vickyvioletdraws · 3 months
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Decided I wanted a Blorbo-- I mean Plushie corner in my virtual room. The amount in which I have gone ham on drawing assets for my streams is unsurprising. Ended up really loving my plushie idea, as it's a really quick way for new people to get an idea of what I like and what I'm all about based on my top favorite characters. Another batch of these coming later, I'm far from done. Twitch | YouTube | Instagram | deviantArt | Discord Server
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silverwingstorm · 2 years
Congrats to @vickyvioletdraws for winning the raffle! Please contact me with a reference of who/what you want drawn! 🙂 Thank you to everyone who participated!
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ellenent · 5 years
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Cherry! Contest prize for @vickyvioletdraws !
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mentalmetas · 5 years
About Mental Metas
“Mental illness is a demon that can target anyone-- it does not care if a person is evil or good. But what if that someone just so happened to not be a villain? How would a renowned superhero handle their powers and saving lives, all while dealing with the unseen plagues of depression or anxiety? Mental Metas seeks to put a reader into the shoes of people of all misunderstood walks of life.”
Because the point of the narrative is to get inside the character's heads, the story should ultimately be translated into literature or comic form. (I'm currently working on just the literary form on my own.) I am interested in eventually collaborating with other writers on the project. The main character is based on my personal experiences, but the point is to be an educational piece concerning a much larger variety of mental illnesses and conditions than even I would have a grasp on. (I have a list of other types of people I am looking for in this regard, and this is basically an open invitation to other writers to create their own Superhero OC's. Or as I like to refer to it for this project, a "mental-illness-sona" because gosh dang it we could all use therapy.) 
Cheers, Vicky Violet
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gazkerber · 5 years
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Onion-san is just a precious bean that wants to explore the world and get famous with his band ❤ ask sent by @vickyvioletdraws, hope you like it! ^_^
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akiamekoart · 7 years
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So have I told you guys yet that I have become total Undertale trash? XD;; Someone reminded me that TODAY is the two-year anniversary of Undertale, so please, ADMIRE THIS SKELETON. <3
I have a lot of very strong feelings about Papyrus. He's like a skeleton Don Quixote. He also reminds me of a certain someone else whom I adore beyond belief. [https://tinyurl.com/y97e7uby] And oddly enough, it was this guy that made me realize I have a type... (ya know...like for the types of personalities I like in guys or whatever...) ...It's cinnamon roll. XD
Modeled after the way @vickyvioletdraws draws him.
Papyrus, Undertale © Toby Fox Media: Graphite Sketch, Adobe Photoshop CS4
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maidenofbagend · 7 years
@morceauoleander @psychic-smooching @vickyvioletdraws @ichosepoorly @enchantedlantern
@drlobotomia @sattobless @nuka-corgi@therealflurrin @save-me-san-fran-psychonauts @alyssa-the-sketcher @mistyride
Just wanted to thank you all for your participation in my 30 Day Challenge so far! It makes me so happy knowing that fans are enjoying themselves 😊
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akiameko · 7 years
Summer Anime 2-episode Challenge!
So my sis ( @vickyvioletdraws ) and I want to sample a bunch of anime over the summer. This will consist of watching the first two episodes of an anime for each session that we do this. We find that 2 episodes is usually enough for us to see the setup and where an anime is going...and then we will later decide which animes we would like to continue. Our list so far consists of: All Out! Assassination Classroom Death Parade Durarara!! Erased FREE! Swim Club Haikyuu Himouto! Umaru-chan Jojo's Bizarre Adventure K (Project) Kemono Friends Kill la Kill Natsume's Book of Friends Non Non Biyori One-Punch Man Oremonogatori Panty & Stocking Seven Deadly Sins Silver Spoon Snow White with the Red Hair Sword Art Online Tiger & Bunny Toradora Your Lie in April We will be doing these in no particular order, and we may still continue to add to them. You may suggest though be aware I can experience extreme anxiety from stuff that is really violent and gorey. (Some of these may have to be removed after I get more information about them.) I also prefer to stay away from mature content in the sex area, but so long as it doesn’t get any worse than say, Rick and Morty, it’s fine.
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basic-braining · 8 years
You asked for someone to talk Psychonauts with you, so what are you looking forward to the most in PN 2?
I think they're going to be delving more into Raz's family history? That's really exciting to me! Really, I'm looking forward to everything! Re-visiting some of the older characters, seeing some new ones, seeing the world in higher resolution! That’d be amazing! I’d love to see them expand on some of the older characters, see them feeling different emotion we didn’t get to witness in the first game, poke around with their backstories a little bit more.
im very emotional
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fnaf-trash · 9 years
Been reading everyone's two cents on their favorite game in the series, so I thought I'd share too. The first one! Youtubers Extra Credits with their video "Horror That Lingers, How the Uncanny Instills Fear" and Gaijin Goomba's "What Makes a Good Horror Game" (they go together) describes exactly why, for me. Newer versions of these animatronic characters are just hyper-demonized in their designs, and become LESS scary IMO. The uncanny valley is what drove these characters in the first place.
Yep! The uncanny valley is definitely something the first game had. The newer models for the 4th game are already creepy, which is expected. :/
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vickyvioletdraws · 1 month
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Phone doodle, been drawing my persona a lot, and have been way into the plague doctor aesthetic for a while.
Twitch | YouTube | Instagram | deviantArt | Discord Server
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vickyvioletdraws · 2 months
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Did a stream where I played with Dall-e Mini, aka Craiyon-- Just the usual AI generated images based on written prompts. (For reference, the prompts I had put in were "alligator magical girl" and "inugami korone as shiba inu".)
Let me tell ya, AI image generation was WAYYYYY different back in September 2022. I miss when it was hilarious mud.
Anyway, on a SEPARATE stream, I did a couple of redraws of prompts I had previously gotten. I mostly went for cute interpretations of what I got, but then I also wanted to lean into the uh… melty face I guess. Oh dear.
Twitch | YouTube | Instagram | deviantArt | Discord Server
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vickyvioletdraws · 4 months
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I apologized last time for being less active, but then… I didn't upload anything this last year at all whoops. I've been too occupied with streaming. With that said, most of what I've been drawing anyway has been stuff I've drawn live, or assets for the stream itself. Expect a massive art dump from me soon to make up for it. I'm not sorry. >:) Catch me for streaming if ya want lol. Twitch | YouTube | Instagram | deviantArt | Discord Server
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vickyvioletdraws · 1 year
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First off, SO sorry I'm not very active on many places anymore. 😭
I've always been one to pick up random hobbies and then drop them again in favor of what matters most to me-- my art. And that's been pretty consistent for the past ten years.
This last year really took off with my new streaming hobby. Make no mistake, I'm still drawing, but a lot of that energy has been spent on my streams, of which I would love for some of you to catch if you're down for it! For the foreseeable future, if you want to contact me about commissions or other endeavors, you may do that through my Tumblr, Instagram, or Discord. Much love! 💜 
Twitch Stream | YouTube | Instagram | DeviantArt | Discord Server
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vickyvioletdraws · 2 years
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Did some art requests on a stream, and they can be seen in the VOD.
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vickyvioletdraws · 2 years
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I've really been teasing this idea in my head, where part of Teya's costume could be effected by her powers. Not necessarily it glows because she's using her powers, but rather a material that naturally reacts to the presence of ultra-violet light. I'm not entirely sure it works, but I had to at least visualize the concept.
Instagram | DeviantArt | YouTube | Twitch
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