#motionless in white headcanons
foliosriot · 3 months
i keep seeing posts about best friend noah, and i will eat that shit up til the day i die ok. i love it with my entire fucking soul.
but what about best friend vinny?
NSFW under the cut
best friend vinny who gladly teaches you how to play the drums, who has you sitting on his lap behind his drum kit. vinny, who knows he has to keep his hands to himself but he’s gotta show you how to properly hold the sticks so he grasps your hand in his to place your fingers in the right spots. vinny, who becomes your drumming teacher, and gets bolder and bolder with touching you when he gives you a simple rhythm to replicate after he demonstrates. vinny, who praises you for getting it right, his soft voice in your ear making your skin break out in goosebumps.
best friend vinny who never leaves your side at parties, who will hold your drink for you when you have to go to the bathroom. vinny, who will bark at anyone that tries to hold your drink for you instead, his hand carefully covering the top until you come back. vinny, who turns bright pink when you thank him, a quick kiss to his cheek.
best friend vinny who your parents love and adore, who is so kind and caring. vinny, who your siblings get along with and joke with. vinny, who is allowed to stay the night, who you let sleep in your bed with you because you’ve been friends for forever. vinny, who spoons/cuddles with you whenever you need it, acting like being pressed up against you doesn’t drive him fucking crazy.
best friend vinny who goes shopping with you, sticking around for however many hours you want to wander and explore. vinny, who sits on the couch right outside the dressing rooms trying not to obviously stare when you walk out because you want his opinion on the article of clothing you’re trying on. vinny, who shifts how he’s sitting as casually as possible, hoping you don’t notice (you do).
best friend vinny who suggest you try on that dress that can barely be called a dress due to its short skirt and the little support in the bodice. vinny, who suggests you try it on because “it’s your color” (which shocks you because you didn’t think you even had a color). vinny, who sits outside the dressing room waiting for you to come out, but you never do. vinny, who questions you when you exit the dressing room in your normal clothes, the dress in your hands. vinny, who questions you even more after you buy it. vinny, who is really confused when you two get back to your house, who is even more confused when you make him sit on your bed as you go into the bathroom to put it back on. vinny, who nearly faints when you walk out wearing the dress, who can’t stop dragging his burning gaze up and down your body, whose eyes catch on your exposed thighs and the cleavage that is barely being held back by the bodice. vinny, who gingerly grabs your hand and pulls you toward him, who makes you sit on his lap, his hands trailing up under the skirt. vinny, whose calloused fingers against your skin makes you dizzy. vinny, who suddenly starts kissing you, who you willingly let tear the dress off of you so he can get his lips all over you.
this made me dizzy. uh anyways- if you want more best friend vinny please let me know kfjsjfsk
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circle-with-me · 10 months
Headcanon // Vinny Mauro when you’re sick
Just a few silly things I came up with bc I love this man.
This is for @concretenoah & @deathblacksmoke 🫶
- He notices you’re sick before you do. He hears the sniffles or you clearing your throat more than usual. He makes a comment and you ignore it but sure enough, a couple of days later you’re sick af.
- He takes you to the doctor and holds your hand in the waiting room. Listens to everything they tell you to do and makes sure he remembers their directions especially for the medication.
- He takes you home and makes sure you settled in bed and then runs to the pharmacy to get everything you need.
- HE STOCKS UP. All your medicine. Nose sprays. Tissues. Vicks. Popsicles for your sore throat. Snacks. Gatorade.
- He moves his entire gaming system in your room so he can keep an eye on your while you’re asleep, if he’s not napping with you.
- He tries REALLY hard to stay awake to keep an eye on you when he does lay down with you but he’s a sleepy boi and can’t.
- If you’re throwing up he’s right beside you, holding up your head and rubbing your back telling you it’s okay
- He’s sitting there trying not to gag too but he’s your bf and wants to take care of you.
- He makes sure you eat and drink plenty of water. Even if he has to feed you himself.
- Helps you get into the bath/shower. Puts epsom salt in the bath for your sore muscles and essential oils to help with your sinuses bc the boy does his research.
- Takes his time washing and conditioning your hair while you’ve got your arms wrapped around him because you’re too weak to do it yourself.
- Definitely gives you a shampoo mohawk to make you laugh.
- Feels a little bad when you laugh so hard it sends you into a coughing fit.
- Dries and combs your hair for you. Will put it in a messy braid (he’s not the best at it but he tries).
- He puts your pajamas in the dryer before bed so they’re nice and warm for you.
I just think he’d be the best when you’re sick. Sweetest boy 🥰🥹
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beaker1636 · 7 months
This is pretty sad and personal, but I had to put my dog down recently, and I was wondering if you could do how the MIW guys would comfort you.
It's completely understandable if you're uncomfortable with something like this
Absolutely, I’m sorry it took me awhile to answer this. I just lost someone myself and have been pretty checked out unfortunately 😫
Vin: I feel like he’d be the silent comforter. Choosing to sit there with you, hold you, play with your hair, just silently be there while you let everything out. As you talk through your thoughts and memories, as you cry…. Just wanting you to know he’s there but also not wanting to say anything and accidentally make you feel worse.
Rick: I feel like he’d be the distraction. Hey, instead of focusing on that I need your help chopping vegetables for dinner, let’s make something, let’s go for a walk, etc. basically the type to try and take your mind off it all to try and keep you distracted and busy.
Justin: I feel like he’d be the talker, ask you questions about the person or pet that you list, want to know about your memories with them, the good times so that you can think of something positive rather than the negative right now. He’d try his best to get you to talk about it while you grieve instead of you just holding everything in.
Ryan: 100% acts of service, I’m convinced he’d be the one who’d bring you treats that are your favorites, watch your favorite movies/show with you, help cook you dinner on the nights you’re just so emotional it’s the last thing on your mind, help you keep up on housework you let go while grieving, etc.
Chris: for some reason I feel like he’d be a bit of all of these, whatever you need is what he would do. If that means you need a distraction then hey, let’s make brownies at 2am (I’m totally thinking of the one Rugrats clip right now). If you need someone to sit there and let you just cry about it then he’ll be there holding you. If he thinks you need a pick me up well, you might get sent flowers or something. I feel like he is just one that is so in tune with his partner that he would more so want to know what would be the most helpful and that’s what he’d do.
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ciginatree · 15 days
my brain wont fucking turn OFF-
threesome with noah and chris :((((((((
I actually have a fic rec for this!!!! Underdog by @nerdraging4point0 it’s amazing!!!
But I’ll write my own blurb for you too ;)
You feel minuscule between the two of them, intimidated even. You’re kneeling on the bed, Chris kneeling behind you, with Noah standing in front of you. Their lips travel your entire nude body, hands following the trail of their kisses as you’re pressed between them. You keen into Noah’s hand as it glides between your legs in a teasing drag and he smirks at your hitched breath. Chris’s hand roams your ass, prodding against your lubed asshole to work you open. His cock replaces his fingers and you moan lewdly as it works its way inside you, his arms holding you up. He stills and you pant and squirm, desperately trying to ground yourself. “Doing so good, baby,” Chris whispers, lips up against your ear. Noah crawls onto the bed, hand on your waist to hold you still as he positions himself in front of you. He takes his cock and rubs briefly between your folds before thrusting into you. You cry out and they both shush you sweetly, their cocks beginning working in and out of you slowly. “Taking us so well, sweetheart. Just breathe.”
Tags: @abiomens @tashka @rumoured-whispers @exitwoundsx @eternallytiredsinger
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hey-cringelord · 3 months
the gom+kagami and an ‘emo’ phase is so important to me. love thinking about it
a majority of aomine’s closet is black clothing. he has innumerable amounts of cds from the most obscure to the most mainstream japanese metal (and some uk or american bands). by proxy, satsuki got really into 90s vkei because of him
murasakibara 100000% judges a band based on how good their vocalists ‘blegh’ is (& yes he uses his own of a reference. hes actually very good at it because he is easily disgusted!)
i’ve talked about their band preferences before, but i do genuinely think when theyre alone or have a pair of headphones on them, midorima and akashi delve into classical metal. its familiar but also new to them. akashi has considered a keyboard with different sound output options over the typical piano. takao is trying to see if he can get midorima into screamo (its not working)
kise liked scene fashion and any metal genre that could double as a fashion sense (goth, grunge, etc.) but SCENE GIRL KISE! thats key here. he couldn’t try it with his bangs, but if you look closely theres faded, shittily done racoon hair at the back of his head. his collection of domo shirts and studded belts is insane
kuroko has a taste for everything. has listened to so much of everything, in fact, that softer metal is basically asmr to him. imo he wears eyeliner. he has a band shirt collection he doesn’t talk about. like aomine, i think he has a lot of physical cds as well (they trade them like pokemon cards)
kagami knows how to mosh. he owns a lot of affliction stuff. same with bulky rings, but only wears the one from himuro everyday. had the advantage for random pop up shows cuz he lived in LA, so probably has rare merch he doesn’t know would sell for thousands (not that he ever would, not when he’s the one who survived the pit)
all this is also why i’m soooo obsessed with him, he’s literally perfect. exactly how i imagine him so thank you @robynrileyart for the masterpiece
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 10 months
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We all know Chris is super into the healthy lifestyle and is proudly straight edge so I feel like he fits perfectly into the herbalist profession
He's not exactly a healer per say but he can recommend things that could possibly help with whatever conditions you may have
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Whenever I think of Ricky I think of "Gimme an update" and that's pretty much the job of a Scribe is to write down whatever is happening
So he fits perfectly into the job since he's often found recording what's happening with the others
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Honestly not much real world relation here but I think that Ryan would be good at this job
This is pretty much just me assuming he'd be good with a sword
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VINNY MAURO - Messenger/ Town Crier
He's a loudmouth and we love him for that so this job is perfect for him
I feel like he'd get a kick out of running around and being able to bring messages to everyone
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The vibes are strong. So very strong.
Just take a minute to imagine Justin as a jailer. Terrifying.
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ch4p3lofbl00d · 1 year
You ARE beautiful~Ricky Olson
Mentions of starving ⚠️
Y/N Pov:
Disgusting. Fat. Ugly. Hideous. I sighed as I looked at my stomach in the mirror. I wanted to be flat, but I can't even lose enough weight for that. I wanted to look like the models on tv and magazines. I want to be skinny and not big. I want to look and feel beautiful.
I sighed again, I had lost 15 pounds this week. I've been starving myself and been taking lots of walks around my neighborhood. My boyfriend, Ricky, wasn't noticing any of this and I was glad that he wasn't.
I took off my shirt, and stood there, looking at my body. The body which needs to be thinner. I heard footsteps come into the bathroom, and a voice say "baby, are you okay?"
I slowly nodded, and said "yeah, why did you ask?" I knew that Ricky could see through the bullshit lie that I gave him. I felt Ricky's arms wrap around me, and say "I know that you're lying. I caught you five times looking at your body in the mirror. I'm worried about you baby. Please tell me what's wrong"
I choked on tears, and couldn't speak. I felt Ricky's thumb caresse my cheek, catching all the tears that dropped. I finally broke down into sobs right there in the bathroom in Ricky's arms.
I didn't want him to see me like this, but here I was sobbing in his arms. "Y/N why have you been starving yourself?" My heart stopped, how did he found out that I was starving myself?
"What do you mean?" I tried to put on a fake ass smile with a fake ass lie, hoping that Ricky would buy it, but of course he didn't "Y/N don't bullshit me. I know that you have been taking walks for hours and starving yourself. Baby, why?"
I looked at him with tears flowing down my face, and said "Because Ricky, I'm hideous and I need to be thinner. I'm not good enough or pretty enough or good enough for you. I'm not perfect, I never have been. I'm ugl-"
I was cut off by soft, yet warm lips, kissing me. I hesitated to kiss back, but I did. I felt warm string arms wrap around my waist to pull me closer. I sighed, and looked down ashamed in myself and that I couldn't be pretty enough for anyone, not even for the one who I love most.
I felt a soft thumb under my chin, making me look up at Ricky "hey, look at me. You are good enough and pretty enough for me. You always have been. You're more than pretty, you're beautiful, gorgeous even. You are the beautiful just the way you are. Don't change anything about yourself, okay? You aren't big, babygirl. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. Now how about we go to get Chinese food and watch some horror movies, yeah?"
I nodded as Ricky helped me up off of the bathroom floor. I felt that soft thumb wipe my tears away again as we got into the car. It was silent for a few minutes until I heard Ricky say "you know that you can talk to me about anything, okay? Next time you feel like this, come to me. Rick Olson will make you feel better"
I saw him wink at me, and I immediately blushed. Maybe I am beautiful with Ricky by my side.
Thank you so much for reading! <3
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valiantroeagleangel · 8 months
Hi I hope you’re doing well today!
I just need to get this out because I can’t get this scenario out of my head~
So MC and Vinny have been getting close and both have crushes on each other but neither has made the first move, so one night everyone gets drunk and they have a short little hook up but after he’s quite distant and she’s like…’wth? Did I do something wrong? Does he not actually like me?’
Anyway it gets to the point where she’s fed up and takes Vinny by the hand and leads him away, pushes him up against a wall and ‘queue the hot make out session’😉 which finally leads to confession and maybe more…
But anyway making out with Vinny against a wall 🔥💕 100/100
Hi, hope you're doing well too!! 💖
You're sitting there with Vinny, looking at each other, straight in the eyes and in complete silence. You're both sitting there and the tension is growing, some kind of discomfort but also a sexual one that's unspoken. And then you just can't take it anymore, you get up, grab his hand and drag him in the corridor, away from the others.
You're pushing him against the wall and he doesn't know what to do, he is so flustered. He can't get you out of his head, can't forget about what happened the other night when you were both drunk and he is so HORNY I swear- He's been avoiding you because it was all he could think about and he didn't want to be disrespectful. But he is so worked up on you that he doesn't know what to do except running away, he can't help himself.
And so both of you are standing against the wall. You lean on him, your hand brushing his torso and you notice how red and tense he is. Just like that, you tease him, only to see his reaction and he is ready to explode. His fist is clenching and he does his best to just not grab you by the waist and push you on him as he ravishes your mouth.
But one of you has to make a move because it's going nowhere so you just ask him "What's wrong?" in a sultry voice, noticing how hard he is growing under you, the bulge in his pants increasing against your crotch. "What are you talking about? Everything is fine.", he acts all innocent but his voice is cracking already.
He swears he is going to die if you don't stop now because he already reached his limit point. But you won't stop here, of course not. You've spent the last few days worrying about him avoiding you so now that he is under your hold he is not going anywhere.
"You've been avoiding me for days Vin. Do you hate me?" You ask and you watch his face decompose. His mind is racing, worrying about the situation he put you in or if you're hating him now. He shakes his head, signifying a 'no' as you pout. "You should make it up to me then." You add and he freaks out when your mouth approaches his.
Seconds later he melts on you, grabbing you by the waist as he wished to do for the last minutes. Little did you know, now you're both making out in the hallway, out of everybody's sight.
In the end, when you finally grow apart from each other he breathes out. "I don't hate you. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I did." You're still resting on his body, hidden by the darkness of the corridor, when someone passes by. Quickly he opens a door behind you, pulling you into the bedroom.
He pushes you against the door on the other side, being the one who is caging you. "I don't hate you. I'm obsessed with you. I can't get you out of my mind, I think I'm going crazy."
The rest belong to the story. 🫣 We will see each other later about that. 🤭
Wrote this in a few minutes, it might be terrible.
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foliosriot · 11 months
Vinny As Your Boyfriend
NSFW headcanons under the cut — 18+ only MDNI or i’ll block you
@concretenoah for you pookie <3
best cuddler known to man
for sure runs a little warmer than most
he likes to put his hands up your shirt while you’re cuddling
just wants to feel you closer to him
buries his face in your neck as you play with/run your fingers through his hair
sweet lil kisses to your neck too hehe
funniest little fucker
does not have to try very hard to get you to bust out laughing and or smile
y’all have so many inside jokes it’s not even funny
he makes you laugh like no one else ever has
(he tweeted one time that he exists just to make his friends laugh, and it remains true when it comes to you like holy shit)
if you have bad anxiety or you’re stressed (or anything like that), he lets you play with his rings/hands bc he knows how much it calms you down
tries to teach you drums but his chaotic energy usually does not make him the best teacher
still tries to teach you regardless
vocal as hell
sometimes you have to tell him to shut the fuck up bc he’s being too loud
but it’s ok you just feel sooo good he can’t help it
nowhere near a brat tamer but he will take out his frustration on you
like if he’s trying to practice or is streaming and you’re annoying/teasing him then he’s gonna get pissed and make you pay for it
loves the way his hand looks against your throat
won’t apply a ton of pressure or anything, just can’t help wrapping his ringed hand around your neck and feeling the way your throat constricts beneath his palm
leaves love bites on you everywhere
plus: if you get needy before a show, he lets you give him as many hickeys as you want cuz he’s gonna be painting his skin in a few minutes anyways so why not
he is also obsessed with the knowledge that there are definitely countless bite marks and hickeys under the black paint and no one will ever know
LOVES having you ride him
like- if you aren’t going the pace he wants he’ll just use his drummer strength against you and force you to sink down onto him in a way that is mind numbing for you both
loves just making out with you as you’re riding him
it’s what eventually sends you both over the edge and he will never get over that
aftercare king
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beaker1636 · 7 months
how you meet tye guys from either MIW or BO
hope life is getting better
😂😂 life is a nightmare, genuinely, I’m just disassociating at this point 😂
Anyways we’ll do both :) I’ll start with motionless because I know them best! This one was fun, i hope it doesn’t seem too unrealistic (I’m not super familiar with bad omens so…. Yeah anyways…)
Ricky: I genuinely believe that he would love to meet someone at a bookstore, not on purpose but complete accident. Like you both are looking for the same book or something and bump into each other, which leads to talking and then just more. Maybe this is me projecting because I’d love to meet a guy in a bookstore but yeah 😅
Vinny: I think you’d start as online friends, you wind up part of a group online he plays with and then slowly branch out to doing sessions just the two of you, eventually agreeing to meet in person to do your own little gaming session once he realizes that you live near him. It gives the two of you a fun way to bond and get to know each other without it getting too crazy all at once.
Ryan: maybe a photography workshop you’re attending, the two of you get assigned for a project together for the day and have to work closely to try new techniques and styles that neither of you typically do. Through talking and figuring it all out you realize that the two of you have a lot more similar interests and it builds as you exchange numbers to keep in touch.
Chris: 100% hockey game, the two of you wind up having tickets next to each other at a game and he can’t get over just how into it you are, that you are sitting there without a care in the world, yelling at the refs and banging on the glass, despite the fact you’re short and very underwhelming despite trying to be. The two of you talk through the game, about your favorite players, different games you’ve gone to other than this one, etc.
Justin: I want to go a little silly for this and say (because his stage makeup and everything is amazing) that you bumped into him at Sephora or the like. You’re an actress/actor at a haunted house in the area and need to go get more and both of you just bump into each other while looking for different products together, leading to a conversation of why you’re looking for a unique selection of makeup and same with him. Discovering your love of horror and related things before you both wind up wandering the mall together for a little bit.
Bad Omens:
Noah: I think it’d be cool to meet him at one of his martial arts classes, he notices something that you do that impresses him, leading to him making his way over to ask you questions about that move, and the two of you kind of branch out, you showing him how to do it and him showing you something too, and next thing you know the time is up but neither of you wants to walk away just yet.
Nicholas: Tattoo convention, you’re there to work and he’s just there to wander around, trying to learn new techniques and styles while admiring other people’s work. He walks by as you’re working on a tattoo from death note and stops, of course the client says it’s okay, and that leads to the three of you having an extensive conversation about anime, as well as him asking about a couple things you’re doing that’s different than his style. Eventually he continues on, and when he sees you’re still working on tattoos hours later he grabs a coffee as thanks for talking with him earlier in the day and brings it to you, which you appreciate… a little while later you notice there’s a phone number written on the takeout coffee cup and can’t help but smile.
Folio: you love fishing, having done it since you were a child so one day you decide you need to get a break from work and the stress of life so you head to your favorite fishing spot, a little annoyed when you notice someone else is there. You move a little ways down the river and set up, getting started. Eventually the other person makes his way down to you, asking you if you happen to have another set of hooks he could possibly buy off you, embarrassed that he forgot his tackle box full of extras. You can’t help but giggle at how bashful he’s being and just let him have one of yours, both of you starting to talk about different bait you use, other equipment that’s different between the two of you and that leads to the two of you finishing together, laughing and enjoying the calm together.
Jolly: he stops in to a musical shop to look at strings, wanting to try something different to change the tone of his playing for a song they’re working on, the two of you bumping into each other. You seem indecisive on what you want and he notices, asking what you’re looking for, giving you advice on how to change the sound you’re getting, then asking you about the music you play. You notice his accent and ask where he’s from leading to other conversations, but mostly bonding over your shared passion for guitar and song writing!
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ciginatree · 10 days
I'm sorry If this is a weird one, if so ignore it.
But which member of BO and MIW is most likely to follow their partner around who just woke up in the middle of the night to get up to do something??
Not weird at all! This is something I would do lol
For BO I would probably say Jolly. The other guys value their sleep or sleep too heavy to notice that you’re up. But Jolly would follow you around like a little puppy just to see what you’re up to.
For MIW I’m torn, but I’d have to say Chris. He’d wake up with sleepy eyes and just start following you out of habit. He’s still half asleep with no idea what’s going on, thinking that you guys are supposed to be somewhere or something. It’d be adorable.
Tags: @abiomens @exitwoundsx @eternallytiredsinger @rumoured-whispers
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Alright fic request! (Either reader or named Tav, whatever sparks joy.)
I HC that since Baldurs Gate has such a low population of elves, a lot of Astarion's previous sexual experiences did not involve his ears. They are probably the least "used" (his feelings) part of himself.
Maybe Tav isn't an elf and doesn't know, so they eventually just casually reach out- because they are so cute and Astarion's been OK with casual touches like that now they are in a relationship. But he just flinches away- very uncomfortable and hurt this happened.
Tav is obviously going to apologize and try to accept they hurt Astarion by mistake. Maybe not that night, but sometimes later after Astarion got to see them be sincere about his boundaries (maybe even OK woth him having a "bad" reaction) he puts his head in their lap and asks them to touch his ears in a quiet voice.
Basically a story about navigating rough waters with love.
I finally got to your request! I know it's been a while, thank you for waiting!
Synopsis: Astarion has very sensitive ears, you've never touched them. Until today.
Tags: fluff, Elven language and culture.
Thanks @bunnidarling for beta-reading! Your notes are super helpful!
Read on AO3
Pointy Ears
Moon washes the meadow in silver light. As he sits by the campfire, Astarion's skin looks almost marble to you: white and perfect. You glance at him from time to time to detect a hint of disturbance, that his mind has dragged him to some unpleasant place.  
But it seems like he is at peace with himself.
His pointy ears twitch a bit when invisible facial muscles move. They’re probably your favorite part of his body: long and sensitive, with a delightful pinkish hue. The elves, Tel’Quessira, have the most amazing ears. 
But you suddenly realize you’ve never touched them. You often massage his scalp and have kissed almost every inch of his body, but the ears remain untouched.
The scars and the bite mark? It took months for him to relax enough to let his guard down. You still remember him muttering “Tav loves me, Tav won’t hurt me” while you were caressing his back. You pretended you didn’t hear that. As for the more intimate parts of his body, you two agreed on an “ask before putting a hand into the trousers”.
But his ears… You are a non-elf, a lesser being in the eyes of elves, and know nothing about them. But you remember how many years ago someone told you “Never touch their pointy ears, they hate it”.
“Astarion, are you with me?”
Silence yet again. He looks somewhere into the woods, mentally far away from your small camp. Suddenly, his eyes squint and you see anxiety on his face.
Nine hells, again. 
It happens to him often. He just sits motionless as if someone has cast a “hold a person” spell on him. He can stay like that for hours oblivious to the world around him. As if his mind shuts itself down. Sometimes he returns, surprised it’s already sunset “I thought it was still morning”, he says.
He describes it as a dark wave that just pulls him under into the nightmare, and he can’t do anything, only to keep drowning.
You approach Astarion and sit behind him. Then you touch his curls, slowly brushing them with your finger.
“I am here. I am not going anywhere,” you whisper. “Return to me, please.”
No response. 
You keep caressing his head, intensifying your touches as you try to return him to reality.
And then your fingers accidently brush along his left ear.
Astarion flinches, forcing you to take your hands away.
“I am sorry,” you mutter.
Astarion covers his ear with his palm and stares at you in shock. He looks like a person who has been woken up in the middle of the night in some weird and violent way.
“Did I hurt you? I am so sorry!”
“No… you didn’t…” He still looks startled. “I just… Seldarine… How long have I been like that?”
“Since sunset. It’s almost the middle of the night.”
He snatches his shirt from the ground and puts it on. You still feel guilty.
“Sorry… I won’t touch your ears again.”
“Darling, you’ve touched me in much more intimate places and done much more lewd things to my body than this.”
You blush.
“It’s just… unexpected.”
“I am sorry.”
“Stop it! I hate it when you apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong. It’s just… Fuck it. I want to take a walk.”
You nod. “Take a walk” means “I want to wander the woods on my own''. Sometimes he hunts small animals and drains them dry. More often he just walks enjoying the freedom of being in nature. Even a person who loves cities would go insane, forced to spend 200 years within its walls.
You are still embarrassed by your actions, so you return to the tent. You are feeling sleepy and doze off on your bedroll hugging a pillow. 
You wake up a few hours later when Astarion returns to the tent. His shirt is bloodstained and his trousers are dirty, but he looks happy.
“Good morning, darling”, he kisses you. “It’s sunrise, time for the mortals.”
“Unless they travel with vampires,” you mumble as you sit up, feeling more or less rested. “I see you are in a good mood.”
“I am always in a good mood when I see your face, my dear.”
You scoot over, making more room for him. The tent is small but enchanted with darkness which fully protects Astarion from the sunlight. You would love to spend a couple of days in the inn, but the nearest town has no such place and you have to stay at the camp.
“Listen… about what happened…” He stumbles over his words. “Could you touch my ears?”
You giggle and invite him to sit between your legs. He presses his back against your chest and you wrap your arms around his body.
“You have leaves in your hair,” you say, brushing his curls with your fingers before kissing the crown of his head. “How sensitive are your ears?”
“Very sensitive, he admits. “That’s why… I… we… don’t like unwelcome touches.”
You carefully touch the tip of his left ear, then move your finger along the edge of the shell. 
He closes his eyes and smiles.
You get braver and use your other hand to caress his right ear. You lean forward and kiss the tips, and as you do you feel an electric impulse coarse through Astarion's body.
“Why don’t you wear any adornments? You like rings and necklaces, but all the elves I have ever seen wear something on their ears. I mean, I understand why Tel’Quessir don’t pierce them…”
“Darling, never suggest to pierce the ears of the elf, it’s fucking painful.”
“But are there other ways? Without damaging the skin?”
He shrugs. “Never found anything proper I guess.”
He softly touches your finger and you understand he’s signaling you to stop. You press Astarion tighter. 
You sit like that for a while in silence before you make yourself return to reality.
“I need to go to the town to see if they have some job for us.”
“I doubt it. We’d better return to the road at sunset,"he said.
“Yeah, this place is unbelievably peaceful.”
“I would say boring”, he takes out a book from his sack and you recognize Gnim, the language of the gnomes. Noticing your stare, he chuckles. “I prefer to know the enemy.”
You kiss Astarion’s cheek and leave the tent.
The town looks sleepy as if its residents exist in some weird world without troubles and worries. The townsfolk look at you with suspicion. Adventurers are rarely guests since there's almost nothing to do. 
You ask here and there about a job, but as Astarion said there is nothing to be found. No troubles. No dangers. No reward. 
Suddenly something catches your eye: a small building different in style from the rest of the houses. It is more elegant, with intricate runes on the wooden door.
You enter carefully, opening the door as if you are afraid you may break it, 
It’s a Jewelry store.
There are dozens of rings, necklaces, and bracelets. They are simple and delicate, but you just can’t take your eyes off them. 
“Do you want anything?” A golden-haired elven woman waves her hand over the adornments. “Maybe for yourself?”
You shake your head. “I wouldn’t want to wear such things on the road. I will either break them or lose them.”
“Pity. Maybe for someone you care about?”
Astarion would love something like that. No matter what happened to him, he is still an elf. Nothing will ever change it.
“Yes...” You say with some hesitation. “What do elves put on their ears?”
The woman smiles. “We wear ear cuffs. Like these”, she points at her own ear, showing a golden adornment that looks like flowers. “You want a gift for an elf, don’t you?”
You nod.
“Can I ask what kind of bond you share?”
You blush a bit and the elf smiles again. “It’s not an idle question. Elven culture is very complicated”.
“He is my… love.”
She points at the ear cuffs. “Then, this. Only lovers can give such things to each other. Received from a friend or, worse, a stranger, would be considered an insult.”
“Why so?”
“Oh, poor N'Tel'Quess. So bad of him not to tell you such important things.”
You pretend not to understand that the word she’s used is an insult. You speak some Elven.
“And how important is that?”
“Have you wondered why elves don’t like their ears being touched?”
“Because it hurts?”
Her laughter sounds like bells chiming. “The same way lovemaking hurts when nonconsensual.”
“It’s intimate. Even lovers sometimes don’t do it because they don’t fully trust each other. We allow this only to our aestara, our thiramina.For us, it’s a form of sex. But even regular sex might be less intimate. So, tell me, does he allow you to do that?”
“He did let me do this… today. For the first time. ”
“Then, give him an ear cuff. Choose.”
They all look equally beautiful and you try to picture Astarion wearing them but nothing is quite him. There are smaller and larger ones, golden and silver. Some resemble flowers, and some are more like stars.
Noticing your confusion, the shopkeeper sighs.
“Tell me about him.”
“He… is very kind. To me, at least. Very brave, but never admits it even to himself. He is smart, can learn a whole new language within a week, and can persuade people to do anything he needs. He can do a lot of things with his hands – embroidery, lock picking, you name it. But… he’s been through a lot. His past is very dark and he is still overcoming it, learning how to be with people, how to live this life.”
You carefully avoid details, trying to sound as vague as possible.
“It’s called srinna. The one who tests limits and establishes new boundaries.”
“Yes, it does sound like him”
The woman hands you a metallic ear cuff. It is simpler than the others but you notice small details like crescents and birds. It will look nice with his curls, you think.
You pay and as you leave the elf laughs again. “If I were you, I would scold him!”
You return to the camp at sunset. Astarion is still inside the tent engrossed in the book. He hasn’t been through too many pages. Gnim is difficult for someone who can’t stand its speakers.
Astarion smiles joyfully as he notices you. He always looks like this when you return. Pure happiness.
“So was I right about these peaceful people?”
“Yes. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t I tell you what?”
“About your ears! The elven jeweler gave me a lecture about them! You could have at least explained this to me before I embarrassed myself!”
He disarms you with his puppy eyes. They say: ‘Oh, darling, you can’t be really angry with me, can you?’
“Stop making that face. You know I can’t resist it!”
Astarion sighs. “My apologies. Never really took it into account. But yes, touching ears is a form of showing affection.”
You take out the ear cuff and hold it out to him “I’ve brought a gift for you.”
Astarion puts the book away and takes the cuff. He is silent and you are afraid he doesn’t like it.
“Srinna”, he says. “The one who establishes boundaries. Thank you”, Astarion doesn’t try to laugh it away or mask his emotions. His smile is goofy and sincere; he rarely shows it even to you.
“Put it on!” you encourage him. “I want to see how it looks!”
“You’ve given it to me. You must put it on, not me.”
You lean to Astarion and carefully adjust the adornment to his left ear. To your surprise, it fits perfectly and doesn’t show any indication it can fall off. You think it must be easier to lose regular earrings than elven cuffs. 
“How does it look?” he asks.
He cups your cheeks and kisses you. You feel like floating, forgetting about everything. You touch his ears and caress them with your fingers. Then he lets you go and presses his forehead against yours. “Salen arivae.”
“Salen means ‘my’, what does “arivae” mean?”
“Sunshine”, he answers after a short pause. 
Seldarine - Gods! N'Tel'Quess - not people. A derogatory term referring to non-elves. Aestar- love Thiramin - soulmate
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rottingparts · 1 year
If you've seen the 2018 Bumblebee, could you do Bumblebee's reaction to his s/o being scared of him after seeing him get angry and his eyes turn red in that one scene where he fights those army soldiers and shoots everything. After Bumblebee turns back to normal, and reaches for them, His s/o backs away from him out of fear not wanting to go near him and runs away. ( temporarily from being scared and needs to collect themselves) how would Bumblebee react to seeing them be afraid of him?
I love scary Bee... he is scary and that's kinda hot... I wrote headcanons and also a fic that is under the read more!! Reader is GN!!
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Bumblebee... Is devastated!
He didn't want to scare you... he was worried you were going to die and ew can't have that!
When he reverts to normal and grabs for you and you flinch back... Oh boy does he realize what he's done.
When he sees you running away his spark stops.
You're freaking out, wondering what went wrong (military found you, that's what went wrong...) and then see Bee crouched a little ways from you.
He is so willing to do literally whatever to make you feel better.
He reaches for you again, and you reach for him this time.
Never wants to make you this upset again. The absolute fear in your eyes?? Never wants to be the cause of that again.
When you get inside his alt mode, he will let you talk about what happened. He lets you vent and tell him how you felt. So receptive and understands why you were afraid.
Genuinely so sweet and tries his best to make you feel better.
“It’s okay!” You reassured the military surrounding you. “He isn’t going to hurt anyone!”
Your arms were up and you were trying to be calm. Your voice cracks were giving away your fear.
“Step away from the robot!” One of the men shouted.
You didn’t budge. Instead, you stood there motionless. Fear had kicked in fully, and instead of running or fighting… you were frozen. Your eyes widened even more when you noticed them closing in on you.
You were snatched up from in front of Bee, who was still being polite and quiet. Like you had asked of him in case anything like this were to ever happen.
“Remember, my love,” You would point up at him, “If anything ever happens, we have to stay civil! I don’t want something happening to you…”
So, he would be civil. For now.
You struggled slightly, your head turning towards Bee. When you saw other soldiers pulling out weird rods, you were growing panicked.
“No!” You screamed, “I promise! He isn’t hurting anything- He won’t hurt anything!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, the soldiers began to electrocute him. A scream ripped from your throat, and your struggling became more violent. You kicked and screamed and your foot hit hard against the soldier's shin. Suddenly, you were flung from the soldier’s arms and you hit the ground hard.
You let out a loud cry and looked over at Bee, who was being held down by the soldiers. You looked back up at the soldier who had been holding you down, and noticed he had something in his hand. A taser.
Briefly, you were unable to move. You were processing and it wasn’t computing. When the soldier was over you, fight or flight really hit, and you were fighting. Violently. You grabbed the soldier's wrist and tried to redirect his hand. Your knuckles were white in an instant and you felt like you were fighting for your life.
“Please!” You screamed, hoping he would hear you over all the commotion, “We were just hanging out in the desert!”
When the soldier grabbed your wrist with his free hand and broke your grip, you were sent into a bigger panic. You began to wail. You were pleading for release. For the military to leave you alone. And then, Bee’s name left your mouth. A loud, unmistakable shriek for Bee. For your boyfriend.
That’s all it took.
Your eyes shut tight, and you waited for the taser to hit your side. The shouting around you turned into screams of terror and suddenly you couldn’t hear the loud cracking of electricity anymore. You swallowed hard and when the soldier above you yelled, you opened your eyes and saw the soldier was gone, and Bee was standing over you. His gun pointed at the military and his stance was firm. Your eyes met his, and your stomach turned.
His optics were red and his brow ridges were furrowed. He was pissed. With good reason. And, you were terrified. Also with good reason.
“Bee…” Your voice was soft, barely above a whisper.
He did not listen. He began to blast the soldiers surrounding the two of you. Their vehicles became caught in the crossfire. Bee moved himself over you and became a shield between you and the soldiers. They were dying, their vehicles were bursting into flames, and all you could do was think ‘It’s okay! He isn’t going to hurt anyone!’.
“Bee!” Your voice was louder now. But he was still shooting. Shooting at soldiers who were definitely retreating at that point.
“Bumblebee! Stop!”
Your voice was sharp. It was loud and full of command. Bee came to a halt. The remaining soldiers got into the remaining vehicles and promptly left. You stood up, your gut wrenching and your legs barely holding you.
Bee turned towards you, optics still red. You blinked up at him. And briefly wondered if he, your cute alien robot boyfriend, was about to murder you. His optics go back to blue and you take a step back. He leaned down and began to reach for you.
Once you flinched back, Bee did too. He retracted his servo and cocked his head at you. Adrenaline was still going strong, and fight or flight was still kicking, and you were not about to fight Bee.
You took off running in the opposite direction. The desert really didn’t have too many safe places to hide, but you did find a large rock. You pulled out your phone, a special one Optimus had made for you. You could reach the bots at any given time.
“Optimus!” Your voice was hushed, and you were trembling. “Please! The military found us! I don’t-”
The sound of metal beside you caught your attention and you gulped. Bumblebee was a few feet from you. He wanted to give you space, but he wanted to be close so badly. He was crouched down and his optics watched you closely. They were still blue.
“Is everything alright?” Optimus’ voice came through the phone.
You wanted to say no, instead you hung and looked at Bee. Your back was against the rock. Your breath caught in your throat, and suddenly you couldn't swallow. You knew deep down Bee was not going to hurt you, but watching him fire at those men, that was fear inducing. Watching him become someone you didn't know was terrifying.
“I- Won’t hurt you.” Bee switched through his radio channels to talk to you.
He reached out for you, once more, his movements slower and slightly more mindful. You inhaled sharply and reached out for his servo. Bee seemed to beam when you reached for him. He gently pulled you up, helping you stand. He was quick to dust you off, sand covered your back and butt.
“Hey!” A yell came from a few yards away. You looked towards the direction the voice came from. Crosshairs… “What happened?”
You blinked a few times and looked back at Bee. “We were trying to have a date.”
“Date doing what?” Crosshairs examined the destruction. “Blowing up military vehicles?”
Optimus and Drift rolled in behind Crosshair, quickly transforming from their alt modes.
“Are you alright?” Optimus neared you and Bee, “You sounded scared.”
“I’m-” You paused, “We’re okay... Thanks to Bee.”
“Glad to see you are both okay… We’ll need to figure this out… Also,” Optimus looked at you, crouching down, “never hang up on me again.”
Bee moved himself in between the both of you and you only nodded.
“We need to get back to Cade’s.”
“I’ll go with Bee.” You looked up at him,and he made a beeping noise, almost a chirping sound.
“Obviously,” Crosshairs rolled his eyes, “you two are-”
“Shut. Up!” Drift interrupted. “I don’t want to know what they do!”
Bee transformed into alt mode and his door opened. You were quick to get inside. “Can we talk about that back there? I think I need to process all of that..”
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lightryi · 2 months
Dragons of Pantala (headcanon designs)
• Silkwings:
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-Inherited from nightwings genes of fur on the chest and in their case they only progressed, thanks to which the wool is distributed throughout the abdomen, neck and front legs
-In addition, the shape of the scales is more like the scales of nightwings than the beetlewings. The hind legs are also inherited from nightwings (in general, silkwings closer to the nightwings while hivewongs to the beetlewings)
-Big Eyes
-Very long tongue
-Mouth are small and round
-Short, round ears
-Teeth are not very sharp, by structure more like the teeth of herbivores than of predators (transitional form from one diet to another; such a structure also came from the merger of nightwings (predators) and beetlewings (omnivorous, but preferring to eat plants; fed only under adverse conditions))
-Blood are beige, semi-transparent
-The shape before and after Metamorphosis is significantly different. The "caterpillars" (before metamorphosis) are covered with blistering scales, some have a greenish tinge, developed a cusptry at the mouth - the mouthparts helps the dragonets to feed (after metamorphosis only small mouthparts remain, which are rather rudimentary), very small antennae on the head, almost not functioning; their role replaces temporary growths on the lower jaw, which disappear after metamorphosis. Body consists of scales, fur missing
-After metamorphosis the skin color becomes much brighter, grow long antennae with fur at the end, also appears directly, the fur itself on some parts of the body
-The shape of the wings in some individuals may be different (similar to the butterfly wings after which they were named)
-Flamesilk dragons have patterns in the form of lights on their wings and also fire colors (red, orange, yellow) all over their body. Eyes are also very bright (before the metamorphosis it is not visible, also in normal silkwings eye color changes slightly, unlike flamesilk dragons). All this is a warning to other creatures that these dragons don't have ordinary silk (it is similar to how in our world poisonous animals have bright, warning coloring)
-Growth reaches 2-2.5 meters
*The design was based on butterflies and their caterpillars
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• Hivewings:
-Round tail. Despite its external fleshiness, it is almost completely hollow and not overloaded with internal organs and muscles. It contains only organs of the reproductive system and a reservoir with poison. And even though there are these organs that contribute to the flying, 2 pairs of wings and a dense front of the body all compensate for it, and they restore balance
-The tail itself is motionless, only able to descend, in order to wound the opponent with a dagger. The front part of the body is more flexible.
-Ears are long but thin
-Blood as like silkwings, beige and semi-transparent, but has a darker shade
-The gait is more developed than silkwings
-Paw structure identical to beetlewings
-Thorns on the entire spine fall long, with a sharp end
-Horns are curved, facing the opposite direction
-Whites darkened but not entirely black, has a dark shade of the color of the iris
-Also prefer to eat plants, but unlike silkwings, their teeth are very sharp. The reason is defensive functions, the presence of poison in them.
-Mouth is sharp, triangular shape
-Growth reaches 2.5-3 meters
*The design was based on bees, wasps and some other insects
• Beetlewings:
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-Horns curved and parallel to the mouth
-Sharp nose, able to pierce the opponent
-The mouthparts, which due to the long nose is necessary for beetlewings so that from the mouth as little food as possible. The long tongue also helps (but it is less than the silkwing's tongue)
-2 pair of wings: the first is twice as short as the second, it performs the role of elytra
-The second pair of wings can fold and hide under the first
-Double thorn on the tail. The structure of the tail is similar to the tail of hivewings (the tail of the beetlewings is longer than that of the hivewings)
-Large thorns on the spine
-Semi-transparent beige blood
-Whites are also darkened, but not as much as in their descendants, hivewings
-Ears are pointed but not very long
-Growth reaches 2.5-3.5 meters
*The design was based on bugs and some other insects
• Leafwings:
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-Horizontal eye shape
-The presence of a modified ruffs (they are related to rainwings)
-Wings, webbed spines, ruffs and ears are leaf-shaped, and they can be very different in each individual (often their appearance resembles the plant after which they were named)
-Their scales do not necessarily have a green tint in all individuals
-Long, multi-ended horns that resemble tree branches. Many bigger than rainwings
-Paw structure almost identical to rainwings
-Sapwings and poisonwings try to distinguish themselves by applying paint on small fragments of scales, often making a small pattern from this (the first are painted in pale colors, the second, on the contrary, in colorful, mostly consisting of red, yellow and orange shades)
-In addition to this poisonwings can sharpen their webbed spines and horns, make them sharper
-Height reaches 3-4 meters
*The design was based on trees, their leaves and partly rainwings
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gutterfuuck · 5 months
i’m a literal whoreeee for your somno bff! mark shit. i would love some more of that if you ever get the chance!
this is my chance, and i have gotten it!! side note: i have not thought for long on this, but i think that bff!mark would probably have braces… i don’t know, i was sitting and thinking. i do not include this headcanon here!! maybe i will incorporate that idea in future works! let me know!
cw: mdni, somno, this is just smut wow shocker, bff!mark (see other posts), this is a dark content blog! block if you are feeling uncomfortable!! i love lowk creepy highkey obsessed bff!mark…
snow white.
that’s all he could think as the moonlight illuminated your body, sleeping figure laying so peacefully on top of the covers like you were laying in a glass sarcophagus. he listened to the steady sound of your breathing, occasionally interrupted by little murmrs and gasps, shifting your thigh over your other leg in your sleep. he did this often, stayed awake longer than you when you came over to stay at his house. most times he’d just watch you as you slept, sometimes he’d slowly pull your pajama pants down to your knees and ever so carefully lift your shirt over your chest so he could fully take you in. you looked so beautiful like this, there was just something about how serene and peaceful you were when you slept.
he wanted to violate you.
you were tempting him, your soft breaths turned into low mewls as you shifted again before giving a heavy sigh, falling back into motionlessness. mark held himself above you, slowly placing his hands next to either side of your head, his knees separated as if to cage you in. he was. mark could hear his heart pulsing in his ears, could feel how his face went hot, how his dick started to throb in his boxers. he wondered what you’d do if you woke up, if you’d be scared, if you’d try to push him away… he hated how his cock twitched at the thought, he’d never want to hurt you. ever. mark’s fingers fiddled with the hem of your pants, tugging them down, down… just so he could see your bare cunt glistening, wet with your arousal. he had to bite back a moan. you’d been dreaming about something inappropriate. your wetness stuck to your pajamas, almost driving your best friend off the edge.
he’d done this before, more times than he could count on one hand but this was different. it was like you were expecting him to do this, like you wanted him to. you’d gotten wet for him before when he had slid his hand into your panties after you’d shared a night out together, holding you in his arms as he played with your clit, watching your body twitch when he circled it for too long. mark came in his pants that night, sucking your slick off of his fingers… this night was different, he hadn’t even touched you yet and you were already like this. just for him, he thought. all for him.
“you’ve been waiting, huh?” he asked softly, voice barely a whisper. he pressed his thumb between your folds, mind hazy as he searched for that little nub, flicking it with his digit when he felt it. “dreaming about me..?” he felt so selfish, so shameful. he pushed his thoughts away, they’d only make him feel worse. the constant echoing of his conscious telling him no, that this was wrong made him want to defile you even more. he straddled your legs, sitting up on his knees so he could move his hands more freely without having to lean on his other hand for balance above you. “i hope you’re dreaming of me..” he palmed himself through his clothes, he wanted to fuck you. he lifted up your shirt, pushing it up to your chin so he could grope your breasts, nipples poking at his palms. you made a sound and mark flinched, ready to roll over and pretend that he was asleep. he calmed himself when you took in a deep breath, still sleeping. still his.
mark’s cock bounced free, hard and leaking all for you. a part of him felt upset that you weren’t awake to see him, to see how much he needed you and wanted you, how badly he wanted to be yours. “m’sorry, you got me all worked up..” he sighed, leaning down to kiss you on your nose, your collar bone, your stomach… all the way down until he was face to face with your pussy, being careful not to tickle your inner thighs with his hair. he couldn’t have you waking up now. not yet, he hadn’t even started yet. he spread you open with his thumbs, eyes catching the way your clit twitched at him. his dick rested on the cool bedsheet, his hips grinding softly as to not make the bed creak, lips attacking your slick slit messily, hungrily. “don’t know how much i need this…” he hummed, tongue sliding up from your opening back to your clit, retreating into his mouth to savour you. this was fucked up, he knew it. you’d never think of doing this to him, never in a million years.
“mm, taste so good… smell so good..” he spoke as he licked you up, your thighs tensing. he sucked on your clit greedily before moving his mouth again, making out with your cunt while you slept soundly, safely. his hand wrapped around his cock, working it up and down, “n-nhg.. y/n..-“ your name felt like a prayer, golden. it rolled off his tongue perfectly, like your name belonged in his mouth. he couldn’t get enough, sucking and lapping at your juices as soon as they dribbled out, hand fondling one of your boobs. he could cum just like this, he was pretty sure he’d be able to cum from your scent alone. mark had to stop himself, unenthusiastically parting from your pretty pussy lips, licking the sides of his mouth like he had finished a meal.
mark pressed his lips against yours, tongue slivering into your mouth to meet yours. he liked kissing you, it was like you tried kissing back. your tongue would move timidly, his desperate and with purpose, hips stuttering when his tip rubbed against your tummy. you hadn’t woken up yet, hadn’t rolled in a certain way to let him know that it was time to stop before you woke up and caught him. “we’re gonna… we’re gonna do this together one day…” he huffed, trying to keep his voice low and hushed. he moved forward, crawling up the bed until your face was flush with his shaft. he rubbed the tip against your cheek, leaving a shiny line of pre on your skin. “so pretty, so, so pretty…” he trailed off, mumbling nonsense to himself about how he couldn’t help it, you were just so… tempting. in your sleep, your mouth opened with a deep sigh. you temptress. that was it, his breaking point.
all resolve flew out of the window, his thumb pulling your bottom lip down until he could see your teeth. mark had to pause, had to stop. he needed to stop, he couldn’t just lose it. but you were begging him to feel your mouth, why else would you open your mouth like that just as he was rubbing his cockhead on your cheek? obviously, you had no control over what you did in your sleep but mark thought otherwise, believed otherwise. “you’re so good to me..” he praised, leaky head resting right on your open lips. “j-just half, know you can take half…” his cock started to push past, hissing when he felt the tip of your tongue on his frenulum, involuntarily bucking his hips. he had to be careful, couldn’t risk waking you up out of your slumber. he was too far gone now, couldn’t explain this away if you did open your eyes.
“wan’ so bad… y/n, please…” and just like that, your mouth opened more, like you had heard him. you hadn’t, those were your reflexes. mark’s head tilted back, dick holding your sleepy jaw open as he started moving, slow and steady. “throat.. mh, i wanna fuck it…” he babbled, pulling his hips back and watching as his cock slid out of your wet mouth, slapping it against your forehead a few times. he really should stop, you were starting to move around. with the moment still raw in his mind, mark placed a hand on your rib, settling to jerk off onto your stomach. he cursed himself for not acting earlier, he could’ve been able to paint your face if he had. he pumped his cock urgently, small “ah-ah-ah”’s increasing in volume as he approached his orgasm, red hot pleasure coursing up his spine and making him almost choke on his moan, biting his lip hard so he didn’t make a sound, white ropes shooting out onto your stomach, pooling at your belly button. the sight of you, the way you just scrunched up your nose and relaxed again, it was enough to keep him hard and straining, even if he had just squirted pearly white all over your body.
post nut clarity hit him hard, disgust crawled into him, pinching his nose bridge in between his fingers with a shaky sigh, giving himself a second to regroup his thoughts. mark grabbed one of his shirts from the neat pile on his desk, using it to clean up the mess he had made on you. he’d cum so much that a droplet had found its way to your chin, quickly swiping it away with the cotton of his shirt. he pulled your pants up tidily before working to wipe away his cum from your skin, not noticing how your head craned to look over at him.
“…mark..?” he stopped dead in his tracks, turning his head to look at you slowly in the dark. suddenly he felt like a scumbag, dirty, like he needed to take a shower to clean himself from himself. your shirt was still pulled up, you were still exposed. “wh-what’re you doing…?” you questioned, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you waited for a response. your eyes hadn’t adjusted to the dark yet, you couldn’t see mark’s guilty expression. he had to think, fast.
“you- you were moving around.. looked like you were having a nightmare.” good. now he just needed to explain away your shirt and the fact that he was wiping you clean of something. “i went.. i got you a glass of water— uh, milk, thought it’d help if you woke up… i’m sorry, i spilled it, i-i know what this looks like..- i swear i-“ you cut him off, shaking your head at him. “you’ve always been so clumsy, marks.” you yawned, sitting up in his bed, letting your shirt fall over your naked chest as if nothing had happened. we was your best friend after all, there was nothing to hide from him. close call. very, very close call. “i believe you, i don’t know why you get so worked up.” you placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it comfortingly for a second. he gave a nervous laugh, he was terrible. you were so nice, so sweet… how could you accuse your best friend of something like that anyway?
he felt awful. he wanted to apologise, wanted to get on his knees and beg you to forgive him for defiling your body like that, tainting you without your knowledge or suspicion. he didn’t know why he felt so horrible, this happened all the time. rinse and repeat, he’d be back to it eventually. “sorry.” he offered, scratching the back of his neck idly to which you smiled, playfully landing a punch on his bicep, “it’s fine, dude. it’s not like you’re a creep or anything.” oh, that burned him in his chest. it swelled up, eating away at him… until he bubbled with pride. he could really get away with anything when he was with you.
“i wanted it, though.”
you spoke, making mark’s blood run cold. had you been awake? he was going to defend himself, going to apologise for lying and not telling you the truth- “my drink, you said you bought me up a drink. my throat’s dry.” saved again. he was so lucky. mark stood up from his bed, legs shaky and hands trembling. he had gotten away with it again. close call, again. you watched as he left the room, turning on the desk light before he walked downstairs, giving you a little bit of light.
as mark stepped around in the kitchen with your drink, he thought to himself, “how many close calls until she realises?” it echoed in his brain, he knew the day would come.
you placed your hand on your stomach, sly smile plastered on your face as you felt something drip down from your sternum. next time, he should really turn on the light before leaving you alone to observe his remaining mess. you swiped it up with your thumb, licking it off of the pad of your digit.
mark grayson tasted really good.
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valiantroeagleangel · 9 months
This is like SO self indulgent and also probably very silly but it was inspired by me watching the All Tall Things Must Come to An End series of behind the scenes clips <3 this will talk a little bit about weed so I hope that’s ok!! if not, im sorry and please feel free to ignore, but here you areee!!
So when I was watching, I was high HWVSJWNE and it seemed like there were definitely moments where they were high too, Vinny in particular LMAO. I’ve always loved this particular trope that involves being high and getting tickled. its MY EVERYTHING. Idea wise, Vinny and the Reader take edibles/smoke and are both chatting about the random thoughts that pop into their heads. Eventually, the reader gets a silly idea (we’ll say Vinny already knows she like being tickled to make life easier <3) she asks Vinny if she can talk about it for a second and he perks up excitedly. She explains she saw a post somehwere that said being high made you more ticklish. She pauses. He pauses. “So you want me to test it out don’t you?” She covers her face with her hands and nods. He smirks and takes the opportunity of her covering her eyes to strike. He’d probably start with her sides, skittering his fingers up and down. Lingering on her ribs when he notices her stronger reaction there. “You know, you can ask me to tickle you right?” She continues to giggle, not sure how to respond to his question. Of course she knows she can, but it always makes her so flustered. To her horror, he stop for a moment. He crosses his hands and grins. “Did you hear me?” She nods, “Oh ok so then you won’t mind me asking you to ask me for it right?” That smirk returns. He watches as the blush rises on her cheeks. He slowly walks his fingers up her thigh. “It’s so easy! You just have to say, ‘can you please tickle me Vinny,’ that’s it!” “But it’s haaaard” she whines playfully. Not wanting to give in this easily. He was prepared for that. “I can wait,” he says like a teacher awaiting a classroom of rambunctious students. She pouts, realizing she HAS to ask or else the precious tickles aren’t coming her way. Vinny watches in real time as she figures all of this out, pleased that he can make her feel this way. “Can you please.. do the thing?” She offers. He stares at her, “Do what thing?” He smirks again, feigning cluelessness as he giggles to himself. “Do I have to say it, you know what i mean!” She protests. “Come onnn you can say the word tickle, it’s not scary,” he watches as she almost winces at the word. “What does it make you flustered?” He asked, semi seriously. She blushes even more, meaning the answer is yes. “Well well well, thats exciting. I’ll keep that in mind.” She sighs, realizing there’s no getting out of this. It’s just a word! A dumb stupid word that is the key to getting her shit rocked. “Can you tickle me, pleaseee” she sing songs. Vinny nods, his hands suddeny meeting her tummy again. “See wasn’t that easy!” He teases. The reader just giggles in bliss the entire time. Of course she lowkey retaliates bc Vinny is like a little puppy I think he would vibe with getting tickled. He’d still protest and fight back a little bit, but internally he’d love every second. Which makes her all the more happy <3 Conclusion: yes it does make you more ticklish and they keep that in mind for later <3
Part of me also wants to include that the reader or maybe vinny is not super ticklish usually. The weed just makes them more open and so the tickly feelings get to them a lot more. Which is so amazing for them <3.
- 😽👻
Because please- I love this! I WANT VINNY TO TICKLE ME WHEN I'M HIGH. I haven't SmOkEd in years but this is now a new need in my life. Thanks. Getting high with that dude must be the best thing in the world. Don't ask me why, I don't know. I just have that feeling you know. Makes my heart ache.
Like- it must be so peaceful and yet so funny and full of love and AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH.
But babe I love your silly ideas and HC honestly. You're getting me real good with your tickling visions. 🫠🫠
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