenly said beside you as you were leaving the room. Gamora stood next to her. "Do you want to walk around with us?"
"We're already walking." You joked and Gamora laughed unlike her sister who grimaced.
"Yep, definitely cool." She added. "Do you want to have lunch with us?"
"At your table or mine?"
Gamora and Nebula exchanged glances.
"I'm not sitting with Hufflepuff." Nebula declared and you sighed, rolling your eyes.
"You know I'm from Hufflepuff, right?"
"I'm reconsidering the invitation." She retorted and you frowned, but Gamora smiled at you.
"Will you sit with us, please?"
You sighed, nodding in agreement. You could talk to Tony after all.
Lunch at the Slytherin table became an everyday thing after that day. It took two weeks for Mantis to start joining you, and then you realized that you had a small group of friends now.
At Christmas, neither you nor Tony came home, because your father was working and you didn't want to be alone in the Stark mansion. You ended up turning down Tony's invitation to spend Christmas with Steve Rogers and his family, because you weren't really friends with Steve. Tony insisted, not wanting you to be alone, but you assured him that you would be fine in the company of your friends, and that he needn't worry.
On Christmas morning, Groot woke you up by jumping on your face. You laughed lightly because he was so small that he was like a tickle, and stood up as you returned the little creature to Mantis' bedside table.
A few hours later, as you were opening your presents at the Slytherin table along with Gamora, Nebula, Mantis, and Peter Quill, who had also stayed at Hogwarts for the end of the year, you let out an excited exclamation.
"I can' believe it." You spoke, opening the package in front of you. It was a large box, it was bewitched and only revealed the actual wrapping once you tore the paper off. It was actually a broom.
"Wow, that's cool." Peter remarked as he looked at your present. 
That's how you ended up in the middle of the snow, testing your new broom while your friends cheered and celebrated below you.
"Are you sure you can fly?" You asked Peter as soon as he asked you if he could ride. He shrugged, smiling.
You and the girls watched as he controlled the broom for a few feet above the ground, and then he overspeeded it and sped away.
You all ran into his direction, while the broom seemed almost annoyed at his lack of control, and knocked him into a tree. Peter fell between the branches, onto someone who was resting under it.
When you all reached him, you frowned when there was a boy pushing Quill.
"Watch it, dude!" Warned the boy, but before you could say anything, Gamora was already stepping forward, wand in hand.
"It was just an accident." She said and the boy looked at her surprised with her wand outstretched. He crossed his arms however, not looking scared.
"Oh, you're going to spell me now, are you?" He teased.
"Piss off, Maximoff." Warned Nebula next, taking a step beside her sister. So this was Pietro Maximoff. You figured that confidence should come from being the son of one of the professors.
"I suggest you leave my brother alone." Warned a voice behind you. You turned next, only to catch sight of a girl with brown hair, green eyes that glittered with anger. 
Gamora clenched her jaw, and Nebula drew her own wand toward the girl, who also had her wand in her hands.
You sighed, raising your hands as you stood in the line of fire.
"Would everyone please calm down?" You asked. "It was just a misunderstanding, and the broom is mine anyway, no need to fight about it."
It takes a moment, but Gamora puts down her wand, and everyone follows her after that. She has an insinuating smile on her face.
"You really are a Hufflepuff, aren't you Stark?" She teases, and you laugh sheepishly, putting your hands in your pockets.  "Come on Quill." 
Gamora warns and the boy shoots Pietro an ugly look as he leaves. You accept your broom that he hands to you, and turn around, your gaze meeting that of the girl who is supposed to be Wanda Maximoff for a moment. You feel your face heat up at the intensity of the angry look, and you look away, following your friends.
The months went by quickly as the rest of the school year passed. You managed to do very well on the exams, and didn't get involved in any near-fights again.
When the year ended and the Hufflepuff didn't win the House Cup, you thought you should have been more upset, but you didn't mind having Gamora and Nebula celebrating beside you, laughing and hugging you excitedly.
You also didn't understand why you felt your stomach turn when you caught Wanda Maximoff smiling amidst the Slytherin celebration when you looked around.
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prof-peach · 3 years
{{ Could you tell us more about Plum? I saw their name in the moveset post, and that selection of moves really intrigued me! Why the selection of ghost/psychic moves? What do they do on the island? Are they as prickly as the move selection made them sound? Super intrigued!
Plum grew up in the city, with very well off parents, who pretty much gave her the world. While that had its benefits, it came with some down sides. She became very entitled, putting herself on a pedestal and demanding a lot of others. When she wanted to become a ranger, to be like the cool actresses in the movies, attempting daring rescues, fighting crime with their Pokemon. Her family bought her a dratini as a first Pokemon, and paid to enrol her in the ranger academy.
At the same time, peach had been recommended for the same course by local authorities that wanted to channel her destructive nature into something more useful. She was indifferent to doing it, so just went along with the whole thing.
Day one, the pair met their class, their teachers, and the campus. They immediately clashed. Plum was being snide and condescending to other students, peach was sitting behind her, called her some unpleasant things with her stupid dead-pan face, they broke into a fight pretty soon after.
This behaviour continued for four months before the teachers began to explore other options for the pair. Plum had proven incapable of handling her rogue dratini, it paid her no attention, and was often disruptive and chaotic. However she was very astute on the written tests, and technical knowledge of the law. Peach on the other had was suited to the practical learning, her and her vulpix were agile and effective at battles. She however only just scraped by with the written content, and slacked in classes, did just enough to pass with the least amount of effort put in. And so the crazy idea of the pair having to work together at all times until they get along was born. If they didn’t achieve this, together as a team, they would both be booted off the ranger program.
Plum was distraught, the ranger training was hard, it was nothing like the movies showed, she felt cheated out of what she wanted. Her new human partner was a nightmare, rude, blunt, disrespectful, irritating. Her Pokemon partner was unruly, why didn’t it like her? She bought it the nicest things, and fussed over it, and all it would do was run away or try to break all her expensive things. Nothing had turned out right for plum, it was not going to her plan.
The pair had three months to get it together, or they were out.
First month they argued constantly, nitpicking behaviours, being petty, generally getting nothing done well. Peach would bring their collective grade down to spite plum, and plum would slow down and spook Pokemon in the wild constantly, making it impossible to do anything tactical.
Second month peach got sick and tired of plum’s dratini being unruly, and began to secretly work with it to build some trust, whenever plum wasn’t watching. Because plum’s head was always in the books, she was completely unaware of this going on. Instead she studied and brought their written grade up, making sure to compensate for her lazy human partner.
Month three was when plum caught on that peach was working with her Pokemon. They were out tracking an injured aipom, trying to help. Plum’s dratini was out, and it bolted off in one direction, plum called it, it didn’t respond, peach did the same, and it turned immediately to come back, returning to plum’s side. Shocked, plum for once said nothing. They managed to successfully track and trap the injured Pokemon, and give it aid before release. The mark of the first actual successful mission.
Plum began to actually look at what peach was doing, for the first time, she took her head out of the books and secretly began to observe. Observation turned to practice. She started to use things peach was doing, to connect with her partner, and grow their bond.
By the end of their trial three months as a duo team, they had not stopped arguing, fuelled by their newly developed bitter rivalry. Instead of crushing each other down during drills and exams, they worked to out-do each other. A save of your partner was a win, because you could rub it in their face that you were the reason they weren’t hurt. It was enough for the teachers to allow them both to stay on the course.
This continued for a year and a half, they were very volatile together, but always got the job done. It was then that peach had a run in with some truly horrible poachers, and found herself in possession of a Teddiursa with a lot of trauma. There was only one thing to do, the ranger course was regimented and strict, and that didn’t suit her lifestyle. Peach left for the mountains to work with the new member of her team, ditching plum and all her connections without a word.
Plum was furious she would just leave, and vowed to do better than peach ever could have. She finished the ranger course, worked her way up the ladder, and achieved a high ranking admin position after a number of years. Her rich taste never changed, her family money never ran out. Perhaps she could have been brought back down to earth if she had to work with someone like peach for longer, her now faithful dratini had evolved in that time, but always reminded her of the early years, when things were exciting, and she had a strong goal to achieve bigger and better things than her ranger partner.
With new labs popping up, and new connections being made, plum was assigned liaison duty with Dotaku island, unaware that her once small, young rival, was now a big, strong professor. Plum’s dragonair was the tell. It sensed peach a mile off, for the first time in many years, bolting off towards her when it first touched down on the island. Plum saw peach, peach saw plum, snide comments followed, that escalated to insults, then to shouting. And finally the realisation that they had to work together again after all those years.
Now when the ranger bases local to the island catch something that needs specialist care, they send it through, and plum will be the one who handles their cases, and eventual release or rehoming. She does all the paperwork and organising, and the labs handle the actual care and rehabilitation.
Plum is still childish at times, usually quite snide when provoked, but has become strategic and observational about how she handles most things. After graduating top of her class, she’d had a complex about being the best, and prides herself on that. Her paperwork is flawless, her analytical skills top notch. She does however fall short on her people skills, folks do find her snooty at times. She’s taken full advantage of her family money, and bought a lot of gear and lessons to improve her skills over the years. She does lose herself when confronted with her old rival, and both tend to resort to playground tactics.
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