#vienna holiday deals
callsignhood · 9 months
hi :) if it’s alright, could i request some fluff headcanons about könig spending christmas/christmas eve with his s/o?
König celebrating Christmas with you
Tags: Fluff, nothing else, just pure fluff
Word count: 500ish
Snowy winter is rare in Vienna’s Christmas season, it’s the 24th of December and you have not seen a single snowflake falling. The lack of a soft blanket of whiteness definitely made the city a little boring, but the colourful lights still hang across street lamps. Green, red, orange and yellow, setting the mood joyfully enough through the city.
König finds time from KorTac to go home, finally brings you into his hug. You’re not expecting him to show up by your door, and you find yourself fully embraced by his warmth inside his long winter coat. His arms wrapped around you tightly, missing you so much that he finally finds relief with you by his side.
“I thought you couldn’t be back this Christmas?” You ask, struggling a little to speak because he’s almost squeezing you into his chest. He smells like winter. “Nikolaus* brought me here with his sleigh, of course.” You hear a cocky smile through his tired voice, and he finally lets loose of his hug. You could finally lift your head up to see his face, almost radiating the joy of meeting you, but you can feel that he hasn’t sleep well.
You cup his face with your hands, feeling the light stubble on his chin and jawline. Smalls scars over old ones. He smiles under your touch, leans down and kisses you on the cheek. Once wasn’t enough, so he kissed again, which made you chuckle with happiness. However, you soon become worried as you realized you’re empty-handed. “But König, I already mailed the gift to your base a week earlier, and… I don’t have anything for you right now.” He takes your hand in his, gently holding you. “It’s ok. It only means that I’ll be having two gifts this Christmas.” He pauses for a second, then continued a bit sheepishly, finding himself embarrassed, but still expressing his love. “Because holding you right now is already the best gift for me.” He laughs softly when he sees you blushing, then he’s gladly being dragged inside home.
You haven’t planned to do anything tonight, which means you didn’t have time to bake his favorite Brötchen with cheese. You always want to make every holidays with König the best ones he had, and you couldn’t help but feeling bummed out this time. “You don’t have to worry about that, meine Liebe.” He hugs you on the couch, letting you sit comfortably on his lap. “We can drink some Jäger, order something, and watch TV. Ja?” He always knows how to deal with your sadness and your nervousness, because he has them too.
So you ordered something warm to eat along with dessert. He’s drinking Jäger while you’re putting a Christmas themed movie on the TV. Candle lights flickering on the coffee table, empty take-out boxes waiting to be thrown out but you are too comfortable under the blanket, not ready to move yet. Austrians don’t really focus much on Christmas, but König still enjoys celebrating it with you, since you’re always excited about Christmas tree decorating and gifts and all the shiny colourful things.
Even though this year is not as special as you wanted to be, you’re still happy that he’s here.
As the TV is playing Home Alone 2, you find König already fell asleep, loosely holding you. You’d imagine he’s tired, so you won’t disturb him. TV light blurred on his face, his breathing is silent and slow, and you smiled at him. “Merry Christmas.” You close your eyes too, letting yourself doze off with the movie in the background.
*St. Nikolaus = Austria’s Santa Claus
Thank you for @cerise-on-top again for educating me on Austria’s culture 🩵 You’re so kind to me!
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writing-whump · 10 months
What the pain says
Hector stalks Seline at the Christmas market and gets sick from her wards. This leads to some emotional talk.
"Could you, please, stop doing that?" Hector's voice was rough from the strain as he swallowed down heavily.
Seline scoffed at him, arms crossed over her chest. "They are called wards for a reason, mister. Why don't you just leave?"
He looked up at her in confusion from his place next to her at the bench. "I said please."
"So what? You think that just because of that, I can't say no?"
Hector frowned at her angrily, rubbing his chest as if that could help against lingering nausea.
Seline just wanted to have a nice walk around the Christmas Market in front of the City Hall. Vienna was famous for them and they were everywhere. In front of the campus, the parliament, every little tiny square or park. Stands, wine, thick hot chocolate, scented candles, jams, gingerbread, cooked chestnuts,...the smells and sights felt very holiday like, event though it was just the middle of November and the weather was still above 10 degrees.
One was right next to the main university building so no one could blame her for taking a walk there. It wasn't like she had to hurry home.
Not like she was avoiding going home either. Not at all.
She took her time enjoying the overpriced but cute and overall creative trinkets and foods offered at the stands. Watching people ice skating around the park from the bench with a couple of chestnuts, she thought about the Christmas traditions at home. The holidays would start in about 3 weeks and would last at least that long. She could just stay home in Slovakia with her parents and deal with whatever this thing was after New Year.
The wolves would stay in Vienna, probably studying for exams. Her exam period consisted of a bunch of seminar papers she could do in the free month of February and there was no ongoing research that would keep her here anyway.
Seline didn't realize someone was watching her until a loud cough interrupted her ruminating. Hector was holding to a tree, frowning and coughing, trying to get the sudden nausea under control. Caused by her protective wards. apprently.
"I don't understand," Hector said, sprawling on the bench beside her as if her presence didn't make it worse. "I'm not attacking you, so what's your problem?"
"You were watching me. Spying much?"
"You wouldn't have noticed. And I meant you no harm."
"I really don't care what you mean. It's unfriendly contact either way."
"Unfriendly? Is your magic able to read minds now? Because if you think so, you are wrong. I have no bad intentions in mine."
Seline turned to look at him, sure she could spot it if he lied. People had their tells. Lies were nothing pleasant for them.
But Hector met her gaze steadily, though he took short shallow breaths. What a moron, keeping up the contact when his wards were making him sick.
"Because they don't react to what I'm doing, but to what you are feeling," Hector continued.
She looked away, biting her lip. That was the thing with making someone afraid. The other person might not notice. It was just you responsible for your own reaction.
"And what exactly are you stalking me for? If you want to talk to your brother, I'm sure that can be arranged."
Hector sighed and turned his head away to muffle a small burp against this hand. He went to staring at the trees directly in front of him. "That's not so easy."
"It's easy enough. Isaiah even took you to his apartment, didn't he? And helped you with the hurt leg and everything. Why do you think he wouldn't talk to you?"
A long beat of silence followed. Seline kept still, waiting.
"What do you know about what happened between us?" Hector asked finally.
Seline shrugged, trying to look like this wasn't making her insanely curious. "Honestly, I didn't know you existed before your visit." This was an interesting opportunity to find out more. "What happened?"
Hector tensed beside her and nodded like he had expected that. He was sweating despite the cold, one hand braced on the armrest, swallowing. Even if she felt sorry for him, she couldn't stop the ward's effect when it was set in place. And she obviously couldn't stop her own fear.
"He never talks about his family," Seline said finally, not being able to watch in silence. She didn't think touching him would be a good idea, so she pushed away a bit, trying to give him space. "Everytime parents or holidays or any of that come up, he shuts up and smoothly fires the question back to you or changes the topic."
"So he is all over us, huh," Hector grumbled, bracing even more, face wrinkling in a grimace. One hand was on his stomach now as if he was riding out a cramp.
"I don't think that's how it works," she said softly, watching him helplessly. "People don't talk about things they didn't move on from yet. That are too painful to talk about. That's why...why I don't ask him about it. Bet there is something really bad in there."
Hector gave her a sharp look, opening his mouth to protest, before suddenly pitching forward. He spread his legs a little to let his head hang between his knees, spitting fitfully.
"This is not a good idea," she said, hands reaching for him, hovering hesitantly. "You should go. I'm sure the nausea..."
Hector burped, hands going white from how strongly he was fisting them in his pants. "No. I'm staying until you-urrrp-stop being afraid of me."
"That's not for you to decide! And it has nothing to do with you anyway."
Hector risked another look at her at the words. "A witch doesn't need protection from wolves. She has her pack."
She winced at that, hugging her scarf against her chest and neck.
Except when she is afraid of them herself.
He didn't have to say it. They both knew it.
They sat on the bench for a while, Hector trying to get his breathing under control while she fought the wave of feelings down, both of them staring through the trees.
"We used to be rivals," he said suddenly, making her jump. "Back at home. Close in age enough to fight for the spot of the successor, you know? But Isaiah got very secretive and weird in the last year or two. Didn't want me training with father, kept all the techniques secret for himself. And then he had some kind of argument with dad and just left from one day to the next. Went to a giant human city, studies at a human university, choosing the weirdest of subjects - like excuse me, but who studies something as useless as psychology? - no word, no explanation. Nothing. Me and Arnie were just too boring for him, I guess. Father never got over it. Always keeps to himself now on his hunting trips somewhere in the mountains, doesn't want to see anybody. Acts like a fucking monk or something."
Seline listened carefully as he talked, hands wrapped tightly around her. "So you came to ask him to explain?"
"Huh?! I don't need him to explain! Pche, such nonsense. It's easy. He betrayed everything father taught him, left the pack, left us and thinks he won, cause now I can't fight him for our dream when he doesn't want it anymore."
Yep, he is curious alright, she thought. You must love him very much to be so hurt over it.
She couldn't exactly explain what she didn't know anything about, but she thought her guess was correct. Something did happen, something Isaiah didn't want his brothers to know or maybe wasn't able to talk about.
There were other things she could offer, though. And after Hector went out of his way to be here... "He loves his studies. He will nerd out about his seminars to me in the evening with a glass of wine for hours. No stopping him. He likes to go to political lectures and debates. He has friends all over town and they call him to wolves who don't know they way. I think he would like to make it his profession - to give advice and counsel wolves. He is crazy orderly - the groceries have to be ordered according to function in the fridge: meat and ham, vegetables, yogurt and milk products. Matthew almost had a stroke when he saw it the first time." She chuckled at the memory.
"He won't make us do it, but he cleans our things as well, so he obviously finds it bothersome. There is no private sphere with him, he wants to know everything and get involved and help with the most embarrassing of things. Puts way too much on himself and is a perfectionist to boot, so a very bad combination. You have to watch out for him not to break his back in the process. His selflessness is very annoying, makes us all feel bad in comparison."
She had to smile as she continued. "He always wears a suit and a coat, like he's got an important business meeting. Styles his hair to look smooth and combed every day. I don't put that much effort in my appearance as he does, honestly. Crazy gallant and polite. He will never touch his phone, when there is someone else in the room with him. You always get all his attention. Great listener. Notices everything. Controlling and secretive and so so kind it blows my mind. Always knows what to say or do to make you feel better."
She looked back at Hector, adding softly. "So honestly what you say doesn't make much sense to me. That doesn't sound like him at all."
Hector watched her with wide eyes, before clearing his throat. "You notice him a lot."
Seline blinked and felt her cheeks burning at the comment.
Hector shook his head in disbelief, then straightened up, looking surprised. "Ah. The nausea is gone."
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puppetsoftomorrow · 8 months
⭐️ the phoebmonster fanfiction masterpost ⭐️
🌟 💛 all complete, but series may be ongoing
all these roads lead back to you - 11k
🩷 set around s3, an artefact gives sara and ava the ability to read eachothers minds and force them to stay close. it goes about as well as you'd expect
the day before you came - 13k
❤️ ava hates going home for christmas, so she hires sara to come with her to annoy her family - but will something real come of their fake relationship?
heart of gold - 13k
🧡 sara is a lighthouse keeper and ava is from another world, washed up, all alone, unable to speak and far from home
wild wild whisper - 15k
💛 ava is a lawyer, back in town after fifteen years, sara is a cowboy who never left - will their past drive them apart, or is it not to late to begin again?
for reasons wretched and divine - 20k
💚 fantasy au - ava is a princess on the run, and sara is a bandit with something to hide. loosk like its time for an adventure!!
heaven sent - 12k
🩵 a captain marvel au. sara has no memories of ava, but finds her way back to her. can it work with a lifetime of memories behind them?
flip a coin, decide your fate - 9.2k
💙 the legends all have soul coins, and astra has a hold of them, and gives them a chance to pick them up. written with ginger-canary :)
the girl in the movies - 20k
💜 highschool au - ava is the lead actress in sara's favourite tv show, and transfers to sara's school, but she's not who sara imagined at all
the problem with portals - 1.9k
🩷 set in s4 - the five times the legends portal to fetch sara from ava's house, and what they find when they do
in another life (you would be my girl) - 3k
❤️ set after 4x08, where ava remembers the timeline in which sara was killed by the unicorn
half the world away - 3.6k
🧡 what if in 4x12, instead of sending ava to purgatory, neron gives her what she's always wanted?
if only, if only (you were mine) - 10k
💛 high school au - ava and sara are paired together to look after a robot baby for their social studies class - the trouble is, they hate eachother
for science! - 3.7k
💚 based on the brooklyn nine nine drunk scale - charlie and z1 get ava increasingly drunk to see what happens. zarlie!!
vienna waits for you - 4.2k
🩵 ava is a fire warden, alone and in 1989, and her radio connects to the waverider, with sara on the other end of the line
star child, are you out there? - 5.8k
💙 set in season 4a - ava temporaily adopts a baby who's also a magical creature. but what if it's not so temporary?
twelve and thirteen - a second ava becomes a part of the legends
now the day bleeds (into nightfall) - 4.7k
🖤 post 4x09 - a new clone is brought in to replace ava as director, and they get to know eachother as ava deals with her breakup with sara
you can see the difference - 6.4k
🩶 ava 13 returns to the waverider to go on holiday with the legends, and lots of introspection for ava
halley and the comet - snippets of avalance family life, with their children halley and grayson
i've been waiting for you - 3.5k
🤍 how the legends escaped from the time prison, as told in a bedtime story
now i stand here looking at the sky - 1.9k
🩶 the legends come around for dinner, as sara is carrying a pretty big secret
my love, my life - 1.2k
🖤 sara and ava's second child is born, and halley meets her brother
tumblr oneshots
these were all orginally posted to tumblr, and were then cross-posted to ao3
you've got a hold on this heart of mine - 1.5k
🩷 post 4x05 - ava comes home from thanksgiving to find sara, and domestic fluff ensues
if you could bring her back to me (or take her from my memory) - 1.1k
❤️ ava's angsty introspection, post the break up in 4x09
you're too much to forget - 0.4k
🧡a series of voicemails from sara to ava, set between the break up in 4x09 and when sara finds ava again in 4x12
no matter what, just be my girl - 1.6k
💛 what happened between sara and ava after ava gets home from purgatory
i'll trade all of my tomorrows (for one single yesterday) - 0.7k
💚 an alternative version of the break up scene in 4x09 - still angst though
got leavin' on her mind - 1.6k
🩵 sara can't brush off atropos' attack so easily - Major Angst!!
(i'm so) afraid of losing you again - 1.1k
💙 an alternative take on the opening for 6x01, written before s6 aired
i thought i'd been kissed and i thought i'd been loved (but that was before i met you) - 1k
💜 an au where sara doesn’t get kidnapped by aliens … or the one where ava gets tucked into bed
i'm just me - 1.2k
🩷 an alternative scene for sara telling ava that she's now an alien-clone. hurt / comfort
it's the happiness of having you (that makes my world a place worth living in) - 2.1k
❤️ my take on the avalance wedding! absolutly nothing like the wedding we got aha
hoping just by chance that i'll get a glimpse of you - 1k
🧡 written based on the 7x05 promo that something goes wrong and maybe ava gets erased for a bit when gwyn's time machine is on the fritz
heaven watches over fools like me - 0.8k
💛 ava and sara play gay chicken - originially from a tumblr prompt
the green green grass of home - 1k
💚 a potential s8 where sara and her baby escape from the time jail
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I am not mentally ready for the end of this tour.
if i'm homest i'm in two minds, on the one hand i love seeing all the new stuff after the shows and hear the music played live (of which i watched not enough lately), on the other hand i'm always a bit apprehensive: how will the situation be in another venue, will people protest, what allegations will pop up, howare the guys handling it, can they give play the way they want or have a dark cloud hanging over their head...
But not just the allegations; the meet and greets cancelled from the get-go, the Vilnius rehearsal (that i prefer not to remember), and then later the attack on the Rammstore in Berlin, and the cancellation of vaious side-projects.
Different than for the last venues in 2019 (Vienna) and 2022 (Mexico) there has been no announcement of the show being officially filmed, and the social media posts by Rammstein official to me often felt pretty...detached (for lack of a better word), not brimming with excitement (luckily Schneider, Paul and Richard do post somewhat regularly)
in a way i want the guys to feel the love of the fans, especially as long as no actual criminal facts have come to light, on the other hand i hope they can step out of the limelight after the tour, go on holiday..although i'm not sure how much they (or some of them, i don't know) are involved in the actual dealing with the fallout of what happened.
And if any of the remaininb allegations that the Berlin prosecutor is looking into are based on facts, i want these facts to be faced head-on, so the necessary actions can be taken 🌺 the doubt and uncertainty about what 'might have happened' is like poison
.2022 was so much simpler, the first tour after Covid, the obvious, visible fun on stage 🥰
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
385 million years ago, fish had fingers.
In Las Vegas, casinos do not have any clocks.
We change our voice when we talk to people we like.
Every year, around 3,000 people get bubonic plague.
You are more likely to be friends with people that smell like you.
It is believed that the Library of Congress has sex tape audio of JFK.
Beer mats were originally placed on top of glasses to keep the dust out.
In 2021, Americans streamed a total of 15 million years’ worth of content.
J.K. Rowling was the first person to ever become a billionaire from writing books.
Super Mario wears a hat because his creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, couldn't draw hair.
If everyone had access to soap to wash their hands, it would save 600,000 lives a year.
55 million years ago, the North Pole had tropical weather, with alligators and palm trees.
Listening to music for at least 5-10 minutes a day makes it easier to deal with emotional stress.
Women cry on average between 30 and 64 times a year, while men cry between 6 and 17 times.
Kanbari nyūdō is a Japanese spirit that lurks around toilets on New Year’s Eve and tries to lick you.
Egyptian Pharaohs were once required to masturbate into the River Nile to keep its flow cycle stable.
Life is not about the people who act true to your face. It's about the people who remain true behind your back.
The chills you sometimes get when listening to music is actually caused by the release of dopamine in your body.
People say "never give up" but sometimes giving up is the best option because you realize you're wasting your time.
When presented with various crisp packets, a gull will almost always choose the same flavour as a nearby human is eating.
According to a study, the two most common feelings that people tend to bring out in others are enthusiasm and boredom.
Scientists say the universe is made up entirely of neurons, protons and electrons. They seem to have forgotten about morons!
Robert Downey Jr was once arrested after he was caught driving naked in his Porsche with cocaine, heroin, and a .357 magnum.
Nutella was invented during WWII, when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolate to extend his chocolate ration.
Your first instinct is usually right. So, always go with your first instinct, even if it's a bad idea because bad ideas make good stories.
The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back.
When you truly believe in what you are doing, it shows. And it pays. Winners in life are those who are excited about where they're going.
Grab a banana for breakfast! They are known as a happy fruit. Eating just one can help relieve irritable emotions, anger and or depression.
Bedtime procrastination is the psychological phenomenon when a person stays up too late in order to feel like they have some time to themselves.
The hottest part of the day isn't noon but between 3.00 – 4.00. The earth warms during the day but continues to get warmer until the late afternoon.
Regular physical activity can boost creativity by up to 60%, as movement increases blood flow to the brain, fostering new connections and ideas.
Research shows that talking to yourself can improve focus, task performance, and problem-solving abilities. It's not a sign of madness but a tool for self-guidance.
Between 1913 and 1914, Sigmund Freud, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Emperor Franz Joseph, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Leon Trotsky all lived in Vienna within 4km of each other.
Smigus-Dyngus (or ‘Wet Monday’) is a Polish holiday where boys splash girls with water and gently spank them with pussy willow branches. It's a playful tradition celebrated on Easter Monday.
Halle Berry’s divorce has officially been finalized. She will have to pay $8,000 per month in child support to her ex-husband Oliver Martinez and give him 4.3% of any income she receives above $2,000,000.
Sleeping in complete darkness can lead to more vivid and memorable dreams. The absence of light signals the brain to produce melatonin, which promotes REM sleep, the stage most associated with dreaming.
In 1993, a Frenchman named Emile Leray driving a Citroen car in a remote area of the Moroccan desert had a breakdown and became stranded. To survive, he tore down the car, built a motorcycle from the parts and then rode it back to civilization.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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redundant2 · 2 years
Random British Royal tidbits
I'm reading "The Vanity Fair Diaries" by Tina Brown and came across this tidbit:
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Monday May 26, 1986
"We had lunch with the preposterous Princess Michael of Kent, who looked about fifteen hands high in an orange silk wrap dress. She has developed a mad, false laugh and a new Lady Bracknell voice for dealing with inferiors. "Row-eena," she gushed at the cowed debutante she totes around as her "lady in waiting." "where is the Dom Perignon? It was sitting outside but those fooooools have taken it away! Find it!" (Mad false laugh.) "Isn't the service quite diabolical? Do shut the kitchen door, Rowena. I hate to stare into a kitchen!"
From The Vanity Fair Diaries by Tina Brown, p. 199
Princess Michael of Kent, nee' Baroness Marie-Christine Anna Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz, would have been 41 at the time of this lunch. She was born in the German-occupied Sudetenland in what is now the Czech Republic. Her father, Baron Günther Hubertus von Reibnitz, was a descendant of the ancient Reibnitz family, Silesian landowners, who trace their ancestry back to 1288. He was a Nazi party member and a SS calvary officer during WWII.
Princess Michael's mother was Countess Maria Anna Carolina Franziska Walburga Bernadette Szapary von Muraszombath, Szechysziget und Szapar.  The House of Szapáry is an old and important Hungarian noble family. Members of this family held the title of Imperial Count granted to them on 28 December 1722 by Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor.
Princess Michael's parents divorced n 1948 and she with her mother and eldest brother moved to Rose Bay, Australia. In the early 1960s, she lived with her father on his farm in Mozambique.  She then went from Vienna to London to study History of Fine and Decorative Art at the Victoria and Albert Museum.  
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She first married an English banker in 1971, but divorced in 1977. Once month after her marriage was annulled by the Pope, she married Prince Michael of Kent, Queen Elizabeth II's first cousin. She has said that Lord Mountbatten played matchmaker.
The lady-in-waiting mentioned in the excerpt is The Hon. Rowena Hawke Leatham Sanders, daughter of the 9th Baron Hawke of Towton.
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The Baron of Towton peerage title was created on 20 May 1776 for the admiral Sir Edward Hawke (of Scarthingwell Hall in the parish of Towton), responsible for a blockade of all French merchant shipping and the grounding of six French ships, and scattering of the rest, at the Battle of Quiberon Bay.  
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Rowena Hawke's sister, Annabel, pictured above.
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Rowena's father, Bladen Wilmer Hawke, 9th Baron of Towton, above. He served as a Lord-in-waiting (government whip in the House of Lords from 1953 to 1957 in the Conservative administrations of Churchill, Eden and MacMillan.  
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Another of Rowena's sisters, Lavinia, married Nicholas MacLean-Bristol. She became a Justice of the Peace and lives in 15th century Old Breachacha Castle on the Isle of Coll in Scotland. This tower fortress was the stronghold of the MacLean clan. The Isle of Coll was granted to the MacLeans in 1431. There is also a new "castle" on this island, built in 1750, which is available to rent for just £1500 for a party of two for one week.
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Rowena lives at Hankerton Priory, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, and borrowed a page from her sister's notebook, as her home is also available as an Air BNB rental - hosted by Rowena! Perhaps she will tell you stories about her days with Princess Michael if you stay with her?
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veghelyicsaba · 5 months
Seamless Travel: Private Transfers Between Budapest and Vienna with Driver
Traversing between Budapest and Vienna, two enchanting European cities, is a journey that promises breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural experiences. While there are various transportation options available, opting for a private transfer with a dedicated driver offers unparalleled convenience, comfort, and flexibility. Let’s delve into why a private transfer is the ideal choice for your journey between these two iconic destinations.
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Embarking on a private car transfer from Budapest to Vienna, or vice versa, eliminates the stress associated with navigating unfamiliar roads, deciphering public transportation schedules, or dealing with crowded buses or trains. With a private transfer, you have the luxury of traveling in a comfortable vehicle tailored to your needs, ensuring a relaxing and enjoyable journey from start to finish.
Personalized Service
One of the standout benefits of a private transfer is the personalized service provided by your dedicated driver. Your driver is not only your chauffeur but also your local guide, ready to offer insights into the region’s history, culture, and landmarks. Whether you're interested in historical anecdotes, restaurant recommendations, or hidden gems along the way, your knowledgeable driver is there to enhance your travel experience.
Unlike fixed schedules associated with public transportation, private transfers offer unparalleled flexibility. You have the freedom to customize your itinerary according to your preferences. Want to make a stop at a charming village en route? No problem. Need to adjust your departure time? Your private car transfer service can accommodate your schedule changes with ease, ensuring that your travel plans remain stress-free and tailored to your needs.
Door-to-Door Service
Private transfers provide door-to-door service, meaning you are picked up from your accommodation in Budapest or Vienna and dropped off at your desired location in the other city. This seamless transition eliminates the hassle of navigating through busy transportation hubs with luggage, allowing you to focus on enjoying the journey.
Comfortable Vehicles
Private transfer services typically offer a range of vehicles to suit your needs, from luxury sedans to spacious vans capable of accommodating larger groups. These vehicles are well-maintained, ensuring a smooth and safe journey throughout your trip. Whether you’re traveling solo, with family, or as part of a group, there's a vehicle option to match your requirements.
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Private transfers are often more time-efficient than other modes of transportation. With direct routes and no intermediate stops, you can reach your destination promptly, maximizing your time to explore both Budapest and Vienna. Additionally, your driver is well-versed in the most efficient routes, helping you avoid traffic congestion and delays.
Cost-Effective for Groups
While private transfers may seem like a luxury, they can be surprisingly cost-effective, especially for groups or families traveling together. When you factor in the cost per person and the convenience offered, private transfers often provide excellent value for money compared to other transportation options.
Traveling between Budapest and Vienna is a journey filled with adventure and discovery, and opting for a private transfer with a dedicated driver elevates the experience to new heights. With comfort, convenience, flexibility, and personalized service, private transfers offer the ideal way to explore these two captivating cities. Whether you’re a solo traveler, a couple on a romantic getaway, or a family seeking an unforgettable holiday, a private transfer ensures that your journey is as memorable as your destination.
Private Car Transfer Budapest to Vienna- We offer door-to-door private transfers with sightseeing & tourist stop options between Budapest and Vienna, and across the Central-European area at best prices.
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audiofuzz · 10 months
HEAR: Zara Larsson - “Memory Lane” from new Holiday EP
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Zara Larsson’s new holiday EP, Honor the Light,  is the perfect record to get you in the holiday spirit. Larsson gives us a brand new track “Memory Lane”, which is the most outstanding and catchy track on the album. Here the new track below: Multi-platinum global pop phenomenon Zara Larsson released her new holiday EP, Honor The Light via Sommer House/Epic Records. From good times to seasonal gloom, each track on the festive collection nods to a different aspect of the holiday season. The project is set to play a pivotal role in Zara’s upcoming holiday performances in Sweden — also titled Honor The Light — on December 8 and 9 in Stockholm and December 16 in Skellefetea. Get the EP HERE. Just last week, Zara gave fans a first taste of the music with the release of the original song “Memory Lane” (which Uproxx praised as “vulnerable”) and a reimagining of “Winter Song” by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson. In addition, the EP features covers of “Silent Night” and the Swedish song “Tänd Ett Ljus” (which Zara also recorded in English, “Light A Candle.”). See the full track listing below. The holiday EP comes as Zara enjoys massive success with “On My Love,” her smash hit collaboration with David Guetta, and readies the release of her fourth studio album. Titled Venus, the LP will arrive on February 9, 2024. The Swedish songstress has also announced the details of an upcoming spring UK and European headlining tour.  Dubbed The Venus Tour, tickets are on sale now. See the full itinerary below and keep an eye out for North American live shows in the new year. The Honor The Light EP release will cap a stellar year for the Swedish hitmaker. The first single off of Venus — “Can’t Tame Her” — has already made waves with its anthemic, empowering message. The track spent over 16 weeks in the UK Top 40, reached number 3 on iTunes, and number 1 on US Dance Radio: a run that was made all the sweeter because it’s also Larsson’s first release on her own Sommer House label, following a landmark deal with Sony and Epic Records which saw the still-just-25-year-old take control of her entire recording catalog. This summer, Zara also dropped “End of Time,” a moving depiction of a visit with her younger self—stunningly brought to life by the accompanying music video. And two months ago, her latest single with David Guetta, “On My Love,” was crowned the highest debuting record of 2023 at Dance Radio. Just four weeks later, the song reached #1 on the chart, making it the country’s biggest dance record. Now, with this dizzying flurry of hits and plans in the works, Zara has somehow found time to make the holidays extra special with Honor the Light, a yuletide release for the ages. Honor The Light tracklisting: 1. Memory Lane 2. Winter Song 3. Silent Night 4. Light A Candle 5. Tänd Ett Ljus 6. Sankta Lucia Honor The Light itinerary: 12/8/23 – Stockholm, SE - Cirkus 12/9/23 – Stockholm, SE - Cirkus 12/16/23 – Skelleftea, SE - Sara Kulturhus The Venus Tour itinerary: 2/16/24 – Manchester, UK - Manchester Academy 2/17/24 – Glasgow, UK - O2 Academy 2/18/24 – Birmingham, UK - O2 Academy 2/21/24 – London, UK - Roundhouse 2/24/24 – Paris, FR - Le Trianon 2/25/24 – Brussels, BE - Ancienne Belgique 2/26/24 – Amsterdam, NL - AFAS Live 2/28/24 – Berlin, DE - Verti Music Hall 3/1/24 – Cologne, DE - Palladium 3/2/24 – Milan, IT - Fabrique 3/4/24 – Zürich, CH - Komplex 457 3/6/24 – Prague, CZ - Forum 3/7/24 – Warsaw, PL - Towar 3/8/24 – Vienna, AT - Gasometer 3/16/24 – Reykjavik, IS – Laugardalshollin 6/21/24 – Dublin, IE - Fairview Park Read the full article
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chrisryanspeaks · 10 months
HEAR: Zara Larsson - “Memory Lane” from new Holiday EP
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Zara Larsson’s new holiday EP, Honor the Light,  is the perfect record to get you in the holiday spirit. Larsson gives us a brand new track “Memory Lane”, which is the most outstanding and catchy track on the album. Here the new track below: Multi-platinum global pop phenomenon Zara Larsson released her new holiday EP, Honor The Light via Sommer House/Epic Records. From good times to seasonal gloom, each track on the festive collection nods to a different aspect of the holiday season. The project is set to play a pivotal role in Zara’s upcoming holiday performances in Sweden — also titled Honor The Light — on December 8 and 9 in Stockholm and December 16 in Skellefetea. Get the EP HERE. Just last week, Zara gave fans a first taste of the music with the release of the original song “Memory Lane” (which Uproxx praised as “vulnerable”) and a reimagining of “Winter Song” by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson. In addition, the EP features covers of “Silent Night” and the Swedish song “Tänd Ett Ljus” (which Zara also recorded in English, “Light A Candle.”). See the full track listing below. The holiday EP comes as Zara enjoys massive success with “On My Love,” her smash hit collaboration with David Guetta, and readies the release of her fourth studio album. Titled Venus, the LP will arrive on February 9, 2024. The Swedish songstress has also announced the details of an upcoming spring UK and European headlining tour.  Dubbed The Venus Tour, tickets are on sale now. See the full itinerary below and keep an eye out for North American live shows in the new year. The Honor The Light EP release will cap a stellar year for the Swedish hitmaker. The first single off of Venus — “Can’t Tame Her” — has already made waves with its anthemic, empowering message. The track spent over 16 weeks in the UK Top 40, reached number 3 on iTunes, and number 1 on US Dance Radio: a run that was made all the sweeter because it’s also Larsson’s first release on her own Sommer House label, following a landmark deal with Sony and Epic Records which saw the still-just-25-year-old take control of her entire recording catalog. This summer, Zara also dropped “End of Time,” a moving depiction of a visit with her younger self—stunningly brought to life by the accompanying music video. And two months ago, her latest single with David Guetta, “On My Love,” was crowned the highest debuting record of 2023 at Dance Radio. Just four weeks later, the song reached #1 on the chart, making it the country’s biggest dance record. Now, with this dizzying flurry of hits and plans in the works, Zara has somehow found time to make the holidays extra special with Honor the Light, a yuletide release for the ages. Honor The Light tracklisting: 1. Memory Lane 2. Winter Song 3. Silent Night 4. Light A Candle 5. Tänd Ett Ljus 6. Sankta Lucia Honor The Light itinerary: 12/8/23 – Stockholm, SE - Cirkus 12/9/23 – Stockholm, SE - Cirkus 12/16/23 – Skelleftea, SE - Sara Kulturhus The Venus Tour itinerary: 2/16/24 – Manchester, UK - Manchester Academy 2/17/24 – Glasgow, UK - O2 Academy 2/18/24 – Birmingham, UK - O2 Academy 2/21/24 – London, UK - Roundhouse 2/24/24 – Paris, FR - Le Trianon 2/25/24 – Brussels, BE - Ancienne Belgique 2/26/24 – Amsterdam, NL - AFAS Live 2/28/24 – Berlin, DE - Verti Music Hall 3/1/24 – Cologne, DE - Palladium 3/2/24 – Milan, IT - Fabrique 3/4/24 – Zürich, CH - Komplex 457 3/6/24 – Prague, CZ - Forum 3/7/24 – Warsaw, PL - Towar 3/8/24 – Vienna, AT - Gasometer 3/16/24 – Reykjavik, IS – Laugardalshollin 6/21/24 – Dublin, IE - Fairview Park Read the full article
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europeas20 · 1 year
Exclusive Hotel Deal: Discover DoubleTree by Hilton Vienna Schönbrunn from Only €170
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Book your dream holiday in Vienna (Vienna, Austria) with Double Tree by Hilton Vienna Schonbrunn from €170. #vienna #wien #austria #sterreich #wienliebe #viennanow #travel #art Grab The Deal
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Welcome to the Park Royal Palace: Unveiled in October 2011, this exquisite establishment graces Vienna's Technical Museum vicinity, just a leisurely 5-minute stroll from the iconic Schönbrunn Palace. Nestled within its own verdant oasis, the hotel boasts an invigorating fitness enclave, complete with a sauna and a rejuvenating steam bath.
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The generously appointed, air-conditioned chambers are impeccably soundproofed and showcase a flat-screen satellite TV, an ample laptop-compatible safe, and a well-stocked minibar.
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Immerse yourself in connectivity as complimentary Wi-Fi envelops all private quarters and communal spaces throughout the premises of the DoubleTree by Hilton Vienna Schönbrunn. The sophisticated on-site restaurant and the inviting lobby bar, Sissi&Joe, seamlessly extend to a terrace overlooking the lush garden. Take a moment of reprieve in the serene inner courtyard and take advantage of the convenience of the in-house parking garage.
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Transportation convenience is at your fingertips, with a mere 150-meter distance to the tram stop servicing lines 49, 52, and 58. For further exploration, Schönbrunn Underground Station (line U4) beckons a mere 750 meters away, offering swift access to the city's pulse.
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Car Rental You can find the best car rental prices at QEEQ.COM. QEEQ.COM serves road trip travellers from different countries by working with car rental companies all over the world. The company offers its customers the widest set of car rental options and always strives to offer the most competitive price Read the full article
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superpandapoetry · 1 year
Harry potter
Not a big deal
Teenage daughters
Bad jokes good kisses
That feeling
In love
Baby fever
Dating S.B
Love and mandrakes
Those kids
Drunk Walk Home
And I love her
Auditions s
Chop Chop
The L word
Sugar rush
Soaring chips
Kissing Sirius Black
Love me
Attention to detail
Favorite Photo
Moments like these
Diagon alley
No connection
Morning sun
Stop the world
Pebbles against the window
Butterfly garden
Dating J.P
S.B Having a crush
Vienna waits for you
I was listening heartbeat
what do you mean your not going
Regulus Headcannon
trouble maker
i was at the
Morning R.A.B
Broken Promises
I love you
Night angel
Stop it
R.B best friend falling for S.B
Monday morning
winter wonderland
Maybe I have a crush
How long
Time turner
You and Me
Dating sirius at hogwarts
Coffre classes
winter holidays
Pet names
The heart knows
The wife
Hugging from behind
Family line
Don't leave
dating Regulus Black
Body and soul
Dad sport
Take care
Always and forever
Snape Sirius
Pay me back
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europeincomingei · 1 year
The Best Christmas Markets
Christmas is a wonderful event that is excitedly anticipated in Bavaria as well as also Austria. A Christkindlmarkt or Weinachtsmarkt is a Christmas-themed flea market held in communities throughout Christmas. This customized has in fact existed for hundreds of years. Considering that we are really familiarized with these markets, we have in fact established day scenic trips that will absolutely take you to the best of them. Bavarian Christmas markets are breath taking. Moreover, these markets are greater than merely going shopping places. We can find the ideal plan for your customers as a result of the reality that we appreciate taking a trip along with worth European culture, history, in addition to tradition. We exceed as well as above to remove all red tape to make certain that tourists can enjoy their pause. Every action of the way, we assist your clients and also take care of every one of their requirements for ground services, travel plans, holiday accommodations, areas, led scenic trips, and additionally wedding celebration events. Naturally, Switzerland. Bern, Zurich, Geneva, Lucerne, Lugano, Montreux, along with Basel are just a few of the major cities where you can find a number of Swiss Christmas markets. They normally persist throughout the whole month of December. We are a specialist at establishing personalized occasions and also itinerary for reps and additionally event planners that supply a wide array of vacationers as a top European destination monitoring service. We are passionate concerning creating bundles that allow a wide range of travelers experience Europe's amazing occasions, extraordinary landscapes, as well as legendary landmarks, in addition to learn more about Europe's rich culture as well as heritage. This contains recreation teams, company MICE, pupil groups, as well as additionally Area Occasions. Our European experts concentrate on in-depth regional as well as multi-destination plans that consist of lodgings, accompanied and also guided trips, a variety of ground services, as well as transport. From the center of November up until Christmas Eve, cities all over the country revived with the audios of vacation songs, the fragrance of mulled a glass of wine, along with the views of glittering lights as well as handmade presents. The Vienna Christmas Market consists of over 140 stalls selling joyous deals with in addition to common Austrian products in the heart of Vienna's city centre. While valuing the considerable Christmas tree prior to Town hall and likewise taking note of carollers, site visitors can consume alcohol a cup of comfy mulled a glass of wine. Going To the Austrian Christmas markets throughout the holiday is a must, whether you're a regional or a visitor. Having a relied on and also informed tour guide can make all the difference in making a journey to Europe amazing as well as wonderful. We go into the picture right here. We are a location administration business that concentrates on generating tailored European travel experiences. We are devoted to developing vacation strategies that permit a vast array of long-distance travellers to see popular sites, find out about Europe's interesting background in addition to society, in addition to take in breath-taking environments.
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kailumvillalobos · 2 years
Christmas Cruises: What Are The Best Destinations?
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Cruises offer a unique way to spend a long-awaited vacation with your beloved ones. Scenic views, state-of-the-art onboard amenities, breathtaking destinations, and delicious cuisines – what could be better? And if you are still unsure how to spend your next Christmas, we have some great suggestions.
Sailing to the Caribbean is one of the best solutions for your Christmas getaway. The exciting activities, like scuba diving, snorkeling, and sunbathing at the seacoast with amazing views, won't leave you indifferent. This cruise itinerary suits both families and couples looking for a romantic vacation. At the same time, if you prefer something more traditional, look no further than European Christmas market river cruises, including those to Vienna, Austria. The unforgettable atmosphere of Old Europe with holiday tunes and freshly baked pastry smell in the air will make your Christmas truly special!
Are you ready to plunge into the Christmas spirit and plan your holidays for the next season? Call us at 1.800.377.9383 to book your cruise today.
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mcmorare · 2 years
Growing up, Christmas wasn’t always the most fun of times for Katrina. It meant seeing her entire family, having to spend time with all of them, having to deal with their judgement. But, she tried to make the best of it.
Around Christmastime her and her friends would escape to the nearest cities and go to the Christkindlmärkte for fun. The best one was always in Vienna, when they could go. She looked forward to it every year - warm drinks, cute crafts, sweets, laughter and music and snow. Away from the stress of home.
When she did see her family, she would try to avoid most of the adults. A lot of her time was spent with her cousins. They would hide in the basement and complain and laugh over their shared frustration - well, a few of them, anyways. It could still be a somewhat tense, but it was a bit of a comfort to know she wasn’t completely alone in her thoughts. 
When she was very little, she spent most of the family time glued to her grandfather’s side. He would tell her stories and play games with her, and sneak her cookies under the table when her mother wasn’t looking. It was after he passed that she started avoiding the adults much more. 
Now, that’s not to say her holidays were perfect. They were often still a time of stress, especially due to the fact that her mother was often more stressed around this time of year and therefore more irritable. Scratchy dresses she hated, warnings to behave, frayed nerves, little time to herself, and not even much of an outlet since the football season wasn't going and she couldn't go out in the woods on her own. But there were some bits of happiness among it all.
As an adult, she’s come to make much more happy memories of the holidays. Spending Christmas with Ariane and Reina and Julien and Evelin. Getting to spend pleasant time with her brother, exchanging gifts with her friends, baking cookies with her niece. Making it into a time of laughter instead of stress. And, eventually, she even started to look forward to the holidays.
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energylifephilly · 2 years
Honeywell s&c 1nt1-2 switch
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jamieangel21-blog · 6 years
Compare City Breaks to Vienna with Search A Holiday Offers. Enjoy Cheap Holidays to Vienna and Make your days more special. For more information call us +44 203 883 8247.
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