#vg: fallout 76
theclubhero-blog · 22 days
Sucesso de Fallout no Prime Video foi bastante lucrativo para a Bethesda
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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Total gerado com a série e com sua repercussão em outras mídias pode atingir a casa dos US$ 100 milhões
Sucesso absoluto entre a comunidade, a série de Fallout trouxe bons resultados financeiros para a Bethesda. Com sua repercussão para além do Prime Video, o projeto live-action pode garantir um faturamento de até US$ 100 milhões para a empresa.
Uma pesquisa realizada pelo site VG Insights trouxe dados mais concretos sobre o retorno dessa popularidade aos cofres da empresa. De acordo com o site, o interesse renovado pelos jogos, que atingiram novos picos na Steam, potencializaram essas margens.
Uma estimativa indica que, após o lançamento da série, Fallout 4 vendeu dois milhões de cópias, enquanto 76 entre 1 mi e 1,5 milhão. Os gastos do consumidor com vendas e com serviços ao vivo nesses games teria atingido US$ 50 milhões.
Além disso, o free-to-play Fallout Shelter não ficou de fora da conta. Especula-se que a receita acumulada pelo jogo de gerenciamento nesse período foi de cinco a dez milhões de dólares. Vale lembrar que o game alcançou o top dez de mais vendidos no Reino Unido.
Licenciamento de Fallout empurra os lucros para cima Excluindo os rendimentos de jogos, a Bethesda também tem direito aos pagamentos de licença por transmissão de direitos. O valor acordado teria sido em torno dos US$ 30 milhões, apesar de ser apenas uma estimativa do VG Insights.
Vale pontuar que a pesquisa não registrou dados de New Vegas ou do terceiro jogo, ambos disponíveis nas plataformas digitais do PC. Com isso, o total acumulado pela Bethesda pode alcançar surpreendentes US$ 100 milhões.
A primeira temporada de Fallout está disponível na íntegra via Prime Video. A série já tem sinal verde para uma segunda leva de episódios.
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vecna · 5 years
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From here. I’m dying.
This whole shitshow just keeps getting worse, but at least this is funny djghdf.
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boneforts · 6 years
p sure fallout 76 being set in wv is a personal slight against me by the universe for my coworkers and i shit talking wv all last month 😤😤😤
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equippedinventory · 5 years
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  I adore dabbling in photography — whether it’s shots that were taken wandering around a local park, cosplay photos of friends at conventions or photos Nate and I set up in our makeshift basement studio area (which is really makeshift ;D) — it just brings me a certain type of joy. When video games started including photo modes, I was ecstatic. It was a way for me to capture the amazing settings I couldn’t capture with an actual camera of places I loved to visit (but never really could physically).
  So what’s Photo Mode Friday? It’s me sharing some of my favorites shots I’ve captured in some of my favorite games! It’s gonna be a little lax on the ���PHOTO MODE” though, cause I also like to set up shots and then take screencaps if a game doesn’t have a photo mode. I’ll make a note in the post whether the shots are screencaps or from an actual photo mode in the game, but I figure it was easiest to call it “Photo Mode Friday” and not “Photo Mode & Sometimes Screencaps Friday”~
  Also, there will be a couple shots each Friday -- I only did one today due to the intro info for this feature. :)
  To start off, here’s a shot I grabbed with Fallout 76’s photo mode! It is of my most precious babby, the Wise Mothman, during the Path to Enlightenment event.
  Bonus points for Fallout 76 for adding in an actual camera in-game you can upgrade and mod with lenses and decorative gear! Sometimes the environment doesn’t allow for photo mode due to size restrictions in some of the smaller rooms and areas, so the camera item is a must have in those cases!
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glitchb0t · 6 years
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a variety of things from last night! not pictured: my panicked interactions with another player
first, jack actually out in the world and looking gr8.
second row: i’m debating whether i want to keep him clean shaven or give him his dumb goatee since he’s looking pretty young 🤔
third, when i first started, he spawned with facial hair for some reason? it wasn’t there inside the vault, but it appeared after i stepped outside and it just did not want to go away. i am confused yet also amused and i feel like he should be wearing a cowboy hat. and finally, unrelated to jack: you can buy succulents for your c.a.m.p. and I Am Tempted.
((ps: this jack is not the same jack as my first post with jack 76. turns out the game doesn’t save until you leave the vault and i didn’t know that so i had to remake him. in this (imo better) remake, his scar is set to 69% opacity because i am a Very Serious Adult lmao. felt it fitting for something modeled after handsome jack :’D))
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ludwigfanfunkoven · 6 years
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winchesterlockll · 6 years
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All you need to know about Fallout 76 coverage at Bethesda E3.
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sunwukongisms-blog · 6 years
Podcast starts in just under 40 minutes if anyone wants to watch, the stream is mainly going to be talking about fallout 76 at least at the start: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCozFRZuYkskZqp_YOkml-vg/live
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lostnearinfinity · 5 years
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GameStop Exclusive Female (Vault 76) Dweller #glyos #toys #toysofinstagram #toystagram #toyphotography #toys4life #gold #drone #scifi #vg #starwars #comics #horror #horrormovies #bookstagram #space #picoftheday #photooftheday #instapic #videogames #comicbooks #instatoys #80stoys #toycommunity #metallic #blue #silver #photography #fallout #aliens https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvm7pgyFZaJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yft92u42kmgd
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que-noticias · 5 years
Comprar un frigorífico en Fallout 76 cuesta siete dólares, y eso a la comunidad no le ha gustado
Comprar un frigorífico en Fallout 76 cuesta siete dólares, y eso a la comunidad no le ha gustado
Ya se ha calmado un poco la cosa, pero cuando salió Fallout 76 no parábamos de ver noticias sobre él y las malas decisiones de Bethesda. Desde entonces, la compañía ha intentado revitalizarlo, pero no todo está saliendo como debería.
Lo último que no ha calado demasiado entre la comunidad es ni más ni menos que frigorífico, como hemos podido ver en VG 24/7. Sí, podemos hacernos con uno en…
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vecna · 5 years
I have to be real and take the L here re: Fallout 76.
Cause fuck this new subscription plan update.
So, I was one of the loudest people semi-defending the game when it came out. And I stand by that, to some extent. When the game first released, it wasn’t Great, but it wasn’t as bad as everyone made it out to be. My friends and I genuinely had A LOT of fun in the first month or two, largely via emergent gameplay and making our own shenanigans. Yeah, a lot of shit was broken, but at the time it didn’t dampen our enjoyment.
At the time.
Since then, the fucking game has only gotten more and more broken with each update. Even my friends and I -- who had supported them and told ourselves, “It’s rough rn, but it’s fun and it’ll get better.” -- were driven off. The game quickly became unplayable, and it felt like every time they fixed one thing, they’d create 3 more problems. Or they’d implement something people had been asking for, but in the most shady way that sapped any enjoyment out of it. And then also failed to ever do anything about the awful piss-poor toxic racist troll-ridden community that still played the game.
EVEN THROUGH ALL THAT, my friends and I who’d quit playing kept saying, “Welp. When they eventually add private servers, we can try playing again. At least we can get away from griefers and use mods to fix shit. It’ll be fun to play together, just us.”
Except now they’re adding private servers, but in the worst implemented and scummy way imaginable. I genuinely can’t believe it. I can’t believe they took something they promised us from launch, made it a fucking subscription plan, and syphoned out anything that might have made it worth subbing for.
I can’t even really say how mad I am about the whole thing. But mostly I’m just like WOW I CAN’T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY HAD FAITH IN Y’ALL AT FIRST. Jesus christ.
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vecna · 6 years
“Our goal for launch — this is really new for us — is to have a well-running, robust service, and then some period later, we’re currently still designing what that service looks like, you’ll be able to have your own private world, and be able to mod it and do all of that.”
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vecna · 6 years
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I did the Fallout 76 beta and found a cult in a church, nice.
I didn’t touch character creation since it was crashing the game, and only really got to play today. But overall, I liked it! My initial fear was that the game would get stale if I’m playing solo all the time, since there’s not much of a story. But I nevertheless dove in today and didn’t realize I’d been playing for 6 hours by myself lmao. And playing all that time, I think I explored like 1/10th of the map.
If nothing else, I think I’ll get a fun few weeks out of it, which is the most I hope for with any online multiplayer game lately.
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vecna · 6 years
I know a lot of my followers were concerned about the “multiplayer” aspect of Fallout 76, so this is a really good article. Notably this bit:
“... it gets across exactly what Bethesda wants: meeting another human should feel like an actual event.
Crucially, that event shouldn’t feel primarily like a threat. We’ve explained how PvP works in far more detail elsewhere, but my hands-on goes some way towards proving that Bethesda’s own Vault-Tec-like behavioural experiment works. Several players shoot me, bringing up an alert on my screen – if I ignored that and they put me down they’d become a “Wanted Murderer”, earning nothing of value for killing me, while putting a bounty on their head for every other player to collect. It’s enough to make every player who takes a potshot at me never follow through. Even if they did, dying simply has you drop the Junk you’re carrying, useful for crafting or selling, but not necessary for survival. 
If you don’t want to chance even that, you can turn on a Pacifist mode at any time, meaning you can’t do damage to other players, and vice versa.”
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glitchb0t · 6 years
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following fallout 4 jack, jack 76 is in action! gonna make a few adjustments later but it’s a pretty decent start. i, uh, kinda got freaked out by another player hovering around my door, though, so i left the game after getting my pipboy... but hey! at least jack’s made! now if my anxiety can fuck off and let me play an online game for once that’d be swell lol
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lostnearinfinity · 6 years
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The mail decided to keep my Battle Tribes order a little longer so today we're shifting gears to a game haul. Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Monster Boy arriving within days of each other. Obviously Smash won as I squeezed a little time here and there to unlock the full roster last night. An early Xmas gift was an out-of-print Splatoon 2 Pro controller. Smash needs a full size controller to feel proper. Meanwhile the local Target hauled out their Fallout 76 Power Armor sets and put them on clearance. Holding out for that Tricentennial edition to get a bit cheaper since the main game already went half off a couple of weeks ago. #glyos #toys #toysofinstagram #toystagram #toyphotography #toys4life #nintendo #drone #scifi #vg #starwars #comics #horror #horrormovies #bookstagram #space #picoftheday #photooftheday #instapic #videogames #comicbooks #instatoys #80stoys #toycommunity #red #supersmashbrosultimate #fallout #photography #alien #splatoon https://www.instagram.com/p/BrRYJIjnDqp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mi8ep9x3ww3i
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