#ttte edwards ghost engine
IONC maybe?
Hello! In prior to this post (@dopiysworldsend was the only one who answered so I was rather disappointed—)
Here are characters I haven't made designs yet or fully fleshed out!
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I can assure you this is not her official or final design because this is nothing looks nothing close to her actual occupation—
Lily was a character introduced in Victor Tanzig's “Stories Of Sodor” and died in “Stories Of War” in WW2. Here's her bio!
Lily, in this AU, was a war general. She came from the life of the destitute and died in an explosion during the war.
Due to dying in an explosion, her arms and turn into gun barrels.
Most said she was enthusiastic when she wasn't on duty. She liked telling people stories (and maybe gossip a lil). She also joked around often and seemed indifferent to the ways of life. She was rather boastful of herself and achievement-oriented, as she always bragged about her victories in life and wanted to pursue her dream of living a life of grandeur, like her other family members.
But no one knows why. Most aren't aware of her family background or where from the ashes she came from.
When she fought, however, she was rather ruthless. It seemed like she had no remorse for who she killed and was apathetic to the lives of the horrid soldiers she took, an ability most of the people in the military wished they had.
Even with such a successful life when she was alive, Lily expressed herself with having many regrets and grudges from the past (which is usually perceived as her being dramatic because of the way she expresses it).
Her biggest one was leaving the simple life she could've had with her old Scottish boyfriend, who is long dead by now.
Lily has a cousin, Adam, who is also currently a ghost with her.
The two seem awfully distant for relatives who were very close to each other when they were young.
Edwards Ghost Engine/Falaichte
This ghost is canon in the series, as they appeared in “Scaredy Engines" (was mentioned by Edward when he was telling a scary story about a ghost engine who looks for their whistle in the scrapyards).
They're a part of Donald and Douglas’ family line.
When they were alive, they were trying to rebuild an old Caledon Engine for their late brother.
Only to be murdered the night they were going to travel to Sodor to find the last thing they needed to complete his creation; it's whistle.
So know they escaped from above along with another character to get back their whistle, and they mainly look in the scrapyards to find it.
Ghosts have mogrification abilities, which means they can turn into an animals or maybe a vehicle.
Falaichte mainly turns into the old Caledonian engine they were building, which lead to the ghost story that Edward tells the others about them.
I haven't fleshed out how they died yet, but it probably had something to do their throat because they have a rather powerful seeing voice. Enough to hypnotize someone...
Very straightforward and only focused on their one goal. Doesn't like distractions or getting off course.
Often gives everyone the cold shoulder even to his allies...
Yeah this little ×××× died in this AU. On the streets. Homeless. Freezing to death after being fired from his railway.
I have nothing else to say about him aside from how he later decides to accompany a young human working in a funeral train service in the Mainland.
Like Alfred, is also a little s—
Will annoy you to death for the fun of it.
The FIRST ghost on Sodor.
He either passed away to old age or died in an explosion.
Idk yet lol
Is friends with Timothy and is trying to form an alliance with Edward (accidentally spooked the old guy once at Brendam lol)
One of the only sane and fine ghosts on this island.
Is Timothy's emotional support father.
Mysteriously disappeared. Cause of death is unknown.
I haven’t planned out his powers yet lol
Is bounded to a person called Carietta (or Wanda).
Stuck and can't seperate from her.
Remember how I said that Smudger decides to accompany a young man working in a funeral train service in the Mainland? Here he is!
Trescott is his real name, Thirteen is his nickname.
He was considered a misfortune among his family. They named him after the french word “Treize”, which means “Thirteen” (all too conveniently, he was born on January 13th)
They really exaggerated him being unlucky because they just left him on the streets and didn't even give him a name.
Was brought into an orphanage and named Trescott.
He got work as a cemetery groundskeeper because people told him that “you can't bring bad luck to the dead”.
He got tired but was luckily hired as a funeral train driver, where he finally met Smudger.
Is probably used to his so called “bad luck” (considering how indifferent he is now to it)
Hates how much people just judge him based on that and how it's the only thing people tend to associate him with.
The cemetery is his first choice to hang out.
Okie thas it lol there's more to come
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cerenemuxse · 2 months
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whiteboard doodles with other ttte folk! so many AUs!!!
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weirdowithaquill · 11 months
Traintober 2023: Day 22 - Top Hat
The Railway is Prospering:
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The railway was prospering. That was perhaps the first thing that the figure noticed. The books had been kind to the railway, in that they had drummed up hundreds, thousands of tourists who flocked to the island to ride behind the famous engines who worked there. The harbour extension at the end of Thomas’ branchline had made loading the stone from the quarry ever smoother, as they didn’t need to drag it all the way to Tidmouth.
And best of all, the engines were all still running.
Sir Topham Hatt wandered up to the ticket office at Wellsworth, spotting Edward collecting passengers for his afternoon train up to the Big Station. Even without a ticket, it was a little too easy to sneak aboard, finding an empty compartment and flopping down on the seats – only, they seemed to pass right through him.
Ah… right.
Instead, the figure of Sir Topham Hatt floated with his head out of the window, taking in the world around him in awe. There was Henry, speeding along with a fast freight train. His rebuild had truly done him wonders – thank goodness Sir William agreed to it, or Henry would… maybe not even be here. And over there was Gordon! He thundered by with the Express, whistling happily at Edward as the big blue engine drew alongside the old engine. They exchanged a fond greeting, and then Gordon was gone again, rocketing along.
James passed by next, grumbling dreadfully with a long train of tankers behind him. So… he’d not done so well with James – but he was still not only really useful, but reliable as well! And in spite of his grumbling, he was still pulling the trucks. As much as Sir Topham Hatt wanted to shout at the red engine to stop whining and get a move on, he recognised just how well the engine was doing.
Then, they passed through the Junction to Thomas’ branchline, and Sir Topham Hatt managed to spy all three of his former tank engines – Thomas, Duck and Percy – all shunting trucks together. It seemed like Duck needed a large order of stone, and the two other tank engines had brought it down for him. Furthermore, Toby stood nearby with Henrietta. All four looked healthy, happy and well-rested, a far cry from those dark days when the big engines refused to work. Then, Thomas, Percy and Edward had been forced to work day and night – nonstop – just to keep the railway open.
But now, they had time to slow down and chat, as well as spend time bantering. Sir Topham wondered just why Percy was talking about ghosts. He’d move closer to listen – but he didn’t want to lose Edward and his train.
Oh, Edward.
The blue engine looked so much happier now. He was running well; nary a clank in his motion. He smiled more too, happier than ever and so much brighter even though the day was cloudy. Sir Topham smiled wryly.
As much as he wanted to say his legacy was the greatness his engines felt now, he couldn’t honestly say it and be right. He’d done some admirable things for his engines, and he’d always been willing to stand up for Edward, or Thomas, or Percy – but at the same time… at the same time, it was clear he’d been far stricter than his son.
Maybe that was a good thing – the railway wouldn’t have survived the Great Depression without a firm hand to guide it. The entire railway had teetered on the edge of bankruptcy for so long, and he’d become so afraid of losing it all. He’d held on tight, almost strangling everyone as he nitpicked his way through every issue. He’d been harsh – harsher than he should have been.
Henry looked so much happier without him around.
But he’d done it for the railway! Being firm, strict and a little controlling was what the railway needed to see in each new year. He’d never scrapped one of his engines (the board, however…), even when they were unable to be really useful. Again, Henry was a testament to how much he hated to see potential wasted.
He’d fought against the LMS for years over the right to keep the railway open… but the LMS fell, and still the NWR remained. It… felt good to know he’d been so successful… even if most of the engines didn’t remember him so favourably.
With one last breath, he slipped away from Edward’s train, taking a moment to wander into his son’s office. He spotted a very familiar top hat resting on the coatrack. “That’s… my hat…” murmured Sir Topham, feeling just a little better.
Everything was going to be just fine.
With that, the almost ethereal figure standing in the Fat Controller’s office faded away.
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (268)
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fabianvalencia561 · 1 year
Draw your favorite ttte characters from your favorite au.
man there is so many ttte au I love
I wish I could draw all of the aus I love but that would take me days or longer.... but maybe soon I'll draw all of my favorite ttte au... yeh :D
so here are a few so I don't draw too many characters
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@humanoid-au Edward (he's a loveable guy)
@13o7byitm-railwayseries Diesel (He's a very cool dude)
@bruhstation ace (He's so cringe I just can't help but feel bad for him)
@ttte-vigilante-and-hero-au James (he's a cool guy. he's really neat)
and of course your Proteus my friend ^^ (He's such a pretty Proteus and he is fun to draw)
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agirlwholovesspe33d · 10 months
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Another images dump. The 2nd image is Edward between his NWR and F.R colours
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hazel-of-sodor · 11 months
Guardian Ch.3 A Midnight Run
Other Stories
Ch.3 A Midnight Run.
They ran through the cold misty night smoothly, passing clear signal after clear signal. The glow of the green lights eerily similar to the specter's red lamp. Although the two engines conversed in their way, steam and the clank of metal filling the night air, Nicole and Samantha worked quietly until they were approaching Wellsworth.
 "Thomas, " Samantha called, leaning out of the cab window.
"Yes driver?" He called back distractedly.
"We'll need to stop for coal and water at Wellsworth, if we're to make it to Kellstrope."
Thomas was quiet for a second, as he felt the levels in his tanks and bunkers. As he did, Samantha noticed the rust had almost reached the front of his smokebox mounting. Thomas hummed an agreement to her and began to slow down as the lights of Edward's station came into view, whistling a greeting as he approached the fueling siding. Edward whistled back from the platform, where he was being uncoupled from the empty cars of the midnight Brendam Express. He backed quietly alongside Thomas, not even blinking at the specter's presence. 
"Evening Thomas," he puffed cheerfully as he rolled to a stop, " and dry rails and smooth running to you friend." 
"Evening Edward."
The specter barked a short whistle in response.
"Of course you aren't phased by this," Nicole grouched as she started shoveling coal into Thomas' bunker.
The old engine gave her an amused look, "I deal with the clay twins on a daily basis, any engine with a semblance of common sense is a relief, no matter their form," he said dryly.
Nicole paused for a moment, "Ah, fair enough."
Thomas snorted quietly as Samantha clambered up to fill his water tanks, the twins' reputation as terrors was well earned. 
Edward swung his gaze back to the phantom, "And where are you headed friend? You've come a long way from Thomas's Branchline."
The engine let out a low wheesh.
"When they heard Emily was here, they asked to see her before they passed on." Thomas explained.
Edward gave a sad smile to the other engine, " She'll be glad to see you, Emily visits Elena when she can, but York is a long way from Sodor."
The specter made a chuffing noise at Thomas who gave an abashed start, " Oh right, Elena is your other surviving sister. She was made part of the National Rail Museum. I thought I'd already told you that."
The specter made a chattering series of clanks at Thomas, berating him as Edward watched amusedly.
"I see Emily's bossiness is a family trait," Thomas snapped waspishly after several minutes.
Rather than be offended, the phantom let out a hiss of steam that Samantha somehow knew to be it preening.
Edward roared with laughter, struggling to catch his breath, steam shooting from his funnel and valves with each laugh. Thomas glared at the older engine , an angry blush evident even in the dark.
"I'm glad you find this so funny," Thomas snapped snootily.
"I remember having to put up with a pint sized station pilot that acted like they were the same size as Gordon," Edward said dryly, his laughter subsiding to chuckles, "it's only fair."
Thomas scoffed and looked away with a scowl, but Samantha could see the fond smile he was trying to hide. 
Edward, his laughter finally gone, glanced over and frowned at the rust creeping up Thomas's footplate. "You need to get moving," He said with concern," the daylight won't be good for them, and connection isn't good for you."
Thomas's eyes snapped back to Edward, "I won't fail them," his tone was steely, but with a quiet undercurrent of hurt.
"I never thought you would Caomhnóir," Edward softly admonished him, "but hurting yourself in doing so would be all too like you. It may be your duty, but you don't have to carry it alone."
      Thomas looked down at his buffers for a long moment then up to the specter's smokebox. "Some weights are worth carrying," he offered Edward a soft, hesitant smile, " I'll see you on the way back in the morning?"
Edward snorted as Samantha and Nicole climbed back into Thomas's cab, "If you think they're letting you out of the works that quickly, you need more than your buffers checked." 
"I was trying not to think about it," Thomas groaned as Samantha advanced his regulator.
"Good luck, we'll call ahead so Emily will be waiting for you," Edward whistled goodbye, Thomas and the Phantom's returning whistles offering a strange harmony to the night.
Beyond the station lay Gordon's hill. Thomas was puffing gamely up the hill, but it seemed the phantom was getting heavier as they went. When they had left Knapford, it had seemed as if Thomas was barely halving to pull at all, but Samantha had had to advance his regulator a few times on the way to Wellsworth. The hill was only making it worse. The engine's weight was still well within Thomas's capabilities but Samantha was concerned.
  "Thomas," she called to him, "Is it just me or are they getting heavier?"
  It was quiet for a few puffs then, "Remember how I said they're no longer of this world?"
"Yes," she said hesitantly.
"They're being pulled back to it by touching me. They didn't weigh less, there's just more of them here."
"Does..." Nicole hesitated, " does that mean we're being pulled toward them too?" She had trailed off into a whisper by the end, but Thomas still heard her.
"Yes, that's why you could both see them clearly at Wellsworth even though you weren't touching me."
   "We don't get paid enough for this," Nicole muttered. They fell into silence as they crested the hill and steamed towards Kellsthorpe road. Samantha was worried to see the rust was creeping further up Thomas, nearing his splashers.
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dieselstooyou · 2 years
Day 1: Moon
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Spooky ghost on the old bridge.
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witchbrew13 · 2 years
Sodor Dragon
📢: this Is only my Au
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 month
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@british-hero once said to me "What if Trains were creatures", and I am not one to deny them anything that ends up being incredibly self-indulgent. So here's a TTTE Monster AU where a bunch of shady scientists kidnap a handful of engines and turn them into recreations of mythical creatures/monsters before tossing them in an abandoned islet to study them under a proverbial microscope.
Gordon's a hydra, Edward a griffin, James is a giant bee/wasp monster hybrid, Thomas is a selkie (he doesn't know the pelt comes off), Percy a harpy, Henry a chimera and Emily a ghost/frost spirit.
There's other engines in the monster transmogrification roster, but these were the ones I had a more vivid design idea for in mind.
— ☕️ Ko-fi | 🧡Commissions
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anonymousboxcar · 1 year
TTTE Headcanons: Engines’ TV Habits
This is pretty goofy, but I’m thinking about what sorts of TV the engines might watch if they had a TV or a streaming device in their sheds. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far!
Henry loves nature shows, of course. In addition, after his fireman lamented his spilt hot cocoa, he wanted to understand why humans care so much about food. This led him to cooking shows, which he found very relaxing. He likes to watch raw, disparate ingredients become something beautiful and complete.
Edward goes for mysteries — lighter, cozier shows like Midsomer Murders, Rosemary & Thyme, and Murder, She Wrote. He’s also a fan of Granada Studios’ 1984 Sherlock Holmes. It tickles the same part of him that enjoys ghost stories, giving him a slight thrill alongside a pleasing mind-teaser.
Gordon watches the news every morning and evening. He likes to feel up-to-date on important events, expounding on them to his colleagues. Any program about opera and orchestral performances also appeals to him. There’s some snobbery involved, but he does enjoy hearing and learning about musical genres.
James likes game and talent shows, often shouting answers and opinions at the TV. He’s so attuned to these shows’ editing that he’ll guess a season winner, set up a betting pool, and rake in all the favors after the finale with a smug grin. (Gordon and Henry only keep placing bets because they want to show him up someday.)
All three big engines indulge in the guilty pleasure of soap operas. They think nobody else knows about this. Pip and Emma “obliviously” intrude on their watch parties to make them squirm.
Thomas and Percy watch ghost hunting shows together. They scoff at the idea of ghosts, accuse each other of being ‘fraidy-cats, and huddle close in fear as an episode progresses. They also watch late-night airings of schlocky films with Toby, whose sly commentary cracks them all up.
On his own, Thomas watches motorsport broadcasts. Bertie hooked him on it not long after they started racing each other. He’s a fan of some F1 drivers and their cars, often comparing notes with Bertie in serious (and sometimes heated) discussions.
Percy has a soft spot for period dramas. He’ll laugh at historical inaccuracies, get invested in all the characters, and ponder common tropes. He’s not afraid to ask about the servants who have to endure the wealthy protagonists’ dramatics.
Toby doesn’t watch much TV outside of what he sees with Thomas and Percy. However, he and Henrietta are partial to some late-night talk shows. If the show’s interviewing someone they’re interested in, or if they think the host is funny, they’ll give an episode a try.
Duck adores How It’s Made. It’s very satisfying for him to watch a bunch of moving parts at work, slotting pieces into their rightful places to assemble something. Other nights, he watches travel shows. They explore locations all around the world, scratching his itch to see what’s beyond his horizon.
Donald watches stand-up comedy specials, going for a good laugh at the end of the day to decompress. Ever since Duck “gifted” him Dilly, he also watches nature programs and shows about training/caring for pets. (He and Dilly are working on some tricks.)
Oliver picks sci-fi shows, with Star Trek and Doctor Who as his favorites. He’s drawn in by the pulpy adventures, moral dilemmas, and complex protagonists. It all makes him feel better about himself: you can mess up on an astronomical scale, but still be capable of good things. You don’t have to be a perfect hero to be a good person.
Douglas enjoys shows about antiques and vintage items — things in the vein of Antique Roadshow, or American Pickers. He’s a sucker for knickknacks that meant something to someone, for all the stories behind each one, and for their loving restorations.
Bill and Ben think fitness shows are hysterical. They’re forever amused by the odd ways the instructors contort their bodies. But they also scheme for their crews to watch these shows, hoping they’ll participate and stay healthy for years to come.
Daisy’ll watch any program about fashion or body art (tattoos, piercings, etc). Being so attentive to her swerves, she’s curious about the ways that humans adorn themselves. She’ll sometimes take inspiration from what she sees, but she’ll always argue that fashion is an art form, pointing to these shows for examples.
What are your guys’ thoughts/headcanons? I’d love to hear them!
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Hello hi I fixed her design
And here's some more info about Ghost Pals uhhh
Here are designated songs for the characters (this is not complete):
If there's a * at the end, it's in consideration.
Alfred - Jack's Lament, That Beautiful Sound, The Ballad Of Sara Berry, Meant To Be Yours, Other Friends*
Godred - Love Like You
Timothy - Motherland, Dead Mom, The Dismemberment Song*
Proteus/??? - The Ballad Of Jane Doe, Save Me
Edward's Ghost Engine/Falaichte - Curses
Lily - Noel's Lament, Talia, Zu Ende
Pretty Polly - What The World Needs
GWR 2251 Class 060/??? and LNWR 18xx 06#/??? - The Cats Dining Table
Afton - Evelyn, Evelyn*
Extra Songs (Songs In Consideration)
It's Tough To Be A God*
Survive The Night*
Running Up That Hill*
The Gift Of The Rose*
It's Been So Long*
The Girls Who Sells Misfortune*
Lets Go Creeping*
Give me some more suggestions and I'll take them into consideration!
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weirdowithaquill · 11 months
Traintober 2023: Day 25 - Distress Signal
What's Out in Tidmouth Bay:
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“And every year, on the date of the sinking, the ship rides the seas again, searching for the crew that abandoned her to her watery grave…” Salty finished, grinning at the assembled engines. “Rubbish!” snorted Douglas. “Thir's na sic thing as ghost ships rising up oot o' th' ocean. Whit a doolally idea. Whitevur neist? A submarine letting oot distress signals, even though thir's na yin thare?” Both he and his twin Donald sniggered. Edward scowled.
“You shouldn’t joke about lost submarines,” he said grimly. “After all, there’s a tale of a submarine that was lost off Tidmouth bay that will make you funnel quiver.” “Ooo! Tell it! Please!” exclaimed the other engines. Edward shot a dark look at them.
“This is not a pleasant story, and it’s certainly not one to make light of…” With one last sigh, the old engine began his story.
“Back during the First World War, both Britain and Germany began to deploy early submarines to disrupt shipping and try to starve their opponent out of the war. But back then, the submarines were still new technology – they rattled, and sprang leaks, and they were loud most of the time too. But when they glided underwater, not even the keenest of eyes could spot them.
“In 1916, several British submarines began docking at Tidmouth. These submarines were manned by local Sudrians who’d signed up for the navy, and they were very proud of their machines. ‘Best in the Navy!’ they would boast. ‘Never to be beaten!’ we would often reply, caught up in a great patriotic spirit for our country and our boys doing their part to defend it.
“One of the duties of these submarine crews was to tow large underwater mines into choke points in the harbour waterways. These giant, spiked balls of explosives were placed randomly, so that enemy ships would be unable to get too close to the harbour to attack. The submarines were good at this job, and the island’s people always felt safer knowing they were protecting us.
“It all changed one foggy night. A German U-Boat had been spotted off the coast of Liverpool and was sailing north towards us at a tremendous rate. At the time, Tidmouth was a major manufacturer of shells and explosives for the front line, and even one hit to the factory would do irreversible damage. The submarines in Tidmouth bay were sent out to find the German U-Boat, despite the thick fog that made navigation almost impossible – and they found it. Unfortunately, they also found the minefields.
“The radios were filled with crackly cries for help from Sudrian sailors, all lost in the fog and trying to avoid the mines they’d set while also hunting for a German U-Boat. We all waited with bated breath on the shoreline, all listening to the radio and praying for the boys…”
Edward paused, then tears filled his old eyes.
“And then, there was a flash of light – it was so bright, it pierced through the fog and lit up the entire bay – and screams. They came through the radio for only a couple seconds, but they were the longest seconds of my life. They were horrible – wretched, broken, filled with agony and suffering – and then they were gone. One of the Sudrian submarines had found the German U-Boat and fired on it… but they had missed… and hit an underwater mine. Both ships were destroyed, sinking down to their final resting places on the sea floor.”
The engines were horrified. Even Donald and Douglas were silent, eyes wide. Every engine who had lived through the First World War had known someone who had lost their lives – but to actually see it with their own eyes… it was horrific.
“But that wasn’t the end,” Edward continued, startling everyone. “One year later, the remaining submarines were sat in the harbour when their radios crackled with an unknown message. But it wasn’t just the submarines’ radios – no, it was every radio in Tidmouth. Every single one picked up this unknown, crackling message. It was a distress signal! – a shouted one, in two different languages. One was foreign – German; garbled, broken by the static of the radios. The other however… it was the lost sailors from the sunken submarine. They were shouting at each other and at us – and then there was a massive explosion that ripped through the radio-waves. There was a flash of light – and then those screams. They tortured us, far longer than the screams we’d heard on that fateful night. They were in German too now, as if both ships were wailing for their losses. And then… nothing.
“This happened again the next year, and then the year after that – and after that, the people of Tidmouth learnt. Every year, on the date of the accident, every radio in Tidmouth is switched off. It’s a moment of silence, for the men who lost their lives.”
No one knew what to say, and so they all went quietly to sleep.
The next evening, Edward was away on his branchline, and a new driver decided to leave the radio on for the engines in the sheds. This was not uncommon – the engines enjoyed the background noise; it was relaxing after a long days’ work.
It was only Donald and Douglas – Bear had the midnight goods, Gordon had the express, Salty was delivering some trucks to Elsbridge, Duck was collecting a late load of ballast, James and Henry were sleeping at the other end of the line, and Oliver was pulling the last passenger train of the evening. “Edward's story - ye dinnae hawp it, dae ye?” asked Donald. “Na! nae at a' - tis a guid story fur a friten, bit thir's na sic thing as ghosts,” snorted Douglas. “Especially nae ghosts sending oot distress signals.” “Aye, whit nonsense…”
The song on the radio ended – but another didn’t start. Instead, the radio crackled – as if suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of static. Voices could be vaguely heard from the radio, quiet – but growing louder. They were in English… and in German. They were screaming, pleading, arguing, begging for help. It was a distress signal. The voices grew louder, more garbled – and then, there was a sonic BOOM! that erupted from the radio, almost knocking the Caledonian twins off their rails.
It was followed by a horrific wailing and screaming. It ripped through Donald and Douglas, their boilers going cold at the sound. It was the sound of dying men. It stretched on for what felt like an eternity, eventually tapering off into garbled groaning, and then nothing.
An unseen figure in a top hat clicked off the radio, and vanished out the back door, unheard by the twins. They were barely holding in their tears, eyes wide and wheels quivering.
Oliver puffed in, looking very confused. “Are you two alright?” he asked. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost—” “Dinnae... say that…” Donald croaked.
Oliver stayed respectfully silent.
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (249)
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fabianvalencia561 · 2 years
"The corrupted parasite."
After hours and hours of hard work to fix Phillip the sun began to rise and D10 realized that it was time for him to get going.
D10: sorry Glynn... I..
Glynn: I understand.. *he smiled a bit* you did great 10.. thank you for helping me with fixing Phillip..
D10: *he felt happy but sad* heh... No problem... Well.. I should go....
Glynn: hey.. can you tell Toby or at least someone so Toby knows what happened to Phillip... Because I think everyone still thinks that Phillip is still staying with his other friends...
D10: oh.. ok.. I'll go tell Gordon or Edward they are the closest...
Glynn: well alright... See you later I guess
D10: yeah... See ya *he left quickly and quietly.*
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Once D10 got outside he sighed and stood there for a while and then he looked up and began to walk. D10 was thinking to himself while he was walking by himself.
D10: *he felt a horrible headache coming up* !!!-... my head is killing me... *Sigh* ... Maybe I'm over thinking about stuff... Everything will be fine.... Just breathe and just tell them what happened.... I haven't seen them in a long time... I wonder how they are doing..... Probably not good really....
(This part of the comic was from me and @kingdicemrwheezyflowertor rp ( this is just part of the comic. You don't have to continue the RP.)
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When Sir Topham saw something peeking out of Edwards mouth. Sir Topham back up a bit in surprise.
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Sir Topham: *He looked at @kingdicemrwheezyflowertor Victor and whispered to him* D-Do you.. see that? *As he kept eyes on this creature.*
The creature tried to escape once again but Sir Topham ran up to it and grabbed as tight as he could to the creature and with all his strength he pulled...
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Sir Topham: !!!?- *gasp!!*
The corrupted parasite screamed loud as it was freed from Edward's body.
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Then the corrupted parasite screamed once again and used it tail to attack Sir Topham. Sir Topham tries to get out of the way but it is too late.
Everything went dark for Sir Topham and then he slowly regained his strength to move a bit, but every time he moved it was horrible the pain on top of his head and his arm...
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Well... The somewhat remains of Sir Topham's arm. The pain became worse and worse and then Sir Topham screamed loud from the pain.
Henry: *he quickly runs in once he hears screaming and yelling* WHAT IS GOING ON-- *GASP!!*
The corrupted parasite ran past Henry causing Henry to fall over hard to the ground it did not care for the others it was looking for only one humanoid. The corrupted parasite got closer to Thomas's room but when it checked no one was in there then the corrupted parasite heard a gasp right behind him. The corrupted parasite quickly turned to see little Thomas scared and helpless.
Thomas: !!!! *Tears started running down his eyes from fear and quickly started to back up from the creature. He tried to scream but nothing came out.*
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The corrupted parasite quickly grabbed Thomas. Thomas was crying and trying his best to make the parasite to let go.
Henry: *he looked up and realized what happened* !!!!- LET GO OF THOMAS!! *he tried to get Thomas but this thing was too fast for Henry.*
The corrupted parasite quickly tried to get out of the house with Thomas while most of everyone tried to get Thomas back. Then someone blocked the corrupted way and caused it to stop and growled. Owen stood in the way of the corrupted and yelled loud.
The corrupted parasite screamed in anger at Owen and tried to escape another way.
Owen: I said.. *his body started to change and his face started to rip open revealing the monster Owen really is.*
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Owen: LET HIM GO!! *As he jumps on the parasite and attacks it.*
Thomas: *he got thrown to the ground and realized that he should run now but slowly realizing that he was horribly hurt but he kept running from them and hid in Percy's room.*
Percy: !!!- w-what.. happening!?-
Thomas: *he grabbed Percy and they quickly hid in the closet.*
The two were horrified. Thomas was trying everything to keep his injuries from getting worse and worse. They heard the horrifying noises of screaming, yelling, and stuff breaking from outside of the closet. The two were in tears they wished and begged that this was just a dream but no matter how hard they tried it was not a dream it is reality.
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The corrupted parasite tried everything to find Thomas while it was still getting attacked by the others. The parasite was ripping out doors to rooms to find Thomas. Percy and Thomas heard it get closer and closer and then a very loud crash happened, the parasite got into Percy's room and was searching for Thomas. The two tried their best to not be heard or seen. The parasite got closer and closer to the closest and then it stopped as it heard someone.
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Harold: You better get out of here now... *He said in an angry voice. Then he grabbed the parasite by the head and slammed it to the ground.*
The corrupted screamed loudly in pain. It quickly tries to fight back, it was able to injure Harold but not enough for Harold to give up. As this was all happening the sun began to slowly rise. Everyone did everything to get this creature out or tried to kill it. Harold grabs the creature once again and throws it down the stairs.
The corrupted was angered and tried to jump at Harold but then Gordon and Rebecca tried everything they had and pulled it away from the stairs. Owen quickly ran down the stairs and grabbed it by the head and started to drag it, the parasite screamed and tried to injured Owen or anyone with its claws or tail. Eventually it got Rebecca by its tail. Rebecca screamed in pain as she hit the ground.
Gordon got angered quickly and tried to attack the parasite but Harold quickly flew down the stairs and grabbed Gordon from doing something stupid. Harold understand the anger Gordon had when Rebecca got hurt from the parasite but Owen already had it taken care of.
*With D10*
He was walking by the house but stopped when he heard the screaming and stuff breaking.
D10: (thinking to himself): Huh? What is going on over there? *He decided to walk closer to see what was going on. He got to a window and peeked inside.*
As D10 peeked inside the window that he was looking through, the corrupted parasite got thrown out of the window fortunately D10 fell to the ground and was able to get out of the way.
The parasite was screaming and squirming around in pain and anger. D10 quickly backed up but the parasite turned to D10 and quickly noticed him. The parasite ran towards D10 and tried to take him but as it was running to him the sun rose. The parasite quickly fell and screamed as the sun burned it even though it looked like seconds of pain for the parasite it felt like hours of torture on it, but fortunately for the parasite it was able to go into the forest it gave D10 an angered look and then it limped away from everyone and disappeared into the darkness of the forest...
D10: ... W-what the actual hell.... *He said in fear and as he felt familiar eyes staring at him from the darkness of the forest but he never knew why they felt so familiar to him.*
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jobey-wan-kenobi · 2 years
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Thanks for the tag @youcandalekmyballs ... (this forced me to organize my Evernotes so now i hopefully actually have all my WIPs in one place!)
Okay, so now (even after deleting a few) my WIP evernote tag is RIDICULOUS, i have more WIPs than i have mutuals (what a loser thing to say), so that last bit ain't gonna exactly happen like that
They're all Railway Series/Thomas the Tank Engine fic unless otherwise noted. Yes, these days i am THAT cool 😎 S'how i roll now
(ph) 9 Times Lena Ebsley's Orientation Didn't Serve Her (and 1 Time It Did) — original fiction
(ph) The Positive Truth — original fiction
(ph) Two Time — original fiction
(ph) Untitled ("It wasn't odd to hear a stray zipping siren on the Lordeway at any hour of the day or night...") — original fiction
3 and 4, con't — rws/ttte meta
125 & 36
125 fic prologue
anonymous prequelly edward
another crew #2 scenelet coz WHY NOT
baby 124 + 125
barbara/stephen + bridget
barbara + edward
Bird - autumn
Bird - wherein we unlock the coppernobs' tragic backstory
Counterfeit — original fiction
diesels deserve ghost stories too
early 20s just put it here
early 20s—Bits
early 20s—Clearing a Line #2
early 20s—detritus?
early 20s—Firelighters
early 20s—H.'s first goods
early 20s—Names and Numbers
early 20s—One Eye Open
early 20s—Railman's Holiday
early 20s—The Autumn After
early 20s—The Conspirators
early 20s—The Express Engine****** v6
early 20s—The Spare Engine
early 20s—Timetables
engine mental health ask — rws/ttte meta
Ex Condor Through the Time Machine
Geometry in Jewels/Irmafax — original novel
good place/cheers crossover — the good place & cheers
Henry Tricks the Clergyman
James prequel
James the branch line BOSS 😎
Les Frenês — original fiction
oliver & boco
philip !
rocks fall lansky wins — original fiction
splendid spin-off — edward & henry
splendid spin-off — scrapyard
splendid spin-off
splendid spin-off — emily
splendid spin-off — scrapyard 2?
splendid spin-off — thomas & toad
splendid spin-off — toby & joe
Stack Alone
Steam and Light II
Suited — the fugitive
the gays can have a little gordon!angst. as a treat
The Penitent — original fiction novel
The River — original fiction
the problematicness of thomas & friends — rws/ttte meta
Taboo2 — original fiction novel
Trouble in the Big Station
Untitled ("The bump wasn't so much hard as unexpected")
Untitled ("36's entire world was bitter")
Untitled ("Trusty old Dumpling was missing")
Untitled (" 'Bless my bell,' Toby murmured, staring at the receding train")
Untitled ("The return had to be the best run of Edward's life")
Ward B — original fiction
@shinygoku, @academicgangster, @angryskarloey @houseboatisland, @joezworld, @lswro2-22, @putuponpercy, @whumpster-fire, @janetm47, uhhh yeah my brain's pretty fried and i am blanking on writer mutuals, @savageandwise, @youcandalekmyballs (why not have another go? idek), @weirdowithaquill ... @anyone at all who sees this and wants to play
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