#vesta astroid
natalyarose · 5 months
𝓟𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓼, 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 & 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓻𝓫 𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮 ˚⊱🦋⊰˚
🩷Admittedly, in my years of practicing astrology I've not placed much importance on aspects beyond glaringly obvious ones. I've often felt that aspects can become a very technical way to explain energies that may be better understood through looking at the rest of the chart from a bigger picture perspective.
Yes, looking at squares, sextiles, etc. can provide insight but to me personally it can sometimes feel like getting 'lost' in the details, especially when it is unclear what counts as an aspect and what doesn't. Sort of similar to when people start looking to the endless, ever expanding range of astroids (eros, valentine, aphrodite, cupido, vesta, etc.) to intuit someone's approach in love, when realistically Venus & Mars alone can provide incredible, personal insight.
However, all of that being said, aspects are still a very valuable tool to use when analysing a chart, and understanding how to come to a consensus about defining what 'counts' as an aspect can be benefical.
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A lot of people only consider aspects to be significant if the orb is verry tight (for some the cut off is as small as 3°), and this is a reasonable approach, as otherwise there would be way too many aspects to interpret and the major themes highlighted in any given chart would get a little lost. Though, I just want to shed light on a pattern I've seen in my research/observations-
In my experience (and traditionally), aspects, particularly conjunctions should be given an orb range relative to how fast moving the planet/astrological point is. *I want to note that this isn't by any means a new idea, but I just don't see it being talked about much.
This means that the Moon & ascendant especially, being very fast moving, can find themselves affected to a much greater extent by surrounding/aspecting planets even if they are somewhat far away. It's already known that the luminaries are to be given a wider orb range, but I've seen conjunctions especially have an even wider range of influence on a chart's Moon or ascendant than what is typically thought.
The way fast moving planets demonstrate stronger sensitivity to aspects can be understood if you think of how a child is going to be profoundly influenced by the teachings and energies of the adults around them, since they haven't lived very long yet and have little other experience to go off.
In contrast, someone who is very old has been around for a long time and has seen many things (planets) come and go while they stay the same, so these influences really don't phase them. Saturn is barely going to be affected by the Moon even if there is a 0° conjunction, but the always 'new', ever changing, fluctuating, watery nature of the Moon can feel Saturn's influence very intensely even if it's fairly far away.
I don't think it'd be particularly helpful/ideal to refer to every planet remotely close to the Moon (or ascendant) as a conjunction (especially considering how different Nakshatras bring very different energies to the table), but that doesn't mean the influence should be entirely discounted. Moon & asc in particular call for a more open minded, flexible approach when it comes to reading surrounding energies. My understanding of people through astrology has really expanded by being more aware of how sensitive vs un-phased the planets themselves are and adjusting my interpretations accordingly.
As mentioned earlier this definitely isn't a new idea or anything, but I do think that it's a good/interesting reminder to observe natal charts as if the planets in it are sentient (as they are) and have different ways of responding to the rest of the chart. I've seen people go 'my Moon is 16° away from Jupiter so it doesn't count as a conjunction' and then go on to completely disregard Jupiter's influence on the Moon when in reality, there's no real cut off point of influence. Yes, it may not technically be a conjunction, but the influence is still there.
Our charts are like an ecosystem, full of life & completely interconnected. All of the energies are fluid, constantly interacting, alive. There's no real numerical point where suddenly there is 0 effect, but we assign numerical points to loosely create a necessary distinction between energies & highlight the aspects which are especially strong,
To give an example of what I'm getting at, if you have the Moon at 2° Libra, and Venus is at say, 28° Libra; this is a 26° orb.. technically, wayy too large to be considered a conjunction, but I believe that completely discounting the way Venus' presence may influence the mind & heart of this person would be a mistake. Yes, it will definitely not be as strong as a conjunction with an extremely close orb, but it's still close enough to be felt by the Moon, being a very energetically porous, receptive, psychic planet.
I may have to go back and edit this later, I'm very tired and I'm not sure if I'm communicating the concept as best as possible, but for now, thankyou for reading & I hope this provides valuable insight/a new perspective for someone 🩷
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astroyongie · 10 months
Hi Yongie, hope you are doing well. Am wishing you a beautiful week ahead.🥰🫂 I saw in one of your posts or answers, can't recall accurately, that you are preparing a Pallas post. In the future, if you want and can you could make posts about True Node, Chiron, Apollo, Eros, Pholus, Psyche, Nessus, Ceres, Vesta as well, to the extent you believe they are meaningful in one's chart. I didn't find too much about them and I would love to read your interpretation.
Thanks in advance. Stay safe ❤️
hey love! sure thing I will keep that in mind since you guys seem to be interested in astroids <3
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mercurytrinemoon · 1 year
now something caught my attention i was looking at the man's loving asteroid and the briede asteroid representing marriage at my conjunct with my sun also heram also conjuncts with his cere, the spheres are so narrow, do they mean anything?😌
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I don't do asteroids. Look at the luminaries and venus, mars and the 7th house rulers (for both of you that would be venus so that's double importance).
I mean, ceres and vesta could be fun to look at, IF you have very tight aspects, preferably conjunctions (it's like with outer planets, you'd only look at exact aspects). Astroids like briede are kinda useless.
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kesslersymbolic · 1 year
Neptune the Thirteenth Planet, aka Eris the Tenth Planet, aka a short history of why Pluto is not a Planet
Ceres, the Eighth Planet 1801
We start at the turn of the 19th century, with the discovery of Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. They are uncontroversially considered planets.
Neptune, the Thirteenth Planet 1846
In 1846 Neptune was discovered. a new planet in just fifty years.
The Asteroid Belt 1850
+12 minor planets
Many more objects like Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta, were discovered in a flurry of new discoveries, made possible by new technology, with new objects previously too dim to be found being discovered at impressive rates, and so in 1850 the Royal Astronomical Society created a classification system for minor planets. Ceres, Pallus, Juno, and Vesta were the first four to be listed. (this became the minor-planet designation system)
Pluto, the Ninth Planet 1930
+1170 minor planets
Pluto was discovered in 1930, the 9th planet. the first new planet in nearly a century since the 13th was discovered!
Trans-Neptunian objects or Eris, the Tenth Planet 2005
+250k minor planets
Eris was discovered in 2005, the 10th planet. Eris was discovered during a flurry of new discoveries, made possible by new technology, dwarf planets previously too dim to see could be plucked from the sky, Eris was special in that it was larger than Pluto making it by anybody's judgement a planet.
The IAU Definition of a Planet 2006
+300k minor planets
Eris opened the same argument that the astroid belt did, or more the discovery of just how many TNOs there are did.
Much like Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta before it Pluto and Eris became the prototype for Trans-Neputunian Objects. Ceres became the prototype dwarf planet.
Pluto is a Trans-Neptunian Object not a Planet because it fits better into that grouping, not because it doesn't fit with being a Planet.
"it's because they'd be too many, kids would start hating astronomy like they hate chemistry!": this is just a joke? it's actually because categories are useful in astronomy.
"it's because Eris would have to be a planet otherwise!": given Ceres, Pallus, Juno, and Vesta were planets before it's not like there's not historical precedent for defining planet that way.
"they should have a new term": major planet.
"i'm gonna call pluto a planet anyway you can't stop me!": I can't, but if I peer review your paper I'll reject it on that as it's a settled matter. but people who come out of the woodwork to decry that pluto is a planet are almost always responding to anybody saying it isn't.
"what about other solar systems?": we'll deal with them when we get to them. for now we have trouble finding exo-planets the size of our sun. it's unlikely we need to deal with subcategories of exoplanet for a while. if you want to figure out what to call bodies in sci-fi then that's fiction anyway, go hog wild.
"Are exo-planets planets?": no, they're exo-planets. planets is a term we use for objects orbiting the sun. this is likely to change but for the foreseeable future it's useful to clearly distinguish the two.
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chibijennifer · 3 years
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Our first Sailor Moon Eternal comic strip :D Have you seen the new movies? It always kind of bothered me that both Chibimoon and Ceres had pink hair and pink fukus. Or maybe it’s just me :3
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m3chanical-archiv3 · 5 years
Fallen Stars
Was Axl supposed to be taking it easy? Yes. Was he? Absolutely not.
On his last patrol, he’d heard some murmurs of a strange object coming from the sky and landing somewhere in the west wilds. It was part of his job to investigate potential threats, even if his case load simply said ‘Patrol and Recon’ at this moment in time.
The hunter crept through the thick plant-life of the wilds, one of his pistols at the ready as he kept a keen eye out for whatever may be lurking out here. He would be ready this time...and no one would be getting away from him again.
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thebarbaricbeast · 3 years
the placements that make my life hell
lilith square ascendant
lilith opposition moon
lilith square pluto
lilith opposition north node
venus conjunct true lilith in libra
moon square pluto
pluto conjunct ascendant
pluto in the 12th house
north node square pluto
saturn in the 8th
moon in pisces in the 22nd degree
astroid lilith in scorpio
chiron in aquarius
true lilith in libra
mean lilith in virgo
moon opposition juno
pluto square vesta
pluto square juno
that all i can think if rn lol
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lost-inhibitions · 4 years
Random fun fact: There's a small dwarf planet named either Ceres or Vesta (I forgot which one) floating around in the astroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Ooooh...so like pluto’s cousin??
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aquariusgod · 6 years
Chart Prices
So, with the holidays coming up, I’ve decided to open up the shop once again!
You can buy Natal Readings, Transits (Horoscopes), and Synastry (Relationships). I also do sell Tarot, but that will be separate.
The first thing is the Natal Chart.
• ($10) Big Three (Sun, Moon & Rising) + Their Houses/Aspects
• ($20) Personal Planets (Sun-Mars) + Their Houses/Tight Aspects
• ($30) Personal Planets (Sun-Mars) + All Houses, Their Aspects
• ($40) All Planets + Tight Aspects/Their Houses
•($50) All Planets, All Aspects, All Houses (+$5 for “Unlimited” Questions*)
• ($75) All Planets, All Aspects, All Houses, Unlimited Questions* & the astroids Chiron, Lilith, & one of your choosing between Ceres, Pallas Athena, & Juno.
*Unlimited Questions include any questions about YOUR chart (can include interactions w/ outside influences, but not w/ specific charts/signs), & Interceptions in your own chart.
Synastry Prices
• ($10) Big Three (Sun/Moon/Rising) + Their Aspects (+$5 for Houses)
• ($15) “Notable Planets & Aspects,” also known as “Quick Synastry.” This is up to my discretion, and you can upgrade from this package to the following, for $10 dollars.
• ($25) Personal Planets (Sun-Mars) + Tight Aspects
• ($40) Personal Planets (Sun-Mars) + All Aspects & Houses
• ($50) All Planets, All Aspects (+$20 for Houses w/ Planets)
• ($85) All Planets, All Aspects, All Houses (+$5 for Vesta & Juno, astroids important to Synastry, and an addional $5 for unlimited questions)
Horoscopes or Transit Charts
Horoscopes or Transit Charts operate differently than previous charts. It takes a bit more reading into individual packages, with several offers.
• ($5) Sun Sign & Ascendant “Quick ‘scopes” for a week. Highlights important days, possible obstacles, and aspects you’ll be dealing with listed in order of importance. Another $10 will give you the whole month!
• ($15) Big Three (Sun/Moon/Rising) “Quick ‘scope” for a week. Highlights important days, possible obstacles & aspects you’ll be dealing with listed in order of importance. Another $15 will give you the whole month!
• ($25) “Notable Transit.” I’ll send you notable days for a week, giving regard to all aspects. There will be no list included, and the maximum amount of aspects mentioned is 5. Another $20 will get the entire month.
• ($35) Personal Planets “Quick ‘scope” for a week. Highlights important days, and impactful aspects & obstacles, listed in order of importance. Another $30 for the whole month!
• ($35) Personal Planets “Full ‘scope” for a week. Will detail every aspect to these planets, detailing how strong & loose they are, listed in order of importance. Another $50 for the whole month! (Will also mention important dates to watch out for).
• ($50) Ascedant + Personal Planets, “Quick ‘scope” for a week. +$25 for a “Full ‘scope” or +50 for a month.
• ($100) For the whole chart (All Planets, Houses & Aspects, not including Astroids or Mathematical points), “Quick ‘scope.” +$50 for “Full ‘scope,” for a week.
• ($200) for the whole chart (All Planets, Houses & Aspects, not including Astroids or mathematical points) for the month.
+$10 to add any astroid from your NATAL chart to any horoscope. It will only be mentioned if it is aspecting at 1 orb or less. The only astroids or mathematical points that may be added from a transit perspective would be Chiron & the North Node, who will aspect as normal, but will be best mentioned when at less than 3 orbs. You may request these at any point, and for any astroid. I will tell you whether or not it is necessary, or if I suggest it.
I’ve had five years of experience with astrology, and my prices are a result of such. I will send you an email with handwritten notes, typed out, and the chart I’ve used. My email is [email protected] , it is the best way to request a reading & will also be the email I reply to you from, with a request of payment to my paypal after your chart is finished (you will recieve the chart within 48 hours - usually much earlier - after your payment is processed).
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VESTA: Vesta asteroid is the "keeper of the flame," guardian of the truth and other spiritual and cultural values. Vesta is of special importance to "old souls" who have a sense of mission and purpose, who "hold the space" or "create a context" for what is of great value. In synastry, Vesta is a comfortable hearth of gentle warmth and good feelings. In relocation astrology, I've observed that old souls like to be on their Vesta local space or MC lines, feel a sense of mission and purpose there, as well as a warm fuzzy enjoyment of the little things in life.
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aquarian-madness · 7 years
Hey I was curious about asteroids Vesta and Pallas. Vesta is Conjunct North node in 5th house Sagittarius. Pallas in 6th house Capricorn. Any implications here??
I’m more acquainted with pallas than vesta so i will do my best here 
vesta is your interests, dedication but also is reasonable and need retreat from those interests once in awhile. In the 5th, you can be a rather creative person or is interested in that, or fun in general. Conjoining north node, i think it can make you on and off trying to focus on your ‘life’s mission’ which could be turning your focus to yourself and the things you’re interested in (5th house) instead of pleasing others (11th house -assuming) or going with others interests instead of your own 
pallas is an organized astroid, it points to where/how you can spot patterns and solve problems. In the 6th, this energy can come forward in everyday life. You may be logical or try to be on an everyday basis and can be rather good at solving problems or annoyances even in everyday life 
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astroyongie · 2 years
Hey yongie I have a question, idk if you have already answered this before, but what are some astrology placements that indicate if someone is in the queer spectrum? If I'm not mistaken you can understand if idols are in the spectrum through astrology or just with tarot and other divination tools?
I use Tarot mostly! however astrology can give you some info, mostly astroids placements like Eros and Vesta if I am not mistake
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hashtagloveloses · 8 years
Mars has the biggest mountain on a planet in this solar system and its the size of arizona. the biggest mountain in this solar system is on the astroid vesta
cool factz
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