pastelstrawberriess · 4 months
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y'shtola "yes I'm opening a portal to hell but it's fine because my wife is coming with me" rhul
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gritsandbrits · 6 months
Actually I came up with a name for my Redesign!Vaggie - Vestiel! It's a play on the word "vestal" which means pure and virginal - something Vaggie is definitely not lmao.
Vestiel is also inspired by the lyre, fitting the string instrument motif Adam and Lute has. I was thinking making her codename Lyre, then after she quits renames herself Veggie.
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the-finch-address · 3 years
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You’ve been here too long
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faerynova · 6 years
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i drew my friends oc and they put it on a mug
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pastelstrawberriess · 4 months
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when she asks u on a date to see the world together : )
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pastelstrawberriess · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Y'shtola Rhul/Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV), Y'shtola Rhul & Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV) Characters: Y'shtola Rhul, Female Miqo'te Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV)
(contains Endwalker 6.0 spoilers)
They were always just teetering on the precipice of something — a perpetual almost. So close. Too reluctant. All the primals — all the gods and monsters and divine beings felled by her hand and yet she could scarcely find the resolve within her to confess her feelings to a woman. Well, more so to ask this woman to declare what she actually meant to her. 
Unlike everyone else around her, the Warrior of Light cannot rest. Violette Vestielle has vanquished the Endsinger and Zenos, yet her greatest fear is still baring her heart to Y'shtola Rhul.
or: I wrote a violshtola fanfic because they’ve taken over my brain
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pastelstrawberriess · 4 months
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they are always looking at each other so softly it makes me sick
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pastelstrawberriess · 5 months
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I am thinking about them a very normal amount
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pastelstrawberriess · 3 months
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local cat seen terrorizing the population of tuliyollal
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the-finch-address · 3 years
Tag: Word Find
Tagged by @sharraus! Thank you!!
tHO isn’t at the stage where I can find half of these words in a comprehensible state since most of it is Draft 1 gibberish. So instead I’m using the opportunity to write something new for each prompt; some being canon from the book and others just standing as an excuse to write the characters interacting. Bc of this the length got a bit......Out Of Hand. Sorry about that. Putting it all under the read more so I don’t bombard anyone’s dashboard
> Prompt: Work [Note; This occurs years before the plot begins]
Vestiel ran his fingers through the grass and picked at early yellow blooms. The harsh clang of metal against wood echoed around him, the sounds of the forest easily lost behind it.
“Can we go home soon?” he whined, “I’m so hungry I could eat a bear.” His bottom lip is brought between his teeth, and he waits. Clang. Clang. Clang. “Please?”
The axe stills. Andi turns, wiping the sweat from his brow while fitting Vestiel with a look. Magpies trill in the wake of his silence, the flutter of fallen leaves following the breeze. Andi straightens his back. “Silas won’t have finished dinner yet, lad, the sun’s still well up the sky.” He answers, looking annoyed, “We’ve plenty of light to finish this up first. Fill the baskets if you’re so restless.”
He reaches for the axe again. The disappointment must have shown on Vestiel’s face, though, since the tool remains lodged, and Andi continues to look distracted. He knew the boy was too young to understand how important this work was, how it kept them warm and fed. He couldn’t blame a child for prioritizing an empty stomach over harsh and thankless labor. Still, that morning’s storm had downed too many trees to not take advantage of. It had to be done.
“Tell you what,” Andi resigns himself, a weary smile lifting his eyes, “I’ll let you do a few strokes, but Vestiel-”
The boy is already up and on his feet, dandelions forgotten in the sunken spots of grass where his legs had crossed, “You mean it?” He brightens, “I can do it all by myself?”
“Listen to me,” Andi lifts a hand, demanding attention, while the other remains on the hilt, “you’ll start with the axe wedged in and bring them down together-” he offers a stern look, “--and I don’t want to hear any complaints. This is your first time, I don’t want you lopping off a toe or, North forbid, a whole foot. You need a feel for the tool before you do anything else.”
Vestiel acknowledges this with a hasty nod, the muttered agreement of “Yeah, yeah, sure” crossing his lips, hand already reaching for the axe.
Andi comes between him with a harsher expression than before, eyebrows raised expectantly. Vestiel lets out a sigh.
“The axe will start in the wood. Got it.” The impatience hasn’t fully left his tone, but it’s an improvement, and Andi appears content by it.
The wood is already a narrowed size when the axe is driven through its flesh. The blade settles halfway down the block and wedges itself firmly along the grain with little resistance, just on the edge of splitting. He brings it to Vestiel, who takes the closer end of the block with his left hand and the hilt with his right.
“Now, you’ll want to bring it down towards the back of the splitting block,” Andi starts, “Make sure you do so with both hands together, or you’ll only-”
Clang. Vestiel opens his eyes, already knowing that Andi is going to ring his neck for having closed them in the first place. All is forgotten at the sight of the severed wood, though, and he can’t help but be excited with the results. It isn’t perfect by any means, but it’s his, and he’s no less proud of it despite his brother's hand-holding. He looks to Andi in hopes of praise.
“Mother’s grief, Vestiel, have some patience!” Is the chastised response he receives instead. “You couldn’t have at least waited for me to finish?”
Vestiel makes a sour face. “I did it fine, didn’t I?” He retorts, “Isn’t that good enough?”
Andi raises a hand, pinching the bridge of his nose, a long and tired breath escaping him. After a minute of patience himself he’s able to give Vestiel the reaction he was looking for. A smile, small but proud. “It’s not bad for your first time,” he says, “but you’re going to need more practice, and patience, than that if you want to hack apart whole trees in a few years.”
He extends a hand to bring Vestiel near, pulling him snug against his side. “You did well.” Andi continues, “but, lad,” his voice lowers to a stern whisper, and
Vestiel pales, “If I ever see your eyes closed with an axe in hand again, you’ll sweep the whole corridor. Twice.”
He swallows harshly and answers only with a nod. The pride blooming in his chest doesn't falter.
> Prompt: Weather
The evening sky flashes white, casting shadows across paintings framed in gold and goblets of silver. Across the room, Caprice of the North hunches over a desk painted in candlelight. He draws a finger across the map in study of its various routes and borders, frowning. Behind him, thunder crashes down. He flinches. Pitiful.
Shaking away the thought, the young deliverer refocuses. His back arches further towards the desk until braided locks of gold spill over onto the wood. Especially now, as he squints in the darkness of his shadow, does he wish this dreaded storm had chosen another night. It brought a miserable chill to his bones despite the grizzly pelt draping heavily over his shoulders and brought an ache to his bones.
Lightning comes again, its brilliant light cutting into the room with the swiftness of a sword’s blow. Capri anticipates it this time. When thunder claps against his window he’s decisively ready for it, his knuckles gone white against clenching fists. He can’t stop their trembling no matter how tightly he’s squeezing.
A knock at the door sends him out of his skin.
Like a sharp wound, the anticipation drives him into a panic. Young flesh grasps aimlessly for a new frame to stretch into, finding nothing but mortal bones. By the time the door swings open he is straightened, remembering a human form, begging the drum within his heart to settle.
Silence greets him. A form approaches from the doorway and draws towards the light, illuminating their features quick enough that Caprice’s hand stills where it rested on the hilt of his sword.
“Dove?” He relaxes and lets himself breathe, forcing air into his lungs with more effort than is needed. “I thought you were with Eivind."
“He was needed elsewhere,” Dove signs. His hands portrayed a sense of disappointment where one couldn’t be seen in his expression, brown eyes seeming indifferent.
Caprice looks away shamefully, “You didn’t have to come,” he says.
“I wanted to.”
His gaze again lifts to meet the other with only a grunt, reluctant to answer in words for fear that his voice might betray him.
Light consumes the room with blinding force and concurrently Caprice’s hand reaches blindly for the edge of the desk to ground himself. It’s silly, he thinks, ruined pride staining his cheeks red. Internally he’s counting the seconds as they go by, steeling himself.
Dove reaches for him--
Capri recoils just as thunder cracks and booms overhead. The approach was too quick, well-meaning as it may have been. Dove understands the reaction. He reads Caprice as well as the noble reads his sign.
The thrashing of rain fills the aching silence and neither of them dares interrupt it. Seconds pass by without distraction until Dove again extends his hand forward. He moves slower than he has to under the young emperor’s weary gaze as though addressing a wounded animal.
When Caprice notices it’s not without backlash. His eyes turn hard, looking fussed. His nails dig into the wood beneath them until angry lines form on the underside of the desk and pain shoots up his fingers.
Dove’s palm settles over his hand, squeezing.
He flinches but can’t bring himself to shake the man away. The silence between them stretches on unbearably after, broken only by the rain. He releases the desk and turns his palm face up, intertwining their fingers wearily. “Thank you.” He whispers.
When the thunder comes this time, he doesn’t flinch.
Prompt: Help
Vestiel’s heartbeat thuds like thunder roaring inside his ears. He stares with too much intent at the earth beneath his worn shoes, doing his best to concentrate on the hole boring over the space near his toes.
Much to his dismay, Fannar-Haise appears to notice.
She carries herself past the snow huts and politely cuts through the crowd, stepping lightly around the fire and between celebrants, their songs alight with a different kind of flame.
Vestiel can’t hear them past his own thoughts. Get out, get out, get out. He forces some semblance of greeting out as she approaches but can’t manage to look her in the eyes. It’s hard most days, but especially now.
“Enjoying the party?” She asks, making no mention of the answer being pretty obvious. The smile on her lips is pitying, judgemental at worst, he just knows it. He can’t bear to lift his chin and see. If Andi were here he could explain himself easily but, as it was, he was going into this situation alone. Completely, utterly alone.
“Yeah,” he lies, “just tired from all the traveling.”
It’s a witless excuse and she knows it. Instead of pointing it out, though, she only offers a shake of her head. There’s a lot to say about communication and Fannar-Haise considers herself an expert on the subject. She watches him fumble about; the trouble in getting his tongue to do its job sticking out to her as sorely as the restless, rhythmic tap of his hand against his hip and the blatant avoidance of eye contact. It answered her question more than his words could, and that was okay.
“You’re overwhelmed,” she nods to herself this time, having seemingly come to a conclusion all on her own, “Let me help. You don’t have to answer with words, a nod will do just fine. Can you walk?”
Vestiel squints at the sole of his shoes, looking confused, then apprehensive, “I’m-”
Silence. No matter how hard he pries, not a single word comes loose from his tongue. The thoughts are there and plentiful, excuses and apologies, maybe something more, fastened tightly like honey coating his throat and hidden away between his ribcage, leaving him breathless and useless.
His chin tilts upward, lips parting, but he can’t manage it. Instead, he allows himself the nod she had been looking for.
“Good. That’s good. We’re going to go somewhere quiet and after that you can tell me what you want to do. Can I touch your hand?”
She patiently waits for the resulting, albeit cautious nod, and takes his hand within her own.
She guides him past the bustling scene like this. As they reach a distance where the noise has muffled he finds it in himself to speak again. It’s slow, at first, allowing his mind time to find the right words. “How did you know?”
Calmly she turns her gaze from the sky, not looking directly at him but rather just past where he stands. There isn’t a soul there when Vestiel follows her gaze over his shoulder, but he’d only half expected one. Andi had learned with time not to stare too long; something told him Haise was just as quick of a learner.
“Call it a hunch,” she hums, “I’ve experienced my fair share of things, Vestiel. This isn’t new or strange, it’s just you.” She pauses to face him, eyes still averted. He returns the favor and looks at her nose like it’s his only salvation, seconded only by the sight of his snow hut in the distance and the soft murmur becoming of the crowd ever fading behind them.
“Besides,” she continues, “these celebrations aren’t a requirement by any standard. They’re here to bring happiness. If something causes you to be unhappy you have no obligation to stay. If you need to step away, I will understand. We will always understand.”
Vestiel doesn’t know what to say when they reach the entrance. Despite her words, he can’t help but feel a wave of guilt wash over him for having both left the celebration early-- a celebration of his arrival, no less--and now, leaving their leader at the door.
She picks up on this, too.
“I’m going to head back to the others for a while longer. You can join us if you’re feeling up to it, or you can stay here and get some rest. Don’t overthink it, okay?”
Her warmth is everything to him, more grounding than a hole in his shoe could ever be. He wants her to know, wants to find the right words to explain how much her actions mean to him, but there isn’t an easy way to go about it without making a greater fool of himself. He answers with a weak smile and a simple, “Okay”, the best he can offer in way of thanks.
She matches his smile and bids him goodnight.
Prompt: Hope
The scent of leather tanning above flame clings to his nostrils. It fills him with a sense of despair unlike any other, weighing different from the miserable few weeks he’d spent mourning Andi, even. Putrid, a nauseating sort of agony like snakes writhing and tearing at his stomach. Burning. Burning. Burning.
The forest was ablaze. That was all he could possibly know, here in the dark. Shadows drove past him in a stampede of bodies carving through the night, survived only by a name and footprints worn into the poaching grounds.
He scares awake. Stars wink faintly above him, hidden behind the morning sun.
“Bad dream?”
Tupelo’s voice startles him a second time from where he lay, their trek up the hill all but forgotten until that point.
Vestiel slowly drags himself into a sitting position with a grunt of effort. Sweat collects at his jaw, cold against his cheeks. He licks his lips and tastes salt.
“A fire, just to the north of here-- tonight maybe--the forest, the people-”
Tupelo tends to the campfire, looking drained. It was suddenly apparent neither of them had slept well. “The forest?” they ask with a shake of their head, “Not to the north, yet.”
Vestiel draws his shirt away and uses the
bottom corner to dry his face. Goosebumps still clinging to his arms, the memory remaining like a fresh wound.
“You don’t have to believe me,” he says, “I can’t explain it to you and if I do, you���ll just think I’ve gone strange. I’m only asking that you take me north of here.”
He reaches for the map tucked inside his rucksack, spilling a few more items in the process, “It shouldn’t be too far off from where we’re going already. I’ll show you.”
Tupelo is quick to rest their hand against his wrist with a sympathetic, albeit calm look on their face. “We’ll go.” They assure him, pointing to the north. “If it’s important.”
It quickly becomes evident that Tupelo is just as ill-equipped for this kind of travel as Vestiel. For as nimble as they are the hill obviously called for a different kind of strength. The original path would have taken them up and around, but this new direction was a straight shot to the north, uphill for the better half of it.
Tupelo watches Vestiel out of the corner of their eye, checking up on him every now and then as though waiting for Vestiel to change his mind, or hoping he’ll get around to it if they climb for long enough.
However, Vestiel remains steadfast in the endeavor, eyes locked on the horizon. He’s certain of what he saw, having learned to trust the dreams long ago, and he had no plans to stop now. The smell of burning flesh still lingered undeniably.
“We’re almost there.” Tupelo breaks the silence.
“Finally,” he gasps, “I don’t think my legs can go on for much longer.”
He can feel it already. The weight of the earth shifting beneath his feet, a familiar pressure that seeps into his bones, pungent smoldering inside his nostrils once more. “It’s right over here,” he drags himself the last few feet to the summit, “It’s-”
Dead. Every tree, every blade of grass, the entire opposite face of the hill lie dusty and black, an empty expanse of burnt trunks where the forest should have been.
Tupelo comes up beside him.
“What happened here?” Vestiel gasps in disbelief, “I was sure-- my dreams have never lied, not once before. Were we too late?”
“Your soul tells stories, not prophecies.” Tupelo answers, “Father told me you can hear them.”
“The spirits,” they gesture to the barren woods, “they speak because they know you will listen. Come.”
Vestiel follows their lead. Dry grass crunches underfoot as they descend the hill. Patches of green pop up here and there, but aren't constant and don’t compare to the full weight of the forest that should have been in its stead. It’s a sight he feels the need to grieve over as though his own soul were tied to the scorched land. The thought scares him.
Tupelo steps ahead and crouches to their knees, hands smoothing over a ring of stones that would have gone unseen had they not brought attention to it. Wordlessly, they pull the canteen from its strap and let the remainder of its water drip out.
Vestiel inches closer now. He kneels beside the other, “What is it?”
Tupelo sits back on their heels, palms opening to show a young sapling, green and healthy, standing tall, small as it may be. It rests in a forgotten graveyard.
“A tree?” Vestiel reaches for it and thumbs carefully along the juvenile bark. “What is one tree to an empty field?”
Tupelo cradles the sapling fondly. “Hope.”
I'm tagging @faenova @squid-scribe @zmlorenz @ashen-crest @henrike-does-writing-sometimes and @sharraus (can I tag the tagger? I'm doing it anyway)
Your words are Drenched, Gather, Cradle, and Howl
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the-finch-address · 3 years
Blood Red and ocean blue for The Heir's Odium! (they're the questions about your favourite and least favourite piece of dialogue from the WIP)
YEAAA I was hoping someone would ask me these ones. I like offering context with excerpts and for this reason they're a little on the long side, so I decided to put them under a r/m thank you for the ask !
Blood Red: Favourite piece of dialogue from your wip I don't think I have a top favorite, but this interaction is up there! It occurs between Vestiel and his brother shortly after he is made leader of the Mange
“We will need to wait and see,” I answer, “The Temper may end up taking more than their fair share. We’re just looking at taking the stragglers again this year.” His shoulders sink, “You do that every year, Vestiel. It’s in fa’s nature to pick the weakest bones of the bunch, but this year you have the opportunity to change that! You can-” “Don’t.” My lips tighten into a frown, hands forming fists. I knew it. It’s hard not to outright snarl. The air feels poisonous, so I try not to breathe. Heron dares to look from the corner of his eye before the gaze returns south, and he picks up staring contest with his boots. I could choke on the words he isn’t saying. “I hate it when you talk about him like that. Like he’s-- like he’s gone. He’s not.” I’m not being careful. I could hurt him. I could hurt us, whatever relationship that remains. Heron nods but doesn't immediately speak. He fumbles with the front tie of his pack and rolls the roughened fabric between his thumb and pointer finger. “I’m just saying… he’s been gone for a while, Vestiel. He isn't coming back. It’s hard, and I—you of all people should know that I care, that I miss him desperately— but maybe it’s for the best.” He’s being cowardly. Nothing good will come out of lying to himself. His smile is faint and doesn’t reach his eyes. He’ll say whatever it takes to numb the feeling of being alone. “Changes can finally be made in how this pack is run, and the Harvest is a good place to start.” “Do you?” I ask, interrupting. Careless. “Do I…” “Care. Do you really care?” One of his crows circles overhead, mimicking the words we spoke in an agonizing echo. We both choose to ignore it. “You know I do.” Heron finally whispers. He looks betrayed that I’d even ask such a thing, that his own brother might accuse him of disloyalty. The silence stretches on as we can only look at each other, standing with our hearts exposed and wounded. Our venom cast forth. He pulls the straps of his pack further up his chest and huffs, carrying on, words needless. We leave them in the field.
Ocean Blue: Least favourite piece of dialogue from your wip This one was easy. It isn't my least favorite because I think it's bad, but because it was a very difficult, emotional scene that broke my heart to write from start to finish. It's technically spoilers so I'm not going to give you context on this one you can just have it and decide what you want to about it
“I expected to have a few more years, at least. Instructions that weren’t smothered behind all your stupid riddles. You just disappeared.” When I look up, I’m not crying. I can’t be. Vestiel Mange was a lot of things but he wasn’t a cryer. Still, my voice shakes without mercy, “You disappeared when I needed you most.” He pales, going stiff in the hammock, face stretching with surprise. It would be a laughable expression was I not looking to knock his teeth out. “Do I have your attention now?” I spit and grind my teeth together until pain flares through my cheeks. Distracting. He nods, slow and cautious like he’s speaking with a shaking doe, “Yeah, Vesty-boy. You’ve got my attention.” His gaze doesn’t properly find me. Instead, it hovers somewhere around my chest where the dog tag’s absence speaks loudest. “I’m listening.”
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the-finch-address · 3 years
Pyrite: Could the antagonist and protagonist ever be friends?
for The Dog Yard
I'm not sure I could ever see Judas and Seventh becoming friends. Not only because Seventh, being inhuman, isn't really capable of friendship, but because Judas reserves a special place in his heart for hating them.
for The Heir's Odium
I can say with confidence that not only do Vestiel and Capri actively become friends in the series, but they would die for each other. Eventually.
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the-finch-address · 3 years
Dusty rose!
Dusty Rose: Your personal favourite character in your wip I doubt it comes as any surprise that my favorite character from each wip is the MC, but I should mention that I like the two of them for completely opposite reasons. Vestiel (tHO) is a complete reflection of myself, the traits that are both positive and negative, and everything in between. But here's the thing; in the book, he learns to grow, he becomes someone truly worth writing about. He's an inspiration for what I hope to become eventually. Someone I can be proud of. And I cherish that, as silly as it sounds. Judas (tDY) shares a lot of my traits too, but they're the negative ones. As in, only the negative ones, and I think I hate him with an equal measure of likeness because of that. There's something about writing a character that embodies the parts of yourself you loathe that really sets a tone in the narrative. This isn't to say that Judas is built on negative traits alone, just that it plays a critical role in their characterization-- and in that same context, allows me to play with the question of what if like I wouldn't be able to with other characters.
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the-finch-address · 3 years
charades, chutes and ladders, operation!
thank you for the ask! This is going to be a long one lol
Charades: Reveal one of your character’s personalities by talking about things they’ve done, things they’ve said, and habits they have.
Going to use Judas from tDY for this one because he's who I know most about out of the cast
things they’ve done: This one is most difficult because of the character's amnesia, and as the book is in first person I wouldn't feel right telling you what the character themselves doesn't know!  
That being said, at the beginning of the book Judas is found wearing a jean jacket with several state patches implying that he was well-traveled before the accident (and that he might believe in big-foot— but that's another story)
things they've said: Judas is a funny guy in the way that he prefers to keep quiet and simultaneously can not ever keep his thoughts to himself.  Because of this their dialog consists of anything between "Morning, how'd you sleep?" and "If I were given the choice between a horrible, painful death and having to hear you talk for the rest of my life I'd willingly hand myself over to the reaper because at least it would be over with faster than this conversation."
habits they have: Aside from starting fights, Judas' more obscure habits include things like - filling a (different) coffee mug while still having one in his hand to finish - flipping his pillow over three (3) times before he can sleep - tearing out and crumpling each piece of art from his sketchbook if it's not perfect (its a pretty empty book)
chutes and ladders: Which character has screwed up more royally than any other character? What did they do?
In an effort to keep this one short and as spoiler free as possible, I’d have to say Andi (The Heir’s Odium) would take the crown for most royally fucking up after he adopted a baby by force (read; kidnapped) and in turn put in motion the fall of an empire and entire theocracy within.
Operation: What is the most high-stakes scene you’ve ever written? Did the protagonists emerge victorious?
I’ve written a lot of big scenes, but the most high-stakes is probably the scene wherein Vestiel (The Heir’s Odium) is forced to confront one of the book’s deities for the first time and has to escape through an (increasingly) burning forest without being caught.  Did he emerge victorious? Yeah, sure, but with one less arm than before.
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the-finch-address · 3 years
ok ok ok. when making an OC, do you think of the name first or last?
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the-finch-address · 3 years
(from @cc-morgan) hello hello, I have a question for worldbuilding wednesday! for any WIPs that aren't set in the real world, are there any unique dog breeds? What's a domesticated animal or farm animal from the setting, and why is that animal important or useful to people?
Thank you for the ask!! I love getting questions like this
The Heir's Odium comes closest to being considered not in the 'real world', being that it's set a few hundred years into the future. Because of this, most of the species are animals we would already be familiar with that have since evolved (or devolved, in some cases) with time to better survive in this new world and its challenges. There are cows and oxen, pigs and boars, horses (many, many, many horses), the works. Dogs themselves are crossbred by that point, which is to say, breeding purebreds is a long-forgotten career. The exact breed of dog isn't monitored or taken into consideration more than the basic question of will they do their job? Dogs are kept and trained for a number of reasons but protection, hunting, and companionship are the priority.
Dogs do play a minor role in the series, of course. The Mange owns exactly one which stands guard outside of the Pack's door. Contrastingly, Caprice--being the heir to an empire, and all--has a few hundred.
Now, there is an animal that has evolved to an extent that it ought to be mentioned... but I'm putting it below the r/m because I've already dragged this on for long enough! lol
You're still here? Great!
This nasty thing is called a Jetter, and they are a half-ton aves of feathers and teeth. Consider the characteristics of shoebills, condors, and vultures, then pepper in some nightmare fuel.
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They are named that way because their closest resemblance is to a fighter jet (said planes from the Before World having long since been downed and forgotten, laid to rest in a scattered graveyard across the expanse of the empire). Their wingspan is anywhere between 7-15M or, at their largest, the size of a F-16A/B Falcon Fighter. With Vestiel as an example (standing at 5'8), the Jetter in the above reference is actually on the smaller side.
Jetters will hunt individually but tend to gather and fight over food once it's downed. Best to avoid them in general but especially so when you see one with a prize between its claws. A single kick is strong enough to send you to your maker, their speed rivals what they're named for, and those teeth (which stem from the beak itself) can cleave through flesh and bone like it's game day at wingstop.
TLDR; Dogs are still popular! Don't mess with the giant murder birds.
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