#ves and his guitarist wife
murderofcrow · 2 months
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4everinsane · 6 years
Niall Horan - “No Trust” Part Two
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Part One
Thanks for reading and enjoying part one, hope part two lives up to what you all wanted! Let me know what you thought!
Since you and Niall had first started dating you had never gotten into a fight like this before. Sure, you’d gotten into little arguments here and there but they were always resolved before the day was done but this one was serious. Niall had walked out. He walked out with tears in his eyes and it felt like he took every bit of your heart and soul with him. 
You gave it about an hour, spending that hour curled up on the couch with your knees pulled up to your chest, before you send him a text telling him you loved him and to call you or come home when he was ready to. You spent that excruciating time staring at the wall across the room, silent tears trailing down your cheeks. 
Your heart began to race, beating a fast and erratic rhythm in your chest when you heard the front door start to open. You stood from the spot you had occupied now for almost 3 hours and took a deep breath as Niall walked in. 
He was silent as he closes the door behind him, simply glancing at you as he puts his keys down and kicks his shoes off. You cross your arms over your chest, biting at your lower lip. You weren’t sure how this was going to go. Were you going to talk it over? Was he going to ignore you? Was he going to end it? 
“Le’s sit, yeah?” He finally says as he heads for the couch. You give a silent nod and are once again sitting in your spot, Niall seated at the other end of the couch, turned a bit towards you but looking anywhere but at you. 
“Niall...” You eventually say, hating the silence that was surrounding the two of you. It had never been like this, never in all the years you had been in each others lives had there ever been a moment full of such awkwardness and tension. It was always light, full of laughter and love. You truly had a fear that you had lost that. “I.. I truly am sorry I hurt you. That was never my intention,” Niall is silent for a few seconds - which to you feels like an eternity. 
“I did a lot of thinking while I was gone,” Niall finally speaks, his blue eyes meeting yours for a fleeting second. “I asked myself why I go’ so mad about you not tellin’ me about seein’ your ex. I though’ it must be because you were hiding somethin’ from me.” You open your mouth to argue but he gives one shake of his head and you stay silent, letting him continue. “I quickly realized I knew you would never do anythin’ like that. I don’ know why I ever doubted you bu’ I think it is simply because I am bloody terrified at the idea of losing you.” Niall’s eyes were brimmed with tears then while your cheeks were already stained and wet - as they had been for hours. He reaches over then, taking your hand. His long guitarist fingers tangle with your smaller fingers, his grip tight. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” And you truly meant that. You slide closer to him, pressing your thigh to his, gripping at his one hand with both of yours in your lap as you stare into that handsome tear stained face of his. “It’s you, Niall, forever. I’ll do whatever I have to do to show you that.” 
“Marry me.” His words sent a thrill through your veins. You had not been expecting those words to come out of Niall’s mouth today. You stare at him, your eyes wide. He gives a shy smile, reaching into his jacket pocket with his free hand. “I told ya, I knew pretty quickly I lef’ because I was afraid of losin’ ya, so I decided to finally do wha’ ‘ve wanted to do for a while anyway and this way,” he shrugs. “I know you’re mine forever, truly mine.” He pulls a ring box from his pocket then and you give a gasp. 
“Niall,” You look down as he opens the box and there sat the most gorgeous diamond ring you could ever imagine being proposed to with. 
“So, what do ya say, love?” He questions, a small smile gracing his lips. “Be my wife?” 
“Of course, Niall, of course.” Your tears at this point had turns into those of happiness as you thought of getting to marry the man beside you. Of course the two of you had talked about marriage before and you knew this was going to happen one day but never was this how you thought today was going to go, especially after the fight. 
“Oh, good,” He breathes a sigh of relief as his smile grows. “Guess I should pu’ this on ya now, then.” He takes the glittering ring from it’s box, tossing the box on the coffee table, as he reaches for your left hand. “Looks jus’ as perfect as I thought it would.” He comments as he pushes the ring into it’s resting place. 
“I love it so much,” You stare down it for a second before reaching your hand up to rest on his cheek. “Thank you,” Both of you were grinning like fools at this point. A few hours ago you were afraid you had lost this man forever and it felt like your entire world was crashing in on you but now here you were with this whole new journey about to begin with the man you were completely in love with. 
“Thank you for being mine, forever.” Niall’s lips were on you then, his large hands tangling in your hair as he pulls you closer. You grip at his t-shirt, kissing him back with the same passion and excitement as he was giving you. You give a very girlish giggle as he moves to wrap his arms around your hips to pull you up and into his lap, straddling his hips. Your fingers tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck, your mouths moving together in a sort of passion driven dance. 
You were going to be able to experience this with this man for the rest of your life. You were going to get these touches, these kisses, but most importantly this love, this irrevocable, whirlwind, head spinning, mind boggling love that made you feel like you were floating every single time he so much as looked at you, for the rest of your life. You would forever question, while still being thankful, how you ever got so lucky. 
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Do you like Courtney Love? And if you do is it because of her Nirvana/Kurt connection or because you just think she’s awesome for herself? Thanks in advance for your time in answering this. ☠️🤟
Yes, of course! I’d say I reblog/post on her quite a lot here, maybe even too much, but yeah, she’s my favourite woman in rock music. Of course Courtney has a lot of flaws and she’s not perfect, but people treat her waaay too harsh. Sure she’s awesome for herself, to me Hole and Nirvana are kind of separate worlds in some ways, even though Kurt & Courtney were great together and they were an example of a very interesting & inspiring relationship, because they both made music, both had successful bands & to me because of that they were equal. I know people mostly look down on Courtney and say she’s only famous because she married the right person, but anyone who’s not sexist or misogynistic and actually takes time to read/listen to C.Love without an immediate mindset that she killed Kurt, “she’s a talentless fame whore” etc. can see she’s very intelligent and in my opinion she had as much to say as Kurt and had a huge impact on people, especially girls. 
But that’s another subject. I;ve got to admit however I got into Hole through Nirvana. I knew about her vaguely before, by vaguely I mean I’ve seen her on tv or elsewhere but didn’t really know who she was. She played a show in my country in 2010 and she was the main star at the big festival (i regret i didn’t go, but I started to listen to her about 1 year later!)  It was the time of Nobody’s Daughter release and general public was rather hateful towards her. The only rock magazine in my country wrote a bad article about her, mostly spitting on ND and bringing up how she’s on drugs & how she showed her tits on David Letterman show. (I don;t think it was anything particularly smart or bad either. But it’s ironic how that particular occurence was deemed literally Courtney’s “biggest fall from grace” & now 16 years on somebody’s showing their tits daily on tv, mtv, instagram etc. & it’s consider oh so empowering.) Magazines also mocked her because of plastic surgeries... and let’s be honest plastic surgeries weren’t as normalized as they’re now.  In my country they were only achievable to celebrities. Now everybody pushes out their lips & botches their faces a lot so i think these procedures got more affortable. 10 years ago surgeries were considered something really vain however, so they mocked Courtney Love. In my opinion Courtney should have stopped in 1996, she looked her hottest in 1996. She looked great but later she got a nose that made her look like Madonna, and then continued to overdo it. But it’s her choice, now she kinda has no way now. I just think it’s kind of low however to mock her for having her 1st nosejob.  I’d say her first nosejob was understandable, she wanted to improve her appearance and kind of get rid of her father’s genetics, so it was more of cosmetic surgery. I read Kim Gordon’s book and I was disgusted how Kim mocked Courtney for getting the FIRST nosejob, for having any procedures at ALL. She describes her nosejob scar at POTI sessions and she shades her for surgery in general, (that same old mindset plastic surgery=being vain) which only made her looked shallow, not Courtney. Ok too much talk on the nosejobs though, back to the subject.
Then in 2011 I discovered Nirvana and it was very important band to me, that was a band of outsiders, I could relate to Kurt & his story. They introduced me to a lot of underground punk rock and good bands. Tbh i was very surprised that his wife had her own band. I listened to Violet first and then other songs and i could tell immediately it’s great music. That was something I searched for, a woman that plays guitar herself and sings with a low & harsh voice. A woman that plays noisy punk music but doesn’t try to be a man. Joan Jett is great, L7 too but they’re more like the tomboy chicks always in trousers that very masculine, you know. I didn’t like that if you wanted to be a woman in rock music, you had to always IMPRESS, you had to PROVE you’re the same as men. Men can literally slack off and do nothing but they end up being praised, but girls are always questioned - they have to prove they can even play guitars, they have to be able to play complicated poodle metal solos or else they “suck”, they have to dress like boys, etc. I hate that kind of thinking. Courtney didn’t give a fuck, she sang & played as she wanted, sounding in a conventionally “ugly” way. She wore cute girly dresses with a torn punk twist and wouldn’t brush her hair, and she was very confident. She was thousand times more punk than all those rock boys making stupid faces and dressing up in all the rock’n’roll stuff. Or all those rock’n’roll Axl Rose boys with macho rock groupie-fucking mentality. Also soundwise, Pretty On The Inside was extremely noisy. This one is still the heaviest record with female vocals, in the same way In Utero is darker than all the black metal stuff. There are female heavy metal bands, but they sound pop compared to Pretty On The Inside - it’s the darkness & heaviness in the vibe, noise and lyrics, not in the guitar tuning.
Courtney had a low voice & we had the same scale. A lot of female singers have high or pretty voices, which kind of irritated me cause I had no songs to train singing. I learned singing confidently & screaming on Hole’s songs. I also started wearing dresses & skirts again after getting inspired by her looks. She had those doll dresses, which was something new to me. I played guitar and wrote songs, but I always planned only to be a guitarist and to get a singer, but after getting into Hole I got confident enough to sing my lyrics. I guess Courtney Love inspired countless other girls to play/sing/write lyrics and be confident. 
Obviously i read a lot about her, watched documentaries, live shows, bought Dirty Blonde book. Additionally i can say she’s really smart and funny. People that say she doesn’t write her own songs are usually sexist and cannot accept the idea that a woman can write her own songs, or play guitar. Hole’s songs are group effort but people who say Kurt wrote lyrics for Courtney are the worst, Courtney Love has a consistent writing style which becomes even more visible when you read Dirty Blonde. She really should release a poetry book. 
I know Courtney Love possibly did some questionable or controversial things, or that she changed a lot and got into all that red carpet high fashion brands stuff,  I admit i tend to ignore her faults tbh. But people villify her and love to hate her. It’s too easy to take the anger out on her and think she murdered her husband because it’s easier than accepting he really killed himself. It’s really fucking stupid, it’s idiotic how people now rewrite the story, say that Kurt Cobain was a poor little thoughtless Bambi without his own will, that he got pushed into drugs by her or that he wasn’t depressed or suicidal at all, because Buzz Osborne said so (as if talking to him at school or seeing him once a year on tour means he knew about his feelings or private problems, lol. I love Melvins but what Buzz Osborne does is kind of stupid, he speaks as if he was Kurt’s closest friend and lived with him or whatever. People think that just because you’re a funny guy and you laugh it means you can’t be depressed or suicidal. What a bullshit. It’s not like we cannot laugh or behave normally, lol. We don’t sink down and cry every second of our lives. But laughing doesn’t cure depression or deathwish, lol.) Or how people say that Kurt didn’t even love Courtney at all, that she didn’t really want a child but Courtney chained him with pregnancy. Dude... people are really desperate. I think they would eventually get divorced if Kurt lived but it’s not like he never loved her and she forced him to stay.
So coming back, I’m not on the level of praying to her altar everynight or something, but she’s my favourite female musician, i like Courtney & treat her as someone I can resonate with. 
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caredogstips · 7 years
Bowie and the missing soundtrack: the amazing fib behind The Man Who Fell to Earth
David Bowie is rumoured to have written a score to the sci-fi classic thats locked up in some grave. But the truth is much stranger committing screaming maids, boozy melee and coke-induced sounding hallucinations
There is a great mystery at the very heart of The Man Who Fell to Earth, Nicolas Roegs cult film: its soundtrack. There is a prolonged report that long-lost music for the film recorded by its sun David Bowie sits somewhere in a vault. Theres merely one trouble: Bowies soundtrack to The Man Who Fell to Earth doesnt actually dwell. The music that appears in the film released for the first time next month as part of a collectors edition by Studio Canal and a vinyl carton to be prepared by Universal was written and produced by John Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas.
The never-before-told story of its formation is almost as improbable as Roegs film. Signed to both idol in and write an original soundtrack for the cinema, Bowie, then at the top of his early renown, intended to record the music once killing had completed, envisioning it as the follow-up to his album Young Americans. But he began working instead on Station to Station, while deep into his cocaine and milk phase. After three months, he had managed to complete exclusively five or six lines in a ludicrous mishmash of styles from country rock to instrumentals on African thumb pianos and atonal electronic music.
The British arranger Paul Buckmaster worked on the demos with Bowie at his rented house in Bel Air, and at Cherokee Studios in Hollywood. Although they had composed the music playing along to a videotape of the movie , none of it was actually synched to the picture, interpreting it almost unusable. I repute[ Roeg] just got these disparate parts and likely said, What the hell is this? responds Buckmaster.
Finding himself without a soundtrack weeks from the movies projected premiere in March 1976, Roeg turned to the Mamas and Papas songwriter. Phillips third spouse, Genevieve Waite( a South African actor and simulate ), had introduced him to Roeg in 1970, when the director was in LA to work on Performance.
The Man Who Fell to Earth: watch David Bowies extraterrestrial turning exclusive video
Four years later, the director come here for Phillips and Waite performing a musical-comedy double act at Reno Sweeney cabaret club in Greenwich Village. Subsequentlies, he offered Waite the role of Mary Lou in The Man Who Fell to Earth opposite Bowie the capacity that eventually went to Candy Clark. He told John he wanted me to do it, she announces. But Phillips had other ideas. He had written his own sci-fi themed rock musical for his wife to star in, called Space, which was about to go into product. John spoke, Genevieves going to be working on the Broadway show. And he and Nic Roeg were so wino they had this terrible fight and knocked over tables and stuff.
The posting for the film Photograph: Everett/ REX/ Shutterstock
Those kind of episodes with Nic is somewhat I wouldnt announce frequent but “theyre not” sporadic, adds Graeme Clifford, who edited The Man Who Fell to Earth. Everybody who knows Nic, at one point or the other, has got into a wheeling around on the flooring fight with him. If John Phillips had not had a fight with him, Id enunciate, Oh really?
The next time the pair converged, Phillips was living in Malibu. We went to Candy Clarks mansion, he said in an interview before his death in 2001. Nic was going with her at the time. Roeg depicted him a cut of the cinema on a small portable TV. I merely adored the movie the moment I find it. He was unsure why Roeg was asking him to work on the soundtrack when Bowie was the obvious option, but took the number of jobs regardless, aiming to create a real American rating with banjos and folk and stone.
Phillips whose busines started in the late 1950 s in a doo-wop/ jazz vocal radical “ve called the” Smoothies, before he founded, first, tribe trio the Journeymen, then the Mamas and the Papas was steeped in American beginnings music. A musical chameleon like Bowie, he had moved effortlessly through a succession of styles, with a marked virtuosity, and has hitherto worked on soundtracks for Myra Breckinridge and Robert Altmans Brewster McCloud.
A musical chameleon John Phillips with his wife Genevieve Waite. Photograph: Allan Tannenbaum/ Getty Images
On arriving in London in 1976, faced with putting together a tally from scratch in an enormously short time, Phillips knew he necessity someone who could really play. That party was Mick Taylor, erstwhile guitarist for the Rolling Stones, who he considered the best guitar actor in the world.
They started work at Glebe Place, Phillips rented house in Chelsea. One daylight, Phillips recollected, Keith Richards stepped in and theres Mick Taylor standing here. Were playing guitar together. On looking Taylor, Richards give away a shriek. They both ice. They hadnt watched one another since Taylor had sauntered out on the Stones only over a year earlier. It was a little crabby, Phillips suggested.
Richards and Taylor reacted like pups circling. Keith broke the ice the only way he knew how: he grabbed a guitar and is participating in. We simply played old country chants, Phillips enunciated. Those is increasingly becoming the basis for the music Phillips recorded for the film, which included originals like Boys from the South, as well as energetic handles of Hank Snows Rhumba Boogie and Bill Monroe and his Bluegrass Boys Bluegrass Breakdown.
Rude awakening Bianca Jagger. Picture: ANL/ REX/ Shutterstock
Some of the music was very improvised, suggests Richard Goldblatt, one of the engineers who worked with Phillips. The transcriptions were quite innovative. Despite being under gigantic pressure to develops the music in a matter of weeks, Phillips continued to lead a busy and complicated life of narcotic and sexual excess. After one hearing, he arrived back home around two in the morning. Knowing nobody there, he trod round to his sidekick Mick Jaggers house on Cheyne Walk, looking for his wife. Instead, he found Bianca Jagger and Liza Minnellis younger sister, Lorna Luft. Genevieve wasnt there and nor was Mick. We all sat around, drank wine-coloured and went pissed, told Phillips. I was playing the guitar, singing some hymns and substance. Eventually, Luft left and John and Bianca who had enjoyed a brief affair in 1970, before she met and married Jagger ended up in bed.
At some extent close to dawning, they both fell asleep. At the session the following morning, Phillips was a no-show. The musicians and operators all sat waiting. Someone echo Glebe Place to find out where he was. Waite took the announce. She went round to Cheyne Walk, figuring he might be there, talked the help into letting her in and was told “hes in” the bedroom with Bianca.
So we were awakened around 10.30 am, Phillips supposed. There was Genevieve, I know youre in there, you two. Oh God, here I am in Micks bed with Micks old lady. My old ladys outside, slamming on the door. There were Nicaraguan maids run down, screaming in Nicaraguan. Genevieve storms in the door and takes a move at Bianca. I sort of hold Genevieve back and take her out. She just passed down wall street. I had to go to work.
The final session for the score has just taken place in February, with the films world premiere at Leicester Square in London now only three weeks away. Phillips began to desegregate the racetracks so they could be laid into the revise. At that spot, answers Goldblatt, abruptly, he started to go a little singular. He could discover clicks and noises on the tape and, despite the engineers insistence that there was nothing there, insisted they do everything over. But their own problems persisted. By the fourth or fifth day, concepts were pretty tense between them. Then something snarled. He lost it for some reason, remarks Goldblatt, who trod out of its present session and rendered the next morning to learn hed been replaced by another engineer.
Goldblatt was later to indicate that the projectionist had gone into the toilets and all he could hear was mortal in the cubicle next to him smelling big smells. The shower break-dance Phillips had go take, almost at the end of every take, unexpectedly acquired appreciation. He was doing astounding amounts of coke. So much, Goldblatt speculates, that he was having auditory hallucinations. Rafe McKenna, deputy engineer, recollects Roeg coming to the studio to have a serious discussion with Phillips about his behaviour. Told him off, mostly, and articulated stop pissing off the engineers and get wise finished tonight.
The eleventh hour entreaty worked. The music just came piloting out of the studio and I remain it in, reads writer Graeme Clifford. Roeg testifies himself joyous with the music Phillips produced for the movie. It had a range of different calibers that I thought was rather interesting, he does. He truly was an individual composer.
The rebuilt The Man Who Fell to Earth is in UK cinemas on 9 September, when the soundtrack will also be available, and then on DVD and Blu-ray on 24 October.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Bowie and the missing soundtrack: the amazing fib behind The Man Who Fell to Earth appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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fifa1613 · 7 years
Jenna Rose Tracey Bolton Shaun Edmondson Σον Εντμοντσον Τζένα Ρος Son Edmondson Tzena Ross Ryanair Manchester Ibiza. Ryanair flight from Manchester to Ibiza. image Photo https://youtu.be/7ZVunQDqzaA, https://youtu.be/bHJleugc-Ug the crew did not do anything to stop the romp Uçakta skandal olay! Yolcuların gözü önünde. Yaşam Haberleri Geçen hafta Ryanair'ın Manchester'dan Ibiza'ya gitmekte olan uçağında bir skandal yaşanmıştı. 8 Haziran Perşembe akşamı 20.20'de Manchester-Ibiza seferini yapan uçaktaki bir çift, diğer yolculara aldırmadan birlikte olmuştu. Uçak, parti adasına doğru yola çıktıktan hemen sonra çift yakınlaşmaya başlamıştı. 21 yaşındaki Kieran Williams adlı yolcu, adamın uçaktakilere "Koruyucusu olan var mı?" diye sorduğunu anlatmıştı. İngiliz Dailymail ve The Sun gazeteleri, bu çiftin kimliğini araştırıyordu. Uçakta cinsel ilişkiye giren adamın, İngiltere'nin küçük bir kasabası olan Cumbria'dan Shaun Edmondson olduğu ortaya çıktı. NİŞANLISI 6 AYLIK HAMİLEYMİŞ 31 yaşındaki adamın nişanlısının 6 aylık hamile olduğu ve uçakta seks yaptığı kişiyi tanımadığı öğrenildi. The Sun gazetesinin haberine göre Edmondson'ın Jenna Ross adında 25 yaşında bir nişanlısı var. 6 aylık hamile olan gen kadın, o akşam çapkın nişanlısı Shaun Edmondson ile birlikte uçakta değil evdeydi. Ryanair ise konuyu araştırdıklarını ve bu rahatsız edici, saygısızca ve uygunsuz davranışı hoş görmeyeceklerini belirten bir açıklama yaptı. ■ Nach Sex über den Wolken Ryanair-Rammler hat schwangere Verlobte Zuhause. http://www.berliner-kurier.de/news/panorama/nach-sex-ueber-den-wolken-ryanair-rammler-hat-schwangere-verlobte-zuhause-27788898 ■ Man cheats on pregnant fiancée on packed flight http://nypost.com/2017/06/13/man-cheats-on-pregnant-fiancee-on-packed-flight/ □ Man cheats on pregnant fiancée on packed flight http://nypost.com/2017/06/13/man-cheats-on-pregnant-fiancee-on-packed-flight/ ● "Tzena, Tzena, Tzena" is a song, originally written in 1941, in Hebrew by Issachar Miron (a.k.a. Stefan Michrovsky), a Polish emigrant to what was then The British Mandate of Palestine (now Israel), and Jehiel Hagges (Yechiel Chagiz). History and development Miron, born in 1919, left Poland at the age of 19, thus avoiding the Holocaust. In 1941, while serving in the Jewish Brigade of the British forces, he composed the melody for lyrics written by Chagiz. The song became popular in Palestine and was played on the Israeli radio. Julius Grossman, who did not know who composed the song, wrote the so-called third part of 'Tzena' about November 1946. Gordon Jenkins made an arrangement of the song for The Weavers, who sang it with Jenkins' orchestra as backing. The Jenkins/Weavers version, released by Decca Records under catalog number 27077, was one side of a two-sided hit, reaching #2 on the Billboard magazine charts while the flip side, "Goodnight Irene," reached #1. Cromwell Music Inc., a subsidiary of Richmond/TRO, claimed the rights to the song, and had licensed the Decca release. They alleged the music to have been composed by a person named Spencer Ross, though in reality this was a fictitious persona constructed to hide the melody's true authorship. Mills Music, Inc., Miron's publisher, sued Cromwell (TRO) and won. The presiding judge also dismissed Cromwell's claim that the melody was based on a traditional folk song and was thus in the public domain. In the '80s, Israeli folk star Ran Eliran recorded the song along with 14 more songs by Miron to make a CD together called, Sing to Me Eretz Yisrael. The original English lyric, written by Mitchell Parish, was greatly altered in the version recorded by The Weavers. Other charting versions were recorded by Vic Damone and Mitch Miller's Orchestra. A humorous version, entitled "Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena" was recorded by the Smothers Brothers on their 1961 debut album, The Smothers Brothers at the Purple Onion. The newest version was released in October, 2012 by Bruce Berger, also known as Rebbe Soul. The arrangement is highly rhythmic, contemporary, and upbeat. Guitarist Chet Atkins also recorded the song--without lyrics--on his 1960 album The Other Chet Atkins. Lyrics צאנה צאנה צאנה צאנה הבנות וראינה חיילים במושבה אל נא אל נא אל נא אל נא אל נא תתחבאנה מבן חייל איש צבא Hebrew transliteration: Tzena, tzena, tzena, tzena ha-banot u-r’ena ħayalim ba-mosheva Al na, Al na, Al na, Al na, al na titħab’ena Mi-ben ħayil, ish tzava Translation: Go out, go out, go out girls and see soldiers in the moshava (farming community). Do not, do not, do not hide yourself away from a virtuous man [a pun on the word for "soldier"], an army man. ● 'I'm mortified': Woman who was filmed romping with a stranger on Ryanair flight to Ibiza is revealed to be a British mother-of-three who claims 'it was just a lapdance' 21:27 BST 13 Jun 2017, updated 21:39 BST 13 Jun 2017 +123 Mother-of-three Tracey Bolton was filmed romping with a man on a Ryanair flight Footage showing her straddling Shaun Edmondson at 32,000 feet has gone viral Mr Edmondson, sous chef, was on a stag party and left pregnant fiancee at home He was filmed asking horrified holidaymakers if they had a condom or any jelly But 'mortified' Ms Bolton told friends they did not have sex and it was a lapdance Cafe owner said she is embarrassed that drunken fun on board had been shared A British mother filmed romping with a man on a Ryanair flight said she is 'mortified' that a bit of drunken fun has gone viral. Tracey Bolton, 39, was filmed straddling 31-year-old Shaun Edmondson, who left his heavily pregnant fiancee at home to go on a stag party. Horrified passengers on board the flight to Ibiza looked on as the wild pair gyrated and Shaun asked holidaymakers for a condom. Café owner Tracey, a mother of three, had been drinking at Manchester airport before romping with Shaun aboard the packed plane, friends claim. Shocked passengers filmed the couple as they had moved back and forth in the Shaun's seat. 'Mortified': Tracey Bolton, 39, a mother of three from Colne in Lancashire, has told friends she is embarrassed after being filmed romping with a stranger on a Ryanair flight Passengers laugh as drunk couple romp on a Ryanair flight Romps: Shaun Edmondson, 31, a sous chef from Windermere, in Cumbria, left his heavily pregnant fiancee, Jenna Ross, at home to go on a stag party with friends Back home: Mr Edmondson, described as a 'ladies' man', is pictured with his fiance Ms Ross, 25, who he has been with for six years. He was filmed asking passengers if they had a condom. The pair didn't even bother to go to the lavatory and chose to romp in front of passengers on the flight from Manchester to Ibiza Miss Bolton, a British mother-of-three is pictured straddling Mr Edmondson Share this articleFacebook Twitter e-mail SMS 'I am horrified but absolutely nothing happened. I haven't stopped crying since I saw it. I am so embarrassed,' she added. Friend Kirsty Lawton, also of Colne, told The Sun: 'Nothing really happened. She did a fully clothed lapdance for a laugh, no sexy time occurred. 'The pair of them were being daft and it was all for a laugh. 'They didn't know one another, as if you would do that with anyone let alone a stranger.' Mr Edmonsdon has returned home following the stag do. A family source told ailOnline: 'From what I understand, he was supposed to be back by now - and he might well be. 'But he has completely gone into hiding since this has all kicked off. He could still even be over there. 'Apparently none of his family, or his girlfriend have been able get in touch with him. 'He's gone absolutely AWOL. I don't believe it was actually his stag do, I think it was for one of his mates.' Gyrating: Mr Edmondson, a sous chef, is engaged to 25-year-old Miss Ross, pictured, who is carrying his baby. He asked horrified passengers if they had a condom and jelly Strangers at 32,000 feet: A friend of Mr Edmondson, left, revealed that the 31-year-old had not met Ms Bolton, 39, before he boarded the plane Embarrassed: Ms Bolton runs a cafe in Colne in Lancashire. A friend said: 'Nothing really happened. She did a fully clothed lapdance for a laugh, no sexy time occurred.' Passengers watched as Ms Bolton clambered on top of Mr Edmondson and they began to gyrate an hour into the flight to the party island. A friend said Mr Edmondson is known as a 'ladies' man' despite being engaged to fiancee 25-year-old Miss Ross. 'That's just a random woman he's with, they didn't know each other before the day,' the friend said. 'He doesn't seem to be too bothered he has left his six-months pregnant wife-to-be at home while he cavorts with random strangers.' Mr Edmondson works as a chef at the upmarket Lyth Valley Country Inn in Kendal, a family pub which is owned by his relatives. It is understood that Mr Edmondson's fiancee Miss Jenna, who is originally from Canada and has been with him for six years, is aware of the video. Passenger Kieran Williams, 21, from Preston, Lancashire, said he was astonished to see their raunchy antics an hour into the flight on the budget airline. 'I heard them talking about it but I thought they were joking. The guy was shouting, 'Anyone got a jelly?' meaning condom. 'We all laughed but then ten minutes later they actually did it. They seemed so drunk, they brought a lot of attention to themselves. 'You could see the girl taking off her pants and he pulled his trousers off. She started riding him. 'I had to get my phone out. I have never seen anything like that.' Shock: A female passenger who was sitting next to the couple asked to be moved, but Mr Williams said that the crew did nothing to stop the pair or even reprimand them A female passenger who was sitting next to the couple asked to be moved. However Mr Williams said that the crew did nothing to stop the pair or even reprimand them. 'A woman was sat next to them and she stood up and asked if she could be moved. 'About twenty minutes after it happened, someone complained about it. But the crew did nothing.' Mr Williams, who was flying to Ibiza to work as a barman over the summer, said that the passengers were gobsmacked by the pair's raunchy antics. Tight lipped: Mr Edmondson, pictured, hasn't spoken to his family about the incident, a relative said - adding: 'He has completely gone into hiding since this has all kicked off.' He said: 'They were starting and stopping but it was completely obvious what was going on. We all had a good laugh about it. It was pretty funny.' A Ryanair spokesman said: 'We are looking into this matter. 'We will not tolerate unruly, disruptive or inappropriate behaviour at any time and any passengers who appear to behave in an unacceptable manner may be liable for further sanctions.' ■□■ Dude With Pregnant Fiancée At Home Caught Hooking Up With Stranger On Plane Quite the flight. Jun 13th, 2017 And now the whole world knows he’s a garbage bin on legs. Ryanair Manchester Ibiza. Ryanair flight from Manchester to Ibiza. On an Ryanair flight from Manchester to Ibiza a 31-year-old man named Shaun Edmondson was filmed by a nearby passenger being straddled by a blonde woman. And it was pretty funny until now, because it has been revealed that that woman was not the guy’s wife or girlfriend — Edmondson’s fiancée, Jenna Rose, was actually at home waiting for him to land. Oh, and she’s pregnant. Let’s first take a look at the footage below: Apparently Edmondson met the blonde woman on that flight and a few drinks later they decided to get down and dirty on a plane filled with strangers. Very classy of course. Well now Edmondson is in a world of trouble because the video has made it back to his wife-to-be. Here’s what Edmondson’s stepfather, Graham Oliver, had to say about the video: “I’ve seen the video but I haven’t spoken to him about it yet. I haven’t a clue whether he’s in trouble over it or not.” Here’s a spoiler alert: he is in trouble. And here’s what fellow passenger Kieran Williams had to say about the incident: “I heard them talking about it but I thought they were joking. The guy was shouting, ‘Anyone got a jelly?’ meaning condom. We all laughed but then ten minutes later they actually did it. They seemed so drunk, they brought a lot of attention to themselves. You could see the girl taking off her pants and he pulled his trousers off. She started riding him. I had to get my phone out. I have never seen anything like that.” image: http:///assets/uploads/2017/06/plane-romp2.jpg : Shaun Edmondson with his bride-to-be Jenna Ross Other passengers said the crew did not do anything to stop the romp, but now that the video has gone viral they are speaking up. Here’s what a Ryanair spokesperson had to say: “We are looking into this matter. We will not tolerate unruly, disruptive or inappropriate behavior at any time and any passengers who appear to behave in an unacceptable manner may be liable for further sanctions.“ In conclusion, if you’re a horny bloke who is a piece of garbage go ahead and fly with Ryanair.
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13thfloornz · 7 years
  The classic rock continues at Auckland’s Vector Arena. The previous night it was a trip to the late 70s and 80s with Blondie and Cyndi Lauper. Now we travel back another decade to revisit the music of Santana and The Doobie Brothers.
I can’t remember how many times I saw The Doobie Brothers back in the 1970s…they seemed to be constantly on the road during the first half of the 1970s. Now, 40 plus years later, it seems little has changed.
The two original members, Tom Johnston and Patrick Simmons look and sound very much the same. Fortunately this is not the Michael McDonald version of the band…I never could stand his voice…this is the hard-rockin’, Tom Johnston-led version who tore up top 40 radios in the early to mid 70s with hits like Long Train Running, China Grove and Listen To The Music.
Also with the band is guitarist John McFee, who’s first stint with The Doobies was in the late 70s and former Little Feat keyboard player Bill Payne. Rounding out the group is bassist John Cowan, drummer Ed Toth and sax player Marc Russo.
As I said, not much has changed in the Doobies’ world…they opened with a rousing Jesus Is Just Alright and kept the energy up with Rockin’ Down The Highway and Take Me In Your Arms.
Tom Johnston, who originally was forced to leave the band for health reasons in the mid-70s, looked to be in fighting trim…happy to still be able to rock out in front of a large audience.
His guitar playing was stellar, taking solos whenever possible, and his voice was strong.
All the members got to show off a bit, with Bill Payne taking the longest solo turn, but mainly they stuck to playing concise, well-crafted songs like Sweet Maxine, The Doctor and Eyes Of Silver.
They wrapped up their time at the Vector with their biggest hits…Black Water, Long Train Running and China Grove, with Listen To The Music saved for the encore.
Carlos Santana and his band were on relatively quickly and stayed on for over two hours. This may have been almost too much music for a Tuesday night, but who’s complaining.
Santana began their set with footage of the 1969 Woodstock Festival, where they first made their mark, playing on the screen and playing Woodstock standout Soul Sacrifice.
Then it was on to something a bit more contemporary…Maria Maria.
No matter what the song, Carlos soloed beautifully and the band laid down that unique Santana groove…held together by drummer Cindy Blackman Santana (Carlos’ wife) and two percussionists.
They wound their way through hits…Jingo, Evil Ways…and more esoteric material…John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme, Enya’s Orinoco (Sail Away).
Carlos to time to do a bit of proselytizing during A Love Supreme, telling his fans, “You are a beam of light” or “You’re a wretched sinner…ain’t nothing in-between”.
He offered, as an explanation for sharing his beliefs…””I have to go there because, like John Lennon and Bob Marley, I need to offer you a way out from this situation”.
The set concluded with Black Magic Woman and Oye Como Va.
For their encore, Cindy dug into a blistering drum solo  and then it was on to Smooth and finally, The Chambers Brothers Love, Peace And Happiness, with images of Woodstock again being shown on the screen.
So there you have it, two veteran acts who have been doing what they do for over forty years, still sounding vital, still thrilling audiences.
Marty Duda
Click on any image to view a photo gallery by Michael Flynn:
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 16%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
The Doobie Brothers set list:
Jesus Is Just Alright
Rockin’ Down The Highway
Take Me In Your Arms
Dark Eyed Cajun Woman
Sweet Maxine
Eyes Of Silver
Clear As Driven Snow
Takin’ It To The Streets
The Doctor
Black Water
Long Train Runnin’
China Grove
Without You
Listen To The Music
  Santana set list:
Soul Sacrifice
Maria Maria
Foo Foo
Corazon Espanado
Incident At Neshabur
Evil Ways
A Love Supreme
Orinoco (Sail Away)
New Song
Right On
Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen
Oye Como Va
Drum Solo
Love, Peace And Happiness
Santana & The Doobie Brothers – Vector Arena April 18, 2017 The classic rock continues at Auckland’s Vector Arena. The previous night it was a trip to the late 70s and 80s with Blondie and Cyndi Lauper.
0 notes
fifa1613 · 7 years
the crew did not do anything to stop the romp
Jenna Rose Tracey Bolton Shaun Edmondson Σον Εντμοντσον Τζένα Ρος Son Edmondson Tzena Ross Ryanair Manchester Ibiza. Ryanair flight from Manchester to Ibiza. image Photo https://youtu.be/7ZVunQDqzaA, https://youtu.be/bHJleugc-Ug the crew did not do anything to stop the romp Uçakta skandal olay! Yolcuların gözü önünde. Yaşam Haberleri Geçen hafta Ryanair'ın Manchester'dan Ibiza'ya gitmekte olan uçağında bir skandal yaşanmıştı. 8 Haziran Perşembe akşamı 20.20'de Manchester-Ibiza seferini yapan uçaktaki bir çift, diğer yolculara aldırmadan birlikte olmuştu. Uçak, parti adasına doğru yola çıktıktan hemen sonra çift yakınlaşmaya başlamıştı. 21 yaşındaki Kieran Williams adlı yolcu, adamın uçaktakilere "Koruyucusu olan var mı?" diye sorduğunu anlatmıştı. İngiliz Dailymail ve The Sun gazeteleri, bu çiftin kimliğini araştırıyordu. Uçakta cinsel ilişkiye giren adamın, İngiltere'nin küçük bir kasabası olan Cumbria'dan Shaun Edmondson olduğu ortaya çıktı. NİŞANLISI 6 AYLIK HAMİLEYMİŞ 31 yaşındaki adamın nişanlısının 6 aylık hamile olduğu ve uçakta seks yaptığı kişiyi tanımadığı öğrenildi. The Sun gazetesinin haberine göre Edmondson'ın Jenna Ross adında 25 yaşında bir nişanlısı var. 6 aylık hamile olan gen kadın, o akşam çapkın nişanlısı Shaun Edmondson ile birlikte uçakta değil evdeydi. Ryanair ise konuyu araştırdıklarını ve bu rahatsız edici, saygısızca ve uygunsuz davranışı hoş görmeyeceklerini belirten bir açıklama yaptı. ■ Nach Sex über den Wolken Ryanair-Rammler hat schwangere Verlobte Zuhause. http://www.berliner-kurier.de/news/panorama/nach-sex-ueber-den-wolken-ryanair-rammler-hat-schwangere-verlobte-zuhause-27788898 ■ Man cheats on pregnant fiancée on packed flight http://nypost.com/2017/06/13/man-cheats-on-pregnant-fiancee-on-packed-flight/ □ Man cheats on pregnant fiancée on packed flight http://nypost.com/2017/06/13/man-cheats-on-pregnant-fiancee-on-packed-flight/ ● "Tzena, Tzena, Tzena" is a song, originally written in 1941, in Hebrew by Issachar Miron (a.k.a. Stefan Michrovsky), a Polish emigrant to what was then The British Mandate of Palestine (now Israel), and Jehiel Hagges (Yechiel Chagiz). History and development Miron, born in 1919, left Poland at the age of 19, thus avoiding the Holocaust. In 1941, while serving in the Jewish Brigade of the British forces, he composed the melody for lyrics written by Chagiz. The song became popular in Palestine and was played on the Israeli radio. Julius Grossman, who did not know who composed the song, wrote the so-called third part of 'Tzena' about November 1946. Gordon Jenkins made an arrangement of the song for The Weavers, who sang it with Jenkins' orchestra as backing. The Jenkins/Weavers version, released by Decca Records under catalog number 27077, was one side of a two-sided hit, reaching #2 on the Billboard magazine charts while the flip side, "Goodnight Irene," reached #1. Cromwell Music Inc., a subsidiary of Richmond/TRO, claimed the rights to the song, and had licensed the Decca release. They alleged the music to have been composed by a person named Spencer Ross, though in reality this was a fictitious persona constructed to hide the melody's true authorship. Mills Music, Inc., Miron's publisher, sued Cromwell (TRO) and won. The presiding judge also dismissed Cromwell's claim that the melody was based on a traditional folk song and was thus in the public domain. In the '80s, Israeli folk star Ran Eliran recorded the song along with 14 more songs by Miron to make a CD together called, Sing to Me Eretz Yisrael. The original English lyric, written by Mitchell Parish, was greatly altered in the version recorded by The Weavers. Other charting versions were recorded by Vic Damone and Mitch Miller's Orchestra. A humorous version, entitled "Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena" was recorded by the Smothers Brothers on their 1961 debut album, The Smothers Brothers at the Purple Onion. The newest version was released in October, 2012 by Bruce Berger, also known as Rebbe Soul. The arrangement is highly rhythmic, contemporary, and upbeat. Guitarist Chet Atkins also recorded the song--without lyrics--on his 1960 album The Other Chet Atkins. Lyrics צאנה צאנה צאנה צאנה הבנות וראינה חיילים במושבה אל נא אל נא אל נא אל נא אל נא תתחבאנה מבן חייל איש צבא Hebrew transliteration: Tzena, tzena, tzena, tzena ha-banot u-r’ena ħayalim ba-mosheva Al na, Al na, Al na, Al na, al na titħab’ena Mi-ben ħayil, ish tzava Translation: Go out, go out, go out girls and see soldiers in the moshava (farming community). Do not, do not, do not hide yourself away from a virtuous man [a pun on the word for "soldier"], an army man. ● 'I'm mortified': Woman who was filmed romping with a stranger on Ryanair flight to Ibiza is revealed to be a British mother-of-three who claims 'it was just a lapdance' 21:27 BST 13 Jun 2017, updated 21:39 BST 13 Jun 2017 +123 Mother-of-three Tracey Bolton was filmed romping with a man on a Ryanair flight Footage showing her straddling Shaun Edmondson at 32,000 feet has gone viral Mr Edmondson, sous chef, was on a stag party and left pregnant fiancee at home He was filmed asking horrified holidaymakers if they had a condom or any jelly But 'mortified' Ms Bolton told friends they did not have sex and it was a lapdance Cafe owner said she is embarrassed that drunken fun on board had been shared A British mother filmed romping with a man on a Ryanair flight said she is 'mortified' that a bit of drunken fun has gone viral. Tracey Bolton, 39, was filmed straddling 31-year-old Shaun Edmondson, who left his heavily pregnant fiancee at home to go on a stag party. Horrified passengers on board the flight to Ibiza looked on as the wild pair gyrated and Shaun asked holidaymakers for a condom. Café owner Tracey, a mother of three, had been drinking at Manchester airport before romping with Shaun aboard the packed plane, friends claim. Shocked passengers filmed the couple as they had moved back and forth in the Shaun's seat. 'Mortified': Tracey Bolton, 39, a mother of three from Colne in Lancashire, has told friends she is embarrassed after being filmed romping with a stranger on a Ryanair flight Passengers laugh as drunk couple romp on a Ryanair flight Romps: Shaun Edmondson, 31, a sous chef from Windermere, in Cumbria, left his heavily pregnant fiancee, Jenna Ross, at home to go on a stag party with friends Back home: Mr Edmondson, described as a 'ladies' man', is pictured with his fiance Ms Ross, 25, who he has been with for six years. He was filmed asking passengers if they had a condom. The pair didn't even bother to go to the lavatory and chose to romp in front of passengers on the flight from Manchester to Ibiza Miss Bolton, a British mother-of-three is pictured straddling Mr Edmondson Share this articleFacebook Twitter e-mail SMS 'I am horrified but absolutely nothing happened. I haven't stopped crying since I saw it. I am so embarrassed,' she added. Friend Kirsty Lawton, also of Colne, told The Sun: 'Nothing really happened. She did a fully clothed lapdance for a laugh, no sexy time occurred. 'The pair of them were being daft and it was all for a laugh. 'They didn't know one another, as if you would do that with anyone let alone a stranger.' Mr Edmonsdon has returned home following the stag do. A family source told ailOnline: 'From what I understand, he was supposed to be back by now - and he might well be. 'But he has completely gone into hiding since this has all kicked off. He could still even be over there. 'Apparently none of his family, or his girlfriend have been able get in touch with him. 'He's gone absolutely AWOL. I don't believe it was actually his stag do, I think it was for one of his mates.' Gyrating: Mr Edmondson, a sous chef, is engaged to 25-year-old Miss Ross, pictured, who is carrying his baby. He asked horrified passengers if they had a condom and jelly Strangers at 32,000 feet: A friend of Mr Edmondson, left, revealed that the 31-year-old had not met Ms Bolton, 39, before he boarded the plane Embarrassed: Ms Bolton runs a cafe in Colne in Lancashire. A friend said: 'Nothing really happened. She did a fully clothed lapdance for a laugh, no sexy time occurred.' Passengers watched as Ms Bolton clambered on top of Mr Edmondson and they began to gyrate an hour into the flight to the party island. A friend said Mr Edmondson is known as a 'ladies' man' despite being engaged to fiancee 25-year-old Miss Ross. 'That's just a random woman he's with, they didn't know each other before the day,' the friend said. 'He doesn't seem to be too bothered he has left his six-months pregnant wife-to-be at home while he cavorts with random strangers.' Mr Edmondson works as a chef at the upmarket Lyth Valley Country Inn in Kendal, a family pub which is owned by his relatives. It is understood that Mr Edmondson's fiancee Miss Jenna, who is originally from Canada and has been with him for six years, is aware of the video. Passenger Kieran Williams, 21, from Preston, Lancashire, said he was astonished to see their raunchy antics an hour into the flight on the budget airline. 'I heard them talking about it but I thought they were joking. The guy was shouting, 'Anyone got a jelly?' meaning condom. 'We all laughed but then ten minutes later they actually did it. They seemed so drunk, they brought a lot of attention to themselves. 'You could see the girl taking off her pants and he pulled his trousers off. She started riding him. 'I had to get my phone out. I have never seen anything like that.' Shock: A female passenger who was sitting next to the couple asked to be moved, but Mr Williams said that the crew did nothing to stop the pair or even reprimand them A female passenger who was sitting next to the couple asked to be moved. However Mr Williams said that the crew did nothing to stop the pair or even reprimand them. 'A woman was sat next to them and she stood up and asked if she could be moved. 'About twenty minutes after it happened, someone complained about it. But the crew did nothing.' Mr Williams, who was flying to Ibiza to work as a barman over the summer, said that the passengers were gobsmacked by the pair's raunchy antics. Tight lipped: Mr Edmondson, pictured, hasn't spoken to his family about the incident, a relative said - adding: 'He has completely gone into hiding since this has all kicked off.' He said: 'They were starting and stopping but it was completely obvious what was going on. We all had a good laugh about it. It was pretty funny.' A Ryanair spokesman said: 'We are looking into this matter. 'We will not tolerate unruly, disruptive or inappropriate behaviour at any time and any passengers who appear to behave in an unacceptable manner may be liable for further sanctions.' ■□■ Dude With Pregnant Fiancée At Home Caught Hooking Up With Stranger On Plane Quite the flight. Jun 13th, 2017 And now the whole world knows he’s a garbage bin on legs. Ryanair Manchester Ibiza. Ryanair flight from Manchester to Ibiza. On an Ryanair flight from Manchester to Ibiza a 31-year-old man named Shaun Edmondson was filmed by a nearby passenger being straddled by a blonde woman. And it was pretty funny until now, because it has been revealed that that woman was not the guy’s wife or girlfriend — Edmondson’s fiancée, Jenna Rose, was actually at home waiting for him to land. Oh, and she’s pregnant. Let’s first take a look at the footage below: Apparently Edmondson met the blonde woman on that flight and a few drinks later they decided to get down and dirty on a plane filled with strangers. Very classy of course. Well now Edmondson is in a world of trouble because the video has made it back to his wife-to-be. Here’s what Edmondson’s stepfather, Graham Oliver, had to say about the video: “I’ve seen the video but I haven’t spoken to him about it yet. I haven’t a clue whether he’s in trouble over it or not.” Here’s a spoiler alert: he is in trouble. And here’s what fellow passenger Kieran Williams had to say about the incident: “I heard them talking about it but I thought they were joking. The guy was shouting, ‘Anyone got a jelly?’ meaning condom. We all laughed but then ten minutes later they actually did it. They seemed so drunk, they brought a lot of attention to themselves. You could see the girl taking off her pants and he pulled his trousers off. She started riding him. I had to get my phone out. I have never seen anything like that.” image: http://www.craveonline.com/assets/uploads/2017/06/plane-romp2.jpg  Photo: Facebook/Shaun Edmondson with his bride-to-be Jenna Ross Other passengers said the crew did not do anything to stop the romp, but now that the video has gone viral they are speaking up. Here’s what a Ryanair spokesperson had to say: “We are looking into this matter. We will not tolerate unruly, disruptive or inappropriate behavior at any time and any passengers who appear to behave in an unacceptable manner may be liable for further sanctions.“ In conclusion, if you’re a horny bloke who is a piece of garbage go ahead and fly with Ryanair.
0 notes
fifa1613 · 7 years
image Photo
Jenna Rose Tracey Bolton Shaun Edmondson Σον Εντμοντσον Τζένα Ρος Son Edmondson Tzena Ross Ryanair Manchester Ibiza. Ryanair flight from Manchester to Ibiza. image Photo https://youtu.be/7ZVunQDqzaA, https://youtu.be/bHJleugc-Ug Uçakta skandal olay! Yolcuların gözü önünde. Yaşam Haberleri Geçen hafta Ryanair'ın Manchester'dan Ibiza'ya gitmekte olan uçağında bir skandal yaşanmıştı. 8 Haziran Perşembe akşamı 20.20'de Manchester-Ibiza seferini yapan uçaktaki bir çift, diğer yolculara aldırmadan birlikte olmuştu. Uçak, parti adasına doğru yola çıktıktan hemen sonra çift yakınlaşmaya başlamıştı. 21 yaşındaki Kieran Williams adlı yolcu, adamın uçaktakilere "Koruyucusu olan var mı?" diye sorduğunu anlatmıştı. İngiliz Dailymail ve The Sun gazeteleri, bu çiftin kimliğini araştırıyordu. Uçakta cinsel ilişkiye giren adamın, İngiltere'nin küçük bir kasabası olan Cumbria'dan Shaun Edmondson olduğu ortaya çıktı. NİŞANLISI 6 AYLIK HAMİLEYMİŞ 31 yaşındaki adamın nişanlısının 6 aylık hamile olduğu ve uçakta seks yaptığı kişiyi tanımadığı öğrenildi. The Sun gazetesinin haberine göre Edmondson'ın Jenna Ross adında 25 yaşında bir nişanlısı var. 6 aylık hamile olan gen kadın, o akşam çapkın nişanlısı Shaun Edmondson ile birlikte uçakta değil evdeydi. Ryanair ise konuyu araştırdıklarını ve bu rahatsız edici, saygısızca ve uygunsuz davranışı hoş görmeyeceklerini belirten bir açıklama yaptı. ■ Nach Sex über den Wolken Ryanair-Rammler hat schwangere Verlobte Zuhause. http://www.berliner-kurier.de/news/panorama/nach-sex-ueber-den-wolken-ryanair-rammler-hat-schwangere-verlobte-zuhause-27788898 ■ Man cheats on pregnant fiancée on packed flight http://nypost.com/2017/06/13/man-cheats-on-pregnant-fiancee-on-packed-flight/ □ Man cheats on pregnant fiancée on packed flight http://nypost.com/2017/06/13/man-cheats-on-pregnant-fiancee-on-packed-flight/ ● "Tzena, Tzena, Tzena" is a song, originally written in 1941, in Hebrew by Issachar Miron (a.k.a. Stefan Michrovsky), a Polish emigrant to what was then The British Mandate of Palestine (now Israel), and Jehiel Hagges (Yechiel Chagiz). History and development Miron, born in 1919, left Poland at the age of 19, thus avoiding the Holocaust. In 1941, while serving in the Jewish Brigade of the British forces, he composed the melody for lyrics written by Chagiz. The song became popular in Palestine and was played on the Israeli radio. Julius Grossman, who did not know who composed the song, wrote the so-called third part of 'Tzena' about November 1946. Gordon Jenkins made an arrangement of the song for The Weavers, who sang it with Jenkins' orchestra as backing. The Jenkins/Weavers version, released by Decca Records under catalog number 27077, was one side of a two-sided hit, reaching #2 on the Billboard magazine charts while the flip side, "Goodnight Irene," reached #1. Cromwell Music Inc., a subsidiary of Richmond/TRO, claimed the rights to the song, and had licensed the Decca release. They alleged the music to have been composed by a person named Spencer Ross, though in reality this was a fictitious persona constructed to hide the melody's true authorship. Mills Music, Inc., Miron's publisher, sued Cromwell (TRO) and won. The presiding judge also dismissed Cromwell's claim that the melody was based on a traditional folk song and was thus in the public domain. In the '80s, Israeli folk star Ran Eliran recorded the song along with 14 more songs by Miron to make a CD together called, Sing to Me Eretz Yisrael. The original English lyric, written by Mitchell Parish, was greatly altered in the version recorded by The Weavers. Other charting versions were recorded by Vic Damone and Mitch Miller's Orchestra. A humorous version, entitled "Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena" was recorded by the Smothers Brothers on their 1961 debut album, The Smothers Brothers at the Purple Onion. The newest version was released in October, 2012 by Bruce Berger, also known as Rebbe Soul. The arrangement is highly rhythmic, contemporary, and upbeat. Guitarist Chet Atkins also recorded the song--without lyrics--on his 1960 album The Other Chet Atkins. Lyrics צאנה צאנה צאנה צאנה הבנות וראינה חיילים במושבה אל נא אל נא אל נא אל נא אל נא תתחבאנה מבן חייל איש צבא Hebrew transliteration: Tzena, tzena, tzena, tzena ha-banot u-r’ena ħayalim ba-mosheva Al na, Al na, Al na, Al na, al na titħab’ena Mi-ben ħayil, ish tzava Translation: Go out, go out, go out girls and see soldiers in the moshava (farming community). Do not, do not, do not hide yourself away from a virtuous man [a pun on the word for "soldier"], an army man. ● 'I'm mortified': Woman who was filmed romping with a stranger on Ryanair flight to Ibiza is revealed to be a British mother-of-three who claims 'it was just a lapdance' 21:27 BST 13 Jun 2017, updated 21:39 BST 13 Jun 2017 +123 Mother-of-three Tracey Bolton was filmed romping with a man on a Ryanair flight Footage showing her straddling Shaun Edmondson at 32,000 feet has gone viral Mr Edmondson, sous chef, was on a stag party and left pregnant fiancee at home He was filmed asking horrified holidaymakers if they had a condom or any jelly But 'mortified' Ms Bolton told friends they did not have sex and it was a lapdance Cafe owner said she is embarrassed that drunken fun on board had been shared A British mother filmed romping with a man on a Ryanair flight said she is 'mortified' that a bit of drunken fun has gone viral. Tracey Bolton, 39, was filmed straddling 31-year-old Shaun Edmondson, who left his heavily pregnant fiancee at home to go on a stag party. Horrified passengers on board the flight to Ibiza looked on as the wild pair gyrated and Shaun asked holidaymakers for a condom. Café owner Tracey, a mother of three, had been drinking at Manchester airport before romping with Shaun aboard the packed plane, friends claim. Shocked passengers filmed the couple as they had moved back and forth in the Shaun's seat. 'Mortified': Tracey Bolton, 39, a mother of three from Colne in Lancashire, has told friends she is embarrassed after being filmed romping with a stranger on a Ryanair flight Passengers laugh as drunk couple romp on a Ryanair flight Romps: Shaun Edmondson, 31, a sous chef from Windermere, in Cumbria, left his heavily pregnant fiancee, Jenna Ross, at home to go on a stag party with friends Back home: Mr Edmondson, described as a 'ladies' man', is pictured with his fiance Ms Ross, 25, who he has been with for six years. He was filmed asking passengers if they had a condom. The pair didn't even bother to go to the lavatory and chose to romp in front of passengers on the flight from Manchester to Ibiza Miss Bolton, a British mother-of-three is pictured straddling Mr Edmondson Share this articleFacebook Twitter e-mail SMS 'I am horrified but absolutely nothing happened. I haven't stopped crying since I saw it. I am so embarrassed,' she added. Friend Kirsty Lawton, also of Colne, told The Sun: 'Nothing really happened. She did a fully clothed lapdance for a laugh, no sexy time occurred. 'The pair of them were being daft and it was all for a laugh. 'They didn't know one another, as if you would do that with anyone let alone a stranger.' Mr Edmonsdon has returned home following the stag do. A family source told ailOnline: 'From what I understand, he was supposed to be back by now - and he might well be. 'But he has completely gone into hiding since this has all kicked off. He could still even be over there. 'Apparently none of his family, or his girlfriend have been able get in touch with him. 'He's gone absolutely AWOL. I don't believe it was actually his stag do, I think it was for one of his mates.' Gyrating: Mr Edmondson, a sous chef, is engaged to 25-year-old Miss Ross, pictured, who is carrying his baby. He asked horrified passengers if they had a condom and jelly Strangers at 32,000 feet: A friend of Mr Edmondson, left, revealed that the 31-year-old had not met Ms Bolton, 39, before he boarded the plane Embarrassed: Ms Bolton runs a cafe in Colne in Lancashire. A friend said: 'Nothing really happened. She did a fully clothed lapdance for a laugh, no sexy time occurred.' Passengers watched as Ms Bolton clambered on top of Mr Edmondson and they began to gyrate an hour into the flight to the party island. A friend said Mr Edmondson is known as a 'ladies' man' despite being engaged to fiancee 25-year-old Miss Ross. 'That's just a random woman he's with, they didn't know each other before the day,' the friend said. 'He doesn't seem to be too bothered he has left his six-months pregnant wife-to-be at home while he cavorts with random strangers.' Mr Edmondson works as a chef at the upmarket Lyth Valley Country Inn in Kendal, a family pub which is owned by his relatives. It is understood that Mr Edmondson's fiancee Miss Jenna, who is originally from Canada and has been with him for six years, is aware of the video. Passenger Kieran Williams, 21, from Preston, Lancashire, said he was astonished to see their raunchy antics an hour into the flight on the budget airline. 'I heard them talking about it but I thought they were joking. The guy was shouting, 'Anyone got a jelly?' meaning condom. 'We all laughed but then ten minutes later they actually did it. They seemed so drunk, they brought a lot of attention to themselves. 'You could see the girl taking off her pants and he pulled his trousers off. She started riding him. 'I had to get my phone out. I have never seen anything like that.' Shock: A female passenger who was sitting next to the couple asked to be moved, but Mr Williams said that the crew did nothing to stop the pair or even reprimand them A female passenger who was sitting next to the couple asked to be moved. However Mr Williams said that the crew did nothing to stop the pair or even reprimand them. 'A woman was sat next to them and she stood up and asked if she could be moved. 'About twenty minutes after it happened, someone complained about it. But the crew did nothing.' Mr Williams, who was flying to Ibiza to work as a barman over the summer, said that the passengers were gobsmacked by the pair's raunchy antics. Tight lipped: Mr Edmondson, pictured, hasn't spoken to his family about the incident, a relative said - adding: 'He has completely gone into hiding since this has all kicked off.' He said: 'They were starting and stopping but it was completely obvious what was going on. We all had a good laugh about it. It was pretty funny.' A Ryanair spokesman said: 'We are looking into this matter. 'We will not tolerate unruly, disruptive or inappropriate behaviour at any time and any passengers who appear to behave in an unacceptable manner may be liable for further sanctions.' ■□■ Dude With Pregnant Fiancée At Home Caught Hooking Up With Stranger On Plane Quite the flight. Jun 13th, 2017 And now the whole world knows he’s a garbage bin on legs. Ryanair Manchester Ibiza. Ryanair flight from Manchester to Ibiza. On an Ryanair flight from Manchester to Ibiza a 31-year-old man named Shaun Edmondson was filmed by a nearby passenger being straddled by a blonde woman. And it was pretty funny until now, because it has been revealed that that woman was not the guy’s wife or girlfriend — Edmondson’s fiancée, Jenna Rose, was actually at home waiting for him to land. Oh, and she’s pregnant. Let’s first take a look at the footage below: Apparently Edmondson met the blonde woman on that flight and a few drinks later they decided to get down and dirty on a plane filled with strangers. Very classy of course. Well now Edmondson is in a world of trouble because the video has made it back to his wife-to-be. Here’s what Edmondson’s stepfather, Graham Oliver, had to say about the video: “I’ve seen the video but I haven’t spoken to him about it yet. I haven’t a clue whether he’s in trouble over it or not.” Here’s a spoiler alert: he is in trouble. And here’s what fellow passenger Kieran Williams had to say about the incident: “I heard them talking about it but I thought they were joking. The guy was shouting, ‘Anyone got a jelly?’ meaning condom. We all laughed but then ten minutes later they actually did it. They seemed so drunk, they brought a lot of attention to themselves. You could see the girl taking off her pants and he pulled his trousers off. She started riding him. I had to get my phone out. I have never seen anything like that.” image: http://www.craveonline.com/assets/uploads/2017/06/plane-romp2.jpg  Photo: Facebook/Shaun Edmondson with his bride-to-be Jenna Ross Other passengers said the crew did not do anything to stop the romp, but now that the video has gone viral they are speaking up. Here’s what a Ryanair spokesperson had to say: “We are looking into this matter. We will not tolerate unruly, disruptive or inappropriate behavior at any time and any passengers who appear to behave in an unacceptable manner may be liable for further sanctions.“ In conclusion, if you’re a horny bloke who is a piece of garbage go ahead and fly with Ryanair.
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fifa1613 · 7 years
Σον Εντμοντσον Τζένα Ρος Son Edmondson Tzena Ross
Σον Εντμοντσον Τζένα Ρος Son Edmondson Tzena Ross https://youtu.be/bHJleugc-Ug Uçakta skandal olay! Yolcuların gözü önünde. Yaşam Haberleri Geçen hafta Ryanair'ın Manchester'dan Ibiza'ya gitmekte olan uçağında bir skandal yaşanmıştı. 8 Haziran Perşembe akşamı 20.20'de Manchester-Ibiza seferini yapan uçaktaki bir çift, diğer yolculara aldırmadan birlikte olmuştu. Uçak, parti adasına doğru yola çıktıktan hemen sonra çift yakınlaşmaya başlamıştı. 21 yaşındaki Kieran Williams adlı yolcu, adamın uçaktakilere "Koruyucusu olan var mı?" diye sorduğunu anlatmıştı. İngiliz Dailymail ve The Sun gazeteleri, bu çiftin kimliğini araştırıyordu. Uçakta cinsel ilişkiye giren adamın, İngiltere'nin küçük bir kasabası olan Cumbria'dan Shaun Edmondson olduğu ortaya çıktı. NİŞANLISI 6 AYLIK HAMİLEYMİŞ 31 yaşındaki adamın nişanlısının 6 aylık hamile olduğu ve uçakta seks yaptığı kişiyi tanımadığı öğrenildi. The Sun gazetesinin haberine göre Edmondson'ın Jenna Ross adında 25 yaşında bir nişanlısı var. 6 aylık hamile olan gen kadın, o akşam çapkın nişanlısı Shaun Edmondson ile birlikte uçakta değil evdeydi. Ryanair ise konuyu araştırdıklarını ve bu rahatsız edici, saygısızca ve uygunsuz davranışı hoş görmeyeceklerini belirten bir açıklama yaptı. ■ Nach Sex über den Wolken Ryanair-Rammler hat schwangere Verlobte Zuhause. http://www.berliner-kurier.de/news/panorama/nach-sex-ueber-den-wolken-ryanair-rammler-hat-schwangere-verlobte-zuhause-27788898 ■ Man cheats on pregnant fiancée on packed flight http://nypost.com/2017/06/13/man-cheats-on-pregnant-fiancee-on-packed-flight/ □ Man cheats on pregnant fiancée on packed flight http://nypost.com/2017/06/13/man-cheats-on-pregnant-fiancee-on-packed-flight/ ● "Tzena, Tzena, Tzena" is a song, originally written in 1941, in Hebrew by Issachar Miron (a.k.a. Stefan Michrovsky), a Polish emigrant to what was then The British Mandate of Palestine (now Israel), and Jehiel Hagges (Yechiel Chagiz). History and development Miron, born in 1919, left Poland at the age of 19, thus avoiding the Holocaust. In 1941, while serving in the Jewish Brigade of the British forces, he composed the melody for lyrics written by Chagiz. The song became popular in Palestine and was played on the Israeli radio. Julius Grossman, who did not know who composed the song, wrote the so-called third part of 'Tzena' about November 1946. Gordon Jenkins made an arrangement of the song for The Weavers, who sang it with Jenkins' orchestra as backing. The Jenkins/Weavers version, released by Decca Records under catalog number 27077, was one side of a two-sided hit, reaching #2 on the Billboard magazine charts while the flip side, "Goodnight Irene," reached #1. Cromwell Music Inc., a subsidiary of Richmond/TRO, claimed the rights to the song, and had licensed the Decca release. They alleged the music to have been composed by a person named Spencer Ross, though in reality this was a fictitious persona constructed to hide the melody's true authorship. Mills Music, Inc., Miron's publisher, sued Cromwell (TRO) and won. The presiding judge also dismissed Cromwell's claim that the melody was based on a traditional folk song and was thus in the public domain. In the '80s, Israeli folk star Ran Eliran recorded the song along with 14 more songs by Miron to make a CD together called, Sing to Me Eretz Yisrael. The original English lyric, written by Mitchell Parish, was greatly altered in the version recorded by The Weavers. Other charting versions were recorded by Vic Damone and Mitch Miller's Orchestra. A humorous version, entitled "Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena" was recorded by the Smothers Brothers on their 1961 debut album, The Smothers Brothers at the Purple Onion. The newest version was released in October, 2012 by Bruce Berger, also known as Rebbe Soul. The arrangement is highly rhythmic, contemporary, and upbeat. Guitarist Chet Atkins also recorded the song--without lyrics--on his 1960 album The Other Chet Atkins. Lyrics צאנה צאנה צאנה צאנה הבנות וראינה חיילים במושבה אל נא אל נא אל נא אל נא אל נא תתחבאנה מבן חייל איש צבא Hebrew transliteration: Tzena, tzena, tzena, tzena ha-banot u-r’ena ħayalim ba-mosheva Al na, Al na, Al na, Al na, al na titħab’ena Mi-ben ħayil, ish tzava Translation: Go out, go out, go out girls and see soldiers in the moshava (farming community). Do not, do not, do not hide yourself away from a virtuous man [a pun on the word for "soldier"], an army man. ● 'I'm mortified': Woman who was filmed romping with a stranger on Ryanair flight to Ibiza is revealed to be a British mother-of-three who claims 'it was just a lapdance' 21:27 BST 13 Jun 2017, updated 21:39 BST 13 Jun 2017 +123 Mother-of-three Tracey Bolton was filmed romping with a man on a Ryanair flight Footage showing her straddling Shaun Edmondson at 32,000 feet has gone viral Mr Edmondson, sous chef, was on a stag party and left pregnant fiancee at home He was filmed asking horrified holidaymakers if they had a condom or any jelly But 'mortified' Ms Bolton told friends they did not have sex and it was a lapdance Cafe owner said she is embarrassed that drunken fun on board had been shared A British mother filmed romping with a man on a Ryanair flight said she is 'mortified' that a bit of drunken fun has gone viral. Tracey Bolton, 39, was filmed straddling 31-year-old Shaun Edmondson, who left his heavily pregnant fiancee at home to go on a stag party. Horrified passengers on board the flight to Ibiza looked on as the wild pair gyrated and Shaun asked holidaymakers for a condom. Café owner Tracey, a mother of three, had been drinking at Manchester airport before romping with Shaun aboard the packed plane, friends claim. Shocked passengers filmed the couple as they had moved back and forth in the Shaun's seat. 'Mortified': Tracey Bolton, 39, a mother of three from Colne in Lancashire, has told friends she is embarrassed after being filmed romping with a stranger on a Ryanair flight Passengers laugh as drunk couple romp on a Ryanair flight Romps: Shaun Edmondson, 31, a sous chef from Windermere, in Cumbria, left his heavily pregnant fiancee, Jenna Ross, at home to go on a stag party with friends Back home: Mr Edmondson, described as a 'ladies' man', is pictured with his fiance Ms Ross, 25, who he has been with for six years. He was filmed asking passengers if they had a condom. The pair didn't even bother to go to the lavatory and chose to romp in front of passengers on the flight from Manchester to Ibiza Miss Bolton, a British mother-of-three is pictured straddling Mr Edmondson Share this articleFacebook Twitter e-mail SMS 'I am horrified but absolutely nothing happened. I haven't stopped crying since I saw it. I am so embarrassed,' she added. Friend Kirsty Lawton, also of Colne, told The Sun: 'Nothing really happened. She did a fully clothed lapdance for a laugh, no sexy time occurred. 'The pair of them were being daft and it was all for a laugh. 'They didn't know one another, as if you would do that with anyone let alone a stranger.' Mr Edmonsdon has returned home following the stag do. A family source told ailOnline: 'From what I understand, he was supposed to be back by now - and he might well be. 'But he has completely gone into hiding since this has all kicked off. He could still even be over there. 'Apparently none of his family, or his girlfriend have been able get in touch with him. 'He's gone absolutely AWOL. I don't believe it was actually his stag do, I think it was for one of his mates.' Gyrating: Mr Edmondson, a sous chef, is engaged to 25-year-old Miss Ross, pictured, who is carrying his baby. He asked horrified passengers if they had a condom and jelly Strangers at 32,000 feet: A friend of Mr Edmondson, left, revealed that the 31-year-old had not met Ms Bolton, 39, before he boarded the plane Embarrassed: Ms Bolton runs a cafe in Colne in Lancashire. A friend said: 'Nothing really happened. She did a fully clothed lapdance for a laugh, no sexy time occurred.' Passengers watched as Ms Bolton clambered on top of Mr Edmondson and they began to gyrate an hour into the flight to the party island. A friend said Mr Edmondson is known as a 'ladies' man' despite being engaged to fiancee 25-year-old Miss Ross. 'That's just a random woman he's with, they didn't know each other before the day,' the friend said. 'He doesn't seem to be too bothered he has left his six-months pregnant wife-to-be at home while he cavorts with random strangers.' Mr Edmondson works as a chef at the upmarket Lyth Valley Country Inn in Kendal, a family pub which is owned by his relatives. It is understood that Mr Edmondson's fiancee Miss Jenna, who is originally from Canada and has been with him for six years, is aware of the video. Passenger Kieran Williams, 21, from Preston, Lancashire, said he was astonished to see their raunchy antics an hour into the flight on the budget airline. 'I heard them talking about it but I thought they were joking. The guy was shouting, 'Anyone got a jelly?' meaning condom. 'We all laughed but then ten minutes later they actually did it. They seemed so drunk, they brought a lot of attention to themselves. 'You could see the girl taking off her pants and he pulled his trousers off. She started riding him. 'I had to get my phone out. I have never seen anything like that.' Shock: A female passenger who was sitting next to the couple asked to be moved, but Mr Williams said that the crew did nothing to stop the pair or even reprimand them A female passenger who was sitting next to the couple asked to be moved. However Mr Williams said that the crew did nothing to stop the pair or even reprimand them. 'A woman was sat next to them and she stood up and asked if she could be moved. 'About twenty minutes after it happened, someone complained about it. But the crew did nothing.' Mr Williams, who was flying to Ibiza to work as a barman over the summer, said that the passengers were gobsmacked by the pair's raunchy antics. Tight lipped: Mr Edmondson, pictured, hasn't spoken to his family about the incident, a relative said - adding: 'He has completely gone into hiding since this has all kicked off.' He said: 'They were starting and stopping but it was completely obvious what was going on. We all had a good laugh about it. It was pretty funny.' A Ryanair spokesman said: 'We are looking into this matter. 'We will not tolerate unruly, disruptive or inappropriate behaviour at any time and any passengers who appear to behave in an unacceptable manner may be liable for further sanctions.'
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