brigidfaye · 1 year
The Compatibility of Zac Effron and Vanessa Hudgens
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starlenebreiter · 5 years
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🦋 . #aquarius #aquariusseason #aquariusmemes #aquariusnation #aquariushoroscope #aquariusteamm #aquariuslove #vibrationalastrologer #vibrationalastrology #aquariusgang #aquariuslife #aquariusproblems https://www.instagram.com/p/B71KxUMAvAh/?igshid=sn90eg6ycv9k
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#astrology #vibrationalastrology #astrologersofinstagram #natalchart
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brigidfaye · 1 year
The Astrology of Zac Effron and Vanessa Hudgens
Final Project Compatibility Winter 2022 Brigid Faye
Birth Data:
           Zac Efron: October 18, 1987 1:22 PM San Louis Obispo, CA
           Vanessa Hudgens: December 14, 1988 9:27 PM Salinas, CA
Natal BiWheel:
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Vanessa’s south node is 2 degrees conjunct Zac’s moon, meaning his feelings are drawn towards her. Vanessa’s moon is trine Zac’s Venus Pluto conjunction, meaning that she feels compelled to his attractiveness. Their Mars’s are opposed in Libra and Aries, meaning that Zac may sometimes get upset when Vanessa wants to act in her own way. Vanessa may feel smothered is Zac doesn’t let her act in her own way. They both have Venus in Scorpio, meaning they will want to merge with one another. There is a lot of focus on earth in Vanessa’s chart, meaning she will need to take things at her own pace from an observer (Capricorn) place. Zac’s chart is more fire air and water, which means he might be “too much” for Vanessa sometimes, or he may even find Vanessa to be slow.
9V BiWheel:
Zac’s moon is opposed Vanessa’s Moon, meaning their feelings complement each other and they feel able to express themselves around mutual groups. Their Venus’s are sesquiquadrate, meaning that their subconsciousness are attracted to the concept of living and forming community together. Zac’s Jupiter is sextile Vanessa’s Mercury, meaning that her communication style helps him expand his community, and that his expansion helps her communicate about community/family.
Natal Composite:
The concentrations of energy are
Saturn-Uranus-Neptune: A long-lasting and exciting dream
Sun-Venus-Pluto: Obsessively attractive
Mars-Chiron: Healing/transmuting Action
Mercury Moon: Communicating feelings and traditions
Interp: These two were young and met while they were auditioning for High School Musical. They were given an opportunity to communicate a beautiful dream that “heals” a divide within a high school through action.  The action is especially charged with “star power”. The film was obsessed over because of how attractive it was within my demographic. It is one of the most popular movies ever made. The Jupiter makes it expansive. These two as a unit were THE famous couple that my generation watched.
Composite 1V Midpoints:
There is a strong focus on the moon here, involved with Sun/Saturn,  Mars/Jupiter, and Neptune/Pluto. This means that Zac and Vanessa feel together in a long-lasting, big action, and compulsively idealistic way. There is also a Mercury at Venus/Saturn with 6’ orb. This means they talk about attractively literate truths.
9V Composite:
Within Community the two as a unit are seeking to be an ideal (Sun qqx Nep) and a powerful beauty (Ven qqx Chi). The latter is especially potent because it is being “fed” by Pluto. The obsessive beauty is again emphasized with the semi-sextile between Pluto and Venus. Basically, everyone thinks they’re really hot.
Natal Needs:
           Zac Efron:
Zac’s Venus is in Scorpio, meaning that in a relationship it is necessary for Zac that he can feel very involved with the person he is with. Venus is conjunct Pluto and Mercury as well, making the mental communication/loving merge more compulsive or intense.
His sun is in Libra, meaning that in a relationship he needs things to be fair. Especially when it comes to decision making, he wants there to be a sense of balance with those he is near. The sun is in a red pattern with the Moon (in Virgo) and Jupiter (in Aries). This means that he is always growing physically and emotionally in his own way, and the person he is with needs to give him space and encouragement to do that or he would get emotionally overwhelmed or upset.  
His ascendent is in Capricorn, which means he needs someone who he can respect for their knowledge/skill and help put the puzzle of life together with, who won’t get upset when he needs to stand back and observe.
Natal Needs:
           Vanessa Hudgens:
Vanessa has four planets; Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, all conjunct in Capricorn opposing Chiron in Cancer. She is able to build a powerful “family” from an objective place, giving her stardom. She communicates in a way that is truthful and spontaneously ideal.   She needs someone who can appreciate, admire, and give inspiration to that process. Her Venus (in Scorpio) is in a red pattern with Jupiter and Mars, meaning she needs someone she can merge with who helps her take actions that help her to grow. The rising is in Leo, which mean that whoever she is with needs to be honest and true to who they are, living up to their potential and supports her own development. Her Moon in is Pisces, which means she’s smushing together these cultures that haven’t historically belonged together. She needs someone who isn’t going to be offended by that.
Zac Efron Natal Needs Midpoints
 Su/MeMa = Zac is a student, and needs someone he can learn from or with
Ju/MeMa = Zac’s studying will help him grow. Needs someone who will support that growth.
Vanessa Hudgens Natal Needs Midpoints:
Mo/SuJu = V grows when she is honoring culture, the mother, food, memories, the past, traditions. Needs someone who respects that.
Me/SuNe =V is good at communicating ideals, Needs someone who enjoys her perspective.
Ur/SuNe =There is an electric energy to her when she is getting a point across. Needs someone who savors that energy.
9V Needs:
           Zac Efron:
At first glance, this chart looks like the most power is going to be in the Saturn Midpoints. However, the Moon opposing Venus and Pluto means that a community has to feel right and beautiful in order for Zac to be a part of it, once he finds that he will be compulsively tied in with it. Mars is hooked into the Venus Moon Opposition with greens, which means he takes flowing action on those feelings of attraction and beauty that he sees in a community.
9V Needs:
           Vanessa Hudgens:
Vanessa has an aspect-activated isotrap in her chart involving Sun Moon Venus Saturn. To me, this is a very clear description of how Vanessa interacts with community. She just is attractive in a way that fits culture and will be remembered. She will need a community who helps her embrace that, rather than feeling insecure. I also think that the square pattern between Sun Pluto and Saturn is significant, giving her the energy, power, and commitment she needs to channel all this greatness.
Mixed Midpoints Natal:
VJu/ZSaPl – They help each-other grow in a compulsive way.  
VSu/(MaMo)(UrSu) – Vanessa gets Zac all excited and ready to act, and she reflects that excited energy.
VJu/(SuMe) – Vanessa pushes Zac to communicate
VNe/(MaMa) – They act together for an Ideal.
ZUr/(SuUr) – Zac fills Vanessa with electric energy.
ZPl/(NeMo) – Zac feels that Vanessa is a dream come true.
Mixed Midpoints 9V:
ZMe/(VMaSa) – They work to communicate with each-other and their community
VMa/(ZMoJu) – She acts to bring out his feelings.
ZMa/(SatPlu) – EXACT – She has a standard, and he works compulsively to meet it. (within community, in the movies she’s getting him to act “right”)  
ZPl/(MaMa) – They act together compulsively/obsessively
VSu/(MePl) – They’re always talking to each-other and the people around them when they’re together.
VUr/(JuVe) – The electric energy that they have as a pain brings in a luxurious lifestyle, with good friends and laughter.
VNe/(SuSa) – Together, they solidify a dream into the daily life.
VPl/(JuSu)(SaUr) -They grow steady strong in a way that goes against traditional community values.
 Zac Efron Vibe 9 Needs Midpoints:
Mo/VePlu = Zac find culture, the mother, and histories attractive. Needs an embodiment of those compulsive attractions.
Mer/MaPl =He is a compulsive learner within his community.
Ma/SatNep = He is a hard worker when he finds an inspiring group to work for.
Ju/MeMa = He grows as he learns.
Vanessa Hudgens Vibe 9 Needs Midpoints:
Ma/SaUr = Vanessa works hard with electric energy within her community.
Ju/MaPl = She grows through compulsive actions.
Ne/MoJu = Her ideals/ what composes a dreamy experience are/is tied to her growth and understanding of her background and emotions.
Pertinent Composite Charts:
Ven Square Uranus There is a soul mate feeling with strong electric attraction.  
Ven Opp. Uranus with Moon in Trine and Sextile The relationship feels right internally based on historic expectations, along with an electricity that draws the two together.
Ven Sex Saturn The two are internally and attractively connected in a deep and serious way, and that just flows.
 Venus Neptune Sesquiquadrate Subconsciously, each is the ideal of the other, as well as representing an ideal to those they are around.
  Venus Saturn Opposition The two share their serious internal connection with community.
  Venus Trine Saturn Mars They work together, and that feels like a mission they want to take action on.
Venus Saturn Mars Conj.  The work they do together that feels mission based just flows.
 Sun Moon 1/12 They feel young and in love togeth in a way that is satisfying and feels right.
(VePl) opp. Neptune  They are compulsively drawn into beauty and ideals as a couple.
Sun Moon Sextile The relationship feels right, and they share their joy and love for each other harmoniously with others in a restless and playful way.
   Sun Square Moon Chiron The relationship feels right, the two have a lightness and happiness together with start power behind it that easily flows through them.
Special Harmonics Overlap:
Harmonic 13:
Vanessa’s Mars act on Zac’s Venus Neptune Pluto Conjunction in an Opposition.
           Vanessa challenges Zac to act on his deepest, beautiful, dreamy sense of special purpose and self.
V Sun Uranus Acting with Z Moon in Cj. Square
           Z’s Moon acts with Vanessa’s Uranus Sun, so he feels her moods in the moment.
V Uranus trine Z Venus Neptune
           Z pushes V to act out her beautiful inner dreams of the moment, dynamic quality.
 17th Harmonic
Neither Zac nor Vanessa have very strong 17th harmonics, but together that have three  quincunxes. Ven Qqx Mercury Mars meaning they are attractive and active communicators. Pluto Qqx Jupiter meaning they have a compulsive and expansive growth in acting/getting involved in other people’s stories together. And lastly, Jupiter Qqx Jupiter which mean they help each other to expand in this sense.
 19th Harmonic
 They both have strong 19th harmonic patterns, and together it seems to culminate in these ways:
V Jupiter opp Z NepPlu Through studying other cultures and sharing that study, Vanessa helps Zac expand his dreams and sense of what really matters.
Qqx Isotrap involving VSunMoon and Z PlutoUranus
This may speak to why they broke up, Zac was busy exploring the drug culture compulsively and without regard to social expectations while it put a weight on Vanessa’s daily life.
  247th (19 x 13) Harmonic
This harmonic was in the top five for profile scores for both of them. They share a destiny in learning about another culture and experiencing it in their own special way. They made a movie together and learned about what celebrity culture is.
The chart is full of sextiles, meaning that special fate is shared harmoniously with other people. And there is another quincunx isotrap here involving V’s Venus and Z’s Pluto Uranus Mars. This could be interpreted as Zac’s compulsive dive into stardom and drugs, letting it envelop him, was not attractive to Vanessa.
 Midpoints with Person A planet on Person B Midpoint:
 Zac’s Neptune at Vanessa’s Mercury/Uranus/Neptune
Zac’s ideals compass makes Vanessa’s communication of ideals in the moment feel natural and easy. Vanessa’s sense of what is spontaneously wonderful helps Zac form ideas about what is amazing.
Vanessa’s Jupiter at Zac’s (Venus/Saturn) and (Saturn/Pluto)
Vanessa helps Zac expands his ideas of commitment to attractive things and compulsive commitment to things that matter. Vanessa grows through Zac’s commitment to long-lasting beauty.
  Zac’s Mercury at Vanessa’s (Mars/Saturn)
Zac communicates in a way that helps Vanessa act on what is important.  Vanessa’s impactful actions help Zac think and communicate.
Zac’s Pluto at Vanessa’s (Moon/Jupiter)
Vanessa expands her culture and understanding of emotion through Zac’s compulsive tendencies. Zac’s compulsions are influenced by Vanessa’s growing understanding of culture and feelings.
Vanessa’s Mercury at Zac’s (Sun/Saturn)
Vanessa communicates in a way that helps Zac realize what’s important for his daily life. How Zac incorporates important things in his daily routine helps Vanessa communicate more clearly.
Vanessa’s Mars at Zac’s (Moon/Jupiter)
Vanessa acts in a way that helps Zac expand his understanding of emotions and culture. Zac’s growing understanding of culture and feelings helps Vanessa have courage to act.
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starlenebreiter · 6 years
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The Strongest Vibration Today is generated by Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. There is a focus on mental activity and what you are thinking. There is a desire to expand your thinking but it is combined with an awareness that you need to examine carefully what you are working on and expanding to do it in a reasonable, effective way. You may find yourself wanting to withdraw and focus on yourself today and then being able to use what you experienced to guide the actions and thoughts of others into very useful and effective pathways. There may well be a tendency to doubt the answers others have come up with for the problems that need to be solved. You will tend to look deeper into the problems than people have in the past and may find different.. Link in profile to read the rest of today's Astro Tapestry Report, or just go here: www.RockStarAstrologer.com/AstroTapestry I am a professional astrologer - if you would like to schedule a reading with me, you can use the above link to find my offers in my shop or private message me! #astrologersofinstagram #vibrationalastrology #astrology #zodiacsign #astrologyposts #AstroTapestry #astrological #planet
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starlenebreiter · 4 years
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♂ ♈ Mars in Aries begins his retrograde phase on Wednesday, Septwmber 9, 2020 at 6:22 PM Eastern USA time. . You have likely been feeling it creeping up, in the recent days past. It feels like something is brewing but you can't quite put your finger on it. ♂️🧐 . Mars has everything to do with your energy, the tensions (good, bad or otherwise) that have been building up for you will come to a head. ♂️♈ . Findong healthy ways to release and not focus on the challanges will help. Also, taking a step back if you feel frustrated, or like you hit a stopping point. 🏃🏼‍♀️💃🏋🏼‍♀️✍🏽🕺🏾💪🏻🙏🏻⛩️🤸🏼‍♂️🚴🏿‍♀️ . The best advise if you feel that way, is to ask yourself, what does this blockage mean to me? What does this frustration have to teach me? ♈♂️ . Viewing the triggers or emotions that surface like this, will help you find the blessing in the challanges you face. This will be an excellent use of your time here. 👌🏻♂️ . Most of all, do not subdue your energy, allow it to be present, and you be present with it too. Take time to observe and look at your actions deeply right now. Do not allow others to easily provoke your emotional response, think before acting. 🎭♂️ . If you can focus the power within you in a positove way. It is likely you will find interesting answers as long as you are open enough to look. 💥 . #mars #marsretrograde #energy #potential #astrologer #vibrationalastrologer #vibrational_astrology #vibrationalastrology #aries #marsinaries #ariesmars #growth #criticalaction #action #purposefulliving #purposeful #retrograde #anger # https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1rYy2MDxT/?igshid=x3hfocsw1xhw
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starlenebreiter · 4 years
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✨ When is the last time toy had a tarot reading or astrology consultation? . If you need guidance, i am a professional Vibrational Astrologer and Tarot Consultant. . Visit my website for offers on sale. (link in profile - or go here www.RockStarAstrologer.com) . #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcommunity #tarotreader #tarotspread #astrology #vibrationalastrologer #vibrationalastrology #vibrational_astrology #zodiac #astrologersofinstagram #asteologers #spiritualjourney #tarotreadings #astrologyreadings #psychic #astrologyconsultant #tarotconsultant https://www.instagram.com/p/CApsvNHHJ7V/?igshid=1gbo4poxr2fvm
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starlenebreiter · 4 years
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totally me ✨ . #astrologer #astrologerlife #quarantine #astrology #professionalastrologer #vibrationalastrologer #vibrationalastrology #vibrational_astrology #starlenebreiter #astrologymemes #research #astrologyresearch https://www.instagram.com/p/B_IgQH0HgO2/?igshid=u3u0qcpwgdsp
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starlenebreiter · 4 years
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Fixed stars are quickly stealing my heart ⭐✨ . #fixedstars #sirius #research #fixedstarresearch #evidencebasedastrology #vibrationalastrology https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zQnLYnNg1/?igshid=1ak8zh6hw5r9a
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starlenebreiter · 4 years
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When Saturn is on your natal Sun, approaching your natal Venus. . Beautiful authenticity ♄ 💖☀♀ . #saturn #sun #venus #rockstarastrologer#vibrationalastrology #vibrational_astrology #vibes #astrologer . Visit my website for a Vibrational Astrology consultation RockStarAstrologer.com https://www.instagram.com/p/B-liUhVnI-o/?igshid=siosdaqgq8it
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starlenebreiter · 5 years
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When the moon unexpectedly answers back. . . #lunar #moon #moonchild #moonwitch #witch #sorcery #witchesofinstagram #moonmagic #moonmajick #lunarphases #astrologylover #astrologersofyoutube #astrologysign #vibrationalastrologer #vibrationalastrology #vibrational_astrology https://www.instagram.com/p/B77GPV4nZaj/?igshid=r4i7r6874tat
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starlenebreiter · 5 years
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✨Astro Vibrational Tapestry for today! July 7, 2019 . ✨Mars is coming to an exact Square to Uranus this afternoon at 1:59 p.m. ET. . This can be a signature for accidents, especially if you have a plan at connecting to Mars or Uranus during this time in your own personal chart. This aspect last several days, so be careful out there in the world. . Also remember to enjoy being fill of spontaneity, really live in the now. This aspect reminds us that the only time we actually have is the present moment. So live in the present moment. . Make sure your present moment is pleasant though, because if not - and you are frustrated... things can get challenging! . And that's when accidents can happen! . If I can guide you in some way through this often challanging vibration, please feel free to contact me or go to my website. The link is in my profile, or just go here : www.RockStarAstrologer.com . #authentic #beyou #doyou #presentmoment #marssquareuranus #uranussquaremars #vibrationalastrology #rockstarastrologer https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzx6dfnB6tT/?igshid=z2ze1pwz83ud
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starlenebreiter · 5 years
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Linda Berry presenting 'What is a Golden Mean?' at the Vibrational Astrology Conference. 🐚 ✨ #vaconference #vaconference2019 #astrologyresearch #science #astrologyisscience #goldenmean #vibrationalastrology https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv60BObDmNh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=icsgfhfzh2z6
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starlenebreiter · 5 years
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Gisele Terry giving her lecture on "Insights into Clients Using VA by a Professional Psychotherapist Part 1" at the Vibrational Astrology Conference" . . . . #vaastrologyconference2019 #va #vibrationalastrology #psycology #giseleterry #astrology https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv6oFnij_iP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=150yra6xa024j
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