#villa zarri
scienza-magia · 1 year
Concorso per un posto amministrativo a Castel Maggiore BO
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Concorsi pubblici in Emilia-Romagna: al via un bando per diplomati. Dettagli e stipendio per la posizione prevista. Tra gli ultimi concorsi pubblici indetti in Emilia-Romagna, c'è anche un bando per l'assunzione di candidati diplomati a tempo indeterminato L'Unione Reno Galliera ha indetto un bando per l'assunzione a tempo pieno e indeterminato di un istruttore amministrativo, da inserire nei Servizi Demografici, presso il Comune di Castel Maggiore. Il profilo professionale è individuato nella categoria C del Contratto Collettivo Nazionale di Lavoro - Comparto Funzioni Locali, con posizione economica C1. A questa posizione è associato uno stipendio lordo mensile di circa 1.800 euro, equivalente a uno stipendio netto di circa 1.400 euro. Vi si aggiunge, altresì, la corresponsione della tredicesima mensilità e di altre indennità previste dal CCNL. Il titolo di studio richiesto è un diploma di scuola secondaria superiore (maturità). Il bando richiede anche la conoscenza della lingua inglese e dei sistemi operativi e degli applicativi informatici più diffusi. I requisiti generali previsti dal bando sono i seguenti: l'età compresa fra i 18 anni e quella prevista per il collocamento a riposo, il godimento dei diritti civili e politici, l'inclusione nell'elettorato politico attivo, la cittadinanza italiana, europea o di altri Stati, purché siano rispettati i requisiti previsti dall'art. 38 del D.Lgs. n°165 del 2001. I candidati non devono essere stati destituiti, dispensati, dichiarati decaduti o licenziati da un pubblico impiego, per un motivo incompatibile allo stesso, né aver ricevuto condanne penali per reati ostativi al lavoro scelto. I candidati di sesso maschile, nati fino al 1985, devono essere in regola con gli obblighi di leva. Concorsi pubblici in Emilia-Romagna: perché scegliere Castel Maggiore L'Unione Reno Galliera è un'unione di comuni situati nella città metropolitana di Bologna, costeggiati dal fiume Reno. In particolare, Castel Maggiore è uno dei più affascinanti, grazie al suo patrimonio culturale e artistico. Di grande bellezza sono, ad esempio, le ville presenti nella città, costruite dal Cinquecento all'Ottocento, come Villa Zarri e Villa Isabella. C'è, poi, anche un grattacielo moderno, Torre Frascari, situato in Piazza Lorusso. La città metropolitana di Bologna è, inoltre, nota per l'alta qualità della vita: è, infatti, in prima posizione nella classifica de Il Sole 24 Ore del 2022 sulle province più vivibili d'Italia. La selezione pubblica avverrà mediante l'espletamento di una prova orale e di una prova scritta. In relazione al numero di domande presentate, potrebbe essere prevista anche una prova preselettiva. La domanda potrà essere presentata solo online, iscrivendosi e accedendo alla piattaforma online, resa disponibile sul sito dell'Unione, con credenziali SPID, CIE, CNS o FedERa. Per ulteriori informazioni, cliccate qui. La data di scadenza è fissata alle 14.00 del 2 maggio 2023. Read the full article
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ibrews · 7 years
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Images of VR brewing experience I put together for an entry to the Young Architect ‘Experiential Beer Garden’ competition. The VR experience is in the left column and the ‘real world’ experience is on the right column.  Teammates: Ian Nicholson, Mike Langone, Danton Spina
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
hi i was hoping you could please help me find this fic where H and L both know each other since they were kids, except they both hate each other bc they're on different footie teams (H is Aston Villa, dont remember L) and both end up getting into Man U, become roomies and fall in love, H discovers he's demisexual, except then H is moved to Barca and has to leave to Spain, and then his childhood best friend tries to take advantage of him, but L and H make it work anyways, that's all i remember <3
Hi! The author of this fic changed the pairing to Zarry after deciding she hates Louis/Larry. That's probably why you had trouble finding it again! The link for it is here
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twopoppies · 3 years
Hi, Gina! I am ashamed to admit I didn’t know this was written by Emmie and then re written as a Zarry fic, (because of course she would) but Louis’ tweet about Aston Villa reminded me of Louis calling Harry Little Villain in You’ve Got to See Yourself from Far and Wide. I was wondering if anyone had a pdf of the original Larry fic?
Hi sweetheart. I'm sorry I missed this the other day. But yeah, I have the original here.
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architectnews · 3 years
YAC Competitions News: Young Architects
2021 YAC Competition in Finland, Young Architects Architecture Contest News
YAC Competitions News 2021
Architecture Contest organised by Young Architects Competitions
23 Apr 2021
YAC Arctic Hotel Competition News
Programme: Accommodation facilities in Rovaniemi, Finland
Design Contest by YAC
Arctic Hotel YAC competition
Young Architects Competitions is an international network of professionals aiming at enhancing architecture research and young designers’ skills. Since 2013 they have been organizing numerous competitions joined by hundreds of designers based in 100 countries.
The contests promoted until today have been supported by several international academic and professional partners with the likes of Automobili Lamborghini, Ferrari, National Geographic, Manni Group.
The competitions gathered prominent jury panels featuring, among the others, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Zaha Hadid Architects, Daniel Libeskind, Aires Mateus, Shigeru Ban Architects, Kazuyo Sejima.
YAC are currently promoting the Arctic Hotel competition inviting creatives to imagine accommodation facilities in Rovaniemi, Finland. From there, guests will be able to admire one of nature’s most wonderful phenomenon: Aurora Borealis.
There will be a total amount of 15.000 Euros in prize money for the awarded proposals and the jury of the competition gathers outstanding international personalities like Angelo Micheli (AMDL Circle), Rodrigo Duque Motta, Dagur Eggertsson (Rintala Eggertsson), and many more.
Arctic Hotel is expected to be a moment of significant international participation for combining extremely interesting and up-to-date topics and a well-esteemed Technical Committee.
Some places may seem straight out of a fairy tale, bu they exist in the real world. In some places, a blend of legends, landscapes, memories, creates something that cannot be described in words: something humans perceive but cannot express, something science explains but does not own.
Rovaniemi is one of those places.
Capital of Finnish Lapland, Rovaniemi is one of the few cities in the world located at a few kilometres from the Arctic Circle: legacy of people with colourful clothes and special traditions, reindeer farmers and sleigh builders. Rovaniemi is a place made of snow, perpetual dawns and dusks, and it is home to the dancing lights that shine in the sky during cold winter nights – the Aurora Borealis.
Home to Santa Claus- the Scandinavian myth that conquered the world through tales and folklore, the town of Rovaniemi had been considered inaccessible and remote for most of its history. Until last century, when it became the destination for visitors and tourists, who wanted to feel its magic and see the fascinating Northern Lights.
Today Rovaniemi is no longer a prerogative of expert travellers and explorers, and new hospitality models are necessary in order to protect the remote identity of this land.
An identity that is characterized by primitive beauty and harmony, and inaccessibility and the absence of humans greatly contributed to its shaping.
How can we make places like this accessible, as inaccessibility is a key part of their charm? What kind of accommodation facilities can combine hospitality and unspoilt nature?
This is the challenge of Arctic Hotel, the competition organized by YAC and Rovaniemi to create a place where people can experience the most authentic North, respecting its isolation and magic.
On Ounasvaara Hill, overlooking one of the most remote bases ever built, architects will have the opportunity to imagine a structure that blends with the forest, the snow and the sky. A place where visitors can find shelter from the freezing temperatures of the Arctic Circle, gather around a fire, and enjoy the rarest and most mysterious spectacle of nature: the Aurora Borealis.
YAC thanks all architects who will accept this challenge.
Previously on e-architect:
YAC Competitions News 2020
FITT Future Headquarters
FITT Future Headquarters competition project aunched by YAC.
Young Architects Competitions is an international network of professionals aiming at enhancing architecture research and young designers’ skills. Since 2013 we have been organizing multiple competitions joined by hundreds of designers based in 100 countries.
The contests promoted until today have been supported by several international academic and professional partners with the likes of Automobili Lamborghini, Ferrari, National Geographic, Manni Group. Our competitions gathered prominent jury panels featuring, among the others, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Zaha Hadid Architects, Daniel Libeskind, Crab studio, Aires Mateus, Shigeru Ban Architects, Kazuyo Sejima.
The FITT competition invites creatives to suggest their own vision of future workspace.
There will be a total amount of 20.000 € in prize money for the awarded proposals and the jury of the competition gathers outstanding international personalities like Emmanuelle Moureaux; Nicola Scaranaro – FOSTER + PARTNERS; Carlo Ratti – CARLO RATTI ARCHITECTS; Patrik Schumacher – ZAHA HADID ARCHITECTS.
FITT Future Headquarters is expected to be a moment of significant international participation for combining extremely interesting and up-to-date topics and a well-esteemed Technical Committee.
For further details, have a look at the links below:
– Official YAC’s website
– YAC’s Facebook page
– YAC’s Instagram page
Previously on e-architect:
28 Apr 2017
YAC Experiential Beer Garden competition Winners News
Design Contest by YAC
Winners of YAC Experiential Beer Garden competition
CASH PRIZE 15.000 €
OCT 2016 – JAN 2017
Beer has always been a part of human history, from Ancient Egypt (where wages were paid in beer) to Ireland (where beer was the gods’ nectar of immortality), to name but a few examples.
Drinking a glass of beer does not simply mean drinking a beverage, but interacting with a millennium-old history, made of legends, religious beliefs and wisdom. It is a tradition that has been going on since time immemorial, that has come down to us through the work of the monasteries and that has now become an industry in its own right.
Although in the Modern era beer has been produced at an industrial level, today we are experiencing a shift towards artisanal production, in an enthusiastic celebration of taste and secret recipes.
In this spirit, Villa Zarri – one of the leading Italian breweries – wishes to follow the most recent trends of consumption by investing in an ambitious architectural project, which will create a top-quality space for craft brewery.
The centre that Villa Zarri intends to create, within a beautiful mid 16th-century villa, will be a sanctuary for all beer lovers – a place where beer tasting will meet delicious food, culture and entertainment, within the framework of architectural beauty.
Whether German, Belgian, British or Italian, every beer variety will find an ideal place here, a place for both fine palates and less experienced beer lovers. Architectural beauty, cultural events and entertainment will contribute to making the experience of drinking beer unique. Experiential Beer Garden will be a one-of-a-kind brewery, the world’s first centre dedicated to the age-old culture of beer.
Italian passion for beer will be tangible in this centre and will accompany the cultural and entertainment events revolving around beer. Located in the heart of Emilian countryside, this centre will be an observatory that will help the visitors understand the historical and intercultural significance of beer.
1° PRIZE 8.000 € All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites + international exhibitions
2° PRIZE 4.000 € publication per 1st prize
3° PRIZE 2.000 € publication per 2nd prize
n. 2 GOLD MENTION 500 € publication per 3rd prize
10 HONORABLE MENTIONS + 30 FINALISTS MENTIONS publication is per 1st prize
2° PRIZE TEAM Semuarchitects MEMBERS Annamaria Pisani, Alexandra Catania, Claudio Zampaglione, Federica Cadili , Giulio Gioia, Sergio Tarquinio, Oriana Scannella, Salvatore Spanò, Giuseppina Laudani
3° PRIZE TEAM Studio RAAM MEMBERS Koen Klok, William de Ronde
Gold Mentions
TEAM Wilgos and Eciak Architects MEMBERS Pawel Wilgos, Mateusz Eciak
TEAM LERVTA MEMBERS Louise VALLADIER, Emilie MOUCHEL, Valentin DANCOISNE, Thomas Nougaret, Rémi Clauzel, Anthony Gallien
TEAM LIME Team Project MEMBERS Alessandro Gaffuri, Francesco Penone
TEAM DUO_A MEMBERS Rebecca Billi, William Rowe
TEAM bebok MEMBERS Bartłomiej Zdanowski, Helena Szewiola
TEAM SIEBENVONDREI MEMBERS Dennis Kraft, Jennifer Klähn, Johannes Schulze, Diala Makhlouf, Svenja Abraham, Tim Wallstab, Michele Rückert
TEAM m+p+j+b MEMBERS Jan Verhagen, priscille rodriguez, Boaz Rotem, Matthew Hykin
TEAM AI studio MEMBERS Andrada Ispas, Alexandra Sinitaru
TEAM RB3+1 MEMBERS Dimitri Longo, Mauro Montis, Luca Frascarolo
TEAM NUXOT MEMBERS Manuel Cano Gómez, Raul Cano Gómez, Miguel Llorens Colera, Mario Gonzalez de la Peña, Ibrahim Casanova Gómez
TEAM BAND MEMBERS Dieu Hoang, Maria Petrova, Vishnu Medapati, Vana Boghozian, Nathan Fisher, Breeanna Garcia
TEAM Form MEMBERS Clenda Boonman, Jörgen Haring, Robert Noordegraaf
TEAM Arch. Luca Guerra MEMBERS Luca Guerra, Riccardo Belletti
TEAM Balloon MEMBERS Lukasz Wojciechowski, Paulina Libiszewska
TEAM lml.architetti MEMBERS Laura Ticchioni, Luca Graziani, Samantha Bianchi, Marco Ciscato
TEAM ONIROSTUDIO MEMBERS Michelangelo Verdelli, Leonardo Palla, Andrea Scalabrelli, Letizia Tralli, Kristi Pali
TEAM I.P.A. MEMBERS Mattia Bergamo, Cristian Rossi
TEAM sette3bis associati MEMBERS Marco Bartolucci, Martina Falleri, Tommaso Gentili
TEAM BHLO MEMBERS Luke O’Bray, Benjamin Hale
TEAM Federico Gazzea, Dirce Concetti MEMBERS Federico Gazzea, Dirce Concetti
TEAM dma-office MEMBERS He Dongming, Xie Yi, Li Xu, Zhang Ning
TEAM t5 MEMBERS Daniele Ronca, Aleksandr Karpov, Rocco Barbini, Alice Monacelli
TEAM Jery Huang MEMBERS Jie Huang, Yidi Yao
TEAM Mahan Shirazi MEMBERS Mahan Shirazi, Setareh Salehiarashloo
TEAM Lapo Ruffi, Vanessa Giandonati MEMBERS Lapo Ruffi, Vanessa Giandonati, Nicholas Diddi, Emir Sehic, Nico Fedi
TEAM Team B + CP MEMBERS Maria Reyes, MARTIN GARCIA, Summer Fernquist, Christopher Polaski
TEAM IS Design MEMBERS Ivan Soh, Li Ying, Siriwan Thongprasert, Lorrie Mendoza Besmonte
TEAM A1 MEMBERS Alessandro Bergo, Giulia Ferro, Federico Ottogalli, Andrea Merlo
TEAM SFSight MEMBERS Stefano Farina
TEAM CTM MEMBERS Francesca Orlandi, Riccardo Miccoli
TEAM 2G1P1T MEMBERS Giuseppe Parisi, Francesco Bonanomi
TEAM BB MEMBERS Benjamin Schubert
TEAM G Baran MEMBERS Guillem Bargues, Rafa Codina
TEAM PA_OFF MEMBERS Cristina Iore, Tommaso Miti
TEAM NDArchitetti MEMBERS Nicola Vesentini, Davide Burro
TEAM Brut MEMBERS Pierre-Alain Bouchetard, Etienne Barre
TEAM Balogh Timea MEMBERS Timeia Marcela Balog, Georgiana Tarlungeanu, Ruxandra Maria Cosmin
TEAM Charch MEMBERS Georgios Chatzopoulos, Vasiliki Christakou
YAC Experiential Beer Garden competition Jury
YAC Experiential Beer Garden competition information / images received from YAC
YAC Experiential Beer Garden competition Winners
18 Apr 2017
YAC Castle Resort Competition Winners
Design Contest by Marlegno, YAC and Agenzia del Demanio
Location: Castle of Roccamandolfi, Province Isernia, Molise, Italy
Winners of YAC Castle Resort Competition
Marlegno s.r.l., YAC and Agenzia del Demanio have promoted Castle Resort, an open architectural competition aiming at the landscape renewal of the area around the Castle off Roccamandolfi, in Southern Italy.
YAC Castle Resort Competition
Castle Resort official video:
YAC Castle Resort Competition Winners
For further information: YAC Castle Resort Competition
Location: Roccamandolfi, Isernia, Molise, Italy
Architecture Competitions
Architectural Competitions : links
Architecture Competitions
International Design Competition for Central City Square of Rahovec, Kosovo, Europe Central City Square of Rahovec Architecture Competition
Render of the Year award image courtesy of architects Render of the Year award
International design competition “Castelo de Abrantes”, Portugal photo from architecture competition organisers Portuguese Castle Architecture Competition
YAC Italian Wine Centre Contest Organiser: Young Architects Competitions (YAC) picture from design competition organisers YAC Wine Culture Centre Competition
Triumph Pavilion Architecture Competition, London, UK image from competition organisers Triumph Pavilion Architecture Competitions
Comments / photos for the YAC Competitions page welcome
Website: Castle of Roccamandolfi
The post YAC Competitions News: Young Architects appeared first on e-architect.
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anisettarosati · 4 years
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⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜ ⚜" VILLA ZARRI "🍸BOLOGNA ⚜ ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜ ⚜⚜I N C O M P A R A B L E ⚜⚜ ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜ ⚜Tks a lot Ale & Guido Fini Zarri⚜ ⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜⚜ 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 🍸Enjoy🍸Anisetta Rosati 1877🍸 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 #VillaZarri #Bologna #BrandyVillaZarri #DistilleriaVillaZarri #AnisettaRosati #GuidoFiniZarri #AnticaDistilleria #Anisetta #Rosati1877 #VinityWineCompany #Brandy #BrandyItaliano #Likör #Spiritueux #KräuterLikör #AnisettaRosati1877 #AscoliPiceno #Picenoshire #Spirituosen #SuccedesoloaBologna #Bolognawelcome #volgoBologna #TurismoER #LoveMixology #ItalianExcellence #EccellenzeItaliane #Mixologie #BrandyInvecchiato #AmaroRosatiQualisSuperior #AnisettaRosatiElixirImperiale 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 @anisettarosaticocktails @anisettarosati1877 @anisettarosatibew @elixirimperiale @anisettarosati @amarorosati @picenoshire @rosati1877 (presso Villa Zarri Distillery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxrmYRnU2y/?igshid=2waljz7ye9ls
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The Conquest of Innovation in Quality Drinking
Questo brandy affinato in botti di vecchio marsala, dovete degustarlo.
#marastoni_rappresentanze @villazarri #villazarri #brandy #brandyitaliano #barman #bartender #bar #aperitivo #brandylovers #ristoranteitaliano #trattoriaitaliana #wineshop #spiritshop #eccelenzeitaliane #distillerie #distillery #theconquestofinnovationinqualitydrinking
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mrdima · 3 years
Serata di grande musica con @johnjpatitucci @chrispotterjazz @brianbladeofficial @cubounipol @bolognajazzfestival (presso Villa Zarri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRXafUGo4UV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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leighbot · 7 years
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“You did what?”
“Sorry, is the connection poor?” Harry asks, pulling the phone away from his ear. He isn’t sure if the acoustics of a phone booth are setup a specific way, but he can only shove one side of his body into the small booth. Maybe some of the sound is escaping.
Niall laughs. “It sounds like you said you bought a villa in Tuscany.”
“Oh, perfect, then it’s clear like crystal.”
A Zarry Under the Tuscan Sun AU I’ll probably never finish
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italreport · 7 years
Premiati giovani professionisti di Catania, nota congiunta di architetti e ingegneri
Premiati giovani professionisti di Catania, nota congiunta di architetti e ingegneri was originally published on ITALREPORT
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toscanofilo · 8 years
Le quattro stagioni del sigaro Toscano: da Terry Nesti un inno al Made in Italy 
Quattro abbinamenti scelti e tante suggestioni da un esperto d’eccezione
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Terry Nesti ama definirsi “fumoso divulgatore” e “degustatore curioso”. Così è conosciuto tra gli appassionati di sigari, Toscano in particolare, sebbene di mestiere faccia il formatore aziendale. Sul suo profilo Instagram dispensa immagini cariche di suggestioni visive, olfattive e gustative riguardo a ricercate specialità enogastronomiche, come il panettone con crema di Balsamico (sì, proprio lui, l’aceto di Modena). E così abbiamo pensato che Terry fosse la persona giusta a cui chiedere quattro abbinamenti per quattro stagioni. Con il sigaro Toscano, ovviamente!
1) Inverno. E’ la stagione delle grandi feste della tradizione ed evocativa di atmosfere meditative. La stagione più tradizionale, quelloa in cui c'immaginiamo seduti davanti al fuoco di un caminetto sulla nostra bella poltrona di pelle rossa con in mano il nostro Toscano Originale. E nell'altra un bicchiere di brandy naturalmente! Essendo la stagione delle feste inizieremo anche davanti ad una fetta di panettone. Il mio brandy preferito è senza ombra di dubbio il Villa Zarri 21 anni, mentre il panettone è quello classico della Pasticceria Pepe di Salerno. Tre grandi prodotti simbolo dell'artigianalità italiana, del lavoro e dell'attenzione per la tradizione che si sposano in un voluttuoso connubio.
2) Primavera. E’ l’epoca del risveglio, dei colori, in cui l’aria è sempre profumata. Il mio sigaro di primavera è il Toscano Soldati, una selezione dei migliori tabacchi campani per avere un prodotto morbido e piacevole da fumare. In quelle sere tiepide, abbinato ad un bicchiere di Franciacorta, che in questo caso è il Millè dell'azienda Muratori. Il tabacco Kentucky ben si sposa con la bolla fresca e piena. I due attori si uniscono e vanno a creare un ensemble fra i sentori di cuoio nobile del nostro sigaro e le note di crosta di pane del metodo Classico.
3) Estate. Giovane, solare, tutta energia. E’ giunto il momento di lasciarsi andare e di liberarsi dalle costrizioni dello studio e del lavoro. Ed è bello passeggiare per la città semivuota all'imbrunire con un sigaro in mano. Per comodità la mia scelta va certamente ad un ammezzato, in questo caso mi piace il Toscanello XXL, un'edizione limitata, ma un sigaro di ampio respiro. Camminando con il caldo della sera il sigaro si fa importante, c'è bisogno di stemperarlo e possiamo fermarci al bar e bere un'aperitivo, il mio consiglio va su un Tom Collins, cocktail semplice ma molto dissetante.
4) Autunno. Per i poeti e i letterati è da sempre la stagione della melanconia. In tempi più recenti, è vivacizzata dai tanti eventi enogastronomici. Perfetta per le passeggiate nei boschi e nei borghi storici più belli d’Italia. O per meditare in un boschetto dove gli odori complessi dell'autunno si fanno sempre più presenti. Per me è il momento del Toscano Extravecchio, un sigaro che profuma di Toscana, un sigaro non eccessivamente intenso, ma molto caratteristico, io lo definisco il peperoncino della gamma a marchio Toscano, perché è quello più piacevolmente spigoloso. È il sigaro giusto per aprire una bottiglia di vino rosso, meglio se un supertuscany come Solaia, con qualche anno di età (direi almeno dieci).
Ringraziamo Terry Nesti per le preziosissime suggestioni che ci ha regalato in questa breve ma intensa lista di combinazioni! Un autentico inno alle note gastronomiche nonché estetiche tipiche del Toscano e, più in generale, del Made in Italy. 
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poplandrealm · 4 years
Dall’orto del Ristorante Iacobucci l’equilibrata sontuosità della cucina di chef Agostino
Dall’orto del Ristorante Iacobucci l’equilibrata sontuosità della cucina di chef Agostino
Varcando l’arco di edera che dà accesso al parco secolare della maestosa Villa Zarri, dove è ubicato il Ristorante Iacobucci, si intravede il biancore della divisa di chef Agostino che dal prato ci fa cenno di seguirlo. “Mi serve una cipolla” dice “venite con me” e girandolando fra i tigli e i platani della proprietà, scambiandoci i saluti di rito, ci ritroviamo nel grande orto del ristorante.…
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popeating · 4 years
Dall’orto del Ristorante Iacobucci l’equilibrata sontuosità della cucina di chef Agostino
Dall’orto del Ristorante Iacobucci l’equilibrata sontuosità della cucina di chef Agostino
Varcando l’arco di edera che dà accesso al parco secolare della maestosa Villa Zarri, dove è ubicato il Ristorante Iacobucci, si intravede il biancore della divisa di chef Agostino che dal prato ci fa cenno di seguirlo. “Mi serve una cipolla” dice “venite con me” e girandolando fra i tigli e i platani della proprietà, scambiandoci i saluti di rito, ci ritroviamo nel grande orto del ristorante.…
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harryseyebrows · 6 years
Which of your fictional versions of Harry would want to try public sex? I love hazoff but I can't think of a scenario where that could ever possibly happen
heyyyyy they’re less vanilla than you think lskadjflkasjd gryles from the gryles mpreg verse def wouldn’t be opposed. a private beach villa? u bet ur ass that harry’s getting fucked outside lmao as for my other wips.....i have 900 of them but for the life of me cannot think of the pairings/circumstances lol zourry??? well. larry likely wouldn’t, since they’re a bit more settled and mature towards the end. young zarry might. OH. the zarry cmbyn au with a proper age difference, harry might try to wheedle zayn into it, but i dont know how successful he’d be. hmmm
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twopoppies · 4 years
Hi! How are you doing this weekend? I'm wondering if you could help me find a fic I'm looking for. It's a long fic, and covered harry and Louis over the years. When they met in elementary school, Louis saw that harry was an Aston villa supporter so he called him little villain for a while, then they meet again in soccer training school and they don't get along for a while, then Harry comes back into his life as a friend of his roommate (or maybe harry is actually louis' new roommate?) (Part 1)
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I do know the fic, darling. It was written but someone who is now an “ex-Larrie” and they hate Louis so much that they’ve changed the fic into a Zarry fic. 🙄🙄🙄 I think I know someone who has the original downloaded. If you want to come off anon, I’ll check in with them.
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dartsattack · 7 years
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presso Villa Zarri
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