bonesandthebees · 4 months
Taking advantage of that it probably gonna be a while before you get to this...
And i hope this doesnt sound selfish or self-centered either.
But thank you for your kind words Bee.
And thank you for speaking and answering questions about fanfictions and writing.
Writing fanfiction has helped me so much in the past year. Mostly with my self confidence in my writing skills, opinions, and ideas. It has brought me comfort as well as joy.
I agree that the character we have been writing about belongs more to the fan base than the creator. And because of that fact. I want to keep writing. It gives me a creative outlet that I haven't had in long time. Though I will b going on a little break because of all this, I want to keep going.
I shouldn't have to stop doing what I enjoy because of what someone else made me feel. That just gives them power.
Thank you for your kindness Bee. Have a good night and be sure to take good care of yourself.
-AlterEgo (^-^)/
Oh alterego <333 I hope you're doing alright. it is totally fair to take as long of a break as you need, I know that if I do end up writing c!wilbur again it's going to be a bit longer before I feel okay enough to do so. but yeah, we shouldn't stop doing something we enjoy when we can separate the character from the creator. fuck that guy, he doesn't get to ruin this community completely for us
take care of yourself :)
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atthebell · 7 months
i saw your crochet richas and i absolutely fell in love with him.
would you be willing to share the pattern you used to make him and the rest of the eggs?
i would like to make them myself
of not thats totally fine. i still think they look so cute.
absolutely!!!! for the smaller eggs i have a pattern in the notes of the post somewhere, although i might write something up that's more detailed eventually. and i've been working on writing down the bigger richas pattern, should finish it up either tonight or in the next few days-- i'll be sure to tag you when i do end up posting it!
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pevensiechase · 4 months
*slams on table*
Hi, AlterEgo! Thank you for the ask!
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I have sooo many thoughts about Spider-Man. NWH was the last MCU movie I watched in theatres.
My favorite is Garfield, but in my opinion:
Maguire was a really good Peter Parker because he was nerdy and extremely awkward.
Garfield was a good Spider-Man, but he was too cool to be Peter Parker.
and Holland is a pretty good mixture of both.
I've read the Spider-Verse run of the comics, and some of them were a bit traumatizing, but it was cool learning about different Spider-Mans.
Into the Spider-Verse was AMAZING!! but I haven't seen Across the Spider-Verse yet.
Have a great day!
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Are you still doing that ask game? If so...
#1 and #14 pls?
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
I write in comic sans. It's easier on the eyes and kind of makes me write faster.
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
I don't really lend books to people unless it's my sister. I don't have lost books because she always makes sure to give them back in good condition. Books are sacred to the both of us, so I can trust her. I lent a book to someone one time and the first thing they did was bend the cover all the way back. It made me so mad. Don't ruin books, people!
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Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! 🌸
Sorry I don't do ask games like these but it's very sweet :D thank you
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whumperofworlds · 1 year
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Here are all of our tributes (tagged under the readmore!)
Just a heads up that it's gonna be a long post!
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serickswrites · 5 months
hey there. i love your work! its great. iwas wondering do you think we could possibly get a pt2 of this one? i love the idea of caretaker and whumpee being complete strangers.
Hello! So glad you enjoyed it. (and everything I put out there). I am happy to write a part 2 for you.
Please enjoy!
Part 1
Warnings: bruises, blood, broken bones, unconsciousness
"I won't hurt you, but I am going to help you."
Caretaker watched the stranger lay there and consider what Caretaker said. Their eyes were wary beneath the dark bruises. Blood dripped from their clearly broken nose. They hadn't stopped clutching their middle. What had happened?
Finally, the stranger nodded. They winced as they tried to sit up.
"Don't, let me help you." Caretaker held out a hand tentatively to the stranger.
The stranger flinched back, eyes going wide. "S-Sorry," they said softly as they tried to let Caretaker touch them.
"My name is Caretaker. Do you think you can stand? My car isn't too far. I can get you there and drive you to the emergency room?"
The stranger nodded gingerly. They took Caretaker's outstretched hand and braced as they tried to stand. "My name....is Whumpee," they huffed as they stood.
"Nice to meet you, Whumpee." Caretaker went to wrap Whumpee's arm over their shoulder and stopped. "Is it ok if I touch you?"
Whumpee nodded slowly. Their eyes seemed a little unfocused. "'Kay," they whispered.
Caretaker pulled Whumpee's arm over their shoulder and wrapped their arm around Whumpee's waist. "Lean on me. It's not far. We'll get you to the emergency room soon and get you patched up."
"Mhmm," Whumpee said faintly. "S'ry," they whispered as their knees buckled.
"What--oh shit!" Caretaker grabbed onto Whumpee tightly as they fainted dead away. "Hey. Hey! Whumpee! Open your eyes. Wake up!"
Whumpee didn't respond as Caretaker tried to wake them. Their head lolled on their neck. "Hold on, Whumpee. Hold on." Caretaker began to move towards their car, never letting go of Whumpee, even as Whumpee's legs dragged behind them, Caretaker kept going. Whumpee needed help. Urgently.
Tags: @viaalterego @whumpitywhumpwhump @st0rmm@pigeonwhumps
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viaalterego · 2 months
Hi! Hello, lovely human how are you doing?
So uhh I wanted to know how you came up with your user. Cus like it's unique
also any music recommendations?
Anyway online hugs for all!
Hi Moon!
im doing alright today.
My username inspo is kinda geeky if im going to be honest.
its the name of a video game character i like from the video game Danganrompa. as for the "via" part, i just needed something to make that name unique on my ao3 (since its the same there) and the username AlterEgo was taken. so "viaAlterEgo" it is!
music recs? i kinda listen to everything, but i do enjoy artists Lyn Lapid, Leanna Firestone, Good Kid, and khai dreams. so... a lot of indie pop lol. thanks to my parents, i do have a pretty solid knowledge of older songs, genres, and artists, like ABBA, and Fleetwood Mac, and TLC!
thanks for the online hug!
have a great day!
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virtualcoffeemoon · 3 months
Me, greeting my mutuals: Hi Duck! How are you?
Hey, Computer you haven't posted in a while u good?
Hello Obnoxious! I liked that cat meme you posted.
Hi Viaalterego! coffee person or tea?
Hi anythingbutisabella, best Taylor Swift album?
Hey doyoujustnotwantto what is your favorite color?
Night blog, what is your opinion on the idea of Taylor swift running for president?
Hello, Brenn.
@anythingbutisabella @anobnoxiousnerd @viaalterego @doyoujustnotwantto @perfectgardenercomputer @night-blogging-for-christ @brenninthetaylorverse @duckwithacapitald
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gummybugg · 1 year
AITA WIP Intro Tag!
Thank you again for the tag, @writernopal! Find her tag here! What a curious game this is!
Rules—introduce your WIP in the style of an Am I the Asshole? inquiry
This piece is written by Blair from my wip Crater City! (warnings in tags)
AITA for assuming my best friend wanted to be avenged??
I (23M) have an unconscious man tied up in the back of my sedan. ((I cant say exactly all the detials but just trust me)) He put up no fight and basically wished this upon himself. When bringing the body to show my best friend (24M), he calls me “insensitive” and that he's “appalled” by what I did.
Some background:
Im doing this to avenge my friend. He told me he didn't wanna be involved in my little “shenannigans” but this time I was certain I had the perpetrator. What my friend doesn't know is that it took me weeks to track down this guy. I could habe been at home watching endless streams of infomercials while finishing an entire bag of frosted animal crackers, but no, i decided to help my friend out of the goodness of my heart.
I kind of expected his reaction, so i tried to meet him in the middle by saving the kill for him but he didn't seem like he wanted anything to do with me anymore. It's like hes too caught up on specifics like illegality or morals. But neither of us are religious??
It's almost like…….he doesn't appreciate my efforts??? He acts like im the crazy one when I'm just trying to help. It's like he doesn't get me and I hinestly think I shouldnt have tried to help him in the first place. Maybe I am just some freak who only does more harm than good...
So AITA for trying to avenge my best friend? Am I really the crazy one for trying to help my friend?? I am so confused….
UPDATE 1: Sorry for the late replies, I had to help my friend after he passed out. It seems he doesn't remember everything that happened.
But I will be using your guy's advice. My friend means a lot to me...
UPDATE 2: OK so it's a few days later. You guys probably wont like this but I ended up pissing off my friend again...I think I really messed up big time. I'll make another post about it when I'm not running from authorities!
Tagging these people: @sender-paulson, @abalonetea, @kaiyo, @viaalterego, @big-maggots, @crimson-cinnabar (optional tag!) and anyone else who comes across this post since it is an open tag!
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 11 months
Tommyinnit in a box (what'll he do?)
by viaAlterEgo
Tommy turns away from the window.
(Tommy doesn’t notice how the brunette glances up to gaze at his back nor does he see the curiosity pooling in his eyes as he schemes and the soft smile that’s spread across his face.
Tommy doesn’t realize that they care.
And that they’ve been watching.)
Words: 9297, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - High School, Running Away, Sleepy Bois Inc as Found Family, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Smuggling, Kidnapping, Sort Of, he's alright with it tho, Protective Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot and Technoblade are Siblings, Mumza is mentioned
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
hi bee.
so... i am so fricking confused rn.
what the hell is going on?
because... i left tumblr for one day to go do adulting crap... and come back to find out that actual adults do not know how to fricking adult???
i have so much more to say rn but they are not very nice words, i have an exam tomorrow and "Aunt Flow" came in for a surpise visit so... yeah.
have a good night Bee
when you become an adult you realize more adults don't know how to adult than you'd expect. we're all just winging it out here but um, yeah, sometimes you can be very surprised at just how badly that winging can go
good luck on your exam!! so sorry about that though hope you don't have cramps
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pevensiechase · 5 months
for the ask game
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Hi, AlterEgo! Thanks for the ask!
I wrote it three times. Once in pencil, once in my smallest pen, and once in my most expensive pen.
Have a great day!
Edit: I realized I missed the “L” on the last two, and honestly that’s because my handwriting is messy and often blends “L” and lowercase “t”
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
Hi Ms. Bee! Hope you are having a good morning.
Ik I'm late to this but I personally am fine with the name usages in Rose fic. I do find the fact that you already had changed spelling on names prior to February's events funny. Sorry but it's true.
You have put a good spin on the character. Always making him conflicted yet relatable, always questioning himself, in his morals and beliefs and more. Something I noticed in Glass and continued to notice as I went back to re-read other fics of yours (ex. Stars, World Forgetting, Vanderyale, the 2023Halloweenfic that I cannot name off the top of my head bc I have the memory of a fish... ect.)
He's human. This character makes you think. To me that what Important.
Okay... I said my piece. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us Bee. In summary, do what ever makes you comfortable. I think you are an amazing writer.
Lastly, because I'm rambling, I have some silly fic related stories if you are interested in hearing them.
Have a good day.
-AlterEgo ( -∀・)
hi alterego!!
I mean I've always had a fondness for making up fictional names for the characters for my fantasy aus. like in stars I literally came up with 3 names for both tommy and wilbur. I just like brainstorming names lol, so I knew I wanted to make more medieval fantasy-ish sounding names for most of the characters in rose (hence: tomys, willum, tobyn, nikanna, etc.). but yeah it's ironically convenient now 😭
aww thank you, one of my favorite things to write about is morally conflicting situations and characters. there's no such thing as black and white and I love exploring the grey in between. it's what makes everyone human!
ty alterego I hope you're taking care of yourself <33
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
Was already having a pretty bad day. I couldn't wait to go home and do some "reading/writing". Was even planning on catching up on under the hanging rose.
I guess it was a bad day to check tumblr tho
Today is gonna be a bit of a media detox day for me.
Have a good day Bee. Stay safe and well.
oh alterego i'm so sorry I hope you're doing okay, take some time to detox and process <3
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bonesandthebees · 8 months
i have like six minutes till Halloween is over an idk what everyone is doing bc of homework, but oh well!
trick or treat!
happy Halloween, bee! the last fic you posted was really cool. i plan to ask about it some more tomorrow
oops I might've missed your halloween deadline but i still have a little over half an hour of halloween here so it still counts! I hope you had a lovely halloween :) and tysm I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic
here have a snippet of the sequel i started to the qsmp dragonriders one shot but idk if i'm ever gonna finish it (mainly bc I'm still slightly scared of twitter)
Ignoring the wide grin on Phil’s face, Wilbur turned on his heel and squeezed between groups of people staying out of the main square so as not to get in the way of the dancers. The music had picked up a little bit, but was still going slowly so that the dancers could get a chance to warm up before things really picked up speed.  Ducking his head so he didn’t run into a row of candle lights strung up between two stands, Wilbur locked eyes with Quackity as he walked over to the group, and pretended not to notice the warmth that bloomed in his chest when a bright grin spread across Quackity’s face. “Oh Wilbur, thank fuck you’re here,” Quackity said, shoving between Cellbit and Roier to grab Wilbur’s arm. “I’m going crazy right now. Cellbit and Roier are the grossest couple I’ve ever been forced to be around-” “Let me kiss my husband in peace!” Cellbit complained, wrapping an arm around Roier’s waist.  “No seas tan pendejo,” Roier chimed in when Quackity flipped them off.  “You’re not even married,” Quackity reminded them both. “Not yet,” Cellbit pointed out, swaying like he was drunk (and now that Wilbur thought about it, he almost certainly was). “But we will be. Mark my words, in a few years me and Roier will be the first of the dragonriders to get married.”  “And it’s gonna be the best wedding of your life,” Roier added.
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