#vigilo audio opperior
spiralling-spires · 2 months
Being jurgen leitner the day that gerry almost killed him was probably really surreal. Imagine you’re minding your business, collecting fucked up books, and out of nowhere this goth guy covered in eye tattoos shows up and beats you half to death, then stops, goes, “no you’re too pathetic to be jurgen leitner” and leaves without further elaboration. And you dont correct him, you like being alive after all, and after that you just… continue with your life. And then several years later you tell this to some random guy in the tunnels you’ve been hiding in, and he not only knows who the goth was, but seems somewhat fond of the goth. And then you get brutal pipe murdered by the random guy’s boss. Oops
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first time using the wood burner thing
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not beautiful but it was a fun attempt
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So, I did one drawing for each season of the Magnus Archives and my favorite character, The Archivist. I wanted them to be a series, but I don't think they look terribly much like they belong together.
I had a lot of fun doing these. I use Photoshop for anyone wanting to know. And, yeah. If there is randomly anyone who wants to use these for anything, please just let me know and give me credit.
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carrion-aac · 9 months
[silence suits you, don't make those ugly sounds. a mouthful of lead in a hospital bed will be more than enough. i cut my weeds 'til they're dead— i get so malevolent, i wanna make you bleed. i feel so irreverent, i hope you choke on his seed. i need to feel when that door closes— 'cause your bed has been made ! i will water those roses that sprout over your grave .]
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your archivist is about to go fucking murder someone and from the looks of it, she's about to make it hurt . (you should totally join tmaaov to watch it happen 😋😋 )
(alt ver under cut)
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I think about him sometimes
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wyrm-worshipper · 11 months
okay here goes. tma relisten begins
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vickozone · 4 months
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Audio. Opperior. Vigilo.
A list of The 14 Fears + Extinction [this was a school project]
(It got a little messed up. Oh well)
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annabelle--cane · 5 months
okay. round up of lingering protocol thoughts/predictions before the patreon early release tomorrow and the wide release on thursday. I did listen to the pilot draft back in october, but the following takes are only about publicly available information, I'll save anything else for later this week.
the title. "the magnus archives" wasn't just the main location of the original show, it was integral for the framing device of every episode and the meat of the protagonist's journey. if this title functions at all similarly, then "the magnus protocol" means, well, the protocol to follow in the event of "magnus." this implies to me that a main force behind the plot is going to be the OIAR responding to Something that happens with their world's burnt down magnus institute, and that following set rules and codes will be a major theme. less passive observation and cataloging, more the unstoppable force of bureaucracy.
same vibes for "vigilo. audio. opperior." (I watch. I listen. I wait.) vs "non vacillabimus" (we will not falter). to me, a promise not to falter implies steadfast action in the face of resistance as opposed to passive absorption of experiences.
I am still pulling for agnes relevance. lowri ann davies playing celia ripley, "celia" being the name her archives character chose after losing her memory, that character's strange interaction with a fire ghost woman. if we presume this is the same universe as the one the statement giver came from in mag 114, the tree at hilltop road was still standing when she crossed over, implying agnes was still alive over there as of 2009. jonny's comments in q&as about wishing he has done a little bit more with agnes. it could happen.
I. I've been sitting here trying to figure out a take for what's up with gwendolyn bouchard because her connection to elias obviously has to be relevant somehow, but I've got nothing. archives verse elias was meant to be middle aged (at least in body) by the time of the show and my guess is that gwen's in her 20s so she might be a younger sister? a cousin? theoretically possible that she could be a daughter but the idea of elias raising children in either his original or jonah forms makes my brain return a 404 error. don't like that.
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b33viemm · 1 year
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Vigilo. Audio. Opperior.
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alchemistoftheend · 2 months
TMA: Trailers Pre-S1
0.1 Seed
A currently unknown voice is speaking
It chants this quote 6 times
“Vigilo. Audio. Opperior.”
The phrase is latin for “I watch. I listen. I wait.”
Sticky Note
the word “magnus” is latin, denotatively mean great or large, connotatively mean mighty powerful or impressive
0.2 Pre-Launch Trailer
Introduction to Johnathan Sims, the New Archivist of the Magnus Institute
Mention of Elias Bouchard, currently position unknown but he seems to be Jon’s boss
The former head archivist, Gertrude Robinson, has left the archives as according to Jon “a dreadful mess”
“speak ill of the dead” so presumably she’s gone
Jon has been struggling to record certain “as he puts it bizarre statements” digitally bc of severe audio distortions
He’s found an old tape recorder and making a test recording
Statement of Jacob [Redacted] regarding “god knows what”
Original statement given July 15, 2011
“It’ll get you too. You can stare all you want, make your notes and your inquiries, but all your beholding will come to nothing. When the time arrives, and all is darkness and butchery, you’ll wish you had stopped listening and run”
Post-Statement Thought
Who/What is it?
What will happen when the time arrives?
“stop listening and run”👀
this sounds really doomsday/pre-apocalyptic
Sticky Note
I know that these statements will make allusions to one or multiple entities/fears but i don’t know what that means in context of the plot
stare/behold - The Eye
all is Darkness - The Dark
butchery - The Flesh, Hunt, or Slaughter????
0.3 Launch Trailer
Statement of Nathan Watts regarding an encounter on Old Fishmarket Close, Edinburgh.
Jon gets interrupted by a noise and asks if anyone’s there
Mention of Martin Blackwood, current position unknown
“I swear, if he’s brought another dog in here, I’m going to peel him” 😦🫢
I thought this man was his lover?????
“Vigilo. Audio. Opperior” gradually getting faster and more frantic
Post-Statement Thoughts
Who is chanting? What for? A summoning, ritual, or idk
The same chant from 0.1
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the-spiralings · 6 months
Hello, Spirallings, I am here to ask if you would kindly traumatize my archivist for me? I can assure it will be very entertaining.
Sincerely, Elias Bouchard head of the Magnus institute 👁️
Audio. Opperior. Vigilo
oh, i Love These! we Will Gladly Traumatize Any Archivists!
although, If “Elias” Is Requesting It…
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
Date: October 18th, 2022
Episode of the day: launch trailers 1, 2, 3
Make your statement, face your fear.
"Statement of Jacob, no second name given, regarding… god knows what. "
Vigilo. Audio. Opperior.
Transcript trailer 1 ||| YouTube link
Transcript trailer 2 ||| YouTube link
Transcript trailer 3 ||| YouTube link
Asks and submissions are open for the TMA launch trailers! Send your reactions, insights, memes, art, etc., regarding today's listen or tag this blog in your post.
For more information check out this blog's pinned post.
Next episode
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
TMA Liveshow Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the jasmine and Buddleja in my garden.
ALEX: "The audio in today’s episode was recorded at our first Magnus liveshow as part of the London Podcast Festival Presents audio drama event in 2019." First (?) Magnus liveshow? Just curious, were there more than one shows? I only ever saw content from this on.
ALEX: "The events take place prior to the first episode of The Magnus Archives, and can be considered canon." Canon you say, eh? So does this mean, occasionally, The Magnus Archives actually IS a workplace comedy???
JON: "Right. Well, I’m sure I can figure it out, I was – (shaky inhale) – thinking of, uh – digitising some of the more commonly accessed statements and then – some – general… (trails off) …archiving." Everybody always asks "What is archiving?", but nobody asks "How is archiving...?" xD (plus it’s a show called “Archives” and nobody actually knows what that means in a workplace environment XD Comedy at its finest xD)
I love how with the laughs and how the actors actually... pause for laughter this actually feels like a 90s sitcom!
ROSIE: "Miss Robinson was getting… on, a little bit- and it must have been very hard for her. Did, um. Did you ever meet her at all?" JON: "Erm – not really; a few times – I don’t think she liked me much." [[SCATTERED LAUGHTER]] ROSIE: (audible grimace) "…No." So is it true, what the Stranger was leading on. Gertrude would have been so disappointed to see Jon become the new Archivist and how that's going.
JON: "I mean, there were a lot of rumors, floating around Research, obviously. According to them, she  (sensationalizing) ‘died at this very desk.’" Always the curious one, always asking one too many questions.
MARTIN: "Hey, sorry; you haven’t seen a dog, have you?" I love that we get to see that scene! It has been already established in the launch trailer (the one with the vigilo audio opperior whisper) where Jon says "I swear, if he’s brought another dog in here, I’m going to peel him." after calling out for Martin.
JON: "I’m s– Sorry, what?" MARTIN: "Um – Uh, a dog, a-a Spaniel, I think." JON: "In – In general, or?…" And that was the last time, Jon said anything not laced with contempt to Martin for about a year!
It's so funny how extremely anxious Martin is here. Because when we meet him for the first time in MAG 22 he doesn't sound THAT intimidated by Jon at all. Still, I guess it's pretty stressful already fucking up on the first day of your new position.
JON: "So I’m your boss." [PAUSE.] MARTIN: "I mean, I guess." [SMALL HEH.] [[SLIGHT LAUGHTER]] JON: "Which means that technically – (small, smug *heh*) – I have the power to – dismiss you, if this dog situation is not resolved immediately." [SLIGHT LAUGHTER]] MARTIN: "I mean, yeah, probably." [HE GIVES A SMALL LAUGH.] [[LAUGHTER]] Martin is just too deep in the gay headspace to realize that this has a subtext.
JON: "Well that’s – (exhale) not ideal." I mean, I kinda get it... He took a job he knows he's not qualified for. He asked the person to move down to the Archives with him who actually is qualified for this Job and is constantly overshadowed by her. He takes the job over from someone who mysteriously disappeared or died with the possibility that she had been the victim of a crime. The Archives are in an absolute state of chaos and he realizes he probably bit off more than he can chew. He gets that creepy feeling of being watched. And then, someone who at least seems less qualified than him (he later learns that Martin also might be more qualified and then again later learns that Martin is indeed super not-qualified at all...) has been assigned as his assistant without him knowing anything about it and that very person let a dog into the Archives! I'd probably be on the verge of a breakdown (without being an asshole though, most likely I’d beg the others to help me.)
So the statement of MAG 2 takes longer than the ambiance track xD
TIM: (coming into view) "Right, yeah. Oh! The Gillespie statement! That’s a proper weird one, right?" Ah, the old Tim energy!
TIM: "Oh, uh, yes, uh – mm. Hypothetically –" [[LAUGHTER]] TIM (CONT’D): "What would you say, if I said that there was a…" [HE TRAILS OFF. THE ARCHIVIST SIGHS.] TIM (CONT’D): "Dog." [[UPROAR OF LAUGHTER]] TIM (CONT’D): "Situation. In the Archives." Seriously, I'm pretty pleased with the amount of jokes there are in TMA, there are sooo many good ones. But I surely wouldn't mind something like these three scenes every once in a while as bonus! So I hope this stuff keeps coming occasionally in Protocol. These three scenes here are such a gem!
JON: "I would ask if it was getting worse?" TIM: (relaxing) "Okay, alright, cool, so, right –" Tim be like "Okay considering Jon's grumpy worksona, this is going pretty well so far!!"
JON: "Tim." TIM: "Hypothetically –" JON: "Tim!" TIM: "I – Yeah, yeah, there’s a dog situation in the Archives. There’s a – there’s a mess –" Tim gave up, he knows that Jon knows, no way to salvage this xD
JON: "Come on, let’s – (inhale) Let’s deal with this before it escalates." I love how they all went to hunt that dog down together xD Right after the pack dynamic domain episode!
TIM: "Oh, recording equipment, um – (blows air through teeth) Oh! Yeah, the – I think there are some old tape recorders in the storage." [BRIEF PAUSE.] JON: "That could work." You know, that is not sooooo out-of-this-world-ish... Just 2 weeks ago I came into the office fully bracing myself that I had to use the tape recorder that day because there was a big maintenance the week before (that was actually the reason I even showed up at all. Usually I’d stay in home office). System shutdown for several hours. Turns out, no one wants to use the bloody tape recorders anymore, so god knows what they did during maintenance.
Magnus outro song starts. Everybody sitting on nails like "Say the line, Alex!" Alex: "The Magnus Archives is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under..."
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Corrupted, chapter eleven: Swap - a Malevolent x TMA crossover
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Tim experiments.
Jon believes.
Hastur wins.
Chapter 11 of Corrupted, a Malevolent x TMA crossover.
They step outside into gloom; the sun has long set. Tim winces. “I’m not getting that report to Detective Spooky on time. Oops.”
We shouldn’t need to, if Bouchard is true to his word.
“I’m putting a lot of faith in a couple of old dudes who ignored me to my face,” says Tim.
Hastur huffs. You are putting faith in me. That is all you need to do.
Tim rolls his eyes.
“I’m… sorry, what?” says Jon.
“Pardon,” says Tim. “Talking to my resident bossy ghost.”
Bossy ghost!
“Anyway, I just realized we’re being brilliant! We’ll just go investigate whatever the Eyeball priest wants us to in the dark. This can’t possibly go wrong.”
Jon is still struggling to catch up. “Eyeball priest?”
“Elias. He’s not pretending to be anything else, is he?” Tim stares at the torn-out notebook paper. “Wait a minute, he wants us to go to Cornwall?”
“Cornwall?” says Jon. “That’s hours south.”
“Then he wants us to go to Edinburgh?” says Tim. “Edinburgh?”
“And that’s over three hundred miles north,” Jon says. 
“Am I supposed to be losing them literally instead of with evidence, or something? Jon… can you remember exactly what he said?”
“That these six locations would get the police off your tail.” And Jon visibly tries not to ask, and just as visibly loses that battle. “Why are the police after you?”
“The guy inside me,” says Tim. “Those Fear things want to eat him, and they sent monsters to my house and trashed the place trying to find us. Police know whatever happened there is distinctly off, but I’m not exactly going to tell them ‘oh, you know, madness monsters, same old, same old,’ so they’re looking to pin it on me.”
“That’s terrible.” Jon’s eyes are huge. “Wait. They want to eat the thing inside you? Do these Fears always eat their own?”
“No. He’s not the same as them. He’s apparently some kind of… god?”
‘Some kind?’ Tim. Really.
“You have a god inside you.” And this, of all things, has flipped Jon’s skepticism switch. "A god."
“Yep!” said Tim. “He says he is, anyway.”
“Hm,” says Jon, putting a word of disbelief into the sound. It’s an amazing sound, absolutely dry and intellectually dismissive and desperately lacking confidence, and Tim wants to wrap him in a blanket and give him an ice cream. 
Apparently, Hastur does not want to do that. I would cause him such pain if I could. While screaming, he would believe me.
“Oh, shit, that escalated quickly,” says Tim. “Look, Elias believes this guy’s a god.”
“Well, Elias believes all of it,” counters Jon.
“All of what?”
“All of it. Do you understand what we do here, Tim?” says Jon.
“Supernatural… stuff?” Tim posits.
“We collect knowledge. Personal testimony in the form of statements, and information on eye-witnessed esoteric events. We then research what we can, finding empirical evidence to back up or disprove any claim. We are not, however, paranormal investigators.” Jon sniffs. “You will not find our research on YouTube, no matter how excellent it is—and it is excellent. The Institute’s motto is, ‘vigilo, opperior, audio,’ which means ‘I watch, I wait, I listen.’ We are a true repository of the arcane, and together with our sister institutes in China and the United States, we preserved knowledge that would otherwise be lost for its sibylline and highly improbable nature.”
“So… supernatural stuff,” says Tim after a moment.
“Fine, yes, I suppose,” says Jon.
He’s an ass, says Hastur.
He’s adorable, Tim thinks. “And Elias believes it all, you say?”
“He insisted to me that everything in the Archives is real.”
Tim stares. “All the stuff that’s spread all over the place down there? That seems a little upsetting.”
Jon’s face twitches. “It is, isn’t it? At least I know the library isn’t all true.”
“That’s where you worked, right?” Tim says. 
“Yes. I dug up background information on the stories there. I would say at least ninety-eight percent of it was complete hogwash.”
“So two percent was true.”
Jon hesitates. Swallows hard. Nods. “Yes. Undeniably. I believe that two percent would stand up in any court of law.”
If you don’t shut him up, Tim, I am going to fucking blast him through you.
“Geez, Hastur, chill,” says Tim. 
“What?” says Jon.
“He’s being scary.” Tim rolls his eyes.
“Hastur?” says Jon.
We are wasting time. Tim, you hardly need to spend hours on a train. We can make a portal to the towns in question.
“Uh, no, we can’t,” says Tim. “I really don’t feel like going and getting all those weird tools again.”
“Did you say Hastur?” repeats Jon.
“Yeah, Hastur. And no, I can’t make a portal. I’m not going shopping again.”
It would be worth the effort, Tim. We could be in Cornwall in moments.
“Excuse me.” Jon abruptly runs back into the Institute.
Tim blinks after him. “Right, well, guess I drove him off. Oops.”
Tim. Let’s do it. Leave right now.
“We’re waiting. I’m pretty sure he’ll come back.”
We should not wait. He will be nothing but a danger to us. He’ll slow us down.
Tim stretches, pacing a little under the sodium street lights. “What is your problem with him? I like him. He’s a little nerd. And obviously, he can run really fast, at least over short distances, so I don’t think slowing us down is an issue.”
Tim. Portal. Now.
“Buy a guy dinner first, would you?” says Tim. 
“You’re the one getting commanding. Just relax. That guy can see threats we didn’t notice, and I’m not leaving without him.”
Fine. It clearly is not fine. Have you been to Cornwall? 
Can you clearly picture a location there?
Tim has a bad feeling about this. “Yeeeah?”
If you can see it clearly, then we should be able to do this without an issue once you gather what we need. You will focus on that spot, trying to see it from all angles, if possible, and say, Y' mgahnnn nglui, which means, I open the door.
“This seems really risky, Hastur. What if—”
Jon comes banging back out again, skids to a stop, locks the door behind him, then runs down the stairs. “Ah-HA!” he says, holding up a folder.
Ugh. What’s he doing now?
“He’s got a yellow folder?” says Tim. “Sorry. Hastur can’t see you.”
“Well, this may be relevant to him,” says Jon, and hands it over.
Tim shifts so he can see it more clearly under the street light. “What’s this? It says, ‘Yang, P.: Notes and Recordings.’”
“It’s the transcription of a tape unfortunately lost, though we do have several copies dated within a week of receiving the original. This is the journal of a Peter Parker Yang, private investigator, who lived in Arkham, Massachusetts, in the United States. He experienced vivid hallucinatory dreams about a man who was taken by Hastur, the King in Yellow, and Mister Yang ended up dreaming about what happened to that poor man.”
“Fucking hell, are you serious?”
Jon adjusts his glasses. “Dead serious. I told you—we are serious researchers.”
Tim resists the urge to scratch him under the chin like a cat. “There’s a lot in here.”
“Yang dreamed all this over months of time. He recorded it; we know it’s legitimate because he described places and names he would have had no way to know about, but were confirmed via numerous other eyewitnesses both before and after his time, in multiple cultures.”
An alternate, says Hastur softly. I see. Yang received echoes via etheric resonance. 
“Alternate?” says Tim.
This was the partner of Arthur Lester in my time.
Tim is very still. “Gonna hazard a guess. Was the guy Yang dreamed about named Arthur Lester?”
Jon startles. “Yes. How did you know that? The Institute has the only copies of this.”
“He told me about Arthur. Guy’s dead.”
“Well,” Jon says, paling. “Well, he... I…” He rallies. “Of course he is! He’d be something like a hundred and ten years old by now. I just wish we’d had this Arthur’s side of it. Yang didn’t have very nice things to say about your Hastur, for the record.”
“I’ll bet he didn’t,” Tim says slowly.
Hastur rumbles. You may tell him that if he behaves, I will speak of the things he so wishes to hear. He may regret this desire afterward.
Tim feels a little like a dog-walker, trying to get growling mutts to sniff each other’s butts and get it over with. “Hastur says he’s willing to answer questions about it later.”
“Really?” Jon’s look… changes. It goes hungry, ravenous, not entirely dissimilar to the way Tonner eyed him over her desk.
Tim swallows.
“That would be truly something,” Jon says, reeling it in and adjusting his glasses.
"Sure," says Tim weakly, because what the hell was that?
If you do the portal spell, I'll answer his questions.
“Oh, it’s bribery, is it?” says Tim. “Wait a second. This is dated from the 1930s.”
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“Right. Hastur… you’re going to have to explain the whole three thousand years gap thing.”
Simply done. It is a timeline issue.
“Doesn’t sound so simple?”
Alternate timelines converge in unusual ways. The fact that the Parker Yang of this universe picked up echoes of what happened in my universe thousands of years ago isn’t as strange as you think. When there are doubles of people—or, far rarer, people are reborn—they often pick up echoes of other versions of themselves.
Tim looks at Jon. “It’s Doctor Who rules.”
It is not Doctor Who rules. This is serious.
“Were you serious about the portal?” says Tim.
“I’m sorry,” says Jon. “But I really need to know when you’re talking to him and when you’re talking to me.”
“So you believe me now?”
“Not necessarily about him being a god, though I’m sure he thinks he is,” says Jon (and Hastur growls). “But rather that you knew a name you couldn’t possibly have known—that speaks to a source of knowledge outside the Institute, and quite specific to this case.”
“You’re really wired for this stuff, aren’t you?” says Tim.
“I love it,” says Jon quietly. “If I could do nothing but read and learn and research all day, forgoing all the annoying biological processes, that’s what I would do.”
What he is actually doing is wasting our time.
Tim sighs. “He’s demanding tonight.”
“What is he demanding?”
“He wants me to make a portal.”
“A portal? I don’t understand.”
“Like a wormhole, or something, right to Cornwall.”
“You can do that?” The hunger is back. “You can actually do that?”
“Maybe. I haven’t tried yet. I’m a little scared to. Apparently, I have magic."
Jon makes a face.
"Aw, you don’t have to make the face. I wouldn’t believe it either, except… I’ve done two spells. Successfully.”
Jon stares. “What spells?”
“I got out of some ropes I’d been tied in by exploding them. Then, I used a finding spell to locate a book—Hastur’s book—that’s been taken by… an enemy. They both worked. I didn’t expect them to.”
Jon has the most interesting look, torn between needing this to be true and needing this to be false, and it is making him seem so young. “Why were you roped—never mind that. Prove it.”
Doing some magic ought to make them both happy. “Hastur, give me a small spell. Nothing to hurt anybody. I don’t have any rope to explode, and I’m not doing the finding spell again.”
Fm'latgh, Hastur says smoothly.
“Which is?”
Fire. You can hold flame in your hand.
“Without burning myself, or setting him on fire?” Tim says. “Or anything around here on fire.”
Yes. You will literally hold flame in your hand, cupped, and nothing will burn unless you will it to. The magic responds to you, Tim. It encapsulates and enfleshes your desire. That is why you must know yourself, and be clear in head and heart. I will teach you some meditation techniques.
Tim exhales slowly. “We’re in a weird 80s movie now, I guess. Stand back a little. Gonna try something.”
Jon obediently skips five steps back.
Tim holds out his hand. He tries to imagine a tiny flame, not even match-size, in control and flickering. Focuses on this idea; refuses to let it grow, refuses to let it warm the corners of his mind. “Fm’latgh.”
Of course, the flame is big.
Not too big. It doesn't go out of control, doesn’t leap from Tim to devour Jon’s sweater vest. It is, however, not the small and subtle flame Tim imagined.
He yips and leaps backward.
Jon yips and leaps backward.
Hastur cackles like a mad old witch on testosterone.
And Tim realizes he doesn’t know how to turn it off. “Hastur! The fuck! Cancel! Stop!”
Just will it gone, Tim! You can do it. Picture it: extinguished, air gone, the flame dying out and going to black smoke above your hand, then dispersing in the wind!
Tim has always had a grand imagination, and without meaning to, he imagines snuffing it with his hand.
It goes out with a sizzle—and Tim is burned.
“Fuck!” Tim cries, shaking his hand wildly.
Easy. We can heal it.
“That… you…” Jon approaches, reaches, hesitates.
“Yeah, go ahead and look,” says Tim. “Ow. Gods, that hurts. Always forget how bad a burn hurts until you get another one. Fuck!”
Easy. Imagine your hand being healed, and say, ph'lloig. That means remember. You are telling your hand to be what it was before you burned it.
“I don’t… I mean, I guess I know my hand, but I don’t remember it exactly? Hastur, will this give me a little baby hand, or something?”
Only if you imagine yourself with one.
“Don’t think about an elephant, got it,” says Tim, mad because it hurts.
“You’re really burned,” says Jon, seriously, having apparently satisfied his need to verify a lack of wires or gadgets hidden in Tim’s skin. “Let me get the first aid kit.”
It really, really hurts. "Wait."
Use the spell. Be instantly healed.
Tim stands on a fence, balanced, unsure. 
Magic. Magic. (And his hand hurts.)
Dangerous and not yet fully controlled magic. (And his hand hurts.)
But he’s being chased by god-eaters. And gray-skinned monsters. And crazy Hunt-cops. (And his hand hurts.)
It’s risky, but it seems like learning how to control this might be the option that keeps him alive longest.
Also: magic.
“Tim?” says Jon.
Tim, says Hastur.
Tim know how it feels now: like flexing a muscle in his mind, one he was never aware of before. Except he was. He’s been using it all his life to get people to see him. Hoping they’d like him.
And he has an idea. “Hastur,” he says slowly. “Why are we using that weird language for spells?”
It is my language—the language of gods. As such, its meaning is narrowed, precise. It allows for better control of your power.
“So theoretically, I could use my own language.”
Hastur hesitates. I wouldn't. English is imprecise, relying too much on connotation and context.
“Except I’ve been doing that, haven’t I? Just by instinct,” says Tim.
It isn’t the same as what we discussed earlier. That is vague, not a precise spell; the equivalent of waving a flag, not threading a needle.
But Tim’s instinct is almost never wrong—and it’s telling him this is not what Hastur thinks. He looks at his hand (and his stomach turns because that is really burned). He remembers how his hand feels normally, just his hand, flexing and faithful and strong. Then, he whispers, “Heal.”
And he flexes that muscle.
Jon gasps.
So does Hastur.
His hand tingles, a cool wash that erases the pain, and it's repaired. He gawks at it.
“Impossible,” whispers Jon, holding Tim’s hand so close to his face that his breath tickles. “Right in front of… I saw it. I checked the wound—it was real! I still have blood on my fingertips, and—”  He touches his tongue to it.
“Ew!” says Tim.
“That’s real blood!” says Jon as if he won the lottery.
Tim starts to laugh. "I did it. I did it!"
You did, but there may be a cost.
Tim can't stop laughing. "I fucking... did you see that?"
"I saw," says Jon, and Tim realizes Jon is crying.
“Hey, uh… whoa, hey,” Tim says, eyes wide.
Jon wipes his face viciously on his shirt sleeve. “It’s real. This is real.”
“Yeah. I, uh. I’m still getting used to it,” says Tim, and laughs again. "I just did fucking magic right in the middle of London! In the year of our lord 2019!"
Jon laughs with him, weakly, and wipes his eyes again. "And I got to see it!”
Timothy, says Hastur slowly. That… means things.
“What does?” says Tim. “That I’m not what you expected?”
More than that. This isn’t gods-damned Merlin. This is something else.
“What’s he saying?” Jon is all in. “What’s he saying to you? What does he sound like? How does a god sound?”
“Hey, maybe you could hear him,” says Tim.
He can’t hear me without also hearing other disembodied beings, so I wouldn’t advise trying to perform that little feat.
“Which means you think I can do it,” says Tim.
A beat. Yes.
Jon is still leaking a little. He wipes his eyes again, then rummages and finds a handkerchief in his bag.
“So he sounds… really good, actually,” says Tim.
“It’s a deep voice. Resonant. You can sort of feel it, you know?”
Jon’s eyes are wide. “Feel it? But it sounds human?”
“Sort of? If I hadn’t known all of this, I’d have assumed it was some guy speaking into something. Impressive voice, good elocution—almost an American accent? Not quite? Really bossy, though.”
“Really bossy. Like, you wouldn’t even believe.”
Tim. We need to go to Cornwall—and I think we should take the train.
Hastur sounds subdued this time, rather than bossy.
“What? After all of that? Are you feeling all right?" says Tim.
I have a lot to consider.
Jon is looking at Tim as if he glows.
Tim clears his throat. “Right. New thing. Should we, uh. Do this here on the street?”
"Do what?" says Jon.
"A portal," says Tim, because he's feeling reckless, because—
(Because he got mad when he hurt himself doing it Hastur's way, and that isn't necessarily Hastur's fault, but now, Tim's instinct is skewed.)
Tim. Tim, wait.
"He's eager. Been asking me to do it for a while now."
Jon's eyes go even wider. "We're really going to just... travel somewhere else?"
"Maybe. I don't know. Never did it before."
Tim! Don't try this without the tools.
Tim is going to try this without the tools. "Let me concentrate." And he closes his eyes.
Nope. Eyes closed, picturing the spot in his mind. That bench, that bush, that bin, probably still overflowing with fast-food wrappers.
Tim! You don't know what you're doing.
Well, maybe Hastur doesn't, either. Tim pictures the lamppost there. The smell and sound of lions. He flexes that muscle.
This time, something in his head hurts—a sharp twinge, like maybe he's straining that unused muscle a bit.
“Tim?” Jon squeaks.
Tim opens his eyes to find a hole in the air.
Through it comes the sounds of a zoo at night, the chittering of nocturnal things, the gentle waft of musk and hay and animals. There is no sign of people; the zoo is closed. But just as he'd imagined, there it is: the bench, the lamppost, and the overflowing bin.
“What…” whispers Jon.
“First kiss on that bench,” says Tim, staring. “Right there. Smelled like old ketchup and chips, and I didn’t care.”
Bench? What? What did you do? Tim, tell me!
“Made a portal in the zoo.”
The… the zoo?
“Incredible,” Jon whispers. “I can smell it.”
Tim,  where is this portal? What area of the zoo are you picturing?
“We were watching the lion enclosure,” Tim says.
Hastur makes a low sound. So… did you account for that before placing your portal?
“Account for… wait, what?”
And inevitably, a lion steps into view.
It is walking forward, creeping, curious; it slinks onto the walkway ahead of them as though coming through the portal Tim made, but was definitely not doing so from Chelsea.
"How does that work? Why would it... oh fuck. I made a hole in the enclosure!” Tim whispers.
The lion turns around and looks them in the eye. She's magnificent; low to the ground, muscled, her fur a tawny gold even in the half-light of a zoo closed for the night. And she growls.
Close it!
Jon makes a tiny sound and raises his bag over his head as if to throw it.
Tim wishes the portal closed with all his might, with everything in him, flexing whatever that muscle is as hard as he can.
The opening vanishes.
It's more than a sharp twinge this time. Maybe something in there popped. He doesn't know.
“Shit!” Jon says, and Tim falls down.
He wakes on the train.
It’s familiar; the rhythmic, gentle jostling, the sound of the track below. The rare bits of conversation that survived the solitary experience of portable media. He has no memory of getting on the train, but he has another, distinctly larger concern: his left eye has gone dead.
He sits up with a gasp.
Across from him, Jon jumps badly and spills part of his paper cup of tea. “What do you want now?” he snaps.
Tim stares at him, shaking a little. He blinks. Rubs his eyes; no, the left one is black, definitely black. “Jon,” he says. “What happened?”
And Jon’s eyes go very wide. “Tim?”
“Yes?” says Tim, because who else is he supposed to be?
Jon plops the cup into the holder (sloshing more out of it) and comes to him right away, crouching, checking his pulse, peering into his face. “It’s really you?”
“As opposed to fucking what?” says Tim, because he refuses to believe the alternative, because—
Hastur sounds the same. Not louder, or anything like that. But oh, dear gods… he sounds smug.
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carrion-aac · 10 months
the people come begging for crumbs of ichabod content give us an introduction criminal perpetrator you are
chat idk how to talk about my characters coherently so i'm giving you a ramble i gave parsley when i was asked to infodump about ichabod
ichabod is inherently supposed to be a very contradicting character . if not the most contradicting character on the server . her motives and goals are questionable and how he obtains them even more so . he yearns for the past and longs for the future . they are chaos in its purest form . they are war of the body and mind . they are a flowering vine that wraps around your ankles like a snake curls around its victim and lures you in . they protect and they hurt . she is loss and she is gain . she is kissed by the fears and she uses them .
see, ichabod's whole bit is contradiction . she fears change but she fears things never changing . it's a bit of projection from me, actually . i'm autistic and adhd so i strongly dislike changes in my routine but i also need those changes to fulfil myself, y'know ? i won't say it was programmed into her, that fear of change, that came from the extinction . it's been feeding on her for a long time now and has made a certain someone pretty pissed .
boris and him are shaky siblings at most, with ichabod and her sister having been raised partially by boris' parents until tepora and victor baudelaire passed away and they went to live with their aunt and uncle . his childhood is told only from instrumentals because words aren't enough . he smiles and snarls, hates and loves . there is one person who will always come first in his mind and that is riker . no contradictions . no outliers . no stories . no lies or masks . riker will always come first . despite growing up with boris, riker is who ichabod will live for and die for .
ichabod would kill boris in a heartbeat if she could .
Another thing is that Ichabod is constantly surrounded by loss . their mom, their dad, thalia,💥💥💥💥 (you don't get this yet), charles, hell, even themself . they never meant to replace lyssa . but they pulled that trigger in front of her unmarked grave .
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ichabod be upon ye
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Akhil Alojz Novak.
Charles Beckett.
Boris V. Ivanov.
hiii this is just additional information for anyone who may be stumbling across this
What is TMAAOV? TMA - Audio. Opperior. Vigilo. is a Discord-based roleplaying server that is hosted by the Discord user reanimatedfromthedead., who also goes by Mariya or Nadine. This server was originally created on January 25th, 2023, and has been rapidly growing a happy and healthy community since then. The premise of the server is that it's set in a different universe, with rules following that of the Magnus Archives. But wait! There's a twist! A new fear, labeled The Cycle which is the fear of something terrible happening over and over again to you, or a group of people without being able to stop it.
Who are these three? In TMAAOV, to continue a cycle of fear, Archivists get swapped out every 13 years. This is the Archival crew of the year 1991-2010.
Does this affect the TMAAOV storyline/is this canon? No. What happens in this blog does not affect the story of TMAAOV, and remains completely seperate. You could consider this an alternate universe as well.
Who is running this blog? Creator of TMAAOV, Nadine. However if it becomes too overwhelming I might get more people to help me!
tagging system ;;;
#.txt - text responses/posts
#.png - photo responses/posts
#.mp4 - video responses/posts
#.ooc - out of character
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