#victoria chase fanfiction
lifeissimssnapshots Β· 4 days
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Just a little photo dumb 🫧✨
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sourrind Β· 14 days
Mercy Manifested - [Ch. 01] Prologue
Life is Strange - Victoria Chase/Kate Marsh
Victoria Chase had been staring at the graffiti for the past five minutes. It was a common sight now, something to be plastered on any surface that could be scratched or marked. She had never figured out how it started or whether the β€œVC” had stood for the Vortex Club or for her, but she had come to learn that the two had become synonymous over the past few months.
Her hand reached up and a set of well-manicured fingers rubbed at her brow. The buzz of the fluorescent lights continued to echo off the tiles of the girl’s restroom right into her eardrums. This was the last stall that had not been marked yet with the slogan, but now it seemed like no one could use any restroom or vending machine without being reminded how much β€œVC SUCKS,” least of all her.
The door opened and the sound of two chattering girls entered. Victoria raised her feet and pressed them against the sides of the stall. She didn’t want anyone to know she was there. The last time she had gotten cornered had turned out to be a less than pleasant experience. Without the Vortex Club to back her up, it had become obvious that the former Queen of Blackwell was all bark and no bite.
β€œGod, can you believe Mrs. Hoida?Β β€˜Knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein is not the monster. Wisdom is knowing that he is.’ What kinda crap is that?”
β€˜Great, another dumb blonde at Blackwell.’
β€œYeah, it’s like, of course he’s the monster, he’s like made of dead people and junk.”
β€˜Scratch that, two dumb blondes.’
Victoria buried her face into her hands and let out a silent sigh. She had dealt with her fair share of idiots and morons – both in the art world and at school – but it never got any easier.
β€œDo you know who you’re going to the party with?”
β€œNot yet. I really wanna go with Zach, but fuckin’ Juliet scares the shit out of me.”
Victoria’s eye twitched at the mention of Zach and Juliet. She remembered leading Zach on like a sick puppy to mess with the would-be journalist. She didn’t really know why she had done it, but she had enjoyed it. It was funny to her how much power she used to wield and be able to exercise.
It was good.
While it lasted.
β€œZach…didn’t he used to go out with Victoria?”
The other girl groaned. β€œMaybe I shouldn’t go with him then. Who knows what kinda shit he caught from her.”
β€œOh em gee, have you seen her recently? She looks like someone runs over her dog every morning or something.”
A laugh. β€œI mean, that’s what she deserves, right? School’s been so much fucking nicer ever since that lame girl almost ate it off the roof.” A smack of the lips. The snap of a make-up palette closing. β€œPerfect. Just one more thing.”
VIctoria’s breath hitched. Had the girls figured her out? She braced herself steady against the stall doors, but the worst of it never came. Instead, shoes shuffled from one side of the bathroom to the other, only to end in one very self-satisfied sigh.
The first girl laughed. β€œYou’re such a bitch.”
And the other girl basked in it. β€œAnd don’t you forget it.”
The two morons laughed at their own arrogance before exiting the room. Victoria didn’t allow herself to breathe until she heard the slam of the bathroom door closing. Even then, she waited before allowing her feet to fall to the floor before exiting the stall.
The mirror directly in front of her was clean, but ones to the left had the letters β€œV” and β€œC” on them. The three on the right spelled out β€œSUX.”
She didn’t even know who those girls were.
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chloe-caulfield94 Β· 3 months
Max at Chloe's funeral
Max stood over her best friend’s coffin. Or was it her former best friend’s coffin? She wasn’t sure.
On one hand, the last time she saw Chloe had been five years prior, in the rear windscreen of her parents’ car. As Max drove away, Chloe was standing over her father’s coffin, almost in the exact same spot Max now stood. The last time Max communicated with Chloe had been four years ago, when she responded to a text from Chloe. Chloe asked Max not to ignore her phone calls and to pick up her phone from time to time. Max responded by saying she had been really busy, but she would totally call her later. She never did.
On the other hand, while Max had made new friends in Seattle – Kristen and Fernando, both of whom she liked and trusted - she had never developed with anyone a bond similar in depth and intensity to the one she had had with Chloe. It was only after Chloe had been murdered that Max realized Chloe had been like a family member to her. Like a sister.
As other mourners began to walk away, Max continued her silent watch over Chloe’s earthly remains, imagining the five years she could’ve spent with her best friend. The five years she had stolen from herself.
When Max saw Chloe’s bloodied corpse on Monday she didn’t recognize her. Only when the school security officer David Madsen started lamenting over his daughter’s lifeless body, repeating her name over and over, Max realized it was her best friend lying in a pool of blood on the floor.
Chloe’s short messy hair, dyed neon blue, was so unlike her old, long and straight blonde hair. During the wake, when Chloe’s body was displayed in an open coffin, she was much more recognizable to Max. She was dressed in a black pantsuit provided by the funeral home, almost identical to the one she wore during her father’s funeral, only slightly longer, to account for her growth in the meantime. Her hair, while still short and blue, was neatly combed behind her ears. Her hodgepodge of cheap jewellery was gone. Her tattoo was completely covered by the pantsuit’s long sleeve.
During the wake, Max heard other mourners say that Chloe looked β€œfinally at peace”. She didn’t understand why they thought Chloe couldn't have been at peace in life. And the way Max saw it, while Chloe’s face, even paler than usual, was completely still, it conveyed anything but peace. Max was painfully aware that beneath Chloe’s black pantsuit was a hole in her breast, its edges held together by a thick thread, covering an entrance to a tunnel burrowed in Chloe’s flesh by a piece of metal which stopped her heart forever.
As Max was standing over her best friend’s coffin, not ready to let Chloe out of her sight as she had done five years prior, a blue butterfly flew in and sat on the wooden box.
And then Max remembered. She heard a voice. Chloe’s voice. She sounded differently. Not like a child anymore. But Max would recognize Chloe’s voice no matter how many years passed in the meantime. The older Chloe’s voice said all the things Max had ever wanted to hear. And all the things Max didn’t even know she wanted to hear, but deep down desperately needed to. Sweet, wise and heartfelt words of her long-lost best friend uplifted her heart.
β€œEvery great artist gets rejected before they get accepted. So you have to enter a photo”.
β€œStop being so goddamn humble. You’re like the smartest, most talented person I’ve ever known”.
β€œOnce you get over yourself, you’re going to make the world bow”.
β€œYou are! You just have to stop being afraid”.
β€œYou’re kind and caring. Nobody could have a better best friend. Nobody!”
β€œYou need to accept how awesome you are”.
β€œStop beating yourself up, okay?”
β€œIt’s time to start moving forward in time”.
β€œYou’re Maxine Caulfield ... and you’re amazing!”
Max also remembered her own words, the ones she would’ve said during a week that never was, all in acknowledgment of how much Chloe meant to her.
β€œAs long as we’re together, I don’t feel afraid”.
β€œAs long as you’re there with me”.
β€œI always wanted my life to be special, an adventure. But not without you!”
β€œYour life has changed mine”.
And then she remembered things other than words. Handholding. Hugs. Longing stares. Kisses. Max discovered, to her great but oh so pleasant surprise, that while her love for Chloe was familial, it wasn’t like a love between sisters. It was like a love between spouses.
Max smiled wide remembering all of that. And then the butterfly flew away and she remembered something else. A kiss in pouring rain followed by a gunshot and a pool of blood. Smile immediately disappeared from Max’s face. She felt her heart stop for a moment. Then it started pounding furiously. It pounded so fast Max thought it would escape out of her chest. Her limbs became heavy and ice-cold.
β€œI … killed her?” – she asked in her thoughts.
β€œI killed her”- she answered her own question, muttering under her breath.
β€œI killed her!” – she screamed at the top of her lungs, having fallen to her knees.
The other mourners turned to Max. Joyce and David rushed to her. Joyce placed her hand on Max’s shoulder. Max’s body shook as she cried bitter tears. β€œI killed her, I killed her, I killed her” – she repeated.
β€œOh, Max. it’s not your fault” – Joyce tried reassuring her. β€œChloe … she was troubled. She ran in bad company. There was nothing you could’ve done to help her. She … She chose to remain angry”.
β€œShe chose to remain angry” – Joyce’s words echoed both in Max’s ears and in her memory. She felt fury rise inside of her. Anger at herself and at everyone else in the town that had failed and killed her best friend.
β€œFuck that. Fuck. That” – Max thought. She wiped her tears and slowly stood up. She turned to Chloe’s mother and said calmly: ”You know what, Joyce? I think I now understand why Chloe was always a daddy’s, not mommy’s girl”.
Joyce was taken aback. She took her hand off Max’s shoulder. β€œWhat? Max, what do you …”
β€œSo when are you going to take down all of Chloe’s pictures from the walls? You hid away all of William’s pictures two years after his death. So in two years’ time they are going to be reunited in the closet, right? Father and daughter together at last. Just like they’ve been already reunited here in this cemetery plot”.
David intervened: β€œMax, you have no right to talk to Joyce like that …”
Max turned to David and asked him, in a raised voice, almost shouting: β€œWhat kind of a man hits his own child? I’ll tell you! No man at all!”
David opened his mouth to defend himself, but said nothing, apparently finding nothing to say in his defence. Max jabbed him in the chest with her index finger. Repeatedly. Hard.
Max screamed: β€œI’m pushing you! I just keep pushing you! Do something about it! Do what you always do when teenage girls push you!”
David’s face turned red. Not out of anger. Out of shame.
Max turned to walk away. And then she saw Frank Bowers standing on the sidelines. Fury rose inside of her. She pointed him with her finger and shouted: β€œWhat the fuck is he doing here? Why isn’t he in jail with Jefferson and Nathan? He’s the one who supplied them with date rape drugs!”
Frank looked around hesitantly, unsure if he should start running away or not.
Looking at David, Max shouted: β€œHey David! This scumbag, who you were somehow unable to apprehend even though he often parked his drug van in the parking lot of the school you claim to provide security for, sold Nathan the drugs he used to roofie your daughter! You failed to protect her in life. How about saving the last shreds of your masculine pride and avenging her?!”
Frank tried disarming the situation the only way he knew how. With lies and threats: β€œThis brat doesn’t know what she’s talking about! She’s probably high as a kite. Listen, girlie. I don’t know you. So I suggest you stop falsely accusing me, or you and I are going to have a serious talk …”
Max almost ran at him. She pushed him with both hands, making him stagger for a moment. Pompidou remained calmly seated on the ground. He did not stand in his owner’s defence, perfectly aware that Frank deserved every bit of what he was now receiving.
Max screamed at Frank: β€œBut I thought you loved brats! Your entire life revolves around schoolchildren! You peddle your drugs to them! You exploit them as accomplices to your crimes, to do things you are too cowardly to do yourself! And some of them you even fuck, like Rachel!”
β€œI don’t know you. Get the hell away from me!”
β€œBut I know you! Did you go to Rachel’s funeral as well? You know you killed her, right? You sold Nathan the drugs that he used to murder her. You know what he did to her? Have you seen the pictures he took of her? How he groped her? All of that is because of you!”
A grimace of rage appeared on Frank’s face. Without thinking, he instinctively reached into his pocket to retrieve his switchblade. Before he did, Max pushed him again, making him stagger.
β€œStop that, you brat!”
β€œOr what? You’re going to put a knife to my throat, like you did yesterday at the beach? Chloe wrestled your knife away from you. If one girl beat you, I’m fairly confident I could kick your ass too!”
β€œYou’re crazy! We never met before! And your friend Chloe …”
β€œShe owed you money, I know. So you threatened to cut her! What a big, strong man you are! But when push came to shove, she beat you. She always did. Even when you had a gun and she was empty-handed. Always! Because you’re a weak parasite preying on kids. And she was strong. Stronger than you! You know how much time I spent replaying things so that you would come out of our little talk alive and unharmed? I really shouldn’t have. When violent armed thugs assault teenage girls, teenage girls have the right to defend themselves. But I didn’t do it for you. I did it for her. Because she was gentle and kind and I didn’t want her having to live with hurting you, even if it was just a scratch to the leg”.
Frank was still furious, but he didn’t reach for his switchblade a second time.
β€œYou’re making shit up! Nothing of what you said ever happened!”
β€œYes it did!” Max turned to David once more. He was holding Joyce in his arms, who was sobbing. Max shouted: β€œDavid, this piece of shit threatened your daughter with a knife. He called her a whore, over and over again. You want proof? Go through the text messages on Chloe’s phone. Mister genius drug lord over here sent death threats from his own phone number. David, if Frank is not arrested by cops by the end of the day, you have no right to call yourself a man, you hear me?”
David let Joyce go and started walking towards Frank. Frank sprinted away. Pompidou hesitated for a while, looking curiously at Max, but then he followed his owner.
Kate approached Max. She placed her hands on Max’s shoulders. With a sincere smile on her gentle face, she said: β€œMax, I am so, so sorry about Chloe. We’re here for you. It’s okay to feel hurt”.
Max wanted to thank Kate for her kind words. But before she did, something caused her anger to rise again. She and Kate were approached by Victoria, who said: β€œKate is right, Max. If you need any help, just let us know. I …”
β€œWhy are you here?” – asked Max coldly.
β€œOh, I knew Chloe. One time she gave me a pep talk when I was afraid to go out on stage. She told me everything I needed to hear then. Ultimately I didn’t perform that night, but that’s another matter, involving Rachel, and I don’t want to speak ill of …”
β€œNo, I mean why weren’t you expelled from Blackwell?”
β€œWhat? Max I was … misled. I didn’t know …”
β€œYou led an intense campaign of cyberbullying against a fellow student. I’d say that warrants expulsion. Oh, right. Your parents are too rich for you to experience the consequences of your actions”. Max turned to Kate and said: β€œKate, you do realize she knew you were roofied by Nathan, right? The campaign of hate she unleashed against you would be evil in its own right even if she thought you genuinely got drunk. Because Victoria has no right to judge you or anyone else. But she knew Nathan drugged you. She witnessed something that any rational person would consider to be a date rape in progress. A girl was drugged and removed from the party by a boy. And not only she let that happen, she laughed, recorded it and then lied about it to the world”.
Victoria was indignant: β€œI didn’t know about that, Max. I thought that was just a stupid prank by Nathan. I couldn’t possibly have known …”
β€œYou knew, Victoria. You knew about β€˜the good shit Nathan hooked Kate up with’. Why even lie? Kate would forgive you even if you told her the truth. If you know you will be forgiven, why hide your crime? At this point, aren’t you lying mostly to yourself? And explain one thing to me. Yesterday at the pool, when I told you what Nathan did to Kate, you didn’t believe me. But when I said you might be next, it’s like a switch flipped in your brain. You almost immediately believed my warning. Isn’t that a double standard? When it was about Kate, you were willing to give Nathan the benefit of the doubt that even though he did to Kate exactly what date rapists do to their victims, he was actually taking her to get help after an innocent prank. But when your safety was on the line … Then you weren’t willing to take any risks. Then you immediately assumed the worst about him”.
β€œYou’re delusional! We didn’t talk yesterday at all!”
Kate interjected: β€œIt’s okay, Max. I forgive her. Let’s not get angry over the past”.
β€œForgive her for the both of us, then. Because I don’t. I won’t”.
Max turned to walk away but once again the sight of one of the mourners fuelled her anger. At that point, she wanted to feel angry. Anger staved off guilt. She approached the pastor. She remembered him from before her move to Seattle. The Prices and the Caulfields went to church together on Sundays. One of his sermons now rang loudly in Max’s head. It was about the people living on the edges of Arcadia Bay’s society. Homeless, runaway teenagers, drug addicts. He preached standard Calvinist filth. How the destitute and the sick deserved their lot in life for being sinners and how the youths who disobey their parents and use drugs have only themselves to blame when they inevitably turn up dead. To his credit, the pastor had at least one tiny shred of decency left and he didn’t repeat that sermon at Chloe’s funeral. Max asked him: β€œReverend, what do you call a person whose blood washes away the crimes of unrepentant sinners?”
β€œOh, Max. Don’t worry. By his blood, the sins of your friend are forgiven. She’s with him in heaven now”.
β€œNo, you are wrong. By her blood you all were spared”.
Max left the cemetery. Warren ran after her.
β€œWoah, Max! That was … badass! I didn’t know you like that!”
Max kept walking. Warren walked next to her.
β€œWarren, are you blind? A beautiful, cool, strong-willed girl is into you. Why are you ignoring her?”
β€œYou mean you’re into me, Max?”
β€œNo, Warren. I obviously mean Brooke. There was a girl like that who was into me. I fucked it up. Don’t repeat my mistakes”.
β€œOh … I know about Brooke. I just … you know, kind of benched her until the situation with you is resolved”.
β€œWow. You are a player after all, Warren”.
He smiled. But Max had more to add.
β€œAnd I didn’t mean that as a compliment”.
He stopped smiling and fell behind.
Continue reading: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56245288/chapters/142889017
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chasemarsh Β· 4 months
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Summary: Victoria figured she'd have the day mostly to herself, what with it being Sunday and church not letting out for a while yet. Plenty of time to catch up on emails before deciding exactly how lazy she wants to be... until she discovers that Kate has other plans entirely.
It's amazing how four words can spawn all manner of new and delightful traditions.
(Soon-to-be?) MILF Kate Marsh fanart by @lesbeanlatte πŸ₯°
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chriscdcase95 Β· 4 months
Fanfic Preview: β€œScreaming Until Dawn”
This is for a spinoff to one of my current stories, Unlife is Strange. I've been cooking this one for a while, and should post the first chapter in the summer. Fall at the latest.
β€” β€” β€” β€”
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Summary: In October of 2011, Kirby Reed was stabbed by Charlie Walker. While she ultimately pulled through, there was a point in her near death experience that she experienced what she thinks is a dream, but isn't sure; the life of a girl named β€œSam” β€” not to be mistaken for that quiet Carpenter girl that Kirby sees around school β€” having a slumber party with her friends Jess, Emily and the Washington Twins. After she awoke, Kirby decided this was just a dream that felt so real, so she tried to put it behind her.
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In February of 2015, Sam Giddings and her friends survived Mount Washington, but left with scars, as well as a target on their backs. As Sam tries to numb things and is caught up with the Federal Bureau of Control, she has recurring dreams that she’s not sure are dreams. In these dreams, Sam is a college student named β€œKirby”, the only survivor of her friend group in what is called the second Woodsboro massacre. Sam thinks that she should know Woodsboro, but when she looks into it, she finds only dead ends. And so, she brushes these dreams off as just that.
In October of 2016, Kirby Reed started her last year at Bayfield University. With an aim to join the FBI, Kirby has been following True Crimes stories; before soon receiving a call to Maryland. There, she is attacked by other figures in black robes and white masks; and yet, they were not Ghostfaces. As Kirby looks into who or what called her here β€” often seeing the name β€œIthaqua” β€” she finds herself more and more looking through the eyes, and walking in the shoes of β€œSamantha Giddings”.Β 
In October of 2016, a year after she and her friends survived Mount Washington and signed up with the FBC, Sam Giddings has been taking a sabbatical, focusing on her college career. Sam attends Bayfield University, preparing to enjoy a much needed break with Emily and Jessica, while the rest of their circle are working on a case overseas. It isn’t long when Sam receives a call from β€œwork”. Investigating paranormal activity in Maryland, Sam is attacked by a distressed girl, who mistakes her for someone named β€œKirby”. As Sam looks into who or what called her here, she finds herself more and more looking through the eyes, and walking in the shoes of β€œKirby Reed”.Β 
β€” β€” β€” β€”
So let's break a few things down.
1. Set between Scream 4 and 2022, originally this story was going to be about Kirby's first case as an FBI agent.
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But then I did the math on Kirby’s age β€” she would be 22 at the time of the story; to join the FBI, you have to be 23 at the time of appointment. So instead, this occurs in her last year at University. Where we see Kirby is somewhere between where Sidney was in the second and third Scream.
Being the sole survivor of her friend group, Kirby is nearly propped as a heroic survivor up the same way Sidney was, but ultimately shied away from the spotlight.Β Β 
Unlike the more outgoing Sam Giddings, Kirby becomes more introverted as a coping mechanism; she's barely friends with her dorm mates; a lot of the people who try to befriend her do so for attention; and she developed insomnia from her near death experience, and has to medicate to sleep.
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Her romantic life is almost non-existent; most dates she goes on fizzle out or just end up being one night stands. Which takes even more of a downturn when her medical professor made some β€œadvances” towards her.
In her down time, Kirby has taken an interest in true crimes, cold cases and unsolved mysteries, and studies up on them while planning to join the FBI; especially for β€œGhostface-like” murders. At the time of this story, she has a special interest in the Lakewood killing sprees; the case of Brandon James; and the arrest and trial of Kieran Wilcox.
However, when she gets a call to Maryland, Kirby quickly realizes that she has a stalker β€” Β or stalkers(s) β€” who have a special interest in her. But what has her curious is why they are calling her β€œSam Giddings” and who this woman is. And with a growing supernatural presence surrounding her, Kirby finds herself a little out of her league.Β 
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Now would the supernatural be out of place for Scream ? Sure, but besides this whole β€œalternate universe/timeline” deal, I try to keep it mostly in the background or backstory. While this may be a Scream/Until Dawn crossover...It may feel more like β€œThe Mothman Prophecies meets Borrasca”.
I also lean to the idea we can't assume a Ghostface is dead unless they're shot in the head.
2. So as I said above, this fic is also a spin-off to Unlife is Strange, and picks up after the β€œFlashback Arc” set in 2015. In that story, the Until Dawn cast are recurring/supporting characters who made a witness protection deal with the Federal Bureau of Control; which roped some into doing β€œscout work” for the FBC.
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Sam and Emily both got involved in the Arcadia Bay case, soon investigating Rachel Amber’s presence in LA; and later uncovered vampire cult activity in Seattle. You can read their investigation here, here, and here.
Despite Sam and Emily being promoted to field agents after this case, Sam opted to take a sabbatical for college.Β At the time of the story, Sam hasn’t seen her friends in months. Mike, Matt, Chris and Ashley are overseas, looking into a cold case; something involving a different breed of vampires in Iraq.
Emily spent the summer in Japan for her own sabbatical; in truth, she got involved in investigating sightings of the β€œsea dragon” of Odo Island. Jessica doesn't officially join in with the FBC until 2019, and instead, attended Windsor College, before also taking a break.
Sam initially intends to take a β€œgirls trip” with Emily and Jess, before all three are pulled into Maryland by this β€œcall”.Β There, they find a girl in the woods, who mistakes Sam for someone named β€œKirby”.Β 
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3. Like I said, I don’t plan to go overboard with the supernatural stuff.
While the wendigo may have some presence, I don’t see them being the threat. Rather they’d lurk in the background, being more of a spiritual influence than a direct menace. And it’s here where I do some education from growing up with these stories.
There are variations of the wendigo, with specific beliefs often differ by region or tradition.Β  Some traditions say not to speak of them in general; some say only not to do so in Winter months; I've also been told it's directly addressing them that draws their attention.
Some portray them as pure evil, representing greed or selfishness, and even colonialism (which I lean too); or as tragic victims (like Hannah and Josh), with some writers using them as metaphors of addiction.
Some say that there is no cure; another says they can be cured by being force fed hot soup or grease from animal fat. Some say they can only be killed by fire, cutting out their hearts, or getting a living colonoscopy from a least weasel.Β 
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What I’m getting at is, there’s a version that might not be widespread, but still something I was taught growing up. If you kill a wendigo without the right precautions, its spirit will awaken, fixate on you, and make its mission in life to punish you.
To avoid this, you must dismember its body, burning the pieces, and scattering the ashes about. And even then, there's a story about one creating the world's first mosquitos from its ashes. So yeah, β€œkilling” a wendigo does is make things personal.
Here, this occurred after the β€œThey All Live” ending.
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When the survivors escaped Mount Washington, the spirit of the Makkapitew followed after.Β  Being an already powerful and vicious spirit β€” which possessed not one, but two victims who’d resent them β€” the Makkapitew wasn't content with just killing them. Instead it torments Β them with what I call β€œEobard Thawne Buffoonery”.
So even if it's not the threat in this story, I can see its spirit having some presence in Sam's life, and that of her friends.
As with the mentions of Ithaqua, let's talk a little more about this verses’ lore.Β 
4. Ithaqua is an entity originating from the Cthulhu Mythos, being the son of Hastur, and based on the wendigo and the yeti. Later writers depict Ithaqua as being obsessed with spawning a child that would help awaken the Great Old Ones.
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I previously included Ithaqua as a Greater Scope Villain in Love’s Sacrifices (alongside daddy Hastur) and passing mentions in Unlife is Strange.
In Love's Sacrifices, Ithaqua was the β€œhuman” son of Hastur born to the Paleo Siberian people and was a mediator between his father and mankind. 10,000 years ago, his following spread across what would become Eastern Europe, Eastern Asia, and North America. His reign ended when Hastur was slain by an β€œEarthly Hero” and Ithaqua himself was bound to another world, unable to directly interact with this one.
In Unlife is Strange, Ithaqua is mentioned as having some ties to Mount Washington. While I don’t see Ithaqua being a direct threat, his followers are around in the present day. Albeit not as an apocalyptic threat and nowhere near as powerful as they were 10,000 years ago.
They exist with the guise of Christian based institutions, akin to prosperity gospel preachers and televangelists, obsessed with making money, and breeding prosperity. Modern followers don’t even believe in Ithaqua as an entity, but a concept/symbol to live under β€” ironically akin to how actual Satanists view the devil.
5. As for pairings and ships...I don't see this story being too heavy in the romance department.
However, write Kirby as bi, if only because she seemed somewhat actually interested in Charlie in Scream 4. Though bout the only character I actually ship Kirby with is Sam (Carpenter), but she ain't likely to be in this story.
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But the way I see it, Kirby isn't looking for a relationship at this point in the story. A fling or two maybe, but nothing serious.Β 
As for Sam (Giddings); I write her as being a lesbian and having a β€œfriends with benefits” relationship with Jessica and Emily, both of whom I write as Bi. Sam may actually have romantic feelings for them, but in her mind they aren't dating dating.
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In Unlife is Strange, it's mentioned that Sam took up a mild promiscuity to cope with her trauma. Besides Jessica and Emily, Sam also had a near fling with Rachel Amber. It’s also mentioned that during the Arcadia Bay investigation, Sam couldn't β€œkeep itΒ professional” with some of the witnesses/survivors, becoming very friendly with Max, Kate, Victoria and Chloe.
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During her time at Bayfield, Sam had a few casualΒ hookups with a couple of girls from her dorm. All this to say, this story probably isn't going to be too big on shipping, other than Sam, Jess and Emily's β€œgirls trip”.
But even that may take a back seat to the actual drama in this story. Though if Kirby looks through Sam's eyes and experiences her life, I can see her experiencing Sam's relationship with Jessica and Emily. I can also see them catching on to Kirby if/when they see something off with Sam.
But who knows ? It'll be a while before it's up.
β€” β€” β€” β€”
Anyways, here’s a hypothetical soundtrack to cap things off
β€œLittle Talks” by Of Monsters and Men.
2. β€œPoison” by Groove Coverage
3. β€œDark Horse” by Amanda Marshall
4. β€œBroken” and β€œMy Hands” by Leona Lewis
5. β€œLosing Your Memory” by Ryan Star.
6. β€œHero” by Toni Braxton.
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rainboq Β· 1 year
88. β€œI’m better, now that you’re here.”, Chasemarsh
To call Victoria’s art her passion was, quite frankly, understating it. Not her photography, that was her profession, the path she’d been pushed onto by her controlling and overbearing parents. Not that she disliked being behind a camera, the routine of staging, lighting, posing, and finally taking the shot had become a form of therapy for her. Each shoot was a triumph against him, proving that she was free of his bullshit. But it was never what she yearned for in her heart.
No, that was her poetry. She lived and breathed for it, the urge to put stanzas to paper burned in her veins.
She’d started penning verse in middle school, words flowing from her pencils, pens, and keyboards like water through a stream. Her heart sang as the stanzas danced, thoughts and emotions spilling from her onto the page and making her feel whole. Then her parents had found out about it.
β€œTrite”, β€œclichΓ©d”, and β€œoverwrought” had been the words out of her parents lips, back in the days when she still saw them as people to aspire to and emulate. As they had crushed her spirits, she had crushed the poet in her, compacting that Victoria into a little box and shoving her down into the darkest recesses of her mind.
It had hurt, of course it had, killing the poet in her had been on the hardest things Victoria had done. As 13 rolled over into 14 she had lain crying on her bed, clutching her notebook to her chest as her parent’s derision echoed in her mind. β€˜You’re not a kid anymore, quit being so childish’ they had demanded of her as her womanhood bloomed with all the subtle grace of a derailed freight train.
But try as she might, no matter how much she tried to bury that side of her, Victoria the poet never truly died. She came close, along with the rest of Victoria, but like her, she was stubbornly persistent.
And like the rest of her, Victoria the poet was concerned with one thing, and one thing only: the pursuit of excellence. She couldn’t just be okay, or good. No, she had to be the best. She had to pursue greatness with every fiber of her being. Poems were written and rewritten, edited and revised until they barely resembled the unguarded words that had tumbled out of Victoria’s mind.
Even now, more than a decade after their deaths, the barnacles of her parent’s voices clung to her mind, burring deep between the folds and savaging her neurons. Too emotional, too proziac, too plain.
Nothing was ever good enough.
It couldn’t be, it had to be perfect.
But it never was that either.
Her throat burned as she sat on the couch of their condo, tears rolling down her cheeks as her fingers rubbed through the thick, fluffy fur of their calico cat Charlotte-Marie. Normally the feline was enough to sooth her, but not after tonight.
It had taken years after everything that had unfolded for Victoria to dare let the poet in her peek her head out of hiding. And more gentle coaxing still to let herself put pen to page once more. She had finally let herself take the next step, and shared her verse publicly at a slam at a nearby cafe.
A cafe that she could never show her face at again. Not after that reception.
It was stupid, she knew that, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
Her heart burned, her chest was tight as if she were in vice, her breathing came in short, ragged gasps, tattered and torn like the rest of her.
She was worthless. An untalented hack fraud who couldn’t even hold a candle to local teenagers and students at a Thursday night poetry slam. Totally unworthy of anyone’s attention, never mind friendship, or the love ofβ€”
The door to the condo clicked open, snapping Victoria out of her thoughts. Charlotte-Marie sprang to her feet, stretching out luxuriously with a loud mrrp before scampering off to the door.
Victoria stayed put. She was a wreck, what a waste of time it had all been, and now she was going to waist even more ofβ€”
β€œVictoria?” Asked Kate, the voice of her wife high and concerned, β€œIs everything alright?”
It had once been embarrassing how easily Kate’s voice could put her at ease, after everything she had done, but now it was more than welcome. The pressure in her chest eased, the burning in her heart settling as she heard Kate’s stocking covered feet padding over the tile. Her voice came as somewhere between a sigh and a sob. β€œNo.”
β€œOh dear, I’m so sorry,” Kate’s footfalls sped up as she made her way past the kitchen and into the living room with Victoria, β€œWhat happened?”
β€œIt’s stupid,” Victoria shrugged as Kate’s arms reached over the sofa and and wrapped around her shoulders and chest, her soft lips finding Victoria’s neck, β€œDon’t worry about it.”
Kate’s neck and chest pressed into Victoria’s back, the pressure and the gentle vanilla of Kate’s body wash helping bring her back down to earth.β€œWell I’m already worrying, so you’ll just have to tell me.”
β€œI suck at poetry,” Victoria spat out, her body cringing, β€œEveryone had all these corrections and suggestions, but they were already things I’d changed or edited out. It made me feel so fucking stupid! I can’t even edit my poems properly for fuck’s sake.”
β€œShhh,” Kate gently cooed in her ear, the warmth of her breath tickling over Victoria’s neck, β€œIt’s okay, I’d probably feel the same way if someone suggested that about my drawings. It’s normal to feel that way when someone suggests you change something back. How are you feeling?”
Victoria shrugged, her hands moving up to rest on Kate’s arms, her thumbs rubbing over the soft skin of her forearms, β€œβ€¦ Better, now that you’re here.”
β€œThat so?” Kate giggled softly, her head moving forward.
Victoria’s head turned, her lips finding Kate’s for a brief, loving kiss. β€œYeah.”
Kate returned her kiss with another of her own before releasing Victoria and walking around the couch to sit next to her. β€œSo, was it all bad?”
β€œNo,” Victoria was forced to confess as she raised her arm and allowed Kate to nestle into her side, β€œMax was there and she was really supportive, she told me she really liked the poem.”
β€œI had a feeling, she’s always so sweet,” Kate sighed as Victoria’s arm wrapped around her shoulders.
β€œAnd hey, at least I know that I’ll never be as bad a poet as Chloe.”
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dudebro231 Β· 5 months
Victoria Chase's life has been in a slump for the past three years, and as things are seemingly only getting worse, life hits her with a bout of motivation that might just change her life forever.
kwyhbuh wednesday number three! victoria is finally brought into the fold, and the ball is beginning to roll. stay tuned for next week....
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whimperingrichkid Β· 1 year
I’ve posted two new chapters of my Grahamscott fanfiction please consider giving it a read if you’re a fan and let me know what you think!!! πŸ«‘πŸ™πŸ» (gif is me 2 u if u read my fic)
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00ops1e Β· 1 year
currently working on just started a friends to lovers! pricefield piece. this is my big comeback yall. ETA: i dont know like a week? maybe?
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lenorenevermore99 Β· 1 year
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Righteous Retribution
Chapter I. The End of the World
Summary: Max and Chloe's investigation is at a stalemate. When the time traveler wants to go to the vortex club party to let off steam, Chloe gets pissed at her and makes her go alone.
Even though Max is extra careful, misplaced trust leads her straight to the Dark Room.
The aftermaths leave her thirsty for vengence, but she's not the only one who wants retribution. Her attempts at getting revenge on her torturer will set in motion a series of events that will lead her to befriend Nathan Prescott of all people.
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lifeissimssnapshots Β· 5 days
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sourrind Β· 11 months
One and Then the Other - [Ch. 02] The Treat
clack clack clack
Victoria’s nails danced atop the door as her hand took a spot besides Max’s head. Her other hand went to cup the smaller girl’s chin, lifting it up so that their faces were angled towards each other. The greens of Victoria’s eyes dived deep into Max’s own blue pools. The fingers around her chin held her firm, not too hard, but enough to remind her that she was not in control. She had never felt so small before.
β€œI still can’t believe it was you…” Victoria seemed amused by the prospect as she tilted Max’s head. She could feel the blonde look over every inch of her skin, scanning every pore and hopping from freckle to freckle. It was like a hunter examining their freshly shot prize buck.
β€œIt was you, wasn’t it, Maxine?”
What would normally have been grounds for a correction was anything but as she heard her own name come from Victoria. It felt different on her lips – everything did.
Max nodded, finding that her throat was suddenly dry again.
β€œSo shy, Smallfield.” Victoria leaned in and brought her mouth right upΒ  next to Max’s head. She delivered the following words with a hiss: β€œWhat happened to the girl that had the nerve to tie me up and blindfold me?” 
Max shuddered again at the hot breath hitting her skin and the fire hitting her ears.
Victoria chuckled a dark, hearty laugh. β€œNot so brave when I can bite back, huh?” A sudden snap of teeth besides Max’s ear had her gasping.
β€œTell me something.” Victoria leaned in closer, her lips barely brushing against Max’s ear with each syllable that fell out of them. β€œAfter you got home last night and you took off that atrocious jacket…and you snuggled into that cozy little bed of yours…did you touch yourself?”
The response was instant. The word came out urgent and desperate. The tension, the warmth, the everything that Victoria had been building up had finally come to a head.Β 
This was something that Victoria needed to know.Β 
And it was something that Max had to get out.
Victoria’s eyes narrowed, not surprised by the answer or its expedited delivery.Β  β€œYes, what?” The fingers holding Max’s chin tightened their grip.
β€œYes, I touched myself.” Max gulped and took a series of breaths before she could continue. β€œAfter I got home, I turned off the lights and I put on that dumb, hippie music that you keep telling me to turn down, and I thought of you and I touched myself.”
For a few moments, the only sound in the room were Max’s own nervous breaths. The hand around her chin fell and Victoria pulled away from her so they could look at each other again. Max was worried, all the way until Victoria’s eyes met back with hers and she saw the telltale flicker of desire in them.
β€œShow me.”
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chloe-caulfield94 Β· 4 months
This picks up right after the Bay ending - with Max standing over Chloe's coffin, remembering the week that never was.
Max's resolve is tested and she quickly starts wondering if she did the right thing after all.
This is darker, angrier and sadder than what I usually write. If you're in the mood to explore the darker themes of Life is Strange (and there are a lot of them - abuse, violence, drugs, corruption) as well as the more mystical elements of it (spirit animals, ghosts) then I invite you to read it. If you want something more wholesome, then I invite you to read my other fanfics. This fanfic does have a happy ending though, or at least what I consider to be a cathartic and happy ending.
The title is a reference to Chloe's diary entry about Max from BtS (the one about taking her back in a heartbeat).
Bay Max reverses her choice and becomes Bae Max.
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dmmeeble Β· 2 years
Chasemarsh Monday - 10/03/22
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Chasemarsh Monday fanfic recommendation: Frontières by @eiprej (aka Flowvic on AO3)
Summary: Every time Kate Marsh kisses her, Victoria is convinced she's one step closer to god.
( It's not true, of course. At the end of the day she knows her place, and it's nowhere near Kate's. It’s impossible to pretend otherwise. )
[Kate and Victoria try to have a movie night and fail miserably. They busy themselves with other things in the meantime, and Victoria can't stop thinking about all the little things when they do.]
My take: Frontières is a short, wholesome little glimpse into the early days of Kate and Victoria's romance. Told from Victoria's perspective, this movie-night-gone-wrong-in-the-best-possible-way explores the depths of her feelings as Kate's playful flirtations make focusing on anything else all but impossible. 
Note: Please feel free to pass along any Chasemarsh fics you feel should be recommended in the future! Replies, asks, or PMs are all fine!
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npcemi Β· 1 year
So I got bored and hadΒ  ChatGpt write a story about Kate Marsh and Victoria chase in the style of a regency era piece. I did not expect it to default to shipping Chasemarsh.Β  Yet I cannot not be mad for the ai having taste. Though whoever is feeding the ai so much queer content it becomes the default, thank you.Β  here the sorry:Β 
In the charming world of Arcadia, where manners and propriety reigned supreme, there existed a tale of unexpected connections between two young women. Miss Kate Marsh, a gentle soul with a heart imbued with kindness and piety, found herself entangled in the intricate tapestry of Regency society. By her side, resplendent in her poise and elegance, stood Miss Victoria Chase, a lady of refined manners and unyielding ambition.
Kate, with her auburn locks cascading like a radiant sunset, possessed a quiet grace that captured the attention of those around her. Victoria, her eyes as sharp and captivating as the morning dew, exuded a captivating charm that bewitched all who crossed her path. Fate, in its whimsical design, brought them together in a union that would shape their lives.
In the lavish halls of Arcadia's manors, Kate and Victoria traversed the intricate dance of social etiquette, their lives intertwined in a delicate web of introductions and gatherings. While the world saw them as polar opposites, the warmth of their hearts whispered a different taleβ€”one of an unexpected bond forged in the depths of their shared experiences.
Kate, with her unwavering devotion to her faith, found solace in her spiritual pursuits. Victoria, driven by her relentless ambition, yearned for recognition and success. Their paths converged in unexpected moments, where Kate's gentle encouragement would soften Victoria's sharp edges, and Victoria's guidance would awaken Kate's hidden potential.
Through the verdant gardens of Arcadia, where roses bloomed in splendor, Kate and Victoria sought refuge from the constraints of societal expectations. Their conversations, filled with wit and intellectual banter, revealed a kinship that defied the boundaries of their stations. In these stolen moments, their souls found solace, their hearts yearned for something beyond the superficiality of the Regency world.
As their connection deepened, whispers of scandal and judgment swirled around them. Society's prying eyes sought to condemn the unconventional bond that formed between the demure Kate and the spirited Victoria. Yet, true to their resilient spirits, they stood firm, their love transcending the narrow-minded constraints of the era.
In the realm of Arcadia, where love blossoms against all odds, Kate Marsh and Victoria Chase became beacons of hope. Their love, a testament to the transformative power of acceptance and understanding, inspired others to look beyond societal expectations and embrace the connections that truly stirred their souls.
And so, in the pages of Regency history, Kate and Victoria's story was etchedβ€”a tale of unexpected friendship and love that defied the norms of their time. Theirs was a reminder that true companionship knows no bounds, and that the most profound connections often emerge from the unlikeliest of circumstances.
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chriscdcase95 Β· 2 months
Unlife is Strange: Chapter 23 is upΒ β€œHelp From a Friend”
It's me. Hi (I'm the problem, it's me). It’s been a while, but I wanted to wrap up my current arc of Love's SacrificesΒ before I get back to this story.
This chapter isn't going to be action oriented or anything, with the last three chapters being a three part battle sequence. I think the story could have used a breather after that. We'll be picking up where we last left off, with Max meeting Sean.
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We do get some character interactions I've been wanting to get to for a while so there's that. I'm also announcing a spinoff for this fic; Screaming Until Dawn - of course, a crossover between Scream and Until Dawn; the events of that story get a passing mention in this chapter.Β 
Link for Screaming Until Dawn’s previewΒ  here
Content warning: This chapter contains mild vampire related violence. I say mild because the worse will be left to the imagination. The next chapter is partially written; may be more brutal in the violence department and will also feature our favorite teacher.
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Anyways I hope you the enjoy the read
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