#victor tanzig
So I was re-watching Victor Tanzig’s video: “Stories of Sodor: Expansion” because season 5 is starting next week; Which I am excited but scared for and I got to the part where Andreas unfortunately bit the dust.
It gave me inspiration to draw that very scene as I believe I have mentioned (I probably didn’t so I will say here) that with Andreas (In my AU) did save Duncan’s like but he didn’t die like in the episode.
What really happened was that Andreas got hit in the back of the head with one of the falling rocks and it caused him to teleport away from the accident; Which led to him having to get found by a farmer n his family somewhere on Sodor and getting help.
However in the episode itself; Andreas got crushed by the falling rocks and died. Which led to almost everyone blaming Duncan for his death and Duncan having severe guilt and Depression.
I decided to draw that scene and all I can say is… It gave me an excuse to draw Duncan and Andreas’s designs!
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inspiredwriterstory · 6 months
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The show that is not original in the slightest but doesn't care! Before we start I figured I should explain some things. This is not meant to be taken seriously and if I say something as a joke, please don't attack me. I'm not trying to hate on these creators. But with that out of the way lets get into this!
Now for those who don't know somehow The Stories of Sodor is A Thomas and friends fan series made by the Australian YouTube Victor Tanzig in his own unique take on Thomas and friends and his work is PHENOMENAL. The man won an award for it in The Steamy awards! But in season 5 I got to wondering about Mr Hall's Seam Diesel Conversion, otherwise known as SDC. Basically you put a motor in a steam engines boiler to save money which in theory should work, but I'm not so convinced. I think that behind the scenes Mr Hall is unintentionally bankrupting BR.
So if we go online the average cost for a Diesel engine varies but since most the engines on Sodor are mainline tender engines I just used the class 40 diesel motor as a baseline. Now I couldn't find the exact numbers as the price would only be calculated for the whole locomotive at about $3,00,000. So we'll just say about $1,000,000 as my best guess. Now that's a LOT of money for conversion not including the gears and modifications that need to be made. On top of that engines like Emily are extremely old and would probably need complete rebuilds to make the old metal they have able to keep up with the stress. Now the recent April fools episode leaked from Victor's Patreon isn't canon however Patrick makes a good point about engines needing to be completely changed to fit bigger engines as technology advances or else they can't keep up.
So there you have it folks! Mr Hall has unintentionally bankrupted British Rail! I think metal fatigue is gonna be the least of your worries. But hey! That's just a theory! A THOMAS THEORY! Thanks for listening!
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jayde-jots · 2 years
My favorite YouTuber is back and with a bang for the spooky season! Good on ya Victor for capturing me in to these stories already! Okay but seriously I've already been doing an analysis on the one video and I'm about to spill my thoughts, spoiler warning! More under the cut.
The first guy who died in the cave was a guy named Rocky, keep a pin in this because we're going to come back to it. This man died in the cave in 1957, then the SCP foundation show up. A man by the name of Dr. Pierce seems to be the manager of the study on the cave. Next guy to go in as a test subject is someone who I'll refer to as prisoner 1, or P1. This guy sounded to have a welsh accent like Duck, and was referred to as D7426 by Dr. Peirce and I've been trying to recall back to any of the other faced machines that were built after 1957. This also has another pin in it, we're coming back to it as well. After P1 dies in the cave a spirit/soul is seen leaving it, this spirit/soul was Alexander Jeffries, the late station master of Elsbridge who had passed away years prior at his own workplace. He was revived right down to his living flesh and bone. Toby was the first person to come across him and assumed at first he was a ghost, at first Jefferies didn't realize he was alive again until Toby brought it up. He had an interesting reaction that was eerily similar to this one-
From 23:00 to 24:00 Brian had the same freak out that Jeffries did, if the brake van had been human I'm sure he would of had a heart attack as well. And he had the exact same story to tell, he remembered dying to the blitz on London but is miraculously still alive as the ending of the episode spotlights on. Now we start getting to the good bit, this is another pin I'll ask you to remember. Prisoner 2 or P2 was referred to as D5702 by Dr. Percie, but it was revealed his name was Bobby Cooper. P2 went into the cave and perished and another soul left, we unfortunately did not see who it belonged to. 3 more prisoners are sent into the cave. P3 went in and we did not see who the soul was that left the cave, P4 did not go into the cave and when they tried to run back they were shot and killed, P5 went in and again we did not see who the soul was that left the cave. In 1958 we see a familiar face with a familiar number. Boco with the number D5702 on his cab side, and a familiar voice to match P2s. The foundation interviews him and it is revealed that Boco is a nickname for Bobby Cooper, this confirming the revenant theory that has been mentioned a few times in the series by now. Afterwards with this revelation the foundation continued experiments for a while before they had to stop since they couldn't track the souls that were leaving the cave. We have no clue how many more were killed and how many more revived souls are on Sodor, and that's just with the foundation. It has been said that many people have gone up hiking to the top of Culldee Fell and have never returned, even after it was made illegal to do so. At the end of the episode we see an imposing-looking man hike to the top of the mountain despite the fines and enter the cave. He perishes and another soul escapes. This soul is seen to be the spiteful brake van Dominick who was found by none other than Douglas. I have a personal theory that the last man we saw enter was the man who will become Diesel 10, or as he's named in this series, Joshua or Josh. The year the foundation seemed to leave was 1958, and the class 42 that Diesel 10 was modeled after was built from 1958 to 1961. So it is plausable. And the first man Rocky is also the name of a ttte character we see, Rocky the breakdown crane. I'm wondering if we might see him someday. But on another note, we have 3 unaccounted for free souls that have been revived along with the other souls from off-screen, I'd like to think that any of these could be Colin, Lily, Adam, Alfred or maybe even Mr. Star. But I doubt it as Edward would have probably mentioned it by the end. So we have a confirmation that every living person that goes into the cave becomes reincarnated, and every soul we see leave revives someone from the dead. And this was only the first episode! I'm so excited to see more!
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I adore @himynameiscosmopathy08​ Art like her Lily so much, I had just had to draw her interacting with my Lily. They’ll be besties despite the AU differences. (My Lily gifted her the fan.)
🎭Nothing speaks better than trading each other secrets,working shenanigans  & family drama with your cousin 🎭 
““Oh my gosh, your Colin crashed into houses!?”
““He did. He may be gago sometimes but he’s not reckless or crazy.”
“What about your Adam? Are you two close?”
“Not anymore I’m afraid. I’m assuming your Adam didn’t try to attack you.”
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theflyingkipper · 1 year
hello there! i was curios as to whether or not you’ve seen the fan series Stories of Sodor? and if so may i ask your opinion on it. BTW i love your blog!
I have seen Stories of Sodor! (If you're talking about the series by Victor Tanzig.)
I haven't watched it in a long time, as there are other series I ended up becoming more invested in. The last one I saw was Return.
While I do like his more mature take on the characters and very detailed worldbuilding, some of it takes itself a little too seriously, The Stories of War I think is what best demonstrates this. When you work with talking trains, you have to remember that you work with talking trains and they look silly. Sometimes I felt like the engines' squabbles were a bit too human and out of the way for something a steam engine would be concerned with- the romance in particular really doesn't feel like a conversation a bunch of rail vehicles would be having (to say nothing of gender.) Also I disagree very hard on how Tanzig characterizes Gordon. He kind of erased a lot of Gordon's flaws, instead of embracing them.
dont talk to me about the sodor shorts man. just dont
Anyway I mostly want to talk about the things I think the Stories of Sodor does very well. I like the very objective explanation of why vehicles are sentient and have faces, I feel like someone who's super creeped out by the characters' faces and The Implications would enjoy how the series handles this. At the same time, it also leans into the fact that there are disturbing implications and amps them up. Not in a shock-value way, but to deliver an emotional punch. And holy shit the series can destroy you emotionally. This is your warning if you want to go watch it: Tanzig knows how to do character death.
Another thing I have to commend is Tanzig's consistency. He just keeps chugging forward and is very dedicated to his content.
Overall, I think its a worthwhile watch. For anyone about to pick it up: do keep in mind that its definitely made for the wider dudebro cis-man TTTE community and boy does it make me roll my eyes sometimes because of that.
I'm glad you like my blog, too! Have a good day/night and I hope lots of people in ttteblr check out thomas fan series, I think they're a really important part of the ecosystem of this fandom
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gritsandbrits · 10 months
I know it's unlikely to happen, but I really want new TTTE stories set in the 21st century. Mostly to see how the engines would interact with modern technology and trains.
I don't think they should go with the 'old person who can't figure out technology route' since they perfectly understand and appreciate things that appeared at the tech fair, plus they would have seen that technology grow over time due to them not really aging the same way we do.
I would also like to see how Sodor responds and changes as a result. No doubt it would still act as a preservation for much older engines, but I can see them retrofitting a lot of the steam and diesel engines as a response to environmental and health concerns. If not globally, then locally due to the smoke affecting air quality and so forth.
Perhaps the island has an official YouTube channel holding Q&As and/or interviews with all the engines detailing their long histories
Quite a unique take on the series. Im surprised there's not a lot of fanfics that explore that angle, most modern railroad series only involve edgy shit like victor tanzig or shed 17.
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IONC maybe?
Hello! In prior to this post (@dopiysworldsend was the only one who answered so I was rather disappointed—)
Here are characters I haven't made designs yet or fully fleshed out!
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I can assure you this is not her official or final design because this is nothing looks nothing close to her actual occupation—
Lily was a character introduced in Victor Tanzig's “Stories Of Sodor” and died in “Stories Of War” in WW2. Here's her bio!
Lily, in this AU, was a war general. She came from the life of the destitute and died in an explosion during the war.
Due to dying in an explosion, her arms and turn into gun barrels.
Most said she was enthusiastic when she wasn't on duty. She liked telling people stories (and maybe gossip a lil). She also joked around often and seemed indifferent to the ways of life. She was rather boastful of herself and achievement-oriented, as she always bragged about her victories in life and wanted to pursue her dream of living a life of grandeur, like her other family members.
But no one knows why. Most aren't aware of her family background or where from the ashes she came from.
When she fought, however, she was rather ruthless. It seemed like she had no remorse for who she killed and was apathetic to the lives of the horrid soldiers she took, an ability most of the people in the military wished they had.
Even with such a successful life when she was alive, Lily expressed herself with having many regrets and grudges from the past (which is usually perceived as her being dramatic because of the way she expresses it).
Her biggest one was leaving the simple life she could've had with her old Scottish boyfriend, who is long dead by now.
Lily has a cousin, Adam, who is also currently a ghost with her.
The two seem awfully distant for relatives who were very close to each other when they were young.
Edwards Ghost Engine/Falaichte
This ghost is canon in the series, as they appeared in “Scaredy Engines" (was mentioned by Edward when he was telling a scary story about a ghost engine who looks for their whistle in the scrapyards).
They're a part of Donald and Douglas’ family line.
When they were alive, they were trying to rebuild an old Caledon Engine for their late brother.
Only to be murdered the night they were going to travel to Sodor to find the last thing they needed to complete his creation; it's whistle.
So know they escaped from above along with another character to get back their whistle, and they mainly look in the scrapyards to find it.
Ghosts have mogrification abilities, which means they can turn into an animals or maybe a vehicle.
Falaichte mainly turns into the old Caledonian engine they were building, which lead to the ghost story that Edward tells the others about them.
I haven't fleshed out how they died yet, but it probably had something to do their throat because they have a rather powerful seeing voice. Enough to hypnotize someone...
Very straightforward and only focused on their one goal. Doesn't like distractions or getting off course.
Often gives everyone the cold shoulder even to his allies...
Yeah this little ×××× died in this AU. On the streets. Homeless. Freezing to death after being fired from his railway.
I have nothing else to say about him aside from how he later decides to accompany a young human working in a funeral train service in the Mainland.
Like Alfred, is also a little s—
Will annoy you to death for the fun of it.
The FIRST ghost on Sodor.
He either passed away to old age or died in an explosion.
Idk yet lol
Is friends with Timothy and is trying to form an alliance with Edward (accidentally spooked the old guy once at Brendam lol)
One of the only sane and fine ghosts on this island.
Is Timothy's emotional support father.
Mysteriously disappeared. Cause of death is unknown.
I haven’t planned out his powers yet lol
Is bounded to a person called Carietta (or Wanda).
Stuck and can't seperate from her.
Remember how I said that Smudger decides to accompany a young man working in a funeral train service in the Mainland? Here he is!
Trescott is his real name, Thirteen is his nickname.
He was considered a misfortune among his family. They named him after the french word “Treize”, which means “Thirteen” (all too conveniently, he was born on January 13th)
They really exaggerated him being unlucky because they just left him on the streets and didn't even give him a name.
Was brought into an orphanage and named Trescott.
He got work as a cemetery groundskeeper because people told him that “you can't bring bad luck to the dead”.
He got tired but was luckily hired as a funeral train driver, where he finally met Smudger.
Is probably used to his so called “bad luck” (considering how indifferent he is now to it)
Hates how much people just judge him based on that and how it's the only thing people tend to associate him with.
The cemetery is his first choice to hang out.
Okie thas it lol there's more to come
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matt0044 · 1 year
Corneil and Bernie Season 2;BennettTheSage;Samurai: Hunt For The Sword Is Terrible Cringe (ANIME ABANDON);SodorBrony;Narrow Gauge;Two Faced Tart Productions;Sudrian Adventures;Sudrian Adventures: Duke’s Waiting Room;Aleczandxr;CinemaWins;TheStoryteller;Oceaniz;Yhara zayd;Nerdbot;Crimson Vision Studios;Unworthy Productions;TheJamTram;Sodor’s Little Railways - Fairytale of Mid-Sodor;Demon of Nowhere;ilovetrain323;Animator Dormitory Channel;Tears In Rain;EpicLafiteau;Innuendo Studios;Toon Ruins;What You DON’T Know;RiffTrax;NWR1991;10LEIGH10;Halfbaked8;Percy Does The Thing 2 - A TIFF Thing;Pokemon Kids TV;POKÉTOON: The Warming Slugma House;POKÉTOON:A Blizzardly Summer Vacation;Hello Future Me;Just Write;TallSwordLady;Older Sibling Trope: in Defense of Yang Xiao Long;Thomasfan261;Veridis Joe;Gigguk;The Disney Brain;Traindude 456;Socratic Cinema;TeamFourStar;Magic Time Wizards;HFIL;O Captain! My Captain! | HFIL Episode 4;Fist Master;DragonShortZ;Replay Value;TheNPRRE2;TheBallastMan;The Take;SodorBrony;Thomas & Friends: Fantasy Forever;AsterAsh;Demo Reel;MattCMG;Noralities;Enterprisingengine93;Pokémon Legends: A Battle in the Woods;Cartoon Hangover;Life Fiber;TheStoryteller;MrConductorFan1406;The Magic Halloween Parody | Thomas & Friends (SHORT FILM);Mother’s Basement;shadow759;Heroes;Olympics;Hard Truths DoctorWho;Drawpinion Dump;Percy And The Beast Productions;“Sodor Dark Realm: Reloaded” | OFFICIAL | TVS | April 15th & 16th, 1982 | Episodes #1, 2, 3.;James Somerton;ContraPoints;The MegaNintenBro;You All Write;Five by Five Takes;The Roundtable;Nunmanji;Trope Anatomy;Andrea Ritsu;CinemaWins;Curmudgeon Media;KevinLsAccount;Nick TF89;MistareFusion;Quinn Curio;TheUziGunner;Skip Intro;Found Footage Frankenstein Night - Late Night Double Feature;META RUNNER;The Sun’s Tear;Sarah Moon;The Pedantic Romantic;Sketchy (the) Changeling;Zeria;Thomas The Model Adventures;Mathwiz;Garrick Schultz;RWBY: Fairy Tales;Red Vs. Blue: Family Shatters;Overly Sarcastic Productions;Trope Talk: Fridging;BREADSWORD;Lost In Tokusatsu;Super Mario Bros. Z;L.E.S Photography Productions;The Unlucky Tug;MrA thehedgehog;The Schmuck Squad;Manga Writer;Trainz4Days;SOVEREIGN_MIND;Parallax.;Ian Campbell Gonzalez;FilmSpeak;Super Eyepatch Wolf;Taillamp Studios;Thunderbird Studios;Bad Bitch (2020);Michael Jackson’s Thriller;BYTE Abridged;Uncle Al;Barret the J-50;“Thomas` Cousin” | Full Movie;Lost In Tokusatsu;IsraeliGovernment;Misty Chronexia;Mozilla Fennekin;Kaosi;HobbitNerd Entertainment;Art of Paya;FruitPunchMan15;The Isle of Rangoon;Dominic Noble;ThisIsChannel101;Jason Sheerin;Spongebob on Sodor;Bradleythethomasfan1;TB7 Productions;Victor Tanzig;The MilanToon Channel;Crumbling Cube;Jess the Dragoon;Second Thought;Sparkshot;charusharu;Translating Japan;ProfessorViral;Craftsdwarf;Is Kill la Kill a Magical Girl Series? (Not Really, But We’ll Entertain the Thought);Something Witty Entertainment;Oliver Duck;The Western Spirit;KaiserBeamz;Pokémon Special Anime;Pokémon SPECIAL Episode 1: VS The Glow;Yui-senpai TV;Ygg Studio;We Have Forgotten Love;PhenomSage;blunova;GODs’ School : The Olympian gods;Otaku-Vs;Nyxian Thoughts;A Very Tall Problem;Explanation Point;Lazybones, Inc.;TwistedDanns;TheGeekTCM;Invader ZIM: Mopiness of Doom;Veridis Joe;WildNorWester;Horror Short Film “Locksmiths” | ALTER;MOSAIC STREET - Proof of Concept Scene;Kimchi;EN2;France Five;The Underground Media Group;Terrier55Stepney;Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter (Official Video) (Short Film with A-1 Pictures & Crunchyroll);Mr. Ryan;The Raccoons Abridged;TUGS Abridged Ep 1: A Brand New Show;Infinite Snow Productions;The Legend of Genji;Xiao Long Media;Auralnauts;Monsterful Media;PhenomSage;Lowart;SMARTARTSMEDIA;bobvids;The Official Pokémon YouTube channel;MasterOfTheLemons;It’s Rebecca Rose;Tomoki Misato;Rocket Jump;EMARA;The Cartoon Cipher;Phoenix 24;Pop Culture Detective;Ikea Heights;TurfNation;TFL Creative Media;coldcrashpictures;Red Vs. Blue: Grifball;Gilbert Gaz Grogan;Slack Shack;LWP;Agent Mystery Meat;LEGEND - A DRAGON BALL TALE (FULL FILM) - 2022 STUDIO STRAY DOG;Cosmic Wonders;Errant Signal;HatsOffMedia;History of the Other Railway;KyleKallgrenBHH;KUNG FURY;YaBoiRay;Renegade Cut;Lost Pilot;Inacio’s Fifth Studio;Trainboy9705;Welltank Records;StarEevee;Diregentleman;LBSCS Productions;WHISPERS OF THE OTHER RAILWAY - PART 1 ‘TERROR ON THE TAY’;There’s Something About Amy;[thebogieboy];JamRum;The Royal Ocean Film Society;Christopher O'Shea;Sonic the Mobian Saiyan;PeterSam 04;RobloxFan70;Victor Tanzig;James Tullos;TazerLad;FlyingPringle;Implicitly Pretentious;The Wingfeather Saga Pilot;TheFamousEight;Yitexity;The Animation Coven;The FREAK Trains;Joseph Michael Long;LEGO TITANIC [Stop Motion 1997 Sinking Remake];SAO Video Essays;Wildlife (2012);MasakoX;Hypeathon;KnightZilla;Flying Walrus;Here's the Plan - Animated Short Film;Calebtrain;GLITCH;Gerry Anderson;Emezie Okorafor;Doctor Who Velocity;Fernanda Frick;JoMotion Studios;ZenithFilms Media;Kirby Ferguson;James Woodall;Savage Books;Kevin deLaplante;Study of Swords;Billy & Bubba;The Blue Snowplow;Power Rangers Dino Fury - History of Power Rangers;J's Reviews;Fionapollo;Idle Scree;Deadjosey;Robotech Visions;Lackadaisy;Trampy;Allan Ungar;(not)Hero - Compilation;Epithet Erased;mashed;EvilChicken25;Balena Productions;Daylight 3;Xounzy;Asha Phaedra;Alex Henderson Animation;Browntable;Andrea Baglio;DAT2T ANIMATION;Edward Baillargeon;The Great Wolf Pack;TheRealJims;Films For Freedom;Camp Camp;4D Jungle Adventure
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trainpalsforthawin · 2 years
Got any thoughts on Victor Tanzig’s videos?
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They suck lol 🖕🖕
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Also your art is adorable! I hope you make more <3
Yep! I’ve watched all his videos and would highly recommend his SCPs of Sodor if you haven’t seen it already! AND TYSM I WILL! 💖💞💕💞💖
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Who all in ur ttte au and tugs au likes hugs? (Or can with stand at least one on certain occasions especially if they usually hate them)
Oh boy; List time! Let’s starts with Ttte:
Gordon/G-1 (He is a gentle Giant)
James (Though he will clean himself off later; Germaphobe)
Percy (Is very bubbly about it)
Salty (Very cheerful with his hugs)
Cranky (May be mean but will stand for hugs; Blame salty)
Bulstrode (He may be high off life but he will give the best hugs)
Peter Sam
Sir Handel
Duncan (Slowly warming up to giving more hugs than before)
Vinnie (Slowly warming up due to Conner and Caitlyn)
Neville (Nervous shy bean likes hugs)
Donald n Douglas
Paxton (Best baby for hugs like Percy)
Diesel 10 (Be careful of Pinchy)
Pinchy (She has a human form for when D-10 isn’t wearing her)
Yong Bao
Flying Scotsman (Be mindful of his weak health)
Arry n Bert (They are touch starved bastards)
Peter (From Victor Tanzig’s series)
Reginald (VT series)
Brian (VT Series)
Bill n Ben (When they aren’t pranking anyone)
Timothy (Both Thomas’s brother and the twins’ babysitter from work)
Sir Topham Hatt (Benjamin and Bertram)
Sara Hatt
Terra Hatt (Daughter to Sir Benjamin Topham)
Dowager Hatt
Lowham Topham Hatt
Bruno (AEG)
Sandy (AEG)
Now time for Tugs:
Ten Cents
Big Mac
Top Hat
Zip n Zug
Big Mickey (he’s in both worlds but he was mostly seen in tugs)
Captain Star
Captain Jason
Izzy Gomez
Maria Gomez (Izzy’s Daughter)
Lillie lightship
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rugnificentthegrand · 10 months
Thanksgiving Special to Watch:
Regular Show thanksgiving special
Rick and Morty holiday episode
Victor Tanzig thankful short
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www-islandofsodor · 2 years
Good afternoon fellow Sudrians. Today certainly has been a great day to be busy. I have been out working with my parents in our garden and man, do I feel worn out. But not as worn out as Edward. Boy, talk about a diehard workhorse. That old engine has been the pride of not only his branchline, but the whole of Sodor as well. But have you ever wondered how Edward became so self-conscious about his age? Well, this story fills in the blanks.
Between 1948-1950, the Brendam Bay China Clay Pits opened to the public. With it, comes the added workload. Between moving cars from the new Clay Pits to the newly opened Brendam Docks, Edward is simply rushed off his wheels. He was clearly overworked and needed rest, but the old engine was too stubborn to admit that he needed help. Edward had to rush backwards and forwards with goods and passengers till his wheels were worn out. After a frightful near collision with James, Sir Topham Hatt and the manager of the new Clay Pits ordered two new tank engine twins to help out on the branchline. Gee, I wonder who could they be? To quote Victor Tanzig, "That's a story for another day."
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Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.
Great work, Victor Tanzig.
(Gordon will give you warnings in the beginning of this video so that I don’t have to.)
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Don't worry everyone else gets a steamy award too! Yes even the pornbots! No Victor Tanzig shilling here!
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In Victor Tanzig's world of Thomas, Lily and I think it was Douglas were in a relationship. Is that canon in your au?
Nope! But her lover in Ghost Pals IS part of Donald and Douglas’ bloodline.
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