#villa ida
blueiscoool · 2 years
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A Rural Necropolis from Late Antiquity Discovered in France
Archaeologists have unearthed a small rural necropolis from the late 5th century (Late Antiquity) at Sainte-Marie-aux-Chênes in northeastern France.
The necropolis, which is located along an ancient road, contains the remains of cremation structures as well as several richly furnished inhumations. The burial ground is most likely linked to the remains of an ancient Roman villa discovered nearby more than a decade ago.
In 2009, archaeological material was discovered during a survey of the site prior to the construction of a subdivision. Archaeologists discovered the remains of a 1st-century Roman villa’s pars Rustica (the farm buildings) and a Medieval hamlet occupied until the 12th century during the two seasons of excavations that followed. Three Merovingian-era (mid-5th-8th centuries) tombs containing the remains of seven people, all from the same family, were found in the ruins of a Roman estate barn.
In 2020, when the subdivision planned to grow toward the former Ida mine and factory, excavations started up again. Test pits discovered the first early Iron Age remains at the site attesting that the area was settled earlier than previously realized and a continuation of the Medieval hamlet into the valley. In addition, a cremation pit dating to the 1st century and a secondary filling from the Gallo-Roman period were also unearthed.
In contrast to the 2009–10 digs, the 2020 excavation investigated the opposite side of the valley. Although the soil has been severely eroded, this has had the fortunate archaeological side-effect of accumulating sediment layers over the necropolis, aiding in the preservation of the remains.
About ten cremation structures were found by archaeologists after they dug through those layers. In meticulously carved quadrangular pits and much rougher round niches that appear to be postholes but aren’t, fragments of charred bone remains were discovered. There aren’t any cinerary urns left, and not much bone remains. Some nails, possibly from a coffin, and a square pit with a collection of blacksmithing equipment and forge remnants were discovered (tongs, metal scraps, slag).
In the same area, ten Late Antiquity tombs were discovered. The pits were carefully dug in parallel rows. There was a single inhumed individual in supine position, adults of both sexes, and four confirmed young children in each grave. Hairpins and necklaces were used to identify two adult women. While no coffins or burial beds were discovered in the graves, iron nails and wood traces indicate that the bodies were buried in or on wooden biers.
The deceased were buried with a variety of grave goods. Ceramic vessels made of local Argonne clay were discovered at the bodies’ heads and/or feet. They are believed to have contained food offerings now long decomposed. High-quality and diverse glassware was also buried with the dead: cups, bottles, flasks, goblets, bowls, and dishes. The deceased was adorned with jewelry, mostly copper alloy pieces with beads, amber, and glass paste.
There were coins in the graves as well, some individual, some in groups, most likely held in organic material purses. Last but not least, two bone combs and a miniature axe were discovered next to a child’s head.
The excavation’s recovered remains are still being studied. Researchers hope to learn more about the deceased’s sex, age, and health records. The necropolis itself is still being studied to learn more about how it was organized and used, as well as to shed light on the funerary practices of the people who lived and died there in Late Antiquity.
By Leman Altuntaş.
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Destination weddings: Tartosa / Xio & Manu
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Here we are, all three sets of friends engage, locked and loaded. With Ms. Ida & Sabrina hard at work planning Bruce & Esther’s wedding, Sabrina called in a favor to a special friend and they offered up their villa for Xio and Manu. So, everyone packed a bag and landed in gorgeous Tartosa!
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Added bonus? Now Manu & Bruce can make sure the other never forget their anniversaries lol
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In all of the rush, they forgot the cake. But Nona Lemon to the rescue! It was small, but with all the food the Mamas made, it should be enough.
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And then it started to rain. Great.
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We all decided to press on, anyway.
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I thought they’d be bummed out, but they seemed to have a good time.
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Xio got a little choked up - even with the rain, it was pretty beautiful.
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Some touching vows, and then it was official.
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All in all, a lovely ceremony.
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bitterorbittersweet · 2 years
23: ¿Qué es lo más alocado que has hecho? Tuve una adolescencia bastante ida, sacando los intentos de m4t4rm3 y varias conductas de riesgo, creo que lo más alocado fue ir a comprar m3rc4 con unos amigos a las 3 am en medio de una villa miseria recontra pesada, cuando tenía como 15 años. Momentos donde no tenés ni idea del peligro DE NADA.
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lamilanomagazine · 3 months
Sicilia, 182 milioni per oltre trenta interventi sui beni culturali
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Sicilia, 182 milioni per oltre trenta interventi sui beni culturali Sono oltre trenta gli interventi finanziati con i 182 milioni di euro del Fondo di sviluppo e coesione destinati ai beni culturali della Sicilia. Numerosi quelli mirati alla valorizzazione, alla conservazione e al restauro del patrimonio culturale dell'Isola, grazie all'accordo firmato dal presidente del Consiglio dei ministri, Giorgia Meloni, e dal presidente della Regione Siciliana, Renato Schifani. «Si tratta di un'occasione unica per la salvaguardia e la promozione della ricchezza storica, artistica e culturale siciliana, un patrimonio di inestimabile valore che merita di essere preservato. Questo finanziamento, inoltre - afferma l'assessore ai Beni culturali, Francesco Paolo Scarpinato - rappresenta una straordinaria opportunità anche per il rilancio del turismo e dell'economia locale. Siamo pronti a mettere in atto tutte le misure necessarie per realizzare questi interventi e garantire che i benefici raggiungano tutte le comunità dell'Isola». Tra i principali finanziamenti, partendo da Palermo, 15 milioni di euro sono stati destinati per il restauro della volta e le decorazioni del Teatro Politeama; quasi 3 milioni per la valorizzazione dell'itinerario del Decò a Palermo, con Casa Savona (900 mila), e del Liberty attraverso il restauro architettonico, decorativo e degli esterni di Villino Ida Basile (un milione) e di Villino Florio all'Olivuzza (un milione); e ancora un milione servirà per migliorare la fruizione della Real Casina Cinese, con annesso restauro del giardino storico. In provincia, destinati 1,2 milioni per il restauro delle decorazioni delle navate del Duomo di Monreale e 1,1 milioni per il ripristino degli apparati decorativi interni e la riqualificazione esterna del Duomo di Cefalù. A Catania, oltre 6 milioni saranno investiti per la riqualificazione di Castello Ursino; 1,5 milioni per il restauro del transetto, delle torri e della copertura delle absidi della Cattedrale; 5 milioni per il recupero funzionale del secondo piano e il restauro dei prospetti dell'ex Manifattura Tabacchi, sede del Museo interdisciplinare. A Siracusa, 2,3 milioni saranno impiegati per il restauro delle torri del Castello Maniace e sempre 2,3 milioni per il consolidamento e il restauro del Tempio di Apollo. Mentre, nella provincia di Ragusa, quasi 5 milioni sono destinati alla riqualificazione e valorizzazione funzionale del Parco archeologico di Kamarina e più di un milione per la musealizzazione del "Relitto delle Colonne"; infine, 8 milioni andranno alla riqualificazione e sistemazione dei percorsi del quartiere rupestre di Chiafura a Scicli. A Enna, oltre 7 milioni per il recupero, la valorizzazione e il completamento della rocca di Gagliano Castelferrato e 6,4 milioni a Piazza Armerina per il completamento del restauro, oltre che per interventi strutturali e nuove coperture della Villa Romana del Casale. Più di 16 milioni a Messina per i lavori di funzionalizzazione della cittadella della Cultura, ex complesso ospedaliero Regina Margherita. E ancora, in provincia, 6 milioni a Lipari per la musealizzazione del relitto di Capistello; circa 800 mila a Motta d'Affermo per il restauro della chiesa di San Pietro; 1 milione a San Marco d'Alunzio per la manutenzione straordinaria e il restauro della chiesa di Maria SS. Aracoeli. A Caltanissetta, 2 milioni per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle Mura Timoleontee e delle strutture arcaiche, oltre che per il completamento dei percorsi e il collegamento con il mare; quasi 4 milioni per la riqualificazione del castello Manfredonico di Mussomeli. Ad Agrigento, poco più di 6 milioni per la risistemazione del museo Pietro Griffo; 4 milioni per il risanamento conservativo e il miglioramento strutturale del complesso monumentale di Santo Spirito. Per la provincia di Trapani, infine, 1,5 milioni saranno impiegati per la manutenzione straordinaria del porticciolo e la sistemazione delle aree esterne della Tonnara di Favignana, ex stabilimento Florio; 3 milioni per la realizzazione di una serie di opere tra cui un visitor center con parcheggio adiacente al Cretto di Burri a Gibellina; 1,4 milioni per la manutenzione straordinaria del castello arabo normanno di Castellammare del Golfo.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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betmotionseo · 4 months
Palpites: Europa League, Conference e Libertadores
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Veja nossos palpites para os jogos que definirão os finalistas da Europa League e Conference e partidas de Palmeiras e Fluminense na Libertadores. Confira esses e outros eventos desta quinta-feira (9) e faça boas apostas!
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Trofeu da Copa da UEFA, atual UEFA Europa League (Imagem: reprodução Instagram da UEFA) BetDica: durante todo o mês de maio, estamos com Odds Turbinadas para os jogos do Palmeiras. Nesta quinta, por exemplo, o Verdão encara o Liverpool do Uruguai, no Centenário, pelo grupo F da Libertadores. Aproveite para lucrar mais nas apostas!
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Odds Turbinadas na Liberta: Liverpool-URU x Palmeiras Bet Mentor do Betmotion: saiba como usar nas apostas Como funciona o mercado de Gols Mais/Menos do Betmotion Lotto: conheça a nova área de Bingo Online Betmotion apoia doações às vítimas das enchentes no RS
Tênis – Masters 1000 de Roma  Partidas em andamento: ATP Roma e WTA Roma – ESPN 2 e Star+ A brasileira Bia Haddad Maia enfrenta na manhã desta quinta a chinesa Wang Xinyu. - Nosso palpite: Vencedora – Bia Haddad - Aposte aqui: Betmotion UEFA Europa League – jogos de volta das semifinais:  16h: Atalanta x Olympique de Marselha (placar da ida: 1 x 1) - ESPN 4 e Star+ 16h: Bayer Leverkusen x Roma (placar da ida: Roma 0 x 2 Leverkusen) - SBT, TV Cultura, ESPN e Star+
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  - Nossos palpites: Mercado de Gols Mais/Menos - Menos de 3 (jogo do Leverkusen) e Vencedor 1 x 2 - Atalanta - Aposte aqui: Betmotion UEFA Europa Conference League – jogo de volta das semifinais:  16h: Olympiacos x Aston Villa - Star+  - Placar da ida: Aston Villa 2 x 4 Olympiacos - Nosso palpite: Mercado de Gols Mais/Menos - Menos de 2.5 Aposte aqui: Betmotion Copa Libertadores – rodada 4 
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19h: Liverpool-URU x PALMEIRAS – transmissão exclusiva da Paramount+  21h: Colo-Colo x FLUMINENSE – ESPN e Star+ - Nossos palpites: Vencedor 1 x 2 – Palmeiras (Odds Turbinadas) e Ambos Marcam Sim (jogo do Flu) - Aposte aqui: Betmotion
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Copa Sul-Americana – rodada 4  21h: RED BULL BRAGANTINO x Racing – Paramount+  - Nosso palpite: Vencedor 1 x 2 – Bragantino - Aposte aqui: Betmotion
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Playoffs da NBA - Semifinais de Conferências  20h: Boston Celtics x Cleveland Cavaliers (placar da série do Leste: Celtics lideram 1-0) - ESPN 2 e Star+ 22h30: Oklahoma City Thunder x Dallas Mavericks (placar da série do Oeste: Thunder lidera 1-0) - ESPN 2 e Star+  - Nossos palpites: Vencedor 1 x 2 – Celtics e Thunder - Aposte aqui: Betmotion
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juarezesdeporte · 5 months
Ciudad de México.-Cruz Azul derrotó 2-0 a Pumas en el partido de ida de Cuartos de Final, celebrado en el Estadio Olímpico Universitario, con goles de Ignacio Rivero y Lorenzo Faravelli, con lo que llegó a mil triunfos en sus casi 60 años de historia en el máximo circuito
De las mil victorias de Cruz Azul en Liga MX, la actual sobre Pumas es su número 91 en Liguilla y consiguió 909 en fase regular.
Pumas es el segundo equipo al que Cruz Azul más veces derrotó entre Liga y Liguilla, esta noche consiguió su triunfo 60 contra los universitarios, solamente al Atlas derrotó más veces (62). Otros equipos a los que venció en más de 50 ocasiones son Toluca (57), Atlante (52) y Monterrey (51).
La Máquina Celeste debutó en Primera División el 6 de junio de 1964 visitando a Monterrey y consiguió su primera victoria el 21 de junio en el Estadio Jalisco: 3-2 sobre el Oro con doblete de Guadalupe Díaz y un tanto de Hilario Díaz.
El emblemático triunfo 100 de Cruz Azul en Liga MX lo consiguió en el Estadio Azteca, el 20 de noviembre de 1971, 1-0 sobre Veracruz con gol de Fernando Bustos, ese fue su primera victoria jugando como local en el Coloso de Santa Úrsula.
Es la tercera vez que Cruz Azul llega a una cifra redonda de victorias durante la Liguilla, su 300 fue contra Toluca en la Liguilla con formato de grupos de la campaña 1980-81, 1-0 con gol de Rodolfo Montoya, y la 800 fue en el juego de ida de Semifinales del Clausura 2011, 2-0 a Morelia con goles de Christian Giménez y Emanuel Villa.
Cruz Azul llega a mil victorias en 2345 partidos, es el equipo que jugó menos para alcanzar esa cifra, América tuvo que jugar 2378, Toluca 2500 y Chivas 2508.
#FECHAESTADIORIVALMARCADOR121-junio-1964JaliscoOro3-210020-noviembre-1971AztecaVeracruz1-020011-septiembre-1976AztecaLaguna1-030026-julio-1981AztecaToluca1-040012-marzo-1988AztecaNecaxa2-150013-marzo-1994AzulgranaAtlante2-16009-octubre-1999AzulToros Neza2-07004-febrero-2006AzulToluca2-180012-mayo-2011AzulMorelia2-090021-agosto-2018AztecaToluca1-010009-mayo-2024Olímpico UniversitarioPumas2-0
(Por: oguevara/Dirección de Comunicación Liga MX)
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Weaving memory into textiles
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/weaving-memory-into-textiles/
Weaving memory into textiles
In 2021, a curator at the Smithsonian Institution contacted Chloé Bensahel, currently the MIT 2023-24 Ida Ely Rubin Artist in Residence, and told her about some objects that had been made for space missions. “They were weavings of conductive yarn with magnetic pieces in them,” Bensahel says. “After World War II, you had these really powerful computers but no way to store data, so scientists at MIT and Harvard came up with this magnetic core memory. It was the last moment, I think, in computing history when information was visible: You can actually see the code because of the little magnets that were turned on or turned off.”
What really captured the attention of Bensahel, who works with textiles, is that those items had been woven by hand at MIT. “They’re the result of two histories in New England that are coinciding: the declining textile industry and the increasing space research,” she says. “Legend has it that the women who were getting laid off from the textile industries got hired by MIT to make these objects. They were weaving here on campus.”
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Activating Textiles: Weaving the Future with the Past
Reinventing codes
Eventually, Bensahel connected with Zach Lieberman, an adjunct associate professor who runs the Future Sketches group at the MIT Media Lab, who applied for a MIT Center for Art Science and Technology (CAST) grant to bring her to campus as a visiting artist. The pair share an interest in various forms of code and communication — Bensahel, for example, sees textiles as carrying information, not just in what they visually display, like, say, a slogan on a T-shirt, but in the very way they are made. Now, they are working together at MIT, which has been unfurling in connection with Bensahel’s residency at Villa Albertine, an arts institution launched in 2021 by the French Embassy in the United States that supports cultural exchange between the United States, France and beyond, including offering more than 50 residencies each year for artists, thinkers, and creators across all disciplines.
Bensahel is building on MIT’s groundbreaking legacy in the weaving of memory technology, which complements the research conducted by her MIT collaborators, whether they are faculty members or research assistants. “We’re primarily software-oriented here,” Lieberman says, referring to his group. “We are working in the realm of bits and with language. Chloe’s work is also really intimately concerned with language, but she’s coming at it from a perspective of materials and trying to figure out how to weave them in different ways, and connect with electronics and sensing.”
Theory and craftsmanship
Born in France, Bensahel moved to the United States when she was 7. She attended Parsons School of Design, in New York City. She specialized in integrated design with a focus on textiles, and graduated in 2013. The coursework was essentially theoretical and philosophical, though, and afterward Bensahel moved to France to hone her craftsmanship. “I wanted to learn with my hands, not just my mind,” she says — no doubt making her a perfect fit for MIT, whose motto, “mens et manus,” translates as “mind and hand.”
This interest in the interaction of the physical with the ineffable continues to guide her art, which essentially renders communication tactile. “Chloe’s work is so much about listening to materials and finding ways to hear how they talk, hear the sounds that they make,” Lieberman says. This approach is in evidence at a forthcoming exhibition “Tisser L’Hybride: Chloe Bensahel” at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, which features three interactive tapestries. According to Bensahel, the artwork in the exhibit and what she is doing at MIT are “not going to be directly connected,” but she also points out that “they benefit from one another, for sure.”
Indeed, keeping an open mind to different fields and different ways of thinking has been enriching Bensahel’s time on campus. In addition to such public-facing activities as a presentation and demonstration at the MIT Museum’s After Dark series, in March, she has been actively collaborating with various entities, faculty, and students. For instance, she has been leveraging prototyping equipment and exploring potential industrial applications of her work with the public-private partnership Advanced Functional Fabrics of America, of which MIT is a member. “I love that something that could  be in a museum could also be in a hospital,” Bensahel says. AFFOA staff members Jesse Jur, director of technical program development, and Frannie Logan, textile technologist, have been providing technical support as well.
Thriving on collaboration
Interlocutors on campus include Azra Akšamija, the director of the MIT Future Heritage Lab, and Vera van de Seyp, a research assistant in the Future Sketches group, whose interests and experiences complement Bensahel’s. “A lot of my work is text-based and I’m not a typography or graphic designer at all, so it’s really nice to work with Vera, because what we’re essentially doing is thinking about form and function at the same time,” Bensahel says. “I’m working on how I can make a textile that can be magnetized, in the way that magnetic core memory was magnetic. I would like for it to tense up or move in different ways, so that essentially you have a textile that can assemble in different ways.”
Most of all, perhaps, it’s the constant intellectual activity at MIT that has spurred and inspired Bensahel, who relishes the opportunity to integrate perspectives that are new to her. “I’ve had a lot of really eye-opening conversations on what magnetism means,” she says. “I just had lunch with a researcher and she was like, ‘Bacteria sometimes have magnetic fields to know how to grow.’ This place, it’s really about the people,” Bensahel continues. “It’s a very dense group of brilliant people so no matter who you’re running into, they’re going to have this very powerful depth of knowledge in one specific field. Being here also shifted my perspective: I didn’t really consider myself a researcher, or a scientist for that matter, and I feel more comfortable in that space now. Every day, I find new applications or new directions.”
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franciscopasquel · 5 months
JOGOS DE HOJE Quinta 02/05 – Vamos de Copa do Brasil e as Ligas da Europ...
JOGOS DE HOJE Quinta 02/05 – Vamos de Copa do Brasil e as Ligas da Europa #futebol #jogosdehoje
 Salve! Meus amigos e seguidores do canal Chicão Futebol Clube, neste vídeo vou te trazer os principais jogos de hoje no Brasil e na Europa.
 Hoje teremos Copa do Brasil e as semifinais da Liga Europa e da Liga Conferência.
Mas vou fazer uma brecha de 5 segundos para que posa clicar no like, ele ajuda o Youtube a entender que o nosso conteúdo te agrada e espalha nosso vídeo para mais pessoas, clicou? Muito obrigado, então vamos aos jogos.
Pelos jogos de ida da terceira fase da Copa do Brasil, hoje teremos os 5 últimos jogos:
19h00 Botafogo x Vitória
Aqui as duas equipes estreiam na competição o Botafogo por estar na disputa da Libertadores e o Vitória por ter vencido a Série B no ano anterior.
19H30 Águia de Marabá x São Paulo
Para chegar na terceira fase o Águia de Marabá chegou com tudo eliminando na primeira fase nada menos que o Coritiba e na segunda fase eliminou o Capital do Tocantins, já o São Paulo faz a sua estreia já que está participando da Libertadores.
20H30 CRB x Ceará
O CRB chega para este jogo depois de ter eliminado o Rio Branco na primeira fase e o Athletic Club de minas na segunda, já o Ceará começa a sua jornada hoje já que foi o vencedor da última Copa do Nordeste.
21H30 Goiás x Cuiabá
O Goiás foi campeão da Copa Verde do ano passado o que o creditou para estrear apenas agora na terceira fase já o Cuiabá vem de eliminar o Real Noroeste e a Portuguesa-RJ nas fases anteriores.
21H30 Palmeiras x Botafogo-SP
Palmeiras por estar competindo na Libertadores fará seu primeiro jogo na Copa do Brasil hoje, o adversário bastante conhecido o Botafogo-SP passou na primeira fase pelo Nova Venécia e o Anápolis do Goiás na segunda.
Nesta quinta-feira teremos os jogos de ida das Semifinais da Liga Europa
16h00 Olympique de Marselha x Atalanta
16H00 Roma x Bayer Leverkusen
Acredito que o Atalanta pode conseguir um bom resultado na França e o outro visitante Bayer Leverkusen ainda não perdeu na temporada o que lhe concede um certo ar de favorito mesmo o jogo sendo em Roma.
Hoje também teremos as semifinais da Liga Conferência da Europa.
16H00 Aston Villa x Olympiacos
16H00 Fiorentina x Club Brugge
Difícil não apostar no Aston Villa contra os gregos, mas esse time tem mostrado muita luta e empenho e chega com méritos para esta semifinal, já no outro confronto deve dar Fiorentina.
 E isso pessoal coloca nos comentários o jogo imperdível de hoje.
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lintasbatasindonesia · 5 months
Safari Kamtibmas, Kapolsek Kerambitan Eratkan Silaturahmi dan Komunikasi Dengan Karyawan Villa Amarta Pasut Tibubiu
Tabanan – Polsek Kerambitan, Dalam upaya memberikan rasa aman kepada masyarakat dan menjalin keakraban antara Polri dengan Mananger dan Karyawan Villa, Kapolsek Kerambitan Kompol Ida Baģus Putu Mertayasa,S Ag, melaksanakan Sambang dan Silahturahmi dengan manager dan karyawan di Vila Amarta Br. Pasut Tibubiu Kerambitan, kegiatan Silahturahmi mengajak Kanit Samapta AKP IGst Nyoman Jaya,SE, anggota…
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lichtecht · 7 months
recently reread the thief lord and i feel like no one talks about how low key depressing the ending is for riccio and mosca? like prosper/bo/hornet get their fairytale ending with ida but its implied that riccio and mosca are too damaged after a lifetime of neglect to be parented....idk upon rereading the way riccio in particular is sort of shamed/marginalized in the group ie for his teeth makes me quite sad
also on the topic of the thief lord i rlly dont know what scipio sees in prosper thats so special but he FOR SURE had a thing for him lololol
friend, im sorry for letting you wait for my response. your ask made me very happy :)
honestly, i have nothing to say. i really ought to read the book again so i can have an actual opinion on this
the only thing i remember is that i was quite sad that the gang didnt stay together. i guess it has a sort of melancholy to see this found family be ripped apart? but idk if i would go as far as to say it was a tragic ending for riccio and mosca. i think for the most part it just wouldnt have made sense for them to stay with ida? character-wise? riccio is kind of like a small spiky hissing cat hiding away in an alley. and mosca wasnt the type to want to live in a big villa from what i can remember
maybe youre right. youre getting me thinking my dude (gender neutral)
i'll come back to you when ive reread the book in case i have a more solid opinion.
about prosper - lol, its true that he does feel a bit uninteresting sometimes, im not gonna lie
main characters tend to suffer from that
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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Roman Era Necropolis Found in France
A small rural necropolis from the late 5th century has been discovered in Sainte-Marie-aux-Chênes, northeastern France. Located along an ancient road, the necropolis contains the remains of cremation structures and several richly furnished inhumations. The burial ground is likely connected to a nearby ancient Roman villa whose remains were discovered more than a decade ago.
A survey of the site before construction of a subdivision in 2009 found evidence of archaeological material. In the two seasons of excavations that followed, archaeologists unearthed the remains of the pars rustica (the farm buildings) of a 1st century Roman villa and a Medieval hamlet occupied through the 12th century. Three Merovingian-era (mid-5th-8th c.) tombs containing the remains of seven people, all from the same family, were found in the ruins of a barn from the Roman estate.
Excavations resumed in 2020 when the subdivision planned to expand towards the former Ida mine and factory. Test pits discovered the first early Iron Age remains at the site attesting that the area was settled earlier than previously realized and a continuation of the Medieval hamlet into the valley. A cremation pit and a secondary deposit from the Gallo-Roman era were also uncovered. They date to the 1st century A.D.
The 2020 excavation explored the opposite side of the valley to the 2009-10 digs. The soil there has been heavily eroded, but that had the felicitous archaeological side-effect of accumulating sediment layers over the necropolis which helped preserve the remains. Digging through those layers, archaeologists unearthed about 10 cremation structures. Fragments of charred bone remains were found in carefully cut quadrangular pits and in much rougher round niches that look like postholes but aren’t. There are no cinerary urns and very little surviving bone material. A few nails were found, perhaps from a casket, and a square pit containing a deposit of blacksmithing tools and forge remnants (tongs, metal scraps, slag).
Ten tombs from Late Antiquity were found in this same space. The pits were dug with deliberation in parallel rows. All of the graves contained a single inhumed individual in supine position, adults of both sexes and four confirmed young children. Two adult women were identified by their hairpins and necklaces. While no coffins or burial beds were found in the graves, iron nails and wood traces suggest the bodies were originally buried in or on wooden biers.
The deceased were laid to rest with a variety of grave goods. Ceramic vessels made of local Argonne clay were found at the head and/or the foot of the bodies. They are believed to have contained food offerings now long decomposed. Glassware of high quality and diversity was also buried with the dead: cups, bottles, flasks, goblets, bowls, dishes. Jewelry — mostly copper alloy pieces with beads, amber and glass paste — adorned the deceased. There were coins in the graves as well, some individual, some in groups that were probably held in purses of organic material. Last but least, two bone combs were discovered and one miniature axe interred next to the head of a child.
The remains recovered from the excavation are still being studied. Researchers hope to learn more about the sex, ages and health records of the deceased. The necropolis itself is also still undergoing analysis to explore how it was organized and used, and to shed new light on the funerary practices of the people who lived and died their in Late Antiquity.
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nomadismrecords · 8 months
Hi beautiful people!
We are back to your favorite venue!
for this new event at Madam, we are happy to organize this event in collaboration with Planet Ibiza and to invite a special guest, Pedro Mercado!
Save the date, Saturday 13th Avril, from 09pm till late 😉
Adam Tower, Madam Restaurant
(Free entrance, big thanks for the donations 🫶🏻)
Pedro Mercado is a very experienced & passionate international artist based in Belgium. His style of music is unique blend ranging from organic, afro, melodic and progressive house to ethereal techno and indie dance. Always presenting the newest tracks combined with a lot of exclusive promos and unreleased stuff from himself and his labels Chrom Recordings & Planet Ibiza Music.
In 2017 Pedro started up his own label Chrom Recordings together with his Ibiza mate Mike Chrom from Planet Ibiza. The label focuses on quality electronic music (progressive house, indie dance, melodic house & techno) from new & established artists from all over the world. In a few years time Chrom has grown into a very credible & successful quality label with many followers.
As a Producer Pedro Mercado is one of the most succesful Belgian artists in his style of music, reaching regularly the Beatport TOP100 on many highly regarded international labels (MUKKE, Parquet, Kling Klong, Krafted, Tanzgemeinschaft, Frequenza, Particles, Proton, Awen, Bonzai, Deeperfect, Go Deeva, La Factoria, Natura Viva, Dear Deer, Beatfreak, Manual,...).
He got remixed by Rauschhaus, Rodriguez Jr, SNYL, Aaron Suiss, Zoo Brazil, Tash, Peter Makto & Gregory S, Vanita, Nihil Young, Shadow Child, Erdi Irmak, Stefano Richetta, Lake Avalon, Monkey Brothers, DkA, Vijay & Sofia Zlatko, Amir Telem, Christian Monique ... and did remixes for Martin Eyerer, Stas Drive,
Stereoporno, Anturage, George Privatti, Wally Lopez, Aves Volare, Oibaf
&Wallen, Eleven Of July, Christian Bonori, Jaap Lighthart, Tim Penner,...
Due to these releases & remixes Pedro Mercado plays abroad very often: Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, France, Switzerland, Mexico, Belarus, Serbia, Russia,.. and before the pandemic also a lot in his second home country Ibiza (Pacha, Destino, Lio, Savannah, Guarana, Es Vive, Tantra, La Plage,... + some live guest mixes on Ibiza Global Radio & TV). He also performed on international events such as Space Ibiza worldtour, Solar Festival, Katzensprung Festival, ADE,Sonar Off,...
Before all this, Pedro Mercado played in most of the best clubs & festivals in his homecountry Belgium: Café d'Anvers, La Rocca, At The Villa, Fuse, Club Melk, Vaag, Versuz Beach, H20, Decadance,
Culture Club, The Temple, Charlatan, Noxx, Pulse Factory, Escape Concept,
Cherrymoon, Zuri, Barcy Cosy, ICC Ghent, Flanders Expo Ghent, Neverending Festival, Deep House Belgium Festival, Extrema Outdoor, Sunrise Festival, Ibiza Beach Festival, Floland, Dämmerung Festival,... At these parties, he gained a lot of experience by playing alongside international DIs such as Marc DePulse, Miss Melera, Britta Arnold, Dobé, Super Flu, Mark Fanciulli, Djuma Soundsystem, Wally Lopez, Ran Salman, Martin Eyerer, Joris Voorn, Davide Squillace, Butch, Matthias Tanzmann, Ida Engberg, Tania Vulcano, Cuartero, Barem, Camilo Franco, Hermanez, Ramon Tapia,...
Pedro Mercado is also hosting some very interesting radio shows: Up-To-Deep on Proton Radio (after being broadcasted before on Ibiza Global Radio for 5 years), Nomadland on Frisky Radio and the Chrom Radio Show on Proton Radio. He also has radio residencies for Planet Ibiza, The Deep Room & Rotationz (the longest running FM radio show in Belgium concerning Quality Electronic Music).
Hoani teano, Originally from Valence in France but now based in Amsterdam. Owner of the label Nomadism Records. Top 1 with his EP Hwange and Top 24 with his album Nazca. His strong taste for house music, oriental and African sounds led him to produce his own titles in early 2012 at the age of 20. He signed on Café de Anatolia, Shango records, Camel VIP Records, Soulman Music, Tip Tap records, Nëim records, and many others. With already some nice dates to his credit such as Guatemala, South Africa, France, Switzerland, Estonia, Romania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, ADE (Amsterdam Dance Event), and the Cannes festival. He has already made the warm up and the closing of Spencer K, Etienne de Crecy, KiKo, Davide Squillace , Betical and many others ...
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lavozdelquequen893 · 8 months
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Denuncias de pasajeros por no poder registrar la SUBE a su nombre Denuncias de pasajeros por no poder registrar la SUBE a su nombre Después del anuncio oficial sobre el nuevo cuadro tarifario para trenes y colectivos, con fuertes subas que se incrementan más todavía para los usuarios que no tengan la SUBE registrada a su nombre, muchos de ellos intentaron hacerlo, pero no pudieron. Cientos de pasajeros presentaron quejas por las constantes fallas en el sistema y denunciaron que nunca obtuvieron una respuesta pese a su insistencia. El Gobierno proyectó un aumento del 250 por ciento en las tarifas del transporte público a partir de febrero. Así, el boleto mínimo de colectivos y de trenes del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA) costará 270 y 130 pesos, respectivamente, pero sólo para las personas que tengan la tarjeta SUBE registrada. Los usuarios que no cuenten con la tarjeta a su nombre deberán pagar $430 el colectivo y $260 el tren. Frente a esta situación, las personas que se enteraron de las nuevas condiciones en los aumentos entraron a las diferentes plataformas que ofrece el Gobierno para gestionar el trámite, cuya fecha límite es el 1° de abril, pero en todas ellas se encontraron con inconvenientes para poder nominalizar su SUBE. Existen diferentes alternativas para registrar la tarjeta. Por un lado está el sitio web de SUBE, donde al ingresar hay que seleccionar la opción “Registrala” y verificar con el número de DNI o el número de la tarjeta si esta se encuentra registrada. De igual manera funciona en la aplicación SUBE, que se descarga por cualquier dispositivo Android o iOS. “Yo quise registrar la SUBE el lunes pero estaba caída la página”, dijo Florencia, vecina de Caballito, que luego de enterarse del aumento intentó registrar su tarjeta pero no pudo. “La verdad que a mí me parece mal este aumento así, no es la manera. Pero bueno, uno en esa situación busca todas las posibilidades que tiene para gastar menos, pero si encima te la complican así, se vuelve muy difícil”, sostuvo mientras esperaba en la parada del 55 para volver a su casa. Los pasajeros denunciaron que al entrar al sitio web de la página de SUBE aparece un cartel de “Sitio en mantenimiento. Intenta más tarde”, lo cual impide que las personas que quieran inscribirse por allí puedan hacerlo. Desde el Gobierno replicaron que "desde SUBE están realizando tareas de mantenimiento para mejorar el servicio que pueden afectar, momentáneamente, los canales de atención de argentina.gob.ar/sube, app Carga Sube y la Nueva App Sube". Pero al entrar en la app de SUBE para registrarla, esta envía al usuario nuevamente a la página que está caída. Mariano y su hija, oriundos de Villa Crespo, intentaron ingresar el martes por la mañana a la página del Gobierno pero, luego de completar los datos del paso uno, les saltó el mismo cartel que decía: “Error. Intente más tarde”. “Ya lo había probado antes. Cuando vi la noticia en el diario, el viernes, me metí para registrarla, pero en ese momento tampoco funcionaba. No es de ahora, viene así hace varios días”, dijo. “Yo no entiendo por qué me la cobran más caro si no la tengo registrada. Que te obliguen por el lado del costo me parece ridículo, más después de esta brutal suba. Hay gente que no se enteró o que no puede hacerlo y por eso le van a cobrar el doble por viajar”, expresó Mariano. Asimismo, el sitio oficial no contempla a aquellas personas que tengan los números borrados de la SUBE o quienes tengan el plástico registrado a su nombre. En el primer caso, no pueden registrar la tarjeta sin los números, y en el segundo les arroja un error cuando intentan acceder a la plataforma. Así le pasó a Carola, que tiene la misma SUBE “hace años” y por el desgaste hay números que no llega a distinguir. “La verdad que me preocupa muchísimo. Yo me tomo todos los días mínimo dos colectivos ida y vuelta para trabajar y para llevar a los chicos al colegio, aunque ahora estén de vacaciones, y necesito saber qué va a pasar porque si me llegan a aumentar el pasaje al doble no hay posibilidad de que pueda pagarlo”, lamentó. Susana, vecina de Liniers, de 74 años, contó que ya tiene la tarjeta acreditada a su nombre hace tiempo porque fue un requisito para obtener su descuento como jubilada, pero que su hija fue a acreditarla el martes en persona a un centro de atención SUBE. “Tuvo que ir por Constitución a hacerlo. Estuvo una hora y media pero finalmente salió con la SUBE a su nombre”, dijo. Además, Susana afirmó que llamaron al número que ofrece el Gobierno, 0800-777-SUBE (7823) opción 3, pero luego de esperar treinta minutos no obtuvo respuesta. El fallo general en el sistema de SUBE también impide a las personas que ya tienen registrada a su nombre la tarjeta poder entrar a utilizar los servicios que web ofrece, como revisar su saldo o realizar una carga. Nuevas tarifas El aumento, presentado en el Boletín Oficial a través de la resolución 1/2024 de la Secretaría de Transporte del Ministerio de Infraestructura de la Nación, ya lo consideran una decisión concreta adoptada por el Poder Ejecutivo, porque "si bien hay una audiencia pública, es no vinculante", explicó el vicepresidente de la Asociación Argentina de Empresarios del Transporte Automotor, Luciano Fusaro, en diálogo con AM 750. De esta manera, a partir de febrero el objetivo es llevar el mínimo, para tramos de hasta 3 kilómetros, de $76,92 a $270,00 para quienes tengan la tarjeta SUBE registrada, y a $430,00 para aquellas que no estén registradas. En tanto, para un tramo de entre 3 y 6 kilómetros pasará de $85,69 a $300,78 y $479,03, respectivamente. Para un viaje de entre 6 y 12 kilómetros, se pasará de $92,29 a $323,95 y $515,92 en el caso de quienes no posean la SUBE registrada. Para los tramos más largos, el impacto en los bolsillos será aún mayor: se pasará en el tramo de entre 12 y 27 kilómetros de $98,90 a $347,15 y $552,87, y para viajes de más de 27 kilómetros, pasará de $105,46 a $370,18 y $589,54 sin la tarjeta SUBE registrada. Así también, para los trenes, el nuevo esquema quedará en $130,00 con SUBE para la primera sección y $430 en efectivo; $169,00 para la segunda sección con SUBE y $430 en efectivo y, finalmente, de $208,00 con SUBE y $430 para la tercera sección. Informe: Lucía Bernstein Alfonsín.
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glenngaylord · 10 months
Negative Space - Film Review: The Zone Of Interest ★★★★★
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Whenever filmmaker Jonathan Glazer releases a new film, and he has only made four in the past 23 years, I sit up and take notice. Sexy Beast, Birth, and Under The Skin made lasting impressions, and his latest, The Zone Of Interest, has profoundly affected me more than any other film I’ve seen this year. Based on the 2014 novel by the same name from the late Martin Amis, it relates a Holocaust narrative strictly told from the point of view of a Nazi leader and his family who live just on the other side of the wall to Auschwitz.
That family consists of the real-life Commandant Rudolf Höss (Christian Friedel), his wife Hedwig (Sandra Hüller, Anatomy Of A Fall) and their children, who live in a bucolic villa complete with a swimming pool, greenhouse and extensive garden. At the outset, we watch the Höss’ picnic and lead fairly quiet, normal lives. One could easily mistake this as a serene comedy of manners if not paying careful attention. The occasional offscreen gunshot or scream, however, belies the sun-dappled visuals. Look even closer and you’ll see the barbed wire, the guard towers, and in one indelible image, the smoke from a transport train making its way across the top of the frame as Höss stands proudly watching his brood frolic in the pool.
While we never witness the atrocities, the hellish soundscape provided by the incredible Composer Mica Levi and Sound Designer Johnnie Burn provides plenty of nightmarish context. Forget all the CGI blockbusters, THIS is the true masterclass in the use of sound. The horror at the center of this film is that of indifference, disassociation, and the “banality of evil”. Euphemisms such as "yield" to signify the number of the slaughtered, or the title, which blandly refers to the area outside the camps, allows all of us to somehow stomach the terrors at hand. This forced perspective proves unbearably agonizing.
Cinematographer Lukasz Zal (Ida, Cold War) contributes an endless series of carefully composed images, mostly wide shots and often static. The negative spaces he creates suggest the unimaginable just out of frame. We rarely get a close-up of the characters, instead we’re kept at a distance as they flatly go about their days. A scene of Höss meeting with engineers to review a more effective way to exterminate the Jews plays just as matter-of-factly as one of Hedwig gardening. When one of the children locks another in the greenhouse, one could easily find it amusing were it not for the fact that the older one makes gas chamber hissing sounds at his sibling.
Glazer takes a distancing, experimental approach to the material, somewhat as he did with Under The Skin, but the effect proves far more chilling here. He creates a rhythm with one seemingly mundane scene after another until you begin to realize that coat Hedwig tries on once belonged to a prisoner, or that her children are playing with teeth and not toys. Occasionally he interrupts the story with night vision scenes of a defiant young girl whose impact on the proceedings crystalizes later with an off-camera remark guaranteed to sap the film of any hope.
The performances for the most part seem functional and this feels clearly by design. Careful not to make the Nazis sympathetic, the actors’ flatness serves to make the audience complicit with their remove from the terrors unfolding steps away. We have room to reflect on who we have become or perhaps have always been, especially concerning the current state of things. We TikTok as the world burns. Martin Amis had previously explored a shift in historical perspective with his 1991 novel Time's Arrow, which also seemed to conclude that regardless of the point of view, cruelty and apathy persist. Amis and Glazer seem to say that Nazis don’t hold the copyright on disinterest or evil. Left unchecked and unexamined, we’re all capable of such behavior.
Despite this, both Friedel and especially Hüller create a pair of unforgettable characters. Friedel carries himself tightly as any military officer and establishes himself as a dull bureaucrat who loves his family and yet doesn’t hesitate to wield his power in horrific ways. The scariest moment in any film this year comes when he tells his wife how he feels about The Final Solution, and his last moment gives us a brief window into the bile churning up within. Hüller, for her part, proves even scarier as she clomps around the house in her heavy heels, quietly threatening one of her Jewish workers, and seething with entitled rage. At one point she laughingly, and without irony, tells her mother she’s known as the “Queen Of Aushchwitz”.
This year no other film made me ugly cry as much as All Of Us Strangers and no other film can hold a candle to the screenwriting craft and love for its characters as much as The Holdovers. The Zone Of Interest, however, despite feeling more like an art installation than a traditional movie, is a masterpiece which will stick with me forever.
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seamoselcambio · 10 months
Descripción de la actividad -> Esta actividad consiste en una campaña a través de las redes sociales para informar sobre las dificultades que afronta la comunidad de Cerro Franco en Villa María, con respecto al desarrollo educativo de los niños, así como las instalaciones o material educativo con el que cuentan.  
Sensibilizar a un grupo de personas sobre las dificultades que afronta la comunidad de Cerro Franco
Conseguir donaciones de útiles, libros y juguetes
Establecer una biblioteca capacitada con las donaciones recibidas 
Necesidad identificada: Falta de material educativo para el desarrollo integral de los niños de la comunidad durante el verano o de manera recreativa. 
Durante este proyecto pude desarrollar y ejercer los 7 resultados de aprendizaje debido a la complejidad durante los distintos procesos de organización y gestión, publicidad y realización.
Investigación de la Cuestión Global
Existen distintos factores que limitan la educación en nuestro país. Todavía hay inconsistencias significativas en las oportunidades educativas de una persona basadas en su estatus socioeconómico.
La ubicación geográfica es otro obstáculo común que perjudica la accesibilidad a la educación. Debido a la falta de escuelas en un área cercana y el costo extra que significa el transporte de ida y regreso puede llevar a que muchos niños recurren a dejar de asistir a clases. En el caso de que haya escuelas, en la mayoría de casos no cumplen con la infraestructura adecuada cómo  instalaciones de agua potable, electricidad  y saneamiento, así cómo el material educativo necesario cómo aulas, pupitres, sillas suficientes. Sin el material necesario como libros de texto o útiles básicos puede ser un reto para los educadores dar lecciones efectivas. 
Otro problema que se presenta, es la falta de educadores calificados para brindar una educación asertiva y progresiva. Por otro lado, debido a la falta de recursos de las familias el costo adicional del uniforme o de los útiles que se soliciten en ciertos casos puede desmotivar a la familia a que su hijo reciba educación. Otro desafío, es la falta de acceso a las mismas herramientas tecnológicas como computadoras, Internet y software educativo  que nosotros tenemos acceso. Esto puede limitar su educación y rompe el balance que se supone debería existir en la educación del país.
Primero se tuvo que encontrar la comunidad a la que ayudamos y debido a los problemas identificados previamente se decidió la comunidad de Cerro Franco; ya que el acceso era hasta cierta medida complicado por lo que aunque la ayuda estaba presente era escasa. 
Luego de esto, se dividieron las responsabilidades en respecto al desarrollo de la página en redes sociales y el contenido a realizar. Así cómo la recolección de donaciones y la división de estas en packs para los alumnos. 
Finalmente, el día de la clausura las actividades recreativas a realizar para los niños de la comunidad y la entrega de los packs
Realizar la Primera Visita 
tener un registro de los niños de la comunidad para decidir el contenido o nivel del contenido educativo a pedir 
realizar los post para la página en redes sociales 
mantener activas y constantes las redes para fomentar las donaciones
recoger o recibir las donaciones 
armar los packs para cada niño y organizar las demás donaciones
hacer entrega de los packs en la clausura 
Este trabajo me permitió a nivel personal conocer otras realidades de nuestro país que no son ajenas o lejanas a nosotras, así cómo desarrollar habilidades de trabajo en equipo, comunicación, organización. 
Este proyecto, considero que nos ayudó a madurar y crecer cómo persona ya que me permitió interactuar con otras realidades y ver en primera mano la situación y retos a los que se enfrentan cada día para así poder valorar las facilidades que tomamos normalmente por dadas cómo nuestra educación y oportunidades académicas   
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ivanreydereyes · 1 year
Siguiendo con PUTO FUTBOL en VILLA "LA ANGOSTURA" en la PATAGONIA ARGENTINA..estuve hablando con unos ARGENTINOS q estaban haciendo la RUTA de los 7 LAGOS en BICICLETA y uno me dijo q estuvo en el ESTADIO BERNABEU viendo la FINAL de COPA LIBERTADORES entre RIVER vs BOCA en DIC '2018 [día q me subí a la ESTATUA de GANDHI q esta enfrente y q inaguro la MADRE del ANTICRISTO FELIPE VI tras regalarla la INDIA=lema LA VERDAD SOLA TRIUNFA] tras haber visto yo 3 días antes REAL MADRID vs MELILLA en COPA DE REY día de la CONSTITUCION [q murió el cantante de BUZZ_COCKS q se lanzaron con ORGASM ADDICT y a los q vi como teloneros de nIrVANa 2 meses antes de SUICIDIO de COBAIN dejando viuda a Courtney LOVE de grupo HOLE=AGUJERO..a la q dejaron ser cantante de FAITH NO MORE cuando era STRIPPER=se desnudaba x dinero].. tras pasar x el PALACIO DE FRANCO en el PARDO y la iglesia del CRISTO del PARDO..fotografiando en el videomarcador a CRISTO GLEZ q lo dejo de suplente SOLARI [cuya hermana MATÓ FOLLANDO al hermano de la mujer del también argentino WALTER SAMUEL q jugo en REAL MADRID] tras hacerlo debutar en el partido de IDA en COPA DE REY marcando el último gol o 0_4 en último minuto para luego hacerlo debutar en LIGA [=que se enrolla con alguna/o] en el ESTADIO DE HELIO_POLIS [=CIUDAD DEL SOL] o del BETIS en SEVILLA para a continuación ser traspasado al HUESCA [cuyo bus fotografie la noche de la pelea del SIGLO MAY_WEATHER vs PACMAN frente hotel ABBA de AVDA AMERICANA tras fotografiar la camiseta de DUDA del MALAGA en el bar CAÑAS =jugador del BETIS q pasó de jugar en el ESTADIO de Heliopolis al LIBERTY del SWAMSEA tras verle y fotografiar su bus frente al HOTEL WEST_BURY=OCCIDENTE_ENTERRAR tras jugar contra el SWAMSEA en agosto 2011 muriendo a continuación su jugador miki ROQUE] ..siendo presentado junto a IVAN LOPEZ alias IVI procedente del LEVANTE..
..y además el ARGENTINO me dijo q no le devolvieron el DINERO x la SUSPENSION en BUENOS AIRES de la final de la COPA LIBERTADORES que hizo q se trasladara al ESTADIO BERNABEU O MADRID..
..x cierto..en VILLA ANGOSTURA me fotografie en ESCAPARATE con cartel UNA PATADA EN EL CULO es un PASO ADELANTE..también tenia un vaso de MATE de la cerveza BRAHMA=En el marco del hinduismo, Brahmā (del sánscrito: ब्रह्म ‘evolución o desarrollo’) es la Deidad creadora que dio origen al universo, siendo una de las deidades miembro de la Trimurti (‘tres formas’), la tríada conformada por Brahma (Dios creador), Vishnú (Dios preservador) y Shiva (Dios destructor
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