starchaserdreams · 1 year
Who's bestie wins the best birthday presents ever award? THAT'S RIGHT, MINE.
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h/t @crispycloudcherryblossom for doing the sketches
My friend requested that a bag artist on Facebook called Connie's Pets and Paintings burn the images into the leather and she did a fantastic job!
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monstaxdirtywonk · 2 years
Seonghwa's birth chart analysis
Highlights: Aries stelium, Aquarius Venus, Venus in the 8th, Neptune in the 7th, Capricorn descendant, Jupiter in the 9th, 10th house stelium, Saturn in the 10th etc.
Seonghwa has a very interesting chart that makes him rather mysterious in my eyes because it's very contradictory and this might make him be somewhere in the middle or make him have some inner conflict on how he should go on about his life. Let's take a closer look.
Aries stelium with cancer moon and rising
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of movement, energy, power and dominance. Meanwhile Cancer is ruled by the moon, it's energy is smaller, softer and emotional. That's why cancer and Aries placements together create squares which are considered 'bad' aspects in astrology. Squares have tensions within them and the energies are so different that they might not get along. Of course some squares can be good and motivational for the person that has them but too many can have them confused as to who they want to be and how they want to approach life. None the less I do think that Seonghwa fits cancer very well. Not only is he known as the 'mom' which is a cancer quality to express, but he is also gentle and caring and not afraid to be emotionally vulnerable which can be very liberating for water signs. But then his moon is in the 12th house which is the house of dreams, illusions and the subconscious. Placements under the 12th house might be forgotten from us or deliberately shut down. I don't think Seonghwa is someone that shuts down his emotions but I also have a feeling that he doesn't open up that easily either? He is his emotional self but at the same time he might not want to burden others with his emotional needs. Water signs in general are labeled as 'needy' and this becomes a source of insecurity for us at times (I'm also water dominant) BUT when someone allows a water sign to be who they are and express their tender nature, they feel safe to the native and a river of emotions might come out. That's why they might shut them down on purpose at times, for them to not be overwhelming to the native. I don't think having Aries placements helps Seonghwa at all tbh. After water signs, fire are the most emotional ones but in an explosive way. We haven't really seen this side from seonghwa and to be honest he seems like a very patient Aries dominant person but still, it can be explosive when you mix passionate fire energy and emotional water one.
Aquarius Venus in the 8th house
Yet another contradiction from this sweet boy. Aquarius Venus is a very chill, laid back Venus, maybe even into casual affairs, they love their independence, they aren't the ride or die types to say the least 🙈 and then it's under the 8th house which is ruled by Pluto and it talks about a very different energy! Pluto is all about what Aquarius isn't. Is he somewhere in the middle? I hope so for him. Otherwise it's a very confusing Venus placement, you want to be chill and have a friendly like relationship but at the same time the bond doesn't feel that strong to you and you want more. But wanting more makes the Aquarius side feeling trapped. Given his cancer moon though, I can see him leaning a bit towards the 8th house energy. Unlike the stereotype, water signs in general (not just Scorpio) can get possessive especially mixed with fixed energy (like Aquarius here).
Neptune in the 7th house
Neptune is a very scary planet guys. I'm Neptune ruled and I know it better than anyone else lmao. It might seem nice and dreamy but it has many traps aka the delusions that you can have and the rose tinted glasses you are wearing. His Neptune falls under the 7th house, which is the house of relationships. The good side is that Seonghwa is capable of giving his s/o a very dreamy Disney like relationship (ofc he is, seonghwa best boy 😤) but at the same time he can be prone to seeing things in an idealized way which might blind him or make him give more things than he should. Especially paired with his cancer moon/rising, water signs often fall for the wrong people 🙈. They might fall for someone they feel sympathy over and become martyrs for their love. Ironic, isn't it? You don't want to burden others with your own emotions and clingy nature but you do it for others.
10th house stelium, Mars conjunct Midheaven, Saturn in the 10th
10th house stelium. In general 10th house placements are considered to be 'fame' indicators because this house is about our career and life path in general. Especially if it's under someone's Mars, like in seonghwa's case. Or Venus which might be the case for San (we don't have his birth time though). Since the 10th house is associated with public image and its under the Mars and his midheaven is also in Mars ruled Aries, he appears as very sexy and dark/dynamic to the outside world. Seonghwa has very chiseled and refined vibes but he can appear pretty demonic on stage too! Those placements make him known for his sex appeal! But another 10th house placement he has, it's the one under Saturn. Saturn restricts and it can be an area of our live we might experience hardships. The 10th house related to his career path that is. Correct me if I'm wrong but he said he was rejected from a couple of companies as a trainee. This combined with his slightly older age to be a trainee probably made him rather stressed. But I think that Seonghwa is an extremely charming individual and just like his chart suggests, he definitely has the potential to be very well known and a great performer (which he is already). Saturn isn't a constant struggle but more of a cautionary tale.
Jupiter in the 9th
Jupiter enlarges everything it touches. Both the good and the bad at times :(
The 9th house his jupiter falls under is all about foreign lands, cultures, philosophy an religion. He's someone very intelligent, curious about the world around him that likes learning. He is a deep thinker and might show great interest in the human psyche (combined with his moon in the 12th). Also maybe being lucky abroad, which can apply to his case, as ateez are very popular abroad, maybe even more than they are in SK.
For astrology ships DM me (5 usd)
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alyjojo · 1 year
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October ⚖️ 2023 Monthly - Scorpio
Whole of your energy: Page of Pentacles rev & The World
In your meditation, your glyph ♏️ was on your door, and the little stinger rose off of the door and madly swung around trying to “sting” me. And it worked, it hurt, but it’s a pointy label, not poisonous. And if it was poisonous, wtf mate…upon opening the door, it was you, calmly sipping some coffee/tea, leaning against the wall of an intensely red room. The look on your face was “serves you right” and the anger came off of both you and this room in WAVES. Words didn’t need to be said. I didn’t have to ask if you were sorry for the little dick glyph, and The Page of Pentacles rev with The World is not sorry for anything, to come out after. You could be receiving an apology from someone, but there will be no reciprocation with that, you’ll just allow this person to say what they need to say and then great thanks, bye ✌️ This could be switched, as always, but I’m not feeling it with this one.
What’s going on in October:
6 Cups:
This is someone you’ve known for a long time, at one time there was 10 Cups here, now you just see this whole thing as 10 Wands…a heavy weight on your back, a burden to bear. Queen of Pentacles feels like your energy, for many not all, and you largely have your shit together and manage to keep all of your ducks in a row. Within reason. But you seem to have dealt with a situation in the past where overindulgence took control. This can be drinking, drugs, overspending or at least irresponsible spending, people out to please themselves at any cost. You could’ve been the one expected to “clean up the mess” or be the rock for this other person to lean on, and that’s 10 heavy Wands you don’t need. This Queen is working full time already, managing a whole home, family, finances, pets, going above and beyond for the things she considers priorities, she doesn’t need this bs on top of it all. This could be regarding anything, a work situation, home, love, etc. Whether you or someone else, this person had a lot on their shoulders and the pressure of it all overwhelmed them, possibly leading to an addiction issue or some kind of “quick fix” type of solution to make it easier, but that probably didn’t or won’t work.
Page of Cups:
This is an apology for many of you. At some point, this 9 Cups rev energy prior caused major heartbreak in the connection between you and another person, and caused a Tower in your world, maybe a relationship. There is a lot of hurt & heartbreak regarding this. Someone wasn’t happy, things didn’t work out how they’d hoped. For some, this may involve a child, this is your child, or you are the child, and it’s a parent. Otherwise they show up as Page, you initially show up as Page, you two could be very young, or with the past card here it’s hard telling when things happened. For most it’s you receiving an apology, a sweet message, someone making an attempt to get back in your good graces.
7 Swords rev:
This card is the energy of a confession, makes sense with an apology. They’re not only going to apologize, but spill everything they never told you before, because they were afraid of how mad you would be. They could’ve felt defensive towards you and some kind of control or authoritative demeanor coming from you. Possibly a parent as well. This could also be run ins with the law. In many ways this person felt powerless where you were concerned, or they could’ve made you feel that way. Ace of Swords has popped up at the bottom of the last two rows, whatever they’re saying it’s the truth, and it feels like a full explosion of truth, not just a quick “I’m sorry.”
9 Wands:
This could be the part where this person goes into all how you hurt them too, and I say them because I am not getting ANY energy from you. If it’s switched then switch it, one of you is giving absolutely nothing and the other person is spilling their guts on the floor. Hoping to reconnect, “be cool” with each other again or whatever this is. You could simply ask for time to take this all in, and they may not want that. Knight of Wands energy moves impulsive and fast, today they want to rush back in and apologize for everything, make everything better, and you’re simply not interested in that. The things they’re saying don’t even sink in right away, you have to quietly unpack whatever they’re on about.
Knight of Wands:
This person’s energy is very fast, impulsive, spontaneous, action taking, right now. This could be a child or someone that’s immature, at least in how they’re acting with you. You’re deeply conflicted about what they’ve said, if it’s real, has there been actual change, can you trust this person, and is it even worth it? You could feel, simply by their Knight demeanor, that they’re playing you for a fool or trying to manipulate you with guilt or emotional appeals. Like WHY are they suddenly apologizing? What do they want from you?
Further clarification on whether there’s a new beginning possible here: Ace of Cups, followed by the truth, more truth, loving action, and success. Clearly that’s a yes, a new beginning. You also don’t have to make it anything you don’t want it to be, The World is what’s leading this energy, putting things to rest. An ending comes before a new beginning. Page of Pentacles rev can show whatever is planned initially isn’t likely to work out, plans fall through, that could be the plan for the “fk you go away” ending or a new & more positive beginning. Someone may be surprised on either side of this, a good surprise. A lack of communication may have been the biggest problem.
7777 is here with Success, 7 Swords rev, The Tower & 7 Wands. A clearing of the air will bring all sorts of shock, realization, “wake up calls”, necessary defensive stances, everything out on the table. How this is handled is up to you both, I get clarity & truth being the ultimate goal.
333 is here with Capable, The World & 3 Swords, showing it’s possible to lay an old hurtful situation to rest and move forward, in whatever way you want to. It’s all free will in this reading.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Sagittarius/Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius & Leo
Oracles: ✨
79 Success
Enjoying your life and the unfolding of your creative abilities as much as possible is real success.
30 Capable
You can deal successfully with whatever challenges and circumstances arise.
8 Death ☠️
Death is scary. Endings - whether they are planned or a surprise - are most often accompanied with a sense of anxiety, unease, or more strongly with denial and refusal to let go of the person, relationship, or situation that is ending. Endings always signify beginnings. As in the new beginning card, this card urges you to let go gracefully. Do not attach yourself to the emotions and the energy of what is ending. Feel it, experience it, and then let it go. A slight shift in perspective is sometimes all that is needed to experience this transition with grace and ease. Instead of thinking “oh no - I have to start all over!” shift your perspective to more of “I have a new start!” It will raise your vibrations and carry you through this time of change. This card can also signify the end of a troublesome situation.
We enter into October as:
Shrinking Violet 😥
“I don’t trust my intuition.”
Are you retreating from a situation that could bring you success? We all abandon projects that seemingly lack merit. However, Shrinking Violet indicates you may not be trusting your intuition, which is mostly likely on target. Choose three people to ask advice from, then take their advice, throw it out the window and go with your gut. There is every indication you should complete the task at hand. Block yourself off from thoughts of what will happen at the completion stage. Stay the process, don’t worry about the ending, or results, don’t be frightened. Just continue on.
What is to be learned in October:
The Emerald Stone 🧩
“The heart knows what the eyes cannot see.”
There are times when things happen to us and no explanation is possible. Often our journey brings us full circle, leaving many of us to wonder why. The Emerald Stone is inviting you to follow through in whatever is before you. Going back is not an option. Forward movement will change your entire perspective on life - for the better. You may now be able to hear something that you have been told many times. Your reward will be a closer relationship with yourself. If Emerald Stone sparkles for you, it is with the understanding that you are now developing a new perception of things. The Stone welcomes you out of the dark and into your heart.
Green may be a lucky color 💚
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thatgutinstinct · 1 year
Free tarot readings: OPEN (Limited)
Tip based readings: OPEN
Exchange readings: OPEN
✨️ tell me your initials and the initials of any other person mentioned in your question (please say if it's your family, friend, etc...)
🔮 include a fact about yourself (zodiac sign, favorite color, music, activity, food, etc...)
✨️ ask max two questions per free reading (your main question and a qualifying question if needed)
🔮 try do use "how" "what" or "why" questions
✨️ please be friendly and patient.
(Queries that don't follow the rules will be deleted without response. I won't answer questions about death, romance, or sex. I can't tell you how a person feels about you, nor can I do an adjacent reading for them through you. Exchange readings take priority over free readings. Free readings can't be time sensitive. Include the emoji of your asteological sign in your ask so I know you read the rules. Please and thank you!)
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divinebunni · 2 years
Its not in the list, but Libras usually dont make the cut for Asteology memes either, as if they never existed. .
Do you find you're the type to give intimate objects names? Sentimental little things made more personal?
I once said when we first became mutuals, I'd make more an effort to befriend you as an individual.. admittingly, I had done a poor job with the space in between. I hope we may strengthen that in areas where it mutually counts at a pace that feels consensual if not comfortable as well.
honestly learning what mutuals are and being able to have some in my time in this space is amazing and i don’t take any sweet and kind interaction for granted ;-; i love u my darling moots, and i am bad at responding much of the time but i do read and appreciate it all ~
my significant other told me a few years ago that one of his favorite quirks of mine is that i not only name inanimate objects, but I give them personalities and make comments on their behalf all the time. i make everything personal, i can’t help it, i love inhabiting space with someone
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im-a-freaking-joy · 4 months
Unfortunately that was two curses and the tome said any singular curse. So to balance it you now have the curse of: alwaya thinking you smell your most favorite meal being prepared at home/events/college lunches, even when it is a very sucky meal that's being prepared.
On that topic, what would you say your favorite/most nestalgic meal is? Is therena story to it, or is it just hecking good?
Idk if I have a favorite meal, but my favorite food is tamales! My grandma immigrated from Mexico, but my whole family is all white and not at all latine, so I didnt have tamales for years growing up until we got approached in a parking lot by someone selling them. My mom bought some and I've loved them ever since
Also i only did one curse, the peraon Im cursing is someone who has a pre-existing belief in asteology, and im cursing them with boring horoscopes, im not cursing someone to be super into astrology lol
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starlenebreiter · 4 years
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✨ When is the last time toy had a tarot reading or astrology consultation? . If you need guidance, i am a professional Vibrational Astrologer and Tarot Consultant. . Visit my website for offers on sale. (link in profile - or go here www.RockStarAstrologer.com) . #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcommunity #tarotreader #tarotspread #astrology #vibrationalastrologer #vibrationalastrology #vibrational_astrology #zodiac #astrologersofinstagram #asteologers #spiritualjourney #tarotreadings #astrologyreadings #psychic #astrologyconsultant #tarotconsultant https://www.instagram.com/p/CApsvNHHJ7V/?igshid=1gbo4poxr2fvm
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zeravmeta · 3 years
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particularly fucked up of alchemy stars to have a limited banner and then just kinda jump back into the regular new banner cycle (AS to their credit only has 1 proper limited unit not counting the recent collab units, both of which are confirmed to come back at a later date) but this time around they introduce one of the most woman ever who ticks off so many personal checkmarks im about to handle they/them pussy
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metalpeony · 2 years
Scorpio: you good? Can we talk?
Libra: ah, I think, yeah. Why?
Scorpio: idk, I thought you'd feel an OUNCE OF REGRET FOR HURTING MY FEELINGS
Libra:... Oh... So you want an apology? ✨
Scorpio: fucks sake.
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spnkakashi · 3 years
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besties what do we think abt this 🤨
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playsthetics · 5 years
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Taurus Sun Capricorn Moon Libra Rising Aries Venus Lesbian in a Small Town
For @venusianaviary
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neotan-astrology · 4 years
I watched the last sun and moon episode and it seems everyone likes winwin, is there something about his natal chart that makes him charming?
Tbh without his birth time it’s very hard to answer this but yeah seeing how the members described him as someone with a very cool personality and like they want to earn his attention so yeah moon square mars might indicate that
and yeah he has venus conjunct mars which makes him magnetic and very alluring!
and then there is venus trine saturn and people with this placement naturally draw attention!
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Everything I've learned about astrology is against my will but I know a lot now ://
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ididntfeelanything · 4 years
As much as I would like to blame my behavior on my astrology... I know my trauma ridden ass has been carefully sculpted (by traumatic events) into the monster you see before you.
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piscesbun · 5 years
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Cancer (f) and Aquarius (m)
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