#villanos analysis
I Just Realized Something About Their Names
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I just realized that it's a subtle theming pun. Coyote is named after of course coyotes, but you also gotta realize that Omega is a outdated classification for pack structure which includes of course his archenemies' namesake. And funny enough designated omega wolves are considered the low class of the pack which would be amusing to Coyote.
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malaguttifederico · 9 months
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My series of Patrons-Only videos dedicated to the full Interpretation of Fiore de' Liberi Longsword is moving forward. With the new video, I completed the analysis of the "Gioco del Villano) and of the following plays, leg void and kick.
This brings the series to a total of 10 plays analyzed through 9 videos, 230 minutes in total.
The next step will move the series on, with the first explanation of the Scambiar di Punta play.
The series is in fact organized in sets of three videos, every set analyzes a group of plays in different ways:
A) A Sword-in Hand explanation, where I explain the play by using minimal equipment only, which lets me talk while showing the actions.
B) A Book-in-Hand explanation: Where I deliver the translation of the Glossa and I explain where to find what on it.
C) An application video, in which I show the application of the plays, both in their original execution and in the most useful sparring adaptations and variations.
Here is the Link to my Patreon, if you want to give a look to the series. Every Tier from Spearman above is able to watch the entire series of videos:
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rxmos · 6 months
The thing about Anthony is that he is a genuenly good singer and songwriter, I think what sabotages him is either his own or his team's constant push towards the mainstream sound rather than an authentic one (I'd argue both). I think that is what generally sabotaged L&L which sounded sooooo "content farm-y" and like a clear need to sound all the other mainstream artists. Let's be real going from "why do so many people just sing about having sex" to just singing about sex (and w other women might I add) is screaming "I don't care abt this I just want to be on the charts". Then you go to his ultimate latin era where he attempts to make marc anthony esc music and failing miserably (all from Latino Activo). Which leads to Villano and Se Fue which are just.......no.
I REALLY hope, like the other anon said, that his upcoming music is more genuine, less automated and with less autotune bc he has talent that can go a long way and that is very enjoyable.
There you go, a little musical analysis focusing strictly on the music and the sound with little to no "outside situations" involved.
so he needs another tgatb era? i lowkey loves l&l though…
anyways keep going because i do want to hear your argument for his mainstream vs authentic
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
How was you rewrite black hat?
I honestly liked how BH was written in the earlier shorts and Orientations. He would still be the powerful evil guy, but we wouldn't seen him use his powers as carefree as he does now. It would only be moments of high emotion or even when it's something that catches him off guard, like with him laughing genuinely too hard. It makes it more of a treat when we do witness his monstrous forms. Plus, it'll feel like he's truly trying to control himself to appear distinguished.
I would also make him be more jokey again and play pranks like he used to. Nothing that was always meant to harm the three, just some cheap scares like with the ice cream screaming at 505. Also, make him the butt-end of jokes, too. It doesn't always have to be something like him having a grumpy statue that transitions perfectly with him looking EXACTLY like that, despite what he says. I loved the jokes where Flug says BH is doing something very evil...and the dude is playing golf or he's reading a newspaper.
I miss him just reading the newspaper. It really brought home the whole thing of him being a retired, old man.
Finally, I would have him tag along on the adventures rather than just feeling like an afterthought. Maybe he wants to relive his glory days, just to witness the absolute idiocy of his employees out in the field. Also, it would be neat to see his powers used for something actually purposeful rather than to make the fans drool or just...random crap.
...Maybe also get people that know how to animate him. He's so freaking stiff all the time. I would love to see him be more, well, animated like he was in 2017.
There just needs to be more life to BH because he just feels like an evil plank of wood.
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gabygirl1243 · 4 years
¿Cómo ha influenciado la pandemia en el universo ficticio de Villainous?
Ya he hablado de esto, pero quiero explicarlo mejor.
Es bastante curioso y un tanto inusual, pero el universo ficticio de Villainous constantemente tiene ciertos paralelismos con el mundo real. Es decir, cuando un evento de gran magnitud ocurre en la vida real, es posible que un evento similar ocurra al mismo tiempo en el mundo de Villainous.
Por estos últimos meses, nuestra única forma de saber qué está pasando en el universo de la serie ha sido por medio del Instagram oficial de Penumbra, el cual ha estado activo desde el lanzamiento del piloto.
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El Instagram de la villana nos ha dado un vistazo de la vida diaria de la mencionada, así como una que otra cosa que ha estado ocurriendo en su ciudad, Atreno.
El Instagram de Penumbra ha sido nuestra única ventana para ver qué ocurre con los personajes y el universo de la serie mientras esperamos nuevos episodios.
Pero también cabe a notar que hay veces en las que cosas de la vida real se ven reflejadas en ciertas publicaciones de Penumbra. Ejemplo de ello fue el incendio en el Amazonas del año pasado y el incendio en Australia a inicios de este año, eventos a los cuales Penumbra hizo referencia en un par de publicaciones.
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Así que esto nos establece que eventos reales podrían llegar a influenciar aunque sea un poco dentro de la serie.
Teniendo esto en claro, continuemos por lo que venimos. ¿En qué ha afectado el COVID-19 en el universo ficticio de la serie? ¿qué se ha visto influenciado por esta pandemia?
Nuestra primera referencia a la pandemia fue en la publicación del 17 de abril, donde Penumbra subió una imagen junto al siguiente mensaje:
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No necesitas sentir presión para ser productivo durante estos tiempos, pero si tienes el privilegio de quedarte en casa y practicar el distanciamiento social, ¡inténtalo! ¡Usa este tiempo para aprender una nueva habilidad, leer un libro, trabajar en tu arte, o sólo tomar algo de tiempo para ti mismo! ¡Tal vez ejercitarte como Curie y Sunblast aquí! Recuerda, esto pasará
Entonces desde ese tiempo sabemos que el infame Coronavirus está afectando en algo en el mundo de Villainous. Pero ¿qué es lo que ha perjudicado?
Hasta ahora no hemos visto que haya afectado a personajes de forma personal más allá de que a Penumbra no le gusta tener que salir debido a la situación, y que cuando se vio obligada a salir junto con Sunblast para buscar a Curie, ambos en todo momento llevaron sus cubrebocas. 
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Pero hay algo en que sí ha tenido gran impacto, algo que a nosotros también nos ha ocurrido. La pandemia provocó que se cancelaran eventos.
Por ahora, hasta donde yo sé, sólo sabemos de tres eventos cancelados en el universo de la serie. Uno se nos insinuó que se cancelará, otro es de asumir que se canceló. Pero hay un evento muy importante que no se realizó, algo que pudo ser muy relevante en cuanto a la historia, pero no pudo ser por la situación actual, este relevante evento será de lo que hablaré al final.
Hablemos primero de uno del que se nos ha hablado explícitamente, la Expo de Ciencias.
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La Expo de Ciencia Loca es una convención aparentemente anual a la que Penumbra, Flug y otros personajes conocidos como Metauro asistieron el año pasado. El 4 de octubre parece ser la fecha en la que se lleva a cabo puesto que fue el día en que Penumbra publicó que estaba en el evento junto a Flug.
Pero este año es más que claro que no se realizará. Esto se deja a entrever en la publicación del 25 de mayo, en donde Penumbra recibe una carta de Flug; su postdata al final muestra que es algo de lo que duda.
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Flug no sabe si habrá una Expo este año debido a la contingencia seguramente.
Para complementar, Penumbra ha estado contactando a científicos que conoció en la Expo del año pasado, intercambiando información en videollamadas. Esto podría ser una buena referencia a las clases virtuales.
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Y esto podría darnos una idea de que quizá la Expo de Ciencias no está del todo perdida, quizá pueda llegar a realizarse pero por medio una transmisión en vivo.
Ahora veamos el siguiente caso, es sobre un evento y una fecha que ya pasó meses atrás. No hemos sabido nada al respecto así que no debe ser importante en lo absoluto, pero es algo que deja un poco en qué pensar.
 Ese evento es el aniversario de Black Hat Organization, celebrado en mayo 15. 
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Este par de imágenes se encuentran ocultas en vídeos del 2018. La primera una invitación para celebrar el aniversario de la compañía, se encuentra oculta en el vídeo titulado “Demencia eZtuvo aquí” de marzo del 2018“. La segunda imagen aparece oculta en el vídeo llamado “¡Verano!” el cual fue subido exáctamente un mes después del aniversario del 2018.
Ambas imágenes sugieren que en efecto hubo una fiesta entre los miembros de la organización (y la última imagen también es una referencia a la película The Shining).
Hemos de suponer que estos eventos se llevan a cabo anualmente en la organización. Pero este año hay un imprevisto. El COVID-19. Y así como por seguro la Expo de Ciencias a la que asisten Flug y Penumbra no se realizará, podemos dar por hecho que esta pandemia sí ha comprometido la celebración de aniversario anual de la compañía.
Todo parece indicar que este año, Black Hat Organization se quedó sin fiesta.
Pasemos al tercer evento, ese que les dije que iba a ser relevante en la historia pero no fue. Un evento que había había sido presagiado desde inicios de febrero de este año y que mantuvo al fandom en alerta, provocando especulaciones.
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…la famosa influencer y superhéroe, ha …tour nacional, con paradas incluyendo …ciudad y más, ella es la primera …cinco en la gráfica de popularidad  …
El tour de Heed.
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La Miss Heed que ha causado gran revuelo en el fandom desde la revelación de su rostro, pero es alguien de la cual sabemos incluso desde el piloto, apareciendo brevemente su nombre mientras Demencia revisaba su celular.
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Con un Instagram y un TikTok oficiales, así como la estrella en cuanto a avances de lo que está por venir en la primera temporada, Miss Heed no es poca cosa.
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Se sabe que esta muchacha en el mundo de la serie es una muy reconocida y famosa héroe e influencer que tiene su propia mercancía que incluye un perfume, figuras de acción y muñecas. Es tan influyente que tiene carteles anunciando sus productos por toda la ciudad de Atreno.
Y aún con todo, por muy afamada e influencer que sea nuestra dichosa Heed, ni siquiera ella pudo salvarse de esta situación.
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La cancelación de su tour nacional es algo que ya deberíamos haber visto venir, yo ya lo sospechaba y se me confirmó con la imagen subida por Penumbra el 20 de agosto. Ahí entre la cantidad de referencias y guiños en esa imagen, se encuentran un par de carteles que anuncian la postergación del tour de Heed, en otras palabras, no hay fecha para su visita a Atreno City.
Sólo nos deja preguntando ¿qué hubiera pasado si se hubiera realizado el tour y Miss Heed hiciera su parada en Atreno? Pudiera haber sido un acontecimiento enorme cuyas implicaciones no podemos saber, ¿qué hubiera cambiado? Ya nunca lo podremos saber.
Pero que el evento haya sido pospuesto y no cancelado definitivamente nos deja en la incertidumbre si algo pudiera pasar a futuro. Además es claro que Heed tiene aún más planes y publicidad bajo la manga, pudiendo ser este su plan B o algo que iba a pasar se realizara el tour o no. 
Ahora, ¿seguirá perjudicando de manera significativa esta situación al universo de Villainous? Esperemos que no, ya suficientes problemas ha causado en nuestras vidas y seguramente en la realización de la serie.
Como diría Penumbra, quédense en casa si pueden, mantengan su distancia, lávense bien las manos, cúbranse y recuerden, esto algún día va a pasar.
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beanieyogurt · 4 years
Let's talk about Villanous. One of the protagonist of this cartoon is Dr. flug but why he hide is identity?. Is pretty obvious that flug have an accident and crash the airplane into the hat trapping him in black hat organization and becoming a slave. Here are my theories:
1.Cause his face is destroy -why I said this- i hear you asking, as I said before he is there by a plane accident which could make him so much damage. My proof of this theory is he sleep in this machines for people that have difficulties for breathing
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2. As he said in the Q&A he was bullied at school so maybe the insecurities of that facet of his life provide him of showing his face.
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(Sorry I could not find it in English)
3. He is got shame of his past and is expecting making a new life as a villan. My proof are he cover are his family members including him in this background picture and having a picture on 5.0.5 normally cause it's a part of his new life as a villain
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julybm · 7 years
New short of Villainous. BH Corporation. Analyze PT 1
So. I wake up in the morning and see my phone.
Then. When I see the news, i'm like...
O. M. G. The New short of Villainous!!!
What a good day.
Then I see it. And now i’m really, really excited.
I analyze the short. 
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At first we have the WARNING.
Wich is really funny
It give you a warning about what happen if you see the next video. Like Stomach pain and head, sickness, loss of sanity and soul, loss hair and nails. Urge to use a hat, villainy, sharp teeth, etc.
The more funny thing in all the warning is the end.
"Nobody reads the warnings and they end up seeing it anyway"
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Then we have the presentation.
When the presenter give us a "cordial" greeting to for wanting to stop being a pathetic villain.
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It's supose that It's a video previosly recorder.
1 of 666 videos.
He say something really funny.
"— Where I mock the pathetic shame from the Forces of evil and you give your money"
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The case that BH talk about is about lemongrab of Adventure Time.
Black Hat, start to criticize him, and his way of leading and acting.
For some reason BH thinks a pineapple is more evil than a Lemon.
And we can hear how the parts of "cuteness" and "affections" seem disgusting for him.
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When see lemongrab unprotected or "without security" promote the security system hosted by the beautiful Flug[¿].
➡ Images
Black Hat organization
The New
Security System
Not include batteries
If you call now we include this key chain
The pieces come separately, If you don't buy anything, we keep conserving your money
Evil Security System from Black Hat
50% L E T H A L
50% S A F E
More of 800 assemblable pieces
Now for:
And $ 50,000,000.00!!
Guarantee and shipping not included
While the commercial happen. The presenter tell us.
"—Acquire it and no one will be able to enter your lair, not even you"
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"— That thing have ears?"
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red-phantoms-blog · 5 years
Lets talk about Doctor Flug.
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How you guys know, this week came out the first episode of villanos - THANK GOD! I could not wait more for this - and finally we can see our villans in your daily life.
Doctor Flug has always called my attention, from his short films, because he is one of those classically mysterious characters. So I decided to do a little analysis on him, or better, on his room.
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As we can see, some photos on the wall, one with the family, and another with a supposed brother or relative, but with a small detail ...
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One is reflecting light and the other was burnt ...how great (¯―¯٥)
It seems that the author really wants to make a drama about his face.
Another thing I managed to repair is Doctor Flug seems to be a bit fired up by aviation and pilot stuff.
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And I have a theory about it, also involving Flug's face. Maybe Flug before being a scientist was actually a pilot, could have suffered a plane crash and collapsed face - which would explain the photo burned.
Maybe that's why he's hiding his face.
Well, thanks for the attention and have a great day. _(:з」∠)_
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Peace's Backstabbing Of Porcinni Reminds Me Of How Bluejam Was Backstabbed By The King Of The Goa Kingdom
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It's practically the same trope of villain gets promised a reward for doing a higher up's or publicly heroic organization's dirty work so they can have their hands cleaned and ends up not going through with it so they can have a fall guy or again they never intended to follow through. Seriously, I think it should be a big enough fall for a villain that Black Hat should use the Porcinni example as why it's a stupid thing to do because you end gambling on someone keeping their promise and if they don't you end up with nothing or worse dead. Also in the case of Porcinni you end up hunted down by Black Hat for your treachery.
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Biggest difference is Bluejam realized he was duped and was set up to die alongside everyone in Grey Terminal while Porccini held onto the delusion they would make him a hero even when they came to arrest him. Guy just really is stubborn and doesn't want to admit he might have made a grave mistake thinking that pallying with the corrupt force that is PEACE would get him full protection. However, both men in the end got nothing but karmic death because of their treachery and hunger for power.
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petitprincess1 · 3 years
What's the difference between a villain and an antagonist? What makes you think Alan isn't doing that properly?
A villain is someone who is morally and explicitly evil in their plans against the protagonist, while an antagonist is simply someone who opposes or acts opposite to the protagonist. Now, an antagonist can also be the villains of the story, but that doesn't always have to be the case.
An antagonist can be like Alma (Abuela) from Encanto or even another hero going against another hero (like Captain America and Iron Man in Civil War). They are still going against the protagonist's beliefs, but they aren't doing it for malicious intent or trying to harm anyone. In their mind, what they're doing is right and just. Heck, technically, you can argue that the cops in Batman are antagonists (at least in the Dark Knight movie).
I don't think he isn't doing it properly, just that he doesn't know the difference. He has the heroes being the antagonists but has them acting like villains. You can actually argue that their worse than the villains, kind of destroying his message of not everything being black and white. Instead of having people being morally grey, he just switched it to black and black.
Like I said, the heroes are essentially doing the same that villains are doing. There's no real "good guy" to choose from here because it's not like the villains are any better. And the fact that this show doesn't have a "straight man" either it suffers from no one questioning or challenging anything. Everyone just kind of reacts the exact same way or isn't dumbfounded by like VIRUS trying to spread chaos...by leaking an episode. Like, even BH thought that was good enough to send his employees out on.
But that's a different thing. If heroes just acted like heroes, with the exception of a small portion of antis or even ones like Heed, it still would work. Dare I say, it would be better. They still would be antagonists, but it would keep our villains as actual villains rather than heroes.
Correct me if I'm wrong about the whole antagonist vs villain thing, btw. Not claiming to be some amazing writer xP
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Make sure to register for our 2019 Winter Retreat to learn from Anthony Villano. He is a Vice President of Financial Planning & Analysis for Prudential Financial and has been in this position since April 2016. Anthony has worked at Prudential for over 12 years in various roles throughout the company. Prudential is a multinational corporation headquartered in Newark and provides protection, retirement, and investment management services to its clients around the world. As Vice President, Anthony currently works in the Regulatory Coordination Office as a liaison with various regulators to respond to and ensure compliance with the continually enhanced regulatory requirements and to help advocate and influence how companies, like Prudential, should be regulated. Anthony is also a Co-Chair of the Advisory Council for the Prudential-Rutgers Connection, an internal alumni group at Prudential, he is the Team Lead for the CFO Employee Advisory Group, which primarily focuses on networking and community engagement initiatives for employees, and he is a school team captain for Rutgers University recruiting efforts for the CFO Community. Anthony is a 2004 graduate of Rutgers University – Newark, holding a Bachelor of Science in Finance and is a CFA charter holder. ••••• The Winter Retreat is open to all NCI students, and all Newark residents who have graduated high school! Register for our annual Winter Retreat at www.newarkcollegeinstitute.org/winter2019 or via the live link in our bio. 😁 . . . . . . #rutgersnewark #education #highereducation #school #college #networking #learning #internship #mentor #career #goalgetter #nci #NCIWR2019 #newark #newarkforward #careersuccess #careerready (at Newark College Institute) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brgfs9GlgXD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eq7rqkojmwdd
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No Interrogations To Help With The Cover Up Story
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In many places in the world you don't have to have a interrogation after arresting people, which helps keep corrupt plots going because those like those who raided the rehabilitation center would give away who really sent him. Then again they wouldn't try to rat a guy they think is a fellow villain since it's goes against the villainous code. And again it would be brilliant on Porccini's planning he knows of the villainous no snitch in prison code so he has protection against being ratted out while ironically setting them all to be scrapegoats for Miss Heed to get out of her deserved punishment.
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Her Father Helping Free Her Made Her Turn Back To Once She Was Before Her Imprisonment
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When Miss Heed is appears through that video cam she is shown as the same arrogant attention whore as she was before. And we see that she had help from her father to get out of prison and it is then shown that she had help from them when it came to getting into the hero scene. This could hint that maybe them enabling her made her turn back to her old ways.
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It reminds me back why Flug didn't help her back when she was first imprisoned because he knew she would fly back into her old ways if he helped her. Even from her prisoner cell she still was obsessed with people adoring her and she thought by some chance she could get it from Flug again, but at this point he saw that she still was the manipulative toxic friend he had remembered in high school.
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And Flug gave her the best advice to dwell on which is love yourself and not what people think of you which she should, but due to being taken out of prison that didn't set in. Flug saw what condition his old friend was in and didn't want to further enable it. However, that isn't the same as her father who from the looks of things has given everything his daughter wants with no reason to restrain her.
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The fact that her father freed her from prison just enforced her mindset that she can get away with anything and not suffer permanent consequences. As a result, she doesn't try to reflect on changing herself and allow herself to become a better person. Also the fact it seems she wasn't in prison that long means that she doesn't have time to reflect on herself and just goes back to what she was before. So, this can foreshadow what damage her parents did to mold her into the selfish attention whore she is today.
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Great Video On Miss Heed
One thing I would change is calling her a villainess not a heroine, because underneath it all she's a villainess masquerading as a heroine.
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Due To Being A Clone, Black Hot Is Capable Of Caring About Others And Loving Others- Theory/Analysis
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I have this theory since he was a clone made in the mind of Demencia who dreams of Black Hat as a sex god who is capable of loving someone so Black Hot would be that walking vision. It’s noticeable he doesn’t rule his minions by fear but strive to outdo what they see as their predecessors. 
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As noticed in the flashback, he unlike his og counterpart is affected by other people’s opinions and wants to be seen as his predecessor's equal. As a result, it makes him strive to create an organization to rival Black Hat’s even though as Flug points out he doesn’t care unless it’s suffering. However, despite the focus on bodybuilding, he actually cares about other stuff like self-image and trying to prove himself. 
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Unlike Black Hat, he’s more open to admiring someone and the person he admires is of course Black Hat. He sees him as the closest thing to a paternal figure and wants to do anything to get his acknowledgement. However, again Black Hat cares about no one but himself so that idea of impressing him will be for naught and Black Hat would find any way to avoid praising him like he does with Flug. 
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In the end, he does something that Black Hat would never do which admits he misjudged someone and he has to work harder to impress him when he’s told that Black Hat doesn’t even care. Again showing how despite his status as a clone of the greatest evil he’s gift with the flaws and one could say strengths of humanity which is knowing he can do better and that he can care about others. Even though it will be a futile effort getting any recognition from Black Hat, I do think it does make him sort of sad figure due to just wanting to be seen as his paternal figure’s equal and probably never will have it. When you think about the fact that not even the perfect clone was given much attention one could say that eventually and hopefully Black Hot can realize he doesn’t need Black Hat’s recognition and just be his own man striving to be the evilest he can be. 
One thing I think with him being a more caring is that he won’t be as controlling through fear like Black Hat does and might get more genuine loyalty out of people unlike Black Hat who is undisputed because he’s the strongest evil creature seen in the CNN universe. But also in the end he still won’t get recognition from Black Hat because of the fact he can care and he cannot. As a result, his plans to impress him will end up being futile until he realizes he can do things for himself as a villain. 
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I Noticed That Miss Heed's Perfume Was Lurking Around In The Background When She Brainwashed Omega And Coyote
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Again it looks like her formula was being produced or worked on at least in Rutherford Springs/Atom City. Again subtle implication around their brainwashing and the fact that Miss Heed was trying to put a stronghold for her perfume in Omega's protected city. Which would make sense since it's the city that her supposed partner resides in and she takes advantage of that fact. Also it makes you wonder maybe Coyote and his gang were trying to thrash the factory for some reason or another.
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