#vinny mauro headcanons
foliosriot · 3 months
i keep seeing posts about best friend noah, and i will eat that shit up til the day i die ok. i love it with my entire fucking soul.
but what about best friend vinny?
NSFW under the cut
best friend vinny who gladly teaches you how to play the drums, who has you sitting on his lap behind his drum kit. vinny, who knows he has to keep his hands to himself but he’s gotta show you how to properly hold the sticks so he grasps your hand in his to place your fingers in the right spots. vinny, who becomes your drumming teacher, and gets bolder and bolder with touching you when he gives you a simple rhythm to replicate after he demonstrates. vinny, who praises you for getting it right, his soft voice in your ear making your skin break out in goosebumps.
best friend vinny who never leaves your side at parties, who will hold your drink for you when you have to go to the bathroom. vinny, who will bark at anyone that tries to hold your drink for you instead, his hand carefully covering the top until you come back. vinny, who turns bright pink when you thank him, a quick kiss to his cheek.
best friend vinny who your parents love and adore, who is so kind and caring. vinny, who your siblings get along with and joke with. vinny, who is allowed to stay the night, who you let sleep in your bed with you because you’ve been friends for forever. vinny, who spoons/cuddles with you whenever you need it, acting like being pressed up against you doesn’t drive him fucking crazy.
best friend vinny who goes shopping with you, sticking around for however many hours you want to wander and explore. vinny, who sits on the couch right outside the dressing rooms trying not to obviously stare when you walk out because you want his opinion on the article of clothing you’re trying on. vinny, who shifts how he’s sitting as casually as possible, hoping you don’t notice (you do).
best friend vinny who suggest you try on that dress that can barely be called a dress due to its short skirt and the little support in the bodice. vinny, who suggests you try it on because “it’s your color” (which shocks you because you didn’t think you even had a color). vinny, who sits outside the dressing room waiting for you to come out, but you never do. vinny, who questions you when you exit the dressing room in your normal clothes, the dress in your hands. vinny, who questions you even more after you buy it. vinny, who is really confused when you two get back to your house, who is even more confused when you make him sit on your bed as you go into the bathroom to put it back on. vinny, who nearly faints when you walk out wearing the dress, who can’t stop dragging his burning gaze up and down your body, whose eyes catch on your exposed thighs and the cleavage that is barely being held back by the bodice. vinny, who gingerly grabs your hand and pulls you toward him, who makes you sit on his lap, his hands trailing up under the skirt. vinny, whose calloused fingers against your skin makes you dizzy. vinny, who suddenly starts kissing you, who you willingly let tear the dress off of you so he can get his lips all over you.
this made me dizzy. uh anyways- if you want more best friend vinny please let me know kfjsjfsk
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circle-with-me · 10 months
Headcanon // Vinny Mauro when you’re sick
Just a few silly things I came up with bc I love this man.
This is for @concretenoah & @deathblacksmoke 🫶
- He notices you’re sick before you do. He hears the sniffles or you clearing your throat more than usual. He makes a comment and you ignore it but sure enough, a couple of days later you’re sick af.
- He takes you to the doctor and holds your hand in the waiting room. Listens to everything they tell you to do and makes sure he remembers their directions especially for the medication.
- He takes you home and makes sure you settled in bed and then runs to the pharmacy to get everything you need.
- HE STOCKS UP. All your medicine. Nose sprays. Tissues. Vicks. Popsicles for your sore throat. Snacks. Gatorade.
- He moves his entire gaming system in your room so he can keep an eye on your while you’re asleep, if he’s not napping with you.
- He tries REALLY hard to stay awake to keep an eye on you when he does lay down with you but he’s a sleepy boi and can’t.
- If you’re throwing up he’s right beside you, holding up your head and rubbing your back telling you it’s okay
- He’s sitting there trying not to gag too but he’s your bf and wants to take care of you.
- He makes sure you eat and drink plenty of water. Even if he has to feed you himself.
- Helps you get into the bath/shower. Puts epsom salt in the bath for your sore muscles and essential oils to help with your sinuses bc the boy does his research.
- Takes his time washing and conditioning your hair while you’ve got your arms wrapped around him because you’re too weak to do it yourself.
- Definitely gives you a shampoo mohawk to make you laugh.
- Feels a little bad when you laugh so hard it sends you into a coughing fit.
- Dries and combs your hair for you. Will put it in a messy braid (he’s not the best at it but he tries).
- He puts your pajamas in the dryer before bed so they’re nice and warm for you.
I just think he’d be the best when you’re sick. Sweetest boy 🥰🥹
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 10 months
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We all know Chris is super into the healthy lifestyle and is proudly straight edge so I feel like he fits perfectly into the herbalist profession
He's not exactly a healer per say but he can recommend things that could possibly help with whatever conditions you may have
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Whenever I think of Ricky I think of "Gimme an update" and that's pretty much the job of a Scribe is to write down whatever is happening
So he fits perfectly into the job since he's often found recording what's happening with the others
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Honestly not much real world relation here but I think that Ryan would be good at this job
This is pretty much just me assuming he'd be good with a sword
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VINNY MAURO - Messenger/ Town Crier
He's a loudmouth and we love him for that so this job is perfect for him
I feel like he'd get a kick out of running around and being able to bring messages to everyone
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The vibes are strong. So very strong.
Just take a minute to imagine Justin as a jailer. Terrifying.
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ciginatree · 1 month
Oof i keep thinking about MIW or even BO with a lover that bakes some good shit
Oooh they’d be absolutely spoiled rotten; I know I’d love a partner that knows how to bake. I imagine at least a few of them would want you to teach them how to bake. They might not be the best at it, but they love spending the time with you.
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beaker1636 · 7 months
This is pretty sad and personal, but I had to put my dog down recently, and I was wondering if you could do how the MIW guys would comfort you.
It's completely understandable if you're uncomfortable with something like this
Absolutely, I’m sorry it took me awhile to answer this. I just lost someone myself and have been pretty checked out unfortunately 😫
Vin: I feel like he’d be the silent comforter. Choosing to sit there with you, hold you, play with your hair, just silently be there while you let everything out. As you talk through your thoughts and memories, as you cry…. Just wanting you to know he’s there but also not wanting to say anything and accidentally make you feel worse.
Rick: I feel like he’d be the distraction. Hey, instead of focusing on that I need your help chopping vegetables for dinner, let’s make something, let’s go for a walk, etc. basically the type to try and take your mind off it all to try and keep you distracted and busy.
Justin: I feel like he’d be the talker, ask you questions about the person or pet that you list, want to know about your memories with them, the good times so that you can think of something positive rather than the negative right now. He’d try his best to get you to talk about it while you grieve instead of you just holding everything in.
Ryan: 100% acts of service, I’m convinced he’d be the one who’d bring you treats that are your favorites, watch your favorite movies/show with you, help cook you dinner on the nights you’re just so emotional it’s the last thing on your mind, help you keep up on housework you let go while grieving, etc.
Chris: for some reason I feel like he’d be a bit of all of these, whatever you need is what he would do. If that means you need a distraction then hey, let’s make brownies at 2am (I’m totally thinking of the one Rugrats clip right now). If you need someone to sit there and let you just cry about it then he’ll be there holding you. If he thinks you need a pick me up well, you might get sent flowers or something. I feel like he is just one that is so in tune with his partner that he would more so want to know what would be the most helpful and that’s what he’d do.
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valiantroeagleangel · 8 months
Hi I hope you’re doing well today!
I just need to get this out because I can’t get this scenario out of my head~
So MC and Vinny have been getting close and both have crushes on each other but neither has made the first move, so one night everyone gets drunk and they have a short little hook up but after he’s quite distant and she’s like…’wth? Did I do something wrong? Does he not actually like me?’
Anyway it gets to the point where she’s fed up and takes Vinny by the hand and leads him away, pushes him up against a wall and ‘queue the hot make out session’😉 which finally leads to confession and maybe more…
But anyway making out with Vinny against a wall 🔥💕 100/100
Hi, hope you're doing well too!! 💖
You're sitting there with Vinny, looking at each other, straight in the eyes and in complete silence. You're both sitting there and the tension is growing, some kind of discomfort but also a sexual one that's unspoken. And then you just can't take it anymore, you get up, grab his hand and drag him in the corridor, away from the others.
You're pushing him against the wall and he doesn't know what to do, he is so flustered. He can't get you out of his head, can't forget about what happened the other night when you were both drunk and he is so HORNY I swear- He's been avoiding you because it was all he could think about and he didn't want to be disrespectful. But he is so worked up on you that he doesn't know what to do except running away, he can't help himself.
And so both of you are standing against the wall. You lean on him, your hand brushing his torso and you notice how red and tense he is. Just like that, you tease him, only to see his reaction and he is ready to explode. His fist is clenching and he does his best to just not grab you by the waist and push you on him as he ravishes your mouth.
But one of you has to make a move because it's going nowhere so you just ask him "What's wrong?" in a sultry voice, noticing how hard he is growing under you, the bulge in his pants increasing against your crotch. "What are you talking about? Everything is fine.", he acts all innocent but his voice is cracking already.
He swears he is going to die if you don't stop now because he already reached his limit point. But you won't stop here, of course not. You've spent the last few days worrying about him avoiding you so now that he is under your hold he is not going anywhere.
"You've been avoiding me for days Vin. Do you hate me?" You ask and you watch his face decompose. His mind is racing, worrying about the situation he put you in or if you're hating him now. He shakes his head, signifying a 'no' as you pout. "You should make it up to me then." You add and he freaks out when your mouth approaches his.
Seconds later he melts on you, grabbing you by the waist as he wished to do for the last minutes. Little did you know, now you're both making out in the hallway, out of everybody's sight.
In the end, when you finally grow apart from each other he breathes out. "I don't hate you. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I did." You're still resting on his body, hidden by the darkness of the corridor, when someone passes by. Quickly he opens a door behind you, pulling you into the bedroom.
He pushes you against the door on the other side, being the one who is caging you. "I don't hate you. I'm obsessed with you. I can't get you out of my mind, I think I'm going crazy."
The rest belong to the story. 🫣 We will see each other later about that. 🤭
Wrote this in a few minutes, it might be terrible.
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ricky-horrors-whore · 10 months
Vinny Mauro Headcanons
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Because I love him
I am small please be kind
He will get you to film him doing stupid shit if Ricky's not around (like peeling off his callous then eating it...).
You start to get a little apprehensive when he gets excited and goes "Hey, hey, film me real quick, watch this-" but you do it anyway. Your camera is filled with little clips of him.
Will also take your phone and leave you surprise pics of either goofy ass faces, or little smooch faces and making little hearts with his hands.
Always signs off texts and ends calls saying "I love you" (he says this so much he's such a sweetie I can't guys)
Loves if you make him playlists, or help make him playlists.
He will randomly sending you a playlist he made for you, and it'll either be favorite songs, or sappy songs cause he's trying to be sweet, but then there's be something random as hell like Big 'n' Chunky or Carl Poppa thrown in just to smack you.
Do the same to him and he'll look at you so betrayed before laughing.
Big fan of nicknames, will come up with the goofiest, mushy ones when he's trying to get your attention. It gets worse if you try to ignore him. Pookie? Angel? Gummy Bear? My favorite tree frog? Dragon cookie? just anything until you HAVE to at least side eye him.
Normally just sticks to one though, 'Mama' (@foliosriot killing my sweetly here)
Actually loves when you call him 'Babygirl'.
He will answer to anything you call him, ridiculous anything, but he gets a little giddy smile with that one.
Gets sad when he doesn't get to see you for awhile and just wants you to join him on tour.
Doesn't matter if you have no way whatsoever to be helpful on a multi-month trip.
"Yeah but you make me happy, moral support." with a cheesy grin.
So many jokes. inside jokes. random jokes. He loves making you laugh so much and he's so good at it.
So much to the point he'll turn to you with a look and you can't help but giggle and it annoys everyone else what is this about.
His place is always well stocked with the best snacks, your favorites included.
Will share the best with you, including his ice cream, then try to say he's not playing favorites.
Loves if you feed him snacks while he streams. Like he is not paying attention to anything and you'll just feed him whatever.
He fully trusts you doing this too.
Not long after he said he doesn't like twizzlers "But you look like such a twizzler boy??" "What does that mean?? chat help", a few stream later, you look directly into the camera and start feeding him a twizzler to see the truth.
He munches away mumbling "thanks" and is very confused once he's done and you just say "Liar." while chat's going ballistic.
Loves when you join him on streams, whether you play anything or just hangout with him, he's happy you're there :)
He's pretty private besides his stream knowing you, but talks about you all the time.
His mom knows about you and thinks you sound wonderful, keeps asking about you too and he's happy to talk.
The guys know all about you before you meet any of them. Chris asks you about something that happened to you the other day before you're even introduced.
Vinny is a cuddle bug and your personal teddy bear. He will just come up and wrap his arms around you and snuggle up to you, not PDA shy, he wants cuddles.
If you're sitting or doing something he'll come up behind and press his chest to your back with his arms around you and just contently snuggle up and sigh with a smile resting against you.
Or flop onto your lap and try to demand attention (favorites being playing with his hair, and kisses.)
He runs especially warm! your personal heater coziest of hugs especially when you're cold.
Just walk up to him for a hug and soak in the warmth. He knows you're doing this and just grins and rocks you both back and forth.
For that reason cold temps while sleeping are a must.
Both for cuddling at night and nearly kicking you off the bed.
There is either a hand in your face and Vinny sprawled across the mattress or you're stuck wrapped in his strong arms and occasional snoring beside you for the foreseeable future.
Sleep talker, he just mumbled nonsense in your ear or whatever's happening in his dreams. He also gets talking like that when he's really sleepy especially when he's up far too late gaming and you'll ask what he just said and he tries to recall through brainfog and has no idea.
When he's sad or just feeling down he'll hug your stomach and you pet his hair softly and it's his favorite way to be comforted.
Very playful and goofy but loves tender moments like that.
Strikes me as a guy who would be SO impressed and in awe if you took your bra off without removing your shirt.
You're just chilling together and sick of wearing it and now he's staring at you, not even for tiddies, just WHAT.
Might steal a bra to try it himself when you're not home.
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vanishxcanvas · 1 year
Here's an updated version of this, enjoy. These are also available on wattpad & AO3, same handle as here.
The Guys In Groupchats (Bad Omens)
How The Guys Would React (Bad Omens) - Possible Series
How You Met Them (Motionless In White)
No More Lies - Noah Sebastian x Reader
Enigmatic - Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Reader
Bad Omens
No Fucks Given - Fluff
Video Games - Fluff
Noah Sebastian
Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson
Nicholas Ruffilo
Nick Folio
Motionless In White
Unhinged - Fluff
Chris Motionless
Justin Morrow
Ryan Sitkowski
Ricky Olson
Vinny Mauro
Jesse Cash
Honest - Fluff
Baldur’s Gate 3
Accidents Happen - Fluff, light angst
Tell Me - Work In Progress
Just You - Work In Progress
Other Stories
The Punishment - Angst
"Lucky Charms Grow" - Angst
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endofyourdecadence · 2 months
so my partner said something earlier that made me giggle and i wanted to share it with yall...
we were discussing vinny (we often discuss motionless and share our headcanons and shit) and he said something along the lines of "he's such a loser that he wraps back around into being cool" and honestly i feel like that's the most accurate description of vincenzo mauro ever stated.
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foliosriot · 11 months
Vinny As Your Boyfriend
NSFW headcanons under the cut — 18+ only MDNI or i’ll block you
@concretenoah for you pookie <3
best cuddler known to man
for sure runs a little warmer than most
he likes to put his hands up your shirt while you’re cuddling
just wants to feel you closer to him
buries his face in your neck as you play with/run your fingers through his hair
sweet lil kisses to your neck too hehe
funniest little fucker
does not have to try very hard to get you to bust out laughing and or smile
y’all have so many inside jokes it’s not even funny
he makes you laugh like no one else ever has
(he tweeted one time that he exists just to make his friends laugh, and it remains true when it comes to you like holy shit)
if you have bad anxiety or you’re stressed (or anything like that), he lets you play with his rings/hands bc he knows how much it calms you down
tries to teach you drums but his chaotic energy usually does not make him the best teacher
still tries to teach you regardless
vocal as hell
sometimes you have to tell him to shut the fuck up bc he’s being too loud
but it’s ok you just feel sooo good he can’t help it
nowhere near a brat tamer but he will take out his frustration on you
like if he’s trying to practice or is streaming and you’re annoying/teasing him then he’s gonna get pissed and make you pay for it
loves the way his hand looks against your throat
won’t apply a ton of pressure or anything, just can’t help wrapping his ringed hand around your neck and feeling the way your throat constricts beneath his palm
leaves love bites on you everywhere
plus: if you get needy before a show, he lets you give him as many hickeys as you want cuz he’s gonna be painting his skin in a few minutes anyways so why not
he is also obsessed with the knowledge that there are definitely countless bite marks and hickeys under the black paint and no one will ever know
LOVES having you ride him
like- if you aren’t going the pace he wants he’ll just use his drummer strength against you and force you to sink down onto him in a way that is mind numbing for you both
loves just making out with you as you’re riding him
it’s what eventually sends you both over the edge and he will never get over that
aftercare king
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plots4us · 1 year
i play ( vinny mauro, noah sebastian ), currently in ( central us ) and i am looking for ( m x anyone! ) with ( anyone 💕 ). i’m looking for the following plots ( really open to discussing plots and bouncing ideas ). this plot will be for ( psl mostly but maybe group?? ). this plot ( will ) be chemistry based, ( can but does not have to at all ) contain mature themes and will be ( mostly para but headcanon here and there is okay too! i just prefer to write ). feel free to message at ( chats @ burnedatbothendsii - i do also have discord if needed )
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 3 years
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Loves showing you off, like it's insane the amount he talks about you
Also love love loves giving you his jackets when it's cold out because they're so big on you
Y'all go all out on Halloween and I don't even think I need to go into much detail cause y'all got the most decorated house on the block and all the little kids love you guys
You both run on coffee, half of your grocery runs are just for coffee, every morning you both sit together and enjoy your coffee even if it's hectic you both make time for that silence together
You both sing together in the car and you know despite all of Chris's efforts to assure you he's not distracted driving, he totally is
You do his makeup before concerts and he lets you have free reign which makes you so so happy, he loves the glimmer in your eye when he tells you to 'go wild'
Always throws you a rose at the end of the show with a wink and it never fails to make you blush
His kiss of choice is on the tip of your nose, he finds it so cute for an unknown reason, or at least one he refuses to tell you...
If you can't come on tour with him then he makes sure to video call you nightly unless you're busy then he just relentlessly texts you through the day
Always makes sure to let you know how much he loves you and how much you mean to him
I'm telling you photoshoots every day
He finds every part of you so attractive, from your head to your toes you're perfect to him
Long walks together (of course he secretly takes photos of you during)
The amount of scrapbooks y'all will have when you're old and grey is crazy
When you watch movies he always criticizes the cinemaphotography, movie night is always Thursday. You have no choice in this.
Forces you to have virtual movie night with him over video call when he's on tour if you're not with him even with the protests you put up, he knows you love it
He will not get interrupted during these calls, he makes absolutely sure of it. If any of the guys walk in, one glare from him and they're out
Tries so so hard to teach you how to play guitar
He always gives you the prettiest shots in the tour vlogs, often moments you never realized he was recording
You call him your stalker since he can never quit watching you like he's amazed by everything you do
He devotes so many songs to you on tour, some of which don't make sense but you take it anyway
Can't ever seem to take his eyes off of you when he preforms, like he can seem to pick you out anywhere in the venue
He's a hand kiss kind of guy, very romantic of course
Lots and lots of roses as gifts
Loves it when you help him with his makeup
Teasingly throws picks at you during shows
You always have to do his makeup and slick back his hair because he pretends he's too busy to do so even though he just loves the way you spend extra time with him before shows
He cooks for you always and loves every second
You both coordinate outfits together, making sure they match and everyone knows you're together
Lots of late night skates through the cities you tour through together (if you can't skateboard then bike or roller skate)
Always exploring together and he always has to take your picture
Loves posting about you two and what you guys do together
If you weren't a stoner before then this man has converted you somehow
Always cracking some stupid dad joke that you always laugh at even when no one else does because you just can't help yourself
Light pecks on the lips are his most common way of showing affection besides hand squeezes that always seem to comfort you perfectly
If you can't come on tour with him then he always video calls three times a week at 10:00 PM whatever time zone you're in.
Loves telling you crazy tour stories
Always brings you a beautiful outfit home that he thinks you'll like
Literally like a lost puppy without you so stay close at all times
You have to cook for him since he literally seems to burn water
Lots and lots of teasing from him, sometimes he doesn't realize you take it to heart but feels terrible when you finally tell him
He loves it when you play with his hair or put it in different styles
Also when you help him put on his body paint? The man loves it
Every car ride you have together you compete and see who can name the most songs that come on shuffle, you usually win unless you feel nice enough
He loves it when you sit in on his drum streams, he gets so distracted by you that the chat gets jealous (of course you get unlimited and free song requests even if he makes fun of you for some of them)
Sometimes he tries to embarrass you by making you play drums on stream (something in which you're quite bad at)
Constant competitions to see who's better at what
Lots of video games together, like a crazy amount
On tour you both team up on the guys, playing all sorts of pranks
He lets you co-star in his segments of the tour vlogs and you both eat it up
If you can't come on tour with him, he always makes sure to call you
Always manages to find you the cd's or records you want on tour and bring them back as not-so-surprises
Definitely a neck kisser
Absolutely adores you like the way this man looks at you makes you want to tear up from joy
He always lets you pick the new color for what he should dye his hair, he never cares how crazy it may be
Loves it when you match your outfits with his hair color
You both jam out together, making sure to annoy the neighbors in the process
You both cook together often, usually dinner, unless you unanimously feel lazy and decide to order takeout
Lots and lots of sports marathons, if you don't like it then honey are you screwed because this man is obsessed
If you don't like the Dolphins then you're kicked out during the games with any opposing teams, sorry I don't make the rules here
Always making faces at you while preforming which you don't hesitate to make back
Helps you take plenty of pictures for your socials and loves doing so
More of a phone call kind of guy so when you can't come on tour he'll make sure to call you relentlessly, checking up on you all the time, he acts like he didn't just call you two hours ago and expects something grand to have happened
A forehead kisser, he loves the fact that he's taller than you and makes it very apparent
Loves being that one obvious goth couple in public and having people stare
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imaginesinthedark · 4 years
Imagine your summer date with:
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Not my photos
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ciginatree · 1 month
What kind of men do you think MIW and BO are y'know Ass men, Tits, or even legs?
This is a tough one
Noah: Ass
Jolly: Legs
Nicholas: Ass
Folio: Tits
Chris: Ass/legs (confirmed)
Ryan: Ass
Justin: Tits
Ricky: Ass?
Vinny: Tits
Tags: @abiomens @rumoured-whispers @exitwoundsx @tashka @Shilohrosechicken
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Headcanon||You being part of the band
Chris: -You play the keyboard -He asks for your opinion about everything in the band. Your ideas are important to him. -He is so affectionate. He really doesn't care if everybody is seeing you hugging, kissing or just showing affection. -He'll remember you after each rehearses how important are for the band and how good you do your job.
Ricky: -You play the guitar. -At the first time, any of you wanted to tell about your relationship but Vinny ended up discovering it. -He tells you every time he can how well you play the guitar. -You'll never show affection in front of the members. You think that is not professional.
Ryan: -You two arrive late to the rehearses. -For some reason, Vinny is always near when you two want to be alone. -Kisses of reward after each rehearse.   -"You did it pretty good today, YN" -Having long conversations with him in the middle of the night when the band is in a tour.
Devin: -You do some choirs for the songs. -Helping all the boys with the makeup. Especially Devin. -He just let you do it because you ask him. -They guys find you in shameful situations. -After each rehearses you two eat junk food in his house.
Vinny: -Chris always says that you two play too much in the rehearses. -You and he are always laughing about everything. -He sleeps on you when he feels bored and tired. -He ruffles your hair. Is his form to say he is proud of you. -"I think we need to start doing something. Chris is really mad" -"I don't think so"
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valiantroeagleangel · 9 months
This is like SO self indulgent and also probably very silly but it was inspired by me watching the All Tall Things Must Come to An End series of behind the scenes clips <3 this will talk a little bit about weed so I hope that’s ok!! if not, im sorry and please feel free to ignore, but here you areee!!
So when I was watching, I was high HWVSJWNE and it seemed like there were definitely moments where they were high too, Vinny in particular LMAO. I’ve always loved this particular trope that involves being high and getting tickled. its MY EVERYTHING. Idea wise, Vinny and the Reader take edibles/smoke and are both chatting about the random thoughts that pop into their heads. Eventually, the reader gets a silly idea (we’ll say Vinny already knows she like being tickled to make life easier <3) she asks Vinny if she can talk about it for a second and he perks up excitedly. She explains she saw a post somehwere that said being high made you more ticklish. She pauses. He pauses. “So you want me to test it out don’t you?” She covers her face with her hands and nods. He smirks and takes the opportunity of her covering her eyes to strike. He’d probably start with her sides, skittering his fingers up and down. Lingering on her ribs when he notices her stronger reaction there. “You know, you can ask me to tickle you right?” She continues to giggle, not sure how to respond to his question. Of course she knows she can, but it always makes her so flustered. To her horror, he stop for a moment. He crosses his hands and grins. “Did you hear me?” She nods, “Oh ok so then you won’t mind me asking you to ask me for it right?” That smirk returns. He watches as the blush rises on her cheeks. He slowly walks his fingers up her thigh. “It’s so easy! You just have to say, ‘can you please tickle me Vinny,’ that’s it!” “But it’s haaaard” she whines playfully. Not wanting to give in this easily. He was prepared for that. “I can wait,” he says like a teacher awaiting a classroom of rambunctious students. She pouts, realizing she HAS to ask or else the precious tickles aren’t coming her way. Vinny watches in real time as she figures all of this out, pleased that he can make her feel this way. “Can you please.. do the thing?” She offers. He stares at her, “Do what thing?” He smirks again, feigning cluelessness as he giggles to himself. “Do I have to say it, you know what i mean!” She protests. “Come onnn you can say the word tickle, it’s not scary,” he watches as she almost winces at the word. “What does it make you flustered?” He asked, semi seriously. She blushes even more, meaning the answer is yes. “Well well well, thats exciting. I’ll keep that in mind.” She sighs, realizing there’s no getting out of this. It’s just a word! A dumb stupid word that is the key to getting her shit rocked. “Can you tickle me, pleaseee” she sing songs. Vinny nods, his hands suddeny meeting her tummy again. “See wasn’t that easy!” He teases. The reader just giggles in bliss the entire time. Of course she lowkey retaliates bc Vinny is like a little puppy I think he would vibe with getting tickled. He’d still protest and fight back a little bit, but internally he’d love every second. Which makes her all the more happy <3 Conclusion: yes it does make you more ticklish and they keep that in mind for later <3
Part of me also wants to include that the reader or maybe vinny is not super ticklish usually. The weed just makes them more open and so the tickly feelings get to them a lot more. Which is so amazing for them <3.
- 😽👻
Because please- I love this! I WANT VINNY TO TICKLE ME WHEN I'M HIGH. I haven't SmOkEd in years but this is now a new need in my life. Thanks. Getting high with that dude must be the best thing in the world. Don't ask me why, I don't know. I just have that feeling you know. Makes my heart ache.
Like- it must be so peaceful and yet so funny and full of love and AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH.
But babe I love your silly ideas and HC honestly. You're getting me real good with your tickling visions. 🫠🫠
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