#vikings ship halfdan
thelirofnorthlands · 11 months
A little appreciation for the most lovely couple in Vikings 🥰
Helga and Floki ❤️
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(photos or edits on them do not belong to me)
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therealvikingstrash · 2 years
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Happy Birthday @ulfrsmal 🤗
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not-that-syndrigast · 7 months
One thing the second half of Vikings ruined was the side characters.
In the first half, you had like two established groups; the vikings and the saxons.
The vikings were obviously Ragnar, Lagertha, the main characters you know, but they also build affection and relationships to side characters like Torstein or Arne, and I've seen really good fanfictions and ships also including these characters, because it felt so much more real.
On the other hand the second half was very focused on the main group, and it was really mainly the family. Only Lagertha, Ivar and Bjorn even really interacted with many of the side characters and to be honest, for many of the side characters I wasn't really sad or anything when they died; I barely remembered their names. Sure, part of it was the story, different than in the first half they didn't have one crew they all stayed with, but really?? Ivar's right hand men could've had character, more saxons could've had character. But the only characters who were allowed to have any character were either of the family or they fucked with the family (Björn/Halfdan truther tbr).
Especially when writing fanfictions I feel like this becomes obvious; if you write about Ragnar, he hangs out with Torstein or Floki and Lagertha has her own friends. You write about the sons? Well, there's a lot of interesting things to explore, but if I have to see one more OC insert version of Oleg, I will shoot myself
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ms-rampage · 2 years
Anymore Lore on Liv x Ubba or King Fairhair?
So I’m gonna answer both of these.
More info below the cut!
Liv & Harald
Ship name: Livald. Haraliv.
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Not my photo by the way
For King Harald Fairhair, this “relationship” was arranged by both their fathers years earlier.
This was arranged because Edmund owed Harald’s father (Halfdan the Black according to the AC wiki) a favor, and as a way to strengthen both their families since Edmund is an apparent relative to King Burgred (hence why he was considered a traitor to the crown for fleeing Mercia/England, and marrying a Norse woman).
When Liv escaped Kjotve the Cruel, she was visited by Harald, and brought up their arranged marriage.
“What are you talking about, Your Grace?.” she asks, confused as to why King Harald would give her the time and day to visit her. Especially after she escaped the hand of Kjotve after all the abuse and torture he and Gorm did to her.
“I apologize for my unannounced visit, milady.” he says, “I don’t know if this was explained to you, but I’m sure your father will explain it.”
Liv plays with the sleeve cuff of her dress, “My father died, a long time ago.”
“My apologies for your loss. Your mother?.” he asks in the most sincere voice.
“She died 72 moons ago. 6 years ago.” she answers nervously, she never knew how to use the whole “many moons” type of thing.
“I’m sorry about your parents, but many years ago, my father and yours made an arrangement for both our families.” he explains to her.
“What arrangement?.” she asks, awkwardly shifting away from him, but not making it noticeable.
“We are arranged to be married, to strengthen both our families because your father, Edmund, was related to the Mercia dynasty.”
Raising her eyebrows, she never knew this information about her father, but then he died when she was 6 years old, so she didn’t know him very well, her mother never mentioned it to her. Unknown if she knew of this arrangement.
“My father? I- I didn’t know any of this. I've never been told about this.” she tells him, feeling like she was on the verge of crying. She started to feel overwhelmed, and Harald saw this. “Marry me, and you won’t have to be scared. You’ll always be protected, and you will be my queen.” he tells her, taking her hands in his. He has this gentle look in his eyes, but it seemed kinda off.
In a way, Liv did believe him, but she wanted to see it to believe it. She reluctantly agreed to take his hand and marry him. But this was just a plot for her to plan her next escape, if given the chance before she was married to him.
Liv & Ubba
Ship name: Libba. Lubba. Livba
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They met at a feast held by the Raven clan, Liv isn’t one to be social. She's an introvert. She's one to stand in the corner of the room and watch everyone else have fun. That's her way of having fun.
The drunkards making fools of themselves dancing, eating and singing very loudly. Celebrating very loudly. He approached her, as she was trying not to be seen, but who can miss her with 3 foxes by her side, and her bright copper hair. Not to mention, her lack of tattoos, her long beautiful dresses, and not looking like a viking, but having the mentality of one.
As he approaches her, she tries to not acknowledge him, but not wanting to be rude she gives him a smile. Drinking her mead, and looking down at her furry companions.
“Having fun?.” he asks her, leaning against the wall. Giving her a slight smile, how this man is Ivarr’s brother is beyond Liv’s knowledge. He’s handsome, tall. Taller than her by many, he towers over her and with his big build.
“Yeah, I am.” she responds, giving a smile back.
“Not gonna dance?.” he asks her, a hint of flirtatious in his tone, probably because he's been drinking, and probably wants to get with Liv.
“I’m not much of a dancer.” she tells him, feeling a little embarrassed. Looking away from him.
He lets out a laugh that can’t be heard over the sound of everyone else singing, laughing, and being loud in general. “Neither are these drunken fools.” he tells her as she finishes off her mead and sets down the cup. Finishing her 3rd cup. Feeling a little tipsy and very social.
“I don’t think they will remember anything tonight.” she tells him, feeling the mead hit her as she starts to move a little closer to Ubba. “They’re only good singers when they’re drowning in their mead.”
He takes her hand, “Dance with me.” Unable to protest against him, she follows him, not like she has any choice, she joins him and the others in the group dance of drunks. She had a great time, standing in the corner got a little boring anyway. Dancing and laughing with the members of the Raven clan.
Ubba lifted her up a few times in mid-dance, neither of them could remember, but according to Tove and Petra, Liv and Ubba did share a kiss that was interrupted by Ivarr, and his drunken state.
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ulfrsmal · 2 years
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my ao3 ⫽ my edits tag ⫽ my writing tag ⫽ writing advice tag ⫽ fic recs
Please bear in mind that there is DD;DNE content below the cut; it is marked with this emoji: ⛔
Please read the tags of each ao3 work you wish to read; my content is exactly what it says on the tin.
EDIT 02-December-2022: All my AO3 fics are locked to logged-in users only due to this.
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March Musical Madness Series ⫽ PRIDE 2021 Series
The Echoes Of Eternity (OT3 longfic)
OT3 content (Finan/Sihtric/Uhtred) ⫽ OT4 content (Finan/Leofric/Sihtric/Uhtred)
Leofric/Uhtred ⫽ Finan/Uhtred ⫽ Finan/Sihtric ⫽ Sihtric/Uhtred
Full List Of Other Ships
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A Reason To Fight (Heavar longfic)
Heahmund/Ivar ⫽ Björn/Halfdan ⫽ Athelstan/Ragnar
⛔ Hvitserk/Ubbe ⛔
Full List Of Other Ships (May contain DD;DNE in the form of Incest)
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The Canon-Compliant Harald/Leif Series ⫽ Kinktober 2022 Series ⫽ Vikings Big Bang 2023 entry
Harald/Leif (works outside the series above; upcoming)
Canute/Emma (upcoming)
Full List Of Other Ships (upcoming)
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dazed-poltergeist · 1 year
" I made meself a pyrate character! "
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Here's the writing that is on the side of the drawings, in case my handwriting ends up looking illegible:
Male || [born in] 1689
A pirate captain born in the Swedish Kingdom.
His crew consists of sailors throughout Scandinavia, and they are known for their Viking elements, such as round shields (they're mostly for decoration, but they are used in combat aswell if it becomes necessary.), paganism, and the use of Norse-based languages, like Icelandic and Swedish.
July 16-18th 2023
I suppose I couldn't help it when it came to making a Viking pirate crew. I like Vikings, and putting two plunderers (ie Vikings & pirates) of history together is fun.
On the topic of putting Vikings and pirates together, I used elements from a bundle of characters to make the OC. Like Floki's axes, Kaysan's pants on his first appearance, Ivar's jacket and Jack Sparrow's headscarf (is that the right word for that?) and hat combination.
When it comes to the crew's ship, I'm going for a three-masted barque with the name "Odin's Eye". Here's a picture of a barque for an idea of what it looks like:
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I chose a barque as Kalev's ship specifically because it would be a reference to the song Harald and Halfdan (from the Vikings TV show) would sing together, even when Halfdan was a ghost and Harald was on the verge of dying.
"My mother told me
Someday I would buy
Galley with good oars
Sail to distant shores.
Stand up on the prow,
noble barque I steer
Steady course to the haven
Hew many foe-men
Hew many foe-men."
This OC suits for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Pirates of The Caribbean at the same time. I mostly had Black Flag in mind while I was making it, but hey, it's a pirate, so it would probably suit for Our Flag Means Death and Black Sails too.
In all honesty I have a whole story in my mind for how Kalev gets to the Caribbean and meets the crew of the Jackdaw, but I won't dwell on that right now.
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templeofthehorn · 2 years
Eystein Halfdansson Killed by a Warlock
According to Ynglingasaga, Eystein died returning from a viking raid to Varna, on the eastern side of the Oslofjord. Eystein's men had finished looting and pillaging the area and were already almost across the fjord, when King Skjöld of Varna, a Great Warlock, arrived at the beach and saw the sails of Eystein's ships. He waved his cloak and blew into it which caused a sailbearing spar (boom) of one close sailing ship in heavy sea to swing and hit Eystein so that he fell overboard and drowned. His body was salvaged and buried in a mound at Borre. Eystein was succeeded by his son Halfdan the Mild. From Wikipedia
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iinafarawaygalaxii · 1 month
Assassins Creed: Valhalla | One Shot
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Eivor Varinsdottir x Vili Hemmingson
Chicken Draugr
Summary: A shadow falls over Northumbria. With Halfdan incapacitated, the weight of leadership rests solely on Vili's shoulders. He summons Eivor, his childhood friend and fellow Jarl, to aid him against a looming threat. But as they face the crisis together in the snowy embrace of Snottingham, their shared history kindles a warmth that melts even the iciest of winters. Duty calls, but so does a connection that transcends alliances and battles.
WC: 2.7k
Warnings: None, SFW, 18+ MINORS DNI
Eivor traced her fingers over the delicate vellum, a smile blooming on her lips. It was a letter from Vili. Though it had been only a full moon since they'd last met, the anticipation to read his words always sent a delightful shiver down her spine- a guilty pleasure she had yet to admit to herself; "To Wolf-Kissed, the Mightiest Chicken-Dragur Alive-" She chuckled, an eyebrow arching playfully at his signature teasing but despite the jest, couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her from his words. "Found King Bacrauts scouts in Northumbria-" She read on, her smile fading as concern crept in. "With Halfdan gone mad and trade in decline, it's difficult to say why they are here. We have captured one, though he will not speak to us. I call upon our oath, friend. Help me defend my lands, and I'll let you drink my mead for the next month." 
A month's worth of mead? A tempting offer, indeed. But Eivor knew her true motivation ran deeper than that. With a resolute grin, she crumpled the letter and tossed it into the fire. "Off to Snottingham, then." She declared, her voice echoing with determination as she gathered her gear and summoned her loyal Jomsvikings- setting sail to the Swan Road. Her heart pounding with a mix of eagerness and the familiar thrill of adventure. She was on her way to aid her childhood friend, and perhaps, to steal a few more precious moments with the man she secretly loved.
And the moment Eivor's river steed touched the docks of Snottingham, a wave of familiar faces surged forward, eager smiles reflecting their anticipation. At their center stood Vili, arms crossed, a grin splitting his bearded face. But before the ship could even fully dock, Eivor leapt ashore, her own grin mirroring his. She strode towards her childhood friend, her eyes sparkling with playful challenge. "Chicken-Dragur?" She quipped, gripping the fabric on his chest firm- rather suddenly, as that familiar eyebrow twitching returned, her lips curling into a smile.
Vili's laughter boomed, filling the air with warmth. He gently grasped one of her wrists, steadying himself by placing his other hand on her waist. Their proximity sent a shiver down Eivor's spine. "You waste no time trying to get your hands on me, Wolf-Kissed." He retorted, his voice a low rumble. "I'm flattered-" She gave him the viking hello, placing her hand on his shoulder and head butting him forward. "Shut up Ergi! Hemming taught you how to treat a woman did he not?" She chuckled trying to hide her facade because really... She did just want to touch him. 
They paused for a moment as Vili captured her arms for payback and flipped her around, embarrassing her in front of all their men. He leaned closer, his breath a warm against the cool air brushing her neck. "He did-" He murmured, his voice a mesmerizing caress. "If you like, I can show you..." Eivor felt a familiar twitch in her eyebrow, his words stirring a longing within her. She struggled against his gentle restraint, her heart pounding in her chest. "But first, how about some mead?" He hummed, his voice sending a blush creeping up her cheeks. Goosebumps erupted on her skin, and not from the cold. 
He was teasing her, unregrettably "Let me go," she managed, her voice a breathless whisper. His grip tightened, pulling her closer still. "Not until you apologize," he said with a playful grin, his eyes twinkling as he watched a group of Drengir pass by, their faces lit up with knowing smirks. "You first," Eivor retorted, meeting his gaze with a defiant tilt of her chin. Finally, with a chuckle, he released her. "Fine-" He conceded, raising his hands in mock surrender. "-A draw, then." He extended his arm and Eivor, unable to resist his warmth, stepped into his embrace. 
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close in a proper hug as she threw hers around his neck. The world seemingly melting away, leaving only the two of them, their shared laughter echoing in the crisp winter air. "In all honesty, I am glad to have you here Wolf-Kissed. Im worried about what these scouts mean for our future." He lead her towards the heart of the Jarl of Snottingham's stronghold inside the mountain. A massive fortress, carved from the very stone, loomed before them, a testament to Vili's commitment to security. 
Without hesitation, he guided her through the winding corridors as Vili lead her straight to the brig deep below ground. "Straight into the Fray." Eivor quipped, a playful smile flickering across her face as she followed him down the darkened hall and reached a cell shrouded in shadows- a lone figure huddled in the corner. The man was a picture of misery: dirty, wet, and shivering from the cold. "This is the man?" Eivor asked, her voice firm when Vili nodded, unlocking the heavy iron door with a clang. 
Eivor stepped into the cell, her keen eyes assessing the prisoner. "Stand," She commanded, testing his comprehension. The man merely glanced at her, his eyes dull and lifeless, before turning away. His battered and bloodied form painted a grim picture of the interrogation he'd already endured. He seemed weary, defeated, as if he'd surrendered to despair- Painting a grotesque picture of what they had already done. Eivor knelt before him, her gaze unwavering. "I can help you-" she offered, her voice surprisingly gentle. 
At that moment, Agnar, Vili's trusted warchief, entered the cell, a torch in hand, casting flickering shadows across the stone walls. Eivor took the offered waterskin and held it out to the prisoner. He snatched the leather, gulping down the contents with a pained urgency before tossing it aside and retreating to his corner. "Whaddya want..." he rasped, his voice rough and hoarse. Eivor's grin widened, a predator sensing weakness in its prey- she knew this man. "I want information." 
The man's gaze shifted to Vili, his eyes burning with hatred for the Jarl of Snottingham. But then, recognition flickered across his face as he looked at Eivor. Despite his allegiance to the King of Wessex and his deep-seated animosity towards Norse and Danes, he couldn't deny the presence of the woman who had saved his family in Cent. "So you do recognize me?" Eivor's voice was laced with a hint of surprise, a touch of amusement at the unexpected connection. It seemed fate had woven a tangled web, bringing them face-to-face once again under very different circumstances as the mans eyes widened and straightened his posture. 
"You know this man?" Vili asked, his voice laced with suspicion as he stepped closer. Just then, the scout spat a wad of bloodied saliva onto the ground at Vili's feet. The Jarls face hardened, his anger simmering at the blatant disrespect. But Eivor merely chuckled, a dark glint in her eyes. "My friend-" she said, her voice dangerously low, "-you cannot do that to a Jarl. It is a sentence for death, an insult we do not take lightly." With a swift movement, she grabbed the scout by his soiled tunic and slammed him against the cold stone wall. "I may have saved your land-" She growled, her face inches from his face, "-but I will not tolerate your disobedience in ours."She released him, her imposing figure looming over his cowering form. 
"I-I'm... S-sorry!" he stammered, his fear palpable. "I didn't know you belonged to the Jarl Hemming- I was just following orders!" A chuckle escaped Vili and Agnar's throats, the absurdity of the situation and his comment momentarily breaking the tension. But Eivor's patience was wearing thin. The familiar twitch returned to her eyebrow as she glared at the pathetic man before her. "Speak quickly," Eivor commanded, her hand resting on her axe's hilt, impatience edging her voice. "So that I may be done with this." The man, sensing her resolve, spilled King Alfred's motives. The Wessex king sought to gain a foothold with the Picts, a surprising development Eivor and Vili hadn't anticipated. 
The revelation left them pondering their next move, the scout's fate hanging in the balance. "I say we kill him." Agnar declared, his voice gruff. Vili glanced at his compatriot, silently seeking her counsel watching her look down at the frightened man, recognizing a desperate soul misled, not a hardened killer. "There is no honor in killing a man misled." She declared, her voice resonating with conviction. She unlocked the shackles binding the scout, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Hear me, friend," Eivor continued, her voice firm but not unkind. "Return to your family, knowing that the Jarl of Snottingham has shown you mercy. But remember, your next offense will be met with his raven's blade." 
She drew her newly gifted axe, its gleaming edge catching the torchlight, a silent threat hanging heavy in the air. The man raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, his whole body trembling. "Do not fail me again." Eivor warned, her voice echoing in the damp cell. She stepped back, allowing the man to scramble away, his footsteps fading into the darkness of the corridor. "Are you sure this is wise, Eivor?" Vili asked, his brow furrowed with concern as he watched the scout disappear. "Yes," Eivor replied confidently, her grin unwavering. "He's no fighter, and he fears me more than he fears his god." With that, she turned and left for the throne room, eager the promised mead and for such a small favor... The reward was indeed generous and one she was looking forward to. 
Vili followed in her wake, his admiration growing with each step. He marveled at her ability to resolve situations swiftly and decisively- her knowledge of the lands that surround her and the people within it. She was a pillar in England and reveled in the challenge to claim it- to claim her, as his own. "How is it that took her less than a few minutes, and us days?" Agnar mused aloud, his confusion evident. Vili chuckled, his eyes lingering on Eivor's retreating figure. "Because of who she is." He replied simply, a warmth spreading through his chest. 
They entered the brightly lit longhouse, the sounds of revelry washing over them and a warmth that could belly any cold. There was mead, spice, and everything nice as another night of feasting and celebration awaited. But for Vili... the true highlight would be the company of the remarkable woman who held his heart captive, a celebration of the Prince and his deadly Raven as the two spent the evening telling stories and claiming Eivor gift.
Though as the evening drew to a close, a tipsy Eivor found herself standing before the Jarl of Snottingham's bedroom door, her knuckles rapping gently against the wood in wonder of his next move against King Alfred and the Picts. "Come in-" Vili's voice called out, a hint of amusement in its tone. Eivor pushed the door open and stepped inside, only to be met with a sight that sent heat rushing to her cheeks. 
Vili had just emerged from a bath, his broad chest bare and droplets of water clinging to his skin. She quickly averted her eyes, turning her back to him. "You could have told me to wait, Arse-Stick." She mumbled, her voice thick with embarrassment. The memory of their shared moment at the waterfall, not far from here flashing through her mind. She had promised herself to stay focused on the alliance, but the image of her pressed against his bare chest was stuck in her mind like stubborn sap. "I could have-" Vili replied, his voice a low rumble of thunder behind her, "but what would be the fun in that?" Eivor felt his presence approach, the warmth of his body radiating even from a distance. 
Suddenly, a hand found its place against the door in front of her, trapping her between the wood and Vili's solid frame. Slowly, she turned around, her earlier embarrassment forgotten as she took in the sight of him. Caught in his gaze, Eivor's breath hitched. Her heart hammered against her ribs in a wild rhythm that matched the intensity in his eyes. She raised an eyebrow- a silent challenge even as her body hummed with a potent mix of desire and trepidation. 
The thin silk tunic she wore did little to conceal the curves of her form, and the lingering scent of ale clung to her, a stark contrast to his own intoxicating aroma of fresh pine and worn leather- a scent that always calmed her, grounded her, and now- stirred something far more primal licking every inch of her nerves as their gazes locked, and Eivor knew she could no longer deny the undeniable attraction that crackled between them. "Put on clothes, Vili-" She managed too squeeze out, her voice a husky whisper. 
The sound of his name on her lips, a rare occurrence, sent a thrill through them both. He arched an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "And what if I don't want to?" he countered, his voice a low rumble. "You are in my room, are you not?" Eivor couldn't suppress the grin that spread across her face. He was right, and the realization was both exhilarating and terrifying inn equal measure as she cleared her throat- her voice a mix of nerves and newfound boldness. "It's common courtesy, Vili." She pleaded, her voice a soft murmur as she averted her gaze. 
A blush warmed her cheeks, struggling to control the frantic rhythm of her heart and with a final glance- she turned away, giving him a moment of privacy to dress. "Fine..." Vili sighed playfully, slipping his cotton pants and belt on before settling on the edge of his bed for the remainder of his garments. "Tell me, then," he prompted, curiosity lacing his voice, "What is it you came for?" Eivor remained facing away, her breath caught in her throat. Images of their time by the waterfall, of his bare skin against hers, flooded her mind blocking out his voice. The temptation to turn around, to let her desire take the reins, was almost overwhelming. But she couldn't, not yet. "Remember..." She began, her voice barely a whisper. Taking a deep breath as she turned to face him- her gaze steady and determined. 
She raised a brow realizing Vili had not followed her orders, leaving himself bare chested on the edge of the beg with his tunic in hand. He leaned forward with a grin awaiting her answer- The air crackled with unspoken desires as the promise they made hung heavy between them like a pendulum. A line to never cross until their duties were complete- or until Valhalla. But given how their passions had been ignited once- Eivor knew that this night, they would burn brighter than ever before as the walls she so desperately build instant crumbled at the sight of him. Eivor moved with a deliberate grace, her desire radiating from her every step as she walked towards him- her mind faltering from the ale when she positioned herself directly in front of him, straddling his lap on the edge of the bed. 
His hands found their place on her ribcage, feeling the frantic rhythm of her heart beneath his fingertips. "Curse you, Vili." She breathed, her voice husky with longing as she leaning forward and captured his lips in a passionate kiss, one knee on either side of him, her hand reaching up to cradle the base of his jaw. His touch was electric, sending shivers down her spine as his hands slid down her back, gripping her thighs with a possessive firmness. Her senses ignited when his fingertips grazed the sensitive skin just above the sensitive jewel he so desperately craved, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
"Eivor, we..." Vili began, his voice thick with desire. "I know." She murmured, her own voice a soft moan as she shifted her weight, seeking a moment's respite from the growing heat between them. Vili pulled her closer, his lips meeting hers in one last, searing kiss when they finally parted, breathless, and flushed. He looked at her with a question in his eyes. "What was it you needed?" Eivor blinked, her mind momentarily blank. The intensity of their shared moment had swept away all thoughts of her original purpose. "To be honest, Vili," she admitted with a sheepish smile, 
"I forgot."
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ithappensoffstage · 2 years
Tagged by @lolahardy
Rules: Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems!” Then tag some folks.  
I’ll say immediately that my stats are super skewed by having Jas as a coauthor (she gets much more interaction than I do as a solo author), but I don’t feel like sorting out all of our coauthored works to look at just my own right now.
1. Our Deadpool fic Loved Me Back to Life is my #1 on kudos and hits and #2 on bookmarks (though interestingly doesn’t break top 5 for comments). That’s probably my most popular, right up there with the Good Omens fic we also coauthored.
2. I’m not sure not to fear the laying of my head upon the pillow FULLY counts as a “hidden gem” as it was quite well-received and sits very high in all my stats, but it was for a small fandom and small ship and remains my favorite fic I have ever worked on. In truth, my Vikings fic “a place for you to love me” is definitely my most beloved “hidden gem.” It’s one of the few fics I have published that I have actually gone back to read multiple times.
1. My most popular fic is absolutely my novel-length Stranger Things Harringrove work entitled Damned If I Do You. This is my baby. My masterpiece. I’ve gotten the best and worst interactions, comments, etc. because of this fic. I love it with all my heart and am so happy and grateful that the reaction has been (mostly) overwhelmingly positive right from the get go.
2. My first hidden gem is God hath given you one face, and you make yourself another. Not only is this fic for a small fandom - the video game Death Stranding - but it’s also a pairing with less than 20 fics on AO3. I’m quite proud of my prose and narrative choices in this story.
3. My final hidden gem is Mercy! This Vikings fic features Bjorn and Halfdan and covers a good portion of canon, rewriting it as if they were a couple. The absolute BEST comment I have EVER received about a fic is on this one. Again, I just think my writing in this fic is quite strong, and I really nailed Halfdan’s characterization. Plus, I fixed the mistake the writers made in killing him off.
If you see this on your dash, consider yourself tagged!
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in-valhalla · 5 years
Ask: “Hi, could I get ship from Vikings? I am 5'4 cm and have I hourglass figure. I have long light brown hair, bright blue eyes, pale skin with freckless. People say I am nice and supportive. I tend to be very shy, but when I am with friends I am really funny. I get drunken really easily and then flirt with boys. I love nature and travelling. I am big admirer of Halfdan Black. :)”
Requested by: anon
I ship you with Halfdan!
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An admirer of Halfdan the Black, you say? He would be incredibly flattered and would definitely want to know more about you. And by “know more about you” I mean shamelessly flirt with you. Since then, he has made every effort to seek you out because he was on a mission to get you to be his. It took some time while he was pursuing you but he doesn’t regret the chase because he can finally call you his.
Can we please talk about the killer combo of pale, freckled skin that compliments your striking blue eyes and long brown hair that frames your shapely body? Like he loses his damn mind over this goddess body. He is obsessed. And the fact that you are 5’4” makes it even better.
His favorite thing about you is your shyness. You’re nice and supportive personality is a complete opposite when you’re a few cups of ale in and drunk. You’re flirtatious nature is highly amusing to him. He doesn’t get jealous of you trying to flirt with other men, he just laughs and pulls you close to him, taking you home so that you won’t end up embarrassing yourself. His aftercare routine he gives you when he’s putting you to bed when you’re sleepy and drunk is cute af. He would sit you down and help you out of your clothes, he would also take your hair down and massage your scalp. Making you a bath with warm water allows him to quickly clean you and dress you in a simple nighty. He’d then take you to bed and wrap you up in furs. Tell me this man isn’t the sweetest for his woman.
He likes to so you enjoy yourself with friends and the people you love. You’re incredibly supportive and kind. It’s easy for you to make people laugh once you’re comfortable enough around them.
It’s hard for him to say no to you when you ask him if you could travel with him. He doesn’t want you to get hurt because of him but you made the compelling point of being the safest with him. He knows you love to explore and see the world with him; he loves seeing you immersed into nature. You look at peace once you take a deep breath of the salty sea air.
A/N: I literally took 3804 years but here it is lmao. I’m sorry for the late post. Also, lmk if you want to be added to the taglist :)
Taglist:  @naaladareia
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Hey idk if you still doing ships but- I’m 5”2 brown hair and kinda chubby☺️ I’m quite reserved but once u get to know me I’m loud asf! I’m sarcastic and try tell as many jokes as I can😂 I’m a low-key nerd. I hardly open up to people unless I trust them, but once I do I have there back.
I feel that you would be good friends with Hvitserk if not a couple. He would like your sarcastic and joking nature. I feel that he would like short and chubby girls.
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 With Halfdan, it would be your sarcastic remarks and your nerd interests that pique his interest. He is also of a reserved nature, so you would probably have to initiate things.
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gamesofmuggles · 6 years
SHIP #71
For :
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I ship you with Halfdan
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✿ When the brothers arrived in Kattegat you were introduced to them as one of the best shieldmaidens in the city. While Harald has his mind on everything else, Halfdan kept a curious eye on you. ✿ you practice early in the morning and late in the evenings. "What's her deal?" asked Halfdan to Bjorn who raised his shoulder "I don't know, she just good at it", he drunk his ale and get up. ✿ "So what's wrong with you?" you turned to Halfdan "Excuse me?" "You train all day, what for?" he sais looking directly in your eyes. "Mind your own business" "Suit yourself lovely," he said leaning back and you feel the heat burning your cheeks. ✿ The next day like every day you were up, ready to train when you find that annoying man again. You sigh ready to return home. "Wait, wait! I'm sorry 'bout last night" you didn't answer him and he laughs. "Let me help you train then" Since this day and every morning, he didn't miss one training. At first, you didn't know what was his intention, and you blocked yourself to feel any emotion. And then you knew he was not like his brother at all, and you start spending your day/night with him. ✿ "So are a couple?" asked Harald while observing you two laugh. "Don't label us brother" he said stretching his arm on your shoulder. ✿ Halfdan would never pressure you to act all romantic and stuff, he likes your badass attitude and you are truly a power couple. When you feel some panick attack rise he's always there to distract you from that, to comfort you in the best way.
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therealvikingstrash · 2 years
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Halfdan the Black and Ubbe Ragnarsson
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rockerandauthor · 6 years
Anyone want to be my buddy over the show Vikings???
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madlucksweeny · 6 years
Vikings ships!
Send me a message giving some details about yourself and/or a selfie and I'll give you a Vikings ship and a small imagine :)
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bad-bad-witch · 7 years
We've been talking about Heahmund and Ivar a lot
But are we not forgeting something?
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Like Halfdan "taking what happen between he and Bjorn to serious", like Ivar said?
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I, a person with actual functional eyes, am seeing a lot of gay drama here. Like, Bjorn didn't save Halfdan's life, he save he's own ass and he needed Halfdan cuz he could not make to the the ships without him. And Halfdan chose Bjorn over his own brother? A brother that saved his ass a lot more than Bjorn? Idk I guess Ivar has a pretty good gaydar.
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