gabritheblue · 2 years
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friday411 · 3 months
Because the night *belongs* to Jeremy Brett
Check out this heartfelt tribute video to Jeremy Brett from @SillyGirlBlue on YouTube...
It's a montage of mostly other roles he's done so there's
*Lots* of romantic snogging!
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queerholmcs · 4 months
wow i can't believe john and sherlock get to [redacted] today!
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cloistergardens · 1 year
1, 10, 29!
rebs thank you aaa!!!!!!
1: (copied from previous ask) What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting? I write in Times New Roman 12pt!! It used to be the default setting on Word like. 2006 or whatever but currently default on Word is Calibri and I hate Calibri so I change it Every Time lol. I also never write in Docs if I can help it which is why I’m talking about Word defaults :’)
10: Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you? haunting to me means something that feels like it sits in your chest cavity and plays on repeat from a distant speaker in your head. it finds you in everything you read and write and it affects the way you see the world. i have definitely been haunted by writing!! my own writing- it's complicated because I've had this concept from a dream for so long and it's slowly turning into something I'm able to write, but it's been a slow process. other people's writing- there's a lot since things will haunt me off and on for a while and it becomes difficult to separate things after a while, but there were parts of Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders, the Amberlough Dossier books by Lara Elena Donnelly, and King of Infinite Space by Lyndsay Faye that have been looping in my head the last couple months!
29: Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry? I draw my inspiration from everywhere really!! for fics the inspiration is endless; there are so many good aus I love that I want to contribute to and ship dynamics I want more of that I always have new ideas. for original fiction, it's extremely self-indulgent lol if there's something that I wish existed (like an all-lesbian heist movie as a definitely totally random example) then that's what I try to write! it's a blessing and a curse that my inspiration well never truly runs dry; if I can't think of anything specific in the moment I have pages of prompts in my writing notebooks of ideas I had but couldn't follow through with at the time, so I'll usually take one of those and run with it.
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galpalkirk · 2 years
Happy Birthday Fish!!
Thank you Rebekah! 🥰❤️
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helloliriels · 6 months
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The Abominable Bride by helloliriels
It wouldn't leave my brain, so hopefully now it won't leave yours either. ❄️👰☃️ Bahaha! The Christmastime special Rankin/Bass (totally) would have made *wink*
Inspired by @victorianpining and all the recent posts about BBC Sherlock's TAB ... ✨️🎄🔎
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Happy Holidays! Sending love to all my moots! @johnlocky @chinike @rhasima @fluffbyday-smutbynight @ohlooktheresabee @totallysilvergirl @a-victorian-girl @topsyturvy-turtely @iamjustreading @kabubsmagga @beebrevisionist @kettykika78 @gregorovitchworld @masterofhounds @missdeliadili @loki-lock @inevitably-johnlocked @bluebellofbakerstreet @khorazir @discordantwords @simplyclockwork @sarahthecoat @7-percent @meetinginsamarra @peanitbear @tiverrr @holmosexualitea @gaylilsherlock @whatnext2020 @safedistancefrombeingsmart @geekinator @dontfuckmylifewtf @wizama @keirgreeneyes @mrb488 @john-smiths-jawline @sabsi221b @kestrelwing64 @anyawen @calaisreno @raina-at @carla-creates @justanobsessedpan @zira-and-crowley @kittenmadnessandtea @maiaemerald @hasenkind687 @jobooksncoffee @amyreadsandstresses hope this finds you well and whole and safe and sound and enjoying a warm cup of soup! 🥰💋
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discordantwords · 3 months
fic recs - january & february 2024
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This fandom just keeps on producing the most lovely things. <3 Here are some of the completed fics that I've read and enjoyed over the last two months.
A Moment Still Ajar by Raina_at
Acquired Sound by Ibbyliv
All Forms of Relationships by inatshej
All Our Tomorrows by Calais_Reno
And at that moment...I knew by A_Victorian_Girl
Breathe by LoloLolly
Carry Me Home by StellaCartography
Classical Misstep by Lock_John_Silver
Encore by BakerTumblings
English Magic by Slow_Burn_Sally
Exsanguinate by 7PercentSolution
Full Mount by ArwaMachine
Hands Free by weeesi
Here With Me by bodyandsoul
Honour Walk by BakerTumblings
Lying in Winter by Raina_at
many of horror by hailholylight
Maybe We Could Change His Mind by thalialunacy
Next Year's Words by thegildedbee
Six Days of Countdown by Lock_John_Silver
The Case of Agatha Perez by WhatsUpDocWatson
The Holly and the Ivy by Silvergirl
The Losing Side by Calais_Reno
The Rose by Goldt_39
The Secret by weeesi
The Stories in Our Veins by victorianpining
the ultimate gifting guide for your consulting detective by midnightbotany
There's a Storm Coming by Anonymous
Through the Crocuses by Jaye Harriet
Time in a Bottle by discordantwords (self rec!)
To Seek a Fallen Star by StarlightAndFireflies
Twelvetide II by mydogwatson
When the Worst Part Begins by thalialunacy
Happy reading!
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victorianpining · 2 months
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That's it everybody, victorianpining is no longer accepting any new followers, my count is legally required to remain at 1,895 until the end of time or until there is an explicitly confirmed Holmes/Watson adaptation, whichever comes sooner. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
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beingallmysterious · 5 months
Okay I’m late to this as it has already been out a year but I just discovered the series A Better Story on the TJLCExplained YouTube channel by the always lovely @victorianpining and I cannot scream loudly enough when I say that if you haven’t watched it, stop whatever you are doing and watch it now.
Rebecca’s analysis is as piercing and intelligent as it is open-minded and thoughtful and at every step there is so much heart.
If you were hurt by season four, it is time to heal and A Better Story is exactly the medicine you need. You will be held with complete compassion and understanding as you come to terms with it all
Even if you never want to come back to BBC Sherlock, consider taking the time to heal anyway. I’ve seen the old Sherlock pain rise from the deep like a monster in other fandoms and it really does spoil things— sucks out all the fun and corrupts the interpretation. We need to heal.
And if you don’t have any lingering trauma, damn watch it anyway. It’s joyful and intelligent and brilliant. The game is on.
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byrone · 1 year
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(I took the image from @victorianpining episode of TJLC explained because I couldn't find the working source of the quote.)
"I think when the day comes that you have a big detective show where the first half an hour was this man at work and he's a maverick and all the usual things and then we went home and his boyfriend says, 'Are you alright?' it was just a thing, then something genuinely changed."
-Mark Gatiss
I can't stop thinking about this thing Mark Gatiss said and then how Ryan Johnson gave us a little south gay detective Benoit Blanc who sits in his bathtub playing Among Us while his husband Hugh Grant scolds him and cooks. He made it the simplest and most normal thing in the whole movie. He knew what the world needed, and I applaud him for providing us.
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friday411 · 29 days
May Prompt Day #4 ~ Fall
Reichenbach Falls
Sir Arthur at Sherlock was peeved. A plot to kill Holmes he conceived. Sherlock took a great fall, Moriarty and all. The world and Doc Watson then grieved.
I'm going to try and do a Sherlock Holmes limerick every day, all month!
Please let me know if you can't stand it anymore, I'll take you off the list!
@PanzerCat @blistering-typhoons @keirgreeneyes @lucere-aeresta @victorianpining @TotallySilverGirl @spacemutineer @rainbow-person @7-percent @iris-best-taken-in-small-doses @futabasglasses @i-dont-talk-for-days-on-end @weast-of-eden @jay-wasreblogging @thefisherqueen @chinike @Contact-guy @calaisreno @thegildedbee @estl-and-agape @sygneth @anneangel @futabasglasses @thequestionofme
@deelaundry @a-victorian-girl @thalialurksalot @prettyrealistic @ninasnakie @bs2sjh @calaisreno @paverage-blog @ladykeane @altingfinns @helloliriels @k2ntwo @jrow @sgam76 @dragonnan @arwamachine @naefelldaurk
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queerholmcs · 4 months
there's a terrible injustice in the form of trf being my least-watched episode and therefore i always forget how good she is!!! anyway, in honour of this being the month for @victorianpining's the stories in our veins, let's consider:
please note that all quotes should be read as encompassing of a broader theme and not solely the line of text proper.
btw if you were curious. watching trf with tst imprinted upon your brain absolutely does add something special to the event. 🫶
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inevitably-johnlocked · 4 months
Five Fics Friday: February 9/24
Happy Friday everyone! Got 5 more fics to start off your weekend!! I hope you enjoy today's fics, and give some extra love to my boosted fic!!
Enjoy, and see you Sunday!
Breathe by LoloLolly (T, 8,517 w., 1 Ch. || HLV Fix-It, Grief, Angst, Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Mary is Not Nice, Feelings Realization, Character Study, Blood Mention, Vomit Mention) – In which Sherlock's death is announced a bit...  prematurely in HLV. Things spiral from there.
Lying in Winter by Raina_at (E, 6,486 w., 1 Ch. || TSo3 Fix It, Established Relationship, Relationship Talks, Blow Jobs, Domestic Fluff) – What do you do when the love of your life is asleep in your bed and you're both excited for and terrified of what will happen when he wakes up? If you're Sherlock Holmes, you have a bonfire and do some midnight shopping. Or: John comes home. Sherlock does, too.
The Meeting Place by standbygo (E, 14,653 w., 11 Ch. || Man Up AU || Case Fic, Alternate First Meeting, Romantic Comedy, Mistaken Identity, Misunderstandings, Murder, Serial Killers, First Kiss / Time, Past Abuse, Romantic Fluff, First Dates, Blind Date, Happy Ending) – Sherlock thinks it's a breakthrough in his case. John thinks it's a date. They're both kinda right.
The Stories in Our Veins by victorianpining (E, 26,088+ w., 8/29 Ch. || Dracula Crossover / Victorian / Vampire AU || Unreliable Narrator, Blood and Injury, Blood Drinking, Gaslighting, Mental Instability, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Strangers to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Angst with Happy Ending) – You hold in your hands a leather-bound book inscribed with the title The Stories in Our Veins. No author is named by the cover. On the first page, the following passage has been written in an elegant, cursive hand: A confederate who foresees your conclusions and course of action is always dangerous, but one to whom each development comes as a perpetual surprise, and to whom the future is always a closed book, is indeed an ideal helpmate. Sherlock Holmes in “The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier,” written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1926.
Exsanguination by Beb (T, 3,061 w., 1 Ch. || LOKI SERIES || Protective Loki, Mobius Whump, Hospitals, Worried Loki, Mobius Needs A Hug, Blood and Injury, Angst, Hurt/Comfort) – As a trained agent, Mobius really believed his presence was required in every mission, no matter how risky. As a worried friend and lover, Loki really believed this was absolutely, undoubtedly the last straw. He wasn't about to do nothing and let Mobius carelessly throw himself in danger anymore. Not after the last incident nearly cost Mobius his life.
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saintfaulkners · 4 months
I was tagged by @littled0lls to post my 9 favourite first watches of 2023 – thanks! x
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I started watching hannibal as well as sharp objects years ago but I couldn't finish either of them because I was really bad with horror (which obviously changed drastically as you can see ahsndnd). also it was really hard to remember what was actually last year?? anyway.
I'm tagging @victorianpining @dokyeomini @finaldiorama @scorndotexe @silenthillmutual @lieberts @kvothes @tsoi @divinecruelty @buffyboyfriend @dykefagoth @aeveris @hanniballistic & anyone else who feels like doing it <3
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helloliriels · 1 year
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Rock Out With Your Lock Out, Vol. 16 by helloliriels
Featuring 15 New songs, including: '(Everything I Do) Of Course It's About You', 'Can't Stop This TJLC We've Started', 'There Will Never Be Another (You Chose Her)', 'Thought You'd Died (I Went Thru Hell)', 'All I Wanted (Was You)', 'Yes You Have To Say The Words', 'Touch My Hand (Feel My Heart Beat)', 'If You Wanna Leave Now (Can I Come Too?)'
Not writing, not drawing (but a secret third thing) ... ps destressing lol tagging peeps for funzies @johnlocky @ohlooktheresabee @fluffbyday-smutbynight @totallysilvergirl @7-percent @sarahthecoat @whatnext2020 @safedistancefrombeingsmart @kaursblog11 @ninasnakie @loki-lock @victorianpining @gaylilsherlock @justanobsessedpan @spooksicl-e @2smach @the-reading-lemon @anyway-kindness @anyawen @hasenkind687 @marta-bee @thenosyjournal @missdeliadili @myriath @gregorovitchworld @thelazyecrivain2 @impalaparkedat221b @raina-at @kettykika78 @calaisreno @inevitably-johnlocked @khorazir @discordantwords @arwamachine @peanitbear @iwlyanmw @peageetibbs @john-smiths-jawline @kabubsmagga @raithwithwings57 @lisbeth-kk @im-erin @i-call-me-clarence @topsyturvy-turtely @copperplatebeech @cyn2k @amyreadsandstresses @hotshoeagain @janiesprings
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likemonstersinlove · 1 month
Tagged by: @tastethesetears sorry this is so late!!
Are you named after someone? No, my parents made lists of names they liked.
When was the last time you cried? The other day when I felt overwhelmed after work.
do you have kids? No.
What sports do you play/have played? I did a tiny bit of gymnastics as a kid and archery as a teenager.
Do you use sarcasm? Sometimes, but I also struggle with clocking it sometimes. ^^
What's the first thing you notice about people? Idk
What's your eye colour? Brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, I cannot deal with scary.
Any talents? I can read really fast, I can hold my own with singing, I have a pretty good memory for facts and dates
Where were you born? Switzerland
What are your hobbies? Reading, swimming,
Do you have any pet? Not currently
How tall are you? 164 cm
Favourite subject in school? Languages, so French, English, German, Latin and ancient Greek
Dream job? I like my current job but I would love to be a librarian I think.
Tagging (no pressure): @piecesofbrokenrecollections @princessegrenouille @thesundaytea @the-apocalypse-is-cancelled @hotfuss @jtownraindancer @aarontheory @daisytrails @victorianpining @katedoesntexist @pirategf
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